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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Shut the Fuck up Mother-anon (Trips post nothing useful)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Lilanon said so

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed]

>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Embed]

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
Easiest one. Tinder, she’s super into reading and poetry and niche music. She’s very cute too. She brought up how she was in a bath and I just said “too bad I’m not there with you” and she just took off with the rest. Felt entirely natural, happened entirely naturally, and now I’m set for a candlelit bath session with Argentinian wine and music at no cost to me
has anyone here manifested financial freedom? not as in being a neet on welfare, but having enough money for a comfortable life without having to work
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What is the difference between Law of Assumptions and autosuggestion?
Alright I've been trying to manifest a relationship with my sister's friend. I've been persisting for about 2 weeks and also trying to manifest contact from her throughout the day. Seems like every time I try to manifest contact my sister just invites me to another outing with them. (And I know this is the universe responding to my manifestations because this is happening a lot more frequently)
It's great to spend more time with her but at these outings I'm surrounded by her brothers who want to talk to me about nerd shit like x86ASM which she knows nothing about so she spends most the time in deep conversation with my sister.

We still manage to talk a little bit, and Tarot readings confirm that she has SOME affection for me even if she's a bit on-guard.

What can I do to create some alone time or 1-on-1 communication?
do elaborate, how'd it come to pass?
>> Can I manifest ___?
>Yes! Lilanon said so
It so obvious the universe is giving you everything here. If you want a relationship with her get to know her entire family as if they were your family. If she likes you even slightly this will be a turn on for her inner heart
a simple question

which way is better when you have multiple desires to manifest? to combine all of them in one scene or use multiple scenes for each desire and approach them one at the time.

say you want to fix many things about your body, say you want to be taller, fit, have healthy hair, healthy skin, good eyesight, be healthy etc...
do you make one scene where you are standing next to a mirror and seeing your new body that fulfills all what's above. Or do you make specific scenes for each one and approach them one by one. so you make a scene where you see yourself shirtless in front of a mirror. and another where you check your face in the mirror and your skin is much healthier, or you measure your height and weight and it's your desired height. etc...
And say on top of that you want be wealthier, live somewhere and have a specific person. can you also combine those into the scene? like imagining yourself together in your new expensive apartment in the desired place and your sp is on bed while you are checking yourself in the mirror to see your desired body.
is it a good idea to lump all of these into one scene? or is it better to give them a scene each?

I feel like combining them is a more holistic and might trigger stronger feelings. especially when tackling desires that are interconnected (eg, looking great and being secure about your looks makes dating and approaching women a much more enjoyable and less stressful experience, having money makes it easier to move to a certain place and rent a good place ..etc..) however it usually results in longer scenes which can be hard to visualize and loop. specific scenes are usually easier to visualize but don't trigger very strong feelings.

any advice?
Such a simple post but important insight. Guess I've been approaching the situation with tunnel vision or expecting it to play out differently.
>which way is better when you have multiple desires to manifest? to combine all of them in one scene or use multiple scenes for each desire and approach them one at the time.

I also share this question, specifically for Scriptbro anon.

How would i go about my scene when I have so many wishes that are all pretty lofty..

My wishes:

Ethereal skin
Beautiful luscious hair
General Beauty
Nice Physique
Dream PC
Dream Home (with excellent internet, food, snacks, drinks)
No responsibilities
No financial obligations
Absolutely zero contact with my old family
Genes altered (for my offspringg)
Things are horrendous. His family easily spits on everyone in need now and receives endless abuse in return. Things are worse than ever and they continue to degrade daily. Everyone who has ever helped him or his family is incredibly cursed and angry to see the immense wealth and endless success his family now smugly enjoys.
hope scriptanon answers
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.
I had same issue and solved it like this.

Just script a perfect day living your perfect life.
From waking, to going to bed. Include everything you mentioned.
be as specific as you want to be, but not more than you feel comfortable with.
The whole point is to induce a feeling that all of it is completed - which will feel blissful!

Read 3 times a day for first week, then twice, then as needed, tho daily routine is good to have.

Scripts go from feeling like absolute incredible Joys and Highs, to feeling normal, or even zoning out during reading. Which is also good.
Since your SC mind receives the script thru either strong emotions, repetition or conscious mind being distracted.
So if you read it absent minded (after getting used to it) its still getting thru and working, but the base frequency you have will be tuned to script so you wont perceive it being as emotional event as before.

I think we feel emotional acceleration or deceleration,but not the constant speed (as much).
So when u first start with script you will feel it raising your vibe, but after going at it long time, it will feel natural because you have in vibe become the person who has that experiences. Thats good! You should still reach for greater things and vibes because you are made to evolve always.

In scripting, your emotions are your guides. Mold the image into what pleases YOU the most. And always be flexible, ready to change any parts that you feel should change. As you rise in vibe, some things that used to make you happy will from higher position lose relevance, so be ready to change script always.
Script is just a helping tool, the prayer is within your Heart, Soul, Your Inner Being - and you should converse with it thru language of emotions always, never getting attached to a script but to the feeling of alignment to your True Self.

Even without regard to LOA scripting is great tool of self discovery.
lol this guy thinking about a woman and gets confused when offered an entire family
delivered by scriptbro

I may add, to my mind, this technique is most powerful method of changing the feeling of I, that I discovered so far.
Its immense. When you read the script daily, upon waking and mid day, plus before sleep, over several days, it becomes so stable and strong, the mood of New Self, and with it you get to live in new timeline.

Rules to write on top of script are:

1. let go of external world (listen to white noise if not silent environment, be in private)
2. establish the ideal feel/vibe/state (should be what you covered while writing the script if you wrote it correctly - to evoke strongest positive feelings)
3. during the day, just relax, ITS DONE.

By reading the script often, you change your vibe, you reset your "resting state" as NG said it. And when ur resting state is different, everything is different. You act differently, you shine differently, you radiate diff vibes and of course, have diff experiences.

There is no need for any specific action but those that come naturally to you.
Remember - you have free will only to choose your state/assumption/vibe/mood, everything else is byproduct of that, so dont worry about it.
hi, scriptbro

I find it a bit challenging to use language to describe my scene. like I can imagine or visualize how my ideal day would look like but I find it hard and sometimes a bit cheesy to write it down. it's hard to find appropriate expressive words to explain exactly how it goes.
I can visualize or imagine how my ideal body or hair would look like but I can't really describe it. I can write down a rough approximation but it's not like the real image I have in my mind when writing it down.

there is also the fear I have of other people somehow reading my scripts. I don't write on paper because of that. but even on my computer I always fee like I am exposed as soon as I get the image out of my head to another storage medium. so I only feel safe when it ideas are kept in my head.
thank you.

not scriptbro but you can try

i have same hair like x person. same hair thickness like x person


make an AI version of your ideal self and do the same. I have same eyes like My AI. It feels amazing to have such beautiful eyes like my AI etc. This way you just copy paste a feature onto yourself with no need to visualize,


You also can add "People mistake me for Insert XYZ actor/person"

"People say I have same eyes, features like Jason Momoa"

as you see it's all about continious proof both internally and externally (other people, 3D) that have your ideal look in full
followed Maggie's advice and did a successful SATS session, was in my home and a woman was taking pictures for me. i asked if my pose was good enough, she said yes and we started making love. i'm feeling a lot more in tune with the world and much more sure of what i desire from the world.
good idea. thnx
>hideous fat man does poses
>in front of Finnish police woman sent to arrest him
>she takes photos of his crime to add to charges
Creation is finished.
At this point after so much practice my imagination is so vivid that I do sessions for fun now. I can imagine literally anything, I get all the sensations very vividly, I don't even necessarily care about "manifesting" what I'm imagining, I just enjoy the scene itself, the materialization is just a convenient bonus for the most part.
my pleasure

words are words, images are images, if words dont evoke images clearly in you, then use vision board. Find inspiration on pinterest and make a big imageboard and make it wallpaper for your pc. I did that too alongside scripting for a while, just since I enjoyed it.

About finding it a bit cheesy to write down, even on pc. You have to be brave. If many times in life you came close to something, and super strict parents took it away, or some other bs. You maybe developed this idea that its better not to tell anyone, not even yourself, what you want, so it remains a secret that may manifest without you doing anything for it - so nobody can take it away. "If I dont name it, its not possible for it to be taken away". You have to transcend that type of thinking. Its superego trying to force you back into a box. Be cheesy as fuck, the feeling you get from it should be amazing. Might induce crying of joy, powerful release of all that creative energy that superego was standing on, the idiot.

