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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
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Previous thread: >>38979535
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>>38984208 #
Full time contract, it won’t last long and they will push you… decent paycheck so congratudolences.
>king of pents eight of cups nine of wands
>>38984221 #
>>38984225 #
>>38984232 #
>>38984234 #
For love reads I’m going to request sun signs and genders of all involved
Love general for rest of year?
Just broke up with my gf of almost 2 years...
occult q

do i have any curses on me? evil eye or something like this. spirit influences.
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iii of swords
v of wands
x of swords
vi of cups
viii of cups
ace of cups
xviii the moon
I’m not going to sit here and tell you that it’s magically going to be okay. You are going to go through it. You will go from wanting her back to moving on, to wanting someone else, and then back to old patterns. Avoid this and heal first. You’ll meet/get with the next relationship by the end of the year, and if you jump on this opportunity, you could end up dating someone who isn’t that great or hurt someone who didn’t hurt you. There’s also the slight possibility that this refers to your ex coming back into your life and things exploding dramatically *again*.

I have to go sorry to those I couldn’t get to
I understand
Basically what comes at the end of year it's no bueno and keep away from it
Thank you

R is a coworker and I'd like to know what she thinks of me.

If I could get a general reading about my spiritual path that would be much appreciated.
Should I send a message or stay in the dark?
what's next for me in love
I have your reading, are you there?
Should I stop going out of my way to connect with people online?
She sees you with a slight spark of attraction however she sees you more of someone who brings a lot of enthusiasm, drive and creativity in the workplace. There's a possibility for romantic attraction but it's only at the very beginning stages right now. She sees you more as a good co-worker than a romantic interest at the moment.

Ace of Wands
yes, sorry for the delay
QoP, 3oC
5oC, Empress, Priestess (X)

If you're a woman, you'll have a good relationship with an older man, a figure who is a bit cold in the way he deals with people, but who will know how to show love in other ways. He will please you very much.

If you're a man, you'll be with a young woman, extremely lovely to be around and probably very beautiful and loving.

It's likely that you'll either already be friends with this person or you'll start out as friends introduced by other friends.

You've probably been through a break-up recently and are very confused mentally, but there's a message for you to stay calm and try to find your balance because there's something very good in store for you. I can't say how soon, but it doesn't look like it will be long.
>death, 7 0f cups, king fo swords

You have to let this one go. Take the L and move on. In time, new opportunities wil present themselves, yet you must remain critical and never let your feelings take over your rational.
Reverse 3 of Swords, Reverse 1 of Pentacles
I'd say you should try to resolve some of your inner troubles and look for other avenues.
Let go of the current and open yourself up for something new, one door closes another opens.
NTA but anon gave you a great reading and you send this reading that doesn't even answer his query.

That's why people here are increasingly tradecuck, it's often not worth the effort.
Thanks! So does that imply I should let go of the things that aren't working for me currently, meaning that I should stop trying to connect online where I am currently?
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Here comes the sorcier du fil!
41, regarding business
you're an idiot.
Just making a critique, so that in the future you can think about and improve your readings anon
The anon didn't ask you for a reading of the situation, but for two options. So much so that he didn't even bother to give you feedback.
gf when?
I sexxx girls under 25 this year?
Page of swords, Page of pentacles
I have three messages for you, to search for new knowledge, to keep in mind that it is in practice and entering the world that it finds value and lastly to keep in mind to be mindful of how you wield your words and truth("Who does it serve, how does this help?").
4 cups, 4 of swords
Further reinforcing that you need some time to think and search. Rest, meditate over your life and come back stronger for it.
Hope you find the meaning and purpose you're looking for, don't lose yourself to thoughts and feelings that the past dictates that you should have if they no longer serve you. Start again.
If you want elaboration..
There's one more meaning in these cards that encourage you to consider the feelings of others.
Drew the reverse queen of swords for clarification. Just make sure that you're careful in your interactions with others and to be considerate of their attachment, if you have any agreements with others be gentle in severing bonds if you so desire.
There's also a reinforcement about being unwilling to face your turmoil and considering your own responsibility for your own part in it.
Forgive the past and tomorrow will be that much brighter for it but first you must face what has been and make your peace with it.
Can I ask for a reading?

Should I keep acting the way I'm acting or do I need to act differently to get the best result?
>great reading
>can't even tell the sex of the querent
>puts up a last paragraph that doesn't relate to reality in any way just like over half the reading

Nah, you're just a retard who doesn't know how to read and only likes word words words, even when the reading is 100% off.
Thanks a lot that makes sense
I'd rather see readings here that the reader has at least tried and failed than lazy readings. That's why I've stopped trade here and only ask query when readers offer readings.
Yw, wish you luck and you're already brave and on your way for being receptive.
Reverse 4 of swords, 6 of pentacles
This is a little bit complicated and about give and take, you're frustrated and restless, are you willing to keep giving without receiving what you desire? And if you keep giving, are you sure it's what they need? And in the end if things went your way would you be able to let yourself receive?
Before i drew any cards my thoughts were that it sounds like you're doing things not out of authenticity but out of a desire to make something happen, is there a place where both of these things reconciliate? Your pursuit and authentic expression?
Wow what a great read anon.
Yes there is a point and that's exactly the point I'm looking for.

