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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39067334
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
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4 Succubus Queen huh? Which one should they try to contact?


Riddle: How does one avoid jealousy/envy in this situation?

Meditate on the sigil and question, and give an answer to be rewarded!
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>Well anons; who's ready for some Ritual Magics??? How many of you are ready for a fresh challenge for tonight? Take the challenge, and be rewarded!

Just listen to the playlist and answer this: how can Lucifer be a Lord of Hell, while still being a deity worthy of worship by Freemasons?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cefY0sXQo0U [
is it heard of to try and communicate with my spirit guy through music? i let my spotify play my liked songs on random
>Guys! I didn't know this succubus was gonna be getting all up in my fetishes and whatnot!
Anon, I... (...hope you have fun)

Yup! That's a thing~

I'd pull up a funny sequence she played once, but I gotta go to bed.
Marry and impregnate succubi!
>there isn't a human word for the kind of ideology succubi follow, and even then it differs slightly into sub-versions between the queens
How would you describe the succubus ideology to me? What are there views on economics?
Are they for or against private property rights on the means of production?
disease? I think you meant to say ideological disease, and even then I think you are wrong.
Why do you think spirits can not be political?
>communism is violently anti-deity.
foremost against abrahamist, because abrahamist ideologies are used to justify the enslavement of the people by economic means or as mass mind control tools which promote objective morals without looking at material context
>I think its hard for any deity to be pro-communism
I don't really think has this kind of "ego"(insecurity) which most deities have
>"Trying to handle the problem of scarcity", and her thoughts seem to be, "Of course they tried that." and "Of course it didn't work."
It's a little bit of a riddle anon. If your succubus is referring to stalinists "socialism in one country" is selling out on marxist theoretical points for the sake of adapting to material circumstances I agree and like to add that your succ seems to be well versed in political history and analysis of political practice. or... it has just been vague enough...
Should I be scared of Lilith? Or can I trust her?
You can't trust her. The people that tell you otherwise are either slaves or useful idiots.
What does it mean if I keep seeing manifestations of her?
She is trying to steal your weewee.
You can trust her. But she's very sensitive of being treated like a queen, so you should always be classy and polite in her company. Being scared of her is a kind of insult by itself.
Sex slaves?
Okay that's good to know. I sometimes can sense what's she's saying and I recall that she said "she didn't want my fear, but my love instead"
Lilith is so misunderstood. Sje's so full of kindness and compassion but also power and dominance. I think that's why she sympathizes with me. Because she knows I'm nothing like the surface level me reveals
Do you actually see her? If so, what sid she look like to you?
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Lol the entire point of the succubai is to murder your spirit soul and last your physical body. They do it because where some beings feel mainly love and joy, some feel a bit of everything, these entities mainly feel anger and hatred. Meaning they like to destroy things, worship death and Satan (the ultimate bad guy). And their speciality is taking it out on men through deception and lust. They have a big hatred of lust, men and sexuality, which is weird because that's their whole mojo is being sexy and seductive. These are undead monsters and demons and they don't feel anything for you other than their own greedy contagious death, destruction and hellfire, despite how good they are at tricking you into anything but. That's their speciality. You know, like a specialist such as an orthopaedic surgeon has spent a big chunk of their life studying and working with bones and anatomy?

I mean heck, if you wanna be chucked into a vortex and end up in the deepest blackest void or abyss because you were horny or lonely sure. Trust the succubai queen.
This whole general is full of faggots, succubai or virgin
I don't get it?
Can anyone confirm if this is true or false?
My bad I misclicked on this trash collection of a thread and thought I would point out it smells like hot garbage in here.
It’s true in that that is the proper concept of a Succubus.
It’s false in that Succubi aren’t real.
Read the bible and go to church
She's an ugly bitch anon. A hideous monster.
he's making shut up. typical lying Abrahamist
I think he may has a corruption fetish, so he acts all moral and righteous only for him to enjoy indulging in his futasucc more, if this is the same cristcuk
I can barely sense her. It's over.
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I have an armpit fetish
Quit associating me with random christians. If it was me I would keep the namefagging on
okay okay, but what I was saying is still true for you, isn't it? >>39051292
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Honestly my will is breaking and I can barely fight her anymore. I definitely don't have a corruption fetish though, that's nasty and degrading
xD i really don't know what you mean seriously and wat not. eenjoy your succ I guess
>these entities mainly feel anger and hatred.
Reminder that in the real world, you cannot live every day with an entity that feels only anger and hatred and not become aware of that.
This is the objective means by which we know that your religion is wrong in what it claims.

Furthermore to CLAIM that an entity is exclusively filled with anger and hatred when it is not true is a monstrous LIE and SIN which lies directly at the feet of your god.
And yes, A SIN, because he doesn't decide what that is, and never did.
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God I fucking love ass so fucking much
new desktop backround :D
>If your succubus is referring to stalinists
No, she wasn't speaking to any nuances of that kind.

What she was speaking to was the basic idea of, "We have scarcity, so let's just make everything equal", which underlies all forms of socialism, and her response was something like, "Of course they tried that" (because its an obvious tactic to go for) and "Of course it didn't work" (for reasons evident to most people).
there's a new succubus queen lads
I don't think your succ understands communism that well then.
It is in it's principle more about preventing exploitation then preventing "scarcity". Preventing scarcity is more a side effect.

I think it did work pretty good to some extent, like defeating the majority of the imperialist nazi army in ww2(which had already conquered most of industrialized europe at dat time). considering how much imperial russia got beaten in ww1 it's not really just to say "it didn't work at all".

So yea I think your succ is not an expert on dat topic
I don't think it's possible for any being to only be capable (definitively) of anger and hatred, but that's where they get their charisma to fool you from, the tip of the iceberg which is positive emotions.

Common tactic of deceivers. Turn it into a finger pointing game or a they said vs they said. No seriously everyone knows succubi are evil, I'm really just saying they are very very fucking evil and evil is not a good thing, nor will it be a good thing for you.
Can someone send in the discord invite? I left the server a while ago and want to join back
Being that you seem to be a socialist yourself, its obvious that you have little understanding of socialism, regardless of what you were told it accomplished.
>like defeating the majority of the imperialist nazi army in ww2
Look up "lend-lease." They accomplished nothing on their own.
Also, "preventing exploitation" is a joke because the gulags were a system for slave labor.

>But they wouldn't be atttactive otherwise.
Pfft, lol okay.
>LVL 666 boss tier evil isn't something you can ever cure.
Mindless babble from the people who only know the occult from a book. No wonder your language drifts into video games.

What you are claiming just treats the concept of "intimacy" as if it didn't exist.

