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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:
>Guides made by some of our readers:
/div/ starter spreads:
Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
Hijinks' revised divination guide:
A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38989535
More namefags, more people actively trying to read instead of being bottom feeders. But the time period I miss is the one where people were truly experimental. No one tries to break the mould and useful feedback is rare.
Sounds like a pretty accurate take. Thanks for the read, fren. I'll keep mulling it over and see where it goes since we'll be at a few outings together soonish. Oh and we also work together but she's getting transfered to another town. So those feels are to be expected.
Seven day general. Yours?
Does she want me to approach her ? Does she have feelings for me ?
Why not both?
Font of life over sewers

Loving cuddle-hungry gf when?
I don't even care about sex at this point, I just want to hold and be held.
PUSSY all day
Should I join a run club? what's yours
bros are actual npcs

I'm pretty certain my ex has given birth to my child. Is it true, and what will come of it?
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Doing more readings but now I demand pictures of Nightwing (any comic or show is ok) AND HIS ASS HAS TO BE SHOWING IN THE PIC. THIS IS NON NEGOTIABLE. NO ASS NO READING.

Provide a name/nickname for yourself and all people involved! Skipping if it's too incel of a query sorry
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Next workplace? Would it be that startup I interviews at or another thing? Male

Don’t worry I got your pic :)
General for the rest of the week, yours?

A deal's a deal though...

Pendulum'd this one and got consistent yes on the one you've applied to -- with the caveat that you may realise it's more work/less pay than initially estimated, which is an oof
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How do I feel comfortable doing the uncomfortable, like getting out of my comfort zone? I feel so icky and now my professor asked me to speak in class more. I just wanna scream but I know I have to do it lmao.
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your androgyny mortifies me but grayson is my favorite robin who's also the best one, damien scales but hes a belligerent child with no morals, anyways
should i listen to my cousins plan about moving to his state and building a life there?
You assholes are going to get us archived again
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Will I pass this course and get my certification?
same to you, I've been tradecucked twice already. If you don't want to deliver, fine by me. find someone else
Stop taking testosterone blockers and you'll have more confidence
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don't give a shit, bye faggot. no wonder no one wants anything with your sperg ass
outcome of joining a run club ? there's my pic lol
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How's romance for the rest of this month?
I’m not a guy but okay thank you (^。^)
Well it could be thicc it just cuts off early.

That would actually be ok. Not the worst outcome. Thanks.
Uhm xister we know women can take testosterone blockers I'm just saying that if you stop taking yours you'll get more confidence
Don't piggyback off my post! I'm having a fucking night
>A snake, shedding old skin
>Seven of Cups, Ten of Wands, Nine of Pentacles, The Hermit, The High Priestess
Honestly no easy way to this, you'll never like it any better than you do now, and you'll always be introverted and introspective, preferring the backseat. You'll have to try hard, but it may become a little easier if you try to chime in on things you can speak with full conviction. It's about timing, too.
lmao, typical incel faggot with shit interpersonal skills. I'm shredded, I just prefer running alone and wonder what it would be like.
please stop trolling and shitting up the thread
I make one post and get accused of trolling and shutting up the thread.
Fuck this gay Earth
Lol, lmao even, get scried idiot
>should i listen to my cousins plan about moving to his state and building a life there?

>A handful of dry leaves are picked up from the cold ground. The same hand that gathered them squeezes them, making them crumble and break before letting their flakes fall back onto the soil.

I don't think he means you ill, but you'd likely not have as many opportunities to flourish over there. Meager pickings and little left if you burn through it - and you seem to be good at burning bridges. Try elsewhere.
Looking for a trade?
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Captain Save-a-hoe
How do I best help V, and/or odds of dating V?
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Would it be worthwhile to go on that trip to that city this week?
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I noticed another anon posted my photo.

