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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
Open UL general
Hey I want to manifest 1 billion dollar and use it to cause chaos worldwide. How can i achieve this
Or can I manifest a group of hackers that destroy IT infrastructure worldwide? I'm talking about making the world horrible to live in both for us and the elites. Like i want the elites to go back to farming and milking goats.
How can i achieve this ?
was listening to this and it made me realize how easily it all happens when i simply dare to ask for it. it is so beautiful


why do you want to use your power to bring evil to the world? is god's work of creation not beautiful? why would you want to destroy it? is it not enough for you?
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threadly reminder God loves (You)
>Bring evil to the world
Evil is just a word
>God's creation
It sucks ass , tell me what are the spiritual implications of hemorrhoids?
>Is it not enough?
When you give a finite being. A taste of eternity and infinity, there's really no going back.. or just know how to contain them
beauty is truth and truth is beauty, anything that goes against beauty is evil. if you hate god's creation, if you are not grateful for it why would you be worthy of anything? why would he gift you anything if he knows you're just going to hate it and throw it away?

what a based cat!
Yeah let's skip the rhetoric
How do I manifest a sun storm that wipes out all electronics once and for all ?
by reading the OP
Can I manifest a shortcut? I don't want to go through all that material.
I dunno, can you?
He can’t.
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I have questions.

manifesting a ladder seems rather mundane. ladders are everywhere. most people see at least a dozen ladders a day and aren't even aware of it. so the ladder experiment could easily be compared to confirmation bias. so the question is what have you actually manifested through this technique that is truly tangible and unexplainable through other means? I am questioning the limits of this and trying to figure out if this is some sort of supernatural phenomena or just a way for people to alter their mindset. clearly there are limits. otherwise some people would be waking up with the powers of superman, or suddenly being able to talk to animals, or any number of miraculous things? so what is the limit?

are you manifesting extremely specific things? like "the girl in 33B is going to come over and suck me off on Tuesday" or more general things like "I am a positive, outgoing, caring person that people like."?

have you ever achieved any sort of miraculous manifestation? what is it? how long did you focus on it? is it exactly what you focused on or different somehow?

do you think you are effecting this one singular universe, or that your consciousness is navigating a multiverse and leaving this one behind for another one where your manifestations are true?

beyond simply visualizing and living in the moment while you are doing the meditation portion of this. are there any rituals or practices you are aware of to help boost it? maybe writing it down and burning the paper at the end, or, idk. some sort of ritual basically. something to anchor the belief.

I'm super interested in this but am just having issues with the lack of thought out reasoned replies in these threads. is it all just schizos doing this or what?

anyways. thanks. I just want some real answers.
You don't want answers. You're just another troll. More specifically, you're a "science light" troll who's "just here to explore manifestation" and "just wants to start a conversation."
Anything, and everything, can be manifested.
Go out and try it (you won't).
Evil is not just a word. Words have meaning.

The spiritual implication of hemarrhoids is "you as an eternal spirit being were fucking bored of being perfect so you made yourself suffer just to see what it was like".

That finite being tasting the infinite is a cause for hope, not despair. You've seen the glory that awaits, now you can relax and enjoy the journey there. You can still enjoy a book even if you already know the ending, even if you've read it before. It's about the wonder and amazement of the journey through life, not the end of the path. Skipping the journey is missing the point.
Any "thought out, reasoned reply" wouldn't satisfy you. What we discuss in these threads can only be understood through experience. I could tell you about the time I met the Ancient of Days in a vision, I could try describing Him to you, but it could all be easily dismissed as anecdotal and likely schizophrenic.

We're aware that this all seems schizo. That's why you aren't going to get any definite, concrete, provable answers. Miracles don't usually look like parting the Red Sea or rains of frogs, they usually just look like coincidence. Even those miracles I listed were "just coincidence": a storm had picked up a bunch of frogs from the Nile river delta and carried them miles over to the Pharoah's city. The Red Sea is on a fault line and a timely earthquake had split the fault and poured the sea into it.

You can dismiss everything we explain here as coincidence. You can do that forever. The only question you should ask yourself is this: how many times must coincidence happen before it stops being coincidence and starts being a pattern? We're not here to discuss coincidence, we're here to discuss pattern.
How do I make my SP want me?
you need to make yourself wanted by SP
What does this mean, like do I need to tailor my scripts to my SP always seeking and wanting to be with me?

well I am trying it. and I do want answers. I know for a fact it works on some things. but so far they have been internal shifts. I'm asking the same questions as before really.

a thought out reasoned reply would satisfy me. I have seen this work at small scales. and I'm aware it will almost always appear as extreme coincidental alignments. I have seen a pattern though. there are far too many coincidences in my life to dismiss them. I may have even unknowingly brought them about. but I want to knowingly bring them about.

let me repeat some questions.

1. have you noticed any upper boundary to these manifestations? would these be self imposed limits or some sort of foundational limits?

2. how specific do you get with your manifestations? if it's money do you manifest a specific way you got it and an amount? or more of a ballpark just living wealthy and the money got there somehow? if it's relationships do you focus on one individual that you want to be with, or more of an idealized imaginary person that any number of people could be? see what i mean?

3. other than going into a sleeplike state and living in the end and focusing on the new reality. are there any rituals, methods, or tips and tricks you found helpful?

I'm not trying to be a dick here. I'm just asking questions and if you can try and answer them that would be lovely. and if they are the wrong questions, please feel free to tell me why they are the wrong questions and why I shouldn't worry about them.
I mean it in a sense that you only have to change yourself, rather than framing it as her doing something, manifest yourself being the object of her attention
Stop being retarded. If you know the term SP then you know what SATS is. Go do it.
>1. have you noticed any upper boundary to these manifestations?
Im not schizo enough to ask for crazy bullshit, but no, you can't manifest crazy bullshit. If your first thought is "that's 100% physically impossible because it breaks the laws of x", then you probably cant have it. The schizos in this general would have you believe you can turn into a flying vampire that shoots lazers from his eyes, but that isnt true.
>would these be self imposed limits or some sort of foundational limits?
Foundational, as far as i can tell. Reality has rules that we cant change, I dont care what Neville said or what the tripfag says. I like Neville a lot, he got a lot of things right, but he had head up his ass about the "you are literally God" stuff. Very useful as a mindset, though.
>2. how specific do you get with your manifestations?
With money i go to the end and assume it got there in an agreeable manner. For a girl i chose an idealized version of the kind of girl id want. I got very specific. she showed up with every trait I wanted, for better or for worse. You can have a specific individual but ymmv judging by all the angst ive read. Focus on what it is you wanted and not how you got there. people dont genuinely want to win the lottery, they just want a fuck-ton of money.
>3. other than going into a sleeplike state and living in the end and focusing on the new reality, are there any rituals, methods, or tips and tricks you found helpful?
the whole point of manifestation is to be magic without the ritual, but I guess SATS does count as a ritual so do what you want.
tips: dont consume too much media throughout your day. SATS is easier with less foreign images in your head. Go to bed early as you are instructed. Practice your scene earlier in the day, before your SATS session. Practice meditating if you cant into SATS. Above all, take it easy.
>people dont genuinely want to win the lottery, they just want a fuck-ton of money.
a fuck-ton of money without having to put in a fuck-ton of effort, in one instant if possible, so yeah a lot of people do actually want to win the lottery and not start a business that gets profitable in 25 years
Cant argue with that I guess. A bad example to prove my point with
Hello loved people,
I had doubts about this 'law of assumption', until I slowly brought something physical into reality, and changed a physical feature, and realised I had a lot to learn.
I have an important request for advice.

I want to bring circumstances into someone else's life. I want someone close to me to have better health, good life experiences, and love. I don't know if doing it for someone else would work, but I really want to bring good things into this person's reality, the things they want, so they can be happy again. How do I do this?
>I have seen this work at small scales
"Big" scales are no different

>and I'm aware it will almost always appear as extreme coincidental alignments
"You" are the one that crafts the result. Your deeper self does it in a way your current mindframe can handle. Ie: "Coincidentally." When your mindframe is more flexible it can come to you in more direct ways.

>1. have you noticed any upper boundary to these manifestations?

>would these be self imposed limits
Any limits here are yours. I have seen things done by other LOAs that made my "sanity" crack. They were unbothered, as they should be.

