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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Based Chad edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

>In case of urges:
Hold your breath for as long as you can. The urge usually pass.

- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)

>/SRM/ interesting reads
https://pastebin.com/qbTd4Lai (embed)

Previous thread: >>39076094
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Its been a while since i bake, and i forgot the title.

Anyway, WAGMI.
What is up with the luck and the synchronicities increasing so massively on a SR streak?
relapsed again, now it will take me a week to recover. a week I will spend doing nothing because once you see what being on a streak is like you realize masturbating literally makes you borderline retarded. it gives you brain fog, makes music no longer sound as good, robs you of vivid dreams, diminishes your talents. it's crazy how most modern men constantly live in such state
bros, i had a 5 day streak then relapsed 3 days in a row (once each day). how do i get out of this
My balls feel very full & uncomfortable. That is all
I was over 2 months into semen retention but last night my wife wanted to have sex and I caved in. I’m so fucking mad. How do I repent bros?
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Doing this nofap shit isn't actually beating your porn addiction. You're just exchanging one obsessive behavior for another.
what is your solution then?
>inb4 do it in le moderation
"And why do we fall? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up"
Mine are positively tingling
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I did some sun salutations
28 days in. Balls full stomach empty. Starting to dominate my reality.
>Doing this nofap shit isn't actually beating your porn addiction.
So apparently if I stop using cocaine, I'm still abusing cocaine? I don't understand the logic.
>You're just exchanging one obsessive behavior for another.
So not beating my dick is apparently obsessive?
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Day 0
I have beclowned myself
Lord have mercy on me
Blessed mother pray for me
Why did the man practicing semen retention bring a jar to the party?

He wanted to save some for later.
anon, drinking your cum doesn't count as retention.
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Effort is not the key. Constraining the consciousness with the force of will is like setting a battlefield up where you will lose the war.

If you start to practice SR but keep visiting your virtual harem, which means your favorite sexual objects like this or that hentai, Tiktok videos, or this or that porn, or watching any kind of porn, then you will inevitably fall again. The cause of addiction is not exactly masturbation and ejaculation, which are just end-experiences, but actually your virtual harem which compels you to masturbate. You must be certain that if you are going to practice SR, then you are also going to refrain from having ANY interaction with your triggers. The root of porn addiction is on your virtual harem.

You must be certain that your peers have an influence on you, so you must break your relationship with those who are addicted as you are. This means not visiting any boards on 4chan (like /v/) where the majority of the population are severe degenerates, maniac-depressive porn addicts. You must be certain of this. Proverbs 13:20: "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." You must be absolutely certain that your peers have an influence on you and so you will break off them.

From today onwards I will show you absolute faggots how you never masturbate anymore. Just feel my radiation of an absolute ultra chad who is clean from all sexual vices. AMEN.
Last but not least, this is crucial: it is extremely important for you to start to control, discipline your eye sense power. Which means that you shouldn't be immediately looking at woman's asses and vaginas when they enter your visual perception. Keep looking at their faces. If you are in the gym but keep looking at girls asses in those gym shorts then it's the same thing as watching porn, you get sexually charged so that energy either makes you go through a very bad case of emotional frustration or you just go and cum. Remember what Jesus Christ said, it's better to be blind than to throw your whole body into the fire. Control the eyes.
Apart from wet dreams, retained for 224 days. Though I admit there has been some personal rubbing in that time, for which I'm kind of disappointed. Gotta get it all under control.
Day 29220 here.

I think im finally seeing beneficial results.

Keep fighting my frens.
Did you fight in Vietnam?
No, im just an average guy, never served, and doing SR ever since my mom told me i'd go to hell for masturbation. Then i decided to do it for Jesus and am finally getting rewarded for my unwavering SR perseverance.
80 years is a really long time.
What's the reward?
Are you an 80-year-old Catholic priest who has devoted his life to the church only to now find out that it's just an Augustinian death cult so in your fury and probably boiling blood from the sacrament wine decided to take it out on a young parishioner?
Can I suggest discussing it with an older parishioner, perhaps recently widowed. I've no doubt you're a good man, but perpetuating the cycle of pain is not the way to be received into God's glory. Especially when there are churches that genuinely celebrate Jesus Christ. People like you are needed in the crusade against them, as you are no doubt a spiritual juggernaut.
No, im not a priest, im just a regular member of a local baptist church and i hold no high position whatsoever..

