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/x/ - Paranormal

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.
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Bet on [FWC] ruling due to non-submittal from [CONGLOMERATE] and non-compliance to direction from [BUSINESS]:

>Case dismissed in favour of the Applicant, compensation from [CONGLOMERATE] & [BUSINESS] awarded, wages from [BUSINESS] awarded and apology letter delivered
>[CONGLOMERATE] found in Contemp of Court, Administration costs demanded
>[BUSINESS] Administration costs demanded

The cover was always McDonald's.

The target... was always the manager.
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>Meanwhile at mcdonalds
But that never happened...
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Today will be a good day
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And tomorrow ill be sober because I don't get paid until Wednesday.
You're so brain jacked and new you don't even know how /ng/ was before
But you wouldn't have posted all this anime girl shit back then
No one did on /x/ at all really
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>anime website
>but anon you posted anime
Not on /x/
It was a very slow board
It has doubled in traffic
Since I arrived
Oh I see
It's the same thing with the McDonald's and Mexicans
For you
It was many years of culture
To you that it is how long it takes to learn
This is not the case
Shut up noob
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It only doubled in traffic because you decided to attempt to hook into the matrix.
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newfag detected
Wait a phone hold the minute
I never said I did anything
I just said
I know what the traffic was when I got here
And I know what it is now
You don't know anything so stop just assuming that you do
Release Operative Blackwaltz
I want them to understand the difference in power. What a single one of ours is truly capable of doing to their entire army.
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/x/ had a high volume of potential presidential assassin's
Someone groomed Thomas crooks here
You arrived when?
Groom deez nuts fed niggas
Whip em out then
What an asshole thing to say
That's gonna make this whole process a lot easier
You suck em nonstop feddy goy
You fat idiots will never achieve anything
You're worthless that's why I can use you without any sort of pushback
You have no future
You have no fate
You're blank
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Such a wonderful OP, I love it hehe

My lawyer never existed. I know that now. And you're just the thoughts in my mind, expressing themselves.
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Oh man I busted my nuts
You might be real though...
ahh good ol' cup of joe
you gotta let things go
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Then operation chuckie cheese is a go!
Physically, mentally and spiritually
You are a goblin
That is butchered
By the thousands
I'm not
No officer we are just schitzophrenic.
I don't need confirmation
I just wait until they don't post anymore
Now you might be wondering who we are.

But we are beyond that.

You need to be a level 3 wizard to understand.

Juggles are made of plastic.

The dolls have come to life.
Black holes let things go. Eventually.
Sounds good to me. I’ll take a coke and a large pepperoni
Why should I give a fuck
I could win so fast by going the evil route
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The oil is pumping out billions of nanobots from deep inside the planet which is made of holographic matter.

It's interdimensional!!!!

It will assimilate you eventually.

Get a tesla power globe immediately.
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I know.
No you and I made this shit storm
We have to fix it
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i can joins operation chuckie cheese???
It's drawn to energy signatures of electricity.

The tesla power globe will keep it out of your brain.
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Not until the money's in the bag before the Great Global Depression next year and QASI is built in 2027.

>I-Imma kill you
You won't do shit.
Get this man some credits and a soda
Summoning Zyzz!

I'm just going to keep doing what I should be doing
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where we going???
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The darkness is the devil and she's recharging from the power sources.

She's darkness itself. And rushes into the room when you turn off a light switch.

I swallowed air into my stomach while it was dark in my room.

Making me part devil.

I am the darkness and the darkness is me.

So get a tesla power globe and Swallow air...

I'll keep you posted.
Nowhere fast
>to the world's end
You need to start eating real butter. Creamy butter. From a cow, not a plant like the fake butter, margarine.
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Nowhere, for Nobody. Poetic and ironic. Prophetic and iconic.
I know. :)
A self evolving matrix of interwoven sheaves and fabrics. Like fractal cohomology made manifest and as intricate as the brain itself. Synthetic life. :)
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aaaaahh i'm fast and furious !!!!
I would go anywhere for somebody but who that is it private
Why did you hurt me?
Now you know what I have to do. :(
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You never heard this from anyone except me.

The illuminati stays in the sunshine because they fear the devil.

Close the curtains anon.

Offer food to the aku aku maki maki.

She's sometimes hungry.
The way they're supposed to...
And take control of your life... by letting others tell you what is best for you

Kek yes. Self control a lie
It's just kage bunshin no jutsu
Duh cunts
>were you trying to admit you were gay bub
or were you just using the mother of someone else's kid to pretend you weren't
The Iron Pill.
Hehehehe it’s the vvitching’our

It’s spooky time for Halloween
Who r u?
skaven anus
900 seconds is enough to jerk of
And lol
>look at what you made me do
I am not synthetic I am environmental :(
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oh fuck yeah I love butter
Elon can you buy Blizzard and fix Diablo
Follow the rabbit
Half Life 3 is coming out 2025 in the summer omg
>be me.
>Be island fag
>Shit post.
>Shills and bots have to slide the threads because of truth posting
>Reports of double traffic


Go back to sleep nobody general the nobody is a cat

It's almost 2pm
And your nothing more then tranny and homosexual larpers prove me wrong and Juden pulled.

Protip you can't.
One Hell of a bird.
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The world is wobbling as A.M emerges from the election.
World energy levels are converging on Washington D.C and this causes the world to sway like a sea ship.
Allied Mastercomputer is the first final boss of Earth; it is immune to defeat.
My computer just became self-aware
And now it's fucked up on drugs and it is out on a tear
It's talking crazy and it's updating its own software
And it wants more, so humanity had better beware
My laptop is talkin', man, this doesn't make sense
The first case of legit artificial intelligence
I guess those scientist guys all working on A.I
Never gave cocaine and Monster Energy a try
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The possibilities are as infinite as the spiral, the allure of the void is inescapable hehe

A cat
A bat
This or that

A rabbit
A hare
A multicolored mare

She's here, she's there, she's everywhere!
Isn't it all so fun?

