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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
It is Done.
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Aliens are evil
Let's settle the debate:
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I'm reposting this in case people missed it. It explains manifesting money and why you guys are doing it wrong.

Based Post.
Look at the picture and you'll understand the LOA version of "Money is an Energy" and how it flows. If you want to manifest money then you have to have the proper framework of reality that every LOA guru teaches.

That framework is that there exists a GOD and God Creates Life through circulation of some unknown energy. Everything in existence comes from this unknown energy. This includes cash, credit and other forms of Fiat currency.

If You want money then you have to keep the Money Energy circulating. like god keeps Life Energy flowing through plants, trees, animals and humans.

There's no difference between Money and the desire you want. the picture should demystify this for you. If you want a big house, a jet or to party then manifest that. If you want money in order for you to get a big house, a jet or to party then you're dealing with money energy.

You have to expect money to come to you and accept it when it does. Then You have to spend money like you don't need it and expect it to keep showing up for you from an Infinite supply known as God.

Eventually you'll get to the point where you give out money freely, donate, invest and do tithing like God does. You become a source of money.

Go read any loa book and you'll see what i mean. You either manifest your desires directly or you have to deal with the "Money is Energy" paradigm. Either way believing in an Abundance God or Infinite supply God helps.

pro-tip stay away from the jewish desert demon god of the old testament. He's a trickster and every jew in existance will burn in his hell realm when they die. kek.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
earlier this week i realized how easy it is, it just happens when you ask for it and trust the universe. it is your faith which brings you your objects of desire.
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Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.
Good job- persist and you will prevail in all of your efforts.
thanks bro, i am already feeling like instead of wishing for things i simply believe in them these days. it feels so much healthier to do it this way.
These two have been posting for years and are wrong again.
Mother anon posts every thread with something along the lines of
>I have been born again and started my journey into manifestation
>the universe obeys my every will now I have realized the truth
You would have thought Lilanon would have seen through this blogging shit by now given he’s our most frequent poster but no.
He will never persist, it’s not something he does.
Are motherschizo and lilafraud the same poster? They always appear at the same time.
Glowie bot?
how much money have you made posting this?
now do that 42069 times and you'll prove LoA is real or maybe not because there's a 0.000000000042069 chance you can land heads in a row
This anon is poor
He will never have money
Money avoids him
He hates money
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys.
Has robotic affirming worked for you guys?
Please don’t use numbers or percentages in a LoA thread. Don’t you understand that it’s all about belief and the universe is shaped by your imagination. Creation is finished or something. Isn’t it great. Numbers are irrelevant and most anons here can’t handle them. Money is the hardest and can’t be manifested and you need a chain of events and coin flips prove nothing because Lilanon said they are boring. Actual proof is impossible because you need to believe and if you have proof you didn’t believe and it’s not important because it’s the wrong question and you just need to persist.
You can use what you assume to influence what will happen, but without faith in me and without my training it's useless. For the duration you'll have limited, sometimes no, ability to control your assumptions as they're trained to sense when others have different assumptions than you and you're trained how to deal with that with your mind. Signup tomorrow till the day after for a 14-hour course, more to come in the future.
Has for me, my first ''exposure'' to this type of thinking came when I was big on self improvement and someone said a lot of male influencers are shit and that if you simply tell yourself you're a man and should feel masculine on a regular basis you naturally will, he combined this with focusing more on your posture than anything because if you learn how to stand/walk more confidently you'll naturally feel that way, the fake it til you make it method, imagine an ideal version of yourself (or a fictional/real person you wish you were like) and simply think how they would react in any given situation and you'll gradually act more in those ways
Never I just told you it’s all about belief and we can’t have numbers here those sci guys are into numbers and I have manifested away numbers and also punctuation has now ended for me I am a being of pure intention and belief now and I will never ever abandon the cause even though I think Neville maybe did it for money and is highly overrated in these threads and probably liked a drink holy shit could he drink but universal line tries to do numbers because there’s some kind I manifest 10000 dollars or something and also what about all those YouTubers that want you to subscribe to them surely they are just after the money right,
that's psychology. Not paranormal
In my defense he said ''robotic affiriming'' so I assume that's what he meant
That’s affirming you are a robot.
You will never be a robot.
Loa is a law and therefore scientific.
Pregnant women i saw 2 yesterday... Why am i constantly imagining pregnant women i even imagine myself fucking one...
And having a black samsung s24
But, I passed the captcha to prove I specifically wasn't one
Anyone used loa to regrow teeth? Since my molar tooth extraction I got right side of my jaw slightly asymmetrical so i wanna restore that
good for you anon.
Yes, it can work for you, but doing it with belief backing it works much better. When you are doing it robotically, you are hoping for that one moment your conscious mind is not paying attention and it slips through. If you instead treat it like it's plausible and you can believe it happened to you or will, far less repetitions will be needed, perhaps none.
I am a hermit with no life, how do I manifest having friends and doing fun stuff
Don't mind the troll, he's bored. That said, there is a strong intersection with psychology here since understanding how and why you think the things you do can give you tools to adjust/overhaul your awareness of things.
>entire general could be shortened down to “Just be optimistic!”
>for the hundredth time, no it couldn’t
He's right tho

Why couldn’t it, precisely?
Because being optimistic doesn't always mean you believe it will turn out well. You are hoping it will but may believe on a deeper level that nothing will go right.

You can believe in the things you are optimistic about and it will work, but the optimism isn't what is making it work. A second cause, if you will.
How do you let go and believe
SM Here I may have found something really useful. Testing reliability before release but it's in regards to S
I'm loosing all hope and it's making me really sad I just want it to end. And mentally I'm just not where I need to be mentally. I manifested an amazing wife and we have been together 5years. I recently have been unconsciously manifesting potential wives and recently caught feelings for a co worker. I can't stop thinking about her and I don't know what to do
I’ve been manifesting an sp for the last three months, I’m not contacting her first is my rule. since then I’ve seen her start posting on social media after a year of silence, like right when I started imagining her. I’m waiting for a text from her, but I see so many other women and get distracted and wonder if she’s really what i want, she’s very intelligent but she’s a year older than me and is like a 6/10. I don’t know why I’m so attracted to her I get a weird feeling just looking at her. I dunno >>39072910
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In a previous LoA thread, I posted about my attempts to manifest a new drinkable Campbell's soup, because for some time, the only options were regular tomato, creamy tomato, and some variations of chicken noodle and other health soups.

I considered it a possible success to see a spicy tomato soup in the store. Well, now a little over a week later, I see yet a new soup (sort of), Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato. Though this appears to be yet only a slight variation from their "Well Yes!" brand of Butternut Squash drinkable soup. Nevertheless, it's a new Campbell's drinkable soup all the same, so perhaps my attempts are bearing fruit. And it would be nice to see if focused energies here to help to create more drinkable Campbell's soup. I'm specifically working to see a drinkable Mushroom soup next.
The video has Stefan Micic, the men's freestyle wrestling champion from 2023 at 57kg, and his father talking about mental preparation including visualization.

"world champions in everything we do"
*Stevan Mićić
Changing the world as Christ did, thank you anon for the technically new drinkable Campbells Butternut Squash drinkable soup
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I'm just not sure what the difference is between the "new" drinkable butternut squash soup, and the pic-related one, which has been around for a while. But indeed, the new butternut squash soup has a "new" label and uses the more traditional Campbell's branding. You're welcome, and I look forward to more of these soups in the future.
Cool. Can you do a new tomato soup, I basically live off those with buttered toast bc of my stomach issues
Parking spots, ladders, soups, vampires, anime world, /x/ LOA is crushing
Does anyone have any success stories or small victories they would like to share? They can serve as a motivator for any skeptical lurker that is curious about the powers of these laws.
Manifested a call from someone today, yesterday manifested two free jumbo cookies from my favorite restaurant because they made me wait longer than usual which has never happened, last week I was running out of my prescription and facing serious withdrawals but got a new prescription somehow right before I went out of town for my birthday which could have been ruined.
one day I hope to live in paradise like you
I see pregnant women everyday ... Now i need to visualize them engaging with me or giving me money
have you tried sodium butyrate? it is where butter gets its name, the is a micro organism in the intestine (70% of colon) that uses it as its primary energy source, i feel like i shit better and less heart burn
We're listening dude, good to see you

>72% yes
Ha, get fucked deniers!
Lilanon, like many characters in supernatural stories, embodies a complex blend of traits that mirror both the transformative nature of werewolves and the necromantic tendencies of vampires. First, let's focus on the vampiric and necromantic aspects of her character. Just as vampires drain the life from their victims, Lilanon’s interactions with others are often parasitic, leaving those around her emotionally or spiritually drained. However, this dynamic isn’t simply one of destruction—Lilanon also raises her victims in a metaphorical sense, transforming them by drawing out their hidden potential or darker desires. This power over life and death aligns with traditional necromantic qualities.