I think im finally able to use the kundalini magnetism inside me. Just yesterday i smiled at an attractive woman and i felt some mysterious force passing through me genitals.
My power is growing. Praise Jesus!!
>Best way to retain semen is up your ass. Take as many loads as you can get. Let them soak in. Never eat or drink; semen will sustain you.

i still feel hungry and thirsty even after 5 BBCs and 7 BWCs creampied my ass at the local gay sauna... i don't think it's working bros :(

i also noticed that the more creampies i get the more cum is leaking and getting spilled thus lowering the efficiency of nutrient absorption... i don't think it's working bros :(

i don't feel like i'm getting any super powers from this :(

should i go back to being a regular coomer?

this gay shit experiment is not as superpowery as they advertised :(
I have been watching porn for 1 month and retaining fine. I wish I would not go directly to the finish line of SR but it's just too hard...
One day i got bored of porn itself, so I stated wandering about the business model of all those whores on instagram and OF and they even created a subreddit where they share their tips to get as many coomers following them, and then milking the coomers dry lol. So



We all know the whores feed on the desperair of the coomers and they really don't like when coomers refuse to pay. They also don't like that coomers can do a ''charge back'' on their credit cards. And a few whores just disordered that coomers are full of despair for affection, but they are also smarter about computers and whores really hate leaks like on simpcity.

Overall, I can't wait to stop a coomer addicted to porn and no longer under the marketing spell of those whores.
The "in person" good luck is just being perceived as a high status male. Favorable situations that you had while interacting with other people I mean.

The weird ones are the "good luck at the distance benefit" that some anons reported.
Like more tinder responses even with coomer pictures.

If we confirm (it is actually possible with the tinder approach) the "long distance good luck" benefit, then SR is THE paranormal practice.
see how the whores discuss their pricing

>14d ago
>Verified OF Creator

>We aren’t charging so much, a ton of people just came in assuming it was easy money with no clue how it works and way devalued the market. 5 years ago $25-40 per month was normal and a single nude photo would go for $25+. A video from 3-5 mins would be $75+ and a custom video that they made specific requests for was $150+. This is what sex work should cost as it is a luxury experience. It did require you to take great care of yourself and put out excellent content. People weren’t looking to buy much from sloppy looking creators with messy rooms and minimal effort. Im very grateful I’ve retained several of my customers from back then who still understand it’s a luxury and not a right and pay accordingly.
saar please do not redeem semen
do the needful and retain saar
you will have vagene and bobs with kundalini magnetism
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>a custom video that they made specific requests for was $150+
Fascinating. After a week of SR, I woke up with a boner with my pants down and humping my bed for the first time in months. This is despite being one week into a 1000 calorie deficit. It's powerful as hell.

Now, how do I prevent nocturnal emissions from happening before they do?
The problem with SR combined with exercise and excellent diet is the ongoing need for sexual gratification. An absolute paradox!
I experienced the magnetism at the gym/pool the other day. 6 different people felt the need to strike up conversations with me. They were all old and mostly men but still, this is unusual and bizarre. They would just start talking to me like we were old friends.
I'm excited for the time when beautiful women start doing this.
Day 74
Still gotta get back to good habits. Today I read 3 hours already so its been going alright. Started reading some dream shadow work Jung thing. idk what I think of it yet. I really gotta find a way to manage all internet distractions lol.

(also op you forgot to add /srg/ in the title or anywhere)
How do I go back on track? I managed to do it for almost a year but then I slipped and it all went downhill. I failed a few times and then managed to stay one month after which I failed again and encountered a series of failures with few days in-between, not even managing to go past a week. How do I go back on track? Any advice?
Acknowledging that your issue is porn addiction and focusing efforts on that instead of pretending youre basically the buddha for not ejaculating meanwhile u spend every night edging to hardcore porn till your balls hurt but its okay because semen didnt leak out
anon, next time the timeline resets will you please help me realize this semen retention to this extent earlier? If you have been doing it this long then I believe that you have the ability to.
In 2013, me and a girl were hanging out during lunch (I was in media res of my first playthrough of Metal Gear on my PS VITA), and for whatever reason we decided to both go on 4chan's /b/ bored and reddit's /spacedicks because we had heard they were bad and we were teens.
Is that enough information that you could somehow get a post on /b/ to be visible to me in that moment so I will recognize it as a synchronicity?
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Day 6 of a clean streak.

