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chaos is the primordial force from which everything emanates. It's the source of infinite possibilities, a state beyond structure or predictability. Chaos is the wellspring of all potential, where every possibility is available but not yet actualized. In magick, working with chaos means tapping into this limitless potential to shape reality according to your desires.

Grant Morrison explaining sigil magic:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_0GLmqQWM0

full lecture remastered:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvPyipy8erg

Grant Morrison's BETTER lecture, goes indepth into charging which he doesn't do in the original:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXBePJ42kdE

Learning to create your own sigils for your own custom desires (book) (also just about everything you need to know about sigil magic, INCLUDING OTHER METHODS OF CHARGING SIGILS):https://download.library.lol/main/389000/7728555bace3ccdc1e62a54f062175be/U.D.%20Frater%20-%20PRACTICAL%20SIGIL%20MAGIC%20Creating%20Personal%20Symbols%20for%20Success-Llewellyn%20%281991%29.pdf

Sigil Article posted by an Anon:https://runesoup.com/2012/03/ultimate-sigil-magic-guide/

Extremely indepth Introduction to Chaos Magic Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt7D7BbFZsA



Easy ritual tutorial
>find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed
>get a piece of paper and a pen
>write your intention in the present tense or past like "Jane Doe is in love with me". In older texts you'll also find intentions written as a clear wish like "This my wish to acquire the strength of a tiger by October 2024" or something like that.
>remove all vowels and repeated letters leaving only consonants
>you can also pick only the first letter of each word if your intention is too long or if you wanna simplify it
>use the remaining letters to create a unique symbol. if it feels "magical" it's good. there are no rules though.
>draw the symbol while focusing on your intention visualize it happening now
>charge the sigil through masturbation. bring yourself to the point of orgasm focusing on the symbol. There are OTHER METHODS, LIKE HOLDING YOUR BREATH ALMOST TO THE POINT OF PASSING OUT, AND THEN LOOKING AT THE SIGIL. Needless to say, those other methods are dangerous. But the other methods have advantages too. If you think orgasming is "degenerate", read the book provided earlier and learn the other methods, but be advised, they can be dangerous.
>release your energy into the sigil during climax, (you can cum on your sigil basically)

>throw the sigil in the trash or destroy it or burn it so you can forget it (this is OPTIONAL and there isn't a consensus. Grant Morrison doesn't dispose of his sigils. I do. We all get results)
>move on with your day
I sigilized to get attention from Asian women online since late August. Now since the start of october I'm having to deal with all these asian women texting me all the time at the same time.
This is just characters on the screen and you are projecting your own meaning onto them
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Oh fuck.
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draw upon all wisdom.
Thus as madness
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Fuck yeah, I love these thread!
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In case someone wants a short divination
Roll for 16
Rolling 40
roll for 50
Come on, if it doesn't get to 200 posts, it doesn't count as a thread.
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Read this. pt 1 and 2

JMG has a good ongoing ama post.


JMG also has a lot of good info in general


Steal shit from here.


Timing can't hurt

Long running astro website.


>What if this is all in my head?

Might be. You should know how that works too




>Yeah, but science...






Milkin the BEANS bro
>Milkin the BEANS bro
Yes, be one with the Apple
thats CYANIDE bro
Any example of sigil pics?
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My humblest contribution
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This is a hypersigil, which has been fixed up. If you post your hypersigil in this thread I'll read it to help charge it.
based. just recognizing its existence is already enough
Rollan' Rollin' Rollon'
Oh, I like the sentence at the end.
Will try to remember making and uploading one later, thank you
Nice aesthetic feel
i missed this thread yesterday. So i basically created my first sigil. I ran 4 miles with it in my pocket. I will still meditate and light a candle. Can you keep continuously charging it for like a week? but forgetting about it is also important right?

