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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
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A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

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I messed up the prev thread link sorryyyy
Hello div

What will happen soon?
Will he get it?
Does d still love me?
Theres a reader by my apt. It costs $10 though. Can somebody wait, then breath, then get some intuition on me.

I'm sitting on a red chair with my shirt off.
Did r move on already?
what makes you think I want to see that shit? disgusting
Can you see who I will marry?
Am I wrong or right to think that either my neighbor next door or the one that used to live almost in front of my house have something to do with all this shit that has been happening to me??..
Was it my hairy back or back acne?

Sorry, if you try to astral project me you'll see me hunched over in my phone
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We found a little orphan kitten all alone in the rain. It kind of looks like picrel. Not more than 3 weeks old. Can anyone tell me will it make it? Any advice? We've been bottle feeding it fake cat tit milk.
not divination, but if what you are feeding him is vet approved and he is accepting it he has good chances
Will read for a picture of your man titties. I swear this before the gods and heavens.
Ty. I hope so. Its so tiny. We didn't take it to the vet, but the carton says its meant for kittens its age. Under 12 weeks.
This >>38973957
And make sure to check for belly bloat as time goes, if it looks very bloated you'll have to deworm once it's a little older and weaned.

Make sure it can go potty by itself too. Three weeks should be old enough but younger kitties can't, they rely on being stimulated by the mother for it.

Get something furry like a cat's fur trim (can be fake) to keep in the box with it, it'll help the poor thing sleep and relax.

Old trick in the book is also to use heating pads or warm water bottles if it's cold.
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Here they are.
try to get a way to take him to the vet, might be worth the effort to save him. The universe will give you back your effort
Well fuck now I gotta do it don't I. What's your query
Ty. I will look into all of this. At first it wouldn't poop or pee on its own we had to rub a tissue on it but then, after a few days, it just keeps pooping like 4 times a day. I'm just hoping it makes it and gets stronger.
Will j reach out sometime? Wbu?
Yeah, that's a good sign, should be ready to get weaned soon enough. Three weeks is a good age to make it without the mom and you seem to be doing it right, just keep it warm and make it not feel alone
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What's in my future? Whatever else you can pick up on me mental-wise.
Would option M or P be better for me in the long term (upcoming months) in regards to my emotional well-being?
If he's no more than three weeks old he's going to require round the clock care and supervision without his mom and at this stage in addition to bottle feeding he may still need to be stimulated to use the bathroom
Make sure you have a warm space for him, don't use a normal human heating pad
He can't regulate his own body temperature yet
This website has a lot of helpful resources and she has a youtube channel where you can see this all in practice
Considering that he was out in the rain, please take him to get checked up
Kittens that young are already prone to eye infections and worms
If you don't have the money to take him to a vet, please please take him to the local humane society or contact a kitten rescue
If you're willing to foster him and they don't have anyone who can take kittens atm, they can hook you up with supplies and instruction
Whatever you do anon--I know he's cute--please prioritize saving his life over possibly keeping him
There's also the cost of spay/neuter, chipping, and yearly vaccines to take into account when he's older
Pet insurance is relatively cheap for little guys (I pay $80/month for my senior cat and he gets a lot of preventative care covered) but most policies don't cover spay/neuter
Also if possible can we please see a pic of him
T. own 2 cats, binged Kitten Lady videos on more than on occasion and hope to foster neonatals, special needs, and seniors one day
what do i post??
>lanky tittiless man
2 of swords, 7 of pents, the devil
They will eventually but its gonna take a while, they're unsure of things atm
work general for the rest of october
Pop qos qoc
2opX the empress qow
Qoc for m is promising but I feel like the empress trumps that as well as the qow for long term potential I think you like p more anyways.
Who's the love of my life? Female querent.
month general in love?

yes of course starting
will trade for you for a when do I meet my next lover/gf?
Not great at intuition but let's see, you get what you get
>A gramophone, a chandelier vaguely shaped like a flower. Granny furniture. Old music.
>Some sort of worktable. Sewing machine?
>A white suit.
>A mask shaped like a crescent moon.

>Pitter patter on puddles, walking towards a building with a red sign. Electronics?
>A round wine jug. Crescent moon again. "It will only hold as much as you pour into it, you know".
>A roof, like that of a garage or patio. You've got work to do there.

My schizomancy in payment, have a fine evening
Reading for photos of attractive muscular shirtless men
Tell me little twink, do you do occult?
finally another schizomancer
You know you like it too
Will k do what I want to get what k wants from me?
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Will i get what i want, if i used this plan
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You're so fucking real, have this one on the house
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Have one for free
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Will I make out / hookup with someone on that halloween party
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Did S get sex today?
Will my demon of an ex come back and commit to me?

