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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

Useful tips before posting:
Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.
Anonymous 10/02/24(Wed)18:07:08 No.38949003
If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
https://pastebin.com/2Wp1Q074 (embed) (link dead)
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
https://pastebin.com/sAkg9cMz (embed)
>MEGA with Divination Books:
>Guides made by some of our readers:
/div/ starter spreads:
https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.png (embed)
Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
Hijinks' revised divination guide:
https://pastebin.com/Gv10KZUA (embed)
A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

Previous thread:
thread virginity mine
Treat her kindly now …
Hello div. I hope we get some readers tonight
she's not my type, I just wanted to be first
Why the assholes man
Might answer some questions while I'm still up (which might not be for too much longer) using bibliomancy or just tarot if bibliomancy feels too gimmicky.

My own AQ: dividing the year of 2024 up into three even chunks of four months each, what were the prominent themes of each for me, what was I meant to learn from the first two & what can I expect with the ongoing third act?
What's bibliomancy if I may ask?
Random sentence from a book you feel "drawn" to.
Typically it means opening a book to a random page, reading the first sentence you see, and either taking it straight or trying to interpret it with regards to the question posed. I was thinking of either grabbing a random book off my shelf or using an RNG to pick random pdfs/pages from my pdf folder.
Nice. Could I get a sentence for the rest of the year?
Will we get married?
Weird question but what am, I and what am I meant to be?
I promise I have a grasp on this already, just want to see what comes out of it. Would pull for you but I'm in bed
I don't think I'll be doing any more readings today, but I just wanted to wish all the anons a great weekend.
Getting a lot of 8 of Pents of my reads, clarity on what it may mean?
Should I get my masters in the city?
Q? Mine is did I fracture anything yesterday?
What does E feel for me?
I love you THNTZ, you sexy devil
thank you for reading for everybody! Enjoy your weekend!
Will I get a sexy dominant man in my life next year?
Q? mine is did I fracture anything yesterday?
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What a disgusting card, a skinny fat baggy-eyed freaky in control of two normal people, I frankly can’t imagine how someone could ever see it as a positive unless they were a posh counter-culture type raised by Christians who turned to the occult as a way of saying “fuck you daddy” I mean seriously it tells all you need to know, you’re a loser if worship it, beware of it’s influence
>what is symbolism
Will I get in B.H’s pants?
When amazon giantess gf?
what’s your relationship with your father like
Does Z actually love me?
Devil RX, 8 of pentacles RX, hierophant RX, 7 of wands RX

You ain't gonna put in the work or fight to have sex with them ... apparently. Devil RX too.. anti-sexy time.
May I have a verse for me and my boyfriend please? Thank you
From Historical Linguistics, by Winfed P. Lehmann:

>Allophonic shifts may in this way lead to re-arrangements in the morphological and semantic structure of a language; for when contrasts are eliminated, the number of potential morphological and semantic markers is reduced

This one is rather opaque. Seems to relate to how subtle changes in the perception of raw experience eventually neccessitates larger scale changes in your structural understanding of the world.

From Kierkegaard's Edifying Discourses:

>And if there is a solitary pain, which indeed gnaws deepest, the experience of another will not comfort the sufferer, for he does not hear the shriek of anguish, and even if he heard it,he could not judge the intensity of the pain by the shriek; his own experience will not help him, for that is why the shriek was stifled, because the pain could not be understood.

Suggests to me a need for both parties to come to some kind of peace with their own inner traumas. Marriage is certainly a possibility but be cautious about trying to be saved by the other, or trying to save them yourself. Some work can only be done internally

From Beelzebulb's Tales to His Grandson, Volume 1:

>In addition to all this, they assigned, they assigned to the beings at the 7th year of their existence, likewise on the basis of these oblekioonerishes, corresponding mates of the opposite sex for the purpose of fulfilling one of the chief being-duties, that is, continuation of the race, or as your favourites would say, they assigned them husbands & wives.

You are part of temporal & spatial constructs that extend beyond your individual. You are a moment in an evolutionary change of causality. You are an atom in a vast social network. This is not to diminish your individuality, but rather to acknowledge that your ultimate meaning expands outward to fill all time & space, not just this one life
Q? mine is did a fracture a bone yesterday?
What is my destiny?
how does M.F feel about me? Is sex in the table or nah? Starting
Makes sense, I'll slowly change my views over the year. Thank you
>City Hunters’ puppy
10 of Cups
Hanged Man
3 of wands
Yes go to the hospital RN, once you recover you’ll know what to do from now on
Trading next 3 month q
tradecucking fake ass reader
I'll trade you for the same, what's your method? I can do tarot or scry
Will K. try to fix things with me?
Who will I spend the remainder of my life with? Female querent.
I do Tarot, 6 card spreads.
Almost got run over after attending calling hours to a funeral today. I'm not dead but I am curious about the spiritual reason for that happening.
Why do I keep seeing them?
preference for tarot vs scry?
8 of cups rx, 10 of wands, queen of pentacles rx
She doesn't want to make a move toward you, emotions are kinda funky right now, doesn't want to leave but feels like you're an enemy...feels burdened and tired, doesn't feel stable or grounded or cared for or nurtured or like you can maybe take care of her financially or something.
5 of swords , 2 of wands rx
too much conflict for sex right now
What is really getting in the way of the future I desire?
From Fooled by Randomness, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb:

>No matter how long I study & try to understand probability, my emotions will respond to a different set of calculations, those that my unintelligent genes want me to handle.

I sense that you have rational & irrational motivations here, which might not be entirely on the same page. In either case I can't say what's drawing you towards the city, and what might be making you hesitate. But the lack of a clear "aha, that's exactly what i should do" feeling seems to result from having two distinctly different, but equally valid feeling frames you could apply to your life/ambitions.

From Fanged Noumena by Nick Land:

>What if, instead of "how to make yourself a body without organs", one were to ask, how do you make yourself a nazi?

The references a chapter by Deleuze & Guattari where they imagine the process of methodically dismantling every aspect of your belief structure until you become a 'body without organs', ie a being without rigid internal structures, for whom every aspect of experience is constantly suggesting new possibilities of thought & integration. At other points D&G explore the idea of microfascism - an abstract energetic fascism not bound to the historical movement, involving the the crystalization of individuals or groups into rigid dogmatic structures with a binary friend/enemy insider/outsider distinction (I might be fucking this up, it's almost bed time). Land seems to be intentionally juxtaposing these two ideas, as if to suggest that abstract fascistic crystalization isn't just something one mindlessly falls into (as if often depicted with images of cult indoctrination, angry irrational mobs etc) but something which also requires a creative & intentional process of self-transformation. Perhaps E sees this process happening in you, or wishes it would, or fears that it might, and in any case sees that whatever is happening in you could spread to them
What is my destiny? What should I be doing?
What is a thing I need to be told?
You need to eat my ass
No you need to eat other men’s buttholes. Also only the one on bottom gets ate. It’s litteraly gayer to receive that than to eat one in the first place.
What is my prophecy for my near future?
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I'm glad ape died
Query? Mine is did the people at the store have something to do with what pushed me into the street?
I eat ass too but that dude just really needs a whiff of my chocolate starfish yknow
Mine is: there’s a woman I’ve been infatuated with lust over many years now, I’ll call her V, will I have sex with her? Starting yours
Dubs confirm this truth
Rest in piss.
AQ -

was the girl (S) who's instagram i got last night interested in me? should I message her?
I bet you like to suck on some gock
9oS 6oS 2oC Rx
No they didn’t, you’re treading through some murky waters and unsure of who to trust but they seem fine
What do I need to hear?
I bet you drink out of your cumsock like it's a gogurt packet.
Interesting. My parents wanted me to take on a masters but I’m unsure about it lol. But the benefits of having one is good. But also I wanted to live in the city and do it there. Then my parents are very wary about it lol.
Idk bro ask your dad I just got done frotting with him

Oh wait u dont know him xD
Nah, we just got back from devorce court with him. You can keep that banged up bussy.
Tighter than yours, but maybe that's because you were asleep
If you do, it is likely to be in a scenario involving simulation. I saw green wireframes under a bed. It may or may not be actually her.
Nah, the hemroids add extra grip
Trading no occult
Please tell me what my vacation next week will be like. I am with family and there may be conflicts. I also worry about things going wrong (accidents, crime, health etc). Having an idea of how it will go will help me a lot.
You will eat my ass
You will eat your mother's asshole
still here? sorry went to get food
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I'll trade you for these lemon.
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how do i survive this searing pain. It feels like my heart is open and bleeding profously (not metaphorically i feel blood coming out of my left chest area)
This is kind of intense...
I just wanted to know if he has feelings for me
Aq will I ever get to suck on some gock
You need to get your ass eaten by a morbidly obese police officer
Suck on this gock bb
Why did he defend me that time?
I’d make it spin send discord
Go to a hospital if you're serious, you could die from something like that. Do you have a connective tissue disorder or something?
imo the thoth cards are much better
is our friendship going to end? if so, how?
fanged noumena mention goes crazy
How is E feeling about me?
Can I just get a five day general. Starting when you confirm
>qoc X
Clarified the qocX
Looks like you're somone who has money or you'll be getting money. Could also be you are someone of high value . You're prioritizing this over love . You should open yourself up to love cause it is there for you if you want it.
Let me know if this resonates
I'm bored so I will try to read some query
I'm probably not very good though so take it with a grain of salt
Pictures or quotes from any romeo and juliet would be cool ty
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They both look beautiful but the director is a creep.