>2. how specific do you get with your manifestations?
As specific or vague as you want. The results are entirely on you though, so never ask for what you don't actually want. "Know thyself"

>3. other than going into a sleeplike state and living in the end and focusing on the new reality
Anything that lowers your resistance. Ideally now that you know it's you getting in the way, you work on getting out of your way rather than becoming a ritual sorcerer.

>I'm not trying to be a dick here
You asked to be spoonfed. Most Anons here feel like that's a waste of time, because you will most likely not be ready for this and give up. I try to be a little more helpful than that but it doesn't change the fact that either you are ready to quit the bullshit or you are still married to it.

More of the same bullshit or are you ready to turn your life upside down?
Question, how the fuck do i stop manifesting threads on 4chan? I think up something no talked about, and within the same god damn day, one of my usual boards has at least a thread. There's coincidence then there's something fishy.
>inb4 leave 4chan
>How do I do this?
The same way you did it for yourself. It may even be easier for you- often the reason we can't have what we want is that we feel we don't deserve it. That's usually not the case for other people we are trying to help.
Lurk harder
>Just like that? Belief?

Keep in mind, most people have trouble believing with their whole being. "Just" implies that it's easy. It's simple, but not always easy.

>Does imagination or visualization play any role in this or? And if it does, how?
It's a focus to get your idea through your resistance. Affirmations and scripting work as well.

Persist and you will succeed.
>Im not schizo enough to ask for crazy bullshit
>Im afraid to ask for crazy bullshit

>but no, you can't manifest crazy bullshit
>If your first thought is "that's 100% physically impossible because it breaks the laws of x", then you probably cant have it
Interesting- you try to roll it back after but you are 100% correct about if you don't believe it you probably can't manifest it. Ergo, what happens if you CAN believe something "impossible" enough? Do you still think "physical laws" will prevent it?

>I like Neville a lot, he got a lot of things right, but he had head up his ass about the "you are literally God" stuff
You'll see it someday.

>tips: dont consume too much media throughout your day. SATS is easier with less foreign images in your head. Go to bed early as you are instructed. Practice your scene earlier in the day, before your SATS session. Practice meditating if you cant into SATS. Above all, take it easy.
Excellent tips.

You seem to have a good handle on it, where is your fear coming from?
Thank you
Yes- before I received my wishes, I had to realise that I didn't think I was the kind of person who received or deserved them. That changing the narrative was scary, and impossible. I have no blockages towards her though.
.her bones are healthy
.people who come into her life who love her
.she realises how beautiful she is
.she gets to start a beautiful family
.her body has enough vitamins, joints are in perfect health, she is going to have big adventures and laugh lots
.she will be touched and warmed by friendship and love
.she will realise how much her work has helped the world
.she will wake up each day with good health, energy, and optimism
.she will realise that she deserves this
.this is inevitable. it's undeniable that her life is becoming blessed. nothing can stop her from being showered with love and blessings.
.i am so grateful to witness her being happy and healthy. it is wonderful to see her in good health and happiness. how could things get better so quickly and easily?
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Law of Cope general
Where are the success stories of millionaire playboys?
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this relates a lot to what I've been writing in lore for my RPG.
It's more likely that you get rich in your timeline than me getting rich in your timeline.
blessed digits. Arnie’s story and how he speaks about making his dreams reality is a prime example of LoA in effect.
>God's creation
Imagination creation
>gods creation
Your whole text implies god is a being almost sounds christian.
Drop every other belief or ngmi
Pretty much every fighter ever (and some moba teams) is the exact same shit, same with a lot of actors too.
>Jon Jones - "I got really serious with believing that I could do the UFC in 2012."
>Alex Pereira - Went through a shit period in his life where he was drinking a lot, then starting hanging out with shamen and started winning a fuck ton.
>Mike Tyson - You have to want it more than anything else, more than food (talking about fighting before).
>Jim "Cut your throat down the road" Carrey
>Team 2018's TI winners OG - N0tail would see himself holding the trophy at the end of the night.
>Walt disney visualizing what the park would look like and how he would through it every night.
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Muhammad was a master of manifestation. In Islam, alam al-mithal, the world of imagination.
Reposting from the /div/ thread
Yesterday i was rereading my messages with someone and they replied back while i was rereading the messages despite it being hours between messages.
Then, today, the moment i open the app, they reply. Twice!

I’m feeling freaked out ngl
Is there some meaning behind this or am I schizophrenic
Now apply that sensation and intensity to something you want to happen.
Survivorship bias.
>Crisis mode
I agree 1000%, I have enough proof from all sides showing it is the case. I mean I know my mind/body have no clue what's going on when I do relax for once (well somewhat relax.)

>I was the operant power, was I not? Why did I need permission to do what I believed was correct?
Oh so that's what led you to do that one manifest unless I'm looking into a previous convo too deeply. Oddest part was after the comment was made by an old friend, something along the lines of not committing 100 percent I just stood still perplexed. I think it was the same day that the guy commented on "you get it now don't you" Mind you this way later in the day and it came as soon as I connected some dots

The thing I find good timing, I was just thinking about the whole "permission thing" Like I have this subconscious belief I need to do and ask in order to do something. I know I developed it on my own with some external factors but I hate this whole "martyr" complex I have come out that does snub me alotta the times.

>I also run into people that are in states I used to occupy and like you, I feel sympathy and "bothered" because I can't believe I was that stuck back in the day and don't enjoy the reminder :)
I was extremely shocked to see what is essentially almost myself on the outside, just more extreme. It was enough to drop everything I was thinking and observe what it looks like from a diff perspective. With that in mind, I wonder how my state "plays" into the outside world. I do know for sure I need to change my mind however I need to step on the brakes. Never really thought I could see myself almost replicated by someone else

Come to think of it, I wonder if my high alert and untamed mind are the big blocks to my manifestation. At the end of that event I did feel the next day like I shouldn't be alive. I wasn't completely broken by that feeling but more "why do I feel this way?"
Why and how did this happen
I did want to talk to him and have been thinking about him a lot, but 3 times in less than 24 hours was a really bizarre feeling. Was this me using LoA without even knowing? I haven’t posted on /x/ in years but this actually made me kind of freaked out. I’ve had weird coincidences happen to me, but nothing like this…
Meant to reply
I did want to hear back from this person. But I didn’t feel like I was specifically trying to get them to reply, if that makes sense. I know very little about LoA. Im the type of person who feels very strongly about people once ive decided I like her them
>>Your belief comes from Christianity. Accept Christ as your Lord or ngmi
/loa/ is christian thought, of course it's not like the mainstream denominations but it is still christian within it's heart.

this except christ is you.
>who are you quoting bro.
>loa is powered by Celtic beliefs and Lilanon Wicca anyhow
>mother anon posts hidden and not read
Reality is being cleansed.
Really? You don't believe that the one thing that most high achieving people have in common, a skill that they all say works, works?

Because it's like almost every single UFC fighter or world class boxer.
Literally every single one.

They either believe that they are the greatest fighter ever, using their identity sense to identify with the greatest or that they're guided by God to become unstoppable.

UFC Fighters:

Jon Jones: Extreme self-confidence, often stating he's the best ever. Connection with god.
Georges St-Pierre: Used visualization techniques and expressed strong self-belief.
Anderson Silva: Absolute confidence in his ability (identity sense)
Khabib Nurmagomedov: Strong religious faith, often attributing success to Allah.
Demetrious Johnson: Confidence in his skills.
Amanda Nunes: Openly proclaims herself as the greatest female fighter.
Daniel Cormier: Combines religious faith with strong self-belief.
Conor McGregor: Famous for his extreme self-confidence and visualization.
Stipe Miocic: Quiet but firm belief in his abilities as the best heavyweight.
Jose Aldo: Strong self-belief, especially during his long undefeated streak.


Muhammad Ali: The epitome of self-proclamation as "The Greatest."
Sugar Ray Robinson: Considered himself peerless in the ring.
Floyd Mayweather Jr.: Unshakeable self-belief, calling himself "The Best Ever."
Joe Louis: Quiet confidence and belief in his destined greatness.
Rocky Marciano: Strong self-belief combined with religious faith.
Mike Tyson: At his peak, had an aura of invincibility and supreme confidence. Believed he was literally invincible, told himself that.
Manny Pacquiao: Strong religious faith, believing God guided his career.
Henry Armstrong: Unwavering belief in his abilities to dominate multiple divisions.
Roberto Durán: Nicknamed "Hands of Stone," exuded supreme confidence.
Sugar Ray Leonard: Strong self-belief and visualization techniques.
Continuing with AI slop, since anon thinks he's smarter than history.

