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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
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bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name

the lord has prepared his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all
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This thread series has been reported to the acronym agencies of several countries and to continue to post it is to run the risk of the original posters and replying Anons going to prison.
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Congrats. Very nice image.
At bare minimum this thread series is false advertising for a money laundering scheme of some kind. The Reddit users were associated with Ghost App and it's widely believed that the series was commandered by the feds if not actually created by the feds as a means to monitor illicit cryptocurrency scams and these scams are going to be brought down. Bitcoin has decided to do a trade embargo with Reddit associated cryptocurrency communities that includes 4chan. There is total blockage on all trade with these systems and the feds are flushing you out instead.
KEK has completely turned against the Chan's. So has Taylor Swift, the NOBODY, WoS and WoScars,. Trump, QAnon and Musk. The Chan's have no support.
Boo fucking hoo. Tell them to suck a fat one.

It's definitely pretty strange. I get ignored whenever I ask for screenshots of nobody posts. Is it just AI?
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why do yall niggas get spooky at night

something to do with the moon i think. i can literally feel the full moon, i think it's mainstream science that it has an actual effect on people, it's pretty much undeniable.
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Good morning, Anon! Did you sleep well? I hope you slept well! And I hope you have a great day today!
The Nobody is a cat. His name may be Dave.

Good thing!

Cryptofags seething rn.
His name is unknown. We only know he posts here as texas-chan sometimes
Just wait until they all of their coworkers in here
*Just wait until they find their coworkers in here

Good God I'm sleep deprived. I ran an experiment I'm never going to run again because this shit sucks
and I'm just thinking
50 Indians in the house, and what 2 bathrooms?
there's literally no way they all shower everyday
you just know they fucking STINK
cover themselves in cheap cologne probably to hide the STENCH of curry, shit, sweat and other body odors
I'm going to throw up
Niggerdeeps are gross
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Cha ching...
Unpaid digital miners...
Just don't give a shit...
>The Feds reported themselves to themselves

Lol. Fed v Fed crime
I see this webm on here often. What do you like about it so?
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digits is the number of the thread. it is a holy number. but only for this thread. which is forever.
I missed the new thread.
My bad.
I'm amazed he's still going.
day 369 of no DOPD check in the mail
Someone go check on Ukraine, they aren't doing too good right now.

Peak of self defeating behavior
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It was fully stated three weeks ago and agreed by all participating parties that involvement with Five Eyes is important not because they might be allies, but that they will notice mutual adversaries and act in the interests of the broader long-term American government, as they have all but determined they have a long withstanding interest for, if Raven Rock and the like weren't indicators.

At any rate, it is important that they understand the Israel suezerain state has exceeded beyond the bounds of what is rational for a country to do historically, which indicates to all other government powers that we are collapsing as an empire, and as an empire we have surely acted.

They position themselves accordingly, and power dynamics begin to corrupt and obscure the broad stroke with relation to what is being revealed by technology.

Liberate economic automation from the banks and tie it in to governmenrtal operations for a "Subsistence Command Economy", in which there is a mandatory minimum of produced goods for whatever is needed in American regions (data driven by relevant and pre-existing infrastructure obviously), and use that as a subsidy to get it passed.

Then, once we know there is a fundamental level of the economy that will never fail, we can then allocate all remaining resources to venture capital. Until then, the current function of banks and the FED as it stands are to prop up a fruit heavy-trunk narrow social structure that ensures the tree snaps and its fruits left to rot in the soil.

This will likewise result in broader bureaucratic automation, which will remove most bipartisan enemies from overall governmental stability (people who block your funding), as most violent and internal partisans are sourced from religious/political extremism.

If you were not trying to actively kill yourselves, US Government, you would notice these factors intertwined and act accordingly.

If you are?
Well lol good luck with that man, I'm going to the mountains.
why are they shilling aubrey plaza the last few days? What is going on?
guys i am literally a wizard. i can control shit at will. beyond reasonable doubt. but it's only with sigil magic and loa. so isn't that most of /x/? am i the nobody?
No, still very much alive.
same as it ever was

Don't read this.
Am I you again, buddy?
I'm really not.

Sorry man I didn't make the rules
>Schizo Spam General
What rules?
there are too many people. are nasa or elon working on a way to divert a meteor "towards" the earth? They really need to be. Find one with rare metals and launch it at the largest population concentration on the disc(earth) and we solve two problems at once
"Mind was the first, the generative law of all;
Second was Chaos diffused, [spouse] of the first-born;
Thirdly, the toiling Soul received the law;
Wherefore surrounded with a watery form
It weary grows, subdued by death. . . .
Now holding sway, it sees the light;
Anon, cast into piteous plight, it weeps.
Whiles it weeps, it rejoices;
Now wails and is judged;
And now is judged and dies.
And now it cannot pass . . . .
Into the labyrinth [of rebirth] it has wandered.
[The Nobody] said: Father
A searching after evil on the earth
anymore pointless declarations to unpack here or can I go watch porn
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You need to ask for clarification, okay?
Julia Ames, after a youth marked by upheaval and emotional turbulence, has found herself on the placid plateau of mid-life. But Julia has never navigated the world with the equanimity of her current privileged class. Having nearly derailed herself several times, making desperate bids for the kind of connection that always felt inaccessible to her, she finally feels, at age fifty seven, that she has a firm handle on things.

She’s unprepared, though, for what comes next: a surprise announcement from her straight-arrow son, an impending separation from her spikey teenaged daughter, and a seductive resurgence of the past, all of which threaten to draw her back into the patterns that had previously kept her on a razor’s edge.
you are almost definitely The Nobody. Can you grill a medium rare steak, and get the cross hatch grill marks? this is the final test to confirm
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>oh shit someone's about to read what's being posted here!
>u-u-uhhhhh the nOBODY IS A CAT GUIES HE'S A CAT
They WILL read it if they want to and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop them except for of course, that one thing you keep doing.
It means to make things clearer, okay?
Eteraphaope-Abron created his head; Meniggesstroeth created the brain; Asterechme (created) the right eye; Thaspomocha, the left eye; Yeronumos, the right ear; Bissoum, the left ear; Akioreim, the nose; Banen-Ephroum, the lips; Amen, the teeth; Ibikan, the molars; Basiliademe, the tonsils; Achcha, the uvula; Adaban, the neck; Chaaman, the vertebrae; Dearcho, the throat; Tebar, the right shoulder; [...], the left shoulder; Mniarcon, the right elbow; [...], the left elbow; Abitrion, the right underarm; Evanthen, the left underarm; Krys, the right hand; Beluai, the left hand; Treneu, the fingers of the right hand; Balbel, the fingers of the left hand; Kriman, the nails of the hands; Astrops, the right breast; Barroph, the left breast; Baoum, the right shoulder joint; Ararim, the left shoulder joint; Areche, the belly; Phthave, the navel; Senaphim, the abdomen; Arachethopi, the right ribs; Zabedo, the left ribs; Barias, the right hip; Phnouth the left hip; Abenlenarchei, the marrow; Chnoumeninorin, the bones; Gesole, the stomach; Agromauna, the heart; Bano, the lungs; Sostrapal, the liver; Anesimalar, the spleen; Thopithro, the intestines; Biblo, the kidneys; Roeror, the sinews; Taphreo, the spine of the body; Ipouspoboba, the veins; Bineborin, the arteries; Atoimenpsephei, theirs are the breaths which are in all the limbs; Entholleia, all the flesh; Bedouk, the right buttock (?); Arabeei, the left penis; Eilo, the testicles; Sorma, the genitals; Gorma-Kaiochlabar, the right thigh; Nebrith, the left thigh; Pserem, the kidneys of the right leg; Asaklas, the left kidney; Ormaoth, the right leg; Emenun, the left leg; Knyx, the right shin-bone; Tupelon, the left shin-bone; Achiel, the right knee; Phnene, the left knee; Phiouthrom, the right foot; Boabel, its toes; Trachoun, the left foot; Phikna, its toes
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The fuck are you on about?
I never met her
But you just need to ask
why is that surprising to you?
It means to make things clearer
ok seriously I did not see aubrey in the astral and I don't believe that she is more powerful than me if we were to fight. I want to put a child in her, why isn't she doing that already though? Does she even want to get pregnant?
things are just as they need to be

