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Previous thread:

>History of Halloween

>Carving templates for Jack-o-lanterns

> Scary movie stream. New films premiere nightly @ 12:45 AM EST. Watch thread for film announcements.
cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

>Bone Chillers

>Are you afraid of the Dark - Full first season compilation

>Happy Halloween /x/

>Huge collection of Halloween and Horror related YouTube videos

>Fun Halloween MEGA

*Thread Prompt*
What's your favorite Halloween memory?
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My fondest Halloween memory is not the creepy movies, the candy, or the costumes. It's the smell. The lingering mix of firework gunpowder and wood smoke drifted through the misty air tinged with the first hints of winter. Damp fallen leaves crunched as they were ground into the mud by children's feet; not rotting yet but not fresh and green like in summer. Hints of sweat, greasepaint, and candy drifted from gaggles of people laughing as they hung off each other, wandering together to unknown adventures. Some adults had their own haze of booze and/or weed, adding to the heady mix.

It hung like a cloak. Sticky sweet, cold and clean, dying but not dead, musky burning but alive, man and nature colliding into one. A scent like no other. The smell of Halloween.
My fondest Halloween memory would probably just be the nostalgic feels from when I was a kid in the late 90's, and early 2000's. To me, Halloween is about the changes in the weather. To go from those balmy, relaxing summer evenings to the wet, cold, late nights when you hear the wind whistling, and the trees start to turn orange and shed their leaves. To realize it's getting darker and colder a lot sooner than before, and the air smells so damp, but also spiced with the incoming harvest. I live in the Midwest, so around this time Im used to seeing fields of corn and more getting harvested and left fallow, and that sort of wet hay smell. The feeling of something out there too, where it FEELS more supernatural than anything. Plus living in a small town it was always fun to go off on adventures with my friends around this time too, and feel a lot more scared than normal. Walking a mile or two to go to a gas station to buy fountain drinks and some snacks is different when it gets dark at 9pm, but not so much when it gets dark at 6pm.
The best thing to me were the costumes we all wore when going to school knowing that today was going to be easy with nothing to do but party and watch Halloween themed stuff.
The whole day would remind me of the night to come and it really helped make it more special than it really was.
A night filled with houses decorated for Halloween, kids screaming from those hiding in the shadows jumping out at them, and of course the hard earned candy after all that walking.
Its sad that plenty of kids these days are opting to stay home after having their parents just buy the candy. Plus there are way less haunted houses than before and of course they disappear or are only far away the second I can drive.
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Trick or treating(1990 or 1991) in a latex ghoul mask that had white hair my mom got me at a Minnesota general store. Wearing a black and white buffalo plaid winter coat cause it was actually lightly snowing on Halloween. Going door to door for hours. Had a full pillowcase. An elderly woman had us in her apartment where she made treats. Then it was back to the streets for more.

>a latex ghoul mask that had white hair
I had a very similar one that I had to throw out just a few years ago because it was dried out so badly that it was flaking off everywhere just trying to put it on.
My contribution: https://youtu.be/TXR8-Dqx4Xw
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2004, had a beautiful girlfriend, we were both still pre-20. Healthily thin girl with a perfectly-sized bust and wide hips, with the cutest face you can imagine. Smart girl, played guitar, into rock classics, got me into weeb culture. (If you can't tell, I never found better.) Her parents were rich. We went trick-or-treating in the neighbourhood she grew up in. They literally gave out entire full-sized candybars, I couldn't believe it. Filled up my pillowcase. Pretty sure I dressed as Nny from JtHM. When we went back to her house that evening, in her blacklit room with Pink Floyd playing, I licked her until climax and she swallowed my cum as usual, and we probably watched Evangelion afterward or I fell asleep watching her play .hack, and then we went to bed. Bless her.
I think that was the last time I "really" went trick or treating. I tried a few times after that, but those were lonely, and failed to be Halloween. By that year, it seemed to me that nobody made their own costumes anymore. Flashback to 1994 where everybody made their own costumes from scratch, except for maybe like a TMNT mask or something which you could buy. Now that realm is dominated by "cosplay".

Pete and Pete, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, In Search Of..., Unsolved Mysteries, SIGHTINGS
Dead Poets Society, Ed Wood, Nightmare Before Christmas, Donnie Darko
Goosebumps, Lord of the Rings, Edgar Allen Poe
Cloudy rainy days, sun sets earlier, return to school, break out your coats, rake leaves, carve a pumpkin, check out paranormal books from the library about things like sasquatch, mothman, men in black. Turn on that lamp at 1800 6PM and cozy up. Turn on the house's heat for the first time - it smells bad for the first day.
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Tonight was very quiet, but we still had a few people show up for the stream. The room will remain open all day and will repeat today's films: Tokyo Gore Police and Faces of Death. Feel free to stop by if you want to watch!

Tomorrow we'll be showing a viewer request! See you all around 12:45 AM EST for the premier. Until then, take care and pleasant dreams.
very good
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No specific memoery, just the overall atmosphere.
That autumn vibe, where the nights are chilly and the days become shorter and shorter, and just the feeling that gets instilled when you know that such a particular holiday is approaching.
The feeling that emanates in the air alone has something magical if you ask me.
Horror movies are extremely dark and satanic-filled, I expect to lose some of you from that statement alone but let me finish.
anton lavey has stated that multiple Hollywood productions invite him and his ‘church’ of satan to help with the productions. While not directly stated, films like The Omen, The Devil’s Rain, Rosemary’s Baby, and The Exorcist bear his influence.
It doesn’t stop there, on the list of 98 films lavey’s church recommends, 30 are horror. The selection includes a number of famous movies in the genre, including it’s alive, nosferatu, the wicker man, freaks, and dr. caligari.
Horror movies derive their villains from actual demons, there are a large amount of directors/writers/creators that have ‘dreams’ beamed by satan to influence them.
marilyn manson has stated the album antichrist superstar came to him in a dream, as did early horror writer h.p. lovecraft with his stories.
The reason I bring this up is because I noticed two specific examples of outright satanic evil debut this year, terrifier 3 and late night with the devil. terrifier 3 specifically mocks Jesus by having him as a evil deformed killer.
I also had a niece who introduced me to several distressing horror content, including a very dark satanic one called ‘angel hare’. The gist is a transgender demon disguised as a male archangel leading a kid to kill his father. This is very unchristian and demonic. Another couple of series like one named boosvert and I can't sleep I watched and felt a deep demonic presence within.
Reject evil and turn to Christ.
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Spooky bump
I'd have to agree with >>39043741, the atmosphere is what does it for me. It's finally gotten chilly here, there was fog and frost on the ground this morning and I finally felt the Halloween season vibe.
Your name fag is still on anon…
I was 3 maybe 4. My mom took myself, older siblings, and their friends to a park way outside the edge of town, in a little neighboring community. We made big piles of leaves and played in them for what seemed like hours. It was late afternoon when then sunlight is waning and cool. That’s maybe one of my first memories.
I grew up in the Midwest my first 7 years so my favorite things about fall are from there. I like how chilly the air was, the fall leaves, cornfields, and especially the wide expansive pumpkin patches. I remember when I was like 5 or 6 dressing up as Commander Cody from the Clone Wars for Halloween. Everything just feels magical and nostalgic this time of year.
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Where did you move to? I grew up around The Great Lakes, but have a hard time imagining living elsewhere. Possibly the upper-south or east coast. PacNW is too earthquake for me, otherwise I belong there.
>5 yo for Clone Wars
>i get out my cane and bifocals
This right here.

