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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
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use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.
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Trip too lazy to put in the last thread link in the OP

Use your horniness to make a replica of yourself
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Dumping a couple of LOA guides\screencaps. I will also vent about how Im trying to use the "astral internet"\ REAL reality shifting. I want to have sex with a harlot I could find in an online prostitute directory (I promised to myself to "leave civilians alone" and only indulge in my lust with already-harlot prostitutes) but I think it's cheating or a destructive feedback loop of self-cucking to use the website but be unable to be with the whore here-now.
So I will ONLY use the internet directory once Im in an State\Phase where I can immediately consort with the chosen npc.
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another thread spawned by m*theranon, LoA has hit new lows
>decide to manifest being lucky
>don't have to try hard because I'm lucky
>all of the manifestations become true without me even trying because I am lucky
>no negative consequences because I'm lucky
>don't even need a specific thing to visualize because I'm just lucky and good things just happen without me even asking
>everyone just accepts this without any problem
>lucky me
>I'm just lucky forever
ayo, can you dump some neville quotes for me? i'm running out on my end.
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I got you bro.
>How horrible, fantastic, incredible, it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing.
Neville Chamberlain.
How do I manifest having been born in Japan so I can have a japanese high school student experience right now if I'm not japanese and on my 20s?
>Oh my God! I've killed Harry Potter!
Neville Longbottom
Aim higher! Real life Japan sucks ass, only the idealized version is fun. Manifest that instead.
Even if you don't get it on your first try shooting at the stars can get you to the moon (or however that quote goes)
>Tfw no pro wrestling femdom japanese gf to suplex me against light tubes , throw me unto aflame tables and pile drive me into a cheap concrete block
You can’t.
Not even Lilanon would try to pretend that you can.
>r*ddit LoA: omgggg guise I manifested my mom thinking she's beautiful wowzers!!1
>4chins LoA: how can I become a 10ft tall blue futa oni giantess in a Japanese high school during the 70s?
is there any sane place where it can be discussed?
Yes, simply trust your own intuition and talk to the voices in your head.
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me and the boys (who are also me) discussing the intricacies of LoA
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Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.
There are no intricacies anon
Reminder: can shorten this entire post and general into

can me manifest a higher iq, better reading, comprehension, writing and oratory skills? :c how if yes?
i want to be so intelligent and self reliant
no, not really
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weekly audiobook dump

[Beginner Books]
>E-squared E2 - pam grout
(9 manifestation experiments like nevilles ladder experiment)

>E-Cubed E3 - Pam grout
(9 more manifestation experiments)

>Into the Magic Shop - James R. Doty MD
(poor white trash manifests himself into a World famour Doctor)

>The Surrender Experiment - Michael A. Singer
(Say yes to life, Go with the flow and be happy)

>Lynn A. Robinson - Divine Intuition
(Communicating with God for Manifestation)

>Penny Pierce - The intuitive Way
(Develop your sixth sense to navigate life)

>You are the placebo - Joe Dispenza
(Cure any illness and disease with your mind)

>Evolve your Brain - Joe Dispensa

>Anita Moorjani - Dying to be Me
(Women Manifest's a cure for cancer)

>The Energy Cure - William Bengston PhD
(Cycling Manifestation method + cancer cure)

>Eddie Coronado - Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques
>Eddie Coronado - How to Win the Lottery with the Law of Attraction
>Eddie Coronado - Manifest Your Millions!
(Explains LOA for money)

>David Cameron Gikandi - A Happy Pocket Full of Money
(The original book on manifesting money)
>Doing it right
>You can’t.
Why not?

>Not even Lilanon would try to pretend that you can.
I did a full-life revision by accident. Why can't he on purpose?
Are you saying you are sane Anon? That's quite an assertion...
let's see
>don't want to manifest free cups of coffee, available parking spots, pink golf balls or seeing orange cars
>also don't want to manifest being a 2D anime drawing or having intimate relations with one
yeah I'd say I'm on the saner end of the spectrum, thanks for asking
>is there any sane place where it can be discussed?
people don't turn to supernatural unless they want supernatural things
Interesting framework for sanity- "I'm somewhere between completely boring and completely detached from reality."

Considering most aspiring LOAnons here want free money or sex, I'm assuming that's about where you fall? If so, what's the problem?
lilanon can I become a pretty flower? would go for chrysanthemum maybe
Make a disc or telegram group
How to? SATS or subs ? Scripting?
I'm just lucky is all.
Imagine being this dumb and thinking you're actually smart. Sad
They want to be anime girls or something stupid.
They can’t be. Neither can you.
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Lucky... LUCKY??? OH MY GOD CAN I RUB AGAINST YOU??? I've been down on my luck, bad luck really. I'd just LOVE a quick k'noodle, haha. I really need it, man. Lost dice game after dice game yesterday. Real bad, reaaaal bad. Maybe you can just give me your blessings if you're anti-touch. x3
He’s right tho.
Been trying to manifest an SP I saw over a dating app for 6 or so months after failing a magick sex ritual. I know her full name, but never met her in person.

Getting massive resistance and slip all the time since it’s taking so long and seemingly not working. I was doing affirmations most days and visualizations on and off but not consistently.

Any suggestions?
he's not tho
It doesn't work. But Law of Copers will gaslight you and say it's because you're too obsessed now, and that's why it's not working.
doesn't work on your machine
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.
Based truth. They could be listening to this. But they don’t. Why don’t they listen?
gay falsehood, why would anyone listen to this?
>It doesn't work.
So leave. Bye faggot.
I believe
For what purpose should he leave
Perhaps a reasoned debate on what works and not is a valid approach. If not we have to believe everything that larpers like Lilanon say. Why should we not discuss what works and what does not? You are likely a gate keeping shill who is afraid of the truth.
>Perhaps a reasoned debate
The guy says loa does not work. Full stop. There's no debate there. If he thinks it doesn't work, then leave. Otherwise he's just trolling
>Why should we not discuss
That guy is not discussing anything. No need to lie about it
you do raise a fair point here, if these threads boil down to trolls, anons taking the trolls' bait, m*theranon blogposting about random non-LoA related shit, anons asking "can I do X?", and LilAnon replying with "yeah sure", there kinda isn't a point to them
but then again if you barge in and say "shit doesn't work get fucked cunts", that's not a good start to a debate
This seems about right.
Ok maybe he is trolling. But you single out a “does not work” to attack. Do you subject ‘I am a time travelling ex-vampire” to the same. It’s even dumber.
This post really finally made the 'you need to get out your own way' click.

Thanks, I guess.
Neutral statement. Will they listen, or won't they?
Tips on how to Manifest gf?
Nope. No one is going to listen to some annoying idiot
you're too obsessed now, that's why it's not working
I suggest looking into manifesting water on your body and onto your head. This esoteric ritual will cleanse your negative auras and remove Chakra blockage.
Have my blessings and good luck!
LoA Anons....what did he mean by this?