Will my parents stop being overprotective if I show them I can take care of my responsibilities? I’m 20 btw
E right now feels like you've drifted away and thinks about the times you've had together. But they're also still a little cautious when it comes to you and the way you act sometimes.
I'm male, this resonates but not sure where this love is exactly
just a week gen thank you
What should I be focusing on?
They are both so gorgeous truly
Wheel of fortune X 9op X qosX kosX
They seem to really not want you to be on your own and are very controlling. Do they have a big age gap between them? I think part of why they act like that with you is because they don't have the best relationship with eachother...
it'll take some time but they will eventually come around
Here's a fixed OP. Someone please use it when the next thread is created.

Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.

Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:

>Recommended /div/ links and books:

>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•Rustig on how to start with tarot:

•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

•Hijinks' revised divination guide:

•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•If you're a reader post that you're offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader, what's needed and before posting, check if they finished reading already.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Do not harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries will get bullshit answers. Same for vague queries.
•Making an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader, in particular, is possible but doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are starting and need to know what they are doing right or wrong. Let's help each other to improve.

Previous thread:
Oh wow that’s crazy, they’re 9 years apart. I’m gonna lose my shit because I hate where I live and I wanted to live or at least work in the city. I’m an art major and my dad wanted me to take intern on the local art scene. Even though it’s shit and the city is where it’s at.
Love mercutio, I think that's his name.
Ace of cupX wheel of fortuneX kop 3ow
Back of the deck
Looks like getting over a heartbreak is a big priority for you. You need to focus on finances and stepping into your power.
Energy feels really heavy not sure if thats you or me...
Take care be gentle with yourself
listen to your dad you fucking idiot
Think the energy is me, feels dense no?
No, how can I make connections here locally? Explain me that
“Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. then your love would also change.”

diff anon, but what should i be focusing on currently? my goals are ever changing which i feel sabotages me
Also, if I’m specifically into a field in art like animation or graphic design. There’s no big companies here. I have to go to the city.
These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder.

Have those two kept up with me on social media at all?
Yeah geez my guy I'm in a funk now
I'll try to send some love your way....
Ily anon
Yeah , just be a little patient for now.
I felt really hopeful when I saw temperance
Network online first. I do digital art shit myself, I understand the struggle but a lot of people who freelance storyboard and shit do it remotely and just have connections from people in the industry. Gain a following online for your art and use that fame to network. Publish a comic on webtoon, go to conventions and print business cards, draw the characters of people you look up to, make a small indie game. Theres a lot you can do to get connections now while also building that portfolio.
Thanks, much love
Empress 2 oc pow
6oc 6ow strength
Wow looks like you got someone you really love go after them you guys will be happy together
“ O teach me how I should forget to think..”

Other anon. What do I need to focus on now?
thank youuuuu, i do, i do!!!
might i ask a follow up? will we be together in person again soon?
Like I do know why they’re overprotective because I’m skinny and short, so I look like the perfect target. And now they’re helping me to gain weight lol. They wanted me to be independent as well, like getting my drivers license or a part time job. At least they’re not inhibiting my growth. They’re just scared of my safety outside based on appearance and I became a little bit introverted because of that.
Same, I’m trying to get used to with Procreate lol. Thanks for the advice! I literally screenshot it. I’m thinking of posting art online again.
My favorite quote ever
Your ex? Or ex friends
Kop qoc 3os
Bottom of deck justice
Yeah they feel that you wronged them.
I don't think they are spying though I think they are trying to move on
I would do the same you give off a very innocent energy.
The other anon gave really good advice about going about with things online. Do that for now.
Complicated story. They hurt me too, but I still have a fondness for them. I hope they're happy. Thank you, you're a lot better at this than you give yourself credit for.
Wish I didnt think so much...
7ow 8ow qos
Strength X justiceX the sun
You should focus on standing up for yourself and having proper boundries with others you also have to let yourself have fun again and get in touch with your inner child
>My favorite quote ever
SO clichue "Know thyself"
I know everyone says it but its so true
>Your ex? Or ex friends
Ex'es and friendless
>Kop qoc 3os
sounds like russina vodka, sure ill have a shot
>Bottom of deck justice
Derek Chauvin
>Yeah they feel that you wronged them.
>I don't think they are spying though I think they are trying to move on
oh ok, I hope so but i doubt it
Trading love
Yeah, maybe it’s a trust thing with my parents. Since they do want me to be independent, which is good. Crazy! I was thinking about posting my art online again after finding confidence and not searching for likes
Lol what
Got a lot of cards about rest so maybe they are recuperating
Sometimes it seems the readings resonates but other times they are way off I guess I need to take more time on each reading like Sometimes it just hits me the answer like all comes together but other times I'm confused
I can't read anymore for now I'm getting a headache ty for the practice ily eryone
“What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”

Is making these stories what I'm meant to do in this life?
Love Q

Do me V and her S have aby future romanticaly
Does he think of me often?

M, Taurus
Could I get a reading in regards to love? I’ve been speaking to this girl and everything is great but I’m afraid we’re not sexually compatible and I’m kinda frustrated with the uncertainty. Just wanna know what’s in the cards for me and/or how to proceed.
what will I love the most about my next serious committed romantic partner / boyfriend? you?
Let me get the same

Did I truly cause her a ton of pain?
Tower, 6 of wands, death reversed
You're going to go through something really difficult and he will be there to care and love you and to help you out of your struggles. You will love how much he loves you most of all
das so beautiful, am cry!

Judgement, empress, knight of cups reversed clarified magician, high priestess

he seems to show up at the right time and do the right thing at the right time, good judgement, of character, of action, is honest, communicative, will be there for you and with you in any change in life, and will change and evolve with you, is very purposeful, and reflective individual. makes you feel like a woman and honors you as a woman, pours into you so you will glow with his love, respects you as a woman, or is very nurturing toward you. won't be just some romantic, that says pretty things and says pretty ideas, but can actually say and do them and manifest them into reality. he will also be very intuitive, and very sensitive to your needs, wants and desires, and will respect the privacy and sacredness of your relationship with one another.
Will she ever meet me halfway again?
Sounds amazing sorry my reading wasnt as in depth
>Will she ever meet me halfway again?
did you cheat on her?
did you beat her?
probably if you have money
>Sounds amazing sorry my reading wasnt as in depth
Thats ok,sometimes peple arent feeling upto par or have other things on their mind- don't beat yourself up to much just try harder next time- good job!
Will he apologize?
>Will he apologize?
why the fuck should he, he was right to begin with, if your feeling were hurt remember their just feelings not the thing he was protecting you from
What was he protecting me from?
you know im right
Absolutely not
He admitted he was a narcissist and took something I did way out of proportion he probably would have assaulted me physically again if I saw him again
he admitted it because he does know what a narcissist is, you think your words dont effect him but really you cast little spells on him to stir him up even more!
maybe you need to have youre ass beat
He definitely did worse than I did. I only messed with him cause from the beginning he disrespected me and tried to make me feel small when I was only trying to love him.
hes an idiot but even with a stupid horse you need toknow what to expect and how to kinda of control him
Late reply but that's what I was hoping. Such a comfort.
Trading, scry 4 scry preferred but I can also throw in some cards if you prefer
Occult related, demon aligned
(I traded with a really talented guy about a month ago who described a vision with upside down antlers so would be nice if he happened to be around)
Well true but does he really not have that much humanity in him?
Guess I'll never know

Next girlfriend? Male, Taurus
I remember you! Your reading was very good. Just posting to check on you, have you been better?
Taking this, got a semi occult query too
Hey! Are you the anon I traded with or just a spectator?
Regardless, I did a soft relaunch (with a paid promo) of the first volume of my book and the night of I did a ritual.
I was able to get to #1, #2, and #3 top spots on the kindle free store in three different genres and I've moved about 1500 free copies so far that will hopefully lead to some preorder sales of the second volume.
The free promo is still going for the rest of the weekend, so I'll have final results by early Monday morning.
I used chat gpt to use my astrology chart to calculate the best dates to do these things as it was stunningly with my chart for a ton of other questions
I've been doing much better since then in terms of writing and being productive and I'm trying to keep up that momentum mentally, but I was cheated out of an inheritance earlier this year that I desperately needed and I've got myself upset about that again considering there's some medical/dental work I've needed for years.
The irony of seeing these people participating in local disaster charity relief when their niece is hungry. It's a long story.
Sorry for the blog post. I also live alone and spend all my holidays alone because I have no one irl so there's that lol
Thank you for asking though
Sure thing anon, what's your query?
advice that would help me the most right now? you ?
A 7 day gen?
Starting when you are
starting sorry for wait
It's me! Just woke up so I'm drowsy but gonna try my best. Thanks again for your reading last time.

