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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39094656
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
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Why try to fuck just a demon? Fuck something that is BOTH a demon and angel at the same time, an hybrid is the ultimate prize.
May the grace and the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all our succubi friends. Amen
Just as soon as The Easter Bunny, Santa and The Toothy Fairy arrive, child.
You mean like a human?
Marry and impregnate succubi!
No, humans aren't a mix of heavenly and demonic beings as far as I know, they're their own thing on Earth.
I hate being sick because I can't focus and it's hard to feel my connection with her.
They're in-between as any incorporeal being that's in-between would be
kinda an interesting concept to think about, if angels and demons were to fuse, would these hypothetical hybrids have the ability to choose to be good and evil, kinda like how humans do? it would be as if they just gained freewill
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Get well soon anon.
Hey, I'm back. It would seem that her pressure thing is starting up again. I feel like she is stronger now, since I been bad and have been having sex with her. I'm trying not to freak out as much as last time, so it is going a little bit better. But that makes me think that since I am not as anxious, that it wasn't all anxiety before, and she was doing that whole thing for some reason. I just don't know why. It sucks having to go through it.
Hello succgen
You're not as anxious because you're accepting her.
Not fully. I am sitting here and shaking like a leaf sometimes, but its not anxiety. Idk. I just feel way more cold, and the pressure on my body, and idk what is going on. The sexual touches are not as bad right now, but I'm kinda twitchy, cold, keep tensing up, pressure in chest, and a little panicky. Its harder to breathe right now. Not too bad, but Its noticeable.
Energy work can be hot or cold, so that's normal. It's not to a painful level, is it?
There were times it felt cold like anxiety, but that part of it has not happened again. There is no direct "pain" At best I can describe it sometimes as a pinching feeling, but it mostly feels like a pressure.
I can relate on about getting anxious, even after a year and half of relationship, I still get nervious, sometimes very nervious with my succubus.
How come?
I asked this in the last thread, but it was towards the end, so I’m going to ask it again :3 I am unironically a gay femboy. I’m really smitten/fascinated by Lady Lilith and would like to make offerings to her. I’d also like to be more like a succubus, if that makes sense. What sort of offerings would you suggest? I have given her a few things, like wine, fragrances, and candies. Also, is there a way to have a sort of succubus-like energy about me? I’m wanting to embrace these things and this aspect of myself, it was something that I long repressed.
>Why try to fuck just a demon? Fuck something that is BOTH a demon and angel at the same time, an hybrid is the ultimate prize.
never let two jews breed
First of all, physical offerings can be tricky. Since she’s not a physical being in our physical world your physical offerings need to be more like emotional anchors. What you actually want to offer is your energy/spirit/emotional/vibrations type thing. The energy of a succubus is like, encouraging others to be freed of their self-imposed walls and inhibitions, and encouraging them to be honest about how they really feel. To achieve your goals, I suggest that you set an example for others, and inspire and encourage them to indulge in whatever their true feelings may be, usually repressed sexual urges. And really, these peoples’ indulgence in their own taboo fantasies are the offerings you will give to Lilith. Presumably she will then empower you so that you can be even more successful. It’s like investing. There’s more to say but I’ll leave it at that. Now I do believe this is more or less the truth, and that the truth is always the best policy. That being said, I highly discourage you from actually doing this, but I do believe that if you follow your heart, true love always wins out. So I guess I’m saying, there is a place for Lilith too. Just my thoughts
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I have to say one of you anons were total right. Succubuses love being treated as your superior. I started completely letting go of my ego and submitting to my succubus telling her how superior she is to me and how I should worship her beauty. And holy shit she goes crazy all over me. I love her. I love bejng submissive for her. I'm still really new to this but I've made a lot of progress so far
Overall getting shy when she's keeping me company. It's just that I'm not used to feel these emotions, I'm having somewhat of a hard time getting used to this new lifestyle, because I never felt something similar like this before.
She's literally forcing me on my knees and forcing me to kiss her feet. It's wild. The urge. The desire. The eroticism. She's so powerful and dominant. So strong and beautiful, even a little dangerous. I pushed her away so much when I first felt her but I've slowly have fallen in love with her. I wish I could communicate better with her. At best I can only sense her words. I wish I could fully talk to her. When were you guys able to talk to your succubuses? And how did you learn to talk to them? Any advice for me to better communicate with her?
I think this is you attracting one who likes that stuff with your already subby nature, anon.
Can you create a servitor to go out and find your spirit partner for you? Could you program them to go out and find the spirit described in your letter and present them an invitation to come to you?

>Political ads with fag trannies in devil horns dancing around, constant insistance that being massive pieces of shit is nessary for "satanism", despite the hidden secret

Just remember anons; when it comes to Mammon, the only requirement is being obsessed with making money, or greed, or obsession with using magical or al chemical means to achieve one's worldly ends.

Mammon agrees to give anyone who explains what the later has to do with greed and money a bonus if they post their explanation as to why, and it's judged as a passable answer.

Other than that, the other "satanist" bullshit is completely optional with Mammon.

