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/x/ - Paranormal

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No thread yet? Fine I’ll post it.

Looks similar to the one everybody was calling bird poop a while ago.
i wanna fuck that jellyfish
Has it really taken you guys this long to realize that Star Wars is actual disclosure?
Looks like a 3D model to me, no sources for the photos, shit quality, just two photos floating around with no context. Sounds like a bird shit remix.
Its a balloon retard. Only humans make those
The reflection 100% looks like something poorly done in blender. The background noise is artificial and patterned as well
It’s real bro
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>trust me bro
The tendrils are the outer shell melting off
Probably AI made.
looks like a balloon to me
it's a nihilanth
why does this look someone took a screenshot of the screen of a tiny little motorola flip phone from 2004; you wouldnt be trying to deceive us with a 3d render artificially made to look like a "leak" right?
I saw that thing outside my balcony without the tentacles. It was transforming into itself constantly rotating.
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Bro, these tentacles...are these hanging dead corpses?
Remember that one time when they said it was only visible in IR?
Looks absolutely like the same shit as that proven fake 3D render of that silvery humanoid some retard was shilling here, if I could remember the guy who made it, I bet I could find this too
That jellyfish is gonna fuck you
They look like dead people, with their heads sort of fused into the underside of the orb
Da fuck? I see that too.
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Extremely bizarre isn't it? Pretty disquieting if real, to say the least
looks more like molten drips to me
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>why does this look someone took a screenshot of the screen of a tiny little motorola flip phone from 2004
It's from fucking Afghanistan. Many people there are likely stuck with stuff from 2004.

Looks like it's carrying dead Greys to me, but who knows. I want to believe this but I don't trust anything from Musk Twitter.
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>flying man shape
i'm half surprised and half not that we still think it's UAP when it's obviously a guy in a jetpack, which sounds ridiculous but we do have jetpacks now, especially the military
Is a drone ballon
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I've seen this so many times on here, what is the source and what am I seeing here exactly?
Energy trasmitted by the pyramind? But where to?
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idk, its probably fake, but maybe not.
Videos don't even matter anymore when any schlub can generate random video of a UAP or whatever in a few seconds. Put some filters over it and claim it's from somewhere official.

At least before 3D animation and modelling took some effort.
jellyfish rule the world
that's a ghost
you can clearly see the skeletons
looks like the coating melted off
AI slop
Yeah, this. It's fake. We know this already. The similarity in appearance to this UFO thing is striking.
What's the source, for these photos?
even better
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human remains harvester
Could be an IRL hoax similar to crop circles.
Could be a CGI/AI hoax meant to poison the UFO research waters (which is what I suspect the MH370 orb footage was)
Or it could be the real deal.
It will be interesting if someone like Jeremy Corbell can corroborate it since he would presumable have contacts that could confirm or deny the authenticity of these images.
not provable
the two angles do appear to show different uaps, or at least it morphed somehow to have a smaller bulb and different configuration of dangling bits
and AI stuff is notoriously inconsistent
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looks like corpses hanging out from the bottom, i wonder if aliens look like this when they aren't masquerading as something else for us.

aliens are into that shit, which is why we must kill them and make sure they never leave their caves again.
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Jellyfish aliens are in PORTAL1,drawn on the walls. To find them after you 'escape' the maze you go into some offices just past a lava pool. The pics are on the walls in the office complex.
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what is this schizo shit?
Some Polish man has a robot girlfriend I suppose
I remember this shit. I was in that thread.
and portal is on sale right now, coincidence?
All media is soft disclosure. Reality stranger than fiction blah blah blah
Swamp gas filled weather balloon.
I though the aliens were cephalopods
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100% real. Military map. Saw the video before it was deleted, thought it was BS so I didn't save it. Not in the archive.

Its real.
Can anyone help me find the location??
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Where did you see the video, anon?
not real. Go back to the original video at: 49:28

1 - the "leaked" image has color. Not possible for this object, it was only visible in infrared spectrum for original video
2 - there is no metallic bulbous top to it in original video, the shape of it does not match see >>39016169
it is some hoax to muddy the waters
imagine how hard that species mocks us for using their mundane infrastructure as entertainment
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If this really came from a DoD source the "classification" marking in the filename is laughable. As well this being on a macOS system makes no sense. Not to mention the default blender reflection on the second image.
Everything about this screams bullshit
ive seen this fucker with my own eyes in 2011, otherwise id say its bullshit
Do you have the default blender reflection for reference? Because if this is a hoax I dont think it's AI, it's probably a 3D render, and if AI was used, it used IMG2IMG from a 3D source.
this is where the pictures come from
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NTA but I have Blender. I literally just set up a default sky background scene and set a sphere mesh to maximum metallicness and 0 roughness. Anons can compare and contrast but it's not the same.
its real
This is the only reason I'm interested in this. They look very similar.
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Literally looks like any kind of non newtonian fluid in a magnetic field. You guys need to get a grip.
wow! more AI slop
Tentacle aliens, hmmm where have we seen this before
the two angles are certainly the same object

which on its own, would be impossible to prompt an AI to do
serouisly? since when did we carry maps with arabic