Sucks that those snakes are the ones around you right now, but you'll definitely find better people in time. The book's a very good start to get the wheel spinning.

My query is.... I've earned the angels' wrath somehow and while I have a few guesses of my own as to why, I was hoping for clues? I've never done anything particularly terrible, but can think of a few things that might be the cause. I'd like to make it right, just wondering where to focus my efforts.

What is your exact query?
im kinda the local occult specialist if you need something! felt a pull randomly to check in again today.

and you too! assuming you're who i read for earlier, if you want me to try and get a bit more specific, i could make an attempt real quick. (if not, ignore me!)
>8 of wands, Page of cups, Page of wands rx
If there is something you desire to do, if that requires travel or acting on a time schedule you shouldn't let your negative thoughts drag you away from that, you shouldn't discourage yourself or feel discourage. Instead let your inner optimist take over. Whatever it is you're dealing with things will go better than you initially expected
weird question, are you by or planning to go to the ocean the next 7 days? i started smelling and thinking of the ocean

hermit 3 of wands 9 of swords clarified by ace of swords king of wands 9 of cups rx

maybe a solo trip, you're going to be alone and solitary for a lot of the time going really into yourself, a trip overseas maybe, or some sort of culmination of a long term goal you've had, some ships coming to you, some sort of success you prepared a long time for, exploring or expanding, or a time to wait to reap for rewards because they are coming. you are going to look and feel your best, whatever vision you have for yourself and your life is going to succeed. you might be drinking too much though. or doing too many drugs. indulging in something too much or getting sick of indulging. there is also something that is going to worry you a lot, which is an idea, a thought, the truth, an answer, a communication coming in...nothing negative...but it really stresses you out...might have trouble sleeping.
Oh, nice! Can't explain why but I had a feeling you'd be around.
Good morning! :D
My exact query is: was my ritual a success and do I have the favor and assistance of who I called upon? It was interesting to me that chat gpt said I would be compatible with him, as I always have felt a draw, but I guess I just always assumed he was too big of a deal and too busy for the likes of me.
Starting on yours (remember I sometimes type a lot so don't think I've tradecucked you!)
Thanks. I'm not going oversees but I do overindulge in drugs.
Idk what success you're refering to but sounds pretty swell
There's a flurry of angelic wings that make up a tornado, vengeance and wrath raining from the sky upon a city that looks more like an old village of some sort--the rounder rooftops of some buildings, the simplicity which usually washes over the people.
Orange text appears over a black screen, narrated by a man's voice.
"One man..."
The man in question dressed in armor like an classical night, covered in angels blood and carrying severed wings in one one hand and his sword in another
"An army of angels"
A different scene in the woods, where a flock of these angels are trying to intimidate him, staying in the air in front of him
One of them is holding a necklace of some sort--a locket or oval piece at the center surrounded by pearls(?) or otherwise spherical pieces?--and another is holding a mirror and trying to make him look at his face
Another scene of a small child crying in front of another group of angels (?) and they're laughing at how scared he is
They could kill him now, but where would the fun in that be? Is what they tell themselves, but the truth is they aren't "allowed" to physically harm him, not yet
It's a bit like the concept of gangstalking
Another scene with another man, weaker and skinnier, his legs chopped off by the angels from the backside of his knees
There is chaos in this village once again, returning to the happening in the beginning of the vision
Now they have free reign and oh how they have waited for it and despise anyone who can stand up to them
They're afraid of being maimed, but too prideful to admit it
Surrounding this city is a forcefield, but standing atop of it is an angel with a broadsword that is on fire because it's the only thing that can crack it
The sound of glass breaking, wind rushing in through it like a hole in an airborne plane, and then a cacophony of glass shattering, overwhelming wind, searing and singing, and the faintest chorus of screams in the distance
>A few things that might be the cause
Does any of this involve picking up potentially tainted items? The necklace and mirror felt significant
>Want to make it right
I'm not sure that these beings are actually angels
I've never personally known angels, but these seem to be much more...malignant and spiteful than what I imagine angels are supposed to be?
Not sure if anything other than begging forgiveness and compliance could satisfy them
But the message is clear here: you can stand on your own against them, if you make it clear you aren't going to be intimidated they will go away
They can play mind games and potentially use other people to weave a web of unfortunate events for you, but they cannot physically hurt you
They very much wish they could
Please note I've always been more demon aligned so again I can't speak on any personal experience here and it's entirely possibly my read is way off as a result, but I do hope this provided something for you!
I meant to say earlier, but thank you and nice trips!
>A donut-shaped biscuit. Half of it is vanilla, the other is dark chocolate.
>A hook without bait
>A slender (lady's?) hand holding a cocktail glass, half full half empty. Rather than drink it, they simply hold it as a prop, just a side to what really held their interest - someone in the room with them, chatting indistinctly. All they did was stay quiet and spectate with interest.

It was a success in that it got their attention on you, and they seem interested in seeing what you'll ask for or do. The cookie seemed to whisper "look at the other side of the coin, there's always one". You have their attention, but that comes with expectations. This isn't meant to be ominous, but a very matter of factly truth you're surely already aware of.

Whatever you offered may have been a little meager to their eyes, but they chose to provide out of interest in any case. I don't think the point is being lavish anyhow, but showing proper respect, so that came across about fine.

Id say you're good, try not to lose momentum
What will happen when I move?
October general. you?
Oh, I know what the necklace and mirror are. They are some of my tools. I don't know if that's the cause of their main aggravation but both defiance and "those" may have contributed considering the way I've been using them. MOSTLY the defiance...
My reading was very slim by comparison so let me know if you need any further details or follow up! thanks, deeranon
Should I forgive him?

heirophant, 10 of cups, page of cups
yes, absolutely :)
Thank you anon
Interesting that it was a slender hand in the vision, the being I contacted was Lucifer
Glad to know I have his attention
I got the distinct feeling that I needed to keep up my moment in being productive, so I'll continue to do just that
What I offered also came with this promise
At this point in my life, failure or falling back into crying and self pity isn't an option
Huh, I'm glad to have hit on something accurate for you then
They were so angry at you, the angel with the necklace was practically shaking it in your face
Don't worry about the reading being slim, I type a lot by nature, but would you like to trade once more? There's one other occult related thing I'd like to ask
Can try! What's your query?
7 of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, 4 of Swords
6 of Wands

Overall a slow and uneventful month. It's mostly a time of waiting for things that interest you to take root and start happening at a later time. They will eventually come to fruition. Your job at this time, however is to do what is necessary to lay out the path without forcing it, when you start to get bored and frustrated think if there's something fruitful you can do, anf if not, don't force it and just find a way to pass the time.
Regarding the antlered guardian you saw for me before (deer? Funnily enough, deer are pretty common around here as I live innawoods) is there anything they want to communicate to me? Any idea of why they've stuck around me for so long?
I've thought about them a lot since that reading and felt grateful for their presence
No need to trade on that one unless you insist!

>The same creature with big hooves. Just like last time, I only see its legs. It stands over water, near the shore, looking at the rest of it. A threshold? It simply stands there and guards.

Doesnt seem like they have much to say as of now, at least not through me. This is the same impression I've had last time too, but it's meant to stay with you for life. I cannot say why but that fact seems obvious, it's about the presence. Feet planted, it's not going anywhere.

