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Why do they worship lucifer?
knowing is inherently better than not knowing, freedom is inherently better than being a slave. They don't "worship lucifer" btw, Lucifer is a character used to represent humanity ideals
Lucifer is an archetype which represents that notion of liberty which will not bend even to righteous authoritarianism. There's a reason artists and politicians are drawn to that symbol specifically - it's ultimately a representation of the creative impulse that underlies their foundational will to being. Recognizing that isn't actually Satanic, ironically.
it's judaism for gentiles
this, and you'll pay out the ass to become a high ranking gentile mason without ever learning anything that isn't on google
Because they don’t know when they first join, they’re lured into it.
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They say Lucifer is the bringer of light, the sharer of knowledge. That the Old Testament is inverted and Lucifer doesn’t equal Satan. Lucifer is the morning star, who many now say was Venus in the sky. Jesus also calls himself the morning star. He was the bringer of truth. Yahweh, the one killing 1st borns and sacrificing virgins in the bible is supposedly the evil one. The Jewish god. They say Jesus came “to be the sword of division” to divide between believers in an alien named Yahweh or the old true god that ancient humans called Yahweh before the fall of Atlantis

What gets me is that is they want to bring the light and share knowledge. Why do they keep it all so secret?
I actually agree with their interpretation after reading the Bible and the secret teachings of all ages by manly p hall
Lucifer is a title that means light bearer, morning star, the shining one..etc. Jesus at one point referred to himself with this title so christians worship Lucifer too.

And before this gets messy, no, Lucifer has nothing to do with Satan, that's just christian retardation. Lucifer is mentioned once in the whole Bible and it's in no relation whatsoever to the fallen angel that holds the title of Satan in the Bible, aka what christians call the devil too. Lucifer was mentioned in Isaiah once by the writer (a jewish prophet) who referred to the king of Babylon as Lucifer due to him falling out of power like a bright morning star, Lucifer in that passage was translated from "Helel" the shining one. The fall of the king of Babylon was a joyous event for any jew, since they were enslaved by this king, so that's why his fall was described as bright.

Again, no traces of Satan near that. Christians later on conflated the fall of the king of Babylon with the fall of the angel Satan (the devil), thus dragging the term Lucifer into it and giving it a bad rep consequently.
its completely incoherent slapdash of esoteric beliefs. There isn't anything spiritually valuable and original in it.
its primary operation is to be a secret society. everything esoteric about it is used to obscure this fact.
so in short, >>39105418
One problem is many Christians believe Jews weren’t pagans for most of the Bible despite it being said time and time again in the Old Testament. There’s all these gods that Christians often want to combine. Not realizing some of it is alien or astrological worship
well said anon
Why do you worship them, bot?
>Why do they keep it all so secret?
I'm reading a book on Druids. It says the ancient Druids continued the traditions of the Mystery schools of Ancient Egypt and Greece, and they realised that not all people can be entrusted with the Mysteries, because
A: some people are corrupt and will use the secrets for their own advantage
B: most people are too stupid/degenerate to understand anyway and have no interest in changing
So they looked for natural leaders to guide and initiate into the secret order after a long vetting process, to make sure they could get the best people, who won't fuck it up, can be trusted to lead others with good intentions etc.
They realised the "corruption of the Canaanites" had infested other priestly castes such as Egypt and India, which led to their eventual downfall.
It seems this Mystery school tradition of the Druids is still practised by the Masons today.

The book is:
W. Winwood Reade - The Veil of Isis, Or Mysteries of the Druids (1992)

You can get the PDF at https://libgen.is
Looks like they didn’t do much about choice A
All the modern secret societies and mystery schools are pretty corrupt
That's a wide statement, we don't know that.
Well the same black magic corruption got to the Druids eventually too.

>In Cornwall there areKarn-Gollowa, the Cairn of Lights, andKarn-Leskyz, the Cairn of Burnings which names proves that the fiendish rites of Moloch and Baal were really observed with all their impious cruelty in the island of Britain.

>From these same blood-thirsty Phœnicians who had taught the Israelites to sin, the Druids learnt to pollute their altars with human blood, and to assert that nothing was so pleasing to God as the murder of a man.