Also, if you lack the words, script emotions. Why do you want those qualities? Sure, write about them, but also script emotions you seek to experience. Emotions of being wanted, desired, appreciated, adored, celebrated etc.
If you know WHY you want something (end goal is almost always an emotion) then u can include the emotion too. "my hair makes me feel angelic and elfish at same time, its just shiny smooth and silky, everyone always asks me what I do for it."

Scripting is great since it keeps you focused. But its not the only method. Give it a go for a month or so, experiment with it.
its good to be private about your LOA routines.

But Im getting a feeling from you, that you are the type of person to stop themselves from being too happy, so it doesnt insult others, or make them jelly, so they dont turn on you and your happiness.
You maybe wanna protect your happiness at all cost, keep it deep inside.

But the way scripting works, it will enlarge your inner Joy to a size you wont be able to contain. You will become radiant, free, liberated, joyful and the "angry jelly people" wont be able to reach you anymore. Some will try and thats the challenge of Souls evolving in this world, to decide - do you wanna fight the idiots or do you wanna leave them in the dust.

If you spend your time trying to prove every idiot wrong, you will spend life surrounded by them. I still think the biggest curse on idiots is to let them think they are right. Dont engage, dont encourage, just leave and ignore best you can, and keep on your way.

Joy can be seen as provoking, when observed by people who lack EQ or responsibility for themselves. So they maybe in past attacked you and you learned to be very secretive and ashamed or fearful of following your JOY.

But that time has to end. You have to shine. Many people are waiting for your smile, joy, freedom. And you have to think about them.

You have to surrender to your Joy, its a leap of Trust, Faith, and its pleasant but can be scary at times, because its a new way to live.
Ty for all this, I came here with adjacent questions and can leave again.

>You have to be brave.
Nta but I think this was a big hurdle for me personally because I was raised in a family where every little decision was unnecessarily scrutinized and ridiculed, down to stupid shit like favorite color.
The way I argued against that crippling self-consciousness was that people seeing and knowing what I "like" and want in my life is unavoidable, unless I choose to curl up and hide until I die. I know what I want for my life goals, my partner, and my lifestyle, but now, I almost kind of invite the teasing and embarrassment, just because I know how happy my desires make me, and having to face others' shock and ridicule won't change that because it's part of who I am and I see no need to consciously alter myself.

Nobody can take your happiness, you create it.
And you dont need to save anyone or drag anyone with you.
Everyone is responsible for their own vibe and choices.
Thats adulting in proper sense. Dont let anyone tell you differently. Especially BPD and narcissist types are notorious babies who never take care of their own emotional world but want everyone to cater to them. Dont cater to anyone.

You build your own mansion, and enjoy in it. Many people will come in your life who vibe with your scripting Self, and you will be propelled forwards fast.
Self compassion is needed.

I went thru similar "breaking shell" phase when I started scripting.
Felt cheesy, felt too close to the core, felt too intimate, showed me who I thought I was at the time. At beginning it may feel like touching an exposed nerve, that's good. Its you who is touching it, so touch it in a way that feels good to you.
You have to allow it to change you, heal you, rebuild you.
It's good to be in touch with yourself, know yourself.
Deffo - dont be shy of describing and talking and writing to yourself about your goals and ideals. The first step in manifesting consciously is ALLOWING yourself to think and feel greater than before. And only you can give yourself that permission.

Think of it this way also - you protect your happiness not by inhibiting it or hiding it, but by giving it more fuel, more focus, more energy, more time in your day.
Be courageous!

Sometimes it feels to me, that in as much I change the script and modify IT, IT also changes me and modifies me. Its very alchemical in that sense.

From Soul to Soul, I love you, and send you these posts with love, I hope you allow yourself more and bloom bravely!
yes, the overly critical parents are bane.

even when u grow out of the family home their strict superego stays and you need to put that mofo in place and allow the flow of creative energy to "ejaculate" in all directions. Important to know tho, they inherited their demons from someone, and the point is not to hate but to transmute in self, and continue forward healed, better.
Ironically the family wont always encourage the child in healing, might even oppose the mental states that induce healing lol, because the parent can become fully absorbed in ego. Still, its not an excuse to roll over your authority to external. Everything can be scripted, even different parents or a change in current ones. Maybe someone doesnt want their parents to change, too much baggage, not willing to do it. I understand. Know tho you can absolutely attract mentors who will fill the role of parents you wish you had. And maybe when that need is filled, you can look with compassion at your 3D parents.

People would do much better if they didn't live from ego and wanting to be right all the time, but wanting to FEEL right all the time.
I saw a comment today under a video, about a man who would never die for his beliefs, since he is not sure they are right. Lol
And I understood that as pinnacle wisdom.

LIFE is ultimate value. And its to be protected, promoted and cherished in self and in others, as much as possible.

When beliefs become more important than life, that's ignorance territory, of absolute scale.

By simple math - beliefs dont exist without life, but LIFE deffo exists without beliefs. (I AM comes first)

So being stuck on who believes what is just ridiculous. Anyone can believe whatever they can, it will BE-ALIVE for them. Essence of LOA is what you believe is being alive for you.
brilliant posting.
nta but this has helped me immensely with my situation. thank you. hopefully it can help others.
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The absolute low state of this general is because I manifested it like this. Follow your dreams and you too can cause this.
was it ever good tho? I keep hopping in periodically, more or less since 2021/2022, and I've checked some of the older threads on 4plebs, can't say we have it any better or worse now
I thought I’d successfully manifested pure hell here but now you’ve put doubts in my mind.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
I keep finding myself thinking about a particular person. We haven't seen each other since May, haven't communicated (text) since August.... but he is on my mind constantly.

What do you think this means? Is he thinking of me? Is this what it feels like to be manifested? What do you anons think?
How would you manifest within 3 days? Luckily don't really care if it happens or not rn
1. Decide that it comes to completion by the third day.
2. Visualise it being put in motion right now.
3. Be relieved that it's just in time.

1. I need a package before Tuesday or whatever.
2. I know it arrives Monday evening/Tuesday morning/just barely in time.
3. I'm so happy I put that order through now/an hour ago/whenever because I can see them loading it up as the last package of the day.

t. experience
Whatever way you want to do it. The way to which you are drawn. The way which works. Worry not for the exact method, but about being a doer of the word and not a hearer.
>vision board
that's interesting. when putting images into my vision board how do I get pov images. like say I know what type of hair I want. I can find pictures of other people with that hair. but it's not really me. so I don't know how that would work. would that just make me manifest more people with that hair?
Is it possible for something to come to fruition without doing the whole imagination deal? I'm new to this so I want some advice as to what happened was the Law or just normal stuff.
>friend made decision about something a while back that I really didn't like and was kind of upset about
>been asking him to reconsider every few weeks, he very staunchly declines each time
>find out about the Law this week, decide in my head that he will change his mind about it
>don't script it or anything, just make that decision that it will change
>he randomly asks if it's that big a deal to mae, and when I say yes he says ok that he's changed his mind
>decide in my head

Before you imagine you decide on what.
Imagination helps solidify a feeling, so we can use a dedicated session for it.

But if there is little resistance to it, things flow fast just from deciding/intention.
You still imagined it tho, it was maybe very short, but anything that happens "in your head" is happening in imagination.
You mean - you didnt ritualize it, but you still imagined with your decision.

Helen Hadsell says smth like "name it, claim it, collect it"
You claimed it. You assumed it.
Did you not?

Law of assumption.
>You mean - you didnt ritualize it, but you still imagined with your decision.
Yes that's what I mean lol. Thanks anon, good to know it was the Law!

As far as I have observed, its always the law ; ) and if its not immediately apparent, dig deeper.
Its good habit to seek the LAW in other people's lives too, for extra boost to your Faith and experience. If you are sweet talker u can also interview people you admire in your life and see how their thinking is about things, you may learn good beliefs.

decide, feel it true, let go (of method how it comes to be, or when it comes to be)

Letting go means letting go of HOW and WHEN.

You can still think about it/from it, and enjoy the vibes.
As long as you let go of how and when, thats all that matters for fastest results.

You can still think about it, as long as its from a POV of having/being/doing/enjoying it.
As soon as one switches to "but when, but how?" he is no longer in "its done" mindset, and thats "serving two masters".

You can still do every SATS every script, affs, whatever.
As long as its from a place of abundance.
Tho, once the feeling is SET in you, you lose the need to do those as often so people think they have to let go completely thinking about it. Nah, you dont need to.

Just let go of method and time. Because both are not your responsibility.

When you try to do too much with conscious mind, you become worried and anxious.
Conscious mind has a role of selecting and entering a mood. All else flows by itself.

