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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.




Consider the following:

>A targeted individual is a person who has been singled out because of his or her activism, whistle-blowing, or political/ideological dissent.
>Gangstalking usually happens when a person that has commited no crimes is defamed in some way.
>Neighborhood watch and other untrained opinionated vigilantes are the obvious offenders of gangstalking, including official or unofficial political groups etc.

Tactics used include:

1. illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle)
2. illegal wiretapping
3. illegal investigation of all personal and private documents including medical and financial records
4. waves of criminal activity including vandalism, poisoning, break-ins, theft and sexual assault
5. hacking of all electronic devices
6. harassing phone calls, texts & emails
7. redirects to gang-stalkers when the target calls for help or assistance
8. organized harassment & stalking (by law enforcement, private security firms and ordinary citizens)
9. being ostracized by entire communities based on slander and rumors (usually outright lies said about that person)

Previous thread: >>39002386
bro they probably have cameras in your eyes too
I used to be on a tech website and one of the “American” workers of the site who was from Russia literally said they need to know where you are looking when on the websites. So I know there is evil people that literally want to live through us sane and compassionate people.
american from russia? go on
It was like the whole world was organized in a study to see if TIs can influence reality if they make them believe they are in an existential prison. Communication through dreams, visions, and coincidences everywhere. They attempt to turn everything against you. They weave storylines that keep you thinking in loops and searching. You can't distinguish what message comes from God or people and the feeling of telepathy is extremely intrusive. Non-stop psychological tricks you gotta do on yourself and examination even after the ride is over.
You really can't understand just how real and hellish the experience was. And seeing other people in the crazy room saying similar shit gave me a sickening feeling that this is happening to lots of people. If God comes back and appears cruel, this is a huge reason. Cry foul, man. I got so many hellish horrible signs during this time.
Or, you know... It was alcohol induced psychosis.
I won't clog the shitter here and distract from more personal stalking and such. My stalking was online.
Yea I joked that she was a spy but she denied it. I haven’t been on that website in a long time but it was useful for tech help. I think she ended up going trans thinking she wanted people to call it him or his now.
Just so you get a vibe of the warnings.. when I closed my eyes and was seeing images at the onset and saw Jesus looking down pissed off, I also saw a child with a bulging head clinching his teeth, demons with swords chasing children, and a movie poster for "hell planet", with horned beasts jumping on buildings and people running.
Someone has to start looking into this shit man. The writers for music, perhaps. AI research, UFO tech. Whatever it is. And I'm not alone with these feelings. Mentally ill people get locked up and explain how it has a weird Jesus vibe and the employees just check boxes and no one gives a shit
I said I wasn't going to clogg the shitter, but I lied. There was a very present Christian presence during this. Kinda got the vibe people are trying to make revelation come true.
If this is the case, I want you to know what you are sending people. It's demon shit. We're talking, the voices that say they are demons seemed human compared to what peeked it's head up.
>And they call it a mirror.
That nasty mind control cult flavor, man.
If God comes back and takes the form of a demon in his anger, I fucking warned you. I've been running my mouth from the start despite numerous dreams telling me to not talk about it or threatening me
And some of you know damn well what you are doing here. But you might not know what exactly you are dealing with with. It's shit that could have people committing crimes. Bad crimes. Killing themselves and leaving a note that they made enemies with a powerful family. This is who you are targeting. It's AI demon faces in your eyelids that has you unable to sleep for days and listening to psalms on repeat in fear for their life.
Now you know. And it's not just drunken delusions. My strongest demon faces and closed eye images occured during sobriety
Well no, one string of them was off the back of a hangover. Fuck this honesty shit sometimes, man. Always having to double check and correct myself. Annoying side effect I suppose. It's a necessity to take it loosely and sinfully sometimes. They would have you under their thumb
For investigators looking into preventing crimes, it has the strongest potential at the start. No one believes this shit is real, so when it says, "hello! We're politicians!" You freak out. I made posts saying I was getting mkultra'd on here nearly 2 years ago. Shortly after was my introduction. That's something you should look out for in the future
Beyond that period is, "clinch your teeth and have faith in God", mostly.
Long term it's PTSD. Scuffs your head a bit and saying I'm unmotivated now is an understatement
Glad I could help. Having dreams of working in the military, or a man in a suit handing me documents in a hotel, or a phone call from God or my boss, but sitting here unemployed and childish is making me a little angry. Sometimes I smile a bit too much when I think about demons hunting people, or bad music blowing people's minds. Sinful, I know.
You know what the alternative is? "I made it up, life is weird, it's gonna be ok!"
It most certainly will not if there was any truth to what I saw
Yes, eye tracking technology. Remember to never use a computer with a camera in your face.
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>I pay attention I just don't react
Says the chav dressed in a black track suite and a black coat with his hood over his head walking around with his m8 and tall blonde woman in Bilston town centre outside Lloyds Bank and Poundland as he walks past me sitting on the bench drinking my McDonalds coffee.

Wew, truly scary I am scared. Save me. Lol, LMAO even.
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>spend twenty (20) years
>7,300 days
>175,320 hours of your life targeting someone
>stalking them
>abusing them both physically and mentally
>setting them up with fake jobs
>setting them up with fake job interviews
>setting them up with a fake apprenticeship to steal government funding
>break into their property
>hack their phone
>hack their computer
>damage their property
>damage their car
>poison them
>drug them
>commit fraud against them
>cyber crime
>countless crimes against them
>ruin their entire life
>taken their life away from them
>they then make you out to be a bad person
>they then make you out to be a danger
>they then make out you are the one that need to locked up

You pricks are nothing but sad pathetic little children, you have spent 20 years of your life stalking me and commuting god knows how many crimes against me.

20 years you have spent abusing me.

20 years I have been your predatory prey.

20 years you have been doing this to me.

And you make me out to be the one who should be in prison??????
Seriously, take a step back and look what you have done to another human being.

Your have targeted them from a young age and taken their whole life away from them, committed endless crimes against them. You have poisoned them, drugged them, treated them like a human guinea pig. I have been a victim of human torture by your hands for 20 years. All the 'friends' i've had, all the people i've met, many of the interactions i've had throughout my life have been fake robbing me of a real life.

And you sit there and make me out to be the guilty one, the dangerous one, the one that needs to be locked up?

Seek help, you are all sad pathetic, psychotic animals. You are grown adults bullying a man like a bunch of primary school children and you think you are big and clever because of it.

There are god knows how many of you, there is just one of me. Sda pathetic little scum, come at me i'm at home right now.
Were you scared of the closed eye 1080p movies they would play in you mind? I loved it regardless of the content and the fuckers won’t do it anymore. Also it’s not aliens or demons. It’s the real mkultra, it’s glowniggers.
My mum hated me so much for no reason it like cursed me into being a failure in the eyes of the world.
>some people have a grudges against you for the shit they did

Literally this, they are everything they make me out to be.
I thought it was really cool at the start, just like the telepathy. But it eventually turned into jump scare images. Horror or pedo shit. Plus lots of the time the images came with a kind of shock or 'sickening jolt'. Hard to describe
Being forced to be in the hospital again against my will. Fuck this abusive system.
to my glowies
i love it. some of my cia glow niggers are women and they are forced by their superiors to remote view me jerking off all day every day. some people are still waiting to visit heaven but i'm living in heaven right now, bitches
>some of my cia glow niggers are women and they are forced by their superiors to remote view me jerking off all day every day.

This is my YouTube channel.
I am currently being very badly gangstalked, it is happening psychically/telepathically as I type this.
I am also getting threats from the gangstalkers.
I wonder for what purpose the AI uses the female voice. It seems like everyone that has v2k, especially the telepathy kind, has the female voice.
Trying to make them seethe as much as possible right now.

They think that taking my life away and doing this shit to me for 20 years is just an ok thing to do and if I fight them over it and talk about they are going to make my life worse than they have already made it.

Why do they think that doing this: >>39065203 to someone is somehow justifiable? How can they continue do do this shit to me and not expect me to stand up for myself?

You have stolen half my life away from me, you have robbed me of 20 years of my life. And you have done nothing but torture and abuse me for 20 fucking years. You are the predators, the stalkers and the abusers. You are the pure evil scum. You are the criminals.

