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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
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•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right / wrong.

Previous thread: >>39061736
When will I see my K. Is she mad at me?
>also trading
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And how?
Lemme know, k?
Any cutie interested in me?
Will that cute bull who hangs around the local liquor store, finally break my bussy open?
you can get it, believe in yourself
tradecucking faggot
>Knight of Clubs
what's yours
>strenght, 3 of cups, 2 of pentacles
Yes, there is. She's someone you see as a friend or good aquaintence. You get along well. She's been likely having a crush and I imagine for some time, relative to how long you know eachother.
She knows your current dynamic is strong and good, you have a good thing going. She's deliberating if she should confess to you, on one hand she's into you, on the other your friendship dynamic is really to her liking.
I don't have female friends.
>or good aquaintence
You two could talk often there's a nice vibe here.
Awaiting yours
>Awaiting yours
you're right, I keep replying and delaying
Will I get that job

I could try a noon trade. When wil I see my K? (Ok she’s no mine whatsoever but I mean the K am asking about)
second one, I deleted it my accident
What will the event be like for me tomorrow? yours?
noon trade?
I mean noob trade. I’m a newbie. Autocorrect messed that up.
>The Fool.
don't have any expectations as that takes away from the ingenuity of the situation.

>Ace of Cups
fortune is overflowing in your favor, do your best and put out what you want to receive.

>Page of Wands
you can only change what is in your hands. put your best foot forward and believe in the interviewers/hiring managers' ability to see in you what you're selling

Overall, it says to be patient and be ready for the job you want, it will come. If not this one, then all things happen for a reason. You will find the job, it won't ever come find you.
Does T still want me dead?
dude what I'm not reading this shit
this person isnt actually a physical threat to me, they just have deep seething rage towards me and have posted violent shit about me online before
but i respect that
Thank you
what will the event tomorrow be like for me?
>The World
don't try to be the center of attention, instead focus on breaking the ice and keeping the flow of conversations going with legitimate questions and careful thinking. depending on the nature of the event, you will want some sort of outcome. Drop that expectation and try to enjoy your time and help others do the same.

>Seven of Pentacles
being loud is for the poor, the wealthy need not flaunt. make sure your motivations are for growth and the wellbeing of others. your performance will depend on how of a servant leader you are.

>Queen of Cups
you like to work diligently and with integrity. keep this close to your heart when interacting with others and you will receive the energy you need from higher powers to succeed. if you feel a tinge in your heart where you have been misunderstood, take care and explain your reasoning/standpoint as calmly and eloquently as you can.

good luck with your event!

>my query
Will I see my love, K anytime soon? Is the windfall of luck related to her or to money, or to freedom?


Next workplace?
you're asking like three queries here, pick one
is the windfall of luck concerning my court case
oh sure thing
here's my query:
>will I get to meet K in the near future?

what's yours?
Mines the same thing. It’s about the K that I occasionally think about. That’s what got my attention about your q. I’ll start now.
can you clarify your query into one sentence pls
also I'm male, does that change your reading?
Eight of Wands RX Five of Wands RX
Yes it is but it won't really come as quickly as you'd hoped... are you using digital cards?
thanks, you'll get your money but it's going to take a long time, pulled Heirophant RX as a clarifier
Trading or AQ
Do I meet a potential lover tomorrow?
no digital cards or apps pls
thank you for your time :)
for future reference only use real cards
Is it over with him?
no digital or apps
are you using real cards?
Yes, I have queer tarot deck but I'm straight. It's the only one my sister has
> Four of Cups, Four of Swords, Five of Cups Rx, Seven of Pentacles Rx, Ten of Wands Rx, Two of Cups

Well at first it looks like as long as you wait or simp for it you will be totally unworthy of it. I would work on other things and it could come back one day when you aren’t expecting it. I know that this could come off as incredibly basic bitch advice but there’s is idea in manifestation that you got to just let things the fuck go at times. If it was going to automatically be a thing coming around the corner there would be more wands in the spread. I hate to be vague but quit thinking about it and things could go faster. Think of it as more in god/ the universe time and not on your own schedule. More of that type of thing.
When will I next cross paths with K? It’s the K that I know. That’s the query.
That's okay
Any opportunity for the beginning of romance or a gf tomorrow? starting yours when you confirm
Okay starting

What do I need to focus on right now?
>5 of Pentacles
>10 of Pentacles
>Knight of Swords Reversed
You are ready to see them, but they feel isolated. Initiate things with them but don't be too pushy. The heart of the cards reveal that the meeting with them is due soon but you will see them for who they are and what they are going through clearly on your own.
Ten of Swords/Kings of Wands Reversed/Three of Wands/Six of Swords
Yes it is, very much so. He won't be coming back as he's turned calloused and bitter and wants to look elsewhere. He sees better things in the future away from you.
5op 3os kop
There's a possibility if you can release your wounds from the past
7ow the empress qoc
She will be very beautiful and have a very sweet temperment. Their will be a lot of competition for her.
Should I start making those videos again?
you'll be fine.

When's MOASS?
pls use real cards
anyone interested in me right now and if so, who? starting when you confirm
question for the Tarot readers around here.. have you ever been reading while being under some kind of spiritual attack or something wrong overall spiritualy?

how do you know you are not being deceived by someone or something trough the cards?

do you double check by asking questions you know the answer before starting readings??
How will things develop with E the next year?
i use the heavenly bloom deck, theyre real
starting now
Staying away from occult queries has been enough for me. I don't read on demons or "entities" and I've been safe. are you a reader ?
I've been attacked in person, maybe not attacked but I'm very empathetic where I can feel the emotions of others as my own so I think when I read even online I can get a feeling of the querents emotions and I feel like if they are unstable mentally it can throw me off. I don't know for sure though.
When will my finances improve?
not a reader, just wanting to learn, but right now I'm in a position where I'm going thru a lot that I don't know if it is occult related or not, I'm in need of answers but around here I see most people is doing trades nowadays.

So I'm thinking of learning to read for myself.. but what if there's really something fucking with me (my intuition tells me yes) and it just takes control over the cards and I get only bullshit to make things worse.

