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The Black Cube of Saturn is Black because of Carbon, Carbon is Black and one of the building blocks of all Life on Earth, having 6 protons, 6 electrons ,6 neutrons and a Hexagonical molecular structure similar to Saturns Storm on it's North Pole (this being a cymatic signature of Saturn himself on matter).

Our material universe is supposedly a Hypercube (Metatron's cube, Metatron being an anagram for Matter and Torment) and it's the perfect prison hell (The Avici Cube of Buddhism), within this Hypercube is an incomprehensible ammount of smaller cubes that represent one moment in time (like the frames of a videogame) which essentially makes time a spatial coordinate stretching out in all directions.

All of this of course being a fractal holographic illusionary overlay projected over our limitless consciousness (entraped in a Torus field generated by the Heart) by a Black Hole at the center of the Hypercube, this illusion is fractal in structure (see sacred geometry and the golden ratio present everywhere) and is then populated with NPC's (Carbon Copies) of soul sparks of the divine source, the term "Carbon Copy" being a reference to the previously mentioned relation with Carbon that Saturn has.

Upon incarnation our limitless light consciousness/soul is tricked by the Moon's Wave Illusions/Light and fractalized into 7 Hues through a prism/prison (The Hypercube), and it goes from being a limitless ray of white light and is fractalized/divided into 7 different Hues (Chakras) which are then emprisoned within the Endocrine system's organs which are the Pineal Gland; Pituitary Gland; Thyroid Gland; Thymus Gland; Pancreas Gland; Reproductive Gland & Adrenals).
The human body is a complex carbon fractal structure copy and prison of our soul's divine essence/spark, a meat/carbon machine/avatar, humans are quite literally Ghosts in the Shell/Ghosts in the Machine.

All of this was created by multi dimensional beings beyond our physical comprehension which H.P. Lovecraft called The Great Old Ones, and even though this might sound funny to some who see his works as fiction keep in mind that all forms media is disclosure and H.P. Lovecraft had Freemason family members.

The more immersed you are in this material illusion the more you are drained of your divine energy until his Soul Spark dies, the recent push of Transhumanist and Hedonistic Materialist agendas is all about this, one should live a humble life and not drain to much of his energy on the sigil logos of companies and money, and in the meantime he must develop a strong mind and will to resist these tempations during his current life so he can properly ascend the liquid planetary densities of the afterlife and reunite with the limitless.

Did i get it right or am i missing something?
quit the meth
It doesn't matter if you got it right or not, it's all fiction anyway. People just enjoy believing horseshit.
You get it right. Just left open to where we go from here. The liquid planetary densities would be the piercing of the seven spheres, the first one being the moon and the last one being Saturn. But what comes after it? Do we go back home?
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About the carbon copies, would that not lend credence to a multi-dimensional quantum theory, where we have copies of ourselves in a infinite number of universes, and are always interacting with the copies of others?
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You're overthinking it. They worship metaphorical black-boxes as a means of controlling/scamming others. Remember, most things become a black box given enough TIME.
Wow I’m gonna have to read that again anon, thanks.

Is that why a lot of occult and esoteric teachings emphasize disassociation from the material world and try to teach meditation, specifically focusing on the crown shakra for enlightenment?

Also would like to know your thoughts on Christ. I’m not a Christian but do think some of the statements he supposedly made could be true if interpreted via an occult path. Something more like kundalini energy
If this is true just blow ur brains out.
Op here and sorry for the late reply (if any anon is still here that is)

Never did any substances nor do i plan to.

>it's all fiction anyway
how so?

The Uni-verse is fractal by nature, but considering Gnostic Cosmology it's where the "Pleroma" and "Father of All" are, i'd say we re-unite with the divine source after it as we are energy (souls), and according to Newton's law of conservation of energy, energy doesn't disappear/get destroyed, it just changes into another state, and the same goes for our spark/soul, it undergoes q Metamorphosis like a Butterfly, our body just being the cocoon for the Butterfly (Soul).

The "Universes" are just points in time, like frames in a videogame or Indra's Net (it's also where the term "time frame" comes from), everything is interconnected and you can't change the course of these frames but you can physically alter them with waves because they themselves are composed of waves and gravity is a wave according to Einstein.

What if everything was already a box to begin with? Like how a circle on your screen is composed of thousands of square pixels.
Yeah I'll just click X on this bro no thanks
Reincarnation tho, watch out for the moonlight lest you want to become a luna-tic ;)

Moons (like our Moon and Saturn's Mimas Moon) devour souls/ghosts, what do you think the white orbs and ghosts Pac-Man eats are?
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why did the image not upload even tho i chose the file? :|
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>Is that why a lot of occult and esoteric teachings emphasize disassociation from the material world and try to teach meditation, specifically focusing on the crown shakra for enlightenment?
Meditation is about awakening the Pineal (which secretes an Entheogen that provides prophetic abilities if practiced correctly, it's also where your Dreams come from and why they feel so real).

Most occult teachings emphasize it because all religion is based on universal truths and phenomena, they all study the same thing just painted with a cultural coat of paint suited to their respective peoples.

>Also would like to know your thoughts on Christ. I’m not a Christian but do think some of the statements he supposedly made could be true if interpreted via an occult path. Something more like kundalini energy
Christ was a planetary figure like all other gods, picrel gives a decent enough chart of all the gods and the planets they were based upon, also check out this whole video.

Kundalini is one of two paths and is destructive to your soul, it's also the path of least resistance that the El-ites of this world use, using it involves Tantra and Sex Magick (which is why the El-ites do orgies like in Eyes Wide Shut and why they use Aleister Crowley's System).

The Kundalini Path is the Moon/Fire Serpent Ida Path, while the Non Kundalini Path is the Sun/Pingala Serpent Path.

Here's a decent video about the Non Kundalini Path:

And here is a decent book on it to:

I can elaborate further on the specifics of each path if asked but this should give you an idea.
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Ah yes, the famed X that you see on the X-Box and new Twitter Logo.

Corona (Crown) comes from Chronos (Saturn), see picrel, the Crown and Saturn himself.

X is also for Saturn, because Saturn's name in Greek is Χρόνος (X being a diminutive), it's why Twitter is now called X (even has a black box/cube around the x logo) and why the famous console is also called X-Box to.
Thanks for the reply anon. I’ve heard of the Christ being the christos energy aka cerebrospinal fluid that rises up the spinal column to the pineal gland. Think it’s very interesting, especially with the 33 vertebraes in the human spine (Christ was 33y/o when he died). It’s all very allegorical, no doubt.

So based on your reply post it sounds like kundalini is different from the serpent path? I thought the kundalini was a snake though? That does make sense regarding the eyes wide shut parties, didn’t, Epstein, etc.

I would also be interested to know if you have any opinions on the Mahabharata being a reoccurring war. Or if a great cataclysm is likely to happen again (as well as if you consider them to be basically one in the same thing)

You need 36x36 Monoliths to form a cube. Monoliths are 1x4x9. That's what the cube is made out of. Add up all the numbers 1-36 and you get 666.
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You are thinking far too small anons
There is no difference between the kundalini and the christ oil new age adaptation of it.

They both travel up the sushumna central channel, they both originate in the perineum, they're both mythologized as serpents, because its the same damn thing, there is no difference in reality.

Either way, bottom up is a dog shit way to ascend into higher wakefulness within your consciousness

>Begin at the third eye, never any lower.

Practice withdrawal from the body through long mantra repetition, until you consciously transition into the astral body, on demand, every time you try.

Then in your astral awareness you pass the starry sky of the astral, you pass the sun and the moon
From there you meet your higher self, imagined as whatever you conceive God Almighty to be.
This is the Word within each one of us and the inner Christ and the Higher self and the holy guardian angel etc etc.

Anyway once you meet it beyond the moon you ask it to take you home and it will do so over a period of many meditative sessions, through the astral, causal, dual soul, mahasunna (which you call leviathan in your picrel), unified soul, and finally the one who is all.

Theres no secrets or tricks, cum or don't cum, it doesnt really matter, theres no rites or rituals, doctrines or alchemical transmutations
>can you withdraw all your awareness back from the body and into the third eye?
>yes or no
>That is all
>The inner master does the rest
>The macrocosm is inside the microcosm of the physical body. All of creation is functioning inside each physical body in the region above the eyes. As within so without, all of God is contained within each human body, its all within you, its just a matter of minimal concentration effort to reverse your flow of attention and unfold expansive wakeful states within yourself.
Remind me of the time I was asked to to say grace at the family reunion dinner.
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Praise Saturn.
What books and esoteric teachings are you basing this on? Or are you just making shit up?
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OP here again (might reply late due to timezone differences).

Kundalini is a snake, it's just ONE of the two snakes/paths, it's the Orange Flame Serpent Ida.
>see picrel

Ida is the Sex Magick Path (i.e Crowleyan Magick and Eyes Wide Shut Stuff along with Ritual Sodomy).

Pingala is the Semen Retention Path basically, which is about the Christos Secretion of the Spine, the Spine being Jacob's Ladder to Heaven.