Julius Caesar: Believed in his own destiny to rule Rome, famously crossing the Rubicon.
Napoleon Bonaparte: Extreme self-confidence, saw himself as destined for greatness.
Winston Churchill: Unwavering belief in his ability to lead Britain through WWII.
Margaret Thatcher: Known as the "Iron Lady" for her unshakeable convictions.
Mao Zedong: Absolute belief in his vision and ability to transform China.
Vladimir Lenin: Fervent belief in his interpretation of Marxism and his role in history.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Strong self-assurance in his ability to lead during crisis.
Fidel Castro: Unwavering confidence in his revolutionary ideals and leadership.
Ronald Reagan: Combined strong self-belief with faith in divine purpose for America.
Indira Gandhi: Firm belief in her destiny to lead India.

Famous Generals:

Alexander the Great: Believed himself to be of divine descent and unbeatable.
Hannibal Barca: Supreme confidence in his military genius.
Genghis Khan: Believed in his divine right to rule the world.
Saladin: Strong faith that Allah guided his military campaigns.
Napoleon Bonaparte: (Again) Unshakeable belief in his military prowess.
George Washington: Faith in divine providence guiding the American cause.
Erwin Rommel: Known for his supreme self-confidence in battle.
George S. Patton: Strong belief in reincarnation and his destiny as a warrior.
Vo Nguyen Giap: Unwavering belief in the revolutionary cause and his strategies.
Douglas MacArthur: Extreme self-assurance, often bordering on insubordination.
There are more fighters than you've listed that believed they were the greatest but never became great. Believing in yourself is just part of the psychology of fighters. It's psychological, not paranormal.
Wrong. Look at all the middling shits who came close to it and never achieved much. They were good technically, but bad with their beliefs.

Justin Gaethje
Sean Strickland

are the 2 that pop off of my head immediately.

Continuing with more important people from the 21st century.

Albert Einstein: Unwavering confidence in his scientific theories, often against prevailing wisdom.
Martin Luther King Jr.: Strong religious faith combined with belief in his role in the civil rights movement.
Mahatma Gandhi: Deep spiritual conviction and belief in his method of non-violent resistance.
Mother Teresa: Absolute faith in her divine calling to serve the poor.
Nelson Mandela: Unshakeable belief in his cause and ability to lead South Africa post-apartheid.
Steve Jobs: Famous for his "reality distortion field" - extreme belief in his vision and abilities.
Marie Curie: Firm conviction in her scientific pursuits, breaking gender barriers.
Walt Disney: Unwavering belief in his creative vision, often against financial and practical odds.
Henry Ford: Strong self-belief in his ability to revolutionize manufacturing and transportation.
Pablo Picasso: Supreme confidence in his artistic vision and abilities.
Sigmund Freud: Firm belief in his theories, even when faced with significant opposition.
Coco Chanel: Unshakeable confidence in her fashion vision and business acumen.
Ernest Hemingway: Strong self-belief in his writing style and lived experiences.
Amelia Earhart: Firm conviction in her abilities as an aviator and role model for women.

You literally can't do shit without belief anon, thank you for making me even firmer in my beliefs : )
a lot of these also famously died, were beaten or will be eternally hated
I've been trying to manifest SP as my girlfriend for the last month, I've been doing scripts, I've been imagining living in the end and I know for sure it was "done" because for the last two weeks I haven't had any cravings/obsessions, I just felt like it was happening and I was happy.
We live in different cities, yesterday I arrived where she lives and today I wrote about meeting her (would be our 4th date) and she refused, said she wasn't interested in me anymore.
What the hell could have happened in the last two weeks when I didn't think about her and was just happy that she was already mine? How the fuck everything just turned suddenly backwards?
And what should I do now? Do I persist on her again or try to manifest someone like her?

Name a single person in history that achieved at a great level, but lacked belief. Either in themselves or something greater or their contribution to something greater (the environment, science, the community, helping others).

Now on the flipside, I can name a fuck ton of people in my personal life (and i'm 1000% positive anyone reading this) who believed that they were insignificant or that the world was out to get them in some way and then that belief manifested itself beautifully.

Can't do shit without belief anon.
Ok now generate all the UFC fighters that failed and tell me their belief level. Same for boxers.
This info is useless. It’s also part of this fighting scene to constantly proclaim you are the best. Gets sponsorship money, gets viewings.
All useless info anon.
>Now, myself as a painter, I’ll never signify anything important, I sense it absolutely.
Vincent Van Gogh
I can find more if I need to.
But again survivorship basis means that you will find the winners more than the losers. History forgot the losers and their beliefs may have been just as strong. Your quotes prove nothing.

No anon. If you want to fight my argument, name a single counter example. Hell it doesn't have to be fighting, choose ANY domain.

Beautiful counter-example! But did van gogh not continue painting despite his espoused belief in his failure? Even though he said that he believed he was shit, he still continue to persist in his belief that his work was improving. He didn't see himself as a skilled painter, but believed he could be "one day".
"I keep on making what I can't do yet in order to learn to be able to do it."
"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
Both Van Gogh.
It’s over anon, give up.
Quotes are useless.
You are ignoring the losers and failures.
Mother anon posts here. He is all the proof I need that simply saying something doesn’t work.
lmao. True nuf, lil mother forgets the one quote Neville quoted frequently.

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
Matthew 6:6
m*ther-anon is the antithesis of the material in the OP, he continues blogposting without doing anything to change his beliefs/assumptions
so yeah, just saying shit won't make it happen, unless it's internalized in your very being
>unless it's internalized in your very being
How do you think the internalization occurs anon?
With mother anon not at all.
He externalises his shit right on the board.
In a previous thread I talked about reading Psycho-Cybernetics and have been really intrigued with it especially the imagination chapter of the book. I've only done a few days of practice and I've noticed small improvements in self-esteem but I haven't been consistent with the practice.

However I want to talk about that when I started researching Neville and LOA about early this year I started seeing repeating numbers constantly, specifically in clocks but then I lost faith in LOA and gave up and I stopped seeing repeating numbers. Now after reading Psycho-Cybernetics and back to practicing using my imagination to better my self-image the numbers have been repeating constantly (11:11, 13:13, 18:18 etc) I'll just decide to check what time it is and the amount of times this has happened has increased this last week.

I know Neville said "signs follow, then do not precede" or something like that but this can't be a coincidence right?
Fuck then off if you think it doesn't work. Why are you still here?
Why do you even bother trying to convince the troll? It's the same mentally ill retard
>>I'm retarded sorry

No. he's an actual person that has walked this Earth (documented by the historians Tacitus and Josephus Flavius) that has been prophesized in the Old Testament and talked about from the first page of Genesis.

Jesus healed the sick, walked on water, brought dead back to life, was raised by the Father back to life, and will come back to judge the world at the End of Times (which is imo April 7th 2030, but that's off-topic). Forget this thread, there's not a man on this Earth that can immediately replicate His works, no matter how much belief in their own godhood they have.

This innate imperfection is not a lack of knowledge. It's our sinful nature, one that's cleansed upon dying and belief in Christ as Lord. Only in resurrection do we get the privilege of being called a fellow Son of God, and share in Christ's rule of the world. In heaven, we won't even have to create divine threads about this sort of stuff.

The Law is a fast-food version of a part of our relationship with God (prayer and faith), subverted into something that
a) stands on its own (no external being to receive your faith)
b) is the only objective truth of the universe
in the same way Science has been pushed to be (though this is on a slow decline).

I have zero doubts that channeling your faith is rewarded whether or not you believe in Jesus. He Himself said to the bleeding woman it was her faith that healed her (same with the Centurion).

But Jesus also preached the need for repentance and salvation, achievable through Him ONLY. Not through our hidden knowledge. Not through our hearts. Only by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, an actual being born in Bethlehem, that ran away to Egypt, and then to Nazareth. The Bible has his entire frickin' genealogy to prove His ties to king David.

And that's one thing many people eager to quote His teachings isn't able to handle (even though it's THE most important thing). Believe in Jesus Christ, not urself.

God bless nigga
The numbers don't matter by themselves, they're just numbers. But if you believe they mean something and you believe seeing them means something then that's exactly what will happen to you - you will keep seeing those numbers. You're creating your reality, always.
I am thankful for my success on YouTube.

I am so thankful that my video has gone viral.

I am a successful YouTuber.