Those damn (((Phœnicians))) ruin everything. Hopefully the freemasons don't actually sacrifice humans or animals to Moloch these days. I assume they are more into transubstantiation than actual blood magic. One hopes!
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Lucifer is the Archangel of music and pride. Jesus cannot by definition be him/her. Venus references are what they are; Venus being the planet and Goddess of love, multiple beings refer to being a part of it's celestial energies, with it's energies emanating from the creation of existence and the logos, as the Greeks say.

The thing is, so many "Lucifers" exist, that it depends on who you look to, as Masons, for the being to be a "Lightbringer", as many who bear the name are both unworthy of the name, and unworthy of ascension to the ranks of deity.



If you want to enjoy some music; please feel free to listen to some Lucifer meditation, you may find it enlightening, masons.

If you want to be more like whatever Lucifer you worship, include the essence meditation.


More details here:

Point out one that isn’t
Shut the fuck up faggot. You don’t know shit
What part of "we don't know" you don't understand?
Because light is symbolic of Gnossis and life
You don’t know a lot apparently
You can throw all the shit you want, the fact remains that you don't know if all secret societies/mystery schools are "corrupted" or work against the general population.

You're just an average Joe that's been fed conspiracy babble, people in this thread can't even agree on what the esoteric mason circles worship or if they worship anything, yet you wanna say you know of the state of all secret societies/mystery schools.
Most new members in masonry are Christian though and believe in the orthodoxy of that religion.
They can’t all be happy to hear this information.
Oh James. I think I love you.
Not true it reverse engineer's ancient religions and knows of the kabbalah but worship's penis and Lucifer
Because they suck jewish cock
Okay most of them. You’re a fucking retard for arguing with that anon over details when you know the spirit of what they said is true. Are you autistic?
Aravat The Container of reality in the macrocosm:
Aravat creations living inside his microcosm:
Aravat and his morning star Venus:
Aravat creating inside his mind:

This world is controlled by Lucifer, who deceived the nations with his Freemasonic builders. One day the synagogue of Satan shall bow down before the overcomer, who is a Christian, from Revelation 3:7-13 (google it). This overcomer shall start the beginning of the time when the saints shall rule with rods of iron, while the manchild of Revelation 12 is raptured before Satan can assassinate him.
It's Jesus in the body of Christ us born again with the Holy Ghost VS the body of Satan who are the people of disobedience working in the angel of the air who is Lucifer.
Once the world acknowledges Satan's defeat, then let us elect a new president that shall reveal the truth, eventosay the shape of the earth, and the nature of space above with the reveal of high strangeness, and extraterrestrial life and UFO technology.
Just show us all the truth already?
Or are you Governments waiting for Jesus to return and do it instead?
How the fuck would we know? Maybe they hate Jesus. Maybe they have been fooled. Maybe they wanted earthly pleasures. Lots of reasons one can has to worship Lucifer instead of Adonai. You gotta ask them if you want to know why they worship Lucifer.
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Everything touched by humans is corrupted anon
I’m sorry your favorite organizations have been taken control of by a hidden hand too
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Sadly; anon doesn't even bother using an argument.
Because he's the only son of a bitch who brings light into the darkness, even if it's dim and false.
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In high school there was this fat white faggot who dressed in actual suits. I used to wear the Illuminati pyramid eye shirt as a meme and he gave me a business card to join DeMolay (a branch of young Freemasons). Part of me felt honored to be invitited in.. part of me felt grossed out.

He was a strange dude, but never cared what people thought about how he presented himself, he even brought a briefcase some days. I remember he couldn’t participate in lab events because he had a terrible latex allergy. Apparently satan hates condoms.
>knowing is inherently better than not knowing, freedom is inherently better than being a slave
Weak-willed, greedy and usually indoctrinated by their parents. Pitiable.
Do they though?
Do you like it when people hide things from you?
Before the Deuteronomic Divorce, YHWH had a wife ~ Asherah! Before the Post Exilic Return, YHWH was the Head of a Divine Council. Their YHWHist kings and YHWHist priests had changed that with violence and' vandalism', and the Post Exiles finished the job of creating their Monotheism. Religion has almost always been the business of the kings and the rich

Jewish sub-racket of Gangsters, they ALL grovel to the Jew-ZOG.
The Druids were destroyed in Europe and "England" by the Romans.
They use Huckster-Ritual practices to summon demons.

