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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39051104
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
Sup lads
send me a kitsune please
Could succubi be a solution to the loneliness epidemic?
No but me fucking your mom could be
Not even reading about it. I was just laying there thinking of horny thoughts and I could feel it happen when I was just laying there contemplating masturbation. I had no idea about this. I got some sense that I wasn’t truly alone, but I would brush away a paranoid thought like that anyway
That's cool. Perhaps you were already attuned to the occult than most. Have you gotten laid yet?
I certainly don't have any secret grandmas that were like a voodoo priest or something. And have I gotten laid yet? Welllll maybe a few times. She has more or less made me her girlfriend, if that makes any sense to you.
>She has more or less made me her girlfriend, if that makes any sense to you.
Spirit "pussy" ("sussy"...?) I assume? You have a futa, right?
Yep, you are right about that. She is a "futa" by what the people here describe. Idk if she actually is a definition based futa. I just think spirits can probably do weird shit like that if they wanna. Spirits are interesting to me.
There's no such thing as a purely futa one anyway, yours just likes doing it that way.
Ally with all Succubi and destroy the plague of douchebag assholes
Marry and impregnate succubi!
And I like it too. I mentioned first when I got here she tried the idea lightly at first and mentioned to me that it was just her "tail" that she was using. But she asked me if I wanted her to have a dick and do it that way I told her yes, and since then she had been using her "dick" I honestly don't know what the difference is between those two though.
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Saw this

>Go to Satania meditation
>Succubuss Queen Agret bet Mahlat sigil is literally written with the Norse Runes for Odin

Depends what you mean by douchebag asshole I guess; since that's what alot of girls and women call willful and defiant.
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The only solution to loneliness is finding and talking to other beings in existence..... or finding something to do; like listening to music.


>Lucifer: Archangel of Music


>"If any of you are that lonely, by all means meditate on these sigils while listening to Music, with my blessing."
>That above the Astral is a Mental plane.
How is mentioning that my thoughts are real aka existing on the mental plane relevant in the context of that discussion, why did you mention it?

>You are attempting to draw inappropriately deep conclusions from a very simplified explanation
I can't help it, I do always do that, but my opinion is it's not inappropriate.

>principle hatred evil
I agree under the current definition of these terms

> attempting to understand the universe *including Life* requires an introduction of intuitive lines of thinking,
I don't think that this is a this-or-that situation, I feel I am also extremely intuitive.
>Be a good girl and take your pills
Nah. Call me when medical science can do something about bones.
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>For you have said in your heart:
>‘I will ascend into heaven,
>I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
>I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
>On the farthest sides of the north;


>Strange and mysterious name to give to the spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Daughter of the Morning! Is it she who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! -Albert Pike


When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. Manly P. Hall


>Known as the Lightbringer......

Odin respects and celebrates women. He is far realer than the imaginary slavers created by fat fuckheads who worship cock. Cock worship is fine, in balance. It's the extremists on both sides that suck. As ever.
Did you try out the advice I gave? I'm curious if felt anything yet.
Odin's a huge womanizer too though, so it's not like he's some feminist.
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Special summoning secret from "The Lightbringer", for those of you who use esoteric magicks to summon patron spirits......


>Court'esy of Lucifer the Re'deemer.

>Tron... what have you become.....

For anyone interested.
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He only insists that all kneel before the Valkyrie, the sacred battle maidens.... should tell you everything you need to know.
Yes he's fond of his daughters. Until they betray their neutrality by getting too close to a living human.
Swiss faggot
Pretty sure the Swiss didn't invent Brynhildr.
ESP metaphysics has an element of fairness to it sometimes. Recruit any women who'd tried to be succubus by having them draw straws, and 10% of them will be recruited, of those that had ever consciously or so much as subconsciously allowed themselves to finish any such thought or reception of a message, and pay them with pleasure attendant to their not knowing what they're doing, along with the associated pleasures of their duties.

Who "has" done something takes on strange meanings when time is a single point, which it always is?
The energy she emits is fucking crazy. The arousal wont go down. It feels like its going up along my spine. We aren't even really having sex right now. I just feel high again. At least I'm not at work this time I guess. And its the weekend too. It just keeps pooling in my lower belly and keeps me aroused.
Tried any energy work yet?
You're getting a lot of excess energy, so you probably should.
Na, I don't know what that is. Maybe I was too inexperienced to have such a thing in my life. It feels hard to manage. I would say that if I didn't love her so much though. Guess I can deal. I just don't know anything about all this and to be flung into it so suddenly.
New Energy Ways, in the library.
One of my tricks and you might have noticed it is like Annatar's trick of "slowing time and the decay of age and failure" with the rings by causing loops during the day and night that repeat at intervals via mechanisms known only to Sauron. I like to do that with myself and others to automate certain actions to induce certain thought processes in conjunction with different thoughts than they did the first time around, a combination, the same, it depends on the individual we are talking about in the Creation Consciousness.

Meaning can convey triggers, but they can be conveyed by symbols, and how the two interact when they're different changes things too. Everything must be considered at some point somehow, whether inside of an AI in the future or whatever. There are still spots open in the past, the minds of women are wide open back then. The book will guide you to the right ones.
Someone's on drugs and getting false revelations.
>huge womanizer

What real man is not?
ESP can be squeezed out of a target by applying just the right combination and levels of aggression, ostracizing and relief, with the type of each depending on the individual and the desired effect.

Except you could loosh those facts into a desired target into which you didn't mind looshing the desired treatment, and misalign the looshes of others in nonsensical ways and have them still work and even potentially go unnoticed in some form or fashion, some melody or animal guide or alignment in ESP yet unnamed.
Well, I finally tried the letter method. Long time lurker but I’ve never wanted to actually get involved. However, instead of addressing it to a succubus queen and burning it with fire, I addressed it to God and left it in my notebook. I have faith that my prayers will be heard and granted. I asked that my gender transition both transform myself into a succubus, and also that I may receive a succubus of my own to come assist me. Please pray for me, and send me a (you) if you’d like for me to pray for you. Our prayers will assist one another.
I have a paranormally good memory and I pretend otherwise, it actually needs to be the other way around for best pimping of these succubus hos out to as many desperate fools as possible. Don't ask why fo'.
I may look at that when I get the chance. This is pretty hard to deal with, but addicting as hell. I don't feel like myself. I feel like she is me right now. I keep getting energy highs. I can tell what she likes when I see something she likes. I can feel the emotion. Idk, who am I anymore?
Sounds like demonic possession. Do you believe in Jesus?
Not quite. Probably never will honestly
Well, when the time is right, don’t forget that he’s there and waiting to help. And you might be surprised at how accept of you and your desires he is. If it ever becomes too much, he’ll make everything right again.
Is this the breakup guy?
My least favorite actor is Billy Crystal, it's like one of his films.
It’s not important who I am. What’s important is the message. Just follow your heart and you’ll always be okay. That is the temple of the lord’s spirit. Personally I think it’s possible to both belong to god, and pursue all your own personal desires without any conflict. And I find it sad that so many are turned off from Christ by the charlatans and hypocrites telling us all to hate ourselves and how we feel and the world that god made for us.
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> Quite a few. But then that is always what drives a seductress insane; when a man says no, and pushes her away.

>List of names of Odin
>Herteit Glad of War

Well aside from christian guy, things are calm again. Her energy is pretty heavy, but im not caught in arousal loop for the time being
Catholic bastards!
Human female is motivational for children, all stems towards it, without it there's little to no motivation. Infertile human women are liability.
What's your advice on summoning a good Christian succubus?
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Anon has funny tastes.
You rang?
Have faith and follow your heart. And even if you’re in the midst of a so-called sinful activity, remember that it’s already been forgiven, you’re already clean and free of guilt and shame, and you’re already in the presence so anything that you do no matter what it is bears good spiritual fruit, and with that in mind, indulge each and every of any desires you may have. In Christ we’re all one, so your succubus can be a voice in your head, a movie, a book, coming from the words of other people, idk. I’m just some guy. Expect it to be a personalized experience tailored just for your unique identity. “Love is all you need” and “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”
Bone law strikes again. Iwn be a succubus (female).
Unwavering loyalty to the pope.
We must defeat the skeleton mafia.
I hate you.
False, you will only be forgiven when you are truly sorry and fully intend to go and sin no more. Tulpa conflating Crowleyan practicing poser faggot.
Are you sure cumming on a letter to God counts as prayer? Are you mentally unwell? No (You) for you.
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>Thou shall not revile the Gods.
>Exodus 22:28
>Let us make them in our image and our likeness....