the whole thing is wierd. I dont want aliens to look like that. whatever the fuck that is
That’s bird shit on the outer case that the camera is housed in.
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can i get more on the picrel text? aren't all of these people agents of the cabal? why would they reveal any truth?
Still looks like bird shit to me.
this is pretty cool, but would also be pretty funny if it was bird crap, like some other anon said.
be a good goy and consume ze slop!
It's called a UFO you fucking tranny.
No yeah pretty much
>if you don't get out of those bodies you spawned and back into the featureless orb right now, we swear we're just gonna wait until you get blown up by these crazy apes you love so much
>we're not gonna let you in the whole time we're going back to the mothership, we'll just strap you down to outside of the bubble
>everyone's tired of stopping by here so you can do your freaky "research" dude, why don't you just incarnate in this hellwell and stop asking us to drive you every fucking time we're near here
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>Carl rosin is an agent of the cabal
At least look the person up before you activate your fear response...
You really think Von Braun's deathbed words should be ignored?
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What do I care what masons etc say on their deathbeds? They lived their fat cozy lives enslaving people, and then they pretend saying something on your deathbed clears your conscience? No it doesn't, you're still going to end up badly in afterlife because of what shit you did during you stay on here. There's no reason to believe anything these liars say.
What are you talking about. Von Braun was not a mason, he didn't even grow up in the US.
The reason I said it matters is because people tend to tell the truth when they're about to die, it's just a fact.

The reaction of instant fear at any new idea is going to harm any kind of logical process more than it helps.
>Von Braun was not a mason, he didn't even grow up in the US.
How disingenious are you? Are you like a bot or something? Masons are worldwide. I'm not even going to read rest of your post.
Holy shit! That sounds exactly like what my uncle claimed was going on. He once told me they kept finding mutilated people pieced back together in impossible ways and described to me almost exactly the brain in the woods. Do have n archive link or more of that posters stuff?
>people still falling for dangling keys
cant wait to find out what this is covering up.
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Its a metroid?
I don't think people would freak out over some gore in the age of internet, if anything preparing the population to face these things would be the right thing to do but I guess we're not ready yet
>heh, you think you're ready?
>i thought i was too, kid!
what an edgy faggot.
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the aliens are diverse
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Holy shit you people are retarded

Masons are nothing. We get together drink beer and exchange petty gossip ans rumors and finicial advice

Anybody can become a mason. Its not a secret society
>retard thinks keeping a brain alive outside the body required alien tech
does this nigger not know what the military industrial complex is capable of?
he does know military tech is 20+ years ahead of civilian shit, right?
/x/ tards have been saying this shit for ages.
i 100% guarantee this edgy little faggot read that one /x/ post about aliens invading and bringing people back from the dead to torture them.
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>anybody can become mason
anybody can also take covid vaccine, doesn't mean it's recommended.

some masons have received more cock from strangers than real women (actor jon travolta even did gay cruising), that should tell you what kind of values they have.
average chinese organ harvesting plant footage.
but schizo anon said brain in jar scary!
we've never seen anything like what he described in any scifi horror movies before!!
Von Braun was not a mason. He was a member of the nazi party... How does that make any sense.
You're telling me you actually believe Von Braun is a mason simply because his name is recognizable? That's fear.
Aliens are demonic. Now you know.
There were nazis that were jewish and mason, you can stop the gaslighting.
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AI generated reflection in balloon looks like someone taking a pic of a car at a gas station, furthermore the "tentacles" of the jellyfish appear to be green alien balloons pic related
The low levels are 'nothing'.


Also NASA Nazis/mind control programming/illegal child experiments/trafficking:
>a woman
You're brainrotted
Picrel - they do those experiments in DUMBS:

Also in secret underground Jesuit genetic labs at CERN:

south korea has the woman cult, but no there was no mention of woman on that post, your bot is clearly malfunctioning. very poor spending of taxpayer money if this is the best result
That dumb thread glows of disinfo, no anon would have that much text saved up in microsoft doc.
Carl Rosin is a famous nuclear disarmament expert anon and she's a woman
idc her creditentials suck ass, just another glowie.
youtube link?
AI generated well poisoning
The Strogg?
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I unironically have a bad feeling about all of this shit.
>duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its real because there is an elevation map duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

AI is going to tear reality apart for people <120 IQ
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here's a screencap of the recovered brains and eyes victim. it's fucking REAL!
>The background noise is artificial and patterned as well
it's digital artifacts from being a photo of an lcd screen. it's still fake but you're a smug retard
that video is AI generated slop lmao
I wrote that thread, federal retard.


