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free reading doesn't cost anything get your free reading here
am i going to get the job i applied for yesterday?
will i be successful tonight
Male, 73 YO Boomer, April 1 1951, Aries, NeoPagan, retired, brown hair
metaphysical scumbag. venusian worshipper. be beautiful to me anon. like the many beautiful elephants.


be less angry
be real with yourself
you've got me. thanks, anon. i like the cut of your jib.
still not doing it
What am I?
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How's my future looking?
23, prolly a schizo, long dark brown hair
Why do I keep feeling there's something inhuman about me? Being human is all I want
not good faith

it's okay

get some bitches

be yourself


video games are okay but in moderation
I'd rather be beautiful like an Iguana
What should I do now?
Let's see how legit you are.
being myself isn't a good idea and may land me in trouble
What word would best describe my day tomorrow?
What was that?
Thank you, anon.
i'm not a monkey i don't care to impress you

life isn't lived other than as yourself


same as every other day

you know it might have been okay
may i have a reading too please? thank you
there's a lot i could say but mainly i hope you are happy with what you are doing.
i'm not happy, but then again i'm not doing anything if that makes sense. so maybe that's why i'm so unhappy, cuz im not doing anything
perhaps worth investigating anon
What do I do anon? Im stuck. Its been a while. Male, 24, Aries.
Should I quit my job and leave the country?
you should really focus on what makes you happy

weirdly relevant. thanks schizoangelanon
what can i say i'm fucking psychic

Eh fair.
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What will the end of the year bring me? Have a boarlet.
You need to start acknowledging the glaring flaws in your personality
General reading?
Does my ex misses me?
Not asking if we gonna return. Just wanna know how she feels about me
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Picrel is me. Putrid ugliness and malevolence in a place of beauty and love. Would love a reading
My turn.
NB, 32.
Hurts don’t it

She probably thinks about you but she’s a self-centered person

Shut up

What hurts ?
Same person here. Slightly curious. Are you able to surmise anything about my interests?

Doesn’t it
Anime board but alright.
See my comment above re: not being a monkey. My gift does not want to respond to inanity.
Fuck you too.
What should I do tomorrow?
Good thing you added that jk here

For those observing note the general theme: people come asking for how life can save them, I tell them that they need to save their own life. Life is not going to help you until you help yourself, full stop. That’s the way it works.
In all seriousness, it is accurate. Spent a majority of the year overcoming a lot of deficiencies in myself, uphill battle if there ever was one.
Perhaps you should eat a blueberry
Good for you
I'll try that. Thank you.
Sir or Maam, I ask you with respect even though you might not see it. Could you please answer 3 questions?

will i successfully move out and survive and be a self-sustaining NEET?

will i remember what i need to remember or should i just not mind about it since it is something of mystery that only grounds me and quarantines me?

why are certain things happening to me or what am i or am i screwed? what is the endgame?
(i know third question is vague because i am confused myself but i trust your psychic sense will get it)

Thank you very much sir or maam!
My general feeling is that with pluck and determination anything is possible, but it requires you do face things that make you uncomfortable. Escapist habits are your downfall. You ultimately need to give a shit about your well-being enough to do what is necessary.
Not that anon but I kind of HATE my well-being. It has given me nothing but trouble :(
You’re kind of a bitch for that bro consider nutting the fuck up
What's the immaturity and things I should be working on?
How can I stop feeling so overwhelmed by how I look?
How you look is very important. You can focus on making yourself physically comfortable. The best way to do this is by finding a healthy diet exercise and sleep regimen. If you really want to figure out how to maximize your potential in life look up “human design”
Oh no anon you are mistaken about me. Likely due to your own arrogance.
Can you give me a general reading, please.

Generally speaking I wonder if you know what you’re doing with your life
Tell me more about this please
Human design is an integrated system which can tell you exactly how to maximize your potential in life by simply following a strategy tailored to the type of person you are. If you can commit to the strategy then you will naturally harmonize with the most perfect existence you can have in this life. For most this is completely impossible but I can tell you the way I am able to do readings is by adhering to my strategy perfectly.
Should I still try to be with the one I feel is the love of my life?
when will it start?
don't try to do anything let it come to you and then figure out whether you feel like it or not