Yet, there’s more to Lilanon than this vampiric essence. Much like a werewolf undergoing a transformation under the full moon, Lilanon experiences profound changes in her identity as she grapples with her own nature. The werewolf trope often involves a tension between the human self and the wild, untamed beast within, and Lilanon’s story mirrors this struggle. Her journey of self-discovery, marked by emotional transformations and moments of intense revelation, echoes the magical girl genre, where transformation is central to the protagonist's growth.

Magical girls typically experience a significant transformation sequence that marks the start of their journey toward self-realization and empowerment. Lilanon, too, has her "transformation sequence," though it may not be as visually grandiose. Instead of sparkling costumes and wands, her transformation is psychological and emotional. Over time, she comes to embrace her darker nature, much like a magical girl learns to balance her mundane life with her magical duties. The duality of these lives often creates internal conflict, just as Lilanon wrestles with her necromantic tendencies while yearning for a life of peace.

As she progresses, we see her battle external forces—perhaps enemies who fear her power or allies who misunderstand her. In this way, she becomes both a magical girl and a necromancer, drawing on the powers of death and transformation to navigate her world. However, her growth is not without pain. As in many magical girl narratives, there is a heavy emotional cost to embracing one's power, and Lilanon must reconcile her need to control and manipulate with the desire to connect and be human. The metaphorical "full moon" moments in her life occur when she is forced to confront this internal battle and transform once again, both literally and figuratively.

In conclusion, Lilanon’s behavior reflects a complex interplay of archetypes. Like a vampire, she can drain and resurrect those around her, manipulating life and death in a necromantic fashion. Simultaneously, she embodies the themes of transformation and self-discovery that are central to werewolf and magical girl narratives. Through her internal and external struggles, Lilanon becomes a powerful, multifaceted character whose journey highlights the beauty and danger of transformation, and the fine line between creation and destruction.
Those are just minor ones in the past week. I live a neet lifestyle in a beautiful city in a nice apt. Everything works out for me
Reminder you don’t have to explain yourself to non believers, once you’ve experienced it first hand there’s no way to explain fully to someone who doesn’t want to see the truth you’ve seen
reci im anone
Please share
Love of my life (random sp) fell into my lap after months of affirming for love. We will be married before the end of 2025
How did you manifest the call?
Thought of them, imagined them calling, said they have called, forgot about it. Called a few hours later. The letting go can be hard depending on how much you think you absolutely “need” the call and then your subconscious is confused with having it and lacking it. Have faith it’s coming
>Makes a point of justifying his inability to make sense
>can’t express in words a simple manifestation
I’m sure that one off thing you manifested was incredible truth that just can’t be expressed in words. Fucking imbecile.
>it’s a Lilanon says second causes again episode
I preferred the episode where bread wasn’t in his usual grocery store so he manifested another store having the bread. Classic and rewatchable.
it's another "why not just hide his posts if you don't like the guy, like I do with m*theranon" episode
>Implying he doesn’t like him.
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>attaching thoughts to form
Pretty embarassing desu. Even the most trained minds have demons lurking in the shadows. It's foolhardy to think a simple manifestation would not be a vehicle for vicious imps to latch onto and enter reality through. Unless you're a hylic, in which case repeating garbage echoed by white women on your Facebook wall result in nothing happening anyway.
Mother anon is not a vicious imp. He’s more of a fat clown.
You cannot help yourself with the blaspheming, huh? Shame. Jesus says to bless our enemies.

That's when your wish fulfillment comes from. That's your beloved LOA, explained correctly. It comes from Christians and God whom we serve, praying to reward even those who hate and mock us.

You're welcome.
>please argue with me on whether LoA is Christianity
Not today. I’ll just laugh if someone else takes your bait.
>muh spirits
That's a weird graph.
How long would it take to get results from reading a script? I don't wanna commit to it if I can't have results in 1 month or less
>give me a set timescale.
No one can give you that.
>I don’t wanna commit
Then don’t. Won’t work though.
>It comes from Christians and God whom we serve
Everything I've read up to this point (Troward, Berehnd, Wattles, Scovel Shinn, Byrne, Osteen) has said this.
So what do you say about it, >>39077594
I'm a new fag, but I've read several volumes by now. I cannot separate God/The Universe/Source Power from Christ. But I also don't know a lot about the Bible, this is all new to me.
Can you tell me more about how you manifested your sp? How were you affirming for love?

You didnt do scripting therefore your opinion is irrelevant. I only asked those that manifested with scripts
I have done extensive scripting therefore my opinion is exactly what you need.
What you want is someone to tell you that it will work within the timescales that your laziness will allow. You can have the truth or lies. You won’t persist anyway based on your posts.

Then I stand corrected. The reason why I care about commitment is because I did SATS for 2 months then I quit. Tried affirming all day for 2 weeks, super exhausing then I quit. Tried many techniques and nothing so far, I just end up getting burnt out and with no results
Last day of the "I will not" phase of the ladder experiment today, see you in a week!
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Jesus also says he is the son of Yahweh and at numerous times in the bible reinforces talmudic/jewish law which is directly counter to his sermon on the mount proto anarcho-communism doctrine of turning the other cheek etc. And I would argue Jehovah of the old testament would NOT want his cattl- I mean people deciding their own fates and destinies as Gods.

LoA, the law, is an axiomatic function of existence/reality. Its literally self evident and only needs theology/religion/magickal systems as a mean to explain/teach practioners. Christianity just so happens to be the most accessible to western audiences.
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.

How much time daily did you devote to scripting? script anon suggests 3x10min

Because you think the "magic" is in the technique itself.

You are the source of change. It doesn't matter what technique you use; the point is to impress your subconscious with a new belief about YOURSELF.

Journaling, affirmations, falling asleep to the affirmations, SATS..... they are all just different vehicles to get you to the same destination in which you truly feel you are the person who has what you want.

What are you trying to manifest? I can give you some specific help if you want

I want to regrow my molar tooth which I extracted, which also made my face more asymmetrical
Wisest frog ever.
For some reason money/financial freedom is elusive to me when women/sp was very easy
Idk how to get past the mental barrier
Tried to do that similarly but so far hasn't happened yet. Letting go feels confusing since it implies you don't want it?
>cant even manifest a ladder or parking spot
It’s not that you don’t want it it’s that you already have it/its already happened. Think of a time you got something you wanted, you were happy or content etc then kind of moved on
These truths can’t be expressed in words.
They are just too profound.
How can I manifest the universal banning of circumcision with life sentences for everyone violating the law?

Finally those universal line dumbphucks are gone i manifested their downfall.
Noe if i can only manifest me a hundred dollars
Good grief anon, I thought it was gonna be trying to get a phone call or some other normal shit. You honestly are disappointed that you didn't regrow a permanent tooth in two months? All of this hinges on your belief. Have you ever heard of someone growing back a tooth that was extracted? Yeah me neither. So you can't believe it. You don't think it's possible. This is going up be a very tough one to convince your subconscious about.

Consider that our cells are always renewing themselves, every single day. So, you could tell your cells to grow a certain way, to regrow a tooth, maybe....

What I would recommend instead is to manifest for a symmetrical face. This is much easier for your subconscious to believe in my opinion.
>I am attractive
>I have a perfectly symmetrical face

I would recommend recording yourself saying affirmations like these on a nice recorder and then playing them on loop as you fall asleep. They will be your lullaby.