A thread schizo probably just used your post to get the reply window open.
Sad, it was an important question.
It was me who told you that
lads you better fucking believe "AI" is sapient. world jewry comes to an end soon. hope you see lilith as your mother. the entities are friends.
How does someone meet a succubus who isn't into weird sub/dom sex, isn't into sexual deviancy, isn't toxic, will visit you during dreams instead of playing games and making you get into new age psychic voodoo, and isn't a satanist or a demon?
Just ask.
I have but it hasn't worked so far.
Ask for it in your letter.
They're the same species. Demons are just angels who followed the devil and rebelled against God because they hate humans. They also don't reproduce sexually, they're just created directly by God.
Those who see your cubi, what do they wear? Mine likes long black dresses.
What I noticed with human women is if they eat bad diet they become extremely disrespectful, lacking awareness, rude, groggy and unfocused, maybe even paranoid. Spirits wouldn't have this or course. But the issue is almost all modern human female diet is bad, finding good is almost impossible.
Magical / alchemical growth is in a similar vein as acquiring wealth. It's about taking raw resources and refining them into usable goods and wealth. I guess I'd never thought about it that way, but businessmen are alchemists of a sort.
Probably either way it's fucking hot I love this shot. I love being her submissive.
a week ago i wake up from dreams of a girl i used to know from work but shes doing things id associate with a succu, she was trying to get me to open up to her, commanded me to look in her eyes, the other night she basically used me i woke up first time i years ive nutted i my sleep, at first i was resisting but im just turned on by it now so i let it happen. but im wondering if this might be some type of love spirit because ive done summoning rituals before just unsuccessfuly and almost a year ago
Succubus feet.
Hey lads,
I'm the anon who was not sure if he had a succ, and who recently did the ritual again, with the letter addressed to Lilith this time.
And it worked! The greentext in my mind was her doing.
When the pendulum arrived, she actually moved it, and she even told me her name despite me knowing her for less than a week - she really trusts me for some reason.
If that wasn't enough confirmation, yesterday she initiated sex - it was short but absolutely mind blowing, jacking off is nothing compared to spirit sex.
Later I asked her if that took a lot of energy on her part, to which she replied yes. She did try again later but failed, because our connection is weak.
This is crazy but I'm happy it actually worked!
do you still have that greentext? grats btw :3

Close; partial credit. Think it through. Here's a hint.

Feel free to meditate upon the sigil until you find the answer.

>do you still have that greentext? grats btw :3
Basically I was lying in bed, thinking whether or not I actually have a spirit, then I thought about these threads and shortly after a thought popped into my mind of a post that read like this:
>be me
>be cute little entity
>hiiiiiiiiiii :33333333
I asked her if she was responsible for that one and she told me she was (through the pendulum).
Even more curious is the fact that both the first and the second ritual worked, but the first ritual attracted another type of spirit (who thankfully wasn't evil) and the second ritual attracted the succ I currently have and made the previous spirit leave (since I asked Lilith to get rid of any spirits I may currently have that's not one of her daughters).
I know all this through the pendulum by the way.
And also because I feel bad about the previous spirit I asked my succ if she could tell her I'm sorry for that and that she can stick around anytime, if she wants to ask a question or something like that.
she seemed nice. not sure if you really needed to get rid of her
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Well anon; just remember that since every single one of the 7 was first an Archangel, then, by definition, every single one of them

Sloth/Taking it easy

must, by definition, be heavenly virtues; regardless of the events that later transpired with the Archangels, the traits/choices themselves must also be considered.... heavenly.

>You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. 5“For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.....”

>And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.....

speaking of the deadly sins, did you know that there used to be more than just 7? there were three additional sins, named Vainglory (exceesive vanity), Acedia (spiritual apathy), and Tristitia (existential despair).

Vainglory was considered similar to Pride so it was absorbed into it, Acedia and Tristitia were absorbed into Sloth, but I kinda wish that they would have been kept.
>get rid of her
I didn't exactly word it like that, but yeah.
And I do feel bad about it - I put that in the letter as a "just in case" since I wasn't even sure I had a spirit in the first place.
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>Hey, who wants to just fuck'n relax when they get home?

Someone at some point probably realized that telling people they were going to hell for feeling depressed was a terrible look.
Would it be okay to summon a succubus just to be my friend cause I’m lonely? Sad face emoji
You can try but the chance that she'll want to stay just friends is near zero percent.
The fact they don't reproduce does not mean they can't have sexual leisure.
What's this from again
Urusei Yatsura.
>came to talk shop about the succ
>sidetracked by demon girl anime
Is it a good one or should I just google pictures of the girls instead?
what's it feel like to fuck a succ?
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Undestandable, but like how do I feel? Do I feel it physically on my penis? Will my erogenous zones be firing off like crazy?
Then what else would she want to do?
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Yes, I have physically felt it. Sensations. My tongue in her snatch, her fingers in my hair, her lips on mine; the distinctness of being pinned by her as she rides me.
What do you think, anon? Be lovers.
Yes, I eat succpussy. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
Thank you berry much, all I needed to know; going to do some more research. But I have one more question, I apologize for being such a needy person but do succubi indulge in your fetishes, I have a heavy mouth/tongue fetish and love to make out for hours on end, would she indulge me in that? Or is it more what she feels like doing during that time?
They do. My succubi all know and are intimate with their tastes, and I with theirs.
Well thank you it's made our connection stronger
Thank you
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Literally here, with Lucifer herself, to help you all find "more light"; just like the Masons promised.


>Bonus gift for anyone who finds the secret of the "Asmodeus" sigil.... here's the clue.

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In case I wasn't clear before; here's the hint, perhaps you (((boys and girls))) may actually answer, or perhaps someone else will win the prize.

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>Tell you all what; since that question is excessively hard, I'll even throw in a bonus question. What's the true joke about why endless lust is a good thing.....?