Have some '90s commercials.
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>>Carving templates for Jack-o-lanterns
"This folder was not found" :(
Anyone have this?
>What's your favorite Halloween memory?
Early 2000's, still a kid, small town Halloween. My mom would drive us around to busy neighborhoods, drop us off at one end of the street while we did some trick-or-treating, then pick us up at the other end. I remember the tall houses, warm street lamp light, and all the other kids running around laughing. The adults on that street put a lot of effort into their decorations, costumes, and theming; it wasn't just lights and inflatable shit.

I remember walking up to one house and some werewolf guy jumped out of the bushes at us, another house was completely decked out to look like a witches coven making some kind of brew in a cauldron - I'm talking hollywood set levels of production value - and one of the witches grabbed my ear and cackled at me. That house scared the shit out of me, but man do I miss that level of emotion I felt as a child.
I feel blessed that my hometown was small enough that I could just walk from home, to the schools, and all around town.
Moved to Switzerland for 1 year, then to Texas which is where I’ve lived most of my life now
I'll probably replace that link with this one next time (if I'm the one who makes the thread anyway): https://www.pumpkinlady.com/
>I dreamt I was in Manderley again
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>check out paranormal books from the library about things like sasquatch, mothman, men in black.
Damn. Definitely remember checking out books on cryptids in middle school, mids 90's.
Halloween is innocence. Pure joy as child and adolescence. Mom making my costume from scratch. Candy. Cool weather blowing through open windows in the house. Going to grandmas on halloween night, for homemade treats. Halloween specials on tv. Movies i was scared to watch but would anyway.
Right on thanks
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Love me a good /hal/ thread
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>be me
>13 years old
>late 80s suburban Halloween vibes
>friend group is handful of kids
>some closer to 14, some closer to 12
>The older kids are trying to convince everyone that we're too old for trick 'r treating
>i snap
>oration begins
>basically the St. Crispin's day speech from Henry V
>except instead of glory it's about free candy
>we kept trick 'r treating through high school
Halloween for me was something far away that I only saw on TV.
In this damn country:
>October is spring
>End of year is summer
>But actually they're both summer, because there's just 4 flavors of Summer here
>No decorations
>No costumes
>No Trick or Treating
>And consequently no free candy
And yet, kid me couldn't help but admire Halloween, to desire to feel the atmosphere around it, to explore neighborhoods at night with everyone dressed as monsters, and specially, the hope of some of those monster costumes not being costumes at all.
Since I was a kid, I was already highly skeptical, and Halloween was -and still is- the point where my desire for the supernatural to be real is at its highest.

All that said, I do have one (1) nice Halloween memory, when I was 8, and Fox Kids had a Goosebumps marathon, which I watched with a couple of friends while eating snacks that one of said friends brought (his dad had a local store, so he could get snacks for free), then, when it ended, we got to scare each other in my dark as hell house, saying that something would come up from the darkness, it was pretty fun.

Got it. I have 3 external HDs so far, but they are full of mainly anime.

Didn't know about that, now that's interesting.

>Don't use SSD
Didn't even knew there was external SSDs. But duly noted.

>or a small dedicated server if you really know what you are doing
I have never knew what I was doing. But if I decided to use some online archive, I'll take your words to heart.

>no hot storage rooms
Now that's a problem.

Thank you for the recommendations Anon. I have already watched half of those, and have no interest in watching Terrifier 3, but I'll check out the rest.
>Kingdom Death
My fuckin nigga.
I can't think of my favorite Halloween memory, but i can vividly remember my least favorite. Halloween day 2008 it was a Friday afternoon and I was in 6th grade in gym class, and a bunch of other boys were bullying me really badly. They were calling me fat, throwing rocks at my back while I was sitting under a tree to get out of the sun, one little fucker ran up and put trash in my hair. I don't remember if I threw stuff back at them or not, but I was in tears by the end and tried telling the coach about it, but I kept struggling to get the words out since I was so embarrassed and angry.

I don't even remember trick or treating that night or what my costume was. That ruined the entire holiday for me, and I still get pissed off thinking about it. I guess I don't hold it against them now since those guys are my age and I'm almost 30, but I wish I had been a tougher kid back then so I could have knocked them out for messing with me.
That's rough anon. Hope you've had better Halloweens since and hope this Halloween is a good one for ya.
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I'm using a Qnap myself. One from 2011 and it still gets firmware updates.
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I appreciate it anon. I don't trick or treat anymore since I'm too old for it obviously, but I do like handing out candy to all the kids coming up. I give them huge handfuls since I got big hands and I gotta refill the barrel after only a few waves of kids. They always get surprised seeing me give so much out too.
sounds like it's time to dress up like a mannequin and 'come to life' when the kids ignore the 'take 1' sign
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Tonight's movies are all weird west, some modern some long ago. Two out of three films are requests made over the last day or so. Thank you to those who reached out. Please, enjoy the show! The show starts at 12:45 EST as usual (about 15 mins from now).

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> Deer Woman, 2005
A film by John Landis that takes place in this American Werewolf world, though this time it's not wolves on the prowl. It's a deer who targets lonely horny men. Shorter than normal at only one hour.

> The Backwater Gospel, remastered
A ten minute short film with a delightful art style and surprisingly good animation for a single person to have made. This is the brand new 4k remaster. A viewer request!

> Intermission music

> Ravenous, 1999
Another viewer request!

A lieutenant is exiled to a remote outpost for cowardice during the Mexican–American War. While there, a half-frozen survivor comes to them for aid. His wagon train was trapped in a mountain pass for months. He begs the soldiers to help those who are still trapped. One of the soldiers warns the rest not to rescue anyone who has eaten human flesh. Cannibalism turns you into a monster: the Wendigo. The other soldiers ignore him. He wasn't joking.

>Deer Woman
I remember watching that last Halloween when I binged Masters of Horror and was surprised that despite it being on streaming, it was completely uncut. While Deer Woman was interesting, I preferred some of the other stuff. For instance, the infamous banned entry Imprint was impressive.
Thank you all for coming! We had a decent turnout today. The results of the poll was "just make it weird" and so I will try to find some unusual films for you all tomorrow. Until then, the room will keep repeating the same films for those who missed the premiere earlier.