What an absolute faggot.
Anon didn't back down and I respect his moxy, earned the reading
Indeed based.
Pin of shame anon. Post your balls to redeem yourself.
His reading asking strangers on the internet if some strangers in real life will be legitimate. This is why bullying exists.
We're all here believing pieces of paper can tell us the future, I don't think this is the place to be judgemental anonsy. lmao
Why is he so obsessed with bedding me?
I was going after old ladies recently, maybe that's where the granny stuff is coming from

Was just shopping for a work desk for my laptop. Also was seriously considering buying sewing machine beginning of this year. Just sewed by hand instead to fix shit.

idk why it would be white but i have been thinking i seriously need a suit. just have chinos and button down.

building with red sign? no idea. I've been working with AWS and sql database maybe that's electronics.

I do have a tendency to abuse alcohol so i typically try to avoid.

I am in the top floor apt. roof is right above me. maybe thats it.

idk about the crescent moon stuff. can someone else explain
I'm a noob so don't latch too hard on that, Ty for the feedback based gilf slayer
I disagree. This place would be better if people treated the Art with more respect.
There's respect and there is fun, they can coexist. This is still 4chan at the end of the day. Anon paid the price asked, got a reading, politely provided feedback. This is the way. If you dislike the bargain that's like, your problem.
Yeah, we put on the timer to feed it to go off every 3 hours round the clock, but we wait until it wakes up on its own to feed it. We still can't tell if its a boy or a girl. By your picrel, its probably 4 weeks old or so but we had it for a week and a half now.
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God I love Peter Steele.
How do I stop overthinking and feeling weird about social interactions? Would putting myself in uncomfortable situations will help me?
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>can we please see a pic of him
What a Cutie
What a cute little thing.
love gen for two weeks? i'm male
Can I get the same?
Four of Wanda
Ten of swords
Nine of swords
Rinse and repeat, several interactions until you forget them.
Ten of cups
Unironically yes and you’ll have a happy life with them
Page of wands
They are open to it, nothing solid (pun intended)
Page of wands again
You have the chance to just take it
Perfect ratio thx
Page of cups
Maybe? Not everything that you want only part of it.
Please tell your cat i said pspssppspspspspsp
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Me screaming internally lol
eight of swords three of wands hermit rx
Nothing yet, you may be plagued by inaction but you'll begin to plan how you'll get out of hermit mode and find what you want.
Q? might've just gotten tradecucked but fuck it
8ow kos kos 4owX towerX chariotX
You recently went through a break up or you had a fling recently with someone that you put an end to prematurely this was a good decision as you were able to avoid catastrophe.
PopX the magician 10ow 7op
You have to keep working on your manifestations to aquire what it is you really want to manifest in love it's not quite time yet but keep at it so you'll just have to be a little patient for now .
Hope this resonated
Because he’s a guy and that’s how guys are.
Haha ty
There isn’t one. The individual you will come to believe is the love of your life is going to destroy your heart. In the final chapter of your life you will find your twin flame.
But like he apparently has lots of sex already...
So annoying
no I haven't been though a breakup for fling recently. And I asked for a general of the next two weeks not for a recap of what didn't even happen. Are you new? A lot of words to say "there's nothing"
You’re right about both
Ask yourself what it is you want from “d”, limerance is unproductive. You are projecting your own good qualities onto d.
Yeah sorry lol
I just read what I saw maybe it's telling you to not be too hasty then otherwise it won't end well. Sometimes the cards make perfect sense and other times Im a little dumbfounded
two week love general
so a fling coming up in these next two weeks. Trade more?
Whatever you can tell me about my next bf? U?

And it seems like you should not entertain the fling... but you do you
would you tell a man dying of thirst to not drink from a muddy puddle? tell me more about her or how we meet

Ok starting
Is the blonde older woman aware of how I feel about them? And if so do they reciprocate?
mate you can't tell? also this is two queries pick one
I can tell you it's someone new you have yet to meet, albeit not for a while. This very much has the potential to be someone you marry and have a family with. You'll need to become more loving towards yourself and others if you want this to work.
eight of wands rx sun ten of cups empress rx
Are you somewhere with palm trees?
PopX the magician 4os
Heeey are you on vacation??
Seems like on a beach and You want to cheat on your significant other or something cards are saying to not do it.
If this isnt right then I'll pull again
Life is so boring without a bf :(
No I'm not living anywhere near palm trees how'd you even get that? I'm not on vacation either. And I'm not even in a relationship
Reading for hot pics of matthewlillard
Trading love

