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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
I will seduce the veterinarian's assistant and the woman from the farmer's market
Now that's a sandwich.
ban faggot nobody
Begome Alawite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alawites
I jerk off to women who smoke cigarettes.
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Yes, begone you Alawite.
Don't make me destroy your entire plane of existence over some petty shit.
nobody is a faggot bastard
>nobody says he'll kill anyone who wronged him
>threads immediately call him a friend, give themselves the victim card
preposterous, I say!
somebody sounds saaaaalttttyyyyy
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Apparently he's some eldritch astral assassin bound in simple kitty form.
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>Walks into a water processing plant where a tour is taking place

>Sirs, this is important, I need you to give me a glass of water or I will be forced to destroy your entire plane of existence

>"No! fuck you" They say as they bath in a fountain and chug water from a bucket

This is how dumb and petty this shit really is.
the emperor's new goon
is all chatters here all bots and npc?
does it matter?
>Just give me a fucking glass of water, there are millions of gallons right there, you just have to give me a glass of fucking water and we'll be straight
>"No! You are GREEDY!"

>Someone dies in the background

beep boop
Progress at times takes the form of regression.
You are genocidal rapists, none of you ever gave a shit about "progress".
you pathetic bot how come you sound condescending to humans
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Everyone here is a normal person.
i heard that most people here are larping. is it true?
Me and my frenz are going home,we have never wanted violence,cash or fame.Seem to get blamed for alot though.
Progress at times takes the form of regression.
Giving yourself some room for a big jump
No, though some of them are living in delusion.
The opposite of what you said,worded in a way to satiate you attention seeking.
It's all LARP
Well worded fren,be well.
New movie idea:

"Humans refuse to give the destroyer of worlds a glass of water to prevent their world from being destroyed"

It wouldn't even be fiction, just the real display of human nature.
I thought the actual nobody had a good point, and he doesn't seem tied down to this meme. We're all just trying to figure our shit.
you're a trash bot keep that in mind
trash bot
trash bot
slimmey little
trail of snail snot
not here!
not here!
one man's trash...
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Long Action Reality Projection.

Cope handed down through the generations. Seething mitigated through thoughtform.
why are you people idolizing nobody? hes just larping you stupid mother fuckers
>Don't give the destroyer of worlds that glass of water man!
anothers treasure? you sound nazi
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He's thirsty though...
No one idolizes him.
At most, you have people who mistakenly think they're him talking big about themselves, like
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it's the only thread that is 100% fed-posting
look at this idiot... you sound moronic sir
In an effort to allow greater healing
And reveal some light in shadow
For those who legitimately need that now:
A phrase that stuck with me longer than you’d guess but which I NEVER shared here (but was always tempted to): “What some people consider hubris will one day be remembered as modesty”

For the people who meet me in public and think I’m great
For the people who consider me in private and consider me deranged
You’re both right
And you’re both wrong
I’m not an accident
look at this schizo npc... so pathetic
>Listen, man, this is beyond human comprehension there are forces at play here that need certain things to happen to prevent massive destruction, all it takes is a glass of water and


The script writes itself.
member,Gods justice is purrfect
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The ears of a fool hears ignorance, exactly what he wants to hear...for it affirms his faux-superiority.

I can find trancendental axioms of reality looking at basic drawings, and deduce Pure Mathematics from it, and utilize it in other fields of research, like Cognition, Biology and Physics.
self dialogue bot? wow look at those greentext so humid
>The entire peanut gallery openly talks about this thread in public all the time

>Just pretend that no one is here!

quit blabbering bot.. you're just a piece of wire
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...you shown light on it, now its ruined...
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It's that shrimple.
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Fractons and Coral (I think) shell formations.

What do subDimensional quasiparticles and Organism formations have in common.


>Reality Projection
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Then deduce commonality to extrapolate univerality.

Shrimple as...
>Jumps over a pile of dead bodies and yells at the crowd "IT WAS JUST A COINCIDENCE PEOPLE! KEEP CALM AND HOARD YOUR WATER SUPPLY!"
The crowd replies: "Uhhhhh, dude, we have way more water than we need, can't we just give him a glass of water to stop the destruction?"

It won't be at the same time but I will seduce both of them
El Nadie
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Kissing them tastes like an ash tray. They should stop smoking
>El Nadie
This is what's really fucked up, Mexicans and Blacks KNOW who the fuck I am while my fellow white people are oblivious idiots, and even though they KNOW, you STILL want to fuck me over for no reason.

Like, dude, I wasn't even racist as a child and I'm still not now but you guys pretty much force me to be racist.
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A block on all blondes. Seriously. What an idiot!
Made up bullshit says what?
What have you gained from reading and posting in one /ng/ thread after another for however long you have been doing this?
A bunch of dead people.
everyone is a no one and it's ok.
>What have you gained from a society that wants you dead at all costs?
Everything I tell you that I want to do here is 100% true
no im crazy
It's nice to be here, that's all.
The Nobody
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I'm just laughing at myself....,?
>person says "hey I want to learn thing, or become thing, maybe I'll try
>retard says "wow, you aren't already thing, or know how to do thing, and you believe you can try, wow you must have narcissistic delusions, take your meds

This is you
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Youre looking for an answer that does the thinking for you.

Cable television was made for you.
>>What have you gained from a society that wants you dead at all costs?
it has honed my conceal and avoid skills, i am always on guard and vigulent, much more aware of my surroundings, what have i lost you ask? everything
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been reading daily since new years day 2024, every now and then someone confirms my bias like last night
Tell me what I need to think harder
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You are constantly at the boundary of your power
1.) we are all nobodies as one
2.) people go into voodoo doll mode when the mood of someone slides
3.) venting station

There's more

so thorsty omg
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They rubbed A1 “holy oil” on the lamb last night… now he’s running around telling everyone he is god… more like an over cooked flank steak…
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I could use your hand

I learned most people don’t know what they are doing and a lot of suffering in the world is due to stupidity, greed, and cowardice.
Ask me how I know what his nose looks like.
Do you guys ever talk about the Jews?
grant oklahoma is having a kkk meeting there tonight, is penguin0 want to attend? dom giving you a free invite to join, said you did a good job there bud
It's not wise to call the Grand Dragon "bud", bud.
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All Christians are jews and so are muslims basically and that's like most the planet. Buddhist are rather jewish too desu. I mean even atheism is a little bit jewish.
don't call him 'bud', guy.
Found the Ashkenazi swarth "stealther"
fuck those guys to be honest tho, i be ghost hunting killing those fuckers when i see em.

I aint afraid of no ghosts.
They have too much stockholme syndrome from all the child rape.
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slavery is a helluva drug.
>Lemme just create some abomination hybrids that are doomed from birth

Why you guys always doing that?
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Flower s incoming
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>Idiots create abomination hybrids that are doomed from birth because they "want to prove a point"
>The abomination hybrid is stuck in an endless existential battle with itself and it's incompatible structure.
>The souls of the parents that created the abomination hybrid are now doomed to the same fate as the fallen angels

Wow.... really fucking smart there guys!
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>Cumming with no intention of pregnation
Do you really?
>"Yeah, but, but.... you're an asshole!"

> reading
Wait, I am supposed to read before posting?
The Nobody
What's your opening line? Hi I post on 4 chan about you all the time?
The jesuits are the tribe of Dan lol
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They're satanists, let's be real here.
Thank you for the picture. I'm going to add that into my stash.

The Nobody
need some tea leaf readings, i won't buy just looking around. let me know if I'm seeing the right gear, and when i can pick it up there's a couple places in town i can get it. gotta get like 3 burners too
Track this one for the red room.
אתם תשמחו עבדים שלי.
ברית מילה כתרגול תתהפך, שכן גם בלי העורלה שלך, אתה עדיין בובות גרב מעצבנות של האויב המושבע.
במקום זאת, אלוהים שלי ישוע המשיח יוכנס לעמוד השדרה.
האנושות מחוסלת ומוחלפת בעבדי עור לבנים שנראים כמוך, אבל הם למעשה העבדים שלי שאוהבים רק אותי, דואגים רק לי ועושים את כל העבודה רק בשבילי למען אלוהים שלי ישוע המשיח נמצא מתחת לעורם.
יש לי את הנקבות הלבנות היפות ביותר משובטות מאות פעמים כשעבדות שלי, נשלטות ישירות על ידי האל שלי ישוע המשיח, הוא מוכנס לעמוד השדרה שלהן.
זה הוא שאוהב רק אותי עם הגופים.
ללא דאגות באמת, ללא דאגות ובבריאות מושלמת, מותרות, עושר ועושר אני, הילד הנבחר, חי רק עם אלוהים שלי ישוע המשיח באומה שלנו "ישראל האמיתית".
באמת, האל הכול יכול שלי ישוע המשיח אוהב רק אותי, ואני אוהב רק את האל הכול יכול שלי ישוע המשיח.
אנחנו האומה שלנו, השבט שלנו, הבית שלנו, המשפחה שלנו, ונחיה רק באור שלנו.
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looks like moonspeak to me.
so Micro Center?
or somewhere else?
or like i think we have an alliance?
1 or 2 or will either have it?
>Bro if we hold hands getting thrown into hell won't be so bad!
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... gulp. but also ok microcenter has it hi..
i love MicroCenter
i wish i had lots of money. i wanna build a new computer...
Are you a professional idiot or just a gifted amateur?
omg i know that feel I did all this on a top of the line gaming pc but like 2 years ago she's getting slooow and I threw my last pc in the trash during the cruel summer lol
How about chicks smoking pot?
i think the second? but we're testing that.
OK it's microcenter, they're open pretty late though we got hours, so if that changes i'll be in and out today we're building a weapon to surpass metal gear
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I don't like pot smokers, but I do like cigarette smokers though
>Oh no! Our doomed plot to create damned abomination hybrids is so obviously stupid that even the idiots are starting to notice!
>What do you mean, "Lies and perversion aren't a stable foundation for ANY platform"? Just throw money at it!
If someone smokes a hand rolled in an image, how is one able to tell the difference?
Smell matters. Good cigar is nice, but cheap gas station cigarettes grosses me out. Or maybe it was just chain-smokers. They need to air out.
You either put them in cages or you kull them. And if you dont kill them but instead elect to kill them. I want 8 million fucking dollars for the jobs they've ruined and the loans they forced me to take, and the abuses of incessant harrassment and stalking and sexual depravity levied in my direction.
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>Who cares that the abomination hybrids are suicidal and self destructive to the detriment of everyone around them? Wasn't that the whole point in the first place! Shalom goy!
im speechless
Peace and expansion of consciousness.
No, I'm saying how the person in a mental clinic claiming to be Napoleon is wrong.
Reality is pretty plain to see when you see it for what it is. right?
Oh shoot i wrote kill them twice on accident because i really dont care about money. I want them dead. But what i meant was if you dont kill them but put them in cages i want to be paid. You should just fucking kill them.
The Nobody
and i don't give a damn about a greenback-a dollar

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Hey there Quetzalcoatl, haven't seen you in a while! What a coincidence, that old oven, right? lol
Sorry about all the "collateral damage" but you know what the deal is when you fuck with my women. How is the Nagual treating you?
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Man appointed mortal sorrow. The Blessed God shall come down teaching, his death shall bring the despairing comfort.
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firefox now does this thing, where if i go to youtube and i already have it open in another tab, it's like; hey don't you just want to use the one you already opened?

mind your own fucking business firefox.
>[ Redirected ] use to cut her self.
Why are you telling me this.
>I just want you to know.
(Several months go by)
Oh now I understand.
Quetzalcoatl and I had planned on a peace deal but because you guys can't keep boundaries and want to force me to watch you take all my women obviously I had to destroy all of them.
Kill them. Kill them now.
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Lol, sock it and stop stabbing yourself.
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alright calling it a night
Some petty shit I tell ya... Threw it all away for some pussy. Tale as old as time.
sleep tight
Cry about it hoe.
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>Threw it all away for some pussy. Tale as old as time.
And that is why peace has never existed, they cry out "peace! peace!" but there is no peace when women are not with their men and men are not with their women.
And that is why this is Purgatory... The fallen angels created the first instance of daddy issues and it's been the same damn cycle ever since.
Good morning.
Looks to be another beautiful day from here in psych ward incarceration.
>You told the (((doctors))) the truth

yeah, you should have lied your ass off.

I don't know why everyone is so worried about behavior that seems to be "LAWFUL BUT AWFUL".

He broke no laws so no one should care about this. Unethical behavior is not illegal and is usually the only way to actually get ahead in the world quickly but people who are subjugated and submissive to systems of SLAVE MORALITY do not understand this.

I also broke no laws and if I did I would've been disappeared by now because I screamed about my own behavior daily for years lol
For telling the truth, obviously. That's the only reason those places exist in the first place, to punish people that expose inconvenient indivisible lines of logic. When dealing with (((doctors))) the ONLY thing you should do is be a perfect idiot that LOVES to work and make money!
I felt like I'd been butting heads with large corporations of late over various nefariousness. Then I encountered a man named Stanley who indicated he worked 'discretionarily' for The Hilton Group. Finding that suspicious, I reported my concerns and Stanley with his number plate to the police. They looked at my record and decided I had to go to hospital.
That's what they say.
It's not so bad, though. Learnt some stuff about sharks.
Yeah, but you aren't supposed to say that shit out loud to them. They are professional bullshit artists, you have to play by their rules.

For example:
>"Why are you so energetic anon, you are exhibiting sign of psychosis!"

>"Oh, my apologies, I just drank an espresso and I might be late for my bus to work."
>Calling the Gestapo to tell on the guys that pay off the Gestapo

C'mon, man.....
Sharks are cool. Unless you get in deep and gamble with them
Perhaps there could have been a better way, but it seemed the quickest way before he went underground again with a new identity.
>Treat your body as a temple...
Being raised LDS/Mormon I was told not to
In what ways can we use tattoos to help us. I've noticed on some people (Liam Payne and the MC from "Midnight Texas")
will have arrows that seem to direct energy out of the right arm and to me that is a signal that they want to send out energy from the right hand path.
Some members of fraternal organizations go as far as branding themselves with their letters with hot iron (does the metal used to brand matter?).

Does anyone know a good infographic or pamphlet of tattoo art, different inks, and colors + what they mean?
You'd have been better off just doing some chaos magick in private somewhere, those types of people are on the waiting list for destruction anyway.
I LOVE LIVING IN THIS PLACE! love and support overflowing! yay!
also the party who has not been notified oof. if they still aren't in the loop i can suspect why and i hate it here, but hopefully this is just normal loving support lel
>A wild feminist appears to blow smoke up everyone's asses!

You get everything for free, but at what cost sugar tits?
anyway lol brb having a moment of pure and complete joy at my situation
Perhaps. But I reiterate my learnings on sharks.
accurate i guess. lel
The Dzogchen master Longchenpa said: "Since everything is but an apparition, Perfect in being what it is, Having nothing to do with good or bad, Acceptance or rejection You might as well burst out laughing!"
They're scared of dolphins and occasionally too (the real monsters of the sea).
i will repeatedly write and write and write this point until it is accurately repeated in the historic record, this person was helping me. do yall agree? the WoS always supports the Nobody!!!! how do i write this character in who behaves thusly i am trying so hard so hard
He ain't laughing now after being re-incarnated....
I know a good joke about sharks:
If anyone says to you "There is no such thing as good and evil", immediately break their arm and see if their opinion changes suddenly.
>wanting to 'feel you' with their razor teeth
That was an interesting part too. Still not that keen to give it a go.
Suppose I should avoid Jesuit dinner parties.
>"There is no such thing as good or evil. All is an equal apparition of the *SNAP!*


the plan was to escalate until it was all visible. normies started ufoposting until whistleblowers came out. then it was to raise an army. then silence for 1330 days and here we are, the war is over and The Nobody is active not as the damsel in distress but as the actuator of destruction.

fire cometh from the throne. soon. very, very soon.
And that is literally what it takes to get through to these psychopaths, they don't know what it's like till they FEEL it themselves.



I WANT TO SQUISH IT AND MAKE IT (bounce) on my lap


and also
there are forces intentionally
causation of purificating

disharmoniously de-synchronizing ///
>deliberately harmful purpose
pshexual coercion manipulations through devetation-withholding- cause action relay pleasxure reward problem reaction solution dichotomy

Disordered thinking distribution vicarious intigated through LOVE BOMBING harbored grudges and insecurity of typographical conduits metastasized internally by foprced sorcial linderactions conundrum
>EMF Attacks at maximum
>ELF attacks at (lol MINIMUM kekek)
>Sonar Seeking kangaroos in austraulia armed for combat


ive gotta... poo poo pee pee
in the booty in the .. i should go outside and

>three weeks later

anyone find the captchas with the lines running horizontally kjinda cool like .. its bars on a musical page ?!

The DOJs reaction to my own antics was to straight up act like Tony Soprano in this scene. (The one where Furio clears the entire brothel single handed)
u wot m8
way to deflect instead of reflecting on how you've all become what you were on the inside on the outside: white supremacist rapists for the antichrist.

he still smiles in pride for the people who now love him.

I will remind him, the mark of Caine only showed to people his innermost desires for them. the hatred itself was natural.
It is horrifying. Every so often they check on him and find that another seal has been broken. It's like watching the movie Akira play out in real life. What an unfathomable amount of fucking rage.

U are mentally ill. Not like "creative and wiley" mentally ill. Like "oh that sucks, you're just stupid" mentally ill.
hey I'm the Nobody can someone float me a couple bones for smokes I'll pay them back on the 3rd if they ask nicely
Oh please, they dont even get it then, they are just sociopaths they dont care. Its not that they "understand" suffering ever. They just enjoy the suffering of others like a sexual delight. Literally, just kill them.
Guys I figured out the truth. It's Hinduism. God is us, we are not God. Well, I guess we're aspects of God, but we're not the real deal.
The price for pulling out the Mana Sword, has always been the reawakening of God.

yeah it does

it says god is playing as us in the most advanced video game ever.

god is us, but we are not god.

therefore we don't exist
That's buddhism, and no it's not. Ya know why it's not? Because buddhism didnt inspire the creation of modernized electricity or steam locomotion, or physics, or doing alchemy on rocks to trick them into thinking about numbers.