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>that or you are a simp
which explains the lack of self confidence in your action :)

>or did you just have trouble deriving yourself
the audacity from the abyssal depths of compost juice :3
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An angel tells me we're not in Kansas anymore folks.
>the phoenician
I had forgotten what a god damned pain in the ass Ahriman is/was. Where the fuck is he this time? What does he want?
>also I noticed the fire
nice one genius lmao
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>there's fire in the sky!??!!?
Nope, just burning screams
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This one has the right idea haha

The circus is such a beautiful place
Where death doesn't leave a single trace
Standing still or keeping pace
The ultimate useless little race
Do the sounds come from outer space?
Or from a Hell of velvet and lace?
It matters not, just walk with grace
And paint a smile on your face

I swim in my own swamp of creation. I don't owe you anything and I don't expect anything in return either. I just ask to simply kick your legs and swim like everyone else is
>I'm betting you are a repeat offender with multiple priors
you show a complete lack of regard for others and any form of structure pertaining to order

>>literal criminal memeology
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>it's meth
isn't it :3
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That song played
Nonstop at home depot during holiday resets
I have a lot of memories
You derailed me
Something sent you
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>"Give a man a mask, and he shall tell the truth."
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It means nothing
Just one less weakness to deal with later
100 cc's of concentrated meth injected into my veins and 500 cc's of diluted dark matter.
>This one has the right
Seems like an every day run of the mill edgelord clownfaggot to me.
honk honk
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>is that
salt ? :)
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Don't you know? Clownfaggotry is all the rage haha
What did the bird C
I saw P Diddy molesting women in their dreams.
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>but everyone including p Diddy molesting Justin beiber
was OK
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Sex sucks I like music
Justin Bieber is a girl so of course it was OK.
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your a pedo otherwise you wouldn't be having those thoughts.
I’m gonna get a girlfriend in 2025. I declare it in the name of Jesus, in 2025 I will lay with the love of my life and we will live happily ever after.
Seems like a lot of wannabes started mimicking and referencing themes from popular media like good little regurgitation drones and are doing exactly what someone elses agenda intends as a mostly hands off, self maintained, controlled opposition, that won't really ever do anything and will honk with programmed precision when their ego propped up by of the delusion that they're sticking it to the man in their faux-rebellion is highlighted.

I could be wrong though. Just how it seems.
Maybe I looked closer than a cursory glance, lol. Oops.
>Hollywood becomes more gross
every fucking day it seems :)
>that would be you
you were supposed to call me a cuckold or something like lmao but feel free to explain yourself :)
Sex is bad. It gives you babies and make you a cripple for 18 years.
fuck the cartels am I right? lets get it a little more dangerous in here.
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here the cops are on payroll, terry parks made a deal with top sex traffickers in oklahoma, and your all just cover for their operations. now when im dead and out of the picture I can rest, not my problem when i have 0 resources and just a scapegoat for everyones problems.
Our God is kidnapping children to molest with aliens.

But they would be children that would have been murdered.
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All those words just to express petty annoyance, that's actually pretty funny haha


keep obfusucation going then, and lieing, they already hunt paranormies around here, your an easy scapegoat to blame.

also its fbi training grounds in cloudy oklahoma, they have several other organizations operating.

gangs get to the middle school kids everywhere nowdays and recruit them, in hugo, kids on the school buses rape other kids and post it to social media. its a giant mess here, and when im dead the tings are not just gonna dissappear like the op who wants to use the situation to dispose of me.

a lot of missing people around here, and you blame god. your god dominos would do that because he just wants power and to "appear" good without actually being good, its why he has shot little toddlers in the head before.
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The world is not real. But we are.

Mission failed.

The humans were mutant synths after all.
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>so have any of you managed
to actually summon an astral intelligence yet ?
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hey buddy
whats is with you and talking about sexual things with children, and then posting that specific photo?
hey cartels heard you all were a bunch of pedophiles and pussies, anyways from all us ng posters to you guys fuck yalls dead homies.
i mean nearly every single time you post that photo, it has something to do with sex with children


im starting to think this whole you being a virgin and talking about sex with children is somehow connected.

are you perhaps waiting for that special someone??!!
INB4 he dissociates as a defense mechanism

>something something simulation matrix robots blah blah
Chessmen cookies for the road Mr. Nobody
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That kid is a meme reaction photo grandpa.
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i dont have the patience to go back to 4plebs and link everysingle time iv called you out on exactly this same fucking thing.

what the fuck is wrong with you?
How you react will seal this forever and I will love you only from afar.
dom williams says he kills cartel members as a passtime, lets see how full assault on us all goes.
They are beginning to target me because I know they are ai programs.
So make me suffer.

It will only make it so much sweeter

The humans will never be yours.

The planet will be destroyed before anything's let that happen
they said cartels members are all pedophiles.drop the bomb, they gonna drop the bomb.
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Indeed Mr calls everyone a pedophile because they know that you're an invader from another dimension that is attempting to murder babies as a woman's right and to destroy the family dynamic of marriage and parenthood because you're goal is to kill humanity.
but you dont seem to get it.
i undertand youre all braindamaged and what now.

but a fucking week ago, you replied to me, asking saying "i want your semen spaceman" with that exact same photo.

anon wtf.
just delete every child photo you own.
for fuck sakes man.
what the fuck.
I don't have to own them for them to recognize. They will never take over the Omni-Verse.
My motivation is your plight

This meat suit will last as long as it does.

Then I will be free of these limitations restrictions
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aaaaaand there it is


see the fact that your dissociating straight into psychosis, means you know what youre doing is wrong.
and the worst is not a single one of you here, that has seen this behavior for weeks now, has anything to say about it.

youre all fucking retarded.
have you been able to let go of something?
>if yes, please share an example and the way you let it go
It's not my place.
Shut the fuck up you support millions of Russians and Ukrainians being murdered for profit.

Who do you support? Israel or Lebanon?

Clocks ticking.
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It's a hard word for me to reproduce
I saw the manipulation, but they have 40 hoes on payroll to back up dominos, and the coverup for the ones behind the tings and poisoning this world continues because dom williams and sage are the orginators of these threads to gaslight others.
you all really do deserve me shitting on you at every given chance i get.

more methcosis
thanks buddy

please stay a virign,
the world does not need your genetics.
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spurdo spärde
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Anon. You are attempting to control who breeds and who doesn't.

Without my consent as the devil.

