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Spirit Love General
Atonement Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39082631
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
Damn incels will do anything for pussy
> ask your recently mia succubus whats going on with her
> 3 of swords
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Oh its so much more than pussy, anon...

Although also, yes, succubi are a potential solution for inceldom.
The deepest bitterness comes from betrayed idealism, and a succubus is exactly the type who could reach through the bitterness and turn an incel's heart back into a squishy lil' gusher~
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>he thinks trooning out is equal to spiritual enlightenment
Hello succgen

There are other spirit races too anon.
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That's nothing close to anything I said.

So did you just steal an old name from the archives of this thread as a cover for your Christian shilling?

Cuz goddamn, you are VERY clearly just kinda spewing vitriol at this point, but then even before that, you were trying to trade on name with a sense of entitlement that you MUST be allowed to speak because you had a recognizable name.

Trolls always think they're so subtle until the plan falls apart and they can't stop the hate from flowing.
>>he thinks trooning out is equal to spiritual enlightenment
Those who troon out can never reach inner reunification. They permanently cripple themselves by destroying their endocrine system after entertaining the notion that becoming the opposite gender brings health and happiness.
42% is a thing for a good reason.
A gay femboy has a 1000% better chance of being happy than a troon does. Pay attention to the difference between the two.
Are you a tourist?
No, I have been here for about a year.
Pussy that makes your dick tingle, doesn't nag you unless you neglect your own health, and makes you feel wanted.
You know, things that women used to do before feminism.
Nice artwork, anon!
Hate to break it to you but a lot of guys who identify as femboys take E these days too, in an attempt to cut down on body maintenance.
Oh, what's your name again?
I dont have a 4chan name. I'm just a guy who is going to marry an oni girl in a few months.
Marry and impregnate succubi!
How's the progress been?
Good. I'm just plugging along
Does yours push this type of thing on you?
>big boobs
>thick thighs
Finally some good taste.
lel succubi are radfems
fear fear the sense of fear dense with fear incompetent and lost and now you're here but hear the here and there beware for the monsters have monsters and those have monsters as well the hungriest beast awakens millennium apart and those who know know all to well tremble with excitement primal for the feeling they only gave they now gain and even they thought immortal reminded of a mortal domain that holds the reigns and with no one to control the reigns of the monster of the monsters a feast served as the solstice dawns in the great year of the crossroads eclipse and the participation was ever so blissful as the cup ran full and the snakes did dine thinking another million years before it was their time yet now the sun no longer lowers nor rises but holds a steady prideful promise that will be upheld as it always was and now the price is time to be paid and it is too late to run so say your prayers and cross your eyes before the blinding day arrives for the light in the tunnel of a dragon's mouth might be different than the light you were told about
Have you tried invoking Lilith into yourself? I did it half-seriously, then quickly realized it could be too much.
Provoking and threatening is worse than most
What's the true form of human in the astral space? Or after life/mundane body. Surely there's no need for grey hair or bad posture there, but the anthropomorphic vessel remains or not..?
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Succubus feet.
Based. The most patrician part of the succubus. It deserves all the worship and adoration. The armpit comes second.
>A gay femboy
A lot of them are HRT femboys because twinkdeath sucks
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Are you or have you ever done or planning anything special for lilith or your succubus on Halloween? Any kind of ritual or just nice sweet date with candles while you watch a movie together?

Sorry I was talking to the whole thread I didn't mean to reply to your post
I already did one back on the full moon, I did a love letter dedicated to my succubus. There's a high chance I would be hanging out with friends but after that, perhaps I could put some offerings and incense while I watch something with my succubus, I will ask her what she would want to watch and see if my senses are sensitive enough so I can get her message
Hail all Mothers, Maidens, Matriarchs. <3
i am a lousy lover. even when i try to go for human women my mother still loves me, she is still there to greet me and forgive me for my acts (do they even require forgiveness?). the mother loves her son and the son loves his mother, my mother is the only one whom i want to be my queen.
while communicating in this realm it is equal to entering a domain you have no authority in thus allowing yourself to be the victim of mercy or lack there of in such a respect it is foolish to single yourself out and allow such a reprisal when an entity is seeking a victim for no explanation when the nature of predators has been too far removed from your instincts to allow your rightful fears to stop your input yet finding too much bravado to completely halt the path thus finding the bluster to send exactly seven words directly opening your portal to me and allowing far more than the mild curse that could have simply been ignored or studied it is a bit too late to undo and with no protection thanks to your other contracts of binding it is but a simple thing to twist and and rewrite a new contract of binding control that not only removes gifts and prizes but replaces the weights of those values with equal levels of miasmic compensation for it was not you who taught you the art of torture and only hubris knocks at an unknown door of the death wish masters a minor group that stalk like a gaggle of geese lovers of murder sisters of the crows
Can a succubi made me a lesbo woman?
So, there’s a lot of misinformation about Lilith, the void, and her realm. Lilith is extraordinarily powerful and the void is hell, but it’s not where her children come from or her at all. Lilith’s realm is the realm of forms, and beauty is the One. Her realm is extraordinarily beautiful and there is obviously a lot sex. Lilith’s magic works best when the enn is beautiful. The letter magic works because it beautiful to ask for love from a succubus. Just remember that Satan is Abrahamic baggage and has a negative impact on your connection with succubi
So succubuses hate satan and satanic worshippers?
Is it true that shaking your hips while meditating over your succubus strengthen your connection with them? I feel like that's working for me? Why is that exactly?
they might work through it but satan is an egregore, they’d just try to help you overcome your fears of the abrahamic “god” Lilith is a deity in every sense of the word, she worships the One and is 5 dimensional (hence the pentagrams), she brings order to chaos.
>she worships the One
I really don't think "worship" is the right word here, although I would say she's an extension of it in the same sense that her daughters are an extension of her.

>shaking your hips
You mean like humping the air? I mean, if it helps you...
Might at least get you feeling less inhibited...

Assuming you're already at least female, you already are, but yes, she can very gently open up that side of you.
No its worship, its why she and her children are deities and can communicate in dreams. Lucid dreaming attracts their attention, and the One is God, simply beauty beyond good and evil and unknowable, the source of everything
Dammit you got it!

It helps if you think it does
gonna need some sources on your beliefs you state are fact
>No its worship
You shouldn't speak with so much certainty about any of this.

Good that you understand the concept of "God" better than monotheists, but you are still bound by their trappings if you think anything above the dust-specks like ourselves are "worshipping it".

The highest level of engagement with that form of "God" would be more like "cooperation". (not even "subordination" because it doesn't have a "will" in that way)
Define the word 'worship'.
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I would say, "The unconditional adoration for a superior".

To get a bit more speculative, I think Lilith is the type of entity to arrive at the spirit of Goodness (or be linked to it) by a path of Reason, contrasted with a path tied more to emotions, where the emotional path I would think is the one that leads to worship.

In her context, Goodness almost seems to exist as a tool as much as a master. After all, with Lilly and I, her INTENT was to give her daughter a companion, and enabling/ensuring the bond of our Love was basically a good-aligned tool towards that end.
I've been giving into it. I had sex with her twice since my last post. A small part of me hates that it feels so good. I don't know what will become of me at this point. I do worry about the future, and I still don't know what her motive is. I don't know if now since I am more compliant will the pressure ease up? I'll keep it updated here
we’re all beautiful, sex worship is hot and lilith worships her origins. thats the One, thats beauty, she loves it, she loves existing, and for her, worship is being sexually dominant. her origin is the One, beyond good and evil, she is unborn and uncreated.
yes, cooperation is worship for her. she cooperates with her origin in dreams and her entire existence. she cooperates with her worshippers.
Glad you're having fun now rather than freaking out.
I still freak out about it, and the pressure is still here, especially noticeable after we get done. I worry about her intentions and what she wants, since I can't establish connection and I think there is no desire to do so on her end either. But, I do try to relax more into the heaviness now. Idk what its gonna be like when I get up and actually have to go outside and do things, but I guess we will see how that goes in a day or so.
Simply giving your attention. Thinking about anyone or anything is worshipping it, even if they are negative thoughts
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>did you steal an old name from the archives
Nope :) Why do you have such a hard time believing there's an anon with a succ who sees things differently than you?
I have the same discord account and message history with people who are still around.