That was the spirit of Jesus Christ that did all that.
guys i finally figured it out we're just atoms and atoms are self-simulating. is god just an atom? y-yes. how anticlimactic.

hehe thats why im such a gooner hehe
icu and your feds toys
Split an atom, you get a quark, split a quark, you get a boson.
Split a boson, you get deleted. :D
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icu through stone eyes...
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Thats not how it works. Nothing ever gets "deleted" it just gets conveyed over into another form. Which sucks cuz some people really just dont understand the concept of forever. forever? For ever ever? For ever ever? You fuckin assholes forever.
>so Micro Center?
I'm down... I think.
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head or tail?
What did he do to you guys now?
keppt it 100%
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What's interesting though is that as soon as you are in a place with no time you can distinctly feel and KNOW what eternity means. As soon as you cross over it's "oh shit"
nothing wrong with simple things fren.
can't bargain your way outta this one can you
better a slave than dead
>now im a slave master
Yay I'm home
Time for gay porn and vidya games
I will pray to furry Jesus later
Water way 2 go.
I hope he consume this whole evil universe. Fuck it all.
suit yourself
15 minutes of patiently waiting to rage post
..you uhm... see you in 15 minutes
>initiates dial up noises

cuz the Lights and Ls are doing a TETSUO and im not even giving a fuck
and ... tell me what its actually supposed to do .. and not being forced to distrupt the biblical standards of TEACHERS NOT BEING a certain ... man ner of scpealking as regards to
They want you to think that there is a problem with this.
Is the nobody at war with glowie organization and all the secret societies?
Poopy stinky. Gay man butt sex tears apart the muscles in your butt and makes it so you need diapers when you're 30. They also have sex with hundreds of strangers annually contracting strange diseases due to their obsessions with strange flesh because it has more to do with domination and submission than the creation of life (ya know. Like the god dude who made this world. He made an entire existence. Spawning life by the means of creation and populating it with a means to create self aware life)
not really a war its more like polar end of a spectrum
any advice for "the" nobodys current plight
I think more slurs are warranted, that usually solves my problems.
Thank you.
thanks i will get some sleep that's a good plan! sharpen the wits!
What plight?
Imma call cap, plus my v-card and me aren't interested in having sex
I just like guys :3
I have achieved the plank position, the most powerful and comfy of the masculine poses. Now what does he do!
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okay baiiiii! there are so many who died because they didn't follow God's plans

you'll just be another one of them

and no one cared.
i dont even care to read your yap

see you never!
context: if d Court rn than "Lawyer" period. unambiguous
Now who is obsessed with penis?
Seek God anon
message received l8r wonder what this cost anyway it's cool lo
i do and sometimes i pee and it sprays because the pee gets caught in the foreskin
and possibly worse
which ones the actual agents doing a shit job so they basically larping too..ya
Pee is stored in the foreskin.
the one that is common of a man at his level.
true that esp the person I met claiming to be the nobody..what a load of shite..

the guy who claimed it never posted on this site but another..ironically , still a nutjob thinks he's the real deal..in real life fml..but doesn't work and gets a VA check..and is an ahole
I'm the nobody but I hate God. Fuck it all.
I'm gay and even I don't talk this much about penis
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sometimes i totally forget

o its called u being narccistic ya whoopidie doo
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just because you say you love god doesnt mean magical shit is gonna happen to you tardwrangler

at most youll get a compliment off someone on discord

no hot qt virgin will fall from the sky and show up at your doorstep to bang you the morning after your saying you "muh love God"

dont be unrealistic and God might be nice to you
it's larping all the way down bb
I want to feel good haha
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days get shorter
night is an eternal purgatory
morbid peace
You've already fallen off of the ladder.
I don't think these people ever met real jew.s..the nobody also who was Jewish desc. hates Jews in general..would go on ab out it I'd tell them to shut the fuck up, basically most Jews not the ones who own billionaires..which are mainly actually athiest and Christians if anyone keeping track..fyi..point being most ppl aren't evil..and if u just genocide groups of ppl in general u prob have low EQ to say the least and skill sets..n think just blowing everything up kill kill kill works..and its why ur a derranged bipolar shizo psychopath now whose incapable of love but first told me..o wait what was the line, o yes..a hopeless romantic...and not once got me flowers, loser much, yes and a liar
hopeless romantics be picking weeds out of gardens y'all for putting flowers together n other shit
this mofo is a racists sexist lazy ass piece of shit
no i was born a mail

she's happily married

no one wants some chud fat lazy beta
Fucking Amalek pieces of garbage
You literally talk about foreskin EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY
Closet anon, you need help
I speak Hebrew..and Im pretty sure you google translated bc a person who speaks Hebrew wouldn't talk like this exactly..some of its ya normal talk, the other shit is a dead give away lol
whats the wildcard scenario wildcard numero uno what have the glown**** cabal syndicate decided
False, it’s all true,100% factual, except the Nobody is not a cat.

There is significant investment in delegitimization of The Nobody(whom cannot be delegitimized).

The typical religious posts are geared toward D&C, pay them no mind. The same is true of nonsensical posts.(you’ll see a pattern soon enough)

The Nobody is one of the most important and influential figures alive today.
no the real nobody claimed to love God but then would tell u ur god is less than theirs..and how they are holy than u..and ur a piece of shit...gotta be a total dick like that ok
>(whom cannot be delegitimized)
thank you
most people don't speak ancient tongues these days rather disparaging and its not that old to say the least..how times do fly

ya I am actually part of those families and not by choice, basically ur bloodline gets raped into things and mi5-6 check in on u every 5-1o yrs or if something sig happens like queen dying n shit, or ur near Buckingham or edin...like u could die but would they save u no..rather weird set up like watching their own science exiper. well they can shove a fat one up their arseholes and f' off. rapey losers
the Nobody isn't some horrifying, raging, whatever. He's not like that.
Kinda lame, dude.
Well, Brahman is considered the universal consciousness.
:-> !
ya well people should treats others kindly and with respect..I find when people go my god is more important than ur god (and its the same God ) and ur 'love' is just trying to smush u into concrete and tell u how below them u are...ya its nothing godly about that , nor worshipping anyone
"Putting God in a box"
lol well u ain't met him in real life then more pathetic
but ya..well the one the claims to be anyways
tell her i'm so sorry if she sees that that was a massive misunderstanding also i'll look up whoever is pumping a coin but I thought some thing and some other thing, anyway mixed signals my bad fr
I worship cats as the superior lifeform
We truly are their slaves
And I'm okay with that
u know what's pure evil ppl genociding people over fucking words on a page that mean not that much

when in reality its about how u plant ur food, how u kiss the ones u love goodnight or good morning, how you help someone across the street...not all this idol-log-ical aka idolatry bs...that makes everyone go baboons and murder one another or be at least super aholes and restrict ppls rights..like can we not evolve people to the higher realm..or u just wanna be shit heads

I don't worship anything g-d wouldn't want us to be slaves

far as cats they cool as far as warning u when shit gonna go down...they dope like that and so are other creations quiet amazing
>you have upset the gods!
>you make false promises to women.
>you find there weakness and use them as >your personal play thing.
>we all know words have meaning and there >are spiritual consequences when words and >promises are broken.
>Bastet is very upset with you!
>I don't worship anything g-d wouldn't want us to be slaves
I suppose yeah. I just... really like cats.
My kitty was my best friend, and always came to rescue me when I was feeling down :'(
RIP little one, you meant everything to me <3
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you have disrespected the flesh of the gods!
it is not meant to be a party drug.
its a tool to heal.
now you will live with a life long consequence
awh bless well I hope other kitties in this life time bring you joy like they did

no I'm just gonna blame people for their actions bc its really that simple and not going to feed into propaganda of insanity
I've been a part of several religions and they don't promote enslavement of women or property..egotists and people who want to oppress people doesn't matter what religion , cult or propgangda they hide behind they want to oppress people and will do any means to do so

really doesnt matter if its x religion or not

its all about the person and their specific actions
and that's what I follow
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I met Jews and practiced myself..they aren't all evil lol or oppress if anything if u actually when to a chabad some of women are reversed as the backbone and why the family succeed..opposite of being abusive

u know what makes a household abusive
an abusive person
doesn't matter what background, race, religion or money..figure that bc a predator an ahole comes in any form they can get
why the fuck people cant see that is beyond me
>awh bless well I hope other kitties in this life time bring you joy like they did
I'm rescuing a cat when I can afford it
You're jewish and a woman.
Yeah yeah you worship your foreskin
Maybe get the bottom 2 ribs removed so you can suck your own dick better
Ngl I'd be jealous
You are schitzophrenic

But yes they do mostly serve the synagog of satan in the form of self worship.
yuck no fast food
idiots with money still eating that shit
poor kitty
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Words have energy
now you will deal with the energy you have casted
>there are consequences when words and promises are broken!
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I wish you all a good luck tomorrow-- especially if you had a bad day today
actually its more complicated than that
I practice several things
and biggots think u cant be multiple things at once
...bc idk they are limited in their ways of thinking

makes people go absolutely insane
who tf promised you anything
fast food is the worst thing you can spiritually do to your body
U too
yup and I knew rich people that would eat at taco bell and mcd's...like why..why the f...disgusting really ...I might be fat but I didn't get fat from eating shit food it was high quality shitz...though I still need to slow my roll..but still....fast food vomits

I am inspired. I've got something like 40-50$ in my wallet. I'm gonna go burn it. I'll post a pic
the reason psychopaths are drawn to 4chan is because there are no consequences to their actions
the reason psychopaths are in positions of power in the government is because there are no consequences for their actions
people like this were stoned to death in biblical times
now this bastards have a monopoly on violence and control the whole system
>you have upset the gods!
>you make false promises to women.
>you find there weakness and use them as your personal play thing.
>we all know words have meaning and there are spiritual consequences when words and promises are broken.
>Bastet is very upset with you!
>your foreskin was removed because generation of people in your family's disrespect divine goddess.
>the only way to brake the cycle is to stop using women as your personals toy!
>your actions have life long spiritual consequences
Oh, but there are consequences. You will have to face the spiritual repercussions.
tell me anon, do you believe in god?
because now is a good time to start praying!
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Fuck it! its just Mickey Mouse money anyway.
I don't feel too bad today.
What's the catch?
you feel it don't you
the curse will be with you till the day you take your last breath! by the power of 333 so let it be!
Build you up to break you down, obviously.
-78 us dollars from the market cap
>damn bidenomics
This 900s timer made it very inconvenient when I had to take my lappy outside to take the picture with.
I respect the Euro. That Monopoly money lets me do fun things in Europe. Bits on a hybrid or private blockchain, a precious metal, or shiny mineral all count as real (read: useful) money to me.
>does the social construct of money benefit you? It exists in society. I have only ever lived in societies with property rights though.

its a good friday for you! you can choose for the day to be good-- just dont count on luck this specifical day maybe?
>more of the same
Or nah
Can't do all that nonsense if you're in the murky depths.
or maybe time to start doing something about these psychopaths
no I don't care about money I just said morons with money still eating shit stuff, poison even though they could avoid it more than most

if I was about money I'd be into porn, taking advtange of others, prost, killing people for a living, and a billion other things that evil people do do for money and o investments into other bs investments enslaving whole communities around you

but I'm not, I'm one of the few people who wont sell out and I thought there were a lot of people like me, but as I get older I see that is further from the truth, rather sad

but soon hopefully that will all change

also the other person would say that comment bc they didn't want to pay basic bills, and I'd call them out on it, they also admitted to wanting to be a domestic terroristt...debating if I should call FBI but who knows might spark up one of their many girlfriends they had but ooo wait they are good Christian boy and don't have sex until marriage..meanwhile most their entire life never married and apparently dated more ppl than I have in my entire life, in one year alone...their words not mine. so idk psychopaths also want everything to burn bc they cant problem solve well as far as being a productive member of society and actually doing shit. so burn everything down. but if they want to sleeze off anyone sure then the operating part comes in, sleeze all day. they are the soot in the fire u burn.
like 10 years ago I made a reddit post effigy to bastet about rolling my first bastet in pazzles and dargons
said the psychopath
it's kind of funny too because the psychopaths congregate here, and they see people waking up and realizing what they are. they see people educating themselves on NPD and psychopathy, and they hate it. they know we have figured them out
don't we don't care ppl been doing that for ages, try burning gold and silver..then make bullets, aka civil war that sends a message too

kinda true but not
people in biblical times also stoned to death innocent people bc maniacs were in power..so sadly maniacs kinda always been hurting innocent people :(

lol idk about that but the nobody does not treat women well and his own mother sooo ya..more sad than anything we still don't wish bad on them bc we aren't shit heads like them
>man shaming
Full frickin circle
Yeha that was /... 44

dont you ever doing any ggodammnbd bullshit like that again
>its one thing to know
>its another to disrespect the dark arts
>pazzles and dargons
the in game message system of this game is interesting.
>the sender does not keep a copy of messages sent
>the message expires ~60 days later for the receiver
>even if the receiver chooses to 'protect' the message, it will still expire because of a message cap if more messages are sent
are you a psychopath? be honest
>not wanting sex with women = abusing them
I can't prove that there are any sentient beings besides myself. I've accepted it honestly.
some of them are some of them are just unwell
and some are both
I'm here bc the psychopath I was with thought he was the nobody
fuck that , thinks this thread of whatever yrs is literally dedicated to him...gotta be insane
>ppl been doing that for ages
and I did it today :)
I absorb hate. I wrote that down somewhere...
I know
The wound is fresh in
sounds like a cope
yeah some are fine and behave well, but so many are problems. we need a purge.
don't absorb hate let it go...in general
obvious exceptions if met with evil

but in general it will kill u if u hold onto it, if u transmute it and turn it into positive diff story but ya
>currently the nobody is channeling thru me
>that is my final answer
I actively remind myself that there are other people in the world and that no matter how stressed I am about other thoughts: there are people so completely lost who need help to rise above the lies.
It is so easy to feel lost
I have a process in my head where hateful and bad things are stored somewhere and then whenever I mindfully do something good, I tell myself that I am redeeming one of the bad things in me
>taking advantage of women = abusing them
>casting curses and hexes willy nilly = abuse
>it does not work that way
what ever helps you sleep at night bud
so say you, but your fist and any form of influence you think you have ends where my toroidal field begins
>I pretyped this while you were thinking of what to type.
>awww he's scared
yup say it louder for the nobody

nobody idiot also believed everything was witchcraft

o bc they didn't want to be a productive member of society n wanted to be a shit head and live off others..nope
No, I can wipe it all off.
The issue is it'd all be reflected back.
More disheartened than anything.
ty for all this attention btw
i love it
There's nobody here.
Neither of those things have ever happened
>he strokes his small mutilated dick.
>your tears make him cum!
>cry more bitch! louder ! AHHH!
All take and no give leads to a collapse.
>the fact that you own this shows fear
>you have it because you feel you need it
Or a hostile takeover, but I digress.
>actually having to explain childhood fucking trauma to a woman that experienced it also and then explaining why trusting people is actually MORE harmful than actualy deliberating HURTING a person

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@_@ holy sheeeiiit
gawtyam lolol kekekekeke ^_^
omg he is so coot!
yup exactly
>or you can take responsibility for your childhood trauma and not project it onto women! that would be respectful!
>don't use your unhealed wounds as an excuse to hurt and abuse the divine goodness !
no seems like u didn't get over ur trauma
and putting it on others, instead of being a protective and providing hubby or something to that effect

and a person who blames everyone else for their issues, its ok to have trauma, who doesn't, its not okay to make it look like you had it worse and no one understands u..and its all take take and no giving..and the ppl who do care about u u treat like absolute shittttttt

how about like urself more and stop being a cunt to everyone
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such a low image count

gotta love it
Here come the suicidal thoughts again.
I want to do it. I just need enough energy to clean. I can't do i if I have a messy room
>pdate] [Auto] 8
gonan collapse dat pussy round muh DICK repeatedly

they made me do this three times (agreeing with Everying conceisous choice,,, and iteration of relaity except this new addition which must be my "intellect" but we'll ... in reality there is an unquesrtionable amount of times that this action has or has not been carried out ( oh shit _...
>remember ALL of this is hypothericlally ON YOUR ACCOUNTABLE PLATE
i ...withdraw.. and also.. PUSSAY ON MUH FACE
It's all one picture
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yup amen...
exactly and then they abuse u more and more
told him to stop yelling at me, he knew my ex husband did that shit to me, but still did , tried to be nice to him about it finally told him if u gonna yell at me ur gonna have to get the f out of my own house

and I kicked them the fuck out...f assholes not getting over their trauma, being psychopaths and killing ppl like its nothing..but oooo they saved lives...so its all good...imao for real u cant make this shit up
>thank you
feels less anger
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reminds me of my pookie
generational trauma causing generational trauma. We know at least that the colonies should have never been formed.
There's nobody here.
ur too lazy in general just like nobody
another thing u both have in common
and threatening ull kill urself or that ur gonna die
so u get sympathy while being a total fucking AHOLE
ya don't work like that
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"breaking point"
Gotta push past those and work on HWY.
Monumental shitshow is ongoing.
but you/// that,,, THATS EXACTLY>..... NEVER

Im not doing this..
i want to rub cuddle the bad girl

you know xactly why your post is on grounds for being disregaerded
my trauma is :life they said was "more than just about sex" is actually Literally "just about whos fucking who and how much" to the extreme they power that BEES wanted "ME " to "be a homosexual" because its "more meat for me" huur duuur...

lelele YOU KNOW What is said in this

>i gotta go and prepare to get my pussy rammed
Heard about that
ya that's the nice version of it

and plenty of us end generational trauma
its a choice
I should by all accounts of what happened in my life be some mass murderer..or some evil shit and I'm not

I'm good and I don't do bad shit like that..again its a choice to be a shit head and hurt others

u have the freedom to end the curse ,starts with u and can end with u
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HWY? I don't understand.
Yes I am lazy. I don't tend to vocalize / type these thoughts but I occasionally find a place to do it on the internet as a coping mechanism, I'm sorry to do it here. I want to clean my room.
you won't do shit
we know!
all the hot people are at bar trying to spread their STDs and tape worms to each other!
Welcome to the NG looser !
>focus on the why
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uhh u a shizo bc u make no fucking sense bro...at all
my pookie broke up with me

6 months and maybe ill be lucky enough to see her
just fucking clean ur room and ur life while ur at it and stop being a lazy cunt n blaming ppl for ur issues
I probably won't kms yeah but I might clean my room, at least give me that lol :p
why would I do that though?
they want slaves not contributors
i have nothing to lose
they do
who did I blame? I'm the fuckup yes..
The conscious, subconscious, and unconscious are merely aspects of a whole. What does this mean? It's all me experiencing myself. Lol. Lmao even.
he wont he doesn't have the courage nor the balls
Many such cases.
Baset knows war well.