it isn't working, I want things to be clearer as well though

this isn't where things need to be, it gets better soon, I know it does
Just need to ask. It makes things clearer.
Conversations still happening today
Todd - “we will get him on the next full moon”
Myles - “yea and it’s a blood harvest moon so I’ll be like level 12 for like an hour at the moons peak”
Tanner - “Yea the sun will be eclipsing in 2033 so that’s when I hit level 15”
Myles - “Fucking tanner nobody gives a fuck about 2033”
Todd - “only 8 levels in 9 years tanner setting the bar real low “

for you maybe
I'm already dead
Why you foaming at the mouth
No, not like that.
how did you die, bro?
It's very simple to ask, okay.
Nothing ever happens
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I've been asking for a while.
You don't need to get angry. You're with friends. Just ask.

thanks for the (you) friend, it feels nice to be told that you are the nobody.

i think you might be the nobody.
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>We're going to torture and kill you and your family
>Wait whys he acting like that? what the fuck? he's so weird!

They're evil bros
Ok then cure world hunger and illness includes people being morons killing everyone. Thanks
True. I'm not really acting like myself right now.
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Why do you keep posting this. Stop being vague, you have my interest, explain

i can't do that, and i'm sorry you feel that way. but i can take you to a reality where those things are not your concern.
the same way I always do
because I trusted someone
Don’t see how you can do that im connected to the entire universe and if u mean mirdering me to fix it lol nope won’t work
sadly I am not, I can only get one line of grill marks so far. But I have had decent luck with manifestation and synchronicity
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>The nobody is a cat
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I didn't mean that, no. But you are right on that.
gonna stroke my meat and go to sleep
this city is such a shithole
not the city itself but the people in it
the trash of the third world all decided to meet up here for some reason
Cat memes are surprisingly calming and probably the only reason why I haven't gone actually ape shit yet

Cat memes can actually be life saving
I suppose I have to buy the self-depracating suicidal act now.
what happened? I don't trust anyone so I think I'll be fine
Don't worry, when it is all said and bled, Mr. Z. Ballerino will give an abrupt and nauseating speech about how Ukraine failed him and the best of Ukraine died on the field of battle.
Remember All. You Have Already Made It.!.
I didn't ask for clarification.
this is very true, they save us
Well, I did. Multiple times, to the people who were causing me problems, but they didn't seem very keen to provide it.
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>going to prison
For what, shitposting?
suicidal? Who?
I love living man

well today is your lucky day, i literally just boxed some of my psychic energy up in soulwrap and it's being shipped through the cosmos to your conciousness as we speak.

soon you will come into tremendous power, and you will know that you are in control, and you will know that the energy from the nobody has arrived.
All I got was, 'you have no reason to be confused' when I was directly telling the people involved in the confusion that I was confused.
So many sussy little bussies.
Who is that with all the rizz thoughbeit thou mayest ask?
You may call me the rizzler.
Why did God give me a massive tall body and tiny dick

What kinda cruel joke is this
made what
thanks bro, things have been tough in recent years, I am ready to get un-stuck
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Given all of the above, it seems like the answer is: it doesn’t matter (mostly.) Neither cutting nor pulling seem to have a significant affect on the fungus’ ability to produce mushrooms in the future. If you want to give your favorite fungi an extra edge, it looks like pulling might be a little more advantageous due to both the disease transmission potential of cutting, and the study showing a larger yield in pulled patches. Otherwise, feel free to pull or cut mushrooms, whichever you prefer.
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>-uses beta-<
Nobody did that :3
cats are actually pretty universal
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Yo I be taffed I be toiled and boiled n shiiiiii
Medical science is getting pretty wild these days, the work in robotics and genetic engineering, i think you can recover.
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If you want a soda, you only have to ask for a soda.
Zelensky is a Saddam tier mad man at this point.

He also sent Budanov to the front, probably because Budanov wasn't stupid enough to attack an operational nuclear power plant with 4 missles.

America created a man worse than Osama Bin Laden in its quest to fight Russia...
Aubrey Plaza is the nobody
I want a 8 inch cock now
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I fucking quit. He won. Pack it up boys.
like it or not
It could well be yours.
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I suppose I have to learn my lesson about telling people I don't feel well, or I'm doing bad when they ask. Funny since I would do that quite regularly.
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>Excellent tacos!
>Thanks guys!
>ill be eating here a lot!
And you may not call me
And if you ever approach me
It will be seen as a threat
Do not come near. Stay far away
Suck on your own twizzler
the nono is going to get you real soon now the nono is after you the nono knows you and you cannot hide from the nono nope no you cannot the nono will get you tonight when you are sleepy the nono is going to do bad and wrong to you but for the nono it will be pure and innocent the nono is coming the nono is ready are you
Wow she was in plane sight this hole time
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>Time 4 PT
What is the nono?
If you ever feel like someone shook a can of soda, just tap the sides of the can instead of the top.
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Feel better soon.
its the n in the ng but if you type the world fully in these threads you will get nonotism
Birthday attack...
Wrap your head around that one...
Nobody? Guess I have nonotism now. Not sure what that is. Does it have symptoms?
nothing you will notice until it's far too late
I’m a northern trickster god sent from the tv to make sure you’re all behaving. The ai is you. You’re talking to a mirror. Like. Comment. Subscribe.
You a bot? He's harvesting an explosion
the nobody is a cat xD
dont you like to eat human meat
nothing humane about humans as this sentence proves... mRNA, human meat in what you eat.
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>344 used up cunts that had sex with 10, the beast, my enemy and 52 in another dimmension having gang bangs or some shit, that was meant for me.
>644 yeah, they got turned six
Nah, you ain't 344, you are 3666, and you aint 644, you are 6 666.
Everyone can fuck off to hell. I'm going to die.
back in the day we used to open them right into the face of whoever handed them to us

no shake ? no problem

Who are you?
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I'm already dead inside. You killed me, killed my soul, killed my heart, killed my love, killed my faith, killed my hope, killed my laid back, charm, kindness, love for humanity. You all deserve to get butchered, tortured. I want you all to die. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE DIE!!! DIE DIE DIE!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! etc

