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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
that's really cool, i feel similarly about my manifestation as well. my ram stick upgrade was similarly just a means to an end as well since i really wanted to play a game that was hogging a ton of ram and my 16gb simply was not enough for it, so i desired the upgrade and believed in it and i got it.
congrats, did you have to ask your handler for the money or did you find a RAM stick out in the Finnish wilderness?
having only one SP is a limiting belief, your SP will live on in any person that you choose to go with.
how do i go from just visualising to feeling it real? im so close & keep manifesting things on accident, but when i make conscious attempts it wont work
whenever i try SATS i cant fall asleep because the scene requires too much active brain power to maintain
>how do i go from just visualising to feeling it real?
You need to believe it's real. The visualizing until it feels real is a trick you play on your mind to do it, but it's far more efficient to do what Neville suggests- believe that your imagination is as real as the real world(and it is in every sense of the word- your brain has the same reactions and releases the same chemicals whether you imagine something or it happens to you in "reality").

Believe the methods work. Believe that you are making the changes in your life.

>keep manifesting things on accident
You manifest everything you do during the day, you just didn't realize it. There is always a learning curve to taking an instinctive action and learning to use it on demand.

You can do this :)
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I'm doing the ladder thing. When I'm vizualising my self. Shoud I do it in first person or third person ? Also, I'm trying to focus on the cold iron of the ladder on my hand. Trying to put details and focus on them. Is it good or should I go into something more "easy" ?

I had good vizualisation when I was a kid but years of bad habit fucked my brain a little. Now I'm working on it, but it's just difficult to focus with all the intrusive thoughts.

But I felt something this night. I took a lot of time to sleep and the more I was doing the thing, at a certain moment, I felt something strong, but I don't know how to explain it.

Last question, when I'm reading the "I won't climb a ladder", should I see me not climbing or just reading the memo is enough ?
what do i do about being unable fall asleep whilst doing it?
>You need to believe it's real.
ive seen plenty evidence from both myself and other people and have no reason not to believe, but i still get anxious and doubtful when i try to consciously choose what to manifest, i guess i overthink it like everything else
i going to make a copy of that pic then take it to the gun range and shoot each letter out one at a time then crumple it up and burn it.
I've been manifested here and this is what I have to say. For anyone living by the Law and wanting to understand more of the mechanisms and the doo hickies of the whole shtict, start learning kabbalah (qabbalah whatever which way you want to spell it). Not only does it boost my faith but its really neat to see why Nevile was saying what he said with such conviction (besides experiencing the Law himself). Till next time
>achieve your every desire
thats how the devil talks.
then don't do it
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Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.
the devil also requires you to give something of yourself in order to achieve it, the law requires nothing but your faith. jesus died for our sins so that we may never need to sacrifice anything to god.
I'm going to be honest, since I learned about LOA years ago, I've been becoming more and more insecure about myself and reality itself. I feel like everything I read is literally saying the same, everything is explained the same way. Meaningless bullshit that makes sense, but I can't fully acquire as a knowledge. There's nothing new, nothing that allows it to understand it better or differently.
>bro just assume you understand it
>just assume you know how to assume lmao
Dude, I've been thinking and thinking, analyzing my beliefs and how and why did I assume them, and I have no fucking idea. I can't barely recall the past, I can't create new memories through imagination, I can't barely imagine. It's like I have zero control over my mind, imagination and life, which has been accentuated since I learned about LOA, since it feels like the control of those is the core. If not, then it's just fucking Mechanism.
Yes I know I'm pathetically whining and I'll probably just be called a faggot and left even more distressed, but please.

TL;DR: The impotence LOA makes me feel is fucking me up, yet still can't move on.
Where can I study this?
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>jesus died for our sins so that we may never need to sacrifice anything to god.
well then why even attemtp to anything in order to receive? arent we sacrificing time and attention to the methods that shall provide the objects of our desire? see how that works? you are already sacrificing without even noticing it.
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you shouldnt too
>mind your own business
the devil protects his servants with this ((american)) phrase.
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chicken qabbalah is an ez to understand meat and potatoes of qabbalah. pdf is everywhere on the web
nice pepe, im stealing it
honestly take a break I took a break for like 8 months because it got too fucking real and the cause and effect of everything felt very claustrophobic at the atomic level

take a break do something else, and try not to stim out on things that will make it hard to focus (ie tiktok, porn, dopamine frying things)
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I don't believe in any devils
Anyone to bake UL general?
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ponder 'evil' for some time in silence, before sleep, just for a few minutes, there you already have your 'devil'. same with god, just ponder the most beautiful feeling conceivable, add to it all the warm fuzzy sensations in you imagination that you possibly can, well, there is god.
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How to manifest a specific girl in under a week?
If learning something fucks you up then you should stop doing it. Switch over to choas magic and call it a day. If you can't make gains using choas magic then quit.
>what do i do about being unable fall asleep whilst doing it?
Don't worry about that. I often do SATS in the morning after I am fully rested and go on with my day afterward.

"Sleeping on it" is recommended by Neville and can't hurt, but he had some ideas on this that were not essential to the process and can be safely ignored.

>but i still get anxious and doubtful when i try to consciously choose what to manifest, i guess i overthink it like everything else
You're probably worried about the possible results, that's why you didn't simply manifest it without effort in the first place. Knowing your desire deeply and expressing it in a way that you feel is safe and good for everyone can alleviate those doubts.
>There's nothing new, nothing that allows it to understand it better or differently.
That's kinda weird, there are so many different ways people present this information.

Try to give me some more information on how you think you understand it and what you have been able to do and what you are struggling with.

>how and why did I assume them, and I have no fucking idea. I can't barely recall the past, I can't create new memories through imagination, I can't barely imagine. It's like I have zero control over my mind, imagination and life
This seems weird. Are you dealing with some sort of health issue that is limiting you?

If you aren't calling the shots in your life, you've farmed it out to a system of belief outside of yourself. Parents, social group, religion, nationalism, etc. You believe someone/something else knows how to run your life better than you do. As you may know, that's toxic and should be avoided.

You are the captain of your ship. Look around, take stock, take control- you can't do worse than who/whatever is steering the ship at the moment.
Without Jesus we should sacrifice to God? All of human history pre Christ we were fucked?
You can't because it doesn't work. Don't bother wasting your time and play the numbers game if you want a gf.
fuck off already 1000 approaches anon, go shill your PUA tactics elsewhere

