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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38984278
have a good week and stay safe out there, /div/
Will anything good come of me putting my all into guitar or is it a red herring pursuit?
Q: Will I have what I want and am looking for?
Q: General for October

Go to that town this week or go another time?
october to december
Hanged Man 9 of Wands Wheel of Fortune Tower Chariot King of Swords
Your current attempt at getting what you want will fail but it will help be more focused and decisive when you do try again
the fake reader is back
>dislikes answer
>”fake reader hurrr durrr”
seethe cope
then show me the answer
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AQ M 38 Sagittarius ∇

Is the new design I have in mind the one I should be going with?
I'm not even that anon, cope and seethe
sorry is Persist not perceive
gen for the rest of the year. Yours?
Could you deliver my read first?
>So on my first try I will fail? but after the second one will I be successful? then I must persist
From the spread I think you will but if you want more cards then I’ll trade after you give me the read
no bc you're a fake reader
>posts trade
>someone steals it before i get a chance to respond
thats fine, still looking to trade
Does N still think of me ever?
A three week general for me. Starting
yes please anoter read
Q: will she be mine and only mine? I won't let her win this time.
>strength, 7 of cups, the devil, justice R

A feeling of wanting to persevere no matter what. There may be some sort of injustice afoot and you won't want to take this sitting down. It's not that you're deliberately going to try and be evil, but rather you're going to feel very wronged by something and decide to take measures into your own hands to take back control, even if those measures aren't exactly the most moral. A very "you went low? well i'll go lower." type of energy here. You won't let whoever did this get away with it.
Would me and the polish person get along or no?
well this doesn't resonate, no one's wronged me at all
Sometimes, but you're not really a priority for them at the moment.
four of cups/page of swords r/eight of coins
how do I meet the woman I marry? starting
A lot can happen over 3 weeks anon
regardless, ty
there's no injustice lol. my life isn't that high level/complicated for there to be things like that
For some reason this resonates more with me, I'm from the post >>38989827
A guest in some traditional celebration like a marriage or baptism, some kind of event you’ll be require to look presentable to, seems like it’s from your family.
Q: will she be mine and only mine? I won't let her win this time.
why is N appearing in my dreams after all these years?
What is the reason why we even met?
yes you would, but you might try to force things too much, weirding them out.
Query v
Aprecciate it, what method did you use? I did a scry for yours
Please answer, I need this, you are the first person who has given me light, and I know that now I am going for what I want

I also used a scry for yours.
what kind of fandom will my games/comics eventually attract?
What did A’s friend think of me?
Can I get a general for this month? starting
I was waiting for you to reply first but here’s your read
Rest of month the month will be toiling but you’re going to enjoy it, you’ll be in a comfy routine
King of Wands Rx Knight of Pentacles Lovers
Would me and AX (female) work together?
in the future, what kind of online discussions will crop up about my games/comics?
No, you two will just bring out the worst in each other and will fight a lot. You may attempt to have temporary truces every now and again but too much will be left unsaid in the name of said truces which will lead to worse fighting later as sour feelings are left to simmer.
nine of wands/five of swords/four of swords rx/ace of swords/king of swords rx
will she be mine and only mine? I won't let her win this time.?
Aq or trade
Does he love me most?
she have two names "K" and "Y"
Will I get to have it again?
Could I get a reading on A? Not really anything romantic just what lessons I need to learn or how to move forward. Im probably just delusional lmao.
Does my ex m still want to bang?
I'm like beginner level tho
thats fine
this year will I meet a man I'll end up marrying?
Justice Temperance Empress 6 of wands RX
4 of cups

It could come up as an option, but you really gotta make things work, Justice and Temperance are 2 cards of balance, you gotta really make sure everything is running smoothly and fairly and you're putting the effort/giving what it needs to be given to have it again, with Empress meaning you need to attract it or nurture it or make sure everything around you is fruitful and abundant enough to create the perfect conditions for it. As well as, humble yourself apparently, don't get too haughty or big for your britches or too good for it or something.
7os the towerX qos
Back of the deck ace of cups
Looks like you're going to have to keep your guard up in matters of love this year the 7 of swords represents deceit and manipulation. Make sure the men you deal with aren't love bombers and all talk when it comes to commitment. The best thing is to not pay attention to what they say but their actions. How they treat you is very important. This will help you to avoid disaster. The ace of cups is an astounding yes so their is a very high possibility of you finding your life partner this year.
I shuffled my songs and got I'm on fire by bruce springsteen so possibly a big age gap
Last card was ace of cups not 4ofcups
This makes a lot of sense in this situation tysm
Lol i thought your read was what I posted oops
Why do you answer everything to them but not to me? Am I doing something wrong, did I offend you or something?
Who are you?
yeah my mindset is like that, cold and logical and calculating and i lead with my thinking...im very avoidant of people, but it makes me feel very lonely...i cut guys off very quickly, even if emotions or passion is involved. but feel like it might be shooting myself in the foot... its a hard balance. trying to level up right now so ill have more leverage in situations, so i could attract better. i just want my 1 and only to live happily ever after with already. i got so much love to give.

thanks for shuffling a song for me, i appreciate that, fun extra nuance : )
Pls me
How does SA feel about RM
all this questions