No shit. I was referring to the actual experiments creating chimeras and "aliens".
>I wrote that thread, federal retard.
But enough about your projections. I'm sure there's better things for taxpayer money than your disinfo.
There's none there. Mind control slavery is a fact. Programming on military bases is a fact. "Alien abductions" are a cover for MK programming, another fact. Anons, see the links.
>"Alien abductions" are a cover for MK programming
here's the bs
why does it only have one leg and a dick that looks like mine
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Uh context?
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Anon do you know how small a text file is? Is your C.O. billing you by the character again? "No reasonable person has that much text stored on their computer. Must be a fed"
"grays" are artificial humanoid drones generated by the ship
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Looks like those aliens from the move “ battle la)
very obviously this
This is a chimp with cosmetic surgery
huuuh what the fuck ?
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Reminds me of Mexico.
>Its not a secret society
its literally the definition of a secret society
is that so? is that why they ripped every lodge they could find right out of the ground and frog marched freemasons to trials and paraded their shrines of skulls and weird demon worshipping shit through the streets?
I really want to believe this is real but AI is is making that impossible for me.
Same for me.
>and financial advice
They don’t come from outer space
They’re either eternal life ascended spirits who figured shit out about the universe or from another dimension.
Personally i think they may be humans who built great empires in the past that were all about technological advancement of humanity like atlantis, mu, tartarria and many other great marvels of civilization, but were killed off by evil forces and those who rather uphold religion to keep humans dumb and dependent on faith instead of advancing further as people. When they died, they didn’t forget their knowledge of what could have further been great, and are still fighting a battle against forces who want to keep humanity down and dependent on their bullshit.
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thread theme by the way. can't believe no one has poasted the theme yet https://youtu.be/IyYnnUcgeMc?si=RKWd_6wMfG_UKSZr
can you link me anon seems interesting
reality is reality, no matter how dark, no matter how glorious. it doesnt matter if the "public is ready". If its reality, and its true, no matter how sinister, the public deserves to know. Very simple.
I ate pickled jellyfish and it was okay. It was like briny cabbage.
I think aliens exist in a sort of silent hill type of world if that makes sense, its on top of ours but not immediately visible, layered invisibly almost.
So Gantz it is
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you got it, if you want to delve deeper into it I recommend pic related, but Operation Trojan Horse is better
>Probably AI made.
got the new fed reply. this is the new

>its a drone anon!

lol so cringe you fags
>first UFO/UAP/Alien thread in a while
>thread is popular
/x/ is healing....
what does this photo edit mean anon?
please describe it like you are talking to a 5 year old.
it has a lot of dicks
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posting real AYYYYY shit
right one has big tits
It's called a MilOrb.
It's wounded/damaged.

Think about it: These things are virtually indestructible using our technology, yet something OUT THERE could hurt this perfect entity.

Sleep tight. Even angels get hurt, and there is something out hunting them like meek prey, living them like gutted zebras, so the only means of survival is jumping into our realm.
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remember when nazi was party that killed 6 million jews?

then it was party that killed 200,000 , mostly from Typhus

to where there were many nazi soldiers (including officers) in the army as long as they were "for the fatherland" and put the interests of germany above their religion or another ideologies

to where it's found out some high ranking officers were mason, which in turn meant they had good mobility to assume the new roles given to them in operation paperclip
many jews* soldiers and officers
reptilians didn´t have the same tech as humans, we got fucked when we gave them some of our precious tech, they increased their offensive power on humans.
now this is why we are slaved by kikes(goblins from mars) and they are alied to reptilians.
"Ayyyys" aren't real. Link to info about plane orbs

Yeah, you're basically on the right track, except it's a half-step and to the side between "reality" and dreams. Think something akin to the realm of platonic forms.
Theres a manga explaining what happened to the plane passengers called sobetei must be destroyed . A positive alien life force gave the humans on the plane knowledge about a spiritual battle against an evil alien race and then gave those humans its powers
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oh fuck
Starmen from earthbound
Diabetes got the michellen man
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Just for you il bump. You guys ever heard of high altitude/ atmospheric beasts? Basically strange creatures that live high as hell up in the sky. Guy i know had a good recording of one- was basically a pure white blob creature slightly changing it's shape and just floating there. Plastic bag,right? I thought so too untill it took a shape and held it for a good 10 seconds,went blob mode again, then took another shape and held it. dude was just a acquaintance so il never see the vid again, but I think there's a possibility of these creatures existing , and that might explain what OPs pic is. Angel Hair might also be related
Where plane go?
they tore the lodges out in norway and paraded the skeletons and bones they worshipped along with the books. the "freemasons" in the reich were fake masons that knew all the responses and such from asking pointed questions with pointed objects. its why the world went against them.
zalgo lives in the walls.
masons are zionists and a zionist infrastructure throughout the USA and you can't just join in, you must be invited.
Stuff coming off the firmament?
here's all you need to know.
aliens probably are actually demons, the political/social elite are communicating with them, thinking they are aliens, with promises of immortality, and power.
all UFO shit is a psyops to distract the easily fooled (all of /x/) to keep them blind to the globalist power moves.
wasn't it interesting how all that alien "exposing" happened during covid?
they were trying to jingle keys in front of your face, while they eroded your rights away.
One piece of good news, the elites are panicking right now, given the global awakening of the population to their tricks.
whatever you think of Trump, if he's a plant or not (i dont believe he is), them trying to kill him was a major awakening.
these 100% exist, I’ve seen one
There's an old Conan Doyle story i read ad a kid that touched on atmospheric beasts, i wouldn't be surprised if they exist, on some level of our reality.
holy shit! and atmospheric beast just flew over my house!
idk mate, i feel most people has already forgotten about the Trump thing. most never even cared

but yeah they're literally angelic beings opposed to their creator that particularly hate the divine spirit world and have a weird fetish with material creation (they love to use physical avatar-drones to interact with it)
It's called 'the horror of the heights' written in 1913, not a bad little yarn.
those are elf waves
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This is what first came to mind when I saw it. I got a super bad feeling almost like deja vu.