lol at numbers game cope

just be attractive and behave normally and tease her a little. it ain't rocket science
yes, without jesus people will worship the graven image. we give our power to heal to the big pharma, our power to bring change in our lives into the hands of international bankers who will bet millions on whether or not you do it. jesus dying for our sins means that we can always feel safe in the forgiveness of god and in the knowledge that in our temples it is only him and us.
>buying all the jewish lies
you should know better
god didn't forgive before? god is an old upset man who holds grudges?
it reflects my life, i used to be an upset man who held grudges as well but i died for the sins of the world and was resurrected as something more holy. but i know that you wont take what i say into your heart, you are the adversary and i take pity on you for i know that my victory is assured in the end.
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i am saying that your view contains hate, god is infinite love, negativity is only for the illusion of dualism
you read my posts like devil reads the bible, you have constructed these delusions about me and obsess over them each day.
lmao, it works on my machine.
seems like you're on the wrong place and have to go back to /r9k/
that hasn't been me and i won't reply again
notice how you didn't answer any of the questions?
try a course in miracles or mystical teachings of jesus in general, you would hear the truly loving side of christ and god
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Someone post Scriptanon's stuff please.
Also this isn't LOA itself but LOA-adjacent: where can I read accounts, watch videos etc, of people (if they WEREN'T famous then ,much more better) who had terminal disease diagnosed, and Speedrun trough their bucket list- which they finished by dying?
I don't want to die with regrets- that shit makes me a ghost or earth-bound spirit or unable to Pass On. OTOH I view dying as a positive thing -going to heaven (hopefully)- so I don't avoid it forever, just until the list is done.
Im devoted completely to the law i close my eyes and just imagine the blissful existence i am now.
Years of depression gone in a week no more suicidal thoughts. Christianity never helped even though i pray or ask god for help.
The law hasn't giving me a million yet but hey atleast i don't want to kms
Now i see Christianity for what it truly is...
"Suppose you want to be rich,and you have imagined it already let's say 1 month has passed and no rewards yet besides your mood getting better,you ask yourself why is this not working? now here is a tip:think from that state noe visualize doing what that rich version of you does,eating a good breakfast,driving your expensive car,working that dream job,etc." Your own world is going to move you towards that you will work but it will not feel like work at all let the visualization manifest into this reality
You will be resurrected with a body that cannot get sick or die.

This is what Christ won for all men. Eternal Hell is a lie.

"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." ( 1 Corinthians 15:22 )

"And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." ( Colossians 1:20 )

All will be made well.
The Law is mentioned in Christianity.

" For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." ( Mark 11:23-24 )
Sometimes I think what LoA is really doing is changing your mindset from a loser's to a winner's point of view. It's just changing your locus of control.
When something bad happens to a loser, they just accept it as further evidence that their life is shitty. They don't believe that they have any control over their life and bad things just happen to them all the time. When something good happens to them, it's just a stroke of dumb luck.
When something bad happens to a winner, they don't even notice it. It's just a speed bump on the way to something fantastic. When they experience failure or rejection, these are just administrative blips on the road to success. When something good happens to them, they take this as evidence that they are indeed living a good life and making good choices. They see themselves as a complete master of their destiny.
Basically, if you think this is real or not, you're right.
Wait, you don't need to sleep after SATS? Currently my biggest problem is that I end up falling asleep before reaching the state almost every time
you sound retarded start using coin flips to make decisions
Sleeping is not necessary. The consensus is to either fall asleep or get up and move on with your day.
Just LoA’d the stupid 15 minute cooldown lmao
Have you been talking to him? How do you know this
Its everywhere your subconscious wants you to step up.
Not Christian only not shackled to a religion or cult.
It's mentioned on every piece of media
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>Someone post Scriptanon's stuff please.
Just go into the last thread. It's all there.
>Wait, you don't need to sleep after SATS?
No, Neville's idea was that sleeping afterward helped it set better and provided fertile ground all night for your mind to start working on it.

It's a nice idea and may help in some cases, but once you set your manifest the results are immediate. The train has already left the station, you don't need to push.

>Currently my biggest problem is that I end up falling asleep before reaching the state almost every time
Before I joined this thread SATS was something I used rarely because I had the same problem, I've been using self-hypnosis for years to fall asleep quickly so now I'm usually out in less than a minute.

A helpful Anon here suggested doing it in the morning after being fully rested. I tried it and it works astonishingly well- when you wake up you already in the drowsy state, for me I wake up at the perfect level to start.

After you do your visualization or affirmation a few times you should have a good sense of if it set or if you are still struggling. If you feel close, keep going until it sets and then go on with your day. If you are struggling, go on as far as you reasonably can and try again another time.
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“Chance or accident is not responsible for the things that happen to you, nor is predestined fate the author of your fortune or misfortune. Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world. The subconscious is not selective; it is impersonal and no respecter of persons. The subconscious is not concerned with the truth or falsity of your feeling. It always accepts as true that which you feel to be true. Feeling is the assent of the subconscious to the truth of that which is declared to be true. Because of this quality of the subconscious there is nothing impossible to man. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify."

Neville Goddard
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>making promises that are too good to be true
>offering material wealth or attention to distract you from simply connecting to the divine and having a good life without any particular ritual or effort
yeah, definitely the devil.
of course you can encounter devil consciousness if you desire, first time might be scary af though.
Better to focus on one thing or can I do multiple things at the same time?
I need to be tall
If you can imagine a thing and then the thing happens, then what is reality? You may not be asking yourself this question consciously but the question is seeping into your subconscious and undoing your previous conception of the world. Ego death, some would call it.
you are tall
1 thing at a time is easier for you to focus on + when you get it your will/fsith will grow stronger as you see results
that's Godzilla sir, not the devil
Says the mutilated tranny and his chromosomes.
SATS, chill in bed as long as you need
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just a symbol of the archetypical chaotic destroyer. as a symbol for nuclear weapns stemming from the satanic usa its fitting for the topic at hand.
no, not really
though I'll give you that Godzilla is more real than your devil
reading this book right now, its really just UL for retards (which makes it a lot better lol)
but UL is already for retards, anon
will check it out though, thanks for the recommendation
I guess I meant that its very straightforward, I had to read the UL document like 5x to 'get it'.
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how to manifest a romantic partner? can someone do a straight forward step by step? I see the common denominator is make a list of attributes you want, can't manifest a specific person, feel the warmth and love before the person shows up?

So it talks about one thing/non duality? So far I haven't found anything as close as it explains it better than UL.
he just had to go "quantum" eh
>i going to make a copy of that pic then take it to the gun range and shoot each letter out one at a time then crumple it up and burn it.
fucking hoodwinker
>connecting to the divine
LOA is an expression of the Divine

That's just a reflection of the things about yourself that make you feel uncomfortable
its a principle a thoughtform, a direction of your heart and mind, some people just set themselves up to do bad, other to do good, dont tell me you dont know the difference. or everything is merely a fine gradient and everyone is just more or less evil or good thus we cannot ever assert that something is positive or negative but all individuals and actions are ultimately just neutral, like the forces of nature. there are truly people out there actively seeking out wicked things, and enjoy doing harm to no end. perhaps you lack some insight into such matters, which is fine if you want to remain comfy and innocent but let me tell you some peoples hearts are bottomless pits, and if anything one might categorize them as under the influence of the devil, its just fitting without any religious dogma.
what does any of this have to do with LoA though?
>making promises that are too good to be true
Sounds like Christianity
>offering a good afterlife to justify that your masters are taking all the wealth in this world.
Christianity is a mindset of suffering that's why it got big most people are slaves to something.
If you see anything wrong with imagining a better life for you then you're a golem
What do about a problematic lodge that has nefarious energy?
what does any of this have to do with LoA though?
Why is my Eagles lodge cursed?
Assumptions and mental manifesting
Cause you fuckles talk about manifesting. That requires focus and dwelling on.
then manifest the lodge away, assume it's not there
Never fucking mind. I will deal with it everytime the sun rises. You guys fucking suck.
Heh thinking doesnt matter. It dont mean shit if something is on your mind. Almost 38. Mental is just that. Mental retardation and lies.
Not you. Best response. You get my organs when im dead.
Anon you manifest a girl the same way you manifest anything else. You create a list of traits because this stuff works better when you actually know exactly what you want. You can manifest an SP, people are just retarded and assume nobody can do it because they cant. Read the pastebins in the OP, then Neville's first five lessons if it hasnt clicked. That is it.
Ohh the things I would manifest away if it were that easy
Ive lived long enough to know that all the concepts on this board are bogus. Read through the history books. There was always a sit/time where one would get a revelation up their sleeve.
Having x mentality ultimately means shit. There are people with 'loser' mentalities that end up successful because they tend to take fewer risks and focus on whats more achievable, and people with 'winner' mentalities that end up eating a fat one because sometimes an enterprise is doomed no matter what, no matter how stubbornly optimistic you are