I totally get it, I got burned in the past so I avoid relationships now. I was thinking that with the qos that was how you were but I wasn't sure since you are looking for love in that case you may have to be a bit more open to let love in but still pay attention to their actions not just what they say. I hope you find him!
I just got here so I wasn't trading earlier
I can uhh see what I get but I'm not the best so don't get mad lol people get so mad on here sometimes...
4oc hpX 6os
Back of the deck is 10ow
Okay , so what my interpretation of these cards is that your person possibly felt bored in the connection with you or just discontent in some way with you. Possibly it was lacking excitement in some way. The hp reversed is telling me she is disconnected with her intuitive side and may be seeking connections that are more primal based or more into a more kind of toxic relationship where it's exciting but not necessarily what she needs. The 10ow tells me it's going to be a lot of work on your part to make it work . Song I shuffled was touch my body by mariah carey so she seems to definitely be attracted to you physically
Hope this helps
Can we trade?
She don't love you, she is living her best life and you're still stuck on her after all these years let go already man
Is she the one?
Not even the traders get good reads anymore man this thread has really sunk super low
You guys need to get into loa

How does C feel about me?
Granted that you keep it as a side hustle and make your main one out of something else, it will bring some good fruits

Another time my fren

Pendulum confirms yes

That'd be his mom, but you're a high second

Will the subliminal work?
>The Sun, Six of Cups, Ace of Swords, Six of Swords, Death, Ten of Cups, Three of Cups, Seven of Wands, Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Wands
You are likely aware of all you need to know already, but if you are looking for confirmation:
1. Some sort of communication issue. Learn to listen to the people close to your heart without taking a defensive stance, and learn to speak in a way that won't make them feel attacked. I have a feeling it may mostly be you being defensive, though. More often than not, people mean well and don't do things to purposefully hurt you. Learning to see words from an optic of love will do you well.

2. There seems to be some sort of passivity which you are trying to move on from. Keep at it.
Will c come back to me?
Eh... It will DO something, but you seem to be relying on them to do most of the legwork and not putting enough of your own in when it comes to actual concrete action

Positive opinion. C thinks you are nice, kinda goofy, but not necessarily super easy to approach. This doesn't seem to owe to your personality, but rather to the fact you don't seem to have THAT much in common.
Bad news if you were hoping for romance too, because at present they seem to be interested in someone else and aren't all that attracted to you in that sense.
If it's for friendship or work stuff, finding common ground would be a good thing.

Stay where I’m currently at?

Will A end up pregnant soon?
Ty, I am blocked so using it for communication.
You will SEE C again, but it may be rocky.

For now yes. Wait for a better opportunity.

Next year.
is girl i'm chatting with right now my next gf?
should i expect to find gf in this year or next?
Have I met my future husband already?
No. I don't know what exactly it is but you seem to have some rizz issues and some underlying emotional issues on your end that undermine you, gotta have to work on that my fren.

No, and it will still be a while before you do.
Will d ever be a better person for me?
Thank you so much
Will he commit to me and be monogamous
is C interested in someone in real life, or is it just her parasocial attachment?

When will we cross paths next?
>No. I don't know what exactly it is but you seem to have some rizz issues and some underlying emotional issues on your end that undermine you, gotta have to work on that my fren.
i want to die most of the time...
Thanks man. I’m curious what is your source for that read?
Will D try? yes.
Will D ever be a different person compared to what they really are? No.

This is actually an issue on both ends, and this expectation seems to come from both sides. D expected changes from you, which you have tried your best to conform to. Something doesn't sit right about it.

Why do you expect others to be something they are not?

Hard no on this one, sorry anon. See the above post because that probably applies to you too.

Both, apparently??? Keep getting a strong yes on both.
Trips checked, also it's a pendulum reading. It's less effort than tarot in that it's an active back and forth and there is nothing to interpret. Just need to ask the right questions to pinpoint things and rephrase in as many ways as possible to check for consistency. I post the spread when I do tarot :D

Go to that thing on Friday?
First one
We both made mistakes but if I did something it was blown way out of proportion. D was a bit controlling. If D will actually try I will try harder too since I know I need to be better as well.
Thank you for your insight
Love in my life soon?
What does j feel for me right now?
C guy here, i don't know about C-s real life person but everything else was scarily accurate, so i am a lil worried now.

let's say she's attracted to this person, if my plan for her birthday works out, do i have a chance with her? also, is she currently attracted to me in any way?
I guess the trolls finally got what they wanted.. not many people eager to do readings on the wild anymore .
I have a theory on who they are and why they do it,, but who knows
No one cares about your shit conspiracy theories, it’s just a pain to read when I get 0 feedback
What is your theory? I am interested in hearing it.
Good luck. You got your answer, what you want to do with it is up to you.

The fundamental issue is you don't have any chemistry. She has a positive opinion of you, mostly on your personality, but even with that, you're not CONNECTING on that level.
If you wanna be her friend, do it without expectations, or you're setting yourself up for disappointment. If you're just in it for tendie points, try to think twice about what you're doing.

I know for a fact that a lot of old-time readers rarely come around because they have irl stuff going on, and some have moved to doing paid readings instead. New ones come and go, but the bulk of request is big. What we need is for new people to try. Even Oldhelp was a Newhelp once.
He’s not going to say it because he wants the attention UWU
Hey will A come back into my life? We recently broke up and I want to know what he feels about me
Will I get what I want soon?
You'll get what you deserve.
How does he feel about me?
As a partner? No.
You may eventually get back on speaking terms, that is coming through as a consistent yes, but it won't be as chill as it once was. Sort of a distance or rift, which makes sense, considering.

Yes, but not that soon. Second half of the upcoming year.

You will too, anonsy.