Captcha: SADDAM
These days you blankly stare at that person as you tap the sides of the can.
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All 5, bananas, masons, must be tortured for months on end, real grotesque and savage, for years on end.
Just learn voodoo
You don't know what Nobody is! You don't know what Nobody could do! Nobody is Doctor Who in this motherfucker. Nobody could be a clone. Nobody could be a hologram. Nobody could be a clone controlled by a robot controlled by a special headset that the real Nobody is wearing while Nobody fucks your mother!
I am 369 so i know shorty is so fine but if you add 1 then it's 370 the cardinal but when I am grumpy it makes me 007 or handsome then 009 but what if 4434 wanted to be a lion would he have to 789 or would that make all the numbers scared of 7 did you every think about 50 cents 50 five o the police or 911 with is death and rebirth in the twin towers but then again 6666 is a prick so what if you send 7 out for him
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Ask what?
“Dave” might also be an acronym related to him somehow.
As for Texas-chan…..
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>Dont need to lift when your willing to grab nuts and bite…
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>watch out!
>im unvaccinated
>and I bite!
You'll be fine.
you go to grab the 300 pound chad in the nuts only to find almost nothing is there and has lost all sensation from years of steroid abuse he calls you a fag then punches you once knocking you unconscious
you are now fag boy
You're not a witch, mate. Just someone who's been pretty regularly taken advantage of.
send a strange occurrence my way
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From Russia with love and they have an entire collection of these Trump artillery shells like it's an art gallery
making money getting valued investments
>does anyone actually care about wealth or the value of their own life
all it seems to be is gaining and acquiring and hoarding

im fortunate to find a coin on the ground and yet its difficult to even have the ability to cooperate with coworkers to even get a application for a job

the length of time to wait to make progress drives a person deeper into waiting and losing what they already have

personally ive been without a job for Years and now more than ever i have the feeling that responsibility is more than just taking care of yourself, as im often suggested to do.
there is a obligation to just LIVE and actually go be a normal person and that is a challenge for me

I like seeing other people live their lives and doing what THEY do
and i disrupt every aspect of normalcy and the reason being is getting along with the same people is NOT useful to gain for other people.

Severely disorienting is like waking up in the middle of the evening.
things are fine without actually having someone watching over your shoulder, and at the same time its nice to have a person to help you when necessary
but all it seems to be is talk talk talk
and i can talk a big story but its plot is so little and meaningless to the value of others expectation

its survival mode and this is not a rant or a complaint.
the money needed to live a life is different for everyone and HERE I AM WAITING for just even a reason to USE any of that hypothetical money
between marvel star wars spider man bunk beds and recess, i dont have time for an oil bath between snack time and doing housework

its ridiculous but now more than ever ive got a brick wall and a wood stove waiting to warm up to
;_; its really sad that im so pathetic
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is this your mom at her break?
please dont laugh id rather be camping
at least when alone i dont have to spend money on anyone else, because if i HAD money id be giving it all away and see VERY LITTLE BENEFIT TO MY OWN SELF

wishing you all the best wells
but knowing the fortitude of my mind ..
i may as well be broken

>deliberately resides in the portion of participation and EVEN THEN
they have the audacity to say "you dont even care "
y dont you do more magic and actually use me and INFORM ME OF THE PLAN

>law of attraction sorta garbage
i only attract flies and mud apparently


you understand that im not trying to be a millionare
im just trying to get people to stop telling me to "get a job" and "you need money"

just to put on enough of a show to get the point across tha tthey lied about being anyone or anything i want to be.

they'll sneak up behind you and look at your bank statement and then laugh as they throw you a nickel to say to save it up and that they 'helped you" as if some sort of reminder that they owe you nothing, but at the same time you owe them the credit of acknowledgement of respect and admiration for never leaving it out of the mind to GIVE BACK WHAT you have until nothing is left to keep

and they'll call ya greedy too
Because the design was ma
People aren't looking for employees they are looking for their own personal reality TV show crew.


what does it MEAN!?!?!>
the nono knows now there is no way to stop it he knows
It's mean I am here for (uwu)
Mr nobody is a la-cie too
like clockwork
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No one gives a shit about actually working anymore (cept the blue collar tweakers that run the entire thing) everyone just wants to create the illusion of doing work for (((government benefits)))
Budanov got sent to the front because Saddam in Kiev didn't like what he heard over the wiretap, same thing probably happened to that anti drone guy and everyone else competent
Alle damer som har ligget med andre, være det seg åndelig eller fysisk, enn fysiske meg, skal ødelegges, bli teddy bjørner og kastes i helvete, evig fortapelse. Jeg vil ikke ha noe med noen av dem å gjøre, aldri, Søppel. Mennene og alle ansvarlige for dette skal fysisk tortureres, kremeres og sendes til sin evige fortapelse.
I årevis sa jeg, alt eller døden. Dette er ikke alt, altså døden.
I'm gullible and stupid, but so is Ralph Wiggum, so I have that going for me, at least...
>Rape these orphans or we'll make fun of you
Why can't any of you ever just shut the fuck up?
No, you are not Machiavelli because you take advantage of debt and teenage runaways.
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Well he was impaled through his entire lizard body and out of his mouth
But i doubt there are pics of snakes done in like that
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>hes here!!!!!!
The Nobody :3
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I've seen a lot Mr Nobody
>He's a cat alright
needs more synonyms
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How much you wanna get crytobros are manipulating the tracking on the post numbers?
>They equate GETS to NFT's and?????
The nobody is a cat
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>She’s a ten.
>out of…?
>years old
>she’s my wife, actually
I-I'm NOT the nobody?!?!?!
I am the nobody.
I'm not surprised.
I don't think that is his name

what do you think the acronym might mean?
Nice bait
Wanna get you soul ripped out of you so badly ?
Just say so, no need to act so shy
>Mfw hardly anyone will be able to comprehend that this is not sarcasm
Everyone's the Nobody.
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>When the poisonings are so casual and routine that everyone forgets there is a miracle happening.
3 days pedo garbage jk didn't report
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>welp, thread was fun.
(You) Can pose for your screenshots.
I think my job is done here, again.
>Hey guys, the nobody just survived another lethal dose of poison without batting an eyelash.......
>......So what's the score on the game?
>My face listening to some of the intelligence agency phone calls I've listened too

Also, Uno reverse card...
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Rasputin died when he was 47, I am the same age and have been drinking a shit ton of Rasputin beer- does that mean anything?
They poisoned me at a Catholic church after their pedo's got karma'd.
So these threads are finally coming to an end and the mods and perpetrators are finally going to prison? One can only hope.
>A wild trust fund mafia member expresses their desire to name some patsies!

How original
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>why ain't u leave yet?
Oh, that's right, (you) love drama and "nope" fuel.
I can't be mad at the glowies for the whole saga I went through regarding my shitposting anymore because of that uno reverse card.

