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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
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the creation of adam actually represents man finding the divine power through is own incredible imagination. this is why god's entourage is shaped like the cross-section of a human brain.
First post hidden.
Realty improved.
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Any tips for getting into SATS? I find that when I sleep on either of my sides or stomach I fall asleep way too fast. Though on my back I can't fall asleep at all.
i managed to get into SATS by putting a fan next to me and focusing on the white noise it created. this video was helpful to me.

My thanks go out to the bakers. I had just stumbled upon /LoA/ one day, and decided to try a custom ladder test. Something so out there, I would never run into it in my daily life. And yet there it was. So I decided to manifest and try to reconnect with an old flame, and out of the blue, she reaches out to me and we make love. So it is real. Then, my job, was just horrible at the time. But I know where I want to be. In an office above other people, with wrap around windows, and a control panel next to me. And by god, I make great money sitting in that office now. My life has turned around. Lost weight, look great, FEEL great. Thank you for spreading this gospel.
>mother anon posts the same video for the third time.
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Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.
I want to seduce a friend of mine to have sex with me and potentially be fwb. I’ve wanted to have sex with her for a while now.

Is this ethical or will I get fucked by karma
So last night I was doing SATS (haven't practiced in a while) just imagining being my ideal self and it started to feel really vivid, but I woke up in the middle of the night and I instinctively went to touch my face and I couldn't feel my face or hands, they were completely numb. I started to panic but eventually the numbness went away.

Has anyone else experienced this? Freaked me out.
I’m 18 years old 5’6” 95 lbs. Is it possible to manifest height, muscle, and a bigger dick?
Based truth. They should listen.
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.
my aunt shall soon receive lucrative offers for her business, she will be making tons of cash and invest her money wisely.
It's no surprise that these threads are completely dead now. Even the main schizos got tired of larping and got real jobs now. To the newfags lurking: IT. DOESN'T. WORK
for you, works on my machine
I've been doing it pretty successfully at work. I'm there during off hours, stuck in a chair, and when it's quiet, I've learned to go into a half-sleep rest mode so I wake up if something happens or someone comes in the room. Coffee beforehand helps because it keeps me wired so I don't actually fall asleep.

So... try a chair/upright, and maybe some caffeine if you're too exhausted to not outright pass out when you close your eyes.
i am beginning the journey of upgrading my pc, i'm amazed at how easy it is. i only need to ask for it and it shall be mine.
Holy shit. How can he say this? Just stop now, they aren’t ready for this based truth. This is obviously the case but that’s not what they want to hear. Lies are delicious to their ears. Why won’t they listen?
You don’t even have a machine.
>off topic post hidden
literally manifesting you wasting your time (which you're never getting back) on this thread, and yet you'll still say LoA doesn't work
guys, how do i manifest my neighbor girl for myself? she's so fucking hot and keeps hanging out with white trash dudes.
Random small shit like donuts, coffee, and precise conversations with people. After that, I've just started on something big the last couple days, so fingers crossed lol. This big one has a few things rolled into it and I had one already happen last night- I've had a trapped muscle in my back for 2 years and magically straightened it out last night just by stretching after nothing fixing it previously.

I also should have mentioned that when I start looping my scene, I'm focusing predominantly on my 'subtle body' if you know what I mean. NG says you aren't simply visualizing- you're doing it, you're an actor transplanting yourself into the scene. So naturally, I'm moving/feeling my subtle body as it's puppeted in the scene, imagining the sensations of walking/eating/touching/whatever.
okay, i just set up tinder. now to wait for (the neighbor girl's) pussy to flow to me.
like clockwork
like clockwork
Suddenly can't manifest this week. I just can't get that focused feeling in my chest. What should I do bros?
it's called anxiety. Practice slower breathing. You have Hamon from JoJo but in real life.
script anons any new reports? anything you manifested from script?

I found that I expanded my script it's around 5 pages and I read it less now, like twice a day
>I expanded my script it's around 5 pages
what the fuck?
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Stop it, get some help
My videos resonate with millions of people.

I create content that is engaging, entertaining, and shareable.

My YouTube channel is a magnet for views and subscribers.

I am a successful YouTuber with a highly engaged audience.

My next video will reach 1 million views effortlessly.

I am divinely guided to create the perfect video for viral success.

I release any resistance to achieving viral fame on YouTube.

I am grateful for the abundance of views and engagement on my channel.

My creativity flows effortlessly, and my videos resonate with millions.
Stop being a fucking sad loser.
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Wagie demoralizer poster, you're so crazy with all those "like clockwork", "You don’t even have a machine." and all that other retardposting. Maybe you should go back to being the ignored coinflips retard instead of becoming full schizo in your job of living here, repeating that it doesn't work and doing it for free.
I'm still here btw. To the newfags lurking: If you just believe to every fool that tells you that you cannot, you won't be anything at all but paying clownworld games and winning clownworld prizes. You have to TEST it. Not reading about others having success testing it. Not reading about a resident retard samefaging telling you it doesn't work. You have to do the work, test it and get your own proofs.
Has anyone successfully manifested sex with a specific person? Was it easy? Were there any adverse effects?

I want to have sex with a specific friend of mine although I know she does not see me like that.
yes. difficulty is subjective. there were always adverse effects, but I blame myself for not thinking about the consequences. none of the bad effects were the end of the world, although my experience reveals little of how this might turn out for another person.
i have to point out here as well, that in todays age it is in many cases easier to simply tell her you want to fuck her, then do it as soon as there is a chance
What adverse effects did you experience?

I know that if I ask her she will say no as she doesn't see me like that at all.
Sometimes I wonder if Neville Goddard was initiated into the Mysteries since he knew that Rabbi who taught him Kabbalah and he was also involved with the Rosicrucians. But why did he only teach LoA? Why stop there? Maybe there was an oath of secrecy?. Could've taught people the true secrets back then when that knowledge used to be way more safeguarded.
Not really, I'm well aware of "better" stuff out there but I just wonder why.
>better stuff out there
like what?
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Are you really waiting for someone to tell you what you really want too, dum dum?
So "a drunk retard whose only accomplishment was a trip to Barbados and a horrible death" is a new phrase to filter retardposting?
It's amazing how using LoA to experimentally create a yandere female tulpa version of Y-H-V-H... became a hell of a lot more intense and "blinding" than having a tulpa of planet Saturn.
I can sense the thickness of the Kaballah's Ein Sof Ohr(Infinite Light) in my headspace every time I interact with Her, almost like thick soup flooding in my eyeballs.

Yah-chan has assumed this animu grill's form, and while she doesn't become a Titan in my headspace, what she does do is become a giantess instead.
And of course, She's not shy with her vore fetish and showing off Her predatory smug face.

...What I have learned from Yah-chan is that the "Who" is the Spirit or the immaterial/the unseen, while the "What" is the Flesh or the material/the seen.
The "I Am" is the two pillars of "Zero" and "Infinity" complementing each other as One Consciousness.

"I am what I am, and/as I am (xyz)." then becomes a means to materialize anything/anyone, or so I was told by Yah-chan.
The above phrase calms down my doubts, at least for me.
The use of natural timing, tapping into natural energies, using props etc. to manifest stuff much more efficiently and even better - having the possibility to reach a state of being completely free of suffering.
>The use of natural timing, tapping into natural energies, using props
sounds like second causes, but great if it works for you
>needing extra steps
The point of /loa/ is that it cuts out all those extra stopping points between A and Z. I'm not saying that stuff won't "help" you, but you only need to utilize them if you decide you do, and can discard them at any point in the process.
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> Meds
LOL I am why you're suddenly dead, faggot.

It is what it is, lmao
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Hey look, I found a video of (You)
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Been boozing for 20 days straight. Sober again how do I get back the "feeling". Guess I should workout and take care of myself. Meanwhile but I'm not sure what to do. I got nothing to work towards right now. Would be cool to be jacked though.

