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SRG Semen Retention General
Previous thread >>39040730
>/SRM/ reading list v1

What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. It originates from various spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions. The idea is that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. While there isn’t a lot of scientific research (hard topic to do studies on) on the topic*, there are tons of personal accounts. Therefore, the only sure way to find out is trying it out for yourself.
Reported benefits include, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy*, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, and more.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%. However it has no data on what happens after week 3-4 and after that.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior. (coom =“numb”androgen receptors = body unable to “register” testosterone as effectively as it should)

How to Practice It?
>No porn – do not watch porn whatsoever.
>Remove triggers from your life.
>Productive acts - clean, cook
>Creative acts: Art/Music/Writing/Crafts. It can be anything that makes you feel like you’re being creative.
>Light meditation. Try minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
>Walk everyday. 10-15 minute walks should be a good start.
>Gym/Sports/Martial Arts

OP pic is from this random SR video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozdbb_pFAHQ
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Thread theme - can we get some SR veterans in here to tell us about their ups and downs but ultimately how they are now at months-years SR and how they feel about it. And perhaps how their life has changed.
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same here.
30 days.
got a lot easier after the first week. something clicked, just decided enough was enough
now i don't want to lose the progress, plus i want to explore some esoteric avenues regarding SR and Chi energy

I'm noticing that if I get calm and visualize some spark at the base of my spine, then i pucker my anus really forcefully in a controlled slow fashion, I feel some kind of slight excitement in the back of my head.
Is there anyone that knows more about this stuff and perhaps knows some basic techniques to do some kundalini type stuff.
I understand the later stages of such energy work is when you can get your tongue into the nasopharyngeal area. Anyone every had success or got any tips for someone starting from zero?

why would you even do picrel lmao
Currently starting a 4-6 week minicut in which I will be in a 1000 calorie deficit. Will my nuked sex drive help with my streak or will the net gain be negative still from all the nutrient loss?
>how to swallow your own tongue
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So apparently in kriya yoga, this method called Kechari Mudra, allows the practitioner to complete the bodily electrical circuit, sending electricity directly into the pineal gland. Allows you to have bliss and enlightenment. Similar to kundalini yoga.
I don't know much about this stuff I am just learning. SR is heavily required in such disiplines from what I've read so far.

captcha: PPYHA
Get behind me satan
How do you get the tongue back to the normal place after doing it though
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It doesn't get stuck up there. Here is how it is supposed to work https://youtu.be/Upj5U1jx_WA?t=2786

The tonsils help this process. Why do you think (((doctors))) want kids to remove their tonsils when they get inflamed from too much goyslop?
Same reason porn is free.
Really gross!
Hope you succeed still I guess lol dont get possessed or something
You’re all going to get prostate cancer
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Need some advice on how best to resolve my extreme anger issues? I am currently at a month of SR. I started SR because I read that gooning makes a man the opposite of a calm man. I am constantly on edge. The smallest thing sets me off. I'll then go on a rant for a minute about how astronomically low the chances of that thing that pissed me off happens to me, and it happens. I'm probably attracting this shit to myself. But yeah, basically I am constantly pissed. 5 driving incidents happen to me going and coming from the grocery store down the street. I've got to honk at the person that takes 3 seconds to see the green light, or the fucker that is going 5 miles under. My girlfriend is a calm person and I get pissed at her constantly for things I feel are her going out of her way to inconvenience me, which I know is not true. Alternatively she is always on the edge as well, on guard of what next might piss me off. I am an all around negative person and it is fucking things up for me. I've got to always make comments to show my displeasure, even in public. For example, I often speak aloud to myself as I am walking to or away an even that is irritating me. Like some old lady taking forever to move out of my way. I'll be saying "Oh my God how long does it take to traverse 4 feet so I can get by" and I say it loudly enough for all to hear, not to the person, but just to no one in particular as I look menacingly ahead. I'm going to get a punch in the mouth eventually. Does anyone know the name of my personality disorder? Is it anti-social behavior or something.
I am trying to think positive thoughts. I fear gooning for years has fucked up my personality. I used to be a calmer person in my youth. Happy, got along with everyone. Now I get along with no one. Fuck bros any armchair psyco-analysts out there can help me out. Like I Said, I thought SR couldn't hurt plus gooning is the road to an early death.
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>N-NOO! You can't just stop gooning! If you don't self-peg with a dick piston machine while penetrating a vagina facsimile device and watching degenerate cuckhold porn so you can milk your prostate of your life energy, you are going to get prostate cancer!!!! I care about you I have to tell you with nothing to back up my claims!!!
Two more weeks.
i thought this was fukin joke lmao
Who here 200+ club?
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The best way to practice in my opinion Is to not allow the fire to rise in the first place. My longest streaks are the ones where I commit to staying cold. If the fire rises I'm tempted to imagine. If I imagine than it burns. The strongest benefits and fastest results happen to me when I lock in and simply don't allow the horny to manifest and block the imagination from automatically creating vivid sexual imagery.

Hard as shit the first time I did it. I felt actual pressure in my forehead. When I relapsed my first go around at 21 days it actually took effort to rouse the horny energy. Like I'd actually hit a switch that made me reluctant to let the fire rise.

Ever since then that lock in switch has been easier to click and it comes naturally. I don't have to be horny all the time and the moments I can feel myself get stimulated randomly by some nonsense I just do a nice deep breath. Nothing esoteric but it really helps. I also meditate far deeper and feel less afraid on SR. Especially if I'm locked in. You cannot go far edging or gooning without some extreme precautions and reasons.
Side note the first time I locked in I felt existential panic. Like I was panicking that id chosen to not coom for a seemingly indefinite period of time.

Doing things this way means fighting every single type of impulse at the root. Eventually the brain runs out of ways to make you say fuck it.
i am currently doing poop retention. its more powerful than semen retention in general
Day 70
i absentmindedly browsed 4chan until 4 am
this is not really good at all and i should really get on a good routine
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I fear this would lead me to suffocating and choking and then dying
Reminder to do multiple prostrations every morning! It guides creative energy and consciousness upwards the body, and makes the day easier, augments mental and physical capacity.
It also greatly reduces your odds of relapse, makes sexual thoughts weaker.
This also works for making the energy cycle through the body
Today I smiled at a coworker and she smiled back. What is this? Am I chad?
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I hope it was natural and not just you edging in the real world. Yes, even this will drain your ojas. Does that woman serve your life purpose in any way?
Don't grab your boner and don't scratch your balls!
I find when I wake up I have a tendency to grab my erection to feel its girth (it changes day to day) and sometimes when my balls itch I start to scratch them and this creates a boner and then I grab it. This is all subconscious primal behavior. So I nip it in the bud. If I have a boner I just let it be, no need to check on it. If I have an itch in my balls, I don't scratch, it will pass soon enough.
Also with the mind, your mind wants to fantasize about women and sex, separate yourself from your mind and watch it like a horny little pervert and laugh at it. How pathetic, needing constant affection and lust stimulation. Is this moment not good enough? To be alive and breathing is pleasure enough, no need to seek more.
I feel renewed and rejuvenated from female interactions like this.
Sometimes when I am alone at home and feel lots of urges I notice they come from the minds feeling of a lack of connection or a lack of recognition from the other sex so I go to the pool and hang out in the sauna and look at girls in bikinis and they look at me and you would call this edging but I do it without exploring my imagination or wanting more from the interaction but just an energetic exchange between masculine and feminine without touch or words, sometimes not even eye contact, just proximity. Then when I return home I have no more urges and feel satisfied as if I was relieved by a lover.
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The Greek God Dionysus was born to a mortal mother and therefore had to earn his place amongst the Gods.
He did manage to germinate the seed of divinity inside of him and thus became a fully fledged God and was able to join the others at mount Olympus which is why he is often beeing depicted with a pine cone staff.

Normie cattle think of Dionysus as a God of wine. Let that sink in.
The reason why certain individuals seethe so hard at men practicing semen retention is because they want to prevent to you from ascending and becoming something bigger than a mere mortal.
If you succeed you can no longer be forced to drink from the river of forgetfulness after you die. You can no longer be forced to reincarnate here.
You don't have the right, o you don't have the right.
You don't have the right, o you don't have the right.
I will retain and there's nothing you can do about it.
Thor, the Germanic God of Thunder (enlightenment) faced off with the world serpent multiple times but was only able to finally defeat it at Ragnarok when the serpents strength was at it's peak. After defeating it, he took exactly 9 steps and succumbed to it's venom. 9 steps representing the 9 worlds in Norse mythology.
Struggle with the serpent and win and you're no longer bound to just one realm, you're able to move around all 9 freely instead.
I'm very sure this is a psyop
>be me, ms13 nigger
>>we take SiLvEr
>>>William Shatner’d
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I'm at day 28 of semen retention. I fucked up though and it's a dirty streak.
The same thing happened to me, it's not a bug it's a feature, this society is infuriating and getting pissed off at the mediocrity and lack of competence around you is absolutely well adjusted, this isn't a joke or an exaggeration... If everyone were as angry as you are after a month of semen retention there would not be the corruption we see today, all the corrupt would have been deposed already. This is the conundrum I had too, it's genuinely an impairment to retain, as you have no doubt experienced. All I can suggest is to take up some physical activity that includes smashing things, I find that skateboarding fulfills this need for loud noise and kinetic force, I jump and slam the wheels on the pavement, powerslide and make a lot of noise, and it feels like it gets pent up energy out.
15 min repeating timer and no poasting make anon a dull boy
Post music that represents how you feel at the start of a streak
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One month for me. I don't feel like I've experienced any change from my fapping days.
Is it possible that someone is too far gone to heal? I'd say 20 years of being ignorant to the knowledge of SR. I understand the human body has a great ability to heal. I have not been tempted much. I have felt slight burst of happiness for small things but it is fleeting. When do I level up?
It took me about a year to feel like i had reached "lower-baseline" when i quit binge-drinking. I like to imagine it's going to take some time, im on day 65 btw
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Hey bro, I am a binge drinker myself. only had a couple in the last month. Fuck, this is going to take some time. I recall once, I stopped drinking for 3 months and still walked around like a zombie. The doctor said, "it can take some time". But he didn't say, stop cooming. I bet that has a lot to do with it.
Reduce screentime and improve your diet.
wtf is this pic rel supposed to be?
how do you deal with the feeling of being pent up or not having an outlet? Not necessarily horny just like somethings missing. Aggressive like I want to punch walls.