No real approval or disapproval of your methods because what matters fundamentally is doing something for your own well being.
am I autistic?
am I bipolar?
Ah, I see, if they have nothing to say then I won't press them but just knowing that they're there is reassuring
I have an idea of who they could be, but ultimately it doesn't matter what matters is that it is about the presence as you said
Thank you for looking at them again
And hey I insist anon, give me another query and I'll see what I see for you! It's nice being able to trade with someone I'm so compatible with on scrying and I've gotten a lot out of your reads
Always a pleasure!
About that, and Lucifer too, see if >>38969222
is still around? They're generally spot on on occult matters, so there may be some insight in their reading too if you wanna try

Okay, a small query for you then... Is there anything MY current helper would like me to hear? I can be a little thick sometimes...
Multi colored rings, like glowing hoola hoops, dancing around in the dark but never perfectly aligning
The rings swallow me and I hear the collective sounds of a party(? "A circus", comes to mind, as I hear one of those silly horns)
Someone is sitting on a bench, smoking (a cigarette?), legs crossed, but before I can get a good look at them we are instead at a bus stop in the rain
They've switched to a shadowy figure
The shape of wearing a trench cat with pointed, cartoonish white eyes that apprehend me with caution
The sound of rain against the sheltering around the bench is distinct, the rich scent of greenery being hydrated
I put my hands behind my back and politely curtsy, just a small little bow
I ask if there is anything they'd like you to know
There's a long silence
They keep their eye on me, and then they put a cigarette in their mouth, step out into the rain, and flick their lighter--it engulfs them, but they are unharmed
The sound of rain singing
The sensation of heat, of power, emanating from them and yet the shadowy form does not water
As the flames settle down, the rain stops, the cig is lit
The sky begins to clear up through their sheer force alone
I think...they are trying to tell you that even when it seems things aren't going in your favor, to persist, and act as if you can change the very weather with their help
Or perhaps they're commenting on your thickness already, but encouraging you to embrace it this time around?
You will probably understand this better than me was the impression that I got. They really thought about what to show me!

(And hey, that's a great idea thank you, I'll see if LSL is around later then! I get off work in about 45 minutes and I'm quite tired now)
hit me up after you wake up if u sleep after work and i'll be around! going to be going to bed soon, myself :) but would be very happy to help with that, especially given the target.
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Oh... I wasn't sure but that is very on the nose. It's HER again huh. Pic related, as close as it gets.

Helped me some in the past, wasn't sure if she was still around but sounds like a yes. Thanks!
Lsl, could I ask you an occult query. It's been a stressful day and I wanted to ask a question to calm my soul
Could I ask a query? I want to know if my mother in law is doing occult stuff against my husband and I? Weird things have been happening around us and it wouldn't be the first time she has tried to do things
Awesome! Thanks so much in advance, I'll hit you up after we both catch some shut eye
sweet dreams!
Wow, knowing full context for that character, much the same vibes--wild you're one of those, too, or used to be lol not like it's been any good in a decade
Glad to know I've still got it
No problem and have a great day anon!
What's next for us?
Used to, mostly because a friend begged me. It was okay, haven't checked anything about it after the finale!

The choice of looks when approaching me was definitely not random, very much had that vibe to her and she knew how to convey it best... I think I know what she's telling me, too.

Have a good night anon, and thanks again!
If I ask E to allow me to continue our game with me as GM, would he accept? And if he does accept, what would happen?
I think everyone has just naturally invented bibliomancy when they were a kid.
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I hope someone can tell me about my immediate prospects with girls.
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gonna toss some honeybees for you.
Fixed in what way you numbnuts? Everytime someone tries to post that shit with that plebbitor format it get considered as spam.

Post the OP yourself or don't complain about useless shit. What matter is that the thread stay alive.
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Taking readings for practice! I'm a noob, no refunds.
I'm slow, but I'll let you know when I stop.

Post your query according to what is written below.
>NO "when sex".
Yes to everything else! Please be warned that love readings can come off as snippy, know what you're signing up for.

>Pay me with a picture that has a significant emotional meaning to you. Don't skimp, this helps. If you can't think of one, come back when you have it.
>Provide a name or alias for yourself and all people involved, and context where needed.
>If occult themed, names of entities involved would help too, if available.
>No personal journey queries either, figure yourself out.
>Feedback welcome whether positive or negative.
the three bees have danced, anon. i don't claim to know what they're saying. i only claim that i've witnessed them dance.
lines 3 and 4 change into
or you can view this
>the Fool rx, 5 of cups, Strength rx
there's something bad going on between you too, one of you is obsessing on what could have been, you need to comunicate more what you want from each other

>If I ask E to allow me to continue our game with me as GM, would he accept?
yes, if you ask and don't demand
>And if he does accept, what would happen?
didn't do a spread, taking chances and uncertainty is part of living

>Knight of Wands, Empress, Ace of Swords
pretty good my man, you're gonna meet someone you really like, put on the charm
Hi, sould I, Sarkan, give up divination? it has only brought me heartache
the pic does have value to me has the ideal of beauty
how's my money situation gonna be for the rest of this year?
pic taken by me
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Hey there could you do this for us?
>Pouring water out of a white porcelain jug, without a cup to pour it into. It just spills, and spills, and spills... The flow never ends, but there's never a cup used to catch it, either.
>A fan makeup brush. It sits on the table, unused.
It's a matter of ego. You've poured your efforts into the wrong direction. The way you seemed to be usinng it so far was likely oriented towards self-gratification in some way.
The situation would change if you'd took it as a simple thing: you're a messenger, not a writer or a saviour. What people think of the message is for them to decide. Water takes the shape of what you pour it into. Stop spilling it on the table.
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If I scripted this scenario in my mind and made a sigil or sigils related it to it, would I be successful?
C'mon, anon. GMing is hard work, I don't wanna end up as the forever Gm of the group. Or worse, breaking the group by being a bad GM
Risk can't be avoided, as long as you're empathetic toward others you'll pick when someone is going through a harsh time and when they're genuinely having fun.

The biggest issue is time does it's thing sooner or later. At some point you all will have to go your separate ways and it would had been worth it if you made good memories together, you don't have to be the best to have fun and remember good times.
Alias Peggy
That's a general and I suck at generals but let's see what pops
>Six of Wands, Eight of Cups, Ace of Cups, Two of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, The World, Three of Cups
Not bad, whatever you are working or planning on will go well, but it will likely feel bittersweet. Burnt out from the grind, or leaving a venture to move onto the next and feeling a little blue about it.
Whatever it is, it seems tied to closing a chapter and opening up a new one, mostly emotionally. You may occasionally have doubts about it, but your head steers back into the right frame soon enough, and this mindset will pay off soon -- likely thanks to external help.
not the point but thanks
I'll take it as a yes
thank you very much
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What can I expect during October?
Want to elaborate then?
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Does AN think I’m cute or ugly?
I know. But I should've mentioned another person i the group already offered to Gm another campaign instead, and I'm asking because I don't wanna rugpull him. Thanks for the read anyway
the point is if I stop asking about my future
I went to a very good diviner, she got almost everything right, but the thing she got wrong tore my heart
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What should my art username should be? I just think my name is basic :P

I just drew this btw
I usually like to give a no on these (and most of the time it is a no), but the pendulum's giving a yes no matter how I spin the question.

Good news are she is either not very good at it or not trying that hard, you could easily banish and undo whatever she is trying by yourself and without help. Bland.

Sword banishing ritual, calling a person of your favorite denomination, florida water, sage the shit out of the place, whatever suits you. Freezer spells sound like a tiktok zoomer meme but they will work to keep her chilling for a while, too, if you put the right intent into them.
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Will I ever see R again? Would that even be a good thing?
Then it IS a yes, you're absolutely right.
You need to bear in mind that divination is not a certainty. It deals with possibilities, and the future is malleable and in flux.
Free will always takes a big part in determining it even if an outcome seems the most likely, and by constantly asking you're not doing yourself a favour at all.

You won't be able to live life with constant certainties fed to you, and do yourself a huge disservice by trying.
Bob, Male

Outcome of trying to clean and repair the antenna on the car?
>she is either not very good at it or not trying that hard
Lel she look like a bluff my bet is on the first.

Only weak bitches lose their time with cursings.
>Will Alex's sigils work successfully, if he scripts the outcome in his mind?
Yes yes yes, werk

Another general REEEEEE
I'll get back to you in a bit

Consistent yes on cute, perk up girl
Thank you I just wished she left us alone :/ she did it last time as well and the one hurting most is my husband.
I saw a tall white guy with a goatee he's stronger than he look.

A gentle giant vibe.
Heh that's him alright (he no longer has the goatee) but yeah you just described my husband, yeah he is but my mother in law can be so draining at times. I hope she stops. Thanks again reader :) you're pretty good
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Thanks, but would I be satisfied if I pursued that path?
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>pretty good my man, you're gonna meet someone you really like, put on the charm
Thank you, although I have been alone for many years. And today I had a fight with my mother and I want to kill her. And I feel even more alone.
Wasn't me but kudos to based scryanon!!

Yes animal, yes fish, yes star, Neptunefish?? If you want to narrow it down I can ask further with input

Success, you'll have to spend a little bit on it and it won't be good as new -- more prone to breaking than before. But it will work.