>Are you willing to keep giving without receiving what you desire?
I really don't think so.
>And if you keep giving, are you sure it's what they need?
Yes, I really believe that
>And in the end if things went your way would you be able to let yourself receive?
Yes. It's what I want most and I'm fighting to achieve it.
First roll didn't seem to work. Q14.
Will harvesting be good?
10 of cups, reverse 4 of cups
Hard to interpret since on the one hand it speaks of joy and fulfilment but also speaks of the potential of missing an opportunity and warns about thinking that the grass is always greener.
Have to admire your spirit, hope it leads you where you want as these cards might indicate that you are.
2 of cups and reverse 4 of pentacles for clarification
Okay i'll just encourage you to go for it, look for whatever resistances there might be and be forgiving about it and engage without worry or fear. That's really just it, of course since it matters to you, you're afraid of fucking up and losing it all.
Just don't worry and try to enjoy this period of tension before resolution.
Will I succeed in my desire for independence and self sufficiency?
Will my love life improve by June of next year?
TYSM! So you think I should continue along the path I'm following, right?
Yes! Happy to be the bringer of good news, doesn't mean it's set in stone and that you're not going to meet obstacles but the stars say that they can align for you. Hope you receive that joy in the end.
Thank you very much Anon. I hope with all my heart that you're right, you're a great reader too, you've managed to read the whole situation very well with the little information I've given you. You should identify yourself and offer reading! This thread is kept alive by readers like you.

I wish you all the best and a great week.
Thank you for your kind words, sincerely.
I only appear sporadically but i think i reached the people i was meant to for now. Glad you reached out and heard what you needed to.
Best wishes.

How much longer do I have to endure this torture?
18 for me please :)
Am I on the right path this time?
What does M think of me?

What does V (coworker/friend) thinks of me?
Will she work at C until the end of the year?
Hates you
Will I bang her this month?
Can I have a reading, anon? I'm juggling two lives at the same time, and I don't know what to do. I'm social, well-known for doing "exciting" things, have loving friends, and I'm being welcomed into a wonderful community by like-minded people. But at the same time, I had to drop out of college because of domestic abuse, I can't find a job no matter how hard I try, rent in my city is through the roof, my parents secretly despise me (why do you think I dropped out?) and try to sabotage me anytime I come too close to achieving independence, and I'm within a hair's breadth of blowing my brains out because of the constant mood swings and childhood trauma triggers. My friends don't know about my home life, and my family doesn't know about my public life. I need guidance. Some kind of hint as to what to do or where to go.
>i think i reached the people i was meant to for now.
Yeah, never mind.
Would any of you be willing to give me a reading?
Also, rolling for lucky digits.
Trading occult
I came back for you, give me a minute.
Q? And what methods do you use? Will politely decline if we've already traded that same one before
Reverse five of swords
Lack of a will to stand for who you are and persist in what you believe, possibly an attraction to conflict.
4 of swords
The importance of not identifying with your thoughts, i can tell you're haunted but don't let your maladies ride roughshod over you. It's just thoughts, you don't have to entertain them, think about what the motivation of the thought is, does it serve you?
How can you find peace and a new way of looking at it? Would you let yourself tread onto a better path or let the past tell you that it has to go a certain way.
Reverse 5 of cups
resistance to accept loss and goodbyes and an unwillingness to see that there's light in the end of the tunnel.
I think that's enough for you to understand their message to you.
We might have actually, like a couple weeks ago and my q was do with Lilith / entity identification. Are you the anon with a vision q?
Otherwise I just do a 3-4 card spread, with clarifiers.

My q: >It seems like this entity rewards me with success when I'm doing what it wants me to, but it seems to have left me for a week or so now. Which way back to it?
Yeah leave em alone lol
7 of cups
You're in the tension between what you fear and desire, manifestation might require considerable effort.
Temptation might incite but chasing happiness means it'll always remain slightly out of reach.
6 of pentacles
Think about what you have to contribute and who wants to receive without reservations. Where can your unique talents be of best use? Will that give you meaning and fulfil your desire?
It's give and take, give in a way that brings you joy in return.
Hope that brings some clarity.
Reversed six of swords
You might be reaching for an explanation in haste not considering other options.
I'd interpret this as that your suffering is not desired, i'd hear another query from you if you have one for me that is not clouded by grief, pain and sorrow.
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That... hits a little too close to home. Bless you, anon. I'll ponder this reading tonight.
Ten of cups.

You'll be rewarded with what you want and deep satisfaction if you seek emotional connections with others and regulate your own emotions.

I'm also a Leo so don't undermine or underestimate people, don't be unfaithful to people, appreciate them and try to make sincere soul connections with people.
Thank you so much.
Thinking too much and being mislead by it seems to be an issue for you which is much, try to go with feeling and instinct when you can trust it to lead you somewhere better.
You are worthy, you can be good enough, don't cling to the familiar, i implore you.
Want better things for yourself and envision the path there, discard that which is unwilling to have a place alongside you.
Will I ever convince him to commit to me and only me and not have anyone else in our relationship?
She's married, move on already it's been years
Will I succeed in my goal of independence and self sufficiency by this time next year?
I feel like seeking connections with others is going to be the hard part, I've been burned so many times that I feel better off alone. Thank you though, I'll do my best to address this
Not sure about the vision q, but I did give you that reading! Was hoping for scrying but that will do too. I can take that.