Also the morning hornees are nuts
Stop slipping up, you're better than this. Focus. YOU are in control, but your urges.
dear diary today i wrapped my dick in saran wrap
>Chapter 4
>pages 59, 60

>Physical relaxation plays a key role in the dehypnotization process. Our currently held beliefs, whether good or bad, true or false, were formed without effort, with no sense of strain, and without the exercise of "will power." Our habits, whether good or bad, were formed in the same way. It follows that we must employ the same process in forming new beliefs, or new habits, that is, in a relaxed condition.

>It has been amply demonstrated that attempting to use effort or will power to change beliefs or to cure bad habits has an adverse, rather than a beneficial effect. Emile Coué, the little French pharmacist who astonished the world around 1920 with the results he obtained with "the power of suggestion," insisted that effort was the one big reason most people failed to utilize their inner powers. "Your suggestions (ideal goals) must be made without effort if they are to be effective," he said. Another famous Coué saying was his "Law of Reversed Effort": "When the will and the imagination are in conflict, the imagination invariably wins the day."
My longest streak was 16 months. Looking back I can see that I had relapsed because of complacency and taking for granted all the benefits of SR. I had completely forgotten what it was like to feel down after a relapse.

And the inner voice of temptation began whispering to me every day:
>"Are you REALLY going to avoid sex and cooming the rest of your life?"
>"That's pretty lame for someone so young." (late 20s then)
>"You're kind of missing out on one of the best things about physical existence."
>"You need to be with a woman again at least one more time."
>"What if you die and your afterlife is full of regret over not having more intimate encounters?"

I relapsed with a hooker and even though she was a lovely person it wasn't worth it. The orgasm itself was weak and incredibly unsatisfying. It was expensive. Risky. Stupid waste of my time and just an expensive way of excusing myself of relapse. After that night I just let myself go and it was several months before I began SR again.

What I can tell you is that it's NEVER worth it to relapse. It doesn't help relieve stress for more than a few minutes and then the stress comes back even worse. Negative thoughts, demoralizing thoughts, they all come back and get worse after a relapse.
>The late Dr. Knight Dunlap made a lifelong study of habits and learning processes and perhaps performed more experiments along this line than any other psychologist. His methods succeeded in curing such habits as nailbiting, thumb-sucking, facial tics, and more serious habits where other methods had failed. The very heart of his system was his finding that effort was the one big deterrent to either breaking a bad habit, or learning a new one. Making an effort to refrain from the habit, actually reinforced the habit, he found. His experiments proved that the best way to break a habit is to form a clear mental image of the desired end result, and to practice without effort toward reaching that goal. Dunlap found that either "positive practice" (refraining from the habit) or "negative practice" (performing the habit consciously and voluntarily), would have beneficial effect provided the desired end result was kept constantly in mind.

>"If a response habit is to be learned, or if a response pattern is to be made habitual," he said, "it is essential that the learner shall have an idea of the response that is to be achieved or shall have an idea of the change in the environment that the response will produce . . . The important factor in learning, in short, is the thought of an objective to be attained, either as a specific behavior pattern or as the result of the behavior, together with a desire for the attainment of the object." (Knight Dunlap, Personal Adjustment, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.)
>In many cases, the mere relaxation of effort, or too much conscious straining, is in itself enough to eradicate the negative behavior pattern. Dr. James S. Greene, founder of the National Hospital for Speech Disorders, New York City, had a motto: "When they can relax, they can talk." Dr. Matthew N. Chappell has pointed out that often the effort or "will power" used to fight against or resist worry, is the very thing that perpetuates worry and keeps it going. (Matthew N. Chappell, How to Control Worry, New York, Permabooks.)

>Physical relaxation, when practiced daily, brings about an accompanying "mental relaxation," and a "relaxed attitude" which enables us to better consciously control our automatic mechanism. Physical relaxation also, in itself, has a powerful influence in "dehypnotizing" us from negative attitudes and reaction patterns.
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A question to those who slip up after extended periods (>90 days) of abstinence.
What do you think are the most driving factors that led you to slipping up?
I didn't really slip up. Every time ended because i decided to without even knowing it. I wanted to find out how it would be after reaching a new benchmark. Each "relapse" was different but exactly the same. After a couple of times i had found out all there was to know about slipping up so i just stopped since there was nothing new to know.
dear diary this shit did not work god damn i am stupid
Thanks for posting your experience. If we can learn from each other's mistake, we all get closer to making it.
Brothers, I have failed after several months. How do I get over the fear of getting prostate cancer? My lustful mind uses that study saying ejaculating 21 times a month reduces prostate cancer risk as justification for masturbating.
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captcha: SJWNJ

1. Over 99% of (((scientific studies))) are not able to be replicated.

2. That study is often cited in the lying fake news media as to scare us into coming otherwise you might get prostate cancer. The media are liars. Always do the opposite of what the media says.

3. That study looked only at self reported rates of ejaculation vs prostate cancer diagnosis’s and saw that those who ejactulated less frequently were also diagnosed with prostate cancer more frequently. There was no data in regards to actual cancer causing factors like weight, diet, exercise habits or environmental toxins so without knowing those factors there’s no way to point to ejaculation as being the cancer causing factor in their diagnosis. Also I believe the study was likely set up to achieve this result since unhealthy individuals who are at risk for cancer will also suffer from a low libido and naturally ejaculate less often so it’s a predictable outcome if you only look at those 2 factors.
last time I relapsed on a 3 month streak. Got a lot of free time (doing nothing), too many glimpses of naked woman on the internet, anxiety (waiting on final test scores). Also was kinda demotivated with life in general
Causation =/= correlation. The results of the study could be due to people with prostate cancer having a lower sex drive and thus ejaculating less often because the cancer makes them have a lower sex drive.
Then you're retarded and haven't read any sort of esoteric books regarding Kundalini or energy circulation.
How is this /x/ related just post on /b/ they need this more there anyway
Get help, there is no magic cure to anger issues. Go see a therapist, find some form of letting out your emotions in a healthy way, instead of ranting and raving about pointless shit that annoys you take a deep breathe and just move on with your day. Try journaling, let out your frustrations there.
Remember that YOU choose how you feel and how you react to the world around you. If you don't want to be angry all the time, choose to not be angry.
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>Day 2
>biggest streak of the month
>also i stopped the carnivore diet in the past few days so regaining the fat but less horny.

Shit is difficult but summer is in a couple of months here. I will reach it on a long clean streak and while being lean.
The namefag has a point and I would add that you should literally just do things that are calming and productive. You need to learn to restrain yourself, and having a calm mind before society comes in to try and piss on your parade helps. Fuck therapy, if you're as far along psychologically as I think you may be, that will only make you angrier.
interesting, i made similar experiences when i looked at women in a park or on campus - it was sometimes more intense than physical contact.
based interpretation of the otherworldly element in this Germanic myth.
Take magnesium and holy basil
I’m very sure these people would say otherwise
I haven't jerked off for almost 4 months. Not because of SR woo-woo shit, but because I felt gross doing it and didn't like the time it took out of my day.

I do notice there are times recently where I really feel like I want to get off, which is weird, but they pass. Sometimes I'll fluff a bit, get close to an edge, but then I get that gross feeling and just stop again.
No idea why I started getting that feeling either.

I wonder if some changes will happen if I continue?
What do you expect to change?
Who cares Derkas shit in the streets
I experienced nocturnal emission yesterday and it cancelled my streak since August!