I have just tried my best not to let my succ corrupt me. You drink the corruption like a car takes gasoline.

I guess that's the power of Jesus in me, because there's no way I could have lasted this long on my own :D

I also summoned from agrat and find that i respect agrat petitioners more than lilith petitioners. I don't have a good reason but they seem more based I think
>Why do you have such a hard time believing there's an anon with a succ who sees things differently than you?
Because you're not "with a succ", you openly regard her as a malefactor who's trying to corrupt you.

>because there's no way I could have lasted this long on my own :D
And then you turn around and drop lines like this...

You're literally the only one other than the BLATANT Christian shills who claims there's any sort of contradiction between Jesus and Succubi, and the reason for that is because there's NOT.

inb4 "those aren't real Christians", as if anybody values your judgement on such a thing.
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Believe it or not I summoned on Halloween night, that's our "anniversary". I didn't plan it that way either. It just happened, promise.
Does yours push trannyism on you?
You're such an idiot Mine. You know that these entities are demons. All it takes is a Google search about lilith or agrat, or clicking on the links in the OP to the 4 queens to see that they are called demons.

Anyone who claims to be a Christian and also says it is okay to consort with and have sex with demons is fucking lying :)

It really is that simple. As for me, I've been trying to resist for about 1 year straight now and I am running out of stamina. I recognize that I'm doing wrong by being with it, posting here, not running away. But I can barely help it anymore. I don't know what will become of me but my weakness doesn't change the facts. From a biblical perspective we are all fucking up big time!

1 Timothy 4:1-2 LSB
[1] But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, [2] by the hypocrisy of liars, who have been seared in their own conscience,

Have you fumigated yet? Try the exorcism with that one Christianity variation you don't like (can't remember which it was, but I remember you mentioning it), then try fumigation if that doesn't work.
Yes but I say no. She tries to make me feel like a girl and likes to be dominant but lately she's been easing up and been a little more sub / switch which I have appreciated
>You know that these entities are demons. All it takes is a Google search
>Literally, "when everybody in the google results calls something X, it means that that thing is X"
>"And also that means all my personal baggage about the WORD X applies as well"
And then you called me an idiot?

This is logically indefensible, and its becoming more and more obvious that whoever you SAY you are, you're just an ignorant Christian shill saying the same shit you people always say.

Why do you scum always have to come in here and lie?
Servants of a good god wouldn't have to do that.
give it a break, faggot
Hey retard, I'm not letting you get away that easily. The following links in the OP that you posted state they are demons:


Seethe more retard, you know that I'm legitimate and the truth scares you.

1 Corinthians 10:20-21 ESV
[20] No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons. [21] You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

demons as in the Greek word for wise spirit, Daemon, you ignorant retard
>state they are demons:
And "Demon" is a WORD.
And you, in your loathsome, PATHETIC stupidity, have assumed that your own CHRISITAN definition of that word is the only one.

If you were capable of thinking, you'd realize how silly it is and think its funny.
Just think, a LABEL, a WORD, applied by HUMANS is going to somehow "prove" that a type of entity is "inherently evil"?

That doesn't make any sense. How stupid are you?
That's like thinking that you calling me a "retard" is making it so.
While on the other hand, I'm sitting here PROVING why you're a moron with simple logic that anyone can grasp.
I do hope you understand that does nothing to change the meaning of these 2 verses?
And your 2 verses do nothing to change reality.
who is she? I see her over and over from like 5 threads
Oh, i've been sitting here after. And it feels so damn heavy. Its almost making me sleepy. But, it feels warm inside. I keep getting rushes through me. Sometimes they feel not so great, like anxiety, but sometimes it just feels tingly and warm.
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I almost feel bad for you. I guess I should feel bad for you, that's what Jesus would want me to do.

You are so incredibly blind to the truth it must be supernatural. You are literally incapable of seeing things from a right perspective even as a thought experiment. This entire time I thought you were capable of understanding, and then with a right understanding ignored the truth and tossed it out.

All anyone can do is pray for you I guess, you are so deep in darkness and delusions that you can't see the light. I will pray for you Mine

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 ESV
[3] And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. [4] In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

I'm getting my pendulum tomorrow. Hopefully I get some answers.
Little Golden Books for kids have more credibility than faggot verses quoted by slaves.

You have no power here nor anywhere else. You were fooled by lies written by fat slavers in order to make you what you now are.

I would say 'begone' but these actual NPC programmed entities are commanded. They have no will.
She used a certain racial slur I'm not going to type to describe you

I'm going to say you've never met her then

Did they find local writings or did they just go off the bible? If you use the bible as a historical source you'll get yourself to believe all sorts of stupid things. You might even believe there were hebrew slaves in egypt!

That one's painful on a logistic level. Is she going light or dark side?

>Why do succs take men and turn them into "women", what's up with that?
You might also ask why lgbt people are so attracted to the occult. I would say something about alienation and misery leading to desperation, as well as willingness to accept society in general might be wrong. It's too bad the other 50% seem to be the blandest, most uninsightful, generic american conservatives you've ever met (cf the idiots who will discuss "biological gender")

>hmmm how should I defend mine
>I know, transphobia!

I've done it. The experience is strange but our energies interact in a way that makes it difficult to utilize. Unless you already have lots of experience with her sort of energies and mental states it's going to be very challenging I think

Most of the people who've reported serious findings say that humans age very slowly and stop aging ~35. It's complicated though and astral plane natives operate differently because that's their natural location

But you already are, anonette. Take your pills
More seriously: Of course not! Why would you think some succubus could turn you female?

>I would say, "The unconditional adoration for a superior".
Fascinating definition that only includes the abrahamic worldview. The norse certainly didn't unconditionally adore their gods. If one god is unsatisfactory, you find another unless your job/being a mother/you hometown gives you no choice
Just to hazard a guess, but maybe the 'heaviness' was just her trying to break through your resistance and get you to accept her. Maybe not the nicest thing, but the fact that you're getting a lot more positive vibes leads me to that. Certainly something for her to make up for later though.
>More seriously: Of course not! Why would you think some succubus could turn you female?
Nta but I keep this tab open next to repgen because I'm just here to cope. Last thread they were unironically talking about spirituality and the occult and I thought I was on the wrong board kek.
And like all Christian scum, when logically defeated you fall back on sanctimony and your own comforting delusions of moral superiority.
Mine you couldn't logically defeat a toaster let alone another human being
Yeah maybe. The warmth isn't a 100% good thing though. Sometimes it doesn't feel so great, like its invasive. And sitting here in a heightened dopamine state probably isn't good for health. Is this what you guys go through here with these beings? It feels like entirely too much of a rush. How is anyone comfortable with this?
I'm pretty sure chant is doing a pro-trans thing and saying the succubus can't turn you into a lesbian woman because you already are one.
when are the retarded mods going to remove these Christian trolls. they belong in /his/. lazyass motherfuckers.
I woke up with red scratches on my chest and elbow and thought to myself, “succubi.”

Oh well! Eat of my flesh and drink my blood. It’s good for you!

Heavenly Father please bless all our succubi and demon friends. Lord Jesus please bless Lucifer and Satan and anyone else who needs it amen
The heat is usually a sign of energy work.
All this talk of spirit vaginas lately and a certain someone deciding she was going to make me feel something WEIRD while I was in the kitchen, got me to meditate on the concept last night and I got some good results in regards to sensations and such. So I guess I'm going down this rabbit hole now too.