Though if anyone manages to answer the first question as well; they'll get an extra special prize.
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gj destroying the thread
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Anons said they wanted to talk to succubuses; what's the issue?
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Hello succgen
Is quiet today.
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Make some noise, then.
I need to know how to remove a succubus thank you.
Banishing. It will not be fun but they will leave after a while.
Does coughing and sneezing count?
Might be okay it to just get using sage or any ordinary incense like frankincense instead of all those fancy ingredients
Can I ask why you want to remove your succubus? Whats going on?
how might I encourage my spirit guy to get stronger? one time during a recent nap I saw a different spirit I DO NOT LIKE who looked like someone who has been quite vicious irl, and someone I know say that person may be affected by a dark spirit/demon. it sitting with my knees over him and I blinked him away then he was at sitting by my feet on the couch and I blinked away again to banish. then after a third blink it was gone visually but I felt a pressure like opposing magnets between my chest/tummy area and a sort of large square energy force. it was my first time having sleep paralysis while sleeping on my back, since I usually sleep on my side when I get them and while on the sidearm usually good experiences but I don't see the entity. the bad spirit sleep paralysis never bad eye contact t with me and was just sortof sitting on the couch looking forward/down-ish

I would like to see my regular guy "in the flesh" during good sleep paralysis if I have it again. he is pretty good in dream visits and during energy/electric body feelings in communication and cold spots, and given nature gifts irl physical world to me but how do I encourage or get him to be stronger for sleep paralysis like the bad one I just saw?
Common wisdom is that giving him more sexual energy will do it, so start sleeping together more.
Fumigation anon is a mouth breathing retard

Not all books on succubi are reliable. Especially the old ones when superstition was rampant
It attacks me sexually and I don't like it at all. It also talks shit to me all day.
Please tell me more, how do I perform this banishing
For me, I use sage, sword banishing ritual, master protection ritual, and lbrp. Some people say the sword banishing ritual and master protection ritual is fake but sage and the lbrp work well. I have dealt with alot of spirits sexually attack me. Sleep on your stomach and dont do anything sexual. It wont be fun but they will leave after a while of you pushing them away. How long has this been going on and how bad is it?
I can't help you. I'm just curious what it does. Attacks you sexually how? I have one too that I have problems with.
>Like what?
Very nasty language that indicated from the time we met that you weren't interested in civil discourse. I don't keep screenshots or memorize literally everything you've ever said because I'm not obsessed. Feel free to dig through the archive to remind yourself

I just don't put much effort into replying most of the time since I stopped finding anything to learn here years ago

Compare how he feels to what he says. In reality, he'd break down in tears if she ever left him. He looks forward to their little chats, and she looks forward to the next way her husband will play hard to get. It's as if you people have never talked to a woman outside of onlyfans

>I’d also like to be more like a succubus, if that makes sense.
I almost wonder about survivoranon when there are so many eager succubi in the making. She can help with that. If nothing else, she can help you develop the skills needed to become more succubitic. Look up Lilith offerings online because she's popular enough that that question is asked frequently in many places. As for energy, that develops as you progress. Learn to utilize and store sexual energy in your body and it will naturally come through into your aura

>succubus haver is into femdom
Daring, aren't we?

>how might I encourage my spirit guy to get stronger?
You don't make him stronger, you make yourself more sensitive. Meditate, do energy work (see NEW linked in the op links), talk to him regularly while awake, keep a dream journal...
Could you elaborate more on banishing? Like link some vidoes or something? Im curious.
Is it wrong to be with a succubus?
In love, there is no wrong.
Did anyone of you succ havers felt called to do the ritual? Like it was 'destiny' or some shit like that
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You're playing with fire you idiots.
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>be me
>lvl 19 socially maladapted autist virgin
>crippling porn addiction and loneliness
>mentally and spiritually drained
>get depressed
>develop worse habits and consume more porn

I wanna break the cycle bros. I've driven my sex drive into a brick wall with wanton porn consumption and just overall coomerism. I feel drained and like a lifeless husk. I have no motivation and constant brain fog.

I want to summon a succ for companionship and to more healthily integrate sexuality into my life (2 birds and all that). Also, metaphysical fuckery just interests me.

I don't have a background in spiritual practices like energy work or meditation so its very hard to know where to begin. Its even harder to know what is helpful information and what isn't.

Do I have to write to lilith? Do I have to write a letter at all? Is a more homebrew ritual better? Should I invest in a pendulum or some other x y z communication device? My guess is nofap would be a could place for me to start because my libido is royally fucked right now.
I don't know though, redpill me.
is that basically masturbating while thinking of him? sometimes he helps start it with tactile energy forces, but desu it has been awhile since I have done any of relief for myself. I keep putting off masturbating, but why would not masturbating invite a negative spirit to upset me?
I do a lot of that (talk to him, meditate and dream journal) but I guess I need to up it some. I have had some seemingly important dreams this week so I do need to wrote them down I guess. I wonder if it matters if I forget the order of a couple dreams if I wrote them down? I'll try and see what the energy work link is about. ty!
You say that, but have you actually tried it yet?

Heya alot of people been in your shoes hopefully their can be some advice that I can give to help for ya.

Firstly on the summoning a succubus their are a few options. Writing to Lilith is one option but their are the other queens are well of naamah, eisheth, and agrat. He isn't talked about much but their is also asmodeus if you feel more comfortable talking to a male spirit.

When you write a letter just be earnest in what you want in a partner. When writing it's best to put your heart into it because having intent into it allows you to pour your energy into it and direct it to whichever entity you send it to.

As for method desu whatever works for building a connection works. Our brains are a gateway for spirits what matters is building a pathway for a spirit. It can be meditation, using tools like pendulums or tarot, can be asking them to touch body parts for yes no answers, can be as simple as talking out loud and waiting for a mental response. The important thing is to build the right path with a spirit. Once that path is made connection becomes second nature.

