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I feel like every monotheistic religion is serving the same force. Especially the Abrahamic ones.
The same goes for quasi-monotheistic sects of polytheistic religions (saying we should all worship Odin, or Vishnu, etc.).
Is there a sufficiently perennial or syncretic name for this force that we're all fighting against?
yeah I bet you feel it faggot
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But fighting against something is itself an expression of dualism.
>casting stones in a house of glass
Just worry about what feels true to you. None of the religions will ever be the right one because spirituality is intuitive
One is the first number. Two is the second number.
One means good, two means bad.
The question of why there is evil reduces to the question of why there is more than one thing.
Monotheism lends itself towards arrogance and fundamentalism. Someone who believes in multiple Gods or spirits will naturally keep an open mind when interacting with orb discovering something new, as no one can claim to know the name of every God out there. But monotheists think the Bible/Quran has all the answers already and is interesting in new theories or discoveries.
Yes that’s the problem, dualism always leads to conflict.
acknowledging that there is a hostile force that seeks to enslave us isn't dualism
Yes it is, firstly it’s fear and cowardice. Secondly it’s the classic US vs THEM mentality which will ensure wars continue.
Rigid adherence to tradition has resulted in decay.
It should be emphasized that mankind will not be left without spiritual leaders during the years preceding the Rapture, Indeed, all of those entitled to this respite will be acting in the manner of spiritual leaders to the rest of their brothers and sisters, holding aloft the light of love and spirituality for all to see.

Some will preach in the conventional mold, basing their words upon the beloved texts which been in man's possession for two thousand years. Others will reach beyond the narrow confines of traditional religion to embrace a broader faith and to attract those whose reason and skepticism have not allowed them to take the words of the Bible at face value. Still others, more enlightened than the other two categories, will show to those whose minds and hearts are prepared to receive it, the ultimate truth about the condition of man, his pilgrimage and final goal.

These last will be few in number, but it will be their influence which will mold the teachings and the foundations of the new Universal Faith that all men will hold in the Aquarian Age which will follow the Great Tribulation.

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All of these spiritual guides will know that the Rapture is coming and that each of them is marked for the escape from horror which it represents. Part of their message will be that a day will come when humanity will be deprived of all these lights simultaneously. Those who listen but casually will dismiss the idea of the Rapture as the pious hope of misguided fools; their surprise will be boundless when the Rapture comes, and the souls that had been considered misguided are suddenly no longer there.

The churches will suddenly be empty. When the great disappearance occurs, all who are left will know with a shudder that the door to escape has closed upon them, and that they must remain to face the monstrous reality.

For this we say unto you in the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them who have slept.

For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first.

Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always with the Lord.
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Polytheism is just monotheism with extra steps
Every polytheistic religion has a head god
Now replace head god with only god and lower gods with angels demons saints ect you got monotheism
>Yes it is, firstly it’s fear and cowardice.
you're gaslighting
>Secondly it’s the classic US vs THEM mentality which will ensure wars continue.
stopped reading at Rapture
every family has a father but that doesn't mean the father is the family
>inb4 lesbians and negroes
It's not the enemy.
This realm is meant for those of us that are in rebellion, that DONT want to serve.
The paths are there for when you are done and want to return. But until then, they will seem against your wishes.
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Returning again to the time just prior to the Rapture, a further phenomenon intended to persuade as many people as possible to choose aright will be described. This relates to the astrological predictions which have been published and which will continue to be placed in print before mankind, setting out the likely patterns of events as symbolized by the passage of the planets through the various zodiac signs. Many astrologers and students of the occult will become persuaded at an early date that the Last Days are upon the Earth. These will seek to persuade their brothers and sisters through their own field of study that the events spoken of in the Revelations are about to be experienced. In many cases these souls will be inspired during sleep and through their subconscious to allow them to grasp fully the way in which the planetary patterns will indeed be utilized to signal the major events. In other cases these writers will acquire an understanding of these things through discussion with other students of the stars who themselves have grasped the truth eithr through revelation or turning within.
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Yes but the thing is there is always a leader it’s never a 2 3 ect at the top there is always 1
And ultimately if you get into the esoterics of these systems they’re all just the psyche trying to explain itself so all these gods and beings are just aspects of the human mind soul spirit complex
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Many human souls who might not be reached through traditional religious messages can be persuaded by arguments based on planetary movements, and it is for this reason that such messages will proliferate during the first five or six years of the Tribulation. It is desired that not one avenue of access to the mind of man be overlooked in the great task that lies ahead.