Next GF? lol
Amazing taste
Who will I be with longterm
E, g, k, someone else?
Imma need 3 pics for that chief
Someone that understands and nurtures the deepest parts of your soul
Death HP empress
Good night /div/
I'm going to do some readings over the next hour, trying to fill the loneliness of Saturday night.
>Gender, initial and sun sign of the people involved.
>Send me a song that's on your mind at the moment.
Male, G, Virgo
Just tell me whatever you think I need to hear this fine Saturday night
Next boyfriend
Saw it in my head
So you need to apply more effort first of all... possibly your standards are too high atm for what you would like so you need to level up first sorryyyyy i cant give ya a better idea of who it could be you must have sooome kind of option you can go for atm tho
pisces male M
How do I meet the next woman I'm involved with?
Oh yeah, here's a song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsKw_Astidg
M, A, Virgo
Next gf
No I don't, stop making up bullshit and read your cards. There's no options at the moment. Do better and don't trade if you can't give proper reads. "palm trees" my ass it's Fall where I live tf
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Hello thnt. I'm still stressed from court and cant sleep in peace. I'm really just looking for some words of comfort.

Male, j, libra, I would like to ask when I summon kissy oni in the future, how will our first interaction go?

pls have sex
We need buff shaggy
What the fuck are you talking about

Shut up retard
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Was the vision of the two animals shown by the spirit meant to be separate or as one?
you have got to be one of the shittiest readers I've seen here in a while
Ehh I've had people tell me I'm really accurate too so dunno what to tell you... some people I can't make sense of maybe its for a reason and youre not helping by not giving me much feedback about any possible prospects you may have in your life or what you're doing to aquire some the cards are telling me you're kind of apathetic to it and not putting the work in
M, R, Gemini
What obstacles are in the way to my goal and how do I overcome them?
Last night I got a lot of people telling me I was very accurate sorry it's not what you wanted to hear
Honestly thouh like chill out jeez just cause you can't get your dick wet
The shitters do get a bit quirky at night
And first you tell me I have a fling and then say oh no you don't
and who are these people saying your accurate? second time I've seen you called out on here for being a shit reader.
I'm sorry you don't love yourself enough and can't read, not my fault you're shit.
Love the commitment <3
E - the sex would be amazing everything else would suck
G- You would be happy they would not be
K- actually a sensible choice BUT you’d have to make some arrangements on your growth this isn’t the type of person to love blindly.
Someone else - it’s possible that you’d find someone else that makes you feel more like home

I pulled 3 cards for each and I motherfucking refuse to type it but I promise I did reads for each
Me Male CK Sagittarius / Spirit Female E (tied to Pleiades if it helps)

Was she wanting the cat and dragon combined into one or kept seprate?

Not on eclipse szn chief ask me once it’s ovah any other qs?
Why us this season so bad?
femcel can't even get a boyfriend kek
Is anything good at all going to happen to me before the new year?
*My* practice has restrictions like everyone else’s I ain’t touching occult anything during eclipse szn

Ah ok no worries.. hm I got a none Occult one for ya, was the title change for the better or should I keep playing with other possible names?
Checked your "reads" out from yesterday , saw no one saying you were good.
How can you tell its them if they dont have a name?
>King of Cups, Princess of Wands, Devil
That worry in your head about a specific person or situation related to a person, it's best to let it go. You did what you could, you tried your best and in a way you were your best.
Sometimes it wasn't meant to be, sometimes it was something that would only hurt you, it seemed like a very obsessive feeling anyway.

>II of Cups, VIII of Cups Rev, Strength Rev, IX of Disks Rev, VII of Cups Rev, IX of Swords, X of Swords
A strong impression that you already know this person, a lot of feeling already involved in this reading.
You strike me as someone who falls in love a lot, who falls in love with the idea of being in love. It's not going to be a very good relationship for you, at least at first. He's going to be a person who's very afraid of losing out, insecure and who you're going to try very hard to please without getting much in return.
The lack of physical and emotional demonstrations of love seems to cause you a lot of anxiety.
However, as incredible as it may seem, I believe it will be an important relationship for you to get to know yourself and learn what you really want and deserve in a relationship.

>VII of Wands, V of Swords, Death Rev, Lovers Rev, World Rev
Maybe I can't answer your question with this reading.
But it seems to me that you first need to be ready to deal with this person, you seem to have a rather selfish view when it comes to relationships. You get very attached to things that have no future, you end up being very hard-headed and inflexible, you have a hard time being satisfied with anything.
Perhaps you lack a little balance and calm in the way you see love and relationships. It could be that you've already met several people you could have had a relationship with, but you're so eager to be with someone that you end up pushing them away.
It's not good behavior for the people you get close to and especially for yourself.