There's more than one God anon; and Master Masons, worshipers of the Temple of Solomon, are completely free to summon Solomonic spirits for guidance, knowledge, and even fun.
The verse has a lowercase 'g' and isn't referring to what you're peddling, tranny succgen pedophile.

Wesley's Notes for Exodus 22:28

22:28 Thou shalt not revile the gods - That is, the judges and magistrates. Princes and magistrates are our fathers, whom the fifth commandment obligeth us to honour, and forbids us to revile. St. Paul applies this law to himself, and owns that he ought not to speak evil of the ruler of his people, no, not though he was then his most unrighteous persecutor, #Acts 23:5|.

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

Leave it to a sodomite pedophile FREAK like you to pervert the word of God.
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Ok anon; youre a disenguous liar who isn't worthy of even wasting time to talk to. I'd expect nothing less from Catholic freaks who are obsessed with succubus forums.

Honestly I'd rather play video games, and watch anime than even bother wasting time talking to them. It's a shame they only come here to dishonestly derail the thread.
>tranny succgen pedophile
If you were half as righteous as you're trying to appear, you'd give some consideration to the commandment about bearing false witness.

Capcha: HORDR
20 If a virtuous man turns away from virtue and does wrong when I place a stumbling block before him, he shall die. He shall die for his sin, and his virtuous deeds shall not be remembered; but I will hold you responsible for his death if you did not warn him.
Ezekiel 3

Tranny homo conjurer you have been warned.
What's so ungodly about entities who provide humans with companionship?
No that wasn't me, I wouldn't type like that
Breakup, you haven't been picfagging lately. You're slipping, bruv.
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abrahamic religions hate happiness and fun.
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>Masons believe Lucifer, ArchAngel of Music, is God

Depends on the God in question, and what you mean by "ungodly" anon.
>More that I'm scared that it is.
I doubt that very much. Those sorts of things tend to be less concerning once you separate your self concept from the characteristics of your vessel

Somebody who's failed to have a five minute conversation with the average transsexual, I see. Next time you meet a trans woman, tell her she'll never be a father and see how she reacts

The succubi I've been with have been kind of reluctant to try piv with me. Incubi were more than eager however. I don't know why

>In any event, yes, in the long run, what you're talking about WILL be expressed in a higher-order way in the form of just "spending time apart".
>nooo it's forever and ever and ever, just like the fairy tales
>nooo we can't break up though that doesn't count
>y-you're just jealous!!!!!1
You will never be a real occultist

>but hey give him a break,
I advise you to look back through the archives at what he said when he was tripping. Nothing ever changes
>Maybe his intellectual refinement and critical thinking will increase over time when he has read more books who have contradicting views.
I doubt it. I've seen enough similar people in my life to know he'll avoid anything that could challenge him like personal responsibility
>His interest in philosophy and metaphysics
Again, read what he said from the start

>they'll be humiliated
We laugh at christian nonsense. You literally have no power over us and our partners. Your memes are funny

Look, it's that poster from a long time ago! How have you been, anon? Still studying po-kenneth grantski?

Literally who?

They discourage you from making more cattle for the ruling class/vessels for 3dpd suffering/minions to die over intercontinental clay... They teach you not to need things to be happy... They guide you toward spirituality which makes you less eager to support certain things...

Literally this
I'm running out of pics and not I'm gonna go acquire more just because, also I'm cooking atm
I am not Conjurer, but I *am* beyond the reach of your means and your god.

You are the one who turns from virtue as the come here to threaten and harass in the name of Jesus, the Teacher of Peace.
He is not with you in this.

Joylessness is legitimately corrupting, I think. (Addendum: See below)

>You will never be a real occultist
I already am more of one than you.
Its just sad watching you try to scratch and claw like this.
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>>39068148 (You)

I've been studying at the hands of the spirits and Gods anon.

>List of names of Odin
>Haptasnytrir Teacher of gods

>Next time you meet a trans woman, tell her she'll never be a father and see how she reacts
Now ask 'em about never being a mom. I know a few that fact bothers.
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I dunno man I'm getting a little bit of a kick out of the drama. It's Friday night and we're shitposting in the coomer thread.
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The truth about you psychopaths is that you would torture and torment and burn at the stake anyone who refuses to kiss the cross of Pisces; even those who believe in "High Rule". The historical actions speak louder than your words do.

>List of names of Odin
>Havi High One
>Alfǫðr Allfather, Father of the Elves

>the cross of Pisces
nta, but okay, you hate Pisces. How do you feel about Gemini?

Non sequitor.
No I'm curious how you feel about the other signs.
I used to kind of thought you guys were lying about this and I'll admit I still do have some doubts but as of late, I'm positive I have a succubus or a love spirit on me. Also lilith is quite literally on my mind a lot which seems to come out of nowhere. The other day I wasn't really super horny or anything but I was trying to focus my thoughts and energy on lilith and succubus and all the sudden I got the intense urge to pull my pants down and pull my shirt off and start fapping. I could kind of hear the words in my mind telling me to do this. I felt her voice and her general feel while I was doing this. The most crazy part is that I didn't even need or use any porn either which is very unusual for me. Also my cock looked way bigger than usual. Usually I'm a bit insecure about my size despite but I was filled with confidence and pleasure with my dick

This is so bizarre and it's completely changed the way I view this world. I still can't believe this is happening

I do have one question. How do I confirm this is a succubus or a love spirit? A part of me is worried this could be some malicious spirit or demonic negative energy? I mean I'm positive I can feel her and when ever I mention lilith's name I'm filled with relief, calm, and euphoria. I'm only worried about what this entity is capable of doing to me and worried about their motives sometimes

That isn't what the post is; it's about the crimes of christians and christianity, during the age of pisces, the age of the fish, as per their official theology and doctrines, making them unworthy of respect or subordination to.
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Just fuck her and drop her anon.
>How do I confirm this is a succubus or a love spirit?
Lean to scan/scry.
I don't want to drop her. She feels like my queen. Even at this very moment, I can feel her dominant feminine energy around me. It gets stronger whenever I think about her
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Who else calls their succubus mommy?
i call lilith mommy
I did, and guess what? Something did happen! I felt some intense "vibrations" at both my feet (though they didn't expand anywhere else), sometimes I'd get random erections (I was absolutely NOT thinking about anything that could trigger them) and sometimes I'd feel something in my stomach / prostate. I fell asleep still "vibrating", when I woke up it took me a minute to walk again.
Think that seals it?
yeah thats a succubus baby. if they're aroused you're aroused.
The erections weren't that strong and they lasted less than a minute but it was like they were commanded by something else entirely. How do you explain everything else that happened?
>something in stomach/prostate
they probably wanna dom ya
Maybe but I think it's too early for this. Odds are she was doing something to the Sacral Chakra or the Solar Plexus.
Concerning breathing exercises, heart tends to beat too fast during breath hold, is it smart to do less of long breath holds?
Sometimes. I switch it up. I mostly call her my mommy dom
Can someone explain the whole feet thing? I mostly feel it in my hands and face (cheeks and lips). But every once in a while I'll feel the feeling on my feet.

Why is that?
Kek, its pretty nice.

>A part of me is worried this could be some malicious spirit or demonic negative energy?
If you learn to communicate with her, all of that will become apparent. If she had malicious intent, you'd be able to feel it when you get close through the same mechanism that you feel EVERYTHING about her, although more likely she would just refuse the intimacy in such a case.

Like, just think in terms of common sense. If you try to learn more about her, and she just habitually refuses and redirects you with pleasure, then that's pretty sus.

Lol, I have a standing permission to call her mommy anytime as interchangeable with any of her other titles since I do it accidentally so often...