Names or initials pls
Can I get a next bf?
Thing is C herself seems to be avoiding getting close to me, i genuinely wanted to connect and understand her before rushing to anything romantic. our hang out went well, but then she suddenly went extremely cold. i do believe a part of it may be because i ghosted her a few years ago, but i think a part of it may be that she's suffering from avoidant attachment style.

can you try to see if she has such problems that cause her to push me away?
What do I need to focus on in my life right now?
Will I meet someone better than him soon?

What does V(m) thinks of me H(f)?
Please anon
How many children will I end up having?
>avoidant attachment style
Yes, but the main issue here seems to be that she doesn't have her head under the sand. The fact that you are approaching with motives is more obvious to her than you realise, which has her on her guard since she isn't interested. This is more common than you realise, in general.

If you had approached as just a friend without any romantic idea she might've opened up more or taken initiative, but this isn't meant to blame you - you can't change what you feel. Things just don't always go in our favor.

Was gonna say no but trips, gib name or alias

Not this year, likely second half of the next.

He has a positive opinion of you, thinks you're nice and finds you physically attractive. But he's kinda hot and cold as far as romance prospects go.

There's some sort of insecurity about you that he sees as a red flag - not because it is inherently negative, but because he doesn't see that as something he wants in a partner. Not much of an emotional fixer-upper.

General question gets a general answer - your fears. Doesn't seem to be a material issue (work/studies and physical form didn't get a response), but rather an emotional one.
Self-esteem, drive, outlook on life. All of them have the same root cause -fear- and you're not addressing it.
why do God seems to not listen to me anymore?
Because you're a cheating slut
Was calling him a bad idea should I just leave him alone?

makes sense, in that case, why did she reach out twice on her own a month after refusing to hang out again? she didn't ask to go out or anything, but i honestly did not expect her to message me twice several days apart

and one final thing, is there a conceivable way in which i could open her heart? i am willing to get to any type of physique and put in the effort in anything necessary, because i genuinely love her
Guess I got my answer with the numbers lol
So I trust your readings for this query
Should I hex him?
He imo really deserves it
Mainly I want him to not be able to hurt others in the future
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> Should I hex him?
You are gonna regret that
Nah don't do it best thing to do here is become more successful than him, be the woman he wants but can't have. The best revenge is to be beautiful and successful without them that will hurt them the most

Did the universe not put him in my life to be his karma?
Anon lmao what the fuck are you doing, give this shit a cut

Gonna get y'all in a bit babes
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I’m not the reader you asked but I’m a reader, I get being sad about getting hit by someone because we’ve all been there. The best revenge is just to quietly move on.
I’ve been asked the same question several times, hell I’ve thought of it myself but reality is focusing on them still gives them power over you.
Seems to think you're attractive physically, but something about your personality doesn't agree with his tastes.

Please understand that this is a possibility, the future is not written in stone, it's malleable and in flux. Free will determines a huge chunk of it.
The potential seems to be for two, but not any time soon.

Around 1.85, dark hair, dark eyes, possibly got a stubble or a beard of some sort. Rectangular face, will use facial hair to slim it down. Sleek/simple clothing style. Seems to be a no nonsense guy.

Idk what anon's issue is with shooting the shit, but I'm not on speaking terms with God right now either :( cannot help.

Dubs confirmed for a yes, let him chill

Move. On.

I mean, personally would say yes. Fuck the manho. But the reading actually agrees with what >>38991423 said. You're soft and will end up feeling torn about this in some way.
Second funny how you say this I've been getting this result and some have said twin boys. Thank you anon :)
It's more a question of should it be done in order to prevent this person causing damage to somone more innocent than I am. I knew what was coming to an extent. I'll pray about it I guess.
Thank you :)
Good luck anonsy!
Thank you for your insights; they really resonate with me. Given my situation—losing my last job way back in 2021 and suffering a few deaths and the loss of our family home last year due to financial struggles—it's hard to see a way forward. I often find myself escaping by not taking action. I'm also curious if there are any people or energies working against my well-being. Sometimes I feel like I'm experiencing spillover negativity from my dad's past, as he had conflicts with many people. Do you have any guidance on this?
Thank you for the reading you're good!
Good to know he is my fiance and yeah I'm really insecure and he knows it, guess it's something I need to work on.
Ohhhh I wonder if it's C?
Thank you!! You're a rockstar.
Could I ask if my mother in law did some occult stuff on my husband and I? she did so in the past and we are experiencing the same patterns from last time
Getting a no on this one - though we always get influenced by other people's mistakes in some ways, no one around you seems to push them on you or really wish you ill right now. I hope things will get better for you soon, anon. Sounds like you've had it rough.

Some people are just not good healers, but he will likely be supportive if you choose to ask others for help on this instead
There IS something coming from her but it doesn't seem to be a strong effort. It may not even be an active one. Could be done without her even realising it, if she is seething enough. Look into cord cutting.
<3 may your prayers be heard
That's good to know. Thank you so much for your time and insights! I hope for better days ahead as well.
Can I ask you for a silly romantic reading?
>Cord cutting
Of course this wouldn't be the last time she tried doing these shenanigans. She is such a toxic woman gotta set up some wards and protection for this.

Anon you're really good! Thank you for the reading, bless you.
I've been considering going to therapy so that will probably help. Much obliged for the reading!
>gotta set up some wards and protection for this
Wouldn't be a bad idea, knowing the problem. Good luck anonsy!