Thank you all for coming! Rest well and happy dreams.

Audition was pretty fun, IMHO. There's a lot of good stuff in the Masters of horror series.
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These are awful. AI anon tier
Kek the general patton of free candy
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You are awful, suck my dick
Graphics look like the worst shit I've ever seen. Stop posting these.
The look of it is shitty. Is that better? You understand now?
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you should see the other Halloween slop posted on /co/, it's execrable. The first time i saw that zatanna short i was kinda where you are, but oh man, the shit i have seen since...
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that shower curtain is peak
Are you retarded?
>Can't take the L
Explain what's good about the comic?
Or you all could stop whining about the comic and post a better one? That's a great option, iMHO.
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Aww so cute!
This story is from Heavy Metal. If anyone feels like reading the rest of the stories or finding more of this book, here's one source: https://azcomix.me/heavy-metal-1977/issue-311/

Just a heads up: Heavy Metal is an 18+ magazine so there is a lot of NSFW content mixed in with cleaner stories. This is one of the cleaner stories.
Part 2 / 6
Part 3 / 6
Part 4 / 6
Part 5 / 6
Part 6 / 6

The horror hosts you see at the end are not a normal feature of Heavy metal. It was just something for this issue meant as a callback to old comics like Vault of Horror and Creepy.
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Good evening everyone! The winner of last night's poll was "just make it weird" so weird stuff is tonight's theme! Loading music starts around 12:45 AM EST with the film coming along once the music has finished.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Strange music videos (loading time) 12 mins

> Altered States, 1980
The classic "trip movie" in which a scientist attempting to understand schizophrenia decides to put himself in a sensory deprivation tank. The hallucinations he experiences inspire him to dive deeper to see what he can find.

> Intermission: More weird music, videos. 9 mins

> Meatball Machine Koduku, English Sub. 2016
A middle-aged debt collector just can't catch a break. He's bad a his job, which is putting him at risk of going into debt himself. The girl he likes not only seems to barely know he exists, she's fallen in with a cult. And he just learned he has stomach cancer. And now aliens are invading that turn humans into flesh-mechs...
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Cause he spams his mspaint comic strip in every Halloween thread. It's garbage and NOBODY wants to see it.
That style of art was popular in mainstream comics for while. It's not MSpaint. It's real (sadly). Someone actually expected people to pay money for it and someone probably did because it was by DC
And to think we've had nearly 17 days of comfy chilling with Anons getting along talking about the holiday and sharing music, pictures, and movie recommendations and no spergy arguments...
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Eh, just ignore and/or report off topic posters and trolls. Keep posting comfy and there will be comfy.
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Been sculpting the worm from labyrinth for a Halloween gift for the gee eff (saw labyrinth for the first time with her a couple months ago). Usually use papier mache but this time I used sculpey
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Good point, anon. I'll keep doing just that. Let me add a pic I like.
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Hey that looks really good. Hope the gee eff likes it.I got to watch Labyrinth myself now that you reminded me.
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you're a keeper.
We just finished Altered States. Lesson of the day: though tempting, do NOT return to monke.

Meatball Machine Kodoku starts in about 10 minutes.
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Probably why sales fell off hard.
And the movies are done! The room will remain on repeat for those who couldn't make it to the premier. We're missing just one vote to pick what we're watching tomorrow. If you have not voted, please stop by and cast your vote. I will leave the poll for an hour or so longer before closing it for the night.
Thank you for the extra votes! It went from 4-way dead heat to e a tie between "Mad Scientists" and "Other Dimensions". So we're doing both! See you tomorrow for films about mad scientists messing with other realms of reality.
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I love the colder weather, too. I like seeing the sun set earlier. Mix it and it's a great excuse to get comfy with something warm to drink, turn on a lamp, and curl up with a good book.
Why are you crying so hard, bitch nigger? Shut the fuck up and stop ruining the thread with your pathetic whining, faggot.
Love me some Zatanna
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Dumping A.I. slop specifically to piss this moron off
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just finished watching pic related. it's so fucking bad. even if youre into all that area 51 shit it's not worth it.
i'd post a better one but i can't find it. it's about a fly bride.
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here's one instead. it's a 6 issue series about space occult stuff. very interesting, not always easy to make sense of, but very fun nevertheless. here's the DL https://getcomics.org/other-comics/nameless-tpb-2016/
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there is also https://emcarroll.com/. lots of good shorts, around 15-20 pages per story. this is the artist who made that prince and mermaid comic. very spooky and dream-like. good storytelling, too.
Anyone else feel like the season is going by too fast?
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speaking of dreams, i highly recommend Dreams (1990). it's straight out of the dream journal of akira kurosawa, the guy who directed rashomon and ran seven samurai etc. VERY good. here's a little [wsg] i made from it a while back >>>/wsg/5709724
this comic is less spooky but just very beautiful. found it by chance when an anon dumped it (in /b/ i think) many many years ago. it's more about the dread you feel being in a foreign land, away from home.
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forgot sauce; it's Là où vont nos pères by Shaun Tan.

this one is a classic, also dumped on /b/ many years ago. not sure what the genre is -- it's like that movie the man from earth. 166 pages including the epilogue.
i found it. it was apparently from a horror anthology series by DC: https://getcomics.org/dc/house-of-mystery-1-42-2008-2011/

Willingham is a good writer, loved me some Fables back in the day
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I remember being absolutely terrified of a house down the bottom of my road that had some decorations up, I was so spooked I would walk past it at a distance in the day time lol

I remember that he had a hanging man that wriggled around which freaked the shit out of me at the time
That is based. The decorations now are so weak.
>I remember that he had a hanging man that wriggled around which freaked the shit out of me at the time
Holy shit I want a decoration like that
I remember when I was young and lived on a lake that there was this house at the end of the road with a nice lakefront view. It was always dark, full of stuff, and looked a bit run down and me and the neighborhood kids made up scary stories about it because we were convinced it was haunted. All throughout my childhood I was scared of that house, envisioning the ghosts that were inside of it and I would avoid walking past it when it got too dark. It turned out it was a summer home some guy bought, and his wife turned it into a hoarder's den. They didn't even live in it; she just dropped crap in It for storage.
Holy shit dude
Do you have more of these???
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When I was very young, the late 1980s, I saw a live action, narrated short film where pumpkins came alive and used levitating kitchen knives to carve faces for themselves, then they flew around and one of them flew into a house. Does any anon know which film I saw? It's been bugging me for years. Thanks everyone.
Got any more information? I'm trying to look for it too since that sounds intriguing. I keep getting pointed to "Tales of Halloween," but that came out in 2015.
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Nice. Had to backtrack to make the connections as I'm not a capeshit fan, but, still good, and wholesome. Thanks anon.
Ignore the haters.
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Hai, resident weeb here, let me try this "posting pages" thing.