I’ll use this one instead.
I'd just like to thank you dumb fucks. You took my shitpost and ran with it. Love you guys <3
>people in /div/ using the term incel
This is why we can't have nice things

Unnecessarily rude
>preferring the backseat
Yes!!! It’s like a bad thing to be introverted lol. Like you have to be talkative every time to be successful!
No name but ass tax paid, pendulum says yes. Don't slack tho, WERK

PICTURE FOR ANTS but ass is ass
>Queen of Swords, Six of Wands, The Empress, Nine of Cups
Honestly? Good fucking decision, solid pull, you'll find like minded people and feel pretty comfy in there. They're gonna be miring
QUERY? skipping if it's incel shit tho
what should I be for halloween? :3
query? Can you also scry?
Oh okay that's fucking cute, my q: will my boarding room be a shabby one or a decent one? Any detail you can glean?

I'll do a detailed read for you best I can

I'm female btw
My newfag friend you can quote a post by clicking on its number, or copying it and putting two >> in front

Pendulum says it might be yours indeed. You could reasonably get a paternity test done and get rights to see the child if you tried. Do you even want to, and why would she object?
Will try to as well, let's roll let's rumble
thanks :)
I really wanted to give out readings but man this thread is really in the shitter init?
10 of swords
2 of swords, page of pentacles RX, 3 of wands RX, 6 of cups RX, death RX, 6 of wands RX, star RX, page of cups RX, 9 of wands RX, hierophant RX

Yeah.....so.......it is gonna be hard to romanticize this experience even with the shitty boarding room. It's not gonna be fun, you will find no satisfaction in the state of it. It might become a bad memory.
>Butterfly wings. What stands out isn't the wings, but the color. Blue, blue, blue. A veil, a cold chill, flowers.
If that's not within your possibilities go for something BLUE/TURQUOISE. Anything in that color!!

Yeah word, I'm going into it knowing that, I've grown too soft and need to thicken my skin some. BLEAK tho lmao
Air Query

>have friends
>years and years without gf
>lonely in a romantic sense
>girls sense the loneliness and avoid it like the plague
>loneliness gets worse and compounds the issue
Can I get a read on this? How do I fix it or at least make it work for me?
Trading scry for scry
>future wife scry
>no occult
I said no incel shit but I won't deny those glutes (it's called irony)

>Queen of Swords, The Star, Two of Cups, Ten of Cups, Strength
There is a sense of delay so it may not necessarily be this month, but keep cooking whatever you're cooking because it seems to be working, you just gotta stick to it.
Will likely meet someone you'll get along with very well, that way, or it will get whoever you may be fancying into a sweeter spot.
yeah I kept drawing cards and kept asking questions about the room and if you will find any satisfaction in it....just kept coming in reverses no matter how many times i shuffled or asked.... lel

Thank you :D
Look at this picrel! I also love Dick Grayson. Best DC character by far. I watched Batman The Animated Series religiously as a kid and the episodes with Robin were always better.

Anyway thanks for reading.
Let's say I'm Batgirl.
I've got a few love interests and wondering where they stand or what they are wanting from me.
There's Robin who is very cool. We go way back.
There's Riddler who is inscrutable. We also go way back.
There's a guy who makes me think of Sam from True Blood who I'm curious about. We haven't known each other long but I think he likes me.

Any thoughts? If not just enjoy this ridiculous picture lol
We're all really fed up of this Martin/Sandra/Sergio whoever spammer. It's so tiring. Best just to ignore it
yes not worth it wait till later
Ignore him please, he will get tired and fuck off eventually
Ahh, sorry. I figured that was a next gf kind of Q. I have someone in mind I'm working towards, yeah. Thanks for reading anyways!
Reminds me of this video at 2:50 minutes in https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YD9ROh-8q1M&pp=ygUYYm9iYnkgbGVlIG5vcm0gbWFjZG9uYWxk
Maybe go out more and talk to more people? Are you Indian? If so you may need to go through life without a partner. Otherwise get out more and things could work for you.
99.99% of the posts have no idea who Martin and Sandra are. Cut out all that nonsense. No one fcking cares.
That's not the issue. I go out plenty. Girls can just sense the loneliness and it drives them off, which just makes it worse. I always think I'm good at hiding it, but I guess not.
>Odds of dating V?