I think most people have resistance around how and when, or even what - (what being the first step).

For me now, I get very focused on WHAT because I already proven the Law million + times so Im good with the LAW, I now spend more time focusing on what I truly want? And I find my attention going towards emotions more than specific experience, since I know that emotions will draw to themselves that which is equal to them.
By their fruits you will know them. - type of thing.

Comfy tune, message from Higher Self
>What do you think this means?
you decide what it means
>modern Norse larping intensifies.
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Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.
/loa/ is over.
Lilanon is gone.
Post count is reduced.
Turns out he was probably posting anonymously too.
>Lilanon is gone
if anything, /LoA/ has just started in that case
Curious, how did you practice? Any pre-requisites for you before you can imagine properly or do you have some specific things you like to focus on, like colors, touch, sounds, etc?
turns out that /loa/ was filled with both ironic and unironic trolls from the sharty who made fun of the likes of mr vampire, failure momma boy, and the 'how get gf' rest for like seven months or so, and since the last months they have been leaving one by one because its only funny the first five thousand times
OP of >>38978938 here, how do I manifest my friend finding out his wife is cheating on him? This was suggested to me within the thread and I’m struggling to come up with a scenario.
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First, you sound epically retarded if your only proofs about that cheating are "muh readings" and "muh gay feelings".
Second, your retardness is confirmed when you can't script/imagine something as basic as him telling you that he found out his wife was cheating on him. Pretty sure you're trapped fantasying like a retard about how she would caught her and other retarded fanfics about the how instead of just going for him telling you that it happened or anything else that shows that it happened not mattering how it happened.
Third, if you do anything to force or manifest that and you have absolutely no certain, "real" proof apart from "I feel it in my marshmallows and my sister felt it too", you would be manifesting her wife cheating on him AND then him discovering it. Do with that info whatever you want to, retard.
Have you considered asking her if she is cheating on him?
I don’t want him to get hurt and am trying to come up with what would be softest for him. I’ve been very encouraging in their relationship, believe me I’m devastated this is what I see and others as well because I’ve denied it for solidly 2 years. But I can’t change certain things, just as I predicted certain school shootings and such, you think I have any control over that? Thanks for the advice though.
How do i go about manifesting a woman that likes me?
can i manifest a superpower?
I've been manifesting opening /loa/ threads and never doing the work. why does my brain suck so much.
Decide specifically what you want in a girl then read the pastebins or Neville Goddard's first five lessons (MEGA.nz link) for the latter, skim past the christian mysticism (unless you like that kinda thing) and just get the process down. Said process is the same no matter what you want.
have you manifested a you that likes you
I am 5'9
I am 5'9
I am 5'9
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>watching twilight zone
>criminal dies wakes up,there’s a guide tells him he can have anything he imagines
>criminal immediately starts winning lottery winning gambling beautiful women fast cars
>criminal realizes he’s dead and that everything is an illusion, asks the guide what he deserved to go to heaven
>over time criminal has nihilism set in because what’s the point in having everything you want whenever you want if it’s not real
>criminal asks guide to meet god
>guide tells him he’s actually in hell
Ok this episode set off my psychosis phase again after realizing nothing is real everything is my imagination because what if we are in hell or some kind of purgatory? There’s such a wave of nihilism I feel. What’s the point in anything in having a family in having purpose if we are God and nothings real. Why even bother with 3D. It’s honestly so scary I feel terror sheer terrror facing eternity here
Me too!
let me alleviate your pain a little

the fact that you didnt know that i existed prior giving this (you) is proof enough that things exist outside your knowledge. this little thing that I told you annihiliates solipsism, which is the basis of many new thought branches such as loa

take it as you see fit
>what’s the point in having everything you want whenever you want if it’s not real
because of your personal experience of it is real so it's REAL no matter what. i think therefore i am. the part where he's in hell is equally not "real" too, but it becomes real because he believes in it. see how the progression of what's happening lines up with what he believes in. which is what's happening to you right now, you're living in a world that seems unreal and scary to you at the moment, even hell or purgatory, because that's what you believe in.
>What’s the point
what makes life ultimately worth living is the fact that you get to decide that for yourself. you don't need anyone else's permission and you're not forced to obey something you believe isn't true. do you realize how much of a godsend it is to not be GIVEN a "point" to life by anyone other than yourself?
>...in anything in having a family in having purpose
because YOU want it that much. do you not love your family enough that even if you were told none of this is real and it doesn't matter you'd just stop loving them, stop protecting them and stop fighting for them? if God herself parted the clouds and told you okay anon kill your mom/pet/child etc, that's the whole point of life lol, would you just do it like some kind of coward? or be like hell no i'd literally go to hell AND claw my way out of it for MY mom/kid/whatever because that's what /I/ think is worth fighting for, this is what /I/ live my life for

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anyway i used to have thoughts like this too. they were really bad for me and i totally understand it feeling like actual psychosis. i cured these thoughts completely though and nothing can trigger them no matter what happens to me, what i come across, who i talk to, how depressed or anxious i am. i just no longer have intrusive thoughts, paranoia, or rumination. it's like i never suffered from this at ALL. it all clicked when i realized that the paranoia and obsessive thoughts were really my subconscious trying to tell me that i *felt* powerless (when it wasn't true). i thought i had these thoughts because i was terrified of "uncertainty" but that wasn't the root issue at all, in fact fixating on that, and the external, and making my feelings revolve around the "3D", is what OCD actually is. anyway the specific way i went about treating that feeling of powerlessness had a lot to do with what happened to me personally but throughout i always kept in mind that it was about the *feeling* of powerlessness. i had an epiphany that i actually did always have power no matter what i remember happening in life, but it was about how i felt. i'm not conjuring something from nothing, but bringing forward what's already inside. i did it all just from my own thoughts.

hopefully some of this might resonate :) manifesting you are freed from this anon

woah did you guys see those two anons pass by?
they were so tall, i think like 5'9 both? were they models?
but (You) are just a bunch of text on my screen
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I manifest , now that I got your attention /x/iggers, someone explain why this shit is being shilled in /pol/
so? I still exist as a bunch of text
it kinda doesn't mean anything to the kind of solipsism LoA subscribes to since according to it Everything already exists and not knowing things is just an illusion
Have y'all ever read much into Jung's Synchronicity? I haven't read it in its entirety, but I think I understand the basis and found it compelling because I think I've observed it's effects throughout my life. Are Synchronicity and LoA related in anyway?
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Hello frens, for a while when I learned about LoA in 2021~ I was obsessed with creating a model of reality (and reality shifting) that makes sense. Recently I took the time to write in full what I believe, and some anons told me it would benefit this general, so here it is:

I believe in the "consciousness theory" of reality shifting, that you are just directing your consciousness to believe a certain reality (kind of like changing a dream after you become aware) and thus, everything you can't see/interact with should not be taken as fact. Things that suggest this theory are true is:

1. The "Void" state. When you return to pure consciousness and you are no longer aware of your body. This is a state documented by many people but most credibly, the Monroe Institute.
2. Neville Goddard. Ultimately, everything Neville preaches can be taken to its logical extreme by suggesting that reality is just a reflection of the inner man, or the state the consciousness holds.

However, I don't believe I am the only consciousness. That would be solipsism, which is a philosophy for midwits. The prime mover (first act of the universe) is our subconsciousness. If the subconsciousness is the prime mover, then it counts as a consciousness, because only a conscious being can direct an intention, like creating the universe. So, by default, there are two consciousnesses, disproving solipsism. What makes more sense to me is that everyone has their own unique consciousness, stemming from the root subconsciousness, spanning over multiple "universes" or realities, constantly spiraling into their own directions and realities. Think of the Mandelbrot Set or any fractal geometry. At first glance it looks extremely finished and unique, however, as you zoom closer in, you realize that you can never fully "finish" or observe a piece of fractal geometry.

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The reality shifting concept of "clones" (i.e other consciousnesses resuming your previous state in a different reality) is not as far fetched as you think, but in truth there are untold versions of you waiting to be realized. A simpler way to express my entire concept is: "Creation is finished."

If you would like to shift to another universe and come back knowing different languages, you may do so. There is no limit, so long as you change the inner man.

I don't pretend to know why we are here or why we were granted consciousness, but evidently it is to experience, so fully understanding your power as the creator is difficult because the closer you get to creator the further you are from experience. That's why we rationalize things like the Law when instead we should feel and experience them.