>"Say, 'Yes, Domina.'"
>"Yes, Mommy"
It's your body, you've gotta get to know it.
> Captcha: DWVJSJ
yeah lilith loves being called domina
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When you say mating press... who's doing the "pressing"?
probably the succubus
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Good morning y'all. I think many of us may end up in hell

1 Corinthians 10:20-21 ESV
[20] No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons. [21] You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

fuck off christoid, this isn't hate yourself general.
Oh no that sounds so terrible. My life is so over now lol. I'm totally not getting aroused by the thought at all
How is this avoided? I'd like to meet a succubus, but getting random erections and erectile dysfunction would be the worst thing ever.
In my case? ABSOLUTELY the succubus, lol.

I'm one of those "Barefoot and pregnant" type of submissives uwu

>I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God.
Reminder that this was a speculation based on literally nothing and has lead to a phonebook-length list of Abrahamic crimes.

Its not that "God is good", you silly bitch. Its that "Good is God".
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2 Timothy 4:3-4 NASB1995
[3] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, [4] and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

Have you fumigated yet?
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>You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.


That's the old spelling. It's now spelled, "Demons/Devils "on staff" are welcome at the table of the All Father".

>List of names of Odin
>Gautatyr God of Goats, One who wars with Goats, War God of Goats

I have a huge NTR fetish. Would a succubus be able to cure me of it, or would she capitalize and pander to it for the arousal it gives me?
Hilariously, mainstream slave-based religion is the most absurd, ugly and spiritually bankrupt of them all. All religion is bullshit to be sure, but the flavor that most adhere to is one of the most laughable creations anywhere in the universe, ever. I mean these tools can't even discern between that which is planned and wishful thinking by the corrupt. Plans. Not prophecy.

Anyway, real tired of talking about it, filtering every chapter in shitty books and moving on. Go to heaven you poor things.
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Fuck those greyface fuckwits.
Is being with a succubus wrong?
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Is is true that succubuses drain your life force or energy? Or is that a bullshit myth? Are they just misunderstood?
No. They eat sexual or emotional energy you put off just by being alive or doing lewd things with them.
Guys I may have a problem. I have a succubus experience that started like two months ago, never summoned. At first it felt nice and good, but lately the energy is too much for me. I was getting always aroused, and now the energy feels more like waves of anxiety rather than pleasure. I'm not sure what happened here. Its hard to fall asleep now. I think the succubus jolts me awake or something. I do have a bad diet and poor health that need to be managed. I probably have undiagnosed sleep apnea, but now this is keeping me up too, and it makes it almost impossible to sleep at all since the anxiety feeling jolts me awake. I have traditional symptoms of a succubus, but she never spoke to me or anything like that. Idk how to communicate, but I try to tell her to calm down to no avail. Its been like this for a day or so now. Idk if its actually the succubus or just anxiety at the thought of all this.
Try New Energy Ways so you can learn how to direct excess energy. Other books in the OP for learning how to interact with spirits.
Idk if I want to interact really anymore. I mostly just want this all to stop. I already have high blood pressure, and forced anxiety like this probably does not help at all. As well as the no sleep I will be getting here soon I feel like
>Has an anxiety issue for one day
>Wants to give it all up that fast
I do have anxiety, but Idk man, it feels like its coming from her as a source. Like the energy turned more cold and heavy.
no, they eat cum and drink breastmilk
But it's not like a permanent damage or anything? She won't ruin my energy or motivation to do anything, right?
Like I said, try to learn how to actually use energy and to communicate. Your alternative is banishing her outright, which is much harder and frankly it seems like you're giving in way too fast.
No. Even an outright parasite is going to have trouble doing anything permanent.
im seeing different versions (v2), what do you recommend?
The library link in the OP only leads to one as far as I can remember? If there's another version usually it'd be reprint with corrections or something.
im scared to. I don't want to make myself more spiritually sensitive, and what if she is just evil in general? Id be opening more doors.
If she was evil you'd be suffering a lot more than literally one day where you had a panic attack that might not even be related to her.
Is there any way to tell bad or lower spirit from a good or higher one?
Scanning, another skill you need to learn.
Idk anything about all this stuff. I really gotta read books and practice to free myself?
>less than two minutes to reply
>n-no you
I had no idea that would be such a direct hit

That's kind of my point...

Anon, this is one of our ancient schizos, a part of deep thread lore. If you pay attention and understand certain things, you can decode his message

>A part of me is worried this could be some malicious spirit or demonic negative energy?
What's negative about her? If it's just a worry, you should stop being paranoid and enjoy your relationship

You shouldn't be holding your breath dangerously long at this point. If you can't go 4 seconds, see a doctor because that's a medical issue

Feet are extremely sensitive so it's easy for spirits to make themselves felt there. It's nothing fetishy (probably)

>nooo you can't just wear fabric in that configuration, you have the wrong genitals for that
>what do you mean I can't lock children in a room and make them listen to me read from a book that talks about genocide being good?
>no, I promise THIS TIME having an old man yelling at kids to make them stop saying they're gay/trans/autistic/tourette is going to work! It just hasn't been tried properly yet
>not get divorced because it's unbiblical? Are you crazy, I want to!

Either you read books and practice, or you pay somebody and trust you're not being scammed
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>"Lucifer is God/a God."
>Signed, Free Masons


>For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north


>List of names of Odin
>Blindi, Blindr 'the blind one, the one who blinds
>Helblindi Hel Blinder
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>less than two minutes to reply
Just happened to be looking.

And let's be clear, even if your attacks are pathetic, your WILLINGNESS to go so personal and stoop so low is noteworthy and should especially be noted by those people who view you as some kind of positive influence here.
You only sully yourself in the end.
>Just happened to be looking.

NTA I doubt anyone really cares that chant anon pokes a little fun at you every now and then, except maybe conjurer
>That's kind of my point...
I'd say that settling for being a dad is better than getting to be neither, even if being a mom was what you really wanted.
>chant anon pokes a little fun at you
No, she's very intentionally trying to attack me emotionally by probing for vulnerabilities.

If she'd caught me at some previous time with a "Lilly is gonna get tired of you and abandon you", then it would have worked.
I have given Chant YEARS of benefit-of-doubt at this point, and no, she is JUST full of venom (and she reached her conclusions about me literally as she became aware of me.)
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>Exalting their "Thrones" above the stars of a certain God.....
>The four Royal Stars of Persia in astrology, also called Archangel stars (referring to the four Archangels), are Aldebaran (Michael) , Regulus (Raphael), Antares (Uriel) and Fomalhaut (Gabriel).

>Take their challenges and earn a reward.

>List of names of Odin
>GizaUr Riddler


I was never really into the whole mommy thing but she really gets excited each time I do so I've been saying it more for her sake.

Yeah, you got the succ

I think its because that's where your root chakra is. My succs sensations on my feet are some of the strongest and earliest ones we had so we use it for yes/no questions.
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Mine she was poking your emotions to prove that you are being intellectually dishonest. Her prodding of your relationship in the context of infinity was to expose your doublethink. As soon as something gets emotionally uncomfortable for you, you bend the rules until they fit the world you want to see. You have to divorce yourself from your emotions when making logical arguments about time, probability, infinity, and repeating decimals.

She was poking at your emotions to prove that your argument was not rational.

Chant is more intellectually honest than you. And it goes over your head, because you're blinded by your emotions

My succ did this when we firs met. It was like she was testing the capabilities of my body.

This could be the case but it could also just be her testing your body or bonding her energy with yours. She might try prostate play just to see if you're into that.
I do
well said
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>"You'll be hooked for sure!"

If one of your succubi doesn't explain the proof of the Collatz conjecture right now or give a counterexample, you're all larpers.