Numerology too will be used, although its scope for prediction is more limited. Likewise the Tarot and other methods of divination will be manipulated from the higher planes to make the messages as clear as they can possibly be. Mediums and those able to receive messages by direct conscious thought transfer will be found on every hand, speaking with one voice and putting forth a single message: that the Time of the End is at hand. So loud will become the chorus of those who know the truth that the enemies of truth in positions of power will begin to resort to force, coercion, and repression in order to prevent the message from being heard.
Yes, and one of the worst is the platonic armchair academics, who follows a pagan monotheism.
Aristotle is most likely to be Thomas Aquinas, who was a catholic priest.
Such a wasted get on such a shit post
Dilate more, christcuck.
>pagan monotheism
yeah, that's what I was getting at
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I’m not a Christ cuck I just know a retard when I see one
They forget the monad wont exist without the indefinite dyad, so focus on the monad and forget everything else on purpose.
Tell us how monotheism is working out for you.
I’m a true monotheist so I believe there is nothing but god and because of this reality has become my sand box loverand guide that I commune with whole heartedly in a constant back and forth called life
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Vedanta really does give us better terms for this.
If the gods lose their identity, they cease to be. A omnipresent god has no identity, so it is a impossibility by itself.
The monad is a element, not a god. Gods are made from the interactions between the monad and the indefinite dyad, hence their different attributes.
Your monotheistic god is a illusion of your mind.
The monad from Vedanta still coexists with hindu polytheism. This is because of it impersonalism.
A god is a persona. You can't have it as the monad itself.
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I prefer shiavism if we’re going the Hindu route
so you're a pantheist / panentheist
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Huh I said everything is god and everything is nothing and nothing is everything such is the nature of the headless one
To give god form would be to take away from god and make an idol
There are personalist schools of Vedanta that very explicitly say the personal is the only true aspect of the Absolute Truth.
Most schools of Vedanta put iimpersonal and personal conceptions of the Absolute Truth on equal footing, in some form - including Suddhadvaita which I just mentioned.
Which is generally pushing a form of Advaita Vedanta.
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I don’t like to define myself as ultimately I truly gno nothing
But I’d go with the process relational pananthiest if we’re going that route
And if my mother had wheels she’d resemble a bike
But we arent starting with your mother.
We are starting with a vehicle anyone can ride, and you said your mother when I meant a bike.
>process relational panentheism
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The pic I posted before explains it pretty well
>The pic I posted before explains it pretty well
It really didn't
Then read the next pic
And if you still don’t get it ask direct questions and I’ll do my best to explain
Yes, but personalism only makes sense when it leads to solipsism, the idea the observer is the monad, as he is the one experimenting the dyad of reality.
Outside of it, it have no use.
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Use? What does existence care about your use?
Removal necessarily means you are limiting, so any ineffable infinite will include personal.
And personal by definition will take precedence over impersonal, as impersonal has no discretion or desire otherwise and the personal does.