And this is purely my attempt at understanding the Law and the power of the subconsciousness. If you want a guide, read Neville or EdwardArtSupplyHands. They will be infinitely more useful in teaching the no-bullshit method to shifting or manifesting (really mini-shifting) than this or 4troon.

Do subs work?
>Everything already exists and not knowing things is just an illusion
and what anon is saying which is
>things exist outside your knowledge
fit perfectly well together in the context of consciousness. my post >>38981396 tries to explain that, especially this line:
>i'm not conjuring something from nothing, but bringing forward what's already inside
while also using loa to realize something new. so what OP doesn't "know" at the moment is what he already knows, sure, but he has to realize it. that's the actual act of "knowing". it's not just either conscious or subconscious but a complex web where certain connections will create a certain thought, and if you move those connections around it will create a different chain of thoughts/feelings. and there are different connections on top of that that will change what was previously connected and what will connect. everything is in there already but it's so complex that if you don't have the right connections you can just say you don't know it. semantics i guess
for me yeah because i honestly enjoy them a lot. i like the whole process of looking through videos, watching the edits, listening to the songs/sounds and i just find the whole idea of someone out there who wanted the same thing you did and put their whole heart into making a video for you so you'd have your wish granted so fun and cute. so of course i get really good results too.
>dude..... quantum mechanics.... what if it's your brainWAVES collapsing the WAVE functions bro you get me?
Larp. The TikTok concept of clones was introduced because Zoomers couldn’t explain what would happen to their current bodies when they shift to Hogwarts. That’s the reason they invented it.
Instead of simply altering the larp to say they’d return to their bodies at the same time they left they had to invent the clone bullshit and say both their “shifted reality” and the normal one progress at the same time. They latched on to this and it’s become part of the Reddit reality shifting lore.
Total shit and you should just stop posting given you actually had to try to give this shit credit.
I made one script with everything I want. I find it easier to get in the mood if I describe everything in one go, makes it feel more real, like all the pieces are put together and I am finally where I am supposed to be. I am clearly starting to see improvements in the irl as well, but only with my body for the time being, the villa and the girl(s) are still catching up. But remeber, everything is manifestation, techniques is just things we use to convince ourselves that it is done, my suggestion is try one big script first and if you feel it doesn't work move to smaller ones
The bot that manifests Lilanon and Mother-anon posts is currently out of service due to a failed upgrade from Windows XP.
We hope to resume regular service as soon as possible but funding is limited.

Hey man, how much do you spend time reading it? And how many pages you did?
I'm a lazy guy and I procrastinate A LOT, I have all the tools I need to start my future career but I always put it off, it's been over a year now and I still haven't touched it. I've tried every typical thing people recommend for procrastinators (set a schedule, start small, regulate the negative emotions etc) but nothing has worked and I'm so fed up with it.

So recently I've been reading Psycho-Cybernetics and it talking about how all of your actions are based upon your self-image so if you believe you are a lazy procrastinator who doesn't think highly of himself then no matter how much you grit your teeth and force yourself to be productive eventually you will fail because it conflicts with your self-image. Or if your self-image is a confident and productive person then your actions will reflect that automatically.

While reading I started realising a lot of what is said in the book sounds a lot like Neville/LOA like how your subconscious & nervous system can't tell the difference between reality and imagination and that the key to changing your self-image/subconscious is you imagining the end goal and associating positive emotions with it.

So it says to practice 30 minutes a day using your imagination and after 21 days of doing it you should see results.
Is that it? All I have to do is imagine myself being productive and being proud of myself and eventually I will be productive with higher self-esteem in 21 days because my subconscious will think I am already that? I really want to change myself for the better and stop wasting time.
>the fact that you didnt know that i existed prior giving this (you) is proof enough that things exist outside your knowledge
Do i keep track of my hair or nails growing? No, I don't. In the same way I don't keep track of random retards who pop up from time to time in this world I've created

>this little thing that I told you annihiliates solipsism
It annihilates nothing. You're just too stupid to truly understand solipsism when it isn't even that hard. Everything you understand is only at the surface level, nothing more because you're a retard
Everything you've already created in your current reality will not change if you don't change it. Example: if you're sick you willl keep being sick until you assume you're healthy
I wrote 10 pages for about 8k words. It's a telling of my average day, as scriptanon suggests. I guess it takes around 10 minutes to read it all, I'm already used to the general story so I go fast, but I make sure to focus on the details and add more if I feel something is lacking. I also put care in describing the feelings that each situation gives me and my thoughts and behaviour. You konw, the usual stuff
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>i need this
>i must that
>if x then y + b then c and ACKKK-

Thats a lot of pages but if you read it only once then it's not fatiguing.
It's interesting that you already got some results reading the script. What did contribute to these fast results? I've been reading my 2 page script for one desire for 5 days now but haven't noticed any change (it's about health for a family member)
>What did contribute to these fast results?
For me, it's how vivid the scene i. Idk how to explain it but when I write I feel like I'm drunk, my mind and soul are completely focused in the scene, there is nothing else outside of it. I tried SATS for a lot of times with little to no results, looking back at it now I understand it's because I had the feeling of fighting something to get what I want, I felt like I had to climb a mountain and only when reaching the top I would have gotten what I desired. I felt frustrated and tired, since I moved to scripting I instead feel so much at ease, manifesting is supposed to be fun, writing the scene is already enjoyable for me and knowing it will all come true feels even better. You said that reading it only once a day might not be fatiguing, but I feel like I could script a whole romance and read it 5 times a day without feeling tired in the slightest.
>I've been reading my 2 page script for one desire for 5 days now but haven't noticed any change (it's about health for a family member)
I understand you might feel there is a limited time to manifest your desire, but you have to renounce this belief. If you feel like you are in a rush, then you will be in a rush forever, if you instead know that everything is as you want it to be then you will have no obstacles. Obsessing over his/her condition every day (Idk if that's what you are doing, I'm just making a general point) is not the behaviour of someone who knows that one day he will simply see him/her well again and go on with their lives. Hope this helps, best of luck to you two.
to be fair brainwaves and rest of the fields around us being in superposition is the closest you'll get to a scientific explanation of psychic phenomena.

Makes sense. I will then continue reading my script not caring about time. But what about repetition, do you read your script several times a day? that's what scriptbro suggests
why are we looking for a scientific explanation in the first place?
to advance? we have always tried to explain unexplainable phenomena, that's how science works. not that we're close to explaining any psychic phenomena today but there will come a time.
I feel like studying LoA or any other form of mysticism under a microscope lens using the "scientific method" will only regress whatever understanding we have
Why? It’s allegedly a law so it should be repeatable and universal.
it relies on belief, not quantum physics
So why can’t a law that works on belief be studied by science. It’s a law so it’s universal.
Otherwise you have the same answer to every single thing:
>he didn’t believe hard enough bro
Which is clearly garbage.
What you don't get is that materialism/physicalism is just a limited way to understand and explain phenomena.
I read it twice a day, in the morning and before going to sleep
Never finished 21 days, not did I dedicate scheduled period of time to this. But after five days or so, I went from an oversleeping couch potato to an early riser who resented seeing uncleanliness. My vision of my ideal self wasn't clear, though, and I eventually realized that mere orderliness isn't as fulfilling as I'd hoped.

So I fell away. Unsure whether it was mere placebo, but without changing anything else (no change in bad habits, nada), I FELT different.

Try it. Or rather, allow yourself to be it.
>I will give you another phenomena that is very strange and one I cannot analyze. It happens if you really go into the deep. You will find on waking that you have the most active pair of kidneys in the world. -NG

Anyone else also experience this after a session? It's fucked, I used to pee before hand trying to stop it but I always need to pee again afterwards regardless. Made me lol when I found that line, thought I just had a problem or something.
>he didn’t believe hard enough bro
but isn't that the gist of it, essentially? if you wanna go Einstein on mysticism and immaterial phenomena, be my guest
How did you do it?
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I want to change something that happened 5 years ago and has had a daily impact since then. Would revising it undo the ~5 years of it happening? How do I get the time back?
Why are you so angry at him? You fail in creating the reality you want, go read master Neville's books and then come back.
>retard thinks you will never encounter retards again after using loa
So dumb

