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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right / wrong.

Previous thread:>>39067648

Is anyone besides R interested in me?
Is M (m) in love with me (f)?
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Spiritual AQ
Can someone give me a simple evaluation on how things are going in this way, for me?
Just one card/rune/scry etc will do.

Thanks, already, many blessings to all!
just get an app retard
don't be mean to the retards, cmon
Trading occult
Maybe the retards are the friends we made along the way.
hope not

Am I ready to make this altar?

Your query?
Why is that ancestor spirit refusing to go get that help?
Starting yours.
Will I see any old coworkers before I leave?
>The Empress Rx, Judgment, Eight of Swords, Seven of Swords Rx, Eight of Cups Rx

Doesn't look like it. You might find some sort of success with this, but you might be rushing into this a bit too fast and this success might not quite be what you're expecting. I think the cards are telling you not to blindly follow your current plans, and to instead explore other options. The reversed seven of swords as your advice tells me that there is some sort of information you need to uncover that will lead you to realize you had the wrong idea about something. In short, do some more research first. Make sure the information you have is accurate, and not something that will screw you over if you were to go ahead and make this altar. I get the feeling it will be a bit obvious once you realize what this information is, like it's something that you'll have a "Oh, that's what was wrong" type of reaction once you start looking into this. Possible something you've thought was right for a while, but isn't actually what you need.
Doing a few Bibliomancy reads and trades. Feedback would be appreciated.
General advice from scripture is always appreciated. I’ve got a Bible in my pocket now, I can give you some verses as well if you like.
Could you try mine? Sorry if its silly>>39073147
Could I know what my next job is going to be like? God bless
Sure. Just some general spiritual advice would be good.
Anyone interested in me?
Will I find love there ?
nice try, tradecuck.
>>39073152 here, could you help me?
I'm praticing advaita vedanta and had a spiritual ecstasy on 13/10, don't know if samadhi, samarasa or other exalted states.
However good it was, it passed, so it still is related to maya.
Any shaman/medium can get those states without real spiritual evolution, so I would like some hints.

Same; my life is in a transition period so I’m curious if God has any choice words for me.
Will I marry and have children?
Am I successful in connecting with naahma?
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Want to trade?
6of cupsX ace of swords the chariotX the foolX back of the deck 8op
The cards are telling me that you're too obsessed with finding love and youre not paying attention to the aspects of your life that are more important at this time
Pulled again to make sure
10oc powX the loversX temperanceX
You're not in the best place to seeking love or relationship rn you need to focus on the basics right now be it more stability in your finances or mental stability first.
Sorry I hate when it's not straightforward
Asked one more time lol
Hermit reversed
You're too reclused
It's probably a menatal barrier. You gotta get yourself out there if you want to find love or sex
Sorry I get distracted
"But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going?’ 6 But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart."
Doesn't look like it. Sorry.

"A father who loves his son will whip him often, so that he can be proud of him later. If a son is disciplined, he will be of some use, and his father can boast of him to his friends."

Probably challenging, but well rewarding.

"Look toward the east, O Jerusalem, and see the joy that is coming to you from God."

Yes, and you might meet this person very soon if you open yourself up to this encounter.
will F see the story i posted
Will I become a successful writer?
Next gf?

What are C-s feelings towards me? what type of person does she see me as?

she reached out to me twice on her own, but then abruptly turned cold
What do I need to hear?
that's a really fucking stupid query. Pass.
trading this query >>39073435
if anyone just wants a reading in return and doesn't care about being choosey
Thank you! Im just confused as theyve been chasing me for some years now but I guess ppl dont always know what they want or what theyre doing. Thanks gor the read
2ow pow koc
Yeah they will
They might slide into your dms too or think about it
will me and that person get in good terms soon?
"The king arose from the banquet and went into the garden, but Haman was pleading with the queen, for hew realized he was in desperate circumstances."
Doesn't look like it.

>How are things going for anon spiritually?
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

Keep going, and you will find what you're looking for.

"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts."

Looks like a positive message here to me. Since I tried to get what you personally need to see, you might find more meaning in this passage.
thank you anon
it was a risky thing to post knowing they might still stalk me but i needed to speak my truth
do you have a query?
Will I date that blonde girl?
Mm nah that's ok ty
Blessings, reader!
alright, well thank you, i appreciate it fren!
You're boring >>39073459
Will I (f) get married?
Interesting, thank you, I will meditate on this.
For you I got:
“If David calls him ‘lord,’ how can he be his son?” No one was able to answer him a word, nor from that day on did anyone dare to ask him any more questions.
cry harder, mentally ill incel
Hii, could I have a little hint as to why the angels seem to be so upset with me?
AQ and it's very important to me. Will I stop being a filthy fucking fag and how?

I will trade a 3 playing card spread.
"“Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but anyone who swears by the gold of the temple is bound by that oath.’"

I don't see this as a yes or a no, but more of that you should change the way you approach this subject before worrying about the outcome.

Not sure what other Q I have right now, but you can still post yours.

"Therefore I determined to take her to live with me,
knowing that she would give me good counsel
and encouragement in cares and grief.
Because of her I shall have glory among the multitudes
and honor in the presence of the elders, though I am young."

Seems like she will be the type of gf you need in life.

"For I sent you out with sorrow and weeping, but God will give you back to me with joy and gladness forever."

Seems like this is just a rough patch, but not the end of things. I'm getting the feeling that this is all you need to know right now.
I can trade,
Who am I manifesting into my life?
Anon, take a step back and focus on why you feel the need to lash out like this.
Take a walk, go into nature.
i'm the person who asked the query, i'm actually getting married soon and wasn't asking for romantic purposes, rather this is someone who hurt me and i'm finally feeling ok to speak about what happened to me publicly
Hey hope you're doing well, my query is will I be able to leave the country by next summer?
Not sure what to make of this. What are you're thoughts on it?
Ok, is this an AQ or trade? You stated both.
Also degine "filthy fag"? Like you're homosexual?
>incel seetthing on the behalf of another
hilarious. Follow your own advice, though. Touch grass
I think it’s a reminder that Jesus is God incarnate, not merrly a wiseman.
Why did she ask about me? Excluding typical curiosity?
What’s a thing I need to be told?
Everyone isn't an "incel" or "seething" just because they disagree with you.
Have you forgotten basic elementary school rhetoric?
That was a great reading, really. I hope I will meet her.
I will be promoted in my actual Job in a few months?
Thanks for your advice
skipped, not everything is deep you autist
I will be lurking in case you post yours.
I was seeing a girl but she started to play games and I want none of that. There's this girl in my gym I'm interested in, we did chat a few times and helped each other, mind telling me what are her feelings or if it's worth going after her?

Call her F.
Being a fag is very often independent of one's sexual preference. I know heterosexual guys who are absolute insufferable fags, and I know gay guys who are decent dudes.

Anyway, didn't know AQ and trade were exclusive.
Sorry taking so damn long, I got really really messed in here.

Judgement, Star r, 10 of cups r, King of cups r, Queen of cups

Since I don't know your genders I would say your spirit is trying yo edge you toward good help, whoever you're trying to contact for help may do so begrudingly or they may not do much for you.

By both courts in the spread we could guess there will be some disparity with the help they could provide.
Trading this>>39073606
Who's down?
"Their tongues are smoothed by the carpenter, and they themselves are overlaid with gold and silver, but they are false and cannot speak."
Doesn't look like it.

Going to start skipping Q's involving outright predictions of the future. Sorry to those that have those types of Qs, but I'm getting the feeling I should avoid those types of Qs for now. Q's like "Will I X?".will be skipped. Q's like "what do I need to know about X?" will be answered.

"Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I get the feeling this is meant to be a message to you, rather than something I interpret for you.

“Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt"

This one stumped me interpreting. Maybe it was meant for you to figure out, rather than me. Either way, the feeling I'm getting is that is will be someone you need, rather than want.

"The Lord shewed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the Lord, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon."
I just wasnt sure what you wanted. Now I know what you're after and what you give.
My Q is what does she want from me?
Starting rn
is the blonde girl into me?
>"brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt"
I know exactly what that entails. I very much feel like a Hebrew in biblical Egypt

I wonder who they are...
I think I've been skipped.
Just another "what do I need to be told/to hear right now"
Couldn't be more on the nose, thanks!
am I a wild card?
Going through a tough time spiritually right now. Feel very scared and alone. Just give me some advice on how I can navigate this to my advantage if you don't mind.