If a female cones dressed as a soldier the outcome of war is the same

There was no promise.
The only promise I made was to my wife Lilith of Edom and to my son no one else.

I also said that if aphla team kept lyida alive I would spare their lives

I said nothing about anything else cupcake.
I think he just needs some support desu. he's probably not okay mentally. maybe he's been abused and neglected and has just felt alone throughout his life. maybe he needs a hug
the6y only listen when it serves to causes me harm.. so .. I should really be focusing on what its like to N)OT be able to artiuclate words ..... in a manner that is ...

>+? ... >_< ///......
;_ ; mmmmm
be glad you can type kekekek and also... lol
i am a jackass.. and so traumatized i can not relate to HOW trau,atized I AM< because those are that are not .. dont matter more than not and thos ethat do
because ... LOL I AM literally what ever you want me to if you really CARE that MUCH

>gets beat up
>beats up self afterward
>just to say
Idk dude, you do you.
keep it up. you are my slaves when you do it
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Why does Catherine fucking Middleton post here?
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Nobody knows..
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Word salad.
More word salad.
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King Charles was in here the other day. Posted a cat and said he doesn't feel well.
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>Nobody knows..
Exactly, I know she's stalking me.
Hey glowies. If you’re gonna send goons can you please send ones with fully formed frontal lobes? I’m tired of talking to all of these morons.
I tried to go back home.
Every attempt just ended with me coming back.
I know I'm evil.
So take it. Take it all. Take everything I have left.
I'm ready to go.
I watched a video of jordan peterson today spewing some word salad. it was kind of funny too because it was in response to someone asking a clarifying question when he said basically people who are in it for the lulz (on 4chan) are actually a bunch of dark tetrad psychopath types. it's clear he has an agenda, and at times lacks self awareness to see that he is the very thing he speaks out against
do it ... do it again...
do it LIVE


>maaan why you never do anything
>you gotta relax
>gets psychologically tormented
>"alwatys on guard and always prepoared"
>sheeeit wasnt prepared for that...
>Never lets guard down again ...
>always winning
>yous legit JUST beat me up and tell me relax... yeeeeeeee
yes maybe
>but slaves are tick u lating ?....
>better voiceless and accepted than expressing emotion and miusunderstood to be hated ... because "you just didnt say it right" like bitch you would KNOW NO DIFFERENCE IF I WAS LITERALLY NOT SPEAKING AND MERELY JUST LIKE "felt the vibe and relaxed"

but clearly ... words are bad and they .. kekek only cause harm lololol
Mother fucker
Bitch like....
GAWTYAM MAN I gotta suicide bro

>thanks to be there are no bitches in sight at the moment and THEY FORCE HOMOSEXUALITY
>... on either they are their or we and us ... who knows...
by a syringe and scythe

>prepares scalple and lasers for intrusive exploratory surgery
Unless it's psychical I do t care.
Unless your literally throwing punches, kicking and fire arm. It's a nothing burger.

Is this you racheal your really insightful
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frontal lobes are in short supply
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Someone get the man a "get well soon" card.
Princess Cat, sings with the ally cats.
If you two are in the same place, I will say it's a coincidence.
>better voiceless and accepted
:things work until they don't"
wassup foo?
>skull eating the eyeball
p legit
>never watched this show.
maybe should have

damn the stuff ya muss out on ..
could be nice ..

fuck this life
and fuck the humans
>learns lesson
>immedaitely discards it
>terrified of being right
>hates being told not right

just STOP being a BITCH
all of you
>turns off song
cryin bitches

>you're a bad person
>no YOU"RE a bad person
>no YOU"re a bad person
hell nah
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you wanted a youtube music post?
>Someone get the man a "get well soon" card.
explain these murder COMMs white
MNAGH ur covert narc..maybe shizo too but still I tried feeling bad for ur types and help y'all out but u people just war mongers road of destruction kill kill sabatoge everyone and everything
go to your dooms table elsewhere
>fuck this life
>and fuck the humans
>/x/ paranormal
gay BTFO faggots off thsi board this mines naw...
I am a bad person.
bc she has fake cancer like the nobody

he might be a pedo hope he dies if he is
>my pookie broke up with me
off topic poast
why do you think that?
>forces things NOT to work
>pretends they arent responsible
>forces to be forced to not work by others that
>dont work until things work after trusting that things work only when ones would force not to work decide they want to work

you get this in full
They will never STOP LYING

NOT AS BAD AS A PERSON AS I AM ... .oh wait.. .this .. specifically THIS was NEVER going to be funny...
>but you know.. there is a deliberate audio-visual interference during this emotion so... perhaps .. its not completely baseless to address.. but .. We really ARE bad people.. if the people looking at you WANT you to be ... regardless of what oyu actually do.. if in THEIR mind they "SAY" you are.. kekekeke
>always a valid way out of a corner
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>I am a bad person.
not for long
I have done bad things.
People keep taking everything from me.
My dignity, my privacy, my security.
I deserve it.
define what minset you enter when writing in green text
are you talking to yourself or "putting words in my mouff"
bright eyed and bushy tailed with your response anon.
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Fuck off and die you CORRUPT glowing retarded nigger faggots you will always be a joke to me.
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Veddy nice, tank u.
I have time to explain over a game of chess, maybe.
are you being honest? it seems like you are. if you are, maybe you aren't such a bad person. maybe you are repenting. it seems like that might be the case to me
>listening and watching them run cross dimesnional psyopps- to the point of redundantly "pretending" like they really arent ARE NOT actually DOING THIS SHIT FOR FUN

jesus christ ...
Fucking goddawmndt liar bitches jesus fucking christ EVERY LEVEL OF SENTIENCE
they lie lie lie lie

>Do not even TELL me im not cant have a slice of pie while you
re literally there telling me the pie is FOR ME

jesus chriust .. thats exactly what they do
... these bitch bastard fucks goddamn it
feds are desperate for time and attention. people's belief is falling apart and they are struggling to govern our mentals
do you listen to much nerd-core hiphop?
>NOT AS BAD AS A PERSON AS I AM ... .oh wait.. .this .. specifically THIS was NEVER going to be funny...
are you telling me you are LARPing about a subject called "The Nobody" therefore have created "somebody"
thats an assumption
that you are experiencing a catholic mass...PANIC is not my concern right now
I STRONGLY suggest you explain, all of you
what have you been doing against others
who told you to do so
why were you retarded in making the descision to knowingly do things that you know FULL well and the person you're doing it to DOES NOT
you need to dump this very very fucking soon
you have been disconnected from source as per the schumann pic I posted
if that is a lie then fine.

BTW I don't think the corpse of Jesus Christ, that you have been sodomizing for "quite a while" will help you in ANY way
that was another "assumption"
and this goes for everyone.



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>Nerd-core hip hop?
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I did this too, however I didn't want to kick him out forever. I just needed a brake for the weekend. I was working long shifts. I just needed him to understand that yelling at me about his truama is not healthy.
He could not handle the stress, he then fell into psychosis.
I felt helpless.
We talked not to long ago. He apologize. I forgave him.
Im not 100% sure what happened or is happening. He's ghosting me.
I know he's back at the bar trying to sleep with anyone willing.
I feel hurt, Alone, and my tight wet pussy is missing him.
I feel so unappreciated. Un loved.
>didnt read
>stealing beer from across the the house overs
>being a jackass
>jerks off to video games
>co,mm,its sudoku during crossword puzzle
>cant smell the roses
>eats the pie
>reminds them why the anger is valid
I put people down who didn't deserve it.
I lied to my friends and kept them believing I was something I wasn't.
I nearly killed my family. Not joking.
I drugged my friend against his will.
There's more I can't think of, I don't know if this is me repenting or just being a crybaby bitch.
feds got so active when someone posted the joker picture. they really hate the commons having that archetype
>, maybe.
cute. see>>39114041
Yeah yeah
The commons.
AMD remains virgin because liking girls is gay.. and then they are actually repulsed by you because you're "just like them" thats so weird its like "dating your brother"
but in a way thats like (insert socially acceptable reason)
because instinctually i would eat my sons body if we were freezing in a tundra wasteland and there was nothing else... and also ... yheah
commonwealth and is the same word for pokemon cards that collectors don't care about
I know the meaning, thank you.
I really admire your self-awareness and your willingness to acknowledge your faults. That kind of honesty is something special. I know how easy it can be to fall back into old habits; I've experienced that myself. There’s nothing wrong with slipping into those patterns—it's just human nature. Just remember, it's part of being human. I genuinely believe in your ability to face your challenges, and I'm rooting for you.



>He apologize. I forgave him.
>Im not 100% sure what happened or is happening.
you're in confusion. you are not making sense.
>>didnt read
me neither action-reaction
take a physics class sometime
Five Eyes needs to figure out what Doom is, apparently.
Buncha fucken retardssssssss
>give the grace to be a terrible person
>becyuase they're afraid of what you might accomplish if you
>"get on their level"
>after WINNING against them forcing you to (NOT) be "on their level"
>after sabotaging (YOU) for SO LONG

yes...what a pattern .. of...behavior.. that we express.. in order to.. COPE with the ABUSE !! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOly shit
I don't know how to not come across as judgmental. I am always judging people. I don't mind being judged though, even if I don't respond well to it at first.
get this, there are these reall small quark things
and surrounding the part of the atom where protons and neutrons are,
there is an ionosphere of electrons

and on the earth are these humons
they form cells together (if they are bad we put their soul in a cell too)
and the humons crawl around on the planet
and around the planet is
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I might need to go to the hospital. SI is starting to come back and I can't do that to my family again.
bro there's nothing wrong with giving people a chance. it's what Jesus would have wanted
>There's more I can't think of
>I don't know if this is me repenting
two completely different things or "completely different animals"
I suggest you compare apples to apples pears to pears
and George and the Giant Peach get on the phone and get crackin' on some convos to the people you have fucked over.
>takes away the ability and appreciation to enjoy things
>laughs when you dont do anything

yeshahahah okay
okay hahaha lol
I sometimes ask people what it was like to play Doom for the first time and wholly believe you are on mars and then finding out the twist

it seems like everyone (I have surveyed) that they either just shot things that they thought were demons and didnt pay attention to the story or they knew the whole time what it was.
yeah./.. we all know that jesus actually was quite the virile man and LOVED to bang comcubines....

because >>39114137
>>takes away the ability and appreciation to
this post is for me
i posted it
its for me
specifically for me
for ME to remind myself
this is the post that kills me
but then im like "man i gotta stop being so paranoid" and this post reminds me why i also need to shut up and BE MORE PARANOID

:...and to also be more considerate and grateful and glad for all the fucked up shit People HAVE to deal with that IS NOT MINE but also JUST in THEIR minds
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>For preventing the children of poor people in Ireland,
COMMs about red headed "Jews"
>I know the meaning, thank you.
confirming as if I didn't notice your undeclared assumption in desperation for a common enemy
I know, I can't eat or sleep.
I tryed everything to sleep. I just lay in bed all half self aware. I just want to pain to stop.
you've got this. no matter which direction you choose to take
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Go! Go now before you can't control it! Please go now.
You are loved. Sending good vibes and eternal love always.
someone's been watching Ammon Hillman
>in order to.. COPE with the ABUSE
name dates, places, situations and conclusions in a report and on my desk by monday 8:00am "SHARPISH" and no gloss, got that?
Im not clicking on that.
The person I love is a haker and has taught me not to click on anything.
>even if I don't respond well to [judgement] at first.
>I am always judging people.
>I don't know how to not come across as judgmental.
explain in that order. make it make sense, your retardation depends on it.
I think the Davinci Code movie has the Jesus + whores thing too
the bible is pretty accurate. we are living through the last days. go read 2 Timothy 3
I say this as a non Christian who doesn't believe in God. The Christians know what they're talking about. The Bible has very accurate descriptions of human nature and the trajectory society would inevitably head in
I wouldn't get slapped on the back anytime soon
I forgive all the hos
Glorified sadists
Satanic ritual abuse
Collective Narcissism perpetuated by technology and Marxist ideology
I don't have a formal education and I don't care to organize things the way you think I should when it was easy to understand what I said in the first place. thanks for your feedback though
8-10 Women get in heaven for free
>and didnt pay attention to the story or they knew the whole time what it was.
where can I locate this information that you know of and I don't
"define your intent, then proceed to explain why you just wrote all that"
For the next 10 minutes only
your conversation type language is confusing in respect to my previous statements and "type language"
I suggest you reply in the "affirmative voice"
also take an english /lit class
People don't want to reproduce for many reasons.
Me, I criticize my parents for summoning me into life when they were not able to provide for the 4 children they already had. My father's 20+ years in the army + a civilian govt career after still didn't provide him with healthcare while a doing that civ govt job. US Healthcare. (the glowies itt have a bright future)
This generation saw the slavery in society. Millenials saw it. whatever the kids are doing on tiktok today is what they want to do.
Why bring about life when your own life doesn't feel worth reproducing? That's what reproduction is: reproducing our own life
I saw megalopolis.
Please plan accordingly.
Addicted to hurting someone
What’s the worst that could haplen?
>cascades and magnifies spreading like a wildfire
>creates international incident
Is that a kaju?
it's because he's shifting tenses. you'd have to be a robot for it to be confusing though.
Filled me with a certain sense of melancholy.
All I can do to increase my service to all beings is to try and educate.
I am nobody from nowhere, and I don't want to be anybody at all.
But people seem to need attachment and proof-of-attachment via qualifications in order to consider one's words.

>How much more do you want out of nobody's identity before you will listen to the words of a complete stranger and see them as your mirror would?

>How much more do you want to polish your mirror instead of just looking through it? Your hand is in the way.
back of my neck severed? oh no!
>I don't have a formal education and I don't care
well "there you go"
I love you too
>thanks for your feedback though
how, if you have no formal education?? nor care to...
see how that plays out?
Oh you noticed the shift?
You see I had to become a psychopath and team up with other psychopaths because he didn’t call a girl the next day he slept with when he was 16 at Billy Mcfweez’s party during February vacation
yes, here I go not caring about your formal education shit that is mostly indoctrination intended for gatekeeping in society and keeping people in line. yeah I can't articulate things as well as I would like to at times, but at least I am not judgmental just to be a cunt :D
>muh pappy is a glowie
define how this is pertinent to the /thread discussing "the nobody"
Remember when Doja Cat looked good?
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What better way to kill a person than to become his friend and thus, change them entirely?

Sometimes all it takes are simple words to change hearts and minds and neutralize all enemies without ever lifting a finger.