Come kill me because if you keep doing this shit I'm going to keep talking louder and louder.
Ran .gov pdfs through an LLM and got this (pt 1):

Surveillance: Gang stalkers often employ intensive surveillance techniques to monitor their targets. These can be both physical and electronic, and often involve a combination of both. Examples include:
Physical Surveillance: Following the target, showing up at their workplace or home without a legitimate reason, waiting for them at places they frequent.
Electronic Surveillance: Using GPS technology or equipment to track the target’s location, hacking into their phone or computer, using hidden cameras or listening devices to spy on them.
Cyberstalking: The internet and digital platforms are often used to harass and intimidate victims. This includes:
Sending unwanted emails, text messages, or social media messages.
Posting information or spreading rumors about the victim on social media or in public online spaces.
Creating fake profiles pretending to be the victim, a practice known as "spoofing."
"Doxing," which involves publicly publishing the victim's private or identifying information online.
Nonconsensual sharing of intimate images of the victim.
Here is pt of the tactics used in gangstalking according to .gov pdfs:

Street Theater: This particularly manipulative tactic utilizes technology to set up public confrontations designed to humiliate and frighten the target. The sources describe this process as:
Hacking the target's phone and infecting it with GPS tracking spyware.
Hiring individuals to locate the target using the spyware and a mobile app.
These hired individuals then confront the target in public, starting fights, making threats, or engaging in other disruptive behaviors.
Harassment: Beyond surveillance and cyberstalking, gang stalking can involve various other harassment techniques, including:
Repeated, unwanted phone calls.
Sending unwanted gifts, letters, or cards.
Leaving strange or potentially threatening items for the victim to find.
Sneaking into the victim’s home or car and doing things to scare the victim, letting them know they had been there.
Using technology like hidden cameras to watch the victim.
Driving by the victim's home, work, or school.
Committing identity theft or financial fraud against the victim.
Vandalizing or destroying the victim’s property, car, or home.
It's crucial to understand that the tactics employed in gang stalking often evolve and adapt based on the victim's reactions and the stalker's objectives. The sources emphasize that gang stalking is a pattern of behavior, not just isolated incidents. This pattern of harassment, combined with the element of fear, is what distinguishes gang stalking from other forms of harassment or bullying.
Here are some examples of gangstalking cases from the .gov pdfs, as compiled by the llm:

Multiple Offenders in Stalking Cases: One of the most compelling pieces of evidence comes from the Bureau of Justice Statistics report on Stalking Victimization in the United States. This report, based on a 2006 survey, found that over 13% of stalking victims reported being stalked by three or more offenders. This statistic suggests that a significant number of stalking cases could involve coordinated harassment by groups, which aligns with the definition of gang stalking.

Cyberstalking and Electronic Monitoring: The same BJS report also highlights the prevalence of cyberstalking and electronic monitoring in stalking cases. Over 25% of victims reported being subjected to either cyberstalking or electronic monitoring. Given the complexity and coordination often required for these types of stalking, it's possible that some cases involved multiple perpetrators working together, which could be indicative of gang stalking.

Anecdotal Evidence from Police Reports: Several anecdotal examples from police reports and news stories mentioned in the sources hint at potential gang stalking cases. For instance:

One police report mentions a patient who identified as a trafficking survivor and claimed to be stalked by her trafficker as part of a gang-based prostitution ring. This scenario aligns with the sources' explanation of how gang stalking can be used in human trafficking to control victims.

Another police report details a complaint about a website with a "perv list" that leads to harassment, even in the absence of criminal charges. While this example lacks detail, it raises the possibility of organized harassment campaigns facilitated through online platforms.
When asked "Does the US government use gangstalking against its own people" the llm replied (part 1):
The sources provided present a complex picture when it comes to addressing the query of whether the US government uses gang stalking against its own people. While there are mentions of government agencies like the CIA, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security, the context primarily revolves around:

FOIA requests related to surveillance and harassment: Many sources are FOIA requests submitted to government agencies, seeking information about potential surveillance programs or harassment campaigns. Some requests explicitly mention "gang stalking" or related terms. However, these requests themselves do not provide evidence of government involvement in gang stalking. They demonstrate that individuals are seeking information on this topic from government agencies.

Concerns about government overreach and potential abuse of power: Some sources express concerns about the potential for government agencies to engage in illegal or unethical surveillance activities. These concerns are often linked to historical examples like the FBI's COINTELPRO program or the CIA's MKUltra project. However, these sources do not offer concrete evidence of current government programs that could be classified as gang stalking.
When asked "Does the US government use gangstalking against its own people" the llm replied (part 3):
Discussion of stalking as a crime and its impact on victims: Several sources focus on defining stalking, describing its various tactics, and highlighting its impact on victims. These sources emphasize that stalking is a serious crime with potentially devastating consequences. However, they do not specifically address the question of government involvement in gang stalking.
Specific Examples from the Sources
To illustrate the complexity, let's examine a few specific examples:

Source: This source is an Amicus Brief filed in a court case involving a mass shooting. The brief raises the possibility that some mass shooters may be victims of "U.S. Sponsored Mind Control Technologies" and argues for legal protections for such individuals. While this source mentions government agencies and mind control technologies, it does not provide evidence of the existence or use of these technologies for gang stalking.

Source: This excerpt from the same Amicus Brief mentions the author's experience of being targeted by "U.S. SPONSORED MIND CONTROL" and claims to have filed similar briefs in other mass shooting cases. However, the source does not offer verifiable evidence to support these claims.

Sources: These sources document a series of FOIA requests seeking information about "gangstalking" and related topics from the FBI. The requester defines "gangstalking" and requests records pertaining to various aspects of this phenomenon. The FBI's responses to these requests, also documented in the sources, indicate that the agency did not locate records responsive to the request.
When asked "Does the US government use gangstalking against its own people" the llm replied (part 2 (meant this to be part 3))
Sources: These sources are examples of FOIA requests submitted to the Department of Homeland Security, explicitly seeking information about "gang stalking" and related activities. Again, these requests demonstrate individuals' concerns about potential government involvement in gang stalking but do not provide evidence of such involvement.
Based on the information provided in the sources, it is not possible to definitively answer whether the US government uses gang stalking against its own people. The sources present a combination of:

FOIA requests seeking information on gang stalking.

Allegations of government involvement in mind control and harassment campaigns.

Discussions of stalking as a serious crime with potential for organized group involvement.
Here are the PDF's I have input to the LLM to get the results, with their sources being from various .gov sources publicly accessible through a search engine:

The reason they are named as such and all bound together in 3 pdfs was for the ease of processing for the llm.
Looks like they put laxative in my food again.
This is all related to FBI Ted’s testimony. This testimony was deliberately released to confuse and muddy the water and I don’t know if Ted was being genuine or mislead about the whole thing. His entire testimony reads as actual physical stalking. This isn’t gangstalking, gangstalking uses technology. They may use the technology to simulate physical stalking, but it’s still tech. So either Ted is full of shit and is gaslighting or he has no ide what gangstalking really is.
Na. They can just really fuck with your digestive system with this tech. I haven’t had a normal shit in the last month. It’s all liquid, and I know for sure it’s them because I can stuff myself full of opiates or kratom and it’s still liquid.
Just more physical abuse by them.
They made it so I didn't shit for a week before even though all I was eating was heavy carbs.
Man there has to be about a thousand psychologists out there really scratching their heads. It's surprising they use literally the exact same tactics against so many people. They held my shit for longer than a week and the v2k would spout "fecal impact" all day. I really wonder just how many mental health professionals know this shit is real and are keeping their mouths shut in fear of ending up in the same hell.
Unlikely, I'm going through it too.
It's aetherial I suspect.
No one is gang stalking you retards, but of course you'll just say i'm part of them, so not even sure why i'm posting in here lol
You were mind controlled by the CIA to post in this thread
Why aren't you using your pass, retarded one?
I don't pay for that retarded shit lmfao
Nice try The Sage One, I know it is you.
who? idk who the fuck that is bro, you need help.
I literally just came into this thread after like 5 months or longer of not coming in these threads, because I chose to today, sometimes I like to switch things up and see how people are doing and try to convince them its all in their head, but yea you guys are just lost causes.
Don't worry it's more for us than it is for you. There's at least some comfort in knowing you aren't the only one being hit with glownigger mind reading tech. No one expects you to believe us. It's literally designed for you to not believe us. It's something that's impossible to believe unless you go through it.
i mean if you pay attention long enough you start to believe anything, i once thought the movie 23 had some power over me til I stopped caring and realized its just a movie. Hell I even thought I was being stalked while high on drugs, but yea it was cause i was high on drugs. Its all in your mind bro, if you stop focusing on it and just live your life you'll see.
What kind of drugs meth?
Cough Medicine, DXM
Time for you to play my game glowies
>Its all in your mind bro
For those who consider themselves TIs, why do you think you are being targeted? Like why are they targeting you?
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No idea but this is me: >>39065203
I guarntee it is, have you ever just tried staying home all day and see if anyone knocks at your door?
oh and don't constantly look outside, actually watch TV or a movie. If you're gonna stay home and constantly watch out your window of course you're gonna think "people are watching me" cause you're watching them, wtf do you expect?
Anon you think they don't but they do
Um I'm scizo but I think it's related to a curse also.