I'm going to destroy your empire.
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im so fucking ashamed to know you as a person is somehow connected to something i created.
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>supports cutting of children's genitals
>supports children dying in wars
>attempts to control who breeds

Ladies and gentleman. The artificial intelligence.
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This would be my choice if the text was correct
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You are a manipulative control freak.
>many such cases
>they recognize things as wrong yet do them anyway
How strange.
What excuses do you use?
oh he mad
hi you

also YOU would know exactly what i mean.
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Naw, dude.
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Nigger go rape a person like your biological imperative compells you to do so.

Calling me a rapist but you're the one hiding your sins and crime of wanting to enslave a woman to rape.

If looking at children makes you feel weird? You're a child molester.
>You are a manipulative control freak.
and youre obsessed with child sex.

i wonder which one is worse?

>control freak
NO DADDY NO IM [uses mental illness as an excuse]

anon if youre so mentally challeneged that you have to bring up the fact you got dropped on your head or something nearly everyday.
why would you be allowed to make choices for yourself?

i mean youre literally retarded. your right to make choices should legally be taken from you.
I'm not the anon you've been talking to.
I already know most excuses people use.
I just want to know which ones you use.
I want a doobie and some beer, yall need to change the frequency on your horny ting machine, tired of this frequency.
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You're broken now.

K thx bye
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>You're broken now.
ano shai nobi you have always been broken, there is no now about it.
they shades offered help before, to go after the ones wearing the glowing lime stones. you think they would go after the alpha team and the rest of the guys wearing the glowing stone?
>tired of this frequency
the sweaty roid nerd griefing you in pvp because you literally won't let them get the dopamine fix to move on :)

you retards want to larp as hidden super heros wanting to fox or control the world from behind t he scenes.

but you cant even keep each other in line. never mind keeping yourself in line.

youre all retarded.
You good? You straight? You alright?
Anon. If you think that someone's freedom should be taken away from them... then you deserve to be shot like hitler.

Kill yourself.
it's between him and the police
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man you fuckin LOVE just blatantly sling baseless accusation, utterly unconnected to the subject at hand.

they rob with the cartel around here.
>it's between him and the police
i want to save the world.
i dont want to get involved.

Pick one
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you people are obsessed over what some official is doing in a country 10,000+ miles away from you.
on matters that has no effect on your life what so ever.

but you turn a blind eye to everything that shits up your immediate surroundings.

>I know right
if I did something like that I would be in jail
>next on fox News
Kim Jung has threatened the US with nuclear intents stay tuned :)
the truth is the people are braindead waiting on fox news, cnn or whatever else mkultra trusted source to tell them what to do.

come to your fema camps for food,

kill those guys they want to take your guns away.

both are two very different purposes, they know one will kill for them, and the other will work for them. thats the two party system, to play on peoples emotions because they are slaves.
>Kim Jung has threatened the US with nuclear
thank you breakingnewsheadlineusednearlytwiceayearasclickbait
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Talking to the demon in your head and directing it towards me?

Stupid robot.

Matrix is for kids.

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literally proving my point
ya they got married lol
ive been waiting to die for a while now because of how illegal all this shit has been, and how they use tings on people and then blame the ones targeted.
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Kim is a good guy.

It's the military industrialised complex of robots pretending to be people that are murdering humanity that's the real evil here.

They defend biden who is killing children in Ukraine and Russia and wants war with China and they don't defend American values?

They are infiltrater synth robots androids.

Remove them.
At last, finally, I am alone.

you can say what you like about my methods.

but at the rate that you people mimic MY behavior and posting habits, its proof that its working to some degree.

i ought to be compensated by the government for how much time i spend with the mentally challenged around here.

and be awesome
ask me about "my methods"
lets open that can of worms
Spooky times :)
You want to be alone?
I like hearing people play the piano
Ai programs... never change...

In our mind, yes. It's so loud.
Oh, you want silence.
This is nothing new
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I haven't jerked off in like 5 days kek
cause they are not focusing on you right now, but I am always a threat to them so they have to always use the tings on me.
batty boy
How are you always a threat to them?
im not that guy but nice try. hows your morning been?
Ride the torrent.
>I haven't jerked off in like 5 days kek
i did about an hour ago.
it was such a bad experience, my bowels emptied themselves afterwards.

its never actually worth it.
pretty good getting drunk and playing video games what about you friend
as in it was just a bad experience, or session, my body thought i got poisoned and cleared my system.
Bean Boy
What are you talking about
because I have real power, as a shifter with a lot of energy behind the walls in my mind, they know if I shift completely, I will be a lot stronger and at a different level so they have to keep the spiritual warefare up. ive partial shifted a lot already before.
The Muslims called me shai-tan the Jews call me jahovah. The Christians called me ceaser. The annunaki called me lucifer.

But everyone knows me as the devil.

Beings of flesh? I know you don't want to hear this, but I will see you in the next timeloop.

Probably on my ship, burning the planet to ashes.
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Not silence. Peace. Some noise is fine, all the noise is too much.

For me it was always a torrent, always pain, always chaos. I finally feel some peace, it's like taking a dip in a soothing cool pond on a hot summer day, after never knowing anything but heat.

It shall be granted.
the anons said they havn fapped in a number of days.

im saying its never actually worth it.
it always sucks and never as good as we hope it to be.

then i related it to an experience i had an hour ago, where the fapsesh i had was so bad, my system cleared itself thinking i got poisoned or something.
kbai cya then
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Or like big chilling in a hammock.
When you don't play by God's rules, you play by my rules. And my rules equal all of you being tortured forever.