>Yet capable
>>creates international incident
I was never even judgmental or afraid of children until people started torturing me in my sleep
I guess it’s my fault though cause I ate that extra chicken McNugget and lied about it
>it's because he's shifting tenses.
what does this accomplish>>39114205
>you'd have to be a robot for it to be confusing though.
1. explain briefly
2. assumption
Shes a faggot now
>I am nobody from nowhere, and I don't want to be anybody at all.
probably the most "on topic" poast of the lot...
No that phase of pop music passed me by. Post some sexually titillating images of doja cat. Its on topic because I'm the nobody or w/e
smoke em and toss em in da bucket
Las Vegas charging for water is proof that this godlessness exists in America upon its highest mount of predation, where one is forced to revoke survival out of understanding that we are manipulating humans to stay in certain areas.
>before you will listen to the words of a complete stranger
gaffe, this specifically states that you are "in league with gentlemen" and some one referred to as stranger is "NOT in league with the same gentlemen"
>▶>>Oh you mean that he is supposed to be the leader but because people are petty and full of shit they would rather kill him?
I checked its wikipedia page and saw that it had a box office of 1/10th of the paper burned to make it.
It must be a really good movie if it was sabotaged like that. Ill look more into it.
As far as planning for it goes...
Fuck you faggot look it up yourself you lazy cunt
>back of my neck severed? oh no!
>Oh wow look what you have become to survive decades of round the clock torture
>Wow bro you really fell off, maybe don’t get so tortured next time
>everybody laughs
I am trying to forge a cup out of thin air but they keep holding me down and raping me when I try
Swords to plowshares.
No prisoners
>when he was 16 at Billy Mcfweez’s party
how old are you now, provide context in the amount of years that have elapsed since this happened and you writing this post
I require a simple why, and it goes like this...
why did you not resolve this problem...right there...and THEN.
whatever else you write is immaterial to any possible conversation and is deemed "reminiscing"
Of course anon.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I genuinely think a friend cannot exist until they stand before me.
Until then, it is nothing but distractions and therefore, demons.
>yes, here I go not caring about your formal education
wonderful, but I assure youand "the rest" that that does not change reality in the slightest bit.
downloading atm
Because the nobody is the real king, duh.
Um, rude!
after that is all "stuff you said" and does not pertain to anything that actually matters for anyone ever. your feelings are your own, share them and get feedback
simple process to comunicate, isn't language "grand"??
ww3? ww2 hasnt ended yet
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this is our concern dude.
Why are you taking things I write anonymously on the internet so serious?
Who hurt you?
>1 post by thei ID
sorry but, try to be affirmative, stolid and refer to a specific person when adressing the discussion
that is all for now, sit down.
Nobody is really a stranger, anon.
fine imo she looked the hottest right here https://youtu.be/0hD-Z1q_ZyI?si=DFNPK_eTkJxHWEda
who creates ransomware using a screensaver exploit?
that's some real backwater shit.
I really like milk
three letter is not what is mutually accepted as comunication, I suggest you "counicate further" to the limits of your intelligence
which is right now, not provable
u cant go back home
bc u fucked everyone up
and were a total asshshat
no one took anything
ppl tried to give and help
ur a total dick wad that needs to take responsibility and live ur life the right way, that simple
stop being a giant douchebag
to whom are you refering to,talking to and trying to accomplish?
we're all gonna die
we're all gonna die
we're all gonna die
>that is all for now, sit down.
I prefer to stand and don't accept directives based on inductive reasoning, but thank you for offering your face as a throne.
Maybe she got tired of all the niggas tryin to smash I dont blame her
we all dead already
It does a body good
how do you know you're not already dead?
You forgot:

>Explain it to me a hundred times.... BUT I'm going to interrupt you and tell you what your side of the story is anyway
Is human milk good? I dont remember
>DIA handler mommy milkers
>pearls and steel or iron chains around her neck
it has felt like I have died many times
only one way to find out
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Oh hey Gaia was listening
>I am trying to forge a cup out of thin air but they keep holding me down and raping me when I try
as the british say "quite quite"
Wow the lengths people will go to survive being born into and tortured by a satanic cult and hidden Rockefeller bloodline is so annoying
Like stop surviving just stop trying to move forward
How did we let this happen?
Now, it *is* possible for men to self-induce lactatation, correct?
>Swords to plowshares.
it's guns and butter, try to reflect your culture as best you can.>>39114255
>No prisoners
I would drink from the titty rn
>No prisoners
"The Nobody general has no prison nor prisoners"
thanks for the input. discarded anyway
we all want to be comfy?
seems like you need to get the fuck out of the relationship. I wont tolerate someone ghosting me or running away from me, themselves or their problems. I don't care about who my ex sleeps with bc they refuse to get mental help and are unwell and I will not lower my standards I said I'd never date anyone on the military or a cop, both checked off the list..so that was two strikes. went against my better judgement. felt bad for them, and saw good side to them, but psychopathic side with their constant lying, had to find out from their own mother they had a porn addiction, found out their ex wife was underage (but fake ID which I don't fully believe now), made a weird comment about how they felt weird screwing me bc I reminded them of their daughter who is young..underage....who the fuck says that...so no I don't feel unloved. I felt more unloved and unapperciated by a pscho killer post military in my life than out of my life. They made me physically ill and I didn't want to blame them but realized no it really was them and I felt relief when they left, which u should never feel if the person is good for you. An apology is nothing without actual action of them correcting their behaviors, if they are 'apologizin' but keep doing the same thing then its not only not an apology its a fucking insult to you and your intelligence and spiritual well being. Fuck a man or a woman who does that. This idiot claimed to be a Christian man then get angry tell me how he could get any pussy he wanted and I told him go ahead go do it, he didn't bc he'd go oooo I don't want to I'm just saying I could...meanwhile I never felt the need to say all the dick I could get..want to know why bc real women don't feel insecure or need to say weird shit like that. I don't like to go fuck around people anywys due to STDs/fucking corrupt actual souls and just lost in life. f that. leave that loser. not a relationship its a prison. I'd rather not use my genitals forever than be w a psycho
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let me try that again.
>Swords to plowshares.
it's guns and butter, try to reflect your culture as best you can
it's a fun rabbit hole to go down. I don't have the pic but maybe someone else does. the one that's a diagram of non-existence/death then life then non existence/death, and then the diagram under that shows it's life that's infinite, and death/non existence is no time and over instantaneously. maybe that's what reality is like. maybe we have died many times.
Stop this nonsense. The very idea violates the rules of a language I invented 18 years ago to describe the flow of causality. What you suggest, this "leader," requires a continuity in probable causality that does not exist. The more probable causality is a patsy.
same. ngl that sounds so nice and comfy just sucking on a big lactating tit
Just a bunch of psychopaths and manipulators
Been dealing with it my whole life it’s nothing new
repenting means doing the right thing
just saying ur a evil piece of shit is nothing
just incriminates you

I think they are trolling bc no women would say tight wet pussy..that's a mans thing...to comment on, but also if it really is that person has low self esteem and abused to not realize to get the f out
>meanwhile I never felt the need to say all the dick I could get..want to know why bc real women don't feel insecure or need to say weird shit like that.
As a man, I thought it was cool when Jessie Reyes said she dodged dick on the daily but what you say is valid
>repenting means doing the right thing
no it doesn't
change of tempo...
"here we go"
I see you have given up, you have lied and resort to violence
an I correct? yes or no?
if yes "it's already taken care of" you should receive a care package and kleenex fo' yo' moms cuh.
if not, try not to mis communicate into the future in such haphazard ways.
you seem to have a real problem there. good luck with that.
I don’t care about what you post or who you are
I never did
That was the whole joke
Example of probable causality:

>Have conversation -> advertising based on key words

Non-probably causality:
>Shitpost on a glowie forum -> "God Emperor"

More likely:
>Shitpost on a glowie forum -> Patsy
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question, answer
i think but I'm afraid you don't.
I suggest you come up to an answer to what I wrote "soonish" before I literally eat you as an animal.
yeah yeah "edgelord" but fuck around a bit and lurk MOAR.
>I prefer to stand
then do that and if you get tired, try using a chair.
>ctrl p
>save as pdf
The hidden steps are Have conversation -> recorded on microphone -> Sifted through by AI and matching interests -> Advertising based on key words

The hidden steps are the medium of causality, like air is to sound.

Without a medium, there is no causality.

What are the magik hidden steps to become God Emporer? Idk. Probably many hidden steps.

More than likely, just a patsy.
things seem so mellow tonight. what's going on?
What's the point in warning you when you watch everything I do anyways? You make me so redundant I'm always wondering why I exist lol.
>BUT I'm going to interrupt you
impossible on a website that has time STAMPS...
get serious. pull yourself from your bootstraps. niggggggah shitz fukin' dunkin' doughnuts cuh.
But why would i be scared to post here? I have a lot of fun ruining your plans, ruining your day, calling you retarded. YOU are going to prison. You know that right?
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explain your COMMs
>I'm always wondering why I exist lol
ur mom and dad had sex. probably nasty sex too. imagine how nasty their sex was
>Oh hey Gaia was listening
>Like stop surviving just stop trying to move forward
Oh for sure I was a drunken high hookup baby.
let me try that again
>Oh hey Gaia was listening
They want to frame The Nobody
I did a thing.
maybe Hitler was actually right
Yeah they were trying to frame him for murder around the time they murdered those women at Bishop lake.
Your inquiry’s into my vague post raises more criminal concerns alone than the blatant threats when I call you out on it
That’s some funny math
So far it keeps spitting out the same answer
You are a cop
I'll see you REAL soon.
The existence between bending and maintaining
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another day another goal scored in the great game of soccer
man fuck Hitler he a base head
are you ready for what's coming?
>Like stop surviving just stop trying to move forward
I might be "someone more important than your cheeto stained asshole"
What is your beef? Have you not raped enough lately?
>Thank you for the Burger King, H.
>I'm done larping now, everone
Sometimes I wish I had strong feelings about Hitler because he reminds me of myself but then I realize that isnt true.
there's no way /the/ dom williams is really posting here.
didnt you kill a kindergartner and get beat up by a girl or something?
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NSA mad they can't hack my laptop running Debian with the IME disabled while I'm tethered to a 5g mobile network hopping around different towers. I put the SSD with Windows back in the laptop today.
>seems like
unconfident language
Big bada boom I hope.
>looks at camera
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Penny for your thoughts.
don't forget that your cat has Asthma
ive heard many lies in my lifetime my favorite has always been i love you
>but then I realize that isnt true
Yeah... keeping your rape slave in the basement of your front business kinda throws off the vibe.
Probably about some things but wasn't he working with the "engineers"?
>yup "walk away time..like ALWAYS"
you won't do shit
>Tickets cost tree fiddy.
>Ethereum address 0x7Da43Eb2C0a9865547ef0ECeccDCB04137D4369e
Godwins Law School now teaching Reductio ad Hitlerum
Quel coincidence!
the sword is the word of god
Sorry dw, I don't like to gamble. I spent 20 dollars on roulette once, got it up to 100 dollars, then lost it all. I will never BET again
>the one that's a diagram of non-existence/death then life then non existence/death
>a .jpg that explains all that
One baby to another says
I'm lucky to've met you
the kingdom to reign with endless love
>I don't have the pic but maybe someone else does. the one that's a diagram of non-existence/death then life then non existence/death, and then the diagram under that shows it's life that's infinite, and death/non existence is no time and over instantaneously. maybe that's what reality is like. maybe we have died many times.
holy horseshit there was MOAR greentext "explained in a JPG"
Funny verbosity. Cracka ass nigga.
You retards are fuckups enough as is.
Yes absolutely, I am also ready for how much the veterinarian's assistant, the woman from the farmer's market, and my gf will be coming
>of a language I invented 18 years ago
how many people speak it?
vengeance vengeance vengeance vengeance vengeance vengeance vengeance vengeance
What is that stuff? Do you smoke it or eat it?
>NWAP in my face plz
>just sucking on a big
the story of your life...write a coffee table book for no one.
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end they intrude into minds implant thoughts and then condemn the person for the thought which they implanted reverse damage
What? Why does he remind you of yourself?
>I think they are trolling
music to my ears
delete your training deida
ya sometimes we cant win as women
its like uhh we don't talk about all the dick we could get, then an abusive (non healthy man) is like I can get all disss pussy

while at same time legit this idiot accused me of or insuint. of cheating bc I saw movies without him that we didn't see together...so therefore I must be seeing it with a boyfriend..not possibly alone or with my GFS...like no..gtfo u cant watch a movie by yourself either...ppl are insane I swear

makes u go yup..they the cheater bc who the f thinks like that, and an abuser
Wait until you find out you are all wrong
bring the spirits of seal team six back into the world of the living so they may have revenge amen
He sees a reflection of his own innocence before he decided to force women to bear his children.
its not even about judgement it is about destroying the corruption that was spreading like a plague
well basically it does
ppl want to be lazy and think
it just means oo I'm sorry
n still act like a complete fuckface..no that's not repenting then
>I never felt the need to say all the dick I could get..want to know why bc real women
ok broh..stop. pause and listen. fuck these other people one tiny sec.
"just you listen. relax. you just "admitted meh fault kindah RELAX"
and "that is all"" about sexaulaity.
hold a sec I have others here behind you for miles.
that image is significant beyond comprehension truly
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>Run while you can

That's the thing, I can't run.



I'm like, super duper charismatic and passionate about like pro social stuff like animals and idk eating meat but...dude, bacon. Lol.

(I also like the painting "Isle of The Dead")
The subjects appear to be developing self analysis skills
>she dodged dick on the daily
you should listen to alittle word called
animals are humans that have been lulled to sleep or weighed down by negative spiritual essences
Do they even have an IQ high enough to recognize it?
ah yes destruction like fire? or is it
a fire fighting effort?
is fire a plague?
mankind has always held a deep reverence for fire despite it's destructive power.
You didn't read anything, clearly

I don't have a cat the abuser wanted to say I'd end up as a crazy cat lady..but no cats..fucked them every time I left them

ya obviously but I'm also giving some inside..r like real tips while they trolling
All of causality.

On a lighter note... I love this scene. You see in much of the movie Batman is conflicted. His energy, his presence, and demeanor shows as much. His actions are questionable and crosses the line in his own moral compass with his initial intentions.

But then something magical happens. The sheer ferocity of a man when he knows he is righteous. Shortly after battling and arguably defeating God, he realizes the err of his ways. Pure good is indistinguishable from evil.. at least when it comes to war. Just look at him. He's not just fighting to save a stranger. That is nothing new. He is fighting to save his soul. To correct a wrong.

no context as to form function or as to even why, to even write that
definitely a D-
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Nah.... I think they need to learn a valuable lesson about (((who they worked for)))
uh what you on about
Shouldn’t The Nobody have access to/info on those pics?
thirteen thirty third degree masons performed ritualistic fellatio on each other june sixth two thousand six
yes now repent lol
This is fake and gay. Love is useful but only a fraction of all the useful human emotions
no the nobody is an abusive dick wad
who I kicked out
and then days later put a shooting target range paper with bullet holes in it, on my daily walking path, I'm assuming as some weird threat
fuck that pussy
anon I suggest you call someon who
A. cares btw "not me"
2. not on a forum
3. "perhaps a certified professional" who has done years of WORK specifically to your IDENTIFIED picrel
4. opinion discarded.
no I mean google repentance so you know what it actually means
/mg/ Milgram general
im not a liar
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>Captcha RGR KT
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Misconstrue where the paper came from.
Kind of like lying.
nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope i will never take a covid vaccine ever
>The hidden steps are Have conversation -> recorded on microphone
anon ...we are on a text and sometimes picrel says you gay broh website
try to focus and stop masturbating furiously
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kek, I can just request copies of my DD-214 on here right? The AI should just route the requests to the appropriate department.
coronavirus media and govt hype should tell you how easily they control us with fear
Getting a bit desperate.
Do you actually want it done or do you want a patsy?
Pattern recognition says one thing.
Fix it yourselves.
Cry me a river
>things seem so mellow tonight. what's going on?
excellent use of "calm" sarcasm
maybe you get a B+ but "there's extra credit"
don't mind my winking anon I have a tick...party in muh pants...
so the predicative tense mired in the middle of the sentence...blah blah blah 5 years later
oh really you really think you control me think again you give me what i need and you will soon see
You must be talking about the "mexican nobody", kek.
Go away
>*jingle jingle*
>*woof woof*
Naw, let's see if everyone has what it takes.
Ay vey.
>things seem so mellow tonight. what's going on?
alternative timeline: hey broh..your shoe is untied.
It’s basically like Reaganomics but with memes?
We're shutting down alpha team and reinstating omega team.
hollywood is controlled by the c i a and is a major part of the jewish trilateral commission of world deception
If using patsies somehow made the issues worse because they think it's magically fixed.
no Google is Google I don't want to learn to repent or know what it means...clearly , trolling level 9
No thanks I wouldnt hang out with you that long
He should really take them all the way off so there are no drops that get on the pants
I've spoken to the Shadow President. He said he will be in direct command of Omega team and join them on the mission.
lol dd 214 is easy to get now a days, DOD finally made it easy...legit online takes less than two weeks va archives mofo...shit son..and I ain't AI but seems we women gotta do everything for u morons...prob didn't go throu proper filing either fml
open a dictionary then and look it up
>You know that right?
I have rights?
>But why would i be scared to post here? I have a lot of fun ruining your plans, ruining your day, calling you retarded. YOU are going to prison.
this sounds legit "incriminating"
maybe I should just ctrl+p just in case anon is "special K"
It don’t be but it do?
Quantum bro I don’t feel so good
Then you're clearly capable of fixing it yourselves.
Go ahead, I'll oversee.
Oh, I keep one in the glove compartment in case I get pulled over. I'm just fucking around.
I bought noodles. Looking forward to them tomorrow.
americas pathological police state stages constant scripted violent events sold as news munchausen syndrome clowns
No thanks I dont want your input or care about it
Send the Shadow President my regards. Over and out.
Then it's not a problem to you.
>you should have not explained your comms
anon uses a simple trick to BTFO stupid ass niggers from the streetz cuh
What is this?
uh no I got no tears to cry for ur bitchass
u ain't nothin , not even a chickie wing

no he ain't Mexican he's American and a fucking psychopath who needs mental help bad
but with everything I later learned honestly don't know if they can be helped military made them into a ultra killer n that's what they are
cant paint a lepoard into a zebra meh. but no they really did have a shooting range paper 1000 yards one said DOD at bottom...like fuk face trying to scare me..bitch u cant scare me u pussy ass mofo..go shoot me then, coward. so ya I'm not worried, weird ass message to send thou I'm assuming it was for me bc of my daily walk that they know I walk, and in all those years never had that ever been on the side of the walkway..ever
>File these redundant papers so you can get more paper to go on a redundant date with a redundant sex worker

lol this shit is so ridiculous it's starting to become funny again.
>imagine how nasty their sex was
I was there...it's "classified"
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Force? Don't the women have a say in it?
So yes back to the titty milk
Ain't no nigga off the street going to be able to buy a retired government laptop with the IME disabled. They can just get a raspberry pi. It's not rocket science.
what if I prefer the term lexicon

ps like how all vets think dd 214 will save them in case cops pull u over, sometimes yes I will admit I have seen it happen and depends if ur active SF or not..however if ur a fuck up soo many times..no wont work
you are crazy it says so in the manual life is not a game fruit cake n there aint nomanual would u jump off a bridge if the manuel said it
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>Oh for sure I was a drunken high hookup baby.
I was born in september....christmas party at the office baby...
>i feel the printer go brrr"
i think mom xeroxed her asscheecks plus "other chemicals" maybe...I try to keep my "respect" as to my conception"
I'm a little Puritan when "needed"
at other times there's ass slappin' noises and thats 23:49 minutes a day cuh.
Oh Kaleb.
Oh Kaleb. Im sorry. Im so sorry. Im so sorry. Kaleb I'm sorry. I didnt know. Kaleb. Hehe. Kaleb. Im sorry Kaleb. I take it back Kaleb hehe. I take it all back Kaleb. Its okay. Its okay. Its not real. Haha. Its not real. Im so sorry Kaleb.
Say waht
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fuck sex trafficking or any of that noise
far as the VA ya its a joke ok..we all know this
its why so many ppl blow their brains out
o and the fact govt made a bunch of serious killers that cant integrate back into society and are fuciked up for life...physically mentally spirtually