>How do I best help V?
>Five of Swords, The Tower, Two of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, Four of Pentacles, Four of Cups, Ace of Cups
She keeps going from drama to drama like a bee to the nectar and frankly the only way to help her is to be patient, try to truly listen, understand her problems and stick by her side, which you seem to be reluctant to really do in a way that can make a difference. Telling her what's wrong ain't it, she will just be sour about it. She needs to be guided to it and understand it herself. Won't change until it clicks. But again, than entails genuine interest in helping her.
Hey sorry for the delay I got distracted with watching the new.

But basically I want to know if my job search will come to an end soon and will I start a new job soon
Sure, will place ST have what I want if I schedule a walk in? or should I make an appointment with someone specific instead? yours?
I'm also looking for a job. I have the same query, I'll trade ya. Starting

Yes! Not much in the way of meaningful new encounters, but you will have fun and likely set your eye/interest on something you like. Worth the little jaunt.
>guided to it
Fuuuuuuuu, this is going to be so much work. I mean, it was with me too, I'm just tired.

Thanks, Anon.
tell me something thatll make me happy
Idk. What if for a while you just focused on having fun instead of trying so hard to impressed the woman.
hold up. bro needs to do all that and won't even get a nibble? RIP to the homie
Friend, I appreciate the advice, but I promise I've tried all of it. Why the Hell else would I be asking for a read on this?

Why did she ghost me?
waiting you now.
Sorry I had to compose myself because the combo of the pic and the aliases SENT ME, this is the shit this is all about!! LET'S GO

An egg. There is very good potential but the timing isn't right. A little while longer in the future.

>The Riddler
Dragonfly wings. May have some interest in you too, it's likely not to last veeeeery long, but he would definitely not pass on it.

A hood. There's sides of himself he's hiding on purpose and you kinda wanna slow your horses and wait til they're out and aired before you figure if he is your jam.

No rush, Batgirl. Let the grill cook them a little longer.
>Unnecessarily rude
What path/career suits me best?
thanks for the answer, we had a good chat, i feel like if i go i would rectify a lot within myself though.
just get a boyfriend
anon's boyfriend
The choice is ultimately yours. You can always go back if you really don't thrive there. The future is about possibilities and never set in stone, so you could make something good out of it if you really exercise temperance.
I'm not gay.
Besides, girls are cute and softer and cuddlier

Continue on in my current city?
me neither trolling faggot
General for the rest of the month? Things have been turbulent so far
LAST READING I TAKE, gimme a bit, gonna get this one down before I go to sleep
Anon that's what I'm trying to say
Jesus, will you two just fuck already?
Trading :3
I think you replied to the wrong person
Yeah sure.

Heres your reading: King of cups, queen of pentacles and the high priestess.