Same for reading for others.. hey maybe I could learn to read for others and get into the trades game.. but I would feel terrible to do bad reading for people in need.

That's why I ask this questions
Empress Rev
Two of Coins Rev
Eight of Cups
If you made those videos again right now you'd find that you wouldn't like them. They either wouldn't be up to your standards or you'll find that you just lack the vision and passion for them right now, leading to an imbalance which makes you leave this for some other time.
the sun/eight of pents/nine of pents/the lovers/ace of cups/the emperor

Yeah, there's somebody. Someone who thinks you're really awesome and nice and they want to get to know you more. These cards are all extremely bright so I'm getting the vibe of white with blonde hair? But I don't usually do appearances so idk.

Anyway, this is someone who takes life as it comes, they seem a little frivolous but they are by no means irresponsible, this person is a hard worker, they just work smarter instead of harder, don't like sweating stuff they don't need to. If you are a woman, they see you as independent and cool, if you're interested in women, this person is the independent one. Their face is probably well defined and easy on the eyes.
you might need to visit or contact a scryer/medium that can see what if any entity is around you, possibly contact and ask that entity who it is and what it wants.
ty anon
that makes sense i suppose
trade again?
trade again? I might know who but maybe not
>3 of wands, world, Page of swords
Does distance divide you? If so you two might consider meeting up.
If not then things will generally be going rather ok. Your connection will grow and the impact you have on one another lives will become more pronounced. You'll learn more about one another
Hello, can we trade anon?
Yes lol
draw a card for each if you can
P, MJ, Mbel, or someone else? what's yours ?
yes exactly what I need, I have had many Tarot readings that only tell there is "something occult" or something that is kind of concealing it's identity and hiding its true intentions, but nothing more.

I guess I need someone with a technique than can ask direct questions. I wonder if there are any scryers around here that do so, most I've seen are tarot readers, and some other cray stuff like the music shuffle guy (interesting nonetheless)
3oc 10op hanged men
Finances will improve and you'll even be going out to celebrate.
Why is the hanged man there?
Strength ace of cups 7os
Be careful not to overspend or being taking advantage of.

I could really use a little something to pay my phone bill anon...
Lol jk
sorry trying to limit my trades, overcoming a tarot addiction lol
So what is it I should be doing rn in terms of making content? I'm a digital artist for reference
>inb4 content creation/art isn't viable
my military husband is supporting me so it's nbd, i just dont know what to focus on, like videos or gamedev or what
Yeah states apart
A night full of regrets.
I'll do some reading, I don't know exactly how many.
>Initials, gender and sun sign of the people involved
>Something you're very grateful for.
>Thanks for any feedback I'm trying out new decks and testing new techniques.
Second one, I'm going to scry for you since I think it would be better here
Male Pisces
Grateful for this apartment
what will the halloween party be like for me?
Initials: RVIA
gender: MALE
sun sign: GEMINI
right now I'm kind of down but I'm really grateful at least one of my cats got out of the health problems she was having.

question: will I be able to get trough this? who can I ask for this to work out, being divine, an entity or a person.
Thanks. I'm in real need of a miracle right now
>P: the hermit
>MJ: seven of swords
super nope
>Mbel: the devil, ten of pents
.....? This feels like someone who has some weird limerence fueled obsession with you that is more lust driven than anything, but they also think of having a stable future with you
>Someone else: high priestess, the moon, page of wands
I get the vibe the person described in the initial reading is somebody else despite Mbel's weird obsession with you, this person is more independent and emotionally calm and keeps their feelings generally on the down low and is interested in getting to know you more to see if you guys work well.
F female taurus
I'm grateful for my family they always have my back.
Will I make irl friends next year or bf?
C, transfem nby, gemini, he's G born may but dunno sign
I'm grateful for all I've achieved, the people I met and the person I'm becoming
Did I made him feel abandoned or unwanted? What's the nature of the wound what we had created?
Virgo male

I'm grateful for the meals I had today, very satisfying

Query: Should I go over to that house tonight?
A dingy cafeteria, small school chairs and a man being interviewed, he looks like he works outside or in the trades and he's telling stories about his life.
Have you considered short films or documentaries about real life and showcasing people who usually wouldn't get showcased? There's something here about telling a raw story about the human condition that would really launch things for you and expose more people to your work.
thanks, let me know if you want to trade more
also working with a school in your area would help you out, not sure if that resonates but I felt it.
Pisces female
Sugar daddy next year?
I'm grateful for my sense of taste.
I just need the money to buy nice stuff lol
H(f) sagittarius, asking about V(m)virgo
I'm very grateful for my recent trip to meet my family first the fiest time, and then spend time with my friend.

I was wondering how V feels about me romantically? Thank you!
>Ace of Disks, Princess of Cups Rev, Princess of Wands Rev
It's going to be a good party for you in general, just watch out for your emotional immaturity in dealing with people and perhaps your anxiety attack because something you planned or hoped would happen won't happen.

I think I saw you here the other day talking about your cats. I'm glad that one of them is in better health and I'll keep hoping that they all get well, my friend. (:
>VI of Wands, IV of Swords, King of Cups, V of Cups Rev, IV of Cups, Magician Rev, Knight of Cups, Princess of Cups, V of Wands Rev, VI of Disks
I thought it was beautiful how it came out throughout the reading how good you are as a person.
It seems to me that the situation is moving towards a positive ending, I don't think you should look for any entity because it seems to me that you have a clear sign that now you just have to wait for things to go as they should. It seems that some energy may end up turning against you.
There will be a positive surprise for you very soon, perhaps next week. Some complicated situation, some conflict also looks like it will be resolved and you will understand each other.
Finally, don't forget to give back to the universe the positive energy it's going to give you. Be grateful and keep being as generous as you seem to be, don't let the bad things in life take that away from you.
E male pisces
Grateful for having food and water
Why did I get a phone call in the evening? I missed the call
thank you very much for your words.. the first cat that got sick in January just as I went of an illness and that started the bad luck I've been having with their health, started getting sick just after the other cat I'm talking about got better, I already took him to the vet, actually two vets and spent a lot of money, but I've been unable to buy the food they recommended me .

