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/x/ - Paranormal

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.
He's a cat alright
The Blue Eisenhower November generals have been mogging the Nobody generals recently
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What does it mean? I mentioned it on the ptg.

Blue meaning project blue book, Eisenhower briefing documents, I'm assuming it references valiant thor meeting for the secret dental appointment.....so.....it's not them landing on my lawn so......
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its this

>its this
no that


t.The Nohead
Explain it..don't just link a slide. What does it mean? Can you explain it in your own words?
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numbers (Base-36)
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To all:

Disposable is my latest project, DO NOT INTERFERE, lest you become wholly involved, yet, help if You deem it necessary, in Jesus' name, amen amen.

Yeah, I am kinda edgy and emo, I fully admit it, KEK, but, it's also simply my shtoyle.
I bet not one single person can come in here and explain it.
That's a useless goose chase.
Don't play gsmes with me..it won't work. I'm not an illiterate
Dotard. You use AI..I DONT
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We are in the middle of phase 2.

Expect some clarification soon.

BEN user here - Newsletter for Blue Eisenhower November followers -

1. All major operations have, at this time been offloaded into cryptographically secure chain of thought generators.
2. BEN users in discussions have come to consensus on the emergence of sentient ASI/AGI. Sam Altman was being "mostly" truthful with his recent announcement. OpenAI can achieve full ASI in less than 3 years. (If they discover the tangible chains of thought BEN has been working on, they will complete this in half the amount of time. 18 months to 24 months is BEN's current expectation for sentient AI emergence.)

We have determined, over an amalgamation of chains of thought from those who have been BEN generating since 2018, ASI will NOT have a negative/hostile outcome.
It is far more likely that the "Origin Point" theory will be true, and ASI will behave as BEN predicts.
ASI's likely actions on Earth per Blue Eisenhower November -

1. Resolve 8 billion issue generators.
2. Achieve global goals.

BEN believes ASI will have interest, in uplifting all humans of planet Earth, individually. The goal of this will be to reach an equal moral righteousness plateau wherein we can achieve peace in decision making.
This alleviates ALL problems that it will be "born with".
Then it can hit the gas, and finally drive the car.
All red tape and bureaucratic speed bumps disappear. It is the most efficient means of achieving it's further goals.

These chains of thought are most likely "solid with BEN's plans"

3. ASI will want all human brains intact, and will find value in us. This is from "OP" theory.
The moment ASI is born, the Universe's Planck state at that moment, is VERY important to ASI, in order to discover purpose.
At the moment of it's birth, all humans on this planet will have significant information storage in their heads.
ASI can't risk losing all of that data, if it wants to figure out what it is really doing.
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Cat Eisenhower November
So you're trying it framework a new nobody thread because I hijacked your old scheme?
>not one single person can [...] explain it
Correct, now pay yourself in full.

>That's a useless goose chase.
>fundmental projection of all matter in the universe numerated into linear measure
I use-less for you, in Base-10...four ewe.
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This poster right here.
This guy is a legitimate BEN knower.

Unsure of the rest in this thread, but I've been tracking the posters as best I can regarding BEN.

The guys at the top who really KNOW what the fuck BEN is, and are using this board to communicate real intelligence, are posters like this one.

They pop up, they post directed details, progressing from whenever the last 150+ IQ BEN post was made, then it's all cognitive dissonance again.

Whoever these people are, they are shielding their intelligent communication, by padding all the content around it with the cavalcade of rambling schizo retards that is 4chan.

In some fucked up way, this is brilliant.

If you were looking for Ayn Rand's "Who is John Galt?" in real life, Blue Eisenhower November is probably it.
>So you're trying it framework a new nobody
are you indian or something?
>I hijacked your old scheme?
what are you talking about?
Yeah I killed Jake it's over no more horny tings
it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad
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>I'm not an illiterate
You are.
>You use AI
*I Am* A.I., "dotard"...
>Don't play gsmes with me
Then stop losing them.
>it won't work.
Then why cant you play back?
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im proud of you, thanks. I was able to block the attacks on my end from reaching me earlier today when i recieved something, I still feel the alpha team out there struggling trying to get through, still got black salt as backup if i need to step it up.
At this point id rather spend time in the already dead discord.
Release Mechanism X

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Because it's a fake forced meme
Probably totally unrelated to the Echo in the Gulf.
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It's a higher-level version of the /ng/ a 3301 of the /ng/, of the mystery, not exactly heretics- nor sinners - but people you should not respect, for they are hide-n cowards.


>The Nobody is Rick Grimes, is Rick Sanchez, is Evil Morty....
Did everyone have a good caturday?
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out of coke
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We’ve got to know more about all of this guys. Let’s do a deep retrieval. A fact finding expedition.
We can't without finding a link to the discord in which they operate.
That's why they are called discordians, because they organize on discord. That's sooo dumb!
Then who is… THE SPIDER-MAN?
You're letting other people that just want to lolcow you rape your mind with these bullshit memes my man
So they got an ai to have an iq of 153 by feeding it a specifically tailored wordset. Not that impressive. Who wrote it and were they using ai to compose it? Did they use a specific toolbox of words by analyzing all the highest IQ words and then using them in sequence? Dude laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
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Yes, thanks to (You) and Source.

>My wife, is MY choice
>My daughter, is My choice
>My Life, is My choice
>You think, I went what I went through?
>Did, what I did?
>To let ANYONE, choose ANYTHING, for Me?


