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Continuing from last thread: >>39061577
The purpose of this thread is to finish the readings for anons I didn't get to before the last thread died. Everyone from last thread will get their reading :)
yey o/ pro-astro-anon is back!
Should I start own business ? When is the correct time? Also I'm trying to connect with naamah
bro forgot to read the thread
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>Advice on recovering lost glory due to long depression
>Anon is starting life again and has too much resistance & slow progress
>Any other crucial advice/warnings?
Depression: Moon, Saturn
Your Moon-Jupiter conjunction on the IC gives you grand emotions, and with that comes the need to handle such massive emotions. These planets are in your 4H, so they are subconscious. Providing for your natal Jupiter is Saturn just above the ascendant, with Uranus-Venus conjunct later in the sign.

Saturn squares your natal Jupiter (and weakly, your Moon). There is noticeable tension between your emotional needs;, your inner child (Moon) - and your sense of maturity. You have a tendency to be a loner but your emotions are pushing you to be big and bold.
You would be well advised to work with your natal Saturn - that is, whenever you get the urge to isolate yourself, pause. Ask yourself "Is this the mature way to handle myself? What can I get rid of or stop doing here?" This will serve you well. In fact, it is always positive for you to do so.

If you lost something, perhaps this is for your own good. If you wish to persist, acknowledge your wounds surrounding partnerships or you will repeat the same patterns.
Posted in the last thread just wanted to thank you for the reading Astroanon was pretty spot on (especially about my psyche being broken)
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>General reading with a focus on Money (and the lack of; 2H and its ruler as well as Saturn) + career (6H + 10H + MC) and arts (5H)
>Second house
Your second house contains Pluto; the lord of the second house is in the 8th in his sign of detriment. Pluto deals with hidden things and compels you to behave in a certain way. You would be well-advised to search for hidden value. You're going to have to dig, metaphorically, although you would do well to find wealth quite literally under the ground. E.g., oil, gemstones, mining, metal detecting, etc.With the lord of the 2nd in the 8th, trine Saturn and Venus, you would do well to focus on getting other people's resources. Loans are a common example, but any resource of others is here.
>Saturn deals with old places, lost items; Venus deals with pleasures and hobbies that relax you.
I once again emphasize metal detecting, I think you'd be really good at it, just don't focus on the money. Relax and enjoy yourself and the money will come in time. Consider making a youtube channel of it and showing off the cool things you find.
Part of fortune is here (assuming the time is right), you have decent fortune when it comes to work. PoF is sextile Mars, and trine the Moon.
>10H Cancer
The Moon is domicile, conjunct the SN and Chiron; she is also trine the PoF.. The MC is here, in trine to Pluto. You would do well in a career that involves healing others - especially children - with emotional issues, although this won't help you with yours. As a child yourself, you were, put simply, an angsty, emotional little shit. You could've been prone to fights or even bullying as a way to control your reputation, because you secretly have problems with self-esteem (others can see this)
>Arts (5H)
Lorded by Saturn, who is domicile in the 4th with Venus, both are conjoined to the NN. If you wanna be an artist, that's great! You're going to have to pay your dues so to speak, work until you're sick to become a master, and even then you'll probably end up working for some sort of authority before you become the boundary-expanding authority yourself. You would do well in art involving structures, this could be architectural, it could be mural painting; it could also regard permanence, like statues. It will take a while before you're truly comfortable with your place in the world as an artist. Patience and creativity will be good for you to deal with your emotional wounds, eventually you will learn to open up without being immature. Best of luck to you!
Is there some kind of cursed transit happening right now? I swear I didn't experience such a streak of particularly awful shit in a while
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if you would be so kind anon.
Read OP
I'm not going to post my chart because I read the OP, but I still have a question or two. If someone had their exact birth time, date, and location. what degree of accuracy would you rate your own readings as having?
Also what is the absolutely worst/most dire reading you've ever seen from an anon in these threads?
>t. astrology nonbeliever-tourist just in the thread for shits and giggles.
>There is noticeable tension between your emotional needs;, your inner child (Moon) - and your sense of maturity.
tension between inner child & maturity -- deep shadow work is best approach?
recently accepted that i can't live in the past anymore
i'm sad everyone changed, or perhaps i'm the only one who never changed
that behavior is good for friendship but not practical
friendship requires constant tending to, like when you do gardening
there's also a metaphysical side to it, it caused an energetic drain to me

>You have a tendency to be a loner but your emotions are pushing you to be big and bold.
it bounces between wanting to be alone & wanting to be in the public eye
i want to be recognized but i want to be also concealed & not easily found
like the wind where everyone can feel but cannot be seen

>whenever you get the urge to isolate yourself, pause. Ask yourself "Is this the mature way to handle myself? What can I get rid of or stop doing here?" This will serve you well.
i agree, best advice... "move check algorithm" i need to make this into a habit
been isolated for a long time, escapism due to career burnout and an accident
which lead me to realize i don't have friends i can count on because nobody came looking for me
realized i can't rely on friends in an emergency, it caused the biggest pain to me... i got their backs but what about me?
eventually i realized i should get back up coz it will kill me in misery during old age