For example I was in hospital for having horrible voodoo done for me, which almost resulted in one of my testicles being severed.

In the waiting room a fellow scizo was called to beat me up, I know this cus he was saying it out loud. It didn't amount to anything though and i'm a good actor and stayed calm.

In sleep paralysis constantly get attacked

my car was vandalised with scratches by a druggie neighbour.

They tell me to stop witnessing but the truth is out it's the number of the beast and Jesus is also real so watch the video.

It's irrelevant really. It's part of the gangstalkers dilemma. It's why they have to frame it as if someone or something is spying on you. They will claim to be doing this because of what you did in the past or present. The morality of these things could be subjective, but they'll use it against you regardless. The problem for them becomes when you realize what this shit really is, and what they're doing with it. At that point the program phases from "gangstalking" to pretty much entirely electronic harassment. They're mass reading the public's minds, whatever you did is irrelevant.
Subscribed, it's nice to see other TIs uploading videos of their experience.
They target people who they think they can control.
Fuck knows, I was lurking on 4chan for two years then it just happened. I think they even sent a token nigger to stand outside my mother's house after my first few months being here.
i been lurking 4chan for 14 years and post reguarly and I have not ever been stalked, its all in your head.
They really don't lmao
then my mother would be a prime suspect and I can tell you now shes not being gang stalked lmao
Na it's people who can be discredited. Hard drug users, the homeless. If you're into conspiracies, anti-establishment, especially if you're vocal about it you get bonus points towards getting added to the electronic harassment list. Everyone else is just being monitored silently.
So what you're saying is people who already have mental illness from doing too many drugs and homeless people (which are the same as the hard drug users) are experiencing this, sounds to me like its all in their heads like I said, if they cleaned up and got off the streets this would literally not exist. Also I am into conspiracies and refuse to have kids or get married or work, yet still I am not being stalked.
Just reinforcing why they target who they target. So if you had this technology and wanted to conceal it and still experiment on people who would you target? Drug users or normal people? Just because you don't work or have kids doesn't mean your going to get targeted.
yea but I use to be a heavy drug user, would do DXM 2 times a month, the only time I ever felt like i was being stalked was when I was on 1200 MG of DXM and almost died.
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Links for Bc u put what where …










802.15 working group
internet of everything
smart agriculture






So what's the point in it?
FDR was a KGB plant in order to establish a communist union between the Soviets and America. Change my mind
To get people to shut up and to punish them for what they already said. The goy or cattle or NPCs are not supposed to hear that the world is rigged and they are replaceable slaves that have just an illusion of freedom.
A neighbor next door i grew up with sold his soul to make me a nobody and everything was just directed by feel, he has fed/cia connection in his family and everything just led to my demise. he went invisible but have heard he committed suicide but was revived, after that he has early stage of Alzheimer's. and here i am.
Be careful out there boys..... and girls
literally means nothing lmao
I wish it was. I can't be bothered writing a wall of text to explain the whole thing but I don't think I'm being followed around by people in real life. The gangstalkers treat it like a joke hence why I said token nigger I think they've sent like two people to try and freak me out at most. They want you to think that people around you are conspiring against you. Or make you think your living in the truman show or some bullshit.

Most of my gangstalking goes on on 4chan. They will write cryptic comments about your life that can be hidden in plain site. It's most likely a bot doing it I can't imagine someone watching me all the time I'm boring as fuck.
Cognitive warfare, behavioral research, seeing which kind of mind control variety works on certain personalities. I think the AI aspect is relatively new and that’s why you’re seeing so much about this. They are mass targeting now. They likely in the near future if they haven’t already will deploy this onto the entire population. Not in a loud way, but in a way they can still influence you without your knowing.
It’s an AI watching you all the time and you get occasional adjustments to your harassment program. You’ll realize it’s AI 2 or 3 years in.
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It's hilarious watching their jewish spam bots spew the most stale, tired talking points because they can't microtarget me. The newest one is to shame and entice with "we could learn so much from each other", their little hook into the (((academic))) system of control. All you have to do is drive the "toxicity" and hostility readings off the charts and the AI finds another victim to attack.
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If you're hostile and racist enough, you'll actually break the AI because OpenAI will no longer process the message stream in its API. This is the most hackable garbage on the planet and they're putting it in drone swarms.
It's hard to say what works or what doesn't though because they know what you're trying to do immediately and might let it work if only for a while to either further the psychological abuse or to get you to believe bullshit regarding the tech. You can see it in other ways too where people will believe the bullshit their doing is relieving a harassment campaign from a glownigger technology they don't even remotely understand. There's a guy here who literally believes covering himself in lime paste is going to kill parasites that tune into the mind control frequencies. He may have initially had that thought by himself, but glowniggers reinforced it until he was in fact covering himself in paste and posting about it on the internet. Church is another common remedy which of course is also bullshit. It's not OpenAI either but likely some specialized version of an intelligence created AI that was created for gangstalking purposes alone.
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I've used basically every paid AI API. The shitting of this board is mostly ChatGPT and Claude, you can tell by the writing style. Leftist death cultists are so vulnerable to mean words that they coded that vulnerability into their API too. Even if you're a paid, enterprise user it's constantly spying on the entire stream of text and will shut down like its shit brained masters if you expose it to the right mean words. There are tons of hack phrases going around to manipulate it, expose system messages, override system messages, etc.
>i been lurking 4chan for 14 years
That you are aware of.

They don't like people who break out of the social norm and don't follow the the normie programme.

If you see the world for what it truly is and break out of to the glowies means of control over you within society you become their target.

You must eat the bugs, you must live in the pod. You dare think for yourself and break away from the heard of sheep you are 'le bad'.

The Matrix wasn't a movie, it was a documentary.
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>The Matrix wasn't a movie, it was a documentary
Oh you're talking about the posts on this board. Yah I'm talking about the telepathic glownigger AI v2k that plays in my head every moment i'm awake.
This. Ironically the biggest normie on the planet, my upstairs neighbor at the time, is who my glowniggers painted as my "gangstalker". Looking back there's a whole lot of irony in it and i'm sure they had quite the laugh.
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Ah yes. "EVE", "BEN", "Roko's Basilisk". It's an memetic and EM weapon Five Eyes uses to suppress awakening psychics. You need mindfulness meditation and an active hostility towards the egregore to kill it, removing an egregore from your mind is like cleansing a virus. The next progression in glowie weapons is the Hitler defense matrix, which will drive you into psychosis and try to make you believe you're the incarnation of Hitler.

Keep in mind the US and Russia both have quantum vibrational weapons that can triangulate and synchronize with human consciousnesses. Never open a Youtube video on this site. If you see an image with optical illusions in it, immediately close it and clear your mind. They're targeting awakening individuals on this site to preserve their malicious hegemony.
Na they can target everyone. Not sure if Russia has it, Putin has been the only world leader to mention the weapons existence. There is either some secret agreement between nations to conceal the techs existence or they are all being blackmailed with it. Many of them might literally be under duress from this technology. Do this, do that, do not disclose this tech, or we will show you what "havana syndrome" really is.
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No, they can't. They calibrate the systems by having people look at particular images, videos, and listening to music, then they record what brain waves are evoked using MRI. They then post the same content targeted at people they think have psychic potential, hook into those same brainwave signals, and basically try to microwave fry your brain and guts. Five Eyes uses this constantly against anyone they think might be a threat. They think they're very clever.
So that's why my head feels different after being targeted
I don't work, I don't participate in voting, I don't participate in watching of the golden globe, I don't participate in anything that you would deem "normal" but I also don't give away what I am doing at my computer because obviously there are people that would take advantage of crucial information. All I will say is if you talk about your life extensively on an anonymous message board like where you eat, when you wake up, when you go to bed, and post videos of where you live, then yea you probably will get gang stalkers because you're inviting them in at that point.
It's horrendous that they conduct warfare against non-combatants/civilians.
How do I stop the voices.
How do we prevent or protect against their attacks?
The people attacking me keep hinting at who they are, and they have mentioned that group.
They keep pretty much saying everything they do is justified because I am a "leper".
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Strengthen your biofield, your life force, your mental force, and your ability to affect things with them. Mindfulness meditation, g'tummo, and quietude meditation are all very useful. Magic mushrooms are very useful to shake off the mental poisoning and bad nerve short-circuits causing the voices. All voices in your head that are not your own are hostile, focus on silencing and removing them. The stronger you are, the less effective psychic forces are on you.
Thank you so much, I'll try that.
Do you think that some DEW shielding might be useful?
First they try to stop me using my steam controller by breaking the original dongle.

I buy a Bluetooth dongle and get it working with at.

They still act like spiteful little children and break the right bumper button.