He has a urinary tract thing in which the urine becomes alkaline so it generates struvite stones, so he's having trouble peeing, I tried the whole week to mix his already specialized food that stopped working for whatever reason with cans of wet urinary food that do the same thing, but he doesn't want to, now I'm desperate to get his new food but things have gone south, like I had a computer repair job, and the thing didn't turn on (not my fault to be honest, guy bought the replacement from someone on ebay, so probably motherboard was toasted too) so I'm here praying to god that he at least passes some more pee today and doesn't get worse.

>It seems that some energy may end up turning against you.
All the time, I'm sure this thing is the one that has made all this mess but I don't really know anymore.
>IX of Swords Rev, V of Wands Rev, Devil Rev
It seems that the idea of having friends scares you, perhaps some very big conflict from your past has traumatized you and you need to learn to put it behind you in order to regain control of your life.
There is a possibility, but you need to get over it in order to get back to this side of your life.

>Sun, King of Wands Rev, II of Swords Rev
Be careful with your expectations and what you expect from a relationship and you need to be more objective, sometimes there is no right answer when it comes to love, or you always end up stuck in some doubt about one person or another, whether you should be in a relationship or not and so on.
But it seems to me that you will meet someone and be happy with them.

>Knight of Swords, Star, VIII of Swords
It seems to me that he felt more trapped than abandoned, as if his will had put him in an emotionally complicated situation.
But it seems to me that whatever happened, he's over it and is moving on.
I don't know if that's what you wanted to hear, but that's what I see.

>Strength, Ace of Disks Rev, Ace of Wands Rev, IV of Cups
I don't think you should desu.
There seems to me to be a very bad energy in this situation, a missed opportunity, a deep boredom.
It seems to require a lot of willpower on your part to go there and it shouldn't be like that.

>Queen of Wands, V of Disks, Knight of Disks, X of Disks
Look... Yes lol You're even going to make a lot of money.
btw you look very pretty.
I like that he's moving on, but what's his will making him trapped?
I. Don't understand that
yeah it involves working on a vehicle at night.

I had some past experiences that were upsetting when I was younger yeah, and even not that long ago. But I get along with people at work. Tysm :)
Yay! Ty! What did you see about my appearance?
Am a Time Phoenix or a Gravity Elf?
Is the investment strategy I'm currently contemplating going to result in an eventual soft retirement for me?
whats the matter lovely?

Grateful for my boyfriend

What should I be doing rn?
MV male leo
O female dont know the sign unfortunately
what is this individual's opinion of me?
D, Male Taurus
I'm grateful for the nice winds lately.
Can I get a read on potential upcoming romance? Is there anything coming my way within the next month?
Grateful for life
Am I the father?
>X of Wands, VI of Cups, Queen of Swords, X of Swords, Death, Lovers, Hermit Rev
Are you or this person coming out of a recent relationship? I got that impression because there's a very bad situation on one side that seems to be bringing you together.
He likes you and your company and seems to be changing the way he feels about you, he's probably starting to take a romantic interest in you, but this person seems to be feeling very alone and isolated at the moment.
You seem to convey a certain coldness to this person in the way you show feelings and this seems to make him insecure.

I tried to draw some cards and scry and nothing came out that made much sense to be honest, so I guess it wasn't anything important. Sorry friend.


I've been rooting for you since I first saw you talking about this situation here and I'll continue to do so. Seeing our pet suffer is a psychological wreck for anyone.
Stay well friend, some good surprise is coming for you I'm sure.

I really don't know, I couldn't reading this part very well, maybe his feelings for you made him feel trapped.

Oh....better stay at home man.


That you're beautiful.

I made some very bad choices tonight, but nothing too serious, just normal stupidities.
>World, X of Disks Rev, VI of Disks Rev
You're being very selfish and disconnected from reality about some situation, probably financial. You need to sort this out in order to find your stability.

>Empress, IX of Wands Rev, VII of Cups, King of Wands, Star, II of Cups Rev, VIII of Wands
Everything seems to be moving too fast with this person.
Something very intense, even too much, anything that burns too strongly can end up going out very easily, this situation seems to be generating some emotional burnout on the part of this person.
There is potential, but not at the moment, the relationship is unbalanced, there is a lack of communication.
C, male, Aries
I’m grateful for the wonderful weeks throughout the year I get to spend with my family up in the NE
My query is just a general inquiry on how my fall/winter will go? I love all of the seasons but the cold weather makes me feel so energized and renews my vitality. I feel that I will take advantage of this an improve and achieve
Is that what you want out of life? To be a sugar baby and to buy things? Imagine you get those things, then what would you do? Is that all you imagine life to be?
Did he believeed I couldn't love him?
He did mention once he couldn't just be friends with me
And I feel so bad for hurting him, I just was scared he didn't want me
M pisces male
Will anything happen between me and the hot asian bartender before years end?
AG M Gemini
I am grateful for my mind.
How do I do grade wise this semester? Is there any romantic options for me coming?
G Male Capricorn
S Female Capricorn
Grateful for an opportunity to meet her

Anything I should know about her?
What am I being selfish about? We are having financial problems but I'm doing the best I can to not take from other people.
It was kind of a silly query but if the opportunity presents itself....
thank you.. I haven''t stopped praying, all I want is for him to get his health back, that's the only gift I want right now from God, from the universe
I get it, it’s a good deal. But still, you have higher goals right? Using a spiritual conduit for that query
I have other goals :)
>IV of Swords, Ace of Swords, Strength Rev
Not yet, it's still a time for you to recover emotionally from a situation that has destroyed your emotions and your confidence.
Trying to get involved with someone would be a very dangerous situation for you, it could be extremely good or extremely bad.
It doesn't seem to be what you need at the moment.

I imagine that's for me kek
>Ace of Cups Rev, Moon Rev, Princess of Wands Rev

I'm sorry, but my energy ran out and my head started to hurt. I'm going to lie down for a while to rest, I wouldn't be able to do any good reading for you in this state.

That's probably it, he believed he had the chance to be loved by you, but as it never happened he felt trapped.

