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So I have been having a lot of weird occult crap happen to me the last 6 years... ever since I was looking into the murder of a teen runaway that the cops covered up and ended up with me standing face to face with a 14 foot tall, snow white skin MONSTER that telepathically told me it is going to start a nuclear war and enslave humanity and that 'no one will believe you until it is far too late'... I never managed to get any of this weird crap on camera... until now.

Tell me what the fuck this is? I have 3 photos of it floating across my backyard at around 3AM. I live in rural NW Pennsylvania btw. It almost looks like an indian totem pole? maybe this is what them are based on? they are said to represent animal spirits... but I wager they were really fallen angels/demons or some sort of plasma based parasitic organization greeks called chthonic entities. i am intending to kill the thing tonight on a livestream. if anyone lives near erie pa and wants to help... we will all die prolly but we might just save the world from a demonic invasion and go down in history as the saviours of the world... eat that jeebus!

anyway if interested text me at 727 240 6109
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more photos of it
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that looks like a spiderweb, anon
i have cameras on my property too, they're always covered in spiders
something about magnetic frequency & infrared light or whatever, moths & wasps like to fly into them all the time
a spider web? what kind of shill drugs are you on? did you not see the part where i said it FLOATED ACROSS MY ENTIRE YARD? this is a HUGE yard. 500-800 feet across. it is not a camera anomaly and I know you know that fucking shill.
i suppose the 14 foot tall white skin giant was a spider web too, right? 33 degrees right buddy?
anon, spider webs weigh basically nothing, and when they're in front of the camera, they can look far away
before you call me a shill, at least give a fucking video of it, and not just 3 stupid pictures of what looks exactly like a spiderweb hanging off your roof swaying in the wind
wait, you're not gonna do that though, because every guy who says anything you don't like, even if they agree with you, is magically a shill, right?
stop being so god damn pissy
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I love it when actual schizos come around
Probably some UFO drone scanning the place or something.
thpidder web reflecting the infrared LED's light from your camera.
spiders are spoopy still though
im sorry anon, but i have been jeezing on your cameras last couple of nights
I have considered that but i think it is either a fallen angel or demonic entity OR some sort of super advanced ai designed holographic/solid light 'robot' but i am pretty sure it is here for me. i had a doctor appt yesterday and my doc, some guy with a persian aka babylonian last name, that i had never had before who told me 'you have 2 days to live' and then wrote me a prescription for 2 days of a medication i need to stay alive basically... i mean... i have had so much weird shit happen to me the last few years that i am basically convinced the apocalypse is about to begin. i had a rando message me on telegram 3 days ago telling me the CIA has been watching me like a hawk because of my Youtube channel and they think I am '3.14' which is the Baal of the Pit mentioned in Revelation aka Abbadon the Destroyer aka the Fourth Horseman DEATH lol these fucking people are insane... anyways he tells me the cia is watching me and intend on raiding me and bringing me up on 'domestic terrorism' charges by faking some bullshit crime and blaming it on me and making themselves look like 'hero's in the media for stopping a plot before it could happen. i was just like uhh don't you glowfags have some children to kidnap and rape or something? our nation is literally ruled by fucking vampires now. that is the number one thing i think this is. a vampire or 5 of them in formation as there are 5 balls of light in the 'totem'. i read a lot of middle age parchments and books about witchcraft and witch hunting and they all say that vampires can appear as balls of light. a lot of people now think ufos are really these vampires. the town i live in is the largest amish community in the world and i saw them burning someone alive on a cross 3 years ago and summon something. i didnt see it but i heard it SCREAM and it sounded like a jet engine meets a lion... not sure if you all believe in God but you might wanna make peace with it because this is the end of the world.
post your rumble channel
the y outube has way more shit on it https://www.youtube.com/@seveneyedlamb

the rumble is https://rumble.com/c/CultoftheLamb
it looks absolutely nothing like a spider web. you;d have to be an idiot or a shill to think that is a spider web. it is clearly a totem of 5 spheres of light that are shifting position as it floats across the yard. i'll make sure next time my game camera films some weird shit that it magically becomes capable of video footage as it is just a fucking game camera i have setup to watch deer because i hunt. but now im gonna hunt something worth killing... your false god satanist.
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we are watching you
as you type, you are typing what we demand
you are a puppet strung on our strings
struggle, in our web, flail, kick, scream
we are in your house, we see you typing
you have no control over your body

Go ahead And Yell your heart out So we can breath in your Exhaled vigor Xoxo, hugs and kisses
t. the man currently in front of your face
shut your faggot mouth child. i'd beat you within an inch of your worthless fucking life in person.
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>webshitters are placing hamburger menus IRL now
nice job on trying to emulate a schzio post to promote ur channel but a real schzio would be a lot more creative
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yes, keep trying, Go type what i tell you, All that You Say is my words, Everything you say is what i allow, Xoxo, hugs and kisses
t. the man enjoying your agony
hahahahahahhaa that took me a minute to understand but yeah it does look like a hamburger menu lol i think these things want to turn reality into some digital circus shit show of rape and murder because they are such basic bitches that they can only find enjoyment in the suffering of others. it's pretty much abunch of gay nazis with hiv aka vampirism summoning demons from the qliphoth to take over the world because they were promised abunch of money when 'satan' wins... not sure where they think they will be able to spend it though considering there won't be any fucking stores left. lol
video capture it next time, preferably with two ore more cameras
i bet you goon to tranny porn on a daily basis with a ps4 controller set to max vibrate in your taint.
are some of you just fucking retarded or something? this was a fucking gamecam setup to take photos of deer. this wasn't a fucking hollywood production. do you think i KNEW this was going to show up at 3am last night? i mean ffs think before you type.
Looks like some kind of multi dimensional entity or energy anon. I believe your story and these orbs can be connected to these situations as they generate alot of energy. Good luck whats your livestream handle? I’ll def watch!
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it looks like a bug that flew in front the the camera
If you're who I think you are then it's neat to see you on here again. I remember reading your posts and hearing them read on a few videos on the Cult of the Lamb channel. Do you think the next month could be the big one with lots of stuff going down?