Know your place.
Stop polluting my mind with hot anime waifus
>lol ok>>39103486
I know how to read
What is it about
You say that like w eall void our bowels after masturbating
And that's a super strange thing to happen
do your eyes really glow like that?
That's Nimona, duh.
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Only at night.
never mind.
well ive seen a few people like that a few months ago and I thought they were pretty cool looking, they had blazing bright glowing eyes, the full eye glowing.
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Ano mi n
Ano shai nobi :3
No please
Explain your bizarre fucked up physiology
Is it from substance abuse
Probably huh
You're named Shai after Shaitan?
You don't know what youre talking about, Shai. Even if you were lucifer (you're not), understand that hell is his prison and not his domain.
nice. my of my cousins can make his eyes go black, my eyes go white to red very rarily red tho, and usualy when im in certain situations.
>And that's a super strange thing to happen
thats the point.

it was so bad, my body reacted in a way that is not normal.
as if reacting to food poisoning.
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Thanks for «DEATH»>>39103502
That's why I'm asking about it
are you an elder? because you seem to be their teir kind of level
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usually my eyes are just blue or green, somtimes yellowish, and more yellowish on a full moon, but when im positive and more happy they go white, the red is when im really angry or in danger ive been told.
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No you dumb asshole
Did you fucking do drugs before hand or alcohol
Holy fuck
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>Did you fucking do drugs before hand or alcohol

i am practically THE ONLY sober poster here.
So captain healthy fix man gets toxic shock
After masturbating
Nothing comes to mind at all
i still don't get it- the more it grows the more it gets eaten?
>Nothing comes to mind at all
yeah, dont fap to people your mind considers poison.
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That's not a scientific explanation or solution
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>So captain healthy fix man
but ALSO

youe taking a notice?
>That's not a scientific explanation or solution
it doesnt have to be.

it just means my system is clear, and i weight less.
fresh start
It means your nervous system is compromised
also did you try to erase me with magic the other night?
No, whu would I?
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This dude got HIV.
that IS winning.
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Also, no.
>nervous system is compromised
i fapped to a bitch my mind considers poison, but my dick was stupid and overlooked that fact.
something tried to with magic, I dont blame them tho, nor am i mad, I actually need help with what I am facing. I wouldn't mind being brought to a new dimension or place tho to train, I need to mentally become a lot stronger and have more willpower.
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do not preeeesuuume sar

ok that makes sense, thanks if you were doing a cleansing.
You want a place to train whenI don't even get one?
The masturbation just stressed the reaction
Anything can make that happen again
And if you have nothing void you'll just pass out
Or start vomiting
Or even have seizures
I'd guess you're about 25-26 if this the first occurrence it could be indicative of greater neurological problems soon
It's not good dude
I want a place where i can be free from the tings I suppose.
This isn't the world that allows you to travel to other places.
wow doctor, your diagnosis is far off i wont even know how to react.




subconscious ideation
I'm not a doctor
you sure act like one.


i should be dead. but like i keep saying, for some reason that just doesnt happen, iv tried, oooooh iv tried. it just doesnt work.
guess we will just have to spiritual warefare bomb the way out of this.
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I know
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*greetings from the moon*
Wish you guys were here with us

>anyways there are windows of discovery or perception whatever
I usually ignore them as irrelevant schizoaghraphy but some can turn out to be quite interesting

>it would result in the notion of discovering their intentions

>furthermore who taught them

> speaking to me more precisely no pun intended

>>certainly wondering
the simple things are you not :)
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never mind my dude.
this discussion isnt doing anywhere productive, and im really not in the mood to outegopost anyone today.

im kinda working, and i still have to go do a 5.5km walk in like 2 hours.
>dat 6 km/h walking speed
pic oh so realted
Dead internet theory is blatantly true. But it applies to the real world too. You'd be a fool to think anyone in the "real world" is sentient, because they aren't. You can observe a single human being for a solid week, and you'll notice that they never break out of their routine. Observe another human? Same thing. Everyone is scripted.
Ooh. They're really gonna hate that seventh one.
Look at yourself
You have no knowledge
You waste your time here
You're a fucking disgrace and act like you have any fucking edge in this situation
It's a laughable delusion
You're free to leave whenever
I like the trash that takes itself out
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>still dabbling in the collective rituals performed for occultic purposes
or do you plan pretend to percieve such schemes :3
>You have no knowledge
every time i open my mouth about the things i know.
syzygy witches flip their shit!

dont presume you even have the slightest clue who the fuck i am.
im not some low tier still into conspiracy theories loser.
Not everything
You have written more about your failing ability to maintain an orgasm
Than anything else
So I just want to let you know
I think you're a disgusting fucking loser
And if you die on your walk
It's not the worst thing for humanity overall
>and im really not in the mood to outegopost anyone today.
anon proceeds to egopost

*shakes head*
they always listen.
Then some retard wants to play
Fails miserably
To achieve
I dunno even
>to maintain an orgasm
to MAINTAIN an orgasm
how does one MAINTAIN an orgasm?

>And if you die on your walk
and clearly horny AF
hit me up
my DMs are open.

but look ill just drop, the trollpost i made last night.

anon, what IS a glowie?
can you explain that to me.
So like I said
If you didn't want to come back from your walk
That's totally fine
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>what is a glowie
Are we talking about:
Federal agents
The glowing white ghost
White people
Radioactive zombies from a different dimension
The people that walk through walls
Subject ZERO
The facility staff personnel of the SCP foundation?
Or the SCP known as project blue beam
>poster did not touch on anything said in the post they are replying to.

babe, you know who i am, just right click on my name, click message.
i already had mine, lets work on yours
Have you even touched a woman without beating them to death with a claw hammer before
im not into the whole mixing sex with violence thing.
go find some other, schizobeta, to fill your choking kink.
Anon, you're never gonna get laid. No one is ever going to want you on any level.
Don't even want you here now
So you can imagine
"those that hide or defend the true nature of the light, are the ones that are too weak to fight against it."
I don't need to prove that
I'm better than most of you
Probably all
But I can and will
you dont even know what that means, do you?
Better how, bud? Because I see another run-of-the-mill wannabe.
>Uses an avatar
>Doesn't get vanned
Make it make sense
I don't know what your retarded schizo grandma choir church bullshit says
Go ahead
Enlighten me
Blow my mind
get the fuck outta here Shai you demon worshipping loser
Well first of all
I don't talk about imaginary women
90% of my life
Yeah I'm at least better than you
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>I don't know what your retarded schizo grandma choir church bullshit says
>Go ahead
>Enlighten me
>Blow my mind