it already has
Is he my future husband? I had a dream where I asked for tarot readings about him online and she said "he doesn't think of you at all" she then starts panicking and tells me "Are you still here? I need to tell you something very important" in an angry rushed tone. Weird chats starting to pop up, it was starting to scare me and I started panicking then I saw a scene of a girl being pushed away by her lover on top of a building. I woke up and saw one vision that she did not survive the fall.
forget about husband stuff figure out if you like the dude enough first
So that he won't kill me?
among other things yeah. tarot is not gonna do better than figuring out your own feelings in this case.
Please read for me. How do I get a job in the field I went to school for? How do I stop falling for abusive losers so I can focus on my spiritual gifts?
forget about the job in the field you went to school for. if you're encountering a lot of resistance in this area there is a chance it is not correct for you at all. look into human design and figure out how to make decisions according to your strategy and authority not your mind, that is the only way to find out what is correct for you. re: the abusive losers, human design can help with that as well. basically there is a whole cornucopia of knowledge that is directly accessible and practically relevant to basically every type of issue that humans face, but for whatever reason is just completely fails to intrigue most people.

Just go to this website, get the 55 page report, and read it. it will give you an introduction which can serve as a jumping off point:

Husband when
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I'm getting stronger.
I was worried that was the case since I'm getting a lot of resistance like you said. Thank you, I'm reading the site now.
when you put some effort into yourself

glad to hear it. there are a lot of concepts associated with human design it's a very deep rabbit hole but the most important part is finding out your type (i.e. generator, manifestor, projector, reflector), then finding out the strategy and authority for you type, and then attempting to apply that in your life. i myself am a generator, and everything i do comes from my sacral response. i do not think at all about what to do, i am simply moved towards it by my response. my response is what tells me what to say when i am faced with someone who wants a reading.
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Hope you're doing well anon - I'll do a reading for you too. It's coming sooner than you expect unfortunately, but it won't be so bad thankfully.

28, male, Scorpio Sun, moon, rising and Mercury. No matter what I will fight for building a better world that is more free and fair for all. I will always hold onto this dream, always.
Chill out you don’t gotta fight for anyone or anything. Fighting is naturally deterrent. Let go and be like water
> you should really focus on what makes you happy
Thanks. I’m not sure what does anymore.
Water can be a tsunami as much as it can be a peaceful stream. I have been still my entire life, and this stillwater is running deep. I'm sorry friend, I've seen too much horror to not take up this stance and fight. I cannot sit by and passively observe atrocity after atrocity any longer.

There is a limit to peaceful resistance and we are hitting it now - we are at the precipice of global war the likes of which has never been seen. I have to take action, someone has to before it's too late to stop it. We are dangerously close to that moment, so incredibly close to a type of danger we have never known, it is genuinely an unprecedented moment. We must acknowledge the reality that these things are happening and will affect all of us on a very visceral level
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anon do me, what do you see for me, will it happen?
I don't care if it turns me into a sad old man
I'd give my happiness and mental well being for it.
Yeah I got manifestor with solar plexus as my authority. I need to inform others before my actions because I'm unpredictable but also have to wait out my mood cycling before deciding. No wonder I'm such a mess LOL My dating life could use less impulsiveness so I'll try tracking my moods better to see if it helps.
Shit is gonna happen regardless man it’s really not possible to stop what is going on but for you to be in alignment fighting is not helpful.
Yea so with the emotional authority the key is to wait out your whole emotional cycle so you can have clarity. You basically will always have an emotional wave running and it will go up and down quite irrespective of what is actually happening in your life. By observing how you feel about a given decision through both the peak and the valley, you will be able to obtain clarity once you arrive at a position of neutrality. And yes as a manifestor it is important to realize your natural state is being decisive, but unfortunately due to conditioning and not applying their strategy many not-self manifestos are the exact opposite, afraid to act because they are so used to encountering resistance. It’s important to remember that informing is not the same as asking permission. All you need to do is honk the horn, it’s not on you to make sure people get out of the way.

Here is a nice vid with the founder of the system talking about it more: https://youtu.be/cAI9aZqr6vk?si=A11HSR5wognkFqLT
You’ll be okay man you got a nice heart
Anon can I ask for an occult reading?

If I were you I’d focus on developing your own ability to do readings
Do me, do me.
Work on yourself
Hi SChanon,
I’m the anon who asked you this >>38952424 yesterday.
Your feedback was
>you know it might have been okay

I wanted to figure out what you meant, but there are multiple paths of interpretation. If it’s in alignment, could you please clarify? Thank you either way.
What I mean is I felt okay about your question. So general non-specific positivity
shoot - dragon fishy
Will N and myself fix our conflict
Little lies will get you nowhere
Lets see what you got, im interested.
One of you will
Lots of love going out world
He's just pulling them out his ass
So generic you could literally say that to anyone but guess I can't complain for something free
Is anything I've been told in divinations true?
Oh, I see, very cool. Thank you.
(I’m taking the non-specificity, which was most likely the subconscious intent, to mean the answer should also be non-specific and not to ask further.)
Genuinely hope you get a pleasant surprise today. :)
That’s the thing about readings. They might be vague they might be specific, it doesn’t really predicate. You think of the sphinx or the oracle. Knowledge isn’t meant for everyone, directness isn’t a conduit for understanding, pondering in on the asker.