"Wait, that Anon couldn't mean-"
"Oh shit, he did."
That reminds me of a hentai I read some years ago... and I really didn't need to remember it. Well, this too, was quite something.
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Also good. '80s and '90s Heavy Metal stuff. The last frame is very heavy with Mignola vibes.
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Oops. What a waste of 60 seconds.
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That's it.
Interested go read the manga.

Also, fair warining, while the manga is full of horror elements, I wouldn't call it a horror manga, and pic related is probably the "scariest" image of it.
just the ones in the link, my son

>reminds me of a hentai I read some years ago
you can't just say that and not sauce us up
I guess I must...
"Uchuujin no Fuyu" or "Winter of Alien" by "midori no rupe". Just search it in your favorite hentai website.

Also yes, I did look it up preemptively because I knew someone was going to ask.
Dude is having a better Fall than me
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Samefagging comic book art selfsucc posting, and off topic anime trash for weeaboo shut-in's. Sad to see what you've become /hal/
Nevermind I found them all, bills work is all public domain now apparently. All 200+ volumes, all free.
I'm going to be very busy now thanks for introducing me to mister willingham friend
100+ my bad
You want a story? I'm pretty sure I'm cursed, and not just me my family on one side have stories about a witch cursing us. Every night I go to sleep it's almost always a nightmare, to the point where I've pretty much normalized it, since it's been happening since I was a small child. It slowly evolved from cherished safe warm characters like Mario or cat dogs faces warping into giant misshapen smiles and chasing me like some lame creepy pasta like shit as a kid, to being confronted by demons and monsters I never thought I could even imagine. My favorite recently was a dream that was going completely normal until I was confronted by a random lady, I don't remember much she just like stopped me in a path, and than she morphed into something alike a tentacle monster with so many mouths and teeth all over it, looked a bit like pic related. As I've said though it's not a huge deal cause I've learned how to lucid dream in my teen years, and as I've grown it's easier to see the signs and I'll usually kill the monster, or if that doesn't work I run, if I get backed into a corner, I just phase through the wall, one way or another I normally find a way to break the cycle. There was one though where my family was getting stalked by a Slenderman like creature, I immediately knew what was gonna happen because Ive has something come and turn my whole family to dust right in front of me, so I instinctively punched it in the face. Its face cracked, and the dream ended, and the next one started again in the same house same situation. This happened multiple times until punching stopped working and I just started screaming at it like it screamed at me. That kept going a couple times until the last one I was screaming so hard noise wasnt coming out anymore just like a dog whistle or something. I woke up finally, still felt like I was screaming. As I said though it's no big deal, it only really pisses me off when I am trying to go to sleep.
It only really pisses me off when I am trying to go to sleep, because I'm already an insomniac even if I'm really tired it still takes like an hour for me to fall asleep. So I'll try to create a dream in my head preemptively to calm myself I guess, about anything really usually something to take me out of this world usually some autistic shit like going to the my little pony world or pokemon or some crap. But consistently, I'll be trying to picture their simple warm faces and they'll be contorted into some demonic crap eyes and mouths stretched out of proportion with needle like teeth, I'm still in control of the scenarios but their faces stop being cute and it kind of kills it I guess all I know is it takes a great deal of effort to make them go back to normal and that goes back and forth for a while sometimes, not really scary just frustrating but that still doesn't help me sleep. As I've said all this is before I even go to sleep I've never heard of having a nightmare while you're daydreaming essentially and it just doesn't sit right with me. As I said earlier the nightmares are fun more often than not, being chased around by Jason and Michael Myers just for them to attack each other and while theyre distracted I summon a sword and cut down who's left, only to get in a car on the way out, an of course Mikey isn't dead really just like the movies and jumps me and kills me and my brother. That was fine, made me laugh. Being chased around by ghost face killing my friends and family one by one only for me to get fed up eventually, kick his ass, and squash his head under some tires. Than leading to me fucking his sister out of spite, and raiding his pantry of jelly beans and cereal, love breaking nightmares cause my brain literally doesn't know what to do sometimes and just lets me. Spent the rest of that dream chilling in the 80s eating old cereal and candy, shit was so cash, but fucking with me before I even go to sleep, something wrong about that
Me again sorry about the info dump as mentioned I have autism and am full of suck, and needed to get that off my chest...I just hope that's Halloween enough for you. Believe it or not that's up to you, I couldn't care less.
By the way if it wasn't clear the Slenderman creature nightmare wasnt a repeated dream over several nights, it kept replaying over and over and over all in the same night in sequence, I felt like it was never going to end, it just fucking sucked. So yeah pretty sure I've got a demon or something stalking me, either that or I'm just really fucked up. I don't know, I have more crazy wacky nightmares if y'all wanna hear let me know, I'll leave it off here with one where I was being assaulted by what felt like a actual demon. Don't remember much about the actual dream. I just remember being in a room with a very ugly old man and he was floating over me, and could just feel his energy eating at me. He didn't even touch me, he didn't even do anything. Just stared at me with this evil toothy grin, as I felt my face and body dissolving away in chunks, slowly losing feeling in my body as small bits disappear piece by piece. I got pissed though, and summoned all the strength I could even with my legs turning into wet noodles, I reached into him and grabbed his heart, crushed it in my hand like I was In dark souls. And all my missing chunks came back to me, he disappeared, and I woke up all in one moment. Best sleep I've had in a long time, haven't slept as good since even. Weird for having just had a fucking nightmare where I felt like I was disappearing from existence. Oh well, what can you make of it 4chan? Does the dream mean I hate my parents or something? Because I do but that's probably irrelevant if you ask me.
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> The Call is coming form inside the house

It's probably something unresolve din your consciousness. For example, you take comfort in ponies but then call yourself autistic. You feel it's wrong. So the ponies turn into evil things in your dreams.

The way to make it end is to come to terms with it. The time you crushed the thing's heart was a metaphor. Heart = root of the problem. Crushing = trying to get closure or come to terms with it.