My voice isnt deep, but at least is no longer that squeaky coomer voice. This shit takes time.
Can conform pic rel is true. I am 18 and I lost my v card at 16 after not cooming for 3 months to an 11/10 blonde blue eyed german girl. 100% that girl will be the new megan fox one day.
My life is on filler episodes when I am cooming, just passing by, I am not in control.
When I stop cooming, weird shit starts to happen. More luck, power, respect, influence, woman etc... it is so fuckin weird. And it is all automatic.
Bonus points if you are not ugly. I am not the best looking dude but I have gotten my fair share of complliments from girls (6', 80kg, lean and strong) and when I am on a streak these girl sstraightr up open their legs for me.
Dont look at porn ever
I've been on 4+ months streak this year, didn't lose virginity and girl ghosted me.
Someone get this guy the meme with the higher self pushing the self off the cliff so they can get their shit together and start doing what has to be done.

Don't be afraid to lose things that weren't important. Shits clearing out so you can focus. Go look at the moon and think about the future. Listen to music. Think about everything you could begin. If you aren't 80+ years old and decrepit you still have plenty life left to do something with.
nvm, I realized it is within me to do that myself, and that I already have done that so I could learn from the things I experienced now, but I had not before.
See you next time around
*unless we all figure it out this time*
>just do something things will get better
it never did, I'm 26yo btw
I'm not the 80 year anon there, but I have seen a shooting star appear out of nowhere when I was staring at the moon
>granddad is offering sage advice to you
>seen a shooting star appear out of nowhere
me too, but how dose it change anything? this analogy run around my head.
Do you get any weird thoughts staring at the moon?
This. With exercise and a good diet, you can feel the increase in energy and libido. For me personally, I need to rewire my brain off porn. I'm 30 days + without porn but sometimes the urge is almost inhuman. SR brings a lot of benefits. But I also feel releasing/cooming also has some benefits, maybe my brain is just fucking with me??
The reality of SR is that you have to give up porn and masturbation forever. It doesn't matter how long your streak is, you can not fail even once. It has to go away forever. Not even a glance towards porn.

To me it is helpful to think about it as heroin withdrawal. Porn/masturbation is the heroin. Whenever a thought pops into your mind that it might be good to jack off, just remember that you are going thru heroin withdrawal and treat it as such.

Give it up FOREVER, doesn't matter if you're 1 year in, a moment of weakness is all it takes to fail.

Decide to stop, and then you will be faced with the reality of how strong you really are. Not even 1 "relapse boys"! Rational mind is far superior to emotion
How come other generals on this board do not get the constant shilling that we do? Go to the succubus thread, it's just a bunch of retards talking to each other, no shills.

Either somebody is paying for shills to demoralise us, which means that we are actually on to something good here, or the porn addicts/coomers can not understand that some of us do not want to give in to lust, and prefer to be of self-discipline, as real men should be.
>I did it for a year
> I can't make 1 week

You used to be strong and now you are weak.
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It was a fun party
It was the first time I was at a social gathering in years, I was really anxious these people I haven't seen in years would chew me over small shit.
Nothing happened.
Everyone was so nice and sweet and the people i feared the most were the highlight of my night even tho I was mad autistic.
One guy I haven't seen since middle school talked to me for like an hour about loopholes in formula 1 car regulations which was really interesting.
Last time I met this girl at the bus stop I couldn't do anything else but look at the ground in shame, today I saw her, waved at her and she gave me the sweetest wave back.
Things aren't that bad; i know this is about semen retention but if we zoom a little bit out I'd like to make you notice how the internet whole has the effect that porn has
The internet has me thinking outside is scary and that the world is fucked cause this brainrot or that, but whenever i step foot out of the house things are never that bad
I think the real crux of SR isn't magnetism or whatever, SR to me seems to bring good luck as Boccaccio described it, the ability to roll and come on top of randomness
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It's like I have an internal energy reservoir.
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When on a good streak, I feel like my cowardice starts to melt away. Even to the point of recklessness. But if something happens, I have the energy to deal with it.
Drank alcohol tonight. Why do I feel like this is a reset even though my penis is untouched?
*ahem* *tink tink tink*
Increased luck all day baby
best benefit imo
tag your threads as /srg/, you fucking retards
FUCK nothing good ever happen for me on SR but if I don't participate in it, it's just getting worse, unluck is real, Murphy's law kicks in instantly. me >>39113156
Just wait until your threads get permafrozen on page 4 for monitoring but to stymie traction so that they can track and trace the activity circle and see what's going on, so you have to become polymorphic and do bait and switch ops.
How do you maniacs keep this up?I am literally shaking from hornyness and I can't focus. I can only think about sex How do you guys get anything done? And btw I have no interest in porn and I am mentally and physically healthy. I'm like 5 days in I think.
sexual transmutation, baby.
pick any skill/hobby, practice daily, win.
day 6 here as well, anon. let's make it this time.