If you wanna pick mine up: who is the one who surrounds me? She had been around some years ago and I'd thought she had left, but apparently not. It's not a bad presence really, just can't figure this one out. I doubt the name she gave me is who she truly is.

Starting when/if you confirm
Who's the love of my life? What will our relationship be like? Thank you.
>who is the one who surrounds me?
Reverse 7 of wands, reverse 4 and 10 of cups.
>I doubt the name she gave me is who she truly is
Seems you're stubborn, perhaps you have problems with trust, afraid of being hurt and having a hard time believing in something that wishes you well.
If it really was true, what would it mean? Why can't it be?
Sorry for butting in unbidden.
10 of swords 7 of wands
Seems you feel a little insecure without their presence and you're clinging for something you might not need.
Some things have passed their expiration and change is knocking on your door.
Do you have what you need to be who you believe you should without the reinforcement you're used to?
You'll be rewarded if you continue down that path annd open up to new joys and inspirations.
Sorry again for intruding.
I thought it was your iirc you're q was about a vision you had but my memory can get shuffled with reads I've done. Sorry I can't scry well enough to use it for a worthwhile read.

Thanks for taking mine, at little extra detail (if it helps) to get back do i follow the red sign or the 5th?

Starting yours now
I'm >4225 pisces male
>Empress Rx + 7 Wands Rx + Knight cups + Ace Wands
>Knight Pents Rx + Death Rx

This entity that's around you isn't hostile. They're actually necessary for your development/journey, or rather they were. They were present then and are around now because there's some step forward you have to take, after which they won't be needed. It seems like there's some fatigue here, burnout and jaded-ness? This one's here to basically revitalize you, help you move into some transition. There's alot about overwork and transition here.

a bit more:
Is the entity who they said they were?
>10 pents + Strength + Justice
It looks like it, or if not then it's a positive influence in any case.
Is she going to text me today?
do I get a job at N before the year is over?
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It could've been, I've asked and taken so many qs too that memory just amalgamates into a slurry.

--It seems like this entity rewards me with success when I'm doing what it wants me to, but it seems to have left me for a week or so now. Which way back to it?
>A mantis in a garden. It looks at me expectantly, then turns its head as if to tell me to move past it, and on.
>A black pyramid with a light shining at its peak. A dark substance, viscous like tar, drops from above onto it. It glides over its surface without tarnishing the pyramid, pooling at its base and reflecting its shape as a perfect reverse - no light.
"Reverse" is the key here. Too much of the same. Imbalance on one side. If you want its attention you have to keep things fun.

--Red Sign or the 5th?
Overwhelming yes on the red sign.
>A five-pointed star, its bottom two points being marked, like with pins.
This doesn't make much sense to me but the message is that - of five, you only need two.

I'd wanted to pull cards on this but the deck wasn't having it. Let me know if anything needs clarification or doesn't make sense.
4 Cups, Queen Wands, Ace Wands
I don't know exactly at N, but you'll get a good job by the end of the year.
eight of cups, queen of swords r
No, not today.
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Trade again?
Will she contact me at some point this week?
tell me more about my next long term job, what field or area will it be in? starting
Thanks anon. I'll drop in in a couple of hours with feeback for you.
And thanks to you too.


What did she think of me? Could it have truly worked out?
Later this week, towards the end of the week most likely about something completely mundane.
Strength (X), Page of Cups, King of Cups (X), Temperance, Ace of Cups
It seems to me to be something to do with art or something that forces you to be very creative. You're going to have self-doubt problems and you may have an unbearable boss, but over time this will improve. You'll make good friends here.
What’s the current state of my relationship after what we talked about this weekend and how she feels about me moving forward?
what will working at CTA be like? should I go for it short term? starting
>Reversed six of swords
Thanks anon. For a more objective query, how likely is it that the situation with the entities will be resolved soon?
Five of Wands Rx Eight of Coins Hanged Man Rx King of Swords
She's feeling better about things but she realizes that needs still really do need a lot of work and there is progress being made. But she's still anxious about the future between you two. She wants you to take more of a lead.
King of swords
Ten of swords

Seems like this is a short term opportunity at best, however also brings new beginnings and new perspectives.
Will provide you with insight toward what you actually want moving forward and a greater experience in your field, knowledge and the opportunity to tackle new opportunities effectively in the future.

Ultimately this is a really good thing for you but it won’t last. Most likely by choice, rather than you being cut off or anything of that sort.
You’ll most likely just gain a lot of experience and confidence and seek out an even better opportunity.

Thank you. What does she want me to take a lead on?
improving the relationship

When will that person come back?
We had a long talk this weekend and she admitted her flaws and told me she wants me to encourage her to talk about things more and to push her to open up and that she thinks it’s a good thing for her.
Is this the type of thing you mean?

I’d be down to trade again for more insight
yeah exactly. Can you tell me about the type of place where my next long term job is? Starting
High Priestess RX Seven of Coins Four of Wands Ten of Swords RX
Cards want to tell you to stop doubting yourself and your vision so much, you can get a happy ending here if you "come back from the brink."