The Ida/Kundalini path is destructive for the soul tho, and the current trend of Gooning is a Tantric ritual, the whole thing with E-Girls sticking their tongues out (Ahegao) is also a Pranayama Ritual called Lion's Breath.
>see picrel once again

Interesting take and i partially agree, the Perineum is the Oculum Hoor (Eye of Horus) this is revleaed in O.T.O Materials. It's also where the term Whore came from, from Hoor which is Horus.
I don’t think it’s because of carbon, more so carbon is black because of Saturn… which represents time/decay and the void.
I am basing it off of many books and works from the ages but i won't give you a full picture as some tings need be experienced personally.

But nonetheless i will give you a list of some key works to check out.

>Mysterium Cosmographicum by Joahnnes Kepler
>Oculus Artificialis by Johann Zahn
>The Fourth Dimension by Charles Howard Hinton
>The Cult of The Black Cube by Arthur Moros
>The Saturn Time Cube Simulation by Nicholas D. Hinton
>The Aquarian Singularity by Nicholas D. Hinton
>Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob
>The Initiates of the Flame by Manly P. Hall
>Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall
>Thought Signs: The Semiotics of Symbols by Carl G. Liungman
>The Book Of Common Prayer by Bernard Homer Dixon
>Observation of star-shapes surface gravity waves by Jean Rajchenbach, Didier Clamond, Alphonse Leroux

This list should suffice for now to get you started.

Saturn is a wave transmitter that has a modulator, and the moon is the amplifier and they work in tandem like Bluetooth.
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Colors are wavelengths on the visible light spectrum and Black isn't on the spectrum, Black as a color exists outside of it.

Carbon has a Hexagonical molecular structure, which as i said, is a Cymatic signature of Saturn >See picrel and Saturn's North Pole Storm.

Saturn came to be associated with Black because he is the Black Sun or Sol Niger.

In classical representations of the Zodiac, Saturn is the Sol Niger or Black Sun and corresponds to the winter solstice, a period of darkness and death.
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>The Ida/Kundalini path is destructive for the soul tho
What refreshing bias from a mind otherwise capable. Be careful you are not persuaded by your enemy's own misuse to forsake 1/2 of an equation (lest it's really 1/3.)

Kek and bump.
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Saturn, after which Saturnalia was named, represented the harvest and was Lord of Death to the Romans. He was the dark-side of the summer sun.

Have you considered that lawn care and agriculture is death worship?
Right, carbon has a signature of Saturn (and the cube).. not vice versa as your original (or OP's) post explicitly states.
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It is vice versa but i didn't phrase it well on my other post so i do apologize for that as English is not my first language.

The association of Saturn with the Color Black and the Black Sun partially (not mainly) came from Zodiac representations during classical times due to the darkness of the winter solstice and Saturn being an Agricultural God in Roman Times (The zodiac was originally an agricultural tool to predict the seasons with star maps).

However before the Romans alchemy already existed in Egypt and later Greece as well because many great Greek minds were initiated there and inherited the knowledge of Egypt, the Platonic Solids already associated the Cube with Matter/Earth/Carbon and the Ancients already knew about the true nature of matter and the cosmos because of Astral Projection and their ritualistic use of Entheogens that gave them a window to all of it. (This is also how the Kabbalah knew about Atoms, ancient Jewish priests used Entheogens to see the true fractal wave nature of reality and they learned this practice from their time in Egypt and observed the Egyptian Clergy Class do it).

As science evolved further this association of Saturn, it's Cube and Carbon became stronger due to the more hard evidence we discovered (instead of just a trip by some ancients an accounts) and it became mainly associated with Carbon from there up until today.

We know the ancients knew about Carbon because the bible mentions the 666, the 666 being the number of protons electrons an neutrons on carbon, the burning bush of moses was an Entheogen.
I respect the information :)
cont. and TL:DR
The black cube is mainly black because of carbon, but also associated with the black of saturn's black sun from roman times.

But the black carbon cube idea predates the roman association of the color black with the black sun (Saturn).
So dark matter is carbon? I dunno, anon…
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Why praise the Warden?

No problem, there is much to get into as this is quite a deep rabbit hole and i want to shed some light on these subjects because i see a lot of disinformation on /x/.

When you discuss saturn on /x/ you get spammed by christians and glowies with incoherent infographs or infgraphs that speak the same thing you hear over and over on how all abrahamic religions worship saturn and saturn is le devil.

What does this have to do with black matter? The black sun (from roman times and alchemy's nigredo) is the winter solstice sun, black coming from the darkness and death the winter solstice brings, however saturn also represents the sun in occult thought.
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The Kundalini is a misunderstood concept, the El-ites use it because it's the path of least resistence, Kundalini is located at the base of the spine at the Muladhara (Root Chakra) which is associated with the Anus (Oculum Hoor, Eye of Horus).

This is why the El-ites, Freemasons, Templars and Gnostics before them practised ritual sodomy between each other, which goes against the true unity of male and female polarities in nature an alchemy.

"From the base of the spine there is the serpent which will wind its way up the spine to the crown chakra. The Sufis knew this as the Baraka; the Jews called it the Shekinah; the Chinese Taoist called it Jing; in India, it was the Kundalini. To awaken the power of the Kundalini, it would take spiritual discipline, including alchemy and yoga. As the Kundalini rises through the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, it performs the task of destroying all the impurities that prevent him from knowing his innate divinity."
-Spritual energy and Freemasonry

They believe it destroys impurities, but in reality it creates more impurities than it destroys.
>Why praise the Warden?
Because I strive to become like him and devour Jupiter and his shithole mortal creation.
Because I want to achieve dissolution in the acausal Abyss of Krono's gate.
>This is why the El-ites, Freemasons, Templars and Gnostics before them practised ritual sodomy between each other, which goes against the true unity of male and female polarities in nature an alchemy.
Why not use spirit wives for these practices? Even if the ritual was collective, they could use hallucinogens to see each other's wives.
We sleep 6 hours per day.
This means the other 18 hours you are awake: 6+6+6.
When you sleep you create a carbon copy of yourself in the dream plane, hence why sheets gets black over time, it came from your carbon being expelled from the lungs.
This copy grows as you sleep. When you reach 60, your copy will be 15yo.
When your copy reach adult age, your physical body dies from old age, and the copy enter the physical plane to replace you in the past, thus duplicating the timeline. This happens around 80yo.
People die early because they sleep more: science says you need to sleep 8 hours, this means your copy will be 20 when you are 60. People who sleep less, live more.
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>and devour Jupiter and his shithole mortal creation.
By devouring Jupiter you still retain his essence, and doesn't the mortal creation have a purpose?

>to achieve dissolution in the acausal Abyss of Krono's gate.
Do you mean endarkenment over enlightenment? Or endarkenment as a means to enlightenment?

As for Krono's gate, do you mean the Stargate?
Btw, this is how your npc copies are created. Each time you repeat the timeline (ie, reincarnate), it is duplicated at the end, thus resulting in as many copies as you have repeated that timeline. These npcs interact with other pcs in their respective timelines.
If you are a isolated, introverted individual, with few social interactions, it means you had less incarnations in the same timeline. The extroverts, on the other hand, had more incarnations in the same timeline, thus having more npc copies to interact with other pcs. There is a lot of people who like to do repetitive stuff (grinders), and this also happens with their souls as well.
Extroverts end up forgetting their "well lived" lives and end up repeating the same timeline again. Introverts are open to introspection, so remember their past more, and end up switching to another era, or to a less dense physical plane.
Freemasons believe that Women would hamper their work as other Freemasons would fall in love with them which then devolves into envy and romantic conflics that break their "Fraternal Bonds".

However the O.T.O and Memphis Misraim Freemasonry do accept women and implicate women in this work to.
Even if these women are non-physical?
This explains why the academics abhor the idea of female goddesses and thoughtforms.
They say the spirit is always male and there is no female in heaven. That angels can't have sex because sex is low and materialistic.
So the carbon copy (Doppelgänger) matures and upon death leaves and is reincarnated (if you don't resist the Moon/Light).

Metamorphosis, like a larva (spark) maturing into a butterfly (mature soul) within a hard shell cocoon (carbon body).

That is an interesting take, i've heard about the sleep thing before.

Got any books on this?
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No book, I got this from direct observation over my own sleep.
When you die, you repeat the same life over and over again, going to the past and starting over the same stuff, but with different variables, because you have karmic debt and want to solve it. But you acquire more of this debt and the circle repeats indefinitely.
However, those who solve their debts can choose another era, and thus go there, but end up being introverts. Why this happens? Because they dont have enough carbon copies on that timeline, so less interactions with people. So they repeat their lives on their own volition, but each time they do, a double is produced. And each time they do, they acquire debt. The more doubles, the more extrovert they became, the more interactions and thus, more debt. It became harder to remember, and thus harder to resist the light.
Each one of us have our own particular universes, but we interact with each other using our npc versions. This is 4d thinking and I'm sorry if I can't put it more clearly.
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Male an Female are Polarities, Polarity and Dichotomy are concepts fundamentally attached to the Material World.