life is not a math question, sometimes the right answer ends up being a bad one
anyone that explains this with quantum physics knows nothing about LoA or quantum physics kek
You clearly are a boss.
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something was assumed and then manifested, you can basically post anything in any thread on x because the topics morph into one another, the explanation is some supernatural will that desires for things to just turn out a ceratin way.
Im up for some quantum lessons! Shoot some links! Im all for reading!
ok this shit works what the fuckkkkkk AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>making promises that are too good to be true
>Sounds like Christianity
>>offering a good afterlife to justify that your masters are taking all the wealth in this world.
>Christianity is a mindset of suffering that's why it got big most people are slaves to something.
>If you see anything wrong with imagining a better life for you then you're a golem

who mentioned christianity? the devil and god are not exclusively christian concepts.
thank you
Im down for realizing shit... The mental thinking Hoping shit! Pipe dream. You can be positive as shit all your life and what happens is you end up a Toby. A.K.A. a go-for.
right, the original anon meant Ahura Mazda and Ahriman…
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something like that, but even softer forms like dyonisos, the god of wine feast celebration and excess, and apollon, the god of civility and order. in that sense those two poles have existed through history in many forms. dyonisian behaviour can lead to the same 'hellish' states that the bible describes etc etc, obviously duh. its about archetypes mostly.
>t Ahura Mazda and Ahriman…
Very scary.
apollonian behavious can also lead to hellish states not mentioned by the bible, like becoming a miserable stick in butt yes-man, which is a big problem for christians: the bible fails to teach that too much good and you are ultimately letting evil grow in the world
verily, its always entertaining to bring those different teachings together and synchronize the similarities and see what a smallest common denominator could look like. see the devine head-god throuhgh all the religions and spiritual paths, and the devil figure as well. like a complex venn diagram.

also finding the intersections in 'polytheism-one main god-multiple lesser gods' and 'monotheism-the one god-multiple angels'. its like rediscovering the one language before the tongue confusion at the tower of babel construction.
>You just gotta believe it bro, you gotta feel it, feeling is the secret
>Oh it hasn’t worked? uhhhhhhh….. it’s just not the right time bro just trust in the process, trust in the divine timing
>oh it still hasn’t happened?…. uhhhhhhh….its for the best bro you probably deserve something better just keep belieeeeeeeveng, you gotta belieeeeeeve bro, Im gonna I’m gonna belieeeeeeve
no lol, there's no divine timing, you just didn't believe hard enough
i literally just got a 5 digit bonus from work, seethe and cope
Don't bother, they won't accept the truth. They like to live in their little schizo world while everything around them turns to shit and they become old.
the truth being that you just don't believe hard enough?
this stuff works, changed my life when I started using it.

Everything you see hear or interact with in 3D, ask yourself what type of emotion does it elicit within you?

This is how you will know what is Good for you.

Communication, including symbols, has ultimately been created to transmit emotional understanding. Emotion of hunger, satiety, anger, happiness etc.

Emotions are what drives people.

The conspiracy theorist who is angry about goverment and is making doom videos about how media is wicked is no better than that same media.

Both create fear in their viewers, one seeks to feel superior in dealing out fear, another uses fear to reduce humans to automatons.

But ultimately, they are "communicating" same emotion.

"whatsoever is pure just clear uplifting - dwell on that" - very important.

I find it a lot online. People shit on media then preach just a different version of doom and gloom.

They are operating from same states of mind.

Until you preach your ideal and focus on celebrating what you love, it doesnt matter what angle you take, you are being ignorant.
There is no "smart way" to be negative and destructive.

Emotion is the seed and the fruit. By their fruits you will know them.

You have to take control of your emotions, gradually, over time, with diff techniques.

Otherwise you are just a pawn.
Recognize that the emotion is the secret, therefore emotion is the aim.
If someone can control the emotion inside you,they can control your life.
Control and mold your emotions yourself.
Disregard the "tree of knowledge" or "smart ways to be ignorant".
Its not belief Neville said he didn't believe he was going to Barbados.
He just imagined himself there every time he could. Think from it walk in barbados
>belieeeeeeve hard enough bro, you gotta you gotta belieeeeeeeve
unironically yes
>Think from it walk in barbados
That was easy for him to do since Neville was literally born in Barbados and lived there for 17 years, kek. Another anon debunked this already.
I’m at the doctor and he’s about to call in the Oxycodone I manifested but first I have to pee and the anxiety is making me not how do I pee how do I manifest peeing help
Helen Hadsell

"imagine the pain is actually healing pulsations"
debunked what? he was in NYC and wanted to go back to Barbados, but didn't have money
He never went back to Barbados. There's no proof of this. Neville died broke and from alcohol poisoning in the US.
So I tried the ladder experiment but with a tennis ball like one anon suggested, didn't see one irl but did see characters throwing one back and forth on TV, does that still count?
nah. stick with it.

Keep at it.
you are the arbiter of whether it counts or not, but I'd say no

Loser mentality is mentality of a loser.
Winner mentality is mentality of winner.

What you said is pure nonsense from logical standpoint, including LOA.

You cannot have winner mentality and not be a winner.
Thats the whole point of the name of it, lol.

The only point made by LOA is that the mentality comes first.
Or, State comes first.

Of course, you are free to disagree, but then switch to a different thread.

You wrote a lot of words trying to obscure the truth and sound "live laugh love"-y or "wow my head is spinning its all chaos of 2nd causes uwaaa wuaaa!!!!"

But no, LOA is simple.
State leads to experience.
You can decide on your state.

Thats it. If you feel angry and homicidal, you wont write a love poem.
If you feel happy and at peace, you wont commit violent acts.

Conscious LOA = deciding on your state because you enjoy it FIRST and because it will manifest in pleasant ways as a bonus.

There is no wiggle room, no surprises. Your experiences relate to your states.
You can learn to connect the dots more if you practice being self aware, and emotionally intelligent, or you can remain lalalaing around with tarot and whatever other bs you do to escape your own power.
>arent we sacrificing time and attention to the methods that shall provide the objects of our desire?
What else would you put your time and attention to? Watching mind numbing bullshit? Porn? Doing nothing?
It doesn't even take any time at all. If anything, you use the time and attention you're not actively using on something else; from taking a walk to playing videogames, you give nothing other than your attention and gratitude. If that's a sacrifice, then it's the most painless and freeing sacrifice you could be asked to give.