>If you lost something, perhaps this is for your own good. If you wish to persist, acknowledge your wounds surrounding partnerships or you will repeat the same patterns.
thinking about it, yeah you are right
it seems i need to work on communication heavily & observation skills to discern the best people to associate with
i'm getting old, i don't want to die like this where my potential is stuck inside my head

is expression of art and uniqueness to deeply touch the soul, is this really what i'm meant to do in life?
>If someone had their exact birth time, date, and location. what degree of accuracy would you rate your own readings as having?
I am not OP, but I would ask what kind of accuracy are we talking about? Basic things like areas of fortune or misfortune are very straightforward. Anything beyond that is more complicated and always varies depending on the individual case.
>Also what is the absolutely worst/most dire reading you've ever seen from an anon in these threads?
People post all kinds of retarded doom shit here. There have been some pretty bad charts posted but it's extremely rare for there to be nothing good about a chart.
>is expression of art and uniqueness to deeply touch the soul, is this really what i'm meant to do in life?
would like to add more context:
i've played games all my life, a sort of escape from problems at home due to extremely strict parents and issues at school
this isolation and escapism to games also happened after i got burned out of my job and recovering from the accident that followed it
never had a mentor or guide while growing up, its either going outdoors in far places by foot or videogames outside (renting by the hour)
i highly value music and games that sort of touch you in a deep way and express itself in it's true essence
considering all of this, i'd like to tell stories and using a game as it's medium
to create games to serve as my "proof of life" as well as express myself on how i see things differently
i have doubts, it's not practical in my current situation but i'll start when everything stabilizes next year
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>How lucky can I get
>Jupiter 1H in Scorpio
>Jupiter lords over Saturn and Mercury (5H Pisces); Saturn lords over Mars - who is chart ruler - as well as the Sun, and Venus
Decently so if you have drive and use your head. But you're not going to get it sitting around
>Moneymaking prospects
>Jupiter also lords over the Moon in the second house.
LoA, SATS method will bring you valuables. Imagine your fortunes and it will come to you.
>What kind of women is anon into
>Venus lords 7H from 4H
Venus and the Sun conjunct in Aquarius (4H) with Mars.... This could go multiple ways. Part of me wants to say "Tomboys, pixie chicks, or gorth girls;" the other part of me wants to say "Secretly you pair well with women like your mom." Regardless, I think you want a woman who has a little spunk and isn't afraid to be unique.
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Let's see if I can format this post correctly a third time lol
>Saturn Capricorn in the 9H conjunct the MC
>Saturn is square the Sun
Delays regarding travel, higher education. I get a real "Do not perceive me" sort of vibe from this, someone who doesn't really want a public perception. Seems like the type who would travel for business, if they have to, but may not enjoy it. Didn't go to college, or if he did, went late and likely dropped out.
>9H Uranus trine the ascendant
Somewhat eccentric personality and disjointed in matters of philosophy
>ASC is lorded by an exalted Venus
>Furthermore, exalted Jupiter sextile the ASC from the 3rd
With a little bit of effort, you can be remarkably jovial and fun to talk to, this especially goes for those close to you. Does well in partnerships despite domineering, manipulative behavior (7H Pluto) from others.
>Mercury 1H sextile Venus
A chatterbox but others don't seem to mind.
>Moon conjunct North Node
Wants to be more nurturing and emotional, doesn't really know how. Tries to find unconventional ways to do this in spite of the difficulty.
still 20 pending readings at the time of this writing, would like to know more of your thoughts after you are done with your massive backlog, thank you
will continue to monitor this thread
What exactly qualifies you as a professional astrologer?

Anons beware, make sure you read these interpretations more than once
for example
“you have big emotions, that means you need to deal with them, subconscious emotions”
Be fucking for real.
Every interpretation is this same level of emptiness. Be cautious of people on the internet that just want attention. Generic readings with no real individualistic identification or advice is not professional. Waste your time if you please.
I would argue 98% of readings I see in these threads and the like, are awful. They are more like someone searching for a pat on the back or to be told they’re amazing at astrology rather than giving the person posting the chart any genuine insight. Every reading is riddled with Astrology lingo but lacks any notable information. They love to type three full sentences telling you where your Saturn is and how it’s aspected or its condition, but don’t follow that up with what that actually means. To someone who knows nothing about Astrology, this probably comes off as profound and most people don’t think about how generic what they’re reading is, so they immediately agree and say Wow, That’s So Me.

Few and far between I will see a straggler anon that knows their shit and has something worth while to say to someone.
>If someone had their exact birth time, date, and location. what degree of accuracy would you rate your own readings as having?
I don't like to suck my own dick; I prefer to let my results speak for themselves.
>Also what is the absolutely worst/most dire reading you've ever seen from an anon in these threads?
I find it unwise to be fatalistic in negativity - and I'm not going to violate someone's trust or privacy by sharing their chart and shitting on them - but there have been charts I read, and think "are you okay?" Although it can be said that a resoundingly negative chart has its positives, if nothing else, because such individuals are used to dealing with hardship. Compare to someone with an overwhelmingly positive chart (Steven Seagal is a good example - he has most planets exalted or domicile) - they simply can't handle duress because they're not used to it.
>I'll say it again: you have the power to change your fate.
>What exactly qualifies you as a professional astrologer?
I'm well-read, have years of experience, get consistently good feedback from my clients, and I'm constantly expanding my horizons.
>“you have big emotions, that means you need to deal with them, subconscious emotions”
I wonder if you don't understand what's being said? For example, I didn't say "big," I said "grand," as in "grandiose," i.e., "This can be a problem." Both basic astrology and psychology understand that emotions can be conscious or unconscious.
>Generic readings with no real individualistic identification or advice
False on the face of it.
>Be fucking for real
You resorted to putting words into my mouth, in order to find something to criticize - that speaks volumes. This will be my last response to you.