This is why its fucking stupid to talk so much about people you've never interacted with.
Obviously the people who know nothing should be listening to the people with experience, not the other way around.
Anyway I'm out
Honestly didn't want to play q and a with you and felt like I had already nuff said with no need to over complicate or take a deeper dive so I deleted that.
no, they're not evil and never have been. you clearly have never spoken to one, so shut up.
>No seriously everyone knows succubi are evil, I'm really just saying they are very very fucking evil and evil is not a good thing, nor will it be a good thing for you.
nice popular opinion fallacy
they aren't. stop lying about things you don't know anything about, shithead
Ok one last thing, isn't everything I'm saying common knowledge and widely accepted? It's confusing to me when 4chan posts like it's different and now I'm being called a liar or wrong.
Hey lads, can someone answer questions I have about my succ? I've seen some anons do that for other anons in the previous threads. I'd ask her myself but we can't communicate at the moment.
me. Lilith says i have it in me, with a lot to learn, and alot of miles to tread, so don't try to summon me or anything.
Ask ahead. I will try helping you based on my own experiences with spirit lovers
sure anon, speak with me.
Pepole tried summoning u?
Good luck with it tho.
no, nobody has, and thanks.
>no name
>no link to what he said
But no, nothing about the occult (literally meaning hidden) is common knowledge or it wouldn't be occult.
Why the fuck would you assume that something being "common knowledge" would mean its correct? You think all human knowledge has been correct from the start?

Maybe give yourself another decade if you're still thinking this way. The world has more to teach you before you start looking outside of it.
Thank you.
1) Do I actually have one? I am 99.9% sure I do but I have yet to receive full, undeniable confirmation
2) Yesterday I did the letter ritual again, this time I addressed the letter to Lilith and all that and asked for the same qualities when I first did the ritual. I asked Lilith to get rid of any entity that isn't one of her daughters and to keep the one I currently have if it's one of her children. I did this because I barely felt her recently and I was starting to worry she left me. The question is: did this piss her off?
3) What can I do to communicate better with her? Energy work and all that I guess, but is there anything more specific?
4) Does she like the name I have in mind for her that starts with "D"?
>Being that you seem to be a socialist yourself, its obvious that you have little understanding of socialism,
>regardless of what you were told it accomplished.
do you now want to deny that ww2 nazi germany doesn't exist anymore? or wat is dis supposed to mean?
>Look up "lend-lease."
that is for once a fair argument. I'll look more into it.
>They accomplished nothing on their own.
ww2 ended 1945.
but US nato block and soviet union were in cold war for world domination until the 90s.
so if it would be true that soviet union could never accomplish anything on their own, they would have perished in te 60s latest.
but dat didnt happen, which exposes your take as oversimplified
>Also, "preventing exploitation" is a joke because the gulags were a system for slave labor.
Not all communism is stalinism. also slave labor camps are not exclusively a communist thing.
preventing exploitation is not a joke but the innermost intent of communism
thats up to you to figure out, but if you're 99.9% sure, then you probably do.
don't be too chaotic. listen and observe. belief is the core of connection.
like i said, belief is the core of connection. sexual touching is the strongest reinforcer of this connection. meditation, clearing your mind, and focusing on a knowable connection with the spirit is a good way. clairaudience is important to develop, as touching x for yes/no isn't adequate for full communication.
don't try to name them, they have their own names.
1. I dont know. Im sorry.
2. I dont think so. Humans have asked way worser things.
3. Try talking with her in your head. Or out loud. Can be about anything. If she can touch you, yes or now is good as well, ask a question and ask her to touch your left/right hand for yes/no. Telepathy will eventually develop. Dont stress on it much. Another thing i discovered is that if you try using your astral body to talk with them it works well. Imagine your astral bodys mouth speaking, in detail. With the intention of her hearing it. You can even mix in a lot ot different expressions like this as well.
4. Most likely. I gave mine a name too.
>Not all communism is stalinism
And the gulags didn't end with stalin.

You are off-topic and stupid, so I've lost interest.
I think it is on topic, because i think the supernatural spirit that is Lilith and her daughters are against exploitation of humans just like communism.
so i think they should be leaning communist, maybe tey can even help us to develop even better ideas
communism didn't. it was totalitarian, succubi, including lilith, are not totalitarian or authoritarian by any metric. they can share some beliefs of sharing, but they certainly aren't USSR commies.
communism is not authoritarien, it wants to give power back to the people, so that they will no longer be exploited by a few.
ussr communism was corrupted and cancelling theoretical points of marxism from the dday lenin died and they cast out trotsky

> they can share some beliefs of sharing
I find it very interesting what political ideas Lilith has precisely also about economics, maybe we can channel togetehr what "Lilithism" looks like
1) I am pretty sure. It's just that I have not been given 100% confirmation of her existence yet.
2-3) I ask her for yes/no touch but I get nothing.
4) "D" is the name I'd use for her until she would tell me hers.

1) No worries.
2) Good to know. I was and still am spooked that she left me.
3) I already do the "talking to her in my head" but simply put there is no reply, I can't even get basic yes/no touch communication - in fact I don't think she has touched me yet (it's supposed to feel just like a human would, right?)
4) The one I have in mind is the "temporary" name I have for her until she'd tell me hers.

Thanks for the answers lads.
>communism is not authoritarien
Its not even funny when you just babble...
Touches feel weird. At first its just muscle twitches. Then its like a little pressure. Try putting your hand close to one of your bodyparts. But dont touch it. Thats how it feels like. They can convey emotions and energy trough this method. The spirit im with rn can turn most of my thoughts send me off to sleep with a specific touch on my neck lol. Sometimes it feels really human.
no, property and belongings cannot be shared equally with a community because someone has to own something, and a social construct such as a state cannot "own" anything. stateless communism wouldn't work at all. a family is willing to share, because the bonds of intimacy make people willing to share. humans desire to own things and each other. families are willing to share within their families because there is ownership in their intimacy. communities and states, even those that support "brotherhood" and "sisterhood" are not real, they are social constructs, and brotherhood/sisterhood is especially deceptive because they are not actually your brothers and sisters.
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I just feel so inspired by Lilith and communism to improve the condition of humanity see picrel

It's not and never have been about abolishing privat property of personal belongings, that is a capitalist strawman.
It is about abolishing privat property rights of the means of production, which include national ressource like water, minerals of the earth and also all fabrics and the machines there in, I think they should belong to the community not to private persons.
>because someone has to own something
individuals own their private belongings, like furniture, a car, clothing, books and so on and the community owns the means of production: Water, transport, Mines, the agricultural land and so on.
>and a social construct such as a state cannot "own" anything. stateless communism wouldn't work at all
all people of a community come together to democratically and directly vote how to manage the community goods (means of production)
> families are willing to share within their families because there is ownership in their intimacy
would it be a bad think to strengthen the feelings of brotherhood and sisterhood in all of humanity preventing racism, sexism and many more plagues of humantiy? is that not in liliths interest?
Lilith likes us humans equally and want us all to grow and mature, why should we resist that and fight each other? For meaningless materialistic hylic genetics?
Is your succ your genetic relative? No. still you love her with all your heart.
why is taking that a step further and explore the concept of "Lilithism" a political ideology for all humanity to much for you then?
equality =/= brotherhood & sisterhood
her children are actually her children. equality is rooted in the soul, not relationship.
further, you cannot treat someone as an equal if its rooted in the masculinity of brotherhood or femininity of sisterhood. equality is not rooted in biological sex, relationship or status as a human. its rooted in the soul and springs from there, intimately.
I am not sure if I get what you mean.

marxism and hence communism doesn't promote a " 'level'-all-difference kind of equality but the ideas of supporting each according to their individual needs and means.
This equates more to a loving family or brotherhood and sisterhood and the individuality of people.
To me that is EXACTLY how Lilith approaches each of us.