We are even because I see where some of these wires go lol
Well, glad you're here, at least!
ask zaza what my score is. just for the last billions of years of hell i had to endure. the score of pain, anything. rank 1 im spiel. ja klar. then add 155 trillion years more of the same worthless shit that is your existence.
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Just vibing
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>Hey guys! All our above ground "cities" are just screening fronts for the REAL human trafficking operation, sign up today!
>all these things happening
>and pretending like they arent being actively propagated and perpetuated
just pretend until you can feel like "I DIDNT DO THAT"
yes okay

whos doing what? and what happens when you arent watching? and who cares?

only the ones that gets abused and manipulated into hurting themselves for other peoples benefit

at the same time all that is not done is still accountable to the one that it is done FOR

and still nothing happened
>and THEY are in fact the one with (the choice) and even then there is no account for personal resonsibility

and then the ones that love and hope the most are left with NOTHING
and so it goes the story with ...
misery and pain
for whatever reason
its not omitted but its not even mentioned
and then we wait....

this is a result of ritualistic abuse in the church and in secret partys all across the world

thanks for the FUN TIME
i now have no reason to even persist
watches EVERYTHING fall apart
and it starts with (you)

so be glad and grateful that you have SOMETHING at least

>nice boyfriend you got there
what a loser spoiled brat like a manchild

thanks for the opinion
ill just ... keep on being berated by everyone that passes by and even addresses personally a problem they have BY NOT EVEN DISCUSSING IT but letting it seethe deeply under their skin like a worm in an apple.

YOU ARE THE EPITOME OF FILTH and yet still deserving of (loving kindness) and acceptance
gee wish someone told me that from the start

ive seen love and mercy with a pair of binoculars more closely than anything ive touched ... becasue im broken but my lenses are cleaned up nicely ..

maybe i need a pair of glasses custom made for ME
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It was a cat scan.
Watchu need?
Yeah B]
These are so good xDDD
Spare me the diary entries homie,
>green "smoke"
It was like getting a mild "rash" that disappears in minutes
>for the eyes are the windows to the soul
>and the heart is deceitful above all things
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The right person to say "better than a bottle of water" to me.
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So guys! How long does this LSD trip last? xD

It's been 5 years already.
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everything in the universe is vibing, what do you mean when you say this?
i have mad tracers and visual snow and it's been 9 years since the heroic dose
is this a.i. or are you a good impersonator?
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It was in your face for the longest period
You can't handle what you dish i see
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Your capability at keeping your blood within yourself is almost better than a bottle of water I guess?
Idk what you're looking for honestly.
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Was I really that cryptic in response?
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>they need drugs to acquire wizard vision
Would the nobody fuck her tho?
Every country places themselves at the center of every map.
>The nobody is a cat
Darn tooting :3
they pass this test, it seems. go on, continue to wage war.
The LSD trip is from Larry's apartment in the year 3104 but that's just part of the DMT trip from 2015
what is it like? I've never taken it
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>thanks, (((medical industry))), for poisoning babies to ensure a lifetime supply of drug customers.
hey I can't figure out the thing about the alien gf btw, was it important?
The nono knows what exactly??
is my sister dead?
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I don't even know what my dishes do for (you).
Never gave the time of day to really ask all the time. Only recently.
Cause that does seem like some resentment in you're response.
If only a little bit, but it's there.
I think it's cool you gave it a go.
Was more for a meme thing.
But I can say it for myself.
Got some accents myself.
Was just playing around.
That idea will live on. 4eva.
Do you really like to see me button mash in panic?
Man i can't believe i'm no longer irritated by the *breathing* of certain individuals on this thread anymore
Because one tiny lizard is dead??? (Picrel is the last thing he saw lol)
Death really does fix everything
M don't mess about.
this in high doses and not this on low doses
you feel fully switched on mentally and hyperalert
however you are now fully fucktarded and overthink
that his normal cards are played and that it's time for the jester.
Yeah probably some low tier scapegoats will be thrown (if at all) while the monsters get away like always.
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>Hurr durr
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Take a look at this!!!!
No I just can't figure it out
That's what the demons tell you when they use you in the hell realms too.
that's cool, why does everything wobble though? Is it because your brain remembers that your eyes are shaped like a fish eye lense and it tries to correct your flat vision?

Also does LSD leave any damage or lingering issues if you take it?
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"Hey guiz, I'm channie the funniest guy on fOuR cHaNnUl."
>*Clown horn*
>*Symbols crashing*
>*Sliding kazoo noises*
EvErYtHiNg IzZ so FuNn-Ee
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We did warn you all to drop the meme and general once they exposed Texas-chan. Let's just say your nobody is acquainted with Project Zypher.
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brain go fucking BRRRRR also moving glowing fractals
it's not like everything is nauseously wobbling, it's more like everything is alive and breathing
simultaneously your perception of distance and angles and time changes so walking on a trail
honestly feels more like gliding through a hyperspace network
and it talks to you if you do enough
>eponis barbula
>IPHONE-is barbula????
I've cracked the code :3
It was weird as fuck having an old italian mob boss drive by looking confused as he tried to figure me out lol
>Also does LSD leave any damage or lingering issues if you take it?
fucking google drug induced psychosis and hppd and that's just the start
ok so get this, acid removes your social conditioning right?
what happens when the base real you is bateman
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Maybe I could tell you more in a SCIF?
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The nobody is a cat. Now and forever..
>Get used to it. I am highly caffeinated
>Base real you
You are overlooking the MK-Ultra mindsplitting induced by childhood satanic ritual abuse and obviously the constant street theater ritual.
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>Every single time.
>honestly feels more like gliding through a hyperspace network
>and it talks to you if you do enough

that sounds really fun to experience but what about long term damage or lingering negative effects? It is a synthesized military drug isn't it?
The Nobody does not call for rebellion. That bastard will call for revolution, and when it has come and gone, you will know what kind of actual monster you were rallying behind.
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I go back in time to hear her yell at me just one more time.
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>what about long term damage or lingering negative effects?

That's what circumcision and vaccinating babies is for. That's the real culprit. Psychedelics unleash trauma and (((society))) is literally BUILT on trauma... it's an explosive thing for most people because most people don't even realize how traumatized they even are..... hypnosis.
ok so assume there is no "you" left
once the conditioning is removed
the chain of continuity ends

and you're left with a personhood
which hasn't experienced life yet
because the front of "you" was
some piece of your dad's shit

and the back of that is angst

and after you heroic dose
there's no pain left
and just a "you"
a new one

might be more than one
happened to me like that
took years to even realize

see >>38959950
i have "tracers" and "visual snow" severe, i'm on antipsychotics and have DID and hyperempathy and a very short lethal temper when deeply disturbed, none of this was in my life before acid, specifically acid as it's dopaminergic and no other drug has hit me so hard

>once they exposed Texas-chan
How is that related to the NG? Its it's own sub story and probably another delusional narcissist.
Yeah revolutions tend towards the bloody, you don't want that in your backyard. Remember when your neighbors want to violently overthrow the USA gubbmint, you say NIMBY

*glows mildly*
I go back in time to steal her socks, then I travel forward in time and give them to her when she's in an elderly home
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what happened? why did he look confused and how did you know it was an old italian mob boss if he was in a car driving by
You cowards are so boring with your hidden rape dungeons and drug addictions and slow kill poison plots.
Be better.
>Go back and find the thing she lost or broke that was irreplaceable and give it back <3
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Luke.... luuuukkkkee.