Also do you guys have more than one sigil going at one time? ive already started on my second.

do other people seeing your sigil help strengthen the power?
I charge it once and dispose of it. you don't have to dispose of it, but you should forget the intention behind it preferably.

that's why making a bunch of sigils, and then charging them one every day or every other day without knowing what they stand for might be useful. it is for me
disposing of it is optional, also.
Silent Hill is basically it's own religion. Something about a crow God worshipped before Christianity in the area of the town. Bringing all sorts of paranormal events to the area. There's something abou it.
I don't want to coom while firing a sigil since I'm doing SR , which other methods have worked well for you chaos bros?

Carroll is gracing us with a new book soon
Can I make a sigil and get rid of it within like, ten minutes?
Or do I need to do special things aside from this process
Also is it bad to make sigils involving the same thing(s)
>what is a symbol
>start working with sigils and chaos magick
>start having frequent, super vivid and crazy ass dreams
What's going on here?

Also rolling for fun
Leta see whats up
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>chaos sigil magick
>halo of the sun from silent hill 3
xddddd you niggas are wack
rolling for 60 ALSO reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

brother if u have the mental capacity to completely banish the intention from your conscious mind, then yes, you can.
I am activating the genes of magical powers.
rolling for 43, goddamn
I fucked up my hamstring doing split squats, thinking of trying some kind of reverse voodoo doll thing ie

>draw stick figure
>put red line through the stick figure's left hamstring
>charge it in such away that it creates a psychic twinning between the image and my physical body
>erase the red line, signifying the injury vanishing
>ritualistically sever psychic link between myself and the drawing
>dispose of drawing

I've never tried anything of this particular nature before but intuitively it feels like it could work. i also blame watching the penguin for subconsciously making me seek out having a bum leg
>I intuitively it feels like it could work
Then go for it, your feeling is a better sign than all the books in the world
Rolling for 6
Can I make a sigil for my third eye opening?
yeah ofc lmao
the synchroneities are insane I stopped even caring. it's fucking crazy. this thing works. not always the way you want, it's fucking CHAOS, but it works.
What method did you use to fire your sigil?
orgasm,just followed the tutorial. haven't done anything special or secret.
I've just noticed that captcha was changed yet again and suddenly thought that letter-number captcha looks like a basis for a sigil, when all that's left is to combine it into a single symbol. Perhaps it could do something, think Temple OS and similar cybermagical projects, but I have no idea what would happen if someone makes captcha sigils and activates them.
Yeah. Sigils are meant to serve you, so using them to improve your body will get you better results than trying to have something outside of you happen, or at least it is if you're barely starting out.
Just be careful, opening your third eye with a sigil may give it "sentience", which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you may feel like you're losing your mind when you start seeing it everywhere or when it comes to mind at the weirdest times.
if you charge it with fapping...do you look at porn, then look at the sigil while you are climaxing? or just stare at the sigil the whole time?
>Sigils are meant to serve you, so using them to improve your body will get you better results than trying to have something outside of you happen, or at least it is if you're barely starting out.

If I haven't done sigil magick in a while I like to start off doing some meta-sigils to improve my abilities, ie "My mind is always sharp and focused", "I know exactly what I want and how to obtain it", "I am full of potent sexual energy" etc (that last one is mostly just for if you're doing the coomcharge method, i made a sigil along those lines recently and now i'm bricked up at all hours)

The jury is out. Some would argue that it would make the whole process feel more like a magic ritual if you just looked at the sigil the whole time. Personally I feel like it'd be fine to have a set-up where you're perceiving the sigil simultaneously to whatever you're fapping to (for instance having the sigil image as a semi-transparent watermark over top the video, or having an audio sigil playing in the background), because you'd still be absorbing it on a subconscious level. Ultimately I think it comes down to how one views the charging process (giving the sigil your full attention to really invest it with energy vs allowing the sigil to slip into your subconscious as a barely noticed detail). would be curious to hear from people who've done experiments with both to see which had more success
interesting my first sigil i ever made (that im still working on) is like this eta sigilm. its : "I clearly define my goals."