It’s all true.
Just got a pleasant surprise myself. Did you send it back (that was fast!), or is it just universal abundance? Either way, thank you!
Does "reading" the future violate causality?
Will I be financially stable soon?
That’s just how it works dawg


You’re posting this might be time to consider exactly what that means
What's gonna happen with XRP, OP?
Is it still going? What do you see 8ball anon?
Is there something specific I should work on?
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Will I ever stop being homeless, will things get better for me soon?
Being in alignment with your true desires and letting them come to you. Check out the human design system for more info.

I don’t know

I see a nice fish dinner
Everyone gotta go thru a little shit man homeless ain’t too bad if you can stay clean
>it's all true
Thank you.
do me please
What is OP's greatest fear?
No fear

Life is a varied dish meant to be sampled
My name is Bob
What have you got for me?
Mountains are a good environment for you
Well... when will this character devopment arch end?
What do I need to hear at this point in my life?
that is a question you can answer yourself

life moves in 7 year cycles
How is this fair energy exchange? You know martyrdom is a trap right?

Either way, am I taking the right actions to ensure the success of the plan?
i like to help people

yeah you're pretty solid
I like you bumperoo
Not good faith? What does that supposed to mean? Tell me, what am I?
Am I spiritually damaged? Been in spiritual warfare with cults and fear for me soul.
no you're good

you're a heckler and a time-waster
How can you tell?
Will I ever become rich someday?
Am I the nobody?
How's the rest of the year gonna be for me?
I've been told to wait, I've been waiting. I want to be freed from these chains. I long for freedom. When is my hour?
Me next.
When will the darkness see light anon?
Anything coming up for me special? Like love or career or hobbies. I keep getting the urge to start a trade/art but I've only recently finished my degree in science

rich as in spirit

no you're just nobody

auspicious in that it will be largely uneventful

you gotta work on that yourself homie

the darkness doesn't see light it absorbs it

you will meet someone
>auspicious in that it will be largely uneventful
I'll take that, no events > bad events
Does H believe I'll be married to G in the year 2028?
those people aren't even real
Are you the reader?
Gargamel Gargamel
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I'm planning on turning a tin of butter cookies into a sewing kit but what other alternatives should I seek?

nothing that's the perfect sewing kit provided it's royal dansk
Nonsense. If you're the actual reader, how are you reading? Did you pull cards or is this intuition? Cause either way, you're wrong. One is a deity another is an actual person.
What should I do tomorrow?
>nothing that's the perfect sewing kit provided it's royal dansk
Dunno, the tin says it's from New Zealand and it's twice as tall as a Royal Dansk tin. The cookies aren't as good but even a bad butter cookie is still pretty good.
i tried to post 3 times and it doesn't go through, this is the 4th time and let me rephrase the question:

what is the answer to my inquiry?
Any good news on the way?
Will I become rich? Will my plans pay off?
Any advice on health?
it's intuition, and what i said was technically correct

something involving water

mm not kino


depends on your point of view

utterly boring line of inquiry but i'm sure you'll have some moderate success

meditate and yoga. also avoid processed foods
Thanks for getting back to me. The video was fun to listen to and resonated with me. I can't wait my whole cycle for every decision I make but I feel I'm overthinking it since in the video you shared, the speaker seems to lean into his sacral intuition even when it is not a rational choice. Maybe I'm supposed to be more aware of my emotions and how they are influencing my feelings about a topic, or maybe I'm supposed to go with the flow more, trust my gut is seeking the right gates, and ride the waves since that's my authority.
One thing I found interesting about your advice is that I've been told before that my solar plexus chakra was blocked, but maybe it had to do with being out of sync with my type or authority instead of not having enough energy.
the speaker does not have sacral authority, he has splenic authority, meaning he reacts off of immediate intuitive impulses rather than a sacral response. the way to approach emotional authority is pretty clear. you wait until your emotional wave has passed, considering the decision at both the peaks and the lows so that you can see it from every angle. if you make a decision while at a peak without waiting for the low, there is a chance that once you have experienced the low you will realize you don't actually want the same thing. as a manifestor with emotional authority, you don't have a gut instinct the way a splenic manifestor or sacral generator does. you have an emotional wave, and the way you arrive at clarity is by waiting it out and observing how you feel.
i understand that this may sound very radical or inconvenient. but this is the way your design functions, and in actuality you can experience the most fulfillment from life if you abide by your strategy and authority. things will just fall into place, and you'll encounter much less resistance than you may have before.
Do I still have enough time?
get busy
Is there any chance they will put me in a mental hospital?
Do i write off people too quickly? I'm not actively spiteful or passive aggressive, I just feel like first impressions matter and most scenarios you meet people in are not conductive to being genuine.
I don’t think so but if those scenarios aren’t genuine why are you them