I remember the wet dream vividly too. The dream was: there was 8 women lined up to wrestle me nude and I had to grapple them one by one. All kinds of gorgeous 10/10 women of all races. 1 was White, 2 was Asian, 3 was Latina, 4 was Russian, 5 was Czech, 6 was French, 7 was Irish, 8 was black
By he time I defeated the 7th I was tired. The 8th one knows this and decided to curveball me by bringing another additional woman to join her in a 2 on 1 match against me. The additional woman was a platinum blonde albino. Felt symbolic and metaphorical in a way. Ebony and Ivory struggling against me. Me containing and taming my light and dark side. My struggle between good and evil as a neutral individual. Their bodies all over mine in this intense embrace. Next thing I know I wake up from a handsfree orgasm.
+1 magnesium glycinate to help reduce anger and irritability on SR

Also lifting weights, eating enough healthy protein carbs and fats (not fasting), and transmuting excess energy upward
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>theme for thread

Whats up niggas, the biggest understanding is that not only does nutting not fill the void but makes it bigger. WHY nut then? Couldn't convince me to
well, considering i can barely make it a month now and have had multiple year plus streaks under my belt... i'm not even sure. maybe self-doubt? maybe an incredible fear.
mark me down for 0 days, boys. i fugged it up.
Anyone on longer streaks feel like a lot of music these days has some demonic energy behind it? I cant listen to the same music I used to anymore, it seems like a demon took over the persons body and made it say specific words. It makes me sad that a lot of people listen to it and don't notice what nonsense they're putting into their brains, all of this poverty, violence and anti-social behavior.
>I'm probably attracting this shit to myself.
>I'll be saying "Oh my God how long does it take to traverse 4 feet so I can get by" and I say it loudly enough for all to hear
you can either use substitution and say something positive or not saying nothing at all and take a deep breath, preferably while in the sun, if possible. i occasionally check this thread, if you do consider this approach please don't hesitate to post the results. consider the approach as tempering your temperament. while i find it ironic both words have temper in them don't make an assumption on their meaning. if you don't know what i mean read the meaning yourself so you have a reference point.
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94 days.
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Is the depth of your voice like the ultimate test if lets say you practiced dry orgasm inside a pussy and you're trying to determine if you should keep counting your streak? Sometimes I fear I lost a few drops, but it's hard to tell if what you feel flowing out is precum or what.
day 71
not doing well mentally
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If you don't meditate while practicing retention, it will not work and it is useless. Holding in your life force is ONLY worth doing if you direct it up the spine to achieve higher states of consciousness more easily and rapidly.

How to do this?
>Sushumna Central Channel Breathing
Draw up the energy from your perenium up your spine to your head with each inbreath and imagine it expanding out to your whole body with each outbreath

>Ham Sa Breathing
Gnostic name for it, but technically the same as Wim Hof breathing, Big breathe in, short sharp breath out. Done for reps and sets. Split it up throughout the day, or whenever you feel urges, or blockages in your spine or body.

>Perfect Concentration on Third Eye
Seated or laying down, for minimum 30 mins.
Choose a mantra, whatever you like really
And mentally repeat it at the point behind your eyes. Listen to it internally, to each syllable, over and over again until the mind is quiet or completely silent. Then you can stop the mantra and expand your focus to anything behind your eyes, darkness, light, shapes, patterns, visions, inner sounds like bells or whistles [only in the right ear, left ear will draw energy down toward the body]
Pulling all awarness up into the point behind your eyes will allow you to eventually consciously access your higher bodies, astral, mental, causal. Remember who you are, access inner knowledge, razor sharp intuition, supernatural abilities, all that stuff.

Use your nut as fuel to expand yourself to your true and expansive self. If not used for such comprehensive self development, then semen retention is a cope and a larp.
Also it is only abstinence from ejaculation, all other aspects of sexuality should function as normal. Obviously masturbation will make your goal needlessly more difficult, but sexual intercourse is valid
>If you use it to succeed in business, or get attention from women, or lift more weights, you are a retard, and do not deserve the higher conscious states.
this is how you guys all sound to me:
Die in a fire Subhuman demonic beings.
yeah fr. The gay Pajeet is back to drive everyone away with his homosexuality and patheticness trying to get people to swallow their own tongue and shit.
Go coom some more loser
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv today ?
You tell me Shlomo Coomerberg.

Probably cloudy with scatterings of vaporized Palestinians.

Christ is King,
Coomers are Satans Golems,
KikeNiggers tongue my anus
>Christ is king
>talks about vaporizing Palestinians
Ya did know Jesus was Palestinian, right anon?
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Idk if anyone else can do this, but I can just like uhhh keep stimulating it and I basically have a mega-gasm and don't actually ejaculate. All my cum stays inside me (no homo) and I still get to screw my face up and pant a bunch as I pathetically writhe around cooming. Best of both worlds.
Yeah that's a dry orgasm, I only relapse in dry orgasms these days.
You’re still damaging your central nervous system with an overload. The orgasm is nothing but a temporary fleeting experience which then leads to lethargy and weakness.
Nta, but to me dry orgasms give me a massive boost in energy, it almost guarantees I won't sleep well if I do it at night. Mine do however include sexual alchemy where I move the energy up the spine together with the orgasm, feeling the pleasure in the spine and throughout my body.
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Palestinians are the only remaining genetic Jews, most are now pozzed Muzzies, Khazak Kikes are trying to wipe them out for good.
Jesus is independent of any race, ethnicity, bloodline. The Christ within is available to all, spic, nigger, kike, through the inner transformation of the consciousness through the erradication of judgement and the cultivation of agape.
Semen demons want you to lose your base, and motivation to ever develop yourself to what you could be, with most foregoing the soul realization in exchange for many moments of fleeting pleasure
>I can’t sleep at night because my nervous system is irritated and unbalanced
No shit.
You’re in the wrong thread. Get your faggy degenerate approach to SR out of here. Nobody cares what you do by yourself all day. SR is about finding healthier alternatives to that kind of lifestyle and enjoying the benefits.
That's what I do when I relapse though, while still retaining the semen, kinda the name of this general. It's also a really good thing to practice on a woman. It's advanced and shouldn't be recommend to noobs, but very handy
Keep it to yourself asshole. You’re demotivating and nobody needs to try and follow in your homosexual footsteps. You’re still obsessed with sexual stimulation and you’ll be reincarnated as a gay man who gets aids and loses his family.
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SR without sexual energy transmutation is a fruitless lifestyle that will result in demoralized and fractured men with an un-integrated shadow self.
This will make black-pilled incels and future sex-mad rapists.

So of course all the kikes in this thread are against anything that empowers the individual to use their own energies for self-discovery and self-manifestation in this kike-carnival of a world.
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Yeah you know what I'll let the kike talk to himself all day, very clear he's trying to create division, again, dry-orgasm, anti-dry orgasms, christ vs anti-christ, /pol/ vs anti /pol/, etc...
It's so obvious pathetic and boring, soon he'll make essayposts to himself all day long
oh and projecting his homosexuality on others.
It’s time to fuck off back to your containment board.

Anyone who writes more than a few sentences here at a time seems to be a Semitic shill.
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This should be posted every thread. Catholic priests had a 39% lower risk of prostate cancer than the general population. Also, 15% reduction in all-cause mortality.

I work hard and I'm unfortunately psychic. I'm allowed to feel good sometimes
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Another study I just found:

>Nordic priests had a lower cancer incidence than the general population (overall SIR 0.85, 95% CI: 0.82-0.88).

>Protestant ministers consistently were found to have more than a 25% mortality advantage in various studies. Catholic nuns had a mortality advantage of roughly 20%–25%, whereas the mortality advantage of Catholic priests was just over 10%.