Is fleshing out my stories to share with the world what I'm meant to do in this life?
There was no one there saying anyone was accurate, she's full of shit. And I can tell by her lazy abbreviations and typing style
How the fuck would you know who “she” is? (That ain’t a gurl)
Two of swords Four of wands Devil
… interesting change. Try not to fuck up this name too!
third one here, I wouldnt say I push others away? it's more that I'm avoidant. And that feeling of satisfied I never have, I have no peace ever. And the thing is I don't get attached ever. Thanks.
I use the same abbreviations and read yesterday, wrong girl. I wonder if they ever get tired of trolling
Then she's just lying lmao thanks for speaking up
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> who you're going to try very hard to please without getting much in return

No thanks I rather be single, I have people that want to date me I just want to find someone I’m head over heels for.

> The lack of physical and emotional demonstrations of love seems to cause you a lot of anxiety

This sounds like a past relationship that I broke already anon but thank you <3
I was the one asking for romeo and juliet pics or quotes
Decent reads iirc
M, G, Cancer and F, L, Virgo
Basically, I want to know how things are looking for both of us together. Things have been kinda rocky recently, and some external factors are making stuff worse, so I could use some insight
Oh, as for the song, this is her favorite song
F G leo
Where will I meet next bf?
Male, M, Gemini

Did S female get dicked down today?
>Judgment, Knight of Cups, Queen of Disks Rev, IV of Cups Rev, Knight of Wands Rev, IV of Wands Rev, II of Wands Rev
I don't think you know her yet, at least not very well, but she seems like someone who's going to change a lot of things in your life once she's in it for good.
You're going to have a lot of communication problems, perhaps the hustle and bustle of everyday life will end up getting in the way of your relationship and you'll have a serious problem expressing your feelings and what you think you can and need to improve.
You're going to love each other very, very much, but sometimes these little problems that you put off end up accumulating to the point where they explode and can destroy your feelings for each other.
Keep that in mind.

Hello Oni Anon! I don't remember if I got to comment yesterday, but I wish you and your mom all the luck in the world! Keeping positive energies for you.
>IV of Disks, Emperor, IX of Cups, Strength, Lovers
It's definitely going to be a good first date.
Perhaps your energy isn't quite at the right point, but that's something I think you'll be able to correct without any major problems, perhaps the insecurity of the first attempt and the nervousness of anxiety? I don't know, but most likely.
You'll be very happy and you'll both feel a deep connection from that very first moment.

>Knight of Cups, VIII of Wands, IX of Wands, Moon
Everything seems to be lining up for you to achieve this goal, but it seems to me that your biggest current problem is yourself. Your tiredness, whether physical or mental, from waiting for the results you expect, may be putting you in a state of self-doubt and mental confusion that only seems to be slowing you down and getting in your way.
all that practice and you're still shit
Female C pisces
Anything exciting happening for me in march?
Than you dearly. I will admit I let my emotions get the best of me today. I hope it goes well for us. It will take a few months but I dont want to keep asking about it. I think I will ask again the month of the ritual and leave it at that.
How can you be so shit at tarot
many times the querent is the one that is fucking up the query
Stop deflecting you scorpio piece of shit and admit you’re garbage
Female (N, Leo) asking about female (T, Sag)
How does she feel about the relationship I'm in now?
How does the querent fuck up a read? It’s you own retardation redirecting the energy

Im sorry you guys are in such a bad state of being I truly hope that you find your happiness sometimes it's hard to deal with your shortcomimgs and you feel that the world isn't fair and the only way you feel better about yourself is to try to make someone upset anonymously on div. I bet you guys have a lot of good traits too and life can still be beautiful even if you are ugly on the outside and inside. Please just let the light in It'll be at your door tomorrow, let it in and feel love again you're worthy of the light.
>pure self projection
top kek
They've been conscripted in the spiritual war.
They're just negatives.
Disregard them.
Now I’m going to have to type differently because if I use abbreviations yall are going to think I was the Romeo and Juliet anonette
you’re spiritually lobomised, why are you dishing out phony reads?
okay? but you're still shit, is that why no one wants you ?
BRO wrong number lmao I fucking knew it lol
>t. the shittiest reader on div
It must be the Pedomancy anon who has been appearing here all week to scare new readers. Just ignore him.
is that a tripfag?
I’m genuinely convince your cognitive impairment is reflected in your reads.
I know I'm conventionally attractive and I'm not like a gorgeous supermodel but life is more than your looks and I've always felt that way. It would be nice to be the most beautiful or handsome but then you get liked just because of your looks and that feels so shallow and sad as well. I have a lot of problems sure but their is so much beauty in life if you really pay attention. These trivial human problems are just a temporary experience. I don't know gl anyways I'll continue to practice it would be nice to be accurate all the time instead of some of the time...
Demonically possesed Narcissists can’t do divination
Yeah , I know they are for whatever reason being negative just for the sake of it I deal with the shadow side of people all the time.
Probably cus you were born with a spiritual infestation Lmao. You’re cursed
You read for me yesterday and were so accurate it was uncanny. Please don't listen to people here. I'm sure a lot of these replies are samefags, please take a step back from this board and calm down, do not let them get to you. I've been reading for 10 years, sometimes you just don't hit with someone, it's okay, it happens. Sometimes you have personal bias with a reading that bleeds through or something just is off that day, fate also is extremely fickle, and tarot reads energy and shows but one of many outcomes. You also dont know everything about someones life and can only do so much from a vague query on an anonymous image board. You are ok. Take a break.
Oh no all caps is so scary lol
Don't be a slave anon
Break free
Query? Please don't be one of the trolls here
Ty I appreciate you
What will she look like? yours?
They're just crazy and have sad lives, pic related. Take it easy, get out of here for the night please, for your own sake. Others appreciated you too.
>Tower, VII of Cups, Princess of Swords Rev
>Temperance, VI of Swords Rev, King of Swords
Separate. Definitely.