Having desires is not evil, it's human nature. It's the nature of those desires and its effects on others after being granted that determines if it comes from a place of evil.
If you wholeheartedly believe that having desires is evil, wouldn't that mean your personal desires are evil?
>What you said is pure nonsense from logical standpoint
life doesnt care about logic, you completely missed the point of my post and went straight to the writing of a wall of text. there are many people with the 'wrong' attitude that get through life better than the ones with the 'right' mentality

Everything is logical, the reason you dont see the logic doesnt make it not logical.
Every effect has a cause. And vice versa. You not seeing it doesnt make it "happenstance".
LOA is basically based on that.
Moral quality is not easy to define, and not that important in LOA, if you mean "wrong" or "right" by that.
You cant judge anyone's mentality except your own. Unless you claim you can read people's minds.
How people appear and how they are, is not always easy to correlate.
Id advise you to spend less time and energy arguing your point which is "No point in controlling your mental state as its unrelated to your experience since I think some people have some type of mentality that shouldnt succeed if you ask me".

Its very egoistic of you to claim that, topped with your ignorance, sheesh, even more ironic.

What is more probable - that some things dont make sense, yet happen, or, that you lack the intelligence and insight to see in what way they make sense?

Very very egotistical mindset you have there, you assume life's lack of logic as more probable than your your own ignorance. That is why you fail. You invent apologies for your ignorance and keep yourself stuck in BAD attitudes.

I have talked with numerous idiots over my life so far, but never has any of them seen their idiocy tho to me its clear as a day. I hope you will be the first.
ok, first of all, you turned a grain of sand into a desert, half of your post is just you being pretentious and itchy for telling you that sometimes life does play dice

wisdom dictates that nothing is as simple as a hard working person getting a great reward, or the evil and greedy getting punished for their doings

its childish to think that everything that happens follows a pattern, that everything leads to something, that everyone is guilty of their circumstances, and if you didnt fall into your own delusions you'll see it

you are a cruel person trying to pass as an enlightened one, but go ahead, mr pearls-before-swine, keep believing that you can change life, something that existed for eons before you came around, just because your balls say so
And the law of cope doesn't work? He wanted to go back to Barbados and never did after he left the island at 17.
Why don’t you try it yourself and then decide. Neville isn’t the end all be all
prove that he never returned to Barbados
I did. I tried SATS, scripting, cum sigils, blood sigils, you name it. It doesn't work.
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I tried child sacrifice, still nothing
Where's the proof that he did? Nothing indicates that he ever went back. Neville was just a schizo dreaming about Barbados because he lived there for 17 years. He never went back. It doesn't work.
It has been a ride i learned about this on august was about to give up on september but i finally made it. Was easy enough it really is living from success man i wish i knew about this when i was a wee lad.
Anons... With no hope you should try this i mean if you think about it it is the World of Imagination. Got my desires and going for more the law changed and saves my life.
he says he did? versus you saying he didn't
it didnt work for you because you were sceptical
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Is this shit real? I keep coming back to it just because I've had these moments all my life where I think about some obscure thing and very soon after that it "manifests" in real life or on TV. Too obscure for it to be a coincidence, but I always chucked it up to illusion of control but I'm spiritual and crazy enough to still think there's a grain of truth to it. But whenever I've tried these actual intentional methods it rarely works. I've managed to get a text from an ex who blocked me but that's the extent of my success so far with it. What's the consensus, is it BS? Cope?
Lel get gud
It’s as real as you want it to be
you remind of myself, last year I thought the same as you and then strumbled upon this during a bad time. i beg you to stop whatever you are doing and step away, this loa thing doesnt lead nowhere

check for yourself, all the people who say that loa are real, are either the pure stadistical coincidence that got what they wanted, or scumbags who want to either feel mighty and wise and teach you to do this incredible thing to appease their ego (youll find some here, in fact, they will tell you to ignore me after I write this) or scam you
Yeah turn back before you start commenting in every single thread that this stuff doesn’t work like this loser
loa is just left hand path magic, its demonic. Instead of spiritual gain, you’re focusing on material gain
>following what the Bible explains is demonic
Uhhh retard alert!
First post here. I've been practicing the law of assumption for 10 months now. Visualizing during SATS, listening to affirmations and scripting, mainly.

My experience:

I managed to manifest lots of small stuff fast through scripting. Kids smiling to me, the classical free cup of coffee, overhearing people talk about specific stuff, etc. It was still pretty easy to attribute it all to coincidence, though.

Then some more specific/difficult stuff started to happen. I manifested a prostitute approaching me in a place which isn't known for these kinds of things. I went to the fanciest neighborhood in my city and it happened. I had been there many times and it had never happened before, I hadn't even seen prostitutes on the streets there before.

Then even "bigger" stuff started to come. My cousin which had been a NEET for many years applied for a job. My cat that had suffered for skin issues I just couldn't solve no matter what is perfectly healthy again. A specific cashier from the nearest supermarket here laughed at something I said and I never make small talk with cashiers, she laughed at something pretty random, concise and unfunny I said.

Then my SP, who had always had long hair, cut her hair shoulder length with bands EXACTLY as I scripted. This was the moment it clicked for me.

I know some people will still attribute everything to coincidence no matter what, but the amount of success has been significantly bigger than the expected odds. like 30-40% of the small things I wrote happened + these amazingly specific ones.

The question for me now is the scope of this power. It could still be some "subtle" power like telepathy or remote vision, which according to my research also consistently succeed way more than what could be reasonably attributed to random chance when done by experienced people, but is still not 100% effective.
>uh, I'm retardposting. Just wait how they will tell you I'm retardposting
>Its not belief
Neville flat says it is.

>he didn't believe he was going to Barbados
That's why it took him weeks to set his manifestation. The people who want to make him out as perfect manifester ignore the points where he really struggled like any Anon here and needed Abdullah to give him a shove in the right direction.

The fact that he was able to persist until he was able to set his manifest shows that it can be done with effort and not giving up.

>He just imagined himself there every time he could
Yes, and he believed he was there walking the streets in the warm weather and the palms, not freezing and miserable walking down the streets of New York.

I continue to wonder why there is so much desire not believe. Can't/won't/shouldn't have to!

>I did. I tried SATS, scripting, cum sigils, blood sigils, you name it. It doesn't work.
You're going through the motions. The belief is what makes any and all of that work.

I know, I went through the motions too for a LONG time but some of it worked for me because I was allowing it at times.

The better question here is, what were you trying to accomplish with all of your ritualing? The goal and your resistance to it is what makes things hard, not the method you are trying to get it.
>Is this shit real?

>I keep coming back to it just because I've had these moments all my life where I think about some obscure thing and very soon after that it "manifests"

>But whenever I've tried these actual intentional methods it rarely works
What do you want? You don't sound like you have a strong "need" for anything, and that can keep you in the comfort zone where it's hard to manifest.
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So how's it going lads? Are you winning? do u even list?
>loa is just left hand path magic
>Speaks words he does not understand
>The question for me now is the scope of this power
The only limit is you. That can be a strong limit- how will you feel when everything is so easy it's meaningless, and you figure out there is nothing "real" here?
I shared the audiobook a long time ago. this is it in audible format.
>David Cameron Gikandi - A Happy Pocket Full of Money
(The original book on manifesting money)

here the audiobook on youtube

here's the ebook

Glad you liked it. You can try out the book in the pic next. Love money, Money Loves you by Sarah McCrum. It treats Money Energy as a servitor or thought form you get in contact with. kek.