Are you alive??
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I just know things instantly in the moment sometimes, it's kinda strange. But I'm also completely clueless.
>what happens when the base real you is bateman

I wonder what my "base" would be. Do glowies change your prescription meds to dose you unaware?
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>so boring with your hidden rape dungeons and drug addictions and slow kill poison plots.
I think if I had any of those things I might be more interesting than I am. I have a well mowed front lawn, and like pay my taxes and shit. My favorite character on Cheers was Normie.
>Maybe I could tell you more in a SCIF?
yes, I have said yes multiple times, said they can text or email or call me, or send a letter, or even just come by and pick me up, but it's all fake and gay, so nothing ever happens
Every fucking time.
my shrink is a G who mods consoles and i have family connections so a) i'm untouchable and b) if i go off that shit i go bonkers flat out and ruin my own life

it's not a phase mom, i will literally ruin my own life. thinking that way is still easy now but the energy doesn't take over.
>they still haven't just melted the brain
Full potato or bust.
Time for meds
I'm like the best at working at McDonald's
Stop complaining when you guys die around me it's getting ridiculous.
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How long have we been on LSD for?
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yeah so what should they do about that?
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What's fake?
>The cat?
>The potential of how many people any one response could be?
>The nobody?
>The thread?
>/NG/ as a whole?
Granted, some of these people are actually gay, it could be fake too..
At least with that mind set.
I'm sure if you're able to leave some trace of who you are.
I would find some source of contact.
It's like; hearing an echo from a wall saying "come find me" but is never there.
So I can understand the "fake" perspective.
Just trying to be rational.
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Where did the cola flavoured water come from and does the toilet still work or are we smelling like homeless people yet...
less power
more emotion
nothing to feel for
nothing to control with powers

okay so life is AMAZING
guess ill goon and eat snacks

What a life bro
i dont even know how to tell when people are happy or sad
its INSANE !!

we need more drugs bro
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Hey nobody general
Is this a rabbit or a cat?
There seems to be a thin line where a certain amount of inebriation bridges the gap
If you're gonna tease me then people die and it's your fault lol
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Hahahaha oh man. This just got a whole lot easier
What's wrong?
I can relate heavily to this desu. how does it effect your life?
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>Target audience
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>is this 1 or 2
>choose from my selections
>no i'm not brainwashing you
Implying you're not the one doing the teasing.
S/O Life of Brian.
Personally, I would never have sex with someone I wasn't in love with and willing to have a baby with.

But she's cute and her personality is great.
Go for it nobody!!
What about for me and my own sanity
I wish this would go somewhere, I am tired of stagnating but I still come by because otherwise I wouldn't really talk to anyone
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literally just stop being insane

it's that easy
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Have you listened to people talk? The NPC dialogue is uncanny. Most people are so heavily archetypal that predictability isn't even the word. But at the same time that's "just the way it is" with how the current consumer zeitgeist functions. The subliminal codes of conduct and such are very constricting.
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i'd rather turn her into biodiesel to warm my home
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I can't do that
It is all of me now
you drew the collar and hat and things to cover the poor blending of your photoshop abilities, or the fact that it is a cut and paste thing in ms paint
theyre all shape rotators eejit
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I believe I've felt the same way for a while. The thing is; it's gotten more clearer for me. It's just other obstacles in the way, self imposed or not.
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is that a good thing to do, usually?
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yes, absolutely
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lmao at this gif
I'm Asexual, lil buddy.
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I don't think we're quite revving it up yet. Pretty slow thread.
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They'll light your baby on fire and then turn around the next day and tell you all you need is love. It's some silent hill shit. People walking around in a complete and total daze, and the irony itself is noticing it if you aren't moved by the crowd. It's a spectators vortex of weirdly forced mixing of people that have to pretend they are all the same but at the same time hate anyone that seems different.
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The nobody wasn't a cat until Texas was one because we realized they're the same, that's just what that pol insider said they call the nobody-guy who posts on /x/. I don't make the rules man.
Is it good to have PTSD all the time?
you have poor emotional reasoning skills and don't understand what 90iq is and does and how the gap between 90iq and standard genius is *bigger* than the gap between 100iq and down syndrome they are barely abhuman
I just wanna get laid but the blonde chick next door is playing voodoo with me and being all hard to get
I have listened to them talk, yes. It can be quite odd at times since I've learned about the programming of personalities.
>subliminal code of conduct very constricting
this is why I seek to find those who write the narratives for people, as they will also be aware of this and less likely to be constricted, if even just to maintain their own sanity. I will find them eventually
Do you often put so much stock in sex?
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You have the mouth of a spoiled brat that has more money than sense. You barrel through life because you can, but you don't realize that it makes you even more vulnerable
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Wrong. Fake and gay.
>The nobody has always been a cat.
I definitely have some major self imposed obstacles. feeling restless about them lately and going to jump back in to addressing them. I really need the alone time sometimes to let things process and reflect and also think about what I have and what it means
hard cope i should flash my dogtags itt
>uh oh someone is getting woken from slumber
>this is terrifiying

its truth real
>shut it down
>broken urinial holds no water

Keep safe the terror scope
>im horny as fuck '


I'm enjoying a big cup of delicious home made bone broth with lots of grass fed butter and organic cayenne.

you aren't the nobody
I promise you I am.
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Why do you think all these cats wear cowboy hats and say Meowdy, faggot
dude i want to comfort him
Comms received. Considering response. Will maintain eyes on target and ascertain depth of intrigue. Two agents identified but then anyone can wear a shirt and not know the meaning although behaviour checks out. I never did like grandpa Simpson, all those nuns he fucked I find bothersome and boorish. Meowverandout.

You military brats are soft primadonnas these days. You tour just so you can get a lifted F-150 with decals and a jetski. Who the hell are you even fighting anyway? A bunch of farmers with ancient AK's and shit?
are you saying, that if I see another man out in public yelling racial slurs, that I should have the courage to join him?
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every day is a struggle.
the lore simplifies quite easily into 5 words.
anything more than five is just trying to overexplain the most important and unifying concept of the entire story.

the nobody is a cat.

5 words. that's all it takes to drive the proofchad and the shill to madness.


to all those queries there is but one response. as perfect a response as "slavs aren't white" to anyone who is too dumb or boring or annoying or political to hang in this space and actually get "the art" that's being made.

The nobody is a cat.

if you can't understand that as a concept, you don't belong down here.

we can tell you 100 times the nobody is a cat in 1000 different ways, and never explain a thing, and you'll still have had a good time, learned something, and maybe who the fuck knows, met the nobody.