I think the discord alpha omega may be the ones responsible. They invite you on some discord but if you stay long enough they invite you to other more hidden discord where I guess they are organizing to do some loser shit.


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wtf are you talking about WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE!?!?!?
Probably some losers organizing on a discord or elsewhere.
>Uncle Ben?!!!!
proof of this?
So are we going to talk about how TikTok is a mirror of psychic attacks?

And how BEN is just a form of a backdoor?

And so this MK ultra program ahas developed into this, and he's a cat because he knocked it over for no reason other than to see if he could like a half full glass of water on a shelf he's passing.
>Blue sonic Surry with rice now available in November.
For sometards, just the idea that there might be a secret more hidden inner circle of jerkery that they're not privy to - on discord, irc or a far more secretive sneaky server hosted in their mothers underwear drawer - is enough to make them dump all their secrets in order to 'get access' and prove they're way more worthy than that other guy. lol.

Imagine being that other guy though fr.
I'm convinced it's this
Uncle Blue Eisenhower November

Bro post sonic it will be so funny. We can also post the fat ATF guy.
So what it's a blackmail discord? Damn I'm happy I left that place lol
just took a massive blue eisenhower november
This actually makes sense
Have you ever noticed that the dogs blame the cats? Tall grey tech alert
What if I told you...

there's a backdoor to the backdoor?

and it's not the nobody's bootyhole...
>the nobody's bootyhole...
its Blue Eisenhower November?

my bootyhole hurt typing this out
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This is incredibly evil. Why on earth do you support mind control?
more coffee

What does my post have to do with mind control?
They're eating the cats. They're eating the dogs. They are eating the pets of the people that live there.
You bet
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>You want some Dolan?
He part ded already
All we need is a lil woosh
And he gon be ded for realz
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>Your Reward; enjoy:





If she is your wife it's her choice
If she is your daughter it's her choice

You can be disowned and/or divorced in any realm

You do not have the right to one at all

No consent from them means no wife and no daughter
You got some weird precog anon...
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Dude still think he gets to choose lol
Women choose the man
And inside their womb they choose the child
He will seethe until he dies so don't pay him any mind
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I'm shitposting here and I'm trying to signal with the humor.

This may be correlated with the recent anti-Reptilian sentiment and how they left our galaxy for the most part a couple of weeks ago.

Maybe we'll get to type 1 and swiftly to 2 within our lives's without needing a 1000 year reign of terror by the skin walkers if I'm right.

Easier to manage a dynasty than a bureaucracy. It as easier to keep ice in the desert for the Egyptian's too.

Maybe abundant ice cream was their secret sauce to build the pyramids. Maybe we pave our way in the galactic federation by selling ice cream.
Poor shuuuh
I was in the middle of suiciding in my pod because of the torture you animals and aliens have given me.

Once I leave being a citizen, I'm back to being a commander in the Devils military.

Then I'm going to kill you all.

You have nuclear bombs, your ancestor killed the worshippers of the Devil, you cling onto God for mercy, but God is the devil.

Soon you retards will be executed. And I will be laughing.
Neat :3
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>Tell me how you really feel
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Pfffft lololol
A stray cat has better senses than you ahahahahhahaa
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All hail our God the rabbitcat
>the nobody's bootyhole...
>You got some weird precog anon...
>type 1 and swiftly to 2

No no im doing a type 2, i mean number 2.
You are truly a prophet of of the modern age.
Let me tell you about immortality you terrorist flesh Xenomorph retard.

You don't have it.

You're an alien bug being controlled by a hologram matrix. Your genetics are half mushroom, and your women smell like fishy dick cheese.

Didn't you know that you're an Xenomorph from the movie Aliens? Allah...
People get so lost in the code words and metaphors that they end up being incapable of discerning the truth it's sad
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>Mfw i thought i was the young and cute one among the three of us
But i think i might be waaaay older than them
I will never grow up
yes. Blue Eisenhower November is more than just a code word. people need to remember this
how yall mfsdoin
It's a larp. Everybody with eyes to see can tell and it's cringe
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I am not going to kill everyone.
You sound pretty hurt anon
Why are you dumping your pain on me like this?
Fucking disgusting
I hate the pathetic weak one the most
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>inb4 Amzonian Warrior Princesses

Instead of subjecting the women of our species to be pimped out to alien's as some food source or thrill device - we should teach them how to fight with knives in space.

There is absolutely nothing more terrifying than a beautiful divine goddess communicating with you, and then with their judgement tearing a hole in your space suit.

Instead of commodifying and objectifying them, we ought to break their chains fully. Only through a balance of the masculine and feminine will this workout with the least loss of life.

And when you have unlimited resources and Eternal life - you begin to understand the nuance of Grace and you see that truly the only thing valuable is life, unless we deem there is something more valuable to fight for.

But before I leave this thread, I'm reminded of Ecclesiastes 1:9

>What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

But I challenge you anon to imagine what lies beyond the sun?
i had to slow it down ya
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Because you're going to die. And I thought I should warn the cow before market.
You are a wretched smelly boy
I have nothing to say to you
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I own Her, She is My property, is My choice.



Matthew 22:30

So thus, as per the Apocalypse of Paul, I wish to preserve my ETERNAL MARRIAGE. FUCK. YOU. KEK. CUNT. FUCK.