If you can manifest a ladder and then move on to manifesting other things then its 100% real and you should continue. if you struggle to Manifest stuff then this isn't for you and you should quit like this retard here >>39106823 .
Other anons have amazing success that will build up with use like this anon >>39106966 .

You can either manifest or you can't. Here's 2 audiobooks by pam grout. If you can't get half of these experiments to work then it's time to walk.
>E-squared E2 - pam grout
(9 manifestation experiments like nevilles ladder experiment)
>E-Cubed E3 - Pam grout
(9 more manifestation experiments)

There are multiple magical systems out there. Manifestation is just one path of many.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
My ex-girlfriend is dying to be with me, she's going to write to me again, and she misses me a lot. She wants to be my girlfriend again.
I also have been thinking nonstop about a past girl, I am convinced that she is the love of my life and I will do fucking anything to reunite with her. It helps that I know that she still has strong feelings for me too, this was confirmed to me in a weird telepathic episode I had recently. Ever since I met her I have felt a psychic connection to her.
That mindset is what pushes christcucks to believe they are possessed and ultimately go full schizo.
Its not material gain or spiritual gain is what you want to be.
>David Cameron Gikandi - A Happy Pocket Full of Money
lost me at quantum, just say reality is malleable, no need to try and explain it with sőyence™
anon while I agree with you those digits sure don't help
Neville was bisexual. He was a spoiled trust fund baby. He was a shitty father to his son, but a fantastic father to his daughter. He was a fag and married a naive woman in 1923 and used her for a kid, and they separated soon after. Everyone praises him as a prophet. But, in reality, his first born son preferred to live with his mother. If he was such a great father, then why didn't either of his kids get married and have families of their own? Makes you wonder. Yes, he's touched the lives of millions of people, but at the end of the day, I would have more respect for him if he didn't bring kids into the world that he couldn't support in more ways than one.
>*drops mic*
>just say reality is malleable
Yes. But WHY is it malleable? The writer is a physicalist so he attemps to use quantum physics to explain it. Just take what is valuable from any source and abandon the rest.
this works but not the way I want it what gives
not because of a misunderstanding of quantum physics and the double slit experiment, which every LoA guru wants to use as scientific justifications for some fucking reason
why can't they try to get their point across without dabbling in concepts that are barely understood by people who study them for decades, let alone laymen?
>midwit physicalist whines about other midwit physicalists
nah retard, what I'm saying is don't even try to explain it with sōyence if it's supposed to transcend it
how do you marry your subconscious
I will!
Question regarding revision
There are certain past events that I want to change, but a lot of others things have happened since that are tied to them. Will revising the original events have a ripple effect and change all the subsequent events? I imagine that it would. And how is memory affected by revision? Do you keep the memories but everyone else forgets, or can you forget the original memories too?
How do i let go? I did visualization in SATS but the thing pops into my head a few times in a day.
it's like teasing me
Its pretty simplistic, but after spending a year or two reading Neville and UL, its very concise and simple...I got a 60k pay out randomly from my job yesterday which has been my biggest manifestation to date (previous 15k check in the mail). This is so fun lol.

who cares lmao, took 10 min to read that chapter and I just nodded along understanding what he was trying to say (reality is malleable) don't throw the bay out with the bath water.
always in first person. you have to have the feeling as if you are there, now
what I learn is that you have to be very specific
You don’t have to let go just make sure you’re not in a state of needing it, you already have it
Revision is a meme. Unless you can invent a time machine, you can't change the past by pretending something different happened. That's called insanity or schizophrenia.
it's meant to change how you feel about a past event, not retroactively rewrite history so that it never happened
revise your understanding of it, that works the best. remember that your memory isn't perfect, and things could be a little different anyway. ask yourself a series of questions:
>what did happen?
>what could have happened i don't know about?
>what bad came from it?
>what good might have come from it?
>what was the lesson from this event?

this will help you take away positive things from a past event. thinking of your fuckups as lessons to learn from definitely helps, it's how all successful people deal with failure.
I did it bros, I got my prescription
>The program averaged viewing audiences in excess of 300,000 on a weekly basis. The show was eventually cancelled when Channel 11 Studios were unable to secure advertisers suitable to the audience.
Guys, why didn't Neville just manifest more advertisers?
Man you guys think too small. Revision is indeed about changing the past. If you can manifest anything in the present and future, why would the past be any different?
>>what did happen?
i was in a religious group so i had been praying, reading the bible, fasting for like a year. then in salt lake city there was this dude who said god spoke as a voice directly to his brains (but not in those words, i say it like that to give you the understanding but he was cool)
>>what could have happened i don't know about?
well after that i go to the bay area in Cali and then i start to think- God if you are real talk to my brains.
>>what bad came from it?
first I would just stare at his voice all day and only say what it told me to, this was cool but it did lead me in some kinda weird direcrtions but it could have been only testing me
>>what good might have come from it?
all good, this voice is the only way a a person can do good, it says go here or wait, say it or be quiet, totally good but challenging
>>what was the lesson from this event?
forsake all, wait for the Holy Spirit, do whatever it tells you
I'm a lucky man and everything goes better than I could imagine.
He didn’t want to

Gm bros lets get this fukken bread
Because that’s not how Neville described it and revision is his technique. They aren’t thinking big or small that’s just how it is. As usual you just avoid reading the source material and make things up. The posts of Lilanon may be more your style. He’ll tell you anything that will make him look all powerul.
for some reason i have always associated elvis with satan
elvis? More like evils
My hair feels like it’s growing exponentially. I’m assuming this is because of the better care I’m giving it. My hair will grow bountifully and all hair loss damage is being reversed.
Elvis was big on LoA and a devout Christian/gospel singer so uhhh
As above, so below.
Everything in physical reality is linked to the metaphysical.
You whine about terminology out of anger at the swine who smear mud over pearls, not realizing you're just another pig in a different pen, feeling superior over them for knowing the pearls are there. Get over yourself. None of it matters, just recognize the similarities and laugh at those trying to over explain simplicity.
>how do you marry your subconscious
We used to have more discussions about sacred marriage. I did it myself but I don't think there is a set method for it. The best thing you can do is to become more aware of your subconscious and remove the barriers between "you" and that part of yourself. I found the marriage visualization helpful as a way to reach that point.
when i was younger i was compelled out of zeal for jesus to break all my worldy records- elvis was one of them
What's the difference between loa and wanting something real bad?
>sacred marriage
two opposites in a house together (they appear as one) example: logic/imagination
>There are certain past events that I want to change, but a lot of others things have happened since that are tied to them. Will revising the original events have a ripple effect and change all the subsequent events?

>And how is memory affected by revision?
I did it by accident, I remember making the change and that it was important, but whatever events that it addressed are gone now, only memories of being immune to it my whole life and people in mild disbelief that I was.