>type some words
>why are you so angry???
soi redditors need to go back
You're letting your anger and pain take the best of you, please, disease from creating a world where you're frustated.
Desist*, sorry, I just manifested a free english course last month.
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Is it possible to manifest things that are "wrong"? Because...
I kind of wanna bang my cousin (without having retarded children)
Can I manifest myself into a werewolf or some other monster? I'm tired of being human
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Wrong is only as wrong as you want it to be in your imagination bro. Have fun fucking your cousin.
start from the bottom and work up;
do you need to poop?
are you horny?
are you hungry?
Do you have a feeling in your chest driving you to do something?
Is there someting you want to say?
What is on your mind?
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>Is it possible to manifest things that are "wrong"?
Yes, you can, but you have to define what is "wrong" for you. Your morals and "shame" may make manifesting harder if you feel them as "wrong". It has nothing to do with morals, le evil or other cuck ideas, but you feeling it as wrong will generate a lot of resistance in the form of guilt, feelings not deserving it, fear of being punished, etc. That's why there is some emphasis in not being ashamed about what you want or really, about anything you like at all.
>I kind of wanna bang my cousin
I almost did it, I've told it lots of time here, talking about the cards methods from the book The magic of psychotronic power by Robert B. Stone. One of my cards was that.
>(without having retarded children)
It was an almost due to that. Not gonna put lots of details but we were "ready" under a blanket with her sisters near her and she did asked the retarded "Does sex make babies?" and their sisters said yes and we both chickened out and we both forgot about doing i because the fear of making babies never left and we never though about getting a condom or something like that.
If babies are problem, don't be a retard and remember contraceptive methods exist.
>go Einstein.
No, it’s simply just apply repeatable observations to a supposed law.
It’s not immaterial. Apparently it can make physical changes in the world.
>muh soience
Ok go do it then. Good luck with that
>they had to invent the clone bullshit and say both their “shifted reality” and the normal one progress at the same time.

No, they didn't. They didn't even understand what they were talking about. Zoomer shifters mostly migrated from TikTok to Reddit, and they had many misconceptions about what they were actually doing - so much so that this idea of clones still exists. My post was not to affirm the zoomer clone theory, but rather state that creation is FINISHED, meaning all possibilities and variations of you exist, while also maintaining the idea that there are multiple unique and separate consciousnesses experiencing their own experiences like you are. That's why I put it in quotes, retard. If you want to shift back from a reality to this one knowing a different language, you can, because you are not telling your "clone" to do so, you are just inhabiting a version of yourself that knows that language. You are changing the inner man.

Zoomers have an inconsistent view on "clones" and most of them believe they have to script in time-dilation for their clone not to progress in their normal life - that is NOT what I am saying. Read Neville before you shit-fling at me.

>Total shit and you should just stop posting given you actually had to try to give this shit credit.

The only part you disagreed with is the part YOU didn't understand because you saw the word clone and freaked out.
Your post here starts with
> The reality shifting concept of "clones" (i.e other consciousnesses resuming your previous state in a different reality) is not as far fetched as you think
So you gave that shit credit whether you use quotes or not. You doubled down on it too
You used a piece of shit to try to back up another piece of shit. You haven’t learnt any languages by shifting your inner man. Just stop larping.
>read Neville before you shit-fling at me
You can’t just say Mecille and “creation is finished” when not one bit of your shit was asi by Neville.
You sure are. You make a useless state,entof your own and then try to back it up with something unrelated.
>freaked out
No I said your post is shit. Now i’m saying all your posts are shit, you are pretending to be another guru.
You can’t just say Neville and “creation is finished” when not one bit of your shit was by Neville,
Corrected the typos. Did I mention that >>38986387 is shit?
>So you gave that shit credit whether you use quotes or not. You doubled down on it too
I briefly explained in parentheses what I meant and elaborated in the second post. Nowhere did I say that Reddit/TikTok zoomers' conception of clones is good, because creation is finished, they limit themselves too heavily. Perhaps saying "other consciousnesses" wasn't the best way to express my opinion about clones but I'm arguing with a manchild who doesn't want to read any other part of my post anyway.

>You haven’t learnt any languages by shifting your inner man. Just stop larping.
My main interest is in shifting realities. I used the topic of learning a language THROUGH the idea of shifting, which is a much bigger leap than manifesting, as it directly changes your reality.

>You can’t just say Neville and “creation is finished” when not one bit of your shit was by Neville
Did you not read the original post where I said that:
"...everything Neville preaches can be taken to its logical extreme by suggesting that reality is just a reflection of the inner man"
Which is something that Neville himself says, by the way. I'm "taking it to its logical extreme" because there's still a misconception with newfags in every Neville community that you are changing the world, when you are really changing self.

>Now i’m saying all your posts are shit, you are pretending to be another guru.
I have never "pretended to be a guru". I even said in the original post that you should just go read Neville, and that my post was my model of how reality works.
>My main interest is in shifting realities
Can’t be done. You get this one, cope with it.
There aren’t any other consciousnesses that you can reach. Reality shifting is the poison of /x/. It ruins everything it touches with its childish larps.
Reality shifting makes flat earth threads look like the work of a genius.
DJ fixed his hairline
> Can you manifest cutting your hair?
Yes! Creation is finished.
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How do i create the ideal gf?
Also how to use revision to experience teen love?
I wanted to be forever young and be attractive but now underage girls seem to be obsessed with me this wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
>grown men dreaming about a life they'll never have
If you're not established by 25 at least, it's never going to happen. Give up and find a job that can support you.
Nta but see:
>Can I manifest ___?
>Yes! Lilanon said so
I made my own guided meditation/ subliminal recording recently. It was very easy.

First I wrote out what I wanted to visualize in SATS. I wrote it as if I was talking to myself ("you're in a room, you see a door to your left" etc). I ended it with about 20 minutes of looped affirmations in the "I am" phrasing that play as I'm falling asleep.

Then I recorded myself on audacity, first counting down from 100 (I think I will do it again but count from 300 to get better into the state). I exported it as an mp3 and then uploaded the mp3 to my Google drive, and from there I can pull it up on my phone. Took maybe an hour total.

I've fallen asleep to it for your last three nights and I feel differently about things. Things that were kinda bothering me a few days ago aren't anymore, like I feel they're done.

Also part of my visualizing is about physical things. I lift weights so I'm in good shape but i visualize for other physical things like an attractive face and longer / leaner legs. I saw a friend at the store yesterday and they commented on how fit I am and "look at those legs!" So that was kinda cool.

Tldr I like them, even better if you take an hour and make one for yourself
Cousin Fucker Anon, is that you? We've missed you
If I'm giving up why am I getting a job
buddy lay off the sam hyde videos, shits just as bad as every slop out there
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Good to see you cousin fucker. We're all going to make it. With your cousin I mean. Kek.

Where did he go? I always assumed he was both lilanon and a troll anon because he always responded to trolls and took their shit for the past 2 years without fighting back.

Autosuggestion is an attempt to install a Belief into your subconscious to create change in your life. It works best on people that are auditory focused.

Assumption is imagining an event in order for it to enter your subconsciois as a truth that's already happened in your life. This causes reality to shift for you. It works best on visual learners.

There are 3 primary systems used in the mind and body during learning. They are called VAK. Visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

There are 2 subsystem that are hit or miss. Those are the olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste).

Go figure out what kind of learner you are and go practice manifestion systems built upon them.

For Anybody wondering what a good kinesthetic manifestion method is. That would be anything revolving around 2nd causes.
ie sigils, candle magic, rituals, prayers etc.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon

Tell your Anima she's a pathetic little bitch
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Could I use simulation video games for manifestation?
I've been trying to figure this out.
Only thing I can think of are games like Sims, building my ideal house and filling it with all the things I hope to have some day.
Nothing like luxury, but more like comfort and security things. Trying to stay focused on those as my goals.
It's something I can do even when my brain is dead since my job is often over stimulating and I get home with little energy left to focus on these things.
just do it and it will work
if you were a manifesting chad you'd use all systems at once
>Could I use simulation video games for manifestation?
Of course, anything to help you get the feeling would work
This is someone who can't use loa and doesn't want anyone else to be able to do it aka a lil bitch.
Lilanon is currently on his paid leave holiday. He will return next Monday
>muh lilanon
No one cares, faggot
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nothing is real my life is a lie what is the point
>nothing is real
The unchanging observer is real
Our king is not respected!
Let me remind you of his glory!
>”I used to be a vampire but I’m not anymore’ - Lilanon, King of /loa/ 1972 - 2024 RIP
>Our king
Believing in kings/special persons is antithetical to the practice of loa.