Come to terms with yourself, your life, and your quirks. If you can't do that, the dreams are going to continue.
>Than leading to me fucking his sister out of spite, and raiding his pantry of jelly beans and cereal, love breaking nightmares cause my brain literally doesn't know what to do sometimes and just lets me. Spent the rest of that dream chilling in the 80s eating old cereal and candy, shit was so cash, but fucking with me before I even go to sleep, something wrong about that
Dude that’s based as fuck. I wish I could dream like that. I’ve been trying to lucid dream for 5 years with no luck
I appreciate it and I'll give that a thought, but I was being ironic or edgy, I actually have autism. I was being quite literal in the fact that I probably love ponies, because of my autism. Sorry for the confusion lmao
First step is to start a dream journal, doesn't matter if you barely remember anything or if your handwriting is legible, just make sure you write it down on paper not on your phone. Something about writing on physical paper makes you remember more and once you get rolling and remember your dreams more and more often, you'll notice signs more often while you're dreaming that you are in a dream. Nowadays it all happens instinctively for me, but at the time If I remember, a good way to check if you're dreaming is to look at a clock, look away, and back again, the time will change no matter if time has passed or not, cause there is no time. Usually to something nonsensical too like 36:63. Or my favourite is noticing lighting, and flipping light switches. You cannot change the lighting, and it's always kind of "off" never as dark or as Bright as it should be like it'll be night but you can see perfectly clearly, everything cast in a pale blue light. Also my last favorite from when I was a kid. Try to cover your eyes with your hands, or better just try to close your eyes. You can't, you'll just see right through them. So if you see any scary monsters just know it's better to face them. Also any wacky stuff that would never happen like seeing a rock concert going on in a prison, or going to school without your pants. That's never happened, when would that ever happen? It's been almost 10 years since I've been in school, I don't go to school? Still wigs me out a little bit that pants one always makes me lucid I just laugh it off and walk out that purgatory lmao.
Wasn't being ironic*
Damn I hate typing on phones god damn autocorrect
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1989 (yeah, I'm old AF) recently moved to San Francisco attending art school. Had a date with a young miss I had recently met through friends. Went to the 'Castro' for the biggest Halloween party on the West Coast and maybe the country at the time (although the place was and is notorious for being the ghey mecca of the universe, for Halloween it was basically everyone, as in hundreds of thousands of heavily costumed freaks going nuts).

For some reason I started talking about the Satanic guy I had recently seen on Oprah who I said looked like a cross between Spock and Spanky from Lil' Rascals. My date said "yeah, that is my dad". "good one!" I responded- "No, really, that is my dad". Even though the place was lit-up with insanity, in my mind you could hear a freaking pin drop, as I knew she was serious. the other couple we were with had the look of 'dude... she ain't kidding'.

I attempted to remove foot from mouth and said something to the effect "well, he looks more like Spock... uh, seriously, I was kidding-- he seemed cool and stuff... please don't have him put a hex on me?" Luckily she laughed and was amused and we moved on. She was and is a great, well adjusted, compassionate person and her pops seemed coo too. Timing was odd and sorta freaky-
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Hey everyone! I'm a little behind tonight but nothing can stop the signal. Tonight's movies are on the way! It will start about 10 minutes later than normal... so 12:55 AM EST

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Film itinerary

> Loading Music for 10 or so minutes

> Event Horizon, 1997
A ship called the Event Horizon vanished on it's maiden voyage using an experimental propulsion system. It reappears seven years later, sending out a distress signal. A crew including the designer of the propulsion system is sent to retrieve the Event Horizon. The rescue crew finds out too late that the new propulsion system has had some unforeseen side-effects.

> Intermission: spacey music and... Pokémon?!?

> From Beyond, 1986

A small team of scientists is working on a machine that can access other dimensions. The machine works, but the more often it is used, the more both worlds bleed into each other.
Also it's not just with ponies it's with everything that's just my go to lately but it's been like that for as long as I can remember so it's not because I'm ashamed of like pony thanks for reminding me though shows like that take me back I really have no reason to feel ashamed I've always been a nerd in the most non depreciative way
Lit group of movies OP good show
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Thanks muchly! I try my best.
By the way, From Beyond just started!
>halloween is finally becoming a ''thing here'' with dedicated parties/events/trick or treating
>25 so too old for most since they're for kids/teenagers
>pagan/wiccan practices are picking up steam here as well
this is all going to combine into a horrid mess of consumerism like christmas isn't it? Maybe that's the true horror
That's the risk of any holiday getting big, sadly. On the bright side you are the onw ho decides how to celebrate. Do things your way and avoid the worst of it.
So far the trick or treating thing's out of the bag but at least the town handed out fliers saying kids will only come to houses that put said flyers up so people who want nothing to do with it are left alone, most I ''do'' on Halloween (or throughout) october is watch some horror movies, replay some horror games and listen to the Misfits
>and usually light a candle/leave some food in the woods just in case those celtic stories about spirits are true
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fellow non-halloween childhood here. one day i'll bring my wife to a pumpkin patch and it will be all chilly and auburn everywhere. it'll be like courage.
And the movies are done for the night! Unfortunately I couldn't get the good hosting this time so I can't leave the room open. Sorry guys (limited bandwidth sucks). More movies will be available at the usual time, however!
sorry i always miss it because my sleep schedule is the polar opposite of yours but thanks for setting these up
Wow Europe sounds bleak
Same I'll try to be there next time but I'm jobless and my sleep is so fucked I just kind of stay awake until I crash or I would of showed up.
It depends on what part of Europe I'd imagine, the part I'm in costume parties are quite common, as are events like night walks in the woods and trick or treating gets more popular every year, I've heard it's a lot more celebrated in England/Ireland, it's definitely celebrated/acknowledged since everyone I know puts up decorations/organises horror movie nights if they have nothing else, just not as big of a cultural milestone as say American Halloween
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Always has been.
Who’s your favorite pony?
Could try body scans before falling asleep. Starting at your feet consciously, then move all the way up above your head. Identifying and relaxing each area. Typically being confronted in dreams is an aspect of the psyche trying to make itself known. To the conscious mind. A willingness to listen or approach will go a long way. Best of luck anon
That’s me for real
No such thing as coincidence
Looks good although I have never watched it
Remember that these books are going to be reprinted with a zoomer cover image in the future
Fluttershy of course
Interesting, never heard of that before. I might have to give that a shot.
>Pete and Pete, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, In Search Of..., Unsolved Mysteries, SIGHTINGS
Nice. Pete and Pete is largely forgotten. I loved watching Unsolved Mysteries and Sightings. Originally, Sightings was on right before The X-Files on Fox on Friday nights. Friday nights were good for me back then...
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Where's that anon who was crowing about how there wasn't going to be an autumn in the US this year?
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Hopefully staying cozy
Has anyone ever made an Apu costume?
I can't believe the last six episodes of this series were just episodes from the first three seasons with a little opening skit at the beginning of each. Fuck you. Those were some of my favorite episodes, but still.

Oh well, on to Dusk Maiden of Amnesia.
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i'm sure it's been done
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Personally I liked Death Parade. Short and sweet. Ignore the bizarre title sequence and have fun.

I appreciate that so many of you try.

I leave the room running on repeat when I can. When I say goodnight to the thread I usually let people know if the room is going to keep playing the films on repeat. If the room is still going, you can at least pop by and enjoy the films, even if you missed the banter. Either watch for my posts or stop by and see if things are still running. Whichever is most convenient for you.
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Speaking of movie streams, things about be back on time tonight! Around 12:45 AM, EST is when the loading music starts. The winner of last night's poll was "themed anthologies" so we have two collections of mixed tales that share a theme!

> Tonight's itinerary

> Music loading time.

> Killroy was here, 2022
I am going into this one blind, so I can't assure quality. All I know it it's a Kevin Smith (Tusk, Mall Rats, Dogma, ect) film featuring a strange monster based on the old Killroy was Here meme from the 40's.