My sister and I are like this.... at least once a week one of us will text or call the other about something that they were thinking of at that very moment. It's been going on our whole lives so we don't question it anymore!

That's not uncommon with family. But this happened to me recently:

>have friend / lover / ???
>I don't talk to this person for months. I'm totally okay with this
>kind of suddenly decide I want to make contact with them again but I want them to do it first
>start affirming that I am who they want to talk to
>they text me a couple of weeks later

Now... did I manifest them? Or....did they manifest me?

In those months of silence, there were times that I would just find myself thinking of them in an evening, not anything concrete but the feeling of their presence. I know it was because they were thinking of me; this is something I've experienced before with my sister and others. But the strong urge to talk to them kinda suddenly.... that's different. So I do think they were actively trying to manifest me which is kind of funny.

Tldr maybe you and this person are just very in tune with each other psychically, or they were trying to manifest you.
SATS or some other method that achieves the same effect
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Here's some more:
>I am who people want to watch on YouTube.
>I am who people think of what they think of "viral videos"
>I am the most followed creator on YouTube.
>I earn over half a million dollars a month in passive income. It's so easy and fun.

Aim for the stars anon
Thank you anon. WAGMI!
go be a shill somewhere else
>History forgot the losers
This is a great insight to one of your fears. You are terrified that you will accomplish nothing and no one will remember you. You will be dust in the wind.

This is one of the reasons you can't progress in your LOA beyond what you have. Neville flat states that you cannot be afraid to let the current "you" die in order to become the person you currently can't believe you can become.

You have no idea how many times you have "died" in your life to become who you are now. You are not the person you were born as. You are not the person you were a decade ago. You are not the person you were a year ago.

You cling to your ego and fears like a security blanket, and they soothe and tell you that it's not your fault, you can't fight "reality" and if you're a loser, so is everyone else.

Do you enjoy living in that state? Is it "fun"? You are the Operant Power. The awareness of the universe. What do you choose to be aware of?
>there's not a man on this Earth that can immediately replicate His works
Jesus said we could surpass him.

We are all part of the Creator, the Church sold out for material gains and state protection to sell people the illusion that we are powerless and unworthy. They did not do a good enough job of scrubbing the material though and some of the LOA teachings come through clearly.

Let those with ears, hear...
/loa/ is not christian you're wrong and that's why you don't have success with the law. It's the Law of Assumption not Christian or Buddhist thought.
No Evil or Good if you think it is then you're wrong.
"Evil" people use the law too the morals don't apply because this world is a dream as neville said or like the loa gurus like to call it nowadays a simulation.
Forget your religion if you were raised as a Catholic or Muslim or Protestant. If you want success with the law
the law is not nihilist thought, life has meaning and there is good and evil in the world. whether or not evil people use the law is irrelevant because they are destined to lose in the end. i was not raised catholic, muslim nor protestant and i don't draw my morals from them. this world is real and every gain i make is a manifestation of the beauty i bring to it.
>Jesus said we could surpass him.
Jesus actually said those who BELIEVE in Him shall do the same works - and even those greater than - He did. The belief in Him is the key part here. John 14:12. Nowhere in the passage does it suggest to believe that we're one being with the Father. Jesus was pretty clear in securing that position for Himself. The title of the fellow Son of God WILL be given to us. But it'll happen upon our resurrection in Him. Not through occult knowledge.

I am offering Jesus's salvation to whoever I can. You're quick to pick-and-choose the prayer and faith aspect of His teachings, but do not care about what happens to your soul after it leaves your physical body?

Literally just believe that Jesus is the Son of God and you'll be raised up and have the highest level of this stuff forever. No boredom, no anxiety, no parking lots or burgers instead of nuggets.

Just chilling with Most High God and blessing people with non Sun-burning Vampirism. I'm being a bit silly now, but you get my drift. Not believing on Jesus Christ of Nazareth is totally insane to me.
you not hiding his stubs makes me think your life spins around that retard.
cool, but that's off topic for this thread
>retard poster
Post hidden
Isn’t it wonderful?
Who said it didn’t work?
Maybe you need to fuck off. I guess you have some belief issues. Stop trolling.
It’s satisfying to see the stubs and know his shit was wasted.
Bumping the question, pls answer
Does reading scripts really work?
>Jesus walked on water
>there's not a man on this Earth that can immediately replicate His works
Lilanon walked on air
True. According to Lilanon anyway.
Why should I care about Jesus when we have a poster here who surpassed him.
Isn’t Jesus just our own human imagination? Or is it just consciousness?

Why do people get sick if they’re not aware of being sick?
Lilanon is sick in the head so he isn’t aware.
>Why do people get sick if they’re not aware of being sick?
That's an odd phrasing of it, but the simple answer is that they believe in the 3d. In the 3d there are hazards. It's statistical that you will face them.

See what happens when you get trapped in the web?
>>Jesus walked on water
>>there's not a man on this Earth that can immediately replicate His works
>Lilanon walked on air
The Anon you quoted >>39036574 somehow missed Peter walking on water too.

Jesus never preached being less than you are, yet somehow that has become "holy." I think he would be as disappointed about that as he was at Peter for giving in to doubt.
Weak minded fool that's why you cant date that girl you want.
You'll die as a monk alone but "illuminated"
Imagination is creation that's all if you believe in the christian god go to a church. If he is that powerful in your mind you are at his will now no matter ehat you want of he doesn't you will get nothing Christianity is a religion to enslave you are a slave you will have nothing and get abused by the system and you'll be happy.
i never said that he is separate from me, there is only one will and that is the will of god. because this world listens to my will it means that i am god, by going against god you are going against me.
Just my personal opinion

Your tone here makes you sound quite desperate. I don't mean that in a judgemental way. I recognize it because I've been this exact way before. You will not manifest anything in this state.

I know this sounds cliche but this is the truth. Find happiness and contentment in your own life. Be happy without her. You may find that you don't even actually want HER once you are content.

Anyway, fill your time with other things.... work, hobbies, friends, a new side job, anything else. Then if you want to try manifesting her again, go for it, but honestly if you get to that state she will probably come back to you without you trying again.

Neville talks about planting seeds and then leaving it alone and this is a perfect example of that. You've planted the seeds with your manifesting... you even felt it was done! Now leave it alone. Do not call, do not text. Leave it.

All I would tell you to do at this point is, IF you feel like doing anything, conversationally mention to yourself every so often, as if you're laughing about it with a friend
>"I am who [her name] loves. I am who she wants to be with, who she wants to talk to. I am the first person she thinks of in the morning. She'd do anything for me. She's dicknotised! She can't even get wet for anyone else. It doesn't matter who she dates or meets; I am who she compares every guy to. None of them can live up to me..I am who she loves."

Believe that. And live your life and stop trying to force things in your favor.

T. manifestor who has learned not to be desperate and force things
So you’re saying they’re subjected to probabilities and random occurrences?
What about those who are scarce about a resource they have?
What if it’s not their fault they’re so focused on the fact?
Even when it’s way too out of their control.
When do they know their awareness is what’s causing it and when they really changed?
I may sound desperate, but I didn't show any signs of desperation when I talked to her, just wished her good luck and that was it, I moved on. I'm just amazed that this is the third time this has happened to me with different girls.
I AM a big tiddy anime girl
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You aren’t.
>manifest abundance of women for myself
>every other anon on /loa/ is an anime girl now
It is done
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Listen anon when you manifest an sp you actually have to develop a relationship and lead it towards fuck buddy or serious relationship status. The SP is a person and has free will to stay with you or leave.

For some odd reason people think they're going to manifest their soul mate and that's it. They'll meet have a 10/10 Awesome relationshop, get married and have kids. That's not how it works.

If you actually manifested some bitch and shes not interested just manifest another person. Make sure when you manifest them that you put in that they're looking for a relationship and fall in love with you on first sight. Otherwise you're going to have to deal with their free will.

Yiu also sound kind of desperate and needy so that's most likely why she lost interest. Women like to be dominated, controlled , lead and abused. If you don't get those 4 basics down then prepare for a lonely life. Kek.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
You don't have to show it to them. Even alone, when the girls are hours away from you, are you desperate? Then you are putting that energy out there.
Why not?
i’m tryna manifest a fkn bag
ok, ask someone who actually uses it.. what do you do to make it work.. i.e. your method, everything you do..
the only 'method' is deciding what to focus your attention on
Charlie Zelenoff - Extreme self-belief and confidence
>So you’re saying they’re subjected to probabilities and random occurrences?
Yup. When you believe in a wider concept, you are agreeing to everything you accept about it. Gravity? Bacteria? Temperature?