the removal of personality is done because people think it is limiting because THEY are a limited person.
This is as erroneous as thinking the void means nothing can exist.
Infinite Personhood is just that - all inclusive and all-expansive, including the impersonal form and personality.
God have a gender, so you already gave form to it. The opposite gender would be a goddess.
You may like this video
the impersonalists thinks if something is blue it cannot be not blue, because they have this limitation.
So they say no form must be the top, when obviously no form is less than form, and form is less than multiform, and multiform is less than omnipotent infinitude of form which will always include the base noform.
You didn't contradict what I said.
Infinite personhood leads to solipsism, ie the observer becomes the monad. It is not about limits, it is about pushing the monad outside oneself.
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Bro I hope you’re trolling with such petty semantics
> To give god form would be to take away from god and make an idol
To even define god is to limit god as all definitions come from god
>Infinite personhood leads to solipsism
Only if you limit awareness to singularity, and deny the Supreme ability to expand.
Duality must be true, or else Nonduality is false.
The expansions of God are infinite, and include the limited forms that are us.
There is never a time when the limited are not in existence, there is never a time when other people do not exist, as they are all with the Supreme Person, who is all people.
You don't aim for the top, you aim for the center.
The top spheres are just acausal mirrors of the lowest spheres. It is on the liminal that the observer should be, where causal and acausal meet.
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This guy spirits
>You don't aim for the top, you aim for the center.
So they say no form must be the center, when obviously no form is more surface and covering than form, and form is less central than multiform, and multiform is centered around omnipotent infinitude of form which will always include the outer noform.
Not really, because the dyad will still be there. Without the dyad, there is nothing to observe, so there is no observer and hence, no monad. The dyad is experience itself, so solipsism don't lead to its negation, quite the opposite, it afirms experience even more.
And before you kneejerk contradict - let me ask:
What difference do you see, what duality do you have, between center and surface? Inner and outer?
>the dyad will still be there
Yes, God and God's kingdom are eternally existent, and limited awarenesses, living entities, you and I and all of us, are also eternally existent.
You agree with me, as you said at the beginning when I gave you a better word to describe your belief.
No, you didn't understand.
The center is the observer. The observer have its own form, but have the potentiality of the formless within him.
The formless is what is above the liminal, but that is just a mirror of what is below it, so a potentiality. You should go beyond the duality of form vs formless.
The center is the core of the Being who observes and experiments. The outer is what is not being observed.
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>The center is the observer.
Yes, but that isnt you. That is the Supreme Observer, who is observing you, a limited observer. And has been eternally.
>The formless is what is above the liminal
Are we back to calling it the top?
lol you peeps still don’t get that the nothing is the everything and the everything is the nothing
You don’t really exist you’re just the mask or character the supreme is playing atm there is no you there is only supreme
>lol all the impersonalists stop pretending and attack any sense of oneness between form and formless
This is the whole point of “ego death”. It is the temporary death of the character to the truth of the supreme.
>You don’t really exist
So you think the Supreme is incapable of making me for real.
What would that be, making me "really exist"? As opposed to "just existing as the desire of an Omnipotent Awareness"?
How are those any different?
Where did that difference between reality and omnipotent pretense come from?
it just looks like you're taking panentheism and autistically overcomplicating it
No, it is me, because like I said, infinite personhood leads to solipsism.
In your timeline, that's you.
In my timeline, that's me.
People need impersonality in order to communicate the feeling of eternity without leading to solipsism.
The observer is always at the center, because he is the one experiencing the dyad.
>Are we back to calling it the top?
You don't need it. If you go to the utmost top, you will end up at the utmost bottom.
Aim for the center.
You are for real as a character but you’re just a character the supreme plays
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All of reality in its infinite nature is just the play of the supreme
>No, it is me, because like I said, infinite personhood leads to solipsism.
It doesnt, unless you try to force it to. There is no reason to accept your awareness as unlimited, I certainly do not accept mine as such. There are and always have been multiple awareneses, as the Supreme Awareness desires.
>In your timeline, that's you.
>In my timeline, that's me.
Even accepting our selves as these temporal minds and bodies - time is an essential part of self. If we are not the exact same body and mind in the exact same time, we are not the same person.
But that is not what makes us different people. We are different people because we have different relationships to that Supreme.
The Supreme Person is the center, not us, and She defines all existence.
>If you go to the utmost top, you will end up at the utmost bottom.
So your critique of me using the term top melts away, and we are left back with what I said at first.
>just a character
Tell me the difference between how I exist and how "a real person" exists. you say "I dont really exist" What is that?
I am an eternal being. Never created, never destroyed. Do not confuse me for this temporal body and mind. Do not confuse me, a limited awareness, for the Unlimited Awareness.
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Where is the center of infinity
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Yes, that is the right mood. Never that we have found, always that we are looking.
That is love in separation, and it grows the ecstasy like nothing else.
In this form you are limited you where born you will die and you speak through ego aka character mask thought form ect
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People really don’t get how esoteric pic related is
>In this form you are limited
I am eternally a limited awareness, as one of the infinite kinds of emanations and energies of the Supreme. There is never a time when the limited awarenesses were not, whether aware of the material of aware of the spiritual.
My limited awareness is not a mask, the mask is on my limited awareness.
The mask is what the awareness is aware of. The limited and unlimited are inseparable and nondifferent, yet they are distinct.
>Is monotheism the enemy?
No not at all.
>I feel like every monotheistic religion is serving the same force.
OP it's important to understand that GOD is the good guy, but religion does not serve the real GOD.