>I would argue 98% of readings I see in these threads and the like, are awful.
Agreed. There are many things in modern astrology poisoning the practice, to such an extent one might question if it's intentional. Chief among them, the ABC method, and the teenage girls that use it, have been a disaster for astrology as a science. Bollocks designed to supplant an authentic foundation, so poisonous that the person who made it, has dismissed it. I digress.
>so they immediately agree and say Wow, That’s So Me.
This is a problem that comes up in reading for women a LOT and it's one of the reasons I avoid them when I can. Women just agree with what a gigachad says. We learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes. Even those who come with seeming ill intent, like the poster above, belay some sort of wisdom.
In case you missed it, OP has done a full thread of free readings and is about to fill another one with the remaining readings.
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Neptune in Capricorn conjunct his lord (Saturn), opposite Moon-conjunct-Chiron in the 4th is wild. Trouble with drugs and alcohol because of his wounds relating to his homelife. Was your father or grandfather an alcoholic by any chance? Both your 4H and 10H placements - houses of the mother and father, respectively - suggest wounds from the parents. Neptune conjunct MC with Saturn may also suggest detriment to public image through bad behavior. You are also affected by lies more than other people. However, Saturn delays things, so such a loss is not always immediate and scandal may occur significantly later than whatever event caused said scandal to begin with. You took a while to find your path in life.
>This placement, along with your 8H Pluto, suggests why others don't have your back in the same way you have theirs
You must learn to slow down. All the time. If you don't, you'll have trouble making out other's intentions. You're allowed to take as much time as you need, so long as it's reasonable. Additionally, you must learn how to be less controlling over other's resources. You can't tell them what they do with their shit even if you have some authority over them. Supplant your instinct for the help of others with patience and diligence and you will understand the true intentions of those around you.
First off, with Saturn in trine to Venus, I see delays in the matter of love, and an age difference in your partnerships. Second off,
>7H ruler in 6H
When you do meet your wife, it will likely be through your work. Your partner is likely to be grounded, upright, and at the same time wound too tight: somewhat obsessive, and maybe a little neurotic. However, she would be beautiful, and you two would truly love eachother.
>MC sextile 8H Pluto
Intense sexual encounters that affect one's public image and career. May use sex as a tool to get power over others.
How does one learn this power?
Do you just assimilate common patterns from reading lots of people's charts?
Intuition and knowledge. Combined they're an unstoppable force. Once you understand the basics you can read pretty competently and that leads you down a rabbit hole. I'm at a pretty cozy stage where I'm comfortable with my knowledge yet crave more. If you're curious to learn, you should start with Chris Brennan's book. I slept on it for so long, but it answers so many questions that make it difficult to fall for the slop just thrown about online. When someone says some dumb ass shit to you about astrology, which is impossible to avoid, you will have a perfect answer.
What is my MBTI?
So how do you know which charts are from women?
thank you very much anon, i was surprised by the way your reading mixes symbolism with practical reality. i dont think the assumption about my teenage years was the most accurate because different people deal with the same questions differently, but it touched the main subject anyway. its also enlightening to see how you connect the parts to the whole. thanks. do you do reading sessions/consultations?
Oh shit, I should’ve ask more questions when you read mines. When are you coming back? Any specific day?
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Hey anon, thank you for doing these. I know you’re not accepting any more charts but I just have a question.

I’d like to know what in my chart makes me so intense. Everything I feel and do is so dramatic and intense it emotionally cripples me. The way I talk, act, everything has an undertone of pain and intensity (sorry for sounding cringe). I don’t know how else to explain it.

It might be my scorpio in mars because I remember someone read a chart of an actor and they said he was great in the intense roles he did because his intensity could only be fully expressed in such roles, irl it would be inappropriate for him to be screaming and throwing shit around kek. and that’s how I’ve always felt. Cant find a proper outlet.
so what's the formula for the lot of rape?
I noticed you reference fixed stars quite often. Do you find issue with using a tropical position of the fixed stars when they aren't really there? Wouldn't it make more sense to utilize a sidereal chart just for looking for aspects to those stars?
Hey friend,

I was one of the first persons to resply to the previous thread. It may be too late now, but I was just able to get my exact birth time and wanted to share the updated chart with you. I have no problems waiting for next month if you so prefer. Thank you.

My biggest concerns rn are love and career... just in case.
Advice for my love life? Where would I look to grow more there?
Why so many red lines in your chart?
Appreciate you making the new thread, op. Eagerly awaiting my reading
red lines are inharmonious aspects
TheAstrologer here, posting from my phone - had to take a day to recuperate, readings will continue when I'm up.
What reading /x/ posters' charts does to a man
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When was I born and am I insufferable?
January 1st 1989. Yes.
Anon, I say this kindly, not disparigingly, but you were extremely far off with my reading. Like you couldn't be more black and white wrong, and only the most extraneous details could be charitably interpreted as half-accurate

Again, I am not being mean with this, but I am letting you know so that might be able to learn from this chart in particular.

One thing to start with (other than a holistic restart of the interpretation of the chart, because again man, it was just that far off) might be the sun in 10th

Good luck brother, and I'm serious about sharing this with love. The internet can be very vindictive or arrogant - I only wish to help

To not send you down any wrong paths:

The good connection with mother was good, I suppose I am tall, and I can give you intense.
Visionary & drive to community was also very astute.
If you meant pre-teen childhood was good (which I think is very cheritablr), sure, because family was exceptionally healthy and I am grateful for the fortunate life I was given, but the rest is just completely off. Paradigm shift off. And thats especially off when you count teenage years as part of childhood

Everything else can be thrown out and worked on from there

Hope this helps
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Didn't get mine read in time last. Please do a random for me? or perhaps where my future lies this next coming year?

Thank you
and sorry was just making sure mine was caught, this was from the last thread*

Thank you greatly!
Not OP, but man your houses are really warped. When you say Sun in 10th, I’m surprised you would use Placidus for your own chart. OP seems to use whole sign, as do I.