>II of Cups, Lovers Rev, IV of Wands
Yes, and I think it's the best way for you to deal with all the feelings and conflicts that exist within you.

Avoiding and not opening up to people is a way of pushing others away in a way.

It could just be the repetition of a cycle. Try to break it.

>V of Cups, Magician Rev, VII of Cups Rev, II of Swords Rev, Chariot, Princess of Disks Rev, VII of Disks Rev
Things really don't seem to be going well between you.
You have a lot of pain inside you, a lot of disappointment, you still seem to carry a lot of negative feelings from other relationships and she seems to be in doubt at the moment as to whether she's really in love with you or whether she should be in this relationship.
You both seem to be in a bad way and this directly affects your positive feelings for each other. There's a certain illusion that if you leave things as they are they'll inevitably start to work out, which unfortunately isn't true.
You need to decide first if you want to continue in this relationship and once you've decided that, start working to make it work. There's no point in staying inside your own head and suffering without telling each other how you feel. Relationships are built by the effort of both of you.

That's all for today, sorry to the people who asked me to read it and I didn't. I need to go to sleep and I'm very tired.

I hope you all have a great night and a good Sunday (:
Sleep well, anon.
What will who look like? Is this occult? Can you scry?
Thank you for the read =D
will i get 20k by the next few months? starting
The last one, god, I keep struggling with the trauma from old relationships, fuck lmao, way to call me out. I'll take this to heart, and think it well and hard, and I will act upon this. Good night, and thank you anon
I'm not the reader and I'm a Libra.
Sounds like someone I "know". I had a crush who didn't seem to reciprocate the interest only to come back a couple of years later with a change in mind and she being the one who was really into me this time. I hesitated because I had mixed feelings about her. I was no longer infatuated and I wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. She was so insistent that it made me soften up again though. Sadly nothing happened. She herself didn't seem to be sure about what she wanted, there were a lot of misunderstandings. I haven't seen her in a while, I think she moved somewhere else. I have no reason to believe she would still be interested, but I have a feeling we will see each other again and continue were we left.
If I write a query asking about M fucking other guys and while I'm writing that query I'm thinking about getting chicken nuggets and a burger, the query is polluted and useless. It's not just what you write but your intent while writing it. Requires lots of concentration and no distractions.
You know that goes hand in hand with both the reader and the querant? Actually it totally depends on how mentally deficit the reader is, since they aren’t reading on your thoughts
Ill give you feedback someone read it Lol
>6 of pents rx, queen of swords rx.
You’re hesitant about having children, you mindset probably doesn’t like the idea right now
How’d i do?
yep. as anon expected its toraly the readers ability. I was thinking “i have sooo mny bbies” whilst typing that Lol mad me giggle. Real accurat to
Oh, read me the same query
i Fucking hat the idea of parenthood