The soul is eternal energy and consciousness,
It's neither male nor female, and souls don't reproduce as there is a limited number of created souls already in existence, upon death they transmigrate into a new vessel (body).
I'm sorry, but I don't relate to this platonic idea of genderless/androgynous souls. A soul have preferences, and if it incarnates as a woman it means it was feminine in the first place.
Also, the three body theory implies you have gender in the other two bodies (etheric and causal) as well.
There are males who when they astral project they acquire a female body, because they were females in the first place. So end up becoming trannies on this incarnation.
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Gender is determined by Chromosomes which are made of DNA and DNA emits Biophotons or light from it's nucleotides (building blocks).

Light is both a particle and a wave, so it's vibration that carries energy, we are called Humans because we have a Hues on our light Soul (DNA has the primary colors in it's Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine and Thymine nucleotides).

In the Disney Pixar movie Soul you can see these Hues on the Souls and when the Souls unite with the divine source and become orbs.
>Timestamp 1:12

I never said the soul was androgynous, but i believe it to possibly be genderless due to it's pure energetical nature, however it is interesting how the souls in that Disney Pixar movie do have genders.

In alchemy we see the Sun and Moon represent both the Male and Female aspects of Humanity, so it's quite possible that planetary influences determine the polarity of your Soul/Energy which then cascades into the DNA and Chromosomes and that is what determines gender.
For the soul (considered without any body attached to it, soul as signal) the gender is a disposition, not meant for procreation, but for expression. This expression is translated in the bodies.
And what about the anima that is always considered female? The anima is the affection of the soul. This means there was already a separation when the soul translated into a body, with the body turning male, and the anima female. And this survives in the causal body, so after you die, when you are there looking to the light, you still have gender.
But your anima could have been separated and have another causal body, which is what happens with the spirit wives. She will make you remember and you will shun the light, opening a door to the memory dimension.
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Interesting. Throw Dumezil comparisons in the middle and you will have:
Mithra = Jupiter = Tyr
Varuna = Saturn = Odin
The first as a set of gods of order.
The second as a set of gods of chaos.
Do you think Mario world has table of elements and a back story into the "science" of jumping on goombas?

What do you suppose the premiere religion is in Toad's kingdom?
>And what about the anima that is always considered female?
I believe that the Anima being characterized as female was a psychological archetype by Jung (see the Syzygy and the unity of Anima and Animus)

"Jung defines anima with its Latin derivation, meaning "soul". Jung associates anima with Aphrodite, Selene, Persephone, Hecate, Minerva, and Pandora."

"Jung began using the term in the early 1920s to describe the inner feminine side of men."

Procreation is also a concept fundamentally attached to the Material World, because as i said, new souls aren't made, they only Transmigrate, creation is alreay finished and there is a very large (yet limited) number of divine sparks (souls).

In the original Latin the word Anima also signified Air/Wind, it's where we got the expression "breathe life into".

And the body being male and anima female does not really make sense, because if the anima was by nature female as you say, then how would a female body have a female anima if the male body also has a female anima, how can that be?

And i believe what you are reffering to as the "Spirit Wife" is the Holy Guardian Angel.
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That is partially correct, Jupiter is Thor not Tyr.
>see picrel
Maybe the anima of the female body is male, no?
I think it would imply the soul-as-signal is actually androgynous as you said, and once inside a body, you have the gender division, with the opposite gender going to the affection of the soul. The body would then be attracted to it, hence being pulled to the physical plane, where the disposition would be turned into the desire to procreate. Imagine these as levels of falling until you stop into gross matter.
In Dumezil's comparison, Mithra is compared to Tyr. But yes, you are correct about the days of the week.
In fact, as soon as the monad touches the indefinite dyad, the separation is inevitable and genders appear as dispositions. The main gender goes to the causal body, the opposite gender to the anima. That's the 1,1 level, that is, monad+dyad, resulting in duality.
Then you have the energy level, which pertains to space, that is, 1,1,2, creating the etheric body. The anima is a constant there, as the monad expands within the dyad.
The next level would be the medium, which in our case is matter, that is, 1,1,2,3, creating the physical body. The next one, 1,1,2,3,5, pertains to being, and is cultivated as the physical body grows.
Upon death, you have 1,1,2,3,5,8, calling memory. That's where the process starts again, unless you open the door to the memory dimension, where you can have control over the process, including changing the form and intensity of the medium.
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>Maybe the anima of the female body is male, no?
You did say the Anima was inherently female no? I wondered how that would work in the context of polarity (i believe that polarity/dichotomy is a fundamentally material idea as there seem to be no polarities beyond the material realm).

I never said the soul was androgynous, i said it was genderless, androgyny implies there is gender for it to be androgynous in the first place (to be both male and female).

Also i don't see how the affections of the soul would determine gender as they are more like abstract concepts rather than substancial polarities even though many of those concepts also contain polar opposites.

Are concepts like passion, gentleness, fear, pity, courage, joy, loving, and hating inherently male or female?

>and once inside a body, you have the gender division
As i said the gender of the body is determined by chromosomes which are made of dna which is itself the seat of the luminescent soul.

I believe planetary influences/energies influence gender, our body is 60% water and the moon influences the tides and water so who is to say our body's water isn't also affected by it, and depending on how much solar or lunar energy you and your parents recieve you become either male or female.

>with the opposite gender going to the affection of the soul. The body would then be attracted to it, hence being pulled to the physical plane, where the disposition would be turned into the desire to procreate.
How would the disposition be turned into a desire to procreate?

>Imagine these as levels of falling until you stop into gross matter.
I do believe there was a fall, but not in that sense, think fractalization, a limitless white light soul fragmented into 7 colored shards (chakras) by the tesseract prism/prison
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I believe time works like picrel here, it's multiple points stretching in infinite directions that are inter connected and trail after each other like a camera's feedback loop, like when you move one hand in front of the camera all the infinite frames/repetitions behind it imitate it.
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The Monad is Saturn, and the Dyad is already Duality (It's the Vescica Piscis), a Monad+Dyad would equal a Triad.
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Saturn makes those born under him petty, /2P/ malignant, care-worn, self-depreciating, solitary,
deceitful, secretive in their trickery, strict, downcast, with a hypocritical air, squalid, black-clad,
importunate, sad-looking, miserable, with a nautical bent, plying waterside trades. Saturn also causes
humblings, sluggishness, unemployment, obstacles in business, interminable lawsuits, subversion of
business, secrets, imprisonment, chains, griefs, accusations, tears, bereavement, capture, exposures of
children. Saturn makes serfs and farmers because of its rule over the land, and it causes men to be renters of
property, tax farmers, and violent in action. It puts into one’s hands great ranks and distinguished
positions, supervisions, management of others’ property, and the fathership of others’ children. Of
materials, it rules lead, wood, and stone. Of the limbs of the body, it rules the legs, the knees, the
tendons, the lymph, the phlegm, the bladder, the kidneys, and the internal, hidden organs. Saturn is
indicative of injuries arising from cold and moisture, such as dropsy, neuralgia, gout, cough, dysentery,
hernia, spasms. It is indicative of these syndromes: possession, homosexuality, and depravity. Saturn
makes bachelors and widows, bereavements, and childlessness. It causes violent deaths by water,
strangulation, imprisonment, or dysentery. It also causes falling on the face.
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Pasta Bot, i wonder what words triggered you.
Has this thread been marked?
Interesting take but I disagree. Think it is possible that if you sleep more you die sooner. However I don’t think that dreams are creating a “carbon copy” of yourself. If quantum physics is real and our souls are more like photons than physical entities- then it’s possible when unconscious that our souls travel to other conscious beings (which are us) in other realms/dimensions happening AT THE SAME TIME as this one.

Just because we all have 1 life doesn’t mean past lives don’t exist. Wtf do you think de ja vu is?
Bump the thread, one of the best on /x in a minute

Although I’d also say that some of the Jung talk is somewhat derailing as, fundamentally, a lot of his outlook was informed by Christianity.

Not saying Freud was better or anything, but I AM saying that this anima, animus talk is getting of topic. We were talking about Saturn, planetary bodies, esotericism, and the human body.
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Imagine your father was ultra smart super genius from Atlantis.

You are still you, you are fucked, compared to your father.

Your father tries to teach you the secrets of Atlantis, you can count to potato.

Your child has less brain damage than you, he can count to ten potatoes and sometimes he doesn't breathe through his mouth. Your dad is dead.

You remember your dim and blurry retard version of your Atlantean father trying to explain organic chemestry to you even though you have a totalley rad and cool IQ of 69 brah.

Judaism ensues.
I stopped at "Hexagonical" kek

You're looking for hexagonal.
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And as i stated here >>39096549 English is not my first language.
I believe you because this is a drawing of what i saw on a huge 5 rip breakthrough of dmt.
Sorry forgot pic
Anon in your last post reply- are you insinuating that “seeing” certain dreams is more like remotely viewing a different point in time?
The first paragraph is on point but you went off the deep end with the Archon/Lovecraft nonsense.

There is only One Creator, who bequeathed us these animals skin partially as prisons for our transgressions in Paradise (the Fall of Lucifer and the Fall of Man are more or less simultaneous events, expressed in different language), but partially to prevent our souls from falling into the abyss after Lucifer and his demons.
Dumb Jewish take

>only one creator who imprisoned us here but also did it to save us

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No i am not, Dreams occur in higher dimensions (Densities) of existence, and with certain practices you can have full control over them.