You seem to have bit a lot of work into a job and I thing roles with a focus on helping others is the vibe im getting here. Are you somewhat invovled with music at all? Clearly you should trust your intuition because while certain jobs might not have been direct yet about your success there's always tomorrow and we don't know what news that could bring. Unfortunately sometimes we have to wait around for an ideal future but continue your efforts and be patient because its going to come eventually!
>A shovel digging the ground
Something manual, or generally more physical/concrete rather than abstract. Think construction, carpentry or landscaping.
I'd rather not, but thank you for the read.
Your hands your choice anon
Manual labor jobs are literally the best for a guy. Stop being a soft little bitch. You'll thank me later.
It's not even about being a guy, it'd likely turn out to be a better match than expected and provide stability. But I understand the reluctance because that basically disintegrates your body. Your joints are dust by the age of 50.
>t. office worker
Kindly fuck off, fag.
8 of Swords 9 of Swords 4 of Pentacles Rx
You’re being too scattered and indecisive here, just throwing something at a wall to see if it sticks, you’ll be stepping into this with the wrong energy and will be lacking in confidence to pull it off with any of them, sorry anon
your soft girly hands would be perfect for the job consider it anon
They're actually calloused.
And again, kindly fuck off.
Show me your calloused hands (I am not asking for proof it is for thirst purposes)
dude this is an absolute shit read, are you just making shit up? what's wrong with you, these are just shit platitudes
I'm good, thanks.
Go make a palmistry thread then, geez.
Me too :(
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I would... but I actually can't read palms and I don't want anons to post their fingerprints for nothing. I just think you'd have good hands.
Not making shit up but christ on a bike I shouldn't have bothered.
Who's my life partner? Female querent.
dude you're such a shit reader gtfo
This guys, obvi >>38996451
Still have to read back, anon.
Thems the brakes.
Tbh I'd rather them not read for me considering how aggressive and rude they are over literally nothing.
For what? For a bullshit read from a retarded faggot who's too retarded to now what the cards mean?
stop scamming faggot
So you intended on not upholding the rules from the start?
You mean this anon, by definition.
General for the rest of October
Says the faggot who didn't even deliver a real fucking read
digital bullshit doesn't count schizo
I'm a third party, anon.
Would you like to continue?
Mine: option F or T? It's about work, I'd like potential outcomes of choosing one or the other.
You should probably calm down
Should I go to a palm reader?
Starting, just a heads up I’ve already traded for this Q but the anon didn’t deliver so I’ll post yours after you post mine
who gives a fuck what you think troll
you should probably go fuck yourself faggot
Did g have something against w?
Suits me fine, I'd rather not be tradecucked but I want to believe

>Six of Swords, The Devil, Queen of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Hermit, Page of Pentacles, Seven of Cups, Five of Pentacles, King of Wands, Knight of Wands
There seems to be something you're struggling to quit or let go, and it will likely be a while longer before it's water under a bridge. Likely an emotional matter. It seems like the best way to deal with this is relying on someone else's advice - not because you're a helpless idiot, but because there are insights or sides to this that may be slipping you right now.

The latter part of the reading seems to be more so a caution - don't overspend this month even if it seems like a good idea, since you'll likely be needing some extra finances in the upcoming one. You'll be able to face November with a better grip on things and get shit done this way.

Generals are not my forte so I hope this was not complete crapshoot. Letting you pick another q if it didn't resonate.
This was amazing. Thank you!!
Am I meant to be a nazi?
We all are
Does she have feelings or is she a manipulative bitch?
Why would I when you're doing a marvellous job of it all by yourself with how insane you're reacting
I know it's cringeworthy, and dated, but also still hard to blue pill.
>am I a nazi?
Nah, I'm a monarchist desu, but as far as normies and jews are concerned I'm a national socialist
Can you schizos take this to the Nobody thread?

True Übermensch overcome their prejudices and wish for tyranny, but if you're into that beta shit, by all means
Out of the two of us you seem a million times more unhinged and much more likely to commit suicide. Maybe go for a walk. Swimming is also great and also a very good way to drown as well <3
Where do I go from here and what's my end point supposed to be? I'm at a crossroads in my life between life and family, freedom and existentialism. I want a lot but don't know truly where to go
>be me, 20 years ago Palm Springs
>>>Nobu Indian Wells, Morongo Casino, Desert Hot Springs
>>>20 years later, Santa Monica/Malibu misnomers causes balloters to switch districts
>20 years on and there are exactly 78,000 people living all over Palm Springs
>>there are illegal aliens camping out in national park Joshua Tree (belongs to LA/Palm Springs) and all they do is drive heavy machinery causing weather to spike to 200 degrees
>>for all concerned, please help we are all stranded here now like prison (78k)
Is this some fucky version of a midlife crisis?
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Have I been tradecucked? If such is my fate...
Ah, you actually have just been here too long.
Which of the two will lead you to be the person you want to be?
How does E(Female) feel about me(Male).
I don't wish for tyranny but I cannot overcome the noticing and a pride for white culture.
You're here forever
If it were that simple... It is two different projects led by the same company, and both have VERY good resume potential while simultaneously offering little guarantee for stability. One would be a little cushier/easier on the psyche, the other would likely temper me but take a bigger toll. This is just an estimate and honestly both paths would make me grow in some way. Kind of a tiebreaker reading I'd asked for.
Was j jealous of w or E?
Which white culture? There's over a dozen very distinct ones. Are you fucking american? This sounds american.
Has anyone on div been in my current city ?