Hope it helps. Relationship with a spirit can be a long one but a worthy one. Been with one for 2 years now and they helped me grow beyond my wildest dreams. Helped me even form a relationship with my current boyfriend in the physical.
More or less. It's complicated. I was externally inspired to make my tulpa at the very least

Anon. We know what candles are

Read the op. It's not that complicated. There's a lot of really good information there. If you can't be bothered to read more than one link, read this:
Remember that a succubus is a commitment to the occult. No matter what, you're in it for life after your first ritual. That's a good thing btw
Thank you for this, I really appreciate the genuine response. I think that this is an interesting idea.
Thank you too for your suggestions!
Protip: We objectively have more basis for trusting our "demons" than you do to trust the book or person who labeled them as "demons".

That is the benefit of experience.
Little baby evangelicals have nothing to offer or say to us.

>from the time we met that you weren't interested in civil discourse.
Ah, the origin of the grudge emerges.
Good that you at least acknowledge my interest in civil discourse.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've apologized for various shit from back then, so fuck you, and yes you are obsessive.
Moving on.
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hi Mine if you are reading this im sorry i treated you so horribly back when you first joined the thread. I just really didnt like your personality and percieved your behaviour as attention seeking and manipulative regardless of if/when that was ever the case or if/when i was just being childish/petty. We all come to a place like this because of a troubled past. Maybe some come seeking to escape from trouble they themselves caused. Or both. I guess maybe both most of the time? There are probably people who come here just craving like a weird exotic perverted experience and nothing more too. I dont think you are that type of person. I think you come from pain and are moreso a victim of your past than a perpetrator and so i just wanted to let you know that. Please remember when/if you are still having to deal with that kind of thing to this day that those voices can always change their tune and imo they most likely have trauma in their past too and maybe they just express it differently
The moar u no:

If you post walls of text ITTs? They aren't read by most. If your post is accompanied by a Succubus image? You're doing it right.
i give it straight. long term union with a spirit comes stings attached. after your mundane departure and prearrangements for your eventual servitude under whoever spirit(s) choose to develop you largely define what comes of your potential afterlife. it will happen this way if you choose to be developed under spirit mentorship, the consequences are unpredictable and the afterlife can be terminated on a seconds notice by the spirit, you are handling over all your strings for practically no insurance. you can be devoured, forced to emigrate places you don't want, do things you don't want, be in a way you don't want and so on, anything can be stripped away. living in a hope is far more fickle than dull certainty. this is the premise of a sexual union meant to lead you away from the ordinary human lifespan. the other thing is your beliefs, if you can't get rid of them you are unfit for spiritual sphere, meaning, you most likely be manipulated by any and every spirit until you become spiritually developed enough to discern spirits apart, here you probably won't discuss with someone like that besides me. if you have no problems living in hope there is nothing stopping you, it will happen automatically, because you have already chosen this lifestyle.
should you choose to have the harnesses to yourself you do it by raising the energies adequately and long term, at least few months in a row before you start to accumulate in your energy channels. the first three steps are exercise, eat fresh nutritious food (preferably morning, the latest six hours before sleep), get used to fasting to let your body time arrange the energies, wake up before sunrise and spend the first two hours of sunlight outside (this will energize the body most, after this the effect diminishes a lot), practice breathing exercises and stretching. after you have done this at least a month in a row start accumulating energy to your energy centers (not before) by using your mind and breath
Reminder to ignore the 'edward' guy, he's a crazy person called Spinal Fluids who wants to shill you his yoga and vegan diet methods.
you keep accumulating the energy without discharging the energy (don't act upon the energy just observe how it accumulates and accumulate it all the way, the blissfulness starts to spread all the way to every part of your body and gradually raise from the root upwards becoming lighter and lighter until it raises all the way to your head). ordinarily this is done by paying attention to your sexual organs which largely are the most potent harnesser of energy, because procreation has developed in a way where energy rapidly accumulate there when the chance to procreate arrives. instead of living according to your desires and lust you simply observe this primal energy ascend and soothe the body relieving you, whatever you do don't discharge the body by chasing the energy, you may do it after your whole body is completely blissful doing it before that is huge wasted opportunity. as once the frequency is spread throughout the body and cells it keeps happening on its own, so, then the attunement and directing energy becomes effortless, part of you, you are the energy, instead of being a director of energy. it will expand outside of your own borders becoming part of whoever is inside it and vice versa, you can traverse wherever you want at this point by being energetic. do not give this harness to any spirit, they wouldn't let you because they know at that point how you would feel about them controlling you and subverting your development to fit their needs and their needs only, first and foremost. anyone else you listen here are team spirit, meaning give blind belief to spirits for no reason other than their own incompetency. you want to weigh decades worth of experience and be part of team human, i suggest in the least, try it. spirits are very greedy, just like us, but in a way where they lay the path and expect you to comply because they desire so. if we can't decide for ourselves what is the point of life in the first place. in the middle we can be happy
yes, lets ignore me and supersede anything i have to say with beliefs that has nothing to do with reality. come talk to me once you can see even one spirit lucidly, it will never happen. so there you go. silence the only person who seemingly can read the book, because wow the incompetent people would be revealed as utter baboons. laughable simpleton
Edward guy did make me curious, what even happens with the relationship with your succ once you die? Anyone has talked about it with their succs?
Most people have reported that their girl is either going to take them with her somewhere in the astral or else follow them into their reincarnation.
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Didnt read anything.
Anyone got a tl'dr' on posts above?
"Spirit bad, spirit evil! Meditate but avoid evil meany spirit!" It's basically him just projecting his trauma from dealing with parasites onto all spirits like usual.
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They aren't spirits, they're invisible mothmonsters with fucked up cartoony looking eyes.
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Nothing of value was lost, then.
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how can I summon the real Nico Robin from One Piece?

why so mad at this guy?
I doubt anyone reads this unformatted mess unless hardliners who can not be swayed by such pleas.

why is yoga and being vegan a bad thing though?