>It seems that Soros believes he was anointed by God. “I fancied myself as some kind of god ...” he once wrote. “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.”

>When asked by Britain’s Independent newspaper to elaborate on that passage, Soros said, “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”

>“Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad,” Soros once confided on British television. “In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

>In his book, “Soros on Soros,” he says: “I do not accept the rules imposed by others.... And in periods of regime change, the normal rules don’t apply.”
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
don't even want my SP anymore and feel like I can move on to other girls. Should I just start manifesting another girl or something? I'm pretty sure my SP likes me now too.
>universal line discord is getting deleted
why is it getting deleted, serves palucci right for inducing solipsistic schizophrenia in everyone
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They got busted, as was foretold.
This, I'd rather be a chad who moves there and lives like a king with my gigachad family, like pewdiepie did.
His fucking images are bat shit insane and make no sense dude needs to be put in a psych ward asap.
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It's better this way. In order to figure UL out, you had to study his material then understand it through experience and practice. There's no need for a discord server if you have an IQ over 70. Also he doesn't have to deal with brain dead retards like this guy anymore >>39058133 >>39058166 >>39056530. I hope he creates a coaching program and removes his free material to gate keep even more faggots out of non dualism. kek

I can't believe the amount of retards that have infested LOA in recent years. I started studying some ancient loa by judge Thomas Troward and his pupil. He stuff btfo of neville and fills in the gaps. I go to check out what other people think of his work and it's full of retards that can't understand his simple concepts. It's really sad what's happened to this place as well as that shithole reddit. everywhere you go it's trolls and retards.
>Non dualism

Just read a bhuddist book you fucking subhuman retard. Literally all of that faggots material is schizo babble and he's a literal pedophile. Neck yourself.
Can you manifest for someone else?

A friend of mine is in a very rough shape, he can't stop talking about wanting to kill himself. How can I help him using the law? I just want to see him get better
I know. He is still posting on reddit.

> I hope he creates a coaching program
He created it.

Yes, you can
My sides
Oh wait you were serious
I guess you have no problem manifesting meds. Take them.
arguably easier than doing it for yourself
>Why should we not discuss what works and what does not?
I think you are framing this incorrectly. If you are trying to say if you can use LOA to do something or not, and that's not the point of this thread:

>> Can I manifest ___?
>Yes! Creation is finished.

The only question at that point is "I don't have it, why am I having trouble making it happen?"

> If not we have to believe everything that larpers like Lilanon say
You aren't required to believe anything, but if you dismiss what I have done out of hand simply because you don't believe it's possible that would be a good reason for why you don't have a good handle on this, don't you think?

>gate keeping shill
The shills here are the ones who post endlessly about how it doesn't work, the thread is crap, and no one succeeds. I find this amusing, because no effort would be put in to demoralize Anons if this was not the real deal.
You think there is something wrong with people questioning that you might not be telling the truth about being a former vampire who now ages at half speed and revised his entire life while easily manifesting paranormal powers and also walking away from enlightenment?
They can’t be anime girls. Admit it. Your brand of role playing is just make believe.
>no effort would be put in to demoralize Anons if this was not the real deal.
More likely it’s just anons passing by and shtiposting and mocking claims rather than anything like you suggest.
I mean, there's also jaded people who tried it and couldn't make it work, not everyone's a paid glowie shill
Lilanon I challenge you to manifest 25 straight heads and post screenshot.
You have the power to basically do anything it seems. Time to prove the LoA. Should be easy for you as you were taught ultimate power by Lilith or something.
>Lilanon: I’m a vampire and I can fly
>Anon: Can you demonstrate any proof
>Lilanon: No you don’t understand that proof is irrelevant because everything is possible. Creation is finished! Isn’t it wonderful! Your question is wrong.

Every time.
>I want to be polite with you and I prefer not to answer because your question is really a… a bad question. It is really a bad question, because it looks like it's my fault, my problem. And your question is not correct, I'm sorry.
>You think there is something wrong with people questioning that you might not be telling the truth
As I said, I don't care if you believe me or not.

There is a huge difference between believing what I say and trying to arguing that certain things are impossible with LOA because you can't see how they could be:
>They can’t be anime girls

...Why not? What is your reasoning that any of this is impossible?
>passing by
Almost 24/7...For a year or more? By Anons with an occult background? Some of whom have let slip that they are in secret societies?

Stretching credulity here a bit.
There are no anime girls who used to be anons running around, not one. It’s fucking stupid to assert it’s a possibility. You are operating from a dark place of idiocy.
>Some of whom have let slip that they are in secret societies?
Have they?
Anons in secret societies?
…why? What is your reasoning that any of this is possible?
Gangstalkers trying to gaslight Lilanon. It is obvious seeing it from an outside perspective.
I would join that gang.
Do they have an easy sign up process. If they don’t exist I’ll manifest them.
>Have they?
Ya, check the archives. Funny as hell, trying to show off with that when LOA is the better method.
>There are no anime girls who used to be anons running around, not one. It’s fucking stupid to assert
Why are you trying to assert a negative? You logically can't prove something does not exist.
>What is your reasoning that any of this is possible?
I have no need to reason that it's possible. They posted here. They said they were. It was a good laugh moment for Tak and I.
Yeah, but the Law of Cope threads would die immediately if you told them that it doesn't work for everyone. Hell, even Neville said that those who can't manifest climbing a ladder, shouldn't show up to his lectures anymore. There's a reason there are winners and losers in life, everyone can't win and life was never supposed to be fair.

Facts, when I quit loa after years of trying to heal myself from chronic illnesses, I went physical route and applied some of the things and i'm way better now.

Fuck LoA copers saying "muh just persist" meanwhile you lose your prime years when you could've gotten a better life if you did non-loa shit and you wouldn't even care about manifesting at that point.

This is for people who are gifted at accepting they believe is true at a fast pace, or those that have decently vivid mind's eye

It should take you 2 months max to see if it works for you. If you got 0 results after 2 months, forget about it, it'll never work

You either have it or you don't, it applies to loa too
This is burden of proof. Something you want to ignore because you larp to a comical level.
There are tons of people around. I can walk around and see them. None of them are anime.
I can suggest to you that you will die if you jump in front of a bus. It’s pretty obvious it will mess you up. No proof needed.
It’s not necessary to prove obvious things.
The burdens of proof is entirely on you because your claims are fantastical and unbelievable. You’ve never offered anything to back up any one of your claims.
You are the cancer that has killed reasonable LoA discussion.
Imagine needing proof that our king was a vampire. He said he was. It was a good laugh moment,
>threads would die immediately if you told them that it doesn't work for everyone. Hell, even Neville said that those who can't manifest climbing a ladder, shouldn't show up to his lectures anymore
Funny enough, this is what we do- everyone can and does do this, but not everyone is ready to start doing it deliberately.