> Intermission music

> Tales of Halloween 2015
An anthology that all takes place in and around Halloween. Sometimes scary, sometimes cheesy, but overall great for shooting the breeze. Happy weekend, all!
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>on to Dusk Maiden of Amnesia.
Yuuko is a pretty ghost, hope you like the anime and if you have the time read the manga for the cute ending
Brother I live in Appalachia and even though it dipped into the 60s today, everything is still green, green, GREEN. Fall isn't going to start for another month.
And Killroy Was Here is over! My vierdict? First two stories were good, but the last two were junk. But feel free to watch it yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Our musical intermission is playing right now. And around 2:10 our second film should start!
Here in Texas it’s cooling off but is also still lush and green
>Yuuko is a pretty ghost
She's fucking gorgeous, yeah. Really enjoying it so far.
And the movies are done for tonight. The room will remain open playing the same films and music for the rest of the day. cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

Tomorrow's theme as chosen by you: Horror Comedy! See you all tomorrow around 12:45 AM EST for the premier. Pleasant dreams.
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>wake up
>movie time is over
such is life on the other side of the world. will try to wake up earlier one of these days
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At least the videos are still going this time. It's nice that we can stop by and watch if we want, even if the chat is usually dead during our day time.
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>Death Parade
I'll have to give it a watch, thanks for the rec. Any kind of horror/supernatural anime that isn't just action like Tokko or Tokyo Ghoul is pretty few and far between compared to the litany of isekai and shit if few and far between.
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I saw this one in theatres and to this day, I still can't believe Michael Myers actually has a taekwondo battle with Busta Rhymes.
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I finally got my zombie prop out of storage. I'm not too enthused with decorating this year with it being on a worknight.
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Is that anon who was gonna put jack o lanterns out in random spots still around?
He was arrested for creating a moral panic
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That would be just like the nervous Nancy to do. Kek
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We can turn that into a local bar ad pretty easily.
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>Party at Sneeds
>Formerly Chucks
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Happy Saturday! Tonight's theme will be horror-comedies. I found two from the 80's you may not have heard about. Loading Music will start around 12:45 AM EST.

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> Bad Taste, 1987
Peter Jackson (yes, the Lord of the Rings) made this film with a few friends, a camcorder, and some time off on the weekends. A splatter comedy about a few inept fellows trying to stop aliens from turning humans into fast food.

> Intermission music

> TerrorVision, 1986
A big budget ball of nonsense involving an alien accidentally beamed to earth through a TV set. Over-the-top cartoonish characters, bright sets, and a silly script melt together to make this either a fun popcorn flick or total trash cinema; depending on who you ask.
Derped on the link: cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween
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Leaf piles are the best. I used to love making and jumping in them. I am too big to jump in leaf piles now unless it's a really big leaf pile!
TerrorVision is playing! It cost almost a million in modern money, but we have no idea where the money went. lol.
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i miss the comfiness of MTV's Headbanger's Ball Halloween Specials. Here's a music video playlist of what cool shit they used to play before they got retarded in the mid 90's
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And we are done with the premier for tonight! The room will remain open with the movies and songs on loop, just in case anyone wants to watch Terrorvision or Bad Taste.

The poll finished out with Monsters for Monday! And what's on Sunday, you ask? Well, I'm sure those of you on the stream have noticed that I go by Julia Cotton in the stream. Want to know why? Come by at 12:45 AM, EST.

Until I see you next, pleasant dreams.
Checked and nice playlist. I fully agree that MTV really did lose its way in the 90s.
There was some good stuff still around in the 90's Liquid Television was pretty awesome. But reality TV and rap music ruined the station. I'd say it was in real trouble after 2000. The remakes of Headbangers ball were pathetic reality TV and literally just a block of music videos. Pffft.
Beavis and Butthead were peak too but once they figured out how cheap it was to make shit like The Real World it was all over.
it was a lot of fun jumping into those
is there any chance that you can list the movies you've shown?
abra ca dab ra
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Should make a big enough pile for yourself
Discussed this a few threads ago, but it feels like the last 20 years have been vacant of horror icons that stick. We've had a few stick on occasion (Jigsaw/Billy, Samara, Annabelle, Freddy Fazbear, Captain Spaulding, Victor Crowley) and a multitude of those that falled to get a franchise (Collector, Chromeskull, Creep guy, Patrick Bateman, Sam, Slenderman, Bughuul, Black Phillip, Babadook) or manufactured icons (M3gan, Winnie, The Grabber). Art feels like only super recent figure worthy of being a horror icon.
My best Halloween memory is watching horror films with my family. We had a bunch on VHS when I was a kid. My mom didn't want to do trick or treating so she just bought candy and rented some films.
I was like 10 at the time. We watched the Exorcist, the genie ones, and Friday the 13th. Good times even if it was laziness on my mom's part. I'm surprised she did anything desu.
> Genie films
>Black Phillip
A talking goat with a catchphrase straight out of a 2010's Taco Bell commercial took me out of that movie so far.
>the Exorcist
Scariest experience you can possibly have if you're young and believe in demons. Traumatized me for a good year and a half. Couldn't sleep without a light and cartoons on for a while. It's a wonder I could sleep at all given how afraid of my own bed it made me.
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Here's the list of everything played so far in reverse order. Green text will denote films. White are things from the intermission. My goal: zero repeats for both films and music. Music is proving to be harder as I try for 10-12 minutes of songs per intermission, which usually works out to 3-4 songs.

Long list is long.... and growing.

------ day 11 ( Horror Comedy)

Eighties - Killing Joke
Passenger - Siouxie and the Banshees
Naked and dead - sex gang children
> Bad Taste
Zombified - alien sex fiend
Breaking Glass - Bowie
> TerrorVision

------ day 10 ( themed anthology)

Wait for the Blackout - the Damned
We only come out at night - Lizzie Borden
> Killroy was here
Lunatic Fringer- Red Rider
Dead by Dawn - Rezurex
Keeping Halloween alive - Alice cooper
> Tales of Halloween 2015

------ day 9 (Mad Scientists screwing with reality)

Set controls for the heart of the sun - Pink Floyd
> Event Horizon
Space is Deep - Hawkwind
> Pokemon Generations (Cyrus and Gitratina)
2000 light years from home - monster magnet
> From Beyond

------ day 8 (WTF)

Fear and Delight - Correspondents
Huffin Muggles - Cherry Poppin Daddies 3
Crack of Doom - Tiger Lillies
Foil - Weird Al
> Altered States -1980
Come to Daddy
M is for Music - ABCs of Horror entry
> Meatball Machine Koduku

------ day 7 (Weird West)

In Hell I'll be in Good company - Dead South
Brining Home the Rain - Builders and the Butchers
Broken out in Love live
> Deer Woman - Master of Horror
>The Backwater Gospel Remastered
Ghoul Wrangler - Clutch
Drink with the living dead - Ghoultown
> Ravenous - 1999

------ day 6 (Extreme Cinema)

Psycho Radio - Rezurex
Shadow of Love (alt) - The damned
Tear you Apart - She Wants Revenge
> Tokyo Gore Police 2008
Neat Neat Neat / Bela Lugosi is dead mashup - the Damned
> Faces of Death 1976
>...continuing next post....
> continuing the list...