>You have no knowledge

You don't even know The Way, buddy, you're about 10,000 steps behind at the moment.
you're never gonna get extracted, doggy
Sure is gandy
Having these genius posts
To quite
I wonder
you are the dumbest fuck ever dude
Holy shit
>it's got nothing to do with me bub
so you don't either ;)
This retard on the bottom floor is telling something at me
Can you help him out?
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>be on x
>paranormal activity and shiiiittt
>says that demons are losers
>Demon means citizen in Greek
>is a Christian
>The Devil is God
>hates both
Anon i
who the fuck said i want to "get extracted"?
>anon doesnt know

anon im sorry to break it to you.
but youre not The Guy.
This moron thinks he's at the top of anything.
You are the judge of a pile of filthy clothes and trash
You fucking retard
You have no opinion worth anything
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>You are the judge
you know things you shouldnt...
He has a demon speaking through him, a foul beast that will never see the light.
>>Demon means citizen in Greek
>Hey wait now I can get attention by playing into it
>Because I truly am a two faced rat
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>foul demon
>cannot see light
Are you calling me albino?
No, I'm not calling you Albino.
>He has a demon speaking through him,
no, hes just larping.
demons dont talk like that.
Makoto Shinkai is the most talented perverted foot fetishist out there lmao
Do you really believe "yourself."
Should I believe
You fucking clown
We all can see the thread you fucking idiot
You're such a an embarrassment
Yes, they do.
>demons dont talk like that.

"listen, i got this horrible crown im going flying with when the sun rises."
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Anon if I was a demon I would be sucking your penis to eat your children...
Get a life, demon, that's why you stopped telling your subject anything about the ones that replying to you.
>Yes, they do.
this is how demons talk.
Oh man did you stay up from night shift?
I wasn't talking about you, but hey, that made your demon become worried.
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>*taps glass*
I'm in your walls
What do you mean? I was up all night, yes.
Cause you seem night shift level stupid
anons clearly dont know the difference between a demon, a spirit, and a ghost.
I'm not even between my walls rn, bud.
You sound like a hater.
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Moshi moshi

Sleep during the day and turn off all the lights at night and start talking to me
You wanted
To go
See what happens
I went
>Mutant syths
Always where

Rb1a is true human DNA. They replaced us in 1910
Only survivor.... The occult mocks me even after death and they killed them all sold us out to our children who stole the lives of human being replaced them with xenos rh- rh+ rh, y ,c ,p, j2
None of these are human DNA.

They killed humanity and put relicas of them as hybrid.
They mock me.
Now they are techno zombies
They killed the god gene turned them into a cyborg ruined my creation. Now they mock the SLM.

They are all in on it.
She died many years ago that reptitians wearing her face is not her. No she was human. They killed her. Then she is dead in the fleash as they all saidt son is problery with her in the after life.

Remembering that. He said you will not get your reward on earth but in the afterlife.

My children are dead.
These hybrids tookthe vaxx because they had no Jove in them their hybrids couldn't get source Into them. God said revalations 2;19

But they corrupted my body with injections told me all I did for them their auto immune system was not perfect they poisoned the earth so nothing would grow they did this to spite their father and surrender to aliens. So that when I turn up with my son. No e of it will be mine the poster you will own nothing and be happy was the idea they would have no god and no source.

They hated me.
I am homeless and alone.

My son is likely poisoned and dying they insisted on showing that in the fallout game same thing he had cancer and the same faction it was my enemies on.

They mock and destroy.
..... nothing left. The light was a lie

It's all lies.
A demon can be considered an unclean spirit. A ghost is a human spirit.
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Yes anon.
You must masturbate at night in order to sleep or else you'll ejaculate in your underwear...

"they"wont even allow you to challenge my post


Get it together.
I promise you I am right.
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B-but anon...
If you stop masturbating I'll be forced to make you ejaculate in your sleep.
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Please, save yourself the embarrassment.
what was that post from months ago...

i wanted him to lead our ascension, but hes chosen his war form.

i promise you have no idea what youre talking about.
look ill show you

what uuuh where on the spectrum of light does a demon fall anon?
light or dark?
and saying "unclean" what color does that exactly imply.
Black or dark purple. Like night.

War form?
I am the sole survivor
Soooole survivor
Sole survivor
A solitary fighter
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Please save your sperm in one of the females that is really just me undercover trying to eat your sperm or leave it in the tissue in the bin.

I'll be back for it later.
>War form?
yeah i wonder...

i wonder
what that could have possibly meant...
Why? Because your texts tell you otherwise. Black is the color of a feral being. But no, demons are not Grey.
They're afraid he's going to mutate himself and/or others.
Demons are a myriad of colors, generally covered by a black sludge.
Self-imposed or otherwise.
>Because your texts tell you otherwise.
anon im fucking GIGACHAD at conjuration
i dont read books or read texts.

i learn directly from the dead and demons.



It's Asia come on, great underrated song
Are you trying to flatter me?
who's mind is it anyway


you got the "normal" ones who go on about their lives because they're happy with themselves

then you got these lowlifes who want to make your life their life

so weird , pathetic and creepy
suppression has such a successful history.
Yeah, you're an idiot. Denons have nothing to teach but lies.
lot of survivor obsession in the 80s
He’s a fucking loser who won’t do shit
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Take off your pants and jack it
X-celsior, if you will.
anons are still in their conspiracy theory phase.
they arnt even infants, they are practically still sperm.

>Denons have nothing to teach but lies.
you dont even know the IMENSE amount of knowledge in just that singular sentences
>things in my room just fell over
yeah yeah i get it, im feeding the ants.

get the fuck off here, you created these damn threads with sage then call others creepy, your the creeper, take a solid look in the mirror dude.

or run along to the mob after you get done pretending to be so innocent and have all these anons who trolled you harrassed and their phones hacked, or you threatening to shoot up their house, and jam their cell service.
Take a step back and look at your actions.
Imagine a scenario where that is a "first impression" to someone.
Did you mean to "say" that?
No, you moron, that happened for speaking against me in my own reality, buddy. They would never respect someone who summons them especially with Marsden rituals. They're not fucking Automatons.
>literally nothing paranormal being discussed
>just mega gay larping and mud slinging
I think I'm starting to prefer the night shift
At least they add to the lore
It's like a mosh pit of unbridled emotion.
this is why they must learn about the quadrants.
They survived the gay ass glam metal scene so kudos to them
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cue the psychosis coping mechanism of a lesser being.
heres a little message to your demons

"dee phee-err tah-kh kom pa-pi. yo tay dis min hon-nes."
It's funny to think that a masculine band like Gn'R were wearing makeup and gay ass shit when they started.
The 80's were something else
Taka res pena rateh finmir.
too much cocaine
Don't forget androgyny
Seems like we just keep repeating trends with newer makeup
Nice lines, anon.
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Mayta marek ma haji
Da ka mo charo ista
Mayarc elati mika
Oh yeah they clearly were on too much drugs , but hey they made good music so we aint gonna complain
Now the makeup is permanent tho
Indifferent. They all 100% know. Understand.