What is a thing that will happen soon?
Queen of cups
Page of wands

This is a little difficult for me with little context but I am under the impression that this is something you have an emotional attachment to. Some line of work that you’ve “dreamt” of so to speak, or you have a very eager mentality about.
It might be something new, but I think the cards here more so suggest this is something you’ve wanted to do for a really long time and you’re getting an opportunity to fulfill this.

Thank you. Out of curiosity, can you elaborate more? This seems a little vague but I appreciate the meaning. What do you mean by coming back from the brink?
And by doubting my vision, you’re saying I need to be more confident in our relationship and where I want it to go?
what do you think it means? google it you asked a lot of simplsqurstions
I think it means I need to have more confidence and just lead the relationship in the direction that I want it to go and be more supportive and encourage her to be more open as well
yeah exactly
Will me and the black haired woman have sex?
is the girl from LL gone forever ? starting
Does she actually just hate me? It feels like she's disgusted by me and avoids me at all costs for no reason.
Magician Emperor Queen of Cups
Not at all you can still fix this, this is something you’ve caused but there’s still plenty of room for a second attempt at getting her back, you’ll have to take full on accountability work for her tho
oi fuck
Eight of Wands Rx Two of Swords Rx Page of Wands
It's possible but it may take more time than you wish if you really want to go after this.
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I have a milf fuckbody that I visit (and fuck) whenever I'm in town. We are strictly a hookup relationship and that's it. I haven't heard from her in awhile and when asked about her relationship towards me I got these 2 cards

What does it mean!?

Fuck buddy*
she still wants to fuck you , go forth soldier
Trade again? Yeah I’m very committed over it, how long are we talking about?

But isn't the devil bad? What does it mean in this context? The 2 cards seem contradictory
okay I can look into that. Can you tell me how the girl from LL will reach out? I can't reach out first but either way I don't expect this anything soon from her. starting
She wants to fuck you, but she's developing a connection with you.
5 of Swords 4 of Swords Page of Pentacles
Ok so don’t expect her to reach out but rather take the initiative
if that's the case I'm not doing that shit good riddance lol
knight of coins rx seven of swords seven of wands
seven weeks I feel like.... won't be anytime soon that's for sure.
Could anyone please read this for me? Thank you.
What do all these "downloads" mean?
Q? mine is would it be a good idea to work at mr.pickles or should i try to find another job?
how will october go for me?
How so?
i posted your reading and waited 20 minutes for you to reply but got tradecucked instead
I'm not the anon, I was just wondering.
Makes sense
Trading occult
this one, you?
love gen for the month. Starting. Male.
Thank you!
5 of pentacles, page of swords RX, 9 of wands RX, star RX, 5 of swords, knight of swords, 7 of pentacles RX

Okay...uh....so do you even have enough time and energy or money to invest into your love life at this time? It seems like a conflict of interest to do so or to pursue.
Mr pickles
Three of Coins Ten of Wands
Elsewhere would be better but if you really need something now mr pickles (kek) has your back.
I Will be going to a trip soon on the 19 of october?
Will I met a girl in the location that will fall in love with me?
I'll trade you , rest of year love gen?
if you quit jerking off so much
Trading occult
taking it depending on q
Why is that a stipulation?
Does he like me more than his ex?
It could mean physical desires. In the sense that is not spiritual but not necessarily that bad unless you become an obsessive coombraim.
okay starting
aq what the fuck is my issue
NP! Sorry if mine was lackluster, but I assure the message was clear
To add context: She told me she is Belial. So I didn't quite know what to make of it.

Not the typical way he operates, and the approach seems a little softer than most people advertise. I don't doubt the well-meaning part as much as scratch my head at that, if it makes sense.
Should I go to the thing on Sunday?
trade for rest of the year general?
Should I send that (angry) crazy text?

best thing happening for me in the next seven days? starting
No you shouldn't , could have unforeseen consequences down the line with authority.
Five of Wands R Three of Wands R Heirophant R
Queen of Wands, 4 of Swords, Moon
Hanged Man, 3 of Cups, Temperance

You will have an opportunity to get out of your rut and feel a sense of confidence and rejuvination related to some inner fear or worry you have which seems larger in your head than it is in reality, Don't miss out on opportunities to go out and have fun and prove that internal sense of danger wrong.
Trading romantic query
Is she the one?
mine is >>38986569
Will me and A.L have sex?
Go: Ace Swords | Empress | II Pentacles
Don't Go: King Cups Rev | IX Cups | Wheel

The result of you going seems very positive, if I were you I would go.
what will the event this saturday be like for me? starting

What will happen on thursday?
No doesn't seem like you will.
Queen of Wands King of Pentacles Rx Five of Pentacles
You’ll head into it confident and optimistic but you’ll suffer a streak of losses that will put a damper on your mood

Wasn't lackluster at all, scrying is scrying and both times that you've read for me you've "read" or parsed them well. As to the read, it relates to Lilith or the similar entity that I asked about last time. There was a sign given maybe ten days ago that I didn't act on (in small manner: "see sign, react", then stronger "fun" energy, and easy luck following), and since then I've been overworked, stressed and far more serious, and drained. "Red" is what seems to be a sign to act on to get "Lilith" and that state back on track. "5th" is another sign, but less strong.