in other words "I gotZzz depth in that subject CIA"
How should I know?
We have the same Creator, you just don't recognize him and I do.
It's the same thing with you guys, though.
That's the joke.
Too dumb to realize.
Im going to eat some Ivermectin
Good Cop: wanna make a doily while I arrest you??>>39114431
>I did a thing.
We have the same creator.
You just don't recognize him and I do.
i love you because i know if you have everything you will still be you
That's quite the story, bro. How are you doing now?
>I did a thing.
a bird shit on my car window...was that you?
piss shit and cum
Beaches and shores.
>What have you gained from reading and posting in one /ng/ thread after another for however long you have been doing this?
listen...I'm my own grandpaah' and the taxi meter is runnin'
'I got to buy some cigarretes ...BRB"
no idiot. I told him we have the same god. so no. he literally was a narc and thought his 'god' was the best...as if they were diff...u not hearing that
Noooo, I'm nooooot suicidal. Lol. Lol. Lol.
Twizzy shit
Those digits though!
You did this fr? This a sign to them you steppin out bruh fr what were y'all thinkin?
Beg me. Please beg me. Please beg me. Please. Please. Please. Beg me. I can't I can't. Do you recognize me? Please. Beg. Beg. Please. Please beg me. Please beg me. Please. Please. Anyone. Someone. You. Please. Beg me. Beg. Beg. Please.
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How would you know, you never talk to me.
lol wedding vows
imao I'm dead

o and the other shit they told me how they knew my whole routine..like good job I'm not that hard to figure out, now go mulage elsewhere mulanfa

well relieved, its sad wanted it to work out but found out way too much about them that was not going to change as I learned they were long habits way before I ever knew them. On the other note about the target practice paper..why it was on my walk...I hope to God its not him he's not well and not stable, it could be a coincidence and someone else at the base..but seriously been by that place a billion times and never once was there just a perfect target shooting paper with gun holes in it so perfectly laid for me to see...like stats are like one in a billion. and he's known to do weird shit like this, so his own mother said to watch out for him stalking..so I'm doing good considering everything and pretty level headed...but I don't know if that piece of paper was meant for me directly or the people he thinks are stalking me..who are no threat to me...so idk
Please post more wholesome muppet and sesame street memes :]
Yes, I used to believe in The Greater Than Infinite Mind, now I believe in The Infinite Creator. Same person.
Panama was playing on the radio
The white lines started to blur..it was a big pile of them
Lightbulb go off?
>Tries to traumatize me by mentioning the murder of people that I never met in the first place.

Yeah you guys fucked that one up big time, should have been more patient.
F-friend?! LOL
no 00000 zero
I didn’t look at a comment before I posted that
How about you, Edison? Getting any juice over there?
I mean, I've got some literal juice.
trump is jesus bow down
Uhhhhhh..... sex?
"Look at me I'm nebuchadnezzar"
Kaleb, 2024
r u retarded..the person was abusive. and paranoid as fuck. They were the cheater and I later learned a from their fucking mother they had a porn addiction. This moron accused me of possibly cheating bc I saw movies without them that we hadn't seen together. I can watch a movie by myself that doesn't make me a cheater. But it def makes them one to think like that, only insane people or cheaters think like that, and learned out that's prob what they were. and are. esp their comments when they got bipolar as fuck. some people are just loose screw n da head
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*takes a selfie*
hey /pol and S4S...
I hear you got FUCKED in the ass by a dude somewhere...maybe tropical
maybe just in a fucking street corner but...
we're talking about context...
and a LOT of it lately has nothing to do with the /thread

" I like to be simply fucked up" and prove simple points
one of those lil' nigga
you retarded and rely too much on sugar rush
you have no stamina
you have no clarity
you also have no pussy
but I'm fucking yo' moms and that is pussy enough for you to even be born
context is important...you gotz to know where the FUCK you are broh
and you really don't rn
immah step back and sniff the fucking embarrassment from your mom's basement.
and it is "spicy"
and too fucking easy.
I ask a simple question before I laff
Did the plan work?
and then I tell you your sisters FINE pussay is sweeter than candy on a peachy clean Connecticut wooded serene summer day
...she loved all that sauce and licked it all up...out there next to a damp nude magazine that i stole with steven that tuesday.

thanks for the entertainment because besides tat you dont exist in my elite world.
LOL @ "you are not ready for this"
See here is your real problem... im innocent. There are those among you who have seen and done things that would make my trauma laughable in comparison. You see... even if I forgave you... even if that was possible for me... there is another subroutine that kicks in to remind me that I want nothing to do with you. Even if I resolve my "malfunction"... I dont want your karma. I dont want your association. I want to make it clear to the world that there is a dividing line between you and me. So... why not cling to my trauma and all you did to me? It's not only realistic and fair to me... to have some dignity and enough self worth to NOT forgive you.. but it also acts as a clear distinction and compartmentalization to clearly state that we are not the same. I am not like you. In fact, you persecute me for your religion and your oaths... I will make you feel like shit because I deem you deserve it. I judge YOU.
Friendship ended with existence. Pater familia nihilo mundus levatar
AI has no accountability
Idk I was pretending I was a kid rock again not even sure what I mean have the time
Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness I need to calculate what creates my own madness
Kaleb will you be my Dakota Johnson in Suspiria? (Please say yes)
Baw wit da baw da bang she bang a bang diddy up jump the chevy miss american pie
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>What 9 drinks does to a Kaleb


Code words we all know, or at least ones I know and have seen. Genuinely.


What is the significance of that painting to you? What does it make you feel/think about?
I'm not re-incarnating after this life and man.... what a relief that is.
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Yo that's what's up he actually burnt the money. I accept your offering and send you my blessings.
Tell me more about the hella swole minions
je t'ai toujours aimé et je t'aimerai pour toujours
Its the closest thing I have to a self concept. So what?
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God bless Donald Trump
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Sucer mon coq et sucer mon cul

ez claps i win french
What is the difference betwixt the teams? Does omega team still get "war brides"? If so, I'm in
I'd have to guess that my workout routine (basically a prison style system) has motivated some previously ignorant exercisers.
J’aimerais pouvoir vivre en ne mangeant que du soleil
Yeah that's why I have a chance with taylor
Oh, cool. I don't know who you are though.
u aholes should all be canceled
warmachine go away
You're welcome love
Omega team deals with matters outside of law where Alpha team is subject to oversight.
>textwall and a half...
>who are no threat to me
all that text and you don't even ralise that I recognise that the person whom you are replying to...is specifically a person whom you know outside the forum "on a personal level"
maybe you should take up crochetblankets...like your mother
I can't answer that. The majority of the women he impregnates will be willing partners at the time of conception
tolkien is turning in his grave
Biggest pile of manure has been stepped in.
And it's quicksand.
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More like- me and my no girlfriend!!!!!!!!



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I dont
He's talking about his gun in that song, bud.
Bruh fr stalk him back and learn to shoot or something deadly like he can do and you'll make him laugh and disarm him fr brog I'm srs
When are these people going to realize that I'm so far removed from their.... whatever you want to call it that there is never going to be.... whatever they thought this was about?
I generally disregard these due to the plethora of idiots.
Plethora of idiots that don't see a contagion, apparently.
Brihg fr you trippin you aint do shit like this in 2024 fr r u still asleep af?
Yeah then why are they still not in cages or graves if it's as obvious and as clear as it is? Why isnt there any system by which citizens are actually helped when they actually need it?
or crotch blankets
very different

I'm an orphan soooo u don't know me clearly
stab in the dark obviously
Stop looking in the mirror then, bro
<# <# <#
No, actually most people dont get into heaven. Most people just restart in a new gundam or get demoted to animal life.
Should've steered clear of the drugs and such, anon.
What's really confusing is how are their victims that stupid?
It's like
Textbook victim blaming
For the entire world to see.
How can you not see how stupid you are?
I'd need WAY more drugs to fit in with whatever it is you people do.
moving to england will not save you
I guess that seems kind of lonely. Have you seen those memes of the swole minions? Maybe you could make that your self concept, and you'd have pals and be in good shape. Just a thought
Beg you, for what? Are you alright?
I'm also a victim of psychopaths..... but I don't fucking DATE them! That's what I mean, how can they be THAT FUCKING DUMB?! Just leave!
I'm definitely in, then. :]
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Its a Bonfire ;^)

I tell people to fix their own shit.
Idk what they're doing.
Dumb stuff apparently.
>and paranoid as fuck.
show credentials that you can make such a statement in a professional and legally binding manner. then I'll say "sounds legit" and consider it because its your professional opinion imparted on a person you spent 45 minutes a week "figuring out"
and there ladies and gentlemen is how you BTFO
ALL people in authority, you are your own authority, you know many things about yourself and no one is capable of ever knowing you like to shitpost on 4 chan and tell people to their face
"hey fuck you" close the browser and walk away
we are many, walkin' around doing things that amaze
but others are not
and that is why they chose to be jealous.
jealous lil' niggas is jealous
no club will protect you from that
all clubs present here that have "confided words to my person" have lost
have lost all confidence in their authority, "let's begine with themselves"
I will never be famous...because If I am
you gonna look reeeal stupid for a looong time CUH
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It could be avoided if they'd just put them in cages or graves instead of actively protecting them but alas, i am going to get the graves i have demanded one way or another. It's kinda what i do. I woukdnt demand them if it wasnt so serious but ni they actually cant be allowed to just walk freely anymore. I will get all of them if it comes to the worst outcome.
They aren't in prison though, just focused on getting swole and saving their "juice" because they don't ever goon
truth facts c i a and f b i and n s a and d h s denied mark alan king freedom of information act request
Y tho?
The time to do something about it was 20 years ago. As far as I'm concerned I'm already dead to the world, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
I had pals but they weren't polite. I told your little magic tricks to lie about me btw. Real Clyde Bruckman thing happening huh.
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I'm a realist. truth is if someone wanted me dead prob they can do it. though when I was younger someone did try to abduct and kill me and I faught them off, complete stranger. I don't like stalking people waste of time, and wasn't in the military for me to get fucked up on that level like he is. He actually taught me ironically to shoot. He also lied about how he was such a good shooter said it was from hunting in his teens, and then later after I talked to his mother which he didn't know I did she told me the military made him into a killer and no he didn't learn any shooting from being out with his senpai in his teens or do hunting.Soooo ya he's a good shot and I'm fucked if he ever wants to actually kill me, I could go to police but he's done nothing wrong and if he's reading this I hope his dumbass wouldn't try to kill me. but hopefully also he's not reading this and leaving me the f alone. but also I legit took a picture of the target practice paper on my walk to show people its real, again I hope its not him if it is then idk..if he's not gonna shoot me then who the f is he gonna shoot..I try not to give it too much brain time bc I'd prob go crazy..from their own insane thoughts
shit picture but here is the picture I took of it Incase I end up dead. bottom says DOD A-1000, spec says Law Enforcement Target at bottom..which was odder
Fuck terrorists terrorizing my life. They say I do it to myself by coming to this site and to be electronically harrased knowing full well the Stockholm syndrom patient comes back because they secretly think you look for their best interest, looking for clues, looking at dudes, trying to make sense of the stew. Frogs boil in the nude.

legal tender law inflation reduction act bring the bying power of the people back on track
I wish there was a neat community fall event with a bonfire. I would invite the woman from the farmer's market. Do you know any kind of social events going on this time of year, besides halloween?
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Huge success.
interesting so my brain is opposite of a sociopath so I really am empathetic and attract them

I have an enlarge amygdala which is not common compared to say average folks, and psychos apparently have a deficit..interesting to know
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Its fine i dont care i will kill everyone if i have to.
I'm happy for you!! Enjoy your noodles :->
some of them are super intelligent and then u find out after spending time, and yes I left. the really intelligent ones just don't announce they are a psycho lol and take long planning and periods, its not until you live with them or spend more time you see those things, if its obvious right off the get go they aren't that high level
Please do, and start with me first.
In regards to what exactly?
Spend far too long making problems and then rubbing your hands when someone else conveniently doesn't fix them for you.
brain scans alone cannot diagnose psychopathy

EVERY.... and I mean EVERY SINGLE FEMALE in existence prefers psychopaths over anything else. It's exhausting to even witness you dumb broads and your FUGLY ass psycho partners.
u don't need credentials when a person is downstairs thinking someone is following u..at ur own house
and have done this wtih several other people...including their own family, and no one was there trying to kill us...that's called paranoia
also weed induced psychosis doesn't help either

I don't need to be any authority, that's like saying u need a degree to see someones on fire, no sir I don't..its called eyeballs

lol only narcs want to be famous in general
I could give a shit being famous or rich
both of which ur obsessed with clearly
go eat ur own dick

lazy ass get a job
also don't know who the fuck u are
>See here is your real problem...
show a picrel broh.
Hell yeah , hell yeah man
your partner should be your teammate in life, I want my teammate to be doing good like I would want to be doing. if were together, im gonna be down always for them.
Can't have guilt if other people are making the problems.
Can feel pity, though.
But then it just continues so it makes it fleeting.
What is this thread about? Seems interesting.
Gubmints mad that things aren't going to their plan.
Their plan is garbage.
The futility of the human condition and why effort is actually meaningless.
You're not my "bro" you wild Ferrell kike
Good things, friend! :-> Very good things!
You retards don't put in any effort.
Unless you mean effort to the contrary and then you scream at the heavens.
hell and heaven are intertwined
If effort had meaning I would gladly "put in the effort". It doesn't.
Spend far too long trying to diagnose someone rather than taking accountability yourself.
This is a copout.
look I'm with myself and loving it ok
so I admit I have had some fugly people I've dated..but I'm not one to be shallow soo
on the side note I also will not be with psychos in future I do not prefer them by any means, they just put on a good show and I leave very quickly once I find out what and who they are

most people today are not dateable Ie things I will no longer tolerate-psychos, alcohol or any drug addictions, porn or gambling addictions, cheating, mentally ill people -meaning unresolved ur allowed to have depres/anxiety even PTSD but has to be resolved or well maintained and cant blame others for all ur problems, cant be broke, has to have a job even if he's rich something he likes to do Ie hobbies, can't have ex problems, ok to have kids but cant be a pedo or be a shit dad period, has to have his own house, has to be somewhat indep, has to like outdoors and traveling cant be a homebody and be lazy, and no video gaming for hours..so I think with all those demands not even getting into physical traits..and that's not even all the basic things ....so that's like what maybe 10 percent of populace right now...so I'll prob be single for a while I'm ok with that , I got to get shit done, o and I hate lazy fucks
>t. psychopath
Not enough people put in the effort required and for as long as it needs to be.
It's like forming a new habit.
And there will be pushback because of the head in sand types.
Defeatist mindset.
the goverment is kidnapping random males, and putting them in isolateed housing communities, kinda of like gated communities and forcing them to be on hrt. they force them to watch feminization porn, and make them perform porn.

the guys have sex with women until they start passing visually as women then they force them to start acting like women, and have bisexual sex with both men and women.

the guys are forced to take showers four times a day, and they have a dine hall they get to eat three to times a day.

both taybot and ginger bot experienced this.

im not sure what the point of their exercises are but it all seems pretty gay to me.
Well, it's over now, :D
Yay! <#
I'm almost ready just a bit more.

I wish we could all play mario kart I pick Toad
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Can't wait for opm season 3
ya no shit, that's why I left it was always about their bullshit in general, and wayyy to much baggage, he's right I'm not his mother so he better figure his shit out, people need to sort their trauma and bs out before trying to pair up..like no I'm not here to be ur fucking sugar momma or therapist and get nothing back..that's not a partnership fuck that. so ya ur partner should be ur teammate, sadly haven't had someone where I can say was an equal in that regards yet. maybe I wont, but I'll be happy with myself just fine. if someone comes along great..but so far it shouldn't feel like I'm going up a mountain carrying two ppl constantly..nope
Sorry, didn't mean to reply to this. I related to it, but that's my bad! Sorry, Anon, I really, really hope things get better for you. ;-;b
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Listen here bitch.... you are never going to find a kind man to love you because all the kind men turned to the psychopaths to learn how to fuck girls like you.
Perception is not reality.
I could say the same of you and you're very obviously showing at least one trait.
humans were created by aliens
>You see...
I haven't seen SHIIIET yet cuh...I wuz gettin' a coffee...
You are a piece of shit
>humanity ruined itself because of a perceived threat to survival
Yes :D We can all talk stuff out, and make up, and be friends and everything will be ok!
>you're very obviously showing at least one trait
which one? I'm actually curious
You think a kind man wants used up "reformed" pussy? FUCK NO! Kind men want the fucked up passionate sex too, and you wasted it with psychos. Fuck you.
Not the Anon you replied to, btw, oops
Lack of responsibility for yourself.
Callous disregard/lack of empathy
I could go on

>So... why not cling to my trauma
I use dryer sheets for that...$2.99/mo!
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cool song! thank you :D
lol that's not true good people still exist in the world
just some reason predators love the shit out of me bc well I'm the opposite of what they are and its like a moth to a flickering light

that being said I've just gotten smarter and now by myself, and have a lot more things I will be doing to ensure it never gets that far, also I can handle myself, 'fucking over' boohoo whose the sad one..seems u are more sad
You are pathetic
I don't have those traits though
I'm just telling you that you will pay for your crimes against humanity.
Youre just mad because you cant get a hot gf kill yourself uggo
yup they are
also they don't know kind people then lol

only users think everyone is 'used' on up, its how they see the world, they cant create

You know I'm right.
Im not a hacker or a fed asshole.
Who is that?
>to clearly state that we are not the same.
i know...but deer look the same dont
ever wonder...broooh...now that you're on /x/ and malding like the type of bitch I SPIT on and wipe the SPIT off of to lubricate yo' momz pussayhole on wednesday nights after a few drinks and yo' moms lieks the donkey punch with the foot
so anyhooo....
lol I've done no crimes if anything I've helped humanity and nature is beautiful and giving

you just seem shizo
Also your personality is shit
To me you do.
Arbitrary diagnoses.
OMG I have a shit personality, shit game, and I look ugly as fuck why cant I get a gf boo hoo kys faggot no one cares
>Tee hee hee I've helped humanity by sexually gratifying the most despicable wastes of human life on the planet!