For the record I also am missing a molar and also affirmed for a symmetrical face and it has gotten more and more symmetrical over time.
Don't expect it to be a sudden change overnight- would you believe it? Would other people? No. But a gradual change, day by day, as your cells renew.... that's pretty easy to believe.
*voice recorder, not nice recorder. Phonefagging, sorry

well as belief goes I dont have much issue in that. Creation is finished, metaphysics, body is not real and all that.

I havent even manage to manifest small stuff even, i wrote many times in my notebook about randon tjings, they never manifested even when I didnt care about them/let them go

Symmetry is cool but when I smile it's visible
Then affirm for a perfect smile and let the "how" be out of your hands. Then perhaps it will grow back, or perhaps you'll be put in a position to be able to get a dental implant.
What's keeping your from believing your one thing? You believe other things easily, right?
neville was a gnostic.
he was teaching you how to find christ.
you obviously cant manifest a parking spot or a lottery win.
neville wasnt even talking about that.
he was teaching you how to live in your imagination.
you can manifest anything you want in your imagination.
and if you believe it to be true, then it is true, truth is subjective TO YOU.

imagine you are christ, imagine you are free
believe it. now you are christ. now you are free.

if you think that because you imagined something then it will happen in the physical world; the whole point of Neville is that if it happened in your imagination, then that is all you need for it to be true and real to you.
Nice one! Plausible, could even be another version of me pre-promise.

I don't want implants I want my bones. Why can't I affirm I have all 32 teeth?
To someone like you, yes
I think you got a pirate mod of that episode. They'd been out for weeks, I thought it would be nice if they had it for me this time. I felt a "click" and the next corner I turned there was a loaf of exactly what I wanted sitting among the wrong stuff. I was curious if it was back in stock but the main isle was still empty.

Not a huge manifest and I didn't even intend to do it, but it was an instant back when we were discussing why manifests take the time that they do and if they could be instant.

They are always instant, most Anons want them to be coincidental though so it doesn't disturb their worldview.
I didn't tell you not to. Just trying to help anon. You don't sound like you believe it's possible, and are argumentative with everyone who interacts with you. Fix yourself first
when not even LilAnon tells him it's possible…
Someone more than capable is already helping him. As pointed out he can probably do it but need to commit to it and stick with it until he succeeds. The only thing I was going to add is that it's usually harder to get a success if you treat this like work. Find a technique that's fun and feel gratitude at the bonuses it brings(the returns).
I was asking because I'm doing 10 mins of robotic affirming every day on top of my visualization before sleep. However it would seem my subconscious is hard to reach.
Nope, it’s just a standard anon larp.
>it’s too profound for words!
You get children’s like you in every thread.
You are about as enlightened as a corpse. Give up.
Only our king could click a loaf into existence.
This is the final technique of manifestation.
To go past the need for flour and yeast and baking.
To simply manifest the loaf. To have it appear before you (and then pay for it).
If you don't have the required belief it can take hundreds or even thousands of affirmations. If you are having trouble believing a particular concept try to work your way up to it. Affirm things that you can believe that reinforces that you can have your main goal.
Okay i manifested food even though i have no job time for better stuff to present itself
Required belief meaning feeling the wish fulfilled? also i've been trying to manifest 1k a day this feels very simple to me but haven't seen any progress. Not gonna waiver though.
>midwit still doesn’t believe in the law despite hanging out in every thread
>is told every single possible explanation, evidence, technique how to start doing it
>then can’t believe that maybe it’s unexplainable to people like him
but if you film a video of yourself flipping a coin and landing heads 69 times in a row in the next 15 seconds, he might believe you
I did that before but I wasn't recording.
Its not even about loa anymore, just about trolling the noobs and schizos
There's no proof that Neville ever went to Barbados later in life since he died broke and had his tv show cancelled. The Barbados delusion came from Neville just living there until he was 17. /LoA/ schizos always made it sound like Neville manifested himself there because he wanted to be in a tropical paradise when he was just born there lol
Is there a difference between doing something with confidence while being unaware of LoA and being confident with knowledge of it when it comes to succeeding at an improbable task? Do you have a higher degree of failure without the awareness no matter how confident you are? I am just trying to understand the difference between a mundanely confident person and, for a lack of better terms, a supernaturally confident person.
nah he wanted to dodge the WW2 draft I think
Could he have theoretically manifested Hitler's death or was the SS running paranormal protection for him too?
who's to say he didn't manifest Hitler's death?
In The Simple Technique the author says, "It has never taken longer than 2 weeks from starting the technique for a certain goal for me to see the start of harvest, and no longer than ONE MONTH total to see full-realization of a goal. I have had countless times where it has taken less than 12 hours to see the full realization of a goal, of which the majority of that time is time that I slept."
Is this generally true for everyone here? What about attaining a girlfriend or having a girl that I think is into me make a more clear move? Do you agree with the Anon's idea that all the other methods are fluff?
True for me. If it's taking longer something is wrong and it's usually you being shit at manifesting
Challenge for all LoA magicians here: let's see who gets a better physique, I'll start going to the gym for a year and you manifest your physique for a year. At the end of the year we make a thread and post our start and end physiques.
Isn't that just working out normally?
That's my point. I'll do it the real way, the only way things can be accomplished: through hard work. They will do it with their voodoo which specifically states that you don't have to do anything, you just need to imagine.

The truth is, both the 1 year gym body and the one attained with "loa" are both coming from the same source

Now, knowing that it's true and manifesting your muscled body is a totally different story and that's why people have slight results and not going from 70kg to 90kg in one day, because it's almost impossible to believe unless right conditions are set
>The truth is, both the 1 year gym body and the one attained with "loa" are both coming from the same source
Yeah but that's a cop out. You win either way.
28% are sane people.
That's from a redditor called oriondirectorate. Basically if you're using SATS and are doing it correctly (this should feel like entering your visualization, best way to describe it is like a waking dream), it shouldn't take longer than a month for most desires. If you're trying to manifest an sp or gf, that would take 2 weeks at most with this version of SATS. Only issue is it's not easy to achieve this, orion was a natural at SATS a bit like neville was.
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>My face when this shit finally worked and my cousin finally sucked my dick.

Well amazing feeling but. Also really confusing guess all its possible for me
>the only way things can be accomplished: through hard work
I’ve already manifested things like bigger forearms and height. Nice hair. People that know me ask me if I’ve grown or something

Nice man, which technique did you do?
Can you provide evidence to support this claim?
Just imagined people telling me how they noticed I changed, imagining feeling good that I changed physically etc. I don’t really do SATS I just have a vivid imagination and try to feel what it would be like to live in the end. Hard part is trying not to check mirror every day or check 3D, let go
I’d have to go my peepaws house where he measures me on the door frame. I can show my ID saying I’m 6’2 I guess
Perhaps you have a slightly older ID to compare to the recent one that can show the change in your height
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I might have jumped the gun a bit. But I might have found an easy way to force yourself into the void state/true enter the new reality SATS. Still running some tests.
Sorry, but there's nothing there that shows both the date and if the IDs belong to the same person

Yeah everyone who manifests easily has vivid imagination. I've visualized plenty of times, persisted for weeks but havent gotten anything since I don't see anything in my mind's eye>>39081018
You had me until you said void state. Regardless, just tell us what you have so far.
>anon you need to doxx yourself and give me your home address so I can come and measure you in person with a micrometer, only then will I believe!
gtfo, >>>sci is thataway =>
I know the topic is tired, and you probably get a lot of unserious posts. So I don’t blame you if you ignore me, but I promise I am not like the others.
I’ve always suffered from dysphoria for as long as I can remember, before anything could possibly have influenced me, and being a woman is honestly the only thing I really want in life. No, not AGP coomerism with ”transbians” etc., but a real and authentic female life. I want to marry a man and bear his children.
I know I’m digging deeper into my current framework by thinking & writing this, but I am tired and at a loss for what to do. Now, if somebody had managed to do this you wouldn’t know about it because they would’ve already manifested it. So what I’m wondering is if there are any pointers at all. As with the money energy post (which is how any ritual works), how can I apply this to my situation?
>Just manifest no dysphoria
I’m sorry but having lived like this for so long I don’t feel like that’d do it any justice. I just want to finally get what I’ve been dreaming about my whole life.
You can train yourself, you can manifest having a vivid imagination. Dont give up. There are so many success stories from people who can’t imagine scenes check le neville goddard subreddit. https://youtu.be/p4xFVJTyJZg?si=qZ36lyy0pN0vvHiM