If you’re violent or threatening
You are right, he has the splenic authority because he had talked about immunity. But what I am trying to say is that he gave examples in the talk about making decisions based on his splenic instinct even if he'd feel a different instinct later about the same topic. He doesn't seem to avoid the downsides of his authority and type and instead leans into it. So I wonder if I'm supposed to use the emotional wave as a frame of reference instead of a to do list I need to check every time something comes up, and save the waiting for important decisions that can be delayed.
I don't feel anything will fall into place if I have to spend 48 hours running most indeterminate decisions through a cycle. Yes I can take a bath and choose what to eat without checking how I feel about it in different moods, but there are still a lot of quick decisions that I can't delay for a day or two.
Thank you anon, I’ll keep water in mind all day.
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am I gonna fuck my cousin? (she's hot)
Mind doing a general? Need a push but not sure which direction.
im really sick. whats gonna happen to me. will i doe or be homeless?
How powerful am I? Am I God or a god?
Yes from what I understand it’s not literally every decision but the ones which are more significant. It’s a personal process, an experiment as they call it. Ultimately what you find successful is how you’ll deal with it. What I mean as a general guideline though is that your design is built to accept this waiting period. Reflectors have to wait a whole month to make decisions. And it works for them. There is a timetable built into your design and it will accommodate you if you try to abide by this practice. So if your life is too busy for this, you might end up slowing it down one way or another the more you experiment.
Follow your heart


You’ll be fine

God is everything
Okay, I'll keep trying this. Thank you anon.
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will I be alive next year?
Should’ve guessed. Thanks, man.
Alright, how much money will I have in the next 6 months
respond to him coward
Hi how are you

Survey says you have the power to make it so

Enough to survive
>the power to make it so
guess I better put down the bottle a bit more often
Okay. Best Beatles songs? Why?
the white album

great idea i'm sober 6 years sunday after next
to further expand on what you said: the emotional wave is a frame of reference. it's a source of wisdom. you can explore how you feel about something from every angle. you gain a deep understanding of a thing once you start observing your emotional waves instead of being caught up in them.

may i have a free reading
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Will Ashlee and I stay together?
yes you may you seem like a nice guy

(same anon) are my desires foolish? can I trust my abilities?
it's very important to trust in yourself
I'll take a reading.
What do you feel?
i feel okay maybe some depression
Hola anon, please do a reading for me. Peace
you seem nervous
One of the more helpful things I learned from this is that my persecution complex is justified since I'm a 5-1. I've always thought I had some cosmic sign to unstable people that says 'talk to me,' since being a manifestor I don't seek them out. And many have attributed completely untrue things to me (why I think they're crazy) and take things in an entirely different way than I mean them. But if I'm helping them grow by reflecting (projecting) the parts they need to see then it makes a lot of sense. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing some scripted interaction where I'm expected to be the hero or villain and need to ham it up. So I might avoid people less now that I understand that I'm helping them grow and this is by design instead of my previous thought that toxic people home in on me as an emotional punching bag.
hello anon will I get the girl I like currently, thx for the reading in advance
i'm a 5/1 too. since applying human design to my life i have greatly minimized my contact with people. i am very aware of the projection field and i take steps to remove myself from others once i have spent enough time with them. the cool thing about the 1st line is that you can learn about human design through deep diving into the research like me. here are some books by ra if you want to check them out: https://we(dot)tl/t-nqBqrOPjKX

she's not a real good match for you
What can alleviate my suffering
self reflection
will my heist go according to plan?
and if so or not, in what way?
Where should I go to meet my future wife?
there's nothing good that will come from stealing anon.

your future wife will come to you when you have done what is necessary to work on yourself.
that's because she is my cousin but can I still hit
Thanks anon. I don't know when I'll get around to reading them cover to cover, but I'll get around to them eventually.
have you tried a Tiajuan whore house? nice and young
i haven't read them cover to cover, but some of them are indexes where you can look up various parts of your design, like the gates and the incarnation cross.