Not exactly selfish in attitude, but in feeling. Of thinking you know how to resolve the situation or what you expect and not relying on other people's opinions.

This will be guaranteed by the universe. I have faith and a good feeling about (:
Ok I’m glad to hear that. It would a shame if a young bright being was primarily concerned with becoming a sugar baby and buying stuff
595 shawty has me blocked, i would do a lot if she gave me the chance regardless shes alright to me, shes like a dove i hope she gets what she wants
I didn’t get read but thank you for your candor and what you do. Maybe next time
my initials: HR
my gender: Female
my sun sign: Virgo

his initials: NB
his gender: Male
his sun sign: Taurus

What does NB thinks of me?
I'm really sorry anon, the battery just ran out.
I (NS, man/intersex, Aquarius) treated my ex (EP, female, Scorpio) horribly, and genuinely hurt her. I feel bad for it now, and I've grown as a person, but the situation still haunts me as it does her. My question is two-pronged

1. Is there anything I can do to fix the situation and/or make it up to her (I think it'd be best to avoid direct contact, as she wants nothing to do with me)

2. How will the consequences of the situation pan out for me long-term?
I forgot what I was grateful for!
I'm grateful for my medication!
They left tranny faggot learn to read
I've stopped doing readings for now, but as someone who has been on the other side I would say that it would be very important for you and for her that you seek her out to apologize.
But only if you're sincere, don't apologize hoping that something will happen again between you or that she'll forgive you and everything will be perfect.
Just apologize as a way of finally turning the page in your life and a way to move on.
could you offer me personal insight
One of the hardest things to accept and understand when it comes to love is the fact that it doesn't matter how much you do, how hard you try. In the end, it can mean nothing if you're not the person your loved one wants.
So just be there for the person, don't stop living your life for them and don't do absurd sacrifices, but let your presence be noticed, see if your presence is noticed by that person and let things happen.
In love, things just happen, they can't be forced.
this is a good reminder, i have a lot to account for
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Hey in new to /div/. I just want to know what are some really cool namefag readers that I should look out for, and what are some name fag readers that are dangerous that I should watch out for?
could I get a reading for A?
Can you trade?
Will meds help with my intrusive thoughts?
Most of the good ones are gone because of how toxic this place is
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AQ, im deciding between starting a neon dynasty or a fallout themed magic the gathering commander deck. which would i be happier with?
the other guy is right, they come and go, theres been some outstanding individuals who have practiced divination here but every once in a while its get stale af.
Trading occult
I’m the other guy and there’s too many “next gf” or “when sex”? lol
When sex?
Sorry boss, I've mostly been busy with new work and my own divination needs.
Sorry boo.
Way to reveal yourself.
It's true
>I am a sex haver
Doublesorry booboo
I wasn't even the anon who made the query.
I'm talking about being a bitch.
Im gunna be honest if I actually wanted to have sex I could tonight lol
Trading occult
Should I practice reading tonight ?
I'm kind of in a sour mood though
Yeah, I’m fit for a sour mood reading, it’s fitting.
Will do multiple reads for an occult read.
Has or will spirit A deliver the message(s), or are things not that serious yet?

What's your query?
I'm not the best but I can give it a shot
V's feelings towards me

Will my financial situation improve until the end of the year?

V's feelings
>Nine of Pentacles Rx, The Hermit, Eight of Pentacles Rx
Not really good by the looks of it. Assuming this is romantic, V feels there isn't really anything meaningful between you, like that chance has come and gone. If it's not romantic, then V just doesn't see you as someone they can or want to get close to. Either way, the cards suggest not dwelling on this person too much, as doing so would just be too much for too little right now.

Financial situation
>The Lovers Rx, The Magician Rx, Six of Wands, Six of Pentacles Rx, The Chariot Rx
Doesn't look like it'll improve any time soon. Things will continue to be disorganized, and you won't really have the opportunity to make things better for yourself for a while. With that six of wands though, it does look like it will be possible at some point in the future to improve your financial situation, but for now the only thing it seems you can do is manage your money better by cutting out what you don't need to spend money on so you can essentially keep every penny you can.
Still here?
Does he think im a weirdo??
Anyone willing to answer this >>39070016 ?
5os the tower the fool
I think you got the messages already. You can proceed.
The message wasn't for me. I was asking if the spirit sent one or messages to other people.
10op aow 9ow
Hmmmmm, my intuition is telling me that they are being a bit mischievous. 9ow is delays so not yet me thinks
Trading bibliomancy
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Make 20 call me S
Should I ask out the mature black bbw from the gym that is on my mind?
Odd reads when put together. You pulled The Tower in the first read, and it certainly feels like a tower moment right now. I asked the spirit to send a message of help to one person, and one spirit if there was any real/immanent danger. The spirit the read was for doesn't want me to be in actual danger, as it goes against what it wants from me. I'm hoping that means there isn't any actual danger that warrants it sending those messages, and it's just trying to see if I can pull through this on my own.
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Back from the booshes to do readings for my bruddas. no vague shit and if it's love related specify genders and shit or I'll skip. Just a reminder for you niggas next gf or bf will be limited cuz y'all got no chill on that crap

Tell me a thing or two that it would be cool for me to know. I’m also drunk now too btw.
Asking about a male and female respectively
Will S and J still be married in 2040?
That's what the first pull kind of feels like yeah. Especially with the fool it's like saying this is what you wanted now do it or something. I don't know anything really about working with spirits though.
Anything exciting coming into my life soonish?
I don't need an incel reading because i'm about to get MARRIEEEEDDDDDDDD
I'd like to know though, will I gain any sort of significant popularity on twitter for my art in the next few months?
i have tens of thousands on another platform but im bored and wanna grow on a new one
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No love
No gens
No occult
what does my audience think about the video media I put on while they listen?
So there’s this guy let’s call him L is he trying to be manipulative or what’s his deal?
> next gf or bf will be limited
Will I F meet someone soon?
We're old coworkers who are mutuals on social media
So is M (male) taking me seriously?
I’m f
This is far from what I want. I've been trying to avoid this for a while, and it's more so something that's been forced on me. Nothing about the situation I'm in right now is from a willingness on my part. Spirit A is the only spirit I'm fine being around on average, so I hope that's the spirit you picked up on. I'm trying to avoid all other spirits, aside from the one other spirit I asked A to send the message to if it's what I think it is.
Nigga your query is ass not gonna lie bruh

>9 of cups, 10 of wands, world
You might run in to someone that will offer their hand, he or she is gon be chill and shit. There might be struggles but you will reach a good conclusion, there's a chance you might travel outside the booshes.