Having studied astrology for a few years, I actually don’t know how people do anonymous readings with no prompt. Doubly so when you’re not personally familiar with the placements. OP is a professional and has seen lots of clients, but that still only gives you so much experience with certain placements other than brief encounters.

I’ve read charts in these threads myself and they’ve been a bit hit or miss— especially when I’m trying to do as many as I can (including ones with placements I’m not familiar with, so I’m mostly reading them from a theory sense / throwing shit at the wall).

I like OP’s reading style because they include some wild assumptions about how a placement may have played out, which makes it more interesting. But there’s bound to be some misses, especially when the poster provides 0 context, and you can’t be personally familiar with every placement.

Just pointing out that what OP is doing is impressive and borderline impossible to do with complete accuracy (especially with no prompt, like yours).
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>reposting since OP couldn't get to mine in the last thread

What are my strengths/weaknesses?

Career prospects - What thing(s) could I possibly excel at?

Love life - Is it a fortunate chart in regards to love, when can I expect more activity in this facet of my life?

Transit - What am I currently going through, and what can I expect in the near future; how can I navigate all of this properly?

Saturn return - Similarly, what can I expect and how to best navigate? Apparently Neptune will also be conjunct my Saturn, Uranus entering Gemini at that same time.

Anything else worth noting/exploring?

Thanks in advance.
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Posted my chart on last one, posting here again.
Pro suicide? No love, no talents...
I was speaking to my paid clients there, who you (typically) know more about. One can take a guess with the Sun and the Moon in the prenatal syzygy, however, that can't be done with all charts and is a crapshoot, anyway, so I avoid it.
Yes I do, I provided a server link in the last thread if you'd like one :)
I had to contact the dev of the software I use. >Lot of Rape: Pluto + south node - venus
Important notes: this is a minor lot, not actually an arabic lot so YMMV - and if used at all, should only be used when actually relevant. Don't put too much weight on it.
That's a very lucid question! If someone has, for example, Ascendant conjunct Capella, and you change the zodiac for their chart to sidereal, their ascendant will still be conjunct Capella, but the ascendant will now be in Taurus instead of Gemini.
It's never too late! You'll be the first person I get to today :)
First, I'd like to point to what >>39096608 said, so I don't reiterate it.
As for the rest, yes, I meant 'not including' your teen years - Luna lords over our times as babies, Mercury lords over those times in our life from when we begin moving and speaking, to when hormones kick in. Thus your teen years wouldn't be included in such a statement, hope that's more clear. I appreciate the feedback - we learn 100 times more than our mistakes than we do from our successes, plus when you're on the mark the vast majority of the time, opportunities to grow become more scarce. When I get negative feedback I take it seriously and incorporate it - even if the feedback relates to a shot in the dark. We can always improve no matter our skill level. I think your analysis could be more charitable and you even acted out one of the things I noted - you were quick to communicate on instinct, and then had to turn around and revise in a second message. Thank you for your time.

I think you two are interpreting anomolies as negative, when instead they might be pointing to something of scale - and that is all I can share :)

and by the way man, clarity in communication speaks to skill in it, not a detriment of it. I did 'give' you the intense part, after all (it makes life fun).

The odd appearance and the poor communication are the two that are most obtuse, though I suppose I wouldnt be impartial. I have some pretty great successes socially, and romantically I'd say im blessed to have the problems I do have (even if they feel like a lot sometimes). Maybe you saw internal strife instead of external/what the world would see? ;)

You two seem to really love the craft, and I appreciate that deeply. You're both going to be cracked one day

Can you guess the birthdate anon? I'd be very impressed
Sah, dude
Mind doing the follow up stuff for mine?
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Hey! I don’t know how to refer back to my chart from the other thread

1. What career best suits for me?
2. What productivity/work ethic should I have to be successful?
3. You mentioned about romantic relationships and how it’s delay. But which person best qualifies for me?
i see, thanks for response and will keep in mind. perhaps that's why i couldn't find the formula anywhere.
what software do you use?
Love is Venus; your Venus is in fall, retrograde, conjunct the Moon. Culminating, but out of sign. Venus dislikes Virgo. She is bolstered, however, by Jupiter and is in good company with the Moon, also trine Jupiter. Because Jupiter is under Venus' rulership, he must provide for her needs. That's great! Jupiter is expansive, and increases everything he touches. Don't fret, you'll find someone. However, it may take a while, as stationed with Jupiter is Saturn. Saturn is the 'opposite' of Jupiter - Saturn places limits and delays upon your 7H. There's a conflict of energy here in partnerships; Jupiter and Venus want you to find love, Saturn wants you to wait. It's a tough energy to deal with.

Venus in Virgo isn't a cakewalk, either. Virgo Venus has a tendency to be picky about who they'll consider as partner, it's hard for them to fall in love, and they can have intimacy issues since Virgo pushes Venus' energy inwards. Retrograde, even further. You want to love someone but you have requirements, sometimes ridiculously so, and you have to see a future with them or they don't - for lack of a better phrasing, "qualify" You also need to be self-sufficient; I don't see co-dependency in you.