Another ‘illigitimate’ AQ
Will i suck his cock
Pls test AQ
Thx btw
Pls? im realy curious
when will we be together? how long do I have to wait?
I made sure to repeat the opposite of how i fel
Was it my fault or their fault?
The true mvp
Two more weeks
when do I meet my next lover?
>9oc rx
You feel he doesn’t meet your critea/standards
>6os rx
you find it hard to envision having children, and feel overwhelmed
You don't get it. Every action/thing you do like write has intent behind it. I've tested this long enough to know that the querent's actions are just as important as the reader's.
yep perfect hes realy annoying
i imagined being in Love with him asking that
It literally doesn’t change anything
The reader focuses on the query not the querents subconcious dreams. If that were really the case then we’d be reading the querents expected answer. Since their thoughts are interfeing
i jst experimented ith another reader and he got eveyhing right despite me affirming the opposite of the truth whilst typing
So all participants have to be intune with divine in order to be accurate? You’re just a shit reader
Excuse my shitty reads it’s your fault your cerebum doesn’t shut up
Has g moved on?
doing reads? next gf?
Aq or trade
How will it go if I just become a vagabond?
Will i?
I'mma smoke, but when I get back I'll give some reads. Give me (You)s and queries.
whatchu smoking big guy
Can you tell me what she thinks of my current relationship? We're both female, I'm dating a male, she hates my guts and talks shit about me to anyone who will listen
What would d tell me if he could tell me anything?
General for rest of year?
how do i feel about y
are these real aliens
Will I have a boyfriend by the end of this year? I really need a man.
what do they think of r
Will E ever ask me out?
General read for this month
Will my ex come back in my life? Idk just been dreaming of em recently
Give me good fucking news
Member Berries

8 of Hearts
She sees your relationship as happy, albeit unexpected. A stroke of luck, if you will.

9 of hearts
Focus on your relationships (not just romantic)

Pretty big ask, here's one card.

4 of hearts
Should be a good rest of the year

8 of hearts

7 of Diamonds

9 of Hearts
They like them

2 of Hearts

King of Spades
Does withdrawal from the world seem appetizing to you?

Queen of Clubs
You'll meet a strong but humble woman.
Thank you
5 of Clubs
Prolly not.
Is it over?
will it work?
Will I marry g?
Thank you for your time and generous spirit. Are these playing card readings?
9 of Hearts

King of Spades
Maybe? Idk, seems to me you're letting it consume you though, and that's probably not for the best.

Ten of Diamonds

Np and yes.
What do I need to be told? Anything come up?
How many children will I end up having?
When would be the correct time to go on that trip?
So uhh, here's the thing. I'm using three decks, and there's ONE blank card. You got it.

3 of Hearts

5 of Spades
You know. Move a few things around, take it during that time you think you might not be able to.
Should I delete these messages before she sees them?
Will k do what I asked?
Queen of Hearts
Will my ex reach out in oct?
Say it louder.

7 of Diamonds
Probably not.

8 of Clubs
Give me good news
I'm not your circus monkey. The cards are set, all I'm doing is pulling from the top.

2 of Spades
Take a step back, and go fuck yourself. For me :)
Thank you!
Will j ever feel bad about what he said?
Should I try to fuck S today?
Do I have a soulmate?
Will I die before I'm 40?
6 of Hearts
Nah, she do be feeling good though. Maybe try not to be so jealous.

Ace of Spades
Maybe on his deathbed

4 of Diamonds
Only if you have a good plan.

4 of Clubs
Yeah, focus on your career and you'll find 'em.

3 of Hearts
No, unless you want to.
Why would he marry me then if he hates me?
I've been asking that question for most of my life.
Will me & V hang out with each other?
9 of Clubs
how long do I have to wait?
Thank you
5 of Diamonds
I'll never get a clear-cut answer for "how long" from playing cards. This indicates that your struggles (if you're even struggling, but the card shows financially) are temporary. So, not forever.

Ace of Diamonds
Willing to pay?
Trading next sex lol
Tell me your date of birth and the time you were born and I'll predict your future.
I am creating my own tarot deck by hand and trying my best to both stick with the intended meaning and symbolism while imbuing it with symbols that are meaningful to me. I keep feeling this pull to add an additional major arcana, I've already made the card and have it's purpose and meaning fleshed out but I know these are well-worn symbols and one thing out of place in an ecosystem can throw the whole thing out of whack, but I genuinely feel as if a new archetype has arisen in our world since the 1800s.
Crowley literally did something like this in his Tarot.
Roommate A or Roommate B?
No but I can give you my destiny matrix
Second what does it mean?
Did d lie about that one thing I'm thinking about?
Fuck you, thought you didn’t shit where you eat
Why am I the way I am?
Any good news for the remainder of the year?

why did C reply so cold to my message, when she reached out twice herself? What are her feelings towards me and what type of person does she think i am?
What the fuck are you on about? I need to decide between letting one of two people share a house with me, I'm not looking to fuck one of my roommates? That's how I assume you took it considering that's how I see that line used usually?
most probably the thread troll .. disregard his shit..
Does he deserve it?
Lol I guess there no message needed for me at the moment.
Would it be okay to post about it a bit here?
How would C.S feel about me?
who gives a shit? fuck off this this dumb incel trash, cuck
Yeah mate, it's just slow hours so it may not get a lot of attention

it's okay brother, there is no need to be enraged by a man that feels love for someone. the bigger problem here is your response, you have unresolved mental issues
What am I meant for in this life?
Male V gemini
When im going to be full of energy, im suffocating right now
Trading occult
Banal one
Next gf
What am I meant for in this life?
might take depending on q
Can I pull off self initiating myself?