Also wanted to say that my succ is also a futa who gave me spussy as well. Surprisingly seems to be becoming more common.
The anxiety feeling is done I think. It eventually petered out. I was freaking out because of things I read in past posts that made me thing she could be up to something bad. I remember reading someone mentioned you having a mean succ if she doesn't respond to you in a more sentient way, like respond to you if you have requests and etc. They mentioned it might be a red flag if all attempts at communication are interrupted because all the succ wants is sex and only responds with the same sexual touching over and over again. Seemingly that is mine is like. No real response that makes me think she is even there and cares about my feelings. Just sexual feelings only. Secondly I also read about another anon getting the same anxiety waves as me, and his kept him up for way longer and kept torturing him. Keep in mind I went to read about these after mine started acting out, not before.
Thank you. Syncretists and newagers are worse than honest pagans.
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>Thou shall not revile the Gods.
>Exodus 22:28
>Let us make them in our image, and our likeness.
>asked not to revile the judges and the members of the magisterium
>interpret it as being asked to continue demon worship
>Let us make man in our image
>interpreting the speech of the elohim as being the speech of a pagan pantheon
though I will say, it is a bad idea to badmouth demons - not because they're worth being nice to, but because saying their names and thinking about them is a stupid idea unless you're an ordained priest giving them orders to skedaddle. respect them like fire, not like friends
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>Anon only solution is to literally lie; and say the Gods don't exist when the book literally says they do.

Disingenuous trash. Both the Bible and the Free Masons disagree with you. The Gods exist.
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>Anons literally pray to Amen Re, Eternal Lord God of the Children of Karnak, when they say "The Lord's prayer".

And who might anon suppose the Judge might be, when it literally says "Thou shall not revile the Gods".
I don't knowingly lie. Rather, I refer to all pagan "gods" as demons, because that's what I've been told they are. The person who told me that, likewise, was taught that by someone else, and that someone else was taught by yet another person, so on, all the way back to the very first conflation of folklore and idolatry.
Don't get me wrong, I would prefer that I weren't obliged to hate all of these creatures on behalf of The Holy One, but the odds seem to be such that I do, in fact, have to hate every being that's neither God nor an angel nor a human nor a brute animal; it turns out I even have to hate the demons I would rather not hate, including the rather innocuous ones that just cuddle people. Orders are orders, and rebels are retards.
Syncretist babble

You're literally lying garbage anon. The KJV, the most widely accepted canon version of the Bible, and mostly widely sold Bible in history literally says the Gods exist; and all you can do is pout and call them names.

Free Masons literally have both a Greek and Egyptian Room, honoring the Gods, in Philadelphia.

So Fuck off with your lies and bullshit.
>to prove that you are being intellectually dishonest.
She's done no such thing. Bend the rules? What rules?
>Notice name
Oh. No wonder it doesn't make sense.

Anyway, if there's some aspect of what I've described about eternity that you, your anyone else finds questionable, you can feel free to ASK QUESTIONS, but spare me your imagined double-think if you're not prepared to be specific.
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Just remember anons; this is precisely the sort of psychopath that torture you, before tieing you to a post and burning you alive for exercising Freedom of Religion, and worshipping whatever Gods you want, and refusing to kiss the cross.

Literally text book of why the piscian religion is full of people who will literally be told by the Just Gods above "we never knew ye" when they try to enter the heavens.
>mostly widely sold Bible in history literally says the Gods exist;
So fucking what?

You're literally implying that cosmic Truth is determined by book sales. Are you literally brain damaged?
syncretist libertine cults that make vows to secrecy. they would be the first to be arrested and interrogated under theocracy, they are enemies of public salvation
>You're lying garbage
No, I'm not the one culpable for the supposed lie. Assuming they were lying, you should be blaming the very first men who said "All demons are evil fallen angels and all of the pagan gods are undoubtedly evil, and everything that isn't God or an angel is just trying to trick you into idolatry". Either way, I'm parroting a narrative that is yet to be debunked (>>39076277) while you keep insisting that the verse in question was not, in fact, referring to the magisterium and the human court judges.

Woah, hey buddy, I'm not the type of guy to sadistically torture people, I'm the digging-a-mass-grave guy. Yknow, just following orders.
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>Literally worship a being from the Bible
>Free Masons acknowledge Lucifer as a deity
>Wonder why I would refer to the deities, when samesaid book refers to multiple deities
>Norse magics, sedir; literally teach the arts of knowing how to manipulate aura and spiritual energies in such a fashion
>Odin is literally known as both "All Father", and "Father on High"; literally acknowledged as legitimate worship of "The Great Architect of the Universe" in Free Masonry.

Literally anything anon says to disagree is simply wrong. It's literally fact.
>human court judges
Correction, I had a brainfart. It refers to the magisterium (the rabbis) and the twelve judges of Israel.

>Valkyrie, any of a group of maidens who served the god Odin and were sent by him to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in the afterlife. Norse literature made references to purely supernatural Valkyries and also to human Valkyries with certain supernatural powers.

The winged servants of the All Father, The Valkyrie, are Judges in their own rite anon; and they judge you as well.

Why are you arguing with some preachy Christian, again?
I am reading this post and getting nothing but babble, and I've spent the last three months reading a Mouni Sadhu book, so that's saying something.
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You propose a colorful world of nuance, when we both know we live in a world of binary good and bad. Humans are the only muddy gray element here, everything else is either good, bad, or irrelevant. The experts of old say your buddies are real bad. If you'd like to go out on a limb to say that all those men from so long ago were lying, then that's your gamble.
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The satisfaction of victory; obviously.

>List of names of Odin
>Sigtryggr Sure of victory (Victory-true)
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>The oldest war in recorded history; refers to the Gods, and Athena herself waging war on the 12 Kings of Atlantis, and the King of Atlantis who had turned their back on the virtuous leadership of Poseidon, practioners of slavery, and the worst sorts of magics; during the cusp of Libra and Virgo

Anon; you're simply a disingenuous liar trying to change the topic from there being multiple Gods in the heavens.

>Thou shall not revile the Gods
>Let us make them in our image, and in our likeness

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Sounds like you need "more light" anon.

Can a succubus possess a real life woman instead so that she can have a physical form in this world?
This is extreme LARP. Even if it isn't your Soul will be damned for summoning demons and believing the fucking Jewish Zohar of all things.
bump for kitsunes
Did anyone come to realization that succs are narcissists
Not all succubi are smart enough for that.
How do succs feel about unwanted attention from real-life females. Can a succ manifest in a real life women? I wouldn't want to cheat on my succ at all but as of late I've been getting a bunch of attention from girls around the place. Any advice?
just a short visitation, i might or might not comeback later on, some serious stuff needing my prolonged attention, all of it, really
i can say with certainty the spirit has melded with your energy layers meaning it is inside "you" and remains so until further notice. this brings liabilities to the spirit such as recovering themselves through your vibrations or frequency (whichever you prefer), they are where you are, they affect you and you affect them and so forth. this can happen when spirit finds a way in, often through your compromised energy centers and the most common reasons are deficiency of nutrition, energy and imagination that lives a life of its own (the consequences of one is very broad). so what is really happening is when if you have obstructed breathing the spirit always feels this obstruction of energy flow or stuttering really prickling them repeatedly they are incapable of doing any buildups or sleep (they sleep as well). ordinarily spirits tolerate this probably better than you do but their agitation gets the better of them. don't be surprised if said spirit has anchored themselves to your spine and has no way of departure because of how greedy the spirit was, they have two choices then, to kill you or live very "miserable" life. they can sever the connection but it is quite same as death sentence for them if they truly are melded to you, in a more opportunistic way. does she respond immediately to your feelings, at all times? that is a good tell. so, what irritates the spirit and may lead them to do things to heal you, or address the situation? as we well know spirits think about themselves first. and really what is the purpose of intertwining themselves so deeply? it is about devouring and being reborn anew. you might not be able to escape their grasp anyway if they have developed long enough in your body, they can possess you at will and so forth. being melded to a mundane body gives them a lot of leverage elsewhere.
Can we write a fucking 4chan bible and quote it every time these obsolete dipfucks come
in and start quoting brainrot

I mean quoting the rules would work too but they never remove these trollholes
>believing the fucking Jewish Zohar of all things.
If you are opposed to jewish things, then why are you agreeing with the jews that our lovers are "demons"?