i want to be able to have a concrete plans about where I want to go and what i need to accomplish.
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Bros, nothing with sigil magic has worked for me yet. I launched a few sigils at the end of September and so far, the only one that worked involved me needing to guilt trip someone over money they owe me. Even the sigil I launched for lucid dreams has had zero results. What's wrong with me?
1) You remembered the sigil/the goal behind it and ruminated over it (yes, if you make a sigil to find a girlfriend and activate it, you MUST NOT consciously desire to get a girlfriend and/or think about that)
2) You failed to correctly use gnosis (state of mind when you concentrate on a single object (sigil) and implant it into your unconscious mind), this is the real purpose of cooming- it briefly creates such a state, in which direct access to unconscious mind is possible, but you still have to concentrate completely on your sigil during these moments
3) It sounds tricky considering that you have to basically ignore your goal, but it's highly beneficial to take steps approaching it to increase probability of success and/or direct the happening along preferred path (so that you avoid the Wishmaster scenario)
For more expanded explanation refer to Liber Null. Also I don't remember where exactly I saw this, but apparently common "grace period" for sigils is around 3 months, if nothing happened after 3 months it's to be considered a fail.
The tutorial at the top of the thread says you just need to forget the sigil. Forgetting the goal is never gonna happen. Look how many people in here remember the goals.

Cooming is what I used yeah. No issues there, just concentrated on the goal while staring at the sigil. I don't remember what my sigils look like.

So basically if I don't see anything by January I failed? I still have time?
>just concentrated on the goal while staring at the sigil
You need to concentrate on the SIGIL, having no thoughts in your head and ignoring everything except for that doodle in front of you. Although it is constructed so that letters can be discerned, it shouldn't have any conscious association with the original sentence of desire. That's why some people make sigils then wait a few weeks before activating, so that both purpose and meaning are forgotten.
About remembering the desire, once again, read Liber Null, but tl;dr since duality is inherent in existence, as soon as you manifest desire (mental effort associated with the goal) you also inevitably manifest its opposite which comes to you in forms of doubt, disbelief, thoughts and feelings that you don't deserve/need/want the object and this nullifies the possibility. What you need is to concentrate upon OBJECT of desire, not on desire itself, but since you can't just sit still for days or weeks empty-headed, only thinking about the thing without even desiring it, you delegate this job to your unconscious mind via sigils.
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slingin sigils, slingin cum
I keep seeing these fucking numbers!
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With like.
Did anyone here actually advanced in Chaos magic past the sigils?
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Rollinf for 50.
let's goooo
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To everyone unironically posting on this thread,
No, there are no chaos sigils.
No, there are no complicated parallel dimension systems.
No, there's no anime ass magic system.
No, there's no set species of demons and monsters and aliens and yada-yada.
Divine simplicity is the truth. If you don't accept that you're mentally ill and retarded and AI. Accepting the simplicity of the universe is how you move forward. Go read about Plotinus and Proclus.
There is no linear process, but I feel like way too many fags just equate chaos magic to cumming on sigils. I hope someone out there has figured out more powerful shit. I wish I knew about it.