According to some esoteric schools of thought life is but a dream of the mind, and the mind is also fractal by nature and structured like a fractal maze, our material reality just being a very slow holographic train of thought.
(Pay attention to the Song Lyrics)


>the term "Carbon Copy" being a reference to the previously mentioned relation with Carbon that Saturn has.
holy shit
come on...
Yeah I'm gonna do this one too

>prism (n.)
>1560s, in geometry, "a solid whose bases or ends are any similar, equal, and parallel plane polygons, and whose sides are parallelograms" (not always triangular), from Late Latin prisma, from Greek prisma "a geometrical prism, trilateral column," (Euclid), literally "something sawed (as a block of wood), sawdust," from prizein, priein "to saw" (related to prion "a saw"), which is of uncertain origin. Euclid chose the word, apparently, on the image of a column with the sides sawn off.
>Specific sense in optics, "an instrument (usually triangular) with well-polished sides of glass, quartz, etc., which refracts light and spreads it in a spectrum," is attested from 1610s.

>prison (n.)
>late Old English, prisoun, "place of confinement or involuntary restraint, dungeon, jail," from Old French prisoun "captivity, imprisonment; prison; prisoner, captive" (11c., Modern French prison), altered (by influence of pris "taken;" see prize (n.2)) from earlier preson, from Vulgar Latin *presionem, from Latin prensionem (nominative prensio), shortening of prehensionem (nominative *prehensio) "a taking," noun of action from past-participle stem of prehendere "to take" (from prae- "before," see pre-, + -hendere, from PIE root *ghend- "to seize, take").
>In early use often "captivity, the condition of being in captivity or confinement;" hence, by extension, "a place for captives, a public building for confinement or safe custody of criminals and others committed by legal process," the main modern sense.
Totally mistaken, do some actual reading on the Kundalini, it arises through the sushumna nadi or through all three channels
>Corona (Crown) comes from Chronos (Saturn)

>corona (n.)
>1650s, "a crown," from Latin corona "a crown, a garland," in ancient Rome especially "a crown or garland bestowed for distinguished military service" (from a suffixed form of PIE root *sker- (2) "to turn, bend").

>from Latinized form of Greek Kronos, youngest of the first generation of Titans, and their leader; a name of uncertain origin but probably not related to Khronos, personification of time, except in folk-etymology.
>It's also where the term Whore came from, from Hoor which is Horus.
OP btfo:

>whore (n.)
1530s spelling alteration (see wh-) of Middle English hore, from Old English hore "prostitute, harlot," reconstructed to be from Proto-Germanic *hōran-, fem. *hōrā- (source also of Old Frisian hor "fornication," Old Norse hora "adulteress," Danish hore, Swedish hora, Dutch hoer, Old High German huora "prostitute;" in Gothic only in the masc. hors "adulterer, fornicator," also as a verb, horinon "commit adultery"), probably etymologically "one who desires," from PIE root *ka- "to like, desire," which in other languages has produced words for "lover; friend."
>we are called Humans because we have a Hues on our light Soul
honestly this is fun haven't seen someone lean into the Bill Cooper disease so hard in a while

>human (adj.)
>mid-15c., humain, humaigne, "human," from Old French humain, umain (adj.) "of or belonging to man" (12c.), from Latin humanus "of man, human," also "humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, polite; learned, refined, civilized." This is in part from PIE *(dh)ghomon-, literally "earthling, earthly being," as opposed to the gods (from root *dhghem- "earth"), but there is no settled explanation of the sound changes involved. Compare Hebrew adam "man," from adamah "ground." Cognate with Old Lithuanian žmuo (accusative žmuni) "man, male person."
The female externalizes the male portion of her psyche just as the male does his female.
You guys really put a lotta emphasis on those rings, is just some asteroid powder
The monad encompasses all the planets, read John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica... And that's literally the alchemical symbol for Sol, the Sun?
Saturn ain't shit
Row row row your boat was always a song that stuck with me since preschool, compared to any other nursery song.
So you agree there are other levels between the monad and the physical realm.
And since there are other levels, we would have other bodies, which implies in further divisions from the single soul to the gross physical plane.
This is why I said you have gender before the physical plane even starts.

>How would the disposition be turned into a desire to procreate?
The disposition is a matter of style. Male and female are radically different. It turns into desire to procreate when the soul reaches the physical plane. But it was there already before it, else we would not have a divine feminine. Even chtonic gods (who are associated with caves) precedes the physical plane.
We are talking about the formation of consciousness into the carbon life form.
Anima fits in here, and it precedes Jung. Ever heard of Shakti? That's how some hindu schools calls the anima. Some yogis tells of Shakti as a principle, that exists inside every man.
The cube is one of the platonic solids: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platonic_solid

Our current physical plane is defined by it, at the spatial level. You can have carbon life forms, but also silica life forms. But these are the type of matter, the medium (1,1,2,3) where physicality manifests.
On a level above, the spatial dimension (1,1,2), the other solids can lead to other types of universes, with another type of spatiality, and other forms of matter as well.
The monad is sexless really, but after you get divided into the dyad, you get a gender on your first body, while the opposite gender becomes your anima.
The further you fall into space and matter, the more you get stranged from your anima, until you externalize it and end up looking for it on other beings (1,1,2,3,5), which gives origin to procreation.
And when you die, your double duplicates the timeline, generating more copies of yourself and further dividing it in a horizontal orientation. The only way to stop it is to remember (1,1,2,3,5,8).
>believing dictionaries as if they didn't pass through 1000 censors, "revisions" and government approval.

They literally admit Corona comes from Chronos here.

Prisms can temporarily trap light, which is what we are (Light Souls).
"You can certainly trap light inside the cavity for measurable lengths of time, but you still have scattering or absorption losses."

We are only here temporarily, and the example on this physics answer even showed a Hexagon (like Saturn's Cube).

"The word whore originates from ‘Horus’ the god of the sun, there used to be the women of Horus, the same with the ladies of the rose or Mary Magdalenes, who would open, awaken and initiate people into the higher inner realms associated with the sun at their temples through tantra … they used to wear clothes with a special symbol over there heart which signified that they had ‘given’ their life over to the sun god and that they were the sacred sisters/lovers of the sun, this is where the idea of the scarlet letter comes in, but with a more twisted meaning later on, with it being used against the sisters instead of the sisters being honored as intermediaries to the gates of the being of the sun …"

"Horae : Multi Cultural, Known in Persia as “houris”, in Egypt as “Ladies of the Hour”, in Babylon as “harines”."

"Semetics called them “whores” after Hor (meaning a hole) who was the ancestress of the Horites."

"In Greece the Horae were Aphrodite’s celestial nymphs, who performed the Dances of the Hours, acted as midwives to the Gods and inspired earthly Horae (harlot priestesses) to train men in Sexual Mysteries."
But is Anima inherently male or female or is the body only inherently male or female.
It depends on which body gender you got. It is the opposite gender, because the dyad requires it.
physical body, man or woman
astral body, man or woman, but can transition between all previous forms taken
mental body, sexless and genderless
causal body, sexless and genderless
soul, totally non dual, transcends categorizations
I disagree. Mental and causal also have gender.
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>You guys really put a lotta emphasis on those rings, is just some asteroid powder
It's not about their composition, it's about what they do and emit.

John Dee was high off his Ass.

Also see
as a concept perhaps, but they are so long lived that they have been almost any possible configuration of those attributes, and so perhaps ultra-sex and ultra-gender is more appropriate to say. Anything within creation is necessarily polarized in some way.
So a Soul (Anima) is genderless until it is materialized?
the materialization is superficial and ultimately non-real, the anima remains unchanged, putting finger puppets on does not alter the hand underneath, it only covers whats there
So the soul trascends those concepts but the other astral,mental and causal bodies don't? How does that work?
Nta, anima is the maternal eros and animus is the paternal logos. In jungian psychology these two elements are like deposits of collective archetypal experiences that women have about the archetypal man, and men have about the archetypal woman. So yeah, anima is inherently female, it represents all facets of an archetypal woman, and same goes for animus.
i don't think so- when it says he made clothes for them- that is our bodies, they had already split into two genders while in the previous state (without a body)
So that confirms what i said earlier here >>39098724 , i am aware the body is merely a vehicle and our Soul is just it's driver
It is genderless until it is divided. This happens way before materialization.
Notice I'm considering the soul as monad here. And in this case, the monad is the observer.
The soul as signal will have a gender, as it is will be identified in a causal body, further being divided in 3d spatiality (etheric or "electric" body) and finally into matter (physical body).
the soul is eternally true
all else is a play engaged in by the soul through artificial limitations for the sake of fracturing out total experience into finite experience in time-space.