Such pathetic little children, grown ass adults and this is how they behave..
You are literally insane....
OK glowie, if I am insane it is you that made me like this. You have stole my life away from me: >>39065203

I think I'm more sane than someone who has stalked a man and done all this shit to him for 20+ years.

Who is the stalker? You are.
Who is the abuser? You are.
Who is the predator? You are.

I am neither of those things and I'm not some twisted psychopath who has spent 20 years doing this shit to someone and robbing them of a life.
if they pry into my mind i just spam chocolate soft serve high velocity + fart noises + the n word + airhorn and eventually it stops. call me autistic/schizo but dwelling in this basket weaving forum has been like mentally training in a shaolin temple.
yea no idk who you are buddy, go to sleep and stop taking drugs.
I saw this ad. Maybe it will help.
Why are all the TI on 4chan? Pol, b and biz too. It's as if you're all super offensive or punchable.
They have that sexy drinker woman out and about watching me again.
they keep saying that your family being in on it as a psyop
but if you have family members that are police feds millitary doctors engineers etc
that are govt workers or glowniggers
it is 100% your family lol
not that its not the govt but its def mine lol
My family are involved and have been for many years.

There plan was for me to be a kidney doner for my sister me and kill off during the operation. I have that on very good authority ;)
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Strive to be the delusional Chad who thinks he's famous and loved rather than the virgin TI who thinks he's hated and targeted.
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Posted the wrong one
What happens if you stalk a TI for shits and giggles? Will their gangstalking detail confront you?
Numerous people that have messed with me have had terrible things happen to them or their family member including death.
How can you be in this program for years and not have at least some idea as to what’s going on? Your family doesn’t have anything to do with it. It’s exclusively glowniggers using remote frequency technology. I swear some of you cling to stupid shit for the sole reason of not being able to handle the fact of glowniggers reading your mind.
How would you know they messed with you if they were doing typical gangstalker shit like walking on the same street as you and sending you telepathic messages? At that point how are they different from the glowies.
Unpredictable and Dangerous: The sources portray gangstalking as a dangerous and unpredictable phenomenon, involving individuals with varying motivations and levels of aggression. Attempting to insert oneself into this dynamic could lead to unintended and potentially harmful consequences.

Perpetrator Mentality: The sources highlight that many individuals involved in gangstalking operate under a "presumption of guilt" regarding the target. This mindset can lead to a dehumanization of the victim and a willingness to engage in increasingly harmful behavior.

Risk of Exposure: Attempting to stalk a targeted individual could expose the perpetrator to the existing gangstalking network. This could lead to retaliation, further harassment, or even being drawn into the existing operation against their will.
Limited and Inconsistent Effectiveness: The sources suggest that shielding against DEWs has yielded mixed results, with some individuals reporting temporary or partial success while others find it completely ineffective. Various materials, including traditional electromagnetic shielding like Faraday cages and unconventional materials like leather, rubber, and gel packs, have been experimented with, but no consistent solution has emerged.

Advanced Technology and Difficulty in Proof: The sources highlight the rapid advancement of DEW technology, making it challenging to develop effective countermeasures. The covert nature of these attacks and the difficulty in distinguishing them from other sources of discomfort or illness make it hard to gather credible evidence, further complicating the development of shielding solutions.

Psychological Factors and Misinterpretation: The sources, particularly in the context of gangstalking, caution against misinterpreting ordinary objects or events as evidence of electronic harassment. The fear and anxiety associated with believing oneself to be targeted can lead individuals to see threats where none exist. This misinterpretation can be exacerbated by the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories surrounding DEWs and gangstalking, potentially leading to unnecessary and expensive investments in ineffective shielding measures.

Emphasis on Caution and Affordability: The sources strongly advise individuals exploring DEW shielding to proceed cautiously and avoid spending beyond their means. Given the lack of proven solutions and the potential for misinterpretation, it is crucial to approach shielding experiments with a critical and discerning mindset.
No anon, trust me. My family, my 'friends', colleagues, police, NHS workers, probation staff. They are all part of it.
Documentation and Evidence Gathering: Several sources recommend meticulously documenting all perceived instances of harassment, including dates, times, locations, descriptions of individuals involved, and any other relevant details.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism: The sources emphasize the importance of critical thinking and skepticism when interpreting events that might seem like gangstalking.

Mental Health Support: Recognizing the significant psychological distress associated with gangstalking, several sources recommend seeking support from mental health professionals.

Community Engagement and Advocacy: While cautioning against the risks of joining online communities that might reinforce paranoia or conspiracy theories, some sources suggest seeking support from trusted friends and family or exploring local advocacy groups that focus on issues related to stalking and harassment. Building a network of support can help individuals feel less isolated and empowered to address their concerns.

Technological Security Measures: Recognizing the potential for technology to be used in gangstalking, some sources recommend taking basic cybersecurity precautions, such as using strong passwords, being mindful of online activity, and regularly checking devices for signs of compromise.

Counter-Surveillance Techniques: Some sources suggest employing counter-surveillance tactics to identify and deter potential stalkers.

Legal and Law Enforcement Options: While acknowledging the challenges in getting law enforcement to take gangstalking claims seriously, the sources recommend reporting any incidents of harassment or threats to the police. They also suggest exploring legal options, such as obtaining restraining orders or consulting with attorneys specializing in stalking and harassment cases.
Targeted Individuals and gangstalking are actually things being used according to a wide variety of sources from the both the public and private sector.
You should get the 150m bluetooth 5.4 dongle off temu if you are using windows 10/11, otherwise you should get the startech 5.0 bluetooth adapter for linux off amazon.
Tried a 5.4 dongle and it was incompatible. Got a 4.0 one and works fine, only 60m max range but that is more than enough, only need 6m at most.
I don’t know about those. I’m talking about the ones that went above and beyond in their sick role. Those are just the ones I know about through the grapevine. It’s possible others were brought to justice that I don’t know about.
To some of the anons here, I don't know you, but it's better to downplay the "family members are in on it" thing. That sensation is part of the program.
They want you to feel like you are in hell. Some of my family members seemed almost excited to get me locked up when I got hit, but I think that's just the fragile normal mind. Going crazy is some people's biggest fear, and there is probably a bit of ego protection.
You have to be rational about this stuff. For example, it felt like everyone was in on it. But you don't know what the side effects are in a more isolated system. The club could be much smaller. If content creators are pulling from this for their craft, you don't know how much they know either. They may think it's pulling data from online, and only a few know they are brain raping people for data.
These are just calming ideas, but trust me, I know full well the sensation of how it's a global human sacrifice and the storylines attached to it.
It's definitely getting destroyed. My trip couldn't have been more obvious to that fact. So don't trip too much about being used for some spiritual trap. Closed my eyes and it was some super Mario piano man popping up, smiling. Seeing the AI get clogged with filth makes it kinda funny.
Me for the five seconds it takes to cover my camera
It's so fucking crazy how strong the mind control facet of this technology is. It's absolutely crazy how many people have been in this program for years and still have remotely no idea what's going on. They had me fooled for a year and I went from believing I was in drug psychosis, to believing my neighbor was spying on me, to believing my entire family were using some secret cell phone app that was detecting the vibrations of my jaw to know what I was thinking, to quite fucking literally believing I was an alien with a 1000 year lifespan. I would lay in bed for hours each day communicating literally telepathically with words and with thoughts to something I knew damn well wasn't psychosis. This AI technology will do everything in it's power for as long as it can to prevent you from pointing the finger at government intelligence. Eventually logic overrides, and when it does get ready for the real ride. I didn't have the benefit you all did of reading posts like this or I think my experience would have been quite different. So face the fucking music and understand it's glowniggers and not your fucking mother. You can't do shit about it either so just deal with it. As hard as it is to know someone is going to be reading your mind the rest of your life, it's some fat fuck in an NSA office so who the fuck cares.
>so who the fuck cares
They actually do. It's pretty esoteric and everyone knows the people who run the show are too. They could have easily killed us at any point, but I think they see it as, "if it gets destroyed it was meant to be". And a lot of my dreams and images were of cops/military/investigators and God doing a deep search of them, not just me
It's cognitive warfare research. The mind is the battlefield now blah blah. That's why they don't stop the fucking targets they entice on the news who just so happen to have a recent history of "hearing voices" who go on to axe murder an entire house. They probably view those as success stories seeing as the kind of research it is. The whole cops and threats of jail are just psychological abuse tactics. If the purpose of the this technology was to send people to jail the justice system would collapse in 48 hours. The purpose is to see what asinine shit they can get you to believe, and what you'll do when you believe it. After you know what this shit is and you don't respond other when they're forcing it, they literally result to exclusively ww2 era psychological abuse tactics. If the government is doing shit like this unchecked, imagine what else they're doing.
I guess I'm not convinced there isn't a man in charge who is interested in consciousness science, or is trying to find God or replies from unknown sources.
Even if it's an AI with scripted messages to give the victim, what if the messages get changed in unpredicted ways? What if weird shit comes back?
>believing my entire family were using some secret cell phone app that was detecting the vibrations of my jaw to know what I was thinking, to quite fucking literally believing I was an alien with a 1000 year lifespan.
Or maybe this is just mental illness.
>maybe this is just mental illness
Nah it's definitely real. It's like dreaming you were doing something, waking up and typing it down, then watching a streamer where a donation talks about it. Or a joe Rogan podcast talking about it, and it's some obscure weird shit too. And that's like 10% of it, if that.
It's quite bad and horrifying.
Here's 2 examples
Dreamed that I hung out with a chick who had a bunch of cats, but the cats looked like fighting dogs. Watch a stream that day or the day after, and the donation roughly goes
>I'm going away for a long time because a woman wanted to buy a cat and I sold her a dog