/div/ gf when?
I suppose it depends on what else you have going on in your life.
If you can handle it I'd say go with the one that tempers you.
Makes other things easier down the line.
Good question
How many ladies on here tonight?
There are other variables to take into account but looks like anon has deserted me. Will try again later or tomorrow and see how this cookie crumbles
I wish you well.
Maybe you'll see a sign in regards to your paths.
Likewise, cheers anon
just a two week general. starting

Continue on in this city?
Hey I’m the trader, I aprecciate your effort I’m starting yours now
Sshhh, you'll scare them away with a question like that
I'll wait for you to deliver first since I got tradecucked
Oh. OH... Thanks anon

Will the New York Jets have a good end to their season this year?
Right here babes
I'm 54 though so much too old for you all
Little do they know I can see all 5 of them with my clairvoyance already

Welcome in
No thank you, I've been tradecucked already today. Find someone else to trade with. Bye.
Anglo-Saxon specifically, lots of STJ from me.
I'm not even supposed to be here.
Probably you are the tradecucker
Hold up, a lady nazi?
Who's the cutest?
Interested in a 30 year old virgin?
Option F: World 9 of Pentacles 7 of Cups Rx
Option T: 10 of Pentacles Rx Page of Pentacles Rx King of Swords

Is option T a family business? I’m getting the work you’ll do there will be much more mental than anything, like you’ll have to be the voice of reason amidst petty squabble, option F is the winner here and the only bad thing I’m getting from the read is it will create unrealistic expectations of what other work in this area will be like
Loaded question
Stop projecting and kindly fuck off if you're just going to be a waste of space
Q? Kindly no tradecuckers
A lady for sure. Nazi, I don't know.
Did they mean it when they said I made them love them?
Im actually 30 sorry just messing with you guys
Do I ever see Mu again and if so under what circumstances? preferable I don't. Starting
Don't tease me like that,, you dirty flirt ;)
Love me**
I repeat, interested in a 30 year old virgin?
Anonymous is the cutest

Ah, I see you've learned to hate Israel. Happens to every honest person at some point. Nazism is kinda dead though, just be a pattern noticer, anticapitalist, antisemite
I have a lover/enemy I have to marry and/or ruin. It's my goal atm so I can't get into any other relationships at this time.
Both are the same line of work. I could realistically switch from one project to the other later down the line, but the one I pick first may affect my development. Thanks for your reading anon!
That sounds adorable and hot. Best of luck, Femanon
Two of Swords Rev Ace of Cups Six of Cups Rev
Yea they did, but they were also a little scared telling you this, they might have had some bad relationships in the past.
I would describe myself as those. And for a nostalgic longing for idyllic fields, cotton clothing, and Faustian spirit.
>ace of swords
>5 of cups
>8 of swords
Only if you reach out to them and make it happen. Are you sure you are over them?
Thank you, best of luck to you as well.
Nice try, feds. You went too hard and outed yourself as a glowie.
no I'm not. but it's better I don't reach out. thank you.
Should I get a clean or dirty massage next week?
I would like to practice reading
Don't expect too much though
There's a trope here.
Kek, I thought it seemed like a fed too, more likely just an anon doing a bit of trolling though. Don't see why feds would waste time on divination general
What type of books do you like?
:/ okay,thank you for the trade
week general? is that okay?
what deck did you get ;)
They wouldn't want people to find out their bosses secrets
What's sad is that I'm an outdated formerly red pill person. I can't convince you and I don't want to convince you.