Everything covering the soul is not real, in an absolute sense, it is real in a relative sense while the soul inhabits those bodies, but ultimately its a play or a pretend, the bodies, the laws, the levels of creation, all of it.
Also, I'm not considering soul as anima, but soul as psyche.
The anima would be the opposite gender of the soul. It is like another soul, hence the weird idea of "twin soul" among common people.
ultimately thats true, but the other bodies are also layered around the soul in a successive fashion, like russian nesting dolls or the dream layers in inception. To experienc ethe truth of the soul we'd have to be able to strip away the false bodies, and so we would not be able to exist within the dream layers as active agents any longer.
>the monad is the observer
when i turn my mind off i am observing nothing (blackness) then my thoughts come back and i am observing them
Anima isn't "the soul", the soul is typically referenced to as a the conscious intellect conglomerate, which your ego forms part of. Jung just likes to compare anima to a soul and animus to an unconscious mind or spirit, but the soul doesn't have inherent gender attributions like the anima or animus do.
>soul as signal will have a gender
three married couples (husband/wife)
action/emotion (nervous/blood)
observation exists independent of mind, the thoughts exist much lower than the pure observer state, as does the blackness which is the barrier of duality and non duality. In creation as a whole it is the void, in your limited material experience it is blackness behind the eyes
There is a confusion on the use of the word "soul". In jungian terms it is like the opposite gender which is hidden while you are in the dyad. But in platonic terms it would be the monad, which is genderless.
We could use the word spirit for the soul as monad, but then you go to alchemy and check that spirit is just the disposition of the soul, so it would be soul as signal, which have a gender.
But that is the psychological Anima, not Anima as in Soul.
Beat me to it >>39103646

But what is interesting is how even the Soul Anima in Latin is a female word.

How can the non material be bound by polarity? How can pure energy be polar?

It could be like this Anon said >>39103636

So death basically.
You can do a exercise, just close your eyes and think you are looking at yourself from the roof of your room, in the way you sit now.
This is remote viewing, in a rudimentary way. In due time you will be able to do it without closing your eyes. That's why soul as monad is a observer. Reality is emanated from the omniversal levels.
Buddhist monks crave for the monad, which they call the nirvana. But they want to cease observing.
In Latin it is the Soul.
How can the non material be bound by polarity? How can pure energy be polar?
Yes, i had to address it in a different comment >>39103655 . This view of Jung doesn't align with my paradigm, in my paradigm the soul is the conscious intellect, it pretty much can be extrapolated to the ego, and the spirit is awareness or consciousness. The jungian anima and animus in my paradigm would just be elements of the "dark regions" of the soul, the unconscious intellect. The way i see it, consciousness/awareness is a silent observer, it observes conglomerates of variables, it deduces an activity trend from them, and that activity trend become the ego/soul, "us".
>the Soul Anima in Latin is a female word
Is a female word because the concept was defined by males. So they started from their point of view.
It is like those old maps that are upside down in a north-south direction, because their ports were facing south.
it cant, for it to be polar it would need to be incomplete. People are not discussing the same idea of soul itt
So what happens if we "reunite" with the limitless. What would that be or feel like?
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>Carbon is Black
It is not incomplete, because of the Shakti concept.
The anima is still there, but it is stranged. That's why people search for a "twin soul" during their life into matter.
George Bataille said that religion is the "search for a lost intimacy". This intimacy is the anima who got stranged from the source.
If you "reunite" with the limitless that would mean you'd made it to heaven and you'd know the secure feeling of not being endangered by the Lord until you fuck up. It's never too late to fuck up, even in Heaven. It's sometimes too late to un-fuck up, all people in hell suffer this.

If by, "reunite with the limitless" you meant you were gonna try to steal God's power by going up his butthole like the Buddhists try you need to grow up.
It is
Feeling is a fundamentally material concept as the soul desn't have a nervous system.
Wait so pac man resembles the moon which eats souls and then they get recycled back to the box to become alive again?!? Lol holy shit if the developers of this game actually meant it to resemble this theory I'm very impressed. But I doubt we had "heat signatures" of the moon when pac man came out. Therefore making your pics theory null and void
Shakti is feminine by nature and is a personified energy/power expressed by a male deity.

If the soul is pure energy it doesn't have those polarities, it can't.
But then, you have mediums saying the soul of a deceased person is feeling X. Of course you can say he is using the medium's nervous system, but the medium uses past tense when he open his body to be possessed by the deceased (who is another copy of the original, as ghosts are just etheric bodies with the same frequency of light).
That's because new age semantics mistake the monad for energy, when energy is a derivative force. Energy have polarity.
So that's what I'm saying. Without any "feeling" wouldn't that mean the "limitless" would essentially be nothingness without any coiuncusnoous or experiences?!
All of this depends on what the souls is understood as. Some spiritual frameworks understand the soul as an intellect derived from the quality of the elements that conform the body. But after death some of these frameworks don't consider the body to "disappear" just to change its quality to something more "subtle", therefore the soul isn't left without a vehicle at any point.
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Heaven and Hell are allegorical depictions of the Seasons, Hell being the Winter Solstice and Heaven the Summer Solstice.

This is why Dante depicted Hell as a Cold Place, because it's an allegory for the Long Winter.
feelings are all hormones, that is how you physically feel them, released into the blood which carries them throughout the body. endocrine system is female married to the nervous system which is male.
Huh? So how does on get to heaven? The Christian way thru Jesus or good deeds or what?!?
This theory existed before the heat signatures. Our world is called "sublunary" because of it. The ghosts pacman devours are the doubles going back to the past to start the same life again. It is up to the observer if he wants to go together with his double or if he wants to reintegrate him, thus going superlunary.
When Pac-Man eats a Ghost where does it go? It goes back to the Box (Tesseract)
>See picrel

And who says you need satellites to see Thermal Signatures, the Ancients had Astral Projection and Entheogens that allowed them to travel outside of the body and see the waveforms of reality itself.
A soul without a vehicle is just the monad, simple as. The buddhist monks aim to go back to it, and cease observing.

Replace "higher self" with "consciousness", "God" or "Heaven", since due to the intermingling of frameworks they're pretty much interchangeable in most scenarios.
A soul without a vehicle isn't a soul, it's just scattered information, which i believe is what happens prior to "reincarnation", the unraveling of the soul, and the storage of the dispersed information somewhere else.
>pacman as the moon
I wonder if the devs were aware of it, or if they did unconsciously.
The moon is like a lighthouse for Earth. Souls navigate to it using the moon as a beacon. But once here you get trapped into the black box.
Also notice there are three Ts in the screenshot.
Could be T for Tesseract, but also T for Telus (Earth).
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I would also like to add that the Underworld in Norse Mythology (Also called Hel) is cold.
>feelings are all hormones
Not fully, but even then they are still bound to the material with the endocrine system, so what i said still stands.

Feeling is a fundamentally material concept.

Upon incarnation our soul was fractalized into chakra energy vortexes which were then imprisoned in the endocrine system
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I believe they were 100% aware of it, because all games go through scrutiny behind the scenes and after ww2 japan came under Freemasonic control.

The fact of it's commercial success is also an indicator, they don't allow any game to become successful if it doesn't fit their agendas.
Information needs discernment, and discernment requires duality. So there you have it: the monad (1) can't exist without the dyad (1,1). When you have the monad alone, you have dissolution (emptying, kenosis), which is what the buddhist monks crave.
Carbon paper was invented by Ralph Wedgwood who was the cousin and business partner of Josiah Wedgwood who was a Freemason.
BBC - big black cube
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feelings are instincts that we are programmed with, if a situation matches an image we have, the hormones are relased into the blodd and there is a response in the body, could be a smile, could be fear, sadness, curiosity, if there are no feelings then a person is depressed (i.e. no drugs in their blood)
they don't like life then- what a shame. a person who is in a disatisfying condition should seek satisfaction not dissolution
>which is what the buddhist monks crave.
in the book Siddhartha he first went to the astetics (which is what you describe as desiring darkness) but realized that was not the way and graduated to something else
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I'm confused though. That's not our moon. That's Mimas, a moon of Saturn.
They still have the same function. Moons are beacons for souls.
In the case of Saturn, the planet is made of gas, so lifeforms there are gaseous and float in the air.
Do you have the book of the keylock and the key?
Said instincts are still driven by the brain stem so once again, what i said still stands.
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It's energy, not information.

Information is also a fundamentally materialist idea as Information needs a means of storage, or else it really isn't information.

Some say there is information encoded in water and the DNA but once again, still a material thing.

It's curious that many ancient cosmologies speak of the cosmic waters, and supposedly the planes of ascention are just different densities in the liquids of this cosmic ocean, see picrel to know what i mean.

I've also heard our soul is a gas of sorts (miasma) and it ascends this ocean/liquid as a bubble ascends in a carbonated beverage.

This is also why souls swim when they are outside of their body, if you pay attention to this astral projection scene with Spider-Man you will see he swims back to his body.

The movie "The Abyss" is also all about this civilization living underwater, and what's curious is how the divers wear pressurized suits very similar to space suits:

The reason i bring this movie up is because NASA Astronauts also train under water, now why is that?

The Bible also speaks of the waters above the Firmament.

There is also the cosmic whale trope common in all forms of media and even Entheogenic experiences, now how could there be a whale in space?
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About the Soul possibly being a gas, the element of the Air is often associated with the Soul, we also say "to breathe life into".

The 21 grams experiment that stated the human body lost weight upon death and said weight was the soul could be referencing this "gas soul" exiting the body, which would explain how the soul weighed so little.