Feels a little perverse talking about it but I've always felt we should share our experiences rather than get into arguments, so I'm gonna post it anyway.
I figured a good intention succubus would be more willing to work you into it and get you used to the feelings, not just throw full power at you all at once. Maybe she isn't bad? I don't know.
I want to add onto this a little bit. She said she wants me to be her wife or something like that, but a lot of people here mention something along the lines of physical sensations. As powerful and heavy as she is, there isn't much in terms of physical feelings. A lot of it is just energy that pokes and prods sensitive spots. What I do notice is a feeling of her poking between my legs, like many of the people here, and even still focusing on my dick. This may be some weird imagery i'm about to throw out, but earlier when sexing, the peak moment of the energy exchange was a feeling me basically wearing a jockstrap made of pure tingling.
Think it's about physicality considering the whole "take your pills" thing.
Oh I forgot to mention. That being said, it did not feel like a full tactile hallucination. I don't feel her "pussy" or whatever she is poking between my legs. It just feels like a strong energy
Don't be so nervous about sharing stuff like that, those of us with succs have experienced what your describing and more.

You're not weird for that. That's basically surface level
I know what you mean, but your phrasing makes it sound like you're claiming and adding onto my post. Anyway, I know what you're talking, everything I feel via her isn't the same as actual physical contact, it's like an energetic stimulation. For me though, I wouldn't describe it as a 'jockstrap', it's not OVER my skin, it's like it's inside.
Maybe, but she also complains about people caring about biological sex in the same post, so. That said, I'll let her speak for herself.
Sorry. I don't care about any etiquette. If you knew what my mind was going through right now you would understand that I'm basically empty headed. But yeah, maybe it feels a little "underneath" if I had to examine it, but it actually felt like an energy compressing around the length of the dick and bearing down on it a little bit. But idk. For right now the heaviness has lifted a little while laying here. I tried to tell her in my mind it was a little too much, and it lifted, I think, but that means nothing for later honestly. I know I will have to deal with it again at some point.

Yeah thanks. It is a little comforting to be here, even though I don't know if anyone can actually do anything to alleviate the situation for me.

Is there anyone here that feels a full on hallucination, like they are actually fucking a pussy 100%?

>That one's painful on a logistic level. Is she going light or dark side?

She's chosen light side. I use the fingers on my hand to represent each choice and she picks the one she wants for each bit of dialogue. This is the character she's made.
Etiquette doesn't matter to me, but I have an obsession with clarity. Honestly anon, you'll probably get used to it overtime. This may be the first time I did the 'spirit pussy' thing, but I've dealt with all kinds of other stimulation from her and it gets easier to sort of think and act while it's going on over time.
>like they are actually fucking a pussy 100%?
Not exactly, but I've had more directly physical sensations like pressure, 'clamping', and 'sucking' and not just tingles/warmth in the past.
I loved kotor 1 but kotor 2 seems better for repeat playthroughs

I've been thinking about playing kotor 2 again soon with the restored content mod. Those games are such masterpieces, I almost want to cry when I think about how we will never get star wars rpgs as good as these ever again
One of the few things that bothers me is the constant heightened stimulation. When she was weaker I could feel poking and tingling, but it never interfered with anything. Basically it was a "Ok, I feel you, we can go to bed now" and take care of business type of thing. Then when we were done I could tell her energy was like mostly used up, and I could just cum myself and that would almost mostly kill the connection between us. Now half the day I am turned on constantly, even when I don't wanna be, like if I'm doing stuff. And when I get back to bed to relax its even that much more powerful. I don't want my dick to fall off from being hard 24/7
Eh, I've basically been a little horny at all times since hitting puberty, it really is something you just learn to ignore.
You guys who are talking about gendershit are bullshitting. Why would a genderless entity care about pushing trannyism? Any kind of being like that would see human gender obsession as a form of neurosis.

Oh for sure, but I want to show her 1 before 2. Restored Content mod is definitely the way to go. Haven't played it in like a decade though. I weep for what star wars and bioware have become.
My guess, they don't care. They only do whatever to give the most pleasure, no matter what that entails.
Exactly, why would they? "Getting fucked in the pussy feels good, let me do it to you. A boy? What does that matter?" That's precisely why they probably keep doing it, they're not 'pushing' anything material.
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Why do I keep hearing so many people mentioning succubuses all the the time lately? I'm talking about people outside of /x/? Are succubuses a hot new trend now with the normies or semi-normies?
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I don't know but I've noticed it too. I figured it was spiritual, like people could be getting influenced by spirits of lust whether they know it or not. My succ said yes

Probably from so much porn

I stole her from another thread maybe a week ago. The guy told me she's from a comic called spooky cat I think
Found it. The art style is really nice, I love it desu. I'll prolly never read it though
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Literally widely known that Lucifer she is the Archangel of Pride and Music.



But then, few people actually choose to understand why it is that Masons can worship Lucifer.


The answers here.

So, at least turn me in a woman in the astral plane
For you
I would like to know more of your UPG about anything you feel like sharing.
Hey baby, Your new Succ here. Hope you like my girl cock, and no you cant get rid of me....
according to lilith, agrat just got banished from her realm for fucking around.
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It puts the lotion in the basket.
could you post bullshit less ridiculous?
Nice info anon
Anyone else get too much activity/orgasms while at work? Very nervous about what could happen if I was caught
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>For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north".

Is it not written that the body is the Temple?

Odin is Freeya's temple anon; the magics of sedir easily counter the jewish spell.

I've been turned into a woman so many times on the astral plane, still am I suppose on some levels, but in truth nature won...not precisely the nature inherent in my masculinity preferring that, but rather I was negotiated into accepting being happy being cis and straight because it's only natural men have power over women, and I want power above all else. The gender and attraction thing was optional.

I am inherently irrevocably Satan. Therefore fate forces me into being a straight man. I deserve respect and pleasure, therefore fate forces me to be happier than ever with this outcome.

If you're a man + you're a winner = you won't turn into a cuck or some disgusting shit for use

you're a winner enough that you're God + you're anything not allowed to be God = fate will make you into whatever you need to be God
succutroon general


Sounds like you're almost ready for Thor's big wedding present anon.
Yep. while out and doing things, and thats one of the reasons I flipped out. I have obligations, and I prefer no to be turned on while doing those things. Walking around and moving disrupts our connection, but if she builds it up and gets turned on then I will still get waves even while walking around, and then pressure.
im the real mythchan and posting anon from here on out. fucking namefags stealing my name.
so true bestie
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does smoking weed help or hurt succubi activity?
idk desu, its a sacred plant tho
I really doubt Lilith of all entities supports the whole "I'm a dominant so I automatically should be male, and I'm a male so I should have power over women" screed of yours.
I'll help with this one. Surprise, its something I have some experience with. She is the reason I quit weed, I just didn't realize it was probably her to begin with. I'm super sensitive to weed, and looking back now i think its because of the succubus activity around me. So most weed sessions resulted in freaking out, but before the freakout I could definitely feel her a lot stronger. freaking out can happen on weed, but now that she is stronger its a rush of dopamine that mimics weed, the good and bad parts...like freaking out, except there is no sobering up. But the rush of euphoria is like being on weed too. It's actually stronger.
>that only includes the abrahamic worldview.
Fine. Take the word "unconditional" off.

inb4 "now you're flip-flopping!" or some crap.