I immediately realized one of 2 things. Either those are greys attached to it or at least their suits because the one on the right has distinguishable big black almond eyes.

The other guess was that if those are not greys then they are the dead that have been mutilated, and sucked dry. Some of those appendages look like hooves. I'm guessing their loosh / adrenalized blood are filling that elastic looking metallic balloon. It almost looks like it's made of metal, but capable of expanding.
based new age exorcist. Fuck space demons
I'm surprised no one else has commented that it's little legs remind me of Lilith's little quasi-limbs in Evangelion.

Proof once again that Eva was soft disclosure.
There are a few things:
- The force is kind of real
- The general storyline is based on something that did happen a while ago
- There, unfortunately, is a strong and drastic dichotomy in the universe.
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Imagine that thing...

Grabbing-you by the head.

Drilling through your skull.

And Sucking-Out your Brain?
I think they do a 5-Second Liquefaction.
Then vacuum out the contents.
Sorta-like THIS-
but how do you explain the tits
>corpses of small game
Yes, jordan peele movies collectively are disclosure. clone humans serving some nefarious purpose (totally not to psychicly control some craft made from jeanjacket corpse or anything,) a jupiter-spawned sentient space jellyfish coming and eating earth fauna and the coverup of said activities. deep underground installations and moon bases.

nah I call bullshit. peele is too crappy to be chosen for propaganda
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Hey, maybe it's something we have in common, who dosen't like boobies?
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Time to get schizo, anons.
Bird shit doesn't have a reflective surface. Even if it did, it wouldn't be visibly reflecting its surroundings if it was on the lens.
Glowwies gonna glow
Harvesting humans
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i dont think anyone was chosen for anything. I think someone clever got some money to make some movies, and is using really good source material.

I had no idea that Akira the movie was an homage to the pilot of Brave Hunter Raideen.

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Chipped lens + bird shit.
Idk man female Grey. Who really actually knows what were looking at here.
Upside-down bugs bunny balloons
Big portions of the population aren't willing to accept reality.
Helium party balloon
100% this is all a disinformation campaign. It's NEVER aliens.
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one brain slushie coming up https://youtu.be/7p4ZsYYU5Cc?si=mSBAJtTN8TWR3l2t
So is Dragonball Z
>literally multiple times in the past few decades there's been reports of aliens with monkey tails, even as recently as last year in Las Vegas
Until it is
Looks like a bunch of different mylar balloons.
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Watch them tank these anti aircraft missiles with magic, simply turning the clock back to make it so impact never happened.
>Anybody can become a mason
Yeah, anybody that
>belongs to a religious organization
>has a family (wife/kids)
>has a strong career
>has no criminal record whatsoever
>is willing to invite a mason into their home for an evening of discussion
>is deemed to live a “moral and ethical life” by that brother
And that’s just in order to get your application looked at.

It’s absolutely not as easy as you suggest, because I actually tried. I don’t believe for a second that you’re an actual Mason if you’re implying it’s “easy” to join.
Proof Bob Lazar is Jewish

Sick of these jews trying to use aliens BS to control the population? That colored diversity hire the US government put in charge of the government Cringefest that is UAPs should tell you all you need to know. There is no reason a colored man would be in charge of that, unless it was to be a figurehead just like all of FAGMAN has done... with those Indian CEOs

The link where he says he was raised Jewish https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UakPvVsh6bU&t=156

Is Bob Lazar Jewish? Well, he says he was raised as a jew and went to a bar mitzvah, he lived in new york city in his childhood, his mother has a new york jewish accent, he lived in las vegas when jews were in the middle of forcing out the italian mafia, he got his connection to area 51 through jew edward teller who was riding the coat tails of the Third Reich and was in charge of all of the Third Reich's work at area 51 (and knowing John Lear is exactly how they'd plan to leak these lies out) (here is the interview where he originally tried hiding that Jew Edward teller referred him for the job at area 51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoUR9X4X9js&t=22), jew ben rich was working behind the scenes as well at Lockheed martin's Skunk Works, and Bob Lazar's house was conveniently raided just in time for a promo publicity stunt for goy Jeremy Corbell's movie in which Corbell took the heat for "shamelessly promoting the movie with the raid" while Lazar sat back merely talking about the raid and telling unverifiable stories about how they brought up their private conversation the day prior, and in Corbell's documentary Lazar is conveniently wearing a t-shirt with a quote from Jew albert einstein whose work was based off of european scientists that I'll post here if i can find the names.