Going back to my AQ: you can never fully go back from a major redpilling?
Should I date the Polish girl?
There's a few names I'm thinking of but there's no fucking way you're any of them
Queer tarot lol
Should I try to make-up with my (ex)gf or not? Not sure I fucked up or dodged a bullet?
You sound disappointed
outcome of going with hs11 next year?
Looks like you're moving out of a heavy energy that was making you feel depressed and you'll meet a new person (rebound?) who you will share some good times with it will make you feel victorious once again.
I'm an actual nobody, but I went by Theola. The last time I dipped in here was December. My sibling had the, you can't be a racist nazi talk with me. Only here because I'm autismaxxing with my recent noticing.
I'll take a week general as well.
Will there be anything in love for me soon? I'm female
I'm bored of talking. Let's go make white babies.
Yes I've been depressed a little, although not sure who this could be. can I ask if it's someone I haven't seen this last year? or someone new?
What have you been up to since then?
>Judgement X
>knight of cups
Looks like a yes! You have to step into your emperor energy though and get rid of selfdoubt if that's what's hindering you.
I kept my promise. I sold all my electronics, stopped gaming, and started walking 14,000 steps a day. Lost a significant amount of weight doing so.
Only posts I found with the name you gave were ones asking about finding a loving husband lol, any luck?
anything with mrn in the future ?
Idk if it's self doubt so much as not wanting to invest those emotions without reason. I can take being hurt, but I don't want to waste time and energy.
>hanged man
>judgement X
>9 of cups
You do love her...
How will she treat you?
>page of swords
>9 of wands
>the moon
Is she younger than you?
I think it will be difficult but there is love between you two...
Sorry this one is tricky
Who can I ask to save my cat? occult or not. I'm asking the universe, someone has to be able
What happened to your cat
Wait a second....
I think I emailed you once!
What a thing that will happen to me soon?
What is that?
I think it will make you go fast or feel really confident
>page of cups
>hanged man
>4 of cups
for the person who gave me this reading

"4oc hpX 6os
Back of the deck is 10ow
Okay , so what my interpretation of these cards is that your person possibly felt bored in the connection with you or just discontent in some way with you. Possibly it was lacking excitement in some way. The hp reversed is telling me she is disconnected with her intuitive side and may be seeking connections that are more primal based or more into a more kind of toxic relationship where it's exciting but not necessarily what she needs. The 10ow tells me it's going to be a lot of work on your part to make it work . Song I shuffled was touch my body by mariah carey so she seems to definitely be attracted to you physically
Hope this helps"

The answer I am looking for is REVENGE, and I will have it, because it is what I am, it is what I want, no one will hurt me again, much less her, even if it is the last thing I do, because I finally accept what I am.
issa motorbike
good eye
>falling for the revenge cycle
Do I know my next lover ?
I don't care I will have it,
Lol that does sound like me. Very astute. No, no husband yet.
Well, hello again! Sorry, I lost access to that email.
She's 4 years younger
There is love...but she's an impulsive mess
Yay ty for feedback
We barely talked, but still funny to reconnect. Message me again

Yeah , she may be kind of immature or something and the moon makes me feel like she is unpredictable
I'm really stumped on yours for some reson..
You didn't query me already?
afaik I haven't.
Will I be able to bear the self-imposed challenge that lies ahead? Or will I crack?
Sorry guys I'm not able to continue for now I'll be back later to finish
What would P think of me?
I have three queries
2 dreams, one romance
If you'd be willing to tell me about one I'd appreciate it and will pray for you
Still, I wish all you anons a swell night!
Have a gud one anonii!
who's p a demon
Unpredictable is a great word to describe her
Wow dubs. I would like that to not just be a random thing lol.
A friend of a friend I saw on Instagram lol
Just saged my room teling the negative entities to fuck away and my pussycat takes his ass right outside the door. NOW i know who to kill