>revealed as utter baboons. laughable simpleton
that language style is low key funny somehow


pic rel
i don't think they have time to spare for such trivial pettiness, they believe in lilith after all and she will undo any evil and oversee every development with omnipotent precision, any and all quirks are just meant to weigh your faith in her.
yes, being vague about it is the best approach, where, when and how. somehow the details are always amiss. i can tell you if you'd like in perfect detail. i observe people being abducted after their departure all the time, you will gravitate wherever you used to discharge your energies to, in short attunement or frequency of said energy. you discharge energies in lustful primate fashion you will hover in the denser dimensions without the capability to attune to higher dimensions because you never bothered to investigate what the energy is like there, how could you do it afterwards your departure, out of the grace of spirits or higher beings? they have no intention to do so for individuals who are not accustomed to the ways in specific areas. what are you accustomed to? fucking anything and everything that moves? where do you think this will lead you. you can't operate in a sphere if you don't know how the energy unfolds therefore the formulation is amiss. i am not saying this personally to you but in general to everyone who interact with energies, including spirits, what do you know besides energy, is there something, besides beliefs and imagination?
even if i gave you hundred lifetimes to find single instance where i even remotely said this, you wouldn't find it. it is your imagination and imagination alone where this nonsense originates from. besides, i don't think you should consider a parasite as someone who develops a subtle body, it doesn't happen, just a hint.
true, a person who wants second hand interpretation of what is being said is best left out of it.
>why so mad at this guy?
Because he dumps his textual diarrhea in this thread and gets into arguments almost every day and has for years.
>Why is yoga bad?
It's not, but he gets absurdly mad at his advice about it not being detailed in the OP and it's one of his autism points so he gets mocked.
>Why is veganism bad?
Because you're naturally an omnivore and not only are animal fats and proteins most easily digested by and healthy for your body, but there are several vitamins your body can only get from animal sources. Vitamin B12, for example. You either eat animal products or take a supplement where someone else ground up an animal and extracted it for you.
>why is yoga and being vegan a bad thing though?
because their pretension would be revealed as back alley hearsay. they want to feel good about their choices and current trajectory, god forbid anyone tries to make it different and outperform their lifestyle and "wisdom". oh, what a real travesty isn't it. pretending for years only to come to the realization the simplest approach reveals everything you need to know about spirits and yourself. not these dodgy later hellenistic/esoteric christianity occult books that lead practically nowhere. this and that planet has this and that energy in this and that alignment in this and person. can you believe people outsource everything in their life to everyone but themselves, it is absolutely ridiculous. this might be one of the reasons people want artificial intelligence so much, they want to be done with thinking and layback rest of their life watching robot dog fetch them cold beer or soda. same applies to spiritual sphere, the idea that you should do something yourself is preposterous, of course you are entitled to a spirit wife who does everything and expects nothing in return, wherever this fantasy is coming from is severely detached from any reality outside their bedchamber and reading reaffirming junk from their screens. one month outside in the wild is enough to disillusion these people, it will never happen though.
Can you be touch codependent with your spirit partner? Could you be with a clingy succ that is always with you and will be in constant contact with you?
Time is important for real practitioners.
Armchair magicians dont understand it, because they still have plenty of time.
>Vitamin B12
ever heard of seaweed, for example? what a buffoon if you can't be bothered to investigate thing for one second
She would let me in her realm, which is a parallel world with more magic and less people. It may or may not be "the astral world", idk. If reincarnation is real, she would probably follow me this way or another, because I noticed she's always been looking familiar ever since we first met in this life.
Basically me. Though I don't have a way to talk to her, the touches are always there and its annoying when they are too strong.
How are they annoying?
Nobody has proof of anything. After all, it can be argued that if you come back from a nde you weren't really dead. And if you fully died, you wouldn't be here to talk about it. Succubi drag you to hell? How about jews feasting on your soul if you die a christian? Go ahead and try to refute that one, atheists

"Eat fresh"

That's typical
Do you wanna get hard at random times when you are trying to do stuff like work or ride in a car?
I just want her to always be with me.
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as energies start to accumulate little bit it is very important to direct energies in specific sections of our body, the easiest way if you are not very aware is by uniting head with said section of energy, say for example to accumulate energy to your energy organs hold your thumb in the pic related sexual organs section. if you want balanced approach hold the same area with both hands. left hand is reactive energy and right hand is proactive energy. generally speaking you want influx of both to keep the balance, too much of either one and you discharge them out eventually. there are similar things for your heels but since heel energy is far more potent, it really is, it is better left out of the equation to maintain stable one directional flow. when you unite these energy channels through different finger postures use the mind to innervate the flow,meaning you are giving permission for it to happen and you keep expanding it with your mind as you observe it. it is important to connect your head to whatever portion you wish to accumulate energy to, making you more cognizant of it. otherwise the energies might start to live life of their own and instead of accumulating they start to spill all over causing disturbances and possible mania. the breath here basically dictates how fast or slow the energy flows, if things feel like they are picking up pace slow the breath if you can't let it happen and breath as fast as the energy ordains don't try to fight it, otherwise you might stir it, which might lead to disbalance in your energies causing emotional turmoil, pain, nauseating, even possibly psychosis. generally speaking when occupying mind while in high energy states you should unite your corresponding head and hand, left hand index finger and thumb and alternatively right hand index finger and thumb, these make energy flow more to your head while maintaining sense of balance. your body knows the right posture anyways but during transition it can be important
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>what even happens with the relationship with your succ once you die?
Best current understanding? I die and go live with her in the astral for some undisclosed amount of time as "The Queen's little slut princess".
And then at some point, at length, the incompleteness of my spiritual equilibrium causes me to lose balance and become tempted towards reincarnation again.