Lilanon is just another anon in this place to discuss loa, if you don't like loa, then leave. No one is forcing you to be here. All you're doing is trolling the thread.
So what if nothing else is though
I don't know and I honestly don't like this experience at all, but I think what we are doing here is more akin to making a work of art than aimlessly gratifying our base animal desires. You are the viewer and the creator and the limits/supernatural abilities/dispositions are creative choices that add depth to the overall thing. Maybe it is hell, maybe it is heaven, maybe it is what we do in our spare time, I don't know. I hope it ends at some point, but I have a deep intuition that it is not as bad as we perceive it to be ie. you'll wake up and realize how silly it was to take it so seriously.
Why are you whining here about it? Nothing is real? Nothing matters? How is that anyone's else's problem?
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>>”I used to be a vampire but I’m not anymore
loa is a troll thread albeithoughever
Manifestly true.
Isn’t it wonderful!
Belief did this.
Look man I seen this episode too, and it’s the only one I seen, and I remember it well.
The reason the criminal was bored, was that there was no variety, no one was authentic, and it was all winning.
For example, he couldn’t rub a bank with all the excitement attach to it
See it wasn’t Becuase he had all he wished for, it was because it wasn’t. He couldn’t experience ALL the emotions and that’s why it was boring
It was like playing a video game on cheat code and full save scum. After a while, it gets boring
You can totally script yourself a life that is full of abundant, but trust me, you will NEVER be fully “happy” and that will keep you happy
So no, not in hell
A week or two ago I watched an animation and in that episodes there were lots of Parrots.
Two days ago, I saw at least 20 parrots, the same type and color, sitting on a cable.
Thing is I have been in this city for 10 years and I never seen any parrots, let alone that type and that many at the same time.
What if they were always there and because the book had put parrots in your mind you finally saw them.
my higher self only plays Motorhead
as the French anons would say, mêmepédé
get a life faggıt
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>try to manifest relationship with my crush
>end up with a 3P who vaguely resembles me instead
What the fuck, guys? My best guess as to HOW this happened is that I was using a weird mirror technique where I looked in the mirror and casually thought, "Oh, that's [SP]'s boyfriend". Maybe using third person thinking manifested a third party? But still. I used first person visualizations and affirmations too.
Why the fuck is this happening.
I am also enlightenment :L
IDK seems we're on a good track
I'm not wasting my time on a schizo thread tho, you are
>just make that decision that it will change
This is core LOA, and what you do most of the time- pay attention in your day to day life on what you really do to make things happen, you may be surprised.

Also, congratulations on doing it straight- SATS and things are focuses to overcome your internal conflicts, but it really does just come down to deciding(decreeing) how things are.
>Can I manifest?
Yes! Creation is finished.
You can study the "supernatural" with the scientific method, but most people do it wrong- they find something they think should explain it and shove it into that box and congratulate themselves rather than observing the phenomena and accepting it as it is.
Lol, yet again, rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
>LilAnon what convinced you LoA's precepts are a more accurate conception of reality than Chaos magick?
Chaotes borrow from various systems and a few original things for the purpose of removing the window dressing. When they successfully do so they end up here, like I did.

I'm always open to the idea that something else is at work here, but everything I have seen and done points to it being all us and deeply held beliefs.
>but trust me, you will NEVER be fully “happy”
You will be at some point. What will you do then?

Rocky runs into the problem near the end of the episode, you reference it but not the core issue he is having- he is basically scripting his life at that point but because he knows it's completely up to him there's no meaning to any of it and there is no one else there.

As soon as you get consistent results and realize it really IS all you, you'll be right there. What will you choose to do at that point?

Actually, no, you have time. Enjoy the illusion as long as you can.
it seems like every general has it's degenerate trolls
I guess I just gotta deal with it
literally no general is safe from this
el grand retardado
I'm new to this thread I don't know the lore
but every tripfriend has it's anti tripfiend
it's just how it is
Just report the troll and ignore it.
Finally some good posts manifested!
i told my aunt about this, she said that she was interested in learning more about it. i hope that they too can use the techniques to find more success in life.
So after a small donation from the international charity Glowing Friends I managed to get the Lilanon and Mother-anon bot back online.
Let's say SP is named Sue.
Conversationally say this to yourself, like you're laughing about it with a friend:
>I am who Sue loves.
>I am the love of Sue's life.
>i am who Sue has been in love with since she was [age].
>It doesn't matter who else Sue talks to, who else she dates. I am always who she will compare them to. I am always at the back of her mind, and no one ever lives up to me.
You don't need to do it all day, or for an hour straight, or for 10,000 repetitions, etc..... just conversationally while you're driving or mowing or stuff.
Notice the wording.
it's not "Sue loves me", but "i am who Sue loves".
There's no one to change but YOU.

There was someone I hadn't spoken to in several months so just for shoits and giggles I started doing this with them a few weeks ago. Got a text from them today, kek
Reminder that this retarded faggot's grandest achievement in manifestation is literally just a gay threesome and a piece of bread in a grocery store, but he keeps giving advice for some reason.
Honestly even Neville's trip to Barbados was better than that lame shit.
>"Where the fuck is the gay retarded schizo hippie tripnigger?"
>"LilAnon is gone bro trust me"
>retard comes back eager to eat the troll's shit
Scat fetish confirmed 100%.
I fucking knew it.
You forgot your trip retard.
Holy shit.
>gay retard is still here
Get a life, champ (unironically).
>homeless schizo doing striptease in front of a slut for 5 bucks
It is done.

>wall of text with typical buzzwords
I bet you can't even manifest 5 bucks for Mother-anon.
>whining about the troll
The Seethe is accelerating again. It has been prophesized.
>you're in hell if you can get what you want
>you're in paradise if you can't get what you want
The state of /LoA/ (and of Twilight Zone apparently).
Lol, what discussions are you having related to the x86 architecture
>Comfy tune, message from Higher Self
My higher self or any version of my self in any timeline would never play such a gay tune to me, faggot.
Tried to manifest a good outcome in court. The power went off three times and a system error duplicated wrong charges. Case delayed for tmrw on my birthday, probation reschedule meeting right after, now set for in the afternoon so I can sleep.

The strangest bit was that the clock started spinning due to the power outage, creating a feeling of timelessness.

Didn’t manifest this, but did visualize some exception being made. Rebirth in bday?
We're all programmers and the discussion had shifted to gamedev for retro consoles to 6502 instructions, then to x86, TempleOS, and general low-level concepts.
In other words, shit that foids don't care about.
i struggle with something very similar
for context i'm 5'6 and listen to subliminals for height and affirm (although i tend to overthink about my height since many women rejected me for my height and made fun of me) my goal is 6'4

But i'm also balding at 21 and my har is very thin but i also wouldn't mind a nice jawline with hollow cheeks

how should I go about this??? Play one short scene in my head before falling asleep and repeating it in my mind? I find that very boring but found more success emotionally when thinking of a very long scene which fulfills all my desires (people reacting to my glow-up, looking in the mirror, standing next to people who used to be taller than me but now i'm taller than them)

short scenes just get me distracted

maybe the lullaby method works? just affirming before falling asleep IM TALL IM TALL IM TALL IM 6'4 or smth like that
I do this lmao, specifically with the Sims.
at least im getting results from fin/min stack lol its not yet over for me
is it better to read it multiple times per those three sessions or just once per?
??? i literally have thicker hair than like 3 months ago fym
good job anon I hope you haven't killed anyone.

I've been calling forth my capacity to do anything, to bring wealth and to be proud of myself for what I do, it's still in progress, I'm getting there I am there in no time.
I am worthy of great wealth and will make my life and everyone else's life richer by owning greater wealth
may you and every descendant of your bloodline feel the wrath of the norwood reaper
Some people forget that anything is possible, even if it is against the “rules” that we are conditioned to believe in.

One night I was bored so I affirmed that lunch is chicken (coming from a family that always had fish for lunch).

My cousin ordered chicken and my family agreed to order too which is weird cuz we only order if we have no food and we had a lot of food in the fridge.

My point is that anything is possible, so have fun with the law.
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The strangest part is that I visualized myself leaving the court room and feeling relieved on the sunny street after it was all over. Vivid manifestation, but I feel that it’s done - no point in manifesting any further except for building a new reality after it.

I actually had a parallel manifestation/astral projection (Gateway Tapes, Focus 12) in the court room where I threatened the judge to do what I need to happen or face the wrath of God for not taking rightful mercy in me. I felt that it was preventing me from helping my clients (ie. adoption, school fundraising, AI education), so this fed a feeling of righteousness.
Much success to you from a GATE kid
why does this general trigger the glowies so much?
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And maybe as a sign from the universe, someone accidentally tried to enter my room (which happened at nearly the same time as yesterday).

Strangely enough, the Uber driver who drove me to court was a target of a vendetta of the children of Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas. As she was telling her tale of injustice, we idled at the light that was cross the street from Wendy’s.