Next pp use? Thx.
anyone from my past i meet soon? who? starting
A crucifix is the best ward, Anon. Hang one in every room.
oh thank u
Join the dark side, we Gots catz >;3
They wouldn't like you at all, in fact they would find you to be quite an insufferable person.
Should I just give up at this point, go to Ukraine. My prospects are growing thinner and thinner here at home and I'm running out of desire to go on. Thanks to who ever reads me by the way
Is my friend going through a spiritual awakening?
Want to talk it out? If go Ukraine means go to war, try to stay safe, don't just throw it all away
The fool, reversed
tradecucking bitch
I will email this, it may be a couple of hours or tomorrow.
Male kr female?
How about p?
Did the Yenta betray me?
what the fuck? Who are you
Just want to help out, don't have to trade me
I just don't where to go from here. Lots of life changes all at once
Are you reading for me?
Trading scry for scry
no occult
I will, yes
Life is like that, sometimes it hits you harsh, sometimes you can handle it
I don't want to give advice on something I couldn't understand, much less when cards say you're reckless and impulsive, perhaps you should try to let things be, as hard as that is
Does it work for dreams?
I could try but I need a scent, this me >>38997520
this one was my query
thank you
The scent is freshly washed clothes. Is there a criteria you need? And what's your dream? My query is if you can scry what the woman I marry looks like. I have an idea from my own scries but I want to confirm a few things.
Oh, sorry, from. Your past... What's your favorite color?
I had one about my dog coming back to life and fusing back to me
Another one about an ex and about how my family doesn't like to acknowledge how I feel, either is good!! Second one I think is more about wether he thinks of me still
Someone highly intuitive and perhaps that gave a sense of being larger than the mundane world, someone's you had a bad emotional and taxing time with, maybe you had unachievable goals towards them or wanted something too specific for them
High priestess, ace of cups reversed, king of wands reversed
If these are your queries which constitute two here by the way since these are two different dreams, then I'll need quite a descriptive scry. And how I meet her or anything else about her. Deal?
can I ask a follow up query ? i can trade for more clarification if needed
I'm getting brunette and tiny hands, pale
But not much else
I'm sorry anonii, no need to do my dreams
Trading cringe
No it's ok, I don't do scry so well
I'm getting tired so I can't promise to be trade worthy
If you'd like to help me tho
I got these, no need to tho
Will I find a love like r and c have?
eh that's okay just one card for each option is okay
al, mn, mb, or cf?
I can do yours
dog fusing with you is a weird way of your mind getting over the loss of your dog. but that's what it is
working on your next one
I'd say al ?
In that order: magician, four of wands, 9 of cups, seven of cups
I'd be careful with both Al and MN, al might be trying to influence you with the occult, MN seems shady but might be just chill
Sorry, I meant Mb, mb is the 9 of cups
influence ? for good or bad? like love spell type of shit?
Something against your will, free will
hmm she was hot but I'lol watch out for that
Hope you get a good time!
Can I get a reading on A? Looking for more clarity on what I should be doing/learned so I can move on.
You tradecucked me earlier today
Let bygones be bygones man
It be as is
you're still a tradecucking faggot
I'm this anon
I'm spent
Thanks for letting me know bout doggie, really
I hope I helped a bit, *hugs*, nice dreams anon
now I know you're lying because that anon just went to sleep
lol gn
How attractive am I at Christmas time ?
What will ab do next time i see her? starting
9 of wands the moon 9 of swords
She's going to want to appear strong to you and that your presence doesn't affect her but she will actually pretty upset by this interaction.
An ex?
nah someone I see often at a place I go
why would she be angry? did she think I snubbed her ? we've not spoken much
Four of Coins Queen of Wands Two of Wands
Some people will be into you and some won't be but you'll have admirers for sure .
4 of wands the sun 9 of swords
Yeah she had some good feelings towards you and for some reason now she's upset about you. What happened?
I don't fucking know man
if I did I'd tell you. Can I trade for more on why? or if there's a still a shot?
How does this nightmarish situation turn out?
would me and C.S get along or are we incompatible?
What does my current love like and dislike the most about me?
Will I meet anyone that I love more than I loved my ex?
Seven of wands two of wands eight of cups
She thought their was too much competition, maybe you were flirting or seemed to be flirting with someone else. So she decided to cut her losses and move away from her feelings for you.
Trading scry
Would my works be well received internationally? Or should stick to a national audience
Is A trustworthy?
Can you tell me who loves me most romantically right now?
I’ll try, starting
Okay I need some context , what kind of girl is she ? Does she seem high maintenance? Like wearing nice clothes and stuff I just need to put some stuff together
Skinny East Asian woman with her hair tied back, she has expressive eyes and a big mouth, sitting with her legs crossed and laughing at something
repairing current car vs buying another one?