Your Q?
Would learning and integrating Kabbalistic methods and ideas into my current ones help me obtain better results, or would it not change much?

Starting when you confirm
Ace of cups
6 of swords
5 of cups
This will be a great change for you this is ilustrated by the death and fool cards showing up.

This will be good for you in the long term but be careful not to walk down the cliff as the fool ca thrump every card but it can also guide you into destruction.
>Page of Cups, The Lovers, Queen of Wands, The Emperor, Temperance, Eight of Swords, Nine of Swords, Eight of Pentacles
Yes. Probably more suited to your personality than finding a master, actually.
You seem to have the right amount of inner balance, drive and discipline to keep yourself on the right track if you so choose.

I see the Queen of Wands as both a reassurance and a warning - don't be too stubborn to ask for advice once in a while, even with that being said. There WILL be hitches. But you'll be able to get past them and achieve results if you are patient and stick with the work you start.
I'm afflicted by the curse again (I'm obsessing and I'm hormonal over someone)

Please pray for me

Probably around 1.40am

Is this for a natal chart
October 20, 1998.
8:30 a.m. or so.
Are that just actually insane?
trading extremely retarded query
whoa hey man me too
what's up?
I wanna know what that she thinks of the relationship I'm in now. We're both female, I'm dating a male. Last I checked she wanted me dead so I wonder what she thinks of me being happy.
sure, i wanna know if my next bf would actually be into wearing knight armor SPECIFICALLY. starting when u confirm
starting now
trading love q
>page of wands R, eight of pents R, hanged man R, ten of wands

huh lol

I was expecting the cards to be like "hell yeah man you're worrying too much" but it actually seems like he'd be pretty against it? Like he really won't want to, it'll be a firm no from him, like it's weird how uncomfortable the cards are saying he'll be. He might think it's too heavy or something or too difficult to put on, hanged man reversed makes me think he'd try it with enough pushing from you as he wants to make you happy but it won't make him happy to do it, in fact he'd be kinda stressed about it.
these cards ejected themselves while i was shuffling so i take it as the pull lmao
>Two of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, The Hanged Man rx, Judgment rx, The Empress rx, The Devil rx
Still seems to be hanging to that feeling. There's a lot of blame in this. And seems to wish to see you repeat mistakes, make the same wrong choices, she wants to see you make a mess of things.

The reversed cards seem to be about her. She's still stagnating in this toxic pattern of thought, resisting change, cradling herself and rotting on it because it's easier to do this than acknowledge her own mistakes. In time, she will let it go and learn to move on, but it will be a while longer.
>:( people can't match my freak fr, ty for the reading lmao
Thank you nonsy!
I think she just needs proof that she was right about me to keep her ego in check. The fact it gives me satisfaction that she's seething about my happiness proves I personally am immature but I'm a growing person so whatever.
lmk if you wanna trade again.
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>pic related

sure i'll be available in like 10m, drop ur q and ill reply asap
How does she feel about the fact I released my project while she's still kinda lazing about feeling sorry for herself? I'm a disgusting person so knowing how the people who hurt me feel about my accomplishments gives me motivation to continue working hard.
lmk your q and i'll start
okay my q: should i lean into a more masculine look or stick with femininity? i'm sure the latter would be a safer bet, but i can rock the other way around and it's been tempting
July 9, 1993
12:18 p.m.
>ace of cups, knight of wands, ten of cups

I think the cards are saying to compromise somewhere in the middle, you shouldn't completely abandon your femininity but the masculine part of you isn't something that can be denied either, you weren't born to be hyperfeminine, and expressing that masculine side is exciting so what's stopping you? Honestly, more than anything the cards are just saying to follow your heart and do what feels best to you, do what feels good, as someday these youthful looks will fade and you don't want to be left with regret. You don't need to stick to one look, go crazy!
>Ten of Cups, Temperance, King of Wands, Four of Wands, The Sun, Ten of Swords, Five of Swords, The Empress rx, King of Cups, King of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune, Three of Wands, The Emperor

Spiteful as fuck. Probably actively tempted to sabotage, somehow, if she has the means. The more success it'll show, the more this sentiment will seep in. And whatever you're doing WILL take off with flying colours because you're trying pretty hard, as that is predominantly showing in the first part of the reading.