Everyone will in time, so no rush.
so you got filtered by the Law, why are you still here?
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I ALMOST have a reality shift last night; I went lucid but lost all control within the dream before I could phase out,unto, the Room (Universal Line document); I manifested a phone out of thin air, rushed to summon what I wanted in the room by ordering through the phone, but couldn't remain conscious of my own body-avatar long enough.
>I had a dream
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>This is burden of proof.
No, this is you not understanding basic logic. It was widely asserted that giant squid were only a myth. We would have seen it, would we not?

But then it was there. And then suddenly we accepted that it was always there. Before, it was impossible.

>None of them are anime
I find this to show an incredible lack of imagination. Are you so committed to the 3d that you would give your life to prove it's real and absolute? What do you gain from the idea that things are "impossible"? The idea that somehow you are less insane than the rest of humanity?

Hint: you aren't.

>reasonable LoA discussion
What would you consider "reasonable"? Some Anons here think this is just a mental booster, while Neville shot the Moon and became a Christ. What level of "boring" does this need to be for you to be comfortable talking about the unlimited power of the cosmos?
Im celibate so what I say, goes, tho.
Not bad, try doing it while you are SATing. If you do it in a lucid dream you may find it more believable but also harder to pull off.
Share your success stories then, mr millionaire boy. Oh right, you can't say something didn't work for you because it's totally gonna happen at its own time when you're 40 something years old, right?
I want to be polite with you and I prefer not to answer to the question, because your question is really a… a bad question. It is really a bad question, because it looks like it's my fault, my problem. And your question is not correct, I'm sorry.
After 2 months of trying to manifest, I have her back. I will forever be thankful for finding this teaching. Thank you, Neville. I owe you everything.
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how do you guys perfom SATS?
With intense focus on the scene, such as visualizing with accuracy the scene and the characters in it, or just "think" of it casually?
I find it very mentally taxing to play the SATS scene in my mind all the time but at the same time never really put that much effort in it so no wonder I'm not seeing results.
I just want to hear your opinion on this.
Also, is a strong emotion emanated from the scene necessary, or do I just have to immerse myself completely? The thing I'm trying to manifest does not bring such a strong emotion (physical change) so I don't know how to go about it. Maybe someone complimenting me for it is better than vizualising myself in the mirror?
Did you guys charge your jars of water with full moon energy and gratitude yet!?
>With intense focus on the scene, such as visualizing with accuracy the scene and the characters in it, or just "think" of it casually?
It's all about belief- the use of intense visualization is meant to trick yourself that it actually happened.

If you are having trouble setting your manifests try doing it with training wheels- "I will have it in the future" is much easier to believe for most Anons until you can build faith in the process. The cost is time- you are already pushing out what you think it would normally take to get to you.
Tricking seems to be the right word here. What I plan on doing is scripting (reading every night before sleep), subliminals, affirming in present tense and focused SATS. This seems like a good plan. Thanks!
How to manifest invisibility?
how can I manifest away my chronic pain and pain killer addiction. I manifested getting a new hydrocodone script in a new city easily but I don't want to go back down that path I had 7 months sober. my pain is so distracting its hard to get into SATS or anything. I'm just doing robotic affirmations like
>my ear is healed
>the surgery didn't mess up my leg
etc but it seems to come in waves like the pain will go away but return
>manifested my cat allergy away
>manifested the death of a person
>can't manifest a million dollars yet
Any tips?
I agree here it's almost as if money is one of those elements that are harder to bring for most.
I second this question, is it due to everyone trying to pull money, making it essentially become stuck?

In my time I've been desiring things in my life and have always obtained them when i stopped caring about them years later almost overnight.
A specific game as a kid and teen
A girlfriend (stopped caring in my late 20s after obsessing and attempting for years)
And now it's money.
I'd love to skip the obsessing for years this time though

Unfortunately this aspect of loa is the one i appreciate the least, and the hardest to overcome, but this is how the works goes i guess.
>blocks your path
>refutes your whole theory
magic wish sisters… I don’t feel so good…
i don't care about money and it comes easily to me
what is this? is it magic? can you manifest anything even things that are not impossible but completely implausible like manifesting a billion dollars and 42 wives?
Try the afformation duck post.

Or, just decide. Enough is enough, and all that's ending, now. Even when the pain tries to crop up again- tell it no. Will it into submission, and will your attention elsewhere; it will not distract you any longer from your task at hand.
Why? Because if you give it more attention than just a curt glare and a cold shoulder, you're rewarding it like a tantruming child and training yourself to perpetuate your condition. You literally just have to walk away from it, which is either the simplest lesson, or the most frustrating one.
>doesn't believe in it but somehow lives here, giving more attention to the general than the namefags
>he doesn't care but lives here trying to convince everyone that it "doesn't work"
>he really doesn't have a machine when he seetheposts about you "not even having a machine" when you tell him it works in your machine
>changes his retarded posting tactic when no one pays attention to him like a schedule
>he is again, trying desperately to make someone to coinflip for him for free
have you tried manifesting it away?
Can you imagine it and feel it as real?
>have dream
>doing some ritual with Neville Goddard
>it’s to see the hand of god
>on bridge up in clouds with group of followers and chilling next to Goddard
>we stand on an observation deck and we turn around
>”can you see them!” He says
>something like reflections of fog appear they look like spirits and a strange intoxicating noise is heard
>I immediately sperg out and say “get this evil away from thee” or some shit
>im attacked by these beings and my reality turns to black with symbols flashing around
>I hear a voice
>”I am anon son of *anons fathers name*
>I fall back into my body and wake up
Giant squid was always known about. Just not seen very often or on camera. It swims deep. Real deep. Hard to find.
Your vampirism is never lnown about and never seen. Like all your other shit it would be easy to demonstrate. But you are empty words on a basket weaving site.
>I find this to show an incredible lack of imagination.
Only the most insane would try to claim that there are anons around who are now anime girls. Even amongst the most insane your are really insane.
>What would you consider "reasonable"?
I’m making it much easier. I’m telling you what is unreasonable. You don’t age at half speed.
Maybe it comes down to a fundamental misunderstanding over what money actually is? What is money exactly? A form of energy? Also, money on its own isn't inherently useful. Maybe it makes more sense to focus on the actual things you want the money to do for you. The freedom it can give you, and the specific possessions and experiences it can offer.
Also forgot to mention, I agree with you on this point: the things I've seemed to manifest in life only really manifested when I stoppes caring about them.

It's a frustrating thing, actually. Rather ironic that the only real way to gain the things you desire is to pretty much stop desiring them.
>what is this?
The power of Creation

>can you manifest anything
Yes, but if you don't believe you can or don't believe you deserve it you can have trouble getting it. The people with Billions and 42 wives have it due to the same mechanism.
>Your vampirism is never lnown about and never seen
I'm not quite sure why you are fixating on this. This is /x/, in case you forgot, and vampires are a thing.

It wasn't even hard to do, it just wasn't as fun as I expected it to be.

>Like all your other shit it would be easy to demonstrate
Why would I bother? Your fundamental misunderstanding of LOA is understandable but keeps you from realizing you are barking up the wrong tree.