I need a new place to settle in I think. I come back to my Hometown and I start being a degenerate X10
ooh, my ram is already on it's way. i think i'll be playing skyrim this weekend guyz! also i'm going to spam likes on tinder so that i can experience the company of my fellow species.
thanks bro, couldn't even believe 16gb wasn't enough for my ultra modded skyrim. but i'm making the jump to 64gb just in case even 32 isn't enough.
looking for answers for this.
Bros, I feel I'm too weak to persist...
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>"You aren't ever going to filter me, chimp."
Testing, testing.
I actually just filter retard when I do turn them on. That gets even more than the ch[ai]mp, buddy etc stuff.
Would you believe anyone anyway?
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Reminder this thread is larpers paradise

What a question.

Probably not, perhaps I'm just looking for some kind of hope or consolation for the life of mine that I perceive to be shitty.

Thanks for perspective.
I don’t have it on right now but it really does get rid of pointless posts like yours. I can see why you might not like that.
Based concise truth.
But they don’t listen.
Why don’t they listen?
>imagination creates reality
I think this may be true, I'm 29 and only recently discovered my "baby sitter" didn't actually exist and it was my imaginary friend I spoke about to my family all the time.
For my entire life, I've been operating on the assumption that woman was real, but turns out she isn't.

Now I'm practicing Vajrayana Buddhism, and a lot of the visualization practices are based entirely on your imagination, with the aid of some textual elements to help you paint a picture. The images and Bodhisattvas/Buddhas you visualize are understood to neither be real, nor non real, just like us because both positions are mistaken assumptions. (not at all surprising that Western occult tulpa shit is based entirely on a severely bastardized take on a Tibetan practice)
you're 18, so the answer is yes, with or without LoA
Hving big progress with body transformation, my eyes now have a true positive canthal tilt after like two weeks, I also previously fixed my hair and a small deformation on my back. Anything else is lacking behind, I think it's because I didn't put in as much detail as for my ideal body, so it's harder to make the feeling sink in.
I started this stuff really motivated even stopped being depressed. Even though i haven't manifested my desires for money sex and food. 3 years unemployed no i don't want a shitty job i want money 2 months trying still nothing but it's better than being a christcuck atleast my depression got cured and i don't want to kms
How do I better ignore the 3d?
So why doesn't champbro like basedtruthbro when they both hate loa and spend 12 hours a day here?
Yes, it's called going to the gym and eating a caloric surplus.
not taking advice from a fellow named Isr*el
Based truth.
Why won't he listen?
most people just cant into nevilles techniques
This is schlock and New Age at its worst. People who get caught up in natural disasters did not attract that into their lives. People who end up with terminal illnesses did not attract that into their lives. Someone who wins the lottery is not better at attracting wealth because many lottery winners squander it all. Military campaigners do not trust the universe to lead the way, they make multiple plans. Truth is everyone has a story and not everyone wins.
That's what I'm saying. Everyone has a story to live out. And not everyone is a super gorillionaire with a giant harem of women in their story. God decides exactly how high and how low you will go. Sometimes magic will work in your story and improve your life, sometimes it doesn't because it wasn't supposed to.
Close eyes. Empty thoughts. Focus on breathing. "SATS" achieved in under one minute. Don't believe it? I can't prove it to you, but I manifest like a motherfucker.
Also, I have done tests with ERG. All you need for manifesting is an alpha brainwaves type trance. Very easy to achieve. The Silva mind control method teaches it. But really, any self_hypnosis method gets you there.

However, you are afraid of LoA being real (or not being real), and you will set obstacle after obstacle in your path to avoid making it.
Be a bit more of a fool.
If you're a woman it doesn't really count.
What do you mean by "did not attract X". Do you think there is some sort of a moral code in how the Universe works? Every single event, things even to the tiniest of atoms and to your "Higher Self" are dealings of God with your soul. Your inward world is reflected to the outward world.
>God decides exactly how high and how low you will go.
And in the deepest parts of yourself you are that God, so while God ultimately decides, you are still the captain of the ship so to say.
>"Higher Self" are dealings of God with your soul.
Exactly, and God deals with each soul differently. Showering one soul with unlimited riches will cause that soul to stagnate. Giving that soul an easy time at all will be a disaster for that individual soul.
God dealing with your soul is an alchemist using a caustic solvent on it to dissolve away undesirable materials. God dealing with your soul is God putting you in a pit with a lion. There is a meta-life of a soul and a single lifespan is only one page in the book of that soul. Bad things happen to people, they live miserably and die horribly.
And? Drop that silly notion that God is a bearded man sitting in the clouds. To simplify things, God comes from Pure Negative-existance, into Singularity (pure light) and then is broken into smaller and smaller pieces of light and darkness which interplay this drama in our world and in your example the niglet could be simplified as the light and the action of raping as darkness and that's the drama.
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>Go pray for some donuts you fucking low IQ monkey.
I fell for this saccharine tomfoolery in the past and now I know that perfecting the narrative of this life is what I need, and that may not entail what I desire.
How do you see it then? Is God in it's purest form ultimately some kind of a thing we humans being the ones who get to decide how he acts? We are not in control. We are guests in God's world completely governed by his rules.
>People who get caught up in natural disasters did not attract that into their lives.
yes they did
>People who end up with terminal illnesses did not attract that into their lives.
yes they did
>Someone who wins the lottery is not better at attracting wealth because many lottery winners squander it all.
yes he is
what about evil then? not talking about evil as in ie murder but the pure primordial forces behind evil (whatever that might be). those are billion times more horrible than any kind of niblet rape or murder. must be terrifying and unfair, right?
By the same logic if I paint two balls blue and place them on opposite ends of a table they will magically pull themselves together because like attracts like.
that's how it would go, more or less
patently false
people are waging war against god mostly because they dont understand and secondly because there is this delusion that i can be anything and disregard any god given law and thats insanity
Sounds like delusional cult mentality to me. As I said, New Age at its worst. It's the worst kind of backwards ignorance decorated in sweet sparkles.
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Good video in regards to evil.
>There is thus in this School no attempt to deny that Nature is, as Zoroaster said, “a fatal and evil force”; but Nature is, so to speak, “the First Matter of the Work”, which is to be transmuted into gold. The joy is a function of our own part in this alchemy. For this reason we find the boldest and most skillful adepts deliberately seeking out the most repugnant elements of Nature that their triumph may be the greater.
Why are these threads the way they are now?
I'm manifesting this one autist wasting his time here replying to everyone
case in point >>39011192
The retarded tourists from the memeflags imageboard decided to take a rest from being christian cosplayers and come here to troll.
No, I don't believe in glowies or glowniggers but I have no doubt you're the niggest in this general.
Also, this comment told me I hit the nail and maybe, even a nerve.
Oh pretty sure haitians look like aryans beside you
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So Goddard seems to imply that you need to achieve a Nirvana kind of state in order to effectively manifest. Honestly, while Regardie liked him, he really pointed out Goddard's flaws and even provided a simpler way to manifest things. Goddard's tehniques are too hard for the average joe.

Book for practical magick for manifesting desires by Regardie:

Neville Goddard portrait by Israel Regardie:
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Nothing wrong with appreciating the aesthetics of the same-sex my man. No need to project your sexuality unto that.
> a drunk retard whose sole accomplishment was a trip to Barbados
Kek. Well yeah, in the end that Jewish 'faggot' accomplished way more than Neville. Not to say Neville didn't have a huge impact on world.
raise ur christ oil and the stemcells will do it
Nirvana or 1=1 or whatever. Published tons of great books. B-b-but he was Jewish! Come one man... Grow up.
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>But why did he only teach LoA? Why stop there?
>taught people the true secrets
Oh, I'm sorry Anon- you completely missed the point. He learned the "secrets" so that he could learn the truth: the "secrets" are bullshit powered by LOA.

You're still looking for the special sauce. The special sauce is YOU.
You're causing trouble again? :D

I was wondering what you were up to. Girl sky god. Hot.