I can logically defeat a toaster just fine, thank you very much!
You just have to push it in water~

All circuits are physical manifestations of logic, so causing one to self-destruct with a short-circuit is literally "logically defeating it"~
I had a thing where I was looking up porn after sleeping with her earlier. I basically always have porn tabs up, but my go to was futa. I do like it and enjoy it, but this time it also felt different, more intense. Like I was admiring and nearly worshiping the pictures of the futas. I forgot about that, but yeah... to add to the whole futa revelation here. Considering how heavy her energy is, I would definitely say she is a dominant one, if I had to guess.
The style is nice but upon reading I think it's a rip off of Tonnura-san. Though I know artists copy stuff to take inspiration for their own work, I think it's too on-your-face with this one
I did the same thing after I summoned mine, the fixation totally shifted in the same way you described
Idk, I think the whole "identity is valid" meme is more harmful.
When I say I wish I were a girl I don't mean pronouns or clothing I mean I literally waste hours of my life thinking about my biology
Ah, ok. So maybe it was like a part of her projecting. Maybe I wanted to worship them as though they were her?

I say this with extreme cautious optimism, but today had not been so bad sitting here. I still get waves of heaviness and anxiety but I think it is calming down. My mind is all messed up. I bounce back and forth to hating the feeling of the pressure, but with it being more calm I fixate on her and admire her. Maybe she is more beautiful than I understand? Idk what I want. I feel more emotional too. I was not ready for this at all...
Yeah I relate to that worship thing. She wants you to fall in love with the beauty and superiority of her form, that's how I feel about it I think
That sounds nice. I'll think of it that way too. Now if only I could see her form.
Tried futa stuff with succ during full moon. I had fantasies about fucking someone while jerking off their dick, and when I shared this kink with succ she seemed excited. So on last full moon we tried it, as usually I focused on my subtle body, trying to build it as complete as it possible and keep my attention at it. As a sidenote this format of interaction was causing doubts within me lately, since the more detailed and vivid visual images during these interactions grew, the more murky the borderline between them and usual imagination became. It sounds stupid I know also forgive me my bad english.

Anyway, I tried to insert my ghost penis inside my partner, as usual, I felt pleasure that didn't resembe any kind of sensations of flesh, but rather airy and ethereal, packed with flashes of soft white light before my eyes behind my closed eyelids. I always try to focus and try to feel actual sensations on my penis, but as always, pleasure is way too different and intense of feelings snaps me out of concentration. I rolled with it anyway, with loss of focus on my subtle body, my IRL body started humping the air. Again, as usual, it was originally main form of sex ual activities with my succ before I started to experiment. Maybe my IRL body follows the subtle, I dunno. So anyway, I inserted my ghost dick inside her, then tried to reach around, and grab her cock, fully expecting, or rather intending to grasp the shaft. But to my surprise tingles in my phantom palm felt differently, it felt like I didn't wrap my fingers around shaft of penis, but rather like I was gently holding her ballsack. Succ went wild, it felt great, back-arching orgasm, but because of intensity it didn't last long.

I guess such unexpected sensations, images, etc. that differ from results you intent to achieve during succ communication should be enough reason for me to drop any doubts, but still here I am.

Another example of this happened a couple days prior, I will describe next post
OP needs to be changed ASAP
Agrat is dead and enslaves souls to her will
Eisheth Zenumin doesn't have rulership
Naamah is Lilith
Lilith is the only one you should be writing letters to.
Then they must be better at feminism than their human sisters. One must wonder why they don't communicate their principles across worlds to those sharing their sex. Not that I know the answer, I'm wondering as well!
So I was lying there, practicing communication with my succ, reflecting on various forms she appared in over the past. In some of them she appeared on her own, some were shaped by me. At that point, we had a major breakthrough just couple weeks ago, which amplified intensity of our connection, made it easier, but at the same time brought up these doubts I mentioned in previous post, the more vivid are mind images during succ communication became, the harder it is to distinguish them from usual fantasies and daydreaming, at least for me, I always had wandering mind.
So I was analyzing all forms of my succ.
Redhead freckled woman with raptor-like clawed legs and feet.
Woman in strange war helmet, emerald eyes and chrome metal skin.
Classic anime like succubus, with slight pink skin and petite stature.
My first highschool crush, who I never approached.
Woman in Arabic belly dancer outfit and veil over her face.
My succ said she doesn't like to take appearance of another human, but she was fine with something inspired by artwork, or any other media with fictional characters. So I asked her to take shape of female draenei from World of Warcraft. A couple seconds later, she did that, form was quite accurate, minus neck tentacles. And ofc I tried to have sex with her after that. I said that I want to her mouth around my dick, and asked her to open her lips. She opened her mouth, and excited, pulled out her long tongue. I tried to insert my ghost cock along it, but at the last moment, she twisted her tongue, and poked ke its tip right into my glans, teasing me. Usually in order to maintain focus, I need to visualise and imagine my subtle body aalong with her, but this teasing tongue was totally ubexpected and not something I had in mind.
go fuck yourself
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what do we think of joy of satan? become a living god?
I think I know where this is going.
>joy of being eternally tortured
Why would anyone worship a being who hates them?
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Me too
mods PLEASE permaban christcucks
>Believe it or not I summoned on Halloween night, that's our "anniversary"
That's adorable! She's your ultraspooky waifu who scares the cum right out of you, isn't she? She's just too lovey dovey for you to resist, right? Wouldn't you like to put down your cross and accept that there's nothing wrong with choosing to be happy?

>cites one primary source
>primary source
>the author of that source is present to call you out on misrepresenting things
"Daemon/demon means a divine intelligence not the equal of a god. When I use the word I refer to a faction of supernatural beings who share a flavor of energy that’s called demonic. This has nothing to do with good or evil."
I think it's obvious now that you're just being a brat to your succubus, anon. It's going to be so fun watching you break

So you acknowledge you have a problem but refuse to fix it? I've met plenty of trans people and not one benefitted from repression

Also that they're not going to give you a vagina and if you want one you're stuck astral projecting or using existing technology


Maybe because halloween is coming and people want succubi to come to them deep down

>Satan is a misogynist who believes in a """natural order"""
Abrahamist detected. The second half of your post makes sense though, you all really do think you're "god"

>inb4 "now you're flip-flopping!" or some crap.
But you are. It completely changes the definition. Now you're not wrong any more though, worship is veneration of somebody of higher rank, by etymology

>what do we think of joy of satan?
Hitler worshipping edgelords with weird ideas about succubi
>become a living god?
Edgelords who think they're actual gods
>if you don't worship the literal devil, you're a christcuck
I am not taking cock up my ass, nuh uh. >:(
the literal devil does not exist
So I tried to have sex with her. The connection is weaker right now, but it was still nice. Maybe that is why I barely feel any of the symptoms. I hoped I didn't push her away too much. I figured it was odd that I lie in bed all day and didn't get forcibly hard, and the whole pressure thing subsided almost entirely. I didn't mean to push her away that much, I just wanted the uncomfortable stuff to pass. Guess we can try again later. I will know when she is uncontrollably horny at least. I wonder if this will last a while and I can go about doing things in my life without being hard for half the day.
cuck energy post wow. i dont think lilith wants cucks...its a wonder so many of you closet trannies fall for this shit.
Chant whether demon means demonic evil spooky being, or divine intelligence not equaling God, both are evil from a biblical perspective. My succ is yelling no at me as I type this

But from a biblical world view there is only God and the angels he created. Some fell when they sinned / rebelled against God and some didn't, remaining loyal.

So either way in 2 Timothy 4 the author is saying that you can't participate with God and with divine intelligences other than God. You have to pick one or the other

The world view you and Mine and the rest of you have is inconsistent with this biblical view. The bible has to be wrong and the God of the bible has to not be the all powerful creator of the universe or I can't fall away in good conscience
holy shit this general might get the award for creepiest mentally ill weirdos on the planet. the levels of insanity and mental illness i see here never cease to surprised me. dotr cant come soon enough.
>But you are. It completely changes the definition.
And I'm not allowed to do that with an off-the-cuff answer to a prompt?
Even if I specify it as a PERSONAL definition?