The troll(s) here that try to poke holes in the idea try to push the idea that you have to specifically believe in each aspect of something for it to happen. It's just the opposite- you can agree to the whole package more easily than you can do everything individually. But you CAN do it- you can choose to ignore parts of "reality" that you do not like.

>What about those who are scarce about a resource they have?
Do they feel like they deserve it, or do they feel like they need to work for it or do something specific to "earn" it?

>What if it’s not their fault they’re so focused on the fact?
It is their fault, but they don't know they are doing it. Everything that's every happened to you in your life, you manifested to yourself.

It should be easy to forgive yourself for all of it: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

>When do they know their awareness is what’s causing it and when they really changed?
Enlightenment. I AM that which I AM. The first cause.

It's not always all at once. Little glimpses, years to come around to the idea. You are who you are, no amount of pretending can change that.
So when rolling a dice you (most likely) don't believe in getting x specific number, but in random chance?
>That's not how it works.
Limited belief
I'll try to explain this as someone who used to have doubts but have since realized that it's real.

First of all, I did do the ladder experiment, and it worked for me.

Second, you can look at it from a more "scientific" point of view.

Your consciousness is like an electrical current that flows through a magnetic field in hyperspace.

When you "pay attention" to something, you direct your current towards it.

Most of the things that you direct your attention to are "external" to you, or "physical" in your 3d representation. Now matter is just energy condensed is true, but that won't help you see that you "manifest" your own reality all the time anyway yet. And because you direct your "electric" current towards things already in perfect equilibrium with your awareness, you just recreate more of the same thing and you get "stuck". You basically start to assume things about reality just because its what you assumed before and you keep assuming them because they keep being true.

A person who "gets" this material is a person who understands that the only "reality" that exists is the one that they give attention to. But it's not like you can just quantum leap (sometimes you can, but it's rare and not something reproducible on demand) into a different awareness, awareness at which things like "miracles" start to manifest instantly, because you are no longer bound by your 3d dimensional self, and realize that you are a multidimensional being that's able to navigate through the vibrations of your emotion the same that you navigate in the 3 dimensional space => on demand.

Once you get into this stage, you will rapidly see the things around you change in an almost surreal way, because your vibrational output shifts, you no longer hold negative vibrational feedback loops with beliefs that hold you back, now the rest of your reality has to 'average out' the physical manifestation => on a new higher level of being itself.

Which is what you call reality.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
My most successful manifestation came from a place of want. I wanted a job that fit my schedule but it wasn't that big of a deal to me because I didn't care all that much about it. I genuinely can't get into the headspace of already having money because it's a constant source of stress and worry. Same thing with a gf I never got it either. I don't know how to fix these thought patterns
Just had a mental breakdown with myself, the week has been going good yesterday I didn't feel the need to do sats of my ex and me back together. I felt it was done and I was in somewhat of a bliss. Now I just meditaded a bit and thought of the scene just out of joy and just a moment later something inside me came up like my old self, I felt overwhelmed again so quickly, filled with doubt called me names even, sounds strange I know, it was me talking to me, at least two different versions of me and I ended up yelling with myself.
Don't know what any of this means
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>I genuinely can't get into the headspace of already having money because it's a constant source of stress and worry. Same thing with a gf I never got it either. I don't know how to fix these thought patterns
You need to leave reason behind.
I'm not telling you to go full schizo in your life because without Knowledge and proofs you will get to nowhere. But you must leave reason behind when you're doing your method to apply the law. Stop worrying about the how and just have it.
Is already having money a problem and causes stress and worry? Stop chasing that and go for what you really want or need. If you're hungry, you don't want money, you want food. If you want a new phone, you don't need money, you need a phone. If you have a problem that money can solve, it may sound easier to go for money and fill every pothole on the road with it but it may be even easier going for that problem already solved.
Same with the gf. You want something with that desire so go for it, and don't care about how you knew her or what make her to fall in love with you. Just see what you really want and go for it. Stop trying to build bridges, that's not your job, so imagine without caring about the external at all.
>So when rolling a dice you (most likely) don't believe in getting x specific number, but in random chance?
Something like that. I used to be heavily into divination and chaos theory when I was occulting and when I rolled dice to determine outcomes the results got downright spooky. I was believing the dice could be attuned to the results I was trying to determine so they suddenly were anything but random.

I wasn't putting my faith into my ability to determine the roll, but I have seen people do that- I had complete faith that nothing was "random" and if I listened it would speak to me.
Inner conflict. Commune with these "different" versions of yourself, come to understand the source of your conflict and resolve it.

You are the captain of your ship, don't let the crew be in charge.
>I genuinely can't get into the headspace of already having money because it's a constant source of stress and worry
Let go of your current state as you attempt your manifests. You know this works, you just need to make space in your life for the new stuff to happen.

Also don't stress about being "in the state" all the time. During the times you manifest you are not supposed to focus on what your current state is, you are to be focusing on what you want to become. After your sessions you can go back to dealing with your current issues as required.

Make sense?
my subconscious mind seems very dark and messed up. Lol
I don't know what's happening there. but every time I try to control it or take a peek at it I feel uncomfortable.
tried doing SATS today. and as always after a while I start getting into uncanny territories. a lot of weird thoughts, uncomfortable thoughts, gory thoughts, worries. even when I try to focus on a good scene. the scene still feels uncanny. the setting feels uncanny. like a dream. nothing super
bad. not a nightmare or something. but just uncanny. like as if you could tell somehow there is something wrong despite things looking alright. it's like a fever dream.

I need to have more control over my subconscious and heal it. because it looks very wounded.

if it's true that almost everything in my life is created by subconscious mind, however you want to think about it. whether it's crazy hippie new-age manifestation stuff where you subconscious mind somehow has an effect on the physical world or creates it. or just the fact that most of the actions you take on a day to day basis are automated and the result of your subconscious mind, beliefs, habits, etc...
then this is no good. if that's how my subconscious mind is like then it's no surprise my life
would be a reflection of it. and it is.

if I can't control my thoughts then I can't control my life. right?
how does one control their subconscious mind?

or is it the other way around? maybe materialists are right. and the subconscious is just a reflection of the material conditions and you just need to fix the material conditions and your subconscious mind will heal to reflect it? idk.
Know thyself. Nothing exists in your mind that you did not dream up.

You believe it needs to be the way it is right now, you are just unaware of the reason for it currently.

Follow those thoughts to the source. "Where/When did I learn that?" and decide if they still serve you or you need to move on.
>maybe materialists are right.
Materialists are the biggest retards around. Keep believing in their retardation and you will keep getting what you've been getting so far.
This is your private dream. In your dream you wanted to use something like a random result generator therefore you dreamt up a dice. So obviously yes, when you intend to use something like a dice you're expecting random results from it. Otherwise why would do so? Of course you can also use a random generator and then later on expect non random results from it but that would be silly as you would be holding contradictory expectations.

The problem is your attachment to materialism - you think that the external world is out there existing independently from you. That's why you think the dice is real and external when it really isn't.
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I just don't get it. I know this is real because I've brought ABSURDLY specific things into being and predicted utterly impossible odds, but after 2 years I just can't seem to get the 3 things that I need most, health wealth & wife.

I can get people to bring me random trinkets, I can get them to randomly decide to buy me the food I want, cheat at video games, make people message me out of the blue or give me 1 or 2 hundred dollars for no reason, hell as we speak I'm looking at a ridiculous 200lb antique pirate chest I manifested out of boredom, no fucking way these absurdly specific thing just happened to be gifted to me by pure coincidence.

But I'm still poor, sick, and alone. All attempts at eliminating my biggest problems fail, after trying every technique imaginable and giving each plenty of time to work. I've suffered a lot in my life and if nothing changes my life will be maybe 5 or 6 more years of low income wageslaving as i get sicker and sicker until i die alone before reaching 30.