Attorney was more attractive in her picture too, so things are looking up.
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We have so much to be grateful of Anons, for we have a bounty. There is plenty for everybody, only those in scarcity express envy and hatred in their hearts. When there is scarcity there are rules ie rationing, queuing, a beurocracy. We are in an abundance there are no rules.

Thank you God for showing me this path. Thank you for this blessed day.

I'm enjoying myself anon. I am in bliss. You can too :)
Something I have been doing and I think its been working, someone check me on this. When I go to sleep I just repeat "My (health issue) is gone" over and over and while its not 100% gone it does feel like its doing something to heal it. Has anyone healed some incurable things like this? Is what I'm doing making sense?
>Kill yourself faggot.
>https://youtu.be/0rKC7ElkTUQ?si=SbJ44eb9FyxoNmuA [Embed]
glowies really had to program a bot to try and derail this general
what do you want to hide from us, Mr. Finkelstein?
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dead internet theory wins again
Well he manifested stuff from his imagination and write some successful books, what about you anon? Any achievement?
you're literally replying to a string of ones and zeros fren
>I'm probably the only real wizard in this shit thread.
still a virgin at 30? I wouldn't brag about that
>my [health issue] is gone
>remember when [health issue] was so bad? I'm so glad it's gone

Good job anon
nah, it's just you
now go write me a good pasta recipe
says the sweaty neckbeard spering out in a Turkmenistani carpet weaving forum
Kek. Jigaboo
If loa is fake then why are you here desperately trying to derail this thread? Why are you here?
reading it usually takes me 10-15 minutes, aim for that time.
Reading once.
You have to experiment with script length.
2-3 pages is what usually feels best for me

BUT, its not a hard rule. Its still a loa method which means your inner mood is more important than what Im doing or anyone else. I think 3x a day 10 minutes or more, adds up to a lot of time being in the STATE.

And STATE carries over, eventually it becomes your resting state. YOu will know this when the script feels natural and you dont experience as such of a high as you did first time.

You can still keep on reading it after that, more or less, depending on your mood.
We don't care, go back.

I found that 1-1.5 pages is also fine but I tend to re-read it 3 times. That way you get more repetition, more acceptance of your desire
and its not forbidden to read it more times.

I sometimes do it myself.

Depends on how focused you are in the moment.

I am happy reading it when I feel "its done". Usually once is enough since I script it for most powerful positive emotion.
But it can take 2-3 times sometimes. Very rarely.

Its not rocket science, its not hard, its not strict.

The point is literally to tell yourself a nice story from POV often.
Eventually it will destroy other mental circuits since "the vine repayeth the hand that wisely woundeth it"

You focus on the emotions and states you want and eventually others die out.

Anyone who can choose at least for a moment, to focus on something nice, can get himself or herself out of any shit.

Depression should be treated with scripting imo (I have talked with clin depressed ppl and just by asking questions was able to shift their focus on positive and watch their spirit uplift).
Most people are still able to feel a degree of pleasure, less or more, pain or wellness.

The thing is to start inching towards desirable moods.
Eventually you find even higher highs.
Im getting high off my own thoughts daily, sometimes it hits me out of the blue "anti depression" or "euphoria" just because I trained my brain to be like that.

Just hits me with sudden "fuck everything is so nice Jesus.. omg" almost have to sit down and gaze into the distance and just vibe. And I often do precisely that.
Just vibing and then small birds or cats come to say hi etc.

Life is magical.
Use your power wisely.

Two things you absolutely need tho:
1. assume responsibility for yourself
2. be brave

You dont need to be perfect or whatever else, but you have to choose to stop being a victim.

if it feels good to you sure thats the only requirement.

I can show the way, but the way is in your heart. So you are the one who is to know it. I can only point at it as external influence.
I prefer to call it a script since it literally causes specific events to happen.
SO story is less exact word, implies less validity which is not the case.

BUT, even if you told yourself a nice story, like a fantasy story or whatever u like, 3 times a day, for weeks on months.

Your life would improve 100%
not that guy but can I constantly re-edit my script and add things to it until I'm fully satisfied with it
also why do I not think to do this stuff on my own, it's like I have to read it in a LOA thread because I feel its coming from an authority
because the emotion is the secret.

Content sure it plays a part, but emotion is the juice, the frequency that is important to alchemy of self.
By emotion I mean attitude/state of viewing self and world/POV/feeling of something/vibe/mood/atmosphere/perspective.
IMO its always better to follow the highest emotion/feel/vibe, and dont be obsessed over details in how it comes about.

But thats more advanced stuff, for those who are in stage of letting go of 3D and focusing fully on manifesting emotional mirrors, regardless of how those mirrors come.

IE: you script a feeling in yourself, but you let go of means of it coming about since you trust the Universe will deliver.
> I constantly re-edit my script and add things to it until I'm fully satisfied with it

THATS the way to do it!
Always remember that the Prayer is INSIDE you, script is a tool. Affirmation is a tool.
Its like the magnifying glass but you are the Sun. You use that glass to focus your energy and transmute your experience.
You can always change the glass, use different one, etc.
Always be flexible, the aim is inner satisfaction/relief/peace/Joy/freedom/happiness/abundance etc.

Dont script things you think you should care about. Script what you indeed care about. YOU, not parents, friends, society.
Find out about what you specifically treasure.

I believe we are all born with a seed in us, that wants to flower. And that seed is our individual desires - the true core ones.
You have to be loyal to your seed.
I also believe the easiest life to live is the one of loyalty to that seed.

I don't consider difficult or easy, I consider "do I want it or not?" because if I want it, it becomes easy for me.

I would say work is not difficult or easy objectively, but subjectively. Depending on one's desire to do it.
If you wanna do it, it's easy.
If you don't wanna do it, is it easy?

Not even sleeping is easy when you dont wanna do it. Yet lifting weights becomes easy when you want to.

Consult your desires in all things. Not the objective appearance of things.

This is the big shit - people are taught to conform to society's idea of easy/difficult.
They are slowly removed from consulting with themselves, to consult with apps, friends, some God outside, "experts online" etc.


Does this food make you feel powerful and you feel good with it? Fuck diets
Do yo make progress on this fitness plan? Fuck million on youtubers and their takes
Do you enjoy your spiritual routine? Great, even if nobody does it, enjoy it.

There is inner guidance available all the time. We are unique in many ways. Follow your inner Path.
Life is an Art.

There is artistry to living Life in a way that makes you fulfilled.

And you seldom find that in "top 10 habits" and other bullshit salesman lingo

You have to let go of all that. Sit down, script or SATS or whatever u enjoy.

And from that point on you discover yourself deeper, you learn about life, you experiment, you share with others, you PARTICIPATE!

POINT IS: people end up going about it long way, by searching for shortcuts to knowing themselves.
Going around and asking everyone (in metaphorical sense) "Who am I?"
But only you can answer that for yourself.

Many corps and similar would be happy to tell you who you are (who they want you to be, since if you are as they say you are, they make profit)
Who would make profit from telling you are God?

How about living for Life that you are, and creating your own opinions.
How about being in touch with self and bringing forth fruits you are to share.

Despite similarities, no two people are same 100%.
You make your own rules.
And even if nobody else did what u wanna do, you be first then.

Answer the call inside you. Ignore the spam from without, unless it resonates with you.
I found the clearest message is that of Freedom.
All else is shit.
People in bondage trying to put others in bondage so they feel less bad about being in bondage.

Fuck all of that.
Fly free!

If you want something, and you consider yourself smart. Honestly at this point, Id first advise you to not talk to anyone but learn for yourself from your own experiments.

People want shortcuts but often they get a method someone else made for themselves to help themselves with respect to who they are.

It may work in getting you the result but may not be aligned with your values.
People spend hours upon hours trying to find a best method to learn language. Shit man.
Just start!
As you start walking, the way appears. - RUMI

Not being afraid to make mistakes is the fastest way to victory.
What are some good affirmations for trying to manifest a viral video for my YouTube channel?