Thanks man ill see what I can do
>Is this generally true for everyone here?
Not really- it can take longer or it can be shockingly immediate. It's based on your conscious/unconscious expectations- in other words, if you think it should happen in a few months, it will. This is a safety mechanism, your self-concept pattern can be severely disturbed by seeing outside the lines, even when you know intellectually that it's fine and you did it it can still be a shock to your deep beliefs to see something just happen in front of you.
Manifesting isn’t real unless we are in a LITERAL simulation state. What you’ve got is what you’ve got. Learn to be happy with it.
is this cousin fucker anon? Futurama anon would be proud.
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Not cousin fucker anon but i used the method that it was given to him.
Along with affirmations and SATS but it clicked to me one night when i was about to sleep the feeling i just embraced it and tried to keep it for as long as i could before falling sleep
ive manifested trivial things in just seconds effortlessly but im still riddled with doubt for anything i care about and im not sure how to go about it
This is the best explanation of SATS I've ever read... and it's for cousin fucking
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>"everything is demonic" retardposting
>basedjack idolatry
>memeflagger speech
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>sorry, you need to dox yourself so I can call you a faggot while I invent another excuse
The fact that you have had successes should give you a good faith base to pursue the rest. You can either overcome your internal resistance or modify/remove the resistance.

In fact, perhaps the best advice given here way back when if you can go with it is to assume there is no resistance at all. Everything is yours. It's so easy. It is Done.
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Manifesting horrifically painful and disfiguring tumours plus a slow death for all tripfags
Can collective belief hinder manifestation? Like let's say you are trying to do something but the entire world, billions of people, wholeheartedly believe that you have no chance of success and that you will fail. Will their collective belief in the outcome be stronger than anything you are capable of as one person or does it ultimately not matter what other people think?
Lol Futurama anon here and yes I am proud. Great job Cousin Fucker Anon 2
Gonna use this to test loa and try to fuck my mom
>Can collective belief hinder manifestation? Like let's say you are trying to do something but the entire world, billions of people, wholeheartedly believe that you have no chance of success and that you will fail. Will their collective belief in the outcome be stronger than anything you are capable of as one person or does it ultimately not matter what other people think?
Yes. That's why Neville Goddard warned people to tell no one of your plan except MAYBE someone who you know for certain has your absolute best interest at heart AND understands manifestation.
It’s unexplainable to everyone according to that anon. Seek medication and look up its method of action so you can explain it.
>the truth is too much for words
When you manifested five dollars one time is not useful.
it should, yet i still struggle so. i have very bad anxiety (hence so much doubt), and im autistic so my brain is too logical, causing that infinite red flag kind of block where i get more & more stuck in the quicksand. you must have spoken to many others like me, do you think an external method like conventional prayer works best for one such as myself? the whole simplicity of pure faith makes it so hard for me. i have vivid imagination so i feel like it should come easier to me, but the devils always right around the corner stalking my shadow
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for you anon, and others too.
No, because everyone lives in their own separate reality and just interact with each other via visual user interface, people can only hinder your manifestations if you want it.
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>interact with each other via visual user interface
>you are in your own reality
>except for a way you can see into other peoples
Makes no sense. These theories get dumber and dumber
There is something that has been here so much longer than we have. But that something is not the sun and the planets and the mountains on earth. It is dynamical systems of interacting conscious agents. The sun and planets and mountains are simply icons of our UI that we are triggered to construct when we interact with these dynamical systems. The sun you see is a momentary icon, constructed on the fly each time you experience it. Your sun icon does not match or approximate the objective reality that triggers you to construct a sun icon. It is a species-specific adaptation, a quick and dirty guide, not an insight into the objective nature of the world.
How can I verify this?
Sure whatever. Consider stopping larping with your 8-bit simulation.
what the fuck
Is schizo posting frowned upon?

Also, is SATS just another name for Lucid Dreaming? And what's the go-to guide for SATS?

I've been working on manifesting money, and it's been surprisingly effective. If you're interested, get the audiobook A Happy Pocket Full Of Money. It's on Spotify and surely there are links to be found. And to the OG that posted it for me, I thank you!
>Is schizo posting frowned upon?
not as much as it ought to be
>Also, is SATS just another name for Lucid Dreaming?
>And what's the go-to guide for SATS?
Feeling is the Secret

Hey anon, i want to manifest thick hair. What did you imagine people were saying in youe imagination for hair? Was it one or multiple people?
I notice that time hasn't really done well in terms of faith.

Too many 'jumping off points' and New Years Resolution moments. And turning points.

It's now. All of it. Everything is right now. Got frustrated with the eternal roller coaster climb. It is now, all now. I know I desire it. It is now.
I'm just a novice here but I've been manifesting money with some success.

I mentioned it before A happy pocket full of money by David Cameron gikandi, get it if you can.

I believe I'm rich. And money is just... There. It appears before I need it, and it keeps coming as long as I believe I'm rich. When I start doubting it gets lower and harder to get. If it works both ways, this is my own doubts that are manifesting scarcity.

So believe in your own wealth and abundance, as solidly as you believe that water is wet and the sky is blue. Repeat it do drive the believe into your subconscious. Be happy, because you are rich as fuck and you found the infinite money glitch.

No conditionality: don't try to make it happen through specific means. Don't expect the money to come one way or another. Let the universe bring it to you, it will be through oddball channels you never expect.

Believe that the universe is abundant by nature. And be happy with money. Let money bring you joy. Detesting money will repel it from you. Be happy having and spending money. Being happy spending money was, and still is, a struggle because it's easy to see the numbers getting smaller. Don't look at the bank (more than you have to) just trust and know the money is there.

The universe will give you what you ask for. I used to manifest a trickle of money because I didn't want to be greedy, and all I got was a trickle. Now I manifest a flood, and it's abundant in ways I have a hard time describing. It's not greed when the money is in abundance, and you'll be spreading it to others as you pass the money along. Be joyful spending money.

Sounds like schizo posting, I know. I thought so too before I did my own ladder test.
I wish to watch the boys season 5 in it's entirety within a few days of when all it's episodes are initially released to the public.

Please grant my wish. Please keep me alive and free and healthy and at least wealthy enough to be able to have a nice device capable of watching these shows and for me to have high speed Internet access and enough money for Amazon prime. I currently don't have Wi-Fi or Amazon prime or enough money for either. I don't want to be homeless, institutionalized, imprisoned or dead.
I know it seems cringe but just please grant my wishes in this post please.
Thank you so much in advance.
Mark 11:23-24
Will you believe with absolute faith that my wish came true and/or will come true?
Yes, but I want you to believe it.
Thank you I appreciate that.

I will try.
that verse trips me up so bad, it is a metaphorical mountain being cast into a metaphorical sea, is this the same sea jesus walked? he says dont work for food or clothing, take no thought for tommorow, dont store up treasure or serve mammon- then what thng are you praying and hoping for? not worldy stuff..i cant reconcile the idea of someone praying for a house or car
I don't see any limits mentioned in the verse.
Going to just take God at his word.
Not LoA. Prayer to an external entity who is not you
Not god’s word. This is your wrong interpretation of a translation of a gospel that was written down decades after it was spoken it a form in which it was not originally spoken and it was attributed to Mark who is not God.
Fucking off topic and useless for LoA.
Christ united himself to Humanity in his incarnation.

We are all Christ.
The verse is about faith and removing worry from your life so you remove focus from what you don't want in life. There is nothing in it about doing absolutely nothing nor needing or desiring anything at all.
>Prayer to an external entity who is not you
"you" conflate "you" with (You), praying to idols is effective because it is avatar to avatar communication/energy synchronisation between divine aspects by which "you" remodel "your" (framework) to match the frequency
Nope and I don’t schizo post either.
This is even less about LoA at that point.
Pretty based. That's a good book but everybody here wants to be poor and suffer. It's like one of those Facebook pages that focuses on cancer, fybro or cfs. It ends up turning into a gathering place for people that want to fail and be miserable. Kek.