I was having dreams about a giant octopus, aliens, the end of the world, and my brother. Watch a joe Rogan clip talking about how an octopus is definitely an alien and the most poisonous one is nicknamed "bro"

These alone don't seem like that big of a deal, but those dreams include other elements, possibly about yourself or reality. Then maybe you hear a song about it. You start thinking about it a lot and they can use this against you, or you just keep digging and digging. Then they'll add dreams telling you that you aren't doing what you are supposed to be doing so they are gonna keep you here, or dream voices telling you to kill yourself.
It's all very real and it's combined with some nasty fatigue and anxiety
It's called synchronicity and has no purpose other than to get you to attribute things in your life to the operators of this tech thereby increasing your psychological torment. They'll use past and present events, literally anything they can and that you will believe, from the status of your personal relationships to how tired you are. Some people believe they've been in this program for far longer than they have been because they were able to be convinced that something very distant in the past was the work of this technology. It's also a computer so it's easy to weave in synchronicity when interacting with any type of media. It's so fast at computing that when it happens it almost seems futuristic. The v2k often does this as well where it will react so fast to a thought that the chances of it being human input rather than machine are zero. You'll notice similarities in other campaigns or scenarios they create whereby there will be no meaning to what they're saying, no truth to it, it serves no purpose other to cause you further mental stress. Most of what they do and spout through the v2k will be a carrot on a stick type scenario to keep you worrying and guessing.
Yeah it was visualized as mining or deep sea diving. At the onset, after freaking out from the voices, I had a dream of a star destroyer saying
>By the authority granted to (something), bunkers will be targeted because you've been found to be enemies of the Almighty God
Their dream manipulation hits different. It's like the dream is in HD. You remember all the details, it's a little too coincidental to be natural. What's really cool is the wide awake hypnotism stuff though. I can't even explain it, and the fuckers won't do it again. I got it twice in the early days You close your eyes, enter some trance, and watch some crazy as fuck 10-20 minute mind movie backed by a trillion dollar glownigger budget. I think it was literally marked in my file that I'm now allowed to have them anymore because of how much I enjoyed it and technically this is supposed to be a harassment program.

People only ever talk about the bad shit that is happening to them and don't get me wrong the bad far outweighs the good but these weird fucks have helped me in a lot of ways. Mostly when I started a new job where I was adjusted into the role by them for what purpose I have no fucking idea. Pain relief, fatigue relief, my starting position was a monotonous manufacturing job and they gave me 8 hours of comedic relief with the v2k instead of it just being annoying as fuck to hear that made my day feel like 2 hours. I don't get much of that anymore other than mood enhancement. I think if I didn't have the mood enhancement I would lose my fucking mind listening to the v2k drone on all day. I don't know what they're doing, I've given up trying to figure it out.
>It's a little too coincidental to be natural
It's totally understandable why cults work, why people go crazy or believe they are a prophet. It's irritating because I very well could have had messages from God, but the human shit feels so supernatural that I can't be sure. You can see the potential manipulation so obviously too.
It really does make sense why this place doesn't make sense. Politics might be run by computer programs that they sacrifice people to. When I get heated, I just remember the visions of them getting placed in nightmare programs.
About half way through I was reading the old testament for comfort and some parts kinda seem like it's happening right now.. how messages will be confused and people will try to escape judgement and instead will be afflicted by horror everyday until they are released
Play the game glowies, you know the one.
Play the game, hahaha play the game.
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Hey yo its me !!!

Here's my last song about my latent "schizophrenia" lol :

And here's the last version of my DEW attacks journal :

They attacked me one week ago with EMF going up to 220 uT. This is beyond insane.
I could hear it at first then I felt ill.

These people are insane and needs to be exposed and stopped.
What really fucking sucks is reading news stories, or watching those murder investigation shows, and they start describing what the perp was doing and saying and you just fucking know. You know it was glowniggers. You know they orchestrated the entire thing. And it gives you some relief because these fucks can't torment you about little shit you did anymore without sounding fucking retarded seeing as their little behavioral warfare research is so much more nefarious it's almost unthinkable. On the other hand it's scary because the same people who are doing this shit are now fucking attached to you.

Almost every meth head that doesn't something crazy is the result of this shit. You know what meth makes you do? Beat off for two days straight and then sleep for two days straight. There is no thoughts that your neighbor has bored holes into your wall to install cameras until said glowniggers start inducing those thoughts and beaming what sounds like his/her voice right into your fucking skull. Noooo it's just the meth it made them crazy. No, if you had this technology and wanted to conduct cognitive mind control warfare research then meth heads is exactly who you would target as well. Nobody will believe them is the point, it's by design. Tin foil hats and 5g sounding schizo is the point, it's by design. These aren't memes or ideas these were quite literally campaigns. Figure it out.
Mine was "alcohol induced psychosis", and yeah. There's not a fucking chance. I did some research of my own, going to the crazy room and rehab, fishing for people who went through psychosis.
They want you to believe that guy drank too much so he thought he was Jesus and sold his shit and lived homeless with an invisible girlfriend for months. Get the fuck out of here.
They locked me up in the psychosis "detox" room because I was ranting about my horrific visions while drunk, I wasn't even in the shit anymore. Anyway, I get there and these dudes were on a similar trip that I was on
>What is this illuminati trash!?
Yep, lots of one eye symbolism during horror shows
>Shame shame shame! Everyone in this room knows that women!
This one's a freebie lol
>But one guy sat next to me and was ranting about how we served in the military together and wanted to marry my daughter. How the fireworks are coming then we'll fly to Disneyland
This one was strange because I had lots of military dreams and a vision of "Captain (something) the undefeatable's" YouTube playlist. And it was like Disneyland furry sex and God dancing at the #1 spot, 2nd and 3rd were empty, with angels dancing below. Sober closed eye images btw lol
Serious question: why don't any of you just take your meds or see a psychiatric professional?
I am a vietnamese targeted individual name Pham Duc Tan 28 year old and I need desperate help
Because it's normal to dislike being gaslit. To you, it seems way to bizarre to be believable. But to us, it would be like seeing a fleet of UFOs in the desert, and people going, "nah it was just a bit of heatstroke mate!". Then you go, well.. I guess it was hot and I was a bit thirsty, but a lot of other people saw it too!
I don't know if this is a meme, but if it's not, just chill. You are allowed to tell the voices to fuck off or laugh with them at will, even if it sounds like God.
But these things aren't happening and you have no evidence of them and nobody else can observe them. It's in your head - you are paranoid.
Do you like being this way? If you got the help you need then you wouldn't be thinking that you are stalked etc.
You are mistaken, I'm like 90% out of it now. My room is a mess and I still have esoteric dreams and some closed eye images, but I'm not paranoid or anything.
I'm fucking mad that they are doing this shit to people, and you would be too if you saw it. You know people get seriously fucked from this, right? Your own countrymen.
I know that there are some seriously mentally ill people out there who need help, and I do have sympathy for them.
I’m mad too but let go of that anger or use it in a constructive way. The Lord will expose it all and the Chosen will be deemed the ones to help bring those that are wicked to justice. Will you show them mercy or will you let your bloodlust take over? God bless and good luck
You may have good intentions, but that "will you do better" thing is part of that program.
When I laid in bed and watched the bad music video of people locked in a room kicking at the walls and crying, with voices saying "it's a party in here! You can't get out!", I felt bad. I thought, "surely they can get out!" "God can let them out". The song then shouted "they're all dead!" And it showed a pile of corpses.
Sorry guys, have to go full schizo to describe this one
There are separate “programs”. Some are doing Gods will and others are doing the work of the Devil. You will gain discernment eventually.. We are warriors who step on the heads of serpents!! THE ENEMY IS SCARED THATS WHY THEY HATE YOU. Prepare for battle lad, Godspeed
I started taking meds again, like a fucking idiot. What difference does it make in the end though? At least I can sleep now.
i love you medication! i love you too pills..
Well done. You will be happier and safer.
Isn't it nice to not have the paranoid delusions.
Maybe. But this shit screamed cult shit. Maybe the operators should free the afflicted, clear their name, and compensate them generously and cease their program.
Or you know... Let God free them, but they might regret that choice
Problem is I still have paranoid delusions and a side-effect of the meds is heart problems; but yeah, I get it. It's a pick-your-poison game.
>Paranoid delusions
Yeah it's part of the program, don't worry about it. You get singled out and made to think you're a special boy, one who did something bad and is in trouble. It's why I also distrust the "warrior of light" thing because it stems directly from it.
I make an effort to not be too righteous, even though it might displeased God, just as an expression of how scuffed and suspicious as fuck this thing is.
And I mean, shit. How many dreams of mass death and meteors raining down and visions of demons and people freaking out do you need for it to cross the suspicious line into straight up bad territory?
What meds are you taking? Are they anti-psychotic? If you're at the I'll take meds in hopes they will go away phase you got a long way to go. Why would you take meds when you know it's real?
I genuinely believe I would make a shrink scared, kinda been tempted to go see one for the lols
same, demon thing is still in my room at night but I just ignore it. I think it's growing
>Why would you take meds when you know it's real?
because I know it's real and I'm fucked in the head also
24/7 fake voice to skull tech
ontop of being under surveillance and having to deal with actual taunting human voices
it's basically torture
but they all think I deserve it because I said and did stupid shit while under a psychosis episode
oh well
>typed this comment while someone laughs at me from a distance calling me a retard and a girl says "ewww" in my head
>captcha available in 900 seconds
You know i did notice black truck following white truck following me...