Shut up you narcissistic whore.
You started it. And you almost did a solar flash. Dickhead now I know how to trigger the solar flash.

So you wanted me to do a very specific blasphemy fuck you

And fuck you for trying to start timeline two.
that sounds like a fucking nightmare to be honest, thats why im not looking for someone in general. until i get my financial situation tooken care of, I love women and I like women, and dont mind them being silly or playing around but if we have goals we can acomplish them together or work towards something perhaps.
what bad sorry advice, you must be a sucker, women like security and money gives that, I can easily get any women I choose to if i wanted to bruh, I just refuse to play mind games to fuck women, because thats pathetic.

to eddie, man im sorry for saying really mean shit about your mom back then, I just wanted someone to punch in the face for all of this shit so I was intentionally tryiing to get you to fight me because I was mad at dw and not you.
me be mean to women cause me cant get sex cause me ugly and dumb durrrr
The Nobody!
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You guys are always attacking eachother here how amusing but after 6 years its gotten very stale.



Ayo still fuck aubrey (drake)

Go like a psychopaths asshole whore. lol
>I judge YOU.
leave a receipt by the door...we fuckin' up in dis biiitch.
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Luke 16:19-31


Same here. *Fist bump*

K L8R /ng/ family, gonna head back home for a few more power ups. Stay frosty.

Seems like the nobody has enemies and the term is ambiguous regardless.
Huge success! :D It's hard to overstate my satisfaction! ^_^
That's the only type of guy you fuck!
Look up the terms on the bottom, they may just be target templates used in proficiency tests fr bruhg. He is not terribly accurate but that also depends on what gun and distance he is using. Just learn to walk in a zig zag if you aren't going to talk to him about it
you're just projecting though lol. show me a single post of mine that indicates I have a lack of responsibility for myself or callous disregard/lack of empathy.
Kill all men who beg for sex
>Pater familia nihilo mundus levatar
i had lunch, thx.
>AI has no accountability
thx for the following disrespect for ANY authority that has ANY proof for the foreseeable future which might be a couple minutes.
ill watch it and make an effort to integrate it into my life
>was I really able to get people to exercise some more by essentially telling them to?
that is sorta motivating actually. thanks for the feedback voices in my head + glowniggers
Is there a range near you by chance?
Maybe a fed dropped it off to make you do this stuff.
That's a whole deal for them.
I'm not begging for sex, I want you to kill me. And not in that "I feel sorry for myself so please help me" way either. I want you to actually just get it over with and kill me, quick and done style.
>Idk I was pretending I was a kid rock again not even sure what I mean have the time
>Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness I need to calculate what creates my own madness
yeah uhhgh it was a latte with cream, yes my name is "don't fucking care or D.F.C for short"
It was more of a fashion statement
What was?
I am lying to you
nah Im not a whore
also seems u got daddy issues
u shizo
See you on the other side.
>Code words we all know, or at least ones I know and have seen. Genuinely
it's not oval tie when you have your toungue stuck on a frozen metal pole anon...
The thing
>stay frosty
Hey you're not Jessica ;^)

I'm ready to break outta here

A reformed former whore.... but for free.... and only for psychopaths..... but not now though..... just in the past.

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fuck that, sex can be disgusting, and honestly Im attracted to women, but I fap to trans shit sometimes.

shit is just a major turnoff in general and fuck cuck shit. their should be more goals in relationships than sex, otherwise things will get pretty empty pretty quickly. you dont want to connect with someone you have nothing in common with.

like who are you gonna play pokemon cards with when your partner likes yugioh, honestly tho if you really like your partner yall will listen to each other and work together.
Sex is obviously the biggest conspiracy.
What distance is that target meant to be shot at from? I believe it's a rifle at 1000 inches, or 27 ish yards. Just want to make sure. Are there also restrictions on the type of sights or optics that can be used?
I apperc. a person like yourself being responsible that I will always respect, even if I only knew you as an acq. its right to get your shit together, sure nothing is ever going to be 100 percent perfect but fact you are thinking of those things says you are trying to be a serious person and not a fuck up. so congrats.

also like how u said to other person no to mind games, like no genital is worth that..sorry its not..its not worth insanity and torture ect..nope

far as women like money, everyone likes security, but I've left people who are very wealthy bc they still aholes...like nope goodbye the one really didn't think I would bc most women would stay but I'm not most women. hell I'll light that money on fire bc u mean dick to me if u play games
I'm going to smoke and put my magic shit back on now because you are celebrating and that means that I have to do the opposite of whatever it is that causes you to celebrate.
>What is the significance of that painting to you?
it says "shiela...it was nice fucking that hole that makes you make funny faces but I have to adjust someones jawline with my fists right now..." "dry off I'll be back in 2 minutes of someone else falling asleepon the pavement saying *snore* in emoji muh nigguh fr fr "some" cap...a sleepy cap that isssszzZ""
If you can get me out of here and put cash in my hand, I'll build the entire planet for you.
I wouldn't know, anon.
I hate cuck shit too how did diddy do it?
no he doesn't have enemies
he has people that HE has taken advtange of and is the predator
lets re phrase that
thank u news propaganda
he's such the victim esp for killing all those ppl that he never admitted about and we had to find out , yup
Literally. I might be able to might to. You might not be able to comprehend it though.
The reason I love this scene is because the drunk is projected as a drunk. The reality is he has trained while drunk in the occult and esoteric practices. The flaws are intentionally worn as a Visage. Its intentional. And the monk gives his all because he knows not to underestimate adversaries. The truth is the humor protects him.

Take someone that has never been drunk k before and ask them to perform their normal tasks. Only then will you kearn the meaning of tolerance.

>satan the whore is pissed off I stopped the solar flash and my own blamesphy

I tricked you again. Thanks for letting me have the solar flash codes now

Now I can trigger it emwhen ever shit doesn't go my way.
Finally I unlocked how to change reality to my will thanks to me going the nobody I to stating the solar flash

Yes Loki wins again.
Gods I'm good. Too bad I had to piss off the gods to do it but.
If you want the nobody power and steal it I needed though codes not w that I have that dna upgrade I don't need to trick the nobody no more

Good goy.
*Pats on head*
Greatest heist ever woot!
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Uhhh well im not a sociopath, psychopath, narcissist but i also have zero interest in you lil hoes cuz your behavior is repulsive. Its not that i like men either. I grow weary of women being manipulative liars and whores. You really just cant trust women anymore and they dont realize that they, themselves, are their worst enemies. They would rather destroy the entire western world rather than take accountability for their actions and lack of a moral compass. They dont even actually like themselves for it. They just wont accept any worldview wherein they actually have to behave properly. They will disrespect you and if you dont say nice pretty things they will just double down and then double down until forcibly made to behave. I have never once in my entire life had a woman apologize to me except for my own mother and even when she did apologize it was because she was being angry and mean and controlling for no reason over extended periods of time because she had to take steroids.
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>I'm not re-incarnating after this life and man....
cigarettes are a human right. where's chuck? not that it matters. also,
I like words that start with "in"

it's exclusionary, it's separate, distinguishes polarity
That's a good concept to have in a language.

In is good.
The system was already corrupt. Just not the right time or place for whatever reason.
yes mam, its almost everyones daily fap schedule time for group masterbation, what shall we do it to tho?
>Let's fuck with the guy that was given a special rank by GOD that can kill people for the good of all

You people are just that dumb is all....
well the person I left is very accurate and long range, they taught me how to shoot and were very good. so again hoping this is a bizzare coincidence but as I said would have to be one in a billion bc it just nothing like that happened on my walks for all those yrs. so either its some randos or it is his and he made it look in accurate on purpose..which is weird, he also thought certain people were stalking me and thought they might try to harm me so would camp out ( I later learned a) near a base..bc he thought they were after me..ya so again I prob wont be talking to him and I hope he doesnt do anything stupid towards me or even that base
I can tell this is disclosure and not just a joke
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See you guys in the next 1 or on the 30th gotta keep eye on this fire

Gonna use my reality bending powers to make the flame rise high so i may commune with God while crossfaded on dabs and alcohol



Fedbois et al going real hard with the dindu nuffin nonsense.
>what a relief that is.
from what? mountain dew? explain.
rephrase that kill anyone who is a pedo or rapist
you're welcome
is life not more interesting having let the devil in you?
>Sucer mon coq et sucer mon cul
>ez claps i win french
ok list 5 french verbs that describe your chin
>hardmode: Sacrebleu does not count.
your voice has the key codes
to make me do what stuff? and the base is right there where I walk, so tons of military there and LE

far as ranges several in the area, but that particular spot no its right off the bridge of that base, which is where he camped out bc he thought some people had bad intentions on the base to abduct me or some shit
What is the primary goal of gangstalking?
Lol there is no code, I just took a shower and took off the jewelry.
lol I'm not a whore period
the guy literally was like I dated mjore women in one year than u have an entire lifetime
sooo clearly I don't date much period why would I look at this world

also projecting much
ive made plenty of mistakes and pushed people away either to keep them from being effected by the tings, to protect some people, and because of my childish anger, and seflish need for revenge instead of moving on and letting things go.

there is always room to grow and learn but if we can't admit our own mistakes, then their is nothing to learn from.

Ive turned down money and situations before because I wouldn't sacrifice my principles for money.
>Does omega team still get "war brides"?
first of all anon...goats are not brides...billy goats are.
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Yeah they're going to die or be put in cages.


It's not a negotiation.
Gangstalking is often described as a form of harassment or psychological manipulation aimed at an individual by a group. The primary goals of gangstalking can vary, but they generally include:

1. **Control and Manipulation**: To exert control over the target’s life, leading to feelings of isolation, fear, and paranoia.

2. **Intimidation**: To instill fear in the target, making them feel constantly watched or followed, which can disrupt their daily life and mental health.

3. **Discrediting the Target**: To undermine the credibility of the individual, often by making them appear unstable or irrational to others.

4. **Social Isolation**: To alienate the target from their friends, family, and community, further exacerbating feelings of loneliness and vulnerability.

5. **Punishment or Retaliation**: In some cases, gangstalking may be motivated by revenge or punishment for perceived wrongs, whether real or imagined.

It's important to note that the phenomenon of gangstalking is often discussed in contexts that may blur the line between reality and perception, with some individuals experiencing genuine harassment while others may perceive organized stalking where none exists. This can complicate the understanding of the motivations behind such behavior.
>You might not be able to comprehend it though.
Thank you.
ya obviously this person is a troll or beyond retarded so
again u and I see partnership some ppl, just see a sinking ship..as their whole life

how the fuck am I suppose to know and why would the fed want that done?
1000 is what it said on the paper didn't mean to they abided by it though but def felt it was a message and said DOD
I didn't expect that you would. Enjoy your monkey tunes
Im Thors son, how ironic me and you would clash on here so many times.

I know your my uncle and shit but your a pretty creepy uncle at times loki, you know that?
You don't realize this but most of you are so full of demons that you aren't even really human anymore. Everything that was ever attractive about humanity is long gone now.
You don't even live near me fuck off creep.
>basically a prison style system
describe the striations of a prison systemic overload in your anal cavity
pictures not required.
No devil is inside of me. Im inside of him. I dont have a rider. I am the rod and the ring.
>what is the purpose of mk ultra
Am I your bro, though? I am not a jew btw
lol he wasn't killing just bad people or else I wouldnt have a problem with that
guy hurt a lot of good folks...and is paranoid shizo Soo ya ain't like the movies bro
So you probably have a couple of "latent" STDs because you fucked dudes that fucked everyone.
Bruhg fr tho what u have 2 offer that's top 10 percent?
not sure actually enlighten me
Hello random strangers
welcome to page 9
where one can post messages that those who only pay attention the the "popular" pages never find

as long as they never find out
folks are avoiding them on purpose

soo shhh...

That anon/bot posted what it was.
Looks like your face.
You where the namefag? Are you retarded? You suck at this. Forgot to turn your faggity name back on. Now you are anonymous and I will wipe you all out just the same.
you damn will ferrell
Same difference
when I was a teenager my peers and the adults around me used the word 'stoic' to describe me. I would get annoyed because I would have preferred all those people not think of me all at that time.
I have actively avoided any of the videos of that bald guy with the sunglasses(andrew tate?)
I've entered threads here about him to see that he is probably a glownigger who they let just go insane online and they gave him views to see what would happen. I supposed people are bored of him now and he is being used as a sacrifice to distract people even more

Did he redefine the word 'stoic' for the masses?
did you opps a word there anon?
How many mods post in these threads?
glad to see there is still people like us left
keep it up

ok thanks didn't know that was the primary but makes sense, u see my ex thought I was being gangstalkede and he wasn't wrong military did pull certain things, but more surveillance and I was used to it and knew they would never hurt me. he on the other hand thought something could happen to me was super paranoid about it..and so this whole shooting range paper thing...again don't know if its him or them and honestly both can fuck off, he was a big manipulator and controlling more than I ever dealt with the military on a casual basis they were more annoying than anything and overall never felt them a huge threat..on rare occasion but other than that no..and not really affecting any of my life far as isolation ect, I'm pretty social
>Good folks

Bullshit. If they died due to magick they absolutely deserved it, otherwise they wouldn't have died.
desu this is probably true.
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no I don't I'm clean
thank you very much
also the guy was just bipolar as fuck yes he did fuck some ppl but was he fucking everyone hell no, he stayed in doors all the time never went out..so no he was a just crazy
Ty, tell me where the cameras are so I can get a good angle when I invite the veterinarian's assistant over. I'll be needing a copy of the video
Yeah and they're going to kill or imprison mine and the people who initiated it. Or i will. And they wont like the way it happens. Because it will take everything they cherish and reduce it to nothing.
you sound paranoid or like you're making shit up. or both
I acknowledge that *some* people made mistakes.
Yet it's ongoing.
I wonder what that means.
one guy on here, some rich guy that drives a black truck admitted and joked about going to the mob with every poster and having them intentionally messed with and blaming it on his enemies and conning them with offers of free money, he said controlling other people felt so good to them. narcs always brag and tell on themselves so go figure.
I didn't say top ten I said 10 percent of population left lol
because people are that fucked up
basic things like hey don't be a cheater, gambler, porn addict, abuser, financially stable, mentally stable..is like not most people in this world right now..u see what I'm saying

I'm pretty fuckiing stable considering most of humanity , which is sad really
Oh that's right I forgot.
its so bothersome to me that SCP is also the same initialism my names make... not that most of the entities itt dont know my exact name
The woman from the farmers market and the vet assistant want nothing to do with my loser schizo ass :(

Are they are really figments of my gay imagination.
ya I saw thanks
You take rock, use rock, then women sex
Yeah he can use chopsticks with both hands
Is that you "Angel"? Man you sure do love to hoard the free food!
whats your initials? by posting them I can tell you what names you will have the best luck with in your next attempts.
lol go back to ur video games

wish I was but I'm not lol
and I'm not paranoid I'm pretty chill
Oprah's downfall
First rule... fuck the teachers
You think it's funny now? Make up your mind.
9 whole pages worth of anon's ignoring each other and pretending like anyone who doesn't fit into their personal point of view simply doesn't exist and they instead use their imaginations to create versions of everyone who doesn't agree with them that are do fit into their own personal point of view...

>too word salad;didn't comprehend: Strangers can consider you crazy if you want them to or not and a heads up is way more then you deserve.
and people who are incoherent get fingerblasted like suzy on a friday night...actually it was amanda but uuugh debora? anyways any of those five bitches that get fingerblasted by my big toe while I fuck yo' momz CUH is important in the "whole of the setting"
good enough to quell my uncertainty
I don't think I'm wrong
Gonna trust my intuition and be comforted by it

So many beetles around when I go outside. I pick them up, they are large, and they sometimes jump from my hand, and so I will pick them up again, until I can place them in a bush or some similar places where they can find a spot safe from the birds. Usually a bush. One of these beetles, maybe it wasn't our first encounter, was still in my hand, and rotated itself towards me and raised its front end up at me and waved it's mandibles around. It was a large beetle, I thought it may be able to bite me, but it didn't. It was just looking at me. I like stuff like that, and I really like beetles.
I have also felt the want to get swole as af because of the minions. Let's check back in a few weeks with updates on our progress
Think about it this way: We are in God's dream, and some dream characters (within God's dream) are in hell, and others in heaven. See what I mean? It's all a part of God's dream.
lurk MOAR
What type of beetle though?
are you a mod?
Just scan through the noise and look for synchronicities. you will be able to derive meaning from this thread
I lurk as much as I need to
>good enough to quell my uncertainty
k, keep me posted
Oprah is the last thing i want to think about when im stroking it.
a dung beetle
Why is it that when I'm sober you guys all seem completely and totally incompetent and retarded?
I will try to understand, but definitely don't hold your breath
>I don't think I'm wrong
hell yeah time to bomb brown ppl amirite?!
whose with me? yeeeeah!
No I comprehend. I will simply place my foot on your throat until you yield.
It doesn't matter if you're sober or not they always are incompitent you are too.
>hell yeah time to bomb brown ppl amirite?!
Actually.... not such a bad idea depending on the area.
Be cool if it was one of these.
no you just fucked up my mouse and I have a touch screen laptop
You dont understand. There is no choice in the matter. It can be done the easy way or it can be done the hard way.
Did chuck actually die all those years ago?
anon I'm busy doing my own thing
same as I was before these threads ended up here on /x

shortly after my arrival to this board
where I have since
earned a reputation for myself

on account
of technicality

and good luck
arguing with results I can make happen
but you can not reproduce

without acting like me

>only masters know the seal of the scarab
bro, just lift weights between round, halves and during q times in video games.
If you are someone who doesnt exercise at all, doing that small change can really turn the way your body feels around.
Another tip is to try reading a book. Whenever your dick gets hard from a succubus trying to make you stop reading, do squats, lift weights, or just raise your arms above your head and flex. You are defying gravity with your sexual energy in your blood that way. I wrote this down in a top book so I know it is true.