Everything comes from LOA. Everything you do is LOA. Your assertion that there are things this does not do is absurd- anything that exists anywhere in any form was created by this process.

As I've said a couple of times, you are failing basic logic. You cannot prove a negative. Any assertion that something is impossible without specific parameters is ridiculous.

>I’m making it much easier
No, you are just telling us how limited and unimaginative you are and complaining that we are not like you.

Neville and other teachers make recommendations about what you should or should not do for your own well-being(Don't hurt people, don't chase SPs, etc) but they don't go around saying things are impossible. Quite the opposite.

Why do you think making this boring and sterile will make it better for you and others?
I am going to try again to manifest a big tiddy redhead gf who actually likes me. Any tips?
Yes, don't. Figure out why you failed first, maybe you need a practice that will help with getting rid of the lack believes you buy.
So many words that add nothing.
You have ubelievable powers and control of the central powers of reality.
But it’s impossible for you to justify a single bit of it. Not one thing you claim you can present single fact on.
You make the craziest claims and produce nothing to back it up. Nothing,
None of the other LoA teschers or practioners make your sort of dumb claims.
Why is it so hard for you to back it up?
I am struggling to believe 100% that she already exists, there is always the nagging thought that she does not
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I suggest that the true cause goes deeper. Do you, maybe, happen to identify as a loser, someone who struggles to insert the penis between massive oiled milkers?

Millionaires don't struggle to manifest 100k, unconscious normie millionaires manifest - free of effort - more than you can see yourself having.
So the question is, why do you identify as a loser? was it because your parents were normies and "life" fucked you, because that's what "life" did to the people you grew up with?

Blame your parents, surroundings, loser friends, genes... it's your job to unfuck yourself, no excuses, do what it takes.
Meditating two hours in a day would make you drop it as a daily habit, maybe 20 minutes would be reasonable, you can force yourself to do that?
No excuses?
Winners don’t meditate either.
Most billionaires never meditate. They just somehow MANIFEST.
Still awaiting LilAnon to take up the challenge with his incredible powers. This is maybe too easy for him? He can manifest telekinesis and redo his entire life so I can’t see the problem,
Is he perhaps stalling while he masters photoshop to fake the outcome or something?
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What you know you are is stronger than what you believe you have.
What do you suggest, how to remake the identity? Meditation isn't the only answer but has the benefit of gaining mastery over the mind.
he still struggle with I AM so no miracle magic
You have a severe ear infection. Your hearing gets worse every day.
>They just somehow MANIFEST
They allow. Of course they are wealthy. It's part of their identity.

Neville specifically talks about the challenge of manifesting when you are holding on to a negative state that opposes it(say in this case, poverty). Assume the state that has it and you are going to receive it. I AM.
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>You have ubelievable powers and control of the central powers of reality
So do you, you simply choose to occupy a state of lack and push it as the normal state.

>But it’s impossible for you to justify a single bit of it
Did you lose control of your words or something? "Justifying" does not mean "proving." If you can't keep your seething under control long enough to make a post on a supposed "basket-weaving" forum you've got a problem.

>You make the craziest claims and produce nothing to back it up
And what? Other Anons have posted similar or better successes than me. This is not a thread for proofs- either you are willing to try this and see how far you can go or you are just a spectator.

>None of the other LoA teschers or practioners make your sort of dumb claims
Neville did all sorts of wild things. Did you forget about him? Did you ask him for proof? He said specifically that it's not terribly valuable to have proof from others, you should be doing it yourself.

>Why is it so hard for you to back it up?
See above. It's not valuable, it's your business what you believe or not- I'm not here to convince you.

What I am here to do is ask you why you are so fearful. What is that getting you?

“Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption
and watch the world play its part relative to to its fulfillment.”

Neville Goddard
>he still struggle with I AM so no miracle magic
That's an odd way to look at it. You can do miracles never having learned the Law. There is no hierarchy of mastery for this, and if there was all of us would be on the bottom rung- the people who have "mastered" this never have to take a deliberate action on it. They simply allow and it happens.
His ear infection has calmed down. His ear is getting help. He is in a better situation than he was before and he will continue to improve. his ear will help out those who helped it
Does the ladder technique work if I know ahead of time I'll be climbing one at the pool I go to?
No, it doesn't. Doesn't the text specify that you should try for a tennis ball or something instead, if you use a ladder regularly?
I tried manifestation for a month to get an old friend to forgive me and talk to me again. It didn't work. I read 2 or 3 Neville books and did plenty of techniques. During the day and the night I worked at it in my imagination. She never contacted me. I put my all into this shit so I'm disillusioned to fuck. She was my best friend and I fucked it up so damn bad. We haven't talked for over 5 years now. I tried contacting her once a year ago and she ignored my email. I think about how different my life would be if I hadn't blown it with her. I fucked up so, so bad. Jesus Christ life fucking sucks. I'm so fucking sorry I hurt you, M. Please talk to me again.
No, because the point of doing the ladder exercise is to manifest that you will climb one and then refuse to. You will climb a ladder anyway at some point, you will be forced to.

This is to teach you that no amount of doubts or even active resistance will stop your manifests once they are set. It is Done.
Gotcha, the text I read only described the ladder experiment and not a back up plan
Should have started with the coin flip experiment. Then you would have known that it’s a waste of time. Until you can flip 20 heads in a row, don’t believe in it. If you can’t manifest a simple coin flip, which arguably requires a tiny amount of physical force on each flip, then how do you expect to manifest anything else?

But the cult doesn’t address this question.
just did it, landed 20 heads
where is your basedence now?
I’m calling out a genuine larper. You
Neville didn’t do any wild things actually. He didn’t pretend to be friends with the fae or a vampire or move objects with his mind. His list of miracles is low in terms of that sort of bullshiit
>just a spectator
I can watch football and not participate. I’m sure that football game was real. I’m sure any of your claims are real. In fact none of them are.
>I'm not here to convince you.
You are here to lie and deceive it seems.
No proof
Present based proof. No hacking the website or running away like Lilagoon.