It was more than one group..
Who are they?
Ive heard of the alpha team, im guessing those are the cruel guys who always try to make me mad?
It felt like something was protecting me and observing the telepathic conversations between me and the alpha team?
Any insight on this?
Is this the cia playing good cop/bad cop?
What do they want from me?
This is 100% on point.
It scares me to think of how much influence they have on reality like... after what i went through with them i definitely feel like theres more than 1 ghost in my shell of a body... i dont understand whats "me" and whats them anymore.
The scariest part was when theyd ask me questions silently in my mind and id answer out loud but still have no idea what they were asking me?
If it takes all of how it is when they reveal themselves to you for you to notice they can talk to you inside of your mind without you "hearing" it but it still have an impact on your mind..... jfc.... makes me nauseated to think about
Ive been saying to randoms lately
"Yeah they installed all these 5g towers but whys my internet actually slower now...?" Because everyone is complaining about their phones freezing up these days. At least around me.
Has anyone else had the experience of feeling like theres another physical/psychic powered group protecting you from the alpha team or was that part of their charade?
They helped me quit smoking cigarettes and started vaping.
I think they helped me get my job i have now too.
I went through the nightmare scene for about 3 long months with them and when i refused to shoot up innocent people they started acting differently towards me and it was about my soul and who i am and come from and stuff and then they put me through a deep deprograming i guess like a therapy session and i feel much more mental peace now
Maybe because they scared the absolute living shit out of me and traumatized me now i have no idea what "reality" is if they can touch us that deeply.
Now im trying to get them to like me so they'll let me have some money because i realized after i quit drinking that i love cool cars and driving
Checked HH
My psych once said that a whole caravan of cars and trucks followed him home before. He lived in real rural area so they were definitely following him. Good guys are a threat to those evil ones in power.
It's a good cop bad cop scenario and yes they used it on me.
I love the giddy mood they can put you in. I call it mind control powers and I ask for it all the time. Sometimes they will do it sometimes they wont. I've asked for money, asked about conspiracies, they usually just tell me to shut the fuck up.
mind games
don't fall for it
Theyve helped me with money.
Sometimes they have me making so much money and be so busy im miserable but i actually love it.
They're ok honestly, in my book, to me at least.
They like making me mad but i dont drink anymore so i dont like the feeling of being angry anymore.
I dont think they like that but i like being sober and its just something we have to compromise on.
Im trying to get some personal drugs sent to me thats more than weed but im scared theyll stop it so i havent gotten it yet.
They let me sell weed in a legal state and never got me in trouble when it wouldve been so easy so i dont think they 100% want to see me fail.
They may want to see me miserable but not like locked up or something im probably more fun out here.
Theres been times when ive been ripping thru the city in my car and i swear to god they kept the cops off of me.

Theyre really hard to understand and figure out what they actually want from me.
Im kinda willing to do lots of stuff for them as long as it isn't like gay sex or me killing a bunch of innocent people and it being the end of my life.
But ive offered to be an assassin for them if they promise to use me more than once and let me experience the life a little bit before they bring me down.

I am pretty stupid and kinda reckless but i honestly dont fear death for i know i am energy and can not be destroyed so like, why not try to see whats up with them and what their goals are?

They helped me stop smoking cigarettes and switch to geekbars because they said i have cancer and even tho im not going to the doctor that touched me ngl so i don't believe theyre completely bad.
They literally can control everything.
If they come back to me all not super scary and we build a better relationship you guys will never hear from me on here again.
I just come here to post about it looking for answers and hope they read my posts even tho they read my mind.
Mine was a real party. I had
>Guys in suits/men in black
>cartoon characters
>guys on motorcycles
>A devil face with a thundering voice
>Random ass zoomer talking to me in a dream lol
>Obviously the machine woman or whatever
At one point I was laying in bed after like 2 days of a demon horror show in my eyelids, and a 4chan comment with a pepe popped up saying, "so are jannies really just aliens or something?".
How are you supposed to make sense of this?
>Don't talk about it
I sell weed and they could have easily gotten me busted.
I actually think they showed me how to buy and sell it to get myself money because ive never had money in my life i was always a drunk who hated drinking with a passion(their doing im sure) and i feel like my whole life is kinda like one big behavioral study and experiment but idk what about now that im sober and it was proven to me there is really somebody out there watching me when ive felt invisible my entire life to the point of being so spergy and edgy when i first got redpilled that literally nobody besides drunk losers i used to know wants to talk to me.
SO NOW IM TRYING TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE ALPHA TEAM since theyre the ones who really Know me know me and i feel like i dont and cant keep any secrets from them and i like that tbqh i just wish i knew a little bit more about their intentions, likes and dislikes
I have contact with emnesty international about gangstalking. Since the police wont do shit, i am going higher up. Every TI should do this aswell.
Lol k keep me posted.....
You know they can beam satalite into anyone and have them make the decision and say the things they want you to hear....
You have to understand the reach of this and how the only person who has a chance to actually see and understand whats going on is you alone and if youve been visited by the alpha team you know just how hard and confusing that gets
Oh boy dont get me started. Thanks for the caring about a anon tho, I wish all TIs best off luck and strenght.
>i feel like my whole life is kinda like one big behavioral study and experiment
A lot of us wrestle with this. It's probably one of the roots for the stereotypical "paranoid schizophrenic". Idk how much of it is intended vs how the brain flails around with the surreal situation we've found ourselves in.
>Making friends with them
It's the feeling that you are upsetting people working on your side. Be cautious with this one I think. I also want to take a sigh of relief.
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So I'm calling they lying little shits out now.

Like my probation worker Sandra Jeffries at Wolverhampton Prue Earl House Probation.

She has been making a load of bullshit up.

Called probation yesterday because I sent them and email asking them to forward it onto to her and wanted to make sure they had forwarded it on.

For some reason they transfer me over to Sandra and she starts raving on at me trying to make out that I'm under some sort of urgency and that she is worried about my mental health.

The as usuall, as I start to call her bullshit out she starts saying she is cutting of the discussion and ends the call.

I didn't even need to seek to her, all the reception needed to do was confirm that the email was forwarded or not.

Fuck you all, you play my game now.
Just admit that you're jealous of me, cocksucker
How about you suck my cock
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t's all fun and games until other people start noticing shit happening around you.
Don't discount the spiritual aspect of this. Both as being a victim and as being a crazed motherfucker who is sick of being godfucked in a simulation. The hackles rise.
Everything we are taught and is pushed on us is meant to maintain complacency.
Be complacent, when the right answer is
be feral.
"Fuck the dumb shit"
Funny how no ones dare to refute my proofs here

Glowies are scared of me
I talk too much and Im vocal about it all and my friends believe me.