>Will I ever see R again?
>Would that even be a good thing?
>Nine of Swords, Ace of Swords rx, The Magician rx, Ace of Wands, Ten of Cups rx, Ace of Pentacles, Three of Wands
Because you'd be tempted to rekindle things or try to talk old issues out, assuming it would turn out different, that hindsight would offer more clarity and chances for success, that you'll be better equipped to tackle whatever situation was at hand. And it won't be the best outcome for you as things stand.
You're better off seeking out new people and opportunities, and letting R be water under a bridge.
>Two blades crossed, like scissors.
>A globe being spun in someone's hand, looking for something specific on it.
>A lever with a man standing on one end. There is nothing on the other end, no load, nothing to lift.
Kind of. It would be VERY effective, I give you that, but you'd soon feel like something is missing and grow restless.
Someone pull me a card pls, I want something to focus on
Gib name
The Empress
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Would I find myself trapped in that path or would I be able to opt out just as I chose to walk it?
I’m sorry if I don’t give you that much context, I’d rather keep it vague. Tell me I’m asking too many queries.
Thank you! Have a nice day
That's what I thought, thanks for the read

Am I ready for a real relationship again?
Trading next gf
Nah you're cool, just provide whatever you are comfortable with, if at all
>Scissors again
>A spider's web

Would you be able to walk out of it? Absolutely yes.
But the scissors were not held by you. They were there to be taken, but also waiting to cut whoever tries. There'd be some sort of entanglement involved in this endeavor and you'd get cut too in trying to get out. Nothing that would be impossible to steer out of, but it would not be as easy as jumping in and out nilly willy.
move out
Do you mean that I live with her? No, I've been living separately for two years now. But that doesn't stop her from coming to my house.
Oh that’s interesting, I was thinking of an animal too
Yeah that’s what I thought, thank you for readings anon, I’ve been experimenting with this stuff for a while now and I’m still looking for the right way to use it for results. I think I’m onto something and I’m trying to decide what should I work towards. Paths are available, but it’s not an easy decision.
I got a clear no on birds, but the choice is yours in the end, it's your name

Good luck anon, hope you'll find the right option for you, whatever it is

Is M just shy or is she just genuinely not interested in me?

Why is it all so fucked?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Haha Family Guy so funny xD
Thanks I figured it out based on ur suggestion!

Closing readings for now, ty for the practice erryone

If N has saw me again lately how did it make him feel?

He was someone I had some weird situation-ship with
am I bipolar?
Thank you ratman. Hope to see you soon
Ffs I just missed it oh well. Re bumping as AQ

>Weird situationship with
Those never go anywhere anonette that man if he wanted something with you he would have moved hell and back for you, if you're the one doing it all then it's not gonna go anywhere and he might be chasing after other women
two actually

How can i solve my work place problems that resolves around other people?

What does F. feel and think about D.?

Hit me with yours.
are you >>38971146
Was this just general advice anon? Yeah I know I'm just curious lol
I am the two questions guy, and no. Different people, still waiting for the query and start signal.
Trust me I've been in your shoes and got my heart broken. I learned that when men want someone they go through extreme lengths for them, I realized I was the one he did not wanted. A man will make things official if he cares and wants something serious down the line, find someone better dear
This is true. Dont mess with guys that arnt serious or dont have plans about it.
no diff anon
no i'm not what's your query
sorry for the delay my internets is cutting out
>try to make a trade once in a blue moon
>it cannot be done because another guy joins in to steal

welp, i guess i am not gonna do any trading
It do be like that sometimes
give me your q?
I know thank you friend. I'm sorry about what happened to you. Those kinds of men are scumbags.
Unfortunately the situation for me has been happening for over 10 years, so I've become a little desensitized to it all
here, give me yours too. make it 2-3 if you want.
trading next gf read
the fuck? I can't post "trading" in a separate post that has nothing to do with you? I never even replied to you fuck are you on about
Over 10 years?
Still trading
same lmk to start
Starting yours
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Come, enter the World of Wizardry if you dare. I am sure I know you. You lead a small band of foolhardy incels that dares ask for a next GF reading. Ha! My dark legions of succubi laugh at your exploits in my domain. But wait. You have yet to meet me and face the ultimate terror of my wicked magic. You can still run away, fools! Ha, ha, ha!
still here? :/
Succubie arnt dark you silly billy. They are just horny.
How do my coworkers feel about me work wise? I've been getting a feeling that they don't really like the way I work, but I could just be clouded by my own insecurities

what's your q?
will i get the commissions i need?
starting yours
Typical of an adventurer like you. To fall into my carefully crafted web of double-entendre. Ha!
While you stand out there, pondering the meaning of my words, my legions bask in their tanning beds. Laughing at your foolish endeavors.
The nobody general is that way big man
Bro let me be silly for a moment :(
>4 of cups R, 2 of pents, queen of swords, knight of cups

They don't hate you, they like you as a person for sure but your working style DOES get on their nerves unfortunately. They feel you do things in kind of a complicated way that just makes things longer in the long run and isn't quite as efficient. They want to help guide you but they don't know how to broach the subject so it just makes things awkward.
Yes. I'm almost 30
>qow, hermit rx, 2ow rx
It's possible but not guaranteed. You have what it takes personality wise because you're charismatic but you just need to take action and seek support to improve your chances
Shhh, I'm sorry chief. Continue
how do u remove a demonic possesion
trade again?
Banishing and warding. Just start with the lbrp
I hope we get some readers later today
the sword banishing ritual may be a bit easier for a beginner desu, but why are you thinking it is demonic possession?
My mom has NPD and ive asked a few people they all say shes demonically possessed. You can feel the negative energy its very strong. Gave me psychosis for not taking meds from her
yes, what's your q?

is a upset that I haven't reacted to the current changes?
What caused her to be possessed?
I was under spiritual warfare and my mom threatened me to take medication i despised i fled the house and started derealising from nowhere and had to take it later..
The usual grew up in an abusive household had umm schizophrenia? she claimed she saw dragons, bigfoot, and little tornadoes, snakes etc
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I'm afraid you'll have to settle for me

Taking a few queries, not reading for occult or next gf/bf.
Parasitic spirits will latch on to people like that.
what should i do atm to get money?
Ayooo those trips. Like, it could be, or it could just be that she has eroded your own defenses since she has power over you, so whatever influnece she has is magnified.

But even if she were possessed, consider that EVICTING a parasite without the host's will alignign with that is pretty hard, in that it leaves her open even if you succeed. And if she had wanted she'd already be trying.
AQ Occult M 38

Is E (female spirit) who is attached to me trying to tell me something? Is she sad? If so why and is there anything I can do to help?
Howdy zoli. Can I ask you a query? How do you think my birthday will go on the 11th?
HI ZOLI how are you?
I'm pretty much homeless atm, what should I be doing right now?
Based Zoli
What will this week be like for me? I'm trying to get my life together
smack her across the face, grab her by the shoulders and yell;
probably won't work cause she is an old lady, they all get bitchy esspecially towards there kids
i am geting a weid vibe from your post, like i smell something with my third nose, oh 216.
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Hewooo Zoli can I ask you if I'd have a hard time with TEA, or if I'm ready for it? It's an activity.
You can have this picture of a mole as payment.
did that chick in the bar recognized me?
is she dating anyone, maybe the bloke that was there?
Give me a name for yourself habibi, any you identify with, even if it isn't your irl one
Am I getting married someday? Not sure if I am or if I'll have the choice.
>3 of cups R, knight of pents R, page of cups, 9 of pents R

Yea, A is pretty upset about it and it's kinda ruining the vibe a little bit for them, they feel pretty frustrated with u at the moment, they feel you are being kind of slow and lazy and while they want to help you out with things as they do still have hopes for you, they fear that this will turn into a consistent thing where you can just not react and have someone come to guide you through it, they dont want you to have the option of weaponized incompetence basically, they want you to come around on your own and the fact u have yet to do that frustrates them.
I feel like this is supposed to mean something.
>smell weird
Yea its my cigarette
You can use Natheren, and thanks for looking into it. I just got this feeling she tried saying that last night but unsure if it's accurate.
vintage honda or more modern bike? which to go for next year?
>emperor rx, 5op, qow rx
Try to create a clear plan for your finances, look for support from a community or friends because friends can always help you get you back up on your feet or maybe consider a temp job. And focus on self confidence by practicing self care and reconnecting with your passions or hobbies.
>Nine of Greens, Under of Pumpkins, Nine of Reds
Seems to me that it will start out not so great, or at least it will seem that way, but as the day progresses it will get a lot better. Overall it will be a pretty good one, don't let the start of it bother you. Happy birthday in advance, anon