Where this gets complicated is that I swear those memories of being immune were there the whole time. But were they?
no, I complain about LoA gurus using concepts from theoretical physics as proof because their points are easily dissected and proven wrong by actual physicists, I've seen it happen enough times by now
point is, you shouldn't need to shove "quantum" in your explanation for it to make sense to the average Joe
>marry your subconscious
the subconscious is not unickly yours to marry, you are on earth at night looking up, you always see the same side of the moon, this is your mind, the back side is your subconscience which is always looking out into space
>Because that’s not how Neville described it
Except that it is how he described it
>Man you guys think too small
They really do

>If you can manifest anything in the present and future, why would the past be any different?
Tak was very heavy on the "there is only now" point, and he is right. Infinity happening right now, what are you focusing on?

>Because that’s not how Neville described it
Yes, it was. Post quotes otherwise.

Manifestion is not just a psychological tool- but it can be if you limit it like you are trying to do.
>Man you guys think too small
They really do

>If you can manifest anything in the present and future, why would the past be any different?
Tak was very heavy on the "there is only now" point, and he is right. Infinity happening right now, what are you focusing on?

>Because that’s not how Neville described it
Yes, it was. Post quotes otherwise.

Manifestion is not just a psychological tool- but it can be if you limit it like you are trying to do.
Is there anything thats not satan to christies?
Just a number anon don't give it power
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Ok Cletus
Why can't I manifest a text from a sp? Everyone hear makes it sound easy but I haven't been able to for a few weeks. I've done affirmations, visualisation, SATS, whisper technique. Only success I had was when something happened that I could use as pretext to start a convo, but I wanted to use LoA for the sp to start it, and keep it going daily.
>Is there anything thats not satan to christies?
our mind is actually satan, the antichrist, i say "ours" bercause yours simular to mine just like our bodies are simular to the point i know what you think, your perversions, your shame
You're still whining over swine covering pearls with mud.
The average person interprets quantum mechanics as, "we don't understand why it works when we do this, but it just does". Which is really all you need to consider when it comes to practicing LoA. If they decide to overthink and overuse QM to try and "attract quicker", that's on them.
We are ALL gonna make it you fucking cunts
Can I develop superpowers with LoA?
how do i stop overcomplicating it? feels like human condition, original sin, hubris, but what do i do about it?
just ignore what your senses tell you and know what is in your imagination is the only truth, that's what worked for me.
>overcomplicating it?
your mind is the devil, turn it off, but who can live with an empty head? keep bad things far from yourself and seek people who will keep you on the straight and narrow
>We are ALL gonna make it you fucking cunts
Dumbass. We've already made it. Live it.
To be honest it never worked for me.
I'll try insignificant manifestations now. Not caring and letting go seemes to be a major part
>Why can't I manifest a text from a sp?
Because it doesn't work.
on your machine
>inb4 YoU dOn'T eVeN hAvE a MaChInE!
>Can I

>> Can I manifest ___?
>Yes! Creation is finished.

And no, no exceptions.
trying to pinpoint where im going wrong because i feel bad for asking stupid questions and repeating myself, its rude
So that's what I'll try to do.
I want to shoot lasers.
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Did you let go? Move on to manifesting other things to help with letting go.
Now you maintain the state of needing rather than having, when you have it you don't think about getting it.
Shit dawg youre right
We have ALL already made it you fucking cunts
It's not rude, anon. Ask away. That's what this general is for.
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You're right about me not having a strong need for anything. Even that ex girlfriend, I think I was more acting out of reactive emotions after the break up rather than genuinely desiring her back (the relationship was not good). Now, I genuinely want a good, stable career, something that pays well but is also decently meaningful and productive to society, not just paper pushing.
there is nothing wrong with anticipation, just like a christmas gift that you know you will receive all the objects of your desire will come to you regardless of how you think they will come to you. a way will always be created.
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This Anon knows: >>39112286
Focus on manifesting smaller things after letting go. Not to prove something or "get smaller results that will build up to what you want", but just to focus on something else and completely let go of your original desire.
Doesn't mean you only have to think of it once and never again, just be less rigid about it, let it flow like a whirlpool in reverse: the eye being the text, the water circling from the center being what happens after; dates, arguments and resolutions, inside jokes, playful moments, intimacy, etc. that's what you visualize at random intervals of time.
It may sound contradictory, but it always does when you're desperate to see results.

Don't confuse waiting for it to happen and wanting for it to happen. Don't try to force happiness to "prove" you deserve and are ready for it. Don't just focus on it at all times, mental diet is easier than you think.
I tell you this because it's what I had to learn through heavy introspection.

NTA, but didn't work for me. everyday i would write seeing 3 random things in my notebook for a week, didnt think at all about it. few months later, not a single thing has manifested from the list
>there is nothing wrong with anticipation
Definitely; excitement is a feeling, after all, but if language and words create spells then wouldn't speaking and writing of completion be more effective at directing anticipation? That's how I've been seeing it, at least.
Everyone uses quantum physics. Even judge thomas troward way back in 1904. It wasn't until the mid 2000's that everyone focused on it as a marketing scheme.
time to pack it up then anon.
>for a week
This is isn't a weekend retreat. You're not some manifestation prodigy who will get results immediately with commitment that low. Based on your post, it seems all you've tried is the notebook method, and quit it pretty fast.
How many of the things you thought about that you didn't write down did you see or hear about? How much attention are you putting to your thoughts and your environment? Why stop at a week? Why not go the entire month with specific things instead of random ones?
what were the 3 random things if you don't mind me asking?

Since finding about the law years ago, exactly zero random thoughts have manifested. Oh and i've tried many techniques for bigger stuff, no results there too

Seeing a crow, an owl, tennis ball, etc basic stuff like that. i wrote like 20 things in total
the more i want to be able to choose, the further i dig myself into the hole of non choosing
this topic has very dangerous spiraling pitfalls that i dont know how to navigate or get out of
>i've tried many techniques for bigger stuff
If your attempts were the same as your notebook attempt, then you should be able to notice the pattern by now. If you can't understand why, or refuse to look at your commitment, then you're a lost cause.
This is true. Time is relative, Buddhism talks about this.
Make a small choice first, one that could lead you one way or the other. I take it you're overthinking which option would be best, right?
Do you have strong feelings for all options? Or do not really feel that strong for any?
Yeah, it doesn't work. Nobody here has had any real success and most are larping because you can't admit that something isn't working because of the "live in the end" meme.
m*theranon's RAM stick is nothing to you? cousinfuckeranon's cousin fucking is nothing? lilanon's vampirism?
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i dont really know what i want. i feel stuck in life, completely burnt out & living at home without formal education just barely able to do small amounts of work training, everything feels like a haze and i see no future prospects. most of the time when someone asks me something i dont have an answer because i dont know who i am, i sit here staring at a screen, occasionally going for a walk, observing
when i look at others my age they seem just as miserable, their day to day lives simply consist of different more busy tasks than mine, but its mundane all the same
i dont know, i guess i want something, someone to spend time with, isnt that the purpose? that would be nice... an identity to call my own, and someone to confirm it for me
>most are larping
Have you tried it yet?
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Let’s share some successes for the people lurking or just curious etc, keep it positive. I manifested a Percocet prescription for my chronic pain. it was supposed to be $425 for the visit but I only paid $100 and then insurance back payed it for me so it was essentially free. I am in a very very strict state for painkillers so a lot of people use shit like kratom or the very weakest pain killer the doctor can prescribe because of the DEA, however I imagined and impressed it that I was holding the Oxycodone bottle in my hand, a bitter pill was dissolving on my tongue, and I was listening to my favorite song. When the time came to pick up the prescription it was as soon as the pharmacy opened up, no wait and no hassle, it felt as though it was Deja Vu because I was living the moment of relief exactly how I imagined in SATS earlier that day. Texas is basically impossible to get oxy unless you’re dying but my doctor was super cool and helpful and called it in no problem. So now I’m set up to get a full oxy prescription every month for free. I know this stuff works and I just affirm everything works out for me and it does. I could probably just manifest no pain next and no need to get high but I enjoy oxy.
Is this your only esoteric practice? Or are you trying others?
Truth be told, finding out who you are won't be easy if you don't have a goal. It doesn't need to be something long term, just anything that will make you better little by little.
Exercise is good for your overall health, while creative work will help you figure out your inner workings. Neither are easy if you're a beginner, so doing a little bit of everything to start is good, especially if you're not sure where to put your energy towards.
I warn you though, try to figure yourself out first before you're in a relationship. It's extremely easy to be swayed by people who don't have your best interest in mind.
Posted in last thread about a my pet annoying me.
Changed my desire to I don't want any pets.
Dogs are dying,and there's someone who might buy another dog.
Based this was faster