The reason his birth certificate is hard to track down has something to do with being adopted. Even though he's adopted i'm certain that he's part ethnically jewish, but i think it's 50% or less because he doesn't throw off full jew vibes. and no jews are throwing a goy a bar mitzvah. Also, in different interviews Lazar said he first discovered his birth cert had gone missing when George Knapp was investigating, but mostly Lazar says that HE made a "routine" check for his birth cert, as if he'd done it before, and it wasn't there, whatever that means

His ex wife's dad worked at Los Alamos National Labs and per jewish modus operandi, he married her to get that job, which would explain how he got the jobs without degrees. this is important because George Knapp used this qualification to reason why he could have gotten into area 51, and the 99.99% mythical S4. he clearly has educated himself at some point, but he probably never actually went to those schools, since her dad would get him the job.&if you notice, his ex wife has never been interviewed; she would be a good source to verify his absences as well

the pandering charges were probably also staged by jews as Lazar conveniently mentioned publicly about something they could charge him with, then went through a court hearing where they specifically announce "it's very difficult to find information on Mr. Lazar through government sources" &he was let off the hook with minimal punishment

Bob Lazar is cashing in on the story by selling a ton of merch on his website:
mug: https://web.archive.org/web/20231215003740/https://unitednuclear.com/wt_quickview.html?products_id=1429
'Sport Model' Sketch: https://web.archive.org/web/20231215003741/https://unitednuclear.com/wt_quickview.html?products_id=1504
t-shirt: https://web.archive.org/web/20231215003906/https://unitednuclear.com/wt_quickview.html?products_id=1436

Also,every chance he gets he's wearing a shirt advertising his business in video interviews

Further, this "whistleblower" has had an unbroken chain of lucrative US government contracts directly from Los Alamos and the very government facilities he "blew the whistle on", while the entire time going to new heights of to prove the authenticity of his statements about the inner workings of Area 51. Meanwhile, families are nearly executed for so much as accidentally venturing past an Area 51 sign. Only a Jew would get away with this, and there zero other possibilities.

The supposed test flight witnessed by his friends could be faked by having several helicopters or even hot air balloons in the sky and timing their lights to turn on in sequence so it appears like the it's moving really fast.

I think the reason he sounds so believable is that the jews managing the Third Reichers working in area 51 set it all up, & he just went in there to experience the setup & go through all the motions with minimal imagination & improv needed for when Lazar was to tell the story. This is why it always sounds like he is telling the truth, because he mostly is. For anyone who knows about computer science, security of any type (but especially computer security) you know that you want to provide the lowest scope information even inside the computer to avoid vulnerabilities. this same technique works with people & the story lazar is telling.

During a fancy dinner lazar was giving a speech where he gave 2 names of his professors in university & they turned out to be names of his high school teachers. He also claimed he had given out names of classmates publicly, but i have found no evidence of this after having combed through over 100 hours of interviews & documentaries on lazar & his claims. Lazar now claims he won't give out any names because said people are audited & attacked.

Speaking of being attacked, it's a perfectly jewish thing for the "harassment" lazar was getting from "the government" where he was never harmed & it was just eerie stuff happening around him like items in his house being moved around, his car doors left open with stuff in the car moved around (the jew-made movie American history X shows an example of this Jewish thinking with the scene where they trash a Korean grocery store; the first episode of Outer Limits, written by (((George R R Martin))) shows a guy killing a bunch of "evil" martian bugs that did nothing wrong except creep out the audience in dreams and the scientist's doing) but nothing even stolen & supposedly his tire being shot out when no witnesses were around.

AFAIK he never proved in any capacity that his tire was flat from a bullet, & it's also suspicious that he didn't shoot back since he said he carried an ISRAELI uzi in the car that he has repeatedly complimented the mechanics of while there have long been much more impressive weapons like the Glock & MP5 of German origin, but instead he picks the Jewish Uzi.... then never used it for anything except for when george knapp came to his door.

there are a few inconsistencies in his story i've never heard anyone else call out:
- John Lear said Lazar went to see him after the first time he went to the test site (S4) and saw the disc for the first time and knew it was an alien craft, but another time Lazar said he thought it was an advanced fighter the first time he saw it when he slid his hand along it, and in the same documentary with the Japanese he said the second time he went there is when he realized it was an alien craft. He obviously didn't mistakenly tell Lear he just went there for his first time. So how did he know it was alien already?
- Lazar straight up said he saw an alien while sitting in a room with a guard when he drank the "pine smelling fluid", and he never brings that up anymore. though i think another account of this he says he saw the alien through a wall or something, and he did mention that it was reading his thoughts. This is exactly the kind of info they would have wanted to leak through John Lear
- while not an inconsistency, something I have yet to hear a single person question is: where did he get a jet engine to put in his car in 1985? every single time there is a rare item, especially one of a complex and questionable legality, there is always a JEWISH CONNECTION (start using this term; I predict it will be potent and spread like wildfire).

I have probably the most information on this of anyone you know, so go ahead and question me or feel free to bounce ideas off of me.

I'll add to this as I think of more. I just wanted to write this up quick, so that it was out there. I'll also cite more of these interviews I'm talking about, but that's going to take some time, especially since JewTube will not show these videos when searching normally.

Lazar, nor anyone else for that matter, has considered that those large amplifiers couldn't possible fit throught the small door of the flying saucer to put it in the lab. This builds into a theme where Lazar says things that he's purposely leaving open ended for people to deduce an answer or leave ambiguity in case he's caught in a lie. These amplifiers in a recent rendition have been shown to be much smaller than in previous renditions.