I only need one video to reach 1 million views and everything after that will be easy.
Answer the question. Why are you here? All you're doing is trolling, nothing else.
I manifested you getting ass cancer in roughly five days, enjoy
>Why not?
That's not an answer. So again, why are you here?
Still not an answer. So why are you here?
You're still not answering. So why can't you answer the question?
Your attempts to deflect won't work. Your attempts to not answer by asking another question won't work. So again why are you here? Answer that question.
I don’t even bother reading this stuff anymore. This poster could try to concisely write it up but refuses to for whatever reason.
Still no answer as to why you're here. This is the 7th time you've been asked and you continue refusing. All you do is belittle, insult and demean the people here. It's clear that your sole intention is to troll and make the thread unusable.
what the fuck is this cripple fight and where are the jannies?
Why wouldn't it be possible? I've heard of people revising events and circumstances that happened all the way back in their childhoods.
he went to Barbados, your longest trip is waddling from mommy's basement to the toilet
>I am who people watch on YouTube.
>I am who people talk about to other people.
>I am who makes the best videos. My videos are so [funny, sad, whatever your video is] that people can't stop talking about it. No other videos compare.
>I'm the most famous user on YouTube.
I was just skimming through some of the Castaneda books recently and found a quote that imo pretty much sums up LoA
>"What we need to do to allow magic to get a hold of us is to banish doubt from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible."
It's on the Power of Silence book btw
Remember bros we are as limited as we believe ourselves to be
chad digits, therefore true
weak digits, instantly recognizable as false
then why do I know about Castaneda but the only thing I can surmise about (You) is that your sausage fingers are covered in Dorito dust at this very moment?
What should I do to try and manifest a changing facial feature? I try pretty frequently and with a reliable focus, but I never get that feeling of “it is done.”
A concept from both Silva and Stone is to create a room or laboratory in your mind where you go. Picture yourself in your lab. Whatever your facial feature is, fix it here. Rub a cream on it or shine healing light on it or whatever.
You can also affirm to yourself things like
>I am very attractive
>I am model-tier attractive. I have a perfect face
This is a scam.
The universe is deterministic. You have no free will, even consciousness and our subjective experiences are effects of causes going back to before the big bang. Causal determinism is so obvious.
>t. retard
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You're both retards.
>posts an autistic pic with meaningless buzzwords
Well that clears everything then.
It’s the retard/chimp/champ/buddy poster back for some more. I barely even notice it anymore, it’s like mother-anon posts. He’ll respond to me with some shit because he can’t not respond and I’ll ignore.
Eventually he’ll get banned again.
>I barely even notice it anymore but I'm seething at him 24/7 lmao
Cringr or Cringe?
Always reply to the "based truth, why won't they listen" gay retard poster.
He'll start making cringe little posts, then secretly screech and seethe like a bitch in the corner, then will come back to announce that he's filtering you again (for the gazillionth time) and then will spend the day sperging out and helping you manifest a 6-pack.
Thank you Universe.
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>>39000164 I like the based truth poster now
I kek'd.
You're still a schizo though.
Neville was a drunk loser who couldn't even manifest a healthy throat.
What did that retard manifest anyway? What was his achievement?
>inb4 screeching and seething
Castaneda was a pretentious retard who made a cult of dumb whore witches that suicided after his death.
Not sure how to feel about this.
2 posts with double trips, yet with contradictory messages. What does it mean?
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.
Whatever, Jack.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
Does this pasta keep getting posted by the original schizo anymore or are you retards reposting it in every thread?
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.
god i wish i were rin
Whatever, Jack.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
Does this pasta keep getting posted by the original schizo anymore or are you retards reposting it in every thread?
I assume meds posers cannot manifest reality
SHIBA INU SHIB WILL GO UP TO $5 a token the price of shib will rapidly rise constantly.
Reality is an illusion of the 3D, retard.
man I assume you have 0 manifest capacity and will end up becoming a cook for mcdonalds pretty soon and forget this conversation existed.
I assume that you're a massive retard and indeed you are.
I scored top 5% of math over all the world so if I am then 95% of the world is.
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.
You scored top 1% of retardation.
Whatever, Jack.
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a lot of my enemies keep dieing, but you college kids keept calling us country bumpkins retards.
Cringe and gay.
What do you think of astrology? Do you think there's a mind behind the universe?
I assume something went down inside a apple grove and that the falling apples were shaken by a "dancing" fanged bear, or some misuderstanding happened.

why dont I ever have fun, i dont care about being attacked and shit of course ive got some nutty neighbors that freak out pretty easy. they think im the devil.
yeah I can be, I like to keep things light, I honestly have no reason to live so why not have a little bit of humor?
I assume you need meds.
>Do you think there's a mind behind the universe?
A very retarded one.
>yeah I can be
Case closed, hang yourself faggot lmao.
>seething intensifies again
Holy shit you retards are so easy.
ive tried dieing so many times, I guess god keeps me alive to torture you.
You just need to kill yourself, champ.
>where are the jannies?
Tonguing your anus, probably.
not doing your job for you. haha, ill be alive to torture you for the rest of yours tho. mwahahaha
Gay and cringe.
wee woo, doop dip bop, beep. yup, I can be pretty cringe.
Cringe, gay and retarded.
I'm so close to just giving up, bros...
Have faith, son.
God has a plan for you. The Universe is aligning to grant you your burger.
>$5 shib
>before doge
Nigga you're just going to monkey paw us hyper inflation. Also
>not having a baggie of apu and knowing it is done
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I'm manifesting a world where LoA works and isn't a cope.
Perhaps if we all do this we can change reality.
I assume something went down inside a apple grove and that the falling apples were shaken by a "dancing" fanged bear, or some misuderstanding happened.

why dont I ever have fun, i dont care about being attacked and shit of course ive got some nutty neighbors that freak out pretty easy. they think im the devil.
I assume you're extremely retarded, champ.
I've always seen this stuff as bullshit but after watching parkour civilization I realized I am the noob doing the 1 block jump for chicken and not the 1 block vertical for esoteric knowledge so I think I'll finally try this out for once
Things have escalated badly. His family is getting professional help. They are in a worse situation then they were before and they will continue to deteriorate. He will punish those who helped him.
glowies really had to program a bot to try and derail this general
>glowniggers are out to prevent us from ordering chicken and going to Barbados
We have to fight back bros.
It multitasks too.
I manifested your weak little brain getting infected by my shit and sending down the pipe cancer to all your organs in two days. You relatives will also die from this particular form of contagious cancer.
Kek, you're done nigger.
Say goodbye to mommy.
>seething intensifies yet again
It has been prophesized.
Holy shit.
How did you realize that I am LilAnon and Mother-anon, genius?
Your low quality posts and non-stop posting?
Your even lower quality posts and non-stop posting suggests that you're actually LilAnon then, champ.
Kek I've got you now retarded scat fetishist.
>he still believes in glowies while having loa knowledge
Also meds.
Based UL poster.

Casteneda got traditional training in shaminism. It's boring as fuck since it involves tripping on drugs in the forest and desert. He was told to spread the teaching around by his master don Juan. Castaneda was a phd by this time and knew how to write scientific papers.

He decided to spread Don juans teachings through the same system that his mentors did. Through story rather than direct tranmission or lessons.

Hes been debunked because he buried all his knowledge in those books. But they contain actual shamanistic teachings and techniques that work.

You can call him a cultist but all his teaching have been verified by multiple master shamins. You have to go past the story and dig for the truth yourself in those books.

Also his remarks on Intent in those books will show you how to manifest without any of this LOA stuff. All his books are in YouTube and I highly recommend anybody here to give them a listen.

Tldr Casteneda made everything up in his books except for the techniques and philosophy.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon
>Based post hidden button
This post is complete trash.
My wife’s boyfriend’s girlfriend stood up and said “Oh my Reddit!” and then manifested suicide while reading it.
Thoughts on this >>38998811 ?
Empty words and an incorrect assessment of what Jesus meant?
Nothing there.
You can fly but your soul doesn't believe you can fly so if you try to fly you're going to get killed. But if your soul believed you could fly then you could actually really fly.
Basically schizo ramblings of the LilAnon variety.
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I'm manifesting a clearer skin after having a pizza face since I was 14 (I'm 19), I haven't changed my diet at all, I still eat shit from time to time and have the same skincare.
I think my skin is clearer, I started manifesting a change a week or two ago, it's still not done but I think I'm getting a lot of progress.

I also manifested having sex with two girls (not at the same time) while having the worst acne ever and after being a kisless virgin who almost lost hope (no gf yet tho)

I'm saying this to tell you: Don't give up bros, it works

>breaking 4chan first rule and uploading a picture of me in picrel
>Don't give up bros, it works
You still look like shit bro.
I'm not trying to look like a supermodel (yet) but my skin is getting better
>I'm not trying to look like a supermodel (yet)
I kek'd.
Can any LoA guru manifest a token for Mother-anon?
>manifest a token for Mother-anon
I'm pretty sure a hateful chudcoin already exist. After all, creation is finished.
>namefag name in OP
so THAT's what got it caught in the filter
glowies really had to program a bot to try and derail this general

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