Marriage and partnerships are signified by the 7H and its placements, the wife by the placement of lord of the 7H - Taurus; the lord (Venus) is in fall in Virgo, 11H. With the lord of the 7th in the 11th, your wife will be someone you meet via networking, friend groups, large communities, social gatherings, and so forth. Other people will be around or involved in some way, is what I'm getting at.
>With the lord of the 11th in the 10th, I suspect your career will be involved, or you will have the spotlight in some way. She would be attracted to YOU and you to her. She will also be set in her ways; notably emotional and finnicky. She could be involved in a Mercurial trade somehow.
She would bring you many blessings, especially financially and career wise; she'd be the girl of your dreams, beautiful - and your partnership could very well be for life with Saturn 7th. However, you won't have many true partnerships, and there may be an age or authority difference between you two. Be patient, she will come to you. You should learn to communicate with women and I truly do mean communicate well.
>Mars opposite Saturn
You would be wise to act with discipline. Turn your failures into motivation to become better even if it's painful and pisses you off to do so. Be brave, but don't be foolhardy. Learn where and when to apply your resolve and ambition; learn how to say no without being domineering. You're going to have to compete to get what you want.
>In this regard, you would be an amazing martial artist if you kept at it for years
Saturn-Mars aspects can be wonderful but in opposition there's a lot to overcome. You need an outlet for your anger and a mentor to learn from. Avoid fighting with authorities. Learn to deal with the evil in others with patience instead of anger - the evils you see are often a manifestation of your shadow.

I implore you a few things:
1. If absolutely nothing else, martial arts as meditation.
2. Take care of your health
3. Call me cringe, but you should look up Dr. Who's Heaven Sent episode. Specifically the Shepard's Boy poem. I think it will resonate with you.

6H, 10H, in your case the MC as well.
6H is lorded by Mars, your chart ruler - he is placed in the 1st. You would do well to capture your ambition into something productive, something that takes effort. Especially if that effort is in the form of exercise. You need a routine and you need some way to burn off steam. The daily grind would be good for you, however, you wouldn't like it.
10H is lorded by the Sun, who is domicile and weakly culminating. This indicates someone who needs recognition for their work, who needs to lead. You need the spotlight, you need to be a star in whatever you do. This signals ambition - you should harness it.
>This may signal government work, e.g., a public servant of some kind
>Your work may involve health or wellness in some way

>Scorpio Chiron in the 1H conjunct the ASC
Self-image issues you try to hide. Probably tries to deal with this through comedy. Mars and Chiron in the first can indicate physical wounds as well, you may get in more accidents than other people. May have moist skin and a highly-masculine appearance.
>Total aside, have you considered standup comedy? You'd be good at it, and it'd help you deal with those self-image issues.
Still waiting on mine from last thread; hope I wasn’t passed :/
>Random reading
>NN conjunct ASC, SN conjunct DSC.
Others are artificially glib with you or you're artifically glib with them. Tends to be uncomfortable in their own skin - or has some self esteem issues - and as a result has some trouble making connections with others. Has trouble hiding how they feel about certain things yet feels compelled to share.
>Sun domicile square asc
The way you express yourself is in conflict with who you really are. Feels like an imposter.
>Sun is square Jupiter
Oscillates between highs and lows - struggles to know when to stop, may give too much of themselves, can have ego problems one week and be depressed the next. Trouble growing (Jupiter) into the person they want to be (Sun)
>Sun is trine Uranus, Uranus is in the 8H
The 8th house is the house of death, rebirth, shared resources (e.g., inheritance), and one's pscyhe. You come upon sudden events that change who you are - when disaster strikes, it strikes you hard.

>Moon (11H) trine Saturn (7H)
Emotionally mature; an old soul, needs to be away from others to really process their emotions, however, they are cruel to themselves. The emotional stillness you are able to cultivate is due to the absolute hell you wring yourself through. May not have many friends. This may signify a late marriage or partnerships with older people, even few friends. But when you make a friend, you keep one, and you are dedicated. To do this, you must learn to trust them, and you're slow to do so.
>This emotional maturity could've began in childhood and may be due to an older woman (think, grandmother)
Bumping so that OP can get to the rest.
anotha bump
This is your reading btw >>39101994
Doing yours now :)
Thanks fren, appreciate what you're doing.
>How to optimize my study and practice of magic?
Occult matters relate to the 8H; spirituality to the 12H. Your 8H is lorded by Mars. Mars is in the 1st house lorded by Mercury, and he's with the Sun
>Aside: NICE Sun on the ascendant, that's tight af
Mercury is in the second with his lord, Venus. You would be wise to take initiative and do a lot of studying before approaching an occult matter, but when you do approach, do so with a show of force. The occult should not be a merely a system to you, it should be something you'd want to show off with. You should ignore the impulse to jump right into something before internalizing and understanding it.
>To the right people, of course
My experience with Virgo Mars is someone who may miss the forest for the trees because of their obsessive impulses. Working with your Sun (especially as it is aspected to the Moon and nodes) would be wise to ease this behavior.

You have many avenues to work with. Your Moon is in trine to your Sun and Ketu. This can indicate someone with natural psychic talents - especially since the Moon is inconjunct Mercury and Venus. I like to say that inconjunctions make "magic happen" when you balance them. There may be a disconnect between your mental mind knowing some knowledge is valuable, and emotionally feeling it. You should focus on the lunar end of this spectrum - when you read something which sparks an intuitive emotional understanding, let it ride.
>Thanks fren, appreciate what you're doing.
No problem OP. Thank (you) for doing this.

Looking at the order you're doing them, mine's pretty close, but I'll link it just in case.
>Pro suicide
Wouldn't recommend it.
>No love, no talents
You have an exalted Venus in the 8H, sextile the MC. Jupiter must provide for her but his resources are limited, as he's in his sign of detriment. An ill-dignified Jupiter lords over your 5H and 8H - with Pluto+Chiron in the 5TH of relationships and parties, I think that's where the issue is. Pluto is exactly square Venus - that's a tough one. You seem like the kind of person who could go to a rave and get offers for sex but you fucking hate it, hate that environment, and you want a real relationship.