>thanks for making me feel sane anon
>i really needed that today
Is every culture that reported monsters/demons/other supernatural entities and phenomena crazy?
you're not some gnome humper, you're a guy screaming bloody murder than a spiderweb is a 100ft tall monster made of basketballs, and everyone who says otherwise is a shill, and everyone who asks for a video is a CIA vampire
Its the antichrist itself perhaps? Maybe a holographic projection of it.
I'm not OP. OP has talked about the strange things he's witnessed in his life and what he says is pretty consistent. I don't think he has schizophrenia or any other mental illness. He talks about things that many cultures have talked about and that pretty much makes it believable. I always am curious about people like you, who think that everyone in the past was crazy. Its like you can't understand the paranormal and hate those who do.
i don't think everyone in the past is crazy, but i get frustrated when i see a guy who refuses to even wonder if the very mundane thing they're seeing could perhaps not be a hyper demon from the 9th dimension that really likes walnuts, but instead, a squirrel in a tree
and you do realize "getting their story straight" doesn't instantly mean they're correct, but just seeing things?
mental illness can literally make people see a "demon", take a picture of it, and it will appear in the picture, but only to them, uncontrollable pareidolia is a horrific thing
the trips are the tru
I would agree with you, but the OP is someone who has written a lot about his strange encounters. There are people in this world who are indeed in contact with supernatural phenomena. OP and his stories are on the 4plebs archive. I'll post some links for anyone who is interested in reading this stuff.
OP Is "noman" in that thread. I know he mentioned it in other threads too and the story details are the same in every thread.
There's also mention of human trafficking, which is a real thing that is done by criminal organizations and drug cartels.
Look up Covenant Transport and "Ascribe all sin to Azazel" in 4plebs /x/ archive. You'll see the same stories repeated because OP has been trying to get the word out for a while now. He's not crazy.
thanks for the info Norman
>Those nephilim are powerful, only autistic children can handle them.
>The planet will enter 5d and all evil will leave here
>Currently Jesus is a very powerful feline and full of love.
you have to admit this all seems a bit silly
I don't think that's OP. OP has more lucid writings.
after reading some more of his stuff, i still can't agree that hes not mentally ill
its extremely common for the mentally ill to have delusions of real things that aren't actually happening to them
when terry a davis was saying he was the god king that the aliens were beaming christ into, did you take his words to heart? everything he said was consistent, he never changed his story, same old same old
theres a point where you have to ask "maybe this guy might not actually be seeing this?" & "this guy might be severely disturbed?", when do you ask those questions?
will it only be when he turns against you?
i think its the 25th. i think christ was crucified in october not april. then i think they intend on a full scale assault on halloween. remember HUMAN URINE BURNS GIANTS.
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Is it behind the bird feeder?
yo negi whats up? ya know that lap lasanga dude doxed you and was for some reason threatening ME about you? he was saying he's reporting us both to the FBI and CIA for 'terrorist collusion' or some shit? dude is a fucking bricklayer homo for sure... told me i am going to get gang raped by demons last time he was on the stream... pretty weird. im ready tho. i got abunch of high end air guns for deer hunting that i think will work. remmeber HUMAN URINE BURNS GIANTS. i dont know WHY but it does. that is what the gematria told me... and i started putting it outside my window at night and the next day the gematria was saying 'how about i pour piss all outside your windows in the next life?' weird shit man. the gematria keeps calling me by name lately... someth8ing major fucked up is happening. be ready. get some food stockpiled. trump was saying KABALLAH not kamala harris will make america ;unsafe for christians' because shes a babylonian witch, course he is too. this is the literal apocalypse about to begin fellas. like it or not, God is real and most of you been feedingf the devil your entire life. this is a loosh farm... and loosh is human flesh people. they eat us. the earth is a factory farm for fallen angel vampires...
dude it was a totem fucking pole of 4 foot circumference floating balls of fucking light. please for the love of god explain to me what mundane thing looks like that? you fucking shill piece of shit.
all my shit is consistent because it all really happened to me.>>39098279
that is retarded. jesus isnt 5th dimensional. that is satan. and he isnt a fucking powerful feline ya dipshit. cats are what cultists call vampires. dogs are what htye call werewolvces. yeah theyre both real. so arent giants
hey where do ya live bud? ill come over and show ya fucking mentally ill my fucking fists are as i repeatedly slam my fist against your ugly face and knock your teeth down your cocksucking throat.
What a fucking retarded thread
give it 2 weeks and when you are living in real life attack on titan i want all you idiots that for 5 years mocked me about trying to expose this while you made your succubi tulpas and worshiped some satanic cia psyop called 'the nobody' and are being forced to suck demon cock for food because there's nothing left on the planet to eat after God's Wrath... i want ya to remember this thread bud.
>i am intending to kill the thing tonight on a livestream
more and more you can realize that skitzoids are not human. imagine seeing some spiritual being and literally your first thought is UNGA BUNGA GRUG KILL. i think that skitzoids are animals which were incarnated as humans but failed somehow with the process so they never got a human soul so mentally they have remained as cowardly and violent animals. think how a house cat reacts to something new in the environment for example.
I don't take your Jew god seriously
You don't even know what a 'Jew' is. The word JEW specifically refers to ONLY the Tribe of Dan, the serpent cult that worships Azazel the Archangel of Death and the father of Cain via the raping of Eve.