read from here
to here (all linked posts ending in this one)

Science is the religion of trying to understand reality created by God
Religion is the science of trying to understand God that created reality

Science and Religion, like humanity, are imperfect.

The wisest man knows that he truly knows nothing.
Humanity knows NOTHING.

>God is perfect
>Humanity is imperfect
>Don't fall into the trap of worshiping God through another authority, entity, middleman, or gatekeeper that isn't God.
>Worship GOD directly
>You do not need anyone's or anything's permission or help to worship God.
>God is all powerful because God is God, God does not need religions, religions need God. Humanity needs God.

I don't know about the names, but the one with the universe being inside of God is the accurate one.

God made everyone and everything in their own image.

>Male and female
>light and dark
>ocean goes in and out
>day and night
>hot and cold
>on and off
>when a person is born they open their eyes and breath in
>when a person dies of old age they close their eyes and breath out
>male anatomy is extra matter
>female anatomy is space for extra matter
>male anatomy goes in and out of female anatomy
>the heart beats, stops, and beats again
>everything is a balance of push and pull, give and take, expansion and contraction, on an off, start and stop
>many things in nature represent yin and yang, or duality, but duality is just aspects of the wholeness, the completeness of God
>everyone and everything is a reflection of aspects of God
>1 = penis
>0 = vagina
>1's and 0's
>we're all philosophically/metaphorically/conceptually in "the matrix"
>the matrix translates to WOMB
>both male and female aspects are required for CREATION

What does this all mean?

GOD IS HERMAPHRODITIC (both male and female, but also more than this and beyond beause God is limitless), and God has inserted their metaphorical conceptual male anatomy inside their own metaphorical conceptual female anatomy, giving life to our universe/reality which resides within the matrix. The womb of GOD. The metaphorical conceptual sperm and egg met and combined into a single point and all of creation suddenly expanded outwards to create our universe. That's why it seems like everything CAME from nothing. Because the womb was empty. Sperm had not yet entered. Egg had not yet dropped. This is why it's called THE BIG BANG. (not that I believe in what we are told about space)
Pepe and apu posters belong in their /pol/ containment zone. OP regularly calls people kiked shitskin nigger faggots.
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Apu posters are blessed fuck you
>trying to explain God within the realms of His own creation, as if He's not outside of it and not bound by it
Silly humans.
It's not monotheism but exotericism that's the problem. The bible for instance creates hordes of retards when understood exoterically, and if you read it as a literal historical text(much of which may actually be true) it paints a picture of malevolent(yahweh) and tricky(jesus/lucifer) entities fucking with humanity. However, whe you read the bible purely as an instruction manual for elevating the consciousness to connect with the infinite, it's perhaps the best text ever written on the topic.
YHWH is the fall Jesus is the rise
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>every monotheistic religion is serving the same force. Especially the Abrahamic ones.
If that was the intention why didn't they just write that
>trying to explain God within the realms of His own creation, as if He's not outside of it and not bound by it

You don’t even know what this means or why it’s a point you would want to defend. Just parroting dead wordcel jibberish
>trying to bait for an answer since you're too proud to ask for an explination
>muh rapture
Weird how one schizo's coping method for being a major figure in a hated sect became a planetary obsession.
The New Testament states again and again that the world will end between approximately 33-100 CE. It exposes itself as a book of lies.
>What Jesus said
Matthew 16:27, 28
Matthew 26:63, 64
Mark 13:26-30
Luke 21:27-32
>What early Christians believed
1 Corinthians 7:27, 29-31
1 Corinthians 10:11
1 Corinthians 15:51
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
Hebrews 1:1-2
Hebrews 10:24-25
James 5:8, 9
1 Peter 4:7
1 John 2:18
Revelation 1:3
Revelation 22:6, 7, 10, 12, 20
>Two more weeks
>If that was the intention
I don't think it was the intention, at least not for many of the books. It seems to be a magical facet of reality that made it work that way. Like a dualistic mandate was applied to the bible. On the one hand, it produces a vapid and trashy religion that produces bad fruit. On the other hand, it gives you all the tools you need to be enlightened.
>For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels,