I struggle to even think of anything worth trying out.
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if you made sigils work, then you can make a sigil for "show me the next shit"
The point we find ourselves at, I'd say there's no more powerful shit than directly bending physical reality with your will (fireballs and stuff). The more books I read and the more I think about magic, the more I come to a conclusion that it's all the same thing, just described from different angles and different levels of understanding and ingenuity (and different target audience). Reality-altering magic is, therefore, the next logical step. The days of "subtle magic" are numbered. It's rotting together with all other things old world, and from its rotting corpse reality-altering magic shall arise. When at the snap of your fingers a building is engulfed in flames, you'll remember this post. And you will be happy.
Potentially somebody could "advance past sigils" day one with the proper constitution and prior training. Ritual is a very powerful thing, and if you really get into it as you're supposed to (i.e. pure lunatic conviction), you're going to feel and see some shit. However once you do this you're in a different world, one where you're a complete fucking nutjob to most, and vice versa - even if you were an outcast before, now you likely won't be able to relate much anymore to anybody who isn't also on the path. The average person is incredibly far from seriously considering the matters which now dictate your days.
I think if you have to ask you should probably stay away. It is certainly not for everyone, and this isn't coming from a high horse. "Occult" means hidden/secret for a good reason, and it's not because the elitist schizos want to hoard all the cool powers for themselves. Especially now that anybody could easily read the plethora of books on/related to the subject for free and put it into practice, but they don't. Most try and fail something like lucid dreaming a few times and give up. Ditto for meditation. Not to mention getting to wilder fundamentals like the malleability of belief. To actually do that kind of thing? You live the secret.
If you can't enter/maintain a deep meditative state, if you can't lucid dream, if you have no practice with energy control, if you can't enjoy having a horrible nightmare, on and on - don't jump in the deep end if you can't swim. This is a life's work.
As per Carroll, there are five main types of magic: enchantment (altering reality with your will), divination (acquiring information that cannot be accessed with the 5 material senses), evocation (creating/summoning an entity), invocation (provoking possession by an entity), illumination (higher knowledge received against all odds and of utmost efficiency and importance). Sigils fall under enchantment category thus, all of them. Which means that there are four more categories of magic to practice.
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hey guys where can I get some money for my powerfully-enhanced sigil-semen?
afaik styx is an actual theistic satanist demon worshiper. that's not chaos magic, which could involve demon worship but certainly doesn't need to, and even then the practitioner only believes in the entity so long as it's convenient for them. also he's a huge retarded faggot and his recent feltening is hilarious, it's the only stuff involving him i could ever manage to sit through. you love to see it
>le satan, le demons
Abracuck begone.
hypersigils are pretty insane
le what are you whining about? what triggered you little buddy?
You're in this thread because you either
>Have nothing better to do
>Have something against the person you secretly love
>Want to claim to more know than other people despite not knowing literally anything and it makes you feel dumb
>Are literally THAT MAD at someone for making fun of you, not even intentionally
>Are too lazy to do the obvious thing you should've been doing in the first place

And because that's true I suggest you log off and clean something.

Surprise surprise you'll actually feel better once you do.

I'm not joking.

Try it and see how good about yourself you feel in the end.
Okay boys, in my studies of the philosophy and the occult I have come to realize that ethics/morality is imperatively important.

But in chaos msgic literature, Ive seen no mention of this. They dont talk about it and make it seem relative.

It is a trap, they give you the tools to gain more power, meditation, visualization, knowledge on how to achieve gnosis etc. So lets imagine someone is disciplined enough to practice it with true effort for a few years (I doubt any one of you faggots here has this discipline), now he has the power to do magic, but there is no moral compass. What a beautiful way to self destruct.

Perhaps I am wrong, please point me to the authors who do talk about ethics, I would like to read.
You're right and wrong, anon.

Right in that the people who do this 99.99% of the time have literally no moral compass.

But wrong in that "practice" and the prerequisite morals are the answer.

On the one hand, there's nothing to "practice."

It's just a gradient of how progressively desperate you become, coupled with how delusional you get along the way, confusing incidental things with "signs."

And then there's the morals.

Just admit it right now.

The only reason you would even CONSIDER this kind of "magic" is because you're too lazy to do things the safe, honest, conventional way.

I.e, you never had any morals to begin with.

Not even the world rulers do this stupid stuff. There's never a secret document uncovered with a former president scribbling nonsense, now is there.

Their rituals are killing people.

It's a horrible reality, but the truth is this stuff isn't your friend.

Plain and simple.
Ignorant answer. I am looking for someone who studied this shit to answer my question about morals

You do realize the fact that you even replied with this means you presume that literally all the stuff you said prior is the exact truth?

Despite openly admitting you don't know what you're talking about?
> point me to the authors who do talk about ethics

Think about it this way, anon.

Do you HONESTLY think a dude, knowing 100x more than you do about this, would simultaneously NOT know a single thing about ethics?

To the point where a simple BOOK is all they'd need?

Just imagine if you actually did run into a person who knew more than you did.