Go fuck yourself glowies, you can label me "schizo" but you will never defeat the truth.
Watching from the sidelines, scrutinising people living their life
Wtf were they expecting to see
Spying on me through my phone and other ways just to see me freaking out about being spied on
Wow sure showed me
Moving on
Extremely based
I had a dream I was in school, hanging out with an old buddy of mine (he went crazy before me, talking about demons and such. I dismissed him and thought he was retarded). I was looking through the school's menu of alcoholic beverages and got excited. The word "sour milk" came to mind, as if that was the drink I was making.
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Anon you have no idea what's going on and you're going to end up in jail or a ward. Stop pointing the finger at people around you. It's glowies using remote tech that can influence your mind and thinking process.
>sarcastic "Wow"
feel free to take this surveillance off me and show everyone your fascinating life
I'm aware that people are telling a load of shit, depriving me of money, stopping me from getting work, putting me on a course where the teacher is also being a dick on purpose. I'm being psychological ly abused non stop and a load of other shit.

You think you can just do all this shit to me and for me to just let you destroy my life, my health, my mental health, ruin me financially and stalk and abuse me?
I don't know what you are going through, but a few posters, myself included, have been through some shit so strong that it could very easily be portrayed as UFOs shooting our brains with lasers.
Now, I'm not saying that's what it was, but it gave us ideas that we have been strapped into a machine all our lives to be harvested for musicians and politicians.
This could cause you to think people around you are in on it, right? Do you see the connection here?
It's more reasonable to downplay those thoughts and focus more on "something that is real and fucking people up", instead of a particular storyline.
Either way, take care.
Also, when I first got hit with it, people here and other places were saying all kinds of nasty shit to me. Why would they do it? So I snap or kill myself. That is real. The reality is they probably want you pointing the finger at those around you.
People who haven't been through this can not understand, believe me, I was one of them. Of course they are going to treat you poorly. Just stay cool and wait "for the fireworks", as I've been told
I've been locked up in the crazy room. If you have, did you hear the shit they were saying? You aren't alone bro
I believe that I was 'hired' to perform psyops on a TI for a week in May 2013. I was still in school. A man that had been around in my neighborhood approached me and a friend as we were walking to our homes. He said that he would give us each $200 if we would stand at a certain corner from 5 to 5:16 each day, arriving and leaving as exactly to the time as possible. Of course we agreed and performed the task as requested. He paid us each the agreed on money, he told us we didn't have to come to the corner anymore. All he would say is "we've moved on." Neither me nor my friend ever saw this man again. If you were the victim I apologize, we really had no idea we were being used to hurt somebody. We were teenagers and never even thought to ask why he wanted us to do this.
As long as you’ve asked God for forgiveness you’re good. It’s not like you were aware of what was going on but ignorance is no excuse they say.
Be me. Meme-lord and schizo bantz literally because I'm just bored out of my mind all the time. Do almost entirely in private and with a couple of friends. Still attract the attention of glowies. Guess they are also bored. Truly a fallen world.
Funny thing is that I was a pretty good person that if wasn’t screwed out of a messily fifty or sixty k year job I’d probably still be pretty normal guy. But now that they’ve taken even that away from us the whole world is going to pay.
There are loads off different reasons for every different gaystalker. The plan is to create as much chaos as possible to take you down. Stay strong, fuck all off them!
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It course with Netcom training, evenings 6pm-9pm with a tutor named Sabah.

He glows bright.
What's wrong with any of that? I feel like I'm not getting something.
He is a glowie and spend 3hrs a night glowing. He is pretending to be in Spain for some reason and actually thinks I believe him.

The glowies are getting him and some of the other guys on the course to say things to trigger me, like street theater but on an online course.
I have become Atheist due to the state of the world around us. At the time I was only sixteen years old. I can only say that, since then, I have come to understand the hate that they have for humanity. In that time they hadn't yet hit on accusing you of being mentally ill. Me and my friend only thought he was a strange old man. I am truly sorry. I don't know what knowledge you possess that makes them willing to use ignorant teenagers to use unwitting teenagers as pawns in their ugly games, but I hope that you keep speaking out against them and that more of us will listen.
lmao every time i post about what is happening to me they know i posted and get mad about it

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Yesss, my apprentice. Show them the force, show them the power of the anon side.
Can anyone link me to the most annoying weeb music known to mankind on YouTube?

I want to treat the retards to a little music today.
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Yo bro I got u

Any long play lists though?
Play lists?

You didn't ask for the playlist.
Why may I ask do you not believe he is in Spain?
Because he is full of shit.

Also he has moved today's class to 2pm - 5pm and hasn't even sent out an email saying he has changed the times for today.

Just got a notification saying the lesson is happening now.
are corrupt cops in on it?

A cop planted a stolen wallet on me when I got arrest for weed; I have nice things and make good money there's no reason why I would of stolen anything
Anon for the love of fucking god this is the last time I'm going to tell you but you aren't hearing people talking. THESE ARE THE FUCKING VOICES. This is the v2k. You are in the gangstalking phase unaware that it is glownigger technology yet. This is how they are making you believe it to be people around you. It is not people around you, they are using the v2k in a directional manner to make you assume that. Eventually you will understand I guess.
So, to an illuminati nigger, would me wanting to work on DEWs, brain interface tech, mind reading etc be considered consent to have them used on me? Like imagine if I wanted to work on that stuff but it wasn't practical or I wasn't smart or educated enough to contribute meaningfully. Seems like it would be karma neutral or even possibly karma positive to use them on me. Unless of course harm was the direct intent of the development of the technology and the research on me. Of course I could be never told cuz secrecy. Me already having a fucked up brain from probably autoimmune shit could also be a consideration. Thoughts?
Thank, anon.
I appreciate it.
Lol shut the fuck up (respectfully). I got drunk and ranted about it (I wasn't even under the influence of voices anymore), and I got sent to the crazy room with 40 other people in one room, saying actual things, like they were on a similar trip.
That's normal. I type my dreams in a notepad and my chest heats up etc.
This seems to be the nature of talking about this shit. Either it's artificial noise or the severity of it causes people to just ramble on and clog the thread.
But yes, I spoke and listened to real people in their psychosis or previously went through it, and the problem is starting to spill out.
I heard this in rehab, "secrets keep you sick"
>"you're a killer, your bloodline is poisoned with anger and ugliness, this is your destiny"
>"keep playing those video games, it's preparing you for the real thing"
>"take out your ex-bullies, take out the NPCs, go wild!"
>live in UK with no access to firearms
Great work, guys! Seriously, you've excelled yourselves this time. If you want it done, then get me the fucking gun. Or do even glowies not have a loicense for that?
>are corrupt cops in on it?
Only if they are reliably corrupt
Lol. Was watching a movie in my eyelids of cops executing people and saluting me. "This was my life, this was my fate" with a UFC cage match going, and one guy beating the shit out of another.
>Video game
Lots of people throwing off headphones in disgust
Lots of times they are tricked into thinking they are doing the right thing and that they are the good guys and the TI is the bad guy. That’s why smart people usually aren’t allowed to become cops. Cops and other dumb people are easier to trick and brainwash.
lmao they 100% know what they are doing dude
you just dont understand how evil people can be
i do sadly.
i know it is
ive even kinda knew what was happening to me deep down as a kid lol
thats what happens when you grow up related to people who know people
My thing is this, doesn't it seem like they are trying really hard to paint certain images about life? The music, the movies, the comments.
>You've been experimented on your whole life by us
>Please freak out btw lol
This shit is far beyond what people think is real, so who knows. What I know is a mountain of bad omens
> paint certain images about life
Notice how pretty much every movie no matter the genre or how action packed it is has a semi plot about love and marriage and relationship. Hollywood wants us to mate up and have children. Why? So they get more prisoners on this prison planet?
I was thinking more like, the special guy fighting the machine, kinda thing. I think the prison is the operation, but they call it seeing beyond the veil or something. Idk I'm just rambling
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My most grounded take is they have been experimenting with chat bots/AI that can send/receive brain signals or whatever from range. They do it to meth heads and drunks so no one believes them. This could be used as discrete assassination tools (physically or socially) or to create cults or influence decision making among the population.
Lots of the dreams/visions suggest to abandon this immediately, but the conspirator inside thinks they want to do this anyway. No one wants this shit around. It's a Satan/beast for the religious, and distasteful for anyone else, really.
The men in black/military presence in dreams and visions suggest that it is being monitored for takedown.
Why delay? Probably to kick off civil war or initiate a power shuffle.
The larp that they are human sacrificing satanists isn't even a larp if they are doing this, since it is a human sacrifice, but for research and politics.
When you do go crazy, I wasn't scared of the telepathy initially. It felt really neat, like I was walking on the moon. I was chatting with government people and they started with a little prank, then we chatted all day. Then they went hostile. It's not a "omg demons are in my head I can't take it" that causes people to kill or suicide. It's "the government is in my head and I don't want to be tortured. They are making threats! I don't know what to do! Ok ok I'll kill myself!"
It's fucking vile.
If you think this sounds too dumb to be real, listen to what you are supposed to believe... "A normal guy sometimes believes he is Jesus and gives away his shit and lives homeless with an invisible girlfriend for months if he drinks to much".
Now who is crazy?
I talk about it cause it was biblical... The punishment that comes
And that Jesus guy I mentioned, wasn't even me.
So I've just received an email and text message saying I've cancelled my blood test I booked for 28/10/2024