As for yours:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

Interesting. I got this for someone else in the thread. I get the feeling that this is worth pursuing. At the same time though, I get the feeling you should focus on the journey, rather than the destination with her.

"It is like the dew of Hermon, running down the mountains of Zion: For the Lord commanded the blessing and life forever."

Certainly seems like it.

Sorry, didn't mean to skip you.

"And as for Nineveh, her waters are as a pool of water, and fleeing away, they did not stand; there was no one paying attention."
Trading occult
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Male 20 call me S
Should I ask out the mature black bbw from the gym that is on my mind?
What advice do I need to hear most?
hell yea white boy
How will this winter arc turn out for me?
Nothing is going to happen between me and P, right?
Why does T hate me? I blocked her a year ago because she was shitty to me, yet she's once again in my life in a peripheral way.
Query? And what reading method would you prefer used?
"O lord, in all your mercy, let your anger and your wrath be turned away from Your city of Jerusalem, Your holy mountain, though we have sinned; for in our wrongdoings and those of our fathers, Jerusalem and your people have become a disgrace among all those around us."

The main thing I'm getting here is to seek forgiveness, and course-correct your life. It's advice you need to hear, so there's likely more in this passage for you to interpret yourself.
Not a big deal but i think you skipped me>>39073519
>3 of swords, 9 of wands, 7 of swords
Nope. Someone here is full of crap and the other can clearly see the signs due to past negative experiences.
What does she want from me?
Why is M after me?
What is that ancestor spirit's goals/intentions with me right now? Just use whatever method you feel is best for this.

Yours? Also, Tarot, or Bibliomancy?
What does the person I'm thinking about feel for me?
>lovers, 9 of pents rx
>8 of cups, empress rx
Is this romance related? It's odd...it's as if one party is after the other due to past romantic disappointments or...is M married or smth? Like their partner doesn't satisfy them so they seek elsewhere
Lemme know if this resonates
Sucks. I should forget about them, thanks
Are you the anon who read this for me, or another?
Will we date in spite of the age difference?
Yes, I read that for you.
Alright, friend. Here it is:

>Above - You - Giving
>Below - Her - Receiving
>To the Right - The what - Sought

>Above - You - Joker, Black:
The card of a seeker and of a potential. Also a card of intellect. It is associated with the fool and with the magician - with a seeker and with a mastermind. It is directional in my deck and it came reversed. Since Joker is an unconclusive card and it's inclusion is discretionary, I drew another card on top of it. A 3 of clubs, again, in my deck it is directional and it came reversed. It is a card of intellect (again), but also of good business that the intellect well employed brings. I think you are a cerebral guy with a measure of success, recognition and stability. Since, both cards came reversed, it is playing to your detriment in this setting.
You may be overintelectualising things, or you may be putting yourself as a stable, provider type, again to your detriment, without seeing to your needs. As a man, you are a giving party here and you seem to be giving it too much thougt and/or positioning yourself here too much based on your status and financial potentials rather than feelings and needs.

>Below - Her - Jack of Diamonds:
A card that deals with a working man - a creative young man, using his intellect to make money. By a man that brings money home, but also has an implication of being untrustworthy. It is what she is "getting" as in perceiving you as, or it is what she may ultimately get. But it means, she sees you as a guy who is smart and either brings in the money or has the potential to do so, I think she may not fully grasp you intellectually. She may be intimidated by it, or maybe if you reach out to her using your intellect and nothing else, you end up alienating her.


>To the right - The What:
Jack of Hearts. A (young) lover. She wants a lover. She wants a man that is loyal and commited, but also - a man. She wants love, both the passion and the potential to build something together. It's quite simple. She's looking for a man and you're considered.

My interpretation and from a dude to another dude. You wouldn't ask me if you weren't interested in her.
It seems like she's out looking for a man and there are two threads here - the provider and the overthinker/overachiever. The provider is on her side, so either she is the provider (which I doubt) or she is getting the stable dependable provider vibes from you, but you remain a bit unknowable to her. You yourself seem to be the problem here. You project your intellect here, or outright your achievements and money, but not yourself as a man - a lover and that's ultimately what she's looking. I think the reading is quite positive (cause she's deffo considering you for that jack of hearts), but you need to connect to her on a level that is not intellectual or has nothing to do with your status/wealth. I think you want her, should make it explicit that you are a man and you want her romantically and sexually. Chillax, be cool, be human.
Yes spot on. We used to have a romantic relation 10 years ago but then life happenned and things. Not living in same cities etc. We were really good friends after that but nothing more and they suddenly got obsessed out of nowhere, trying to rekindle or something so I kept my distance for some years bc ive always been the one more emotionnally invested so i thought I dont need this. Instead of backing off they just played the long game and that was really a lot of hassle for just some sex so i just dont get whats up with them
No query then, you've already given me a reading. Gonna start shortly!
Will I date anyone this year?
>page of wands, 8 of pentacles
>5 of swords, wheel
>knight of wands, lovers
>10 of swords, hanged man
A whirlwind of cold and hot, love and spite, desire to win and yet also absolute resignation. This is a very intense spread, they might not be sure what they truly feel
Oh shit...I didn't expect you to deliver. I thought you've gone...
Lemme get right on this
A Queen of Diamonds randomly dropped out of my deck as I was shuffling.

So long story short - there's a sket coming your way. She's charming, manipulative and generally bad news. She's probably smarter than you, but she's not here to fix you.

So yeah, be there for a good time not a long time and enter at your own peril.
You better, nigga.
Sorry for my engrish, I'm on Imperial Stouts tonight.
mindboggling! ty very much!
what does AV feel towards me? what does she want?
>10 of swords rx
>tower rx
>Hanged man rx
>8 of wands rx
Well it'll take far longer than you'd like and I belive you to be the only culprit here. I do not wish to insult you by saying that your "faggyness" is an integral part of who you are, it's a core feature, not an add on to your identity. I say this since removing this part of who you are will take great and I'd argue unpleasant lengths. A factory reset in a way. You might even reconsider taking such a course over time as you consider this desire and the journey needed to fuffil it. You're gonna have to start from scratch, take psychedelics or go on a life journey of sorts, total restructuring is required. Yo
What is realistically the youngest I can pull? 19? 23? older?
I tried fishing for more, but all I could see through scrying is a figure engulfed in black flame. It refused to speak to me. In fact, it seems as though it didn't want me to meddle at all.

So I've asked my own guide for answers.

That flame seems to be a central point to it's intention. There was a strong feeling to it. It is painful, but they seem set on not extinguishing it. In fact, I think the idea here is that they'd want you to follow the same path.

I asked if this is related to the demonic or ill willed in any way and got a firm no.
Wrong quote. Oops.
I hope it resonates, if so can I get a toast? :)
Thanks anon, totally not what I expected to get. Good shit...but you're saying there You'd think she'd make a move?
Starting yours.
Flames have come up before with this spirit. Trade again? I have 2 follow up Qs if that's alright with you.
4 rx because why not.
I keep drawing the tower in most spreads, funnily enough. The tower and the hanged man. I always get a 10 of swords before I quit a job too.

Well, I've got 8 g of dried shrooms in my cupboard. Pray I don't end up in a loony bin.

Anyway, I hope my spread helped you too.
If you wanna know when...
>3 of swords
Well October is an actual date, that would mean now...or you'll just not do it? I'm serious here, cards almost say you don't gonna do shit except embrace it

Bottoms up!

I think you're seeing each other here and there. I think the burden of making the move is on you. I think you should take whatever interactions you have and (DO NOT THINK) how to get them to the next level. Just do it, somehow.
Maybe casually say, you fancy her.
4 rx? What's that mean?
Also enjoy the trip. Shrooms are scary, last time I tried them they made me one snapy mofo
4 reversed.
I know it's 50% chance per card, but a perfect flush? That's 1 in 16.
I can try, but no promises made, what are your Qs?
Were not seeing eachother so I assume there's someone else your cards have in mind?
No, I think the cards are explicitly about the two of you and her wants.

Think about it this way, if all it takes to take your relationship to the next level is inviting her on a date, then you have it made.
It's scary the first few times you do it, but remember - the pain of what-iffing is excruciating compared to a stark explicit rejection.
Go for it. Just remember, you're a guy and she's a girl who's looking for a guy.
My Qs are:
1. What is this path it wants me to follow? At least, something like a general overview.
2. Is this spirit behind, or contributing to these sensations and fear I'm feeling? You said it didn't have any ill will towards me, but it doing something like this as a trial by fire to whip me into shape isn't out of character from things it's done in the past.