Here's proof of the mistaken nature of the videos Jews released under the name of the US government (as if the US government is a credible source of information)

there is nothing interesting left at area 51. The entire premise for creating Area 51 was to work on copying and reverse engineering the aircraft from Adolf Hitler's Germany, The Third Reich. all of the Third Reich's inventions have been copied around the globe. area 51 is used mostly as a drug manufacturing facility for fentynol and methamphetamine and previously, the occasional holding area for child sex trafficking to Jeffry Epstein's island.

look at that video of the guys on the motorcycles that accidentally went into area 51; there is some chink working as a security guard. it's no wonder how the chinese stole the schematics for the E-2 Hawkeye, F-22 and F-35 raptor..... there ain't one fuckin' secret left at the Third Reich-made Area 51.


there ain't no extra terrestrial flying saucers anywhere near area 51 and there never was, nor do they exist anywhere in any capacity.
I didn't read anymore than the last couple of sentences lmao

Also, fuck you I saw a glowing blue flying saucer last year and it was over an army base and was the coolest shit I've ever seen and I want MORE.
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Probably some bullshit...

The thread on /pol/ is using pic related.

The pic references this reddit thread:


The reddit thread references this youtube video by some faggot named chaosmoogle.


At around 10:24 in the vid, he thinks his source "ghost" who sent him the pic.

This vid was posted 3 days ago.

Doing reverse image search on the pic results in demonstrating that this youtube vid is the oldest source of the image.

So it all hinges on whether this youtuber chaosmoogle and his claimed source "ghost" is legit or not.
This was talked about months ago on pol.
Where is this from?
when is it not on sale?
thread relevant stuff
That's an interesting hypothesis, given that sighting of "ufo with tentacles" are very few, and even people from the beginning of time always characterized "ufos" as solid objects, cylinders, spheres, triangles. This one looks almost organic.
Nazi saucers:

Aren't those target balloons with flares? Where's this video from?
looks like silver balloon desu, anyone can make weird shaped silver balloons
How come nobody is talking about the blatant groups of humanoid looking people inside the orb as if they’re watching us?! I’m sorry guys but that IS NOT PARAEDOLIA
All that typing just to say, “I’m perfectly confident in dismissing a subject of which I objectively have zero fucking clue about, shouldn’t have opened my mouth at all, and yet here I am, vomiting what I don’t know onto whoever is unlucky enough to read it, undeservedly smug reveling in my own dumb dickhole 85IQ stupidity.”

This is the internet after all, I can’t say I’m surprised.
It's from Afghanistan, and I've never seen a balloon behave like that after being hit with a rocket. I have seen similar unidentified craft dropping what appeared to be molten metal droplets over the desert in Arizona around the same time the video was recorded though (2011ish)
Why would the alleged firmament be falling apart?
These are definitely the fallen angels. Yell Christcuck all you want but I have 10 minutes of footage of the good ones (you can tell by color) and I got a shot of what appear to be Archangel Uriel and either Archangel Michael / Raphael. I’m legitimately terrified. Those are peoples heads jacked into the orb feeding off of our consciousness. This is a lot heavier than I thought it would be
The burden of proof is on you
Post it then. Just fucking post it.
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Here’s 1 of many. Bottom left is what I filmed.
Webm it going in and out of firmament.
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Comparison photos
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I’ll post link to the vids next
I don't believe in aliens kek

but I've heard Lazar and lear talking to art bell several times

lear sounds like kind of a dick but I found him way more believable

either way I don't believe in aliens, but I enjoy listening to people who do for some reason.

lmao fuck off
Please do, because based on the webm it just looks like your camera trying to set its focus and failing
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First here is a TikTok of a mashup of everything including a stairway to heaven i filmed in the night sky


And here is video 1/5 will upload the rest on this channel:

Good luck everyone. Doomsday is upon us
Probably won't believe me but this isn't an alien. This is the aftermath of an experiment, think Philadelphia Experiment. Those are people melted together with a foreign material.
Do you have evidence to support your claim?
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it freaks me out that AI can make videos on a whim way more horrible than any human can
>you people are retarded
>Proceeds to post one of the most disgusting, thinly veiled baby raper fetish videos I've ever seen in my life.

You fucking disgusting, stupid niggers are all the same. You know, I once knew a filthy, Jewish cokehead that was a Mason. His social media profile was filled with references to pizza, children, rabbits, old gore videos, old porno, satanism, torture, videos of people's babies with #nuggies in the caption, etc. etc. Definitely not sensing a pattern here! Rot in Sheol you fucking DOG. I hope you kill yourself.
it's a bit freaky. i can't see what's in the dark areas, but if these are human corpses on an alien craft, it was decorated purposefully so that the mass is mainly human heads and arms, with little else.
Kinda reminds me of how the tripods held live humans in cages near the end of the 2005 War of the Worlds.
aliens are just terrifying. i think that's why most people choose to just not believe in them, because if they're real, we're actually fucked. Even if they're benevolent, we're still fucked in one way or another
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I know you won't believe me but they're real, I was almost abducted when I was growing up. My room had a skylight and I woke up to one peering in on me. It wasn't anything like these crafts, I don't know if it's related or not. But I can confirm with my own experience.
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were you ever able to sleep again in that room?
methinks the gloweis read that one /x/ creepypasta warning us to not get on the ships. that, if we do, we'll end up being kept alive as our bodies are tortured endlessly, turned to mush, back to normal and mush again, or something like that and we feel every bit of what's going on and nobody can help us
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I never did again and the window was patched up years later. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't gotten control of my body back and ran to my parents room. It or terror locked me into place while it just was observing me. Felt like it invaded my mind and I couldn't speak or call for help.
>The reflection 100% looks like something poorly done in blender.
Reflection are one of the most reliant rendering in computer grpahics because there that simple in real life, there is nothing like "cheap rendering done in blender" or I suspect you know nothing about the field (we could argue about subsurface scattering, for which there is none on a purely metallic material). Also, the thing with exotic material is that you just don't know what it is or how "real it should look for us", shill would say it's convenient where it just come with the field.