>...What I have learned from Yah-chan is that the "Who" is the Spirit or the immaterial/the unseen, while the "What" is the Flesh or the material/the seen.
The "I Am" is the two pillars of "Zero" and "Infinity" complementing each other as One Consciousness.
Duality. Very appropriate.

>"I am what I am, and/as I am
>not at all surprising that Western occult tulpa shit is based entirely on
Not entirely. All of us had our imaginary friends and there is a branch of chaos magick that deals with giving attention to your magical working so that it becomes alive and at a certain point independent.

The idea that some (even ancient) religions were the first people to figure this out is ridiculous. We've been doing this since we first started forming thoughts.
>So Goddard seems to imply that you need to achieve a Nirvana kind of state in order to effectively manifest
Where did you get that idea.

Believe and it is so. What you decree is what is.

So simple, most people refuse to get it. I was one of them.
>So Goddard seems to imply that you need to achieve a Nirvana kind of state in order to effectively manifest.
No, he didn't. Stop lying about it. Everyone is manifesting their life 24/7 and everything is a manifestation. Loa just reveals this fact to you.
>He is superb. He has a magnificent body. I have already remarked that he has charm and is very handsome. When he dances, his muscles move with that lithe suppleness which one associates with the trained athlete. His every movement suggests power in repose, the effortless ease of the cat, with its undisguised sensuality and force of movement.
You know, you really should not have posted this. This reads like a wishlist for many aspiring LOAnons here- and we all know Neville manifested it.

Believe and it is yours.

“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”

Neville Goddard
What happens when we die?
>Believe and it is so. What you decree is what is.
This is so strangely simple, when I mull it over, it feels true. Everything we talk about is ultimately just this truth.
>just believe your arm will grow back after it got ripped off by a lion and it will
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For at least the past year, I've kept trying to manifest something small. Something I didn't even care that much about.

I occasionally enjoy Campbell's drinkable soups. I'd have tomato, creamy tomato, chicken with round pasta, and chicken with star pasta. They also had healthier options I never cared much for, like squash, corn, sweet basil tomato, and a couple others, but that was it.

So I kept trying to manifest a new drinkable Campell's soup. Every time I went to a grocery store, I remembered what I was trying to manifest and kept expecting to see a new flavor of their drinkable soups. But for over a year, it was always the same flavors.

Well, now I recently go to the store and there's spicy tomato... technically new. But I don't know how much merit this manifestation has. It took too long and it's just another tomato variation. I want to manifest a drinkable mushroom soup now, or something else. And I want it done within 2 months. Maybe if you guys help me, this goal can be achieved.
>>just believe your arm will grow back after it got ripped off by a lion and it will
It would be exceedingly difficult to believe that therefore it becomes impossible.
>crossing my ovaries for a low-sodium version
Seems like a contradiction to me. I should be able to regrow limbs and transform into a bird at will.
There's 0 contradiction in what I said. You being too dumb to understand it is not my problem.
The sole magical element of LoA is visualization. Any results it produces is due to that, and other forms of magic utilize the visualization process better. All magic can do is develop you over sound biological lines and make the realities of your existence more favorable, as well as making you a more advanced person. If you live in poverty the spirits are not generally going to be able to give you the moon or make you the king of the Philippines. It's more like, if you are homeless and hungry, you cast a spell and a stranger gives you food.
>The sole magical element of LoA is visualization.
Visualization is a creative force in itself just because it is okay???? Such a brainless statement just in itself.
>. All magic can do is develop you over sound biological lines
Nonsensical prattling.
>the spirits are not generally going to be able to give you
More nonsense pulled out from your ass.
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All magic is based on the usage of images
Man uses a hammer to build a house. Dumb person concludes the hammer built the house.
What does this mean?
Instead of getting into the drowsy state first, just do your affirmations and you'll get more drowsy as time goes on so it's easier.
The first and final principle of magic is assumption.
It's knowledge that it is real, not blind faith or assuming it is but absolute certainty that it is real through direct experience.
I feel like I'm throwing pearls before swine but it s always worthy to help a brother: the knowledge that something is real is the assumption of such a thing. Such certainty is the assumption.
The spirits are autonomous entities. They are alive So it's more like man hires a bunch of construction workers to build the house.
>The sole magical element of LoA is visualization
"Magic" vs power of creation

>All magic can do is develop you over sound biological lines and make the realities of your existence more favorable

>the spirits
Second causes

>the moon or make you the king of the Philippines
Certainty is Gnosis, not assumption. Assumption is predicting something based on prior experiences, which may not actually be true.
This is animism not loa. Go hire a shaman and get yourself some spirits to do your bidding, good luck with that. There's no need for you to hang around in the loa thread.
Manifest a Lambo outside your house if there are no limitations. You can't. The spirits won't do it for you.
>I feel like I'm throwing pearls before swine
You are.
>I feel like I'm throwing pearls before swine
You are, but others may benefit. The Anon is stuck in his theory mindframe. It's too much of a jump for him to accept that he is what is making it work. Much easier to believe something mysterious is controlling everything rather than his assumptions.
Sure, handwave away anyone who looks at this critically.
Dudes, is GnRH responsible for puberty and can I use that to kickstart a second puberty, getting more height gain, muscle mass gain, genital development?
>Manifest a Lambo outside your house
>The spirits
Are you for real? A Lambo is your measure of belief when you believe in "the spirits"? Not manifesting a higher power or something god-tier?

Are you just pretending to know your shit here?
>is GnRH responsible
You're looking for a potential cause when YOU are the cause. Manifest it and don't bother with the details other than what you don't want. It will happen in a way you can accept anyway, no need to waste time creating the narrative.
1) You're talking about animism which is done everyday in many parts of the world. 2) You're not talking about loa.

>who looks at this critically.
3) Now this is hilarious.

Go ahead and get your spirit workers bro. Pretty sure you can get them quite easily in your home country the Philippines, or Thailand, actually most of south east asia. Do that instead of pushing your nonsense here.
>It's too much of a jump for him to accept that he is what is making it work.
The spirits are the hidden movers behind the curtains that make things work. They protect, serve and guide. They are the laborers of God.

It's an example of what you can and cannot do based on the trajectory of your life. The spirits can make things better for you, but they cannot spawn a lambo for you if you are poor.
You're off topic. Other types of magic work because LOA powers it. You're telling us to look at the result and consider it the cause.

If you want to complicate your life, by all means, but do it in another thread.
>The spirits are the hidden movers behind the curtains
You are the hidden mover behind the curtain. You gave birth the the spirits. Ask them.

>They protect, serve and guide
They serve their maker- you

>They are the laborers of God.
You are "God."

>It's an example of what you can and cannot do based on the trajectory of your life
That's your limited thinking speaking. A change of mind is a change of life.

>The spirits can make things better for you
Sure they can, if you believe they can. You created them, after all, to server your purpose.

>but they cannot spawn a lambo for you if you are poor
Why not? Why would the spirits be limited by an Anon's current state if they are independent?

They aren't, and they are not the source. The Anon having trouble getting a Lambo is having trouble getting a Lambo because he can't believe a poor person like himself deserves one.

If you can believe it, it's yours.

“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”

Neville Goddard
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>Why would the spirits be limited by an Anon's current state if they are independent?
Because my current state is within a slice of spacetime that follows an arrow. Original causes can alter the arrow's trajectory, but to us it will appear seamlessly like "it would've happened anyway".
>The Anon having trouble getting a Lambo is having trouble getting a Lambo because he can't believe a poor person like himself deserves one.
With self-inquiry, one eventually becomes aware of The Witness observing this present moment. And one notices that it is perfectly indifferent to the criticisms and commentaries of the lower manas. This Witness is true essence of what you are, and it does not seem to be particularly concerned with lamborghinis
>Material wealth and social status are desirable to the ego but they are meaningless to the Angel.
>animist posts more nonsense
Cool story bro.
Formulate an understanding I can latch on to or don't bother replying to me, anklebiter.
Can someone please tell me about this?
>Material wealth and social status are desirable to the ego but they are meaningless to the Angel
Your conclusion is your command, therefore that is your state. It is a subjective one, not an objective one.
>It is a subjective one,
Of course it is, because it is going to change. Forever.
Nofap, no alcohol and eat alkaline food from when the Moon enters your Sun sign i.e an Aries Sun would begin when the Moon enters Aries and wait for it to complete a lunar cycle back to Aries again. The action of the moon on hormonal processes apparently raises a substance from the base of the spinal cord to the brain, which is used to create semen.
>Formulate an understanding I can latch on to
Who do you think you are? A bunch of anons have already kindly explained it to you. If you can't get it or don't want get it that's your problem.