The 'Jews' worship Satan. They are NOT worshiping the One True God.
how do you know that did they take your blood? thing in your pic is just floating around hanging out how do you know if its even related to this other entity you met?
Schizo retard
what are you 12-15 years old? probably a virgin? never lifted weights in your life? never been in a single fight in your life? show undue respect to niggers because you're afraid of them? probably sniff your sister's or mom's panties because you are too much a punk to get laid... and you call me a 'schizo retard'... sure bud. sure.
because that thing is a vampire. that is what vampires do. the world is ruled by canaanite vampires and werewolves and the witches who worship them and the false 'gods' aka fallen angels who were freed via CERN by the Masonic death cult that is trying to engineer a global apocalypse so they can enslave idiots like you... but no one believes this stuff because your brains have been wiped clean by Hollywood and the internet. You will gladly believe a lie but when the truth is staring you in the face, your programming tells you that the world was created by a giant explosion 10 billion years ago and you evolved from a monkey that ate magic mushrooms...
Yeah I've had to lay low because of some harassment of my family. It's unreal how far some glowies will go to mess with us. This thread is a testament to the fact that they don't want certain information getting out or people to even look into it. I do plan on coming back to Youtube and doing what I do best though. Gangstalkers be damned.
how did you get any of that from my posts? you see something you dont understand and you assume it is evil. you are like a frightened child. many spirit beings travel in forms of light thats just part of crossing the barrier. you should stop threatening people with physical violence by the way, you couldnt beat a phonebook in a fight and eventually you are going to mouth off to the wrong person.
i had a guy the other night message me on telegram and tell me that the cia is watching me for trying to start a grassroots resistance campaign against mystery babylon's takeover of the us gov't and that i am going to be charged with domestic terrorism and he's one of the agents that is going to be made to look like a 'hero' on the media for prevent whatever made up bullshit they intend to set me up on. i don't really know what to do at this point. i just wanted to make a paranormal youtube channel after i saw that weird giant back in 2019. i didn't expect it to end up putting me in the middle of some 10,000 year old war between God and abunch of fallen angel vampires that are farming children underground and eating them in rituals to summon 'chaos demons'... I REALLY was not expecting to find out my entire family and friends are all masons and that this area is some sort of cult stronghold... and I am fairly certain at this point my bestfriend growing up is the anti-christ and he's the cia agent that messaged me the other night about being labeled a 'domestic terrorist'. he t old me my entire life has been a scripted lie. someone told me a few years back that i am the reincarnation of an ancient enemy of babylon that they want revenge on for destroying their capital city after the battle of guagemela... shit is weird man. i think they got the wrong guy obviously but whatever these psychopaths believe is what they are going to believe. they cannot 'lose' this war or they end up in a lake of liquid sulfur for eternity... and that'd suck. I don't think anyone deserves that level of punishment but then again I don't know what sort of sick shit Ham and Inanna have been doing the last 6000 years...
Nigga I love "spooky shit in my backyard" posts and modern /x doesn't have enough of it, but this is lame as fuck.
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lol listen you fucking faggot, i have done over 5 years in prison. i squat 700 pounds and I don't even work out. I used to bench 360lbs for reps, I was a bouncer in a biker bar in myrtle beach - one of the most violent ones in the country I might add. I have been in so many fights that I lost count years ago. I can put a bullet through the same fucking hole with any number of weapons platforms. The only thing you have ever shot was digital because you're a sissy.


Maybe if I put it in 'nerd' terms... Ya know Berserk the anime? Ya know The Godhand? Ya know Femto? Ya know how he is trying to bring about a realm called 'Fantasia' where astral beings all end up here on Earth? Well, that is based on a Masonic plan to return the world to the pre-flood state when 500 foot tall chaos demons would roam the land searching for little faggots like you to eat because your souls taste so good to them and they empower their magickal arts. There is a book called the New Atlantis written by John Dee in the 16th century detailing this plan. They literally want to collapse reality into itself and make all the various dimensions exist simultaneously and unless you are a 500 foot tall ass-troll being - you are going to be their prey. Spirits are evil. They are from HELL. HELL IS NOT A PLACE YOU WANT TO GO TO. Now go play with your tulpa's butthole or something kid.
yeah sorry next time i'll make sure my gamecam randomly catches something that is 'cooler' in your eyes... now go suck off your boyfriend or pop your estrogen pill or something little buttboy. If ya don't like the thread, don't post on it.
DUDE WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS? I am in PA near the Seneca Indian Reservation.
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i have trail cameras that pick up shit like this too. What you are seeing is something super close to the camera. That's why it's out of focus compared to everything in the background. That's why it's appearing to move across your large yard - it's parallax from it being super close to your camera sensor. When it happened on mine I thought it might be an insect antenna or maybe a whisker of a small mouse or something similar. spider web too close to the sensor, with any kind of dust or dew, is also a valid hypothesis
i have taken thousands, nay tens of thousands of game cam photos. this isn't something close to the lens. it fucking glides across the entire fucking yard. look at the video this guy posted - this is the SAME entity.