Fuck off, third parties are cringe

Vague as fuck
>9 of swords, queen of swords, 10 of pentacles
You're going through a hard period of life and shit but soon that shit gon be over and you will be a new person with a good career as a plus, big money next year here comes da money!!!

Ayo congrats my brudda!
>King of wands, king of pentacles, emperor, hierophant
Dayum you got some big D energy cards here my nigga! A very nice! Your followers will follow you like dogs if I am being real with you G, wherever you go they will follow suit, looks like you got a solid following, growing on Twitter will only increase them. You might want to watch what you write on there cuz some niggas lack common sense and are salivating at the opportunity to cancel anyone. If you got a pr team run that shit on them before you post anything "spicy" other than that you're good broski
hello. im thinking of starting a magick the gathering fallout commander deck with frank horrigan. do you think i would be wappy with this deck.
Trading bibliomancy
Trading occult
happy* ...fuck
The old bastard has taken my home and everything else from me. Does he die/incapacitate soon? Do I need to do something about him? How does this all work out?

Your query?
Oh god I hope so
What do I need to know right now?
>3 of cups, fool, 4 of wands
Bunch of content creators, nice! Muh bruddas muh people! They are okay with the selection of that shit, they probably ask what's the name of the song in the comments or where they can interact with each other. They like your shit bro

Gonna need some context pals or no reading, can't you niggas read? Smh

Ayo! Sup? Need a read?

>1/5 next gf/bf reads

>Strength, lovers, 3 of pentacles
Seems like you will but not as soon as you think around March or February, might be at the gym or a sporty activity. A marathon or some shit, a very serious and committed person most likely, will not want casual shit.

4 of wands, the sun, the fool
He thinks you're funny and a little cookie yes but he likes that about you, feels like he can be chill with you. Mutual understanding he might be a weirdo himself, be weird together!

Wet ass pussy? Kek!

>8 of pentacles, Chariot, knight of swords , 4 of pentacles
Yes and no, most likely you will continue to want more from it, you will find ways to make it better at times you will feel like it ain't enough, as someone that use to play that game religiously I'd say you find what works for you and don't be spending a shit ton of cash for impossible cards, trust me the hole goes deep my brudda. You will be happy if you know what you want from the start, use it work on it and don't build big expectations
Cheers, fella.
tysm!! last one
i've always hesitated to really specifically promo my twitter on there just because i know how that crowd is, but i'll see if you're right as you're not the first one to say my following is that loyal
what do my listeners think of the japanese songs I play on the air? starting when you confirm
We’ve been talking he says he likes me I’m smelling rotten corpse in his wardrobe
the only person that is cringe is you.
Only speaking from personal experience sometimes we need total destruction to happen to get us to get into the state of being or actual physical place we need to be in. See how you can make this situation benefit you some how. But, trust your intuition if you feel like something is not right.
Sure brodda thank you! How’s my money looking for the next 3 months?
Are my prayers to God to receive aid against a spirit trying to force it's will onto me being heard and answered?
Starting yours.
He’s my ex, is he going to take the fact that I’m leaving his life seriously?
Ty :) <3
thanks bruh! have a gud nite
Papa bless

Ay yeah, also as a common advice don't mess with k-pop fans those bitches do be crazy on Twitter. From doxing to swatting they will stop at nothing. Tread carefully with them. But it's all good you got a good fanbase that might act like rabid dogs if someone tries to fuck with you.

Ay got you got you

>2 of swords, 7 of swords, king of cups reversed
This nigga does like you but he is a weirdo be careful with him, he might become obsessed with you at some point and try to isolate you don't let him, try to find ways to set boundaries on that fool. He wants to keep you for himself and not in the healthiest of ways, watch out

>Wheel of fortune, the world, 10 of pentacles
Bretty good if you ask me, a twist of luck for you, a new opportunity in the form of changing jobs or moving out. Someone is speaking well about you and they want you on their team perhaps you might move departments at work or be promoted to something better, career is looking good, will be very busy for other areas in life but seems that you will feel good with this shit, you'll be able to buy yourself that treat you've been looking forward too, expect a trip next year.

Next loverrrr??
Temperance, Five of Wands, Knight of Cups, Seven of Wands Rx, Five of Cups Rx, Four of Pentacles

It looks like he'll be fine for a while, and this isn't something that will resolve itself. You trying to do anything to him seems to lead to conflict that will go nowhere. I do get the feeling that this will end in your favor though. The over all feeling I get is that you're going to need to play the long game. You might need to step back for now, and avoid direct conflict, but it looks like if you take your time, and play your cards right, you can come out on top with everything you lost. Maybe even then some. I'm getting a "wait for a moment where you can pull the rug from under him when he least expects it." feeling from this read.
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AYO have a present
Sorry for the wait, got a message I had to take.

I'm using a physical bible, but typing down what I got. The passage I got was:

"To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

I take this to mean they like the songs, and it's a good choice for your listeners.
Should I get back into acting? It was something I pursued when I was younger but backed out of. Now, unlikely as it may sound, it seems like it might be my best option
10 pent, 3 wands R, 5 pent
you are doing the right things in life at this moment and in the recent past, keep going, don't be afraid to do things alone if needed or without an entourage. and also you should plan ahead for the coming weeks.months
thank you, lmk if you wanna trade again
Star, Emperor, Chariot

Yes, you've been heard and energy is being directed in your favor. You can expect to emerge victorious.
>7 of swords, devil, 6 of swords
He might not take it well at first imma be real he might try to "get you back" but will fail at that shit miserably. But he will realize that shit ain't working with you and will move on from you and everything. You have to be strong and not fold on that nigga because he will try to look for any vulnerability on you. Don't let that scrub lie to you. Eventually he will realize nothing is working and you're like a wall and will give up.