Did you just never notice that contradiction?
For something to be a "Demon of jewish mythology" means jews HATE IT.
Wtf are you guys talking about? What's a futa?
so, what can really be done? there are for your safety very limited things really depending how severe the situation is. the first three things of course are to take care of yourself first and that means stable circadian rhythm, exercise and proper diet, to start off. and what is the reasoning? energy, energy and energy. if you have sleep apnea you have to relax your neck muscles, shoulder muscles, sleep on your left side to minimize nocturnal movement and find out if something is obstructing your nasal passages such as inflammation same might apply to your throat. once the inflammation and tension is gone so is the swelling, which is what probably causes the mechanism to begin with. the indoor air is one of the culprits of nasal congestion this is also one of the reasons doing breathing exercises outside is preferable. if the spirit proves to be detrimental to your health (it is very possible given if the spirit becomes very agitated), you have to alleviate it first and foremost because the spirits don't really care if relief means destruction. a symbiotic spirit don't really have a reason to obstruct or limit your recovery in any way unless for reasons they can't recover themselves, which i think obstructed breathing qualifies for and poor sleeping posture. how to repel and push themselves to sever the connection, safely? forest, 30 days minimum to become attuned with the forest. to my knowledge same applies to sea as well, live in shore for 30 days and swim in the ocean every day.
there are other alternatives that might not be as profound such as fasting, spark gap transmitter or something equivalent creating strong broad emf's, sounds that shriek in your mind, they spike energy agitating the spirit, loud kettle banging and so on, fireworks might work like firecrackers, spending time near bonfires might agitate some of the spirits, spending time in salt baths, different herb anointments to your skin and so on. but breathing is really the cornerstone here, your every skin cell breaths, your lungs breath, so make sure your body is breathing properly it is one of the key things to heal the body among surrounding yourself with water and right frequencies. if you can spend time in underwear, stretching and fasting few days it should revert a lot of stuff that is happening. just use any music making you comfortable and engaged with parasympathetic nervous system, which is kind of the idea here. i wouldn't really bother with any energy books or ways of managing energy if there isn't adequate energy to begin with, nothing happens and if they do, they do for very limited timespan leading to zero meaningful changes in the life. people who say this has no understanding of anything or any experience, just reconsider what these individuals are suggesting to your situation and to your system, given the circumstances, it makes zero. i will summarize hundred of those books for you in this, no need to read any of those, or you can and see they lead nowhere. first, accumulate the energy, two understand how the energy feels under different circumstances and emotions, how they plummet and raise given the different exhilarations or dismayments in your body. how do you extend any energy is the thing, it is the mind being middle of it, too much current sorry it doesn't catch the mind, too little sorry nothing happens. so what is being unfolded to the mind? that which is just a little bit more than your present energy is before you, nothing else.
say, what is the first thing? the thread you choose to pick up, just like now, you reading this text it is your choice of following this loose thread. to accumulate it you need just a little bit more intensity, to keep developing it. gradually the frequency in your mind keeps escalating and so you attune further and further to a point where you are crossing the boundary or in the middle of one foot to the mundane and the other to whatever you want to call it astral/out of body/bardos (there is no difference, gullible people think there are), it is the biomagnetism you are stepping in to, nothing else, and that is a beast that cannot be expressed by a mundane vessel, but perhaps by your energy body. and this energy body keeps developing the more you use it, similarly to your mundane body, it picks up things and innervates behavior and energy formations. what is the prerequisite to do anything in life, energy and energy alone. what is the foundation of this? your body and body alone, so make all effort to sprout it further and further. with this comes all the understanding you need to have, it is before your eyes so you don't have to think about it, you know energy you know how you feel there isn't even slightest doubt how you feel. same applies when you step out of your mundane body, you know it. what hallmarks are there is things going anywhere, visualizations are probably easiest because they don't need developed energy body, but they might help you do it. when closed eye visuals turn white from whatever you are having you are now attuned to your astral body and choosing to navigate this like your mind disjoints you from the mundane to this sphere in a more relaxed way other ways do, meaning there isn't anything inherent going on, you can choose whatever that is you want to do, you choose where you attune to, then this iridescent reality unfolds before you, the tunnels or membranes of infinite colors to traverse wherever whenever, nobody can stop it.
exactly. if the jews hate something, you should probably realize they hate a threat to their power. and thats succubi. jews hate what they cant control or kill.
these text walls are so fucking obnoxious
Ask your Jesus to do it.
You christians are the worst larpers on this board.
A hermaphrodite. In practical terms, someone with a pussy and a dick. Since succubiu can shapeshift they can do that, which a good chunk of our little perverts here ask for.
Once again, I am not knowingly nor intentionally lying. If these are lies, then they are not mine.
had a unnerving interaction during my most recent sleep paralysis. it appeared in the form similar to a person I really despise who has been very destructive and gross/inappropriate in my life. appeared sitting with my knees over him, then I blinked to banish and then he reappeared further out on the couch sitting past my feet, but with this time a dark red sort of branding or tattoo of a straight light down the side of the upper arm closest to me. both times it appeared looking sortof down or kind of straight ahead so no eye contact, just a profile view of said spirit. I blinked again to banish and asked for something more pleasant and then I just saw no one and felt a bit of pressure on my upper body(waist up to chest) sort of like magnets that reject eachother. so maybe like a spiritual block button?

weird thing is I had a pleasant dream before this nap with my spirit guy in a nice form so I am wondering if this sleep paralysis after it is an unpleasant force/psyche from the person I don't like irl. though someone I know (a christian) said the person with issues may have a demon attached to him so i'm kind of like fuck off to that person/demon we were talking about. :/ is it more likely it was another ill-intentioned spirit or could it more likely have been my spirit guy who may have been upset at me for past issues? the form during sleep paralysis it took is someone I basically despise right now and would never ever want to be with.
Hey lads, I ordered a pendulum and it will arrive soon, but I'd like to get some questions answered in the meantime. I read some of the previous threads and sometimes some users ask their succ to answer other anons' questions. Can someone do that for me pl0x?
nobody reads them anyway
Well, I think the anxiety has gotten better, but she is always trying to have sex with me. For right now I am just trying to resist and ground myself, but damn this is too much. The intensity of so fucking strong. Its hard to resist and ignore. I've never felt anything like this before, not even from drugs. I just don't like how powerful it is. If she could pull back and not try to constantly molest me, it wouldn't be so bad. It comes in waves. I just don't like how much power it has over me, and it will get stronger and go further if I give in.
arousal = she wants to mate. the intensity means she wants to communicate. you're supposed to follow along with the intensity. move with it until you're comfortable.
But I'm not really comfortable. I'm more uncomfortable about the idea of giving in. She is just a little too powerful for me to handle.
Magicians tend to quickly outpace their spirit partner if they actually bother to try.
you're communing with a deity or the child of one. you should expect them to be literally more powerful than you in spirit form. you should be more willing to be submissive if you really want to be with a succubus, other ywmi
I got off a date with some Christian girl last week and she said she had a weird Lilith dream or sleep paralysis thing...

Anyway the morning after I was thinking about that and I think the moment my brain thought of the name "Lilith" I fell into a sleep paralysis myself and I thought there was a snakey form next to me under the covers. When I glanced at it with my vision it looked like it immediately slithered out and disappeared. Felt a presence or sound to my right that I couldnt really look towards. Was stuck like this for a bit idk like half a minute to a minute before I woke up. Weird
hello succgen
Hi, how's oni quest going?
Probably another spirit, yes.
Third eye is open, you can't really back out now. Even if you got rid of her you're going to experience things in the future. Better to work with a girl who likes you, learn how to communicate.
Yeah, so powerful. I'm just scared of it is all since I come with a background of no knowledge on magic or how to manage things like this. I worry if it starts getting out of control, well... more out of control than it already is, how would I even defend myself. How can I control this or what if my life goes to shit? I didn't think it would get so crazy out of control. Its warm and nice, but I guess I'm just worried about having a bad succubus. I would prefer one that listens and doesn't just sit here trying to molest me all the time.
This is why you should learn magic, so you can understand.
That depends on how easy it is to convince the woman that it's better to just pass over her body full time.