Yours? And tarot, or Bilbliomancy?
Can you link me your read for me?
uh oh
Sorry, I missed u out
>4 of swords
No explicit yet or no, just advice to sit on this and think if it feels right to you or how they would feel about the age difference themselves.
Knight of Swords, 7 of Swords, 10 of Swords Rx, King of Wands Rx, Knight of Cups, World Rx

What do you need to hear? 2 of wands, 9 of Wands, 9 of Swords, king of Cups, page of Wands Rx, 7 of Pentacles Rx

Have you ever heard Romeo and Juliet? I can't remember word by word right now, but at some point you read something "I will go and live or I can stay and die." These cards give me a similar vibe, anon. Right now is not the time for inactivity and to stay in the rut. I know that it's easier said than done, but if you can't find anything to do tight now, you should use the time to mend yourself and get ready for the upcoming adversities. However, I do believe that the best path to take right now is the path of action: Use your creativity and do everything that comes to mind, albeit I believe that you're going to spend time doing something either sly or something that you would rather not for personal reasons - you will go against your principles sort of but you're going to placate your feelings in the process. You can see this as giving and taking from yourself.
Try to navigate this time with an open mind and willing to take risks and accept new things: you're not the main character here. You're going to be taken from place A to place B, but there's too little that you can do about it. Even if you can't really change things in the immediate future, do keep working on your feelings and connections, for that will come in handy in the future.
Again huge emphasis on working towards your plan while you get emotionally collected. Treat yourself and others around you better and make sure that you finish the work you started, right now is not the time to sit back and wait.
makes more sense than dating people my own age. I have always dated older, so it's natural to me.
Whatever method you think is the right one for the queries. I trust your judgment. There are some impressions I've got about that spirit but I'll talk about them later.

1. Is what the angels expect of me related to people's confessions and their themes?

To provide context on that query to make it intelligible: I keep getting approached by people within my circles who have painful secrets, because I am very open about myself, and my experience seems relatable to theirs.

2. Would getting into yogic practices further my spiritual advancement, or will I reach satisfactory levels without them?
How to have a tough skin and not let people’s opinions get the best of you?
and of course, thank you!
Now fuck off with this nonsense.
just report him.
Will she want to get in touch?
Starting when u confirm
>1. Is what the angels expect of me related to people's confessions and their themes?

I got a lot for this one.

"And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. But there were some who were indignant among themselves, and said, “Why was this fragrant oil wasted? For it might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they criticized her sharply.

But Jesus said, “Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me. For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always. She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial. Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.”

I take this as a yes, but I got the feeling the whole thing here is relevant to your Q. Let me know if this resonates.

>2. Would getting into yogic practices further my spiritual advancement, or will I reach satisfactory levels without them?

"Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.”"

I take this as to mean it could, but at the same time, there aren't any shortcuts you can take in the sense that no method will be faster than the other. You're going to need to take your time, and nurture your spiritual development.
I can't seem to attract a lover or many friends. Does the problem rest in my soul path or is there something actually wrong with me? My online relationships have fizzled away on my own accord and slowly is any desire to pick up irl.
It's a normal thing, the older you get the more your circle of friends decreases and connecting with people becomes more and more difficult.
It sucks, but it's part of life.
Do you not hear yourself, you daft little thing? You're obviously not right in the head, doing these things yourself and then not taking responsibility. Very female of you.
>and connecting with people becomes more and more difficult
Nah, it's been the opposite for me. Then again, I keep improving whereas you/the normal guy only gets worse. Making friends when you're older is easier because you have a lot more experience in everything and have done a ton of things...If you're not incel/neet, of course.
Yep. This is why hobbies are important. Or just filling your life up with the responsibilities of parenthood.
Tuna steak, soup, beer. you?
I don't know how old you are, but I'm not talking mid-20s lol
People start having children, they start taking on more responsibility at work and time gets shorter and shorter. Unless you're an adult who lives with teenagers.
It has nothing to do with being incel or anything like that. It's just that responsibilities increase.

Exactly right

Am I doing good in life? If not what to do I have to work on?
Three of cups
I think something great might happen to you on the next seven days, hang out with your friends and talk to people, go out. Just a nice bonding experience. Hope you just have a great time.
What a nasty perspective.

No, the sheer amount of access to interactions with peers your age during High School and college is nowhere near what it is for most people later in life. I used to have dozens upon dozens of friends and acquaintances in those years, but now I don't because my line of work does not involve that much interactions. And I serve customers at least once a week.
Wanted confirmation but it seems like it wasn't too far off.

The black flame is ABSOLUTE WILL. It's destruction and transformation, purification, turning coal into diamond.
You're not following your will, be it your True Will or your Free Will, and that spirit is urging you to understand what it is and stop resisting change. It can be anything, from good to bad, but it has to come from your deepest heart of hearts. You'll know.

Aversion to change SEEMS to be a big issue right now. You're resisting every step of the way. Fear is a necessary step to the process and you will keep feeling it until you understand WHY you are afraid and work on shedding that old skin off.
Pasta and ice cream.
>It has nothing to do with being incel or anything like that. It's just that responsibilities increase.

I'm almost in my mid-30s. I have a kid. I'm a doctor and sometimes have to work nights. I stand by what I said 100%. It's easier to make friends when you're older as you have lived a lot, are established in all ways (identity, job, family, etc), experienced a lot, have hobbies and actual worth you can share with others...Unless you're neet/incel/just coasted by life doing and being nothing, just getting old.
Do you want a reading?
Diet Dr Pepper
thank you! But I asked what you ate, though.
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Hey! So I took your advice about following my own way or my professor’s way about doing my project. So I did my own way and I had to showcased it towards the whole department. And one of them were very harsh about it. Like this path is lonely LMAO. Like my friends and family like my project but not them.

Can you help me try to not be sensitive of people’s opinions? I literally cried about them not liking it lol, thank you!
Filipino chicken curry
The only nasty perspective here is yours. You're basically a npc who only exists in relation to your job. I'm talking about real human beings, our job is just part of what we do and are, not the whole thing.
Like together? What would that taste like?

Do you cook the pasta and throw the ice cream on top?
I'm ok, fren. Thanks for asking. Are you better or still sick? Are you taking any med?

Do you want to trade?
A second opinion to this wouldn't hurt >>39073645
Some prosciutto and crackers with provolone
>Ace of wands
Obviously older Will feel the most right and could result in a mutual relationship. A 23 year old is also possible for you buy that seems more like a passing fancy, some dates, sex, fun adventures etc. An 19 year old is belive it also within your grasp, that's just sex tho, too big a difference for you connection to have depth but a 19 Yr old with daddy issues could be dtf
Have you had paranormal experiences on your night shift?
Readings? I have my query ready.
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No! I made some Ice-cream yesterday and the ice-cream was my dessert.

>What would that taste like?
I will try that out and I will let you know.
OK bud. If we were in person you wouldn't be calling me an NPC because you wouldn't even have come to the conclusion. Have fun being a cunt on the internet.
Sorry, I had Internet issues.
Your read is here>>39074335
Go out and hunt anon :)
If you have a child and a doctor's routine and manage to find time to do all your things and maintain friendships, then I really envy you.
I'm not neet, or even incel, but I work from home, travel a lot for work and sometimes go out with work colleagues.
But not at the pace I used to have in my 20s.

I remember you! What exactly affects you in the opinion of these people? Is it just emotional or does it affect you materially in some way?

I'm just going to finish dinner
I'm sending you by email and you can reply the answer in my post if you like.

Olá amigo
I had mostly juice. Been out and about at an event all day.
2 sandwiches
Btw can I ask if there’s any good news for me soon?
Emotionally, I’m kinda of a sensitive person. I think it’s a genetic thing, my mom was like this and now she’s outspoken lol
AQ: what should I know regarding this impending gender transition?
See? A pathetic little person with a chip on your shoulder. Besides, I definetly would since I probably have more years in boxing than you do of living.

>But not at the pace I used to have in my 20s.
well, I guess that's true for most people. I was lucky enough to learn how to establish priorities very early on and understand the importance of having friends or at least people around you. Friendless people or even worse those who let friendships die are just self-centered since it doesn't take more than a phone call/conversation to keep it going and if you care about others you just do it.