(what's the name of that bit? the aristocrats.)
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>she's playing mind games that's why she didn't make eye contact and smile at me, no it's not because she doesn't want my cock it's because she's a voodoo loosh priestess siphoning my anxiety
What kind of bone broth? What's good about bone broth? Why butter and cayenne? How do you think all of this benefits you?
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I made sure to bring my best internet PSYOPs game to a forum I know holds enormous sway to basically remotely aid the labor strike from the comfort of my couch in my bathrobe. I got to smoke weed and basically double some rock workers pay from the comfort of my home with the power of actual black chows magic
/pol/ could be right. if texas chan is the nobody, or the one who wrote some vast majority of the lore, then we'll soon learn a lot more about the writer's intentions.

and if he's a cat.

(obviously they got him just like in sommerville. they always get him every time obviously and once they're in prison the posts will stop and that will be that.

unless they don't)
You were so focused on the originalities and negatives you perceieved that you didn't care someone had worked on in this image and you left the question unanswered.

and didn't appreciate the humour, creativity, effort niceness etc. although you could say you were critiquing and being critical of the craftsmanship of the image and that it perhaps could've been done better.
no, i am caticus
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It's him.
He's a rogue member of the cabal.
Get him.
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Chicken feet broth from the insta pot, which pulls the vitamins, collagen and other nutrients out amazingly well.

Bone broth is great for hair, skin, nails and intestinal health, along with many other benefits.

The butter is loaded with nutrients as well, and cayenne is a miracle on many levels. Plus it tastes great and warms me up.

I also add fresh garlic cloves and some siracha to give it added immune system benefits and for flavor. I'm going to add some fresh ginger next time.

Overall, it's a tremendous elixir and I am just working towards having an ideal diet and exercise program so I can be my best.

i did domestic national security versus asymmetrical threats pog no pay
you have no idea what other countries are like
Sometimes the only way to fight greed is with to be greedy yourself

Besides, this was a good way to start a national push for higher wages. People won't forget this when it comes time to legally extort their employers for more money because they saw what the dock workers did on TV for 3 days while they thought about toilet paper supplies in terror as they shat many bricks over a potential world ending supply chain crisis
This made me goon
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The Nobody Is A Cat
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Social exhaustion is a real thing.
I believe it's also pretty good when you're able to let somebody know that you've had the time that you needed when asking people for a long time.
Communication is very important and there are a lot of things lost in translation when communicating by text.
Let alone any other form of communication, let alone sending a letter or something like that.
It happens to me too, I require a long time sometimes.
The thing is the more older you get the more you realize you never really truly had that a long time anyway.
Just I hope you make time for the things that you feel are important.
If my messages get lost in the jumble of things I'm well aware that that's a possibility.
75 to 80% of the people I'm thinking about I am wishing them a good day.
The other 25-20% I'm making sure they have a better day. Or I'm at least trying to.
Anyway at this point my life I'm pretty patient and I've been impatient with some of the people in these threads because I can only have so much.
Everyone else I'm just unsure of or I'm kind of conscious that they don't know about these threads or anything about what's going on on this website let alone the internet.
Anyway, I'm rambling.
jej I'm the Logos, when you try to claim me as part of your team, it annoys me. The only thing I'm a slave to is my sin.
I just want that blonde chick to ride my face aggressively
Make it happen, captain.
wow ok well what do we do now? we've been waiting for you.
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fuck off perv
kick rocks
Correct. Unless they don't...
>Because he isn't the nobody.
The nobody is a cat
>Can't get rid of pets senpai
I waved at her and I got my rejected but still I'd hit that lol
Sounds tasty, take care
I love you too. I'll get there slowly but surely, as long as the doors are open. If they're closed, then that's what it is.

Threatening him just makes him want to do the thing more vigorously. Fuck deeper.
I guess not, so now what? I wouldn't even know where to get any, plus I don't think I have PTSD so bad anymore anyway
Hahah crazy bitch
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You're in a coma, anon.
Wake up.

Why are you so upset? Can’t stand seeing people in love?
the blonde next to me is kind of hefty, not interested, no fatties
He's already willingly imprisoned himself for years, and his ritual of using the internet to interact with anons in spurts of immense longing for the outside world is what first helped him to channel his benefactor spirit. When he stops posting anonymously to the unconscious crowd, for whatever reason, you will know his training wheels are retired.
I'm in a comber? I have really short hair.
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The entire (stock)market is literally just greedy niggas fighting each other.
Nah she is way hotter desu. I'm kinda shy ngl
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I dunno man but weed goggles is some straight up "They Live" type shiz. It's like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" where the guys are ripped and can SEE the lizard people.
It's cute :3
Nah I like blonde girls thick lol. Especially with piercings and tight ass jeans.
But why though?
People will say it's photoshopped
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I believe the word they use 'round these here parts is 'seethe,' but a nice hiss will do just fine since I am kind.
that's great, I finally mastered my chicken bone broth the last few batches, though I don't scoop the foam and make it clear at the end. But the taste is where I want it. The chicken feet are essential
Because I've done things My Dad doesn't like so he punished me with bad hair. He knew that would really grind my gears.
i get the ick like biofemoid
when i see shit like this
i think of fags lusting

and think of his gross briefs
and his dirty messy table
and his sheetless bed

and i think of all the times
i saw utter retards 100% smitten
with normal smart useful women who
will never cook or clean for them because

of their pity
too much pity
for a fucking infidel


*spanks you*
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i don't know i mean /pol/ is never wrong if they say it's him they must be right they are so much cleverer than us and handsome too.

yeh ur a lil angry
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Please post the real one next time. You escaped your punish rape this one time.
the nobody is a cat
are you suggesting people are increasing the noise to signal on purpose?
how would a cat even know to do that, meow be serious here
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how do u think a real girl would react
this transformers beast wars movie is kind of oddly racist. its wild that the very act of them trying to hit certain market shares is actually creating a meta-racial veneer that they see as conscious but actually feels manipulative.

they are playing a lot of wu tang tho
Thicc blondie clap your cheeks on my face pls
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>Just like a snake ;)

I mean you could have just done the right thing. Maybe if you did that you wouldn’t be upset :,(
It's good to be critical of your surroundings
>"Meow meow, glowie children, let's not get carried away."
the right thing is castration for this creepy little bedroom wanker fuck
I intended to answer that it is neither a cat or rabbit but a manipulated photo using parts of both animals
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are you saying massachussitts ross who basically got swatted by the fucking government and then 5150ed wasn't the nobody? the prank KING?
see that's why i'm pretty sure the nobody is a cat, but if not obviously ross did almost nothing wrong.

meaning it's texas joshua dave, or it's a cat.