In light of that, I'll look for the wife instead:
>Wife/Marriage is indicated by the lord of the 7H and said lord's placement
Saturn lords the 7th from the 10th. You see relationships like your career: something to build upon and not be thrown away. You need someone who's mature and has their shit together. Your wife would be wealthy but practical with her money. Marriage would be stable but she would have conditions impose limits on you - although I don't think you'd mind.
>This indicates someone who gets married late 20s/30s.
You would be well-advised to make yourself stable and work on your career. You're still pretty young (Pluto Sag) so relax. Working through your Sun (in Capricorn) would be wise - try to become your best self no matter the obstacles, don't be afraid of your ego, but stay grounded. If you don't have a job, get one, just to have something to do.
>You need to look to your deepest emotions and do shadow work
There's a book by Victoria Stevens on shadow work - it's like $20 - buy it, do the workbook, you'll be better for it and your interactions with other people will improve.

Speaking of deep emotions
>Moon in fall conjunct Mars on the IC, 4H
The 4TH house is the house of home, the mother, the subconscious. That's a troubled homelife aspect. Especially because of the mother. I recommend meditation a lot but you are a prime candidate. You need to calm down man.
Your 7TH house lorded by Saturn - there's some issues here. Neptune on the descendant makes other people manipulative of you - in trine to Jupiter in the house of friends (11th), your friends may do this. If you keep many friends, you need to know who really is your friend, and who's using you. You aren't seeing people for who they really are which is part of the problem.

Part of the reason I recommended shadow work first, is that you're unsconsiously manipulating others, and in return, they're doing it back. You need to correct this - it's something that would become an issue in close partnerships quickly, and could result in their ends. Communication will be key for you in finding a wife.

Saturn will present you opportunities via challenges in love over the next year and a half - he's transiting your natal Venus, after all. As he moves in sextile to your natal Saturn and Sun, I suggest you take them up and work your ass off even if this puts things on hold.

You CAN do this anon. Take care brother.
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Thank you, though I am always unsure about things related to my chart. People always read I have sex appeal but really, I am unattractive. I really dont understand what people mean by that. Me at a rave? Getting offers? I dont know. Never been in love either.
What I want? Things, the good things. I want it just so I could say I've done it.

My childhood was rough, very rough. My mother was difficult, I am insane about women sometimes. If things go wrong, this will go haywire.
Opportunities in love? That to me means risk of losing them, missing out. I've never had anyone so far.

>wouldnt recommend it
Why? I have devolded into being cold about life. Pessimistic. I don't even know what to do.

I don't know if I can ask something else?
Read about the dark night of the soul. Read mythology. Burn your old self. Kill your current ego so it can born anew, stronger.
Sex appeal? No, I don't see that. What they're reading is that you have an exalted Venus in the 8H, but they're ignoring the placement of her lord.
>I really dont understand what people mean by that. Me at a rave? Getting offers? I dont know.
"who could go to a rave" - I should've used a different example or phrased things better, your 5H has Pluto and Chiron so you're unlikely to go to a party but IF you did, you would get offers - or at least a woman flashing her tits at you.
>I don't even know what to do
1. Do the shadow workbook I recommended, and do what >>39106899 said. Your 8H Venus is good for occult matters; the 8H is the house of death and rebirth. You need to metaphorically kill your old self so you can be reborn and you need a structured way to do that. Saturn is pushing you to change, you need to take him up on the challenge.
2. Go meditate
3. Unironically go to a bar or party and be social. Yeah, you're gonna hate it. Yeah, it's probably going to disturb you deeply. But you've got to work on those 5H placements and you've got to use your Venus.
>I don't know if I can ask something else?
You can ask two more questions but you will be read last.
>That's a very lucid question! If someone has, for example, Ascendant conjunct Capella, and you change the zodiac for their chart to sidereal, their ascendant will still be conjunct Capella, but the ascendant will now be in Taurus instead of Gemini
Hah, yeah, I researched the question immediately after and proceeded to answer my own question. I just didn't realize the degrees of the stars that you can find online were already being given in the tropical degree, and not sidereal lol
Hi, I want to know what you find wrong with placidus?
It's biggest issue is it's ugly.
>It's biggest issue is it's ugly.
testing 2
testting 3
Whole sign is the oldest way of reading charts in astrology. It just works and doesn't get real fucky if you're born in a funny location. The biggest problem I have with placidus is that more than 50% of the time I've read a chart and someone has had placements in the 1st house it's been interpreted as a 12th house placement.

The 12th house is not a house to fuck around with. Don't just make shit up and say someone's placement is in the 12th. Does Placidus have it's uses? Maybe, but in my personal experience it has absolutely no right to be used in birth charts. Every single house in your chart should be of equal importance, but Placidus says "nuh uh fucker" and a lots a quarter of your chart to the suffering zone and in my experience it makes 0 sense if you know anything at all about the person you're reading for.
>You're telling me I have no sex appeal at all
That's not what I said and it's not what I'm telling you. You could be having 3 different women every day if you put your mind to it. What you're saying right now is reeks of control issues - both of the self, and of one's destiny. You're so controlling that you've injured yourself and wound yourself up into a tight spring but then deny yourself any positive release.
>So my first question is how or why am unappealing am i to the opposite gender
You're very controlling, with wild, emotions, and the lens you look at everyone else through is totally warped. The lens you look at yourself through is warped. You see sex and relationships as a means to an end.
>My best option in my own opinion is to kill myself, what does that say?
It echos what I said about you being controlling + it shows you have trouble listening to others. You want me to give you some magical answer to have bitches fall into your lap - okay, go to the LoA threads and put the work in.
>Why does it feel like everyone is their own thing against me?
Neptune and Uranus 7H.
I gave you a 3 step plan anon. Please implement it.
>I am lost
I gave you a plan. Read and follow it.
>what should I do with my life?
You're thinking too far ahead in your frustration and impatience. You have to learn to slow down and that not every emotion is worth listening to. Thus, meditation. Learn to control your tongue, thoughts - thus, shadow work. You need an emotional outlet for your anger.