Okay, drop aliases/names of all involved
Not them
Will I P (fem) find a good partner soon?
Is C(F) the love of my life the way I feel? I T(M) have never had such a connection with anyone in my life.
Getting a no on this, but that is vague in that it could simply be a matter of potential. With that said, she DOES seem to be important in your life. There's a lesson to learn from her presence.

Relatively soon, yes. It'll be someone patient, but very blunt, which may make him seem less nice than he is. It can be a net positive, in that you'll always know where you stand with him and have little room for uncertainty.
Maybe I'm overreacting and I need to calm my heart a bit. If it's not too much to ask, could you see if she has feelings for me or just friendship?
Not to edge you but I gotta skidaddle, it'll have to be another time! Sorry fren
What am I meant for in this life?
No problem friend, have a great day.
397 No problem Anon, hope someone else can pick up my question:
crying about women forever
Anon can you tell me if my scripting method is any good?
Aren't we all anon?
not me, I'm not an incel
Suffering for women/love =/= Incel lol
that's incel cope
Say something constructive or nothing at all.
stop being such a pathetic, thin skinned faggot and finally man up. You're not a kid anymore.
Who's making you feel unwanted?
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Doing a few readings IF in the smae post you leave a screeshot of a show/movie you're currently watching, intials and sex of all involved.
No incel/feelings queries.
beautiful digits lmao
Wud up big pimp!!!!
Blessed by digits
I felt something jarring happen in a large range on the less visible side of reality on September 26th. What happened?
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D, Male
What part of me is currently holding me back from achieving my potential and how to overcome it?
those are 2 queries. Don't be greedy.

>No incel/feelings queried
My guy just destroyed 90% of div, that's some true king shit! Based and Chad pilled!
You ain't watching Jesus don't lie nigga
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MV male
will i get taller?
R, male
What is something that I can look forward to in the future?
Who can I ask for help now ??

Hope the pic uploads, I'm on mobile and it looks like it is not selecting it, hope it is
MMM it was meant to be cropped
>the star
>9 of swords
>Queen of swords reversed

In spite of you really wanting to and it being a topic that causes you a bit of anxiety my short king, it's something that's just not gonna happen for you, even if you can't really accept it and try to find hacks to change your stature.
Oh God I also forgot the rest sorry I'm really in trouble right now

Male RVIA is all initials
They ruin these threads. Plus, there are already other readers dealing with that trash daily and probably from the same people over and over.

Taking this at face value, it seems that love is coming your way in the form of a younger person whom you work with/classmate who is striving to be dilligent and practical. A young upstart type.
>The Lovers
>3 of coins
>page of coins
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Posting again because that was a mess, sorry I'm not feeling that right, I'm very worried

Male, initials: RVIA

Query: who can I ask for help now?
Then just the first one?
I am tho...they only have the first season on netflix tho. I think it's the best adaptation to date desu
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My bruddas Im back from da booshes doing some queries. No vague shit and if y'all asking incel shit better be specific with genders and shit.

will i get the transit job if i apply?
other readers have said the contrary.
>the Star
>3 of swords
>King of cups rev
>the Hangman

Betrayal of hope and expectations, an adult male in emotional upheavel, you. You have to keep it in, not reach out for external help. It's your own battle.
ah you're one of those.

•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.

Anyway, I stand by my real, pocket princess. Especially
>>Queen of swords reversed
>even if you can't really accept it and try to find hacks to change your stature.
This girl, C, does she like me as much as I like her?
Doesn't Choronzon 333 have a connection tp tarot ?
>5 of swords, 5 of wands, 10 of wands, 6 of wands
Listen my brudda, there's going to be a bunch of niggas wanting the same job, the competition will be tough if you want the job make sure you're the over achiever, be the queen B of the group, I'm not saying you go out and destroy people's lives to get the title kek! But make sure you're the best out of the competition and gotta be constant with the calls and shit. There's an 80% chance you my get it brudda, bless up my g!
Who is my first bf? I’m female btw
Will I get my own place to live at before new years? Currently a loser living with parents
I'm male
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I watched the new Salem Lot! It was cute, will watch it again.

How do to deal with my family’s failures? I kinda feel ashamed about my parents being financially unstable and my two older brothers being NEETs. I just wanted them to be successful and I’m just afraid of failing and becoming one of them.
What do you mean by young upstart?
Im Female
How will he react if I ask him for help? Not bothered I hope
>Queen of pentacles reversed, 2 of swords, 9 of wands, king of pentacles, king of wands, the fool reversed
My brudda in Christ, this ho has plenty of suitors you're most likely on the bottom tier, sorry to burst your bubble but she is looking for someone who is able to provide for her, ain't saying she a gold digga but my guy if you want to be the one that steals her heart you better become a high value man. Have something nice that makes you stand out and try to look good, don't go out spilling your spaghetti or she will run away from you. For now she isn't all that interested but if you become what she wants chances are you could be getting your sausage wet in her sauce.

>Emperor reversed, lovers, two of cups, hierophant, 10 of pentacles
Comes from wealth, he might have Norse and Mediterranean traits mixed, light hair honey green or hazel eyes. Really tall, not very feels like he is going to be cold at first but once you take down the walls he is going to be a sweetheart but only towards you for the rest of the world he is going to be labeled as a strict uptight asshole. Very traditional, you might meet his family around the first five months of the relationship, might want to settle down the line. Guy is going to be wanting something very serious, will be loyal and respectful. Guess you won the lottery if you're in to that shit.
What is next for me in love and romance?
Just broke up with my gf
Regrets are surging, heart is begging me to make up with her, brain is telling me to move on
Have I fucked up or dodged a bullet?
My initial is E sorry
I really didn't care for it. I prefer the original and I've read that the book is even better.