I'm sure you wouldn't be able to recognize that fact in the slightest.

You might even,

I don't know.

Call them ignorant.

someone summoned a jordan peterson egregore
Is that what you say when your parents tell you to stop eating on your disgusting, soiled bed?

Are you an idiot?
My apologies, Anon. I can tell your words radiate power because you put a lot of spaces around them
I called you ignorant because yoi ssid there is nothing to practice. Stste of non thinking, which is a prerequisite for any magic, takes years of daily meditaion to achieve consistently.

I called you ignorant because you said world rulers do not so this stuff. My man, if you only knew how much occult shit is going on in the shadows....
Well, you're right about one thing.

World rulers DO rely on occult stuff.

But that's as far as it goes, really.

With respect to the "super hard and super disciplined" stuff you're talking about.

I have an unfortunate truth to give you.

None of the "occult people" do those things.

At all.

40% of the time they spend is ritually killing/assaulting innocents on islands or wherever.

Not a single one of them disciplines themselves in ANY way.

They would laugh at you for even suggesting it.
You realize it's not my intention to offend you, right?

I'm stating a simple truth, here.


Nobody with an ounce of something insightful to say has a room that's too filthy to have a female in.

You're too old to keep acting like this, dude.
I agree with you that 99.9% of people who get into occult are retards with no self discipline or morals. Refer to my first post, I called them faggots because of this.

But I dont want to use these people as representatives of what is possible within the occult.

I simply asked whether chaos magic in particular explains anywhere that magic without morals will fuck you in the end.
>magic without morals will fuck you in the end.
no such thing
everyone is using magic in ne way or another. there's no moral bs, it's all subjective.
No it isn't.
How can I force my brain to believe things I don’t believe?

I have heard that the chaos magician should spend time arguing things they don’t believe or rolling a die to determine their ideology for the week. Shit like this. Do you guys have any other thoughts on this matter? I want to basically learn how brainwash myself or manually override my subconscious or something

>wait 900 seconds to post
Holy shit 4chan is about to actually die
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Earlier today I fired off a particular sigil that I might seriously regret if it actually goes through
I guess we're gonna fuck around and find out if this shit is real
Kill yourself faggot
roll for another question
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All your traditions are Jewish. What's more, you will NEVER be even a 1/100th of a mage those rabbis are. None us will.
I'll show you fucking chaos magic
Your dog's last breath
The world doesn't spin around jews and jewish god. And none of MY traditions are jewish. I don't even celebrate Christmas, but only New Year's Eve.
>even a 1/100th of a mage those rabbis are
They are mystics and spiritualists at best, but not mages. They bow to a deity, the mage on the other hand awakes the God within him and reunites with him (fictionally, for both are already one). Non serviam.
Can I make a sigil to make my old doggo survive longer and be healthy and happy with me?
>I have heard that the chaos magician should spend time arguing things they don’t believe or rolling a die to determine their ideology for the week.

I've done both, they work well. The only caveat with the dice game is that it works best if you come up with options that challenge you, and then actually follow through. a shy introverted NEET might think its impressive to write "I will maintain a vow of silence for a week" as an option, but really for him it wouldn't be. For that guy it'd probably be way more transformative to write something like "For one week I'm going to become a massive flirt, I'm going to hit on every random girl I'm attracted to & laugh it off if they reject me". In my own case I did a dice roll that had me take all the money out of my bank account & give it to homeless people, which at that time happened to be about $4000. And I followed through. I probably caused several deaths lol but the sheer irrationality of doing something like that had a huge impact on my worldview for like three years following.