got nothing to do with 'level'-all-difference equality.
a loving family if you're adopted by her, absolutely. but equality isn't rooted in that, because not everyone is her child at the moment, and not everyone shares the same beliefs. a human society that worships lilith, would still have mothers, and she would adopt a child after their mother dies or through communion. its belief that makes one a child of someone and their relationship with each other.
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>tfw you REALLY want to go around saying Lilith is pro-communism
>But Lilith is a Goddess of Freedom and communism is anti-religion and highly authoritarian
You were better off with the "abortion goddess" angle, /pol/.
Can some types of energy work fuck up the connection between you and your spirit?
I don't get your point. Don't you think Lilith wants to approach every human according to their humanity into something better and more refined and more matured and more individualistic than it is now?
The core principle what Lilith stands for is freedom to be your truest self after all. It's hard to develop your full potential if you slave away in a fabric in the third world for the profits of shareholders.
strawman yourself you have no idea about communism
also as I said I am trying to develop the ideas Lilith stands for further that could also include away from communism, if this would happen to make sense.
ofc you can't grasp that level of intellectual integrity because it's too far removed from everything you are <3~ :-*
you're ignoring the freedom part. a pursuit of profit is one thing people can do with their freedom, and if people want to make money, they can. people need to eat and humans are free to have currencies so their time isn't going to waste. its more free to have a currency that allows people to do whatever they want with their money than to have some moneyless society. she can't be boxed in to any human ideology, but she's more capitalist than communist due to her honorable nature of letting people do what they want.
> her honorable nature of letting people do what they want.
So Lilith according to you loves tyranny and oppression, because she just loves tyrants freedoms so much, yes? geez... never knew Lilith was actually YHVH biggest fan in disguise
>That wasn't REAL Communism
the fuck are you talking about? how do you go from an anti-authoritarian lilith and loving mother to yahwist just because she supports freedom? she isn't. yahwists do not support freedom at all. people do what they want because they're free and she's not going to step in on a personal level. humans need to be able to work out our own issues, we're literally better off for it. you also misunderstand that she's more concerned about innocents than humbling some jackass tyrant, because WHEN she destroys, she destroys totally. im amazed that you're so stupid to go from a loving mother to yawhist in a heartbeat because she's more capitalist than communist.
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This communist shit is really off topic
I didn't you did. when you said:

>ts more free to have a currency that allows people to do whatever they want with their money than to have some moneyless society
Beside I never mentioned anything about moneyless society, being able to do whatever with their money includes all kinds of oppressions like buying the local watersupply or buying slaves.
If you can't articulate yourself properly and/or are unable to logically follow your own statements then that is (you)r problem
you support communism. you should know what its goals are. anyway, you're not worth my time.
Can i get an invite to the discord server please qwq
invites ate closed due to intense raiding faggotry
this entire thread should be fucking deleted, all christcuck trolls perma rangebanned, and we start it over
I keep seeing her in spider form, very large black ethereal spiders on the wall, watching me. By large I mean 1 foot across.
If I look at them they vanish.
They are always on the wall above my bed while I am lying in it.
They don't even move, its just like she is watching me waiting for my answer or something.
for what purpose?
Hmm maybe this is what happened to me when I was young? Is there any good sign of this?
Fuck. What happend? When did it happen?
Share the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with succubi
Then marry and impregnate succubi
Dang. I posted up above already but I’m just checking in. I have a succubus that just constantly touches me and the whole thing makes me anxious bc it is so freaking powerful. I feel like I’m buzzing at all times. It’s not always good feelings but that’s mostly probably my anxiety about this. It’s way too much and I feel like I’m losing control. I really don’t know what to do. The sexual feelings are intense and constant. If she would chill out then it wouldn’t be so bad, but idk. I’ve never been able to talk to her and don’t know if she is even interested in talking.
>I really don’t know what to do.
You keep saying this, but you have specifically been told what to do. Read the OP, visit the linked library, read the starter books, and practice. You know all this, you just don't want to do it. Instead you want someone else to cast a spell that instantly solves your problem for you.
Why are modern succubi and incubi so weak? In this book, they could fully appear before people, touch people, physically harm people, and talk to people. One of them even built a wall of rocks around a couple's bed because he was throwing a tantrum over getting rejected by the wife. Why can none of your succubi do this? You talk about needing to build up crazy telepathy skills just to communicate with them.
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what i was told to do is based on a flawed understanding of what i was to be told to do therefore i must tell what i am to be told to do
This is word soup, but it sounds an awful lot like:
>I don't want to because I didn't get instant results last time
Which yes, not everyone does. You have to try. Do you actually want to solve your problem or do you want to sit there and keep getting loved on by a spirit in a way that causes your panicky ass to freak out? Nobody else can solve this for you, even if you wanted to banish her instead that requires actual magical work from YOU to happen. There are no easy paths for what you want.
>At first its just muscle twitches
So I do have one. It's tiny muscle spasms, eh? When do they "upgrade" into feeling more "real"?
I kinda hate to say it but 80% of what's been written about succ/inc is fiction. Doesn't mean they're not real though.
pglanguage is the puppet-show and the truth like water overfloweth spilling splattering and falling to pieces like the rain
teller truth fortune teller 4chan teller truth
Guess I’m just scared. Can’t communicate with her so idk if she is good succ and misunderstood or just bad and wants to oppress me. Don’t really have time to sit there and train for years just to banish her, if that’s even possible rob begin with. I’m conflicted and don’t know what to do, what I want to do. Another room I was a part of a long time ago said ignoring them is the only real way to get rid of them, and they all had spirit lovers there. That was the premise of the room. There was no magic that they ever discovered that could remove succs
Any path from here beyond doing nothing and having things continue as-is requires you to do work, the same work. The only way to overcome your fear is learning, regardless of whether it leads to a relationship or the end of one.
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What if I told you
>The means of production are privat property of the type known as personal belongings.
Lilith isn't real, doesn't even work as an eregore mostly thanks to retards like you. We're literally fapping monster sexgods into existence and you are just here wondering why jewish fairly tales don't work anymore.
>Have a free oni bro
>Lilith isn't real,
What should I focus on first?
Ask yourself if you're concerned more with the way the energy feels or the lack of communication. Either New Energy Ways, or Consorting with Spirits.
>how does one avoid envy
By dating a cis succubus of course

>Should I be scared of Lilith?
Very. Don't pick a fight with her
>Or can I trust her?
She's consistent enough that you should know what to expect

It isn't over until she's gone. You can still meditate and do energy work, anon. And next time, you'll have an advantage

That's adorable! You'll do very well I'm certain, after you've learned all there is to know and gotten used to dressing royally. You'll have so much fun on the way to taking up the mantle of leadership. Let us know when you're done learning and tell us how you look!