Not yet and don't particularly want to. I know God has my back, regardless.
Air Query, hail Bune.

Inheritance, job, and source of income.

Can I rely on inheritance? I have a job lined up, but I'd have to work my way up to the top. Any advice on how I can plan for accomplishing my true will in my near & far future?

Idk anon. Coming from someone who works as a scientist in pathology doctors constantly have to manage social situations and are always communicating between the public and staff, so it's a given that you'd be forming a lot of connections - part of becoming a doctor is showing you're part of the community.
But most other people's situations are not like yours. Work doesn't foster communication and then when you get time off work the last thing you want to be doing is making plans that fall through or that you don't want to do once the day comes.
I might just be lazy but trying to plan anything with anyone else just gives me so much stress now it's not even worth it anymore. It shouldnt be this hard to form simple bonds with others. Instead it always seems structured and there's too much scheming going on, esp with new acquaintances
Ok. So at first the frozen feeling is going to take over the pasta flavour and I thought the taste wa saldo wayore intense, at least at the beginning. After a while the ice cream will melt but the flavour isn't going to be as overwhelming as when you started, so you're going to have that sweet taste mixing with the pasta. I tasted the pasta and the sweetness - quite weird.

Olá! Como Você esta se sentindo hoje? Melhorou?
The only thing I could see was a person walking out of a VERY dark rook and just going straight into the light.

Chicken tacos.

Six of pentacles
An orange cat stretched out its paw and wanted to touch my face. Maybe you don't feel like you're rushing things, but slow down and see your loved ones, or people you miss, some of them might need help but it's not obligatory to help people out.

Still sick, taking meds.
What kinda games?

Nine of pentacles, five of swords, queen of pentacles
Maybe it is worth but it'll take a lot of energy and effort from you afterwards, like you'd have to keep up. I feel like she's probably grieving over something and feels rather confused but still appreciates you. If you decide she's worth pursuing be a safe space for her, but have in mind it might be slow sometimes and you'd have to work a bit hard on not getting friendzoned.
You just have to learn to deal with criticism, it sucks, but it's part of professional life. One tip is to NEVER take it personally, unless the criticism is strictly personal, analyze what people criticize, absorb what you see that makes sense and use it to evolve.
In the beginning it really sucks to hear criticism about things you've put a lot of energy into, but over time it becomes commonplace the more you evolve in your career.

You have a very tunnel-visioned view of life, which I think is a bit sad, but I understand that because that's your life experience.
It's not just a question of whether or not friendships die. I don't want to talk too much about my life here, but throughout my childhood and adolescence I moved cities and countries several times because of my parents, so I ended up not maintaining many friendships, unfortunately.
I only settled down in one place in my mid-20s. So, everyone has their own journey in this life and trying to catalog others as “incel”, “neet”, “npc” is really pathetic.

Estou bem amigo e você? Como estão as coisas por ai, espero que esteja dando certo com aquela pessoa que você disse que conheceu.
Could I get some clarification on what change it's trying to get me to stop resisting? I can trade again if needed. The only thing I'm trying to resist is loosing my true/free will. Also, did your read say if this ancestor spirit was behind these sensations?
I hope you get well soon!
Do you have a query?

Well, i believe she's trying to have the upper hand: She's being a bit hot and cold and is trying to ge tone to run after her. She I talk to her she doesn't talk that much but when I don't she starts the conversation to play the aforementioned games... I have no time nor patience for that

I will tread carefully with the gym girl, best if I keep my distance for the time being.
I had some over priced con slop.
I am not a christian but I think I understand what that first answer is trying to tell. It's just kind of difficult to put into words.

Forgot to mention but yes, it's 100% them.

I think this begs some questioning, if you're comfortable with it. What is your true will? Are you aligning with it completely right now?
Thank you lol, I was so anxious about it too
anyone reading qs?
I understand what you're saying, but all that stress and blahblah is just excuses. If you can't hang out in person, just call them up. Besides, you can always make new friends. There are a million hobbies out there, you can even make new friends by playing pokemon go or by going to gym classes.
Yours is like the incel mentality, but instead of applying it to women, it's applied to new people. Just let it go and put yourself out there with actual good intentions, instead of keeping one foot back so you can reiterate your bias.

>You have a very tunnel-visioned view of life
I could say the same about you. You guys are always looking for excuses not to go for it, at any level and cite a million excuses claiming "oh it's my truth!!!". Nothing you guys are going through is original, others have gone through the same and worse and conquered it. I was a shy kid, I worked on it. i couldn't talk to girls, I worked on it. I changed countries, I divorced, I lost all my friends, I was at the bottom of the pit and was an alcoholic, etc. I conquered all of it. And I'm just one example, there are millions of guys like me. We simply work things through instead of making up excuses not to try. You're just too comfortable in your misery. That's what everything boils down to.
Same here, this got me curious.
Sounds cool.
Four of cups, seven of swords
I am not sure if something is being done to you or you're planning on doing something, but I think it would be cool to step back and think heavily of the situation. I feel like there's something that can be a potential risk for your (probably mental) health lingering somewhere around you. Clean up, toss out.

:( You need to eat something.

King of cups
Yeah and they'll contribute to your growth as a person, I felt excited but at peace at the same time.

Hopefully you never will, keep up with the good job doctor!
The furry is right there. Ask xir/xer/it.
some bread with butter and a nice mug of coffee and milk!
will things get better for me next year?
skipped lunch but now we eat pizza
A BLT baguette and latte
also wanted to ask if there's anything good for me soon before the year is over
snack to go tuna salad kit
it was gross ;_;

If you're doing readings, could you tell me if I will gain a twitter following in the next 6 months?
You should work, inheritance won't be enough.
Boiled eggs , protein bar, chocolate milk
Why doesn't he like all my posts?
Hello, could I ask/trade if she wants to get in touch?
Hanged man
You'll regret it or it won't give you what you're seeking
>You're just too comfortable in your misery. That's what everything boils down to.
Trying to understand what I said or did made you assume that about me. It seems very strange for such a well-resolved person to be so upset.
But congratulations on your life anon, I hope you continue to be happy.

Don't worry, criticism doesn't have to have such an effect on your life. It's not the end of the world, it's just part of the journey.
>Can I rely on inheritance?
Only up to a certain point. You WILL need the money works will bring.
There will be some unexpected expenses in the first half of next year and you'll need to be sensible about finances.

>Any advice on how I can plan for accomplishing my true will in my near & far future?
A white boat, floating still on calm waves. The light of first light shines on the waters, but no one seems to emerge from below deck.

Wait and trust that you will receive signs at the right time.
How worth it for me would be to go to that place?
I'm not sure what my true will is right now. I've been under attack/harassment from spirits lately, that I've been focused too much on defending my self.

Right now, I'm just getting a lot of red flags from that ancestor spirit. It's reminding me of my greatest fear right now. Especially if it's the one behind these sensations.

Here's a Q that will hopefully lift the veil on the spirit, and it's intentions. I was told to absolutely never do a specific thing if I wanted to keep my free will, life, and soul as my own. That's the only thing I'm actively trying to avoid right now. Is what this ancestor spirit wants from me is to do/embrace that thing? I can trade again if needed.
Frozen berries

Does H want to divorce T for the reason I think?
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Come on, I'll do a few readings to the sound of this album (the best album in the history of Latin America in my opinion btw) until my head gets tired like it did yesterday.
>Initials, gender and sun sign of the people involved.
>Something you're grateful for.
>I'm trying out new techniques and I'm grateful for any feedback, even negative. (:
what does pussy taste like?
Ace of swords
Yes as long as you take the right decisions based on logic and start following your head and not your heart.

Probably, but it'll require a lot of effort and mental willpower for you to keep up with the situation and keep it.

Instead of asking yes/no, I asked how and I think you should come up with a completely different strategy. Maybe you're not using the platform properly or your target audience is on a different one.

Wheel of fortune
Probably because he's rather emotionally unstable and is trying to play games.
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L, f and sagittarius
I'm grateful for having the chance to get my license
my Q is if next year, or even this year, i will have the chance to be accepted at this one university in the neighbor town next to mine
C male Cancer
I am grateful for my car

love gen for the next 5 weeks
Eu estou bem, obrigado. Tirei o meu dia para cozinhar e relaxar - só alegria.