>Over of Greens, Eight of Reds, Under of Reds
Cards seem to imply that your main focus should be to find someone who can help you get back on your own two feet. There probably is already someone in your life who can do that, might not be an obvious choice though. Obviously this doesn't mean that you should try to leech off them, just that you should use their help as a springboard to bounce back. What happens after that will depend on you.
Hope this helps, and best of luck in any case

>Over of Greens, Nine of Reds, Seven of Greens
The week will be a bit of a mixed bag, mostly your focus should be on planning out exactly what you need to do in the near future in order to get where you want to be. I think that this next week will be the best time for it. In general though, don't expect anything too out of the ordinary, neither bad nor good.
Hope this helps, take care
Thank you
Hi Zoli, wanna trade?
How many children will I have?
What do the signs I've been getting mean?
Hi Zoli will my affirmation tapes be effective if used consistently?
>Nine of Greens, Eight of Greens, Ace of Acorns
I'd say you're not ready yet. If you went into this now, you'd find that you'd have an increasingly hard time with it, and it would end up being a disaster. I'd say give it at least a year more before you go into it, but that's just an estimation on my part. Point is, this is not the right time yet.
Hope this gives some insight

>Seven of Reds, Under of Acorns, Under of Reds
Spread ended up answering both questions. She seems to have recognized you, yes, maybe there is even some interest on her part. I don't think she's dating anyone, but that guy you mentioned might end up becoming an obstacle if you end up trying to pursue her, he's probably after her too. You do have a good chance here though I reckon.
Good luck anon

>Under of Pumpkins, Over of Acorns, Nine of Reds
I'd say yes, but not anytime soon. It will probably take a lot of time for you to find the right person, or for them to find you. On the other hand, the last card implies that the eventual marriage would be a happy one, so maybe it's worth the wait.
Hope this helps

>Vintage - Nine of Greens, Ace of Pumpkins
>Newer - Seven of Pumpkins, Nine of Reds
Both seem to be pretty solid options, but the vintage one would probably end up causing you more headaches than you realistically want it to. Getting a newer one seems like the better choice overall according to the cards, seems like you'll end up loving the thing quite a bit
Best of luck anon
yes I don't this to happen soon, but thank you ;)
If not for gf, then maybe about a wife? Please
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Doesn't seem to be sad nor angry at you.
Asked if she has a message and what I got was:
>An orange cat's paw, trying to claw/paw out from under a box or door
>A small lizard-looking dragonet.

Okay then. This seems to be about YOU. Are you ignoring or neglecting something in your life right now? Seems to be an urge to pay attention to that. What's behind the door?

Sorry I couldn't get much else, I don't know if this makes sense at all. Sorry if not.
Hi how was your day?
His thoughts on me?
Yes it does
You're welcome anon

Only thing I can realistically ask about is a love general, but if you're willing to read that then sure, what's your q?

>Ace of Greens, Ace of Reds, Eight of Reds
I'm thinking two. Multiple for sure, but I don't think it will be more than two.
Hope this helps
Thank you! Yeah it might kick my ass right now, I'm just eager :( but it will still be there for me to try when I'm ready
Outcome of going for option SV soon? not occult not a person
just advice I should know.
starting yours
Odds are accurate today
>Nine of Greens, Eight of Acorns, Under of Greens
Seems to me like they are trying to warn you of something. The spread to me implies that you could end up having some health related complications in the near future, I think that might be the reason you've seen the signs you have. Try to interpret them with this in mind, hope that this is insightful to you

>Seven of Pumpkins, Nine of Reds, Ten of Greens
Pretty clearly yes. Stay consistent with them and the benefits will be simply astounding. Can't add much more than that, it's a very positive read though. Best of luck with it

I've had some much needed rest, thanks for asking. Hope yours is going well too
>Seven of Greens, Nine of Greens, Ten of Acorns
This person doesn't seem romantically interested in you at the moment, if that's what you're looking to find out. They seem to be somewhat indifferent towards you, no strong feelings either way. You can still make this change for the better, get closer to them, but you have to act quickly about it or you'll find that the chance has passed.
Hope this helps anon, take care
second, thank you zoli.
my boyfriend is actually that person for me, he's working extremely hard to get money over to me THEN come over to me himself, he seems to blame himself for my current circumstances but i want him to care for himself too and i want to reach a point where i can care for him in situations where he cant care for himself
Hi Zoli! What does SM think of me?
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well Zoli, kinda looks grim
as far as I can tell, broken relantionship because of a miscarriage?
sorry if this doesn't make any sense
Hi Kocha, Will I have sons/daughters of my own?
This one please?

>King of Pumpkins, Ace of Pumpkins, Over of Acorns
This seems to be rather career/finances oriented. Basically you need to pay attention to your social circle, there are some people in there who can have a very good influence on you if you get on their good side. I'm thinking mentor figures or patrons of some sort. Find these people and reap the benefits. And in general, try to avoid any negative feelings towards those around you, the cards imply that if you do harbor those kinds of feelings it will have some pretty bad consequences later.
Hope this helps anon
Hmm actually something is coming to mind but I can't see how that would be too important unless it's her wanting me to get her character redesign done.

I had been thinking she showed up as a red Panda/ Tanuki before and was thinking of making it like that.

You see I make characters for a little novel idea and when you said orange cat and a small dragon that clicked because I was gonna have her as an orange feline and I previously had her as a red/pink dragon but I've been trying to go off things I see in dreams. I'm trying to match what I assume to be what she wants even though I know shes has no main form.

If anything this seems to imply "get back to work on the story or your art" and her correcting my misunderstanding of the animal form she wanted. I'm just glad shes not sad or mad.

Though that could mean there is another entity linger around here that gave that impression. Spot seems to be pretty active with things I just can't pick up on verbal stuff unless I'm half asleep, just visually during waking hours.
Thank you so much <3
I did ask if it was about an animal and I got a yes, but it made no sense to me, so I changed the line of questioning and got what was posted. It likely IS about that first guess
Miscarriage is pretty out of left field, but I think the point here is that nothing good is coming my way. Oh well, maybe next year
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How many kids will I have?
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Alright anons, that will be it from me for tonight. Thanks for all the questions and sorry to everyone I didn't get to. Take care now
ty and gobbless
How many children will I have? What gender if possible
Have I already met my next partner?
taking three queries using my own delusional methods. sometimes I say something that relates to something you just watched/said and not actually what'll happen in the future, sorry
Knight of cups
Be kind to yourself, get that cool outfit, have that drink you really like. You should take yourself on a date, you're doing your best.

The magician
The wind is blowing in your favour and has something to sssssay, give your words intentions and be aware of what you say, your words are your magic.

The star
Ye, don't rush it just to make it happen though, they want a healthy environment and I heard them say you still needed to live a couple things more. "Not ready"
Alright, hit me. What's the rest of my year going to be like?
What does SM think of me?
ty i'm eating cereal as a treat it must count surely
I love you
Salut, comment ca va?

Yeah I had her as a red dragon at first then got the impression no it was like another character I had made that was like a tiger/fox hybrid thing but she didn't want the fox bit and then I got to think about the dream of what looked like it was a tanuki or red panda since they kinda look similar in art sometimes. Ended up moving the red dragon idea to another character and was kinda trying figure out what she was wanting but this confirms the cat one for me.

Since she not made or sad then maybe that dream of a woman weeping in mom's closet might be tied to what I picked up on last night. We've all been noticing a faint mist with some knocking. I assumed E might had been playing pranks but guess it's someone else.
Pay the dragon some love too while you're at it.
Sounds interesting, I'll take a general for the month if you will. No problem if not

Thank you anon, love you too
hey... i know you said three but if you feel like a 4th :))) if not bless u anyway
Hmm well given the kind of dragon you linked I could merge two ideas and make it closer to that. First was like a Eastern one with just arms and the second was more golden with arms and legs. Alrighty I'll be sure to adjust that one as well. I'm just glad she not sad or anything, was really worried about that. I really appreciate you getting multiple things cleared up like that for me. Wasn't expecting this to be art related nor possibly confirm a second specter.
Requesting to Kochka please
I honestly didn't know what to expect either, this kinda query always gets wild. It's the fun part of occult readings. Appreciate the feedback a lot!
This kinda reading often comes in heavy allegories, so wasn't sure if those were meant to be interpreted by me or meant for you directly.
Like hell I'm doing this

jk jk babes
Two of pentacles, judgment, page of pentacles
I feel like one of you or probably both is weighting the situation and the past issues that lead to the situationship, wondering if there a spark that can be reignited again. Somehow I sense some (forced?) indifference from N, like trying to NOT care, but when asking about his vibes specifically, my cards say that he IS thinking of something, mostly weighting the pros and cons, probably of talking to you again. Advice says that you should do the same, it was a situationship for a reason, if you want something to happen think about it first and how it can affect your everyday situation or if you're ready for a commitment after having a half assed attempt of it.