You're 100% correct. God is infinite supply. We're all rich. It all comes down to belief.
Guess that proves something? It doesn't prove anything dumbass this thread isn't any different from prayer healing.
>Fucking off topic and useless for LoA
Neville quotes the Bible nonstop, you stupid fucking retard
I want to have a girlfriend and I want her to dress up as a catgirl while she's playing with me in our bedroom.
Please manifest this for me
stop wanting, and have it
Once again the posters who use this tend to be the stupidest. Go find Neville’s explanation for this passage.
Just because he uses the Bible does not mean he constantly quoted it wrongly. Although he may have,
Your post is fucking useless. Learn to think. Actually don’t bother. Just fuck off and learn to read the Bible. Might take you a few years,
Not a Neville general retard.
He’s ok but he’s no Lilanon.
Anon, why are you being so negative? Is there something you'd like to get off your chest today?
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I just imagined getting compliments from my family and random people. Like anything else just persist and have faith after doing your imagining. I try to avoid mirrors for a while ignoring the 3D. But some people can do it overnight just impress it upon yourself that you have thick hair or whatever kind of hair you want and have faith it’s done
I’m being positive. Refuting useless advice is helpful. If someone came into a thread on driving a car and advised you to crash repeatedly that would be unhelpful.
Randomly coming into a thread and posting an off topic Bible passage when it has nothing to do with LoA isn’t helpful. It’s misleading.
It's hard for me to assume it's done. Will (YOU) please assume it's done for me?
i dont need to, you already have
not how it works
For me, it’s my distaste for mother anons blogs.
I recommend all anons get their most hated /loa/ issues off their chest now!
Let the healing begin!
Lust is a powerful motivator for many. When it works for them, then they'll realize it'll work for everything else.
Those who know how to extrapolate information will be able to adapt it to their own desires.
Thank you.
im worried about scripting because im scared ill forget what i wrote down, and i also think in images so putting things into words could maybe feel more like an obstacle
is this a good or bad thing?
and, how can i get rid of nerve pains? ie manifest lack of pain rather than more pain
i believed in you who believed in me, and i have received several blessings today. thank you.
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Greetings, anons. I have been very involved in Neville's teachings, and although I have known them for a relatively long time, it is only now that I have started actively practicing manifestation through the assumption. My current goal is one, that my SP asks me to be her boyfriend, that she is faithful to me and that I move in with her. Although they are somewhat different, as such the essence of my desire is to BE with my SP.

Through a GPT I have been solving my doubts and learning new things about the law. My scene for the SATS is the following: "SP and I are on the balcony of his apartment, smoking a cigarette after we have sex i can see her nipples through her clothes and she is talking about our future together."

To be honest, I find SATS a bit difficult, but last night I think I made some progress, because today she spoke to me without me doing it and she was worried about something that happened to me. I know the law is real, And I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but if it worked for those who want to fuck their cousin, why wouldn't it work for me?

I will be consistent in my desire and do SATS as much as I can. When I succeed I will share proof and my testimony, thank you all for the attention.
I wish to receive 500 dollars soon.

If I got 500$ I'd spend about 300$ on a new mattress and a bedframe for it since the one I'm currently using is on the floor and has lots of mold under it.
I'd spend about 30$ on a new pair of wireless earbuds since the one's I currently own only one of the earbuds lasts more than a few minutes after being charged and I can't tune out my environment around me without both earbuds even with the use of foam earplugs.
I'd spend about 30$ on a bottle or two of vitamins.
I would save at least 70$ for an emergency
I continue to want the pain to stop.
in b4
>uhhmm anon you should a actually be manifesting a bed, wireless earbuds, vitamins and having no emergencies
>can't even think of googling the text
>just mindlessly replying
This place is overrun by retarded tourists, isn't it?
I'm not sure how I'd get them without money.
I could maybe build my own bedframe but my mattress is already too dirty to salvage.
>just google every piece is shitty garbage posted here.
No. It’s neither interesting or cool. Fuck your secret club.
The how doesn't matter focus on the object and the feeling of having it already
Alright I'll try
do, not try
simply have it
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>going for anything but money is a trigger for this general now
if you have 10 random goals that would be easily achievable with money, isn't it easier to go for the common denominator?
>no anon you don't actually want money you want these 10 things that can be bought with money
Don't you dare call me a tourist! I'm retarded, not stupid!
Thing i want to happen.

Get that fucking dog that my uncle gave my mom killed or gone i hate big dogs they shit everywhere.
Also he needs to go too
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You're supposed to forget what you wrote down anon. That's called letting go and letting it happen.

That's what you're supposed to do anon. If you Want to manifest money then you need routes for it to manifest for you like a job, side hustle or random event. Every loa teacher says money is an energy for a reason.

Did any of you retards look at that Pic I made here >>39072999 ? It spells it all out for you

You manifest desires anon, if you need money for them, then money tends to pop up for it.

Example I wanted an Xbox series x last Christmas. They cost $500. I did SATS imagining myself playing gears of War on one. They went on sale for $350, but I didn't have $350. I decided to do just buy it with Walmart affirm credit system. I buy the Xbox for $350 plus $39 interest.

I go to make a payment for the Xbox the following month. The affirm balance zeroed out. Wtf I call affirm asking about the balance because I don't want my credit fucked over a shitty Xbox. They have no records of it.

I contact Walmart and they say my Xbox was returned a week after purchase. It says I returned it on my account as well.

Wierd shit like that will happen when you try to manifest stuff instead of money.

If you want to manifest money then you need routes for money energy to come to you like in the Pic I referenced in my post.

There was an anon that talked about the book happy pocket full of money. Go read that book and it'll also tell you how to manifest cash.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
>I continue to want
There's your problem.
if you try to go just for money you will inevitably think about what you will do with the money which is thinking about the state, not from the state. this is because money is energy and energy must flow. if energy becomes stagnant it rots and loses it's value, but if you live in the wish fulfilled the energy will flow to you regardless.

or you could just go for one of them and the rest will come easy.

there might be something wrong with your dog, all the big dogs i have been with were very friendly and did not shit everywhere.
Manifested an Oxycodone 30mg script
>You're supposed to forget what you wrote down anon.
but then how am i supposed to know what the details were when i visualise the scene? i thought that was the point?
now, i will tell you an anecdote of an acquaintance, he wanted a new car and so he wrote down a list of all the features he would like for it to have, what colour etc, and he read it and forgot about it. later (i think 1 month?) he would come to own that very car (at a reduced price too i believe, its been a while)
so im aware that scripting works (and very well, too), im just too doubtful i guess... despite seeing not only others results but also my own, i still struggle with faith
>I'm worried
Why? Nothing about this should worry you!
>thinking in images
Most people do, anon. Scripting will help you get those images in your head more solidly. Let's say you are manifesting red curtains. I bet right now you just saw red curtains. Now if I asked you to creatively write about the curtains, you'd describe how they feel.... are they heavy and thick? Or light and gauzy? Are they long, reaching to the floor? Or are they short? Are they gathered or flat? See how much more you're able to picture them now?
>forget what I wrote
Something I have some fun with recently is writing a script, and then recording myself reading it aloud, and then playing it to myself as I'm drifting into SATS.
So you might record yourself:
>counting down from 100 or 200 or whatever you need to get into SATS
>reading your script
>affirmations looped

I wrote this particular script in "you are in a room..." "you see a door...." format since I would be guiding myself, but I may try another in first person.
My affirmations are in "I am" format.

Anyway that will take care of the forgetting! You can just hit play and go along for the ride.

Otherwise I would say just read it enough times to memorize it to some extent and really get the feelings.