I've did visualizing for 2 months straight for one desire. Then I've done all day affirms for 2 weeks all day, I burnt out so I quit affirming. Then I've tried visualizing again for 1 month many times, still nothing. I probably have top percentile commitment, that's obviously not the issue
Any LOA rich chads that can send my some money? I'm in deep shit lol.. bc1qv6hhg0gtelamg3fz7hl5mam83p3awfgjhq9uxk
>"two" retards arguing about LoA being just a psychological tool while giving both nonbeliever troll vibes, sprinkled with some variations of "I't didn't/never work for me" including "I did and tried everything in the OP without any fault including the kamasutra and it didn't work" is the new /LoA/ troll meta.
I know how you feel. I spent months on 2 different SPs before burning out. People say that when they gave up, it finally manifested for them, but that didn't happen to me.
Ever try focusing on other things in life? How far did you get?
You are in a state of lack/neediness. Chill out gather your thoughts and persist while not worrying about time
>move on to manifesting other things
This works wonders a d it's very intuitive for believers.
Because why keep dwelling on one thing if you already have it? Then you start doing SATS ,scripting or visualizing other stuff.
>Now, I genuinely want a good, stable career, something that pays well but is also decently meaningful and productive to society, not just paper pushing.
Do a little bit every day toward that. Visualize, affirm, assume it into being. You are that person.
He did- hence his comment about "most are larping." He knows it works, it just doesn't work for him the way he wants it to and projects that onto others.

It's a hard pill to swallow that you are all of your problems, it's so seductive to pretend there are forces you cannot overcome, you are just a "mere human."

The miracle is that you are not a "mere" anything. The challenge is that you are not. What will you do with it? Everyone has a different answer.
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What I don't get is how do you let go on something you want? Do you just envision your desire as "mite be cool if I got it" and forget it? Why do people do these techniques daily whilst also letting go?
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manifest so much you can't remember it all
also when you enjoy the results you don't remember other desires
you meet A PERFECT GIRL do you now think about the car, or the trip, or the muscle gain

guess what i manifested
Yeah but not remembering manifesting getting texts from the sp you're infatuated with isn't easy, it's constantly on my mind, subconsciously even I would say.
Does listening to those subliminals really help you manifest easier or it still depends on your own ability to manifest and visualize?
I found an excellent job. They absolutely love me and think I'm the perfect fit. That's because I am. I aced all the interviews and the hiring process was incredibly fast. This job is perfect for my skills, to the point that I usually finish all my daily work in just a few hours. The pay is on the high side of market rate, but bonuses and benefits add a lot of value.
5000+ days of manifesting sp
you can manifest anything (or so lilanon says), but you still wanna be a wageslave?
the situation he described isn't wageslaving though.
Some quotes on revision
>I don’t care what the turmoil is, how fixed that seeming past is, you simply persist and persist and persist, and he’s got to come down and grant your request.
>So I ask everyone here to practice revision. Revise the past. I don’t care what it is, revise it, and the past will conform to your dream of what it ought to have been, and suddenly it will appear before you.

>What it makes, it can unmake. It is not only conservative, building a life from images supplied by memory — it is also creatively transformative, altering a theme already in being.
>lie down at night intending on doing SATS
>end up falling asleep
how do i stop this?
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I'm curious can some anon tell me if the manifestation written desired on paper and then burning it works? someone told me burning is for banishing rituals.
All rituals "work." What they do depends on the your intention. Whether it banishes or manifests is up to you—you are the operant power. You make it work.
Wash your face with cold water beforehand.
> Now this is how we do it. At the end of my day, I review the day; I don’t judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings, and then as I see it clearly in my mind’s eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it’s real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows. When I meet people tomorrow that today disappointed me, they will not tomorrow, for in me I have changed the very nature of that being, and having changed him, he bears witness tomorrow of the change that took place within me. It is my duty to take this garden and really make it a garden by daily using the pruning shears of revision.

This clearly says he isn’t changing the past. He’s just reimagining the events in a way that will make his future better. De-emphasising the negative.
There’s no reality alteration or actually changing past events.
Stop lying.
You especially Lilanon.
Whatever you are larping about isn’t in any way related to Neville’s revision. Your version has you forgetting the events. He remembers them (because they remain). That much you should be arguing with.
>then as I see it clearly in my mind’s eye, I REWRITE it.
>for in me I have CHANGED the very nature of that being, and having CHANGED him, he bears witness tomorrow of the CHANGE that took place within me
Anon, he very clearly says that he IS changing the past
You can’t read.
This isn’t what it means at all. Changing some stuff to uppercase isn’t helping you. You have to take the whole thing and not some words out of context.
He very clearly says that he is not changing the past. He takes a day and reimagines it in a positive light so that it will affect the future. That’s all.
But let’s use a clear example from Neville.
Neville describes a girlswho
> the faculty had agreed unanimously to expel her on her 16th birthday
The revision is done explicitly here - and it fixed things GOING FORWARDS and not backwards.
> in class she expressed all the kindness of that revision of the night before, and ten days later when it was seen and witnessed by all the faculty, and the psychiatrist, another meeting was called and they repealed their verdict of ten days before and the child is not expelled.
That is him making it very clear. This is not time travel. The number of posters here who cannot just read what Neville says is amazing. They like to pretend he is saying something totally different.
It doesn't work at all. None of it works. Law of Cope is just the last hope fuel for people who already failed in life.
it's okay anon, Neville did mention that some people just can't hack it, sorry you're one of them
No one said that revision is time travel or going backwards, but that by enacting changes in your past you affect your present and future. I don't understand where your confusion is.
>it's constantly on my mind
Did you feel your manifest set?
Try doing it fully rested. I do it in the morning just after I wake up after an Anon here suggested it. It's almost perfect because you already start in SATS state.
>This clearly says he isn’t changing the past

Anon here has the right of it:
>Anon, he very clearly says that he IS changing the past

You are selectively reading.
Neville, from your quote:
>having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it’s real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows.
He is describing straight manifestation. He is changing what he experienced, and that change flows through to the actual people around him.