> The background noise is artificial and patterned as well
It's likely a photo of another media, likely a monitor, so the pattern is just the discrepancy in resolution / refresh rate, nothing strange either.

That being said, it does seem like a convenient AI rendering based of the original Corbell footage. It looks way more AI bloom than traditional CG work to my eyes.
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i kid you not. when you expand the thumbnail and just stare into it for well over a minute, the motherfucker changes right before your eyes!
No, they are similar but fundamentally differ in shape.
This shot just looks like AI nonsense desu. Im a believer and have seen ships myself, and they were not these blobby amorphous shapes. Something fishy is going on….
that's just cum in the lens
what an angry cope post full of wishful fallacies.

i'll never stop fighting the jews and their lies
you fucking failed, n word
Right an advanced species came from billions of light years away just to carry dead humans around in broad daylight
The dripping also is mention on this video.
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Does he still think they're just balloons?
I forgot about this one. The hand looks like some fractal nonsense you'd see on a DMT trip.
I don't think those are human bodies, anon. Another anon said that grays are generated by their ships. That's what that looks like to me. Like it's growing off the ship itself and budding like polyps.
Come the fuck on, man. No it isn't.
Then why is one of the videos from a week ago?
do you have it? i'd love to read it
interesting take
You'll learn that from a website that on the surface seems like a LARP, but it's also a website that had top secret classified information on it 4 years prior to declassification, that's what got me interested and made me research it.

The website itself just looks like an art project, with poetry, random languages, fictional history and so on. Some of its articles are indeed just fiction to distract and muddle (even if interesting) and the strange website is in fact overlooked because of that, but there is very real information on that website relating to aliens, snippets of further and deeper knowledge about them, others and their technology and the technology human beings have come across and have failed and succeeded in using. A lot of the alien technology is based on biotechnology, the intergration of the biological to the objects constructed by biological beings, that is in fact going to be what our next technological leap will be based on, the growing, cloning and optimizing of the natural biological objects such as things of which make up human beings and other beings, the things that were created by God or just came to be depending on what you believe in.
Public AI technology will be utilizing cloned biological cells and so will other public technology, this will blast everything open and upwards.

Those that are astute and have enough time can filter the real information from the playful fiction and that real information is seriously concerning. I know we're on /x/ and it'll just seem like another LARP if I tell you that among the many that contribute to that website, there's is one person that is seriously otherworldy.
I put it in the is it AI website and it said it's 69% human made
Fuck off glowie
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The things hanging down at the bottom are 100% human arms, you can sorta see a women’s upper-torso, upper-arm and head also. Oh fuck
well wtf post the whole thing
Unless something new happened, this isn't actually a real picture of the ufo. This is causing confusion.

For anybody who doesn't know the background on this, it was tracked by aerial video. The real video is grainy, but still clear enough to see some details. Many people on youtube made videos breaking this down, and they showed the ufo is not a damaged camera lense because of shadows and the ufo does turn as it move, if it were a camera issue there would not be turning of the craft on video.

This is the original video. I don't know the story behind OP's picture.
who is it
Nazis are allied with the Nordics (look up I1 haplogroup), Jews are allied with some other group.
Look at this, it's supposed to be a still image from unreleased video.

I still don't know the full story, viewer beware.

What I don't get is, what is this thing even doing? What purpose does flying around with human corpses dangling serve? All I can think of is intimidation and if that's the case it's actually kind of silly wouldn't you say?
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It's bird shit on the camera pod and the angle of the sun lighting it up changes as it turns which looks weird to people who've never gone outside.
Fuck off nigger
You fuck off. I want better UAPs like they had back in the 20th century. Everything I see these days is either lens flare, dirt on the lens, landing lights, or After Effects.
Let's pretend for a sec that's real, it's one of theirs on some mission within our atmosphere. Perhaps those dangling things are partial or complete environment suits - their equivalent of our eva suits. Perhaps they don't handle some of our earthside biomes too well, or at all.
Give an example that's more convincing than this from the 20th century.
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Holy shit this like the jellyfish from earlier. ALSO FROM AFGHANISTAN
>be US gov
>They are weather balloons.
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>muh harvested corpses dangling from below!!
Why some morons love pushing this retarded interpretation so much?
They could be literally anything (cranes? probes? sensors? tentacles? means of propulsions? antennas? mechanical arms/legs? some kind of goo?) but nope! They MUST be le scary dead bodies because... they just are!
well fuck it I am willing. Spill the beans anon.
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The melting/dripping stuff reminds me of many UFO incidents, one of them being the infamous 1980 Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest UFO incident.