Do things get better from here?
Trading religious occult
Did I pass the test?
will I meet my next boyfriend this year or next ? you ?
Will I end up with C or D?
This year
Pos X emperorX 8owX
Next year
10os wheel of fortune towerX
Next year for sure, you're also able to avoid disaster if you remain patient.
7 of wand rx, hiero rx, 10 of wand rx, 6 of sword, 7 of pent rx, 8 of cups - C
5 of sword rx, 9 of pent, 8 of pent rx, wheel, temperance, queen of pent rx - D

Both choices aren't the greatest and too much free will at play, but it's leaning toward D. You'll eventually walk away from C.
will i achieve my dream bod? u?
Will my next relationship be with E?
Knight of cups reversed rhe magician reversed queen of pentacles
It would appear that you have the potential to achieve your dream bod but you need to start putting in the work and not just let it be in your imagination also it could be that you're not being 100% realistic in what you want to accomplish?
If it's nothing that's too out there the only thing stopping you is yourself.
I'm so sorry it took me forever I had to get something to eat i was getting so hungry im also trying to get my dream bod lol
Are you the anon that wants to be super buff?
hope you saw your reading
it was 2 of swords, 9 of pentacles, page of pentacles rx, 3 of wands, and ace of cups rx

avoidance / singleness/ lack of commitment / chance in the future to be together / loss of emotional interest

also... dont telll anyone but yeah ...sorry for asking the same question all the time...just perks me up asking about it
I did! Ty! It resonates to the situation.
Have you been hitting the gym I think it was your family who were against it?
I have been hitting the gym, got a new program going that is giving me great progress and results while saving me time in the gym, but I managed to injure myself trying to curling 50lbs lel. I don't have health insurance or anything so just nursing myself by myself. Had some sort of localized swelling and bruising on my forearm that I've had broken before from a car hitting me. Taped it up with kinesiology tape. Starting a new job soon too that hopefully doesn't take a lot of energy out of me to keep training. And yeah, my family make fun of me and dishearten me and feel disgust toward me constantly about my efforts. Just wondering what the future for me would be like.
Omg yeah be careful. I've been a runner for many years and as much as I would like to be running everyday it's just not okay for my body and when I do too much I always get injured. Definitely don't try to do too much right away and make sure you eat real food not just protein supplements but meat and beans and also other supplements you may need. I heard creatine really helps but I never tried it myself . Sorry for the long rant I've just been always researching health stuff. With weights you don't have to do too much desu just make sure to work different muscles different days and eat your protein! Okay I gotta go to sleep now
GL! Rooting for you :)
Thank you. Yeah, I've creatine loaded, and now do 5g a day. I heard it is also fantastic for depression and has a lot of cognitive benefits, especially for females.
With creatine though, you have to chug at least like 4 liters of water a day, or you puff up. I didn't know that until last week, family was making fun of me for being fat, lol.
I had wrist pain with curls, and heard preacher curls would alleviate wrist pain, then something burst when I tried them out, lol. I'm doing 600lbs on the leg press right now, 110 tricep pushdown, 100 lateral pulldown, thought at least 6 reps of 45-50lbs of preacher curls would be ok to do. I drink at least 8 cups a day of nonfat milk, and eat meat, supplement with gelatin and collagen too. But, do add protein powder to the milk twice a day sometimes.
Thanks for ranting, I appreciate it. Gonna try to lock in even more now and be more careful.

Will there be anything significant for me in love soon?

AQ bump


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