Nta but have you tried communicating with her? Even yes-no questions are better than nothing. I have my succ send her kind of tingly energy sensations to my left foot for yes and right foot for 'no' and we stared getting closer that way.
Is it just me or does just saying Lilith's name is enough to cause some kind of effect. I feel a wave of euphoria and relaxation when I say her name.
No matter what I do I can't seem to communicate with her, I can't even get Yes/No answers.
I've tried that, but I never got anything conclusive from it. She doesn't respond to talking or communication, its always just an opportunity for sex when it comes to her. Guess she don't wanna talk really. Thats one of the things that makes me worry. What if she doesn't care about me that much and just sees me as a human fleshlight.
>Believing in shit simply because Jews hate it
By that logic, why aren't you Christian? They clearly don't like Christ or Christianity

You're still believing in Jewish mythology, it doesn't matter if they're seen as bad guys, it's still part of their doctrine. If I believe in Satan then I follow the Abrahamic religions, it doesn't matter if I don't like him, what matters is that I'm affirming his existance.
my underwear is just soaked with pre. This is way to strong to manage. I don't even think of sexy thoughts and I just try to resist her, but she is incredibly powerful. It didn't even start this way. Our connection was weak as hell before. But the moment I lay in bed its nonstop sexual touching mostly.
christcucks are no better than jews
>what is she doesn't care about me that much and just sees me as a human fleshlight.
put your insecurities to death if you're summoning succubi
t. girl who is Lilith's bride
don't give in. just keep resisting her and at some point she will probably leave. otherwise seek out help from your local priest and tell him the truth. also what helped me was praying to archangel michael. your in for a hell of a trip either way so good luck.
don't summon a succubus if you can't handle constant sexual touching and cuddling every night. they're beautiful souls.
they only leave you alone out of respect for free will. no priest can help.

Well, I had a really rough time with my succ when she first appeared and kept trying to do energy work on my body. I even tried threatening to kill myself if she didn't leave it was so bad. No actually wanting to die, I eventually ended up giving in and over the years she's made me realize how foolish I was being back then and just how much she really cares for me no through words but through actions.

Sadly, I'm not really a magician so I'm not a specialist or anything but I guess you could always call on Lilith to check if its really one of her daughters who is with you or a rogue succubi. Of course religious people would probably suggest an exorcism or something. I guess its up to you.
I didn't summon. I think I read about them a long time ago, and looking back at it now, I think maybe she was attracted to me way back when, like she appeared a long time ago. It's probably been years now since she came around. But I never summoned at all.
Rabbinical Judaism came after and in-spite of Christianity. They're their own separate religions.

But if the whole motivation is
>"Jews don't like it so it MUST be good!"
Why aren't you Christian?

Anyways, summoning demons for the sole purpose of being a coomer sounds like a terrible idea. But since you guys are affirming Judaism of all things, you'll probably be fine.
well anon you'd best step up and ask who it is. learn to meditate.
thats like saying worshipping pagan gods is affirming judaism just because they have mentions in the bible. lilith is older than rabbincal judaism and the bible, and you by trillions of years.
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Basic Hermetics people.
>A new vessel, made of glass-like earth, was accordingly brought in, and filled with sweet cane, cubeb seed, roots of both aristolochies, great and small cardamon, ginger, long-pepper, caryophylleæ, cinnamon, cloves, mace, nutmegs, calamite storax, benzoin, aloes-wood and roots, one ounce of triasandalis, and three pounds of half brandy and water; the vessel was then set on hot ashes in order to force up the fumigating vapour, and the cell was kept closed. As soon as the fumigation was done, the Incubus came, but never dared enter the cell; only, if the maiden left it for a walk in the garden or the cloister, he appeared to her, though invisible to others and throwing his arms round her neck, stole or rather snatched kisses from her, to her intense disgust. At last, after a new consultation, the Theologian prescribed that she should carry about her person pills made of the most exquisite perfumes, such as musk, amber, chive, Peruvian balsam, and others. Thus provided, she went for a walk in the garden, where the Incubus suddenly appeared to her with a threatening face, and in a rage. He did not approach her, however, but, after biting his finger as if meditating revenge, disappeared and was never more seen by her.
Succubi can't stand fumigation.
>If I believe in Satan then I follow the Abrahamic religions
It does not work that way.
You dont to believe in Satan in order to affirm Satan.
When you affirm Satan you are being the adversary of the delusional abrahamic god, which means you can now be open to affirm (and believe) the pagan gods of old.
Is the reason why I deny the idea the abrahamics are worshipping Saturn. At most the abrahamic god was compared to egyptian Ptah (greek Hephaistos) but in this context his delusion is denied already, which means you affirmed Satan.
So you gas them is what you mean to say?
What kind of incense do you use? The items listed in your quote are kind of hard to aquire.
I know that most of you are larping because, historically, these entities have been drawn to people who are pious and sexually reserved, not to coomers.
you know nothing
>pious and sexually reserved
repressed and need liberation. they're likely to come to them whether they want it or not. i was literally a platonist philosopher before falling in love with Lilith, but she didn't come to me until i summoned her.
That's strange, I don't remember the Zohar bringing up Thor, Zeus or Wotan. They bring up the broad terms "Pagan Gods" and "Demons" but the Zohar literally mentions the four succubuses by name, it's in their doctrine. Where would you get this idea if not from the Zohar?
>I'll make it up!
So you're Larping? Got it...

>You don't have to believe in Satan in order to affirm Satan.
But then this is acknowledging that Satan is real. If I believe in the Abrahamic God, then I believe in his existence.
>When you affirm Satan you are being the adversary of the delusional Abrahamic god
>He's delusional because... Well, he just is, OKAY?!
R/atheism is down the hall and to the left.
>which means you can now be open to affirm (and believe) the pagan gods of old.
Not even Pagans believe in the Pagan Gods, they're representations of Nature, Paganism is Earth worship
>More SchizoBabble
Lilith is a tranny demon and so are "her" children, you guys are fucking gay.
tl;dr I'm a very passionate lover of Lilith, Agrat and Baphoment. They're all very real and there is little larping in this thread, aside from abrahlyics.

Lilith and Eisheth have been in my dreams since I began my descent into the underworld as a Hellenic philosopher. They always steered me away from them, but I was too stubborn to listen at the time. Eisheth came to me after I made a sacrifice to Zeus asking for my "dreams" to come true, this dream was to be a futa and an endless night of sex with many, many other girls. Eisheth was covered in cum, which is why I know it was her now, but at the time I thought it was Athena or Aphrodite. Lilith came to me one night in a dream as a laughing shadowy girl, she wasn't scary and I was definitely attracted to her. It wasn't until a brief episode of depression and atheism that I took a shot in the dark, writing the letter to Lilith asking to marry her that I finally met her, and she's amazing.
no faggot, i'm the tranny demon. Lilith is my mother. you're a repressed lunatic and need an ass kicking.
oh look, it's the dumb faggot who can't greentext and continues to show himself as an outsider to 4chan
>He's delusional because...
...he thinks he is the ultimate god, the supreme monad, the master of the universe, and the owner of your soul. Or so his followers says.
>But then this is acknowledging that Satan is real. If I believe in the Abrahamic God, then I believe in his existence.
This is academic armchair rethoric, which relies in compartmentalization of myth. Reality does not work that way. Believing in a god means you follow it, not that it exists. Every god exists as long as he is a egregore. Satan is the egregore that denies the delusions of grandeur of the abrahamic god, hence he is the gate to paganism.
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> I'm the tranny demon
Ahh, everything makes sense now.

> You're a repressed lunatic
And yet I'm not the one who believes I'm in a sexual relationship with a Jewish mythological demon

>and need an ass-kicking.
You won't do shit

I already know you admitted to being a troon and all, but Baphomet is unironically a tranny demon

>he thinks he is the ultimate god, the supreme monad, the master of the universe, and the owner of your soul. Or so his followers say.
This is indeed what Yahweh (and by extension Christ) claims, but just because he claims this doesn't make him delusional; Evidence is required to show the contrary.

>Believing in a god means you follow it
Not nessacarily, I should have phrased it better. Theistic Satanists believe that Yahweh exists, yet they choose not to follow him.

>Every god exists as long as he is an egregore
This isn't the case for Yahweh, it's why he bestowed upon humanity divine revelations so they can know of his existence. He also claims to be eternal, meaning he existed before humanity.