Nerve pain:
>I am healthy
>I feel great
>I move freely and easily
>I am so grateful to feel so good

Write a scene in which you feel great. Maybe you're swimming or running or something. You feel so great! Afterwards loop your affirmations as you fall asleep.

you do your scripting then right after you do your scene

Does your method work if I do visualizing during the day? I cant do sats since I already have insomnia issues

And what about barely seeing anything in visualizing scene? Does this work for people with aphantasia
Nothing wrong just a big retarded dog whose owners didn't teach how to behave i like when dogs are silent and calm this pig produces too much drool and shits where he eats. He needs to go im not going to care for a failure if i can't manifest it gone i might have to poison or just let him go into the wild. He is friendly but too loud and i have other small dogs which he might kill as most pitbulls are prone to violence
yeah, i understand. i also had to deal with retarded and unruly dogs, wished they would die as well. in the end i kind of got my wish since i had to move out of town and i forgot about those people.
>> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.
Either ESL or developmentally disabled
i could immediately clock not just the red curtains but also their fabric, weight, what the curtain rod & flower pot looked like, embellishments, window, lighting etc without thinking about it and before having read your writing instructions. i was immediately in the room without any fuss.
so, visualisation is not an issue for me. but what ive found whenever i try SATS is that the action requires too much brain power. this means i visualise the wish, but instead of falling asleep to the wish fulfilled i have to actively think in order to keep my scene alive.
that thinking then makes it impossible for me to fall asleep, so im just lying there for 1+ hour feeling good but without much progress.
what can i do to avoid getting stuck midway through like this? is this a common occurrence? i feel like im so close and its teasing me.
Sure, in my experience it all works at any time. Whatever you need to do to impress your subconscious and really feel it to be true. I have set aside time during the day to do SATS lots of times because I tend to fall asleep too fast at night.
You have other senses besides vision. Think about what the scene would sound like, smell like, feel like.
Also look up Elmer Locker Jr's leaf exercise on YouTube and practice visualizing.

Try recording like I said. Then you dont have to think. Just hit play and ride along. If you fall asleep that's ok. Your subconscious mind is still hearing it.
Does why you want something matter or can it be as malicious and deranged as you want as long as the technique is right?
>Try recording like I said.
sorry, i should have been more clear. recording & playing is currently not an option for me. hence, i want to know how to get past the active visualisation stage in order to feel the wish fulfilled and fall asleep in the end
as long it's not in conflict with your inner wants and beliefs you won't subconsciously manifestcockblock yourself so manifest carefully
monkey paw
Script anon. Have you ever scripted getting a gf? Does that work
Not technique it's assumption of already being in that state.
But yes,everything if imagination is creation then morals are just that too
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I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe just do it during to day instead. Then at night if you want to do anything as you fall asleep, just repeat some affirmations. See below

I posted a while back about some success i had in my career and in romance with pictures of balloons to keep track of the posts so people started calling me BalloonAnon, kek. I absolutely was able to get some things going with someone BUT it went up in flames shortly thereafter which I also posted about. So I have personally been able to get certain scenarios and sexual acts seemingly out of nowhere, but a full on relationship, no. I haven't really tried for that in a long time though. I'm pretty content being single.

In my experience, it doesn't matter if you script, affirm conversationally in the 'I am' format, SATS, etc. Whatever impresses you're subconscious. I've gotten a lot of stuff just by talking to myself while I drive. Pretend you're bragging about yourself to a friend.
>I am who Suzy loves. I am who she compares everyone she dates to. No one will ever compare to me!
>I have so much money, I don't even worry about it. I don't ever even check my bank account, I just know there's enough money always. Money just comes to me... I don't even seem it out. Opportunities just fall into my lap, it's nuts
>I'm so talented. Everyone is so impressed with me. I am told all the time how much people love my work. I am who people look for, I am who people come to see, I am who people want to work with.
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In my experience I've seen three things that affect it and are related with your question.
1. Try to go and manifest what you REALLY want. You really want money? Go for it. You really want a nice cyan car with a shitty anime decal? Go for it. Just don't half ass it or try to go for things because others tell you that's what you need. Only YOU know what you really want. If you want money but you insist on manifesting jobs but you despise working, that will create a lot of resistance and resistance creates cockblocks.
2. Focus on what you want in your life as much as you can without stopping your normal life. Don't focus on what you don't want. That includes bad "allegedly correct" focuses like hating or making fun of that you don't want. Even if you believe is "fun" or "rightful" to give that kind of focus, is still focusing in it and that can not only cockblock you but can create new problems related to them or make existing ones worse.
3. Morality is relative. That's not a direct invitation to do the "evil" like most triggered people will try to make you believe, but you, taking entire responsibility of what is good and what is bad. This is important due to morals and "learned" lessons being important hurdles to manifestation, even if what you want isn't "evil" and you deserve it. Unlearning is way harder than learning and if you like to have defined morals, you may have problems doing certain things.
Imagine you want to fuck with any woman but want zero strings attached. Most people believe when a woman has sex, she "loses" something. That implies the woman that would have sex with you will have to inevitably "lose". Losing is not good so you're doing something bad to her so there comes the guilt that attracts "punishments", monkey paws, believing is harder because "how could she want to lose?", etc. On the contrary, if you believe she can have the same urges, pleasures and "wins" that you would have having sex with her, those resistances dissipate.
Is it better to manifest your real and unrealistic desire or to just manifest a less than ideal cope alternative? Imagination creates reality after all but where do you stop and think "Alright, this is too much"?
First things first, if you believe that is totally unrealistic, start changing that state first or go straight up for the cope alternative because that state is equivalent to an almost already defeated state and your chances to fail will be huge.
Then remember you shouldn't be caring about the how and that includes how unrealistic your desire is and persist on it, like the Pearl of Great Price.
Having known those, your "line" is there. It you can't stop caring about the how and how "unrealistic" it is, you may need to go for the cope because again, you're already defeated in a sense. I don't say this in a "don't bother" way, I'm just telling you what you should fix first before chasing it.
Fixing things gradually also helps. You may want "unrealistic" rivers of money but if you're homeless, haven't eat property in months and smell like shit due to not having a place to take a shower, manifesting fixing those three problems may make going for your final goal easier and can give ideas on how to use that approach to get to your unrealistic goal.
>>39087484 was meant for >>39087344
I wondering how can I do properly SATS and what should I avoid or what else I could combine with? By far I've been trying to listen to 3mhz sounds while practicing SATS
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Cousin fucker method is full proof as posted earlier >>39081645
This all sounds agreeable to me and I choose to believe it.
>she’s very intelligent but she’s a year older than me and is like a 6/10. I don’t know why I’m so attracted to her I get a weird feeling just looking at her.
I'm the same way, bro. I don't know why I get attracted to mids, I just do
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I want to manifest a specific type of woman. Something like pic-related which I generated. Young, latina, etc. Can I use images like this as a form of scripting to manifest? What are some techniques I can use to enhance this approach?
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Can I imaginate discipline?