Coomer cope
Lppk, if god didn't want me cooming, he wouldn't have made my mouth able to reach down there.
When you write vile things like this you’re just revealing your true, Satanic nature to us. Do you even realize how much we’ve learned just from observing you lose your shit here?
Who cares bro, dirty streaks arent that bad sometimes u feel literally dead and u have 2 tempt the fire abit 2 feel smth. Just dont overdo it. Fantasize few min, some strokes etc. The important thing is what u do most of the time and not releasing. If u worry 2 much ur gonna fuck up more likely. Also power dont rly subside 4 me 4 smth like that, but desu Ive released maybe 5 times this year
>if you don't coom you will get prostate cancer
If this was true then how come we don't see massive amounts of prostate cancer occurring in male mammals since they only ejaculate once a year, if they are lucky? The explanation for retention causing cancer is that toxins build up in the prostate because your semen will "spoil" and ejaculation "cleans your pipes". Why would this only be true for humans but not the rest of the animal kingdom?
well done, any report or benefits you noticed?
I know the claim is bogus, I just like to point out the logical flaws in the claim.
What's wrong, fren?
Is there a prayer or mantra to stop pornography and masturbation?
Everyone is psychic, dipshit. It came free with your fucking consciousness.
This is true. Why do you think pornography is free to access? If something is happening, a person has to approach the situation of "Why is this happening? Who stands to benefit? Who stands to lose?". In this case, the elites who run our corrupt countries would push out pornography in order to pacify the population and allow them to get away with continually lowering standards in public services and the like.
>All I can suggest is to take up some physical activity that includes smashing things, I find that skateboarding fulfills this need for loud noise and kinetic force, I jump and slam the wheels on the pavement, powerslide and make a lot of noise, and it feels like it gets pent up energy out.
I've always wondered if NPCs have this innate desire to make as much noise as possible so they feel more secure in their environments. You'll never find an NPC being quiet by himself, he's always with a group and always talking nonstop. Banging things around. Stomping on the floors. FUcking obnoxious.
I've found that mantra only made mine worse.
You need to be purified BEFORE you start invoking mantras etc..
Nobody told me that. I believe that Invoking mantras only spiralled me downwards into more degeneracy. Because I didn't do the necessary preparatory work. Nobody told me.
I've heard that even meditation is dangerous if you've got unconscious "baggage" lurking deep in your psyche.
And I've found this to be true.
I've been thinking about what I must have done in past lives to be reincarnated as a degenerate coomer. I believe I have trauma from a young age (possibly abused) but I have no memory of it and can't prove it. I've always been addicted to drugs and alcohol (and masturbation) possibly to cope with some deep wound.
I feel like I have no way out bros.
>”just give up and coom guys”
>how come we don't see massive amounts of prostate cancer in male mammals since they only ejaculate once a year, if they are lucky?
Only in a species that farms, medicine, or laws do individuals live long enough to catch cancer and die. Cancer is common in people above 40 or those with a genetic predisposition. Neither of which most mammals will get to achieve because they are too busy dying from starvation or natural predators, which doesn't happen often with humans.
It is because most NPCs lack the ability to have an "inner monologue" which can entertain a person in the absence of acting like a loud cunt. Generally the lower the IQ, the more they hate quietness.
Good tips anon. I appreciate you.
>Is this moment not good enough? To be alive and breathing is pleasure enough, no need to seek more.
this would completely defeat the purpose for me
I want to be less stable, less grateful, more driven to keep trying to better my situation because lack of sex and intimacy is hard. why would I try to mindfulness my way out of what my instincts are all pushing towards? not whacking off and having casual sex are means to an end, not an end itself. this is why buddhism, stoicism, christianity etc are old man's philosophies, not really well suited for young people
Just having a bad few days I guess... I should be doing better soon. I think it could be worse
I have question
Do you experience any paranormal phenomena during nofap. Like coincidences, lost friends or girlfriends seeking you out. Kids randomly walking up to you. Animals seems to like you more and so on.
I have been a recluse for close to 2 years, ghosted my friends due to insecurities.
I'm on a 4, count hem, 4 days pure streak and this morning the cops knocked at my door looking for a guy, which lead me to talk to a friend who I haven't spoken to in years who invited me to a party this weekend
Thats crazy coincidence isn't it. I need more testimonies, I have theory why is this happening.
I am sending positive energy to you through the Internet. You will start to experience better look and a better outlook in the coming days weeks and months. Enjoy!
How should I know? I did it for reasons completely separate to SR. I know little to nothing about the stuff talked about in this thread.
So I guess whatever people here think will change?
I'm the same guy but I can give you a bunch of unusual stuff that never happened to me outside of a perfectly clean (important) streak, some of which I already recount in these threads
>be on vacation with parents, clean streak, as we're sitting down a girl sitting next table spergs out so much even my mom asks me if I noticed
>a few days later my mom's cousin invites us to dinner, she invites my cousin (her niece) whom I ghosted due to insecurities and haven't seen in years, we have a great evening and I mend the bridge
>get few other occasions in that vacation to pull ballsy stunts I wouldn't usually attempt
>I'll admit this one is a bit of a stretch but a few days ago I go to the gym with my dad, there's a girl my age and the first time I saw her I thought "this girl could kill me and I have no chance" so I haven't really paid much attention to her, that day I dropped my routine sheet down the loft and it got stuck in an inconvenient place and she came over to see what was going on and made a spergy observetion, which I found odd, later as she was getting out the gym she dropped her earbuds down the loft and made another spergy odd joke and my dad told me I should go help her look for it but he was joshing and I don't think he noticed anything I haven't
I'll say it seems that weird shit happens to me only on really clean streaks where I haven't watched porn at all. I had longish streaks where I still watched porn and nothing happened
>My girlfriend is a calm person and I get pissed at her constantly for things I feel are her going out of her way to inconvenience me, which I know is not true.
lmao normalfags are so fucking retarded. I really hope that vax die off is real
Thanks :)
Try your longest clean streak and report back, do it for my own private research. Too bad not many men who practice nofap notice such coincidences or straight out refuse to believe in paranormal. This is probably only website on Internet with good amount of people who share same beliefs and are spiritually linked
alright so people here are giving generic, useless advice about positive thinking, being calm and other bullshit but there's a chance your anger issues are linked to being a high performer in some way, and part of why your gf is attracted to you in the first place
what are you really good at?
SR gives your more fuel (energy). Imagine a rsge furnace. SR is like coal. You get more coal now, but you keep putting it in the wring furnace.

How to fuel the proper furnace? Study moral virtue and philosophy. Meditation is also a great way to consciously choose where your energy goes.

Meditation allows you to update your software, instead of having it be ran by a random software that is ooersting right now.
it does and it is. repetitive choruses/chants become akin to prayer/magic.
i try to stick to vgm, osts, synthwave, classical/orchestral, as well as instrumental music.
a lot of music is not-so-secretly depressing on multiple levels.
You sure you're not simply bitter and envious that other people have a partner or loved ones in their lives so you choose to create a version of them in your head that you can hate just to vent your own misery and depression?
Whales have a 200 year lifespan and don’t get cancer. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
I feel like porn has pushed me into someone I do not want to be. I have seen lots of stuff and most of it was pretty much crazy. This has formed me into someone I did want to be. However I agreed to contract of this society and jacked off every day.

In order to throw away juveline toys and became mature male, I'm quitting porn permanently. I do not want to regret my life as my body gets older and weaker while having juveline emotions and mind.

There will be many, many many men who will wake up in old man body, look into mirror and will ask where has my life went. Well old man, it went all into fucking porn.

This will cause lots and lots of regret, rise in ultra militant movement to fight for whatever cause will give them most satisfying end to their wasted life. To solve problem they caused themselves. To problem they agreed to participate in.
Another day of clean streak.

Still eating unhealthy goyslope, so probably not a coincidence that I'm not having urges.
You can't even laugh at yourself a little. You're that serious about cum. Instead of laughing a little you accuse others of being demons.
you're right
I have lived endless aeons
I'm done with the game
your like a moody kindergartener
those are demonic possessions or programs
you have 2 brains
the self and the persona/ego
they are your thoughts but implanted to feel like they're not your thoughts. then in your intuition recognize it as such without alerting the mind and ask yourself, "are they my persona?"
then the thought form or program will fizzle out as it paradoxes out of existence
you literally just have to build your consciousness and balance it as taught in the tree of life in various religions that use the concept
>this would completely defeat the purpose for me
>i want to have fun and consume i want to remain in my reptilian part of the brain
its impossible unless the person you are talking to has learned humility in their life. socio economic factors, genetic factors dictate how your human vessel will react to electric stimuli. i think about platos cave. how the people deepest in the material realm are entrenched to the shadows on the wall or in other words everything around them and those who make it out of the platos cave through perseverance are basically the righteous people. "higher understanding of truth and reality" was platos public quote. the string of words "too simple to be true" is great as truth is simple. just build empathy and dont be stuck in our reptilian part of the brain, the autonomous part that dictates your breathing, hearth pumping, etc. its very simple to just sit back in your human vessel and have random stimuli dictate your actions. The pons and the medulla oblongata that seperates our brain medically speaking are responsible for this and how it can make a humanoid reactionary to stimuli. learning empathy leads to the possibility of learning humility. derive wisdom from your experience/knowledge. you literally just have to build your consciousness and balance it as taught in the tree of life in various religions that use the concept.
the whole point of the experience is to stop acting like a ego driven animal. if you let the reptilian brain dictate your stimuli then you are literally the same as an animal. you dont even use your upper brain, the actual human brain. you just rely on the brain stem to send you inputs as a reaction. its why some races have genetic factors that they can overcome through perseverance. building their consciousness.
I think I accidentally got myself addicted to 4chan
everything impacts the human vessel
food, water, the radiation around you, the people around you, your environment. your genetics. literally spiritual beings in other dimensions impact your consciousness. BUT you can literally break free of your shackles if you through perseverance practice balancing as taught in the tree of life and yogi practices. native american practices. THINKING/MINDFULLNESS. you cannot begin this by not building your empathy. learn the 7 and 12 chakra systems and build your dantiens. you can keep your mind silent. if you have a kundalini system then USE it. unburdened.
After starting semen retention I realize how my ex gf was dragging me down, making me lazy giving me bjs practically everyday...I was in hedonistic heaven, but what would've become of my life if I didn't break up with her? Thank God I'm free but I hate myself for having made that spiritual connection with her. God really is just trying to protect us all along
if both of you practiced energy exchange then there would be no problem, you would both be enriched by masculine and feminine energy mixing however sodomy is wrong regardless
i appreciate your humor of your post
Nta, but it happens.
Always remember to practice moderation in everything you do in life.
Too much of anything -- even something "good" -- can eventually turn into a poison if consumed with reckless abandon.