Papa bless my bruddas

>2/5 next whatever the fuck

>10 of wands, strength, 8 of wands
He is someone that struggled with his past and everything about him has been a constant struggle, the man worked hard for what he has at the moment. He is well respected in his community, he is most likely a gym nigga, very athletic and hard working, enjoys the outdoors, might be a workaholic, self made money and doesn't like hand-me-downs very independent. Likes to travel and take care of his partner, the type that shares everything with their partner. A mature man with a solid vision of his life. He is tall, fit and might have light hair but dyes it dark or black, blue or hazel eyes. Might be around 5'9 to 6'2
Thank you.
Wowow sounds superb
Next meaningful relationship?
Sure. Your Q?
Should I look for a job and save up money as much as possible before I move away? Its nearly impossible to find a job (for people like me) at this current point
Looks like somebody's ride's over.
Have my messages been seen yet? Not romantic, by the way.
Starting yours.
Trading occult
Should I stop chatting with people for a while?
6 pent, 4 sword, page wands
Yes they have, the person is sleeping now but they saw it before going to bed, they will reach out in the morning or the next day at some point
Don't let your dreams be memes my nigga!

>Ace of pentacles, queen of wands, queen of cups
Shit you a model? Cards say you're hot as fuck and can even be a model if you wish, you will make it as an actress or actor. Seems like that shit was written in the stars for you. Go ahead! Might make some good money out of this, get a good agent or someone who has their feet on the ground.

Thanks my brudda! Very cool!

Papa bless

>3/5 whatever the fuck

>World, fool, king of pentacles, the sun
Very chill guy, enjoys his life and is very charismatic and people love him. He is a ray of sunshine where he goes. He might be a blondie with blue/green eyes. He has the beach boy look, the nigga enjoys going to the beach and probably working on a trade might be a carpenter or be in to welding. His family has money and he has always been blessed in life, might be somewhat religious. He is a happy fella, will want plenty of children.
Male 20
Call me RG
How do I iniate an orgy with some specific individuals?
What’s my next job like?
Trading incel
Here's what I got:

"But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;

Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:

And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.

For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father."

I got the feeling this whole thing was relevant to you. I take this as meaning yes, and you should do everything you can in your current place before you move. I get the feeling there's something in here for you to personally interpret as well.
Can I give you a read?
Doing 3 bibliomancy reads for feedback.
thank you this is very insightful, I took a break from working and dating for many years to become closer to Christ.
Alright, I gotcha. How did A feel about our chat?
Too vague my g, give me some context or rephrase your query. But as common advice it would be wise to touch from grass and meet irl people from time to time. Go to a coffee shop or join a gaming club if you're a weirdo nerd like me.

Ay these queries suck ass

>2 of pentacles, 5 of swords, king of wands, wheel of fortune
Very busy and chaotic. People will be snakes this is probably corporate or some soulless shit that might drive you nuts but the money is great but your sanity will pay the price. Very competitive stick to the Chad looking guy he is going to be a real g and help you out.

Thanks, I'm good.
Papa bless
If you're offering...is now the time to restart dating? despite having abstinence for many years

Any messages from God that I'm not heeding?
Will I have any success on dating apps?
Looking for casual
Should I just sort of take some time out for myself for a while? Things are kind of tough atm and I weirdly feel a lot better when I'm alone. I get lonely, but I'm also generally at my best when I'm not off on my own for extended periods of time.
*When I'm off on my own

Shit, that's a bit confusing.
I got:

"Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists,"

I get the feeling there was some annoyance here in some way.
Will I hear from d again?
"Jesus answered and said to them, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage... "

This seems like a clear yes.
She was really friendly on the phone. Said she was really happy to talk to me after all these years. Asked to add me on socials etc, but there might have been things that were left unsaid.
Me and the big G don't vibe -I'm a filthy degenerate- gonna have to skip my brudda. But papa bless tho

>Devil, 3 of swords, hanged man
Yeah you'll get your noodle wet if you're asking that but beyond that you're not getting anything else might dive in to depression after some time, sex do be getting lonely at times might want to engage in to something serious in the future. I would avoid that shit if I were you but if you're strong enough by all means my brudda

>Hermit, the star, 8 of cups, 8 of pentacles
Answer is clear as day, try to find ways to be on your own and get your shit sorted out but do keep a few people on the side of you ever need aid. You do need some soul searching in order to find what truly matters in your life, don't give up my nigga things will be fine eventually. While you're at it take a course or a class on something to expand your life and career

I'm going back to da booshes, sayonara my niggas! No more readings!
Maybe. That whole "disciples was multiplying" gave me the impression that maybe some things dragged on a bit longer than they should have.
Are they going to commit to me and be loyal
Oh! Yeah, towards the end we kept sparking up conversation on things again as she had to go. ADHD energy on both sides. I realized this and told her that she ought to go etc.
Next person I hookup with?

Thanks. I'm doing studying at the moment, but a lot of people around me are demanding of my time. Appreciate your reads as always Twomad :)
"The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector."

It looks like it at a glance. However since in the passage it's quoting The Pharisee, their heart might not be in the right place. They might just be loyal on paper (i.e. not cheating, staying with you, etc.), but not really try to actually emotionally connect with you. I'm getting the feeling of something like a loyalty and commitment of convenience/for show, rather than genuine desire and understanding of what true commitment and loyalty entails.

Is there anything interesting coming soon to my life?
Take it easy thanks for the time and effort
Does K (female) want something serious or just to fuck?
Gonna take a shot.
How does this work?
This makes sense in many ways. She doesn't like the idea of being with just one person. I can see that, thank you anon you're good!
Best aproach to fuck K (female)?
Can I find success in music in the next two months?
>10 of cups rx, 9 of cups, devil rx
Best move on anon. This person has their own shit to deal with and you won't get what you want out of them. You can do better :)
>hanged man
>the tower
I don't think it's a good idea. You might catch feelings and get heartbroken.
Just curious he's my ex I just wish things didn't end so ugly but he was like 20 so not very mature yet
does she know I blocked her? How does she feel or felt about it?
Heartbreak again? I guess I am just a boytoy to women afterall
Don't listen to me cause I'm evil but you gotta play some mindgames sometimes. Don't lay everything out on the table right away. Don't come on too strong but be flirty.
Thx anonette but that's not the issue. If I'm likely to catch feelings that means my heart hasn't frozen over yet, that's a problem I need to remedy
Well you do you. Gl :)
If you're an earth sign best to find someone more stable who won't play with your heart.
Will you be back later? I need a reading and I feel some connection with your readings and I don't want others to do them for now.
Yes, doesn't care. She moved on.