I suppose this post is a form of magic itself, another ritual. Let's see if it returns anything. Throw me your ideas, any ideas. What do I do for health, wealth, and wife?
>maybe materialists are right.
Explain the origin of matter from a materialist perspective. You can't. Materialists will never beat nondualists.
do you believe that you have health , wealth, and a wife?
I believe I believed I did, for many months
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It's my fault, anon. I believed you didn't.
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Focus on whatever your illness doesn't let you do and go for that so it is implied you're healed instead of focusing on your illness/healing ("I'm not sick, "I'm healed", etc). Dumb example, if your knee hurts, imagine yourself running or jumping without any pain and enjoying it.
This apply for the three, health, wealth, and wife but you maybe need to unlearn things, like you need to work HARD to maybe have a mid paycheck, that you can't get money from doing things you enjoy or doing (almost) nothing at all. If you didn't come from a nurturing and wealthy family, you may have lots of assumptions about money that are hard to unlearn. Focus on what you really want or need.
Unlearning. This time your assumptions about why women may or may not like you. They doesn't matter at all if you're using LoA. Also forget any redpill/blackpill, they may seem to help you cope if you have bad luck with women but in terms of LoA-ing, you're adding a lot of resistance and undesirableness to both, the women you get to know and yourself. Another dumb exmaple, if you want a loyal woman that loves you, why believe most women are whores that need something back to love you? I'm not telling you to lower your bar, go for what you want, but don't believe in things that will make it harder to get. She can have social media and be loyal. Her paycheck may be bigger and she can still sincerely love you. She can have lots of friends and also make you her priority or whatever you want. Don't polute your "chances" with shit you don't want in your desire.
TLDR: Do inner work unlearning bad assumptions. Don't focus in shit you don't want in your life. Focus in whatever you REALLY want in your life. Don't get caught on chasing means and ways to fill the "pothole", especially future "potholes" when you can go for "pothole already filled" or "no pothole at all".
>I believe I believed I did, for many months
Not if he invests wisely or gets a good job.
That’s materially better
I am a YouTube success story.

I have over 100,000 subscribers on YouTube.

I generate legitimate income from the YouTube platform.

I am thankful for my blessings.
no you don't
>But I'm still poor, sick, and alone.
Whatever techniques you did yet you still believed the above statement so that's what you get.
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I'm 6'6, well built, handsome, charismatic, genius iq.

This is not what I want to be this is in fact what I am, what I have. I should have specified that I don't have issues getting WOMEN, I want a WOMAN. I don't want a wife, I want THE wife.

THE woman, the perfect woman, I've designed her, handcrafted her, every aspect of her, meditated on it countless times, tons of sats sessions. I know exactly what she looks like, shes got an adorable little accent, interests that match/compliment mine, perfect personality, just perfect perfect perfect. I've yet to meet her but damn do I love her. I can create other random shit, I must create her. I feel like if even with my poor quality of life with my health, if I get her, I can make anything else work. Gotta get her. I've explored 9 countries looking for her, and that fucking crushing feeling coming back home empty handed yet again is beyond words. I cannot properly express just how fucking sickening it is to be so absolutely 100% sure your life is finally going to change for the better and not having it happen.
Seems unlikely. I don’t think your furry channel will ever get legitimate income.
Affirm it to yourself only, dumbshit. Affirming it to other people means you're a massive retard that wants validation from other people which is the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish. You want to change yourself alone. The outside world does not matter.
>The outside world does not matter
seeding schizo thoughts here
If it has been years like that, it would be stupid of him to deny reality like a schizo.
>everything comes at its own time
Yeah, losing your virginity at 30 or something still means that you missed out on everything in your prime years, your youth. You can't get it back no matter what.
The choice is simple: practice loa or listen to the most pathetically retarded troll in the history of /x/, even runny dog shit on the roadside is 1,000,000 times more valuable than that retarded faggot
stupid take, money can be a goal in and of itself
>oh you don't actually want money anon, you just want cars, bitches, mansions and travelling around the world
Such anger in this loser. He knows few words and less loa. No one would ever listen to him because of how he acts so he is here just to troll.
And there he is. The most pathetic retard in the history of /x/ back after getting banned and changing his ip
Must be someone else.
Do you ever stop insulting and making useless posts? Try to be better.
>nooooooo that isn't me
>but I'm replying anyway
Lol. As expected from the most pathetic retard in history
Who is it you think I am?
Calling everyone the same poster is classic trolling.
>replying anyway
Why not? I am aware you are still trolling to shit up the thread. I’ll stop when I want, the question remains as to why you behave like this.
Do you guys use subliminals? Started to and it works great.

Used it for years. 0 results

You only need health, if you are not healthy everything else is meaningless trust me


he would be better off curing his health issues with physical means if he has failed loa for so long

Ever since I quit loa and focused on 3d healing I made x10 more progress than doing loa for years since 2018

gaslighting, muh you did something wrong

Cope, you can say it for others all day all night it doesnt matter one bit

Otherwise Trump would've been a nobody, everyone who ever said i am the greatest wouldve been a nobody

All these bs things you guys come up out of your ass mean jack shit, the only thing that matters is if you accepted something as true

Cope, if he has perfect health, 5 10/10 girls on rotation he wouldn't care about the past
>he thinks 3d healing isn't loa
Did loa say you can't go to the doctor? Amazing the posts we get.

you're a dumbass, loa implies not doing any physical means and focusing on manifesting to heal

and, as going to doctors can heal someone? all they do is gaslight you and give you meds

all truth, you just dont like it
>Otherwise Trump would've been a nobody, everyone who ever said i am the greatest wouldve been a nobody
Are you really this fucking stupid or are you just pretending to be so? It's the belief you hold inside that matters not what you say or don't say, you blithering moron

That is what I have said at the end of my post, you illiterate imbecile
Loa means you assume it's done, dumbshit. The healing can come in any way as long as its done. You don't even understand that holy shit.

Except that's inspired action, one that happens automatically without conscious decision

Except that hasn't happened to that posted, he "assumed" it for months, years and he keeps getting worse, you gaslight him into further persisting, and i'm the dumb one? lol
Then why did you reply to me when i told him to keep his affirmations to himself? How is that cope you stupid motherfucker?

It's cope because he can spam it everyday and still get successful youtube channel, but you need higher than room temp iq to get that
So you must be the stupid motherfucker that's spamming your shit here? Figures

My advice would help that sick guy thousand times more than your "just persist with loa for 10 more years even after half a decade of failure" so you're the one who's spamming
>you gaslight him into further persisting
Gas lighting eh? Ok don't persist then. Don't use loa. No one is keeping you here.
You are keeping him here.
I use electric.
>You are keeping him here.
Stop lying. No one is keeping anyone here.
But he doesn't, now does he? Why would he suddenly start getting bitches if he has 25-30 years of loneliness behind him? He wouldn't even know how to imagine the soft skin of a female. You're the one coping. You will be more jaded and more numb when you're older, it will be nothing like getting a gf when your hormones were going off at 100mph.
Lilanon can fix this lmao. The answer to everything here is Lilanon
Lilanon can reverse time and age at half speed. Solved all that anons problems.

Because I personally know a guy who got laid with hot girls in hs and later in life, but then after a bad weed trip he got sick with symptoms for years now. He says it's all meaningless to him now, all the good life he had is nothing when he is suffering daily
>origin of matter from a materialist perspective
it's eternal always existed and will always exist

materialism is a form of nondualism.
There are no limits, the only limits are our own habitual tendencies or states that makes us (and everything else) what we are. Consciousness is limitless but its various states are form and limited.

I like to manifest both specific things but also general things, for example having the feeling and conviction that something wonderful is happening right now will give fruit. In regard to my specific manifestations, my own ladder experience if you will I have success - but also failures. An example is me manifesting a date and eventual relationship with a girl I liked, however I also manage to manifest a breakup kek. In this case the date and eventual relationship happened as I visualized it, however the breakup came from my general negative states - which was me having negative self-talk involving her.