Pass. That's egotistical shit from a bad person (you). You should be helping them, not being a trash human being.

>No incel/feelings queries.
Thanks! I just needed this confirmation. The other reader described him as the Bruce Wayne type who’s not cocky lol. I need him!
How does N feel about me?
Female asking about a male
Can I ask for just a general pull then please
How we feelin about occult queries, quad man?
I haven’t watch the original one and I’m interested in it. Understandable to not do my read. I knew it was egotistical. They don’t want my help because I’m the baby of the family. It’s just a dumb fear of mines.
i understand, ill try my best
>Temperance, wheel of fortune, 8 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles
Probs not my brudda, you might want to get a better job first or at least get some type of promotion, cards are suggesting you get certified, try something in the technology class, yess computer science class become the hakah man my brudda! But in all seriousness my g, you might want to get a better job or some side gigs so you're able to afford a decent crib.

>4 of cups, 4 of wands,3 of cups, 6 of pentacles
He is going to be "meh sure what do you want?" He will not be bothered one bit, seems like whatever or whoever it is (shit do be sounding occult) he is going to agree to help you out, might be friendly about it too only if you're asking him politely and don't be so demanding, keep shit chill and he will be a real homie.
Oh forgot those, yeah no. Occult queries are for paying costumers as something fucky always lingers, sort of a thing showing up with the "why you askin bout me bruh? wassup???" if you get the picture.
True king telling the greedy wenches off, hats off to you my brudda.

Hah I was going to call the nigga a light haired batman, aight. Good luck anonette.

You got this my brudda
What methods should I employ to overcome this malaise?
Will I be with g forever?
>if only you knew how bad things really are
What part of me is holding me back from fuffiling my potential?
D, male
I hope it ain't too vauge
what will be my legacy?
>469 (nice)
So I should focus on better income first then on my living situation. Got it.
Would you like a trade? How would looking for a new job go for me?
Sounds like a pickle, what are you doing to fix it?
Not being a tourist

>3 of swords, 6 of cups, 3 of pentacles, temperance, 2 of cups, 10 of cups.
Brother you really fucked up with her, but good news you can still make up for it. But you will have to be very tactical on your approach she is going to be on the defensive and might have some harpees whispering to her. You might want to get a few of the harpies (her friends) to like you or at least her family to like you in order to mend things, it's going to take time but you can fix this fucky situation my guy. She is the one brudda, if you let her go chances are some other nigga will steal her from you, she is really quite the catch. Don't be a retard and get her back.

Why do I get the feeling you're the one who asked about the fuckboi the other time...

>4 of cups, the fool, 3 of cups, the devil
Guy does want to fuck you that's for sure, I'm still getting fuck boy energy from him, not very committed to anyone. He is very meh about you sees you as an easy option or an easy fuck. Have some standards, this nigga ain't shit.
God I wish I were dead
Will I date someone from div?
No, ditch the nigga and find yourself a decent man at least not one that will use you. I feel bad for you ask me something else
Oh yeah no big deal, figured I'd ask cause a lot share the sentiment.
They're really fun to do personally, even if it's always a bit of a russian roulette.
Has other meanings.
Thanks bro it sucks rn cause I've been really horny and thirsty lately
That was da joke
Second one
Far from occult. Thank you though
What do you mean, though?
Nah, I'm the dude that broke up with his gf
sounds like a gay
Perhaps that anon meant 2nd reading, not 2nd post.
This sounds occult as fuck, lucky for you I fuck with occult queries.

>Strength, emperor, world, king of swords, high priestess, magician
You might want to rely on some nigga that knows his shit like a magus or someone that is deep in to the occult. Might also look in to the source of said thing and investigate it's origins could be something from past family or a curse or some shit. Might want to dive deep in to that once you find the source cleanse the hell out of it and banish the fuck out of it. Some reader here recommended the egg cleanse, might want to do that once a week it works well, done a few trials myself and shit do be working. Herb baths are pretty cool too, lavender and sage are always the go to herbs to ward off spooky niggas.

>Ace of swords, ace of cups, 9 of cups, 10 of cups
My nigga you got really good cards, I am not sure if forever since we humans expire and die. But you two have a high chance of making it till you're old, the man of the relationship might live a longer life than the woman. A very happy and prosperous marriage, bless up brudda
From a past family or curse, huh?
Maybe even a hex or a few?
How strange, who would do such a thing and why?
I meant 2nd post
I feel worse than gay
Either way he is going to accept helping you out so you're good!

Well try to make shit up with her it ain't too late

Don't let the nigga use you, there's probably better men out there that might be looking for a good time

Yeah my brudda, well I already told you on my reading you should try to get some certs or learn something with technology that can make you a decent cash flow. Probably code developing or Ai shit. You could end up making better money than what you're doing now my guy
Wow, yeah their is a big age difference.