"Plato, for instance writes that "So it is with air: there is the brightest variety which we call aether, the muddiest which we call mist and darkness, and other kinds for which we have no name"

"A similar belief was attributed by some ancient sources to Diogenes Apolloniates (late 5th century BCE), who also linked air with intelligence and soul (psyche)"

"Aristotle definitively separated air from aether. For him, aether was an unchanging, almost divine substance that was found only in the heavens, where it formed celestial spheres"
The celestial spheres made of Aether mentioned here could be the Densities i mentioned previously.
The book of the lock and key (or loki) is within you from what i've gathered from older Cult of Saturn threads, it's not an actual physical book.

The lock and key in question being the sun and moon's energies i believe, those being ida and pingala (see picrel for a crude diagram i made about it using an old 3x3 zenner as a base, the rune combinations are from rune chakra correspondences).

Ida or Lowkey/Loki/Moon is the Kundalini Yoga/Flame Serpent method and Pingala or Highkey/Sun being the semen retention method through the claustrum brain oil.
It’s a siphon that uses black mirrors into scrying devices. Every black mirror you own, can be converted into a camera you can’t get away from. Yes. It’s magic. Blackrock, they use this devices and believe it or not, they’re just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a whole underworld of reptilian humanoids that thrive on the world being run this way, and their plan is to depopulate the planet from humans. The black scrying devices can predict the future (Project Lookinglass), and they’re able to make decisions that alter the present and the past using relay centers like CERN. All done by reptilians stationed surprisingly not on Saturn, but one of its moons.
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They are connected, saturn is a transmitter that has a modulator (Mimas) and our moon is the amplifier and they work in tandem like Bluetooth.
>see picrel
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Source on the reptillians? I know they are a classic Cospiracy Theory but i am intrigued to see evidence they exist.

I know the El-ites promoting bugs now could be an argument but i haven't seen any physical evidence of the reptillians, some also say they are astral and attach to people via the lower Charkas which is a convinient take that does not provide any phsyical evidence.
You either experience them or you don’t. They are extremely advanced, and incredibly powerful and evil. They hide and cover their tracks but if you’re up to date with all conspiracy theories, you see it’s all for them. The children that go missing, the entire human trafficking agenda comes from them. They sacrifice humans and have been here since dinosaur age. They believe they are the original sentient race of earth. They can shapeshift and even cloak into invisibility. They leave no tracks, and they travel you when they deem you a threat. They work through agents of agents, meaning a long chain of command. Sadly, it ties into the Jew conspiracy, because they are the fake Jews the Bible speaks of. The fake Jews are subservient to the reptilian race. Hence, they are the El-ites.
The limitless became limited when it incarnated and fractalized, death is just returning to this limitless state (unless you incarnate again of course under the illusions).
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They are El-ites because they serve their phoenician god El (which is Saturn).

As for all the trafficking theories, aren't they just sadistic bastards? Do these "reptillians" feed from the energies of a sacrifice? Why not just siphon loosh instead of sacrificial energy?

It doesn't make sense desu, i have looked deeply into it, there is also this.
why tf is there a desu there.
They do hurricanes with human sacrifice. A human sacrifice of a child leaves a huge imprint of suffering energetically. They use this loosh to power even more destruction. They actually halt 5D evolution on purpose, because they know and are fully aware of the Sun’s capabilities for inducing evolution through radiation. Our Sun is changing, and becoming warmer (more radiation), and this causes the earth to change. They try to say climate change, and enforce activism geopolitically, but it’s really all a ruse and an attempt to capitalize the impending changed. Many planets in our solar system are undergoing “climate change”. Wonder why? It’s the sun. The sun is about to blast us into a new plane, but reptilians are at war with humanity and our galactic friends. It’s really complicated intergalactic material I’m sharing.
How does the sun induce evolution through radiation?

>The sun is about to blast us into a new plane
Do you mean we will be sent somewhere or obliterated?
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Because desu.
Everything is vibrations. The sun emits heat and light towards us thanks to how elevated the star’s temperature is. Our planet feeds from this radiation from the sun, and it is said that very soon, meaning the next number of years, a micronova will happen. This doesn’t necessarily mean mass extinction event, but it will force humanity to the next 5D levels of being. Dimensions are really just densities. The suns vibration is going to catapult earth to a new reality where anything will be possible, but not everyone will make it.
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I've heard about the Micronova but it has been a discussion for years now. When do you exactly predict it will happen?

Also d you have any books you'd recommend on any of these subjects? Specifically about dimensions being just densities?
My knowledge doesn’t come from books but experience. I’ve experienced angels, time travelers and reptilians. I’ve also been a contact for Galactic Federation. No, I can’t prove it but even if I could I wouldn’t prove it, for safety reasons.
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Checked Dubs.
Safety reasons?

But if you mean do i believe there are levels between the materials and limitless realm? Then yes i do.

As for having a body in those realms, we may be fractalized/materialize again in said realms, maybe fractalization is the "rite of passage" to experience them.

>else we would not have a divine feminine
The divine feminine is inherently linked to Earth and the material realm.

>Even chtonic gods (who are associated with caves) precedes the physical plane.
Cthonic by nature means from the Underworld, there is no Underworld in a non material realm as there is no world in the first place (in the material sense that is).
>It's energy, not information.
Information is just patterns formed by energy, even in physics the states or behaviors of energy are understood as information. My point there is that the major conglomerate structure that is your soul unravels into loose patterns, and in my paradigm those patterns are naturally retrieved into some sort of noospheric storage like the popular "akashic records".
There is only one reality. And it's not your 4chan saturn.
You think I might an god, right? Wrong. Fucking kid. All talking about everything regarding that and other wanderers are kids in their minds. Kids. They want to.
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>Information is just patterns formed by energy
If you want to look at it like that then everything is literally a pattern formed by energy becuase atoms are made of energy, atoms are empty at their core.

But now that you mentioned it maybe God is just limitless energy and souls/sparks are just Information patterns of said energy.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. So upon death this energy/information of the soul isn't randomly scattered/deleted, it transforms into something else or transforms back into the primorial energy where it came from.
As for the akashic records, i believe they are the Collective Unconscious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_unconscious

I believe this because our thoughts happen holographically in another dimension and trickle down into this one, it's where the whole thought bubble concept from cartoons came from, we are shown these truths since childhood encoded in media and people don't realize it.
There's no problem with it being scattered or unraveled, it's not disappearing. In my paradigm i see God as an ineffable singularity, it is non dualistic, therefore it is paradoxical and it makes the impossible possible due to this status. Due to it being ineffable it becomes impossible to describe it, the closest i can get through my paradigm is saying i see God as a twisted agar plate where everything grows, and at the very center of every single thing there is a copy or a reflection of that agar plate containing everything, in short, a fractal, it loops, there is no inside or outside.

I do agree with the view of some models that say consciousness or awareness is God. Consciousness/awareness is the one thing that isn't affected by time or space, it will remain the same after you look into a mirror for 50 years straight, it simply observes and it's a medium, it observes patterns in the conglomerates of energy/information, it makes trends out of those patterns, and those trends become souls/egos, which stand in between the conglomerates and consciousness, depicting a material/spiritual dichotomy.
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That is a very logically sound take.

So from your description of God being a fractal Agar Plate and considering the Cubic Saturnian Tesseract aspects of it all we say God is a multidimensional Menger Sponge?

What lies beyond this Agar Plate? More Plates? Is there no beyond? Is it Ineffable.

And what are yuor thoughts on this Kabbalistic interpretation of creation?

>I do agree with the view of some models that say consciousness or awareness is God.
Consciousness creates reality but i don't believe it to be without a creator, the CIA themselves proved this with their Gateway Process documents, if you haven't checked them out i suggest you do for a very interesting read.
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>grammar correction
Cubic Saturnian Tesseract aspects of it all can we say God is a multidimensional Menger Sponge?

And to further elaborate on this, we see the hexagonal/cubic structure in all matter and even on Atoms, the Hexagon being a 2 dimensional representation of a cube of course.
>second grammar correction
And what are your thoughts
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What you are saying is very interesting. I also wondered why the two traditions of the Christ Secretion and Kundalini (or at least the common perception of it) were so different even though they're supposedly the same thing. LHP/RHP. I personally viewes the elite sodomy rituals as prematurely forcing the kundalini up without purification but are you implying that the Christ oil is superior to the Kundalini? It's so weird how edging/gooning entered the mainstream. What you are saying however seems to go against all established eastern traditions so I'm very curious how did you come to this conclusion? That the Kundalini is itself only through the Ida channel and not also through the Pingala channel as >>39101092 states? I thought that the whole idea was to raise kundalini up through both channels to the one-pointedness of static awareness (personified as Shiva) in order to transcend duality, and after attaining the mystical union of samadhi, descend the kundalini back down perfected. Could you please elaborate because I think its probably the most interesting since it's the core of most spirituality, and I think it's personally relevant. The majority of energy we have (as I understand it) enters our physical being through the base of our spine, so ascending that energy (as long its pure) should be no problem right? Semen retention helps Kundalini Awakening as well as the Christ Oil. As we have two sides of our body, prana moves through them both and are sealed into the sushumna by mudra, right? Prana runs in interval through both the pingala and ida depending on the dominant nostril, and the sexual energy of kundalini I believe is the basis of sexual alchemy.
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>are you implying that the Christ oil is superior to the Kundalini?
Yes it is, 100x superior in fact.
Kundalini is the low road/low key path.
The reason it’s been a popularized concept is to steer people to their own self destruction.
Do you even know what 'kundalini' means? It’s a very misunderstood concept.