not gonna record myself for a schizo forum just so you two anons could say it's edited lol
This is just proof that trolls won't accept anything as proof anyway.
Yes of course you can’t provide proof. It’s amazing because I did it on that website and it landed on
>it’s side
Second attempt
>coin floats forever
I’m just that good. Those aren’t even options but I got them. I’m just that level of manifestation strength. I’m like Lilanon but less larpy. Of course I said I did this so it’s true right.
>schizo forum
I think we have one genuine schizo on this general here and that’s it. I won’t name him but he thinks he has a spirit wife or some shit,
I’d accept proof of something as proof.
I am not seeing any proof provided.
This is just proof that no one here posted any proof.
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>Also, money on its own isn't inherently useful. Maybe it makes more sense to focus on the actual things you want the money to do for you. The freedom it can give you, and the specific possessions and experiences it can offer.
What you said is a hard pill to eat for some. Part of them go over defensive like you're telling them you can't get money with LoA. Other part of them are so 3D trapped that then can't imagine you can get something without buying it so they focus on "only money". And another part are (auto)trolls whom will push the "you have to desire generational wealth and bitches and nothing else" way of thinking. If you go for what you really want and whatever that implies, the money with follow if is needed.
Manifesting money is the quickest and easiest way to achieve things you want.
Everything you just posted is an attempt to cope with the fact that it seems hard to do this.
Trying to proof something that always includes the "don't believe me, do it and seek the proof yourself" is fool's labor. I can perfectly see someone uploading a video of doing it just to be called a faggot, to get the most pulled from his arse excuse on why it was a natural thingy and not LoA, only for them go to the next scheduled way to troll like "no ears" or something similar.
Never cast pearls before swine, you can't never convince a goblin, etc.
*spirit mother
>second bucket, maybe third one for his way of talking
I see. I get it now. So what you are saying is Lilanon has no ears now. I get it. I understand.
money can actually be a desire in and of itself, if what I really want is not having to work again, a sense of security, and freedom to do what I want, then money is the answer
I don’t think you have the ability to edit a video within a few minutes. I also don’t think you’re a magician. If you filmed a video right now, and you could flip a coin 20 times and get heads, then I’ll stop doubting you. All you need to do is flip the coin randomly a few times to show that it’s a fair coin and that it does have a tails side. If you can’t take this simple video within the next 15 minutes, then you admit defeat
why don't you go try that yourself, and if it fails just gtfo from the thread?
…if it fails, you will just say I didn’t believe hard enough. You act as if you can all do this on demand lol. I accept your concession of defeat though. You clearly can’t do it.
i think i agree. i've been doing the just believe method for a while and tried different approaches but it's not really great. very finicky for me to get to the feeling and when i do it's very fleeting and the slightest thing can kick me out of it and i have to start from scratch. it does work however but only if i put a lot of emotions into it and for a long time which requires a lot of effort and keeping it stable.
imagining things on the other hand if done right does leave a lasting impression. one that can catch you by surprise even if you don't believe it in the slightest haha. but you need to learn to imagine/relax first that is the problem.
Can (normie) Christianity and LOA be reconciled? I don't really want to believe the "I am God" schtick but I do have some specific things I want to manifest using the scripting technique. I'd like to know if any anon here has any perspective on that. Thanks! (Its related to body image issues, and maybe seeking knowledge if that matters)
>you have to leave the thread if you demand something
Holy shit is this a private discord server? We universal line or something now? I’d like mother anon to leave but you don’t see me telling him that all the time.
and if someone flips a coin 20 times in a row and lands heads each time, you'll just say it's a coincidence or that while it's statistically improbable it's still not impossible or some shit
>it's statistically improbable it's still not impossible or some shit
This is true. I don't know why anon would use this as some sort of test.
It’s a pretty sound test. That’s your odds of managing it assuming it’s a fair coin. If it was me I’d ask you to do a video of yourself travelling back through time and redoing your life. Impossible enough?
The odds are extremely low. Like I said, I don’t believe you could fake this within the next 15-30 minutes. I would genuinely take you seriously if you could achieve it.
I would believe they had powers.
Bring someone back from the dead.
Regrow a missing limb.
Turn sand into honey.
if you've already convinced yourself that LoA doesn't work, all you're doing here is wasting time
I’m actually trying to help all of you realize that you’re wasting time by believing in something that doesn’t work.
Exposing charlatans and seeking truth isn't a waste of time
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Anyone improved their eye sigh
>trying to help
no, you're not lol
if it doesn't work, most anons will eventually realize that and drop it, those who stick with it despite not getting any results can't really be helped
My post about how magic and manifestation isn’t real was deleted. Why is that? Are we not allowed to criticize aspects science on the science board? Or of technology on the technology board? Is it because everyone would go into a panic once they realized they can’t even succeed at a simple coin flip experiment?
you don't work your imagination. if you relax nicely your imagination will start working on its own. and you will be getting all the details and sensations automatically with no effort required. how you get there is up to you. i do it by relaxing and kind of focusing but not focusing on my nose and how the air flows through it when i breathe.
People here will report posts that criticize or question their larp.
Not saying this isn't true, but didn't Neville say in his first book that if this didn't work in a short period of time, you should just give up with this and move on? The whole persisting thing seems kind of shady
Neville also couldn't save his own life.
people are desperate and revert back to religion and related belief systems when they feel powerless. All it takes is a simple thought: “maybe I didn’t believe hard enough.” And I’m remedying this issue with a simple experiment. As soon as you are able to flip 20 heads in a row, then you can start trying to manifest a girlfriend or money or whatever. Otherwise, do something that actually works
Although, truthfully, 1 in a million odds are not so low to eventually lead to success for someone, especially if large numbers of people across the world perform this experiment multiple times. Of course we could also just ask them to flip 50 heads, or 100, which will never happen.

But another advantage of this experiment is that people can post proof if they succeed at it. You don’t have people just claiming to have manifested xyz. You can actually take a video of it and prove it.
but you won't believe them still, so what's the point? you're obviously a materialist I-heckin'-love-søyence type
What did Neville, your God, achieve exactly? If he is your master then surely he knows the ins and outs of this practice. So… how did he use it? Besides scamming people into buying his books and watching his TV programs? There are countless grifters just like him.
I’ve already made specific conditions ITT. If someone makes a video within the next 15 minutes flipping 20 heads with a fair coin, then I’ll take the practice seriously and start trying to do it, myself.
Loa anon: This power of belief thing may actually be useful
Sceptical anon: Ok I can accept this might be a thing, but I’m not sure so let me ask the followi…
>suddenly a wild LilAnon appears and jumps in the conversation!
>LilAnon: manifesting paranormal powers is easy I was taught by Lilith and I reversed time! I don’t age! I can teleport!
Sceptical anon: what a crock of shit

Yeah ok so this is the issue. And we didn’t even get to the insane mother anon appearing.
>What did Neville, your God, achieve
No one has ever produced any proof in several hundred threads.
Why did he do it?
Did he mean there are some who don’t try hard enough and shouldn’t waste his time?
Did he mean there are some who it never works for no matter how hard they try and therefore it’s not a universal law?
Did he simply want to weed out those who would not buy and books or attend lectures?
Why did he say this?

Except it can take days to weeks until a scene of "20 flipped heads" can be impressed upon subconscious. Nobody yet can believe he can flip 20 heads in 15 minutes
how convenient that the success or failure is determined by the belief of the person, which is determined by what’s normal and expected in life. If I say “fine, then take a month to think about it, but flip 40 coins so I know that you haven’t just been testing it randomly and trying to get lucky” then you will say “oh! But then I would need more time to impress the subconscious!”

Give me a break.
Are you still in this thread?
Wouldn't having previous success in manifesting boost one's belief in it enough so that they could believe that anything is possible, and therefore decrease the time it would take to manifest? If belief is all it took, and if I already succeeded in manifesting, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to manifest flipping 20 a coin on heads instantly
Lilanon just flew over my mobile home
Did he have vampire or fairy wings? Or was he just levitating?