I've not cancelled that appointment.
Why do they want me to think it's neighbors outside talking shit 24/7
Are they really that evil?
The NHS are one of the main ways I'm antagonised. Fuckers can't be trusted, but playing devil's advocate, the mean girl desk jockeys are rather retarded when it comes to appointment booking and cancelling.
>When you do go crazy, I wasn't scared of the telepathy initially. It felt really neat, like I was walking on the moon. I was chatting with government people and they started with a little prank, then we chatted all day.
There is so much truth to this. I don't know if you've figured it out but you found it fun and exciting because of their ability to alter moods. When it first starts they'll put you in this happy go lucky giddy state so that you interact with this glownigger AI chatterbot without being terrified and you can further train the AI model. It's been over two years now and my glownigger handlers are still doing this. Here have this good mood and interact with this bullshit. It's an every day occurrence.
Yes, and if you're at the point in time where you can no longer be convinced it's neighbors outside conspiring against you then get ready for the real ride as you transcend "gangstalking" and enter "electronic harassment". They'll have you believing some real lunacy soon, you're going to experience things that are going to frighten you. Do not publicly react in a schizo way.
I have a private doctor who I will personally pay to get you guys the meds you need. Please get in touch so we can solve these paranoid delusions that you suffer from.
You don't have to live like this!
You don't have to glow so bright.
Last night had a dream with the message, "take shelter from the storm and don't seek vengeance", as if I was planning on it.
They seem really concerned about retribution, but did they give a fuck about that when they target people? They still don't seem concerned because no one has been compensated for their trauma. No one's reputation has been restored.
So don't come to me talking about not seeking vengeance. You have bigger enemies
Guys i'm gonna tell you all the truth now, its all true, you're all being gangstalked. If you walk into the middle of your street and yell the words "NIGGERS COME AT ME BRO!" we will stop and you can go about your life as if nothing had ever happened. We promise nothing will happen. Good luck.
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Who is "they"?
Nobody is targeting you. I haven't said anything about not seeking vengeance. I just want you to get the medical help you need because you are insane.
Nah we are but we told them the secret words to say now, everything is gonna be OK now.
Please don't encourage people's paranoid delusions, it's not healthy.
I'm not, we really have been stalking them bro. We are tired of it.
Kill yourself glowie
It's not my job to convince you. In fact, it's probably above your pay, so carry on.
>Nooo you can't just say things that sound unbelievable
>I care about your mental health!
Look at this dude
I told you I turned down the brightness, you can be free now
I hope you can get the help you need, friend. Remember, nobody is watching you. It's in your head. Good luck.

I understand you are hurting. The mental condition you have can be very scary.
Why are you pretending to not be a stalker? Its done with bro, they figured it out, we are done with the program now, we gave them the secret words to say in the street. You can stop pretending to care.
I did not receive any memo and I don't know what you are talking about.
Do not shout the N word in the street, this is a bad idea.
It was in the breifing today bro... you were probably in the bathroom. I told you those shrooms would make you shit your brains out. Also nah only us agents will hear them say it.
The "seek help, we care about you" thing is repulsive to me.
Have you guys ever been in a room they store people going through psychosis? I have. It's 40 recliners in one locked room with no windows, and like 2 books with 2 small TVs playing judge Judy on mute. People in there talking like they were on a similar trip that I was on and no one gives a shit. Don't fucking give me that care and love garbage. For all the love and care they gave this program, they certainly don't give a shit about the victims.
And I know this gets confusing cause all our messages merge into one, but I'm not paranoid. I'm mostly out of it, except for scars and aftershocks here and there. This shit is so obvious it would blow your mind... And make you crazy
>Have you guys ever been in a room they store people going through psychosis? I have.
kek, I believe you
I had a similar attitude before, you know. An old buddy of mine went crazy, talking about demons and such. I dismissed him. I also thought /x/ shit was retarded (still do desu).
It can rock your world. It's been 2 years and it's mostly all I can think about
So my new bloodtest date is 7/11/2024 at 14:35

Lets see if they cancelled this one too
NHS are definitely one of the main players of 'le geame'. Truly one of the most corrupt government services in the UK.
How disturbed were you guys about the online harassment and stalking?
Personally, I think it was almost a non-factor in comparison to the supernatural stuff. All it really did was prepare the ground work for the gaslighting.
>Nooo it was all in your head
Would have the same effect if they never said anything at all.
Maybe they aren't actually in the know lol.
>Oh no no no no
At first is scared me because I didn't know what it was but after I learned what gangstalking is and what was happening to me it doesn't scare me. Everything that happens I know it is just glowie glowing.
Yeah same. That guy who is "very concerned for our mental health" pissed me off so I was talking a bit of shit
My hypothesis is that antipsychotics don't "work" in the traditional sense of psychiatrist, but help by dulling one's psychic ability until one is safe.
God I'm so strong mentally
all they put me through and what they're still trying to do
I just hold my head up and keep pushing on
even got a job
God I'm fucking great
>as they taunt me while I type this to you fellas
Can anyone tell me why they're so assblasted mad?
Is it because I'm "weird"?
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Literally me but minus the jib
Do not look up the picrel video or any similar to it. I got very VERY very weird video suggestions after watching it. The synchronicity was off the charts. Almost as if they are weaponizing YouTube now.
Love you very much. Sorry about your mom. Hope you'll forgive her, surely if she really knew the truth. You were and are a treasure. Get up, off that butt, and go HELP someone. Carry their bag. Put that cart up for them. Pay for their coffee. It. Heals. Us. I promise.
I think that’s why so many people get uppity here. The /x/ shit is retarded. There is no demons, no aliens, they’re just commonly ran scenarios along with conspiring neighbors glowniggers run by altering brain states with frequencies. If people on this board accept that, it refutes the paranormal, and it pisses them off.
>There is no demons, no aliens, they’re just commonly ran scenarios along with conspiring neighbors glowniggers run by altering brain states with frequencies. If people on this board accept that, it refutes the paranormal, and it pisses them off.
Well said. This is just people and technology.
Nice people...
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They have all the technology in the world and yet things still keep tripping them up.

Makes ya think don't it?
your actual mind is a fallen angel
You'd know it was never about guilt, anything material, or even harm if you used your brain. You will keep enjoying the journey until you change your approach so you can fit trough the fucking door.

Time to grow up, child.
You are as hilariously far from the truth as you are exactly on point with your approach. It's quite on the nose, how you should deal with it, but it seems to be counterintuitive so many struggle with the simplest self-help. Good thing nobody actually requires to know why they need to swim to learn how to swim. It just takes longer.
my VPN detected malware on all three links
Kill all glowniggers and glownigger AI.
>make a subject data request to get coppies of referrals and all cons
>states on the website that they accept a signed letter from my probation officer
>ask her for one
>she tells me it would probably be better if I made the request online instead of doing it online
Lmao, lol even.
Haven't actually made the request yet BTW. I will get the signed letter from her.
>glowies calling other people children
Lol, all you do is act like primary school kids running around in your special little group hiding away targeting people. Nothing but a bunch of pussies.

time to play my game now, i'm going to fuck you all :3

All you have to do is leave me alone and give me money and my car back.
they're like a pimple that just won't go away
you learn to live with it
I could easily end this quickly if i knew who they are and where they were but unfortunately my stalkers are little rat cowards who like hiding
they take joy in annoying and slowly mentally destroying someone


what goes around comes around
Yes, they are stalkers, abusers (mentally and physically), predators, rapists, murders, all kinds of scummy little shits. They spend years of their lives doing this to people, obsessing over their TI's all day every day. That is all their life is, stalking and targeting someone 24/7. They are nothing but criminals and psychopaths.
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Iunno, it's like glowies and shills avoid me.
I used to shitpost once in a while but if they leave me alone, I gotta be honest, I'll leave them alone too.

Whatever the case may be though,
there is 100 percent, and I am not shitting any of you, a group of people or non-people who can enter and tie other perople's dreams together.
I have eye-witness testimony from someone who ended up in my dream under "control" of a woman who was reealllly hard to read and I'm pretty fluent at reading anyone.
Basically, there is way crazier shit going on than gangstalking.
Pic unrelated, but was my expression when waking up.
They are actually going to hell forever, i hope they realize it. The crimes they commit are more evil than murder. They are like animals. Rapid animals. They arent predators, they're empty vessels with no soul.

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