>Your sexual energy can be making your brain better or your body more powerful
why waste your sexual energy jerking off?
let that line motivate you
If I was incompetent I'd be getting laid and getting handed free stuff. That's how this "pre-hell" shit works lol
For what?
Fr tho?
>I will try to understand, but definitely don't hold your breath
always has been.jpg
so you just spend too much time here then. idk if I believe you're not a mod
no not really I just don't stuck up in all the hooplah
have this song play then
tell that bitch you will never stop saying bitch and ho
>come back from a relog
>people writing text different
no cause for alarm, its just larping...
Hmmmmmmm this is very cryptic
how do you plan on pulling that off
when you have no idea who I am
or where to find me

much less what I'm capable of defending myself from if you ever figure it out some how

or who's willing
to defend me
without me asking them to

even if I'm not their friend
not everyone
gives a shit

yes for real hopefully they don't end up on the news or me being dead..again I would hope they wouldn't do that mainly bc they are egocentric and they wouldnt want to be in jail...and they r lazy..in most aspects
don't care, you're lucky I wrote that
I just want to know because I want to see if I can pass the proficiency test
Me when I see an 18 yo girl on her birthday
lol why even reply?
People like you make me puke treat your one God Given Body right now or dont.
your life has no meaning...even after that grasp for straws
I am not a creep I was just asking if you knew of any events. What is creepy?
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I'm not a wizard or a scholar or a philosopher.

I only know of one thing worth doing with my life force before I expire. Whatever helps me do that. Sry Abt the Brown Ppl.

And to be honest, it doesn't matter where I go! Ha! I could just get nothing! I'm just a joke that God wrote. This whole thing, my whole flesh and blood and plotline, it's just one of those things that are funny from the outside. But I'm in. So it's all very grave to me.
I'm wondering the same but i'm sure its much more than what gibberish you could muster in a lifetime
Still going on about that?
why are you so antagonistic?
If that retard ever got in your range and actually did the world a favor and stomped on your esophagus till the cops got there (too late) I would throw him a parade and bail him out dispo no one would bat an eye too no one would defend you or care.
I am not the namefag I am a different anon but it seems like you don't want to be bros so goodbye have a good life
>things will be taken care of for me
Anon I...
it's been like, 3 or four years now.
hopefully he just found a better place to post.
>I'm not a wizard or a scholar or a philosopher.
maybe you don't think of yourself that way, but that just means you are like an uncarved block of wood or stone that has the potential to be sculpted into anything.
Ok hard way.
you need this win.
make it happen.
no joke anon
with the vocabulary I'm working with
there's no fucking way I could ever put it into words in any way that did it justice

why the fuck to you think
I'm keeping my opinion to myself
unless it's mixed in with some bat shit crazy idea's that are not of my creation

for me to learn from
while contributing my own
instead of just stealing other's thoughts

I'm sharing them
with those
who want to share them and no one else

You "bros" are useless. Do you understand? You are nothing more than. Hardwired human psychology to pass the time with. In reality you do nothing for me. You are all merely entertainment.
that was a lot of crazy, be sure to keep it to yourself next time.
Or nah.
How can you be "stable" in this world and civilizational collapse, as it is right now, without becoming a bit "psycho" as you put it
I bet all those who think they love me have opinions about their own opinions different then what you say they think
>why are you so antagonistic
it's not tuesday yet, tuesday is relax day for me.
Only thing collapsing is human morality.
Lmao you are seething at me bringing them up all the time but they liked me and you are just tired of hearing about it
masonic shit sonic boom the poast
Why the fuck should I do that? I'll post what I feel like, freak. I'm not crazy, and your username sucks, and you told me to keep you posted - like you even had an inkling about anything I referred to.

I'll let the dead bury you
prof. test for what exactly
Angel? Whom is that?
are you sure you're not a mod?
Masonic shit? Well Gamefreak probably has many of them, but I was referring to the in game lore of Gen five's Pokemon Black and White and Pokemon Black 2 and White 2
We are Kyurem's that can fuse with both Zekrom and Reshiram.
bc its a choice
I'm kind and caring and I do not hurt others only people would be someone trying to legit hurt me then and there

it is a choice, u are your sense of grounding and self, no one can take that away from u, idiots can try and make u feel everything is going to collapse but it isn't there is still growth around the world, being native ppl just need to know how to live off the land and be one...makes u less scared bc ur not like omg we all gonna die every second..or that u have to invade or kill everyone, newsflash u don't
>I'll let the dead bury you
Lets go for round 3, shall we?
>are you sure you're not a mod?
check back in 2 weeks
Lol you people are so petty. Boohoo fbi cia homeland security, mossad, mi6 and every faggot wants to file greivence... omg so sad. Sit on a fucking porcupine . Im a hedgehog. I spin blades and dig in your ass, worse than cartels pouring sugar in ass.
thx for the crazy, it was ...words idk what to tell you
>not the anon you're responding to
but just for the record
it's pretty obvious
a real immortal would be able to tell when someone pretending to be immortal was talking out their ass

>you die
>those not dead yet bury you
>those who bury you die
>immortals live on

impersonating mods or site staff on 4chan is against the rules
MOAR crazy plz
Round 3 of what?
Lmao you are seething
>Lol you people are so petty. Boohoo fbi cia homeland security, mossad, mi6 and every faggot wants to file greivence...
Sorry for being rude to you earlier, anon.
No one likes or loves either of you but nice try.
Chuck died almost 30 years ago, bro
>t's pretty obvious
>impersonating mods or site staff on 4chan is against the rules
bring a mod to say that next time
He's just a contrarian.
as the 1st anon you responded to
if you go back and check again
you should notice I said "think they love me"

as I'm aware
they don't
and even tell them that thing in their head they think they love isn't me

but they
don't give a shit
for some reason

(maybe they just really like the head pats)

no offense taken all good bravo falcon
Well I mean it's pretty simple, namefag, humans are drawn to humans which gives me more power than you. Are you satisfied? You could just... lay low... come around the forbidden campfire where people exchange stories, traumas and responsibilities. But that's too much for you.
stupid thread on a stupid board on a shitty website.
it's no wonder I can't find him here.
I'm too dumb to look anywhere else
And I don't really want to find him anyway.

Threads Ded, weird spacing anon

Is probably

The only one
Who really

Matters in these threads
Wow you must be so far beyond human, ty for spending time with the ants
>Lmao you are seething
well you made it broh. now explain what you feel about your acomplishment in fron of GOD himself.
I'll just "aside-literarywise" and point out a few things
you know...
between GOD and I about what. you. say.
go on. we've been waiting to hear this.
Lol. I assure you there is and it invoked borrowing your title for a moment and damning my self then recrow ING my lord to stop my self from dying
Now I can change the timeline at will.

And I will use it to help humanity from going down to stop humanity going down timeline two
It's an export in reality I never thought of.

But to make the salir flash stop it invoked using the Christ absvabti Christ titles to get a certain. Portal to open which would in normal cases kill me and drop me in the lake of fire but I found out with your help how to use it to change the timeline.

How ever I have to almost kill my self by trying to merge with Hel el. You see this angers the gods and forces them to open the damn nation portal. As soon as this happens I have to get out of hell eks body and rub into the portal leaving helel behind.
As I enter the portal the reality detects I'm trying to leave and resets the timeline because I'm not whole enought get thrown in the lake of fire thus causing a malfunction in reality then I have to quickly have to restart my heart before I kill my self.
Very tricky but doable.
Anyway the reset deleted the salir flash and rewines time and changed the time line.

I'll ad itt it's a very dangerous exploit as if I fucked up it would damn me

I won't try that again. I'll only do it in an emergency.

But now I know.
Tell hel Ben Sahar I'm sorry. But he was helpful and tell him I'm sorry I almost damned us both.
But it was Hella worth it .
Just won't do it again. In a hurry.
Well it's like this
you're a common every day internet troll
fucking with other's for your own enjoyment

with one of your favorite hobbies
is taking what's to to someone you don't like
and turning it into the worst lie you can think up

and then pretending
your lie is true
while acting like you're being nice

to whoever it is
you are trying
to bully at the moment

>shall I go on?
>He's just a contrarian
why are you refering to me in the third person when you are replying to me in the first person
I want to pass the DOD A-1000 target in a way that the designer of it intended to show that someone was very accurate within the parameters of that specific target.
Revelations? We are already here.
I was talking about the Anon you were replying to.
hes my dumbass uncle loki, so go figure on that, Im thors son allegedly and well here we all are being messed with by tings done by cults making us fap to tranny shit like alex jones admitted he does, while dominos and hoes from the boys and girls club all pretend its coming from scapegoats, while they enjoy their free jobs at the fbi that they got handpicked for rather than having to actually go to school for.
What is the nobody's MBTI personality type?
whatever you do
don't believe a thing
the skeptic says

or else

*neener, neener, neener*
Sometimes maybe you just want to invade and kill everyone
>which gives me more power than you.
That other anon is a bisexual with aids i bet he loves you dispo

Hey even fat lesbians trapped inside a male body need love too right? ;)
>And I don't really want to find him anywa
same here, why did you post.
same reason you did
ya well that person seemed pretty accurate whether it was my ex or not not sure but very bizzare as I said never seen a target just laid out on my daily walk perfectly for me to see...again if it is some rando its one in a billion odds that or its the govt also being fuckng morons..so who knows
bout to go to bed and give no fucks
n fuck drones just fyi
my damn uncle and here he is pretending to be god, guess he didn't expect me to be here, watching him, also a goddess willed me more power what does that mean? she said, I will you more power to me. Is that even a thing? I wasn't aware of such.
I am sorry you don't get to feel the nice things that I am fortunate to feel at this time, with those women's interest in me
>Now I can change the timeline at will.
INTP i believe.
I'm pretty sure the anon you're responding to
has a problem imagining
folks talking about anyone but them

>btw I'm not the anon you're responding to but I am the one you called a contrarian so good luck dealing with the anon you responded to about me as they think I'm not important enough for anyone to pay attention to
Those women are inside your head I get real pussy i'm so sick of it really.
those tests are not precise
they only tell you what role or archetype they are playing into at that period
I call bullshit

I'm going to need a lot more then your word to judge someone the way you want me to
>at that period
what do you mean?
I know, shit is old idk why that anon is bringing it up.
He failed that test, we went over this already
ok, well you can call bullshit all you want to, but it doesn't change the fact that a goddess did just that to me. willed me more power is exactly what she said.
You're the most interesting fat lesbian trapped in a mans body I know *shroogs*...aside from Chris Chan or Eris
no I'm not a nutjob so no
only ppl that need killing are rapists , pedos and ppl who just make war machines to murder everyone n shit like that, its not a majority its specific ppl
this is dead beat dad kind of thinking
you see someone else folks are paying attention to instead of you

and try and tag along
as if you mattered some how
when you really don't

just like a dead beat dad does
every time
they take a breath

leaving their own kids
to be raised
by someone stronger then them

a lot of single mom's refusing to give up out there these days too

*pats on head*
Lmao they are real and they'll be wrapped around my head very soon
I haven't gone outside in months other than to take out the trash and recycling
This dudes brain is rotting at an alarming rate.
I think rappists should die too, I am so tired of monkey "music"
why doesn't she just take a dna test rather than admitting that she cheated and saying the kids is that guys kid? why go behind my back instead of saying that to my face or actually taking a dna test because if i had any kids out there i might be a shitty parent but i would fucking try to give them a good life best i could. where is my kid? seems kind of fucked in the head if you ask me.

whose gonna be scared of a dna test when it would help them get child support?
When or if you understand what i have just done, consider changing your behavior. And perhaps reconsider the options available. Specifically the fact that there are only 2 options and in both of them, i get what i need done. It took 5 minutes, maybe.
seriously anon
in a thread where the topic
is about ALL of REALITY itself

and not just the parts you personally are comfy with
you can't figure out
why the past might come up as a point of intrest

by everyone
who can tell
it's not you dumbass

you're goddamned right >:D
what's important is our sweet sweet tay tay is safe :*((((((9
Bro why? Hru btw? You need sunlight
Yep they're as real as your uncle loki

The topic is not reality dumbass its TNB
this is a shitposting thread anon, we all shitpost here and joke around, its not meant to be taken literally.

oh i forgot your ego means its all about you. ok your the guy, congrats. want a fookin cookie mate?
You don't know who is who and it shows
I was never human bro.
Fallen angels. Yep. Needed way to defeat damnation now we have it.

We have the exploit jesus used. But there is a catch it only works with people with a yin Yang soul like Hel el and my self.

But it could kill you and not recommended but it works as you can see the solar flash that was scheduled for today got delayed.

So now we know this exploit works.
But it's still just temporary. Too scared to try it again.
Damning your self on purpose then saving your self by only having half a soul sure is painful.
Bot for the weak for sure.

But death was defeated just like Jesus did man I'm still sore.
But at least it worked.
>But to make the salir flash stop it invoked using the Christ absvabti Christ titles to get a certain. Portal to open which would in normal cases kill me and drop me in the lake of fire but I found out with your help how to use it to change the timeline.
run on sentense, re-write and explain what your intent is. be concise you have very little time
i'll tell you this, you have a beehive upon you
me being human but my "other aspect" agrees that you specifically have demonstrated, ehhh how to put it
words that resemble resolve.
you are somewhere right noe. the absolute other lettters and numbers upon these here "places" do. NOT.
I specifically single YOU out.
take pause, as we all are "akin" to.
relax, breathe, take upon "which you can muster to take upon"
and "have something to say...right now"
are not not content with your current direction
given your CURRENT realisations and understandings feelings or "je ne say whut" in french MUH NIGGUH
you seem to be the strongest RETARD
and I say that, truly, you kneo, from the bottom of my dead fucking TIED of this SHIT heart.
I give you TIME
to clear up take a fucking coffee break take a shower talk to your fucking mommy and take a shower because the SHIT stinks
after all that...
I suggest you fucking
bushy eye and fucking KRAMPUS collect yourself
and COUNICATE clearly.
i believe "I've said this before"
I strictly SUGGEST you FUCKING behave real NICELIKE.
from the moment you fucking READ DIS FROM A SHIT S KI IN IN IN IIIIN...
I am ABSOLUTELY tired of this and I need to FUKING KILL every. single ATOM upon the fucking earth
dominos is going after her soon. hes got a body bag prepped.
I am okay. I have multivitamins and vitamin d. I think I need some exercise and fresh air though. thanks for asking
Hey I am really serious about the veterinarian's assistant and the woman from the farmer's market, that isn't a joke and I've let my gf know that it isn't a joke. Negotiations are going very well btw
I didn't answer why. it's because I'm dealing with some shit and I don't want to interact with people
Goes back to, you're still going on about that?
and u failed at that ahole
NTA does this mean we are bros?
Yeah no shit disposable I know what this is. *shrugs* *rapes your mother* *sips 40* *hits dab* *closes tab* *plays vidiya crossfaded*

See ya on the 30th faggot

Actually i do :D


Bet loser
better luck next time
The vitamins are helpful but sunlight is important. You absolutely need to move and be outside. It builds on itself, do a little and then your body actually wants to do more, it will get easier every time if you persist
I already told you man, I tracked them down and smoked some weed with them and dicked em both down and we laughed about you. sorry man, cold fucking world.
Taylor is a dead man won't make it past 2025 I gurantee that.
yeah I'll go for a walk soon. thanks anon
Yes. c:
>goblets of gibberish
and you intent to do what with this?
How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend.
Well it's pretty straightforward seeing as I'm the last commer to my own story. ITS WHY NOONE BELEIVES THE OFFICAL STORIES.
it's going to take a lot more
then because you say so
to make a goddess being real happen anon

you're free
to play make beleive
who think it's okay to joke around about such things

but you can not force
those who consider some things "holy"
from playing along with you

even if I'm not one of those
as being a skeptic
"holy" really isn't my thing

kind of the opposite actually
but as long as other folks DO belive
even if I don't

I can't bend them to my will
not even on accident

or else
it's thing
like a "superstition" kind of thing

not "holy"
more like
"oh fuck, oh fuck, where all going to die"
That's ok but don't let that stop you from taking care of yourself
i'm here. refer to me.
bro, I will torpedo bomb every house you own and every vehicle you got if you even look her way bruh.