8 of cups, Sun, chariot
Will f ever come see me after I move?
any classmate currently interested in me in any way of romance/Sex?
What does f tell j about me?
pass. No incel shit
Her opinions of you is none of your business
I just bought one like picrel! Wait, does that make me trans?
Am I close to achieving licid dreaming?
Does he want me ?
How is someone's opinion of me not my business?
how is it your business, you egotistical fuck?
You're boring lol
No answer. I accept your defeat, sad little faggot
When someone says something like qosX.
It means the card is reversed?
Yes, some people use X, R or Rev.
You obviously have low self esteem. Zero awareness of that
Sorry friend, I don't look at the replies, send me your query
Wrong reply kek
It's for >>39071280

will I get some pussy this year?
You want to fight some random person online so bad lol you're so lame
Have you ever gone by another trip?
I'm sorry buddy, but I don't have the mind to do this right now

I have to travel every two weeks or so because of my work.
I’m not fighting, I’m just saying how it is. These type of questions dilutes DIV
>I'm sorry buddy, but I don't have the mind to do this right now
fair enough
Will you be around later? I am studying a confusing reading of someone else back on the previous thread with a very intriguing reading admitted by the reader themself but I belive they are into something.
I am working on the query properly before presenting it. Seems to be a very crucial deal here since you told me days ago in one of your readings.
I am thankful for you patience in advance.
I think I'll probably be here later, I always end up stopping by to take a look at the thread. If I don't answer you can email me at thntz@proton.me
It may take me a while to reply, but I promise I'll try.
Can I give you context from the intriguing reading I mentioned or does it help to have a clean reading yourself with my query?
I think a clean reading would be better, I have a weird history here of my “repeat readings” coming out very similar to other readers.
Forces me to work harder on the query and calibrating my intuition which is very rusty for years so you are 100% correct.
I eventually will see if I need to send it by email or just post in the thread later, thanks in advance.
My friend invites me to a concert today, should i go?
imagine being this much of a pussyass bitch holy shit
i've slept few hours and must wake up early tomorrow. Im going to be realy pissed off if i go only to hear some shit
Yeah don't go if you really don't want to go. Who are you seeing btw?
I'm the guy you're replying to and I've been to more concerts than everyone here put together and many times didn't sleep and had to go work in the morning. My advice is: don't go if you're not a fun person. If you're a bitch who complains all the time and doesn't enjoy the moment, don't go be a bummer on others and create negative memories.
Will I gain traction on that website as a writer?
trading love q
Query? Do I end up marrying the girl who goes to WC?
Trading this, I actually enjoy reading love.
Must be the only one who does!
Mine: Is anyone currently attracked to me?
five day gen, starting
dude are you not trading with me anymore ? >>39071726
Never was.
When it’s wholesome it is nice
I need your gender.
I replied first, but thanks for nothing faggot
male. starting yours or do you want a different query since you're trading with someone else and trading the same q to different people is poor form?
>I replied first
You say it like it means anything. Bye, seething faggot with the dumbest query so far. "gurrdurr am I gonna marry someone I don't know and don't even interact with hurrdurrr?"
Except we do know each other and have interacted , but of course a low IQ incel like you just projects since no one likes your disgusting ass
the sun (xix) > the high priestess (ii) > 3 of pentacles > strength (viii) > queen of swords > judgement (xx)

You’ll have a calm few days until a woman at your work makes it hard for you, someone older will judge your work and deem it not good enough or you will have to handle someones petty behavior in your daily friendgroup.

> since you're trading with someone else and trading the same q to different people is poor form?
Sure then tell me about my love life, I’m F

Could I have avoided this outcome?
Doesn't resonate, I don't have a job and my friends are mostly male who aren't into drama
Eight of Coins R Magician R Queen of Coins
It's possible but you're going to have to write a lot more than you think and stop limiting yourself to your alleged area of content. Branch out and do more and you'll get the outcome you want.
>Sure then tell me about my love life, I’m F

>the Sun- Queen of swords- ace of cups

The Sun is rising for you love in. Slowly, but surely, you'll soon feel Love's embrace, but you won't give in at first. You'll be too critical, analitical, kinda a bitch and unfair, but your heart will win out and glee will be what covers you.
I'll trade, is anyone currently attracted to me ? Who?
Starting when you confirm
> or you will have to handle someones petty behavior in your daily friendgroup

this part includes guys would you mind leaving feedback in 5 days?

If you're around sure .... although the cards you pulled seem real positive
I do see someone, but she’s not your first choice. This is someone within your group of friends or a friend of a friend, someone you met casually. She thought you were attractive in passing nothing too deep. She had a good 15 minutes to think, “This might be a good idea.” You didn’t approach her, and she moved on.

8 of swords > the hierophant (v) > 2 of cups > the empress (iii) > the sun (xix) > the wheel of fortune (x)
Good thing I use specific spreads :>
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> You'll be too critical, analitical, kinda a bitch and unfair
Yup, proudly so.
>implying that's a female
starting yours
Emperor, Moon, Fool

Someone powerful/authoritative, but they may not fully realize their feelings yet and/or they may act mysterious. It would be an adventurous new beginning for you both.
>dating someone

I know it’s annoying when someone agrees with your suggestion of their character instead of getting triggered, still no need to scream lol
Five of Coins
Ten of Cups
No you couldn't have, it was needed in order for you to ultimately achieve the best outcome here.
AQ: Should I go fuck this asshole's shit up?

Willing to trade.
Thank you.