i also found this interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwEJRzPffxA
Am I going to lose my job before the end of the year?
if you do it'll be okay
ok read me
smart guy pessimistic
Thank you that's reassuring
thanks i guess
I think I have made some progress on myself but would appreciate if you have any tips for me. Thanks.
do what makes you uncomfortable
will i ever get a gf? am i wasting my time working a job, paying rent, etc? or should i finally take the plunge and quit everything and become a wanderer
Wandering can be fun but not sustainable for most. Focusing on making the best out of what you have can lead to long term happiness
Thanks for sharing your talent Anon :)

Should I stay or should I go? I feel like things happening now are specifically happening to keep me from moving on.
am i going to get good at this?
What's the biggest barrier for my manifestations?
Be in the moment that’s how you’re most effective

Everyone is

How many people did FEMA kill after the storm damage?
I don’t know
how long will my hamster live?
5 months give or take
when will i buy land
when you can make a consistent budget and adhere to it
where is my home? have fun reading this one
where there are people who love you
you cant be more specific?
what will be the main theme or topic of my life in the next 6 months, mundanely aswell as spiritually?
what exactly do you want from me. i'm not doing this for fun i'm doing it to help people. if you want proof of psychic phenomena go somewhere else
I genuinely meant my spiritual, loving home. Not place of residence. I'm sorry for the confusion. God bless, peace.
then my answer suffices
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Thank you. I think your reading is very good. That's why I will share the symbol I made yesterday, to be a witness an prove to you and others that I think your reading was very good in my case.
alright, so now. thanks.
free reading pls
more time outside
OR here,
what if I'm stealing something metaphorical from Society?
stealing is from yourself
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Free reading pliz good sir
Femdom giantess amazon gf when?
Can you read my destiny reader-man?
life comes at you fast be sure not to miss it

not today

fork in the road
It feels like it. Can you see what my choices are?
Hi, I'd love a free riding, kindly seer
good with challenges bad with ease

anon it's a detestable request

self love is the name of the game
So choosing lust and self-abuse is… le bad?
as a man wanting to be dominated is like killing yourself
I'm stuck, please help Tyvm.
help yourself
Will I ever find love?
Should I pursue her?
Love is within

No let the one who is right come to you

You can only be happy if you learn how to wait before making decisions
what should i actually be focusing on
Which angels did I have success contacting too? And what do they think about me uwu. Thanks anon

Angels can be thought of as yourself in a past life. The universal wants to grow, that’s you
19yo 2005-22-06
2165 gematria
brown hair
ambar eyes
178cm tall
Great year to be born. Open heart leads the way. Love is not selfish nor personal
Can I have some money?
"you" "can"
I will marry her?
you can if you want
Where should I search to find Alice? I need to locate her.
How are you today?
doing doing doing very few people are meant to do anything life will come to you and it's on you to respond

the same as every other day
Is it good, or are you past the need for that kind of thing? (hope you're feeling well)
it's neither good nor bad it just is.
to answer your question in more detail: I am completely surrendered to my role in life, which is to guide others. i do not interact with others except in this capacity. necessarily this leads me to spend most of my time alone. this is where i am most truly myself. i became this way by following the principles of human design.
Right on. Well peace be with you my friend.
That's good, the definition of living one's best life according to their destiny
being this way makes the illusion of materiality seem very inconsequential. people care largely about meaninglessness. most are incapable of grasping any sort of larger truth. every interaction carries karma, every thought and every word. every single thing one does can be consequential for the soul, and every single thing most people do is to put their knowledge of that far away from their experience of life.
spending my time on 4chan grounds me in the problems of the small-minded. without such influence i tend to float away... it will be time for me to go soon, but i have just done great magic and need to recover
for me existence is formless, meaninglessness, just is... and yet that is also full of meaning in a sense. in the material sense in any event. in reality everything is one and all people are one, each thing has the exact same experience but only the consciousness is fragmented. anyway this knowledge only comes out of me in the form of a response. i am a portal or a gate for you to receive from. and with that i think i am done doing readings in this thread.
How do you feel about me? Tell me what comes to you.
Should I keep my efforts to do what I feel right or am go somewhere else?
Is she indifferent or do I have a chance?
Am I on the right path this time?
Should I do the Pact?
Does the doctor’s appointment get rescheduled any sooner or are they gonna leave me out to dry like this?
How long will last my suffering?

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