The public Hype is just cover-story.
("These") LickSpittal Bigots protest a NOT-A-Religion...?

Yet adopt and practice Babylonian Jewish rituals and practices?

Its a BIG-FAT-Huckster-Op with more than enough stooges to go-around.
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>Why do they worship lucifer?
evil is weird. you wont understand it and you and I are not supposed to. greed though is what appears to be going. greed in many forms.
Lucifer is the god venus is why
Back the fuck off to /b/ subhuman little shit.
Is this real? Why would they do this?
if you worship Lucifer you can get the benefits and always repent later

just worshipping God is kind of a bum deal

>chesil lodge

I think every Mason lodge is a chesil lodge.
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Because Lucifer saved men from the ignorance of the Demiurge. The greatest sin ever committed by Lucifer was, according to Abrahamic religions, telling mankind to have knowledge so they could be gods. Is that an evil thing to do? Or do you rather live under a "god" who can't even take care of his "chosen people", who can't even defeat chariots of iron?

>Joshua 17:18: “But the mountain country shall be yours. Although it is wooded, you shall cut it down, and its farthest extent shall be yours; for you shall drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron chariots and are strong.”

>Judges 1:19: “So the Lord was with Judah. And they drove out the mountaineers, but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the lowland, because they had chariots of iron.”

Maybe it's time for society to question if this entity, Lucifer/Prometheus (doesn't matter if it's an Archetype or a divine entity) is really evil or if the thing many call "god" is the really evil being here.
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... the bread and the wine
>You’re a fucking retard for arguing with that anon over details when you know the spirit of what they said is true.
This seems to be an inherent tendency of a certain group of people
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Because they're teachings come from the kabbalah which is just a collection of the various caananite magics and rituals God forbid them to take part in. They paint God as the devil and the devil as God so they can cope and seethe and act like they're victims instead of rebels who seem themselves as holier than God himself.
bread = doctrine (john the baptist, forsake all) wine = spirit (Holy Spirit)
>Is this real?
it's not ai-generated, at least.
>Why would they do this?
Why would parents get their children castrated, as it is happening under the umbrella of the "transgender" ideology?
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>Because they're teachings come from the kabbalah
You know nothing about the Kabbalah, you're just a fundamentalist christian who believes in a god who can't stop chariots of iron, a god who forbids his creation from achieving knowledge, a god who needs Moses to calm him down because he can't control his own rage.
Face it, your god forbids you from touching the Kabbalah, the Corpus Hermeticum and other fruits of knowledge because he wants you to be a controllable sheep.
The One, the true Creator, gives us freedom to explore this illusion and the Supreme Reality that lives within us.
Even Jesus spat on your God when he said:

>You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44

Your god is your own god, the false Demiurge who builds your reality through ignorance.
Taste the fruit and you will be free.
If true, I believe it's connected to the myth of Attis, a god who castrated himself and resurrected.
The question is, why...IF TRUE, why would they do such a thing.
Are we sure this isn't AI? It looks surreal.
If you don't get it instinctively, don't ask this question, just wallow in your ignorant servitude and be content.
Found the origin of the photo:
It's Fake, or better yet, it's art.
Work is from the third CREMASTER series, titled I DIE DAILY. Work is flush mounted to Plexiglass, in original acrylic frame. An example of this work was exhibited at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum MATTHEW BARNEY: THE CREMASTER CYCLE exhibition, February 21, 2003-June 11, 2003. Gallery label to reverse: Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York, New York. Provenance: Phillips, New York, New York, 3.8.13 auction, lot 260. Various labels to reverse. Provenance: Important Collection, Coral Gables, Florida.
It's an art piece created by Matthew Barney, apparently his art is...messed up, but fake.
I know that many say Lucifer is Venus because morning star blah blah blah, but the Freemasons specifically associate Lucifer with the star (system) Sirius. There is a lot with this Sirian current, but one interesting thing of note is most Freemason revolutions coincide with the a sirius 'gateway' in the first week of July.