Go to LoA threads and do the ladder experiment, and please don't hurt yourself.
Hi, that's a good question and a common one at that. For the gist of it, see >>39107776
Worth adding onto his analysis: not every technique works with Plcaidus. Chief among them, zodiacal releasing doesn't work unless you use whole sign. I'm sure you could twist house profection years into Placidus, too, but I doubt such a thing would be efficacious or wise.
Don't worry too much about that anon. He's been asking for reads the whole time and doesn't listen to the feedback people give him. In getting so many reads he has made it harder for him to really understand what's going on in his chart. He has ups and downs like this and it's best to not engage because he'll misunderstand what's said and then immediately start freaking out as a result since the response triggers a sort of emotional reaction.
So I am controlling? If I temper my emotions? I am my wild emotions. All the other ones will still dislike me, and never include me because they will still hate me. Women hate me. Men hate me. They just love to hate me.
Yoire telling me to temper myself when people will always reject me the same.
You two are wrong. Maybe I should kill myself, everyone hates me
Stop derailing the thread attention whore. Yes you should kill yourself but not your body, kill the "self" that wrote all these posts so a better more worthy one can take its place.
NO, tell me, how come others hate me over nothing?
Just stop posting, okay? No one wants to read this negative shtick. You wallow in misery and this is not the place. Hate is a really strong word but I find it really annoying when you post about this in every other thread I visit. No one hates you, but they hate that you shit up every thread you visit. You waste everyone's time. What's the point of getting a read if you're going to ignore it?

Whenever you do things like this is is very self absorbed and I wish you would move on with your life and just live instead of fixating on your own self felating perception of what your chart means.
Thank you very much
Who cares about the opinions of "lesser beings"
Lesser for the fact that they'd choose to hate instead of understand.
Fuck 'em.
Here's my chart from the last thread. Hoping for some guidance. Have a great day!
If you wouldn't mind, think I might've gotten skipped from the last thread. thank you <3
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Hi OP, just checking in from previous thread >>39075001
I found out today my actual time of birth so Im posting the new, more accurate chart here.
General reading please and thanks in advance.
You don't understand. This guy has done this in so many threads, and it's not contained to astrology threads. No matter how positive of a read he gets he always misinterprets it. I'm not sure if he's a troll at points.
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>Others are artificially glib with you
Very true, unfortunately, and has led to most of my detachment from so called friends...
>The way you express yourself is in conflict with who you really are. Feels like an imposter.
Far from it, I've been open about anything with just about everyone; I like to consider it one of my strengths... Really not concerned at all what others think or believe about me.
>You come upon sudden events that change who you are - when disaster strikes, it strikes you hard.
They don't change who I am, but often what I am doing... as in gets me out of ruts or stale routines.
>Emotionally mature; an old soul, needs to be away from others to really process their emotions, however, they are cruel to themselves. The emotional stillness you are able to cultivate is due to the absolute hell you wring yourself through. May not have many friends. This may signify a late marriage or partnerships with older people, even few friends. But when you make a friend, you keep one, and you are dedicated. To do this, you must learn to trust them, and you're slow to do so.
True all the way... was married somewhat late as well (29 y/o).

Just wrong about me being in any conflict with myself or how I present myself, definitely not an impostor and can't stand superficialities on any level.

Thank you regardless and sorry for bugging earlier!
BTW... Gotta give OP a 90% hit rate, which is remarkable IMO... Very skilled at what they are doing!
What an interesting query. I'm going to preface this by saying that I looked for some of the worst per your request - many of these same placements have a wonderfully positive side as well, and I'm including those positives for the sake of keeping everything balanced.

>Ascendant in Scorpio conjunct fixed star zubenelgenubi
Violent, prone to self-sabotage, lying; has a tendency to hold grudges and try to serve 'justice' themselves - even if they aren't being just themselves. Overly assertive.

Positive: Confident, courageous, not afraid to go after what he wants.
>Moon in detriment in Capricorn (3H)
Emotional debilitation, but this is because the weight of their emotions is tough to handle so they retreat to cope. Outwardly they appear cold but inside they're processing everything. Gets stuck in certain emotional patterns for long periods - in a certain word, they are emotionally stable. Sorrowful, pessimistic, overly serious and cold. Communication is habitually too honest and direct; they may come across as unsupportive.

Positive: Emotionally stable under pressure, mature, grounded. Good at self-reflection, does try to broaden his emotional horizons in spite of setbacks, good at planning and making decisions.
>Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde conjunct Neptune (3H)
Deluded thoughts, egotistical thinking, manipulative, confused. Can be hard to understand. Cracks too many jokes in communicating with others. Sometimes doesn't know who he is, i.e., identity crises. This is on/off.

Positive: A great conversationalist, effective communicator, an artist, a dreamer, a deep intuition, clever, deeply spiritual, quick witted, with some effort a brilliant mind, able to take on many roles, experimental, analytical, able to change themselves as needed like a social chameleon.
>Saturn 5H trine the ascendant
Expecting to be taken care of in matters of love. Over-protecting of his partner in some way to the point of controlling. Moves too slowly. Takes a long time to get started on things. Needs a lot more rest than the average person. Takes relaxation too seriously and as a result exhausts themselves.

Positive: Dedicated, patient; tries to be dependable and mature, wise, perseveres, good at setting boundaries
>Venus conjunct Fomalhaut
Likes to keep his relationships a secret. Quiet or reserved in relationships. Has been subject to lies from women. Self-serving.