As coisas com ela estão complicadas, infelizmente. Ela começou com os joguinhos e eu não tenho paciência para os mesmos.

Yoo caminaré entre las piedras hasta sentir el temblor.

Extremely strong reactions to this.

It wants you to understand that whatever has been told to you is a form of /control/ over you.
This isn't about doing the thing or not, in fact there seems to be no preference on the matter. This is about about being CORRALED into not choosing something. Into realizing that your free will is being stripped from you already, and not by them.

Your experience kind of reminds me about my own. Would you mind if I shared?
F male aquarius
Would it be good for me to go there ?

The person I meet some months ago
fried eggs with meat.

What does C feel towards me? in general and then in romantic sense if possible please
I am grateful I'm not from Brazil
Who is sexually attracted to me?
You skipped me :(
Can i ask does she want to reach our?
T. D male virgo

I'm grateful for T being my neighbor.

Do I know the reason why H wants to divorce T?
Brazil wants you, Brazil needs you.
>the best album in the history of Latin America

*laughs in Facundo Cabral*
Come to Brazil.
YK, Pisces Male
Grateful for having a roof over my head.
Will anything happen between me and the hot asian tattooed girl before the year is over? her initial is M
JG, Male, Cancer

I am grateful for the work that went into the food that I ate today.

There is an event I may have to go to in a few months where someone I had a romantic falling out with will be. I almost certainly will have to engage with them as they are part of the organization running the event. I honestly don't want to engage with them, as I am still pissed off at them, and I'm sure they are towards me. How do I handle this situation?
very funny.
Nine of cups
Feels... okay, satisfied with whatever you guys might have. Like, you could ask C and they'd just nod in approval.

I'm sorry, babes, didn't see you.
Eight of swords
I don't see it happening soon but if it does it'll be under not so nice circumstances, like she wants to do something but is not allowed by many things, I feel like she's being observed.
Hey why do you always ask these weird third party queries about T? how does this shit involve you at all
for real, he's such a disgusting creep
Bro asked me too and it's clear that it's for gossip. If they wanted to be of help they'd just be focusing on helping their neighbor emotionally instead of asking this. Creep.
thank you, i can honestly see it
may i ask for a nudge in the right direction, then? what is it i need to be doing? i'm a digital anime artist, for reference
Pasta alla carbonara :D
What do I need to work on?
The neighbor can't be helped "emotionally" unless he knows the motivations behind H wanting to divorce him. I need to know if there is anything that can be done to change H's motivation for divorce. H is a sick person literally and their desire only changed after they got a stroke.
506 ty
Fag calling everybody a creep who asks third party queries
C Fem Leo
Can I get a December general? Pls
I’m grateful for havjng a car
Ok I just ate a bbq brisket sandwich. That could now? :) lol
>V of Wands, X of Wands Rev, III of Swords, IX of Disks, Devil, VIII of Wands Rev
A lot of competition, you have a serious problem with prioritizing things and it seems to cause you a lot of anxiety and fear. Especially of being rejected.
It's up to you, stop procrastinating or letting the obstacles in your way discourage you. Start planning your future now, stop taking things as a joke and, above all, watch out for your excesses.
Balance and hard work are the key to this situation having a positive ending.

>Magician, VII of Disks, Hermit Rev
It only depends on your willpower to get out of your current state of loneliness. It seems to me that there is something good in store for you, but only if you start moving and stop waiting for life to happen.

>Ela começou com os joguinhos e eu não tenho paciência para os mesmos.
Depois que me divorciei isso é o que mais me dá cansaço mental quando penso em voltar a tentar sair com alguém.
Espero que dê certo amigo, se precisar de qualquer coisa só chamar no e-mail thntz@proton.me (:

"is for the reason I think so?"
>IX of Cups, VI of Cups, II of Wands Rev
I didn't feel very comfortable reading about the relationship of others, so I read about whether it's what you imagine. And the answer is probably for the reason you imagine.

>Fool, King of Swords Rev, Empress
It could be good for you, just be very careful of this person's manipulative side.
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Mac and cheese

am I doomed forever?
Ahhh, participate in trends like inktober, use the correct hashtags and start engaging with fellow artists, so you can start building a community. Post finished works, tips and keep the teasers or WIPs in a different platform.
Is that what the cards say though if anything. If that was an actual reading .
Creepy fag seething
B female Capricorn
Will I make out with my crush (t male scorpio)before I leave?

I'm grateful I didn't get trampled by a moose today
no, just rooting for you
okay but who says they want your help?
I can tell you what it isn't. Reading confirms that it isn't because she is cheating, nor does she plan to. Now stop minding their business and fuck off.
god i will try. thanks. i probably also need some meds because my attention spam has always been very short lol
thank you, that's really sad to hear.

For everybody calling me a "creep", here is some background:

Guy gets cancer, guy hires caregiver to take care of him during his recovery. Guy recovers, guy marries woman due to him being grateful for the care he received. His wife is about 15-20 years younger than this guy. Guy is now married to this woman for more than 2 decades. Guy is still in good health, woman declines in health and eventually has a stroke. The woman now needs constant care and the guy is now caring for his former caregiver. Now his wife is asking for a divorce despite her husband doing everything he can to care for his wife. It's suspicious because the woman has at least one adult age son and it would appear the wife thought she would outlive the man but with her declining health, is concerned her husband will outlive her and therefore her son whom she did not have with her current husband will receive nothing in an inheritance.
You can share. It might give me some insight.

I was told several times that this ancestor spirit didn't care about my free will, and wants me to work with it specifically. It was even with me when I was told not to do that thing, and was even tried forcing me away from something that would lead me into doing that thing. What's with the change of heart all the sudden? Earlier in the year, it didn't care about my free will, and tried forcing me to work with it, and now it suddenly wants me to stay true to my will? Something doesn't add up. It's not like I'm blindly following what I was told either. I was feeling the effects of spirits trying to lead me into doing that thing before I was told about it, and it was my will to avoid it before I was told about it's specifics, and it was the ancestor spirit's will at the time as well to keep me from doing that thing. So what changed that it went from trying to force me to avoid it at all cost, to now forcing me to confront it?
S male. What is something I need to be made aware of? I’m thankful my pp is a decent size.
Has nothing to do with cheating, try again...
He came to me bewildered by the situation and I didn't have any advice to give because I couldn't determine the motivations of H.
Read the message again.
T female aquarius
Will I have chance of romance in my job?
The message mentions cheating, there is no cheating nor intent to cheat and I never thought there was.
I mean, I already have a community on another platform I've built, so I know all of these bare bones basics, just I don't know what direction to go to as stuff is pretty oversaturated rn
Doing 3-5 bibliomancy reads. I prefer not to use bibliomancy to do outright future predictions like "Will I X", for example. Questions like, "what do I need to know about X" work best for me. Feedback would be appreciated.
>I am grateful I'm not from Brazil
If you weren't born in Latin America in general you have to be grateful anon, but I can't complain too much, considering the average Brazilian my life has been pretty good.
>Ace of Cups Rev, Knight of Disks, VI of Swords
Someone you had a very bad romantic experience with, someone you've probably broken the heart of and who is trying to do everything to forget you.
but still wants you

I'm very fond of Soda Stereo. The first big concert I ever went to was their reunion show in 2007 when I was living in Argentina and it's even more special to me after what happened with Cerati.
I know very little about Facundo Cabral ): I'll try to listen more in your honor.

>Magician, VI of Disks Rev, VIII of Cups, V of Wands, VII of Disks
It depends on how much you really want it, but I honestly don't think it's going to be worth it for you in the long run.
Too much suffering, too much competition, too much headache and too much work without much reward.

>IX of Disks Rev, Temperance Rev, IX of Cups Rev, IV of Wands Rev, Emperor Rev
I'm not going to lie to you, it's going to be a very difficult situation for you to deal with. I'm just saying that it's going to get you down, how difficult it's going to be to communicate, how it's going to get you down and emotionally exhaust you.
But on the other hand, it's apparently going to be good for you professionally

>II of Disks Rev, World, King of Wands Rev, IX of Wands, X of Disks, X of Wands Rev
You'll be exhausted, but on the other hand all your effort will finally pay off and you'll start to reap the rewards.
You may allow yourself to be more arrogant and impulsive during this period, you'll need both to get what you want and to protect yourself.
Watch out for your difficulty in deciding what you want and your priorities. At the turn of the year you need to decide what you really want to start next year. This is the perfect time to do it.
S female leo asking about T female sag
Grateful for my husband
Did she that post before I took it down?
Hi, friend.
Will my work be noticed next year?
What should I be focusing on?
do you have discord?
Is that girl from the lab meant for me?
This was years back. I came to be under attack from spirits on a regular basis, it took a huge toll. To say it was a constant stream of terror is an understatement.
Tired of this, one day I spoke loud and clear, demanding to be left alone. What came in response was a clear, smug answer: "I do what I want!"