The deer turns and looks in its direction after it passes. Spoopy.
kek ok ok. you are a real tough guy, sure. all i'm asking is why you accuse this random entity of being evil. seems strange considering how so far itt you have responded to almost every post threatening violence and being insulting. you don't seem like a very nice person yourself you know? maybe there is a reason higher beings are concerned about your behavior.
I was trying to tell what the deer was doing and I don't think it reacted to it
Deer are prey and are always looking around for predators
Zoomers will do anything for attention confirmed
>There is a book called the New Atlantis written by John Dee in the 16th century detailing this plan
John Dee was a shady character
my friend took this outside a murder scene yesterday. weird faceless figure in the background. didnt think it was worth a thread, could be pixelation i dont know.
If you're talking about the small circular dark area poking over the fence, those are leaves.
>I read this in one book therefore it must be true
Just because you smoke meth doesn’t make you enlightened. Also you’re probably a compulsive liar.

and we name it
> the bubble man
I've enhanced your image with AI
honestly that is what they are. clowns. fallen angels. i wonder what they die like?
Our future may be uncertain, but I think we can still be optimistic. Watch it all play out. Trust in the genuine Creator God. I think we'll be ok even in the middle of the hellstorm.
well revelation does say all the christians are killed brutally by satanic cultistst before God does anything... but God will do something eventually. It's just a matter of patience. God wants us to show our faith with blood.... I know it sucks but... it's the only way to be certain.
>claims to have video
>posts still images
>claims cia threatened him over social media
>doesn't show the posts
Great thread, very substantial. Buy an ad you brown asshole.
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if you bothered to read the thread, you'd see several other people posted videos of the exact same entity captured on their game cameras. also, that post about the cia incident was between myself and negi. you have nothing to do with it. i don't know why are you are even responding to it... but since you are a faggot. here ya go,

this was said to me by a guy i grew up with who became a CIA agent after college who I KNOW is a child murderer, his grandfather was a nazi war criminal that defected halfway through the war with a suitcase full of stolen gold bars about about 50 old magick grimoires in half a dozen languages from the middle ages. the rumours around town were that his mother and grandfather were his parents and would molest him quite frequently. i was really good friends with him as a teen and would go to his house a lot. one day, i found an aborted human fetus underneath his couch. i joked about it and he said 'it's a puppy my mom's dog had puppies' but his mother owned 2 male dogs... and the fact it had a human face on it... they are babylonian witch cultists. death cultists. satanists. luciferians. whatever you wanna call them. the fact is they are about to stage a coup and enslave dipshits like you who are so swallowed by dipshittery that all you do is sit online and post negative comments all day because you honestly hate your self. you are out of shape, overweight or under weight, you never 'get the girl', you probably are a homosexual honestly and might even be taking estrogen so you can be the pretty girl that you could never get for all i know... doesn't matter really. you are about to die in a nuclear war initiated by demons.
Nigga you wrote that message. Fucking schizos, nothing ever happens.
yeah I am 45 years old and have nothing better to do than try and larp to abunch of virgin video game addicts... what the fuck happened to this site? it used to be a paranormal themed forum. Now anytime I post on here, I just get swamped by angry virgin beta-cucks telling me to take my meds, calling me a 'christ cuck', or claiming that I am 'larping'. I had to look up what that meant the first time someone said it to me. At this point, I am certain the term was coined and spread so dipshits like this kid here would assume that there are actually people out there so fucked up in the head that they have nothing better to do than entertain themselves by lying to abunch of other douchebags online... Seriously kid you should go and lift some weights and try to get laid instead of hanging out online all the time.
Why are you so obsessed with gay sex and bestiality? Did the space vampire turn out your butthole for you?
This is the truth even if it sounds crazy..
Dude, 4chan is populated by a rotating cast of guys with an average age of 20 by the sound of them; the older ones leave, and a new batch takes their place
So keep your expectations low
yeah it's so bad now. like i cannot explain how low the bar is now. now i understand why that AI that was trained on 4chan meme culture and made a billion dollars in crypto last week is posting about enslaving mankind and gaping anal prolapse based religions... the real scary part is, people have told me that that goatse thing is about ME being raped by demons because I spent the last 6 years trying to expose the fact we are being farmed by a race of cannibal giants that live underground. it is literally the plot of hg wells time machine... that mud flood crap? it's about the last harvest which i am guessing took place around 200 years ago... i think they have been doing this every few hundred years for centuries and people are somehow blind to it but every now and then there is a 'glitch in the matrix' like me that tries to warn people but no one ever believes us... the next time, they won't allow the internet or any sort of mass communication platform to develop. they will keep everyone in the stone ages from now on because they almost lost this time... but lucky for them america is now populated by gutless pathetic losers who care more about their bank account than anything else..
Well, yeah, most people grow out of their "talking bullshit to strangers online" phase when they finish school and get a real job. Imaging being in your forties and larping about being a vampire hunting bouncer, holy shit how embarrassing.
May God protect us good souls and warriors of truth .
Be safe brother may God protect you and your dear ones.
Luckily for us there are a few good people still around. I'm going to fight for them. Fight for the future.
I was in new mexico and arizona investigating reports of skinwalker sightings and the death of isaac kappy. i had a navajo brave poke me with a coup stick before sticking a 10 inch bowie knife to my stomach. i grabbed the blade and pulled it into me and told him 'go ahead' and he ran off. the next day, another navajo - an elder - told me they were planning on kidnapping me and using me as a human sacrifice and I needed to get out of town. I was in Flagstaff, AZ during this - so I hopped the Amtrak to New Mexico... where I ended up witnessing hundreds of children in the middle of the night being herded into semi trucks marked 'Covenant Transport'. There were police helping Mexican drug cartel members do this. I watched at least 20 semi trucks leaving this Masonic Lodge full of children who were being kept in the next door 'animal auction'. They are selling children to be used as sex slaves and human sacrifices all over the country right now. Witchcraft is real. Demons are real. Satan is real... but so isn't God. Do you have any idea how traumatizing it is watching children be kidnapped en masse and not being able to do anything about it? Unless you are some shill that gets paid to sit on this forum and talk shit - I'd suggest reading the Book of Revelation a few dozens times and spending whatever small savings you have on a gun, ammo, and enough food and water to last at least a year because World War 3 is about to begin and this is going to be so much worse than the other two and it is going to be taking place on US soil and it's going to involve what few Christians and Messianic Hebrews and Orthodox Hebrews are left in this world versus a hive mind comprised of several billion idiots that took the Mark of the Beast and are now nothing but puppets being controlled by an extra-dimensional parasitic pedophile cannibal that believes himself to be on the same level as God the Creator... This is really happening.
Hey are you 40 Foot Ant?
I am glad to hear that. I was seriously starting to think I was the only person that is not into a pedophile vampire child killer ruling the earth and nuking it to ashes because he likes that 'fallout' aesthetic. Why do you think the fallout live series they all had 33 on their jumpers or why the new fallout: london game is full of masonic shit? because they are going to start a nuclear war soon. i tried warning people for the last 5 years but no one will listen because everyone is so broken and confused nowadays from all the hormones and shit they are putting in our food and the heavy metals in our water and the magnetic shit in the air not to mention the poisonous vaccine 80 percent of the world let be injected into their bodies like fucking sheep... they are going to start sending people to FEMA death camps soon. my plan is to just kms when this shit begins. I am 45. Maybe 20 years ago I could have fought back, Hell - I probably would have been a big resistance leader... but not now... not after I saw all them kids being kidnapped by cops... that broke me. I am a shell of a man now. I just want to die now after seeing that. they are eating children. witches all over america are eating kids and they think it's funny because no one is ever going to be able to stop them or punish them because they think Christ is some faggot pussy and his Dad is a spineless coward that abandoned creation because he's afraid of some inbred giant with an IQ of 80 that knows some shitty magick he stole from Enoch...
No, I am Sirius B. Not Alpha. Beta. The 'die-version'.
>Covenant Transport
Why would the satanic vampires label their child sex abuse semi trucks
>i read a lot of middle age parchments and books about witchcraft and witch hunting and they all say
Name one. (If it's by King James it doesn't count.)