Take some time to read a book. Maybe meditate? That's what helps me recalibrate internally. Don't let yourself become a slave to your impulses and searching out quick dopamine hits. Train your mind to find the dopamine through the process of discovery and not through empty outcomes or momentary pleasures. It sounds easy, and it is, but it's developing the habit that is a bit hard at first.
Best of luck, anon. Godspeed.
Posting here because I need this general to remind me that I need to stop being an animal already
goated anon, i wanna buy you a beer
I know you're 100% right and I should get into that
I feel kind of silly since I was using another board to vent but I guess writing and replying to posts for like 2 days straight was enough to let me hooked on (you)s
It doesnt really help that ive been having really low motivation for like a month now but I really really have to get back into good habits again
Anyway I guess I could just write some other thoughts: I was feeling quite bad, but compared to last month that I did something pretty regretful when the moon was full (I swear Im not a schizo but it does affect me), I guess only feeling like shit is an improvement so I guess my mentsl issue is getting better? idk
In relation to SR, urges are still low which is great but Id really like just not having any. But I suppose that's too much to ask.
I've still been praying daily, though I havent been that on track with energy meditation.
Take saw palmetto if you're so worried
Bros I fucking hate my life. I've been trying to stop doing this for years now. I was able to go an entire month but that was 5 years ago and these days I can get to about a week before it becomes too overwhelming and I get stuck in the cycle again. What am I doing wrong? I noticed it feels like stress builds up to a point (even though I try to manage it) and my brain basically forces me to coom to prevent meltdown or something. I truly don't know what I'm doing wrong. I just needed to vent I'm so tired of being in this fucking cycle.
how long do you spend meditating? do you look at enticing images of women? do you mindlessly consume media? do you exercise? do you go out in nature? do you have a good schedule for sleep? do you do intentional breathing practise? prayer? belief in a higher power?
Stop being kid and take your own matters into your hand. You post here calls for childish attention. No matter the age you are still immature
you know me better than I know myself
you readin the bible? read the new testament, whats there to lose?
Ever since beginning my nofap/SR journey a few months ago, I have become a voracious reader. I've converted my extra energy to reading and thus to knowledge. It has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience, there are so many books out there that I never would have had the focus and concentration to read.
Any recommendations?
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What I've been doing now is reading genre fiction and then reading non-fiction about a topic that I find interesting. For example now I am reading The Whisperer in Darkness, which is a collection of HP Lovecraft's stories. Also I am reading this book called the Holographic Universe, because I am interested in meta physics, fringe science and stuff like that. /lit/ has lots of recommendations in terms of scifi fantasy and horror. I am also going through the Golden dawn self initiation right now. If you like mysticism, spirituality, psychology etc, maybe pic rel will give you something that looks interesting to you.

I've also started watching films from the 50's and 60's, things that I would consider boring before my journey.
Stop being an animal you fucking degenerate coomer. Take control of your life.
Overcoming cooming addiction isn't easy since your cock is attached to you at all times. Sex is the strongest force on the planet, the struggle is part of the process. Nobody said it was gonna be easy.
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Read chapter 13 of Psycho-Cybernetics
Here's a quick rundown.
>practice without pressure
>rats that are allowed to wander a maze while fed don't appear to learn anything
>but when those same rats are released in the maze while starving, they rush to the goal, showing they memorized the layout
>rats that are introduced to the maze while starving struggle to learn the layout, and still struggle in repeat trials
>people work the same way
>people who practice fire drills when there is no fire learn the escape routes easily
>when there actually is a fire, they fall into their calm practiced behavior and escape quickly
>people who do not participate in the fire drills take many times longer to learn the escape routes
>Jim Corbett invented the term shadow-boxing
>he would practice his moves in the mirror, then fall into those patterns in the boxing ring
>shadow-boxing works for a bunch of other stuff, including baseball, sales, shooting, social settings, and on and on
This is something you could try the next time you relapse. After you coom, you will have a few days where the urges are relatively easy to ignore, if there are any urges at all. While you are in this calm phase, practice going through the motions of escaping your bad habit. Sit at your computer, or lie in bed with your phone, and open your favorite porn site. Calmly look at it for a few seconds, then take a deep breath, and exhale slowly. Slowly and deliberately close the tab. Stand up. Take another deep breath and stretch your arms. This is your fire drill, you're practicing your escape route when there is no crisis. Do this at least ten times per day. When you're not at home, if porn pops up in your imagination, then pause and calmly go through the same motions in your imagination. Then, when the urges come and put your brain in crisis mode, you will be able to calmly get up and do something else.
Takes really high willpower to not rape women while doing this haha
Gf is stealing my energy.
I can fuck without cumming but I feel low energy anyways
what about this book have you actually tried?
I haven't jerked off in about 2-3 weeks now, not noticing any difference to be honest.
with patience and diligence, practice pulling back and watching thoughts, whether theyre good or bad. watch them, let them pass as if theyre clouds. you arent thoughts youre the awareness
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Lately I've been noticing a lot of posts saying things like "I've been doing SR for a month now and I don't notice any benefits." When I see these posts I think it's either a new demoralization tactic by coomer shills or these anons have really unhealthy diets and lifestyles and their mind/body/soul connection is very damaged.
wow, sounds like useful advice anon
>Gf is stealing my energy.
does she have black hair and black eyes?
I tend to notice on long streaks that you develop and actual and burning desire for the opposite sex.
I use my SR Powers for des-lesbianize women
definitely read that chapter if you have time
I have a theory that SR does not yeild same resulys for everyone. In fact, they differ drastically.

For me personally, after a month, shit got really crazy. I will not go into details, but I only learned about paranornal SR affects after I started researching becsuse of what was happening in my life.

Obviously I shared with my friends that SR did good things for me, hiwever, I did not mention anything like magnetism - I wanted to see whether they will come to me with similar experiences.

One of my friends (the only one who actually had the discipline) went 6 months without any changes, other than having a lot of energy for the gym. Many times I was fishing to see whether he will mention anything big, he never did.

So yeah, SR is a big mystery, I only know it is real becsuse of what I have personally exoerienced.
Magnetism? What kind of stuff? I'm on month five and haven't really paid attention, but I have noticed that I can go deeper in meditation which is interesting.
Ya man this shit is like heroin withdrawal. Even when Im doing well, it waits for me to be tired and exhausted, then it strikes, and these are battles which are trruly difficult that separate strong men from the weak.
No it isn't you fucking retarded infrasexual. It's energy that very rapidly regenerates because he's keeping his semen, and in the process the orgasm can have tremendous healing benefits.
I would like to point out that I have come to beleive that magentism is an irrelavent byproduct of SR, and can not be obtained if it is being chased. Ironically, it will inly happen if you truly don't care about external validation, which makes it essentialy useless - you get it once you don't give a shit, and can not obtain it if you want it.

For me, only 3 weeks in it became weird how pretty women were spawning around me, wherever the fuck I would go. Then some very attractive girls would randomly strike me up, touch me, lean against me etc. something that never happened to me before was now happening all the time, and I didnt do anything different, other than SR.

One of the weirdest in my opinion was a month in when my female coworker, who is a feminist and is married, and usually dresses very casual not even feminine, started coming to the office with full on make up and high heels, something she has never done before nor since.

I couldnt help but notice these chsngez as they becone frequent and obvious.

Once again, now a bit deeper into this journey, I do think this is irrelevant and just a byproduct of something much greater.
This is good thank you.
I'm in love with someone and would rather keep hold of the special energy and focus on them in the other realms.
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Holy fuck I need a girlfriend so bad, and friends too, I JUST WANNA BE A NORMIE/FAILED NORMIE SO FUCKIFG BAD AHHHHHH
Depends. If you masturbate, or even worse if you masturbate with porn, and have a non ejaculatory orgasm, it is damaging because the energy is nit balanced.

If you have a non ejaculatory orgasm while having sex with a woman you love, it is healing.
People who have not experienced any paranormal stuff while doing SR are pretty much retarded normies who think it will give them woman out of nowhere (it will). Anyway that's not the point. It's the energy it gives you to act, it puts you into situations, things in motion. It releases you from prison you build yourself while being idle ass faggot feeding on your mom and dad or govemrennt. You actually live life without regret. No matter the situation be it good or bad, this sex divine energy of creation is creating coincidences you were supposed to have long fucking time ago. If you do something drastic like showing your penis outside to random women so be it. You're that horny pervert, you're now actor in your story
You became MC and There will be character development. You're ready to mature, no matter the age you currently have.
And another one. Very little urges. Probably because a bad diet
Which warhammer 40k faction would be the biggest supporters of semen retention
Dont know about 40k, but Mazdamundi is on SR for sure
Yes, you do get more vital energy, but this requires actual energy work to be harnessed, and even then its only subtle, the real transformation which corresponds to the first step of the alchemical process, purification, occurs when you take conscious effort to perfect your character, which in itself is a difficult step, never mind the fact that its just the first step
People like you are the real shills here, because you give anons insanely unrealistic expectations of what SR is, in fact you miss the point of it completely. No, you don't experience paranormal shit simply by not wanking. It is the virtue you cultivate from not being a lustful coomer that is the crucial part of this practise. If you think the way the universe is designed, that simply not touching your penis is going to create such grandiose effects, then you have a fundamentally flawed view of everything.
What is the next steo after perfecting the character? As far as my understsnding goes, the goal is a virtous life, with a vritous character, which I got from philosophy. What more to it is there?
Dissolution, which as I understand is releasing impurities, mental constructs you created for example that might have made your life easier, at this point is when you actually start to see real material changes, but its not all positive as you're basically accelerating the process of burning your karma which is a difficult process.