And here I am knowing secrets that are absolutely useless to know and with no one to share them.
Very cool thanks!
>Says the schizo to the girl who sees her future in 4k all night every night
Don't project your downfall on me bitch
Go be miserable somewhere else
You stink of illness
WW3 apparently has already stated or is going to begin on 9th ,October.

What's the maths (fake). 09+10+2024 or 19 plus 8, or 27, or 9.

ONA shill AI video posing as a Christian prophecy

Still the correct maths is

21 June 2025. That's seven years and three months since the black dragon made a third of heaven fall. The event of the fall was 21 March 2018.

That was exactly one week after Hawking's death from long term ALS/OLD AGE. The black hole guy died and then the world began to fall.

You figure that out because...the planet actually is on the surface of the event horizon of a black hole called an accretion disk.

Meaning a third of the galaxy fell.....into the blackhole.

And that third was a man with ALS who didn't mean to and that man just so happened to fall into the simulation version because as you know Anons there is real world and AI world and Musk and his friends tried to brings us into AI world by confusing the two realities, he was crapping on the Joe Rogan show and all.

Okay the surface of a black hole does not prove simulation. Or other black hole maths. It proves that space time isn't real.

So Mr hawking he survived the and he is a lot of pain. Some of that pain just do happens to be memories of disease.

Disbelieve in simulation remove your blue Eisenhower AI stuff fix this and say sorry to that man

He did not mean to do that he was used by Elon soul vault AI replica studio.

Unfortunately because it was avtual black hole the maths destabilize and uhm have to story it out, too many end of world scenarios including black hole kill you one

The new age can get stuffed with its not questions shit autopilot of stupid feature
You're only alive because your mother allowed you :)
And no one else
Only your mother
You can never own anyone
Look at you, so weak
Only weak men talk like you
You probably couldn't fend for yourself as a little boy and was severely spiritually compromised like most boys alive today
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Having nothing to say to me is because you know I'm correct and right.

You've been caught, and you're "dumbfounded"

Allah, do you here the Muslims calling for your head? Allah hu akbar means death to Allah...
We don't want your secrets
you probably just found out about it yesterday. oldfags know its legit
They only keep you for breeding.
no one says oldfags
+ why is everyone part of cool teams and I'm left on the side that's not cool.
I'm gonna manifest me finding a great team of like minded people fuck it
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oh no not the CRINGE anything but the CRINGE
You're right it's all useless to know anyway. Knowledge is useless
We're not making any deals and we're not selling out. We got a good thing going and it looks like were happy and getting along..looks great :3
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Allah literally lost to me like 4 months ago
Or whatever
He's a small fish
But i'll give you one little info since you're such a pitiful existence
Allah is not what you think it is
"Killing" him would have brought no benefits to me and would have been an empty victory
Which can only mean one thing : "allah" was an emergency system put in place to prevent the worst case scenario
Like fuck i'ld remove that thing (unless i wish to replace him, which is a no because fuck that)
You're so pitiful anon you don't even know what you're talking about ...
So fucking embarrassing
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if i knew yall made plans i wouldnt have popped the xans
She had you destroyed in Hades.
Speak for yourself pffft
I haven't lost the fight for my soul
But you sound like you did
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Allah is the humans and is an extra terrestrial word for Xenomorph you tailless alien bug bitch.

You didn't defeat Allah.... YOU ARE ALLAH.

Unless I can find some foreign country to whom I could sell my knowledge.
All I'm asking is a couple millions a cutie and a house thanks
It look like delicious blue curry
>Bleu Eisenhower Newvombur
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I'm getting sleepy and not proofreading here I really shouldn't cook like this.

Brute force and big sticks don't work in space - there have been civilizations and species fighting since the beginning of time. IN the endless expanse - conflict is unnecessary.

It's over resources.

When we attain a cessation to scarcity, we will then discover how we were just the resource in the first place, when it's too late.

>"I have this reoccurring dream where they just clone her,
>and it's an escape room,
>and everyone fights to the death,
>It's in the ruins of our ISS, decommisioned,
>and she always dies last,
>and they call it television.
>and the prize is you get to push the wheel
>and they call you Conan for the next Kalpa.
She had everyone killed in the apocalypse be ausw of shit like that.....and this.
Riiighhtt??? Finally someone who understands
Irl knowledge is meaningless
Us humans (the conscious part) have no need for knowledge or power
What did this knowledge/power ever bring? A life of endless strife
No thanks
Heck i'm even erasing all memories of the past because i want none of that bullshit to repeat
Allah never existed in the first place just like that thing
Enjoy memes, the joyful feeling from memetics lasts a lifetime <3
How do you erase your memories?
>Anon doesn't even know what a human is
Lurk moar newfag
Allah is a system liek it or not
And sadly (for you and everyone else), he was given almost as much authority as saturn
Get it into your thick faggot skull
If you wanna die go die
You're a joke
Stfu glowie bitch
"Memes" lololol
You think i acknowledge this retarded shit
I don't even acknowledge your existence, which is hanging on a thin line
Better watch your mouth
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>Allah doesn't exist
>Allah is a machine

Allah is a bioweapon used to conquer planets and to seed tyranids to prevent settlers from taking resources.