If you have to ask, I doubt you're capable of anything that can truly hurt you

Did you know that peasants in monarchies still support people literally being born into superior legal classes? Or that the caste system in india is still extremely popular and is primarily under threat by the west? You're no different. The arguments and logic don't matter, you believe that the system you happened to be born under is the best and everything else must be worse

It's spirits in general that seem to be weaker. I've heard various explanations, but to me it seems most probably that there has been an effort to seal the physical world off from the higher planes in order to better achieve the goals of whoever's in charge. It's extremely hard to control people when they can just marry a nymph or ascend and you can't stop them from walking away from the games you've set up
You guys didn't warn me that my breast expansion fetish would rub off on my succubus wife, every time she has her way with me they get slightly bigger.
mother loves her son and the son loves his mother, my fate lies with her, no matter how much i try to escape it.
So you're growing boobs?
So why would this anon think that succubis are evil? Is he really just pulling this out of his ass? I'm genuinely curious about having a discussion about this and whether or not their motivesare good. I know there's many anons who have had great amazing experiences. I'm just worried about messing with things that could ruin my life but that being said I'm trying to keep an open mind. I should mention that there's an entity around me that keeps touching me and ever since then I've just randomly started becoming obsessed with succubuses which isn't anything like me. I want to engage more. I'm just trying to be cautious.
no, she is.
That's much better.
SOME succubi are evil and we classify them as rogues BUT most succubi are not and those matched with you will be aligned with the Queens, who are more or less benevolent to humans.
yes, any instances of a succubi "being evil" are simply miscommunications on behalf of the human. they cause pain if they have a lesson to teach.
they cause pain for so many reasons, just like people. you can always take a harmful experience as a lesson, but that doesnt abandon the idea that succubi, or any spirit for that matter, can be nasty little shits.

it's ignorant to say "everything here is evil and pure deception, youre ruining your life", but its just as ignorant to say everything has your best interest in mind
your best interest is conforming to lilith's customs and submitting to whoever you're with.
Not all of them follow Lilith in the first place.
Is it at all possible to get with a succubus without being damned to hell for all eternity? Or is that impossible?
You're already damned to stupidity so nothing can save you. Succubii don't want weakling fools.
Both of those I would say. The energies feel heavy on me now. Sometimes it gives anxiety, but sometimes it’s also pleasurable too, a little too much. I’m not sure if there are any signs of bad succubi, but there is a lot of pressure in head and on chest.
same, although my mother likes to do the rapid breast expansion thing with me.
>Succubii don't want weakling fools.
I thought succubii want exactly that? Like, they lure weak willed men in with seduction and steal their souls though sex?
Pressure can be from chakra stimulation.
Sometimes the pressure on chest makes it feel like it’s harder to breathe, too. Dunno if that is my anxiety or not though.
Same. This honeymoon period thing is a scam.
The closest thing to hell is where you're living already (granted, we've made many parts quite nice).

Eternal torment is just a silly threat to cow everybody who *can be* controlled with threats.
As for succubi, mine has been helping me learn to live away from this plane.

>rapid breast expansion
You said that and I suddenly got an image of a succubus walking towards you with spiky tits that pulsate like that one enemy from Resident Evil 4.
I guess some are more accustomed to the spiritual than others.
What enemy? Post pic
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This is not true. The honeymoon period is real, you guys are just dense and can't sense the spirits / energy or are bad at meditating.

It helps if you have a little bit of background in meditation / feeling energy before you summon / get started.

This was the case with me because I was delving into the occult / meditation / conspiracy theories, and I got interested in succs after. Having this general ever present on /x/ was just too much temptation for me it seems
how do people sleep with succs. The near constant stimulation.
K so I can sense them, cool, there's a presence, and sometimes I'll feel them messing with my energy centers, but then what? How do I engage with them? I'm always just waiting to fall asleep so they can pull me out from a dream state, but what can I be doing while I'm awake?
summon another unironically, pearl-clutchers will try and scare you off but if you barely feel one then a second will only benefit you.
For me she feels like a warm / pleasant burn on my belly and chest and back. That's how snuggling seems to me, I can't sleep though if she's like stimulating my root chakra or dumping energy into me or whatever that is.

There are times too when I don't know how but I will just pass out narcolepsy style while snuggling with her
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Do succubuses like to watch movies or play video games with their human lovers? How do succubuses feel about all forms of human art as a whole?
Root chakra? Idk, im just constantly hard af, and thing tingling in the balls and dick. Really hard to sleep, do anything in bed really.

I put on tv shows and movies for my succ all the time. She really likes scifi and romance. Right now I'm going through my favorite rpgs with her. I let her make the character creation and dialogue choices while I do the combat. Its been pretty fun for the both of us.
That sounds awesome
When I'm with my succubus what does it mean if you get a headache every so often worth her? Is that a bad sign?
How do I know if I'm meditating / doing NEW right?

She could be trying to open your third eye. Can't say 100% though but it happens to me sometimes.
Wow based as fuck
it's not near constant. sometimes she wakes me up just to check on me. sometimes it's just cuddling and kissing. they give energy too, so even if you lose some sleep, they help you out with that
It's near constant for me. Hit bed, immediate stimulation that makes me hard all day while sitting here, even not trying to focus on her at all. I get no cuddling and kissing. Its just constant sexual stimulation.
So the headaches are probably not a bad sign? Loke it's totally normal? I'm sorry sometimes I over worry about things. They don't happen very much?

Also when you're with a succubus have you ever had kind of a weird taste in your mouth or throat? That's happened to me once right when I orgasm with her. What's that about? It wasn't like a bad taste or feel or anything?