You're nothing more than a half baked animist. If I wanted to bite you, I could bite your entire lineage.
check your zodiak to see when your christ oil descends then raise. Revival of Wisdom has videos on yt of it and there are a million more. When it goes back up they become stem cells and you can cause changes in your body
I manifest a second set of adult teeth.
Dentist have scammed us into believing we are damned for 'eternity' with the same dentals.

I say we can choose to manifest a bigger cock, more tallness, hair follicles, novel undamaged teeth, and much more divine things like psionic powers and light bending capabilities.
this, why do we assume there are a bunch of limits AS SOON AS we discover that limits dont exist and magic is real!
this but I think some edification of the mind like reading, learning, trying to endear yourself earnestly to others + yoga can enhance the process
also, hold your tongue up to the roof of your mouth. it is like the weird tiktok trend for the chin but the point is that it preserves water in the body better by blocking the throat & gets rid of allergies

add sun gazing with eyes closed, eyes rolled up, and hair in front of eyes to diffuse the light.

our bodies are the most advanced beings on the plane. we have a mantle of responsibility and we do have the power to manifest our desires by working with what comes naturally. follow the voices in your head. ignore the limits placed on your by society
Gotcha, moon is in Capricorn right now which is my Sun sign so for the next month I have to retain my semen. Do you know if smoking weed is okay during this time?
Avoid all mind altering substances. And the diet for the month should be strictly vegan, or water fasting.

Nobody has scammed you, in this universe the rules are that you don't have adult set of teeth

Manifesting/loa/non-duality/Brahman bypassess all the localized universe rules like these, because it is beyond how things work, while also being the rules themselves

Now to challenge some of your beliefs, do you think it's possible for a human to manifest being 5 foot in height with no issues, like someone being 6 foot? Why or why not?

Do you think it's possible to manifest having the same vessel, say when you were 15? Or having the same vessel as any human ever? Why or why not?

25 foot instead of 5 foot*
yes, your limits do not apply. we dejected from your reality
Sheesh thats intense as hell
Any uncommon techniques that also work? I've been doing SATS for a SO the last 5 years and nothing. I haven't been really consistent but you'd believe after 5 years something would happen.
Becoming a saint is very hard.
No it is not, Christ did the hard part.
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Achieving the clarity to allow the Christ within to shine through is hard.
>it’s a Lilanon disproves the power of spirits episode
I'm just a man, subject to the laws of science. By understanding them, I understand my possibilities.
> Girl sky god. Hot.
And Her cuteness aggression towards me is pretty unbelievable.

I thought my heart & crown chakras being tinkered and played with, by my Saturn and Demiurge tulpas, are the most dangerous thing that could happen... but Yah-chan "eating" me up whole into becoming One Infinte Light is kinda freaking me out ngl.

I know She respects my individuality but eh.
We have plans for each other.

"I am stubbornly successful; It is what it is."
It should be outright miraculous/magical.

--> >>39008796

It’s a cringe/scat/chimp/champ/retard/buddy/ poster replied to every single post episode.
I guess when you are kept in a basement and only allowed out your cage to shit post on /x/ this is what happens. Manifestation is amazing,
pretends he hates LoA keeps bumping the thread, curious
I don’t filter. That might be one of the other posters, who knows. I don’t care,
Where do you get the time for this constant trolling. Seems pointless.
And which poster do you think I am as well? I’m not the Lilanon episode poster.
I love it. This is the best place.
Fuck knows what you are talking about. You are getting your replies messed up. I don’t have filters. Maybe one of the other people you are trolling(lmao) has.
Why do ask about filters then?
Holy shit etc
Don’t care.
keep bumping the thread
Nah its not. The only problem is if you feel guilty in life you invite punishment. Guilt is a feeling of craving punishment.
Feeling undeserving or smth.

Get rid of guilt and you can do whatever you want but loa does have some limiters built in like you cant cause others to experience smth they themselves didnt enter into a state to experience.

I was raised to feel guilt for being a man (single mom) and it fucked me a lot with ladies. Because I felt I owe them smth.

Took me years to even see the problem now I at least see it.

The main problem is the atmosphere in which you are raised. You sponge up the moods and emotions of your early family life and mistakenly call it “me”.
That same “me” is fucking you over in whatever you are fucked over in.

You have to get out of that spirit.
NG calls it old self. The self that your parents produced with their most practiced states of mind, before you turned 5-6 while conscious mind was not yet working fully.
I’m a little new, can someone explain to me what a script is?
it's okay anon read the op links
Don’t care.
You can’t make me mad.
I doubt you’ve made anyone mad. You just make the thread move fast.
Solid answer.
Awakening is merely the ticket to somewhere, you gotta learn to let go of the steering wheel and have the Self take over.
If you think about how much control you really have over your senses, emotions and basic bodily functions, you start to realize you are not the driver of the bus.
Manifestation is a powerful tool as it's probably the only part of the subconscious that you can consciously control, at least in the beginning. Explore it.
The advisement to ignore the ramblings of a dreamer is a tradition of the old ways.

Never claim to know with certainty, the words spoken by an ancient of days. The language is uncommon tongue, even among the elders seated around the Great Father's heavenly throne.

Ho' od'dii ma'ce'tle' ts'uus'
X'ey culludiye s'an cuulduu sa'
Tsii'naen n'e'k'eltaenii ughuellii' ghott'laene
I can't think of anything I want in life. I will manifest a donut like the other anon in the thread because that sounds pretty tasty, especially with a coffee. It should be one of those coffee cake ones, with those balls on top. Iykyk.
Reminder that trolling outside of /b/ isn't permitted. Report the trolls.
and yet you keep bumping /LoA/ up
>Trolling thread
>Can't recognize a light-hearted troll
>Can't just assume anon meant he doesn't want anything that badly that he wants the whole universe cycling in his favor for it
Hey man I want a donut like you want to troll this thread.
He's not just trolling. He's evading: (just a list that shows public bans in a compilation)

So just to summarize that guy is so booty blasted, seething so hard over a thread, he can't stop resetting his router over and over again just to get clapped in a LoA thread.
yours is resetting your router every time the jannies ban you, I'll take vampire boy over that
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When you write out your desires as if it's happening to you right now or will in the future.
i have already upgraded my pc, and not just any small ram upgrade but overhauling the entire system into the newest and best components making my build optimal and allowing it to be competitive for the next 7 years.
is truly not giving a shit the key here essentially?
you'd know being one yourself, thanks for the tip retardanon
It's moreso, if you believed you had it, you wouldn't stress over it.
What makes a man seethe so hard? I treat these threads as a way to manifest light entertainment.
He must have some mother-anon tier issues.
Not trying to be an ass or refute you just an honest question.
How do you mind over circumstances guys explain the failure of the boxers who believed they were invincible and would drive away the foreigners with divine intervention?
Mark 11:23-24
>they didn’t believe hard enough bro
>they didn’t do it right
Bold of you to come into a LOA thread and indirectly suggest that it doesn’t work. Absolutely outrageous.
Lilanon smite this heathen!
But they didn't get what they believed.
I believe the Word over what I see.
Unrelated. Prayer to an external god is not LOA.
Also like what >>39017281 says.
>even if I see something I believe….the Word
>even if it contradicts it….
That’s called mental illness not faith. Why are you in LOA. Go to a bible thread in Reddit,
your opinion had no effect on me.
your choosing to believe the experiences of others as law is a limiting belief you set on yourself.