------ day 5 (Tragic werebeast siblings)

Hex - Dance with the dead
Cat people -shooter Jennings
> Cat People 1983
Turbo Killer - Carpenter Brut
Widow Maker -Carpenter Brut
> Ginger Snaps

------------ day 4 (Vampires, Lovecraftian)

Black #1 live - Type O Negative
> Lair of the White Worn
Creepy Doll - Johnathon Coulton
Switch (live) - Siouxie and the Banshees
> Dagon

------------ day 3 (Nostalgia)

Silver Shamrock Jingle
Dig up her Bones
Spooky Scary Skeletons
I put a spell on you - Screaming Jay Hawkings
> The Worst Witch
Alice Cooper on Muppets
Sucker for your Love (Monster Club)
> White Zombie
Dead Man's party - Oingo Boingo
Day-O , Beetlejuice
Fire, Arthur Brown
> Goosebumps: one day at Horrorland
> Are you afraid of the dark: Tale of the dead man's float

------------ day2 (Japanese filmns)

Skullcrusher Mountain -Johnathon Coulton
Reanimator - Dr Reanimator
> Rampo Noir
Calavera Di Amour - Rezurex
Dark All Day - Gunship
> Vampire Hunter D (dubbed)

------------ day 1 ( Giallo plus a classic)

Bela lugosi is dead 60's funk mashup
>Two Evil Eyes
The Fall - Gary neuman
Rain of Brass petals - Akira Yamaoka
> Phantasm
There's a lot of forgotten monsters from 1970 to 2010 than you'd think. Does anyone remember the miner, Boone/Caball, MARK 13, Mahogany or maybe Virginia? All are from actually decent films that didn't get sequels and don't get a ton of attention. The monsters aren't considered "classics".

Why? They lacked either marketing or charisma.

Freddy, Jason, Chucky, and the other big names from the 80's-00's mostly came from huge studios with tons of money. They are manufactured, too. But the studios kept it going longer because it assured a good return on investment due to low cost of filming making the marketing budget worth it. And Robert Englund had a career for YEARS before Freddie doing monsters and murder. He has charisma. It's how the character took off... though marketing helped a lot, too.

Fazbear is only notable due to youtube kidlets chasing the algorithm for views by showcasing a lame jump scare game that has no gore so Youtube won't censor it. It's all a cash grab from the collective internet. No Youtube, no Fazbear and friends. Marketing, modern style.

Spaulding started "underground" but Hot Topic found him and pushed the entire House of 1000 Corpses thing into mainstream. He's not even arguably the real threat in any of his films. The Fireflies are! Marketing strikes again. Art is undergoing the Spaulding treatment. At least he's the actual monster in his films. Only time will tell if he sticks.

Crowley is an interesting outlier as he has no budget and no legion of youtubers. He's also not mainstream. But he has an entire series in the Hatchet film. Not a typo: it's one long film meant to be watched in order with Victor Crowley going last.
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Yeah, there's definitely a lot that fell through the cracks
>The Man (Cradle of Fear)
>Gurdy (100 Tears)
>Mary Shaw (Dead Silence)
>Babyface (The Hills Run Red)
>The Farmer (The Cottage)
Hello everyone! Who is Julia Cotton? Come meet one of the unsung monsters of horror in tonight's stream. Pinhead may be on the posters, but Julia does the work IMHO. Loading music starts around 12:45 AM EST.

> Our itinerary

> Loading music, 12 minutes

> Hellraiser, 1987
Kirsty and her family have moved back to the UK. Not together, really. Kirsty is finally moving out on her own. Besides, her dad, Larry, has a new wife and wants to start a new life back in the old family home. But where is Larry's brother, Frank? Wasn't he supposed to be home, too?

> Intermission Music, 11 minutes

> Hellraiser 2: Hellbound 1988
A psychologist and brain surgeon, Dr. Channard wants to know everything about how the mind and body processes reality. And he is willing to do anything to get what he wants. ANYTHING.
Sorry, forgot the link again. cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween
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What's some good psychological horror or found footage horror movies ? Want something really suspenseful and interesting
>found footage horror movies
Pick one.
I pick both you silly goofball
What country are you from? Psychological horror tends to vary depending on where you are from. Things that work in Asia may not translate well to US or UK.
The only good one was Cannibal Holocaust. Everything else is lazy derivative bullshit garbage.
Some of the mondo stuff is OK, too, IMHO. Faces of Death, Mondo Cane.... ok, mostly just those two. Literally faux documentaries which is pretty similar to found footage.
We just finished Hellraiser and Hellraiser 2: the gooening. Ok, Hellbound. But still, lots of goo. I hope everyone had a fun time! The stream will remain open playing the same films and music on loop. If for some reason things don't play, hit the play button and hopefully they should.

See you all tomorrow around 12:45 AM EST for our next batch of films. Until then, pleasant dreams.
> Make a bigger pile of leaves!
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10 days until Halloween?
i need to cram in as many activities as i can in the time we have left
very cute leaf pile
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Hauntline for those who dare
marvellous, thankyou for your efforts!
I've had a really bad fall due to family challenges. It's been a really difficult time for me since February and now it's consuming October, my favorite time of year. How can I get into the Halloween spirit and enjoy myself for a change?
Make yourself some pumpkin spiced cocoa and watch the streams with us it is actually pretty fun.
Also buy a little pumpkin to carve at home that you can keep on your desk
Noroi, Man Bites Dog, Poughkeepsie Tapes, and Blair Witch are good
I feel you anon. I lost my job, and couldn't pay my rent while looking for another job. So I'm couch surfing through friends and family till I get back on my feet. I've been keeping the Halloween spirit alive by working small odd jobs during the day for food money, buying cheap candy and making stews while chilling in the movie streams, and watching other horror movies, reading creepypastas or creepy green texts or watching Halloween cartoons in the evening.
Woah it actually works! Howd you find this?
Here maybe this will help cheer you up and help.

I'm also dealing with some challenges with my family and I've been putting in effort to start in the spirit. I don't know if it will work for you but I've been making sure I spend a little time reading every day. My minimum is one chapter of A Night in the Lonesome October and at least one short story. I've been lucky enough to have a few days where I can read much more. The nice things about this is that even when I'm not reading, I'm still thinking about what I've just read and what I know is coming up. I hope that helps.
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Most of my costumes aged 9 to like 15 when I finally realized I was getting to old were all military themed I loved doing different country larps, I got to wear a Russian soldier uniform before the Ukraine invasion now days it would be bad taste
Africa Addio was solid.
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despite being in a warm period, we had a couple frosts that kickstarted the trees and everything is looking autumnal
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I'm late but I am here!