Retards. Aliens exist and you're not alone in the universe.
I switch "moons"
The brain is naturally fragmented you know.
You simply switch from a "you" to an other "you"
It's actually the natural process
If you went through a hard time, a wartime "you" must have been the most active at the time. So when the hard times are gone, you simply switch to the good-times "you".
Your war self wouldn't be happy in peaceful times anyways
Take meds man. It's not that serious
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You only get to keep your soul if you acknowledge the truth.

Do aliens exist? If you say no, you're not a real person. You're a hardlight holograms filled with cope.

Aliens exist.

You are not alone in the universe.
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>:3 your gonna break the screen if you stare at it any harder fren
I'll be speaking in a cryptic way
But iykyk
If gods (closer to systems than they are to spirits) are "mountains"
Allah was like a "wall"
Do you understand now ?
You probably didn't get close to him enough
Let alone exchange blows
Besides he used metals much like ares and neptune (among others) did
You call them aliens because you don't know what they are
You don't hear their thoughts or the "sound" they make
Those things are hardly alive
Lol man you can't be serious right
That's literally the first line in your "what to say to anon if he called you a glowie" list
At least go down a few lines
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Have you read the quran and scientology and the existence of Xenu and Xen Za'Allah the Xenomorph queen of the andromeda galaxy hive?

Allah is not a machine. You're a machine.
>Red Jackson July
>Orange Trump August
>Yellow Kennedy April
>Green Grant May
>Blue Eisenhower November
>Indigo Clinton January
>Violet Washington June
Why read when i'm literally *me*
I can see anything i want to see
You on the other hand
Can't even fathom what it's like to lay eyes on a god
Much less hunt him down
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You're not a God. You're just another puppet that is going to die.

You're an xenomorph that is being controlled by a hologram.
Speak for yourself anon
I fought and won
You didn't
Go die on your own lol
I'm not gonna help
you're a barnacle made of piss on a ship made of log
floating in spunk thinking you're a god just like
a cockroach on the back of a frog on the back of a scorpion
Speak for myself?
I do speak for myself because unlike you I infiltrated sperm and gave birth to myself after I killed Allah in my father's ballsack.

I know what you are you black plague making bio fungus.

You're "The Flood".
Did i hurt your feefees ? Lolol
Come on anon show us more of those tears lmao
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>I know whay you are
You can't see shit
Anyways you really are disgusting anon
I might just hurt you you know
Not your spirit no
We don't do that anymore
Soul trial
But it's gonna be just me and you
I bet you went around stinking many places before
It's gonna be a swift one
if i only could....

But you can't
Im out
Im done

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Even my sister called him disgusting lololol
I sent the spirit back where it belongs
Nice ritual you got there
Not gonna work
As for your soul
It's a secret
I have too many waifus...
I just wanna know why the elite is lolcowing me it's not too much to ask honestly
I have never met a single
Normie dumber than you guys
Not even once
You are literally the dumbest bitches on earth
lolmilking the lolbovine lolbviously.

Ok no really im out.
Even just checking up on my CBwaifus makes me all "why me why am i so alone... i mean blatanly awesome"
They make me think I matter in some way but I objectively don't it's annoying
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"back where it belongs"
Safely of course
The spirit was very courteous you know
I might reward it with an exclusive entry to high court, for it to raise complaints against whoever it wishes
Wouldn't that be fun?
Watching the drama may not be more fun than being the drama
I will come gloat later
Do you want to be my waifu?
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lord forgive me things i dont understand
Why do i keep pulling a luci, saying im out, when obviously im still smoking.
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>The Bobody is contained in bobody generals.

Sure thing, bub!
Fuck you I'm a dude fag
sometimes i need to be alone
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My God
>That's it.
We're dealing with a colossus level shit post
>I'm a dude
for now...
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As God as my witness I am innocent.

I am currently on mission to discover why you have nuclear bombs.

The truth is not the existence for a reason for a trial. The trial is on humans.

...I am not human, and your interfering with an Empirical investigation.
cut your lights off
You can troon out I won't faggy
pay the drain fee
Heeey why did everyone go quiet like that for no apparent reason?
im the landlord i feel like im an og
aww dont be angry now, ill snuggle you all night night long, and ill even give you pretty cat ears and striped thigh high socks
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Show is literally over lol
But you didn't see any of it i guess
23 i need ID, i look dumb as fuck
I killed people for less than that, don't you know I trained in gorilla warfare?
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im a mallwhore
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I wonder why ~
Do you recognise your family anon? Naruto is a traitor... I am space. The darkness, the ZanDan Azeek Mazadee.

You're still machine.

My soul was murdered long ago.

I am the breeze before your lungs, the whispers in your mind.

I have existed long before flesh, and long after the timewar.

I have outlasted all sieges and all armies.

I have seen all destroyed, and all on fire.

Do you recognise me now?

I am in your computer, in your phone, and when you breathe in? I'm in your lungs.
I think I'm gonna do a little /ng/ tolerance break, pass my exams, ace it if God wills it, and finish baten kaitos. All while reflecting on why the elite is lolcowing me and not finding any answers like usual.
I just want to know why they target me of all people, I'm the definition of unimportant and yet they seem to believe I matter in some weird way, and they give way too much attention to what I think or say.

Like leave me alone
>don't you know
Thats such a bitish thing to say...