This has yet to happen, and the verses written after are in accordance to once this takes place. It's funny how you claim it's a book of lies and lack basic reading comprehension to understand these things. Probably just parroting someone else's argument, too.
All of the events of revelation up to the little season of satan(which we are likely in right now) have already happened. The tartaria shit is all pointing towards the millenial kingdom, armageddon happened in 70ad. The real grift though is that it wasn't jesus who returned in the clouds and ruled with an iron rod for a thousand years, it was zeus.
Reread the part about how his live audience will see this all happen in their lifetimes. Explicitly stated or heavily implied in every verse listed. Look them up.
/thread killed by a schitzo
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Many such cases. Sad!
There is no God.
There is no creator.
Religion is secondhand metaphysics-- not necessarily.
>/thread killed by a schitzo
At least there are anons with cool theories about christianity, they are much better than the actual christ schizo spammers that turn every single thread into a christianity recruitment ad.
>There is no God.
>There is no creator.
don't do this to yourself, locked away in a closet that opens to outspace- empty. you are not alone, you are being watch at every second, every intention, every thought, every single little things is known.
>There is no God.
>There is no creator.
here friend, I hope this helps.
Polytheism isn’t even real, all the religion you think are polytheistic were in fact mono theistic. The Greeks and Indians both understood that all their “gods” were aspects of one divine godhead
You have it backwards, monotheism doesn't exist. Every monotheistic religion started out as an polytheistic religion and narrowed it down to their preferred tribal God, and claimed that their patron deity is the "one, true God."
What you're getting at is closer to pantheism.
Monotheism says that "one divine godhead" has one singular personality.
Also what this guy said. Yahweh was part of a pantheon. And like I said in the OP, Odinists are basically doing the same thing with Asatru.
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>Oh I'll do it when I come back
Many odinists are larpers, though. Specially the /pol/ kind. When they get old, they marry a christian woman in a christian church and end up converting back to the jew on a stick.
It is ironic, considering how many dark aspects Odin have. He is a god of magick, and was compared to hindu Varuna.
His council have 13 gods, he being the 13th one. Saturn sits on the olympic council as a 13th god as well (although invisible in hesiodic myth). Maybe this is the reason /pol/tards seethes so much at Saturn, it reminds them they are larping with Odin.
Abrahamics worship Mara
>Monotheism says that "one divine godhead" has one singular personality.
Ever heard of Christianity? THE monotheistic religion. God has three distinct personalities and three forms but is one god, dumb dumb
Clergy is the enemy, not Abrhamism per se.
That being said, fixation on Old Testament and Old-Testament-esque scripture is also a danger, which is why Judaism and Islam should be rejected, and many Christian denominations as well.
Christianity is the only way to overcome saturn's influence without becoming an evil person.
kys frogposting twitter immigrant
Amen. Maranatha!

Islam and Judaism are getting ready to have an apocalyptic war, meanwhile Christianity is disintegrating.

How you idiots manage to convince yourselves that Christianity is still in charge of anything is a mystery. The whole culture is a porn saturated nightmare while perverts rape dogs in the street.
No, monotheism is the truth and polytheism rests upon ignorance which is why it is suitable only for folkish people
Only in the sense that polytheism simply has a limited view of the cosmos. Ignorance in the literal "the info is not present" form, not in the denial.
Like foolish anon said - all polytheist paths lead to monotheism. Lead to the understanding of a Supreme.
Yes, exactly. Is the Rapture this month? Because the astrology is extraordinarily synchronistic with Revelation, e.g. on Oct. 9.
"Pagan" is kind of a throwaway term unless it refers to the worship of rulers of the material world. In that case, "pagan monotheism" would be worship of the Demiurge, the chief of all material powers -- which is what Judaism essentially was (and is).