You can also write automated behaviour scripts for your brain. A more mundane example of this is when a really messy person decides they're going to be more on top of cleaning their home, so they create this script in their brain that say "whenever I come into my apartment, the first thing i'll do is spend 15-30 minutes putting things in order, automatically, without thinking about it, and it'll be the easiest most effortless thing in the world". Some people do that for beliefs as well - say for instance they have all sorts of extremely edgy political views, but they don't want to get fired from their white collar job, so every time they go to work they run the script "I am a progressive liberal, i believe in equality & human rights for all, i am very passionate about social justice" or "I'm just a fun guy who likes vidya, i don't care about politics at all, i definitely don't spend hours reading yockey pdfs"
just do it anon it works
Oflameo if you are reading this just know that you are a dirty autistic powerless niglord
>Nobody with an ounce of something insightful to say has a room that's too filthy to have a female in.
Will i ever get good luck in my sorry life?
I hope the answer
Redpill me on Bind/Chaos runes/Sigils
Do these actually work? If so anyone has any Good luck sigils/runes?
create one you niggu fo real
this how chaos worst stop asking booboo shit
Dont supposed you happen to have a PDF on how to? Or a DYI book?
read Phil Hine
How long should I stare at it for and how should I forget about it?
As long as you can in any case. Afterwards you should banish with pure laughter and immediately concentrate on mundane matters (personally I would recommend eating, because it grounds you and diverts your mind from anything "supernatural"). Then, if you ever get thoughts concerning sigil or its purpose, cancel them immediately with your mind and focus on something else, like your immediate surroundings.
Thats a noble pursuit anon I'll be sending good vibes your way
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you want two dicks, ok i get it
based doggolover
this shit works its scary af desu
I'm this anon >>39116866 I've done a sigil because my dog wasn't feeling good. It actually look he was going to die soon. He's already feeling better! He's not 100% healthy, but he's out of danger and I'm so happy! This stuff works!
Show us
There's a pretty good chance that he was going to get better regardless. It doesn't prove anything
confirmation bias
Why are you guys so negative and angry? the guy's just happy about his doggo feeling better. Let him have this
Skeptics have set their minds to deny any possibility of "supernatural". The best way to handle them is either to avoid their attention or to subdue their minds if you have some mind control skills. They don't help; one might as well consider them enemies and encounters with them as battles.
is this your first time on this board
Ignore those faggots, they're in every thread about magic/loa/anything actually paranormal on /x/ of all places, saying this shit doesn't work, and when it does work they deny that anything happened. Either gatekeepers trying to put doubt in your mind and hoard this knowledge, or more likely just bored losers who for some reason developed a fixation with the occult, most likely because they couldn't get it to work for themselves.
>Why anons so negative and angry?
Because they're incels
Planning to make a sigil out of a name of a character, also make mantra, then visualize the sigil and repeat mantra until it rises to share his power with me. Or possesses me. What else can I do to make it easier? Visualizing a whole setup, like an altar or something in my mind, or is it better just to focus on a sigil?
Things you could do:

-dress in a manner befitting of the character
-have objects on your person you associate with the character (ie if for some reason you associate him with quartz have a quartz crystal etc)
-burn incense associated with character if applicable
-perform some symbolic act that would please the character (if trying to summon Garfield, take a calendar & scratch out the mondays)
This is a great post. I have independently discovered a version of this.

I do find that these scripts can break down over time and you have to refresh them. Its not entirely a solution to belief problems but it is a useful tool.

I think ultimately drugs are going to be the big solution but I personally am too isolated and scared to go down that road so instead I will focus on getting more and more creative and extreme about it.

There is probably also something to self flagellation/pain to reinforce a beliefe but I think thats a dangerous road because it could just make you fearful of magic in general and make you quit the work.
Personally I think visualization is the most useless fucking shit. I am an engineer and a "rotator", I don't lack the ability to visualize. I just find that it takes so much concentration to maintain a vivid visual. Its just a waste of brain power. In your situation I would recommend literally just going for a walk and walk like your character and think your characters thoughts. Make a habit of doing this every day until its easy. Feel yourself being possessed more and more completely. Until you are not you anymore on that walk at all. Then gradually move the character into your life more and more beyond going for walks.
I've just made a new discord server in case anyone's interested
At the end of September I made and charged (coomed on) some sigils to get my ex girlfriend back. Some things have happened since then:

>TONS of signs and synchronicities of any kind you can imagine;
>her grandma fucking died after a couple of days I've charged my sigils;
>she got an opportunity at work that distanced herself from her current boyfriend;
>I've got an opportunity at work that made me stay relatively close to her while I was supposed to move hundreds of kilometres away from her literally unitl three days after chargin those sigils;
>and we're in no contact but the universe found a way to make her communicate indirectly with me through a common friend she hasn't talked to in months
>and when did she chose to write to this friend? when we were randomly hanging out and my ex girlfriend couldn't possibly know about it in any way!