>taking a joke this seriously
you truly are an incel on the incide
He who seeks revenge digs two graves.
>I'm a retard, but want attention so I'ma reply with a cliché
Whatever bitch. Get clapped or get shot.
No incel
What's got you in a knot?
suck on my knots
Kindly do better.
This version of you is revolting.
you can't possibly be dumb enough to think you're talking to the same person, right?
How does P feel about me?
Why reply then?

Are you so starved of human interaction that you need to reply to strangers about thinga that don't concern you?

See, this is why reading here is more nuanced than it need to be.

You all retarded schizos suck.
That's what I'm telling you, anon.
Are you frazzled?
tradecucking faggot
How will my relationship with Cancer develop through the rest of the year?

I suffer so much.
Is this malign or bening?

Eating healthy may help you but this may or may not prevent malign cancer from killing you.
holy shit you're fucking retarded. Are you >>39072028? seems about the same low IQ range.
Anon clearly meant someone OF THE CANCER SIGN.
Fuck you too whinny bitch see how it feels? You dont care until you start being someone elses bitch.
womp womp. Everybody does, grow up, bitch.
It’s cancer as in the sun sign like that anon said lmao
>fell for the “everyone is le sad” meme
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>>fell for the “everyone is le sad” meme
And why does my suffering offend you? Ironically, your hostility betrays your fragility my dear. If you find it helpful to whip yourself like a donkey when you're going through hardship, I'll have to refrain personally.
Not the anon you're replying to, nd sorry for barging in I'm just a tired reader that doesn't understand your question.

The way I see it and how I was taught is that pain is mental, the only true out there is that out soul is real and life is about death.

What do you really need to know? Divination is for answers mostly, if you want someone or something to guide you came to the wrong place since the lonely spiteful imbeciles in here won't give you any good advice and if you needed a shoulder to cry and rest on then you're in the worst site in the whole internet for that.

We're arguably better than plebbit but still, your first post doesn't really hold too much substance worth paying attention to.
Question becomes if you want to stop suffering what are you doing to make it that way?
Or are you wallowing?
>8 of Pentacles
As an advice this card speaks about dreams, work, self training and diligence.

You as the querrent are put in the position of the person portrayed in this card, this means you are allowed to dream as long as you put in the work to reach them.

Otherwise dreams become wishful thinking, just a thought in your mind or in the higher consciousness if you wanna stroke your own ego.

It doesn't matter how much you pray or wish for something, you have to do your part and let it go. I know how contradictory and weird all this is but that's how it is.
Sorry, I made the post not expecting a response. My serious query would be: is everything I suffered in the last 2 years leading to something?
Thank you

Will it be worth my while to go to that event tonight?

Im a male and aquarius
>Knight of Swords
>6 of Pents Rx, Page of Pents, Page of Wands
>9 of Cups at the bottom
The bottom of the deck is most often times a message from your guides or even your guardian, I don't even dare call them angels since most of the asswipes here seem to have fallen angels rather than holy angels.... /rant

Anyway, this is a yes. It leads to a lot of emotional fulfillment, self reliancy, self learning and self teaching and much more so you can be your true self without caring about other people's mind or opinion.

So, in short all this is leading somewhere good, just like the mighty knight you gotta steer your horse onward. It doesn't even matter if this is a path of your choosing or not, you're reaping a lot of good things.
howdy howdy, want some soup?
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Had no breakfast but made these for lunch, they might look good but we're absolutely tasteless and hard to chew, it was my first time making a dough
With the jam on they were rather good tough so there's that
yellow one is quince jam i bought from lidl
the dark red one is made by momma from black/bitter cherries, dunno if you have those in the "civilised world", best jam there is imho
Thank you, this is very reassuring.
Gm <3
Is e thinking of me?
LOL wigga!
stop this disgusting behaviour, you parasite beggar
Good morning.
It would be lovely, because I'm still sick.

Looks great, thank you.
King of pentacles, two of wands, four of pentacles
This season might be a good chance for you to become a better provider for you and your loved ones, not only in the material realm, but also emotionally. Step by step you can become the person you could've relied on when you were a child. And it really shows to be a season where you can look out for chances for your growth, personal growth especially, keep in touch with your higher self so you can grow this vessel wiser and stronger. Antiadvice says that you should avoid greed at all costs, what doesn't belong to you cannot hurt you.
thank you koshka
Beggars can't be choosers.
you can simply not be parasitic piles of shit. Just say good morning without second intentions and then ASK if someone is doing readings, don't say a fake gm so you can force your worthless query on people.
Why though? I love your salty tears.

I can fo whatever I want and you can't stop me.
and that's why everyone ignores you lmfao
what a pathetic person
I just have to see if the spell is working
Yo, had some biscuits and gravy today
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Gunna have pumkin pie
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I hope you get well soon, fren <3
good morning kochka, can you help me out with a situation?

there is this girl "C", she's reached out recently on her own (twice), so i decided to reach out myself. to which she gave a simple 1 word answer and hasn't reached out since.

can you do a divination on her feelings towards me? and how she might see me as a person?
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Good morning!
Which one should I choose: M, A or neither?
Will my crush visit me after I leave?>>39072845
Page of cups
9 of swords reversed
Go with M
bump if anyone can help out
>being this much of a pussy to the point of not living your own life

The more I read these peoples queries, the more I understand those who insult you guys. Holy shit
Sorry for the wait
10 of Wands
Wheel of Fortune

There’s a slim chance they might but it’s going to require effort on your part, I’m getting it will be difficult for them to see you due to where they’re at currently, if you could arrange to meet somewhere easier for her then yes your crush would visit you
Ty that makes sense
Pedo bitch larping as isabella
pork chop fujo shit
Trading lewd
NEW BREAD>>39073062
Whose isabella?
Trade again?
The girl who customized that very discord kitten pfp herself
So cute
Hipe yuo enjoyed lickieng up that greasy scoop of Poo pie u fucking pedo
a doo doo dung delite XD
# Gman # Isabelle # Isabella
Youre grroming antics are paralel to nameless bitchs
Hellppp this sun Cancer nueroma is trying to rape this minor girl
everyone is a nameless bitch. It's an anonymous site, retard

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