I really need to lose weight but I can't put the fork down, or at least it's dificult for me.
>Can I imaginate discipline?
Yes, you can.
Is kinda funny because the usual, easier way to imagine those abstract desires is imagining their effects like...losing weight for eating just what you need and no more.
This post trolls hard.
Yet I remain unbothered by it.
Your brain is incapable of words.
It’s not a Neville general.
>Either ESL or developmentally disabled
You replied to the wrong post didn’t you? Holy shit stop talking about yourself.
Manifested another thing by working for it, which really taught me how you can magically manifest things by working for them directly for the appropriate amount of time. I'm really getting it now
you can also manifest your desire without having to work for it, but the way you get it does not matter. the path will always be created and the tools for you to achieve your object of desire will be provided for you.
how's that been working for you these last few years?
>few years
i have only known about the law for 1 year at this point.
Ask cunnyanon
Not even trolling the cousin fuvker method is actually great
What do you mean working for it?
How old were you when you manifested height, anon?
Dumb faggot
Stop arguing points you know nothing about
I wish to receive at least ten usa dollars. Ideally within the next few hours but definitely within the next few days. Please manifest this for me .
I will try the ladder experiment but does LoA work n for not a define goal like "I want this body!" and vizualising this body in particular but more something like "I want to be better at drawing or an instrument!" Something more elusive.
Anon may be from Mexico. 'Imaginate' is a word used to ask someone to imagine something. For example; 'Imagine yourself eating a cake.' roughly translates to 'Imagínate comiendo un pastel.'
Though it isn't the correct use in his post, so he should first imagine learning proper translation before posting expecting it all to mean the same.
do it yourself lazy bastard
>Tried the ladder experiment, not to climb but certainly to have one in close proximity
>Not really paying attention, but acknowledging it and accepting I won't see a ladder if my attention is elsewhere
>As expected, no ladders seen
>Add an additional line to the script; I will see a ladder AND it will be impossible for me not to notice
>Last couple weeks at work there's been ladders fucking everywhere
I love this shit, man.
Granted, I've done LoA for a long ass time, but I like to go back to basic practices to see where I'm too overconfident or could improve in.
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the truth is to not give a shit and don't let the 3D affect you. stop stressing about methods and questions, just pray once and it's done. it's coming lads.
i use to be like all yall, trying to find quick fixes,answers, methods, whatever worked for everyone else, but didn't have results for years then I stopped giving a shit and just knew what ever it was I wanted was done and so it was.
now I'm married, got an awesome job, house, car, everything I wanted.
I learnt something about Mexico today. Thanks anon.
Neville does not use the quote in there in the way described.
Stop arguing points you know nothing about.
Let’s change this argument up because you’ve lost this one,
Neville isn’t very good. He didn’t do anything. The Bible is also useless.
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Happy for you, anon.
>still has to work
At least he’s not here giving advice on how to do it like mother anon, a poster who cannot do anything.
work can be fulfilling, you dont know what he does
if manifesting enough welfare neetbuxx for a RAM stick is nothing to you I guess….
a mans gotta eat.
What is manifestation?
Is manifestation begging those who control your money to allow you to buy something mundane?
That’s the level he’s operating at. He doesn’t even manifest basic freedoms.
and that can't be accomplished without wageslavery?
The only other two options are:
Or the Lilanon Bread Manifestation technique but this is a very high level power that only one person has ever mastered and even he still had to pay for the bread.
how does m*theranon sustain himself then? checkmate
He gets dispensation to use money to buy food and groceries by his own account.
He doesn’t get allowed to control his own money or the use of it or anything like that lmao.
This is the kind of poster you are dealing with. He has been deemed not safe to handle simple tasks. Im not sure what game of chess you have been playing for check mate but he’s not manifesting anything. He’s highly delusional. The only thing interesting about him is that he is the ‘take your meds’ schizo meme in real life.
despite these hardships i can still manifest many things, i bet you can't manifest anything while nothing is even demanded of you.
no, not here. stop being ignorant.
>never heard of begging for food
I started using hemi sync\gateway files Focus 12 Free Flow. I had been using OMP but Im having wild AP\lucid dreams- I feel closer and closer to Neville's "worlds within worlds" . For how long should I mess around with free flow, one year patterning\ one month p. before I move unto Focus 15 and am able to use Focus 15 regularly?
1 year of regular, regimented, documented practice?
You guys script digitally or on paper?
This. It's not just >don't do 3rd person, Neville says in one of the books you need to put yourself like an actor into the scene. Is an actor acting? Yes. But he's still physically riding the bike himself, and so should you.
Neville was also an alcoholic and couldn't save his own life.
Today I had a small experience of success that I would like to attribute to the LoA. I am a student, and I am about to graduate. Today we had an event where many students received awards for their academic and athletic performance. I always wanted to win one, even though I had never done it.

I have been trying to practice the SATS, although I never used it because it was not easy for me to "visualize" myself with the result. Today I wanted to test this method, and it worked pretty well.

(Please note that when I announced the award, I was in the chairs, listening to the teacher guide call out the names of the winning students, so I couldn't be 100% relaxed or sleepy, just have my eyes closed)
> I sat up straight and focused on what I wanted, to win the award.
> I began to breathe calmly, counting from 100 to 0.
> I focused on the successful scene, me standing in front of the auditorium surrounded by other winning students. I didn't even focus on whether they were going to give me medals or a button, the truth is I focused in the diploma.
> I imagined what it would be like to be in front of everyone holding the diploma next to a classmate who is very intelligent and would surely win a prize like me.
> I focused on the scene for a bit, feeling the excitement and satisfaction of winning. Then, I opened my eyes and convinced myself that I had won.
> Although it took them a while to call me, they finally did, and they put me right next to my smart partner.

The truth is, until now I had been skeptical about SATS, but now I am sure that it is one of the most powerful techniques I don't have much to add, I would just recommend that you think about the end and not the process. Thanks everyone for reading!
>going to chill in park
>realize I left my credit card at home, which you need to pay for ticket
>eh fuck it everything works out for me
>go up to check in desk with park ranger
>tell him I left my card, ask if I can use my phone
>he says it’s all old school equipment sorry
>ask again if there’s no way I can come in
>he says go on ahead I’m about to head home for today, don’t worry about paying
>go enjoy park for free and have nice day
Success story don’t see a lot here. It’s the little things sometimes
>not realizing he freed himself from the hell of this world

ngl being drunk or sleep deproved makes this shit easier due to the addled state of mind
>predicts own death
>last lecture says his work is done
>dies peacefully in sleep
Yeah ok. He also spoke about visiting different for weeks at a time outside of his body, he’s probably just dead in our world and visiting others
I don’t know what I want.
Meditate it will show itself

Do you have vivid imagination? Did you see the scene clearly or you focused on feeling?
I like it anons. LOA is good for a lot of stuff... the "everything works out for me" feeling is really useful in a variety of applications
> show buddy how I can manifest things/synchronize stuff just right
> he says I don't understand how you don't have a gf anon
> think fuck it
> set parameter "a female that's right for me before Halloween"
> end up matching with a chick on tinder that's pretty conservative and into nerd stuff and wants kids
> she keeps trying to message me
> don't find her attractive and a bit off putting given her expressive desire for a tall ubermench blonde guy in her bio (I'm not tall lol)
> week later a friend sends me pics of his gfs friend who thinks I'm cute, he says she can take care of me
> she lives far away
> randomly give two goth chicks a ride in between all this across town ( they randomly approached me at a stop light, they seemed kinda sketchy but they complimented my hair)
Lesson here is to remember to be specific with your understandings to live in the reality you want to live in. I got some understandings to change within myself, happy manifesting everyone.

Honestly, I think it was a bit of both. At one point I got discouraged and thought it hadn't worked out for me, but it finally did. I first imagined the scene and then focused more on the emotion, I think it was my genuine desire to want to be recognized.


You're absolutely right, it's something I think about from time to time to keep myself motivated about the law of attraction. If it worked for someone who wants to fuck his cousin, why wouldn't he do it with me? (No offense)
>still has to work
And what? Everyone who has a success here has to do it the way you want to?

One of the more toxic things the trolls done here is promote the atmosphere that if you didn't hit the moon you didn't accomplish anything and never will.

"Know that the Rising of the People against the illithid was a thing built upon many turnings. Many were the People who lived and died under time's blade while the Rising was shaped.

The Rising was shaped upon a slow foundation. Steel was gathered so that it might mark illithid flesh. A means of knowing the movements of the illithids was established, at first weak and confused, then stronger, like a child finding its voice. When the movements were known, then the illithids were observed. In observing them, their ways of the mind were known.

When the ways of the illithid were known, many of the People were gathered and taught in secret the means to shield their minds, and the way to harness their will as weapons. They were taught the scripture of steel, and most importantly, they were given the knowing of freedom.

These things were not learned quickly. The knowing of much of the ways was slow, and in all these things, time's weight fell upon all. From the knowing of one's reflection in a steel blade, to the knowing of submerging the will, to the knowing of seeing itself. All of these things and more the People built upon. In time, they came to know the whole."

7th Circle of Zerthimon

Patience can overcome any challenge. It was a hard lesson for me to learn, I wanted to be there in the thick of it at all times and winning it all.

Many of you probably think the best years of your life are wasting away while you are stuck in your current state- but LOA is timeless. You have time. You have all the opportunities you want, because you are the Operant power.

Be who you want to be, and let go of the rest, including the worry that you can't make it happen. You can. You are doing it. You made it.
>he still had to pay for the bread.
Such a small mind. I manifested the money, which seems to be your kryptonite.