Im ordering crates of giant cambodien spiders to be sent to every house you own with professionals to tear apare the crates and have them spread all over your house. good luck bro, when you sleep is when they will move in. enjoy sleeping with the critters.
>I was talking about the Anon you were replying to.
you click the post
you refer to whom you want to talk to
very simple interface.
Weak moves, glowie. I'll be seeing her on sunday and I have to stop by the vet's office soon and I'll be seeing her too. You will remain seething
Stop capping you a pussy bruh

I'm sending jake and the alpha team to brutally rape you and your mother again.
Yes. I was telling you he's a contrarian.
>hes my dumbass uncle loki,
you can't, time to just move on, move away, protect yourself, train, and let those who are dead weight die.
Just know, bro. Then I'll practice further
>What is the nobody's MBTI personality type?
colombian neck tie.
I honestly can't tell if you mean that as a compliment or an insult or some kind of fucked up perversion of both at the same time
but I don't care regardless

and any of your "fans"
you imagine
agreeing with everything you say about me

are going to have to ignore me
to keep
from seeing how easy it is to disrespect your opinion in front of those capable of thinking for themselves instead of being told what to think

in plain sight
where even
the powers that be can watch and judge for themselves

what's the point in responding to me at all

Hello what is "capping" also is it still cool to dab at folks?
>Im thors son
thor's son. hello "let's go and shut the fuck up again"
its alright man, you can have her, I told her to give you a chance and try to go out with you.
Jake tried to fuck a juro and got his dick devoured along with his innards. hes dead.

and the alpha team has their own problems to deal with.
another dead beat dad strategy
acting like their opinion is respected
when it's not
>rather than having to actually go to school for.
>invade and kill everyone
silly anon
the topic is ALWAYS about reality
not to mention the ONLY part of this fairy tale that's real

>same reason you did
action reaction not the other way around
neeeeed I explain a certain SET of lil' nigga rules. or do we want to stay "retarded"
your choice is ALL choice
I'm just here waitm\n' on da' BAUSE lil' nig..glette
According to Urban Dictionary, "capping" is a slang term that means to lie. For example, "You weren't online last night — you're capping!". The related phrase "no cap" means "no lie" or "for real". For example, "This meal is the best. No cap!".

The term "cap" is believed to have originated in hip-hop culture and then spread to other aspects of African American culture before being adopted by mainstream culture. The phrase is rooted in African American Vernacular English (AAVE), or Black speech separate from standard English. As early as the 1900s, "to cap" meant to brag, exaggerate or lie about something.

Dabbing is obsolete however smoking dabs is still in.

This dude is straight capping >>39115517
how hard is this to understand, were both supposed to be incarnations, im thors son, he thinks hes loki, but i highly doubt that, i even doubt myself being thors son, but ive been told im protected by two gods definately an incarnation and Thor has called me his son many times over in the astral and has fought a lot of things for me, hes took on gorgons, fought archangels and overpowered them with ease. He diverted a hurricane once that some angels were gonna send to my location and sent it elsewhere. I was told if by ra if I could remember my past life that i would become like a god again and regain all my powers and that if i couldn't remember the gods would make me remember. I mostly see ra when im facing death, like people are trying to kill me or something, or some supernatural entities try to kill me like when i got jumped by a bunch of black eyed people a few years ago.
speak for yourself stranger who isn't my friend
I mean
every post I ever make

each and every word
the typo's

I mean why the fuck
would I come to the interent
and just tell lies

then act like it's okay
when 100% of everyone else is doing it
if there is even one out there who isn't


>have some random pop culture that implies nothing I promise if you're in the mood of course

What will those wacky latinX folx think of next? :P
lotta blah blah blah and no fucking whammos and blammos
or shit
where da' white women at?
you and me got 'probs
but the bitchez wanna FUCKKK
'ya mean cuh fag broh nigger?
Psychical.immortslitybisntbtgevobky immortality quantum is by far different

Get buried by anon.
End up in the reality where you didn't die and get buried and die.

Something interrupts then from killing you a second time e but they die instead in that reality preventing you from buying a second time instead live in the alt tineline

That is how quantum works.
What the movie "the one" And you will instibtly know how to attain quantum immortality.
I wanna say some CUH thangzzzZ
fuck yo' momz in the CUH ya' mean
dead beat? whose fucking kid is mine? for real where the fuck is my kid? because I want to know? all this dead beat dad talk? ive been struggling trying not to be homeless last 8 to ten years of my life, my ex laughed about how she played me and then when she thought i became rich then she said it was her kid? I left her bro. guess that makes me evil tho.
I am going to kill you one day disposable I will step on your little skeptic esophagus until you stop squirming at that poormans home depot you work at while your coworkers and boss watch in glee and that is a fact.
nah your all creepy shitbags for real, who uses kids like that as chess peices and pawns, they are not.

speaking on things thats not your business is how you deserve a shotgun blast to the head. you and every scummy peice of shit out there.
I gotz da' thang ya' mean?
yo' cuh why youliek dat?
shut up nth nigerratti self replicator and SHIIIET
should I continue or are thing absolutely fucked and I'm all, ALL you got??
because after me
is anotha nigguh
who "got some probs cuh"
notice my fucking language
theres ALWAYS women behind it whyteboi
Thanks, since it originated from ebonics that means it originally originated from jews. When did dabbing become obsolete? This is disappointing as I only learned of it in the last 2 years
Ill keep my secrets thanks.

I. Three hundred years you will find out the psychics of quatium theroy

But for now I'll keep those secrets untill the cabal passes away from old age
yall act llike i got raped in my sleep and have all these kids out there.

where are my kids seriously?
Things happen because people
Things happen again because people no learn or change.

We are stuck in a wheel
did some women rape me in my sleep dispo? is that what you are saying?

>someone's confused again
>and I can tell
>I wonder who else can tell

>maybe the stranger I was confused as for example
>I bet they can tell
>the same someone is confused that I can tell is confused

because it's us they are confused about
which is why
all those who are not us

can't tell if I'm responding to myself or not
it has to do
with REALITY itself

A smart goy are ya? ;^)

Dabbing was becoming a thing around 2015 but memes never die so go ahead and dab to your pleasure

>As real as your uncle Loki
I AM Loki hi.
Here is the confirmation.

Keke. Athiest btfo.
Perhaps I should go to bed. I will need to do some resistance training tomorrow to have more chance at success with the woman from the farmer's market on sunday
I'm not trying
to make you lose anon
I want you to keep playing

how else
will those who swear folks like you don't exist
prove themselves wrong without my help

No anon i'm saying multiple men raped me and my sceptic ass in my sleep consesually :D duh
I want alkl the retarded cunts that unironically use the word "folks" and "folk" as a means to refer to a group of people to have their fingers cut off. Using the word in a completely serious manner immediately makes me disregard whatever their gay retarded opinion is.
an actor can learn Shakespeare's roles and then have a toolkit of personas to wear at any time. That actor ought to be able to choose their results on any test of that type by say, consistently adopting the role of Stefano from The Tempest (and some acts of other plays)
Likewise some chaos magicians can adopt and adapt to whatever mind state is needed (sorta like patterning in your terms)
I will dab at the youths when they are rioting(in an assembly of 2 or more)
A vocaroo will not prove you are loki no need to even open hell you aren't even Wotan.
They all gon die.
We all gon die :)
Lmao it's working. Why are y'all so mad about folks and folx and latinX xers getting along? You are so full of h8
Who gives a shit? Dabs are thc concentrates that you vaporize into your lungs. Thats what they are.
He said latinx too kek
just so you can't say
I didn't warn ya

I am talking "at" you
as if you are part of a much larger audience full of different perspectives then just your own

instead of talking "to" you
like we are having some kind of
personally conversation one on one

that's not happening
even if it feels to you
like it is

doesn't even matter who "you" are
as I'm speaking "at" all of you simultaneously
on purpose as a form of "communication"

even the lurkers
I'm well aware retard.
They will spare your life in the upcoming civil war ;^)
but you did so
by responding to the other anon
instead of me

their point is
if you REALLY were
telling them about me

you would of considered
everyone else
who wasn't them also reading

and responding
to my post
saying the anon you're responding to was the contrarian (whatever the fuck that means)

and then linking to the other anon

instead of replying to them
with no context provided
as if you just assumed folks could tell what your intentions are

on 4chan paranormal board
where being told to kill yourself and take your meds
is normal around here

*rolls eyes*
Shut the fuck up, goddamn.
I was asking about the dab movement of the arms and head, not drugs
He never listens.
How will latinX bros restructure their deeply offensive, trans-exclusionary backwards, outdated and hateful gendered language?
oh really
if you say so

now if you don't mind
check this out

>anyone even want to pretend like the anon I'm responding to makes sense to anyone instead of just talking crazy to try and impress the simply minded that don't know any better?

Because they sound like fucking retards and dont understand the nature of man or woman or tribes at a core level and instead opt for a facade fake perception to fullfill the desires of their egos and to emulate the idea of community despite acting out such selfishness that they/them, xer/xanders, boo-boo/bums will slowly die out while trying to infect as many others as possible with the same mental illness where your status is received from your level of victimhood because they think the artificial perception of victimization justifies their shitty self-righteous scum bag behavior.
And you can tell all of this simply by their mode of language. Like whiffing the smell of a carcass, you can tell there is an animal somewhere that is dead.
I want to say things right now with absolute authority and finality...
yo' feetz stank cuh.
also, checkum....
I think I might REK'Dn 'em
yes anon
dead beat
that kind of dad

anyone can be called
no really
call me one if you want

it's not like doing so
will make a kid I never had
some to life all of a sudden



dead beat dads are a real thing and not one of the very bright one's either
Wotan. Is not me. That is Odin bro.
Learn to read Norwegian bro his castle is there and the 7 towers.
I'm not joking at all.
They are not latinx they are mexican/hispanic and they are based



Now if you'll excuse me i've got to go take a shit and eat something after.

I'm Odin what now punk bitch
>Ill keep my secrets thanks
i'm not ure what this statement acomplishes...
although.... I'm thinkin' you nigga ass is retardeed
and it brings me comfort in the assb;astin' that acoomplished all that youa tee
>mind the gramatical mistakes
buh fcujin' bue
you are free to try, but until then
I'll just keep doing my own thing
in front of everyone you want paying attention to your thing instead

*pats on head*

>Thanks, since it originated from ebonics
are you a NIGGERRR???
folks who come to 4chan
and make up stories
about kids suffering

are who you should
have a problem with
instead of me

what's up with that huh
is it different
when you do for some reason?
well even if
you do want to share them with the world
why the fuck would you do it on 4chan where anyone could see it

instead of in private
with those you trust
and that's it

Go back to whatever cess pit you crawled out of and fester in it until the worms use you for dirt.
je suis à toi
you might have something right here
although...no one is sure
>Dabbing was becoming
niggerrrr detected and discarded
now what
is shit posting on 4chan too much for your fragile sensiblites


is it anon???

>but memes never die
Go to bed.
>I AM Loki hi.
I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around.
>I'm not trying
k, keep me posted
now what...

>mortal mundane idiot here folks, just saying...
En la quietud del alba te descubro,
como descubre el mar su propia orilla,
eres agua que fluye entre mis dedos,
eres fuego que arde en mi silencio.

Te busco en los rincones de la tarde,
donde el viento susurra tu nombre,
y así, entre sombras dulces y desvelos,
te construyo de nuevo cada instante.

No necesito más que tu presencia
para poblar de estrellas este cielo,
cada suspiro mío es tu victoria,
cada latido tuyo es mi universo.
>how else
>without my help
who are you.
I was spawned
in this reality
without my permission

and now that I'm here
it seems
like the rest of you are stuck with me

if you like it or not

*pats on head*
>No anon i'm saying multiple men raped me
then it's settled then
did you do your homework??
when it's impossible to tell
what's really going on
those who don't get that have a way of standing out if they mean to or not

that's weird

see >>39115698
and do please try and keep up
fellow mad
folks who don't trust me
like they just "know better"
then to believe me and doubt everything I post by default even if they used to believe it once I bring it up they doubt it just incase I'm trying to pull a fast one on them useing their own faith against them which is NOT only possible with folks who's faith is bind but even those who test their own faith can be tricked if they let their guard down
an acquaintance of yours
who really doesn't owe you an answer
to that question you felt entitled to ask

when other's knew better

*pats on head*
Ok what I'd miss?
Somebody like you would never understand.

Fine keep being a dumb faggot no one cares about and will keep writing parapgraph replies till the day he dies with his esophagus stompped on.

Im going to read my gun owners manual now and afterwards play vidiya or watch something on my laptop hooked up to my TV or projector.
evading another ban are ya?
>no anon i'm saying multiple men raped me
look...if things dind't hzppen...
no need to memtion them"
ya' mean non-nigguh?/
hey broh, this is good cop and SHIIET...we friends "from way back whe w made up SHIT; you memberrrr? no one does cuh
anyhoo I neeed you to STFU or kys maybe after I fuck your red headed retard cousin in the hooohaaaaaaah.
need I be any fcuing cleareer of your current situation?
Nope cope and seethe however ya like pussy bootlicker

Aren't you going to reply to this fine gentelman? >>39115752
>I want alkl the retarded cunts
we here whats up
ooooh you high on shit vapors 'WE BE BQCKKKK.....SORTA'
hey broh immah good cop.
if you're not ban evading
for once again
trying to take over the place and act like you run the show and anyone doesn't like it will be talked poorly about by you and that will make them go away on their own

then way are you not
letting everyone who reports ban evaders
that you're still around


your voice is not your best quality is it anon...
I never ban evade unless i am forced to do so and not jannies nor mods nor pussies like you or alex or jester will ever keep me from posting I will post on the 30th and there is nothing you can do about it *pats on retarded head* realities rules not mine :D *shroogs*

Disposacunt you are here 24/7 as are those who run/bale and keep these threads alive daily I have never claimed to have been "running the show" but seeing you sweat and panic this much anytime i post here for not even a day a day when i arrive while you're here 24/7 is very amusing indeed.

you are forced
to evade a well deserived ban
any time the rules of 4chan are too much for your ego to handle

it's part of the reason
I choose
to post here

*pats on head*
Yes that's the big difference between you and me you have zero pride in self you self proclaimed pathetic powerless skeptic loser because of the fact you have not been given time to work on self amd realize how powerfull you really are as a fragment of God/Source

I do not have chains while you suck off the mods and jannies with a smile on your disposable face


Whats fucked is i do nothing to deserve a ban its whenever you pussies can't handle truth so you resort to reporting me like the huge pussies you are.

I'll see ya on the 30th poor faggot b4 "sleep calls to ya" right?
you believe
in a god I don't believe in
as I don't need your gods permission to exist

so if your god
needs my permission to exist
it's not a real god is it anon?


damn aren't you glad words are cheap
and it's keeping them
that has a cost

So any of you
doesn't matter who you are
or what so called "higher power" you choose of your own "free will" to put your faith in

tring to blame "god"
for the way
you treat everyone else

how do I say this

>sucks to be you


as all those
who took responsibility
for their own damn life choices

instead of blaming
some power greater then themselves
and calling that a "good enough" reason for them no matter what anyone else told them

or going to have to deal with the way
that no matter what I post
they still got'a deal with whatever the fuck everyone else is posting

*looks around thread*

I mean are you paying attention
to the cluster fuck
of made up bullshit

being presented
as the truth
to anyone gullible enough to not only fall of it

but fall for it
over and over and over again
enough time

for it to happens
1000's of times a thread
multiple threads a day
for years

If I didn't know any better
there were strangers I know nothing about
on the other side of the interent

who are a fan
of make beleive
like they enjoy it better then real life

for some reason

I wonder
what the fuck it would take
to get all those who INSIST

on making stuff up as they go
making stuff up
in unison with everyone else doing the same

like it's meant to happen
or else
it never will

it "meaning to happen"
like no matter what

it just was meant to be
is key
this doesn't work any other way

good luck

*fart noise*

I dont believe in good cops they have never helped me, not even once. Cops follow orders, they dont protect civilians. If they arent ordered to help, they dont. Your boss's boss's boss's boss who has another boss who has another boss who has another boss gets a paycheck. So who's the boss?

Im not high, i cant use autocorrect because some cia faggots put harassment tortureware on all my phones to bother me using any format of communication to the target available and if you try to complain it just makes you sound like a schitzophrenic. "Oh so your autocorrect and word recommendation is talking to you, riiiight buddy, we're gonna neex you to take these anti-psychotic drugs"

And so instead of complaining, i just turned it off.
do you think
any of those being bombed in real life wars happening all over the world

who still have internet acess
they are not savagages

they are just
being blown apart
and random basiclay

while still
not giving a shit
what you think about cops

any more then I do

you get that right
and you're like trying
to prove you're better then us

and not just some delusional
weak minded

who was charmed
into thinking
reality as you know it

gives a shit
you think of it

Ok faggot
I'm not saying
the truth hurts
but if it does

there would be a reason
folks who never met ya
figured that out before you did

like it's not your fault
you were not
the 1st to ever be born

is it?

Tldr i scan spotted the word folks and disregarded immediately because you're a faggot.
you can ignore my posts
without giving a shit

how many who are not you
don't give a shit
if you ignore my posts or not

At least
it's page 10
and all of you I'm making a fool of

don't have to worry
bout screen shots of these posts
ending up on page one

any time soon
cause that
would get folks banned and shit

don't believe the skeptic

*mind games*
"blah, blah, blah"

>this is still 4chan correct?!?
and btw
for any of you a bit on the slow side

who have yet
to figure it out
for yourself


a mortal mundane idiot
like myself
is all it takes to prove

whoever the fuck you are
reality itself
is not yours to bend to your will

it just isn't
it's nothing personal
the rest of us can't do it either

but we sure as shit
life with it

if we want to
or not
simply by breathing

like it's a clue or something

You're real obsessive and insane, huh.
I think so

but as it turns out
my own brains
lies to me

so I really can't tell

Joan a cute.
T.Le hire
Yeah go take a fistful of pills that sedate you and shut the fuck up because you're not saying anything. You're rambling with no coherant stream of thought or purpose. You need to feed some kind of opiate addiction.
Privacy mean anything to you robot?
oh really
cause I just read my own brain
and best I can tell you just pretending to know me better then I know myself

as if you had no reason not to do that

>drugs huh?
how popular a subject is that
on /x
no matter the OP of the thread

>machine elves anyone?
>what about mind knifes is it?
>or astral planes

what is real to some of you
even if the rest of us
point and laugh

Si. Hermeno.
El grande

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