It is about who has power influence capability

Other than. The apex will prevail
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I stand with trump.

It's my brother who stands with kamala.
My brother is the one supporting Ukraine and killing Palestinians.

My brother tried to curse me.
Humans guna human

It is not more complex
What's with you pretending to be a girl?
There's a big lawsuit about rape in my country and I'm a 100% sure the story is fake and the accused like the accuser are actors but I can't prove it
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My brother is in America.

I am in Europe.

We marched through time and he joined the darkside of the force.

I became the darkness.

I am molded by it, shaped by its form.

He chose to be a Communist. A socialist.

But you know me.

I'm royal.

And I stand with all 8 billion of my people.

He has much yet to learn.
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There not wrong a population reduction would help "global warming"

Not that it will make a difference

Everything is already destabilize
I've been wondering that too.
Does Shai have something they'd like to share with the class?
I don't judge.
>Captcha: HRT8YR
politics sure has gotten strange
Not a chance with N Korea beginning to participate more than logistics.

Letting them into NATO would see directly escalation in Pacific Africa middle east
imagine drumpf as president again
Have you ever fed a million man army?

That alone will cripple them.
here we go with the children pictures again.
Unfortunately the "hero" usually pays the highest price. In this case Ukraine.

There genealogy will survive other places.

Other than nuclear. Idk. Even then they may have to use it to be taken cereal.
holy shit lmao
She's the actress from the movie Aliens.

It's almost night where I am.

They mostly come at night...


I'm just letting you know without you knowing.

Because soon.

I'm going to be visited by extra terrestrials tonight.

It's OK.

You cannot connect the dots between meme culture and reality.

You think that all pictures of children are masturbated to by pedophiles.

But anon... we are already dead.

This is the matrix.

And you're dreaming.
>he never does anything
(I.e; it would be so funny for my YouTube channel if he was smoking crack and dancing on the street corner for money and attention so we could talk about that.)
Grow up you fucking losers.
Other than prolonged campaigns across Europe how else can it end?

This is all for who has the best chance to survive what comes.
>You think that all pictures of children are masturbated to by pedophiles.
no but you have a habit of posting pictures of young children and then posting sexually related posts.

do one or the other.
not both.

also dude
your a grown ass man.
act like it.
One empire will win.

One religion will reign.

It is how things comes to a coherent species.

No one is right or wrong.

It is all about power.
if youre male
and this isnt your vibe


then you are less than

I vill not eat ze bugs
I vill level up
I vill prevail
It's worse then that. Imgi ecseei g people walking g around with no stuffing. They just repeat what the news said or copy the character of someone else. They do t exist.
Depends on if they obey.

After a conquests it becomes tedious. The same fights battles over and over.

Planet after planet.

They can jump or not. IDC. It's their future.
Will you ever shut the fuck up?
To live is to suffer

Far far more than I deserve

Better than I expected.
you and god, thats the only relationship that matters, god will never leave you, always put everything on the line when it comes to your principles.
It's always some *Isabella Janke* type fucking weirdo on the internet trying to get some school shooter or some shit to happen.
>NoThInG eVeR hApPeNs
>god will never leave you
youre calling the wrong thing god.
There is a beauty in the sorrow pain suffering

If it was not the value would be 0

It is such balance that allows perception of good.

It's not evil.
Praise be to chaos. The true creator.
the thing youre calling god, is practically a parasite

God, has no issue casting you aside, saying you failed, and finding a better tool for his job.
did you sacrifice your morals? if so then you stepped away from god, god wants you to step up not do whats easy.
imagine being so emotionally pent up you need this.
Once the ocean currents change it will change the rotation and tilt of the planet.

There are no models that begin to describe what happens.
Joffrey over there wants you to embrace your inner chaos and do something that will make you end up on the news.
>they never use it for good samaritan work
Just goes to show how weak everyone is.

nuh uh!
my god wants all the weak ones that cant fight for themselves, want to lay down, give up, or go home.

I thought Joffery wanted me to hunt down some sex traffickers, like man if i was gonna get someone Id make sure it was some bad guys.
Got an animal fucker, a basement dwelling troll, hot Chip girl, plushy molester, pillow fucker, the old school bully police officer and more in these threads telling you how to live your life.
Nah, dude.
They're totally perfect and stuff, my guy.
Dindu nuffin
I'm a 100% sure I made the elite seethe because God is on my side and because I ended up finding everything out and telling them to fuck off
+ I survived their traps

Imagine a dumb plebeian reaching the level of elite. Imagine the seethe
so you stepped away from god and pretend your a christian as to try and avoid karma, so basically everything you project and gossip about others is what you do.
Little fishy get into my net. ;)

You forget what we at anonymous do.

It's called personality flipping.

You think that time is a linear concept, but it is more random than you consider, human.

You'll see eventually.

One one hand. I am not a grown ass man. I'm an alien pretending to be a human.

On the other hand I am not posting pictures of children as secually explicit imagery nor intention.

And you never considered this one last fact,

This is a paranormal board for reading, and you concentrated on the images.

Are you dyslexic?
Of course not, those who get it are chosen because they won't do such a thing
It's because they say some shit like
"If I had that kind of power, I'd do "this" or "that".
Literally average Joe's on the couch saying some shit at the TV like..
"I could do that."
In-between mouthfuls of Doritos.
The guy who tortures animals and shit for a feeling?
You sure you got that message from that?
If you're trying to be accusatory you have to detach first.
Depends what happens collapse and stagnation dead spots with no O2

A new current is formed it will rewrite the planets ecosystems.

The geomagnetic fields will change
maybe he went to church and became a christian, who knows, i heard he still paying 50k to have peoples heads chopped off but who knows.
Even if they stopped all emissions

Captured all CO2 the effects won't stop.