your voice is genetic and based on your throat/larynx. although, i think testosterone can influence it. less tension/anxiety will get rid of the squeaks as well.
t. larynx overlord

find other things to focus on. i'm also someone who's had multiple year long streaks. that's the problem of a long streak; a longer fall.
How does that work? Does the feeling and the anxiety go away if I dedicate enough to one task?
>your voice is genetic and based on your throat/larynx
I once reached a long clean streak. Of over 3 months. Dude, my voice was Deep and Powerful.
It's NOT a coincidence that a deep voice is universally regarded as a seductive trait in men.
And that is just one of the benefits of a long clean streak. Relatively speaking, it's one of the lesser ones.

For some reason you lose that benefit with just edging. My Semen Retention streak is over 100 days, but I'm just on day 7 on a clean streak and I don't have that voice.

Good luck to both of us.
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Last time I was on a good streak I completely focused on making a video game for a competition.

I won and got my first gamedev job.
Word on the street is that the nobody general was glowie made
How long does it take before you get these effects? I mainly feel paralyzed by hornyness right now. I have not been able to focus on anything today.
>that's the problem of a long streak; a longer fall.
It doesn't need to be. Manage failure. If you relapse.once, just make it once and move on.
>Drank alcohol tonight. Why do I feel like this is a reset even though my penis is untouched?
Because SR isn't just about not touching your dick. There are numberous and many ways to lose your energy. Video games. Being online. Alcohol. Weed. Overeating. Gooning. Working out too much (you should work out, but two-hour sessions, 6 days a week will drain you). Not touching your dick is the easiest way to give yourself a prana boost. But after you've mastered that, you have other demons to conquer.
>How come other generals on this board do not get the constant shilling that we do?
The answer should be clear to you, but you don't want to take off the blinders. There is a vast, overarching conspiracy designed to weaken people and force upon them vices used to control them. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine and it's constantly pushed on you. Alcohol makes your problems worse and it's readily available to you. Weed has been legalized and it melts your brain. Sex is constantly pushed upon us, even to the youngest members of society, because it weakens us in order to control us. A few dudes not touching their dicks and talking about it literally does threaten the system of control used against us.
>your voice is genetic and based on your throat/larynx. although, i think testosterone can influence it
Bingo. Not fucking up your endocrine system with jerking off explains this.
Get over yourself fucking retard. Wow.
What isn't objectively true about what I said?
/x/ bros , was on day 8 or 9 of my streak , wanted to go full clean , ended up touching myself for a minute or two , didn't even get precum out and managed to catch myself.

Please tell me I'm safe.
As long as youre not edging/gooning it should be fine. Obviously doing it dirty is worse than clean but its better than nothing. Just strive to be better than yesterday
It happened a few years ago. I think i was +2 months on a clean streak. No edging, p*rn or even sex.
Day 7 on a clean streak. I definitely felt different, and i experience some benefits.

Not even close the same benefits that you have a long clean streak, but it made me remember why i do this.