The NHIs are interdimensional. They're demons. Literal biblical demons. They've been in control of humanity forever. They accelerated human evolution and are in part our "creators" (thanks to the Promethean elightenment due to their genetic experimentation, we went from being happy clueless primates in Eden to intelligent suffering humans on Earth). They did this not for our sake but for theirs: we were always meant to build the technological means to allow them to take physical posession of Earth (every technological advancement has its origin in demonic intervention, same with modern banking and religions). The "aliens" are biomechanical avatars the demons use to interact physically in our dimension. They harvest humans, feed off our suffering and souls and use our physical bodies to build their biotechnological abominations (horribly mangled human bodies are consistently found inside the ships in crash retrievals). They're now about to trigger eschatological nuclear WWIII in the Middle East, followed by all kinds of natural cataclysms on Earth, and make a big show of an alien arrival. Most humans alive today will be harvested. For those who survive, a new religion is being created that puts them (NHIs, AI-Alien intelligence) as our creators, superiors and rulers and will be globally accepted after the event, fulfilling the Antichrist prophecies they pre-programmed in our religions. Governments reached an agreement with them in the 50s to slow down the process but the agreement was breached because some human factions tried to develop the warfare technology to fight back. Apparently, they're kickstarting Revelation right now, and some kind of big happening is expected for 2027.

A faction of the Government and the Military is complicit. The rest, are powerless to stop it. 5th columnist collaborator elites have built bunkers and D.U.M.B.S. to try to weather the storm. It's over.
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Elena Danaan was told by a space alien
"Star Wars is the retelling of the Orion Wars".
I really want to hear about the "Man Wars" the battle or war when space invader reptilians, who are not even from this Galaxy, drove the Humans of the Man Star System from their home.
The displaced Humans intend to take their home back.
Return of the Jedi IRL.
The displaced Humans set up the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and are winning a war against those reptilians at this very moment.
The "Starnation News 50" video posted yesterday mentions the on going war.
I want to see ab experiment exactly as you've described it, otherwise you're a glowie Mick
fuck off glowie, they're our friendshow do I know that? they could have already harvested or destroyed us easily? what's the point of triggering ww3?
Isn't this just the plot to Mass Effect?
yes when you zoom in on stars with telescopes they look like rings on fire like white rainbow fire that moves around with little orbs

maybe this is what ancient people saw and they thought angels in the sky were stars
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The Nazi Party was formed to get freedom from the [redacted on X].
The reptilians want to conquer the entire Galaxy, and that includes Earth.
There are laws in this Galaxy, and the reptilians attempted illegal invasions, and each time Earth got reset.
The current invasion is that reptilians dumped [redacted] on Earth as a bioweapon to Genocide Earthlings.
If no Earthlings remain, then maybe no one owns the Earth?
But I don't believe the reptilians will be allowed to take the Earth, because POWERFUL space aliens are involved with Earth. That's why we are still here.
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The dumb individuals in the Masons aren't told anything.
CIA trolls come here because they are AFRAID the truth will spread.
It will.
there's a reason why they don't just take over our planet and there's a reason why they like watching us.

we're like them. we're one of the first civilisations in the universe. Drake Equation was right, but the filters are actually a lot harder to get past and most worlds never get past atomics. if you think about it, what would the world have been like if we nuked Russia after WW2 instead of Japan?

there has been so many close calls. remember when they stopped doing nuclear tests? that's because of them. the first ones sent gravitational waves that they picked up. usually this doesn't indicate much other than a civilisation having reached the atomic age and will surely soon depopulate their world.

then there is a constant stream of nuclear tests.

the ayys think "ah yep. there they go. ok let's go catalogue them and move on"

and they get here and they go "hang on what? they're not blowing each other up?"

shit, we might have a chance to make contact with these ones. we gotta be quick or they may disappear so we better start disabling those nukes.

then they discover that we also have the power of consciousness and they realise what this means, a chance for them to study how consciousness works, only having had their own they never imagined any other species going the same route

and now that we are, they're laissez-faire, let us do our thing for now, "we won't let you completely annihilate yourselves but you also can't hurt us" mutually assured distraction.

for the meanwhile they're just probing, having a look into our minds, our consciousness.
I wish every christcuck retard that posts here would get sucked into the sun. I'm so sick of you retarded brainlets and your "itz demons!" HORSESHIT. KILL YOURSELF.
good thread, thanks
>can’t produce a comparable example of bird shit looking like this
uh hun
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The nuke tests and "nuclear power plants" (deadly steam engines) are on Earth because the reptilians want them on Earth.
When Earth is too radioactive for mammals, reptilians can live here.
reptilians love a hot dry desert.
kek, the foaming mouth seething of the arihmancucks is always funny
>i have been found out!
okay got it. Now how does the govt get this information from NHI...Who or what are they using to contact these beings? Also what group of biological aliens in the third dimension are set to take over once humanity has fulfilled its purpose?
Apparently the1955 Holloman Air Force Base summit of President Eisenhower with some alien representatives is real. That's when an arrangement was struck.

Some stuff for you to review:


Also review the Bledsoe prophecy and Grusch's statements on the Government having arrangements with the NHIs
that one’s shitty ai from like two years ago

The only way this thing would make sense is if it’s some kind of elaborate alien shitpost.

They clearly have a thing about certain parts of anatomy. Fuck knows why, hopefully it’s not too morbid.
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