The true God chose the worshipers of the Demiurge to raise the incarnation of his Son because they were already monotheistic, under the sway of the highest god of the material world.

The God of Plato, Hermes Trismegistus and the Western Mystery Tradition is not a pagan god, but the Unknown Father of Christ.

True Christianity is a refinement of Platonism, not Judaism.
>being this hylic
>Islam and Judaism are getting ready to have an apocalyptic war, meanwhile Christianity is disintegrating.
All three have rejected or turned their back on the teachings of Jesus, and thus will be destroyed.
Ok say there is a monotheistic god, but he like or she wants to know what their creations want, so the god allows them to portray pieces of him/herself like wine god or food god or whatever they need. It's like god analytics.
Lmao, of course. Most "good religions" serve as the Personification of Hope, an ephemeral astral entity. What is more interesting is that almost no one knows or studies the exact opposite of it. Most occultists prefer demons and imagine Satan as their ruler, but they don't even know about the "Great Filth"
AFA seems to be going steady and they're the /pol/ kind
You can't have Christianity without the Old Testament
Watch me.
The authors were completely different people, and the God in each are also totally divergent from one another.
>the writers of the sequel are different, and it has a different tone, that means it makes sense to pretend the first film doesn't exist
>pretend the first film doesn't exist
Take your meds, Anon. I didn't say anything like that.
>Rejects religion for its sameness
>Lives a hedonistic life like 99.99% of the rest of humanity from time immemorial
Protip anons, just because you don't get all the pleasures you want out of life, doesn't mean you aren't one. You're still devoting your entire life to attempting to satisfy that sensitive self-esteem you have.

You should be glad that life puts you in your place. You'd destroy yourself super, super quickly if it didn't.
>You'd destroy yourself super, super quickly if it didn't.

I will have to agree on this one. If I was popular with women, sooner or later I would attach to one of them, marry, have kids and end up with a divorce, losing half of my stash. Happens with every chad.
But since I'm a incel loser, I've dedicated myself to introspection, and today I have spirit-wives, with whom I have sex daily, and whose voices give me proper counsel. I no longer consume pornography, I only need to close my eyes and see my girls embracing me. As for finances, I'm better off than most chads from the past, who now live in debt.
The story would be different if a single variable was changed.
Also I would point out that the fact nation-states have hardened their stances on anti-male laws is a direct consequence of this timeline having turned me into a incel. It is kind of a punishment against the masses of npcs (male and female) who isolated me from social life, and put me into inceldom.
Everytime I see a mgtow normie complaining about feminist laws, I smile, because I know that guy is fucking pussy, and is only a mgtow because of these laws, not because he was rejected. There is where I draw the line. A real incel don't complain about women, he just look for alternatives.
>You can't have Christianity without the Old Testament
>Watch me.
Yep. Point to where I said to forget the Old Testament's existence.

You can't. It didn't happen.
Meds. Now.
Not really. But it often leads to religious tyranny. State supported and State-recognized] religion is! Laws favoring one religion over another is! AANNDD government or religious persecution for one's beliefs is!
t. NeoPagan
Let's see:
The creation of the Earth and Mankind _OT
Original sin, and sin itself ~ OT.
The history of YHWH ~ OT
Stories about faith - OT
The History of the Hebrews - OT
The Promise of a Messiah ~ OT
The foreseeing of Christianity by the Prophets ~ OT
The miracles of YHWH ! OT
The Psalms ~ OT
"Lucifer" and Principalities ~ OT