You might of course say that all of these things would have happened anyway, because they feel so natural. But at a certain point the law of probability have to give way, both in regard to my positive and well as negative manifestations - given we form images all the time that are objectified in the world.
In regard to technique I would say visualizing and meditation are the same, you need disciplined attention for it to become a fact. It is why the ladder experiment works because it is so mundane that your mental world is not agitated by need or other strong feelings which give proof to the opposite. Rituals are simply a mean of which to discipline oneself both inwardly and outwardly to act in a way which conform to the state one wish to achieve, most people fail to understand the meaning and function of ritual making it empty gestures or wishful thinking.
So you can manifest a dragon or something?
>There are no limits
Absolutely false
>the law of probability have to give way,
It doesn't
Why would I do that?
Why wouldn't you?
>bro I could totally do that if I wanted to...I just don't want to
Pfffffft zozzle
>manifesting a date and eventual relationship with a girl
Wouldn't this violate the free will of that girl?
Dragons as symbol of chaos are already in the world today.
That doesn't answer the question.
Where are these chaos dragons?
Are they just symbolic or actual flying dragons with chaos magic.
No, because everything is the One Mind. This mind, because either of ignorance or action, manifest itself as various forms and objectify itself as all things.
To quote Asvashoka in Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna: all differentiation are no other than the differentiation of ones mind
If we take Schopenhauer as an example free will is simply the Will (that is one and formless) which everything is a representation of in an individual subject. It is why he writes on magic: "Now, from what they say, it clearly follows, that the real agent in Magic, just as in Animal Magnetism, is nothing but the will. Here I must quote some passages in support of this assertion. Theophrastus Paracelsus especially discloses perhaps more concerning the inner nature of Magic than any other writer, and does not even hesitate to give a minute description of the processes used in it. — He says: “To be observed concerning wax images: if I bear malice in my will against anyone, that malice must be carried out by some medium or corpus. Thus it is possible for my spirit to stab or wound another person without help from my body in using a sword, merely by my fervent desire. Therefore it is also possible for me to convey my opponent’s spirit into the image by my will and then to deform or paralyze it at pleasure.”
A great example is Confucius, who says that the petty must bend to the noble. People still follow this rule, even if they resent it, but they resent it only because they have no will to do otherwise. Here Confucius is the simularica of tradition, authority and hierarchy.
Thanks for the constant unrelated quotes and comparisons chatgptman.
Free will of individual subjects are simply phenomena. Each being Being a metaphysical points of reference of the One Mind which can be seen as the sum total of all awareness and the ontological foundation of all phenomena.
Thanks for the total shit chatpgtman.
You could just make it less shit by saying we are all one or something less shitty but you love the word salad don’t you.
>Why wouldn't you?
>My desire for something specific is held by every Anon on this board. You must be weird if not.
>feel happy despite not being with her
>she doesn't want to be with you
Sounds to me like you got what you manifested.
Vampires or dragons?
How will Lilanon cope.
I was asking him, not you.
One mind.
prove it
You can’t be an anime girl in real life.
There aren’t any.
Someone would have said by now.
What more do you want.
>nooo I can't be a 2D object in a 3D universe, LoA is fake!!1
Limiting belief.
who's to say how god's ways will go? is anime girl the cute little thing you see on the screen or is it something more? many people dress up like their favorite anime characters and emulate their animes throughout their lives. according to the law one could easily build their life to resemble more the animes they want to become and thus also become more like an anime girl.
So you claim you can be a 2D anime girl?
A few manifestations my naughty side came up with:

-All coal, natural gas and oil deposits vanishing overnight
-Intense solar storm
-Spanish Flu 2.0
-Disease ravaging all major crops and livestock
-Super-bacteria proliferation


-All nuclear arsenals being used at the same time on counter-value targets
-Yellowstone + Campi Flegrei erupting at the same time
-Supernova within 4000 LY of Sol


-Change the number of pi
-Make electrons have positive charge
-Change the speed of light
-Bootes void gains the ability to expand


-make x = ¬x
-make 1/0 = 0
-concept x can permanently annihilate concept y
That goes for any of us
You're an absolute loser and want everyone else to suffer and die? Ok I hope that happens in your reality.
>Use the 3d as an example when it is grounded in a higher dimensional realm
How limited of you anon!
you do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

Calm down lol, I don't actually want to manifest them. It was an answer to >>39031061 whose question stimulated me.
My manifesting goal is to reality shift to a Banks orbital.
>I hate women
>I hate normies
>I hate the kids who beat me up at special needs group school
Lmao. lol even.
you manifest the same way as everything else, which is by inhabiting the state where you already have what you desired and letting it go.

who are you quoting?
Who am I quoting? Oh god my sides. That’s just two CONFIRMED quotes for the women hating, you’ve done all the others too you fucking deranged off-topic schizo but reading your posts makes me either laugh or cringe so that’s quite enough.
Serious question, why do you even bother with this general? You don’t do anything even slightly LoA related.
Mother anon confirmed telling lies?
What shock.
I’ve hidden his post though so I’ll never know.
Used the goth gf subliminal that some anon posted it worked i might break up with her cause i don't even like goth girls i was testing it only
just like how devil reads the bible, why are you even here? you only aim to manufacture drama and bully others, at the very least i aim to live according to the law.

which sub? I don't even care about dating now, focusing on my health but i'd test just for lulz
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Damn nigga that's a bad ass post. Good job. Of course everyone is going to ignore it. Kek.

All I can do is tell you what worked for me anon.
For health, every illness comes from the gut. I not bullshit gut Biome stuff but a stiff gut. Learn massage techniques that unstiff the body. I learned trigger point therapy and somatic stretching therapy. It opened up my body and I was healed of all my ailments.

You can learn it all for free in youtube


For wifey then learn PUA if you want I'll share some PUA stuff. You'll have to change who you are and learn to use and abuse women. It's sounds horrible but women only love and respect men that treat them like shit.

You'll have to turn into a jerk that takes zero bullshit and constantly demean your wife and remind her on a daily basis that she's worthless and not good enough for you and how you wish you could find someone better

Essentially you flip the script and everything that women do to you, you do back. Kek

As for wealth I'm not In a position to lecture about That since I'm a broke teacher right now living the dream.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
Every couple of months i check into this thread and a new tripcode is serving the fiends. Do these niggas make money of this? Have these various trip codes beefed yet? On some get off my block I don't want to cut my drug profits timing

Anon, how do I heal the following

Childhood trauma (many traumatic events that caused me to have panic attacks)
Social anxiety from said traumas
POTS (Postural tachycardia)
Its only lilanon, motheranon, and this PUA-shilling avatarfag who showed up relatively recently. None of them have any problems with eachother because why would they? There's enough attention to go around
You aim to blog badly and off topic.
They rarely interact because they are so trapped in their own worlds of larp.
I had extremely vivid dreams -not lucid, but all reality checks failed and I remained self-aware and self-inserted in the world- where my parents were dying\ had recently died, and thus I had been gifted my own apartment, in which I lived alone.
I HAVE been trying to manifest living alone in a paid-for place, but I certainly do not want my parents to die. What am I to make, of this? a warning to stop? accept the price to be paid?
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FUCK OFF jesus christ

These threads have the worst fucking tripfags on the site, its insane. They've shown/admitted that they haven't actually mastered any of these techniques, in fact their lives are pathetic and they don't have shit, they reek of insecurity, fail constantly, and yet they still act like wise sages and smugly lecture people on how to do things they've failed to do for years, and they do this on a DAILY basis.

Its the equivalent of a hobo trying to lecture you on what to do with your money. Hell, thats too generous, a hobo will at least have good advice of what NOT to do after going in the opposite direction, lilanon and motheranon haven't even experienced that. They just sit in place, stagnating and spreading shitty advice to ensure that everyone else fails like they do. AND YOU FUCKERS TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY!

If you are not AT LEAST a multi millionaire with a beautiful girl or ten, you do not have the ability to fucking manipulate reality with your mind.
>b-but i dont actually want things that will massively increase my quality of life! I dont want the ability to instantly buy things i want them to drift over to me days or weeks later via coincidence!
Fucking cope dude, you're full of shit and everyone knows it. There is NO reason not to be rich with loa.
Leave magic to people who are actually capable of it, I haven't managed my big 3 yet but my meaningless trivial bullshit is still far more impressive than anything you will EVER accomplish.
how fast did it manifest?
If I could easily fix my health with physical means do you think I'd be studying fucking magic?
But he’s our king…..
paid opposition meant to mislead

the best loa advice is from YouTube, look for smaller content creators as the big ones are also astroturfed
any suggestions?
If LOA is real then I shall recieve bitcoins NOW

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Through body work anon. I told you that in the post. Most people think health and mental issues come from the mind. It actually comes from the body.
Trauma is stored in the body and remembered (recorded) in the mind.

You can go through therapy and solve the issue mentally but unless you handle the body issue as well, it'll pop back up.

For more information you can read the book "the body keeps the score". You can also learn about it on youtube.

You'll have a better chance at recovering by going to the gym and doing yoga, calisthenics, stretches, weightlifting, somatics, massage etc.

You stated neville and loa wasn't helping you so I'm offering you the only sane alternative.