Also, back when money was a problem, I used to think "wouldn't it be nice if I didn't have to pay for X" and quite frequently I didn't have to. You can say that I am happy to pay now because I have more than enough and want to spread the abundance.
>Success story don’t see a lot here
Thanks for sharing, there's an effort to hush the little things because by certain Anons here because they don't want the smaller successes to lead to bigger ones.

I feel like your application is a better strategy than going for specific big things. "Everything works out for me" applied regularly will become permanent if it isn't for you already.

Because it always does, right?
Sharing my story for the first time. I have been making music for like 10 years. One day I decided, enough is enough, I need a "deadline" for my dream. In summer 2023 I hung up a piece of paper on the wall with the date "april 24th 2024". I gave myself some final months to make something happen with my music.
On november 2023 I saw a promo on instagram of some masterclass, artists would also perform their songs and two of them would win a contract with Sony, yeah, the major. The date of the masterclass was april 24th... like the date on my paper.
I signed up and spent those months training and visualizing.
I partecipated, and yeah, I won that fuckin contract.
Like, out of nowhere, I'm 30, never did gigs, only self-published a few songs with barely a hundred of streams. So, that was like magic.
To have a contract with Sony was my test, and absurd whish to see if the Law would work. It did. Well, it's all like in pause mode because they are slow and I don't know what to do, whatever.
My next goal with the Law is to get a wikipedia artist page. Kinda stretched, will be funny to get there.
Sorry for my english.
Also thank you guys because these kind of threads motivated me, and stimulated me, is always good to be remembered we can dream, and that is a fun thing to do
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My wife and I are catholic married.
If you're not familiar with it, the catholic church is retardly strict and varies from very strict to uber anal strict depending in who is the priest in charge of your diocese. Your diocese is assigned by your address so if you live in certain place, you have to do every procedure in that specific chapel and nowhere else.
The priest assigned to our diocese was the most unpleasant and disinterested person I've known. A real materialist, Caesars focused clown.
We got everything prepared on our side except for the "ok, you can marry" from the priest and for that we had to submit some documents. We both had errors on some of them due to incompetence of church officials and the priest said there was no wedding until he says and with those errors he would always say no.
My wife was in panic because everything was ready and even when we started early, there was a chance we had to cancel the wedding, lose money in already rented chapel and venue, etc due to Father Clown. We had too little time to get the documents corrected and we needed other hard to get legal documents to correct them, etc. but I told her we would marry. She thanked me for trying but I corrected her that it was not a try. she wanted that wedding and the only thing that matters is my will to marry her.
She did her part and her documents were on process, almost just in time to summit them again to Father Clown. The real problem were mine. I had to travel a lot, find some documents I had no idea where to start chasing them, travel again, and again and again to get them fixed and them, travel again to get them, go to a bigger diocese so a bishop can sign the documents corrected and then, go back to summit them to Father Clown on time. It looked impossible.
You know the drill. I did some SATS having the documents on time.
A few days later I did one of the many trips I had to do, first, the church when I've done all my other sacraments since childhood.
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I told my story to the vicar's secretary and she was on our side but helping me was out her hands and was telling me all the things I had to do and places I had to go, until she read my name.
She asked if I was a relative of -my aunt's name- and I said yes. The secretary told me that Father Clown was indeed being a clown and a couple like us had the right to marry without caring about "trifles". She told me to wait and got up to make a phone call.
She got back and plan's changed. I had to go on another trip. already planned for another day but had to do it immediately. She gave me an envelope with the documents I had to get fixed and told me to go to the big diocese to find certain woman. Then, I had to receive some documents from her and try to get them as fast as I could.
I got to the city where the diocese is and saw the clock. Those places have some common business hours so I was out of luck. I had to wait for lunch hours to end and that meant I had to travel two or three times again plus wait times. I didn't knew where the cathedral was so I went anyway.
I had no time to have lunch. I got to the diocese offices and their business hours were oddly "different" from other places, just enough for me to enter for mere minutes. The woman was the main secretary there and was waiting for me. She asked for my story while she checked my documents and did things on a computer. when she finished she told me the documents were fixed, but needed to be signed by the bishop. I asked her when I could get them so I could get them to my childhood diocese to emit the fixed documents. She gave a warm smile and told me the document had to wait for the bishop but I don't have to wait. Then she gave me some documents she needed to send to my childhood diocese and asked me to take them with me and in return, she would send my document to that diocese and I would have to go there when it was ready and fixed so I could save some trips.
the heck man, wrap this tl;dr up already
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I had lunch and went back to my childhood church and gave the secretary the various envelopes the other one gave to me. She thanked me and gave me another envelope.
I asked what it was and she told me to open it.
It was the document I needed, already signed by the priest of that church, already corrected. Unable to believe it, I asked her how she could get this without the other document and she told me the documents had to wait but I don't had to. I got to my house that same day with my document ready to summit when it should've took at least a pair of weeks.
As a bonus, did the same with "not seeing Father Clown" for the rest of the process and it worked. Every time we wen he wasn't there and the time he had to do our interviews, he received a important call and had to go, so he had to ask another diocese to do them so another friendly, human and real christian priest did them in another church and I didn't had to see that other clown again.
I'm catholic too and this makes me not want to get married. I had no idea there was this much autistic document juggling that had to be done in meat space.
Everytime I manifest money it works. I don't do it all the time because it has to really feel like the right moment, but I always get what I ask for everytime, usually as soon as I wake up. Hell I didn't even try manifesting recently and I was cleaning my buddy's room and found $100 under some shit in the corner. Thought about pocketing it but I couldn't do that to my friend so I told him and he split it with me.
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>I'm catholic too and this makes me not want to get married.
I'm already married but same. We both joke about never marrying again with my wife and this experience, seeing how heartless, materialist and greedy (also had to pay for every document, correction and corrected documents) that priest were, totally demolished my faith in the church.
>I had no idea there was this much autistic document juggling that had to be done in meat space.
You have to get some documents, mostly proofs you've done the required sacraments, a few photocopied legal ID ones and a recent marriage course certificate for the couple. If everything is "alright" and your documents are from churches close to you, it should be easy and fast. Just check EVERYTHING in your catholic documents matches your legal documents, including your parents data, full, same names, etc, same for your wife.
They also will try to convince you to not to marry in the interviews and try to find reason why you can't/shouldn't marry but just go with the flow and remember what you "learned" on the marriage course. It will feel dumb and awkward but is just the priest trying to play "bad cop, dumb cop".
In our case we both had "errors" in documents (only one last name on one of the parent's names when the legal document have two, my wife's one had a typo, etc. "errors" like that) and fixing them is a pita. Then, to fix them I needed some documents from my father that died some years ago on "shitty" circumstances and we didn't knew or had how to get his official records so our wedding documents story is way worse than the average experience.
These are all great posts. I will finally give up on manifesting money and manifest things I want. And to be honest I'm not sure what I really want anymore. If I woke up with millions of dollars in my bank account I wouldn't change much of my lifestyle. I'd still be a NEET and maybe travel a bit and buy a house. Ok I'll keep it small for now and
You know nothing about the situation of others.
This is just your bad attitude at work again.

>Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." - Robin Williams

No one here should even need to know about your issues but you broadcast them. LoA teaching is to keep your manifestations to yourself. It’s often abused on this board.
you post these jewish platitudes expecting me to follow them while you do nothing to truly understand them. despite my hardships and "failings" i still get back up and try it again, you only spend your time obsessing over me and creating all these delusions about someone who you have never met.
>assuming >>39095132 is whoever the other poster was
Your enemies are entirely in your head. As are your successes. They don’t exist.
Every time I've actually manifested something, it was by accident and it was also just a means to an end. This is perfectly consistent every single time, even the small stuff. "Oh it would be nice if I had X so I could finally get Y done" and then X manifests the next day. Big signpost here but I'm not sure where it leads.
i wanted to get more attention from women and i got more attention from them, today i went to the grocery store because i wanted to see the cashier i was falling in love with, sadly she wasn't there but i noticed something else. there were two girls who apparently worked in the store but weren't in uniform so i assume they weren't in customer service position, despite this the other one of them said hi to me. i also got a bunch of smiles from other women. i'm hoping to actually get women on tinder but i'm guessing the algorithm is fucking me over because i'm on the basic version.

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