She seems convinced that if she tried, she could easily achieve the same results. A sort of downplay. "Big deal, I can make my own and make it better, with blackjack and hookers."
But she isn't doing it - yet. She will get off her ass, eventually. And she will find that doing something with her life be a little rougher than she had envisioned. In time, she will become solid in whatever she chooses to do. But not yet.
Air query
When will my financial situation stabilize? It's been hard bros
Thank you! No clue what she tried to do because I try not to check on her socials because it makes me paranoid but knowing this gives me much energy to keep going <3
lmk if you wanna trade again but if not it's been a pleasure!
I only have occult queries to ask but those may not be everyone's cup of tea!
Oh and for further feedback, she absolutely could do something like it. She could!!! She has talent that I tried to encourage but immediately gets discouraged and throws a fit when it doesn't come out perfect, as if the masters of their craft don't have many failed pieces as they practiced and got better. She wants pristine skill and success to fall into her lap the first time and that keeps her from doing anything.
Ah okay, yeah I try to stay away from those queries. Don't want eyes on me that don't need to be there, yk? Good luck though, you'll look awesome no matter what vibe you go for.
I think she'll shake that off and try sometime, it's a matter of ego. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but a lifetime's more than enough time.

NP about not wanting to take those, figured it'd be better to ask specifically to make sure if it was within your comfort zone! Cheers, anon

Who wants to have their sexy way with me

Was his gift/reward genuine or were there ulterior motives?
Can we trade anonsy?
>king of cups
Your therapist, bisexual dude or a water sign
Yeah, things will get better you just need to remain strong and go easy on yourself.
Why have I been so miserable and sickly these days? Am i cursed or have I angered God or something
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So, it's a card I'm calling the Digital Phantom. It's a very modern phrase to be sure, and I do have some alternative names for it: The genie, The agent, The panopticon. The panopticon is probably the best alternate but I worry about visually it getting too mixed up with the tower, especially since they're both almost universally negative cards, plus the panopticon seems too stationary, and the digital phantom follows.

It's comparable to the modern concept of "the algorithm" "the moderators" "the cancel mob" whatever people want to blame for behavioral regulation, especially when it's not direct power. These sorts of insidious forces that exist in these networks, and are not secretive about it in the way a spy is, although people seem to act very passively about them. They're an afterthought to many although they control so much simultaneously (again you can see why the panopticon might be a better name). A sort of passive-agressive authority that only has that authority because people seemingly consent to it. They choose to let the digital phantom dictate the rules of engagement, without realizing how much power they've really handed over until it's too late, and they think that it is impossible to exist without it. And it's true, the internet is so important that you basically HAVE TO be under the eye of the digital phantom to exist even in the physical world. Try getting a job with no phone or internet.

Every time someone says "unalived" instead of "killed" , they are being influenced by the digital phantom.
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In reverse I view the digital phantom as fearlessly (or recklessly) breaking social norms and restrictions. This can be self-actualizing, but it can also be self-destructive and turn oneself into a pariah with no benefit to anyone including one's self.

Numerically, my first thought was to have it be -5, with 5 being the hierophant, which is known for well-worn traditional wisdom and authority. But then a -5 implies a full sweep of 21 "shadow" arcana or some shit. and even if it didn't it'd be a weird standout.

If the numbered major arcana are meant to show the journey and growth of the un-numbered "0th" major arcana, the fool, then I think the digital phantom makes sense as a double zero like in roulette, as it is not necessarily a guide or an obstacle, but something that follows you.

If I had more artistic skill and room on the card I'd make the guy at the computer's eyes more visible, as well as making the crossed arms of the digital phantom more clear to invoke the visual of a genie.
>page of cups (knight of coins)
Firstly, go see a doctor. You might get a clear picture there. You will get better, this seems like something mundane, no gods. Make sure you have a good diet, exercise routine and plenty of sleep. Easier said than done I know
Sounds about ok for an oracle deck honestly
you may have some physical illness, but sometimes you may just have sickness of the soul. just as you nourish your body, nourish your soul by embracing the god and praying. Allow the goodness in this world to light up your world
Should I tell them why certain things are happening or just let them figure it out?
Oh god thank you <3 <3

Have a great Halloween
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What is N intending on doing towards me
Liberate your pokemon.
Tell them
>king of cups
Let them figure it out
>4 of cups
Tell them, it's the good thing to do. They might need to hear it
This pls>>38979193
Bad things happen when you openly reject the laws of the universe.
Care to clarify?
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What do i need to know right now
Funky nature of causality.
That and other things.
I still don't get what that has to do with my reads?
Oh, I'm talking to other people.
Your read is fine.
How will the first time me(male) and A(female) meet be like ?

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