Yes, at the end it is a state of pure virtue, essentially you are one with eternal Goodness, God is eternal Goodness after all, for he gives and gives and never takes, in these difficult times the virtue you cultivate is the ultimate protection, any negativity sent ur way just bounces off you
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Do I need to meditate to max out my SR benefits? Anyone who has done SR with and without meditation that can attest to any differences?
Good luck, fren.
poor anon that's toxic gooner mindset
Saw some pron the 'log and I felt nothing. No chemical rush, no curiosity. Bros I think I am healing...
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Is not semen retention.. is no fap.
if you edge you lose a lot of the benefits, even if you manage to retain your semen.
Once I relapsed after a clean streak of several months.

The comer brain pathways are still there. Don't test your luck anon.
You should meditate for sure. Meditation allows you to make more conscious decisions that are rational, rather than reacting based on emotional responses and stimuli.

Imo it is a must. Read the first few chapters of "The mind illuminated" to get started.
>magnetism is an irrelevant byproduct of SR, and can not be obtained if it is being chased.
somewhat agree.
> it will only happen if you truly don't care about external validation
hold up, caring for something and chasing something are not always bound together. You can still care about something and also not chase it. I just want to point this out because SR has helped me discover my passion which is to serve others, and my expectation is that this passion will evolve into something different in the future and I am using this as a springboard. The main direct beneficiaries of this are the people that are inside of my sphere of influence. This requires me to constantly pay attention to people around me and apply insight into what act of service would be truly helpful and impactful to that person. The thing I agree with you about on your point of "chasing" is that it's easy to put the attraction benefit of SR on a pedestal and then you can easily start emanating a vibration of desperation, which is what sabotages the attraction benefit and will repel people. Also, the discussion of attraction and magnetism benefits on SR it is usually in the context of attraction from beautiful women and if that's the only thing your paying attention to or expecting to be get attraction from then your giving off coomer vibes which is also a repellent.

My thought is that external attraction and validation is not something that you have to 100% ignore or reject pursuit of, because when you receive it is an indication you are on the right path, and depending on what your passion is (like serving people) it can actual be a necessary component to enhance the impact of service. For some retainers though, attraction won't be necessary at all it it will be an irrelevant byproduct because they have different passions and pursuits.
I believe that we are put in this realm to create beautiful things, because if you have religious beliefs then your god has created you, the most wondrous creation and you are commanded to mimic your god. If you don't have religious beliefs you still need to pursue creation because the energy of this universe is a creation energy that began as chaotic matter and began organizing itself over a long period of time into something wondrous and beautiful, you which you should honor by your creations. Creation is ultimately the purest form of manifestation, imagination and self expression that we can bring forth into this realm
by the way I found out that I may know the gym girl in this story, I thought I knew her but wasn't sure cause autism but 2day I overheard her name and it matches, we went to the same middleschool, never really talked to her at the timer but next time I catch her I'm gonna talk to her just to be polite
Not sure if the magnetism has lessened or I just don't care anymore because I just notice girls looking at me less, but last week I got a girls number (she didn't message back), had three job interviews and just landed a job from one of them. I'm also about to go for my car license in a week. For reference I was a complete no-life NEET a year ago going nowhere. I've been undisciplined with my spiritual practice lately though, so I'm hoping to kick start that again when things have settled a bit. I just feel to strung out mentally for total discipline when it comes to inner alchemy at the moment.

The biggest benefit is a massive reduction in overall anxiety, particularly socially. I'm not the most charismatic or well adjusted person but if someone gives me a little to bounce off I feel I can just chew the air with ease. If I fuck up I just care less. I might get a little embarrassed and punch myself after but it's not this completely anxiety inducing thing like it used to be in the past. I've had multiple people describe me as outgoing or extroverted recently when I've always considered myself anything but. The downsides have been an uptick in anger and overall frustration if I'm honest, but I think the increase in life force energy is bringing up a lot of repressed parts of my psyche from past trauma. I'm hoping I can get that in check once I get back into meditation/yoga/prayer/reading again.
Guys imagine a 50v50 fight against the faggots in succubus thread. We would absolutely destroy them, I dont think a single one of us would go down, literally 50-0
Indeed it does make things happen. The energy has to go somewhere and cannot be contained.
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>day 4
Oh yes I'm starting to feeling it.
What is happening thus far that is not paranromal
More charisma
Better looking
Enjoy music alot

The paranormal part
Lots of coincidences, met my brother after several 6 months, ex gf added me on telegram today, people look into my eyes from far far away, insane dream about knowing ancient slavic language which can bend reality through feelings

It's clean no porn no edge nofap its much more potent than edging.
We are so fucking back
what is the succubus thread even trying to do? like, is the goal to trigger lucid dreams where you fuck hot demon girls or something? or are they just cooming to porn and pretending that a succubus is harvesting their energy from it?
I heard that meditation helps you to circulate the energy that builds up from SR, allowing you to actually utilize it.

I don't mind being an emotional person. I'm an artist. But I do want to circulate this energy.
When does our body reabsorb the semen in our testicles?
It only takes around 2 weeks. It’s being produced all the time, and doesn’t really change its rate. Given that you could theoretically cum every day, and give out a decent size every time, it’s not that difficult to see how around 2 weeks your balls will be “full”

72-90 days is how long it takes for sperm to mature, but for the majority of that time, it’s not actually capable of being sent out the body. But a lot of midwits apparently think that as soon as you cum, your body has to begin creating sperm again and it won’t mature until 90 days later, as if your body doesn’t already contain varying amounts of sperm that’s 80/70/60/etc. days into the process already.

But that’s just sperm. Semen, the liquid that contains the sperm, well I’m not sure about that. This community rarely discusses the difference between the two, and how the retention of either might be more beneficial than the other. Soience certainly doesn’t have the answers yet.
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Had a wet dream for the first time since starting around 2 months ago (haven’t been counting the days). Since the sperm that was ejaculated was created back when I regularly coomed, does it mean that now I’ll get higher quality sperm that will enhance the benefits further?
Ironic how doing SR will attract succubi more than anything they preach in that general.

I get visited maybe once a week.
>I get visited maybe once a week
the fuck does this even mean? you have a dream where you fuck a hot girl?
Early mornings my root center sometimes lights up and then I'll feel a presence from behind trying to prod at it. Sometimes they'll pull me into an astral projection experience and then yeah it can turn to sex with something that can appear as a hot girl.
alcohol/weed or when I failed at something
Life feels like a movie to me on SR. Interesting things happen out of nowhere and I have stories to tell now
Yes, but SR is far more focused on the esoteric/spiritual element of it. Chastity, meditation, physical exercise, reading philosophy is all things you can do while on no fap, but doing some (but not necessarily all) of these things is essential for semen retention to take place.
Yup, I had the same thing happen to me too. I lost my year+ streak like that. Throwing away more than 365 days of discipline just to coom to some mediocre porn in less than 5 minutes was a terrible mistake that I recommend anons don't make.
Excellent insight.
I had similar things happen. The nightmares were all terrible and at a certain point the illusion would be dropped and whatever sexiness was going on would be replaced by some horrific scene of grotesque horror.
Semen is either reabsorbed after something like 70 days and recycled into producing new sperm. Depends if the wet dream had actual cum or just precum, since precum doesn't have sperm in it and is just prostate fluid. My current working theory is that semen wet dreams are far more deleterious to your SR journey than just precum wet dreams, since I noticed that whenever I had a wet dream where I leaked precum, I would only feel tired for a few hours after waking up, but for a semen wet dream the tiredness would last the entire day and a bit into the day afterwards.
>People who have not experienced any paranormal stuff while doing SR are pretty much retarded normies
I've been at it for a couple weeks now and haven't experienced anything paranormal. There's a very real possibility that I'm getting athletic benefits and have a better appetite, but I don't think it's going to cause some paranormal shift that will allow me to get women out of nowhere.
hilarious foreshadowing >>39098426
Yes. The midwits fighting against midwits (you are one but doesn’t matter). More sperm just means more ”maturing” sperm and this is a fact. How does the sperm becomes less? Does the ejaculation affect it? Oh the sweet ejaculation. Sweet sweet sweet ejaculation. Let’s be honest, that’s the thing making the whole retention sport going around. But no need to dwell on the deepest knowledge about it. In the simplest form the truth is that when a man ejaculates, sperm amount decreases, which means less ”maturing” sperm and then, that’s a whole new subject.

It’s almost like some fundamendal rules of life that consider the success of a living being, living organism, they apply to the sperm (the cells) too! A new born creature, is it strong and capable to take over its living sphere? It needs to be understood that even the tiniest things (like cells), they go through a life, developement from birth to death. When closer to birth or beginning, the living creature is not at its prime.

But the coomers think that sperm is like dreggs, similar many other body excrements like urine, sweat, shit etc. just for to get rid of and no loss there. Who in their sane mind would try to hold their piss, for example, as long as they could and at the same time have faith that it will be good in general?