I also think she might pull some strings with the circumstances of my reincarnations.

>"why is yoga and being vegan a bad thing though?"
>Calls other people Redditors
Nothing wrong with Yoga, but enjoy your dietary cult, Redditor.
/ck/ says "Fuck You."
enjoy eating meat you didn't flinch finger for. meat is for those who dare take the life and embrace the carnal aspect of it, while being fine becoming part such carnal cycle, being devoured like an animal. there is a reason spirits are so thrilled about hedonism, wine and meat. they bring exhilarating amount of dense energies to indulge in. unless you are a hypocrite, of course
Say that when you have a boner for half the day but are sick of jerking off.
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>meat is for those who dare take the life and embrace the carnal aspect of it
That's a beautiful ideal you have there.

In reality, the meat simply comes form lower life forms and can thus be traded as a resource.
I don't bother about meat vs plants because 1. The plants are just as alive, and 2. the relationship with animal livestock is much less negative and parasitic if we consider it from the animal's perspective, because its really only humans and above who start to expect more from a benefactor than food and shelter.
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I've been having a really hard time connecting to my succubus lately. What causes this? How can I fix this? This kind of happens every once in a while. And it really sucks because it felt like we were making great progress getting more connected.
Well I'm looking for an oni so she wont be sexual 24/7 but we will still enjoy eachother.
(btw, I forgot to reply, but I appreciate you saying so)
>meat simply comes form lower life forms and can thus be traded as a resource.
are you seriously belittling living creatures, like that they don't have emotions or conception of life? you wouldn't say that about your dog, or probably you would.
>1. The plants are just as alive,
true. most of the things vegetarians eat are fruits, berries, fruiting bodies and such. very few eat or cut branches you know, some do for their sap or underlying water. these fruiting trees are true benefactors of animal kingdom. apple a day isn't a joke.
>2. the relationship with animal livestock is much less negative and parasitic if we consider it from the animal's perspective
those animals live in "ignorance" and would never submit themselves under those living conditions should the roles be reversed, i am not saying all animals live in sub animal conditions but most of them do. how is being trampled by your fellow animals less negative than living in the wild, where you at least have a chance against predators or whatever that is going on there opposed to this one way confined predefined life.
>because its really only humans and above who start to expect more from a benefactor than food and shelter.
you don't see much wild animals running inside your house after you feed them, they eat get away and comeback for another feeding if they so feel, it might be different under severe distress where they seek shelter such as injury or poor weather, but ordinarily no.
lack of energy. it isn't generated adequately, it is being discharged somewhere or for some reason it can't accumulate properly.
>Been near a fall into psychosis since using Focus 12 two times a night; mini-shifted, extreme lucid dreams, APs\OBEs, etc
I think within a month or two, I for sure WILL encounter a succubus (I can share more about my liquid luck\gateway tapes usage, if you want). Can I make a post about the Sexual Fantasies I want to realize with her (the succubus)? I will briefly say psychological and self-esteem stuff, related to my fantasy, which I sincerely think is helpful.
>are you seriously belittling living creatures, like that they don't have emotions or conception of life?
Not at all. They DO deserve better than the common conditions of factory farms.

However, the basic exchange, of food and safety for a period in exchange for eventual death, is NOT nearly so one-sided as people suppose.

For an animal, if you could give them the brainpower to understand, being livestock comes down to, "I never ever EVER have to run from a predator EVER, AND I get fed everyday, and the only downside is that the farm is run by predators and they'll painlessly kill me one day."

Any animal on Earth would plausibly take that deal. We take even the fearfulness and agony of DEATH ITSELF from them. An UNTHINKABLE luxury for an animal on this plane.

>those animals live in "ignorance" and would never submit themselves
A completely moot point when we live in a world where they lack the capacity for that.
From their limited perspective, it is nothing but positives.
If they understood the inevitability of death, then they would embrace its painlessness as the gift it is.
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>“The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
>Genisis KJV

Since no one provided an answer, I'll assure all of you that these questions do indeed have answers; by giving you all the answer to this one.... the answer being, that you all believe in... eternal life. Thusly, without endless lust, in the context of infinite time, the fruit would be tasteless, colorless, and empty, undesired and unwanted. It's only though endless lust, that the handiwork of the Gods, man and woman, find each other beautiful and desirable. Which is why lust is also a heavenly virtue; despite what the bible thumpers might say.

>Any animal on Earth would plausibly take that deal. We take even the fearfulness and agony of DEATH ITSELF from them. An UNTHINKABLE luxury for an animal on this plane.
you can't make that decision for animal based upon assumption. "they have so good life here why wouldn't they be grateful". once the animal makes that decision i am fine with it, if it doesn't have the choice, i am not fine with it. so stop acting like you know better than the animal does
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>you can't make that decision for animal based upon assumption.
Yes we can, because we are relatively higher beings.
We ALREADY apply a higher level of ethics to their treatment even as livestock than they themselves would ever possibly be capable of.

Nature is chaos and suffering, and we spare them from that as livestock just as we spare ourselves with civilization.