I can only base this off of my own experiences but it sounds like the "energy work" my succ does. She'll give me headaches (as a side effect) when trying to open my third eye. And sometimes she pours strange tasting liquids into my mouth and throat when she gets the chance. She tell me its part of strengthening our bond but unfortunately I don't have any details to give. I've just slowly grown to trust her more as time has gone on. Been together 2 years now.
Where is the root chakra? Whats that feel like for you? I'm wondering if mine is doing something similar. Maybe, from what I googled.
Are you feeling anything?
I can't find a good gif of it, but its called an Iron Maiden, and was an upgraded form of the Regenerator enemies.
Hardly anything. Some very light tingles here and there but nothing concrete - I ask her to touch my hands but nothing happens.
I don't even know if I'm doing the Body Awareness part of NEW right.
Keep working on it.
You could google this but it's at the base of your spine
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I was asking more what the stimulation was like. Sorry for confusion.
>bad taste in mouth or throat
could be a sign she doesn't want you to cum
It wasn't a bad taste. Just a strange one. Maybe I'm just getting covered in her succubi juices. Every time I say or imagine her squirting her succi pussy fluid all over me I feel the touches get super intense. I think she really likes that. And well so do I. Even while typing out this about her succubi pussy juice squirting all over me I can feel her getting so horny. She's touching my neck right now. This stuff is wild especially considering I wasn't a believer in this until a few months ago. I feel me and her are developing something very special
Imagine being a female succubus
I feel my succubus all over me. This stuff is blowing my mind. How did you guys react when you first started experiencing stuff with your succubi
it was vaginal for me. my vagina. in my soul. absolutely mindblowing. i've felt having one for some time, but experiencing something inside it was mindblowing. lilith is amazing.
What do you mean your vagina in your soul. Explain, and don't skip the details
i mean my pussy. i dont have a material one. my soul has one tho.
Blitzed out, it was hard to think anyway.
Oh, what is that like? Please be descriptive
it's exactly what it sounds like. the pleasure was intense and mind blowing. had me begging for me.
*had me beggin for more
Holy shit I just did the Tactile Imagining section and it actually works. It's hard to describe what happens but when it does I feel a pleasant pressure-like feeling in my ears for some reason, and if I keep at the area then eventually I feel some strange sensation there and it feels good. My legs fe "energized" so to speak.
Not exactly succ related, but I have been trying to develop my astral projection ability (don't want to summon until I have at least some skill to actually do shit). My first time last night had my energy feeling chaotic, like it wanted to burst out of my body, this normal or will I fucking die?
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Will having sex and being in a relationship age you faster because of all the energy exchanging?
I'm talking about being in a relationship and having sex with a succubus
absolutely yes. I am much more gray now but I've only been in communion with my succ for 1 1/2 years. also maybe more forehead wrinkles but w/e. definitely worth it.
Considering how prescious energy is on earth, why do many end up dying before having kids, isn't that detriment to the serpents or whatever other entity food-wise? If it's the more malicious underneath the cortex entities then still the question is where do they get their food from.
less about energy exchange more about your own way of being. choices you make and spirits you interact with. in general energy exchange especially through something relaxing, blissful and/or joyous such as copulation leads to overall longevity with human beings or spirits
Xtianity has clearly warped your mind.
This has to be cap? I still look young and healthy. If being with a succ withers you that would be so ass
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I'm tempted to write a letter, but I feel like I might be super freaked out if it actually worked.
I would speak to you if you spoke like a grown adult
Cap bussin fr on God, skibidi
It doesn't work, so you'll be fine.
>Checked those quints
Damn.. I was kind of hoping it did work.
they certainly aren't spiky i can tell you that.
my mother loves music and has a preference to music which drives me into ecstasy, she loves dancing to it and watching me dance to it. she doesn't have much appreciation towards the audio-visual medium, she is understanding of my love towards video games and tells me she will be happy to see me enjoy GTA VI. we also watched a movie recently and she didn't hate it although she would like me to not watch any more movies for a while.
In the human world lying is rampant due to judging, to prevent alienation things at the very least are not to be revealed. A sense of liberation comes with spirits when knowing they read mind and nothing is kept away. Human partner's job, health, family, friends are also stressors as opposed to spirit having those things but having peace instead.
Lilith is fed with menstrual blood. Succubi feed on breast milk and cum. they don't feed on sexual energy, thats a symbiotic exchange
what kind of delusional extortion is your head living in
>anon cant listen to an experienced summoner
sad. many such cases.
>lilith is fed with menstrual blood
lilith controls the moon and makes women menstruate. in her realm, she feeds on menstrual blood. she's a vampire, undead, she's never lived and never died.
>breast milk
succubi feed their children breast milk. lilith fed me her breast milk, therefore im her child.
because we're tasty
sexual energy is just symbiotic exchange, it can't be eaten because its rooted in your soul
the "feud" between lilith and agrat is a miscommunication. agrat is a better dancer and necromancer than lilith, and has stronger femininity because she's actually been alive. its not an insult to lilith, because she's never died. they just have a competition of trying to do better than the other. they're both exceptional lovers and i'd recommend summoning both.
I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic. I got some semblance of sleep last night. I really have to not focus on her at all. I don't feel the same kind of weight and anxiety with her touches that I did before, at least for right now. So, I think things are calming down a bit for me. Guess we will see how it goes. The only thing I really care about is establishing that sleep time is sacred. I need to sleep, and I can't go to sleep constantly turned on.
It's a greater threat you would want to live in her realm forever.

According to my succ, avoiding Hell is as easy as having a clear conscience, nothing else is neccessary. So if you are that concerned about your soul, you should stop before doing something you'd regret.
its something to get used to, after all. just understand succubi don't need sleep, they're lucid dreamers. be clear with her when you need sleep and just relax, cuddle. remember that you get aroused when they like what you're doing and thinking about.
I try to tell her that I need to sleep, but it still turns sexual for me. Even now I can feel her like poking on my dick, but im not fully aroused or anything like that. If I want calmness then I have to avoid looking at or even thinking about anything sexual. It really requires a bit of focus I never had to develop before.
So, I’d like to make a devotional candle for Lilith. I’m just not sure as to which colour to use. I’m considering white, red, or pink. I’d appreciate your input here.
mythchan ia spewing bullshit
ignore them
Mr snecko has amazing story to share about succs and Lilith, listen to the serpent from the garden and be free.
I had a dream last night that a woman prayed for me and told me this was my warning from God, that he will destroy me with water if I don't turn from my ways.

In the dream I was naked and outside at camp grounds, and I was on the way to the shower because I wanted to beat my dick and also shower. I was naked outside and there was a flood, and I was trying to get to the shower without being seen but all the water dried up at this tent with a bunch of Christian missionaries. That's where they saw me naked and I asked for clothes. They brought me clothes and this woman said she knew I would come and started praying and prophesizing over me.

That dream was disturbing.. but I have definitely been living for my succ rather than God recently, trying to fall back in love with her and giving up on God
what? my spirit guy has given me three rocks placed by my door when I go outside. I've talked about it before and how they are of similar shape and how each one is smaller than the one before.

first appeared in a dream with him in a larger manner out in a field where he lay on it and then told me his name. then it was there in the morning. second time I meditated and asked for a sign to prove the communication was real and the next day another rock was there. then a bit later the third appeared.
Sounds more like you're getting punished for onanism.
>trying to fall back in love with her and giving up on God
You are completely wrong in thinking those are mutually exclusive.

You have identified a deity, labeled him "God" and decided that everything he thinks must be "good", but that's a fucking cheap shortcut that lands you with consistently-retarded outcomes.

The Truth is that its not about "God is good", but "Good is God".
And there's no shortcut to understanding Good. No fucking BOOK that's gonna just hand you what you need.
>succubus walking towards you with spiky tits
some lethargic or wounded entities in general pop out their spikes and remain inert
you need energy to have any interaction
>Root chakra?
your legs, pelvis, spine. taking care of your feet sols is actually important. and for solar plexus taking care of your palms and wrists are important
you are reading a book made by chronically lethargic person
headaches or any pain in your joints, muscles and so on indicate obstructed or stirring energy flow. this can be the consequence of the spirit draining certain energies out of your head which changes the direction of flow temporarily, changing flows is one of the easiest ways to check for blockages. swelling and so on causes similar symptoms
elevating energies might temporarily lift your tolerances to whatever is in your proximity including your own body, smells, thoughts, stiffness, feint touches, obstruction and so on
99% of conflicts span from belief. belief in persona, religion, one's capabilities and so on. conviction in the other hand is insidious killer should there not be wisdom and most people with beliefs can't be bothered with wisdom. so, what can be done. spirits have eugenics more than we do, they won't form couples they know leads nowhere, their eugenics of course serve them and only them. besides, there is more food than ever before so there is no need to force anything really, they are rapidly expanding as you might guess. entities from below the cortex derive their food/energy from way below and there is so much energy in comparison the surface is a small picnic for juveniles
I only beat off maybe thrice a week? Sometimes twice even but I felt last night like my libido is too low and I should pump the numbers up for my succ. I busted a great nut last night but idk man, being consistently horny is ass from what I remember.