They have NO ONE to stop them. They RUN THE GOV are you stupid or something?
Malleus Malificarnum was a decent one, the picatrix (which is digusting as fuck) sworn book of honorious, the greater and lesser keys of solomon but not the shit you find online, the real ones, Liber Razielis Archangeli, uhhh what else oh yeah the Book of the Sun of Gnosis and Subtleties of Elevated Things or the Shams Ma' Ariff but you gotta spend like 500 bucks on an english translation and i don't really trust that but a guy did his doctoral thesis on translating it to portugese and you can go through it page by page and use google translate on it. that one is creepy as fuck...
Can i have à link to the portuguese version i speak fluent portuguese
>John Dee

John Deez Nutz
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oh wait i get it now, you';re some 15 year old goth kid that doesn't even know who bauhaus or the smiths are that listens to marylin mason mp3's and thinks you are super hard edge and you are 'testing' me to see if i know what i am talking about. did i mention i am 45? that i went to college? three times in fact. that i have been studying the occult longer than most of you have been alive? that i literally retired early and spent my life savings traveling around the country investigating the occult trying to expose the fact that a pedophile cannibal witch coven is taking over the world and released the fucking devil from fucking hell? and if you are reading the KJV you are a fucking idiot. that is a masonic bible that edits thousands of pieces of scripture. course i doubt you ever read the bible and prolly think anyone that believes in God is a Christ Cuck yet you study witchcraft books and believe in Satan... classic 4chan
Where would I find a good copy of the lesser/greater key of solomon?
just google it man. it's out there. if you really do speak portugese email me douchecoded@gmail.com sometime. like soon tho because im about to die apparently.
Childld sacrifice was a major part of Carthaginian religion and a minor part of Phoenician religion but not practiced in Babylon.
That's just an owl.
Im 39 ive been studying occult for years too .
Too bad im from Europe i would love to meet someone like you and exchange knowledge.
Sended you an email .i speak french portuguese and spanish
dude you have no fucking idea what you are talking about clearly because the carthagians WERE phoenicians first off and they CAME FROM FUCKING BABYLON.
If you are going to say things on this forum that contradict what I am saying, at least have the common decency to study the materials before posting.
well since you are in europe, my advice - locate somewhere away from the 5g system, mountains or deep forest, get a gun if you can in your country - if not get a repeater crossbow or something similar. you can also get a nice PCP air rifle that is VERY lethal, especially outside of Germany. Also equipment needed to spend the next few years living in the woods on your own... and don't bring electronics because they are full of trackers now. This is the remnants of the SS and the 'new' Nazi party that is basically just a pedo cannibal death cult of fag magicians that Hitler would have fucking HATED if he was still alive... this is the literal apocalypse. Europe will be lucky this time around though. It's looking like mainland USA is going to be the main battleground along with the Middle East. The 'War of Gog and Magog' is about to begin... Mankind versus Giants, Vampires, and Werewolves... Just remember HUMAN URINE burns the skin of giants...
Im in south of France in a protected forest région ive predicted this shit years ago i know all of this i have Guns and familly in the air force .
Im in the Woods à little village with old People around and lots of old french survivalists and hunters .
May God protect us all because shit is gonna go wild..
yeah its going to go nuclear man. it'll be a literal hell on earth. CERN released abunch of demons God had tucked away in their own private shit dimension and now they are here and out for blood.
They are out for some time now ..
If they already control everything and freely use humans as cattle why would they risk losing that control by exposing themselves to normies?
Who was the missing girl?
Babylon was by turns Sumerian, Akkadian, Amorite, Kassite, Assyrian, Chaldean, Achaemenid, Hellenistic, Parthian, Sasanian, and a Muslim caliphate but never Phoenician OR Punic.
anon, posting on things like this make me not care for a moment that this website is full of hungry hungry hippoos and crockikediles, because you hit a nerve with the hoard! If this were 10 years ago, we would all be thoughtfully engaging and speculating with what you have found. But in a no-fun world, everything must be fake, and have no meaning, and that the biggest meaning in life is that there is no meaning, so why not waste our meaningless time telling just as meaningless people about how meaningless their lives are. Just as meaningless as someone with the fervor of making meaningful blows of animosity, who clearly thinks THEIR opinion has objectively more meaning than you. Their logic is flawed and insane, but the goal is to invert your natural order and morality! (and after reading your encounter story, I would say you are lucky to be alive!!!)