You should never assume that those around you have it together. They're probably assuming that about you.
i don't think they're telling the truth with that one, doesn't make any sense the entire world (including many great powers that weren't friendly with each other) would gang up on a bunch of religious fanatics on the other side of the world just like that. Mind Unveiled made a great video on the topic.

should have known not to click on tripfag shit
>they didn’t believe hard enough bro
>they didn’t do it right
boils down to this, yeah
please get started on prescription meds
>But they didn't get what they believed.
And you know that how?

What people say is often not what they believe, even when(especially when?) they assert something strongly. Lack is usually covered by seeming confidence.

In fact, it's just like yours- you are desperate to disbelieve this, you struggle to find a reason it doesn't work...but it does.
Okay so why subject others to yours.
No one else needs to know.
One thing is for sure. If that had been Lilanon there it wouldn’t have went down that way. It would have been proper 70s kung fu flick. Lilanon would have unleashed his vampiric Barbecue Wings Chun chi energy and his force of belief would have destroyed every enemy.
Not experience.
He literally says he’ll believe his (mistaken) interpretation of the Bible over his own experience even if it contradicts.
There’s no point in coming here, quoting a Bible verse wrongly and doing nothing else.
If LoA works, why do so many lottery winners say "I didn't think I'd stand a chance, I was gobsmacked"? And why don't people who fap over particular porn stars have gfs who look exactly like them? Can't get more 'powerful visualisation' than that?
Because it’s all just an internal mindset but stop spoiling the magical vibe. What are you trying to do? I have to work in 10 mins you are ruining it for me.
Pretending against better judgement that you're serious. People who don't believe they win don't play the lottery.

As for pornstars you pleasure yourself out of loneliness. Zeland actually has a good bit about how people become possessive because they don't feel like they earned what they have.
The Bible verse means what it plainly says.
Yes, prayer to god.
Not Loa.
I first came across loa years ago, testing it with seeing purple and yellow cars, then turning it onto general improvement of my life. My circumstances have become way better since then, and even if I didn't actively research it I have used this, even if often un''intentionally'', to make things work out in the end. A badly scheduled class ending sooner, getting just the thing I need for a situation, and whatnot.

This time I want to do it entirely intentionally for a specific goal - acquiring money for a surgery that would cure my friend's disability. Specifically speaking, an amount that lets me pay for it without taking up everything I own so she won't feel guilty about accepting it.

I'm happy to go into the details if someone needs it to answer my question, help make a good affirmation for it, or is simply curious, just let me know.

Now, my question, what would be the best way to go about this? I know its easy to say that as long as you specify the outcome the way there does not matter, but I'm too emotional about making sure this works out. Maybe I just need some outside voice to confirm that it IS fine to only focus on that. I don't know.
Alright, link me the subliminals that actually work. The standard YouTube slop isn't cutting it. I'm afraid I'm being mindfucked by 15 year old anorexics.
none of them "actually" work, or any will work if you believe so
i appreciate your antisemitism but it's just a portrait.
and a good one at that,just read it.
With that way of thingking you're gonna need to do your own or you ngmi
>testing it with seeing purple and yellow cars
That's not an objective test that screens for the mental biases of the human mind and self delusion.

Have you never heard of the "Red Car Theory":

Simply put, if you start thinking about something, you'll notice it more, and the more vague "that thing" is in your mind, the more you will start interpreting events and occurrences as "that thing". This is why people keep calling everyday occurrences and events "synchronicity". That's them not being aware of their own mental biases, so they fall victim to self delusion.

>Well, now I recently go to the store and there's spicy tomato... technically new. But I don't know how much merit this manifestation has
This general is also a great example of "Poe's Law", you can't tell which posts are troll posts, and which posts are genuine believers, because the beliefs are already ridiculous and open ended enough that almost anything could be a genuine expression of that belief.

At some point you guys will have to realize that you are "doing magic in reverse". By that I mean, instead of setting a standard that is actually magical and aiming for those feats, grab the "bar" and lower the bar (standard) of what is considered a "magical" or "paranormal" event/occurence, so that the average everyday high probability things most people experience can not be redefined as "magical" or "paranormal".

So now it's not that a grocery simply finally got the stock of bread or soup that you wanted, now it's you MANIFESTED that bread or soup at the grocery lol.
this world is a dream.
When you are lucid in a dream you cad do what you want.
so do what you want.
>ok smartass I steel have to go to wo-ack
>unwanted elements still present in my life
so remove them, they are illusions mkay
>but what abo-
stop taking this so serious.
you are the main character.
Shape the world to your liking.
Make your own.
I do like the LoA but i find its not something one should build a spiritual practise around. Its a force like gravity, positive thinking leads to positive outcomes like a slow but persistent pull towards goals.
LoA though only works on a software level. If your hardware (central nervous system) is fucked, LoA isnt gonna help you much. Someone with a shortwired nervous system is going to fundamentally view the world as something to retreat from, as something full of threats, and no amount of positive thinking will help.

Practises like Yoga heal hardware which is why its superior to just visualisation. Not to mention it is possible visualise so intensely that its as if the thing you're visualising is right in front of you, but that requires separate training.
>you are the main character.
>Shape the world to your liking.
Alright time to be a big tiddy futa with a 16 inch futa cock
>muh basedence
>This time I want to do it entirely intentionally for a specific goal - acquiring money for a surgery that would cure my friend's disability. Specifically speaking, an amount that lets me pay for it without taking up everything I own so she won't feel guilty about accepting it.
Do you want her to be better or do you want to be the savior?
yeah… nah, that ain't it chief
>At some point you guys will have to realize that you are "doing magic in reverse". By that I mean, instead of setting a standard that is actually magical and aiming for those feats, grab the "bar" and lower the bar
You're stuck in magic theory mindset. LOA literally builds your entire world, including every time you scratch your nose or pop a zit. That's one of the reasons Anons have so much trouble getting started with it- they are chasing the flash and the bang and so afraid to do it wrong because they can't believe there is no effort and they are always doing it.

Because the "small things" are just as easy/difficult as the "big" things, they are all equal. The Anon that believes they will find random cash and then they do is doing it just as right as the Anon who manifests his "soulmate."
>positive thinking

> Not to mention it is possible visualise so intensely that its as if the thing you're visualising is right in front of you, but that requires separate training.
Why are you assuming this requires training? Or even that you need to visualize to do LOA?
>Because the "small things" are just as easy/difficult as the "big" things
The large majority of guys only "manifest" "small things", and then you attempt to redefine them as "big things" lol. That's the key thing I'm pointing out here. Getting bread and soup at the grocery should not fall under some grand term like "manifestation", and you are coping if you do that. It's pure delusion.

If something doesn't work consistently for the majority, it's much more logical to assume that some guys are just lucky (as you'd expect on a planet of billions, somebody has to win just by the odds).

>The Anon that believes they will find random cash and then they do is doing it just as right as the Anon who manifests his "soulmate."
These are again more example of "small things". Things that literally happen everyday to the average person, whether they try to "manifest" or not, because these are all very mundane high probability normal everyday things. Once again, you guys use mental gymnastics and attempt to redefine "small things" as "big things".

Like the guy who said seeing more vehicles of a certain color is an example of LOA (when it's just a perfect example of the "Red Car Theory" psychological trick, the human mind playing tricks on itself), you guys aren't self aware enough to see your own mental biases.

I don't think you realize that even posting here is a self defeating argument, as anyone who had any real significant powers of manifestation, would be so busy living an amazing life that they wouldn't become a consistent poster in this general (or 4chan period lol).

Simply put, being here already affirms that you don't have what you claim to have in here.

Now I already know I'm not going to change any minds as most of you are delusional and desperate, and some of you might even be mentally ill. So I'll leave it there.