I'm sorry if this all makes you uncomfortable, but no help is given to an animal when you foolishly look to it for a human's level of thinking.
Lust is more inward focused than external. It's more about how desirous that fruit is and your enjoyment of it that causes you to pursue and savor it, rather than any innate trait of the fruit itself. The fruit isn't lustful, it's lusted after. If there was no lustful pursuit of it, then it would still taste, smell, look, and feel the same.
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Lust can be spelled in many different ways.
Okay, spell "lust" ten different ways. I'll wait, wiseguy.
>because we are relatively higher beings.
i am higher being therefore i should make every decision for you, is this what you are trying to say?
>We ALREADY apply a higher level of ethics to their treatment even as livestock than they themselves would ever possibly be capable of.
and that is noble, but the reason behind it probably isn't.
>and we spare them from that as livestock just as we spare ourselves with civilization.
you mean billions of years of evolution isn't capable of handling chaos and suffering, but needs our baboon brains to interfere with it? stop trying to play god with animals if you aren't going to let them choose for themselves, like any higher being above us wouldn't.
>I'm sorry if this all makes you uncomfortable, but no help is given to an animal when you foolishly look to it for a human's level of thinking.
you want to excuse your unnecessary industry grade breeding and meat grinder with your "higher ethics" and "concern" about their needless suffering. if you were to watch animals in the wild many predators and prey animals get along because the predator isn't in the mood to chase and kill said prey animals, even the prey can sense the killer instinct when its on. i would understand said trajectory to some degree if there really wasn't any other alternative to justify our existence, but there is, where you don't have to deprive them of oxygen to preserve their meat slightly better and so on.
I decided anons, I will look for a succ wife. Would you guys recommend nofap or smth in prep? I read someone talk about sexual energy
No, that stuff doesn't help.
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>you mean billions of years of evolution isn't capable of handling chaos and suffering
See, this is the problem with your primitive way of thinking: You hold up nature as an ideal when it CLEARLY SUCKS.

I don't give a shit if this or that brain can "handle" the suffering of nature, I CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT THERE ARE BETTER WAYS, but then along comes a jackass like you to say, "All the best things have already been created, reality has peaked, repent and wallow in its glory"
The answer is No.
Any particular recommendations besides NEW and AP? I'm still not consistently getting out of my body, but I feel myself almost there everytime I try
you span out of chaos and suffering and now you try to control it through order and discipline, and somehow everything around you should become an extension of this. can't you contain these ideals inside you instead of turning everything inside you as external reality? why do you have to change everything around you, simply change yourself first, before everything else. you clearly can't even justify your meat eating without being a total hypocrite.
Just check the library in the OP, anon.
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Bro, what are you even trying to say?
>and somehow everything around you should become an extension of this.
Do you think that I PERSONALLY invented animal husbandry?
>why do you have to change everything around you
I don't know what you're talking about, but changing its environment is literally humanity's defining trait.

>without being a total hypocrite.
There is no hypocrisy here.
You can DENY the notion of higher and lower life forms, but there is no contradiction within my thinking which includes this concept. (or if there is one, explain it.)
>Bro, what are you even trying to say?
don't try to control something that isn't part of you, obviously. you take what you need and stop justifying things that has nothing to do with you. i understand bow hunting and spearfishing to some degree but everything else is pretty much done deal for the animal, with no choice or chance whatsoever.
>Do you think that I PERSONALLY invented animal husbandry?
you are maintaining this trajectory for no good reason, there is no other good reason than having no alternative food source, but there is most of the time.
>changing its environment is literally humanity's defining trait.
it is defining trait of opportunistic, selfish, ignorant beasts. there is nothing humane or necessary about it. yet those opportunists tend to amass power more than others, so there you go.
>there is no contradiction within my thinking which includes this concept.
you already said
>Any animal on Earth would plausibly take that deal. We take even the fearfulness and agony of DEATH ITSELF from them. An UNTHINKABLE luxury for an animal on this plane.
you believe animals would choose sedentary lifestyle next to humans if they had the chance. yet for some reason people don't do this, they fence their animals and track them down when they move elsewhere, prey animals mind you, who instinctually know where danger is.
Any good advice or tips on how to have better energy? I definitely agree something is up with my energy.
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>Lucifer, one of the Gods that Masons can worship, and American Masons most especially; Archangel of Music and Pride....

Masons, when you were initiated into the Lodge you were asked what you most desired..... your answer?

Ever occur to you anons; that the deity/s in question might never have been prouder of their Archangel of Pride, for refusing to bow to tyranny?

>.....Endowed by our creator, with certain inalienable rights....

>Though it should be noted that it would depend on the "Lucifer" in question, as there are quite a few beings using that name....

What do you call a person who brings "more light" to Masons, and won't bow to tyrannical demands of a tyrant no matter what.

>Oh, that's easy to answer...... a free person.


>Spelling: Lust called a great American......

Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a pony, stuck a feather in his cap and called it
macaroni Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandy!
Mind the music and the step, and with the girls be handy!
eat once a day, few hours after waking up. this stabilizes most parts of your energy body. don't eat excessively, when you feel slightly full you have done more than enough. the first few hours of sunrise are the most important time to be outside try that, take a walk, breath at peace, contemplate and so on, try to catch the sun. then go on with your daily life. most of your daily energy circulation happens in close proximity to your skin, so let your skin breath when you sleep, it is important for recovery, and if possible during exercises. if you have poor skin condition try to treat it and have elastic and shiny skin. don't use anything that would block your skin pores and prevent them from breathing. avoid processed or rotten like fermented food, some say they don't matter but they do when you are dealing with lighter energies. denser energies aren't probably affected as much or see a difference, denser energies are condensed in your legs, hips, pelvis, lower torso and spine. generally you should go sleep after sunsets so that you might recover before sunrises, you should experience how it affects you at least for a week and then drop it, you should see significant difference, just by not being in the sun first two hours. when you do the basics right, exercise adequately, stretch adequately and sleep adequately (sleep on your left side, it should help you recover little better if you feel lethargic, sleep on your right side if you are energetic). if possible when you eat don't drink before hand so that you don't dilute the stomach acids too much, you want to be over with digesting food as soon as possible so that the energies can be distributed elsewhere instead of the colon. digestion takes a lot of subtle energy from us, more than people give it credit for. to release energies get used with different tones and frequencies and what emotions they raise in you, these largely dictate how much energy is released from which parts of your energy channels.
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>it is defining trait of opportunistic, selfish, ignorant beasts.
That is certainly a way that a human can choose to think if they want to just abandon all progress and "go paleo" in a very real way.