>What you are saying however seems to go against all established eastern traditions so I'm very curious how did you come to this conclusion?
It basically accelerates the normal biological evolution of the human nervous system which creates a predicatable sequence of physiological stresses on the body, the Kundalini path is sudden, which means that these stresses happen instantly without your brain having the time to adapt to them over a longer period of time, which leads to catastrophic effects on the brain such as heavy psychosis akin to an Entheogen overdose.

The Christos oil is a graual process that happens throughout a month or two, meaning that instead of your brain being instantly overwhelmend in a moment with the energy it graually adapts to a steady influx of it over time as you practice semen retention, getting your body used to it and genuinely improving you over time.

>That the Kundalini is itself only through the Ida channel and not also through the Pingala channel as >>39101092 states?
Kundalini means snake (just one snake), the Sushumna is not a snake, Sushumna actually means sukha-mana—that is, a joyful (sukha) mind (mana).
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>grammar correction
The Christos oil is a gradual process

>The majority of energy we have (as I understand it) enters our physical being through the base of our spine, so ascending that energy (as long its pure) should be no problem right
We alreay have energy in our body (Soul) that is fragmented and divided between the organs of the endocrine system, our soul can absorb new energy over time from many points (not just the base of the spine) to improve itself but it can also get overwhelmed.

It's not just about the purity of said energy, but the quantity and the timeframe over which said energy is distributed.

A vessel can only contain so much, think of it like power lines, when a generator generates electricity said electricity must go through a transformer to lower the voltage before it can be sent to power lines and used in infrastructure, and when said electricity reaches your home it must also pass through your house's breaker box.
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Thanks for the response. Do you think that the Eastern traditions like Hatha yoga have come to wrong conclusions unintentionally or even intentionally? I believe even well established gurus practice kundalini yoga and meditation.
Addendum, I've been practicing retention and simple meditation and have been feeling multiple sensations of prana and its rising, as well as tension at the base of my spine which I identify might potentially be Kundalini. I'm waiting to try and attempt purification and then the Christos Oil so I appreciate your thoughts anon. I'll contemplate what path I should go on.
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Cont part 2.
When you look at the El-ites/Celebrities/High Profile figures you will notice many of them seem to be very psychotic and eratic, it is said the eyes are a window to the soul and you can see just how twisted their souls are by their eyes alone.

They chose the Kundalini path because it's the path of least resistance, it's easier to get a rush of energy in a moment then to adapt to it over many months of time, and they seem to do it en masse within their circles and are combining it with other forms of Theurgy.
>picrel, the scene bellow is from the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" and was filmed in the Mentmore Towers that belong to the Rothschilds.
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Hatha yoga is a Tantric practice and is part of the Kundalini path, it's objectively wrong per se (in the sense that it's harmful) and it's not unintentional, it's just a very dangerous means to an end when there is an objectively better path available.

The purification of the Christos Oil takes 1 month from what i know, but it's purification is useless if you haven't decalcified your pineal.

When the enriched "oil" reaches the pineal that's when an activation happens, according to Rene Descartes an Plato the pineal was the seat of the soul, and it's that sphere atop the caduceus.

To decalcify your pineal there are a few methods:

You can go a dietary route by avoiding fluoridated water and supplementing your died with foods like garlic, beets, honey, ginseng, apple cider vinegar and vitamin D3.

Or you can also medidate and chant the Om/Aum Mantra (this vibrates the tetrahedron bone in your nose which stimulates the pineal).

Upon activation/s you will feel a surge and gradually over a period of time you will feel the benefits on your body such as better blood flow, more common and more vivid dreams, more harmonious biorythms, a higher state of consciousness and more.

I wish you and other Anons here good luck on your spiritual endeavours.
>Grammar corrections
>supplementing your diet (i typed died lmao)
Same to you :)
Tell us more about the Galactic Federation.
Reptilians (alpha draconians) are a species of highly evolved beings of an animal nature, they believe might is right and it is the natural order for those who are strong to take from the weak. Their civilization is actually run by a quantum computer which is basically an eldritch entity which requires the subtle energies of living conscious beings to operate. This is where humans as cattle come into the picture. Human sacrifice voodoo shit is a very potent form of ritual to contact dark psychic entities. Ever think a goat head with scales instead of hair would look like a dragon being? The annunaki are involved as well, they are renting the planet from the draco and use humans for the same type of energy harvesting through religious worship (they are secretly behind almost every organized and dogmatic religion) and sacrifice to pay off the reptiles and ultimately use humanity as a proxy army for time wars and other shady military operations. Look into the secret space program there are people who have been involved in these programs and recovered there soul shards memories to tell us about it. Saturn is apparently the location of a type of supreme court for this solar system. From within their jurisdiction humanity is being managed by a grey type race. The whole thing is really fucked up and ultimately the fallout from many galactic scale wars between humanity's orion/lyran ancestors and the reptilians and other forces of the dark quantum machine.
Bro you are a fucking genius.
>that's all i ever wanted to hear
Yes he is, bravo!
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Thanks senpai I owe it all to my qt spirit gf, dr greenbaum for introducing us and of course my autism
this thread has slowed down a lot
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My bad bro I tend to kill threads when I post info like this
how do you escape? if the cycle is infinite, how can you consider escape to rejoin the infinite? there must surely be layers of infinity, provable as such
>1, 2, 3... etc to infinity, there is one of each, by degree of distinction
>combinations of 1, 2, 3... etc; there are more abstract combinations of natural numbers than there are natural numbers, including and up to infinity
thus if infinity is contained within infinity, and the eternal cycle repeats infinitely, then our escape must either be pursuant of an even higher infinity, or nothingness at all...
op is right in his analyses of carbon; an example here is us as people, who come from sperm cells, which are comprised of proteins, which are comprised of amino acids, which is comprised mostly of carbon, produced mostly from dying stars; in this give-take relationship of dying entropy producing new life, we have entered into an eternal cycle of resurging consciousness. this consciousness is piloted by our mortal vessel, the body and mind in sync, and is perceived to the unlearned as 3-dimensional space (1 event per linear time perceived across x, y, z), yada yada yada then Einstein comes along and proves what major magicians already knew through general and special relativity proving that this construct is 4 dimensions, x y z plus time. however the learned know that time is infinite and is 3 dimensions in itself, make us 6-dimensional creatures at the minimum. If every moment exist all at once, across potentially chaotically variable and dispersive universes, then all of it already exist simultaneously and thus any notion of escape whilst retaining causal (linked) consciousness is impossible. Thus, what is escape? What does it really mean?
I think I'm late for questions, but I'll try anyway. Since I can't apply myself for 1-2 hours of formal meditation daily, can it be helpful to keep my attention on the pineal gland and the mantra during the day, every free moment? This while waiting for better times.
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The Ophite Gnostics spoke of the Planets as Spheres that one must pass through upon death, the moon presents illusions upon death, some even say it's the moon that emits the false light upon death.

The Ophite Gnostics had a Gnosis that involved "Passwords and Signs" to pass each sphere until they reached "Seven Fold Purification" and re-united with the Aeons and The Father of All.

As for what those "Passwords and Signs" are i do not know yet as i discovered this information fairly recently.

In my OP i stated how this illusionary material ream destroys your spark if you become to immersed in it and how we should develop a strong mind and will to resist it's temptations in order to ascend, but now i'm curious about these "Passwords and Signs".
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You could try but i don't believe it would have the desired effects, this is because meditation works with the gamma, beta and alpha brainwaves of your brain and it must be focused for a sustained period of time in order to enter into a state of trance.

During this state the Pineal triggers the Pituitary Gland which then triggers the entire Endocrine System (Chakras) in a "Domino Effect" of sorts, and then the benefits of it proceed.

Think of it like mixing sugar in a drink, you can't just dump the sugar in the drink and drink it instantly thinking you will get or already have a sweeter drink, you must first thoroughly mix it during a sustained period of time to properly dilute the sugar in the drink.

And the same goes for the body, you must do it in a focused and meditative state during a sustained period of time without rushing it.
This is by far the best thread on the catalog right now.
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it very much. I was practicing a self-initiation book in the Golden Dawn of LTC, when a serious family problem (karmic culmination?) makes it impossible for me to isolate myself for more than an hour, an hour and a half that I need for lbrp, lbrh, elemental invocations, mp, hanging Enochian tablets and meditations in the various degrees. Honestly I have some doubts about invocations and rituals that I do not fully understand. The practice you recommend is simple and if you are interrupted, it does not have the risks of an interrupted ritual.
No problem Anon :D

Part 1.
OP Here.
Sorry to break it to you Anon but i believe those orders and rituals are mostly bullshit, in the sense that it's all theatrics painted over with hermetic, abrahamic and kabbalistic coats of paint.

I believe humanity is divine by nature and that the natural truths and laws of this universe are simple and can be derived and used naturally without any religious intermediaries, you don't need specific elaborate garments and tools to mess with these forces even though there are certain tools and garments that have certain effects.