Okay the nature of Belial and Goetic entities is not something I'm literate on, so I can't speak to the known nature of it, but the spread strongly pushed the idea that regardless >>38985110 sort confirms that it's less important who she claims to be rather than that it's there to help you when you're overburdened.

Anyway, I'm around for about 45 if you wanna trade again.
Don't tradecuck me anon please.
53 again the fuck
Virgin gf
Leave or stay
Sorry, got distracted with work.

>king of wands, five of wands, the hermit

Definetly not. In spite of you feeling excited about her, you're going to end up alone. Too much friction and fighting, not really being "that" connection.
Should I?
The result if I do
Will it
Will I get it?
Should I?
Is it good?
May be busy in 45 but can try! And thanks for the feedback, that makes more sense now
Trading occult
Can you do a reading on my progress working under the house today? Looking for advice and insights. Progress has been slow because I'm looking for something down there and it's hard to breathe so I can't stay long without repercussions.
>I can't stay long without repercussions.
what kind of repercussions?
Mine is will me and the older black haired woman end up having sex?
I'm breathing in a lot of dirt and it messes with my breathing in general. I just feel mentally thrashed for the rest of the day. I assume a lack of oxygen or something like that. I felt a similar way about my last work place, and they had something funky going on with the ventilation. In general I haven't been the same since early last year. I got worked beyond my physical limits and it's been tough to do a variety of tasks without getting exhausted. Hasn't stopped me from doing my best, but it's rough and I want to get this over with. Also a lot of drama since my folks don't understand coax and think it's live exploding wire.

Forgot to ask you to post your Q.

Nvm, starting.
Is my sigil charged?
Is my V spell woroking?

Starting when you confirm
>worked beyond my physical limits and it's been tough to do a variety of tasks without getting exhausted
hers some advice "quit being a little bitch and get the job done."
>Knight of Pentacles, Three of Cups, Death
>Knight of Swords, The Magician Rx, The Devil Rx
>Shadow Cards: Heirophant Rx clarified by The Chariot

It depends on the situation. There's a lo of movement in these cards. There's the chariot with Sphinxes and then there's the Knights and Death. Lots of obstacles to overcome. The Heirophant here tells me that this isn't traditional. Three of cups.. does one of you have another partner? Something about this isn't quite right, but it appears it will be made right. If you're looking to hook up and the situation is morally wrong, then no. Absolutely not.

If you're looking for something more proper then yes. The Devil Rx tells me this is for the better, but you might not agree depending on your disposition.

There's a slow but steady aspect to the general flow of working towards it, but in general with the magician reversed it puts a spin on the situation. You either don't go through with whatever you have planned or the situation changes to something more appropriate.
???? That's what I'm doing? I have health issues and I'm doing what I can. I already have a lot of people opposed to what I'm doing. If I collapse under the house it's over. I work out and try to improve my health, but a friend of mine things I have some sort of breathing problem like asthma, and I often do find I have issues breathing. I think I'm doing a damn good job considering.
Is tragedy looming over me?
I don’t know if I’m picking up signs or seeing things just because I am afraid.
7 of Pentacles 2 of Wands Knight of Swords
Yes, your V spell is working
Bro did you just trade cuck me?
so you are in the crawl space on 4chan? doesnt sound like working
Spilled bottle will post read soon
10 of Swords, Page of Swords, King of Swords

Lots of air energy, unless the theme of your sigil is related to the air element I'd say you've exterted a lot of mental efford but mostly imaginary and you need to recharge with proper energy.
Justice 5 of Wands Empress King of Cups 5 of Cups

Yes you have but I’m getting you’ll get pissed and try to finish it for the sake of getting over with it, you’re doing fine don’t let this rush get over you
Thank you :)
I see, trade again?
Still there? What does SM think of me? You?
fuck off martin

Jizz or fuck?

What can anyone tell me about my work future?
Still waiting
How does t feel about his abusive cousin?
I bet you're iron deficient. Take an iron supplement daily and see after a month your breathing improves
Trading occult
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Hi /div/!
Opening readings for a bit.
Need alias, gender, and a creepy-cute pic if you want to make my day.
That'd be something hard to gauge. It's only in certain environments. It's mostly related to my heart I think, as it was enough to make me think it was related to covid, and the things that helped with chronic fatigue helped with the work out related stuff. This seems a bit seperate though. I have some iron on hand, but I never took it consistently though.. I'll try and take your advice though.
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We all are male
Can you do this one? Sorry if no picrel I have no time to look for it just now :<
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Cleitus male
whats something i should be aware of?
Next bf? Or gf?
will I make friends on Sunday?
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Where do I go from BK(female)
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Hermes (nothing to do with the god, it has history), F, Q: Will C still take my application even if I've turned it in late?
T. Male
Outcome of getting it this year vs next year?
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Fleey , F
Do i have my chances at getting into the cnsm of paris in singing class ?
omg shikiii i love this anime so muchh
>How does T feel about his abusive cousin?
A: Ten of Wands - Six of Cups - Death
T is carrying a heavy weight on his back from dealing with their cousin. In one hand, they cherish good memories they had with them and don't want to let go - On the other, they're aware they're being suffocated, and the weight will only grow larger. The treatment they're receiving is crushing them, spiritually and emotionally, and deep inside they know they'll have to cut him off from his life soon, despite the good memories. They also feel they're facing this situation alone.