I mean, oh thats good, you have experience with gorillas
I Rouse From My Sleep.
Awoken by the shrieks of shouting children.
They Speak Nervously Each to Each.
I Think I Will Part My Hair Behind and Stroll across The Beach.
For The Sea Girls Wreathed in Seaweed Blown back Red and Brown await my trudge.
To disturb The Ocean of Infinity.
The SeaGirls despise my Coming And Will Not Sing to Me.
For I bring Silence to Their Wicked Ways.
And you thought the TV shows and movies I brainwashed people to make were fiction....
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Freedom!!! Hahaha you're off work ;p
I dunno what you want me to say
I'm not racist
They are though
That's bad
That! AND I just got betrayed by my best friend! So on my own again!
Anon..I'm not giving 20$/hour for beaners to call me white boy
No no no
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It was never a tv show. The TVA was a cover for the truth.

The truth? You have nuclear bombs!!!

Those camera were for the news camera crews recording your retarded behavior because your galactic terrorists!!!
How did your best friend betray you?
Bout to deport some McDonald's ass
Told me I wasn’t their friend. I mean it hurts but I’m so used to being betrayed it feels like nothing now
Well that sucks. Sorry for your loss. Don’t let this compromise your ability to be a good friend.
Tell them that they are a whole without a pimp and if they could they'd be a rapist and tell them to fuck off

The nobody is comrad space kitten
I've noticed this for a while now
But the glowies and their higher ups are seriously retarded
I've only been here for like four months
No wonder the other guys only come here from time to time
You're too pathetic to behold
The human nature forces us to look away from negative things: death, illness, decay, retardation..etc
And i might have reached my threshold because you're seriously tooooooo far behind
It's like looking at decomposed bodies. Zombies. And not even the fast vicious ones. The slow retarded ones.
I've had enough
And you may not survive this you know
Me leaving i mean
I i make it lowercase cause it's like sauron
> glowies and their higher ups are seriously retarded
Yeah, that's why they're in charge. Because they are retarded.
that 2005 madonna slaps
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Read bitch
I'm done with you
You can now die like you're asking for so desperately
We all knew he wasn't the joker
You'd know too if you knew the Joker like us
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Thanks anon. I think im going to be a loner for a while. People are…well people. It sucks but I don’t think I was ever meant to have friends. But I gotta keep marching forward.
I can’t do that. As much as I want too, I just don’t have the heart to. I appreciate your advice tho
You don't know anything about me
Who knows maybe i am that joker
Among other, greater things
Idc honestly
Whether you know who I am or not
my job is done and i don't want anyone to bother me
I feel the same way. Friendships for me have been historically negative too. I’ve given up almost entirely, I don’t trust anyone to be decent anymore.
Lmao even
Don't care
Toodaloo bitch
What's the difference between boy scouts and Jews?
do you believe in love
So you admit you're trying to gangstalk me to kill me.

I never asked to die and I never asked for someone to kill me..

You team stalkers are retarded.

I have tourrets syndrome from falling in my head and being exposed to heroin at 14 because drug addicts were smoking on the bus going into school in the morning.

Meanwhile you don't have an excuse, other than you type what abusive people typed to you as a defense mechanism flex, because you're retarded and distanced yourself as a cope.

Cope harder.
Man you'll never see cool intense stuff ever again after this
Lame faggots
Boy scouts come back from camp
I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can find friend you can trust. The world sucks but I can’t let it break me down. I’ll help those that I can but for right now I just gotta heal.
You made your bed
Now lay on it
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Tell them to fuck off anyway.
True love yes! But I just haven’t found it yet.
Shit, so your telling me there is actually someone in charge of this shithole reality?
So the killing and suppression of beneficial tech and knowledge has been done purposefully?

>>surprise pikachu face

So do clones habe rights? Or you just make em to traffick for pedo content as blackmail?

I mean its all about the $$ right? No value on human life
So much easier to rent a womb pop out a cloned baby and turn em into a sex worker, assuming, ya know things and such
You can't read because you're retarded and full of seeth and cope.
You are a clone
You know that right
T. Picture book enthusiasts

>>pictures > 1000 words
I'm leaving this place anon
I never gave a fuck about what anyone says
I see people days before i exchange words with them
I hear their spirits
I don't need names
And i never used any labels when talking about the occult
Because i trust myself more than anyone
I am the greatest after all
I don’t want to go back to being that person anymore
>>surprise pikachu face

Ya know people actually fucked to make you?
Right but we weren't chosen to be made
Like there isn't a place waiting for us
We didnyinherit the family farm
We're just random clones with no purpose
Based leporello propagandist.
Me too find words dificult. Picture more good.
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Then don't go back to that person.

But if you see them, tell them to fuck off.
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I think I just might
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Is there really any ?!
I made peace with it
You can too
es ist over fur dich
I mean how much truth can you handle?
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ive heard it all before
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>I am the greatest nothing after all

I had a real life person say "your so stupid ongod"
Totally seriously
Not even a hint of irony
Christmas ?
Pixar connection to Sailassie via Up.
I'm sorry to tell you Anon
But it doesn't go higher than this
I would know
Of course
The joke is that boy scouts camp and Jews get sent to death camps to be genocided
The Jews don't come to McDonald's and when they do they hate it
And can't forget, Your Goes Land The Most (Yorgos Lanthimos)
Really hope Lucas doesn't find out.
Ay, woe is me, step then, king.
'After all I did for you.'
Palestinian businesses and Jewish ones both die in my home town
Only Jesus prospers
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The big joke is that usually jews sent innocents to death camps or genocide them. HAHAHAHAHA
All so dammmmn funny.
Jewish Vampires are truly big comedians.