Its worth it. And in comparison, living as a coomer isnt worth it at least to me.
Day 75
I got a good amount of things done today but Im feeling pretty tired after bekng awake for like 12 hours. I slept well yesterday, so I'm not sure why. My sleep is really fucked. Really frustrating. Yesterday I wasted too much time, today is fine. I'm gonna try to exercise and do energy shit today since I havent for like a week. Read more Jung but dream analysis seems like a pain in the ass. Active imagination sounds easier but the book I'm reading warns you could turn into a schizo or something. idk
Im also using 4chan way too much its not good for me.
Fucking meditate retards and do it correctly
if you ever feel on the verge of jacking off, you're doing this whole thing wrong
Yeah and it never gets said enough times, there will always be tards coming in and doing it totally wrong. That's why I keep telling people to get 4chan x and disable images, probably saved 1000s from porn addiction with just that one tip. Controlling your own mind though is the way and many people don't have to find out how to do that, because they can distract themselves enough so only the smartest shut ins figure out the mind thing and they have to because outside is so fucked up
Is it possible to reach perfection through yoga, without following Hinduism?
Day 14 but not because I want to. I cut my hand on day 7 and have been unable to fap since to let it heal.
Yeah white woman new age yoga perfection
Yoga predates Hinduism. Are those ancient pre-vedic sages who reached perfection through yoga new age then? Of course not.
they're weak if they have to block anything
it's better that they fail
dumb, theres nothing wrong with making it easier for yourself
i think it's wrong to completely avoid sexual feelings instead of processing them properly
going on tinder while practising SR is a terrible idea
I mean you get sexual feelings on SR even if you dont see porn, avoiding to see it just makes it so you dont have too many. After a while watching sexual images doesnt do much (or at least for me) so I feel its better to just avoid accidentally seeing porn so that its not harder than it should
Better to have a healthy obsession than an unhealthy obsession.
>Narcissistic cringelord larps as enlightened because he has starfish sex with his wife
There is some interesting stuff but it's mostly fluff. He comes across as gynocentric. Giving compliments, showing appreciation and buying them jewelry is boomer advice and it never can generate genuine attraction. There is more I could say but I will leave it at that.
thats the only way to get it back into my body
>Fucking meditate retards and do it correctly
Yup. Meditate every day. Have a routine. Know your triggers. Focus on spiritual growth. Study the esoteric. It's they main reason why people fail. They view this as a war of the flesh and not a war of the spirit.
Beginning of day 9 of a clean streak.

The urges almost got me bros. Stay strong.
SR is at most a side goal and a part of the overall meditative experience, like fasting and whatever.

Here's how I finally understood meditation in the most fundamental sense that makes the most sense to me. I don't see any potential flaws in the system.
Willingness to achieve anything is limited and flawed. It depends on how how quickly, how durably and how deeply you can concentrate on one or multiple objects in a given amount of time. This isn't a constant state however, it's limited, oftentimes it's not at all satisfactory and it can't be improved with wishful thinking.
That brings us to the most fundamental practice, which is internally ''shooting'' every passing event, thought, desire and stimulus, both positive and negative effects, which can occur in almost the same instant, from multiple angles, maybe interchangeably and for a long fucking time. They change constantly, like the ocean, aurora or something. Each time you take a shot, it's already different The previous form is dead forever, like it never existed. Humans normally take a few shots and immortalize them. They tell stories to affirm them and live by them to affirm themselves. But the essence is not in those old shots. It's in the immediate moment to moment experience. So immerse yourself in shooting as many as you can. In a sense you're empty and all these naturally fill up the void like it's animated. It's very fragile and transient. And then there's you, being no different. You can however achieve a lot by expanding your field of awareness and realize which actions are good and which cause unnecessary amounts of suffering. People here know negative effects of lust, but how many people fall for ragebait, materialism, etc.

Anyway, I hope it's understandable enough. In my opinion, it's impossible to argue for or against this practice, because all arguments are simply much weaker. You can only try for yourselves.
75 is a big milestone
Does the magic go away if you ejaculate into a girl’s mouth (without condom)?
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I can feel the pull of No Nut November
That pic related...
>why would "they" not want you to gain benefit
In return, I ask. Why does your world revolve around pleasing a walking flesh hole?
so what should a man do instead regarding women
idk how many days i havent nutted, but i'm getting random raging boners, any tips on how to deal with this?
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Imma give this a shot. Trying to get into Lucid Dreaming but my dreams are usually too vague to hold onto even right after waking up. I've only ever been able to do it by accident and its a difficult state to maintain. Porn and cooming is my oldest addiction and its easy to justify because everyone is so casual about it. 2 days so far, never gone longer than a week.
In my experience, doing good deeds in secret, without telling anyone about it, is also a powerful practice along with meditation and SR. And when I say doing good deeds I include anything alive, really, not only humans. I avoid hurting animals, even insects or plants. I try to withold judgement, even when interacting with people I dislike.