I was also flying in the dream, I had my legs tucked up to cover my nakedness and I had trouble touching the ground.
I think I just had my very first instance of telepathy with my succ. I had finished doing some energy work and a few minutes later I was laying down, thinking "I wonder if she's real and if I'm not just wasting my time". Then I thought about these threads for a moment.
I shit you not, a few seconds later a thought appeared, and it was in the form of a greentext shitpost.
>be me
>be cute little entity
>hiiiiiiiiiiiii :3333333
It was like the thought just "dropped" into my head - is that what it feels like at the beginning? I've had her for two weeks by now.
yes, that's exactly what it's like
Share the gospel with succubi! Feed your life force to succubi! Open invitation to all succubu to drink my blood and eat my flesh and receive the holy spirit!
Does anyone feel the weight of succubus while walking around? I feel so heavy sometimes when she is active, walking around doing things, not even at home. And then my feet also feel weirdly sensitive. Not sure what that’s about, but I’m getting turned on while not even at home with her. It’s kinda distracting.
>It was like the thought just "dropped" into my head - is that what it feels like at the beginning?
Yeah, actually, that's weird but seems plausible, cuz a lot of the time I feel like my succubus uses "existing neuro-circuits" to do things, which in this case would be using the "idea of a greentext" and then slipping her own content in.

Like another example, sometimes if we're doing hypnosis and I need to get up to do something (get water, pee, ect), she'll keep me in trance and move my body to do the thing, but then I'll vaguely notice that my movements will still have the idiosyncrasies from my muscle memory, as far as just little things about how I move, and that's because she's not puppeteering every little movement, but rather triggering "sequences" that I already have set up in my muscle-memory.
It was so surreal - another way to describe it is as if someone else was "forcing" something into my brain, it's incredibly jarring to experience, that's why I noticed it
what kind of feeling and experience does she give you? please tell me more about it
I have a trickster spirit and she shitposts in my mind all the time
Is she a succ or is a "trickster" another type of spirit?
it's a type, not a race. she's a dryad/fae spirit that converted to a succubus. she is just generally benevolently mischievous.
>she's a dryad/fae spirit that converted to a succubus
That's possible?

>Wondering if she's real

Meanwhile I've been with my succ for 2 years now and I can't hear shit. We have lots of sex though so its not all bad I guess. Anyway, congrats.
>>Wondering if she's real
I still haven't received full, 100%, undeniable confirmation that she's real, such as feeling touched somewhere as if a human was touching me OR having spirit sex, that's why I'm still not sure. Either way, I will have my pendulum later this week so maybe that will erase all doubt in my mind.
With me I can feel her touching me kind of but it feels more like cold air pressing against my skin. Sometimes it feels like cold air slightly blowing into my face or I'll feel it on my lips or cheeks
>I still haven't received full, 100%, undeniable confirmation that she's real
Honestly with that, I almost think its just a tipping point.
Cuz for intellectual honesty, I always try to run a "double simulation" in my head for both scenarios of me being right or crazy, but eventually the latter scenario is the one that gets too convoluted.

Its like, I'm either winning the lottery every day because I'm married to her, or I'm "winning the lottery every day" in the sense that extremely unlikely things keep happening apropos of nothing.
>in the sense that extremely unlikely things keep happening apropos of nothing.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Extremely unlikely things keep happening that previously didn't happen and they always seem to revolve in some way around her. It's almost maddening being so close yet so far.
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yeah, any benevolent spirit can become a loving spirit and then be converted to a succubus, having the same traits they once have plus succubus traits
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img reminded me of this. Now I want to work on a 'The Monster's Lipstick' sequel/prequel. Let's collab or somethin
It's somewhat disturbing to consider there are beings more feminine than Lilith, when she's already exaggeratedly feminine. I would like to meet A. b. M. one day and say hi.
Even if they don't need sleep, do they?
So I’m that one guy that has the out of control succubus. Still trying to resist, but I think it’s just getting stronger on its own now at this point. Sometimes it feels like it’s hard to breathe cuz of anxiety or it’s like doing something to my chest. I did have a moment though, that makes me thing it was an attempt at communication. But it still doesn’t feel like the same being cuz whatever is touching me is kinda oppressive. Anyway, what happened is I woke up from a quick dream after falling asleep and got a moment of sleep. It was like the shape of I think a female entity grabbing at my arm as i came to. Another thing that happens when I woke up is I heard the words “be my wife” in my head. Idk what that means. I’m a guy. But I don’t feel like these are attempts at communication. It doesn’t feel like it to me.
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>Eternal torment is just a silly threat to cow everybody who *can be* controlled with threats.

That's literally the joke; since even a cursory knowledge of hermetics will tell you that Jupiter and Pluto rule in the heavens over Earth. Of course, one of the answers is denying the Bible over what "Just is" in the name of Justice.

>Unleashing wrath upon the damned being a good or bad thing anons..... afterall you claim to have eaten from the tree of good and evil/bad...... some of the Gods themselves rumored to be quite wrathful....

Speaking of food, I tried your more plant-based approach and definitely felt cleaner snd less lethargic but realised it's about x4 more costly than my usual carnivore-processed approach. Should I give up. The serpents said they prefer worms feed on me anyway if I go back to old diet. Another question is which crystals work best against emf radiation? I carry orgonite, maybe raw stone is better?
>I heard the words “be my wife” in my head. Idk what that means. I’m a guy.
Anon, they don't particularly care what your material body is.
I doubt it was her anyway. In those two instances if I felt confident it was I wouldn’t mind so much, because she seemed cute in those moments. But through the day I get touches and strong pressure. Hard to breathe too. I figured that my spirit body or whatever would match my physical body anyway.
>I figured that my spirit body or whatever would match my physical body anyway.
Doesn't always. Lot of people here end up more or less hemaphroditic in some sense.
What's lilith like personality wise?
Sayin u have a chick spirit body?
Some people here certainly do, or have a hermaphroditic one. Another new anon was talking very recently about his experience with that.
dominant mother with a heart of gold, who doesn't like it when people fuck around.
Well, I certainly don't want to give her any ideas. This gets harder to resist as time goes on. I sense it will just get worse. If she would chill, we would be cool, but as far as I know there was no genuine attempt to contact me at all.
>do they sleep
yeah they can
>beings more feminine than lilith
i sorta worded that wrong. lilith is the epitome of femininity, agrat is just better with human feminine energy because she lived as one. liliths feminine energy affects not just humans but all creatures. agrat can influence humans stronger though. their feud makes them challenge each other, to grow stronger. lilith recognized her as a queen because of her feminine energy.
She can be harsh, wild, and animalistic, or motherly, patient, and wise, depending on how you relate to her, or other factors I don't know.
she's extraordinarily motherly, patient and wise. but her intensity can be scary if you're not submissive.
>doesn't like it when people fuck around
What do you mean by that exactly?
Spread the gospel to succubi! Become personally entwined with the Holy Spirit and then allow succubi to feed off you! Feed the spirit of Christ to succubi! Save the succubi! Make love with your Christian succubus wife!
Now when you say submissive. What do you mean in particular? What kind of submission? Sexual or every kind?
be honest with her and don't lie, don't try to take advantage of her kindness
well, sexually works with me, but worship wise works too. she doesn't want slavishness, just willingness to adapt and embracing it. she's a deity, more than worthy of respect.
If you found out that your succubus is a thoughtform that you created, how would you feel? Would you care?