>bread in a grocery store
I'm always amused that this isn't a joke.
What am i wrong about?
>Not LOA
Never said it was
>Why are you assuming this requires training? Or even that you need to visualize to do LOA?
Yes, I know it doesnt require training. This is all bait for people who think good things come so easily. My point is those who use visualisation techniques will find it much more enhanced with training. Or the more prescient point im making is a poor nervous system is a bigger issue that requires immediate attention
>patriots decide to fight against multiple foreign invaders
>these patriots eventually lose due to various conventional reasons
>foreign invader historians characterize these patriots as irrational simpletons to justify their imperialism
>120 years later there are still dumb people who believe in those characterizations
Are you really this naive? Do you actually think thousands really believed they wouldn't be harmed by foreign weapons? Guns weren't a novelty in 1900s China btw, they were a common weapon for a long time by then.
war has a way of slapping people in the face.
everyone thinks they're gonna be a badass warrior until their squadmate's limbs get torn off by a grenade
Its not so busy living amazing life man. In actuality I want to rest a bit from all the content irl so I come here to post and help out.
4chan aint bad, memes and humor and level of intelligence here are often found nowhere else except closed forums which arent anon.

If Elon Musk browsed here why wouldnt anyone else? Especially since I deffo have more time and less companies than him.

You overestimate how busy amazing life is, might be one of reasons you didnt manifest it yet, since your assumptions are wrong so your sc mind is guarding you from the busy amazing life lol.

Its quite chill on some days and I been known to browse here when taking trip to go on a date or returning home from party or whatever.

Plenty dudes succeed and never return some sometimes come and pitch in.
>midwit fails to realize all of reality is imaginal aka magical
Just classic midwit things - maximum superficiality and smugness with 5% substance.
Probably one of main reasons why I come is humor, helping out, ability to flex myself without coming off as maniac and hurting everyones feelings irl.

Here is like open prairie for my ego. I can be smarter than anyone openly, not hide my ability to not hurt anyone, etx.

Irl being surrounded by inferior people is comfy. But it can be boring sometimes. So when I need my fix of triggering fools and cooming my ego over everyone I freely come dump a few loads, often help a few smart people and leave.

Its very fun ideal balanced life.
You cant help people who argue for their limitiations (which sometimes is hidden as people arguing for another’s limitations) I know that, but still Im human as anyone (maybe lol) and I love to flex on fools as anyone.

I try to focus on helping out tho. Whenever possible lol
Just ignore them lilboss, they seem like they are attacking the thread and posters but they are only arguing for their own limitations being real.

I have zero fucks for self chosen losers like that. Created winners but choose to live like losers. Shame.

Not my probo tho. As soon as one says h(elp) Im helping out. Like God, reach to me and I got you before you finish the sentence. But you cant help those who argue against it.
Once your ego is invested in being a failure you will rebel scream and shout being dragged to Heaven.
Ive seen it in many people mostly in myself lol, back when I was dealing with my difficulties.

But now, I can only smirk and smile.
There really is no enemy outside of us. All we do we do to ourselves.
Peoples words actions feelings are all just mirrors of themselves. It has nothing to do with you or anyone else.

In many ways we are connected but only to a degree we are able to see ourselves clearly. In other ways we just live patterns we consicously or unconsciously repeat.

To beings from higher dimensions it must appear so insane.
Okay, 1000+ approaches anon here

My Game evolved if you can wven call it that to a level where I have a new gf now. It took maybe 400 approaches? After last time? The thing is I also fucked few girls in between. Last two weeks have been amazing. The failures I had were mostly being tired from fucking and lack of sleep while on new dates and missing out logistics (not having a plan, not leading well)

I can honestly say talking to girls is the way. Like lifting is for being fit (or doing any physical activity) so is talking to girls needed to have a gf. Sure yeah you can do smth else like cry in your room and wait that sucks ass.

Many many things happen when you commit to success and stop chasing failure as a cope mechanism since you are afraid of uncertainty.
Read that again bros.

I learned so much about women, myself, girls, life, levels of game, importance of diff things, proper attitudes, weaknesses, strengths, what it is to be a man, and I now suffer from success.

Im so good with women I have so many dates, so many girls reply back wanna meet. I make little to no mistakes, girls all get excited with me and hyped to be with me.
Its almost a mystery to me, but I know I put in work by being uncomfortable with uncomfortable until it became comfortable so now I can sit down with 10/10 and be chill and cool. Especially since I get sex on a reg and intimacy too, closeness of hearts and bodies.

I realise as a man I can love many women in same time. Male fidelity is a resource problem. Skill issue as peeps would say. If you can achieve multiple women, you will want to do it.

Women being faithful is different since a woman can only carry one child from one man at a time and raise it too. Women are faithful with their bodies, men with their resources.
If you can date many women at same time withiut it being resource issue for you (time and money, which it shouldnt be since women work for themselves now and time depends on your time management), its natural imo.
>That's the key thing I'm pointing out here.
You're just revealing you have no clue how reality actually works
Nigga go back to /adv/ if you're not going to talk about manifesting.
can someone link me or give me a QRD on scripting and how it’s done
And I achieved it with pure olde fashioned work + loa.

Seethe and roll on floor friends, but it is what it became.

When I only approached (no inner game or loa work) I failed miserably. When I only did loa it worked better but I was not experienced with women enough to feel at ease in some situs.
When I coupled loa and talking to girls, I skyrocketed into success.

My perception is changing. About women fidelity life etc.
problems of winners are whole nother game compared to problems of losers

I hear sad love songs they seem funny to me. Idiotic almost. I hear people lament about love and women and it seems like they are the big elephant tied to a small stick crying for its freedom.

Just go out, talk to women.

Smth happens above 1000 approaches, you either break or live to see the Sun.

Im postong this for lads who desperately want a gf.

Bdw by approaching I mean talk in daily life, start convos. Any time you see a girl u like talk to her with intent to find out if there is a vibe potential.

Dont aim for numbers or lays. Aim for vibe and rest takes care of itself.

The whole world surrenders to the Vibe.
>have a new gf now. It took maybe 400 approaches?
Hahahaha. 400 lmao. You're a certified noob with women bruh. This isn't the place for your noob pua blogposting, take it to /b/ or /adv/ if you need human interaction

Got any tips. What’s your game like from open to close? Are you tall and good looking?

Had any embarrassing or brutally humiliating blowouts / rejections like girls calling you creepy, filming you or telling to get away from them loudly? The latter is what I fear the most but I suspect it’s mainly a psyop from the (((media))) and a small handful of bitter roasties to discourage men right
I can see your obvious samefagging, pua noob. You're terrible with women and more importantly the nonsense you blog about isn't loa. Fuck off to another board.
I dont like the word game I use the lingo since its recognizeable.

I been threatened by girl to call police, recorded few times, pic taken few times, smile wink turn around. Some girls ran away legit sprinting.

But not in last month of highest success.
I also dont like to flex specific events since I still think gentleman never tells.
I dont need anyone to believe me, all I know is what I have. And doubters will always doubt. If I posted pics it would be ai or they would insult the girls which I dont allow. Betas seethe the most. When you grow up you realize that chad is the socially adjusted based person and beta dork is a socially fucked up abused self victimized cunt and toxic character.

I dont call what I do game. I talk to girls since Im a man and love girls. I dont chase numbers or lays. I investigate chemistry potential and if I find it I capitalize like a tiger on a prey.
Most useful things to do is adopt proper beliefs.

Women enjoy sex and want it sooner than you think if vibe is optimal.
Its normal to talk to women. (Heavily jewed against this lol, but it is, despite weird reactions occasionally, surprise but weird women exist too, or socially inept women)
Your looks matter but your game matters more (I am good looking tho, average height, I also keep myself clean and proper and act with manners and treat women with manners)
its good to experiment seeing things from girls perspective.