That's the impression I'm getting.

>Is tragedy looming over me?
A: Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Wand.
Wouldn't say so, no. You're likely nearing the completion of a big stage of your life, a big project or something, and the anxiety is building up within you. In actuality, you're likely to set off yourself to be in a lot better situation once this is all over with.
Damn right, BANGER anime
X. Male

Is E a servant of God?
Does A.L.Y reciprocate my feelings from her?
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WS male

What can anyone tell me about my work future?
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Next romantic encounter?
Tysm the cousin is really being bad but hopefully they will change their ways...
Will D come back, for good reasons?
Female d is male
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>Four of Swords - Five of Wands - King of Pentacles
>Respite from trouble - Conflict - Discipline.
Avoid getting into petty conflict you're likely to be dragged in, stand your ground and observe from afar.
It's best to respite yourself from the trouble than participating in perpetuating it. Let's you gather power for when you'll really need it.

Now that's a classic pic and query combo.
>Next bf? Or gf?
>The Lovers - Eight of Cups - Six of Swords
Look at you pulling Lovers in a relationship query, you.
Eight of Cups and Six of Swords both emphasize leaving a situation for something else, SoS emphasizing quickly and with someone else. I'd say it suggests jumping from one relationship to another. Maybe someone leaving someone else for you? Either way, you're getting swept of your feet by them one way or the other.
Is A into me the way I am to them?
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Im so excited
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Will my affirmation tapes work if used consistently?
alias B
Gender F
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What might help regain a sense of purpose or fulfillment?
It's been a long time since I've checked out div, so who are the best readers on here now?
>The Hanged Man - King of Cups - Four of Pentacles
Start seeing things from a new perspective. You don't have to stay where she left you, you deserve to invest in yourself a bit. The King of Cups is a lone patriarch, a doting father, devoted godfather, the cool uncle. What he appears to lack in close intimacy he invests in himself and his self-image.

Pendulum says Yes.
>Four of Cups - Justice
Worrying about it will do you no good. If the application is really good, you'll get something worth your time either way.
yours is done and waiting.
Page of Pentacles Wheel of Fortune 8 of Wands
Sunday will be fun, yes you will make friends, you’ll enjoy yourself and lower your guard around these people
Alias F
How will they first time i meet A(female) be like?
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Nora J
Next boyfriend?
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>Do i have my chances at getting into the cnsm of paris in singing class ?
what's a cnsm
>Wheel of Fortune - The Star - Page of Cups
Now that's a pretty card draw.

You got the Wheel of Fortune and the Star (My favorite card!) so I'll say you have nothing to worry about, Luck smiles upon you. Page of Cups also ties into creative and emotional development so you're likely set out for good stuff.
Good luck! Pendulum also says yes.
Thank you
I am basically standing on a thread financially and I was about to make a big shift. Then this hurricane shit hits in Fl and I’m right in its way. It all feels like its coming to some kind of head and I’m worried, particularly because I have to secure my apartment before I bug out and I don’t know if that shit’s gonna hold.
R, Male
Where do my talents lie and what should I do to hone them?
omgg ty for the pic <3 I love your cards they are so pretty!!
Cnsm is a music conservatory in France to study music professionnally (you have to study in a regular conservatory before and then pass an audition to be selected )
The one in paris is extremly selective but I would really want to get in this year, it's one of my biggest dream ahah
I Hope i'll make it, your reading really boosted me up (the star is also my favorite card )
Thank you so much for your reading and your encouragements <3
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Trading lewd/horny
You, if you tried. Pick that deck up today!!
Trading occult or semi-occult, scrying or energy readings preferred due to the query's nature
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Closing shop now, tired.
Sorry if you didn't get yours, I'll try showing up more times this week.
Bye based Shiki enjoyer
What the HECKER is this random flow of energy all of a sudden and where/who is it coming from?
Pretty sure something's trying to grab my attention but I can't tune into it too well right now.