Yeah, you can do without the OT, but your religion has no roots or rationale without it! Therefore, the NT is just lightweight propaganda!
The NT was written first, though.
Tables on hebrew kings were copied from roman tables. It is the same stories, only the names and places change.
From the abrahamic religions, Islam was the first one (7th century), then came Christianity (11th century), then Judaism (13th century).
Without the OT, the roots and rationale become Jesus Christ.
I take no issue with this.
So, what is it you're being "saved" from??
your mind, being in a place where all the minds are not connected
If everythinf is vishnu its hardly dualism. Its more like oneism. Unless you want to admit dualism as is creator and creation. But creation may be an illusion and only God is real. Thats the Mono thought. Anything else would mean creation has power of its own and not be mono
Def. If something has mono powers its only God otherwise it wouldnt be mono
Go back to /pol
From sin.
Also what >>38994911 said
So you want a hivemind, where we are all one?
no, a spirit beside my mind that i can address by turning my own mind off, this unifying spirit is in all but does not control only coordinates, that is why hedoesn't have a name, he is not a controller
>a spirit beside my mind that i can address by turning my own mind off
You just described a tulpa.
tell me more, but don't waste my time
I said tell me more god damnit your already wasting my time!
Allah-mahavishnu-dao will be like one entity in the india-china superstate where the himalayas will have some uniform temples to a single entity. It will be a global monotheism where the buddhism or chakra kundalini self worship satanism yoga siddhis stuff will be totally gone everything will just be devotion bhakti worship to the o e single God. Like a spiritual north korea type superstate. It will happen globally. God is 1, god is almighty

People like OP fear this
Its more fun to have special powers like a bunch of hinayan nirvanis meditating constantly in spiral cycles. - never fall down attitudes with self worship basically a constant focus on ones own mind just to be able to negate karma.
Its only fun when winning but having powers when losing against God issnt fun at all. Its better to be a happy servant of God then.
God wins anyway, the house always wins,
Yeah they think they can all fly around on clouds like a bunch of buddhas

1 mistake and God knocks down any usurper

Its like walking on a sharp rope above a hellpit
Its wrong to claim God has a form when its formless. We are too stupid to know Gods form.
God is based

Go back to /pol
Doesnt it always have some type of form to us. Even islamic still writes the name in letters. They just say they dont worship the letters. The bare minimum of language is writing atleast the letters or we coulndt even talk. Maybe some of the neanderthaler dna know how to be telepathic but expressing that would still be spelling.

God is so great hes unknowable, ofcourse its insulting that some dude with a /pol pic thinks he's any sort of match against such a being.
God is 1
God is almighty
>monotheism talks about one god
>surprised pikachu face
wouldn't fight against God, anon. all the others are just spirits -powerful, sure, but still just spirits.
best post on here in a bit. although, EVIL does exist
You have a surface level understanding of monotheistic belief systems at best
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So, what is sin? The OT describes it and you've rejected it.
May God rest all Good peoples souls
lmao faggot


God will always be just
God is just
Praying for (you).

All of you.
I guess you could say that of every religion.
I can give you a positive interpretation of the Quran but that wouldn't mean it's not the shittiest holy book ever.
All organized religions are crap.
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I'd say monotheism is based on the principle of the positive pole and the negative pole or life or death. You can live life towards good or you can steer it towards evil. Of course life being working towards god's plan a.k.a. advancing as a human species, taking care of yourself and others and working towards death meaning heavy substance abuse, being toxic towards the people around you, etc.

In some way i admire people who make religious threads and spread the good. They gain energy from life and working towards a better life.
>monotheism is based on the principle of the positive pole and the negative pole
Monotheism means unipolar.
>only the OT describes sin
I reject Original Sin specifically. There is sin besides Original Sin, Anon.
And again, you can stop pretending rejection is the same thing as forgetting. Conflating the two is retarded.
There is no nothing.
The cake is a lie.
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Nigger look at hinduism in the oic you posted and compare it to the rest... it literally states that you are Brahman, the primordial force. Atman and Brahman aren't entities or leaders.
from being a filthy goy
Monotheism is bland and soulless.
Polytheism is full of degenerate incestuous gods.
Atheism is fucking unhelpful.
Pick your poison.
This anon has it
What's your position on pantheism?
Genuinely curious.
If we're all a very tiny piece of God then God seems like he has deep-seated masochistic and self-hating tendencies, and an even stronger tendency to deceive and lie to himself. Basically not very sane.
>expecting sanity in human terms from a literally all-encompassing entity
Skip poison and find a philosophy which resonates with you. Bonus points if you can find your own view of life you are comfortable with
I would expect more balance from something that's all-encompassing. Down here it's 95% evil/suffering/deception.
I wonder if some sort of polytheism/henotheism like people had in antiquity, would make it easier to explore deep aspects of existence that are hardly reconcilable with each other. But without the cringe incest, please.
Money Power financed religions are an artifact of the the problem.