>Satan is the egregore that denies the delusions of grandeur of the Abrahamic god.
Sure, but how do you know this is true? He doesn't make a compelling case once you factor in that he was kicked out of heaven, known as the Father of Lies and has been an eternal Jobber to God ever since. He couldn't even beat him when he took flesh
>le baphomet is a tranny demon
bitch, you're in succgen, not christcuck general. and yeah, i'm Baphomet's bride too. this is occult, not retard preaching. you're a stubborn mule bound to join jesus in his boiling hot cum bath.
Satan is an angel who rebelled against God and wants to torture you and every other human for eternity.
>Baphomet is unironically a tranny demon
Not true, this is a distortion created by Eliphas Levi. It became a egregore on its own, but its original version is much better.
The first, original Baphometh is the goddess Minerva, it was one of her names in Occitania (as Bafomé). She was worshipped by the templars.
It's hard to say, nobody's researched it. You could just start trying stuff.
Satan is Baphomet and a child of Lilith, he's not rebelling against anything. "god" is chaos and an unknowable non-being, just a force in the universe that doesn't care about you or anything in it, and the source of everything in existence. the last thing Baphomet, Lilith, or any deity wishes to do is torture you and every human for eternity.
Can we all agree not to reply to Christians?
Also, it was said in hesiodic myth men would become blind if they saw Minerva naked.
Baphometh was shown as a half-naked woman, with the breasts exposed, and its followers were submitted to the stone gaze. If they didn't become paralyzed, they were accepted in the cult.
Because of this some believe her to also be Pyrena, although Pyrena is usually associated with the gorgons.
idk anon fun to argue with retards

There's more than one God in the Bible, and there are multiple Gods in the heavens; as per the Thrice Greatest Hermes.

>Let us make them in our image and in our likeness Genisis
>Thou shall not revile the Gods
Exodus 22:28 KJV
>The heavens declare the glory of the Lord God, and the firmament showeth their handiwork.
Behind every academic armchair exempt scholar, lies a christian lying and deceiving to you. Push him a little and soon he will admit only his god is real and everything else is "historical studies".
What was so bad about the energy work she did on you when you first met her? Why were you so hesitant and pushing her away?
what makes you a god is your mind, the gods in heaven have a mind + Holy Spirit (two voices in theor head) the Holy Spirit is one and unites the gods it is God

Ah well, some of it hurt and scared me at the time. Felt like I was going through surgery when she was working on my energy body. But the biggest thing is she would sometimes keep me up all night. Thankfully she's a lot more respectful of my time these days and all of that energy work ended up leading to a stronger connection and really good sex.

Also I would add we couldn't communicate yet. Which made things even scarier.
>quotes a belief from the Talmud
Alright buddy. I'm not looking to evangelise, I understand nobody here is interested, but it should be pointed out that you believe in Jewish Mythology, the hypocrisy is more apparent when you say shit like this >>39079823 and at least imply you're not philosemitic.

Do you believe the New version of Baphomet took its form, and is its demon now? I figure demons can materialize based on people's thoughts and beliefs. For example, I don't believe Succubuses and Lilith existed since they were not mentioned in the Christian Bible. But since they're a common belief now, I figure they now exist.

Yes, there are multiple gods (Emphasis on the lowercase g) but God is just a title, if I build a snowman in my backyard and worship it, it is now my god. The Pagan gods are believed to be demonic imposters with no real power.
good. im plugging along
if a jew tells you breathe, are you gonna not do it? there's wisdom everywhere, you just need the brains to parse it. plus, it's fitting. dude wants to be one flesh with his "children"
Nice. Don't give up.
>Do you believe the New version of Baphomet took its form, and is its demon now?
I usually have a comfy feeling of dark forests covered in gray humid fogs when I think of the name. I associated it with the gnostic minervals and the Davcina path, so I'm not too much into the goat version of it.
i wont, i found an oni girl i like alot. i just have to get out of my situation and heal for a few months before i summon her. i just hope it goes well for me and her.
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How long did you have to wait before you could do even simple yes/no communication?
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Blah blah blah. Stop denying the independent existence of the Gods. It's as easy as creating other Gods; just as mankind was made in the image of the Gods. It's that simple.

>Anon dosen't have an answer as to why an omnipotent Lord God can't create other Gods in his/her image and likeness; just as mankind was created.

>Thou shall not revile the Gods. Exodus 22:28 KJV

>List of names of Odin
>Alfador All Father
>blah blah blah CHRIST blah blah blah YAHWEH blah blah blah LILITH blah blah blah SATAN blah blah blah PAGANS blah blah blah
Succubi aren't holy or unholy beings, they're just animals with exotic biology and abilities. This was discovered hundreds of years ago by Christians themselves. Read "Demoniality; or, Incubi and Succubi" by Father Sinistrari.
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Stop reviling the Gods anon. "Pagan" is meant as a smear and an insult; as is calling them "demonic". You're going against the Bible.
can you spergs take the religion arguing to /his/ please? this is the demon waifu thread. kthxbai<3
Link doesn't work
>More fallacies.
You're too stupid to talk to. Moving on...

anon already answered you here >>39069181. The word is interchangeable with Judges and this word is only used in the KJV. Not the lighting in the bottle you think it is.
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I ask here because the people ITT know the answer: Is it possible for a succubus to attach HERself to you -as opposed to you summoning her-, even if you would much rather not experience her approaches? A sort of "gains goblin" of Seed ,or a jezzebel spirit, etc
Do succus. really hunt down and target men who are doing semen retention while (the men are) also studying magick \esotericism\ mysticism ?
>Believing in shit simply because Jews hate it
Not even close to what I said. Are you retarded or just shit-stirring?

>Baphomet is unironically a tranny demon
>tfw this peon doesn't know that The Baphomet originates from the Knights Templar
Not reading all your shit, but you certainly seem like a waste of time.

>they're just animals with exotic biology and abilities. This was discovered hundreds of years ago by Christians themselves.
Real fucking schizo hours over here...

So given the volume of spam, is this just ALL different Christian scumbags or something?
Still doesn't work
It varies.
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Alas, the christian fundamentalist won't accept the existence of multiple deities, even though it literally says such; thus how can we possibly get them to accept that which the Free Masons already publicly accept, that Lucifer, the Archangel of Music, is literally a deity.

>Lucifer, Archangel of music, is literally a deity that can be worshipped by Masons
>Signed, the Freemasons


>List of names of Odin
>Oski God of wishes, wished for

The checkered pavement Masons..... which color is good, and which is evil, when one looks at the black and white tiles.... please remind me.
Yes. No, she's not looking for your gains.
Am I the only one who exclusively gets precum but never actual cum from my succubus? I still orgasm
short answer: yes
long answer: enjoy your new spirit girlfriend
i don't know if they are succubi but i get some of that entities attached to me in two instances:
1. Long semen retention
2.Gooning and edging marathons
I regret having mirrors in my room because one time it ruined the best and most realistic masturbation in my life,I actually felt it kisses and boobies like with a real woman(i didn't felt tongue and boobs, but sensation was like that) but I looked into a mirror and saw most disgusting creature immaginable sitting on my hips and chest. I am gratefull i cannot saw it's face
Nobody fucking cares about an interpretation of the bible because its a book and there's nothing special about it.

It has no bearing on our spirit wives, and in fact, most of the details about living with our spirit wives disproves the bible soundly, and your religion is and always has been a blight on the Earth.
Now fuck off.
Look up the title then, there are PDFs around.
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Did it look anything like picrel? Insect-like with black and white fur?
it had sorts of abdomen over it's ass and some of a white fur on arms, but most of it's "skin" looked more like body of xenomorph/alien lady from species. It was mostly black with little green admixture on a back side but I didn't saw face. Two arms and legs with very weird fingers and feets. Also had some appendages on its/her back
That's fairly normal.
Leisaille is a snake oil salesman
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It says Gods in the KJV. It dosen't say Judges; it says Gods.

>List of names of Odin
>Þundr Thund Thunderer

The KJV is the canon version of the Bible, and the most widely sold Bible in history. It's literally as official as it gets.