Your q?
This one, I wanna have sex with her real bad
And what reading methods are you using?
should i apply for this track worker job?
its stable but its dangerous
Hey I have a question is the same as this>>38986231
could I have gotten that tan girls number today easily ? starting when you confirm
Rws tarot
this one >>38988192
yours? no occult rn
If you are comfortable with reading about entities and you're pulling enough sure. With that context given: what's the message?
Starting when you confirm
Will me and the woman that’s been in mind get with each other?
which one are you? my q is this >>38988192
starting when you confirm
The World
Page of Swords
9 of Wands
The “message” is a quick nudge at you to get your attention, this entity you’re in contact with feels weakened and isolated and feels like you could help them rise up again so to speak, it’s a call for help
I’m both of those anons lol, my Q is the one you’re replying to, starting yours
Empress 6 of Wands Hanged Man
Hanged Man is serving as a reminder, almost like saying “I told you so”, yes you could easily have gotten her number
>The Sun, Ace of Cups, King of Pentacles, Nine of Wands, Three or Cups, The High Priestess, Queen of Cups, Four of Cups
While they do like you, I don't think they would be super thrilled to jump straight to boning. There seems to be some baggage they are dealing with and they need a stable, comfy presence around that has a positive, soothing influence. Sounds like there will be disappointment if you approach them with each others' expectations being heavily mismatched.
Gee, it better not be who I think it is
This reads as both positive and negative lol, trade again? I’d like to know if I could pull it off and satisfy their needs, I’d really like to
eight of wands rx two of swords rx magician rx
Not yet, you haven't really done all you can do here to really get with her.
Trading occult
What's the query my beautiful cherry tart
Not my favourite kinda query so I'll pass, sorry anonsy!
Will IV take my offering and grant me what I want from them?
Mine: was my third eye damaged years ago? Was it that shade or something I've done to myself?
Starting when you confirm
Actually heck confirms, starting now, boutta hit the hay.
As it is, your current offer is lackluster and nay not get you what you want. Something about the wrong kind of ENERGY being into it. Change that and it'll be an easy yes.
trading not occult
Will I get another opportunity tomorrow? or wednesday?
2 of Swords
Ace of Pentacles
4 of Pentacles
I see no damage here but rather it’s your perception that’s damaged, I’m getting you got exposed to some kind of truth that made you feel insecure and shut yourself off to this sort of knowledge
Sort of. I was not in a good headspace when I awoke and whatever was waiting on the other side was terrifying, it felt like a literal fight for my life. Very scarring experience on a mental level. So it could be that I'm just scared...

Ok so I'm really needing a read in here...

So I have this orange candle I'm offering in case I was helped by let's say an "entity" but i don't really know If I'm doing wrong.. I know things have gone wrong when I haven't light it up..

but also a lot of things are going against lighting it up...

I need my cat's health to improve and not worsen.. what do I do?

do I light it up?? sometimes I feel that what is going against it is because wants to screw them.. sometimes I feel that what is going against it is actually trying to help.. so I don't know.. do I light up that orange candle ??
Trade again? I’d like to know what kind of energy I should sen IV then
What does FL want to see happen to me?
Is someone leaving someone for me ?
Another reader said its a possibility
Oh by the way, not sure if it needs to be said but this is not a romantic query.
What the fuck are you doing exactly anon
Empress X towerX 6ocX
5osX 5op 9op
It would appear that wensday you will have a much better oucome
Who dat?
Anyone know what entity I can work with for beauty?
Besides aphrodite
Ten of Swords
Seven of Coins
Five of Coins
I don't really see this happening ? Although you may want to put this idea to bed otherwise you'll end up with nothing in the end .
Trading occult
Makes sense
I only know one person who I think likes me but they have a gf... so I'm probably just moving on from my ex faster than I thought or something tysm
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> query
> love queries need both genders
> no occult
I am a female
How soon until my next bf?
If you can tell if it's my ex or someone new I would like to know but if you can't tell no worries and if timing is not possible anything about my next bf is good ty
When would be the correct time to move in with them? They’re just old friends. Male.
>love/sex general for the month? thank you
I don't have much time but will resume things, hope you are not on one side or the other of the spectrum (judgemental of good and bad)

*Got sick last year on december.
*Got well at the end of janyary,
Cat (mine) which was pretty much an outside cat, got him off the streets because he was doing dangerous stuff and forced him to become an indoor cat and was with me while I was sick
*February comes, I get well.. he gets sick..
*One day I ask marbas (goethia) for his help. seemed to work but only for one day.. decide he didn't want anything to do with it because the moment I was going to put on what I promised (not much really, an orange candle and then when I had money I would try to wear stuff with lions on it) but the moment I try to start paying for it with the candle and incense everything went south
*Decide he didn't want anything to do so I concentrate on asking god for him
*He gets well
*Moment he gets well another of my cats gets sick from a totally different illness
*Think I might be in debt with marbas
*Start lighting up an orange candle every monday
*I failed to get one a couple of times and yet another one of my cats starts having trouble (different illness.. this is not just one illness).
*I pray like crazy for my second sick cat which had a very bad prognosis and after months of fighting one day she gets alright again.
*The moment she gets right the first cat that had been doing totally right, again starts having trouble.

So here I am having troubles with my first cat again, but in the last weeks it seems like something wants me to refrain from getting that candle lit up (that's why I failed a couple of times)
so this "thing" that is against it I don't know if it wants me not to do it for my well being and of my cats.. or because it wants me to fail and make things worse.

Also all this shit started BEFORE asking marbas, that's why I ended up doing that, because I was already desperate.
will my games/comics garner a fanbase of any kind?
female if it matters
>Love general or next partner?
Male asking about female
Do I ever run into the girl from LL or does she reach out to me? possibly romantic but I hope she leaves me be
I'm (female) getting married soon (to male)
How will our married life be?
Next gf?
Will me and ALL (female) hook up?
Will j come live with me next year?
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Not reading anything past this point.
Would I be successful in convincing her she's paying for more than she has to?
Did I do well in my response to this betrayal? I thought hey were my friends...
Money situation fir rest of year?
Oh I remember you.