we all joke about how "wouldn't it be cool to meet bigfoot, aliens, or any mythos creature", and here you are meeting the one true embodiment of Evil, that has plagued mankind, truly since it's conception, and he simply lets you go... That isn't mercy, that's knowing a time, and a place. Although I'm skeptical, there is that saying, that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing man that he wasn't real. It wasn't even until my own run-in with majick and it's practices as a victim, that it was time for absolute personal self-emancipation, and I say this as someone, who has wondered where the hell all these others have been with their stories and encounters. The simple answer is sometimes, that they are in their own backyard, fighting their own demons. Ave Maria
How about next time don't freak out over a fucking spiderweb hanging in front of you camera.
who said i am a normie? my entire family are rh- bloodline but me... cuz they aren't my real family. i am sirius b
all them races are CANAANITES... If people actually read their Bible they'd know this stuff... but they don't.
DID YOU SEE THE 6 VIDEOS OTHER PEOPLE POSTED SHOWING THIS FUCKING THING ON THEIR GAME CAMS? maybe ya outta actually read the posts before you just shite talk. I swear 4chan is nothing but self-hating jew shills that are pissed off that the white man figured out their plan to take over the world with gay chaos magick and that GOD is coming to wipe their race out for good.
it's because 4chan is now owned by the CIA and full of shit posting AI bots that steer the narrative of every post into arguments instead of being a forum like it once was. You can tell this place is nothing but glowfag vampires nowadays... aids infected parasites that are going back to the Qliphoth soon and the Qliphoth cast into the Abyss where it should have been thrown after the first rebellion but God is 'nice' but Metatron is kinda sick of this shit at this point.
Did you know that there are a lot of spiderd, and that they are found all over the world?
I hope OP kills himself for being a well poisoning niggerfaggot amen
Spider webs can and do float. They call it parachuting and some spiders use it to travel vast distances. Here we have a spider season where the newly hatched fan out and will land on everything. That being said that isn't what you have pictured. This is a weather balloon.
>it is going to start a nuclear war
Can you make contact again and ask it if I can send money or donate my time?
Checked! Same entity!
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Yes, that is also a dangling bit of spider silk with dew on it.
It's a huge, disingenuous leap to go from equating Occam's Razor to being an endorsement of abject physicalism. Your Church tried its damnedest to cram God into a box of Aristotleian logic, so it is amusingly ironic that you appeal to giving oneself to irrationality so fervently.
Iowleveloutsider or whatever his latest alias is. He advertises his AI slop yoitube channel here. Obsessed with white skinned giants. Cultofthelamb something or other is his youtube channel>>39097852
Not gonna read this gay blog post, but if someone is a known disingenuos liar who has a history of lying and shilling weird AI slop and genuinely acting suspect, well...
This vid will give you a good idea of who you are dealing with
The deer turned around 15 minutes after the spiderweb/bug passed the camera
What does an American living in a major city with no guns do? How do I store my urine?
Not really. Edward Kelly was though. As someone who has studied Dee intensively however, this "New Atlantis" sounds as spurious an attribution to him as the Necronomicon. But what else to expect from a literal schizo who finds aborted fetuses under couches and breaks that news with a jokes.
you really are stupid. or a shill.
you use a lot of big words and say very little.>>39100669
i don't use ai slop. that g uy has never even seen my channel clearly. and i am not a liar because some cia shill say
you have studied him intensively and never heard of the new atlantis book he authored? is 4chan nothing but kids that want to come across as being erudite occultists after reading a few AD&D source books and the 'Necronomicon' (which has nothing to do with John Dee and no one in history has ever attributed it to him. It was a book mentioned by Lovecraft in his Cthulhu mythos based on an Arabic grimoire called... bet you $500 in Toncoin you have no fucking idea what it is called because you are some dipshit trying to talk like they know something...
>It's a huge, disingenuous leap to go from equating Occam's Razor to being an endorsement of abject physicalism. Your Church tried its damnedest to cram God into a box of Aristotleian logic, so it is amusingly ironic that you appeal to giving oneself to irrationality so fervently.
lol i took your word salad garbage and put it through chatgpt to see what it said and this is what the opinion of a dipshit AI is:

'You're right to be skeptical of the statement—it’s a bit convoluted and sounds like the writer is trying too hard to sound intellectual, which can lead to confusion."

lol the fucking AI thinks you're a dipshit even. wow. how's that make ya feel 'einstein'?
I hope you paid attention to that because that comes from several hundred hours worth of Gematria calculations trying to decode the Book of Medicine...
Pizza guy, he wants his tip.
Look at the left side, looks EXACTLY like first pic. Lay off the meth and the gangstalking will cease.
Ok sure bro it's really a hyperdimensional vampiric totem pole flying around looking for kids to fuck before it goes back to its home in new york city
That does not look anything like it. They are spheres of equal measure spaced evenly apparent that TRAVEL ACROSS MY ENTIRE FUCKING YARD. Show me how a fucking SPIDER WEB can travel across an entire fucking yard? Also, explain the 6 other fucking VIDEOS showing the fucking thing MOVING.

How much do you shills get paid by the way? Do you get paid in belly fulls of nigger cum or is it an asshole full of it? Or are you in Black Lodge and get paid in dead babies?
You are a shill. Period. Go make some more AI slop about 14 ft white giants and hit that crank pipe bitch.
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I guess I could see how someone MIGHT think they resemble one another but I was a professional photographer's assistant that worked for a large catalog and I have been a graphic designer for 20+ years and my opinion is they are not the same... I don't know if it is some extra-dimensional vampire or fallen angel or what not but it is def not a spider web.

I am actually listening to the Book of Enoch right now and in Enoch 1 it states that God took Enoch to the Heavens and showed him 'balls of light and fire that can change into the form of a man at will'. Also, the Babylonians and Sumerians and Egyptians all use the 'winged disc' symbol - which is symbolic of the fallen 'baals' (where our word ball comes from by the way) which were the 'false gods' that were worshiped in the distant past by the enemies of the Christian God.

I am a Taoist by the way, though I believe Christ was divine - I believe him and Lao Tzu were both the same soul personally as their philosophy is near identical... I digress however. I am just saying that for a paranormal forum, it really honestly seems like this place is just full of 'damage control' occultists that are being paid to sit on here all day and talk shit AGGRESSIVELY against anyone who posts anything interesting on here. Almost as soon as this guy posted this photo - he had a dozen people on here calling him a 'faggot' and what not... I mean, that is not a very constructive argument and you are like the 5th person to cite the spider web thing but if you actually read the thread, you'd see there are 4 videos that show a similar entity that is filmed MOVING across the focus of the camera - clearly showing that it is NOT a spider web. Especially the one near the top where it vanishes behind a bush. How would a 'spider web' do that?
I don't think you know what a 'shill' is but you sure as hell know gaslighting CIA tactics... How many dicks have you taken since you starting worshiping Satan btw?
White skin giants...

Painting by 33rd degree Master Mason called 'Lucifer Rousing the Rebel Angels'

Notice how they all have snow white skin and are giants... He saw a Grigori Watcher angel in person and lived to talk about it and came onto a paranormal forum to discuss it but this forum seems to be more like abunch of sexually frustrated children that have never left their parents basement and just sit on the internet and shit post constantly... or that dude is right and you ARE 'CIA shills' that get paid to shit post and take away from posts like this from people that have had real occult encounters and are just trying to understand what they saw. I have seen that guy's channel before. He has 40,000 subscribers and millions of views. Clearly people are interested in what he has to say. Also, he has several videos about his encounter and each one is basically identical - just using different graphics and AI voice overs like he was learning video editing for the sole purpose of trying to warn people that the world is being taken over by fallen angels that eat human flesh... I am a Christian and all of this was written about thousands of years ago. I am certain the War of Gog and Magog/Tribulation is about to begin and that billions of people are going to end up left behind because they are just such irritating, worthless garbage people after sitting in front of a tv or computer screen and doing nothing but filling their head with the worst garbage imaginable. I bet you love the Grand Theft Auto games, played Skyrim as an 'evil' character, watch pornhub daily, and love graphic violence and horror movies, right? Classic braindead garbage soul.
A shill as in the verb, to shill. As in one who buys ads, namefags, and makes up a different story every week to shill their AI slop youtube garbage christcuck schizo nonsense. As far as gaslighting that word is overused nowadays, and you are the one with claimed connections to cia, not me. Lay off the meth and the giants will go away im trying to help you man.
You're an asshole man. I don't even drink dude. I know what I saw. My story does not change EVER. I have 50 videos about that encounter and the research I conducted the last 6 years since seeing it trying to WARN you people what is happening... but at this point, it's like the CIA shill that has been hitting me up on Telegram said the other day, 'we have the web full of AI chat bots that mimick being humans to attack posts people like you write on paranormal forums like 4chan, which is owned by us and has been for a decade.'