Positives: Charming, seductive, a passionate lover, an amazing artist, good at making friends, surprisingly good with kids when he can be an authority. Affectionate, kind, good at compromise, sentimental.
>MC trine South node in the 6H
Reverts to angry, impulsive, and childish behavior when overloaded in their daily life.

Positive: In touch with his inner child.
>Uranus and mars in the 4th house
Potentially an odd relationship with the mother. Random outburts for no reason. Aggressive without realizing it.
Thanks heaps. I'll react to your reading in case it satisfies anyone's curiosity.

>Was your father or grandfather an alcoholic by any chance?
Both grandfathers, but more in an embarrassing fuckup sense than a trauma-inducing one.
>wounds from the parents
>detriment to public image through bad behavior
Hasn't meaningfully happened yet but you address this.
>You are also affected by lies more than other people
Do you mean that more people lie about me than is typically the case, or that I'm more hurt when it happens? Both are probably true, at any rate.
>You took a while to find your path in life
Never did.
>You must learn to slow down.
Very fair.
>you must learn how to be less controlling over other's resources
I think some of my humbling experiences beat this impulse out of me, but it was very present when I was a kid. I'll keep an eye out for it, but I sometimes feel like I've overcorrected.
This seems very possible, based on some specifics of my current situation.
>Intense sexual encounters that affect one's public image and career
lol, this seems highly unlikely, but I suppose it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Out of interest, would you receive more questions from people you've already read come next month's thread?
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Bumps and Blessings.
I'm still here OP
Any words on my Saturn return?
Day to day work is the 6th house, career is the 10H
Sixth house has the north node, also Chiron conjunct the vertex. Issues at work are a possibility and may avoid work entirely. Could also indicate health issues caused by the job or injuries at work. Was uncomfortable with work as a younger person but has grown into dealing with their discomfort. Be less defensive when it comes to your worklife and be more honest in your communication. It's okay to be authentic.
MC and Uranus. Wants to leave a mark on the world through their career, to be known for their enterprises. Wants to bring about change, do something radical, tread new ground, expand horizons. Needs something that captures their natural enthusiasm; something that excites them and sparks their curiosity. A career that is nonconforming would be wise.

>Love life
5H of relationships and romance, 8H deals with sex and the psyche, 7H with partnerships
Mars in Virgo. Mars indicates problems with relationships here, he tends to get fixated on things and twists himself into knots. It's not as bad as Saturn 5H, but relationships are a bumpy road for you. However, Mars lords over Saturn, and Saturn lords over Jupiter - so Mars is somewhat well provided for. It doesn't mean everything's going to be easy but there's a path you can form and charge through with some effort. You're passionate when it comes to relationships but need to learn how to direct your energy properly. You may have problems with creativity - learn to see creativity as less of a challenge and more of an opportunity. Be more adventurous in general. It's okay to turn your confidence outwards instead of keeping it in.
Pluto conjunct the Sun, Mercury conjunct the Part of Fortune. This is a mixed bag. You have an innate desire to dominate others in this way but never feel quite satisfied in doing so. Mercury in the 8H can indicate someone who may need to travel to find love, you've got sex on the mind a lot more than the average person. You do have a flexible mind, however, and you're quite resourceful and adaptable. You're a curious person with a keen intellect - learn to use it consciously instead of unconsciously. Be a more honest person in all areas (Mercury in 8H can indicate a thief or someone who takes other people's shit and tells them later). Be less forceful in your communication. You go through many personal transformations of death and rebirth.
>Total shot in the dark, do you like trans people?
Your 7th house of Scorpio is lorded by Mars in the 5th, and contains Venus in detriment. This can indicate moderate challenges in dealing with others - and can indicate you literally competing with others because you have trouble with diplomacy. Learn to be fair and just with others without relying on your impulse. Be patient with others, Mars likes to move fast, but Venus wants to be relaxed. Compromise and experiment in how you deal with partnerships. Be careful of betrayal from other people; at the same time, learn to trust others and be more playful in how you deal with them.
>Saturn return
Saturn in fall in Aries, conjunct the SN, 12H. I think your relationship with God is going to get some shakeups. Learn to quell your ego, and learn to stop mentally degrading yourself. You're so hard on yourself that you kill your own ego. Learn to set boundaries with yourself and learn your limits. Take the time to recover from stressful activities instead of wearing yourself out. During this time you might get less rest, feel less like yourself, and feel mentally sluggish. Ultimately you'll have to come to terms not knowing things and surrendering to the unknown. You are prone to exhaustion, so a regimented sleep schedule will be good for you. If you've been held back from a sense of unity with others, this will loosen during your Saturn return.

You've got to learn how to prepare for something and then wait, Saturn-Aries likes to pour foundations and then immediately build metaphorical structures ontop. Wait. Ask yourself frequently if you're being mature - Saturn in the 12H is invisible to the native, so you need to train your unconscious to slow down. Lay a foundation of security for YOURSELF and learn to be practical. Learn to be independent. Keep less secrets, be more reliable (you have problems with this) and be more thorough. Set personal goals and actually meet them instead of putting personal development off. Learn to perservere through challenges instead of quickly moving onto the next thing. Your time and stress management skills are terrible, you need to fix this.
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I guess you're reading again sporadically so I'll post my chart with some questions and check back in the future. Let me know if you find anything you think is interesting or noteworthy, especially in terms of occult/spiritual matters, as well as "luckiness"/fortune/what is "allotted" to me. Emotional or mental matters would be interesting too, I guess.
Oh, I forgot ti ask about main strengths, or latent ones even, if you notice any.
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Virgo Sun 12th, Virgo ascendant 12th. Is this good or no?

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