The only other alternative I can tell you about is for you to go learn hypnosis and hypnotize yourself back to health. Hypnosis is a huge rabbit hole though so it's best to have a 2nd person learn it with you irl and you hypnotize each other.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon
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Those who went through complete misery and depression but managed to get out what was your trick? Simply "don't think bad" isn't exactly working for me yet.
I tend to get back to these threads and "Feeling is the secret" audiobook to get my thoughts back on track but it's not always an option due to work / other people around / dead battery and so on. And frankly speaking sometimes these threads turn to utter shit, especially during trolls invasions.
Did you do anything specific like a happy memory or maybe association like a song, rhyme, saying?
please tell me whether the Lifa App (android cellphone app, exists in this reality now) is worth putting info and imagine lists\vision boards into, or if it's a waste of time--Im actually asking for confirmation bias, I WANT lifa app to be true.
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I posted the wrong image. This is the book.
this >>39045396 is actually NOT me but by some absurd coincidence(magic?) i do also have POTS, Dysautonomia and childhood trauma(but no panic attacks or social anxiety)

I do regularly lift weights, do cardio, and adjust my diet based on doctor's orders, its not helping. I've seen about 13 therapists throughout my life as well and they all just gave generic unhelpful boomer advice before demanding ridiculous money.

And I'm not doing hypnosis, I just don't trust someone else being able to influence me like that.
Is LoA considered low magick or left hand path magick, since its all about material desires of the lower self rather than aligning with the higher divine self?
Extremely based post. The trip fags are fucking frauds who can't manifest anything. Even the redditors are better at manifestion, all we have here is a Finnish schizo incel and a lil old loser vampire tranny.
>Its the equivalent of a hobo trying to lecture you on what to do with your money
Are you talking about yourself?

>Leave magic to people who are actually capable of it, I haven't managed my big 3 yet but my meaningless trivial bullshit...

You seem pretty angry about something. If you are having successes with LOA, why are you in such a state? And why the obsession with money? Is that one of your "big three" that you haven't gotten yet?
>managed to get out what was your trick?
Believe in yourself and believe that things are getting better. You deserve better, everything is working out for you, people are looking out for you. Things like that.

Conversely, don't dwell on where you are if it's not where you want to be. Don't self talk about how bad things are and how things seem stacked against you unless you want a challenge.

>get my thoughts back on track
Craft a "happy place" for yourself in your imagination. Go there whenever things get rough and you are not sure how to go on.

You are the captain of your ship, you will weather the storm and come through to sunny days again in the tropics.
Childhood trauma sucks. You can either deep dive and resolve it by understanding it or deciding that you are no longer that person in that place and build a new state to replace it.

Fear. Fear can protect you or it can rob you of life. Know how your fears serve you or you serve them and choose how you want to live.
>new to LoA and using it to manifest my ideal self, aka self-actualization
>assuming the feeling of being my ideal self leads to me naturally engaging in good habits, having positive self-talk, being more confident, etc

It's self-fulfilling!
>It's self-fulfilling!
Yes and no- it's fulfilling things based on your expectations. Some Anons do this and they can have "horrible" habits and everything still works fine for them.

Why? Because they believe it should.

When you believe yourself into your ideal, of course everything will come that you expect of it- It is Done.
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lilanon: Please give me a word of encouragement in my (LOA) Quest to exterminate evil manifestation goals from my lists, and be able to proceed properly.
I used the Little Red Book but greatly fear using it 100% and it's power...due the nature of the manifestation goals I struggle with.
desu one of my main inhibitors is that i don't see thousands of fresh millionaires on reddit or /x/, maybe the limiting beliefs are just that powerful. but realistically if it was easy we would see a new millionaire flaunt their manifesting powers here every other week or month. not wanting to manifest being a millionaire is cope and would be the first thing on the list for the majority of practitioners. The only one ive seen thats possibly real is that marge person that timestamped like thouands of dollars in cash

other than that im with this guy
Fucking based!
>its all about material desires of the lower self

Totally disagree. It's about reprogramming your subconscious mind. If you want to reprogram it to gain material goods, then go ahead. But my biggest personal gains have been changes to my SELF, which then have led to material gains. For example, how I react to things, skills I've acquired, mindset.
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>Are you talking about yourself?
>n-no you
Exactly the level of eloquence and and intelligence i'd expect from someone like you
>Is that one of your "big three" you haven't gotten yet?
Look at this people! Not only has he already completely forgotten about the few short posts he already replied to, but he was too lazy to simply go back and reread them for context before opening his mouth!
He thinks he can dish out advice on life, spirituality, magic, and the nature of the universe without even bothering to READ YOUR POSTS to get the full picture!

THIS is the kind of person who tripfags and lectures on here. Don't take fitness advice from a fat man and don't take magic advice from a talentless nobody. He DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU, every post he makes on here is only to stroke his own ego, proven by him NOT EVEN READING THE THREAD!

Fucking embarrassing dude
Can you be a little more clear on what you are trying to do here? Your primary focus should be to manifest things that you enjoy and empower you. This can lead to some "dark" desires being fulfilled but be aware of the results you are going for and be reminded that you can literally have -anything-.

At that point, do you still want that thing?
I'm sorry, you post was so low quality I assumed a troll had taken over. That happens a lot here.

So, you don't have your big 3, but you assume I can't help you. What's your plan here?
Lost my left foot in a vehicle accident several years ago. Is it possible to regain my natural appendage through loa?
Lilanon is based and he is our king.
How was your journey developing your self concept when it came to manifesting?
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my plan is to hopefully get other people to realize tripfags are worthless pieces of shit and stop engaging with you so we can have actually valuable discussions in these threads
Dualistic thinking
Ok, I have to explain myself now: I have admittedly childish fantasies about becoming a lifestyle Political Militant/social worker in extreme ghettos and Rural areas( so, getting involved with everyone shady /seedy/sketchy)
OTOH im not even American but I imagine for an hour each day being a Tea Party legislator in a places like (Rural Alabama, Rural Mississippi, small-town Arkansas etc)
>Maybe i like the heat/ dirt and oil and grease tough life. I AM aware violence and harm are involved in either Imaginary Life
cope-alistic thinking
Based, fuck liloldfraud.
If you want to trigger him btw, call him old lads.
He hates being reminded his time is near kek
Uneven. Spiritual things I could believe easily, physical things I could not. I could do faith healing, work with spirits and modify my mind easily. Money, opportunities and health were terrible. I believed that people could not change, that they were the same they were from the day they were born, just with more experience as they went. I believed I need to prove myself and do things the hard way for me to receive.

And then I had my Promise moment. Oneness. Unconditional love. The larger family that is all of us. Things got better from there. Fits and starts, but it was there.

After that I started believing in myself and others in a more unconditional fashion. Eventually I learned the Law. Belief. It had been me all along.

It was a strange journey, much longer than it was supposed to be, but my awakening within myself was much earlier than it was supposed to be too.
no, sorry
maybe you can get a prosthetic though, Napoleon Dynamite or whatever his name was had a kid that was born without ears, so he prayed that he might grow them, tl;dr he got a hearing aid, didn't grow no ears
>we can have actually valuable discussions in these threads
So why aren't you leading these "valuable discussions"?
Gonna try the ladder experiment but modified, I'll tell you if it succeeded in a week or two.
The left hand path seems more aligned with the divine self because it's all about the self, material desires shouldn't be separated from spiritual desires because when you're aligned they would be one and the same.
has to be a ladder anon, sorry, that's how it works
I'm not seeing anything wrong there. I used to be an activist working at the bottom level of society.

This is all about the experiences you want to have and what results you want from them. If you don't want to do those things, don't. If you do, what's stopping you?
as Hermes/Thot said, the body/physica is evil and its our purpose to return and find our way back to the astral/spiritual/higher self and not be bound here. But you do you brother
wrong thread, move along
>be having problems with my laptops space button
>manifest it would sort itself out or get fixed
>the button gets damaged even more

what am i supposed to do here
I manifested an emo blue haired chick last week and then realized I don’t want a blue haired chick when I met her. I was unsure of what exactly I wanted when I tried manifesting so that’s likely why it didn’t work out. The other night I manifested a chick with jet black hair and I was actually able to enter SATS for the first time when I did, felt the gratitude in the morning and everything. I haven’t met the black haired chick yet but I know it’s coming. Today in the gym I noticed a few girls with black hair mirin. Now we wait. Tonight I will try for an abundance of wealth and financial freedom. I’ll keep you guys updated.

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