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

It's Monster Movie Monday, as selected by you! And what goes with monsters? Horror hosts. So tonight we have horror hosts showcasing monster movies. Loading music starts right about now with the movie happening after a few songs. All commercials should be removed as far as I know.

> Itinerary

> Loading music

> Monstervision: Fun House (extended Fan edit)

Joe Bob Briggs is newer but well-regarded among horror hosts for his fun intelligent hillbilly persona. If you like Joe Bob, check out The Last Drive-In, another show he hosts. Fun House is a nearly plotless mess of a mutant monster chasing stupid kids who stay after hours in a carnival. This fan edit restores what was cut from the TV version.

> Intermission music

> Svengoolie: Mothra Vs Godzilla
Svengoolie has been hosting things since the 70's.Ok, technically, this is the second Svengoolie as the first one passed the mantle to him formally years ago. He is known for his corny jokes, silly songs, and generally affable demeanor. And if you need me to explain Mothra Vs Godzilla, I don't know what to tell you.
>live in Florida
It’s so over autumnbros..
Why not leave Florida? It's an expensive swamp full of old people and gators that gets wrecked several times a year by storms. Move north and enjoy better weather and les half-naked old people.
We're having out intermission now. Svengoolie will be showing in about 7 minutes. The poll is also open for what to show tomorrow. It will close at the start of the next film, so feel free to come by and vote if you would like!
And we are done! Of the two hosts IMHO Svengoolie was definitely more fun. You can't go wrong with old school kaiju, either. Thank you to everyone who made it out! Tomorrow's theme as chosen by you: animated J-horror. I'll see what spooky anime I can dredge up for you all.

This channel will remain on repeat for the rest of the day if you missed the films. Have a wonderful day, everyone! See you around 12:45 AM EST for the next films' premiere.
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My birthday is right before Halloween and my parents would buy me an ice cream cake every year with Halloween decorations on it. Black cats, pumpkins etc.

I always loved the decorations, especially the big window pictures you put up of haunted houses and ghosts, witches, pumpkins.
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My Spooky '80s Songs Youtube Playlist is nearing 666 thousand views.

How do I get the link to [Embed]? Damnit!

>>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFgcjxxzCJdq4KwStMSCgbBstwek8M1r- [Embed]
Those window decorations are kino
Your mom
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Well that didn't age well.
Yeah. That's part of the fun with old ads. They sometimes don't age very well.
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Ahh, the 40's.
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Inside the card. This was a Hallmark greeting.
A simpler, better time.
It's OK. We can just open the link in a new tab. Embed isn't required.
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Good evening everyone! Tonight I bring you something interesting and spooky from the land of the Rising Sun! All music will be by Buck-Tick, one of the founders of Visual Kei who have a huge catalog of delightful music. Loading music starts around 12:45 AM EST with the films starting afterward.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> Cyber City Oedo 808, chapter 1 & 3
Though nor marketed as a horror series, but there are some horror things going on in here. In the future criminals are given a shot at parole if they work for the police. Outfitted with explosive collars, they must serve the public or die trying. All stories are self-contained and I don't want to give spoilers as it's part of the horror content.

> Intermission music

> Perfect Blue
A pop idol decides to become an actress. Then everything starts going wrong. Is she being stalked, is she going crazy, or is something else at work here? A high tension classic.
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Thank you all for coming by! The winner of tonight's poll was slashers, so get ready for a whole lot of dead teenagers in our next stream. New films will appear around 12:45 AM EST as usual.

In the meantime, feel free to stop by the room any time today to enjoy today's films and music. The same setlist will be playing on repeat all day long.

Until then, take care and pleasant dreams.
That bowl looks yum
I'm trying to get a cool occult/warlock/wizard robes/costume/hood thing but no matter where I look there's nothing. Has anyone ever bought something like that? I'm bad with handiworks so I wanted to get it somewhere else but it's either a scam or unaffordable...
Cloaks and robes made of decent fabric aren't cheap became you are buying fabric and paying someone to sew.

A yard of fabric is 3 feet by 2 feet usually. A six foot long cloak with no sleeves or hood is about 3 yards. 6 yards if you want a liner fabric on that. Hood and sleeves? Add 2 yards or more.

Fabric starts at $4 per yard for cheap cotton you probably will need a liner for. Decent stuff is 6-8 usually. Fancy fabric gets stupid expensive. Don't ask.

And there is time needed to pre- wash (may need more fabric if it shrinks in the wash) and flatten fabric before cutting and sewing. Conservativelly, around 3 hours, 4 if you want sleeves and a hood. People want at least minimum wage here. I'm going to put it at $15 per hour.

So a cloak with sleeves of decent fabric should be around $30-40 in fabric and 45 in work time. And then there's taxes and shipping the seller also has to pay.

This is why it's not cheap. Learn to sew or save up. That's all I can suggest.
Any clue who the artist for this is?
Looks ai generated to me
Looks like it at first glance because of the rendering but the brush and line work looks human... but then again I can't find anything through google lens so maybe it is. Grim.
Dressing as John Constantine and debating whether I should have a weapon. If so, what?
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John only carries what he thinks he needs. So traditional weapons outside of a pocket knife or some Knuks are not likely for daily carry. You'll want lots of candy cigarettes and a lighter, though. That way you can pretend to smoke like a chimney without sucking on plastic all night or getting cancer like John did.
Sure, that sounds like a fair price. I've seen cool looking ones going for over $300 which is a bit much for my europoor salary.
The price listed is bare minimum to break even. Sellers also need to pay platform fees (ex: Etsy), payment processing fees (ex: PayPal) plus turn a profit. From there they typically double or triple the price to make a profit.

Cloaks are not hard to make, either. You need fabric, an iron to flatten the fabric, tape measure, needle with upholstery thread and sewing pins. Sewing machines are optional; check for makerspaces locally if you want to use one. T square is optional, too, but good for making sure corners and sides are straight. I suggest upholstery thread as it's forgiving to use and hard to break once used.

Measure yourself. This tells how much fabric you need. Give 1/4 inch extra on all sides for seams. Wash, dry and flatten the fabric. Use cold iron if it's fuzzy or not dryer safe. Find a free cloak pattern online. Use it making sure you leave seam space. Use the T square to check corners if you want. Pin the fabric together about 1/4 inch from the edge. Turn the outer edges in so the sides and bottom don't get ragged. That's what the 1/4 inch is for along sides and bottom. Sew it together, remove pins, done.

Pro tip: Don't get too fancy on a first project. Keep it simple and clean. Less seams means easier. Pockets, sleeves, hoods, arm holes and other extras make it harder.
very cool

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