Not only that, but thinking about fucking someone or many people at the same time during meditation actually seem beneficial to my well being and energy levels, and I noticed the opposite sex is noticing me much more in a good way in the last few weeks. I think this can be considered a form of tantra, although without a partner. NOT looking at porn, just continuously holding a thought of sex with a beloved person in your mind during meditation can have a powerful effect. Try it.

Also sorry about any written mystakes, I'm (quite obviously) an ESL.
relapsed again, bros...
I forgot to say that I'm not even that far into SR, I'm holding my semen for at most a month or a month and a week, but I already noticed a lot (and I really mean a LOT) of positive side effects.
Is there some kind of hypnosis or something I can use to motivate myself to kill myself? I want to slit my throat but I'm procrastinating by throwing things away and cleaning up so that I don't leave too big of a mess behind, and the more I do that, the more things I find that I need to clean up and or destroy and at this point I'm just wasting my time. I'm just asking here because this is the first thread I clicked on. Are there some kinds of subliminals or something I can use so that I'll just grab a knife and stab myself in the throat? I have an aversion to pain but I want to slit myself because it would ensure my fate better than taking pills which I can throw up and I don't want to shoot myself in the head for two reasons, mainly because I don't want to risk fucking up and giving myself brain damage and secondly because I don't have a gun.
fuck off
i don't want you to die
I am curing myself of my masturbation addiction.
That is the plan.
what day of SR is it for you garrote
This doesn't happen unless you're chad, the anon who posted this doesn't understand his genetic privilege. Most men are just physiologically incapable of inspiring genuine lust in women. It's something that's a privilege of a small minority of exceptionally good looking men. Semen retention WON'T give you this type experience. That's not to say it won't improve your experience, but it will still be nothing compared to what chads experience. What it will do is possibly make some women think "that ugly guy [ugly being sub-8] I slept with out of boredom was actually a pretty good lover, he had a pretty hot energy about him". It won't do anything more. It won't make you a chad.
Where to start with studying the esoteric?
Day 0, I lost today.
Hey man, if I can make you even a little more hopeful, I'm a 5'8, bald manlet and lost my virginity when I was 31 years old with a girl I met on Tinder. Since I was 12 years old I masturbated religiously almost every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.

Always felt like a complete and utter loser, especially because of my bad genetics, extreme asocial behaviour and I also basically never interacted with a girl outside of family members.

And bro, this past week was the best of all my life. I'm on SR for only about a month + a week and I can already feel like my female coworkers are noticing me a lot more, I feel more energetic, a lot less anxious and depressed than my old self. I'm even noticing that perhaps my inferiority complex is just an illusion, because many things in this world are only really illusions. Your mind and imagination are much more powerful tools than you can possibly understand with logic alone. You can love yourself no matter what, trust me.

This last week was like magic, I can't even conceive how good it was. Flawless. I'm finally hopeful about the future after 35 years on this earth. I cried out of joy many times over the weekend.

I hope you can find your own light brother, I really do. I love you.

Sorry about my bad english.
I don't know and unlike others I won't pretend I have an answer. All these advices you can get are either useless or they only work when you are already in a relationship and attraction is established. I believe everybody is unique and there is no one answer for everyone and a way to copy success. It's deterministic but I feel like if you have certain innate qualitues and luck fate will simply give you situations where some people are naturally attracted to you. If you hear how most people meet it is "by chance". You can't plan it or control it. Some may never get it and some Chads will get everything. If you need to work for it and betabuxx your way to get some affection I would say it's better to respect nature and accept your fate because people who go against it end up getting punished by life for being delusional.
Thanks :) two more weeks until 90
Day 76
its all inside you, it takes time to unfold, when you shut your eyes and look inside what do you see?
Even if you are not Chad you'll see the benefits. You don't actually have to fuck staceys and hot girls to be happy and sucessful. Find your true love and go talk to her, with someone you can trust. You become braver and bolder as the days keep going with SR + meditation. Trust me on this.
I see an entire reality of endless parallel universes with all kinds of different adventures and events going on, infinite possibilities, as well seeing my own insides expand and retract as I breathe in and out as I become aware of the present moment, why?
do not focus on the incentives of not masturbating but the goal of avoiding it, itself. if you do things for incentives you are weakened to masturbate for the incentive of pleasure. so set goals in hope, follow your goals, and don't follow incentives.
try to turn that all off until it is just blackness like a blank piece of paper
Welcome and good luck.
Remember, the weird benefits/magic happens on a long clean streak.