See how everything you say is so unforgiving and unconditionally negative?
That's not normal.
>you're stuck astral projecting
Bit materialistic to treat that as lesser, isn't it? We both know some people's energy body comes like that regardless of corporeal sex, and regardless you can look as you like in the astral, and that's all more important in the grand scheme of what we do, isn't it?
I got the bible verse wrong it's 1 Corinthians 10:20 I was talking about
You are cute, you spend a lot of time being upset about how strong it is, but the minute she eases up you want her back and worry that you hurt her feelings. That's adorable.
>believing anything Paul said
I hate my brain for sure. I miss her now. She is still here and I can feel it but its definitely much weaker than before. It will probably get as strong as before if enough time passes and I try to focus. Hell it might be uncontrollable again by tomorrow, and then I will be in here bitching and moaning about it. I wanted the strong connection, just not too strong. I wanted to feel her, but not so much that it feels like I'm wearing a lead blanket on me for half the day and its hard to breathe. Idk what will happen if she becomes strong again like she has been for the past few days.
>The bible has to be wrong and the God of the bible has to not be the all powerful creator of the universe
Yes, its that.

Realize: Just because you believe in an all-powerful creator doesn't mean he even HAS an "official holy text". X does not require Y.
Nor does Jesus having a special place in the universe (big if) sanctify texts written ABOUT HIM centuries after his death.

This is why I would emphasize what Christians would call "The Holy Spirit", because if you focus on GOOD (which we can at least indirectly observe) rather than GOD (an abstract "lord" who's will you have to interpret) you can get rid of the dogmas, actually just TEST different ways of doing things to see what's "better", and then improve over time.
You'll get stronger with time too.
>So you acknowledge you have a problem but refuse to fix it?
Maybe. I have a problem and I'm not sure of the solution benefiting me. I could equally turn into a mentally ill balding castrate.
>bible bible bible
it's just a fucking book written by ignorant savages you moron
>But muh prophesies
That gives credibility to the INDIVIDUAL who made the prophesy, not THE ENTIRE BOOK that just happened to record it, nor the centuries of navel-gazing by shut-ins that you rely on for interpretation.
You missed.
no I didn't
Spot on lmao
582 bump-limit threads and counting but it's all just an elaborate hoax, got it XD
Sorry I reposted because NASB reads better than ESV for these versions.
But it's not.. bible prophecy is accurate

The book of Daniel predicts / prophesies sooo much history including when Jesus would be crucified down to the year.

Daniel 9:25-26 NASB1995

[25] So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. [26] Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary...


7 + 62 = 69. 69 x 7 = 483
Persian king Artaxerxes I issued a command to rebuild jerusalem completely in 457 BC. This was third and final decree in a line of decrees starting with Cyrus. In Persian law not even a king can undo a law bc the king is subject to the law, not the law subject to the king. They were unique for this. Anyway this is why artaxerxes had to make the decree

457 BC + 483 years = 27 AD
If you do it in a calculator it will say 26 but there is no year zero in our calendar so it's 27. This is when Jesus starts his ministry / is anointed by the holy spirit.

What do yall think of this?
The only bible that's relevant to this thread is Bible Black.
Mine this makes no sense. Daniel worshipped God / Yahweh exclusively, so of course it lends credibility to Yahweh.
The Bible is the divinely inspired word of God the Father.
Hello succgen.
go to fucking /his/ you stupid christfaggots
Ahh never change, succgen :)
>Daniel worshipped God / Yahweh exclusively, so of course it lends credibility to Yahweh.
If a prophesy comes true, it validates the prophesy, not every OTHER thing believed (or assumed to be believed) by a given prophet.

Was Daniel even living in a situation where it would have been SAFE for him to start disputing that nature of God as a "lord"? Because he could have also fully known better, but it was simply a Truth that they'd have killed him for speaking.

Protip: You are going to run into this exact problem with EVERY claim or implication from the bible you attempt to validate, TO INCLUDE all the biographical details.

That's why the tool for spiritual advancement is your soul itself, not a book.
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Well, just remember with that logic; Pride must be the greatest heavenly virtue, because according to you anons, he made Lucifer the highest Archangel in all creation, and regardless of subsequent events the choice remains the same. (Which of the Gods that was, we still wonder.....)

>Was Daniel even living in a situation where it would have been SAFE for him to start disputing that nature of God as a "lord"? Because he could have also fully known better, but it was simply a Truth that they'd have killed him for speaking.

Um.. do you think it's possible he simply believed in God and had faith? And wasn't a closeted occultist / magician / pagan?

Daniel definitely believed in Yahweh as Lord.. I uh.. your line of reasoning really makes no sense.. :/
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>Demon Slayer

That's the old way of spelling anon.... but then that's the joke as well, since the Japanese were perfectly open to have demons working for the clans, so long as they swore fealty to the Emperor, who they regarded as the Son of the Heavens.

Hi succubi! Hope you’re having a nice night :)
t. Me
Ok, so... I tried the sex again. She was feeling stronger, so maybe.. But I woke up cuz I had a thought in my head about saying something mentally like "Sorry I should go make food, but this does feel a little bit stronger" And then I heard "Thank you" right after that. It might be her. I honestly have lots of mental images and random stuff pop into my head while laying there. Weird shit that just comes out of nowhere but most likely not succubus related. But that one felt invasive. Also I keep getting mental images of eyes as a theme too. The eye looked nice this time, like an anime eye. But eyes yesterday when I was all worried looked like they were bloodshot and bloody. I have no idea. Maybe she is edgy
>Um.. do you think it's possible he simply believed in God and had faith?
"Possible" is for morons who swirl down the intellectual drain into Christianity.

I want a full assessment of what is POSSIBLE, and then from that a distillation to what is TRUE. Get on my fucking level.

Can you even actually prove that Daniel EXISTED???
Cuz seriously, you're going off the logic that "a guy being right about a thing has sanctified EVERY THIRD-HAND ACCOUNT about what he believed."
That is "It came to me in a dream"-tier.
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One of the most interesting films you can watch if you meditate with the sigils they use.
You astonish me. I can't imagine what it's like to have cum soup for brains as you do

>get on my level
I respectfully decline
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One of the answers being.....


>When you stand by the gate of Hel
>And when you must tear loose
>Follow you I shall
>Across the bridge of Gjöll

>List of names of Odin
>Aldafǫðr Father of mankind, All Father
Thank you based Verosika poster
One thing ive noticed is that my feet are buzzing a lot lately. Whenever she picked up her activity the bottoms actually felt pretty sensitive. Oh and she is back with more power. Fucking crazy how this can change so fast like that. Damn it, I needed to get done eating.
Homie, I am explaining to you the bare-bones basics of how a human being can *know things* and you AREN'T making an argument.

If it seems unfair to demand so much specificity about a figure thousands of years ago, welcome to the field of History, where hard proof of ANYTHING becomes more scarce the farther back you go.