Thank you my friend
2nd again
I don't know how to, I feel all bridges are burned
She's also fiery as fuck and "too hot too handle"
I don't think it resonated because I earn very well and she knows it lol
What are they trying to remind me of?
That's for you to figure out homie

Well something about you isn't jiving with her but you're welcome to ask other readers my guy I'm just a nigga with a bunch of spooky cards

Bless up those digits
Cards do be telling you to be patient and side with some harpies in order to win her back, deep down she wants you to do an effort my brudda

Bless up!
TMI but When am I getting my back blown out?
I'm really sorry man you still here? fell asleep :(
These are my last readings not doing shit after these
lol does the appearance description matter? One reader said he has blue eyes but you said that he has hazel eyes. Him being wealthy and vain is correct.
Oh, I already know who.
Appreciate the read.
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Tell me about my life partner.
I don't watch TV, by the way.
>Hermit reversed, death reversed, 6 of swords reversed, moon
You're too wishy washy at times and refuse to move on from certain things of the past you tend to be stuck on something, if you make a mistake you keep replaying the mistake in your head and give yourself a hard time for it my guy. Try to be easy on yourself my brudda, mistakes are teaching moments for us to learn and become stronger don't let the past define your future once you're able to move on from your past mistakes you will be able to evolve, you also tend to isolate yourself too much try to reach out to people that give a shit about you, it's okay to ask them for help. You got this brudda

>8 of wands, wheel of fortune, world, 8 of pentacles
Your job or a business might be something that you will leave behind for your children. Will be something innovative and involving technology or security. Maybe cyber security, will be very popular.

>9 of swords, 9 of wands, king of cups, lovers, strength
Yes, he or she will be coming out of a very nasty situation, you two will become really good friends and from there you two will start to connect. They will be very sensitive perhaps a water sign, might have a rough past but you will understand each other and give each other strength and shit. This person will be very deep in their intuition and will be someone who is very in touch with the occult (like many of us niggas here) your answer is yes my guy

KEK! I like your honesty
>Temperance, hermit, 2 of swords, 6 of swords
Sadly not any time soon, you might want to work on other areas and letting go of certain things before you think of that. Work on your life and other issues you may have.

No more readings, that's all folks, back to da booshes!
why 21 not speak to me anymore? you?
Omg I hope he's a cutie tyty
Lol are you retarded? He clearly said no more readings
Thanks resonates a lot.
Idk if anyone cares about me anymore tho
Will e ever ask me out?

Holy fuck.
What do I need to be told at this time in my life?
Makes sense.
Will my next love be a good person?
Outcome with the asian? yours?
will I end up working at N or C for my next job? starting
Work general for the rest of this month
Query ?

I got

Why hasnt Mayra curiel answered my messages nor my calls ?
empress r nine of swords moon
Looks like nothing will happen here, or you've asked this query too many times and I can't get a straight answer anymore
What A’s friend think of me?
nta but Trade for a next sex partner (fem) read? appearance if possible? I'm male

I can trade with you too
My q is

Work general for november

Ill start yours after
Second one, starting
tradecuck? sad
6 of Wands 6 of Cups Knight of Pentacles Reversed
They’re feeling pretty good about themselves at the moment and your messages/calls will entail some kind of responsibility they’d rather not deal with right now
I'm >3394
Work general for November
Eight of Wands/King of Pent Rev/Six of Swords/Five of Coins/Page of Cups
You may be facing some financial difficulties in the first part of the month. You may be fired from a job if you currently have one or you'll continue to struggle finding one. After that first part of the month you do seem to find something, although it's not the highest paying job it does seem like enough to tide you over.
trading this one
Is it tight?
What did A’s friend think of me?
this one >>38993338
king of cups/moon/seven of coins
They thought you were a good guy but they wondering if you were hiding something/you had some mystery to you.
Nonetheless you seemed like someone i with a good head on their shoulders.
here? did I really get tradecucked twice today?
What is your query?
this one>>38993338
N: X of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Hiero
C: Empress Rev, V of Swords, Queen of Cups

thank you :)
trading possible love q
oh no the pedomancy again
someone report this faggot >>38994159
Will donating blood help me to be successful in my plan I am trying to accomplish?
What does d think of me now after everything?
Can I have some context?
Any history with them?
8oc X aop qos
They think you are a person who doesn't want to and will not settle in relationships they believe you to be more focused on your accomplishments and career and that you are good at creating new opportunities for yourself.
Why did 21 stop replying? yours?
Outcome of trying to make money through F?
When will I find a girl that doesn't have mental/emotional issues? Anyway,

Air Query

How best to help V?
>When will I find a girl that doesn't have mental/emotional issues? Anyway,

Never. It's part of the experience of dealing with women.
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10 of Pentacles King of Pentacles Hermit
They’re pic related atm, they’re basking in the rewards of a huge accomplishment they just had and aren’t available for now, hermit in the future position says they’ll snap out of it shortly but for now they’re unreachable
But there's degrees to it, and I always seem to get the ones towards the more extreme side of things. I'm almost 30 and still dealing with the same bullshit I was in my teens. I'm tired, dog.
Absolute failure. Moon-5 pents- king of cups reverse
I'm a bit older and I can assure you that unfortunately, as time goes by, things only get worse. There's desperation to get married, desperation to have a family, desperation because they're getting older and don't want to be alone.
Not to mention the envy of other people's lives.

I get along knowing that it's part of the experience, you have to accept it.
>desperation to get married, desperation to have a family,
I wish those were the issues I was dealing with
I didn't specify it very well, but it's not a very good feeling to know that you're not the person that this person loves, you're just fulfilling a role in their life that anyone else could fulfil (and that this person will most likely change you if they find someone who can fulfil the role better than you).

I've been there and it was one of the worst feelings of my life, worse than dealing with a girlfriend who's just slit her wrists, worse than a girlfriend who had bouts of anxiety so strong that she'd start beating herself up and I'd have to hold her back. Worse than dealing with a mythomaniac who cheated on me non-stop, I've dated a cocaine addict who stole money from my wallet to use drugs.