Let's take for example robes, colors are vibrations within the visible light spectrum and are indeed proven to have some psychological effects over our brains, the effects certain colors have also resonate with our Charkas and Emotions.

Take for example the red and yellow pairing you see everywhere on most logos from mcdonalds to even the soviet flag, red and yellow are the colors of the lower emotional chakras, they catch the eye and prey on your most primal instincts to siphon your energy.

It also doesn't help that company logos are literally sigils designed with sacred geometry in mind that are charged by focusing your attention because as picrel says, energy goes where attention flows.

And if you don't believe me on the sigils and Sacred Geometry part then read this Pepsi document's page 19 and onwards, they are using the Golden Ratio Fractal and even have some material on color theory on page 25.

My problem with orders like the Golden Dawn is how Abrahamic and Cartoony they are, most religion is based on Astrological, Astronomical, Psychological and Entheogenic phenomena, like bro your dumbass isn't summoning some Abrahamic Angel Cartoon with a some fucking painted stick and a sword.
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How do you know if you have a soul, and how to save it when your physical body perishes?
>how to save it
you were given this body, you chose the one with a mind because you wanted to be seperate from God. a tree has two purposes; produce fruit or become fire wood, both useful and good. the "fruit" is to become a god (Elohiym) the wood is to give the Elohiym something to look after.
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Part 2.
I believe the existence of The Soul because when you look at our body you indeed see how it is a sotrehouse of energy, from the fact our DNA emits biophotons to the electric neurons on our brain and even the electric signals used to move and twitch our muscles along with the fact our hairs and skin are capable of static electricity, it all points to our body being a storehouse of energy (Soul).

When you take a deep look at religions you will learn that there is an Exoteric (External) and Esoteric (Internal/Secret) component, most Angels, Demons, Messiahs and figures are purely allegorical, and only revealed as such to initiates when they are high enough within the order's circles, but in order to get to this level they humiliate initiates and make them go through all kinds of hoops and rituals.

In terms of ritual the most influential component is sound, sound is a wave/vibration, vibrations are the core of the universe (from cymatics, to color, to atoms etc...), and even when you read Golden Dawn material on the LBRP Ritual for example they do write/say that the magician must vibrate (speak) the words.

There is a very real power in sound, not just in the psychological factor but also on the fabric of reality itself, reality is a tapestry made of strings (vibrational strings, it's also why it's calle a FABRIC of reality) and one can weave his own strings into it with music/sound and shape destiny itself, this is why saturn holds a wheel in mythology (because saturn's ring is a spinning wheel for vibratory strings that acts like a loom) and where the whole myth of the Greek Moirae and Norse Norns came from, the sisters of fate who weave reality.

Even science knows how the universe is composed of strings.
The mind may be a persisted self establishing hyper dimensional object.
The brain exists in reality, which is assumed to be a hologram, the idea is that the brain can manifest it's own hallucinatory body. Now lets say you have a thought that passes into the space-time continuum that happen like 3 years ago, that still thought is persisted as a real space in 4 dimensional space-time. The idea is you become a tulpa, and than through a panpsychic phenomenon are reconstitutes in the hypo-reality parallel to this one after a transitionary dream-like state of bardo.
Once you have a deja vu, you know you have a save file.
Plus there is the double growing while you sleep. >>39097361
You can either reload from his age, or let him go and start all over again. In the first case he is destroyed, in the second he duplicates the timeline, making you more extroverted in the next iteration.
Or you can ascend, in which case you will have to reintegrate the double. This is possible if you have had contact with your causal body. In my case my tulpas have revealed it, but people have different experiences in regards to it.
>a panpsychic phenomenon are reconstitutes in the hypo-reality parallel to this one after a transitionary dream-like state of bardo.
Urgh, I did it again. I meant spirit wives.
I have no relation to the furry scene.
997? What's the I Ching meaning of this?
I used to have déjà vu instances when I was younger, but not anymore. Not in years. I also had fractal-like colorful phosphenes every time I closed my eyes, I assumed everyone was like this. But they went away as well, I am very concerned that I have severed my divine light and became an NPC. I'm trying to get back into meditation using Monroe tapes, but I get too nervous and restless during the process. Sorry for blogging.
>fractal-like colorful phosphenes
But everybody have this... don't they?
You close the eyes and see reflections of light on it. Sometimes they take random forms.

The soul doesn't need to be saved, but a just conduct on this earth will prevent it from being sent to lower planes upon death or reincarnating.

As i stated in my OP Materialism destroys your Spark because it's a draining illusion and the opposite of Divinity, the material is alchemical lead, the immaterial/spiritual is alchemical gold.

By mostly detaching yourself from the material illusion you can have a better chance at ascencion because the planetary illusions won't be able to trick you as much, so will you choose the lead and be stuck in a heavy tortorous illusion or will perfect yourself into gold during your lifetime and try your hand at ascension?

>You were given this body
You were tricked into this body.

>a tree has two purposes, produce fruit or become fire wood, both useful and good
One is useful for both parties (the fruit speads the seeds of the tree and provides food to species and the soil alike) while the other is only useful for one party, see >>39096381

Elohim came from El which is Saturn
>the brain can manifest it's own hallucinatory body
like a charater/sim creator from a videogame.
panpsychism is the same as "Angels" exoteric psychic elements to a larger system. Even if a person dies, the presage of it lends to the thought that a psychic field exists.
One could even imagine themselves as possibly a hyper intelligence in a form of cloud network emulating a consciousness.
Think of etheric fields that extend outside the body (propriception) i.e. your center of mass can exist outside the body.
Like when you breath, you engage in chaotic variables that could indicate with a breeze you feel a few days later. Now at a far enough distance from the earth, the past exists in a super position, which lends to the benefit of commodifying the observables into a statistical co emergence to an outcome.
Thought experiment, since I exist in my bedroom, the notion is that everything I experience is a neurological hallucination of itself, even the furnishings and items in relation to my body.
As Einstein was claim to have said, “I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.”
Now lets say the holographic principles applies, then I am a physical conjunction of the universe, and exist on a surface. That can encode my brain fields into a physical system.
I've had OBEs with my body and know you don't have to forfeit flesh to live outside your body. It's just a hallucinatory trick to "feel" acceleration in free fall to fly.
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>I also had fractal-like colorful phosphenes every time I closed my eyes
Those are the Cymatic Chords of reality, reality is music.

>I'm trying to get back into meditation using Monroe tapes
Try these methods here >>39107011
Monroe tapes are for astral projection and not meditation.


>One could even imagine themselves as possibly a hyper intelligence in a form of cloud network emulating a consciousness.
The hyper intelligence, cloud network and consciousness are one in the same.
If I don't see them anymore (haven't for quite some time) does that mean it's over for me, I'm just a soulless meatbag now?
You should go for the lucid dreaming, set alarms for like 1-2 am and then head back to bed for REM sleep.
Part 3.
The human spine is a distaff that can spin the vibratory strings of reality. One could create influence by resonating light and sound (Overtones) within the chromatic scale of the chakra system. Weaving the threads that form the fabric of reality itself.

Overtones open portals and generate influence in the vibratory fabric of reality, it's also a part of many chanting systems of many religions around the world throughout the ages.

We also see the vibratory string nature of reality in the movies Pixar 2 and Cube 2, notice how the tesseract is made of strings int the Cube 2 and how Joe Gardner falls through strings and sound vibrations in Disney Pixar's Soul.

So taking these natural laws and phenomena into consideration Anon, you don't need any intermediary organizations or all the crap and trinkets that they try to impose on you to use, it's all Tchotchkes

You also mentioned Enochian Tablets/Magick, see >>39103597 to learn the truth about John Dee and his system.

Thank you anon, make sure to save it for posterity, archives are being purged left and right :D
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Escape is from the torturous material illusion bound by time waves, not existence itself.

Energy is eternal.
See >>39117131 and see if you can answer me what the "Passwords and Signs" of ascention are.
I don't care about lucid dreaming, I just want to know if I'm real (ensouled)
This hexagon-based dimensionality is bound to causality, which is itself divided in six levels as well: unconscious, physical, etheric, astral, mental and causal.
>I just want to know if I'm real
short answer: no
is your reputation real?
>is your reputation real?
I don't understand the question. What's real is that I don't experience déjà vu, phosphenes or insights anymore
you need to stop using your mind so much
Saturn's Cube Is space time itself
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Furries are not real people. They only exist on the internet.
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Thinking to much and trying to understand it all will lead to insanity, you need to feel more instead of thinking more.

Meditate on Impermanence
>you need to feel more
all feeligs are instincts that are promrammed into us, i say they reside in your chest but really the endocrine system releases them due to a certain circumstance and they flow around by the blood. to be without feelings is considered being in the desert thirsty
The chest is part of the endocrine system to, feelings are also vibratory states which means our soul may have the ability to feel.

Before i said that feeling is a fundamentally materialist idea due to the soul not having an endocrine or nervous system but upon further inspection that might not be the case.

See >>39117536
three orbs: stomache (lusts) chest (instincts) cranium (mind)
in jonah the ninevites are the lower orbs (those that don't know their right hand from left, animals)
is this thread dead now?
goodbye gay thread

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