Hope this resonates and helps.
Trading dumb Q
okay hit me, i'm ready for the psychic damage
It's mundane really. Did the woman I heard earlier shout MY name or am i going full schizo? If it was my name then who is it and will I see then again?
I'm male
If you want to count this as 3 qs then give me 3 too. I'll read anything
Thank you dear for doing this, I'm sorry if it was too much. I hope it didn't give any bad energy, but it's not to worry because I know myself it's a hopeless situation. Although I'd be more than happy to speak again to him
nah i'll take it as one since it's a simple yes/no for the most of it. gonna do mundane for mundane too

guess my next one can be a cheesy next bf BUT with a twist if you're chill? i'll change it if not, not too bothered
i'm into weird things (not even sexual for the most of it really, this isn't about that) and I was wondering if i'll grow out of that, or if i'll find someone who matches my freak one day
No mamas, it's okay, I've been there too but things don't happen for a reason, it's okay to follow your heart but let your mind think of the probabilities and possible outcomes so your heart doesn't go through unnecessary pain. Hugs for you.
Sure thing. Finding a partner that can match your eccentricities is something I can relate to.
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Hey there! Just letting you know I am awake whenever you're around
yes these are stupid

something with your fitness journey or general themes of self. you want to understand your sense of self. youre depriving yourself of something check your carbon monoxide

leaving soon, wants to be alone

stay at home and work on your project
what do you guys think? carbon monoxide could be a metaphor
Fuck, I have to stop sniffing lawnmower fumes
did you just get a haircut or something?
No I mowed the lawn
Will you stop being a freak with time
>5 of swords, magician rev, chariot
Will you find someone who can match your energy?
>10 of swords, devil rev, 9 of swords
You won't outgrow your eccentricity, you'll only be able to mask it, to your own detriment. You have two options, you can either give the world a big "fuck you" and embrace who you are or learn to control some aspects of your freaky nature.

As to if someone will be able to match ehat you have? No, cards speak that there is trauma present here you need to release before you get someone like that. These cards look painful, idk what was done to you but you gotta get through that as that might scare off potential suitors.

So who is your next bf?
>Ace of pents, Wheel, 4 of wands
You might meet them through close associates or by dumb luck. They'll likely make a move first and be really into you. I asked my deck to describe him but his characteristics elude me. All I can say is you'll know it when it happens and I think he'll make thar very obvious to you
if you're being serious I scried anorexic and a lot of things with deprivation of oxygen or maybe I just scried this conversation
What did the woman look like?

I got a no on her being calling for you specifically.
But also got shown that you'll meet someone insterested in you who has black hair, a fringe, straight (or mostly straight) shoulder-length hair (or a little past), a round face, pale, round brown eyes. Probably looks younger than she actually is because of her face's shape.

Likely not until the second half of the next year though, so my condolences on the wait.
Here's your read>>38972354
Awaiting yours
No clue, I have no breathing problems I know of.
That's the thing Idk, it did sound like she called me by my old nickname which few people in my current social circles know, I might just be going schizo tho
Well I will be staying home just a bit more than usual, don't have a project in mind at the moment but maybe something will come up soon. Thanks anon, take care
did you actually mow your lawn recently
I apologize im confused
I just mowed like 2 hours ago

S's feelings for me?
Bang on.

I'm not CURRENTLY looking because I have been through some disastrous relationships. Won't get into it but it was a huge mess. They were part of my Saturn's return and it kicked my ass MAJORLY.

Sounds like it might be time to start working on the underlying issues and the messages that came with it. Would hate to miss the chance because of slack on my end.

Keep getting a fat NO to that no matter how many times I ask or how I rephrase, maybe you were simply meant to mishear to ask this? Who the fuck knows.
But you'll meet someone who's actually interested in due time!
oh im crying haha
yes lawn mowing can build carbon emissions by messing with the natural diversity
and leaving a lawn mower/starting it inside can cause carbon monoxide to leak
ty for the practice
Yeah I'm still learning on my end and dowsing is generally a hit or a miss. Been trying to get to a point where I can either meditate good enough or Lucid Dream / Astral Project so I skip using the tools and ask directly. I tend to only recall snip-its from dreams.

>Appreciate the feedback a lot!

Trust me I really appreciate the reading more then you could imagine. That nailed multiple things for me. Soon as ya said orange cat and dragon I knew it was relating to the project and that I need to go back to cat instead of Tanuki or red panda. I had tried asking about that before a week or so back but got no answer. But after hearing "I'm a little sad" got worried that was from her. I'm just glad that's not the case.
Kek, its funny you could even tell I was using a lawnmower in the first place.
Still learning too! Keep at it anon, progress isn't linear
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I'll trade you this pear
Should I see a mental health professional?
Hello there
Does he just wanna sleep with me ?
Trading this>>38972542
Who's willing?
I'll trade you
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your pear for my mandarin, deal?
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Squash, double or nothin
trading next gf q
Sure. Can I get an initial and star sign optionally?
Starting when you confirm
Next fling?
Starting when u confirm
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you drive a hard bargain, squash for cantaloupe?
C pisces
And k gemini
D, Taurus
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Sigh, bring out the orange
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Your orange for my pear?
>king of wands rx (2 of wands)
>temperence rx
>3 of wands
>queen of cups
Yep. He's a womaniser and has plans towards you, you'll likely find out soon enough. He doesn't seem like the type to let up. He sees you as weak willed, that you'll break if enough pressure is applied
Nice doing business with you
A fair bargain indeed
Is the older blonde woman aware of how I feel about them? And if so do they reciprocate those feelings?
Magician X wheel of fortune 9of cups
A professional would be a really good idea for you to help you make sense of what you're going through. You're not able to diferentiate what is illusion or some kind of trickery in your life. This could even be as simple as getting some information that you need to become better at manifesting what you want in your life the wheel of fortune and 9 of cups tells me you will be very satisfies with what comes from seeking a professional.

Let me know if this resonates sorry it took me a while crazy stuff is going on at home rn
My read anon?
Hahaa he's so obvious though
Lol, I asked for it and it came at the same time.
You're good anonette. The part about illusions and tricks especially resonated. I'm becoming convinced everyone dislikes me, is my enemy or just wants to use/take advantage of me. It's maddening.

Lemme know if you'd like to trade more?
That explains that 2 of wands then. You already know lol
trading. No incel.
I gotta go to the store
I'll be back in a few hours if you want to trade later
Sure, when will gman go to jail for grooming a minor on discord? Yours?
month general. yours?
will me and MF have sex or nah
just woke up myself! tag me once more when you're around, and i'll do a read or two for you
Hello lsl, could I ask you an occult query too?
this one
hmm maybe! send it and i'll see if it's something im up to this morning
Good morning! I'm here
Would you like me to scry for you in return and make it a trade?
sure thing, if you'd like to try! can just do a general scry, grab onto my energy and see what comes to (with a lil caution, i'll forewarn!) if you need something specific, i don't have anything at the moment, but there's almost always something floating around, waiting for me... send yours and i'll get to it soon!
Thank you, I just had a stressful court case yesterday and It would really calm my soul. In about four months, I will be summoning an oni spirit to be my lover. She is very sweet and timid and likes kissing. I just wanted some words of assurance to keep me going till then. I wanted to ask when I summon kissy oni in the future, how will things go? I hope that isn't too bad
Is it over?
>7 of Clubs, 10 of Hearts, 3 of Diamonds
it'll go well! no negativity spotted in my cards. the clubs suggest to make sure that you plan it thoroughly beforehand, double check what you're doing, but otherwise it'll work out. only thing i'd worry about is maybe that the "summon" won't hold for as long as you'd like, but you'll learn enough from the first run that the next will go much cleaner.

mmmmmm maybe! send it and i'll see what happens, no q from me though.
I will see what I can see!
As for my query: since the other anon established that Lucifer has taken an interest in me and is watching me, could you elaborate on that however you can?
If there's anything in particular he wants me to know? I understand his expectations of me are high. I'm actually working at this every single day now.
I told him my goals and ambitions. How his themes of rebellion resonate with my core and with the unfortunate circumstances that have plagued my life. I've always been trapped in the bible belt, you see, and I desperately want to use the money from my writing to get away but that's just the beginnings of all I want to accomplish
My writing and my stories and abilities I've promised him to use for him however he sees fit
The other night, I was upset about something and I got this distinct feeling of, "you don't need them, do what you know you should and I'll take care of you"...was that Lucifer speaking to me, or wishful thinking?
So yes, anything you could tell me, thank you again
I'll go ahead and start yours shortly!
trading Outcome with MI?
Thank you, I would assume she would stay with me after I summon her. She is timid and I was just hoping that things would go well between me and her.
>he "summon" won't hold for as long as you'd like