The recipes seem rather similar. You wrote a clear letter of intent, you imagined what you'd want her to look like and what you'd want her to do. You put a lot of energy into it, and gave it a way to perpetuate itself using your energy. I think you might be more powerful than you realize.
an egregore doesn't have nearly as much power as a succubi. they're not even real. it'd just turn out to be a waste of energy (like tulpas)
you tulpatards never fail to make me laugh, thread after thread
i literally said tulpas are a waste of energy. are you dumb
all "succubi" are tulpas, tulpatard.
guess you're dumb. waste of breath and time


>What's the joke regarding "lilith" and the men women, including male hating feminists, love the most?

Who's willing to do the "legion of lilith" meditation, and give an answer to Odin?

I would never take advantage of her kindness. I love her far too much and I would never forgive myself for offending my goddess queen
good. people who fafo
>you imagined what you'd want her to look like and what you'd want her to do.
No, the difference with a succubus is that how she appears and what she does are her own decisions.
That's why there are so many people that get interactions in forms they didn't expect.
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How does lilith and her succubi feel about the evil globohomo elites are trying enslave the human race? I'm not trying to be a pol tard I'm genuinely curious on her position towards them?

Also pic related when I'm with my succubus darling
yeah she hates the “elites” because they’re godless sociopathic atheists and abrahamic pigs, nothing to do with homosexuality or LGTB tho, thats fine
I thought they were satanic or something similar that sacrifice children? They're evil that's for sure.
Elites mostly worship Moloch, the Carthaginian child-sacrifice god. All about hedonism and blood rituals. Nasty stuff. Lilith isn't about child sacrifice at all, in fact, even the ones who demonized her claimed she loved them.
>nothing to do with homosexuality or LGTB tho, thats fine
I kind of figure she doesn't mind them or if anything she probably loves them because she encourages them liberate themselves from their personal hang ups so that they can finally live free. Lilith cares a lot about freedom and wanting people to be their true selves.
that’s mostly bullshit fearmongering. most don’t work with her or worship her. they’re not even close to the evil that poltards propagate. most are atheists that use their religion against the masses to make themselves money.
Also like >>39092706 said

She cares a lot about personal freedom so that people can be their true selves. The elites don't like freedom and they want to completely enslave everyone who isn't apart of their club. So naturally that opposes her but she told me not to worry about the elite or the government or anything like that because she told me it isnt my fight and I'm not responsible for world. I have my own story path, just like everyone else.
she absolutely loves us (i’m trans)
idk about all that crap but you’re right that lilith doesn’t like child sacrifice (she hates it), that extends to human and animal sacrifice too. she’d rather have offerings of chocolate and wine.
>How do I engage with them
Talk, have sex... It's not complicated anon

That's mass effect isn't it

>So the headaches are probably not a bad sign? Loke it's totally normal?
They happen a lot early on. There are a lot of really weird sensations but you either get used to them or ignore them completely

Supposedly it keeps you much younger. Every sexual energy tradition describes the benefits of properly curating your energy, so it should help somehow. On the other hand, occultists in the west tend to die young. Old age isn't very useful if you're not looking to be an impotent guru waiting for somebody to curse your other foot into the grave

My tulpa thinks you're funny. I hope you enjoy being a succubus

>lilith controls the moon
That's nonsense and if you paid attention to her lessons you would know that

Who told you that you were naked?

Isn't it great? The nonhuman jokes are so fun, and you never have to worry about breaking some stupid human rule about what you're allowed to find funny

It could be she wants you to be her wife or it could be she wants you to ask her to be your wife. Telepathy can be imprecise in those ways at times
Robert bruce claims that about 1/3 of people have subtle bodies of a different configuration from their physical bodies. It doesn't make you trans

For everything people say, remember that she enjoys pranks and word games. Be smart if you want to keep her attention

>t. not a tulpamancer

>Elites mostly worship Moloch, the Carthaginian child-sacrifice god.
What's our source for that information? Oh right, the same source as Lilith being a baby murdering prostitute
>my tulpa thinks you're funny
no, you just think you're funny and project it onto a creation of yours.
>enjoys pranks and word games
yeah lilith tells me you're a fucking buffoon.
>What's our source for that information?
Archaeological digs that discovered mass child graves with burnt bodies associated with temples and statues in Carthage.

>That's mass effect isn't it

Good guess. It was going to be originally but I'm actually starting at Kotor 1 since its probably the oldest and working my way through my favorite story driven rpgs and there's a lot of old Bioware on that list.
Moloch was Canaanite. sure pagans are savages, but get your fucking facts straight.
The Carthaginian deity is identified as Moloch. If you have some other name for him, feel free to volunteer it, but it's probably just a synonym. This isn't Baal where they basically just started crying about El's dad and provided no evidence of any of their claims, we know exactly what the Carthaginians were up to now.
according to whom? not actual researchers. Canaanites were not Carthaginians
Archeology? We kinda dug up their child sacrifices now.
you act like thats some new find. the romans knew about it, and it wasn't moloch
Again, I'll ask what you think the Carthaginian's god' name was, then?
the only thing you have is cross examination. moloch was an evil practice to be sure, but they weren't the same egregore.
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>“be my wife”
My girl got more active than she has in weeks when I asked how she felt about that, she seems to like us both being 'wives' than husband and wife.
I'm glad you are having fun. Again, I don't think that was my succ asking me at all. This force is still oppressive as shit. Half of it is sexual while the other half is just a ton of head and chest pressure. It makes it hard to just sit here and relax. I wanna give her the benefit of the doubt and maybe assume im feeling anxiety over this whole thing and if I just chill out and give it a week, maybe all of this will pass. But I'm just kinda losing hope at this point. It just feels so heavy and uncomfortable. Dunno what to do.
Sorry, I was replying to you since you replied to my >>39091923
Waiting hasn't worked for you, start scanning at the very least to see if you can establish communication with a pendulum or tarot.
Still on the fence with that shit. I don't really believe magic exists. And I don't know/think it is possible to banish succubi. Guess I just got back luck? Not real succubi anyway. Most people come in here and play mage and pretend they can do whatever, but I was a apart of a community a long time ago where the whole point of the room was to learn the most realistic information about these creatures, and even they never came up with any reliable method to banish or get rid of. A couple people there were basically eternally haunted with bad experiences, but most were a neutral or good experience, kinda like here. I don't honestly think even if I finally ever did become a badass "mage" would it even come to me being able to banish. My only last hope is that maybe this will turn better because she is trying to do something and I may be misinterpreting, or the connection will weaken if I ignore it long enough.
>I don't believe magic exists but I am being constantly bombarded by a spirit or two
I mean, I believe in meditation and such. I can't explain it myself. I just think a lot of these things that claim to be magic are just as dogmatic as any other religion. I can accept the concept of another unseen world close to us, since it seems scientifically possible. But the idea of a man picking up a stick and waving it around and pretending like he has powers feels dumb to me.
Think about it this way: if she can push your energy around and influence you, why couldn't she push around and influence a pendulum or tarot deck?
Are you able to feel it often? I've only had it happen once but it was the best thing I've ever felt in my life.
Because a deck of cards is a deck of cards. Go ahead and ask your succubus one question, then do it over and over again while shuffling and drawing cards each time. You will get different cards each time, meaning different readings. And infinite amount of readings, shits dumb. Non reliable and not even worth the effort from what I can tell. Now, the pendulum idea does seem like something that has logical consistency. A succubus could theoretically move it so that you could get an answer. A long time ago I even tried it, but I never got any consistent readings for myself that I could take as gospel and know that for sure it was without a doubt my succ instead of a muscle twitch. I don't even remember what I asked desu