In approach try to hold convo as long as possible, if you cant do it, move on. Be empathic, read her vibe. Its street so the success rate is not equal to clubs where women go to get laid.
Plenty women on street are taken, freshly fucked (often by me) or just tired and dont need a new dude in inbox. Take it all into account. Street game is hardest for ego but you learn the most.
So you wish to troll this thread. Intentions noted.
I know dudes shorter than me and less handsome still having success.

A lot of it is numbers, but you have to have skills too.

Commit to success, prepare for success, plan success, assume the girl likes you a lot, always assume the best and act from that standpoint.

You have to approach a lot with legit intent.

I actually have noticed a pattern bahahaha and I know what works to hook girls up.
Game is not guarantee you woll have a girl you precisely want, but its improvement over no game and also it will enable you to have girls you want.

Ideally you also outgrow liking girls a lot without fucking them. Its recipe for disasters.

I noticed for me fucking cures me from liking them too much. I love all girls I been with. I hold special memories for all of them.
Love is not being desperate. Love is safe and peaceful, no drama.

Learn your emotions.

Most guys claiming love are just weak, healing from trauma or stuck in patterns, lonely, no confidence and brainwashed by media into wrong habits with women.

Lifting and being rich helps but its not nearly important as communication skills.
Having a woman is communication.
Learn to communicate. How?

Aim for long convos with women whenever possible. Lead convos into vibes you love. There is no shortcut. Game is individual thing, discover yours by talking to women.
I gotta go now, but I am open to sharing specific things to selected audience.

Post reply to this thread with your approaches number so far in last 3 months and whats difficult for you in game. I can help with inner and outer.

But real improvement really is having a big city to hunt in and be out there daily talking.
>The large majority of guys only "manifest" "small things"
Really. You know this how?

>That's the key thing I'm pointing out here. Getting bread and soup at the grocery should not fall under some grand term like "manifestation"
The reason you suck at this is because it's all ego to you. There is no ego here- the Anon with an amazing life that never needs to do a deliberate manifestation is better at this than you or I am.

>If something doesn't work consistently for the majority
But it does. You are the minority.

>it's much more logical
Defending your ego again. If you can't do it, it must be too hard for most people to. Right?

>would be so busy living an amazing life that they wouldn't become a consistent poster in this general (or 4chan period lol).
You certainly consistently out yourself with this comment. You wouldn't be here if you were successful at it, therefore no one else would be either.

I enjoy it here. I love and appreciate /x/. If you don't, why are you here being miserable? You could be out there chasing your lucky day, rather than learning how to be that lucky day.

Good description of your post. Does it hurt you so much that people successfully do this and change their lives?

>I'm always amused that this isn't a joke
I'm always amused when someone doesn't get the point.
>I can help with inner
Thinking you need 1000 approaches to treat women as normal people? Imagine having that little self belief and wanting to teach other people inner game. Your inner game must be elliot rodger tier.

>and outer.
400 approaches to get a gf? What a joker. I feel slightly bad for picking on such a pathetic noob but you definitely deserve it for trolling.

>I gotta go now
Don't return unless you want to learn about or discuss loa.
>Just ignore them lilboss, they seem like they are attacking the thread and posters but they are only arguing for their own limitations being real.
Funny, isn't it? I use the posts to make a point for other Anons here learning. The trolls are helpful for generating traffic, but I like to reap some additional benefit in the process.

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear..."

>In many ways we are connected but only to a degree we are able to see ourselves clearly
1000% this- we can only see in others what we ourselves have experienced(our current state).

>To beings from higher dimensions it must appear so insane.
I have to think they(we) find it entertaining. I had an I AM moment in an area I used to work by where the 3d seemed a little weaker than usual. I saw a woman looking at me from another car and suddenly I was aware of the overall awareness of all of us looking out through all of our eyes. We're all all watching both our "own" performance and everyone else's at the same time.

It does indeed all look so insane, but what else would we do alone in the void?
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That post is really synchronizing with a lot of stuff I've written about for my RPG's lore.
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I like how the troll's slowly went from
>oh neat I manifested a ladder!
>guys I can't get this to work for money or sex
>someone help me I need to get a job or I'll be homeless!
>this shit doesn't work! FUUUUUUCK!!
>I'm going to waste hours shitting up this thread because I can't be a wizard!!

Fucking idiots. If Neville doesn't work then do choas magic. If that doesn't work go get a job.
any suggestions for a noob?

I am having trouble living in the end. I can envision what I want, and I can even imagine living that life and living in the reality that those things are already mine. but it is fleeting.

how do you hold onto it and truly deeply believe it is true when reality is dragging it's nuts accross your face with what currently IS?


1. Do you actually go through your day in this LOA state? I'm guessing not? I can only imagine that would lead to total cognitive dissonance?

2. I've been focusing on going to sleep and falling asleep while trying to hold and live in the perfect life for myself. trying to focus on not so much materialistic things but more about manifesting behavioral and relationships that I desire. is that a good start?

idk what else to even ask. I just started a few days ago and am not sure how long it takes to start manifesting change.

any tips that helped you would be appreciated.

oh. 3. are there any rituals you do before you enter these states? I've been lighting and staring at a candle and just trying to meditate and clear my mind before sleep. but a sort of magical ritualistic way to do this. like a formula. might help my brain feel more secure in it.
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Getting back to I AM is powerful. I only recently started doing it since I tasted a lot of victories so could focus on higher loa work like I AM just resting in it. Without anything else.
No wants or anything.

The more you identify with I AM the easier it becomes to choose whatever to put after it, more believable.

Tying yourself to I AM unties you from everything else.
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I don't really trust advice from an anon who saves screenshots of pure text.
>when reality is dragging it's nuts accross your face with what currently IS?
Your belief is still strongly invested in the idea that the 3d is your boss. It's the other way around- you build and modify the 3d all the time. It serves you.

> I can envision what I want, and I can even imagine living that life and living in the reality that those things are already mine. but it is fleeting.
Have you felt it set yet? When it is set, it is done. The only thing that can prevent it coming at that point is you getting in the way.
just an interesting little coincidence, but i was just thinking that i might just go an spam likes on tinder soon and i received a notification from the app informing me that in order to receive likes i need to give out likes.
I am enchanting objects.
I am putting a curse on Mother-anon.
I have already made it
Good question. She did indirectly save my life by becoming my friend during a very stressful time, so yeah I suppose that even if my wish for her to be able to speak again is sincere theres a bit of selfishness in wanting to be the one who helped achieve that, so I can properly repay her.
LoA is about realizing a desire of some sort. But what do you do when the apathy / anhedonia / depression comes on so strong you don't want anything. It's been 2 years.
Apathetically decide what reality is. Kind of a gift if used right.
Our king
Our ultimate loser
don't bother, he's already perfected sabotaging himself
I meditated until the mind healed. My crippling depression vanished under a year, some phlegmatism remained but that didn't cause suffering.


I actually feel it this morning.

I decided to start a little smaller with mindset. I told myself that I am a positive person and that no matter what happens throughout the day my goal is always to look for the silver lining and be positive and only say or do or think things that have a positive impact on myself and others.

I used to wake up in the foulest of moods. but today I woke up in a great mood. and with that concept seemingly ingrained in me.

I also am a person that has always believed in the LoA even before i knew it had a name, but simply hasn't used it until recently. so seeing it work at small scales builds up my confidence even further that it works at all levels.
How to manifest my own business which is generating 10k a month? I already had success with similar stuff, like work from home and certain salary. But somehow I stuck with business part
I'm trying something similar myself.
Journal/ affirm:
>I earn [amount of money] per month
>I am the owner of a business that generates [amount of money] per month.
>I generate [amount of money] every month in passive income
Journal it. Affirm to yourself like you're casually telling a friend.

In addition to that, journal/ affirm:
>I am open to divine inspiration.
>my intuition is sharp.
>I never miss a trick.
That last one is straight from Florence Scovel Shinn. By "trick" she means signs.

Follow any hunches you have. When you meditate, manifest / pray for intuition. The goal is to take inspired action that will bring your business to the next level.