Life's a bitch frien
Do any of you want a div gf?
No, I want /div/ friends. Got some online ones. Life is good
No, I don't like transsexuals. Besides, I deal with normal women, no need for the mentally ill.
I do, send them my way. The t-girl swag is unmatched.
Okay nm then
you're just gay. those are men.
okay bitch call your lawyer i'll have sex with him too
Trade again?
Trading lewd
Doubt it. You scream "never been touched sexually before".
Wow, someone who's actually dealt with more crazy than I have. Congrats, bro!

Oh fuck off, I used to shitpost about this in these threads all the time and NOW you show up? Pssh.
have I met the next woman I fuck already? yours?
I've been with exactly three people in my life, and I've done just about anything I could think of with them. Good enough really.
Now bring those t-girls over
Is it tight?
Ooo you touch my tralala
Will me and ML have sex?
We met already
Doing readings for cute trans girl pictures, keep it SFW. Skipping obvious trolls.

Provide a name/nickname for yourself and all people involved!
Oh? How'd it go? Would I remember you?
I'm 555
Don't trade above will probably cuck u
Would GI be dtf?
Gunther is fuckin' based, senpai
I’ll trade both you anons I have multiple queries
Does he still enjoy my tight pussy?
lol keep dreamin', pal
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Next lover?
>do you want to get hexed by all the others
Idk, maybe sometimes
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Will there be anything interesting coming my way soon?

My name is Ellie

Will we reconnect at all any time soon?
did I do right by unfriending her?
Yeah they would be. Make them feel special they kinda sad rn.
No, you haven’t met her yet.

Would hexing my ex bring him closer to me ?
that's the dumbest thing I've hear all day
How do you know?
No you won't, sorry.
HUNTER!! I love her so much

>Nine of Swords, The Hanged Man, Knight of Cups, Four of Cups, Two of Wands, King of Wands, Eight of Wands, Page of Pentacles
Your next lover will likely have come out of a painful relationship, probably one that changed their perspective in terms of romance and love. This is not necessarily a minus, because it'll mean they will have really figured out what they desire out of a person, and which qualities they are looking for. Likely to be choosy about partners for that reason, but on the bright side this means you'll know they are REALLY into you when they roll around.

A planner, financially responsible even if not necessarily well-off, and a strong thinker with a future-facing mindset. Pretty nice catch overall, sounds like a mature person.
Don't correct me, I don't respect this shitty language
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People don't remember Leelah enough these days, they're gonna make more cases just like her the way they're going. idc what you think about trans people, no one deserves to feel cornered into suicide like that

What kind of discussions will eventually crop up online about my games/comics?
sorry for the ego query i just need motivation rn
I love her so much
Sounds similar to other reads I got
Thank you!
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How do I meet my next lover? I have someone in mind but i don’t think we’ll actually get together, honestly
hey anons, how would you interpret the devil in the context of it being "a wise advice" for me, and related to dealing with people on a trip?
You should it's the third most widely spoken language in the world.
Where are you from?
Should I get back on hinge and make guys take me on dates ? Im bored
>tfw no ex gf crazy enough to hex me
why even live, bros?
>You should it's the third most widely spoken language in the world.
For now. It's the only one "you" people (Americans, maybe not you necessarily) know, but it's my 4th. I can't fathom being so pathetic, so crippled to the point of only speaking or understanding a couple of languages, let alone just one.

>Where are you from?
I'm not gonna Doxx myself.

>A white dove, transforming into a white owl, ready to lunge at something unseen.
>Two of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, Six of Wands, The Star, Six of Pentacles
ONLY if you actively seek it out, but yes! May have the opportunity to travel (not necessarily very far, but it will be a much needed refresher) if you try to do so in a group - probably the one way for it to be affordable right now, since pitching in together will be less of a toll on your finances.
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How does SY feel about RM?
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will i get my wish?
You have to be able to get them to that point.
I'm a trans guy and I think no one deserves to feel that way. It's especially rough for gals and her case is one that made my heart bleed.

>A lever, perfectly in balance.
>A crossroad, with an apple tree growing between the two splitting paths.
>The Devil, The Fool, The Sun
Likely none whatsoever unless you lean heavily in one direction. Either heavy on taboo/controversy or extremely wholesome. But you need to really commit or it'll be quiet for a while longer. No matter which apple you choose to pick, the seed won't go anywhere unless you take it further up the road.

Should I make a move on V or just be friends?
Fair enough
Thank you so much!
I used to be able to get under girl's skin like nobody's business. I'd always do dumb shit and piss them off but they'd always come back. It's been a while since I put actual effort into a girl tho. So many ghost you before you even get to know them these days I wait to see if they'll stick around before actively pursuing. Maybe that's a bad strategy tho since it's clearly not working.
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Will g find someone else or come back to me?

>A stall
>A baseball ball
Something related to the outdoors, an event of some sort. Not necessarily baseball or a sport, but something that will gather that kind of big passionate crowd. You're gonna have to touch grass for this one, anonsy.

Who and what are they to you exactly?
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rate my facial looks, be real and impartial please
Well he's the only ex I've wanted to hex, he might be a literal psycho.
My BFF n my crush
Does he have a blood fetish? Because if not then I doubt his credentials as a psycho

What will happen this week?
It's not worth it.
Unlike you like chaos.
We were talking about getting into that...
Maybe we are both psycho
>Maybe we are both psycho
Those are the best relationships desu. I hope it works out for you
Pendulum ahoy

Yes, but you will have to get in someone's good graces for it to come smoothly.