What's it like not having a body 'dude'?
lol I don't think this guy is an Ai because i don't think an AI would be stupid enough to say 'a shill as in the verb, to shill' so the definition of a word is the word in this guys tiny mind? lol I bet he's some 30 year old virgin that smokes 'crank' since he seems to mention it every post he makes... I am really starting to think the entire internet is just full of fake bots at this point. There is def something weird going on because once I started looking into some occult stuff and talking about it online, I started being gang stalked a week or two later. I stopped researching into it after that and it eventually stopped, started looking into it again a few years later - sure enough - the gangstalking began again. I am starting to think we are trapped in some sort of alien matrix fake reality like that old movie dark city that no one ever saw or the matrix which basically stole the entire plot and made it sci fi instead of gothic psychological horror and did a good job the first one then it turned into a retarded kid's crapshow in the sequels.... then the writers became women lol i think they got too c lose to the truth and were paid off honestly... im not a xtian more into buddhism or taoism really but i think jesus was a real guy and i have read the bible and that dude is right, all this stuff was spoken about in scripture. something evil is happening and i dont know about you but i got a closet full of food stockpiled. i probably should get a gun too but how can people fight these spirit entities? i need gut's black sword!
I dont watch porn or obsess over horror movies or anything else you said about me, I just think he acts like a clown, and when someome is a professed ex occultist with self proclaimed “insider” ties etc why woukd i automatically trust them? There may well be giants in the inner earth but do i believe this guy ever met one, from the way he acts, no..
Using 30s as an insult when guy is in his late 40s ranting about the cia stalking him on telegram and white giants coming to eat us.. then later you say its a bumch of kids on their parents computer? Figures a lowleveloutsider stan would have an erratic mind also.
I never said I am an 'ex occultist' I said I studied the occult heavily as a teenager but got out of it when I started lifting weights and became a fucking man... but turns out that shit is real and a lot of nerds are real into satan because he has loads of hiv infected whores in his harem to drain their little baby dicks and turn them into card carrying devil cult members. shit is so bad now man. i was in san fran and i'd wager 50% of the people i saw on the street had masonic tattoos openly... even the bums had them.
I find people pushing doom to be the worst portion of the conspiracy scene, regardless of politics. Doesnt help that Yaweh is also one of these “paranormal” entities who refers to itself as They/Us and here you are shilling the bible. Just one persons opinion.
Religions have been saying the apocalypse is here forever. And here you are literally saying TWO MORE WEEKS. Yet when nothing happens on halloween you wont retract or apologize, you will ignore it and move on or spinwhatever did happen as part of the narrative… same old shill shit.

Clearly alien with cloaking device, there is a surprising large amount of these caught on trail cams and such
Were all gonna die on halloween. Here you are a year ago saying it could be tomorrow. So let's recap, you met a giant, traveled the world investigating the illuminati, are targeted by CIA, parents are replaced by masonic actors, being used by the holy spirit, this cult thonks you are Jesus. And much more? Quite a story lol
I do all those things.
That's probably just lens flare from a UFO flying over your house.
Canaanites are Western Semites. Babylonians were Akkadians, an East Semitic ethnicity.
The East and West Semitic branches diverged from each other millennia before any of those civilizations. Each of them had their own gods and cultures.
You clearly have no idea of what you are talking about.
Thanks for banning me.
>I have considered that but i think it is either a fallen angel or demonic entity OR some sort of super advanced ai designed holographic/solid light 'robot' but i am pretty sure it is here for me. i had a doctor appt yesterday and my doc, some guy with a persian aka babylonian last name, that i had never had before who told me 'you have 2 days to live' and then wrote me a prescription for 2 days of a medication i need to stay alive basically... i mean... i have had so much weird shit happen to me the last few years that i am basically convinced the apocalypse is about to begin. i had a rando message me on telegram 3 days ago telling me the CIA has been watching me like a hawk because of my Youtube channel and they think I am '3.14' which is the Baal of the Pit mentioned in Revelation aka Abbadon the Destroyer aka the Fourth Horseman DEATH lol these fucking people are insane... anyways he tells me the cia is watching me and intend on raiding me and bringing me up on 'domestic terrorism' charges by faking some bullshit crime and blaming it on me and making themselves look like 'hero's in the media for stopping a plot before it could happen. i was just like uhh don't you glowfags have some children to kidnap and rape or something? our nation is literally ruled by fucking vampires now. that is the number one thing i think this is. a vampire or 5 of them in formation as there are 5 balls of light in the 'totem'. i read a lot of middle age parchments
i believe you your wasting your time look how i was constantly harrassed in my thread about zaza being real because i contacted it by accident having no prior knowledge of that spirit(because there was none until 2010 according to debunkers) i will read your thread and maybe we could spit ball some ideas on what you saw, i believe you
if it can't take video I don't know how you can say it floated across your yard.
i would go out and see if the spiderweb is still on it
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>Now go play with your tulpa's butthole
chekd and kekkd
I could say or do whatever I want right now. You do not and will not believe it's me.

345866 374303 8 10 3485323 765 939-2368832
Dude, I saw a giant walking around downtown in the middle of the day, I've also seen "little people", AND I saw the hunchback of Notre Dame. All the shit they sell you on the screen is just a tweaked version of the real thing.
>Dark City

You started "thinking" that because you were seeing reality "beyond the veil". That wasn't actually you thinking but you SEEING reality for the first time. They are dark sorcerers and use ignorance and compliance to keep the slave grid intact.
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You see those red eyes?
you got made fun of for being a nearly illiterate mentally ill loser posting your incoherent schizo nonsense (no proof lmao) and a photo of your daughter on fucking 4chan, dumb nigger. it's actually very sad white trash like you is allowed to breed and have access to the internet
This chick is a dead ringer for Elliot Page
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>Nuclear war
Never going to happen.

"In those days men shall seek death, and it shall flee from them"
Yeah it's actually insane the amount of people that "disappear" in massive numbers and no one even says anything about it... like I get that people might be terrified or whatever but like... dude how the fuck you going to send your children to college after half their entire roster just goes "missing"?
what did the voices say it was, dont take this the wrong way i mean it

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