Yeah eventually. Like getting 5 heads, then 10 heads etc
Water wings, like you would wear in a pool
Why the build up?
nta but it has kinda gone that way for me, my guess is there's some sort of background scale going on, you believe things work X way so they are, the only rule is that the first rule is immutable (assumptions become reality), Y loa manifestation... thingy shakes your belief in X, causing you to believe X(90)Y(10), process continuing from there until you manage to fully accept and sustain Y.
And yet this guy >>39065275 managed to do it immediately lol. Maybe you should ask him how he did it
What about actual schizophrenics? I mean take someone who vehemently believes without doubt, for example. Someone who is so sure that they can fly, yet they can never do it. Why is that?
to filter out the normie muggles like these two coinflippers
see that's where solipsism comes in
this is a good point there are a lot of crazies out there who believe the weirdest shit imaginable but their beliefs never materialize
skill issue on my part that I haven't, doesn't make it all false
but desu my life has been going swimmingly lately
too unstable a state to really manifest much besides pain, this is what external help is for
You have to prove it yourself, you’re in your own reality
these are people who believe without a single doubt. You might say that state alone is more stable than the average person can achieve
Then what are you doing in my reality?
I am now in your reality. You can't wish me away.
you forgot to disable multiplayer in the start menu, you dunce
imagine telling someone they’re in their own reality while believing that you yourself are in your own reality. You’re talking to no one, moron
and all the while you're just a figment of MY imagination
Yet you have no control over me
Why does anyone even post here if they think they are the only thing in their own reality? Why argue with themselves?
So then it doesn’t make sense to talk about my reality if I’m just one of your dream characters. You can’t have it both ways. But that’s the type of cognitive dissonance these ideas lead to. You’re not God, bro. Give it a rest.
Sir, this is a visual novel.
>I’m calling out...
You're not qualified to.

>Neville didn’t do any wild things actually
He had some cool friends:

"Many years ago, I was taken in spirit into a Divine Society, a Society of men in whom God is awake. Though it may seem strange, the gods do truly meet. As I entered this society, the first to greet me was the embodiment of infinite Might. His was a power unknown to mortals. I was then taken to meet infinite Love. He asked me, 'What is the greatest thing in the world?' I answered him in the words of Paul, 'faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love' (1Cor. 13:13). At that moment, he embraced me and our bodies fused and became one body. I was knit to him and loved him as my own soul. The words, 'love of God' so often a mere phrase, were now a reality with a tremendous meaning. Nothing ever imagined by man could be compared with this love which man feels through his union with Love. The most intimate relationship on earth is like living in separate cells compared with this union. While I was in this state of supreme delight, a voice from outer space shouted, 'Down with the blue bloods!' At this blast, I found myself standing before the one who had first greeted me, he who embodied infinite Might. He looked into my eyes and without the use of words or mouth, I heard what he told me: 'Time to act.' I was suddenly whisked out of that Divine Society and returned to earth. I was tormented by my limitations of understanding but I knew that on that day the Divine Society had chosen me as a companion and sent me to preach Christ - God’s promise to man."

Neville Goddard
The Law and the Promise

Also there was that time he sent his spirit to Barbados when a family member's son was dying. Kind of a dick move, he could have gone there in person to help out but he was not fully in the human realm at that point.

>I can watch football and not participate
Yes, this is exactly like that. We are getting paid to entertain you.
I’m talking to myself and so are you, midwit
You’re right, but not in the way you believe. We share the same world. Neither of us can change the whole world at will like a God. Everyone here professes to be the “operant power” but they have nothing to show for it. Pathetic.
Speak for yourself, you who cannot even produce a ladder to climb or a parking spot… wake up! Your doubt is making you disabled like a little retard in a wheelchair getting wheeled around by your subconscious
>Can (normie) Christianity and LOA be reconciled?
Not really. Jesus was a LOA. The Church subverts his teachings.

You can't serve 2 masters.
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>I don't know why anon would use this as some sort of test.
Lack of imagination. You can tell they have gambling on their mind.

We already BTFO of that troll, multiple Anons posted 10 in a row almost immediately and he simply moved the goalposts. Now it's 20.

So. Boring.
>You’re not qualified to
Anyone is qualified to criticise you. You don’t like it because you are a larper
>Many years ago
Generic preacher Christian stuff. He isn’t doing anything here
>Also there was that time he sent his spirit to Barbados
This was his astral projection type thing. As you say it’s just not as cool as what you claim to do.
>We are getting paid to entertain you.
Lilanon gloiwe theory updated.
Finally Lilanon delivers proof!
Is this even your own work….
>I would genuinely take you seriously
...And that means what exactly? Why is that valuable?
1/1000 chance repeated multiple times by multiple people. That’s easily explainable with simple probability. Whereas you’re claiming to be able to manifest riches and girlfriends from across the world. So why can’t you flip 20 or 30 heads? We all know why.
Ehhhhhh oh well I guess
>Loa anon: This power of belief thing may actually be useful
>Sceptical anon: Ok I can accept this might be a thing, but I’m not sure
Wait, so your argument is that we should not talk about our better successes because...you are trying to play missionary with LOA???

This is not a cult or religion. This is a method. Use it or not. This is /x/, not /sci/- there are no "skeptical anons" here- there are only the ones who are ready to believe and the ones who aren't.
>This is a method
>This is /x/, not /sci/

There seems to be some confusion here.
>Is this even your own work….
Of course, search the archives. The coin flip bs has been going on at least that long. So boring.
I doubt you no more.
They call him king.
Now I too call him king.
He's not gonna fuck you, anon.
Reminder that Neville died broke and alone from alcohol poisoning.
Here's some recent proof for the manbabies who can't spoonfeed themselves:
Then you're gonna move goalposts as always.
proof of what?
We don't know whose money that is or how they really came by it
Some people will get lucky. Yeah that’s how probability works. If this shit actually worked then everyone would be successful. You just don’t see as much of the failures because they’re not as eager to talk about anything. They don’t get updoots either. And yet there are still plenty of people asking questions because they have yet to succeed. But those give up normally walk away and stay quiet. You don’t hear from them.
reminder that you will too
you're proving his point dumbfuck
>but… but we don't know how they got the money!!
>there is a statistical chance that they found an envelope with the money on the street!!1
the goalposts will always be on the horizon
It's funny how the machine works i was imagining a pregnant lady as a proof because i didn't do the ladder technique and now i saw one right beside my house crazy coincidence.
I have no doubt that the law works. Im just having a bit of trouble in shifting my mindset from poor to rich well i never been on the streets i guess not that poor
>buy my books, I’m God
I have that much money, I could go to the bank and post a photo of it here, it’s not that hard
what exactly is this supposed to prove?
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Woahhh look what I’m reading right now it talks about that verse. Sign
why don't you?
I’m not deluded by fantasy crap about being god. Watch this: I hereby manifest that all of your manifestations won’t work anymore and that everything you do is, at best, a simple fact of statistics. Few will get lucky but most won’t. I genuinely believe with all my heart that this is so. If LoA isn’t real then it isn’t real. And even if it is real, then it still isn’t real, because I just made it so.
Yup, but I'm not delusional about it the way schizos here are who think they will die as some wealthy billionaire vampires.
so you don't have that much money in the bank, got it anon, it's okay to be poor, you can turn it around with LoA though like that other anon did
Was this supposed to be an own or something? Do you think $21k is some staggering amount of money? Are you from India?
and you think that photo had a lot? It was $3,000 max lol
riiight, like it doesn't take 2 minutes to photoshop it
I experimented with deep focused SATS and at one point the characters started acting on their own I found it very nice hahah
Also they felt much more real and better so I got it figured on that part
I guess I just don't understand what you meant to prove with a photo of your extremely average investment account. LoA isn't real because you made a 0.39% gain today? LoA isn't real because you could buy a used Hyundai with your stock gainz? Have you considered that maybe he only wanted $3k in cash?