The attacks continued for some months, and all of that fear eventually turned into anger. It was that righteous anger that pushed me, and during one of those assaults I decided that living in terror was something that stopped right there and then. With that as my weapon, I managed to fight back and repel them. And the attacks stopped ENTIRELY after that.

The same spirit who had mocked my request to be left alone came to speak to me in one of my meditations some time after. She asked what I wanted, and then what I would offer in return. I had no answer to give, so she mocked me. But she said that she would be waiting and be around.

Although it was never clearly stated, I suspect those attacks to have been a test of my willpower. I could either get eaten or fight. The point was standing up for myself and not passively accepting a "no". Do you see where this is going?
What do I need to know about life currently?
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Please be honest, are you an AI bot?
Are you retarded?
What should i do or know to really get into S heart?
I'm asking because being as slow as you are would be worse than being a bot. I hope that T moves and finds a normal neighbor.
I think you have a poor grasp of the English language and project your insecurity onto others.
Only women and fags take this insult seriously
I'll tell you what it *is* if you pay for a reading. All you're getting for free is being told to fuck off.
Aq or trade
Will I find someone before Christmas?
exactly like you're taking it, yeah. Faggot
"As it is written:

There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God."

Doesn't look like it.


"Let my soul rejoice exceedingly in the Lord, for He clothed me with the garment of salvation, and the tunic of gladness. He put a miter around me like a bridegroom and adorned me with ornaments like a bride."

Get closer to God, and those that will keep you on a good path in life.
Thanks! Guess I shouldn't overwork myself again.
So is this it's idea of some sort of shock therapy to get me to not be afraid anymore, and to be more assertive?
A reader already gave their answer and it's for the reason I think it is. Unless you want to give your own answer, idgaf. You arrogantly assume that I thought cheating was somehow involved.
>I'm grateful I didn't get trampled by a moose today
>V of Disks, Hermit Rev, VIII of Wands, Princess of Wands, VIII of Swords Rev, IX of Swords Rev, Hanged Rev.
I don't think it's going to happen, sorry.
As much as you want to, it seems to me that things are happening too fast in your life and there doesn't seem to be time for anything to happen.
There seems to be a deep fear of getting involved in some way, perhaps because you're leaving.

Good luck! (:

What a crazy story.

>Strength Rev, VIII of Cups, IX of Disks
Your lack of confidence will only lead to suffering and not being able to achieve what you want.

>IV of Wands, Queen of Wands, Knight of Cups
The reading says a cleary yes, but my life experience tells to you be very careful with this kind of situation.

Your question left me a little confused, but I think I understand.
>Star, Princess of Disks Rev, IX of Wands Rev
Yes, seeing it made the person feel extremely tired and discouraged.

I'm a dumb old man and my discord has my name on it and posting it here would be a breach of anonymity that I'm not very comfortable doing at the moment.
If you want to talk to me send me an e-mail at thntz@proton.me, I usually reply pretty quickly there (:
Last one tysm
Seems so rewarding
R male Gemini
I'm grateful for la musica.
Could I get a November general?
Exactly. Stand up for yourself. But be polite about it. Tell them you respect their opinion but what you do is ultimately in your own hands.

Do what you THINK is good and right for yourself and others, regardless of what one spirit or another tells you. What matters is what you think is right and just in your heart of hearts. And do it with absolute conviction.

If YOU feel the thing may have been bad for reasons that are entirely your own, then that is your tell to not do it.
If you think it is a good course of action, then it's your greenlight.
Nooo I want him so bad
Yeah they're everywhere where I'm at , I was jogging.
TU, m, aries.
I am grateful for having a serious illness that in my case doesn't really have any bad symptoms.
Among others I am in a relationship with AK,f, aquarius - and sometimes it is a living hell due to her mental and other problems. Are people are saying I should leave her - will she ever change for the better or I will go insane instead?
"And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
Son of man, what is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest?
Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon?+
Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire devoureth both the ends of it, and the midst of it is burned. Is it meet for any work?
Behold, when it was whole, it was meet for no work: how much less shall it be meet yet for any work, when the fire hath devoured it, and it is burned?
Therefore thus saith the Lord God; As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem."

It doesn't look like she's the one you should be focusing on right now.

"With my lips I declared all the judgements of your mouth. I delight in the way of your testimonies as much as in all riches. I shall meditate on your commandments. And I shall understand your ways. I shall meditate on your ordinances; I shall not forget your words."

Q's like these usually turn up things that are meant for you to interpret yourself in Bibliomancy.

"There men of ancient times have been ceased together to hear the voice of those who collect taxes. The small and great are all there and the servant who feared his Master."

It doesn't look like there is anything you can do here. You might be better off having a different goal.
if you're still reading:
Should I stay clear from T or try to mend things even though t'was they what hurt me?
Whoa is this about a certain area of life in particular?
Trading occult
J, male & taurus
If i talk to L do i have a chance to have some sort of relation with her?
What will my next workplace most likely be? Male.

Also I’m curious what do you consider to be the source of the info for those readings?
CMK / Male asking about female entity / Sagittarius / Grateful for family

What size was she wanting that character of her made? Dowsing suggests 2ft but asking in case that's off.
>I'm grateful for la musica.
>Fool, II of Swords Rev, Queen of Swords Rev, King of Wands, II of Wands, IV of Wands Rev
Important month for you, lots of changes.
You're going to have to deal with a difficult choice, something that doesn't seem to have an easy way out and you're going to have to be cold in your decision. However difficult it may be.
It's time to start planning your next step and what you want for your future, but be careful not to be misunderstood, this month the people around you will play a key role in your success so know how to encourage them.

I've never seen a moose in my life, but I imagine it must be scary kek

>V of Wands, VIII of Cups Rev, Princess of Cups Rev, World Rev, Princess of Disks, Star Rev
Complicated situation anon, conflict seems to be the basis of everything in fact.
Staying for you seems to be more linked to the fear of losing the stability of the relationship, the fear you have of losing, than exactly the feeling you have for her. Staying will probably lead you down a path that will make you feel incomplete, empty.
Leaving, on the other hand, seems difficult because it seems like you're just being immature and wanting to escape the situation, but on the other hand it seems like a good opportunity for you to be happy.
Either way it's a difficult choice, there doesn't seem to be a right answer, both paths lead to some level of suffering

It seemed more general than specific.

>X of Swords Rev, Sun Rev, VI of Cups Rev
No, she or you (probably she) doesn't seem to be in a good place emotionally.
>V of Swords Rev, III of Cups, III of Swords Rev
It's going to be a much less stressful and hostile place than you've been to recently; on the contrary, it seems to be a place where you'll recover your emotions after a very bad environment.
A good place to grow and make friends.

>Also I’m curious what do you consider to be the source of the info for those readings?
I'm sorry for my stupidity, but I didn't understand your question.

>King of Cups, VIII of Disks, II of Wands
You seem to be right, but you're going to have to plan and do very well to satisfy her.

I think that's it for today, friends. I'm going to get something to drink and play ReFantazio to end my Saturday night.
What does “Group F” think of me? Who am I there like what’s my position within the group
Thanks for the read - indeed both choices seem too difficult, not to mention others involved.
Will I have a chance to make out with my crush (D, male)
Trading occult
It was scary
Ty for reading!
Nvm i just saw reading session is over
Neither option seemed to me to have a clear “Tell him to do it” signal, because on both sides there seems to be too great a loss for you.
My advice to you is to think about what's best for you in the long term. One tip I'd give you is not to fall into the trap of thinking that the person will change or improve over time. Most likely they won't, I may be sounding very pessimistic here, but people rarely change their behavior.

I had stopped reading, but I decided to do this last one for you, but after that I really stopped.
>Ace of Swords, II of Wands Rev, World
You just need to stop acting on emotion and start planning what you're going to do and say in order to achieve it. There's every chance that you will, but I can tell you that it may not be a very healthy relationship for you. It could be good, but it could also be very bad.