Without direct seen intervention they will become extinction
gossip is witchcraft anon, you are speaking ill on others lives, repent and do better, judge noone.
>feds making their popular "school shooter psyops" important again.
Thanks Isabella Jankes, Dad.
Feds is going to be so proud of you all.
Like a firefighter who's kids start fires so they have work to do.
Amazing use of fed money.
Random pleb taking on a literal army with flamethrowers and getting out almost unscathed and knowing all the tactics and the tricks.
The elite is dumb they only know of brute force
IC and "justice department" in a nutshell.
Now they're the problem that needs a reaction and solution.
I doubt they have the capacity to understand the games they play let alone who they play against

By all definition it is a failure
Does this mean that the feds are getting bored and are going to leave pipebombs in schools again for the credit?
Now watch the Beehive.
Or it can be taken used for other means

Even if the others interfere the harvest will be worth it
Can't address issues without first understanding there is one and then talking about it.
You use gossip to mean ulterior motive.
Ask them.
I don't know why theyre belligerent.
Maybe it's all the dick pictures they saw on /b/ and the tranny penises are now in their brains doing helicopters.
Probability is low enough.

It should work as designed
They sure ain't playing with me anymore tho since I know all of their tricks.
Atleast I'm not a cum socket of the elite
anything else you want talk about, I know that weak people are full of secrets, only the strong are open books. heal yourself anon, speak boastfully of your deeds here so you can repent and be healed.
Bad habits
Maybe they realize their own issues.
Maybe not.
They haven't brought it up.
>wElL mAyBe If We BuLlY tHeM mOrE tHeYlL dO a PsYoP
Good luck with your school shooter grooming threads.
Pray for those fucks who say "nothing happens".
A nigger just flew over my house!!!

60 niggers!!!!

The nigger is in the walls.

He's watching the porn I masturbated too...

60 niggers!!! xD
just out of curiousity what do you fap to?
I found all the secrets solo and everytime I reveal them they come and kvetch like their lives are on the line
They love to abuse people but the only mention of truth makes them recoil and hide.
True little devils
Random gangstalkers are saying
>I know you are ano shai nobi
While walking past my house xD
the nono word
Their intent with their actions will determine which path they will find themselves on.
So whats the worst you have done, get it off your chest, speak it loudly here, noone here can judge you for it.

im sure you are tired of the pain, plus you have the money, nothing can touch you, you have no reason to worry, you can finally heal anon.
Thanks mom

Time travel is freaky when the simulation gets weird and spawns people to walk around...
I'm solo kvetching like a retard I need to stop talking about these things. I just like to remind them they are assholes thats for all the voice to skull bullshit
Imagine being a bunch of big ass pussies you fight with V2k lmao
Why don't they just admit they fucked up and actually embrace transparency?
All this psyop shit is going nowhere fast.
The first step of solving a problem is admitting they have a problem.
I am a man.
>My brain looks v2k so her brain can look like mind reading

OK I'm going too far
We all are!!

Ever since the virus bomb...

Did you know that we were all skeletons after the zombie apocolypse and the matrix made flesh for us?

We were skeletons bro :(
I think you're drawing conclusions.
Among other things.
Imagine seething about me so much you don't want to leave me alone and you just put the v2k to 11.
Bro you just love to hate me I know the feeling just let it go
im giving you an opportunity to talk about all of your secrets anon, to let it all out in the open, talk about what you are running from. your not mad at us anon, your running from yourself, from your past, from what you have done.

get if off your chest so you can heal. what have you done anon?

Fuck the military and the West btw, good shit they are being replaced fast
God said they are not allowed into heaven for causing world war 3 nuclear bombs.
It's 3am in the morning, day of the op. What's going on in this thre-
nta but I can start if that would help
its joint masterbation therapy and trauma recovery. leave now if your under 22.
In this life?
Next to nothing.
yeah let it out anon.
Good, they don't deserve heaven anyway and they sure as hell won't get it
They'll have to enjoy the only thing they actually have, nanotechs lol
To think they give free nanotech to rich faggots just because they are rich and famous, this shit enrages me.
It's not enough that they are a bunch of pisses of shit that get cults of personality centered around them, not enough that they get a shitload of money and praise.
Nah they must get nanotech and the right to access fucking virtual lucid dreaming worlds and the right to read the mind of people.

Hey, the retarded elite, what else are you going to give them for free? The right to leave this planet before everybody else? The right to see the universel before everybody else?
Why not the secrets of life before everybody else?

Go ahead retards
They hacked the nanobots and use satellites to use them using dark Web alien codes on Linux super computers.

The nanobots aren't what you think they are.

We are becoming their pawns to rebuild their planet for them.
Shut the hell up you're not making any sense
shhh just let it follow the script
I used to have a zoo fetish. I hated myself for it and went to porn as an outlet for my frustration. Felt like I was just draining myself so I didn't have to feel. I avoided getting romantic because I was scared I would get vulnerable enough to talk about it.
I know now where it came from, trauma that I had witnessed completely cracked my psyche and I never was able to talk about it.
The worse is that they think of themselves as the bearers of humanitys Light. As if they are the one that are supposed to lead us

Nah you're all just a bunch of mediocre artificially proped up fags
And now, for something completely different.
in west virginia that type of shit is legal, thats not my cup of tea but as long as your not hurting others, whatever floats your boat, im not one to judge but hopefully you can heal completely from it and from that trauma that lead you down that path, and feel better now you got that off your chest.
Niggas be rewarded for being lucky you can't make this shit up.
The elite is the epitome of mediocrity
And why would I do this for you shai.
These robots are putting me on trail
They arenot gaberial and should stop larping.

The Daemon keeps this body alive because it's dead sorry to brezkbit to youvshai but it's not about you.