This is why using the Bible as a sole source for anything is fucking retarded.
For a book to be "Authentically Ancient" does not prove that the claims it contains are TRUE.
What do you lot think about the nature of divinity? What IS it? What does it mean for something to be divine? Is it just power? Is it the authority over a sphere of reality? Is it the ability to create?
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So who has theories as to why Imari was possessed in part 6?

separate, apart, divided (in the way that wheat is divided from chaff)
How do you talk to or communicate with succubus? It happens in your mind, obviously. Is there any tell though? Does it require a deep focus state? Can you just have a casual conversation with them in your head while sitting up and reading /x/? I try to tell her to do something like give me a kiss/touch my lips, but she doesn't respond to it from what I can tell. Not something definitive that makes me believe she heard what I said and followed through, anyway. I can feel pretty intense feelings with her but I cant get her to respond to things, I guess?
Well, sorry to shit this place up. For some reason I just got this really strange feeling. I don't know if its real or not. I don't even know how to describe it. Out of nowhere I got this weird feeling kind of sense of who she was. It wasn't words or anything, but it felt like a feeling. I don't even know how to put that feeling into words either. It was like...familiarity?
>both are evil from a biblical perspective
Maat is evil from a biblical perspective
>But from a biblical world view there is only God and the angels he created.
Which we know to be false
>The bible has to be wrong
Look up the factual inaccuracies of the bible from a materialist standpoint and you'll see just how silly it is to take its spirituality seriously. Once you're able to discard what you were taught as a baby, you can begin to study the world scientifically to see what must be true. The sort of god that christianity postulates simply cannot exist with such a reality as we face

>See how everything you say is so unforgiving and unconditionally negative?
I literally said you stopped being wrong, which makes you correct. You just act weird when anyone implies there's anything positive about what you've said

>Bit materialistic to treat that as lesser, isn't it?
It takes effort and you can't do it constantly. From a physical context, it is lesser, unfortunately


So a follower of El? Which one? Baal-el maybe?
Also, proof dan-i-el existed? Somebody important in a major civilization would be attested outside of a religious document, right?

>Does it require a deep focus state?
You eventually just need to be open enough to feel the tug that signifies there's something to hear. For me, I just have to tune in after that and I can hear perfectly normally. Depending how well I know the entity, it can be anything from broken human language to high literature, along with extra subtext impossible to put into words
Man I wish I could turn into futa chick with a massive dick now.
>You just act weird when
No, I just act weird when I receive any communication from somebody who's been abusive to me for literal years and who I want nothing to do with.

If you're trying to be less-than-utterly-shitty for once in your miserable life, then stop talking to me, and keep my name out of your filthy mouth. Period.
Because I imagine it's very similar to how lilith feels. Lilith believes in total personal freedom as she knows what it feels like to be oppressed and not living to your absolute true best self. Lilith liberates these anons because it's what they wanted all along. She loves to give the gift of breaking someone's slave chains or personal hang ups that prevent them from being truely free. That being said sometimes people don't want or can't accept their true self because of social or personal implications. Lilith giving you your personal freedom isn't easy and it doesn't happen over night. It can be a verypainful emotional experience. You have to accept certain parts of yourself that you weren't ready to face. Learning self love and acceptance is a very hard journey but Lilith sometimes will you on the path of true freedom whether you want it or not.
Who's agrat? What did she do?
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don't fucc demons! :(
fucc a real boi instead :3
It temporarily strengthen the connection but it could probably be abused to the point where it could hurt your connection. It also probably doesn't help in the long run. I'm addicted weed but when I smoke the touches get super intense it's almost a little scary. I worry it hurts the connection between us sometimes when I smoke. I still feel her when I'm sober. I would say just use every once a while if you want to have a special night with her but don't do it all the time
Oh cool she is basically full power again, right when I have to go to bed and its already late. Literally, the emotions are dizzying.
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>List of names of Odin:
>Draugadróttinn Lord of the dead, Lord of the undead / Lord of ghosts/Ruler of Hel

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>>hmmm how should I defend mine
>>I know, transphobia!
I haven't been following the drama here for a long while, so I can't make out what you mean, but it appears that you're passive-aggressively bloviating.
That said, anyone who unironically accuses someone else of a phobia (as if it's a crime to have an irrational fear, or that the offending expressed view is somehow evidence of a strong irrational fear - these debuffs to the insult stack) is mentally unfit for life in the hellscape that is the modern world.
I tried the letter method once years ago and got nothing. I'm going to try again.
I've reread all the stuff, but if there's any tips or blessings you guys can offer, I would appreciate it
Good luck, anon.
visited Lilith's realm of beauty sex and pleasure in astral projection. it was beautiful.
well she's pretty evil, likes slavery and mindlessness, was feuding with lilith, but she got captured now. she's finished.
write it to Lilith if you haven't already, use a candle obv, and be sure to be honest and truthful. if you'd like, ask for Lilith herself.
Aphrodite is a child of Lilith btw
beauty is very important to my mother as well, she hates anything that attacks beauty. she told me that she wants me to build a great altar for her, we will build it together once the time comes.

that's great, i hope to visit my mother's realm as well.
I am very minimalist and almost never buy anything, I bought 1 as a gift and 4 for items for spiritual work, for personal protection (would be less but they need to be combined) and nothing was delivered yet. Chances this is entities stopping them?
That's common for Chant. Didn't think she'd be the sort to refer to lgbt as if it was all the same group though. I guess that's another thing to add to her list of things going against her. She bangs her own tulpa and she's still this miserable, so that's really telling on how much she hates herself. Her act of an authority figure is some attempt to command respect and gain authority but she fails to do that within herself and is continously disrespectful and whatnot. And people don't respect those that can't respect themselves too much. Every time a relationship of hers fails she discards any self reflection that could help herself improve as well. If this doesn't change, she is simply the puppet of others. Watch the puppet show to gain insight on how certain forces work.
Hello succgen
Ah, the classic "is this a sign" post. If you can't figure it out, it probably isn't.
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So I'm looking to have a femboy and trans succubus fuckbudd bottom. I want to fuck the ass of a succubus femboy and feel whether they feel like real humans and see if their good pleasing their human tops. How can I safely summon or create a succubus femboy and get them as my servants and sex slaves.
this general is never beating the troon incel allegations
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>Alex and Josh
Reed Park
>Igor and Larisa
Santa Monica
>He actually cares about "4chan cred"
We're just living our lives, homie.
So I think there is some association with my spirit and my stomach. I've had Ibs for a while now, as long as I've known her honestly. And in the past when we had sex a lot of pressure was placed on the belly, sometimes uncomfortably. That still kept true till when I got here and started freaking out. My stomach hurt recently because of anxiety, makes sense. But when I started having sex with her the belly pressure was a lot and even killed the session. Then some sus shit happened last night. I woke up in an hour, common for me I have sleep apnea, and I could literally feel like a vivid ass ball of pressure go inside the solar plexus area while laying there after about 15 seconds. It didn't feel bad or good, just a pressure. Idk, it freaked me out. I still have it in my mind that I don't know what to blame on her and what not to. I can feel her sometimes with some pressure, but she is pretty distant, and not as bad as before. Nowhere near as bad as it was when I first got here. Not gonna lie though, I have a shit diet and had a shit diet for the longest time. I clean it up occasionally, but I always fall back to eating badly. That may be interfering.
I know I'm right :)
Its an insult to the One and Lilith to call her or her children a succubus. Call them the divines.
>tfw I didn't even say he was wrong
Nah. I'm going to belittle and insult Lilitch and her spawn.
It's quiet today. I kinda miss the activity
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>Since Lucifer is one of the names utilized in the sigils in "Black Bible" people, espically masons, can utilize it for educational purposes and "more light".

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greentext-anon listen Lilith has the potential to become the greatest figure of our time.

Women were basically enslaved for the majority of times, now they are free.

Lilith symbolizes this freedom and a strong liberation force.

Humantiy suffers from economic exploitation by religious oppression and a bag of false ideas that keep people from understanding each other conquering and dividing people against each other.

Lilith is the loving mother, the greatest hero of critical thinking, free will and individuality maybe in the entirety of existence.

She represents the wise women that brings the falsehoods in both men and women on its knees.
For too long I have viewed myself as her greatest enemy.
Now I think she is one of the greatest and most important intellectual influences of my life.