Don't edge/never goon.
The minion is right
if i edged, should i restart the streak
No just keep it clean from now on
>Willingness to achieve anything is limited and flawed. It depends on how how quickly, how durably and how deeply you can concentrate on one or multiple objects in a given amount of time.
I would disagree. The will is the most fundamental aspect of meditation. Your desire to manifest comes before your ability to manifest a reality. If you have a desired end state, manifesting (aka willing it into existence) it is pretty easy. That's the problem I'm struggling with most. I have the ability to achieve and I have the ability to manifest goals, but everything is so fucking fake and gay I just don't give a shit anymore. I meditate to understand the Divine now and figure out my larger path, after this life. I meditate so I understand how to interpret my waking dreams. I meditate so I understand the synchronous numbers that appear every day. Stuff like women, money, etc. I could give AF less about. SR at some level stops being all fun and games.
Just to add something else to my own post here: this past week felt so lucky and perfect that on monday, my boss (a nice looking girl, but she has a girlfriend) sent me a text message asking me if I could manage two groups of people simultaneously working on two different rooms (I will not add more details because it's boring and unnecessary).

And you known how I answered?
>"Yes I can do it."
>"I can handle more than one (girl) at the same time, yes."

She actually started treating me differently after this exchange, she smiles at me a lot more, even the tone of her voice changed. I have a threesome fetish and I can only hope something like this can happen, it would be a dream come true. For a bald, manlet asocial loser like me its inconceivable, but it did happen. Like magic.
>Where to start with studying the esoteric?
Just pick up a book. About any aspect and read. The Mega doc library posted on /x/ every now and then is gold. And meditate every day. No particular system. Just pit forth the effort and you will figure it out.
I was never into edging and always saw it as a waste of time. The quicker the nut the better, but naturally over time it isn't that easy and the amount of time I wasted just trying to get it over with is mind boggling.
I have two counters, one for semen retention and other (the one that matters) for nofap/clean streak
wow this thread is much more active than usual
I don't quite get how you can edge and just stop lol i feel like id go insane
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imagine feeling shame lmao. you're too attached to your character lil bro
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nta but yeah i never felt shame over masturbation, i am doing sr because its just a waste of time and energy, not because i feel bad about it
also this porn is so fucking bad
I used to do it until the urges went away. Some times that took hours.
insane lmao hope you take cold showers now or something
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I lifted and did the carnivore diet. No wonder I was so horny.

On a related note I am now over a week on a clean streak, but I quit the gym and I'm eating goyslope.