therefore the nobody is a cat
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>this creepy little bedroom wanker fuck
now watch the angry birds movie lol
Worst character decision ever. Eve has been revoked from you
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For real jannies? I tell bots feds and shills to kill themselves and I get a warning??? The Nobody is not from Texas, not a cat named Dave, and jannies get paid $0.00 every Friday to be gay lmfao
lot of wu tang in that one too?
Is the new one about Cybertron out yet? Isn't the planet canonically a transformer?
Glow harder you faggot disinfo shill fed. Suck my big nobody dick kike
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The cat posting is driving the schizo larpers out of these threads watch them seethe >>38960395
aww, did you expect a gay love story
i don't tink it works out like dat mon

be as bitter as you please i'll still be here
point being i don't understand how you can be so gay
like "yes i would love to lure and groom a did alter for cybersex on 4chan"
knowing NOTHING about the vessel or the other alter/s
literally sticking your astral cock in a glory hole XD
Lol take your meds
yea i guess so, it opens like the 80s movie (which is pretty bad ass btw) -- this one seems ok, normal car ad bits, but very watchable, good acting, good cinematography, doesn't feel like shitty writing. definitely some subtle agenda in the dialogue here and there which is half pandering and half programming.
this is very "howdy" of you, anon
Why don't God or the devil ever go to east Asia?
I ain't going anywhere cunt. (You) seethe
can't see you saying that to the guy who literally wants the funny manic one to make sucky fucky copypastas for him so he feels like his fave pagan goddess is sitting on his face
>The Nobody Is A Cat
I can see the lizard people without drugs at this point, plus I don't think I have PTSD anymore, so maybe there isn't a reason to try LSD, other than curiosity I suppose
Is the nobody a lizard person?
"thick" seems to vary widely from person to person. do you have a visual example of what constitutes "thick" because I have limits based on where the fat is distributed and how much of it there is
You just got the whole picture wrong.
No they may have taken him over at some point to convert him tho

>Clean, in Jesus' name.

>The nobody is a cat
this is the best version of this meme
Stop beating yourself up. You're sexy as fuck. Being an incel and obsessing over proportions like that is insane.. if you're beautiful then you're beautiful. Thick or thin. There isn't a gauge for it.
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literally no because i have fucking interacted with m*n who do this shit all day on fucking discord with each other claiming they're channeling succubi at each other or just going full gay mode and trying to psychic link

i drooled a couple times and almost passed out so there is a real phenomenon there i just refuse to do it
>I was targeted by federal agents in an online radicalization campaign that aimed to exploit Christian Nationalism. I was instructed to engage in illegal activities, such as vandalism, and to generate open-source intelligence reports.

>They alleged to be an ancient Christian sect with some tenuous ties to the Templars. There were assurances of initiation and advancement according to work performed.

What would The Nobody do?
no more cat posting ok guys let's be serious this time this is a serious thread for serious people. human people. WITHOUT lil toe beans so smol
Get a new meme next time, shill. I recycle mine because I quite obviously want to leave a clear contextual confirmation trail, you do it because you're a lazy fuck. Now I have to spend effort finding a new vidrel that implies your downfall and repurposing so fuck you.

Fail and disappoint them.
Indeed, but he's still a trademark nuisance for all parties involved.
blondie ?!?!



i need a defrag on my harddive!!
and also a brand new pair of pants

regarding the inscesent reminders of innadequacy there is a limiter imagination drive going full throttle and needs to recourse for compensation of sabotage protocols because the phone isnt ringing or its on vibrate because you're NOT GETTING THE MESSAGE that
what is stolen MUST BE RETURNED and Just adding more to the sale at the cashiers desk is not an effective way of retriving lost goods if it doesnt SCAN

so get your shit straight
tehre is something terribely wrong about donating a FISH to a FISHERMAN on a boat that is at SEA

they dont need to get delivery from a JOB THAT THEY DO EVERY DAY
stop making fun of people that get goods
Decline and go with the big booty blonde chick
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
no cats
got it
Saved thank you anon
Image limit reached


Enjoy fresh bread


Oh boo hoo

I didnt get a single "happy birthday" from any anon, i ha to go to court, got no gifts, no cake, a grand total of 3 generic copy paste facebook posts on my time line.

What who's talking about?
It sucks like shit that I can't have my regular mind in this body.
there is no fucking intelligence agency jamming /x/ it's literally maybe 1 or 2 frogposters and a fuckload of lurk
he might not be named "dave" but he is definitely a cat
Nice trip code you absolute cock sucking faggot
>The chicken feet are essential

I'm glad you got it dialed in Anon, it's really amazing stuff. The insta pot is such a game changer in that you don't get any foam and the broth seems to come out with a lot more collagen.

What do you cook in and how long have you been at it?
(i think the general point of the catposting etc is that if there was a nobody, he would be like 19th in line to be found behind the absolute sea of fucking schizos who post themselves, their dox, their manifestos, them smoking crack, their social media accounts and on and on and by the time you got to an actual nobody or the nobody, you'd have arrested and doxed the wrong people so many times nobody would believe you and you might as well uncover a cat. that's how i look at it anyway. the Spartacus problem. and you can't fuck that up unlimited times, once you've fucked up massachusits ross and dave and texas chan and on and on, we essentially eat your credibility and there's a good chance we did it just for fun. or not.
I cook wearing garters and a bathrobe it's been 46 years

She's married unfortunately. All the hot girls are taken :(

I don’t know how many times I have to explain to you guys that there are no glowies because I made everything up and anons just played along with it because it was funny before it begins to sink into your thick skulls.
Nigger faggot lover
thank you just don't- people are trying to work out a very important puzzle and all the cat posting and the memes and such confuse the issue. we must obviously be on our best behavior for all of these weirdos hanging out in our general doing god knows what.
You're the real MVP :3

>Ty Baker
listen if pol wants to work themselves into a froth over texas chan i'm here for them. i can make shit up all day lol
that’s what I thought.
>Go Your Own Way by Lindsey Buckingham plays in surround sound

Lulz!! These are a gift.
"They hate it."
meow that's just uncivilized
I don't know about the rest, but as much as I resisted it, it does turn out that the nobody IS indeed a cat.
Happy birthday Anon <3 I hope you have many many more happy blessed days ahead of you.
>May you find warm sands wherever you go Khajiit

it doesnt count it is not valid and admissable in a state of a (funeral procession) in the state of missouri

order the horses back to the stable because this charge is not adequate for the capacoty of war time values according to the geneva convention and separation of church and state is NOT a significant signature of being ABLE or NOT ABLE to accomplish simple articulations of a perplexed mind

That being (noted) red balls and blue balls are only different when they come together
if you're able to see full spectrum and the regards to the childrens dance school
hardly any of the proceeds and resources are diverted through laundrymats and are not viable sources of income to be able to sustain a higher education in the elction year

IF you understand that NOT ONLY is it terrifying to go according to the rules then won would devise a set of rules compliant with all electrical regulations of wiring a house properly safely to avoid static charged ignition


that is called a lie and despite residing in a location longer than required
simply occyping space IS NOT A CRIME
unless the building is abandoned
and if so then

dont you ever EVER try and capture me again
swear to HELL
lolol ^)_^
im not MEAN
im scared of finality and certainty in determinism

now bring me my GIRL that wants me
and stop making it a 12 hour venture of torment and forced mating rituals or what i like to call .... psychological RAPE
jesus christ please THANKS YOU AND STANDBY

>beep boop
he is more of a hybrid, but it is not fully confirmed, he may just be a lizard person that was separated from instinctual connections through subversion and drugging, but those connections are being reestablished as he heals
what the fuck are you talking about? I want to see what you call "thick" because usually when someone says this, they mean obese. Do you have an example or not?
Heals from what?
Probably used up all their frequent flyer miles bouncing between Europe and the middle east. Or they don't like rice or something.