Of course the sperm will be wasted among the midwits. It’s released and has other functions who knows where no where good, this is however not the same thing as it being right, ironically, the midwits would greatly benefit from not releasing and ascend, but the midwit can only operate through ones sub par mind (intellect) and then is caged. The bars are impermeable. Can the midwit focus on something else than what the mind swirls around, analyzes, compares… processes?
I studied lucid dreaming techniques + used the Gateway Process before I was ready morally and spiritually- now Im plagued, trough my own fault, with very frequent and insistent voluntary wet dreams. I COULD possibly hold them off indefinitely but at the same time I can "summon them" ANY night.
>inb4 im lying.
Niggas I spent like 6 months devoting most of my time and efforts for this but I regret it, yet can't un-do it. Anyways I thought of the "SCALES METHOD" to solve this.
>draw a scale on a big paper page. on one side list your fetishes \celebrity crush\ sex fantasy etc. Don't try to dupe yourself and do shadow-work and list what really makes you lust, but only the top 10 items. make sure they're the most extremely lustful top 10 for you
>On the other scale list 10 items of stuff you will achieve trough SR. In my case it's related to quantum jumping, but list the top 10 most PRECIOUS things you want to\will, achieve with SR
Now compare the scales and make your choice.
>>On the other scale list 10 items of stuff you will achieve trough SR. In my case it's related to quantum jumping, but list the top 10 most PRECIOUS things you want to\will, achieve with SR
what do you mean by this? like things that could ONLY happen if I practice SR? or things i just want to do in general
>left side: I want a cute girl to fart on me
>right side: I want to become attractive enough to cute girls to get them to fart on me
>like things that could ONLY happen if I practice SR?
Yes, that's it!
Thousands of online randos, an dozens of ancient esoteric texts and sports \finance\ IQ champions agree: the men who accomplish 0,1% superiority in life in general, do extensive SR
SR gives you a boost in life, whether it be strength, intelligence, reflexes, etc. The cost is self-discipline needed to overcome lust. The choice to accept the benefits in exchange for managing your urges.
Is there a prayer or some kind of trigger I can use, whenever I feel the desire to go back to porn? Maybe I could condition myself in some pavlovian way to stop looking at it.
Damn. Stopped baking and already over 50% of the helpful tips and info are forgotten. Luckily still have my own SRG pasta, but still. Why even omit the pastebin on addiction? That shit is gold.
The first night of abstinence is always a fairly tough one. I must stay strong.
last time I coomed was the day before the equinox, 32 days ago
today was especially hard
looked at some sexy comics for a bit in the morning but didn't touch myself, it was a mistake
fantasized heavily about the massage parlors today, kept trying to trick myself into going and declining the happy ending
luckily I have passed the tests
still strong, but man the blue balls have been intense and the urges nutty
I went on a walk to clear my head and was erect for the most of the walk stuck in fantasy land, fighting to get out and stay present and centered (I wear a fanny pack to cover my erection)
boxers all wet with precum
I hope this gets easier I know it does
What does "locked in" mean?
>me going outside after day 14 nofap
This. Those prostate cancer results are extremely weak.

Every “hobby” I have inevitably leads to relapse, because I always want a bigger dopamine release, which leads to social media, 4chan, etc. and I see enough triggers and get bored of not being able to fix my boredom so I just look at porn and then I coom. If I could, I would literally walk and exercise all day, but I have fucked up knees so I mostly stay in bed and hope that my knees will be better by the next week. I actually think cooming makes it worse, but I haven’t been able to quit.

What the fuck do you guys do, huh? And don’t lie and say you do x or y as if you do it in all of your free time. If you use social media and 4chan (like right now) then just say that. But I don’t know anyone can not be triggered and super horny after seeing women online, even from fucking clothing ads or whatever.
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how long do your SR streaks last these past years?
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>muh meditation during SR
>muh sacred indian secret retardini cuntalini transcendence techniques

guys...do you really believe those savage street shitters have the answers to your problems?
nigga did you not just see what I wrote???>>39101179
what the fuck do YOU do, huh? Go on, tell us
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perhaps you just need more incentive...like pain
I would rather work every day than to sit at home wondering what the fuck I should do with my free time. You still didn’t answer my question.
i don't think you actually felt real human pain, or you wouldn't wageslave.
Why the fuck would feeling pain magically cause me to become a worthless NEET like you
Boomers are having a tragic downfall
why are nogs so paranormally evil? bad karma or what?
might as well ask why dogs are so loyal, paranormally. Lol
gotta stay on topic you know lol. its actually insane that they can breed with whites and produce children
yeah and wolves can breed with chihuahuas. But something something we all bleed red amirite
>comparing wolves to nogs
you know they show signs of higher intelligence right?
did you actually think the chihuahuas were supposed to represent whites also? I’m not even gonna explain the point. I’ll let you figure it out
no probably the spanish asians like philpenos, whites are either really smart and beautiful or just an upgraded nog but white
because pain = tired = no wageslavery
Can Semen retention help me lose weight? I been making progress quite well month by month but I want to be able to show off in about another month, will a month streak boost my metabolism a bit or am I gonna have to starve myself?
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you VILL never get fit goy and you VILL love it
Calories in calories out is all there is to it
but you VILL never stop overeating goy, you have no free will.
Fuck you I am already getting fit, just strength isn't linked to losing all my fat apparently. It's the leftists, jews, invading migrants, and future alien invasion which convinced me I need to get stronger to begin with.

Lot easier said than done with a poor sleep schedule though, I know that shits on my metabolism but I'm too busy often to full rest. Can only try I guess and hope I don't over sabotage myself, was hoping maybe nofap can give me the extra kick I need.
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Does long, animalistic sex with your wife count against your streak??
>I am already getting fit
you VILL go back being fat later, you have no free will.
did you ejaculate?
It will end your streak if you ejaculate, but it won't be sinful at least.
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Nearing two years, vaginal jewry has absolutely no power over me.
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what's the point of LARPING with such unbelievable SR record? do you get ego validation from incels complimenting your long streak even if it's all an act?
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Why would I even LARP here? idgaf what 99% of you think. I've been doing it since my 20s, a year here, a year there if you must know, and now, I'm at nearly two.

So cope.
>The ESL monkey that calls everyone incels still comes here
Lol. Sad!
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wait i don't get it, how can you do it for 1 year then coom then not kys?
i mean imagine fuckin depriving yourself of pleasure for 1 fuckin year waiting for jesus to reward you with good boy points and super powers only to blow it and fuckin restart then wait for 1 more year and gain restart thinking yo i need to wait AT LEAST1 more year for senpai jesus to notice me kek...a real person would definitely end their life...which makes it very likely that you are a piece of shit LIAR
It's the logic of, 'I'll do it for a year and then if the thing i want doesn't manifest, I'll do it once' logic that's holding him back. As it says in The Bible, God cannot abide sin, if he went into it with the plan to just stop sinning for God's sake and then just never do it, he may begin to see rewards far quicker than the year. Going to church will help too, of course. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
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>there's more to existence that being yet another worthless coomer/breeder on this planet
It's shocking to you, I know.
So nobody has an answer huh>>39101179
Pray. Read scripture.
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Maybe when your dick stops getting hard at stuff that normally should.. and you have to watch Jewish incest gore piss donkey dick type films just to feel blood in your peepee.. maybe then you’ll understand you have a problem and want to cut it out before you need a subscription to boner pills to ever satisfy a woman.. yea there’s your motivation.
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i thought i couldnt cum but then i could. just cum guys

no no bro listen, i want to believe you, but something just doesn't add up... like you do it for 1 year...see no worthwhile results....then coom..then logically you'd have to wait AT LEAST 1 more year and more if you still hope to see any magical results... but no real person would do that in reality...but of course your SPECIAL and defy human limits which 99.9% of cases are found to be LIARS.... it all smells like bullshit
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if anyone wants alien semen retention videos, tiktok is full of them.

im full of hell so i beat off to tiktok
That logic doesn't track because it assumes you do literally nothing but masturbate or not masturbate. Life is a rich tapestry.
I'm going to be honest anon... I'm barely even reading all your seethe at this point.

Also no, I'm not religious, don't need it, besides, the only major religion worth a fuck is Buddhism.
>alien semen retention videos
u w0t m8?

i need that tiktok link to understand wtf you're saying
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sounds like youre religious then. just be The Buddha
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Truth lies in balance.

Retaining is beneficial, but what about just cutting out smutty Jew films and e-Whores and just work on yourself until you can fuqq a woman for release? Why does it have to be a choice between two incel behaviors? Jesus help yall.
just have a fucked algorithm like me and youll see whatever the fuck you want on tiktok. i just re leaked an angel video.
>I'm barely even reading all your seethe at this point
well now it's even more likely that you're LYING.
see a real person would love to brag discuss in more detail how he achieved something so amazing so hard to do for most humans.... but you seem like that typical attention seeking troll.
and i bet your next reply will be more of the same one-liner provocative bait style.
Who says anyone need organized religion to have a relationship with the divine?

It's the same as the deranged coomer itt endlessly 'sperging-out because he just can't understand that long-term celibates literally find sex fucking gross after abstaining for long enough.