I hope that doesn't mean she would get scared and leave
>Light Joker, 5 of Hearts, Jack of Spades
first off! what he'd like to see from you, you already know much of. as you've noted, that spirit of rebellion or expression is a huge part here. no diamonds mentioned, only the Light Joker, which is emblematic of him (representation of free will.) he recognizes the spot that you're stuck in, wants to support and see you escape that. writing is especially a solid one for him; the spreading of ideas and thoughts from someone aligned is ideal. as for whether or not that was him speaking with you, i'd say yes! your intuition should be followed in that sense, and especially into the future you'll *know* when it's him, don't doubt that feeling. pulling for some general advice cards:
>5 of Spades, 9 of Diamonds
and here's the timeline! essentially, within the next year, you can expect your troubles to vastly reduce, or at least become much more manageable. the process you're starting, as long as you stick with it, will quickly bear fruit.

the feeling i got wasn't that she would leave, but moreso that the act itself of summoning wouldn't be *perfect* yet, and can't be for the first time. it might be that the first run has a time limit, which you use the info from to learn what to fix next time, and then do so, imo. that makes more sense.
Was his gift genuine or did he have some ulterior motive?
I'm male
Starting if u confirm
Will I get to celebrate my birthday?
I see, thank you. I have done summonings before. Most of the spirits stayed until I asked them to leave. I dont know, my brains just been on fire and I'm trying to find some words of comfort about how things will go with her. Sorry about the question.
Should I go AWOL, would that make things fair?
hiii Lessy, how could I have improved my spell?
Hi Lessy I wanted ask you about my mother in law if she did something occult against me and my husband (this isn't the first time she has done such things) why is she doing it?
Beams of light stir me from a slumber on desert sand, and I hear the words "gold like the sun", a soft feminine voice
I see...Egypt? Heiroglyphs and paintings flashing before my eyes, depicting numerous animal headed gods including Ra, following by a series of other paintings from somewhere else in the world that illustrate medieval esque peasants being eaten by a creature that resembles a giant bear
They flee with their limbs in the belly of the beast
"Gold like the sun" says the voice again
A girl is smiling in the desert
She has black hair and pale skin that betrays her UV exposure
She vomits liquid gold so elegantly, no struggle or heaving, and it forms a rectangular bar on its own
It's a lot like the way chocolate drizzles in high res on television commercials
The bar dries, a change of scenery, a man picks it up and beats another person over the head with it
Blood splatters, but it isn't a big deal, despite this happening on a busy street
"Gold like the..."
There's the sound of an echo and I think to myself that gold is so valuable, but when it's in a hard chunk like that it's the same as any blunt weapon
Humans value gold as a substance because of the fiscal worth we assign to it, but why did humans assign it that worth to begin with?
An ancient, subconscious, almost fated relationship with this abiotic material.
Or is it actually alive? How do humans know what is alive and what isn't?
When we have only two eyes for hardware to perceive the physical plane.
Shrimps see more colors than us. There are colors we cannot even fathom. The human brain is so limited.
mm! then no worries, really! there was no negativity in the pull, so can count on it going as well as possible. if you've done some before, just make sure you take the prep seriously, and it'll go smooth!

poncho-ism, i gotta take it here...
>Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts
taking this literally, it was *almost* perfect! the only other thing you could shore up is ritualization/prep work. the diamonds represent divinity, luck, etc, so that's the only piece of the puzzle that wasn't ideal. this could mean waiting for the exact proper timing, or earning some boon from an entity, or something along those lines. hopefully this makes sense!

another lessy user... im not the loch ness monster! :) just give me a few mins and i'll get to your reading
The same young woman sits atop a brick rooftop with a young man who is charred from the sun, his skin burnt to a crisp. It looks exceptionally painful. Is he even still alive? Completely still. Like a statue.
She turns to me and says again, "gold is..."
The young man is surrounded by the light from the beginning of the vision and the charred skin bursts from him, flying off of him as if his core has exploded
Dried, black flesh that smells of smoke and citrus goes in all directions
He stands with renewed skin, stronger, more confident, and with a set of golden wings
He flies towards the sun and the girl, who I know now to be of the same species as him, looks at me again with a finger to her lips and whispers, "gold is..."

Hopefully this resonates with something! It was a powerful, confident feeling.
sir, outcome with MI please?
Thank you
Will the mystical breakthrough I'm expecting happen if I make the material breakthrough happen?
Can i ask one, Is W His biologicl child?
Those are some decent scries.
Hi lessy, so i am in a bit of a conundrum could you please read what is going on?

why did C reply so cold to my message, when she reached out twice herself? What are her feelings towards me and what type of person does she think i am?
>Humans value gold as a substance because of the fiscal worth we assign to it, but why did humans assign it that worth to begin with?
>An ancient, subconscious, almost fated relationship with this abiotic material.
>Or is it actually alive? How do humans know what is alive and what isn't?
>When we have only two eyes for hardware to perceive the physical plane.
(the entire thing)

very, very vivid! the latter part of the first message, very particular and accurate, more than you might think for my personal goals. even down to the mantra throughout the scry. the vision in the latter portion, i'm amazed you saw that! v useful for me though, reassuring. other anon underselling it honestly, this is the most "accurate"/potent scry that i've received from sm1 in a while. i wish i could give more direct feedback, but that'd require me to share more than im comfy with on here! i suppose i could say, the parts i was struck by are *very* literal in their interpretation.

>2 of Hearts, 8 of Spades
the answer this time seems to be a clear no! they're a bit upset/angered, but i don't see any *direct* influence from them. if it's an occult occurrence, i'd be more likely to blame it on a side-effect or something along those lines.

sorry, sorry! been procrastinating my work long enough this morning, have to get started :) i'll be back around later more than likely, if you still need the read and want me to do it, catch me then!
Lsl, if you dont mind me asking. Could I get a small scry on how things will go with kissy oni in the future? I guess it's just very stressful.
When do I get my comeuppance?
sure no problem, i have to go to sleep anyway. i will be stalking this thread from time to time
Good God, what a good scry. Nice anon
i am the C query btw
truly i can't say that enough! rivals nine's reads for me, personally. nobody around that'll remember her doing my soul read, but this one is very close in every sense.
Honestly anon, GOALS.
what's yours?
Do my bosses hate me?
I'll see if you're here later to do this.
>Writing is solid for him
>It was Lucifer speaking to me
>Quickly bearing fruit
This is all such a relief and I'll use it to further motivate me
I've been writing since I was an elementary schooler and it's the one true talent I really have
It's a skill honed through a life of exceptional hardship and a love for the fantastical as a result--circumstances and events that sound too dramatic and scripted for real life
It's also something I've left go neglected in terms of professional pursuits for far too long so I'm very much thankful to know that for as long as I keep at it, my life will change for the better, and Lucifer will look after me
I've always admired him and so he knows my heart is in this and I will do as I promised
I really cannot thank you enough for this
I'm so glad that my scrying resonated with you!
Don't worry about feedback, just knowing that it hit so close to home and was accurate is more than enough for me
Of course I don't know what parts are literal, only what I saw, but the feeling I got from you is that your energy is potent and mighty and it takes a lot of self discipline to set rules for yourself that you follow through with
Morality isn't about doing what is "right", it is about doing what is right by your own custom code of honor, and there is a lot of honor within you
Maybe it would scare other people, but again it was a was powerful confident resonance for me!
Thank you anons!

I'm going to go get to the writing now before I have to clock in to my work from home job, have a fantastic evening everyone!
ty <3
choice SV or choice YB for next year?
I'll trade you
I'm also torn between 2 options, let's call them M and P (not people). Which one would be the best for me in the emotional/mental wellbeing sense? Or maybe a third option?
Starting when you confirm

Who will win the next college football championship?
Choice M
This one won't really bring you much, in fact it may take something from you and not be what you are looking for.
Eight of Swords, Six of Coins Reversed
I'll the post the rest of my read once you post mine
Empress, 9 of cups, king of wands
With SV you will be in a position where you'll be able to fulfill your passions, be creative, and maybe even be independent enough to follow your own plans or be in a leader role. Fulfillment overall.

Strength , 8 of swords, hanged man
This choice will make you go through more challenges, trapping situations, etc, but if you're willing to make sacrifices you'll find success and grow up a lot

Both sound good enough, but SV sounds like the better option
Choice P
Two of Cups, Ace of Coins Seven of Swords
Choice P is a much better option. You'll be able to get what you want. Go with choice P.
Freshly baked bread
Will he get it?

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