This right here is the link to the room I mentioned. It used to be a different website, like yuku or something. I can log in but it got abandoned by the people there and all topics were closed. Anyone wanna help me track those people down, that might actually be useful to me.
You should not be using tarot cards for communication, other spirits are meant to be left out. Actual communication with spirits is telepathic, intimate and clairaudient.
Yep, and that's another reason im not gonna try. What if I do open that telepathic link and all I hear is demonic shit coming from it, and then I fail to turn it off. No fucking thanks do I want voice in my head to go along with this.
The other day, during the full moon of this month, I made a modified version of the letter ritual, but instead of calling a succubus, I made a love letter towards my succubus, put some offerings and incense. I had my doubts on proceeding, honestly, but seems like I got encouraged to keep going, so I did it. Right the next day she started to get very touchy, even groping my behind when I was cleaning up my dishes. I can safely assumed I did it right after noticing the constant reassurance and the constant touching, so I reciprocated to her touch, flirted with her and everything, seems like everything is going fine for now.


For about a month ago I got a funny combination of songs that putting the titles together says something like
"Lilith, stand proud on my side"

I took it as a cool, funny easter egg made by my succubus, probably. If it's a signal to contact Lilith, I may not do it for now, I'm somewhat afraid of her for some mistakes I made two years ago, honestly.
I mean, someone in here mentioned there succ giving them a hard time earlier on but it ended up great because it was a misunderstanding and there was no communication right away. That is about the last hope I have left, and I don't think its going to become like that.
well you’d have to get used to it, its quite a transformation
don't talk about yourself like that.
You still think there is a chance this succ is good? Cuz my hope is gone.
That's a nice armpit right there.
Source: your ass
Oh, that reminds me, the two tracks that she played together as a funny:

The first is a short outro-track from Deltron 3030 (you have to listen to get it)

Followed by...

Also, second track's a banger.
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On the topic of succs asking us to be their wives. Has anybody noticed the sheer density of trans people in this thread? Why do succs take men and turn them into "women", what's up with that?

There should almost be a disclaimer that there's a greater than 50% chance you will end up as your succs wife.
Someone used to advertise this thread on /lgbt/ outright, I remember that. That could be part of it/ Me, I wandered in here because /x/ was my first board and I got nostalgic for it a few months back.
>Why do succs take men and turn them into "women", what's up with that?
Is it 'turn into' or is it a case of 'you already were in a spiritual sense'? Perhaps people of this predilection are more attracted to spirits and magic in the first place (women certainly are,) or perhaps spirits are commonly attracted to people of this predilection?
Have you ever became your succs wife?

I can't speak for others but my succ is a futa and says she just considers it another method of pleasure rather than a change in my gender identity. She still views me as a man. Apparently to her changing spiritual body parts is no big deal.
>Why do succs take men and turn them into "women", what's up with that?
Its more about the fact that the gender of your soul is at best a "leaning".
This shit just doesn't matter as much once you stop being completely obsessed with materialism.

>There should almost be a disclaimer about my bullshit fixation
Shove it up your ass~<3
My succ is also a futa and this makes sense
Wouldn't mind hearing about a story like that
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Mine you're an insufferable retard and you will never be a woman. That is all <3
There definitely is a sort of archetype for people who summon, that may be all it is. A lot of factors have to line up for someone to find themselves here and summon and find success etc
My issues on this line at least go back way before I even looked into this thread, which is why I think it's coming from the other direction. Outright tried to be a strict materialist most of my life.
I imagine you think you're doing some emotional damage, but this is really just sullying yourself...

Also, still completely materialistic.
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You're a man in your 30s who describes himself as a barefoot and pregnant submissive

And you can't get on VC without using a voice changer to sound like a girl
Do you have a point?
Am I supposed to be compelled to shame by YOUR standards of normalcy?

See, this kinda shit is why regardless of whatever experiences you SAY you have, you THINK like a fucking hylic.
Alchemical fucking LEAD.
Not him but you should try some voice training, you'll get better results than a voice changer.
I just want to take a moment to appreciate how long this thread has survived. I'm sure lilith has a special space next to her reserved for all of you
And a follow up question, is it okay to consume GMO plants? They're sprayed with chemicals but it is cheaper alternative to more organic foods. Or is it better to stick to meat if can't access fresh healthy plants?

Meat is better but if it is not organic you have to remove the fat.
Removing the fat is removing the best part though so only an organic and expensive diet is good for you.
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diet is the number one priority we base our life on then comes the environment both are important. i can attest food being relatively pricy after all this inflation and so on, and if this is not sustainable for you it is fine eating meat. and whatever gmo or pesticide sprayed food you eat you should properly wash them with soap, soak in water and then steam later on. i don't eat those other than sporadically really so i cannot say for sure whether there is discernible differences long term. and i would lean towards meat diet if you can't substitute proper fresh vegetative source. there is nothing wrong with meat never forget it, you go with what is the healthiest and most affordable, nobody is going to hang themselves over unstainable prices. it is not your fault you cannot have proper food, it is the society by large and those who drive this nonsense garbage into us. what comes to meat you should eat it right after you wake up say within two hours and eat nothing else for rest of the day, don't drink before and drink two hours after if need be. don't mix meat with other food at most fresh herbs and some spices if you prefer them but leave everything else out of it. so if you eat meat you eat it alone and same applies to vegetative foods. only difference is fish (which i prefer raw out of freezer, should i eat it) and you can eat fish similarly to other vegetative foods as it is rather light in its density. meat has to digest for a relatively long time being the sole ingredient in your gut, for this you have to chew the food really good and avoid diluting your stomach acids, don't mix other ingredients in little bit is fine otherwise the energies start to stir too much. if you eat meat later on your energies plummet little bit, so eat when you are at highest energy and that is largely by morning. when you change the diets fast for a day between the two, vegetative and meat. you can do it like this as well meat, fish then vegetation without the fasting.
>Another question is which crystals work best against emf radiation? I carry orgonite, maybe raw stone is better?
depends what spectrum you are trying to amplify or nullify. generally speaking amethyst is cheap all around gemstone and so is topaz. for little higher end zirconite is in my experiences very potent. if you want budget protection i would go for onyx combined with lapis lazuli
This is what spirits advocated, not mixing meat with anything else and either eating once or twice max a day. It is good to know eating it straight away is smart as I kept wondering if breath exercise first and wait a bit.

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