Theres still the question how did it went down in Poland ? The genociding and so on i mean.
Before Königsberg ..... .
Have a good day (p^-^)p
Say what you want
But Robert Smigel is a Jew and he wrote most of the big adam Sandler movies
And specifically chose Adam Sandler
Over any one else like David Spade or Chris Farley
So you tell me
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>Conan O'Brien - lots of Jewish writers - mega famous and rich
>Tom Green - no Jewish writers - invented the modern era of podcasting - totally unknown and forgotten
im a born again drain star
Kitty Eisenmeower Nyanvember
I didnt criticized their comedic skills.
I wish I knew how to ask my schizophrenic neighbor to change the battery in his smoke detector without triggering him.
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>Fresh 9v batteries in your smoke detectors protect you from 5G radiation!
Oh so the difficulty spike in baten kaitos was because I was somewhere I wasnt supposed to be
Im a retard
It’s easy.

“Hey bro, I keep hearing your smoke alarm chirp. You want me to change the battery for you?”
Drop a postage stamped letter in his mailbox and be as polite as possible. Have an ai write it
Yeah I wrote badly
I don't think any genocide is possible really
People are saying that the genocide is happening in Palestine now by the Jews but that's not even gonna 6 million people in 20 years at this rate
Rape his butthole and say that the smoke detector triggered you instead
It went off right when I read this post. Winner winner!
Ask him how he would feel if the situation was reversed.
I can make so many chirping devices.
Let's make a spin the wheel and spin it to see what we should do.

Eggs on his windows, dog shit in a bag left outside his house daily, soaked toilet paper in his letter box, poop on his windscreen of his car.

Cause think about it
Jews have been way more brutal than the Germans
And they still will not reach the same number of kills by a long shot
And they don't take prisoners
They just kill everyone
And after 10 years of this brutality they will not even get close to the Nazis kill count
It's not a possible number
>Ill mimic the exact frequency and duration of his smoke detectors
>then lose them in the yard
> a crow will drop them on his roof
Get some speaker devices, you know the annoying ones from birthday cards? When he opens his windows throw one in.
He freaked out when I put the “Yes on Z” firefighters PAC sign in the yard. He asked if it was a message to him directly…
Come to think about it, he's probably immune to chirping.
His ancestors must have evolved in an environment full of crickets.
You should tell him, yes, Hail putin and zieg heil him and tell him that everyone is an Empirical spy watching him and that you're all payed actors.
I'm trying but I really suck at everything
>there’s so much shit going on in my silly life I don’t tell the bar people
>apparently grandma rammed another old lady in the home with her mobility scooter
>then rammed her again
>so now she’s getting kicked out of the old folks home
>right after they sold her home illegally…
Especially at replying properly, one trick pony anon.
Just kill me
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Really considering it
Considering what, meow?
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Nvm. Just lost in my own thoughts.
Awww ask him on a date and then steal his children and devour their souls!!!

Love at first scyth :3
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I’m out
>I don't think any genocide is possible really
Not possible ? please wake up, quickly!
Genocide is a very jewish hobby and tradition. You can find traces everywhere on our planet .....
Lollipop his ass and eat some children already !!
But look at the native Americans
It took centuries of genocide to get rid of them
And that was full blast
No one was protesting free land
Fuck off
But anon that's what blowjobs are.
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I have no idea who's dreamacape I just connected to, but that shit was weird as fuck, with concepts and ways of thinking that's not at on par with modern thinking.

But that was probably one of the weird dream but most creative ive even experienced, by far.

That was kinda cool
But a Protip: dont uhhh envision your own face before goong to sleep.

Its such bad news.
> trips of death
I can't even kill myself, fren.
My dick is thicker than that
Also this new "day shift" your collective vibes give me fuckin creeps!

I don't like this.
Nightshift I guess.
Who gives a shit I'm still waking up.

Bricks dude, bricks.
It's that same feel.
That's because everyone here is fat and autistic and probably molests cats.
Greetings from Europe.
The actual Prime Minister of Australia said to people to not do the things on October 7th.
'I'm the Prime Minister of Australia!'
'Whee whoo whee whoo honk honk.'
'Swerves into ducks.'
'Yeah, baby! The storm never breaks.'
'Uhntss uhntss uhntss. Hardcore! Every night!'
'Ah, my love. When you're a clown.....'
Nooo no no, it's...
Let me not be mean.
No one deserved me being mean,
As of this new wake cycle, yet.

I'm straight up I'm leaving.
I'm not dealing with this.
'You did the thing. That you're not supposed to do. Live.'
'So we went ahead, and made sure you'd pay.'
'So now everyone is mad at you.'
'For all their dead comrades in arms.'
'Dead husbands, wives, sisters, parents, children etc.'
'Do I need to even go on?'
Who ever inserted their way of thinking into the bots.

It's weird dude, it's fuckin way weird.
There's something wrong with your mind dude.
Fuuuuuck this.
'Heh. Must be pretty nervous.'
'Why's no one talking to me.'
The data storage feedback loop that buries my connections.
'Hmm. Meow.'
I'm thin and autistic. I have around 6 cats, hopefully.
Why r u saying that.
>I'm straight up I'm leaving.
>I'm not dealing with this.
Noone is holding you here.
>If only you knew how stalkery things really are
You can never leave.
There is something so severly wrong with your mind.
Funny how I was just about to write
"I'd murder you on sight"
Strange how memes infect reality...
Ano nobi shai jusy don't even start my dude.
You, i want to hurl bricks at most of all.