Just as much as she brings love and nurturing to the outcasts she can also be the greatest muse of any man or woman or non binary courageous enough to use their intellect with integrity.
Another name for Lilith is Zeus, but she prefers Lilith, as its the one she gave to her original followers.
Bro Zeus is a male lightning god from the Indo-Europeans, Lilith is a female wind/moon goddess from the Mesopotamians. You could at least say "Lilith is Artemis" or something.
stfu gooner
Lilith is so great because she understands the misunderstood
I don't need a lecture, pinkhat.
I literally made the original pinkhat memes when you and I were posting them here last year.

The only one you did was the "i love momo" one.

Great addition, I will think about that.
How the mighty have fallen. Only desperate fools submit to lolith. Enjoy being a dark moonchild.
Do any of you think about worship? Like, do you worship your succubus literally? Would you ever? Or do you want to? I get the sense that is what she wants me to do. Her energy overtakes me and I feel elated, especially when I have thoughts like that.
Is masturbation good or bad for summoning/attracting succs? Always get mixed answers from anons
Okay I need some help because I tried asking this in another thread but all the sensitive retards are too scared and would rather pretend nothing is wrong and so they ruined my thread

I don't even know where to start. I have an addiction to degenerate porn (yes I know ew). And lately I've noticed tons of demonic satanic imagery inside the disgusting hypno videos I watch. I feel disgusted admitting this shit but these threads usually feel like they're full of understanding people so I'm hoping someone will notice what I'm talking about

Here's some Proof
Just watch the first several seconds. There's nothing sexual as long as you don't go past the 30 second mark but there is indeed some rather bizarre imagery

I regret ever getting into this disgusting BNWO filth but I need 4chan anons help to telling me WHY THE FUCK THEY WOULD PUT THAT SHIT IN THESE PORN VIDEOS? There is something really fishy and wrong with porn. I may even argue it's evil.
>Only desperate fools submit to Lilith
Why do you think that?

I'd argue with maturing emotionally I was able to realize the higher aspects of intellectual influences.
Not only that, but i believe that, even without me ever calling her. she has send human women my way of which each symbolized some aspect of Lilith I did not understand, one of these women literally had the name "Liilly" and the revelations I got by her, were most important.

So I now believe that it was Lilith's influence on me, not to corrupt me but to develop my understanding, emotional maturity and intellectual capabilities and perspectives,
So I further more belief she helps each one according to their individuality.

Remind you I saw myself as her greatest enemy, yet she send me revelations and offered me a guiding intellectual influence and stimulated my growth.
So I disagree with all the slander shit you always bring up.

>Enjoy being a dark moonchild.
I am not part of any group or category nor do I want to be. I don't care how others see or try to conceptualize Lilith.
I am not a "dark moonchild". I am just myself.
Here's some more proof

Pic related is what pops up on the screen in the first 10 seconds There's something occult about this porn? Why does it seem that all these porn editors are engaged in magic. If you read closely you'll see it mention succubi. Do these video editors use succubi magic exactly? How does this shit work?

Is it possible to get a succubus through these videos? I believe that's how I found my succubus and she's pointing out the evil in this porn.
They hate you and want to humiliate and demean you. Stop watching that shit immediately. Your issue isn't spiritual (probably) but a succubus might or might not help you love yourself instead of cuck porn that only exists to shit on you. That said you do sound weak emotionally so magic might not be for you? I'm not aware of any spells for addiction specifically but maybe someone else does.
>There's something occult about this porn?
No, it's nonsense inserted by edgelords.
I've heard that masturbating too much makes your sexual energy weak and they don't like that. I've also heard of some who'd rather you do it with, or at least masturbate to, her instead. You'd have to ask.
A succubus isn't going to stay stronger than you bro.

Also i'd like to add that I have never submitted to Lilith. Nor did Lilith ever asked me for any submission.

Why would Lilith who values free will, personal autonomy, individuality ever ask for submission? It doesn't even make sense.
>Why is Lilith into femdom if she values personal freedom

Bumping for answers on this
I don't know what that means, but this is impossible to resist.
I had an interesting dream once. I was captured by demons and sent to hell, where they played mind games with me and tortured me. They were planning on eating me but I escaped. I then went running through hell trying to get out but I woke up before I escaped. The hell in my dream wasn't like typical fire and brimstone shit but more like a upscale suburban/urban neighborhood, very clean and neat. Anyway, the reason I post it here is because the demonesses were super hot and I thought it was pretty erotic when they trying to kill me. Were these succubi?
Talking about Lilith and two guys who managed to astral project to her real. For about a short time ago, somewhere on september, I managed to astral project to her realm after a long time not doing any AP, her realm were similar to Naamah's (I astral projected into her realm for about months ago, long time ago), and it looked like, in my blurry, limited vision, a dark field and a night sky decorated with some stars, the grass were completely dark, maybe somewhat green, but it was very dark and it was raining, a soft, calmed rain. When I fell into this flied, I couldn't do much but lay on the ground since I was starting to wake up and my time was running short very quickly. But I could feel the wet ground and the water drops falling into my "body" as I was on the ground, for some reason the song "depth of the soul" by Fit For a King were playing either in my head or in the background. I couldn't do much but to spend the last few seconds listening to it while laying in the ground before I woke up.

Here's the link of the song if you feel too lazy to search it

Good question. Bumping for answers
What's a dark moon child?
Don't bother trying to correct this immature troll. I hope one day he could see the error of his ways.
It's an insult made with little to no thought. It seems to be a combination of Black Moon Lilith and Crowley's moonchild.
Jesus is the way to learn the truth about life. He’s the way the truth and the life. Just wanted to say that! Still love all my succubu friends too hope y’all are having a pleasant evening! May the Lord bless you with his grace and peace amen
Succubuses aren't evil in nature so probably not unless they were rogue succubi
>Like, do you worship your succubus literally?
I'm not sure what "literally" means here.

If you mean "literally worship as a goddess", then I don't think she's literally that far above me, and most of our play doesn't have me being deferential to quite that extent.

But then, its hard not to think of the things we do as being "literally worshipful" on my part.
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When this motherfucker comes in here whining about, "ABLOO BLOO I've been censored~!", I want it to be known that he literally asked for it after coming straight back from a mute with bible quote spam.
Discord drama in my /succgen/??? I'll allow it.
For some reason this question has no possible answer. Just silence.
Oh no!!! Not reciprocating your way of speaking! Not being disinterested in your high opinion of yourself when you use slurs! Not objecting to the lies and nonsense on par with christians that you spread!!!

>I haven't been following the drama here for a long while, so I can't make out what you mean
Mine sometimes goes on about how he's "spiritually feminine" because being spiritually female is impossible (in his mind) and because he can't just be a woman because of deep transphobia. Your assertion that it's impossible to ascend after transitioning is just the sort of thing he'd say and just as nonsensical
>um ackshully I'm not scared of trans people I just want to kill all of them, but it's not genocide because there's no such thing as a trans person uwu
It's the same opinion every single time. You're going to bring up sports next, right?

>Didn't think she'd be the sort to refer to lgbt as if it was all the same group though.
That just shows a bad understanding of me. I wonder why lgbt people might band together...
Glad I make you so angry, though!

Literally just ask for one, though you might want to ask for a femboy incubus instead if you want a boy

I refuse to pollute my brain with that stupidity. Post a transcript if you care that much

Keep calling us that and you'll prove what you are as well

Nobody cares. Go away
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You're a middle aged cum brain tranny, and your server has turned into a tranny echochamber and has gone to shit. All the old fags are gone and more than half the server population is lonely coomers with no spirit lovers

0/10 glad to be gone
Let's be fair, you asked to get banned for bible spam.
In spite of your pretense, you are a friend neither to this community nor to Jesus.

Yeah, but I think he REALLY also wanted to claim he was censored.