Just be careful and watch out for the moose kek
Still here?
D, female, cancer
Will I date anyone this year?
I'm grateful for my family
(; always am
Thanks for clarifying it for me. I eventually need to get ReFantazio myself.
That is my problem, that she won't - she is not really suffering that much that she would want to really change and it is more collateral damage anyway than direct pain for herself. So yeah, I can only accept, adapt somehow or escape.
Do I have any chance with P?
Ok that’s nice to hear. I was asking if the info comes from your own intuition or the universe or if some entity give it to you? That’s just something I was curious about.
Trading occult
I'm at the very beginning, but so far it's very worthwhile, especially if you like Persona-style games (but don't expect a Persona), at least it's more difficult than Persona 5 and the 3 Remake.

As I said, do what's best and fairest for you, but don't rush into making that decision.

I don't know exactly how to explain it, I don't know if it's an entity, but it's like an intuition really.
I have my ritual, both for shuffling and for performing the query, and when I draw the cards they always end up telling me a story that I try to fit in with what I've been asked.
I don't know if that makes sense, I'm terrible at explaining these things.
Can I get 1 card please?
has the water that I'm holding right now which is supposed to be holly passed trough the process of blessing that they do to it?
Hey thanks for reading my q! Appreciate it <3
>could be good but could also be very bad
I already blessed my home with it, hope it works =(
Anyway, thanks again for the talk, I will try to find the best possible future even if it is full of suffering.
Trading dumb query
That’s interesting. Thank you for the explanation.
is my future wife from A, U, or is it the individual attending School MS?
Will I be with someone before Christmas?
Au is one place or two places?
Two separate places
A is one place
U is a different place
Trading bibliomancy
3oc empress the world
2os 10ow 2oc
6op aop knightoc
Seems very likely you'll find your ideal woman at A at U there's a love connection to be found there too but it's a relationship that will take some work to get it where you want it to be . If you is a different place thanA. The individual attending school ms might need more from you financially than the others.
Clarifying MS
7os hanged man 5ow
Oof yeah they aren't being 100 with you watch out for that one
Before Christmas
Three of Cups Rev
Knight of Swords Rev
Not before Christmas, but it's not certain 100%. All of these cards speak strongly about taking your time and not being so stubborn in getting what you want. They might not be perfect but then again who is? Maybe if you don't rush you will ironically enough.
Ty, I will try to be patient.
This lines up with previous scries... thank you let me know if you want to trade again
Buy weed tonight or no?
I can also trade one card
Cool :)
What do you want to know?
Mine is who will I date next?
Justice hiero 3os
Looks like not a good idea..are you underage or something?
Just one card please I don't need interpretation
will the woman I marry be from C,J, or K? narrowed down from regions to more specific places
Not underage, just debating and also dealing with weed addiction
that's your card mate now I have to go back to not tweaking from a literal fucking plant. thank you and wish me luck on being less pathetic
advice that would help me the most right or advice that you would give me if you were my friend?

6oc the devil koc
Kow kos the moon
5ow hermit 9oc
All knights by the way
K will have someone you're most satisfied with c I think would involve someone kind of toxic and j might be something that's still in flux somehow...
I think also their will be a lot of competition for the woman at k
Go on a run
Or weightlift
Gl! Ty
King of Swords
Nine of Swords Rev
next person you date will be someone strong (a man? are you female?). A strong man with good boundaries who'll defend you and help you put your past pains away and treat you extremely well. A keeper and gem of a person. This may be very well the person you marry.
already did that, doesn't work. not that easy pls don't give out dumb advice li
Well gl anyways
that's all you needed to say bih
advice that would help me the most right or advice that you would give me if you were my friend?

Cheer up buttercup
Should I go private I don't want certain people creepin on me?
Are they?
What are his intentions towards me?
AQ (in hopes someone still does this ones)

has T done some kind of ritual or asking for me that is energetically doing more harm to me and mine, than help?
3 of swords RX, 9 of wands, Temperance RX --- Are they
Temperance RX, 6 of swords RX ---- should you go private

You shouldn't block off access to yourself, because they are not creeping on you. They don't want to get hurt, are defensive, and repelled to do so, makes them uneasy to do so.
9op 2oc empress
Oh my word...
You are absolutely stunning and most importantly a very kind caring woman. If you're struggling in any way you won't be for long. You should also be finding love here pretty soon and it will help you flourish even more.
What you need to work on
Ace op pos the world
You may need to be a bit better at common and realizing your manifestation abilities also you might need to get more out there in general

Hi, not that anon but wanna trade?
Ty :)
Also lots of readings described this kind of person so that's cool :)

A week general. Yours?

How has she(Sagittarius) felt towards me(male, also sagi) this week overall? Hopeful? Horny? Still disappointed?

Context: She thought ours was dead until this week I dropped some obvious hints telling her I wanted to reconnect too

Your query?
Love general for the rest of the month? Thank you
2 week general

Give me general advice in regards to MP(female). I know she is not gf material, only a possible fwb, but still...anything the cards wanna tell me would be appreciated.

Starting yours

Sure. Starting. Will post when you do
No thanks, not doing this shit, find someone else to trade fuck. I've already delivered in this thread.

Ok. I will post mine first so you know I'm the real deal. Just please post mine afterwards, I really wanna know this.

7 of Wands, 9 of pents, The Tower, The lovers

Since I don't know if you are a male or a female I can only speculate. But I see a male that is really hard to approach and building his defenses around himself. There is a woman interested in him, but the interest is not that big so she makes a strong move, she likes her independence. This is all blocking the Tower and Lovers stuff from happening. So there you go! Make your intentions more direct, or put your walls down, and you will maybe see some magic happening
>There is a woman interested in him, but the interest is not that big so she makes a strong move, she likes her independence.
This sentence makes no sense. I'm male. Starting yours, and there's no one interested in me at the moment

Well, the 9 of pents refers to your attitude then. You are waiting for someone to arrive, being very passive and independent when it should be you taking the lead and getting out the comfort zone, eventually someone will be interested

I got yours. You got mine?
Moon/Nine of Swords/Emperor Reversed
Have you asked this before? That's what this spread feels like. You need to stop asking, it's over. Why?
Page of Cups Reversed
Your immaturity has killed any chances you have.
Please fuck off if you're just going to play games, I've been waiting for you. But you won't deliver. I know you won't.

I'm not playing games.

9 of swords, 7 of pents, 5 of wands, 4 of pents

I threw some cards regarding next week, not including this weekend. It does not looks like much is happening really.

A lot of self constraint and waiting, with a feeling of strife and hopelessness. You are completely closed and blocked regarding your goals at the moment. The energy is very stagnant, you need to move.

No I have not asked this before. First time actually. You are mistaking for for someone else.

It can't be over when it hasn't even really started but thanks for the feedback
>Eight of Cups
>Five of Wands
>Three of Swords
This is only going to end up poorly. Leave while you still get the chance.A lot of fighting and conflict here if you really just decide to go for that route.
I doubt that, the game had already started and you lost. Suck it up and move on.

Thanks. Wanna trade again?
Query? mine is just a next gf appearance.

Is her new profile pic a message to me(m) saying we should fuck or I'm just being delusional?

2 week gen
What does f think of me next time we meet?
8 of wands; act now

7 of cups, Judgement, The Hermit

You'll know her most likely through dating apps, or sites which present lots of options.