I don't manifest money. I just get shit for free.
No it's real. No one would photoshop an account this average. This is like bragging about a 5" dick.
>>This is /x/, not /sci/
>There seems to be some confusion here.
Yes, you are posting on /x/ right now, not /sci/. You seem very confused about that.

>This is a method
Yes, and so is basket weaving. Do you consider that /sci/?
I dunno, I'd definitely photoshop an average amount because it'd be the most believable. Only a complete retard would photoshop more than millions.
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daily reminder that healing through visualization is real
then why couldn't Napoleon Bonaparte's son regrow his ears?
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doubters will seethe
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well, grow, not regrow, he was born without them
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goalposts all around
basket weaving makes use of nuanced mathematical/geometrical patterns
the point is that there's no difference in the two images as far as proof goes
one photo is evidently harder than the other to fake though
Absolutely, but there's nothing to suggest that the claims made about either are either true or false.
I don’t even know what I want to manifest anymore it’s all so empty and pointless
if it isn't real, why hasn't the concept died in its infancy? people would've tried it, failed, and moved on
So I've been manifesting my ex back
Had the feeling I reached my sabbath even though I've been having dreams that show the opposite and awaking numb in a state of numbness. Even with all that I know that it is to come and that it is my desire.
Well today she posted a photo implying a 3rd person. Don't really know how I feel now. I want to precist but my head feels like it's going to explode.
Any advice?
apply this argument to literally any wacko belief. The answer is
1) people are gullible, wishful, and desperate
2) selection bias

Most people don’t succeed. Only a minority are lucky enough to have successful manifestations, and even then it’s usually a vague relation to what they wanted. People who don’t manifest also have good things happen to them, they just don’t use confirmation bias along the way to falsely attribute causes to normal events. Anyone can have faith in manifestation and find ways to believe in it, by simply focusing on everything good that happens and ignoring the times it doesn’t work. But there’s a simple way to prove if it’s real and that is to flip a coin and get 20+ heads in a row. If you can’t do it then you’re just lying to yourself.
Keep going what other options do you have. You can be negative and give up so you guarantee a failure or keep persisting like you already have your ex and wait for her to reach out or a bridge of incidence
true. you could still be disappointed to your progress
>They simply allow and it happens.
everyone on earth is so deep in games that no sort of realization has to stop the acts of magic and other work
i mean, do nothing but allow is unlikely to be the life for any master
I just repeat everything works out and it does. My life has gotten so much easier. I get manifestations just sometimes I’m too lazy to embed my subconscious
Can you guys give me some ideas for a first thing to try manifesting as a beginner
I don't feel like climbing a stupid ladder
sealed packet of sour patch kids on a morning walk
random tiddy flash
A specific snack or meal that you want to try or haven't had in years.

Good practice: altering the weather so it suits you better
Manifesting luck is always a good one if you can't think of others.

What's getting you down Anon?
Is it just simple confidence? Is this why schizos beat to shit by their own internal monologue can't manifest?
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>Only a minority are lucky enough to have successful manifestations
What's wrong with that? I'm sensing sour grapes here- you tried this and you weren't willing to fully commit to it and now all you have is your alternate method that doesn't work as well.

LOA is something you have to be ready for, and for reasons that are probably alien to you right now. You think you want an easy button to "win" everything.

You do, and then what?

>normal events
lol. The 3d is REAL! I can touch it!

> But there’s a simple way to prove if it’s real
And you'll still believe it's not. Why? Because your ego can't handle the idea that some "nobody" can do it better than you.
>Is it just simple confidence?
Thoughts held with conviction(Belief/faith)

> Is this why schizos beat to shit by their own internal monologue can't manifest?
They are absolutely manifesting- they are manifesting their problems and internal conflicts.

This is a frequent question that comes up, "Why aren't insane people master manifesters?"

Some of them are. We call those nutcases "successful" and "geniuses." The ones having more problems have deeply held unhealthy beliefs towards themselves.

Be kind to yourself- you're all that you have.
A Pregnant women,A dog of a particular breed of your choosing,beehive,A rare fruit that doesn't grow in your city you can imagine yourself eating that fruit. The texture,smell etc.
>do nothing but allow is unlikely to be the life for any master
The fact that you don't understand this is why you aren't more successful with this. You're treating this like some sort of occult practice, when it's the power of the Creator.

There is no way to quantify a LOAnon's ability to manifest, because it's all in what they are able to allow themselves. The most common blocks here are for money, relationships and health. Many Anons can do one or more of those easily without special effort, but have difficulties with the other(s) because they think they should be hard.

This is one of the reasons I laugh when Anons with an occult background come in here trying to use old hierarchies from their previous systems here- they simply don't work. Reading/studying more theory does not make you better at this.
after enlightenment, chop wood carry water
the wood could be willed to appear in neat piles, the water could take care of itself, yet the practices continue
resting as the one who observes perfection gets boring, why not work with god as god by doing ritualistic acts?
>after enlightenment
Don't take someone's word for that. Things really do change for you.

>why not work with god as god by doing ritualistic acts?
You are god. You will realize that and realize you are just going through the motions when you do.

I'm still going through the motions because I have not let go of the idea that interacting with people is meaningful. I know it's not, but in line with my main manifesting strength, people were the most important thing in my life to me.
can thinking of a possible middle name in my head a lot, cause the newborn baby of someone near me to receive it as a middle name?
>There is no way to quantify a LOAnon's ability to manifest
Sure there is:
Top tier
>I manifested a billion
Good tier
>I cured baldness (most loa gurus can’t do this)
Ok tier
>improved life
Basic tier
>ladders everywhere
Shit tier
>I had a dream and next day I think I saw something similar. It’s working guys
Mother-anon tier
>I convinced the people that mange my money to buy me RAM
savage because true
>you are just going through the motions
>no meaning
These takes are common in non-dual circles, I AM realization proves these as wrong or lacking.
All the highest truths are paradoxical, no meaning yet infinite meaning, God can imagine boundless meaning for every act.
How do you get a sp to restart a tex convo. All the contact irl is going great but I want to get the ball rolling more.
I fall asleep during visualisation too fast, and I don't feel like affirmations are working.
trying to quantify people's achievements is low vibration thought and only serves to make it harder than it needs to be. if you want something and you get it you have successfully manifested, it's as simple as that.
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coping with failures is the lowest low, should you use silver linings to justify your path... or is it the time for radical new beginnings
what have you manifested?
nothing, i am a filthy loser so now you can feel good about yourself
you are merely using me as a flesh mirror to cope with your own failures, this is so simple that even someone like me can do it so why can't you?
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Based Post.