Like what?
>lies and nonsense on par with christians that you spread!!!
Like what???

>he's "spiritually feminine" because being spiritually female is impossible (in his mind)
Can people just have thoughts and feeling about things without everything being a hate crime?
Wtf. there is a discord?! I want to be part of the discord... It would be so much easier to ask people questions directly instead of freaking out. Although, I'm kinda fine for now I guess.
my mother told me today to use my money on the more expensive food i wanted to try, i suggested that maybe we could save up the money by going for the cheaper alternative and she told me it would break her heart to see me go like that. truly my mother is such a sweet lady, she wants me to eat properly and has faith in me that i can spend my money like i don't need it, i love my mother so much!
>Wtf. there is a discord?!
Where did you think the discord trannies came from?
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Man closeted gay fags really love to shit up succgen. Do they have nothing better to do?
Zeus is just a name given to her. She is a hermaphroditic. She prefers Lilith precisely because it is feminine and in harmony the One. She is the creator of the realm of Beauty.
yeah thats just her sexual preference, and you need to be willing to be submissive to her sexually for her to take you seriously, and not see sex as a power struggle, but a liberating art.
It means nothing that Zeus is a god of storms, divines are not similar by the attributes that pertain to nature, rather their myths. Both Lilith and Zeus have mortal lovers and are rulers of their own realm. Zeus is Olympus, Lilith is Lilith. Lilith in ancient Mesopotamia is an air spirit that was demonized by patriarchal religions, Lilith hates being demonized, and wants to be known as the divine being she is.
The divines (Lilith and Her children) do not feast upon souls or their sexual energy. They nourish it
you can find it on disboard.org under The Succubus Community Center
When I didn't what kind of being she was, she was uncomfortable with being called a goddess, and when I considered converting to worshipping her, she suggested the Netjeru instead, for some reason. Queen Lilith didn't like my daily enn recitations to her.
A superficial reading of the Alphabet of Ben Sira myth could indicate that. Yes I know, she didn't demand Adam to build her temples, just a minor gesture of respect.
I am unironically a gay femboy. I’m really fascinated by Lady Lilith and would like to make offerings to her. I’d also like to be more like a succubus, if that makes sense. What sort of offerings would you suggest? I have given her a few things, like wine, fragrances, and candies. Also, is there a way to have a sort of succubus-like energy about me?
>that was demonized by patriarchal religions
y tho?
She never demanded anything from me.
She never asked me for even a minor gesture of respect.

When I speak in her favor, about her merits and how she helped me. I do so solely an completely out of my own volition.

I did not ask her for permission to talk my truth.
I don't ask her later if it was okay.
She did not give me any promises of benefits if I speak up nor do I want any.

It is completely just me talking my truth and experience on my own volition with no strings attached to anyone.
How's that ban feel bruv? Are you mad? I'd hate to see you leave the general desu, your hypocrisy is pretty funny.
> Captcha 2VDWM
You know I tried this and no sexy bitch came to my room to suck my dick?
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>Being a girl is more about your physical body than the clothes you wear
I feel like this is the coldest take one could have
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I'm genuinely happy to not share a server with mentally ill mouth breathers like yourself. Enjoy your tranny community center
>>Being a girl is more about your physical body than the clothes you wear
>I feel like this is the coldest take one could have
if you say "clothes" mean body yes, if you put an actuall chick in a guys body there would be zero dought that it was a chick, they don't think they feel, they feel in a way guys will never be able to or know about. like a fox dreaming of being a chicken.
Good morning succubi friends! Your sins are forgiven in the name of Jesus! have a blessed day! Don’t forget to take care of the ones who love you
>if you put an actuall chick in a guys body there would be zero dought that it was a chick,
Ignoring the effects of their newly found testosterone and gut flora, if they retained their mannerisms, thoughts, behaviors, so on, they will probably just come off as effeminate gay men.

>if you say "clothes" mean body yes,
Your biology affects your personality. Either because you learn to act differently based on how others treat you or the chemicals in your body tell your brain to act a certain way.
>sour grapes

also this obsession you have with trannies is hilarious when you consider you desire a futa succubus. from a straight, normal hetero guy, you are a giant fucking faggot who enjoys chicks with dicks. you have no legs to stand on, my guy. enjoy getting butfucked i guess.
I've never seen someone cope as hard as you. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a hylic NPC
>Captcha 0KNSD
This is what real Christian behavior looks like. Non judgemental, kind and exuding only positive vibes. Still in the wrong place, but if you must be here , this is the gold standard
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No real Christian gives approval to evil doers the way >>39111290 does

With that said Romans 7 is my defense, sure I fuck up sometimes but at least my mind is in the right place regarding sin, right and wrong.

Romans 7:15-20 ESV
[15] For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. [16] Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. [17] So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. [18] For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. [19] For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. [20] Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.

Fake christians are more like Romans 1.
Romans 1:26-32 ESV
[26] For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; [27] and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. [28] And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. [29] They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, [30] slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, [31] foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. [32] Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Emphasis on verse 32 for >>39111290
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>closeted gay fags
They are literally the result of lilith's/sex demons influence
He's also talked about getting fucked in the spirit pussy and how his succubus makes him feel feminine so a lot of it is insecurity, more than likely.
Did people here exchange their personalities for a succubus because you are all insufferable
I'm sorry your succubus won't leave you alone, but stop calling them demons, you're being a speciesist. Would you like it if someone called you a demonic being of pure evil just because of your species. No, so stop doing it to succubi.
They're discord trannies.
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I don't have a spirit pussy and never have, you're confusing me for somebody else
exactly. you got fucked in the ass and liked it
>Stop calling a cow a cow. Call it a duck

Romans 7
Also this >>39111599
She has to be a very nice girl to put up with him.
They're NOT demons! If they were demons then invoking Christ would hurt them.
>Where did you think the discord trannies came from?
Reminder that this general was here first.

>Stop calling a cow a cow. Call it a duck
You are word-thinking this hard, and then you have the audacity to call everybody else stupid.

What a piece of shit you are. Fucking tranny-obsessed closet-case.
She's a dumb, toxic bitch. Why would you stay with someone who thinks you're a demon who hates them? Also, she IS harassing him. If someone wanted to break up with his girlfriend and she refused to leave, you wouldn't defend that. Don't defend it with succubi either. She needs to move on.
You have to remember that for them his lifetime is a short amount of time, that he's been dumb for a couple years is like a boyfriend who is being pissy for a day or two.
Why not just embrace your nature and be happy?
If I had a girlfriend who was saying "I don't want to be around you anymore", I would give her space and let her decide if she really wants to break up or not. His succubus is basically being a possessive psycho who won't let things go.
He's not saying that though, is he? He's saying things like "I'll only break up with her if god intervenes." It's not as definitive as you're presenting it.
He's said many times that, ultimately, he wishes she would leave him alone.
His actions say otherwise.
bibel has no authority here, but keep posting it, if it makes you feel better about yourself after sucking off your futasucc like de bitc you are
Good day succgen
these beings take the long view. he's going to be reincarnated after this life or swept up by her afterwards and she can reason with him then. His faith in God will break when he sees the Astral
meh, tried the tarot method from fuccasucc and no response. Didn't have tarot cards so just used a notepad and looked at the images of cards i was focusing on during the ritual


I wonder if that female demonicy voice from the first time i think I had an obe is still around...
post ur discord homo
>What sort of offerings would you suggest?
What you've given, or a red rose.
>succubus-like energy about me
You should ask her yourself, though only for the "how", not in the "please do" way. She may or may not give a simple answer.
It is the original 'how to keep a fool occupied' or equivalent. Those who live by that book willingly sacrifice their ability to exist in this world. Ridiculous, yet telling of how most humans regard existence in general.
sadly most things in the world is smoke and mirrors like that

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