Blond hair, slim shape is my only guess since that's the only woman that shows up. She might use very loose clothing and be associated to spirituality, traveling, etc.
four of swords/two of cups/justice/knight of wands/strength

That they want to strengthen your relationship. Before meeting up with you, theyll feel kinda whatever about it, having an "if it happens, it happens" type of mentality, but upon seeing you theyll have a lot more fun than they realized and it makes them want to put a lot more work into your bond.
I don't use those shite websites but thanks
Hermit Seven of Wands Three of Swords
You're being delusional. Spend more time building yourself up in other areas to avoid this fever dream destroying you.
Hey I want to do a spread for every tarot card in major arcana ask me for a arcana card and I'll try make up a spread around it
The chariot the sunX 10opX
Back of the deck AoW
You're feeling super determined , you really want to succeed Nd make something of yourself but you may get pessimistic about the situation and maybe expect things that aren't entirely possible big warning about your finances also
Are you crypto anon?
can I get one too?
I asked if I will make out with someone

The Lovers
oof ummmm no im not crypto anon but im in a weird spot rn financially
trade again?
No I've had past opportunities outside of the apps, fuck em
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Whats your query?
Can you go more in depth about what the financial warning is? what do i need to be wary about
Okay will I see that person soon? Or in the distant future?
The hanged man
five cups/four of cups/the sun/the star

Yea, the distant future. Holding onto the hope of seeing them soon will only lead to overthinking and disappointments, but the cards say you absolutely will see them again someday so don't give up hope altogether, just don't focus too closely on it rn
the established rule is don't fight authority and you can apply it to your life by fighting for what's right, by struggling against the scared children who would not get in your way because when they know you're right they learn too. It might kill you but if your sick of the status quo its what you have to do. The rule to follow is freedom for the righteous freedom even in death.
which option is best in the long haul, change name to something pre-written or change it to entirely something of my choice?

your query? feel free to give me two parts or similar minded query
Sure, what will my next gf be like and how can I ensure m relationship with her succeeds? Starting
>It might kill you
Seems accurate, I hate being in 8 swords energy. Freedom is best. Thanks
your death will be triggered by the golden years of your life, you will learn from it that a healthy give and take isn't all the answer; it happens because you give too much. trade it for basking in appreciation of what you have and to avert it this is hard to read, um to avert it don't gamble with your art.
The magician
The Star
Kos qow 4op
Back of deck 5op
So let's see I might be way off you let me know . Either you might get cut off if you get money from family or someone or a woman is draining your finances...could also be you spending money on like strippers and or OF something like that lol so sorry if that's way off
The magician
That's what I was thinking ty
Does JC (M) have feelings for me (F)?
You there? your reading is ready, just need to type it up. Awaiting my reading to post, I don't tradekek
Pre written
Empress Rx
Six of Coins Rx
Something New?
Ten of Cups
Three of Coins

Something new is very much your best bet here, not sure what this is about but a new start would be really good for you.
I posted yours, now it feels like you won't deliver. But if you don't I'll make sure your gets blackballed here
you are dreaming of them and they are drawn to you by some stitch in fate. You like that they are with withdrawn and they like the adventure you represent, Your struggles are being strong and working together on the same level but its likely you haven't met them yet so the choice to meet them lie in a hello in a passing remark. Overcoming the fear of what you aren't yet is all you both need to do.
wheel, ace cups R, ace pent R, 4 cups R
she is someone that has good luck or had some in the past however she is someone that is emotionally draining and financially spend a lot of money or doesn't care if she doesn't manage well her money, she is often times bored and she's the type to not have any main hobbies, basically she just watches social media.
how insure succeed
star R, 2 wands
by not being hopeless when things get you down and by planning properly for the future.
The fool
I asked for a reading checking the long haul, you only gave 2 cards and 1 sentence for your read.
and on top you threaten people, you sure seem like a great person alright heh
ty, my husband to be is going to send me some money so i can get a place while he's away, for rn i'm staying with family
scary to hear with that in mind
That is the long haul, I really don't give a shit about your bullshit query or the fact that you're too stupid to type anything properly. Bye faggot .
your weakness is injustice and you need this weakness as you are not ready to act now to change things you'd rather bask in old victories. It is a weakness against the urge to reble are you the same guy as hierophant cause I'm getting a lot of wands ok anyway the advice is if you want to bask in old victories celebrate them! and the resolution is a total completeness a sense of peace and fulfillment. there's a mechanism at work here for the more you celebrate your vicotries the more you feel like trying again at new things and the more you win.
good luck!
there's always pathetic incels like you in these parts of the web

That was incredibly accurate beyond words. You're a really good reader in a sea of bad ones here.

May you live long and prosper. Thanks.
you're not in a financially stable enough position to have a child, but your boyfriend shows promise and its super good sex. You're dreams are trying to tell you to be more selfish your instincts are try to tell you you want a baby, your logic tells you you're not ready but you're almost ready and your ego says you don't want to struggle harder so you're just enjoying being a sexy lady.

I wasn't really here to do sex ed but I can give you sex ed if you want on fertility cycles and effective pull out methods depending on if youre a man or a woman if your a man you're the one that wants to fuck cause the girl is sexy and you know deep down you're not ready for a baby and your girlfriend wants one I think because you're sex is so good.
Ohhh okok
I think if you can find a way to help him with finances he will really appreciate it
The Tower
Why has j left our connection?
you're good at asking for help and you can use that to get on the level with people, people like someone they can help. you're good at it cause you're humble.
You can look forward to not being in pain anymore by not celebrating yet but soon. What's in the way is the acting on your impulse and the resolution is a pretty kind lady which is either you if you're a straight woman or a girl you either know or will meet soon who will make everything feel right.
Nowadays this place seems to be filled with mediocre, low effort "readers". Even ai slop readings are more insightful than the trash readings you get here.
You're patient and kind and you can use this when you fall in love. You're patient and kind because your body is fit and you know how to turn that into a stable income. But the actual soul card the actual beginning of a journey isn't the tools and skills you'd think of as practicle but the resilience they learning to use them has built within you.
And yet you're still here... everyday...
You have literally 0 intuition.
You are responsible for your actions.
You have control not looking further and you maintain this by celebrating what you have.
You need control over justice, what's fair, what's right and wrong, and can gain this through putting into practice your active intents.

The person your interested in does not follow your example in fact goes opposite against it and you can keep up this playful dynamic by teasing her. Assuming your a guy.

if your a girl who is interested in guys the person not following your example is a creative blonde lady who is very physically attractive if you're blond then its like, you you're not following your own example if its another girl you should know who it is.
I'm actually can be pretty bad but I think a good spread helps and people don't always know what to ask?

But thanks so much I gave the best reading of my life last night I'm on a roll at the moment.
I'm not close to any blonde girls actually, the only friends I have are dark haired.
I do try to do the right thing and feel strongly about justice though.
Ty :)
You take things way too seriously lol
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Should I get this tatted?
that girl who you think doesn't know you? or what she's talking about? she does. If you're a girl its yourself.

You can use this to your advantage by creating a future based on her insights becareful not to lose your own insights and answer your own questions but don't ignore her. if you are her you may stop seeking you already have what you need to now. A man is going to get sexually frustrated because of all the woman in the situation is wise to. It is hoped a traditional appraoch will be taken though there is a fear to act on impluse but I think you need to to make it all happen. If you're a guy who likes a girl yes she knows and it looks like she likes you too.

If you're a girl who is afraid to take the next step on what you know, just trust the tradition your hoping I guess no guarantees but what can you do? You gotta move forward.
its someone not following your example it could be an enemy
I think I know who, wish they would realize what they are doing to themselves. You are really good though from the readings you've given me. How did you learn?
No, it looks like shit.
I'm a girl and there's this guy I have a little crush on, I think he might like me too but I think it's better to not act on it. Thanks
The Sun
I honestly just want card flipper as interpretation isn't necessary. Scryers would be nice but are hard to find.
Then I guess I'll go with the tramp stamp
No tats, period. Men hate them and all you're doing is branding yourself as undesirable.
What if I am a man?
No I'm sorry I'm a man and I have no gf but thanks. This doesn't resonate at all sadly
Basically tryna be a professional witch cause I was given stary pants and wanting to be like card captor sakura is how I learned.
feed back >>39076770
I looooved Cardcaptor sakura
That's so cool, I sometimes listen to subliminals on youtube and sometimes they work it's really interesting. Not really on topic to witch like activities, but thought I'd share :)
You skipped me? Unless this isn’t an arcana card?
Trading romance/love
If you're a faggot, then who cares.
why does my mind display grotesque images sometimes when i close my eyes?
sorry that this is late, but thank you. i do tend to act a bit impulsive when i feel in pain, but i am a girl who is waiting on my husband to be to come to me, he makes me feel so safe.
Do you ever touch grass?
No, good mages keep their secrets. Don't go around with a giant "I LOVE MAGIC!" tattoo you fucking retard.
Trading dumb query
It would be somewhere that's not visible
It's called the sigil of God. I was hoping to get a read on if it would benefit me.
Could be ocd triggered by stress
>wheel of fortune reversed
What would people (especially E ) like to see on my feed?
What are his intentions towards me?
Should I do it?

Will he and I ever meet in person?

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