Everything the Money Power touched for us is perverted to reveal how percerse we are dor accepting it.

Real Agape-Spirit-led people will expose the criminal Money Power (whore of Babylon) Empire (beast) system, not play patty-cake with it.
> All of these spiritual guides will know that the Rapture is coming and that each of them is marked for the escape from horror which it represents.

You’ve been lied to about the rapture to expose your selfishness — the opposite of God’s Agape Spirit.

Those focused on saving this life will lose it.

Focus on developing Agape and everything works out.
Balance implies two opposites that are being balanced.
and the aim of such a belief system would be to understand that the gods are really all unified, but you wouldn't be expected to ever understand it all.
How does pantheism work if there are opposites? How can two opposites be God simultaenously yet oppose each other?
the mind is two opposites married together; logic/imagination
this idea of two opposites being married together (then viewed as one) is repeated all through creation
Yeah you're super wise and that's cool for you, but good and evil aren't married together, they're at war.
Disconnection from tradition is the source of decay
The monotheistic god is a wrong reading of the monad.
The monad has no personality. It is not a person.
The monad can't exist without the dyad. So it can't be isolated.
The god you believe as the only one is just a construct of your mind, that you created in order to cope with the fact you can't aprehend the relationship between monad and dyad.
That's all.
>It is not a person.
No person's are lesser and are exploitable to persons.
If your conception is without personhood, it is limited and incapable.
You've been educated on this before.
Theism, both mono and poly, is ignorance.
There's no supreme god, creator, sustainer or destroyer of universe. It's nothing more than a theistic delusion.
Jews are the enemy.
I denounce the Talmud.
Denounce the Talmud.
Denounce the torah too, faggot, otherwise you're still a kike
Shut the fuck.. up, you suck dix.
No, monotheism is the probable truth when it comes to mechanics. It's far more logical to have a single creator/designer entity. But I'm against giving it a personification in the manner of Abrahamism.

Dualistic systems are not designed to explain God, the Creator. They're designed to explain human systems and human morality of good/evil. Assigning human beliefs to an entity beyond spacetime is somewhat silly. Are electrons "good" or "bad"? Or a photon, or pi, or a triangle...
>No, monotheism is the probable truth when it comes to mechanics. It's far more logical to have a single creator/designer entity.
Totally wrong.
It is actually the opposite. Being a person means you have judgment, thus bias and tastes, and thus limitations.
No person means it is open to possibilities. So it can be anything, which is what being unlimited is.
That's why the monad needs the dyad. One element can't live without the other, and this dismantles the idea of monotheism.
Buddhism and some hindu schools teaches depersonalization, or killing the ego, in order to break limitations, and reach the infinite. These schools aim for the monad, but still there is no central god in buddhism.
Nice paywalled article with no relevant interesting bits on display.
you can read the notes
Good take. The bifurcated state of the brain is clearly a fundamental aspect of our existence.

Good and evil isn't a simple dichotomy. It might not even be a dichotomy at all. People can't agree on what's good and what's evil. Not to mention, no one said the world is a balance of good and evil.
Tao means "road" or "path". There are over 1,000 untranslated texts in the Taoist Canon, the Daozang.

It also seems like a lot of Taoism was about cultivating to become a powerful being. Generally from what I've learned Taoism seems to be impersonalistic. The first verse of the Tao Te Ching literally says that "The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao".

I also remember this thread https://desuarchive.org/int/thread/202280646/#202280646
>People can't agree on what's good and what's evil.
Precisely because the world is steeped in deception, which is the essence of evil.
Most of the time, sure.
I think there are exceptions though. Like, I wouldn't call it evil for a parent to tell his/her kid Santa exists (though to be fair I don't plan on telling any potential kids I have that Santa exists).
It cant be spoken because it's more of a vibe.
Tao is almost literally "Je ne sais quoi”.
Specifically, the Tao is God's vibe, and thus existence's vibe.
Opposite. your understanding of judgement comes from a limited perspective, and thus you falsely apply the limit to the unlimited judge.
Impersonal means NO possibility, not all. It cannot consider in the slightest, bias or unbias.
It has no potential, no ability.
Only persons are able.
Things are useful.

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