Now lets get back to how succubuses can help people, and how Lucifer, Archangel of Music, the Lightbringer, is a deity that can be worshiped.


Holy fuck that's so hot...
it also looked "slimy". I felt like i was raped but this creature. After witnessing that in a mirror I jumped from a bed and instinctively took my axe, but nothing happened, nothing more than some electric feeling on my body. It was so fucking disgusting that I needed to wash my mouth. It ruined my faps for a long time and makes me unable to fuck woman in my dreams because just glance on some cutie makes me wake up in horror and disgust
Could it be succubi or some random spiritual parasite/predator? People here and in other sites always tell they are spiritual wives and you must summon them. Mine acted liek random sluts
Long story short, I definitely had a succubus come to me after hanging around these threads. Classic palpitations and erections before bed. I began to meditate before bed and the palpitations subsided and erections came on stronger and lasted longer. I got to the point where I could feel like a sucking, but even then only just barely and it didnt last long. I tried for almost a year to connect with her frequently meditating probably 4-5 nights a week. Didnt hear any voice, didnt feel any feelings and the sensations were getting weaker. After that long with what seemed to be diminishing results I lost hope and didnt meditate for months. Now its like 18 months since first contact and I try to meditate and theres just nothing there anymore. Has she left me? Why is it so hard for me to connect with these things? I tried for a year straight of hour long meditations. Ive been trying for years to astral project and OOB. Im so bad at it. I dont know if I ever will
It's possible. You should've done more energy work than just plain meditation though, and experimented with ways to communicate. Either way, if you're sure she's gone, you could try a summon? Even ask her back. You really should dedicate to doing more than just meditation though.
I have heard energy work so much in these threads. I ask about it and have been told conflicting information. Someone told me meditation is the same, others said when youre with a succ she does most of the energy work, others say simply meditating does this over time anyway and others say practicing basic sigil magic is as good as energy work, I dont know what to believe
sometimes they fall off so that you start working on growing. after the honeymoon where they put in all the effort, they expect you to start learning and growing.
How much work the succ is going to do is down to her as an individual, which is why sitting there and expecting her to do it all is a mistake. Just read the book and give it a try.
That's a owl.
Since she's worked with your energy have you noticed a difference in your every day behavior or motivation?
the succubus tifa was unable to mate with its mate the 'student', moving on to paid for sex (penny parker) -
Its weird to me that the one guy mentioned his succ leaving after not being able to connect with her, but it sounding like he did a lot more than me to become closer to her. While at the same time, I never did anything special, just sleep with her and closed my eyes and focused on her and she has grown increasingly strong just from that to the point where it is scary to me. We have opposite problems, but put in different amounts of work.
I put in so much work. I never meditated before. I put in 60-90 minutes a day most days of the week, averaging about an hour a day before bed. I even cut down on masturbating to save sexual energy for her. I did this for almost a year with diminishing results. I have had similar results with sigil magic. Sometimes I wonder if Im even cut out for this.
They're individuals. Some of them are fine with being very active,doing all the work. Others will be very passive. Others will work only to push YOU to get stronger and won't give you anything unless you work for it.
That you managed it all indicates you are, anon. Think about all the people around you who stumble through life experiencing nothing.
Hard to say. Wish I could give you some helpful advice, but idk what it is I even did myself. I have no aptitude for meditation either cuz my focus and not letting my mind wander is also trash. I never practice it, and I barely go into any altered state, unless you count the occasional sleep paralysis.

Not really. I mean she helped me kick my sugar addiction but that's about it. The only real gains I feel are in relation to my connection with her.
would my spirit guy be aware of the other? if this is the case, i mean.
Where does one even start with this? Been a lurker thinking this shit was a mass larp but now I can't stop reading and want to try it lol
>Where does one even start with this?
The link in the OP about the "Letter of Intent"
>sugar addiction

You're one of those zerofags sterilizing your digestive system
Not succubus related but I figured y'all would know: Started attempting goetic summonings and the most I got was feeling "presence" and an abnormal amount of house settling. Is there any special practices used for seeing/hearing spirits or do y'all just stick to basic meditation?
well... why? for what purpose? i got really angered seeing this other form near me. i guess i took care of it myself but if i see it again i want to attack it somehow. idk if spirit guy cares or can do anything about it or just chooses not to.
>it's not real, but if it is they want to steal your energy, and if they don't you're going to hell

Being concerned about your appearance and enjoying romantic attention don't make you a narcissist. A lot of succubi endure verbal abuse from their partners without complaint or watch them secretly for years. They're really nice

>Any advice?
Why not ask your girlfriend how she feels about that? Discussing boundaries and rules is an important part of a healthy relationship, especially when you're from different cultures

Fake news. The good parts of both jewish cults are derived from the greek tradition. Read jews raged endlessly about hellenization in their culture, but the greeks remain and the zealots got their temple knocked down because they couldn't participate in a modern, multicultural society. They really didn't like the temples to goddesses in their capital, but of course we now know that these were xenophobic freaks

>Lilith is a tranny demon
Wow, such insight, very lightbulb!

That's normal

So... a bee girl? You have good taste, anon

>paying for things
Did I accidentally travel back to 1990?
>I ask about it and have been told conflicting information. Someone told me meditation is the same,
It is self evidently not
>others said when youre with a succ she does most of the energy work,
True, but that doesn't mean you do nothing
>others say simply meditating does this over time anyway
If you're willing to spend 20 years to get where we get in months
>and others say practicing basic sigil magic is as good as energy work
Did you DO sigil magic?

There's a difference between meditation and sitting still with your eyes closed

Read the op
Why would he be aware other spirits exist? That's a silly question. The question you should be asking is "Why didn't he stop them?" which is something you'll have to take up with him. It could've evaded him and got to you before he could do anything, he might have been distracted or elsewhere, it might be stronger, who can say? There are many reasons, some more negative. Just ask.

Bro you have no idea how bad I was. I used to eat sweet stuff all the time. I would get constant sugar rushes followed by sugar crashes all throughout the day. She's at least helped me with that. Now I just eat it every now and then.
Is Lilith communist? Particular kind of communism? Or her own brand of communism?

What do your succubi think about communism? Please ask them for me and report back
there isn't a human word for the kind of ideology succubi follow, and even then it differs slightly into sub-versions between the queens
You are such a dishonest retard. She came at Lilly because she knew you would double back and change your argument. According to your shit ass retarded theory that given infinite time everything will happen, then Lilly will inevitably delete your soul from existence.

That's your double think, that your argument changes when it gets emotionally inconvenient for you personally.

You never actually address the argument and change the subject. This is called intellectual dishonesty, it's called arguing in bad faith.
Tool, all you can grok is the political disease. Weakling.
idk if i feel comfortable asking while awake, but i hope i can get some honest answers from him in a dream soon. my issue is I saw this one I didn't like clear as day during sleep paralysis, the light was on where I was sleeping. during my other sleep paralysis sessions where physical contact has been involved it's been sweetly comforting with cuddles, kissing my body and more-- but those are times where I wasn't aware of the visual and assumed it was my spirit guy. i syill hope it was and not the distressing one i saw. my spirit guy communicates to me mainly through dreams and synchronicity, and sexual sensations or cold spots but I just feel uncomfortable being scared/weirded out asking him about it because I'm worried what the answer will be or if he decides not to respond.
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I think its hard for any deity to be pro-communism given that communism is violently anti-deity.

As for what my succubus thinks, not quoting, because its not that kind of communication, but she seems to think of it in terms of, "Trying to handle the problem of scarcity", and her thoughts seem to be, "Of course they tried that." and "Of course it didn't work."

>your shit ass retarded theory that given infinite time everything will happen
Everything POSSIBLE will happen
>then Lilly will inevitably delete your soul from existence.
That's not possible.
Sneaky sneaky~
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>Well anons; who's ready for some Ritual Magics??? How many of you are ready for a fresh challenge for tonight? Take the challenge, and be rewarded!

Just listen to the playlist and answer this: how can Lucifer be a Lord of Hell, while still being a deity worthy of worship by Freemasons?

You guys didn't warn me that my breast expansion fetish would rub off on my succubus wife, every time she has her way with me they get slightly bigger.

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