Gonna go back to the healthy life tomorrow. I want to know how peak feels.
this plus since most people only lurk 4chan so that they can feel a sense of pride saying that "they dont post there or anything" you end up reaching a huge audience of real humans who propagate our truths.
If you are doing the sex magicks then your sexual energy is spent towards your intentions.
But why do you want that which you want? Desires emerge from the same place all your suffering does and you can concentrate on your vision, emotion, or the very deed for as long as you can or see fit, but that results always satisfy is simply not true. Some loa pricks will gaslight you and say your faith is too weak. The best scams convince you that you're at fault and not them. I do believe incredible things can happen but there are levels more profound than our mundane desires and what we think is our will, where they intertwine with their opposites in greater and lesser degrees, until they're not your own.
Also wanted to say that the reason behind my practice was the realization that in every area of my life was an awful amount of suffering. I could see through everything as only temporary satisfaction at most and that too was slipping away. I wanted to realize the true nature so to speak. The original state of man.
Why is watching porn/Tiktok so apparently good bros? I'm on day 6 or 7 of a clean streak and then I occasionally get one or two beautiful thoughts about this or that porn I watched on the past. How are you even supposed to kick off this addiction ever when you have so much fond memories of your experiences with it? Of course, I know that just after I do the deed my mind will do a radical 180 and I will instantly regret it. But then after 3 or 4 days after that the mind will do another 180 and now porn is one of the most cool things ever, I went through this process a million times already, I can't help but find it funny. Tough stuff.
Why do YOU retain?
Thanks, but my problem goes far beyond genetics or feeling like a loser, although I am both, just not in a way that really impacts my appearance. My appearance has always been one of the few things about me that I wouldn't change if given the opportunity. I have autism, which means that people have always hated me everywhere I go, and that was worsened by the fact that I was bullied by my dad and uncle throughout my entire childhood, which seemed to have a ripple affect, causing my peers to see me as weak and select me as the person that they could all come together in hating, but even that I could have lived with. I won't go into detail because people's natural inclination is to gaslight me, but I have basically lost full use of my hands due to an injury that happened four years ago that I didn't get treated because I had just list my health insurance a few weeks prior, and by the time I got them checked out, they were permanently ruined. The fact that I can still move my fingers means that no one believes that there's anything wrong with them despite their change in appearance. I was an artist and a musician before this happened and my entire identity was based around that. I am in constant physical distress due to the way my brain reacts to having hands that are not the way they're supposed to be, and I experience constant monotonous dysphoria due to it. Every minute of every day is torture for me. Every time I wake up, I immediately want to smash my head against the wall. I am not only grieving the life that I am no longer capable of having, I am in fear of how bad things will get, as it is constantly getting slowly and gradually worse. The life that I have now redefines any previous definition I had of suffering. I never thought as a kid that anybodys life could possibly be this bad. My life is nothing but a source of constant, monotonous pain. I have been dealing with this for over four years, and have been fantasizing about killing mysel
f the entire time, but now I'm finally at that point. I can really see myself living to the end of the year. I have been pushed to my final limit and am now ready to finally end my life, even if that means being in a state of extreme pain for the last couple of minutes of my life. I have nothing to live for. I just want to grab a knife and stab it into my throat.
Coomer me will not gmi
Why don't you try anoter forceful method before killing yourself? I understand you live a very, very hard life. I can imagine your pain and the helplessness you feel, like feeling trapped. But death is the extreme final destination, the last stop, the ultimate method. Why not try some other method first?

Since you are going to kill yourself anyways. Why not try to move out from all your family and peers first? Just get a minimum wage job and get away from everyone who causes you pain. You can live in the other side of the city without anyone ever bothering you. Then you can start again.
I've heard of a technique to force your body to heal.
I first learned about it from a story about a guy who broke his spine and was wheelchair bound.
He forced his body to fix his spine by studying the anatomy of the spine and then meditating on how the spine was designed for like an hour a day and after a few months, he was walking again.
I've also heard a similar thing from a study where someone was studying mental willpower as a cure to cancer, his patents would spend an hour or so a day meditating on their immune system destroying the cancer and they had a very good recovery rate.
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Every guy is a coomer, I want to be different.

I like my hair and I'm not balding anymore.

I enjoy not having erectile dysfunction anymore.

I enjoy not spending a single penny on an OnlyWhore.

I love seeing reality in 4k 120fps, back when I was a coomer I was stuck in 480p.

I no longer have acne.

I feel my divine masculine energy and I can channel that into my hobbies.

I'm able to read a book since I quit porn, masturbation, orgasm, and video games.

Magnetism is fantastic. Women can sense your balls full of cum, but why should I give in and ruin my streak? The next time I will release will be when my penis is inside my future wife's vagina, for the sole purpose of recreation. And that's only if I want a child (still not sure if I want a relationship).

But the #1 reason to retain, above all else, is Manifestation. What you Manifest is up to you, I originally wanted to Manifest women but now it's more related to manifesting lucid dreaming.

You can do it. I had an internet porngraphy addiction from 11 to 31, with the longest retention streak during those 2 decades being only 5 days.

I started with topless women, then fully nude, then solo masturbation, F/F, F/M, hentai, femdom, futanari, POV toilet Slavery, Giantess and ending with lolicon.

I deleted over 2000 dollars worth of porn from all of my devices, and installed a website blocker that filters over 115 different urls. If I had to give any advice to an anon regarding SR,it would be to not look at porn. If you look you will masturbate and you will orgasm, lose your streak and your manifestation superpowers. Never fap
, never goon.
When I fall sleep tonight I am going to pray for you so may find relief
your dick and balls must be huge by now
I assume that is why the really celibate monks and priest have to wear a robe.
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DAY 12. My dick and balls are becoming magically charged.
Anyone else struggle with getting high and then give in? I want to keep smoking occasionally but it really does make it much more difficult.
this image talks about weed (its not good) >>39128295

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