Why does this concept scare you so much? Are you one of those people that think Neville accomplished nothing in his life? He literally warped reality and brought the God within himself into full awareness.

You think he would stop at mere psychological modifications?
Yeah that sounds good, I need more discipline to remind myself to make use of that drowsy state and not immediately jump out of bed as soon as I wake up
Any anons who study UL and do sessions?
Have you read the thread? It doesn't work for a lot of people.
>It doesn't work for a lot of people

Even though everyone can and does do this unconsciously, that doesn't mean they are ready to accept that and do it deliberately.

There's nothing wrong with that either- everyone will reach this point when they are ready. The point of this thread is help Anons along who want to do this, not be some sort of 100% conversion success cult.
"a lot of people" being you (recognizable for repeating "Law of Cope") and one other anon?
There are at least 5-10 people. I'm helping anons by telling them not to waste their time on it.
I said a few weeks ago that I tend to do it propped up in my chair at work (quiet off-hours). I'm on edge enough that I'll awaken if any alarms go off or someone needs me, upright so I'm not comfortable enough to pass out, and just have to find the right position to support my head when I relax my muscles (body can't be strained- though pins and needles/poor circulation in a bent arm is fine). But I'm in the awareness that I can't actually sleep, I'm at work, I'm just closing my eyes and resting enough that it's like bonus sleep.... except I'm comandeering it for sats.
Sometimes a bit of coffee helps too, to keep me wired for those times I'm so exhausted that I can actually sleep in a chair. Background white noise like my coworker rolling a chair or sighing are fine, videos and talking aren't.
>can't manifest a ladder
>can't manifest an sp
>comes here and thinks everybody is a retard loser like him.
You're ngmi anon. You're literally living the reality you created right now and you don't even know it. You're as bad as the faggots on reddit that run an anti Neville sub instead of bettering themselves. Kek.

Hey mother anon it's time to bake a new thread
it's so beautiful, all that i want is at my finger tips.

not yet, bump limit is at 310.
Neville is not changing the past.
Neville does not describe what you are saying. You can’t understand the quote you are using so
check here >>39117438 for an additional story from Neville to prove you have it completely wrong in clearer language. The only one selectively misunderstanding is you. I think it’s actually worse in your case, you may be intentionally misleading.
At best you are unable to comprehend simple things.
Revision is entirely a psychological technique as described by Neville.
It hasn't worked for you either, stop larping, schizo.
works on my machine, must be you copeanon
Based truthfulness.
Why won’t they hear?
but how can you be so sure that it's not working?
Ill say it:

If you obsess over SP you are unwell and you know it.

Whole SP shit is a sham, plenty people get them then wish they didnt etc.

Wish for Divine partner for you, or Right choice. And focus For the Love of God, focus on relationship, not just the person.

Describe the ideal person to the degree you are comfortable describing.
But deffo focus on how the ideal person treats you ideally.
Script your perfect relationship with your perfect person.
Read it daily. Other than reading it, dont do anything but what you feel like doing. Inspired action = good, forced action = not good.
Inspired action in retrospect always feels "I just had to do it" or "I did it automatically". Its very clear and concise and you have no doubt.

If you have to force yourself, then its forced action. Simple? Yup.
Sometimes you may need to be brave, inspired action can be behind fear! But, it you will always WANT to do it. So be courageous.

But ultimately, all you really need to do is script ideal and read it and focus in scripting, on the emotion of being treated how you wanna be treated by your ideal person (describe to the level you deem important, its best to include absolute green flags, always write in positive manner, and let Universe handle what doesnt matter to you). YOu can always include "in best way" for things you arent sure.
Just script a date/day/event in your perfect relationship, some like 1 month into it, or more, so by then its already established its a full on relationship.

Now go. And sin no more.

SP obsessing is usually 2 things:

1. low self worth
2. not believing a better person exists, for you

ITS NOT LOVE, its just mix of those 2 and you know it.
Try to have self worth enough to not fall in love so easily for people who dont give a fuck about you (with their actions honey, words are cheap).

Demand the best, but to get it you have to let go of the rest.
I think I had a partial match - I haven't "mastered" a single technique but I did for jokes say "a hot girl at the gym will talk me" , no reason , no one in particular , I'm just testing out the idea of putting a desire into the world freely.

Day 1: Today a hot girl was within 3ft of me for no reason , I looked a little pouty so I doubt she would have ever said anything. I am releasing this match , I will manifest the actual situation.

I will say this - I read about the ladder experiment, I didn't try to manifest or pursue doing it. But I found it uncanny how someone had a ladder today near my home.

Where should I start to truly manifest my original desire beyond just "intention"
Lurkers, take note. This post is a collection of second causes.
Whether or not someone obsesses over their manifestation doesn't make a difference as to whether it will manifest.
All physical actions are manifestations. The hair-splitting over inspired or forced doesn't make much sense.
Emotion doesn't need to be your focus, and it's a second cause. The only reason people manifest using emotion is because they believe feeling the emotion will manifest a desire that invokes a similar emotion. Once again it's the knowing - not the emotion - that manifests.
There is no universe, there is only you.
its so simple it goes back around to being really hard
haven't even read the post you're replying to but the digits don't lie
didnt read lol

How to attain the knowing then? How can I, in the very next second, manifest my desire being xyz if it was as simple as you say?
Fantastic post scriptanon
Checked, lucky 7s are my number

So, what method/technique are you endorsing? Just deciding or demanding?
Why are you assuming you haven't already attained it?
>This post is a collection of second causes.
Yeah but 2nd causes work. That's the reason choas magic exists. You should explain that your mind is primary cause. Also checked and based,. You tell the truth but your info is a bitter pill to swallow.
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What >>39119434 says sounds logical in the fake and gay world sense as focusing on a perfect relationship with a random person may seem easier than an SP but is the same problem of LoA for money to buy something vs LoA for that specific something. Sometimes you really want money and that's ok. Sometimes you really want a SP and that's ok and the "SP is a monkey paw" is a retarded limiting belief and a lie.
The thing is, if you go full logical with LoA and you're not into something Knowledge-based like UL, LoA will be nothing for you but a psychological tool and the classic donut/burger/parking memes.
If you believe your SP will fuck your life if you get her, it will be like that. If you ask for permissions/divine times/deservingness in your scripting/imagination, you will be waiting a lot for your return, implying you can get it.
Have you seen how most christians pray, specially catholics? How their prayers are filled with "if I deserve it", "if you decide to see me", "if it's the Lords will" and other phrasing forcing you to feel hopeless and powerless ? Don't do that on your scripting/imagination. Imagine fully what you want. Go beyond logic. Don't care about the how, the when or how hard it is. Experience it NOW. Then experience it is done, because it is. Life is good.
>Once again it's the knowing - not the emotion - that manifests.
Based post.
the amount of misinterpretation this post generated.
; )

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