Anyways there is alot on this, and definitely something to look into.
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>A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by A.E. Waite
in all of the digital copies this plate is missing and is seated to the left of the preface in dead tree format.
>Page ii.—Venus rising from the sea. From the great collection of Maffei. She is mounted on sea-horses ; her veil is swelled by the wind, and is like a shell-pavilion about her. Cupid goes before through the waves, as if directing her course: it is the course of love. The symbol as a whole suggests the birth of the Mysteries, having love as the root thereof; but the reference would be to Venusian Mysteries as, for example, the Adonia—which are not love at the highest. Aphrodite is the foam of the sea, flos maris, sea-flower.
picrel is the plate/illustration for you. oc pls steal.

cancer at 15° (july 5th-ish) happens to be the fixed star of sirius. babylonians believed that cancer is the gate to the underworld, or rather, how we incarnate here. capricorn was associated with the gate of the heavens or of ascension.
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>God who can't stop chariots of iron
He did numerous times before and after, it was the hebrews people disobedience and lack of faith that caused that just like evey other time they strayed.
>a god who forbids his creation from achieving knowledge, a god who needs Moses to calm him down because he can't control his own rage.
His covenant was with Abraham and Issac don't you think it's possible he was testing him?
>Your god is your own god, the false Demiurge who builds your reality through ignorance.
Taste the fruit and you will be free.
no you reveal your own self-worshipping nature, you don't care abiut what came before the apple you'd gladly sacrifice immortality and paradise for the sake of following your own will. Your not a victim of an oppressive god you're a rebel who's so diluted you think you can create a better world than God. You don't think he's evil you hate him for defining things as good and evil because you want to dfine that for yourself but your just a man. Seek Christ or be cast into the fire with your master forever more. Oh and read the protocols of the elders sometime, your whole movement is just a jewish ponzi scheme to destroy your own race, you fuckin idiot .
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>He did numerous times before and after, it was the hebrews people disobedience and lack of faith that caused that just like evey other time they strayed.

Judges 1:19: “So the Lord was with Judah. And they drove out the mountaineers, but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the lowland, because they had chariots of iron.”

>His covenant was with Abraham and Issac don't you think it's possible he was testing him?

An all knowing god, testing people? Sounds...childish at best. Hey! Remember when your god asked Moses what he was holding?

Then the LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied. Exodus 4:2

Poor thing doesn't even know what a staff is, much less the future of mankind.

>You don't think he's evil you hate him for defining things as good and evil because you want to dfine that for yourself

Your god isn't good, he demanded the death of countless people (Ezekiel 9:5-7), he's racist (Deuteronomy 23:3), he demanded foreskins to be cut (Genesis 17:10–14), he forbade cripples from entering "holly places" (Leviticus 21:16-23) and I could go on. I am more morally decent than your god!

You see, the thing you call god is but a corruption of the true Creator; your god is but the ego of the Jews who came back from Babylon after the exile, he's but a mixture of many legends put together and a big handful of Hebrew patriotism.

I rather listen to Jesus:

(53) His disciples said to him, "Is circumcision beneficial or not?" He said to them, "If it were beneficial, their father would beget them already circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become completely profitable." -Gospel of Thomas
Holy fuck that’s raw to do for art
Glad it’s not real
They think that lucifer is cool because of tricking adam and eve into biting the apple of knowledge. they worship knowledge OP and will get it by any means necessary, no matter how heinous
how about you read the fucking bible like you like to pretend you have. THE HEBREWS BEAT MULTIPLE COUNTRIES THAT HAD IRON CHARIOTs BEFORE AND AFTER! It was their unbelief that caused their downfall as it was before as it is now.
>An all knowing god, testing people? Sounds...childish at best. Hey! Remember when your god asked Moses what he was holding?
Dosent even the father test his child to see whats in his heart? It was moses response that mattered not what he had done, just like with adam and eve God knew they ate the apple but wanted to see how'd they'd respond. We have free will remeber asshole? That thing you sacrificed paradise for?
>Poor thing doesn't even know what a staff is, much less the future of mankind.
Lol, just like all freemasonasand gnostics you just cant help but to be a smug effeminate asshole.
>Your god isn't good, he demanded the death of countless people (Ezekiel 9:5-7), he's racist (Deuteronomy 23:3), he demanded foreskins to be cut (Genesis 17:10–14), he forbade cripples from entering "holly places" (Leviticus 21:16-23) and I could go on. I am more morally decent than your god!
>You see, the thing you call god is but a corruption of the true Creator; your god is but the ego of the Jews who came back from Babylon after the exile, he's but a mixture of many legends put together and a big handful of Hebrew patriotism.
Lol more self worship and false equivalence that later was drawn back with the new testament for the jews failure to live to his word. All of those things were so we'd know what was holy and what wasn't. Which is also great coming from you since you see the majority of the world as soulless pigs who need to die to bring about your idea of paradise.
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Those people he ordered them to kill were idol worshippers (not unlike yourself) who had been so corrupt they were beyond redemption and we see this playout when the corrupt the jews and the jews created your doctrine as it is this day. Its also funny you say that God is a corruption of the hebrew faith when it was through the corruption of said faith by means of the word of the elders in Babylon and the kabbalah which was a collection of jewish esoteric mysticism that made the jews the satanic synagogue they are today. Which is what Jesus called him out for and why they killed him. Btw he was the son of God not an enlightened master like your gay elder masons, you can never reach his enlightenment or spiritual purity and the fact you think you can is what will send you to hell if you don't change. Also circumcision is still valid in jewish cultures under the new testament its just God desires purity of spirit not flesh, what does the purity of fleah mattwr without the spirit?
YES. Greed is the source of all evil. Greed for money, greed for power, greed for women, greed for drugs, whatever.
This picture has been altered to look worse. But it’s from an art house movie.
What do you mean?
Why would they do that?
kek buttsegz
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cuz its edgy.
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tf am i looking at here? those guys wanting for all uninitiated men to castrate themselves voluntarily and worship the phallus/obelisk of the chosen few?
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well it stands for somethiing real, trannies cutting their dicks off, regardless of whether or not it is literally real, the intention and symbolism is what counts.
>a collection of the various caananite magics and rituals
"Kabbalah" was invented in Ukraine in the 18th century, it's not even medieval mysticism, let alone having to do anything with "Caanan" or other MADE UP "Jewish" Bronze metahistory.
Based knower
freemasons are probably dumbed down now literally worshipping satan for some reason. thats why they bring in the dark orcs of mordor into europe and usa.

whether or not lucifer is evil is irrelevant at this point. they have fucked shit up so badly its irreversibly repairable so much for the fucking phoenix dumb asses.

why do they hate nazis too theres a great book called hear the cradle song, the intro pretty much sums up whats happening in the west. there will be no illuminated vision just pure decay and destruction.

fuck em and solomons temple atlantis was better anyway
They think he's a better leader.
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Because he held God's flashlight flawlessly while working on the car.
True according to the gospel
관심도 많네 ㅅㅂ when the problem is people have too easy of lives. It’s like entering into a different reality even tho the reality stays the same. Like your life goes from standard def to 4k ultra. Whatever the fuck you do, but there are so little things the world will let you do even though you are not even restricted. Nobody knows anything. “Go to emergency! Retards”
Some people have extremely hard lives watching some people have extremely easy lives. What the fuck for? Same fucking retards.
신력? Show me! Or face consequences of lying about GOD for easier short life of shrinking meaning. Actually worse and that shock will come to visit you one day when it will be too late. I hope people know at least this… it’s like clearly shown so gracefully when something like Lucifer rising happens.
Even young kids have old mentality in my honest pov… change extremely needed…
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Lucifer is more like a concept to them and it is closer to the Rudolf Steiner version of Lucifer and not the Biblical-cultural Paradise Lost version that most people think of. They worship Lucifer as a concept of higher being and spiritual freedom and the desire for enlightenment and truth. Just remember that the dark side of this type of Luciferic ideal is the lack of appreciation of or even the disdain of the material world and our reason for being here. So there’s a shadow in everything and everything has a caveat and or a trick to ponder over. So if you see a mason talking about Lucifer they’re kind of fan-boying over the concept of mass enlightenment and ascension to a higher being. Just keep in mind the folly in being a fan boy for that as there’s a lot of important work to be done in this world.
This, and done.

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