It's not Marbas worsening their condition, but the thing here is that while he's plugging what he can, the issue will never be solved intil you act concretely and get them checked. He IS THE ONE getting in the way of you lighting them, but not our of malice. It's the message. He doesn't want you to fail, he wants you to act.
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Timing questions are notoriously hard for tarot. I can tell you that there’s work to be done before he even arrives there’s so much more in your life that needs attention. I know you are hoping, but my cards are clear: it’s time to rest, recuperate, and balance your inner self.

This cycle is about you nobody else.
> four of swords three of swords two of pentacles

Yes however you won’t stay long with them, there’s some reservations you already have that will make you want to move on.
> six of swords ace of swords emperor

Looks like you get over some heartbreak and flirt around not too much depth to anything. A new beginning in every sense of the word.
> fool page of pentacles death

>Ten of coins
Count on it, work as hard as you can and this will lead to success.
What would M.R (female) think of me?
Would it be a good idea to go on that trip out west as quickly as I can? Like this week quite soon. Male.
that's fine by me, thank you!!
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> seven of pentacles two of swords world
Are you actually making choices that lead towards the right people? Because it doesn’t seem like you do. If you continue in this path you’ll have a short relationship with someone that reminds you of your past self.
>3 of swords
If you do ever see her it won’t be romantic again.

> Ace of coins Emperor Hierophant
Good stable and as you think a marriage “should” be
He would have to be the one wanting it to happen this will happen on his timing not yours.
Second one, fine by me.
been acting I swear,
first cat: for the most part everyone said there wasn't any wrong with him.. but they gave him some medicine that got him worse.. to make things worse I overdosed him the first time (no idea how this happened I'm always very careful)
anyway at the end they prescribed a different kind of food.. for some weeks he was fine but then something weird started happening with him and I took him to the vet several times "no anon, everything is fine" but I knew he wasn't, the moment I knew he got well.. like one day after.. my other cat comes back and she is fine.. until that afternoon, I notice she is wrong.
Took her to the vet IMMEDIATELY "lol anon.. everything is fine with her" yeah right , two days after she was shitting blood. Took her to the vet to the point of spending all my savings, I had a diagnostic and went with it, she is actually still eating special food. but she didn't restore her health FOR MONTHS I really thought she had cancer.. took her to the vet at every opportunity I had even with limited resources " lol, she's fine anon" no, she wasn't fine , she was all letargic.
Then I ask for a bunch of people to pray for her and I pray by myself.. and guess what.. miracle.. one day after she was again the cat she hasn't been for months.
but then I start seeing my first cat again going south, I haven't changed a thing and he is getting sick again, I observed him for weeks and finally last week I started talking with his vet about what is happening.. he doesn't even want to believe me because it doesn't make sense, but yeah.. he is again back to square one .

So there must be something else.. also I get refrained from lighting up the candle.. but also in the last weeks trying to go to church has been near to impossible.
I am so tired actually
Is it possible for you to see a different vet, or were these multiple opinions?

All seems good on Marbas' end though, whatever is going on isn't on him.
Last, thank you. He is the one initiating it, it's happening this month. He's promised me good things, promised he'd take care of me... I feel extremely lucky.
Am I intimidating?
I walk about at night and sketchy places sometimes no one ever bothers me
thanks, at least I know my gut feeling that he isn't causing this is right.

my gut feeling tells me it is another kind of demon that has been harming me for quite some time, this is just him putting me against the wall.
also about the vet.. yes I've seen a bunch of them.. but the last one seems to be the "lucky one" at least when he sees my cats and doesn't catch anything wrong, it becomes reality, the oth
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>three of cups two of pentacles three of swords
A friend that should have stayed a friend or a FWB it ends in disaster :/
Knight of pentacles
>seven of pentacles death nine of cups
Even if you don’t stay at that job it will lead to happiness later down the line (pun entirely intended)

>ace of swords
Yes, if he has promised it he will.
You think it's someone I know or someone new? i'm the first one
J never made any kind of promise so I dunno
Thank you
23 I wish to know
888 ill go for it
Q: Will I have what I want and am looking for?
Yea that’s kind of likely desu. That does in fact check out.
No, It's nothing occult, I just recently accepted my shadow, I need proof and an answer, sorry for being ambiguous, but I know why I ask this way, forgive me
trading scry for scry

What would MrMw think of me? Would they match my feels?
future wife scry. what's yours
will anything between me and mrn happen in the future or nah? starting
What kind of energy does VI want from me? In order to grant me my wish?
4 of Cups Sun Rx 6 of Wands
Spread says that it won’t but you’ll find peace and victory in your disappointment, sorry anon
Not doing occult scries you have anything else?
how the fuck did you read so fast? are you using a website?
I saw a blob in the outline of a woman, it looked the way someone with cataracts sees things, my interpretation is that although there will be a future woman you’ll marry you haven’t met her/it hasn’t been set yet, sorry for the abstract answer I was hoping for something more concrete
>using a website
I’m not, I’m just fast
I'm already aware I haven't met her. This doesn't tell me anything. Stop rushing and focus.
They would find you quite obnoxious.
What do you get from opening the fridge for the 3rd time?
Should've known you were a troll. Good riddance.
fake reader/scrier
no cards and fake scries all around

next time I’ll trade with an anon I’ll be sure to know

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