It's like the stage is being set for our reunion. It's unreal the kind of movement I'm getting in the most random ways possible. This stuff works in mysterious, but powerful ways guys. Holy shit!
My thinking with scripts is that they would come in three broad varieties:

A) instantiating behavior patterns that you want to become permanent (ie increasing confidence, learning to enjoy exercise etc)
B) temporary "false faces" to use in certain situations, which you don't want to become permanent (ie presenting false political beliefs in mixed company)
C) "Just for the sake of it" scripts where the main goal is evalutating how best to program your brain (ie instantiating a completely random behaviour pattern just to test the method)

With the first kind there is this desire to have them radiate into your general being, so that even as the original script breaks down, it will have changed your default worldview enough that you carry on various patterns. To use the example of someone getting into exercise, maybe at first they need to create a very rigid/detailed script ie "I do this exact workout at this exact time, I eat this specific diet, I wear these clothes, I maintain a workout journal etc", but after a while that script has radiated into their being enough that they no longer require those rituals - they intuitively know how to think like a "fit" person, and just go out & exercise without having to make a big thing out of it.

The second kind is interesting for me.because I find it's not so much a matter of falsifying my beliefs, but an attempt to forge a genuine connection with people who initially seem completely alien to me. It's leading myself down a path of "in order to think like that, what would my experience have to be?", and then articulating whatever aspects of that imagined self are also true from my current position
roll for 37
I'm looking to work with a diety or fictional character to improve my success with women and general charisma, but nothing really comes to mind. The closest I can think of is James Bond but that's more of a male fantasy than something women fantasize about. Any suggestions? I'll take either an established diety or someone from a show or book.
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Interesting posts friend.
What you're looking for is e.g., (i.e. exempli gratia), which means "for example"
I used to make the same mistake, I hope this didn't come across as unfriendly.
I haven’t been able to make this work personally.

I would try for just a generic Chad who

>has an abundance of other girls
>is so self confident that social interaction with girls kinda boring so he has to try to entertain himself
>assumes things will work all the time
Noted, thanks. I disagree about visualization though, it allows you to concentrate awareness (the root source of power) on things directly, regardless if they exist "objectively" or not.
Your dog will love to at least 18

I'm willing it.
would you say a binding rune or similar would be more likely to appear on the skin because of someone else's doing or manifesting by accident by that person's own self?
Will my music career take off?
Advices from >>39126765 will turn you into a pickup artists.
Here are a few suggestions I got from Chat GPT:
>James Bond and Tony Stark for self-confidence
>Darcy from 'Pride and Prejudice' for protection without possessiveness
>Aragorn for emotional depth and sensitivity
>Edward Cullen for some sense of mystery
>Sherlock Holmes for a witty sharp mind
>Captain America for a strong moral compas
>Han Solo for playfulness and humor
>Samwise Gamgee for loyalty
>Maximus and Indiana Jones for passion for a goal or cause
>Batman for being flawed yet redeemable
I would invoke one of them depending on the I already have the most - build on your strength, don't try to rectify your weaknesses. Or choose one of them that combines multiple traits, e.g. Aragorn seems also 'flawed yet redeemable' imo.
I'm gonna kill his dog tonight just cause of that
Thanks! this really means a lot to me. sending good vibes to and to whover wants my dog to be happy and healthy!
btw my dog is doing better!

Could we avoid it please? It's a good dog and he doesn't deserve this hatred.
wait, wtf was that thing about her grandma? anon, did you indirectly kill a senior citizen with your tomfoolery?

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