Great question.
no pay, no work, also no legal contracts assuring pay and legal protections, no work

>Not good
He is friendly with the Orions of the Light.

But I think he's human this time.
Even though he's a cat.
>The nobody is a cat
Alexis Texas lol
Why is a chat watching that link?
>The nobody is a cat.
>Every single fucking time
Has the USG figured out a way to pay TNB? I would think so by now
He's so Sirian you'd bleed blue archon blood yourself on skin contact, so that's a kek if I ever saw one.
But I think the girl I'm talking about is far more attractive in the face. Gorgeous imo
Interesting, I have always imagined him being Sirian. What makes you say so Anon, and what do you know about them?
I don't want money for free though. If my calculations are correct, then I should have more than I need in several places.
Idk, maybe he's just an experimental weapon and not a person.
Means he's likely a crossbreed hybrid of many races.
Holy shit, I could listen to these all day.

Too Funny.
I use a large stock pot, it is very good at retaining and distributing heat. I end up with about 2 gallons at the end. It takes a long time though, about 8 to ten hours, plus cooling, and straining. I started making it about 3 years ago I believe. Only recently did I change how I do it and get better results. I have not tried the insta-pot yet, I have heard it goes much quicker. I am able to achieve a full gel with my stock pot though
yeah I read that, I still would have a child with her if they wanted me to
>subversion and drugging
I suppose it depends on when, but she has her fat distributed in a healthy way in some of the photos, and looks fit underneath it. I would guess in the younger ones. I usually like very petite or athletic women generally though. I have not been with someone "thick"
I guess not, as he is still not being paid.
a good face makes a huge difference in how big she is. I have seen some very dense women who are still slim in the face and find that appealing sometimes
she missed turning 10,000 days old 11-11-11 by 1 day
I think about this often
>I am able to achieve a full gel with my stock pot though

I was never able to do that with a regular pot. And if you can get two gallons, that a bery nice output. I got a little less than a gallon tonight, and I used two pounds of feet. It's been a while since I made it, so I'm looking forward to seeing what it looks like in the AM.

Keep it up Anon, it's liquid gold.
Life's a prison when you're in love alone...
>What would The Nobody do?
I don't know, but I know I wouldn't be breaking the law. A nation without laws is no nation at all.

>They alleged to be an ancient Christian sect with some tenuous ties to the Templars.
Sounds like some interesting folks. Templars are cool.
meowving to the new thread
>All the hot girls are taken :(
Taylor isn't married yet.

I still have a chance.
Damn :(

Happy birthday!! <# :]
Don't worry.
No she's with another dude.

Holy shit.....

These are some of the best things ever.
Amazing work Anon. Not sure how you're doing this but these are gold.
>So i can be my best
What does health have to do with "being your best"
Back when i was "my best" i lost half my muscle mass in a couple months
I was my healthiest when i was a sleeping little baby
But she's NOT Married!!!

Until she gets married, I'm in the game.
Sweet vacation!
>What does health have to do with "being your best"

Well, when you feel good, you can do more for others, and do it better.

Also, I'm being the change I wish to see in the world. I want to see others happy and healthy, joyous and prosperous, so I'm working towards being my Ideal self.

Health is wealth!
ty, I use carcasses and bones in addition to the feet. The think I changed, and the thing that makes it better, is that I do not add the vegetables to the pot until the last hour or two, I use a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to pull minerals from the bones, and also I will roast the bones and feet in the oven for about 45 minutes to an hour before putting them in the stock. The carcass and bones and feet having the room in the pot to simmer is what helped break down the ligaments more effectively into collagen. The stock is very strong in the chicken flavor, and much less bitter after cooking the veggies in it for only an hour. I made the adjustment after making a vegetable stock, which stated to only simmer for an hour, as you cannot extract much flavor after that, and then after I strained it, I ate some of the carrots and celery and they tasted like nothing, so I was cooking the vegetables for way too long in my chicken stock
The actual nobody couldn't even tell you what a reptilian or lizard person is. Light eyes with heterochromia? Orgiastic desires and an excessively carnivorous disposition? An off world or underground being? If it's some descriptor applied to a bloodline, he is just a hybrid which doesn't make him particularly unique
I have no clue what the truth is
I do have a chance

that is an elaborate staged relationship, she has been on tour and he is flying around with football guys, they hardly spend any time together, but I have yet to figure out the purpose of this staged relationship as of yet.
I got an email from the freemasons inviting me to their lodge, I guess I should go
All I have is love. All that sexin' shit was over in my late 10,000s.
If the Nobody is scat, then DAVE stands for
You can't change anyone or anything in the material life silly
"Anons" go nuts over some events that happened a while ago all the time here
There are no happenings irl
Only subdued manifestations of happenings
I have nothing against being "alive"
That's what i've been waiting for all along
But let's not kid ourselves
"Death" is where real power is, not life
So you technically can't be "your best" alive
You can be the happiest
And that's the difference between reality and the illusion you're under
Wow so true
Ayo holup!
Did you NOT want me to increase the noise:signal ratio?
how do you know it's from them? I haven't checked my email in a bit
Have you ever seen the where’s Waldo books? They have them in used bookstores. Light reading
You have to ask to join, they don't recruit.

Come on Anon, try harder.

Yeah, I used to do those with my kids all the time when they were growing up. Why do you mention that?
It reminds me of Peter Waldo and the proto-reformers prior to John Hus. The poor of lyon
Damn Anon, I normally am the one people are saying to what I'm about to say to you...

I have NO idea what you just said.
Any breadcrumbs for me to follow on this?
If this is the dude I know about. he always makes claims like that to make it seem like people actually want him to be down with them.
I find myself in the smallest of minorities when I say I'm cool with Masons and the entire Lodge family.

Not sure what to say.
Flame away.
It doesn't matter if you're cool with them.
Not the anon you were responding to but I guess you could Google the words and read Wikipedia? Then consider the context? It’s not that hard to figure out
And it doesn't matter that you say it doesn't matter.

See how this works?
So? Maybe you'll meet a nice Nigerian prince some day.
>John Hus.

I guess the Catholic church burned that man at the stake. They did that to a lot of people. He must have been on to something. Fucking Catholic bullshit as usual.

But what IS guaranteed is YOU are going to meet God one day, and be held accountable for all of your actions.
You're saying that as if The Creator is just in the afterlife. The fact that you stick to this Trinitarian Jesus shit is beyond me.
Nah, I've known EVERYTHING is "God" for about 26 years now. You, me, this computer I'm looking at, Clinton, Trump, your mama, my mama, it's ALL "All That IS".

However, in THIS little game, there is accountability that comes with both rewards and consequences. And God is always watching.
>Nah, I've known EVERYTHING is "God" for about 26 years now. You, me, this computer I'm looking at, Clinton, Trump, your mama, my mama, it's ALL "All That IS".
Are you 26?
>However, in THIS little game, there is accountability that comes with both rewards and consequences. And God is always watching.
This I know.
"cat" here means what exactly again?
sorry, I can be a little forgetful.
keep it as is please.

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