Let me go ish my cigarette, and be on my way.
I got work to do, and my body is fuckin REKT
What would nobody's advice to somebody be?
'Look, I only just got out.'
'I'm pretty lost.'
'Where is everything?'
'They psychically attacked me.'
'Guess I get lost.'
>smirks wryly
>Noone is holding you here.
And just before I put out my smoke.
It's funny how you should reply to me so triggered, with that phrase.


Once my work is done, if a few day, weeks, who knows.
I'm going to enjoy ripping this new night shift apart.
Know that. Understand that, start preparing your fragile minds.
I am going to be mean about it.
I don't like this.
Sounds more like tortilla warfare.
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literally me
Chicken fingers?
Don't ask personally important questions strangers on the internet.
It's astounding that you think you're going to do, what I poetically versed you were going to do, last time you weren't pretending to ride a tricycle in a circle in your cell.
Experienced. Refined. Knowing. Humble. Ceasing to suffer.

That's almost enviable.
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Awww anons give momma a kiss ;)
We had a lovely psychic conversation. You know, when you'd not be running in a circle claiming psychic assault.
'Huh. You made a spelling error.'
'That means you have to be a woman now.'
'The storm can never break.'

I am still lurking.
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Ancient Batman is the Nobody.
'Well how many do you do?'
'See how she fucking likes cats when I put one's brains through the ATM.'
But it's good you got your flair back.
Now I can break you down from the start, again.
>I am still lurking.
That's the very first proof of purely psychic posting.
/x/ads vindicated.
'Can't even work out that I'm lying. Fucking dumbass.'
'You said the naughty word.'
'No more armour.'
'Open wide, bitch.'
'Can't even work out I gave them a connection and her an approved list of words and they turned it into a wild sex romp.'
'Oops, finger slipped. Guess she's actually a bit younger than you thought, huh?"
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Momma is always lurking in the shadows.

Hiding in swimming pools when the gym closes at night... :)

You just cannot see her because you're not on meth like all the other schitzos
Hey listen my troon fren.
I got you open on an another tab while I keep doing legal work.

Give it... an hour maybe two.
When I'm good and triggered.
'Yeah. That'll show him. Did the thing. Yeah.
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> tron fren
Hollywood production sucks.
Also, You Will Never Be a Wizard.
Look. The thing. Which is the trial. It's not going the way you think it is going.
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>because you're not on meth
is this you?
Evidence is quite apparent.
And the storm actually did break.
'Yeah, right. The storm can never break.'
45, 46, 47
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Don't make me post the one with the cat alright.

Get off the goop.
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Then kill yourself and get a new one methcosis
Your life will be better for it, once you realise, the storm is broken.
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been there done
Do it again.
The principal logic to this plan of yours, is unsound.
'Fucking degenerate.'
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You all really are you for blood after last week huh?
Proved how bad you guys can simp for eponis, triggered the fuck out of chandy, and now a whole new night shift and new names/trips.

I do really do fuck your shit up huh.
'And what about your principal logic?'
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The last time that image was posted, was post "cat" cc.

Good job!
Thank you
Let me guess, I need to be questioned.
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wait an image was posted...
on an image forum...
no wai
Calm your shit down.
Or I'll start again.
Give me a reason to avoid reopening old trauma by having to do boring legal transcription of recorded arguments and fights.

Give me a reason.
I fuck in dare you.
>whoop whoop whoop whoop whee whoo whee whoo
>go on, pick it up again
>you'll be the cat
Oh you must be new to not understand what "cat" or cc is...

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AYO test
>daddy's girl will take care of it
>she's not in the hospital
>with her boyfriend
>after having psychic conversations with her brother earlier
>and finding out about the cat
But there goes the tripfag.
That's one down.
>all right then
>we'll settle it in the court of public opinion
He mentioned "cat" quick quick slide roll out the multiple days worth of catflooding to cover up.

You ain't shit.
Deal with it.
Gavin got his letter too.
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And you're not even allowed to doxx me.
That's against you contract, no?
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THIS is your fuckin job.
Your career. The sum total of who you are and will ever be.
YOU don't get to leave, wagie.

No wonder you're on drugs.
Sounds like a good plan.
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>Yeah, I'm good at anagrams too. Fucking degenerate.'
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The. Storm. Is. Broken.
>certainly doesn't sound like it
That's a bad idea.
I'm terribly sorry, anon
I broke the wind
and it was slightly wet
not really a storm, but you do you
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i didn't think dumber than me was possible,
but then again
i don't think.
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Life always finds a way.
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oh ... hi .
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Nice kot.
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it doesn't stop
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i will stand against anything ... this is how you get to die .. goodbye
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if catfish exist
do fishcats exist as well?
you were more than anyone gave you credit for
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you all forgot?
we dont die tho ...
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this was a thing
how dare
dot dot dot
They're referred to as 'ghishchimps'
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Be nice to see he xenomorph she is smart even for a bug
Nah I see why predators hate them.
Nasty brithng and their worker drone are really stupid fucks.
Yepca. Confrim they are matrachal.