Illogical, all of you.
>then logically you'd have to wait AT LEAST 1 more year and more if you still hope to see any magical results
no real person would wait another year after enduring and flushing it down the drain.
it's 99.9% a pathetic validation seeking larp.
i dont disagree with you im just bored
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>just in case you didn't take the previous hint

>he just can't understand that long-term celibates literally find sex fucking gross after abstaining for long enough

if it's so "gross" then why did you coom after 1 year?

by that time, 1 fuckin year, logically if this was real, your body would deny you any erection, but yet you came... how does that make sense?

the longer you ignore addressing my logic the more i'm inclined to believe that i was right about you being a liar and my logic seems more sound.

who da fuck are you working for?
who's paying you to lie?
god is paying me to lie.
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>if it's so "gross" then why did you coom after 1 year?
Ok, so, I did catch this first line... but, this is it, after this I'm done (because you're very, very, boring as well as quite clearly retarded...)

I broke it previously because I failed... yep, that's right... as with anything you don't just "start" an entire life of celibacy without failing and trying again... and again... and again... but, guess what? it's like anything, you fail and fail, until, eventually, you get it.

Then you get good at it, real good, 'cause it becomes easy, natural, second-nature, simply because you've done it for so long.

I don't expect to spend the rest of my life fully celibate, but, see, here is the difference between you and me... my deranged little coomer friend.

I expect to spend a lot of it celibate, because the thing that separates me and you is ideals, effort, and above all else, willpower.

wtf you didn't actually explain anything, are you just diverting attention from logic?

but ok let's try being civil and logical.

>you fail and fail, until, eventually, you get it
but you didn't "get it".
you failed after 1 year of enduring.
that's infinitely more depressing than failing after 10 days or 2 months.

>I don't expect to spend the rest of my life fully celibate
so now you're admitting you WILL fail again... did you not just tell me you "get it" and "Then you get good at it, real good"

i just don't understand your motives... WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?

if you saw no extraordinary rewards and benefits, why do it and even admit you WILL fail again?

it just all sounds like a very elaborate bait.
no offence. i'm just using critical thinking here....
So this means if you jack it, while having absolutely no shame whatsoever about it, you're not interested in cuck/tranny porn?

The logic has a glaring hole that requires someone to feel embarrassed for jackin it.
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>8 was black


das rite white man, cum home get blacked by BBP
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can you hear it Mr. Goylem?

it is the sound of inevitability.

you VILL coom and you VILL love it.

it's is not a matter of IF, it is only a matter of WHEN.

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you VILL roll and you VILL coom

what a bunch of retarded psyop bait bullshit.

kys kike.
You need to meditate. Understand that anger starts in the body. The body that you never listen to unless it reminds you to eat by grumbling your belly. Stop drowning out your thoughts and listen to the sensations and the mind imagery that comes forth.
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GUESS WHAT LOSERS... all you need is billions of united states dollars...and you can have a fresh brand new 10/10 escort to CREAMPIE in the comfort of your mansion every day KEK

keep seething coping you filthy pajeet losers

kek let's see what COPE tantra by hindu poo god you'll throw at me now kek
>Thank God I'm free
hole kek the amount if in-denial cope is ridiculous.
i bet this fag secretly cries himself to sleep remembering his gf but then come here to cope and buy some more time for his delusions.
probably will kill himself one day when regret is too much pain. sad.
wankers be seething
monks be thriving
Best way to retain semen is up your ass. Take as many loads as you can get. Let them soak in. Never eat or drink; semen will sustain you.
yeah but i still feel hungry and thirsty even after 5 BBCs and 7 BWCs creampied my ass at the local gay sauna... i don't think it's working bros :(

i also noticed that the more creampies i get the more cum is leaking and getting spilled thus lowering the efficiency of nutrient absorption... i don't think it's working bros :(

i don't feel like i'm getting any super powers from this :(

should i go back to being a regular coomer?

this gay shit experiment is not as superpowery as they advertised :(
good morning saar please redeem the ejaculate i monk and no jeeculate no never saar
pls saars do not redeem ejaculate i monk i never jeeculate i get no woman no bobs no vagene i sad but saar i get supa power of loo-man kundalini master i comfort me but no cope no saar i monk
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I'm taking care of a sick relative. Shit is tough and depressing.

The only positive thing is that right now resisting the urges of jerking off is the least of my worries
Good morning guys. Remember to ignore the trolls; they are no better than demons.
They were once men; great chads of men. Then (((Saaron the Deceiver))) gave to them nine sites of porn. Blinded by their lust, they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to (((their))) will. They are the Cûmers: Golems, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the porn, drawn to the power of the coom. They will never stop trolling you.
~120 days

Posting here today because I have an insane amount of energy. It’s hard to sleep even after lifting heavy weights and biking. I’m also working but my job is just standing at a desk.

Keep it up bros. One day you’ll just feel so much better about everything. It does get easier too.
On day 14 I MO'd and it didnt even feel good wtf

Back onto day 2 now
>Retaining is beneficial, but what about just cutting out smutty Jew films and e-Whores and just work on yourself until you can fuqq a woman for release?
actually a smart take, retaining just to LARP as a monk is kind of dumb when the real hard work and wisdom lies in the pursuit of a worthwhile partner
Fellow chaos bros on this thread , how do you fire your sigils if you don't want to coom during SR?
I was asking myself the same thing, and so far what I've gotten from the stuff I've read is:

1. You need to develop extremly strong focus. This alone takes a very long time, depending on your motivation, but basically, you want your focus to be a piercing force, which can focus on one singularity (object, thought, etc.), for extended periods of time. There must be nothing else present. Imo daily 45 minutes of meditation for months (more realistically years) to achieve. This alone requires strict discipline (most "magical" faggots do not have what it takes to be disciplined enough to even reach this stage, which is just a starting point).

2. Now about this I am less certain, but the basic principle is that extreme emotional states generate some kind of a force, which can be used for magical purposes. I will again remind you that this does not mean shit without extremely strong laser focus. In "Liber Null" he describes the most potent emotional states (I remember fear and terror are the most potent), however, these are a bit unrealistic in my opinion, like how the fuck do you even achieve this intentionally, and then focus on the sigil in that state.

Any extremely strong emotional state will generate this force (I don't know what else to call it, so I say "force"). A more realistic way to achieve this state, which they call "gnosis" I believe, is to exhaust yourself physically, and I mean absolutely pushing yourself to your limits, and then going over the limit until you literally can't go no more, and then go some more (try not to die). Here, we are attempting to create EXTREME exhaustion.

When this state is achieved, laser focus comes to play. Since you have previously practiced and developed it, focus the intent on the sigil for an extended period of time. There must be nothing else in your mind.

I hope you get the general idea now. Orgasm charging is actually copium for the weak minded, which is why magic doesn't work for the majority.
A few more words. I don't even do sigils at this point, I just read stuff to hopefully understand how and why it would work. I myself am nowhere near the starting point of laser focus, I'm in the process.

Second thing, I highly suggest studying ethics and moral virtue as you learn more about magic. I can not emphasize this strongly enough. SR is an absolute must on a vritous path, so you got that part down. Study philosophy, ethics most importantly. Read Aristotle and Stoic texts about it.

One of the biggest magical traps is gaining these magical "superpowers" which are achieved with meditation, self-discipline, viualisation and others (refer to "Liber Null"), without previously digesting ethics and the importance of it. Having this kind of power without a moral compass is a trap, and this is how to do SERIOUS damage to yourself.

Ironically, once you grasp ethics and start living according to it's rules, you might not even want to do any kind of magic anymore.

Chaos magic texts will not warn you about this. I just felt the need to give these words of caution, best of luck.
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absolutely insane to see a place specifically for people who want to get better, have gotten better, and sharing things that are personal to them because they're wanting to get better, only to see a wave of bots, jews, and trolls trying to take control of the general. If thats not reason to do SR idk is. Why does it bother you if someone is not ejaculating? You don't see people trying to say "yea I did 20 enocian summonings and nothing happened, you guys are retards are all coping" The jews must be on suicide watch
Read 10 Psalms
if its free you are the product
I turned my great weakness into an act of virtue. I used a throwaway\free account on a NSFW chatbot site, after a short while I felt disgusted and instead reported a shit-ton of bots (they're created by free users and ranked by popularity), some of them with a lot of views, for stuff like IRL photo-names, underage characters, grooming techniques IRL, etc
I checked back and the site has indeed deleted a few of the reported bots. if I prevented at least one fap ,I'm happy.
Avoid this shit entirely. Touch darkness and darkness touches you.
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I may have expressed myself wrong: I initially ONLY wanted to edge, but THEN cringed at myself and decided to do the good deed. I blocked that shitty site and won't enter again.
>me to myself
I've tried the same thing after about 2-4 weeks. Regardless of age or any other circumstance. Absurd attraction like you said magnetism but beyond physical.
>Magnetism is just a side benefit but i still spend so much timethinking about women looking at me
pajeet spotted
*ahem* *tink tink tink*
bros i am on steak 3 weeks, got ghosted by a date. morale is dangerously low rn. plz help bros all i feel is an pit of dispair and emptiness, all i wanted was love
Well that sucks
Now back to your mission
this all feels futile.
do oyu even have a worthwile goal?
yes i want a relationship and get married, that is the ultimate goal bro
Ultimate goal?

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