Look at the picture and you'll understand the LOA version of "Money is an Energy" and how it flows. If you want to manifest money then you have to have the proper framework of reality that every LOA guru teaches.

That framework is that there exists a GOD and God Creates Life through circulation of some unknown energy. Everything in existence comes from this unknown energy. This includes cash, credit and other forms of Fiat currency.

If You want money then you have to keep the Money Energy circulating. like god keeps Life Energy flowing through plants, trees, animals and humans.

There's no difference between Money and the desire you want. the picture should demystify this for you. If you want a big house, a jet or to party then manifest that. If you want money in order for you to get a big house, a jet or to party then you're dealing with money energy.

You have to expect money to come to you and accept it when it does. Then You have to spend money like you don't need it and expect it to keep showing up for you from an Infinite supply known as GOD.

Go read any loa book and you'll see what i mean. You either manifest your desires directly or you have to deal with the "Money is Energy" paradigm. Either way believing in an Abundance God or Infinite supply God helps.

pro-tip stay away from the jewish desert demon god of the old testament. He's a trickster and every jew in existance will burn in his hell realm when they die. kek.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
in truth i just decided to drop my whole life, not because anything was wrong but because fearless new beginnings are nice. why have another winter in finland when i can be at ??? doing ??? with ???
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i love finland, it is my home. there is no other like it and there is nowhere else i'd rather live in. i too am going through fearless new beginnings but i choose to remain silent about them right now.
Why do you think you didnt already have that experience?

Who is telling you that you didnt? Some fake memories aliens implanted in you?

You were born in Japan and you already had the HS experience of being ostracized for being another race than Uber Japanese.

Jokes aside, you really were born in Japan and you had it. But you are now 20 so now its time for Japanese 20s University experience, so why not "its done" that.

I was not big on revision but it works also. The thing is, you have to really care about feeling good. It seems funny, but people care about being right more than about feeling good. They have their egos invested into being hurt or fucked or victimized.

If you care about your Joy, you will revise anything. The whole LOA thing is about caring about your Joy and focusing on what makes you happy.

Revision is the easiest type of manifesting because the situation is already in your imagination lol. Your memories are inside you.
You could no joke have implanted memories so why not choose what makes you happy.

BUT if you dont care about past but want to have 20s in Japan, then script for that. Personally Im more into present than past, but I did use revision so powerfully that I didnt need to revise the revision lol after just one reading it worked.
You are the greatest failure.
>low vibration though
There’s no such thing, this is new age garbage. But if it was a thing, your obsessions and thoughts are of the lowest and most base level so you should shut the fuck up.
why are you so obsessed with him, he your boyfriend or something?
To follow up on that, would a personality based test like assuming myself more confident/less anxious in social spaces be a good first try or should I start with something simpler like a tennis ball like that one anon said? And can one combine LoA with lucid dreaming?
This is my first post in this thread.
Why do you care, are you his little bitch or something?
Revision doesn’t work that way. Neville confirmed. Larper detected.
>And can one combine LoA with lucid dreaming?
Sure but why. Let me guess you can’t do either yet but for some reason you want to do both. Makes no sense.
Things are only simple or complex if you judge them in such a way. Don't overthink it; if you can manifest a ladder or tennis ball, you just repeat the process but replace the word/image of the tennis ball with the thing you actually want.

I do suggest reading >>39053071 because the post encapsulates the ease of an ideal manifestation. Everyone's experienced feeling lucky at some point, even if it was back in grade school; hold that feeling knowing it to be true, and it'll kick in. There should be no need to struggle because "it" already "is."
anyone gonna bake?
Anyone got results from UL?
Hope not but do it yourself.
Doubt it but whatever just believe.
Let's say i want a bunker built with specific parameters, a house and a lifestyle in which i can purchase anything i need and desire without any problem, from house renovations and repairs, to buying business shares to maintain the money flow, to leisures of any kind, should i just aim for this result rather than money itself?
retards will say yes, but money is evidently what you're going for
otherwise you can monkey paw yourself into renting a house and investing into penny stocks or crypto semi-successfully
Get money bro.

Fun fact i tried the money hub part, but the money i made escaped my pockets just as quickly as i made it, it clearly works, i just missed the important piece of keeping that money from evaporating and multiplying the amount.
I just affirm that I have more than enough money. When I start to reach the end of funds something always pops up and i get a little boost until the next pay day.
and yet you still have to work
You missed one:
>Troll-anon tier
>>Can't do any of them

I think it's hilarious that you basically scream out what your problem is: You can't manifest large sums of money. Your obsession in the 3d makes that that hard for you.

So much of that makes sense with your repeated comments about how rich people would never hang out here. You can't assume the state of being rich and you wallow in the 3d, so you can't possibly understand how people who are rich might be interested in the paranormal.

What a sad state. If I thought it made you happy I'd say "enjoy" but it just makes you a miserable mess. Only you can find a better state for yourself. Maybe those billions you so fervently desire.
hi LilAnon. how do I manifest a big dick goth tranny mommy gf?
hi LilAnon, how can we manifest a new thread?
>Neville confirmed
Neville confirmed how? Source material states the thing changes based on the new assumption. I can confirm based on independent experience.
You could just make one. I will if no one else gets to it.
Let’s review
>There is no way to quantify a LOAnon's ability to manifest
They got quantified right here >>39069791
don’t like it? Too bad. It’s quantified!
The rest of your post is irrelevant. Admit you were wrong and return to larping.
but that wouldn't be inspired action
Neville confirmed it wasn’t actually changing the past event just your view on it to improve your current situation and future.
The original event is unchanged, he still remembers it.
Your version is completely different and is actual time travel. Not that I believe you but that’s the main difference.
How to correctly manifest a love relationship with "I am" scripting? Give me your best ideas for sentences.
I have been studying UL materials lately. And last few days I'm at a point where I pretty much get it. I been only doing one 5 minute session cuz I don't think I need more

Anyone else feels the same?
>They got quantified right here
I was being polite. Your tiers suck and have no basis how LOA actually works, they are just a reflection of your current mindframe.

It was at least a little humorous, a supposed man of /sci/ posting something of such obvious subjective bias.
>Neville confirmed it wasn’t actually changing the past
Post the material where he says this. I do when confirming his viewpoint.

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