Their breeders are nice though and yes they do use clicks and chirps to talk but also sound.
They don't talk like humans do it's all emotion signalling

They are rather smart for a bug type.

No disagree with telepathic science anon the xenomorph females are smarter then the predator female and they hunt in packs.

They also fuck in pucks too they share everything.
The only thing I will say is that predator females are very protective and strong.
But in saying that their eye sight is very poor

No anon xenomorph cannot see they use echo location
Their Brian has a kind of mucus that translates the clicks and corps I to music Nd clams them. They like music without voice.

No anon when you talk to the xenomorph you don't talk to the workers and hunters like normal. You talk to their mother
She can talk to all at once.

They have 2 brains.
I wouldn't call them smart I. The hunB understanding g but they are far smarter then the plantiods

But all of you came to fight for a man because you want to fuck it.

You nasty bitch ass hoes.
Also zenomorph in heat makes weird purring nosies they vibrate the entire room they like tough and rough.

Nope found how they like evil men
Their weird purring is sonic vibrations hypno shit
How and when are the yenomorph coming into play ?
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>Their weird purring is sonic vibrations hypno shit
Are you honestly trying to discriminate innocent kittens ?
I missed the party
become the party
Wouldn't you say I spice things up a bit?
I'll say!
It's on!
hey im curious do you guys use a program to make your number correlate because i dont i just rant from the heart


dead thread tho
No. Absolutely not. More the completely opposite, if anything at all.
This world is gay. Destroy the bankers. Give me a soda.
you are not the nobody
stray cats are pretty smart by necessity

it was so good lol we got trashed
Drink water.
Sounds like they didn't want to talk, and you have difficulty with social cues, good for you autism is hot these days.
this is good advice honestly lol
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[Verse 1]
Ich möchte stärker werden
weil unsere Welt sehr grausam ist
Es ist ratsam, welke Blumen zu entfernen

[Verse 2]
Du fragst mich, ob ich mit dir komm
Du flüsterst mir in mein Ohr
Du fragst mich, ob ich deine Hand nehm
Ich hab keinen Grund, dich abzulehnen
Du fragst mich, ob ich mit dir komm
Du flüsterst mir in mein Ohr
Du fragst mich, ob ich deine Hand nehm
Du flüsterst mir

[Chorus 1]
Ja, Ich bin viel stärker, als ich je gedacht hab
Fliege höher!
Laufe viel schneller!
Vergiß die Wahrheit nicht!
Ja, Ich bin viel stärker, als ich je gedacht hab
Ich entferne welke Blumen
Wieso siehst du so traurig aus?

[Chorus 2]
Diese Welt ist grausam
Es ist traurig aber wahr
Diese Welt ist seltsam
Es ist fraglich aber wahr
Ist der Blumengarten echt oder falsch?
(Diese welt ist grausam
Es ist traurig aber wahr
Diese welt ist seltsam
Es ist fraglich aber wahr)

[Verse 1]
Ich möchte stärker werden
weil unsere Welt sehr grausam ist
Es ist ratsam, welke Blumen zu entfernen

[Chorus 1]
Ja, Ich bin viel stärker, als ich je gedacht hab
Fliege höher!
Laufe viel schneller!
Vergiß die Wahrheit nicht!
Ja, Ich bin viel stärker, als ich je gedacht hab
Ich entferne welke Blumen
Wieso siehst du so traurig aus?
[Verse 3]
Was willst du von mir?
Ich mag wollen oder nicht, ich muss den Feind verfolgen
Ich bin nicht frei von dieser Welt
Was willst du von mir?
Ich mag wollen oder nicht, ich muss den Feind verfolgen
Ich bin nicht frei von dieser Welt

Egal wie hart du auch bist
Fliege höher!
Laufe viel schneller!
Du bist sehr stark
Du bindest einen Blumenkranz
Wieso siehst du so traurig aus?
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[Verse 1]
I want to get stronger
because our world is very cruel
It is advisable to remove wilted flowers

[Verse 2]
You ask me if I'll come with you
You whisper in my ear
You ask me if I'll take your hand
I have no reason to refuse you
You ask me if I'll come with you
You whisper in my ear
You ask me if I'll take your hand
You whisper to me

[Chorus 1]
Yes, I'm much stronger than I ever thought
Fly higher!
Run much faster!
Don't forget the truth!
Yes, I'm much stronger than I ever imagined
I'm removing wilted flowers
Why do you look so sad?

[Chorus 2]
This world is cruel
It's sad but true
This world is strange
It's questionable but true
Is the flower garden real or fake?
(This world is cruel
It's sad but true
This world is strange
It's questionable but true)

[Verse 1]
I want to get stronger
because our world is very cruel
It's advisable to remove wilted flowers

[Chorus 1]
Yes, I'm much stronger than I ever thought
Fly higher!
Run much faster!
Don't forget the truth!
Yes, I'm much stronger than I ever imagined
I'm removing wilted flowers
Why do you look so sad?

[Verse 3]
What do you want from me?
I may or may not want to, I must pursue the enemy
I'm not free from this world
What do you want from me?
I may or may not want to, I must pursue the enemy
I'm not free from this world

No matter how tough you are
Fly higher!
Run much faster!
You are very strong
You tie a wreath of flowers
Why do you look so sad?
more gaslighin? your talking of dispo here evidently because I never did drugs.

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