Sounds like G may be ready to move on, sorry anon. It'd do you well to do the same.

10/10 nice oval shape, good eyebrow arch, piercing eyes. Now that's a nice girl.
If you want me to rate you, you'll have to drop a selfie, Cleitus.

Sorry but you could just ask them. Not taking this one.
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J, male.
F is about to move away but I want to tell her how i feel. How might this be received? She's acting cute again.
I think I'd enjoy it. It's been so long since my heart got that ol pitter patter, ya know? It'd probably take someone a bit crazy to wake it up at this point
Oof, thanks .
No, too stressful. I will only date nice guys now.

After some back and forth, ye olde pendulum says she might feel a little awkward about it, because while she has a good opinion of you, those feelings may not really be requited.

If you wanna go for it anyway for the sake of not having any regrets, go for it anyway. Or don't. Your choice.
859 get outta here with that I'm not dropping my face on the internet, i assumed you were card pulling now you switched it up..
Damn son, I'm in the same boat.
>nice guys
I think you're the only person who's used those two words in earnest in years. Bless your heart, fren. Best of luck to you
How long has it been for you?
Been 10 years since the last time I was in love.
The way I see what i scry is more akin to a drawn picture book than photorealistic remote viewing, and RVing for faces is especially hit or miss for me, so honestly not gonna bother. Sorry. But thanks for paying the tax >:)
Much more, let's say.
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Does S ever think about me?
Hard part is finding them...
Being shy I don't make the first move so the ones that do end up being psycho. Tell me how can I tell if a guy is really nice? Like the last guy always bought me stuff but then would abuse me lol
big Nose
Thank you!!
Can you please please scry my future baby daddy?
Sometimes, but there seems to be a note of melancholy attached to it.

Damn bro is tweaking

Who the fuck are you, get back to the barn
thats correct
im not trying to wait a few days for a chance to laugh or find a blind spot
Whatchu want?

You get cards, no-namey Jamey!!

>Five of Swords, Seven of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, King of Wands, Eight of Cups
Not a lover of drama, in fact that shit's kryptonyte to the guy. Not necessarily well-off, but willing to put himself out there and try, and he expects to find someone like-minded to actually build something together rather than waste time with somebody who doesn't have their priorities straight. I'd take this last part seriously because he'll know what he wants, he's a decisive person, and he won't hesitate to ollie outie and move on towards greener pastures if shit seems sketchy and there's no chance to fix it.

Bro's on Anubis' good side and he wastes time like this, incredible. Go do something about that instead!!!
Damn, dog. Stay strong. We'll both figure it out some day.

I wouldn't know. I know everyone I've been friends with have commented about how good of a person I am and whatever(I get called the "dad" of the group a lot), but I know I've got a sadistic side. I'd never outright abuse someone, but I'd push whatever consent I got to the absolute limit. Equal and opposite and all that I guess.
You fucking better
Is this getting kinky
Are the ideas and insights I’ve gotten from using THC actually useful and insightful or those just delusions/stoner bs
Oh maybe I'll stay single. I'm not sure how I can have kids for someone who isn't obsessed with me. Guess I'll just get cats haha also thank you so much for your time and energy I hope you have a really good day and get a lot of happy things in your life to experience and cherish . :)
Did I do well by unfriending/cutting contact with HER?
Good luck anon! Post cats when ya get them
>Bro's on Anubis' good side and he wastes time like this, incredible.
alright i know you're the deal heads don't just simply deduce that , He shows up in my dreams from time to time
>Go do something about that instead!!!
what are you referring to here? just asking
Lowkey I'm kinda scared of men now so maybe it's better I just find something else to devote my life to
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Nah, you've got had shit taste. Maybe try going to church, but like, a real one. The kind of church that most people would consider "old fashioned" or some shit like that.

Whatever you do, stay the fuck away from male feminists. They legit are the worst of the worst.
>what are you referring to here? just asking
I'll humor you since you paid the tax :) you're definitely leaning towards the warrior/active/lower centers side of things, but you're neglecting actual spiritual/higher center practices more than you think you are. Especially when it comes to perception and knowledge. Werk and become well-rounded, there's an IMBALANCE

>you're neglecting actual spiritual/higher center practices more than you think you are
i heard this recently from someone else but like wtf am i supposed to do?
10 of Pentacles 8 of Swords King of Cups
The process of going through your life without her will be an anxiety ridden one but one that’ll be way more beneficial for you, yes you did well by cutting them off
Will do.
Ty have a good day :)
>Are the ideas and insights I’ve gotten from using THC actually useful and insightful or those just delusions/stoner bs

>moon, 2 of swords rev,3 of wands
Seems like mere junkie retard delusions paved by a desire to move things a long to sort of improving your future. Like you want to get things done, but don't know how so you hide in fantasy.
He's a cutie but so vicious!!
160 what meditation?, energy work, chakra balancing?
You'll figure out.
God bless
For one you start doing more than just meditation, get your hands into things since that seems to be your go-to approach to learning.

So what you do is you download the beginner folder of this bad boy, you read em, and try practicing what they say and see what sticks.
Air Query

Cuddle friendly gf when?
Got any links to protections and wards?
Or just links to stuff in general.
I want next gf read
thank you coach tranny
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It's all in there!! REEEE

You're welcome meathead, go get them spiritual gains now
when was the best time of /div/?
what was so special back then compared to now?
less incel scum
why did October 2022 to April 2023 feel so extremely different from what /div/ is now? There was such a strong energy here back then

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