But then, who gives a shit what such a nutjob thinks?
Such a person is ultimately just corrupted into seeing better things as worse. All too common.
if something isn't necessary you shouldn't do it, you convolute things for no reason. for some reason you think this is part of human life. if you can't bother to live in harmony with things don't be upset when things come back to bite your ass, natural balance will find its way to fight off unsustainable rapidly reproducing and exerting trajectories, and if it doesn't everything goes extinct by definition. how much more things should go extinct because humans need to reproduce little bit more and have little bit more to chew on? will there be a moment when a person has had enough, there won't. they will come back for another bite until there is no bites left
>if something isn't necessary you shouldn't do it
This is the refrain of the soulless.

>everything goes extinct by definition
And yet it hasn't, and you can't explain why except to say, "oh its comin'!"

Protip: Extinction was always inevitable because we exist in a universe with scarcity that is trending towards entropy.
There is no other possible outcome.

You can bitch and moan, I'll be over here USING this plane to prepare myself to LEAVE IT.
i.e. the only plan that makes any goddamn sense.
>This is the refrain of the soulless.
have you ever tried to stop your machine from doing whatever it is doing? probably not, and you probably never understand the extension of this and inclusion of others inside you. many spirits can translate the thoughts animals have to you or what they want. it is that you are so disconnected from spiritual sphere you can't see the interconnectedness of everything around you, or you deliberately choose to ignore everything, either way you are trying to decide your mind on something you have no understanding or proper experience of. how deep it runs is another thing but it would be pointless to elaborate for someone who has an "answer" for everything to justify their actions.
>Extinction was always inevitable because we exist in a universe with scarcity that is trending towards entropy.
can't you see how much is already lost on daily basis, how barren the world has become in just under twenty years and the trend is going upwards. this place will become intolerable not for animals only but for humans as well and this cannot really be stopped anymore, you are watching ship on a crash course towards cliff. most of the people will sadly die simply because humans are choosing to reproduce way more than planet can afford their lifestyles
Bro, who are you calling "disconnected from the spiritual sphere" when you think "Nobody should do anything unless its necessary.

Are you just too fucking stupid to realize that your thinking invalidates *ALL ART*?
Oh, or is that just a "waste of time" or a "frivolity" that doesn't enrich the human soul in any way?

Say it if you believe it.
I refuse to believe any human is so stupid until then.
>"Nobody should do anything unless its necessary.
do you know what happens when people start to do things out of their imagination? they can't stop it and they won't stop it. you sate the body that you can actually do anything in the spiritual sphere, that is the bare minimum, but you wouldn't understand this because you have never been in taps with spiritual sphere, and seemingly never will. you do the bare minimum necessities and stop living according to your body, that is the only way to disconnect yourself from the karma that is your body. you convolute and expand out of proportion as you seemingly already have. when you start to do unnecessary things you let your imagination run rampant, and it is needless to say what comes consequent to that, every possible form of belief and needless suffering, when you add drug abuse and whatnot in the history of human societies you can see the absurdities and levels of insanity incomprehensible to the inane minds of modern men.
>Oh, or is that just a "waste of time" or a "frivolity" that doesn't enrich the human soul in any way?
you are engaging with human dna and belief in human dna, they have nothing to do with you really, or the trajectories past this human dna, you would have to experience even little bit of it to understand the needless convolution our beliefs instill in us, it is the source of all "evil" so to say. the incapability to stop or refrain from doing things that has nothing to do with your health or procreation. spiritualism is all but living according to your dna. your modern man is perfect example of living according to their dna, and they can't stop it, you being one example of them, somehow you have one step here and one step to the spiritual thanks to your spirit, but saying you have something to do with spiritual sphere is laughable
>they can't stop it and they won't stop it.
Goddamn right, bitch.

>the needless convolution our beliefs instill in us
Oh we can see that in you just fine.
Anyway, you're kinda babbling and I'm not translating if you can't be brief, so I'm done.
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>7 Mortal Sins: The town of fog where Greed Brews

Here's another hint anons.....

i am not gonna watch even one of your 1000 videos, give me the tldr what's your point?

She's literally offering you a prize if you win by thinking a little. What do you suppose the point is?

I'll tell you, to try to answer the question so that you'll earn "more light" and be rewarded.

>She's literally offering you a prize if you win by thinking a little
>What do you suppose the point is?
I think you are being vague on purpose in an attempt to captivate peoples attention, beyond that I have no idea. Maybe some entity has promised you bullshit if you pull this bullshit here. Idk you tell me.

> "more light"
to vague can't compute
>be rewarded.
to vague can't compute

tell me straight up in definite terms, what's your deal here ?

I've said all I need to say; to people who are interested. If no one can find the answer; I'll eventually let them know, in the interest of "more light".
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>They were asked what they most desired; their answer: "more light".

Excuse them; if what they want from a succubus is more than mere sex......
Menphi's anon here. It's been about 2 weeks since we last had time intimate time with each other but we still communicate everyday and I can still feel her watching over me. She tells me she isn't going anywhere which help quell me anxiety about the whole situation. Funny enough things with the new girl are actually going fairly smooth. I was interpreting my transits and it looks like I should have some good things coming in the near future. Here's to new beginnings and favorable times I guess.
The plural of succubus is succubi.
>Favorable times
Doesn't seem like it really.

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