Also I would shoot for more than $10k. That is a very doable goal which makes it easy for you to believe which is good! But, it probably won't make you do anything different from what you're already doing. If you intended to make $100k a month, then you would hopefully get the intuition and inspired action to do something really big, out of the ordinary. That's a Bob Proctor thing.
How much do you make?
I used magic to enchant a watch with the energy of Saturn and the property that anyone who is near it becomes more disciplined, more responsible, more patient and more perseverant.

The method is just affirmations but I have used affirmations to unlock my magic too. I dunno if it's just mentalization and it onky works on me, but it works.

Also enchanted a stone amulet with love powers.
Got your Ring of Larp+5 on today as well I see.
You not believing me is a sign that I've truly developed extraordinary powers.
>You want to get to the point where you are doing exactly what you need to succeed and no more.
I agree with you saying that I do alotta useless action. Spent this week discussing with some people and they have said the same thing. I did discover my minds always on high alert with the gas pedal—though it can be quite euphoric to use the brakes on an active mind when I'm able to relax for a bit

>You should not be getting random thoughts- you are acting out the play, not having a mental spinout session :)
Well I did say Hemi Sync has been helping as far as I can tell but I think its working like a demolition crew tearing down the always moving mind I have slowly. After all those hypnogogic jerks and sleeping for a bit in sats is a telltale sign my mind is overconditioned.

I'll try my best to do them, I know I can be tenacious however I do lose my way easily. I did want to say two things too

The first is, I don't know what but I heard like a cracking sound and felt like my skull was expanding or something. I immediately thought it may be that resurrection or breaking the shell that Neville spoke about. The other is The Creator spoke to me in a dream again, quite loudly he indirectly showed using someone I know irl to callout my words that I never stay fully committed. Quite dumbfounded

The other part which I meant to post this yesterday, I stumbled upon someone who basically resembled almost a one to one state of consciousness that I have. I was frankly bothered and empathic at the same time, has that ever happened to you?
Can I use this to increase someone else trust in me? I am not using any manipulation magic on an other human being, just trying to reduce possible anxiety towards me.
>i don't want to mindcontrol them, i just want to control their minds
I guess that is a no.
My ex went no-contact in June. Nothing I did, 3D or otherwise, seemed to help. I want to completely fix the pain and misunderstandings between us so we can go back to loving each other again completely. This past week, I've buckled down on affirmations, mental diet, and I've returned to doing SATs every night. When I wake up, I feel that everything is resolved and I am fulfilled. By the afternoon, I'm surprised that she still hasn't contacted me, and I end the day full of angst. Then I do my SATs before bed and feel fulfilled and the cycle repeats. I'm at my wit's end here.
Dunt help the retards
>By the afternoon, I'm surprised that she still hasn't contacted me, and I end the day full of angst.
Try not to get impatient, wait for the seed you planted to grow. Simply rest assured that it WILL grow in due time.
Hello tourist! Go back!
Currently on welfare, so not that much.
Power of retardation cannot be messed with. I kneel.
Not the same anon, but with the same problem.
Is there an effective way to combat those intrusive thoughts that at a minutes notice end up occupying your whole mind.
Your whole mood shifts with you only really acknowledging it after it already settled in.
And is there a set limit of times you can do sats in a day? Can you exhaust too much of the mind doing those?
I'm not very well versed in SATS yet, only tried it a few times. When I start getting doubts and worries I can usually shut them down by reminding myself that my desired timeline already exists and that I just have to keep trusting myself and I will inevitably align with it. This usually calms my anxieties and lifts my confidence back up.
>I did discover my minds always on high alert with the gas pedal
Crisis mode

>it can be quite euphoric to use the brakes on an active mind when I'm able to relax for a bit
Good :) Some people don't/can't stop. They wind up in an early grave after making wreckage of their lives.

Indeed. Write new habits/protocols.

>however I do lose my way easily
Focus on your goal.

> The other is The Creator spoke to me in a dream again, quite loudly he indirectly showed using someone I know irl to callout my words that I never stay fully committed. Quite dumbfounded
Subtle. You probably needed the poke. I had an interesting dream myself- I was with some people that ran things here. I asked them if I had permission to leave, they said I was scheduled for more lives here. When I asked for specifics I was shown a number just over 2 million. I spent most of the rest of the dream asking for permission and near the end of it it occurred to me that it was ridiculous that I was asking- I was the operant power, was I not? Why did I need permission to do what I believed was correct?

>I stumbled upon someone who basically resembled almost a one to one state of consciousness that I have. I was frankly bothered and empathic at the same time, has that ever happened to you?
Yes, but in two ways- I meet people like me that are at the end of the road and it's like meeting old friends I haven't seen in forever. I also run into people that are in states I used to occupy and like you, I feel sympathy and "bothered" because I can't believe I was that stuck back in the day and don't enjoy the reminder :)
Figured out with image cycling you have to visualize it happening near your root chakra, then it has a very noticeable immediate effect.
You didn’t figure anything out. Chakras don’t exist.
I broke S3anon. I’ve been manifesting this general into ruin for a long time.
If you can’t even copy and paste text you are a total joke.
There probably are no tourists here. I think it’s just five or six regular anons and a couple of useless trips now.
Love you friend
>I’ve been manifesting this general into ruin for a long time.
and failing at it
Those who used only script to manifest, have you manifested your desires?
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Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy
I disagree. It’s in a bad state. If you think it’s staying the same or getting better you might be a threesome vampire with massive larp issues.
The decline is real, isn’t it wonderful.
Another issue is the script durability. I'm not particularly heavy handed with my scripts, and like 500~ total hours of scripting money + random lifestyle improvements such as rendering two complete apartment complexes with home gyms. It felt like a pattern too, because it happened to be the same scripts, to the same exact degree. Height increase still winning big, some redditors made custom scripts for it recently-ish too.
it would decline if trolls like (You)rself didn't keep bumping it
>asks for more posts
So you are a troll that keeps bumping. Shame. Try to be better.
Tonight I went stargazing. I was out there for about 30-45 minutes, staring at the stars in the night sky, before I said “show me something to see, please.”
After about a minute, I saw a shooting star, though it had no trail, it was beautiful.
As it approached the end of its fall to earth, it behind some clouds and just as it came out to the other end, it fluttered a little before burning out.
That was the first time I’d seen a shooting star in about a decade because I live in such a bright area.
No, it's the power of magic and biokinesis. I use biokinesis to develop magic.
That's awesome anon
whatcha doing in a LoA thread then?
Biokinesis can have effects similar to LoA so I like to compare.
I suggest you use your garrotte of instant death on yourself larper.
Also this isn’t a magic item thread, go elsewhere and power your dildos up.
So the QRD on how this whole thing works? Or steps?
Read the OP.
It's not a larp. Ok, I'll create a thread about it.
Thanks for posting :)
>Biokinesis can have effects similar to LoA
"Biokinesis" is powered by LOA, of course you are going to see the same effects when you look closely.

You can just skip the dressup and do it clean.
>So the QRD on how this whole thing works?
You believe, you get. You believe you are crap? You are. You believe people love you? They do.

Because everything you believe becomes your world, being selective about those beliefs is to your advantage.

Most Anons come to this thread to get the things they can't believe they can have. Techniques are available to get around or overcome resistance. The Anons that stick with it generally realize they were getting in their own way and start allowing, and their lives get better.
>it’s a Lilanon will experience 2 million more lives on this planet episode
Scriptwriters gonna be busy,
Just like that? Belief? Does imagination or visualization play any role in this or? And if it does, how?
Arr you the anon who grew his dick?
How long is it now ? Im doing the same but with loa it's taking some time
No he’s the anon who larps he can enchant objects. His larp thread is here
What is it with posts here and their insecurity about their dicks? Pathetic.
It doesn’t that time. It’s not working lmao.
Yes, I'm the anon who grew his dick*. It's over 20 centimeters now.

* See https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37743239/#37747169

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