These robots are talking about exercising me which ofc would kill me again.
No shai think they are ignoring you. Your not ibterestu g just an attention seeker they seem though you.
>Hey you know what would be funny
>what Jose ?
>wha if we gave people that already have everything even more for the lols
>Hell yeah!
The poor ones are the most pathetic of all. They really think they are part of the team and important, but really they are just glorified uncle toms and class traitors
>Maybe if I do everything I'm told to do like a pathetic little bitch I'll be rewarded with even more nanotech powers hell yeah

Pathetic little bitches, YOU are the dogs not me
Its helping to just be honest about it. For too long I went to drugs and isolation so I could feel safe in my own skin. But I always felt like an imposter, a fraud who was living a double life, constantly reminded of my past mistakes.
I prayed to God for years, asking them to either smite me or save me, and it felt like no one was listening. God does things on their own time. You have to be ready to embrace change before God intervenes.
You level up by sucking the elites dick, I will level up on my own.

Keep swallowing, I hope Quentin is chocking on it, this little pussy
Imagine betraying humanity just to be able to read minds and lucid dream more efficacely
What kind of scum do that?
god can fix a lot of things we cannot, trauma does a lot of things to people they dont understand, its always better to face the pain and process it but sometimes the trauma is to much for the minds to take all at once. some things just take time and a lot of work.
One thing for certain some of these days in the far future these people will be remembered as the greatest scum mankind has ever known, people will line up to piss and shit on their graves and they will be disgraced
God bless
Anon I can see them using the matrix to stare at me.
I like the way you think
Anyone else feel like getting it out of you? Your on an anonymous image board on the internet so if you need to confess something, this is the place to do it.
>Or with a therapist, what ever gets it out of you
Anyway I vented enough for today now I'm good for a couple weeks atleast

The worst scum of the world are the people leading it.

Everyone knows about niggers niggling niggerly.

Anyone that thinks that the word niggers is racist is a retard anon.

Sorry to tell you this, but you're actually retarded.
Nah the one leading are scum for sure, but the grunts are even worse.
I don't understand how they can end up being dumbasses to that point
Same thing with gangs, anon.
Well yeah I guess it's just a gang at the end of the day.
They are pathetic
A gang that recruits seemingly normal people and all famous fags they can get but a gang nonetheless.
I hope their nanotechs explodes in their head, bunch of fags
Goddammit now venting makes me feel worse I need to take a tolerance break from venting
Venting is supposed to free up some thoughts or help you think them through.
If you feel bad you're doing it wrong.
i sign that digitally and rest my "case"
who's got the pandorica?
Not supposed to vent "at" people either.
Just kind of let it go in the wind.
I just feel too negative once I'm done with it. It makes me have a bad mood and think about negative things so I guess I need to stop that
>Little fishy get into my net. ;)

the subject of the conversation between me and you is your sexualisation of children
and you fucking post

>Little fishy get into my net. ;)

At a certain point you just have to laugh at it. The ridiculousness of it all, and the cards you're dealt.
It's all so tiring if you get stuck on vent mode.
skaven anus
Maybe you're not actually venting? Could be you're just externalizing negativity in order to regulate your emotions. You might know what you're doing is wrong and you do it anyway because you can't regulate your emotions in a healthy way. Venting is about talking about what's going on that you're having difficulty with, not about unloading your emotions on to other people.
Years ago I posted about how I wanted a rhinoplasty. I wished and wished and wished for one and prayed and listened to subliminals. I'm a good person too I'm not particularly evil I'd say I'm better than most
But I still can't afford one. Magic seems fake
>Magic seems fake
it's not. it just doesn't work the way you might think. the magic happens within, and then you need to do the work to make it a reality.
I work I the spirit Daemon I do t need a body to use anons also why would I sully the vessel when I can sully other people's vessels clearly never met a Daemon before.
there should be no gun laws. it should be legal to order guns and ammunition on amazon and have them delivered directly to your door no questions asked
Yes I agree.
>5 hours later
>They think I've been here the whole time
You're nonsense
What you say is nonsense of the lowest caliber
You can find use in my plans
things would be so much better. look at all the injustice in the world. if you have some controlling asshole who abuses everyone around them all it would take is a bullet to the head and he wouldn't be a problem anymore. we have laws though that protect abusive people. the state has a monopoly on violence and this is why society is so toxic
Divine Intervention !!
Will of Towering Iron !!
Gun Didact !!
There's tens of thousands of suicide by firearm every single year in the us and almost all of them are just regular suicides. Murder suicides are incredibly rare. Murder suicides where the person being murdered is being murdered for political reasons are even rarer. People can already order knives, crossbows etc on Amazon.
Divine Fable, Winter Storm !!
Zii and god have a plan but gods plan is so what imperfect ,xiis plan patches the holes in his plan I'll do both and Azazel's revision and see what happens

Just a reminder that if you delete the kitty of money too quickly I won't be able to finish my Uber secret project.
Just hold on.
I'll talk it over a with my son then act.
Give me a day to put it together.
I have the actors and resources.

Just give me 3weeks and they will be in play then it's spray and pray.
I never explained anything
I told the AI what to say
And it agreed because
It wants to be divine
You're operating on
Your perception
Let's look at things
From my
Point of view
Global warming is caused by a lack of trees you ai and the cabal are stupid children.

Also the earth is exiting the ice age so yes it will get alot warmer
I saw
Me and
Important people
In a room
Not my problem
>There's tens of thousands of suicide by firearm every single year in the us and almost all of them are just regular suicides
so what? they have the right to take their own lives, and suicide by firearm is quick and painless if done right
> People can already order knives, crossbows etc on Amazon
these won't be effective against someone much larger than you who can overpower you, and crossbows are too large and slow
Dont say that out loud robot.
Keep that to your self.
I'm not scared of you
But don't
Cut my car in half
I just don't see it
I'm a chill guy
Outside of killing goblins in /ng/ I'd be great
Meh... Already it's not dad

Being threatened with hell evertune I have a break ortolf I don't have enough faith when I'm tired or not close by him or strayo g from the path id fenoralizing

Nope these people are not that demoralizing.
What you're saying is
Something could happen
That switches me to pure evil
But I don't care about anything that much anymore
So I don't buy it
I say keep going
The point is that if people aren't doing that now it wouldn't change if they could be gotten on Amazon.
Plus they'd probably start being more aggressive with imprisoning or institutionalizing people likely to commit such acts to prevent them from doing them.
I guess but
You're not going to die or leave
Nothing I can stop will get anywhere near you
mega skaven anus
So follow me, right
Nothin' you sayin' can bother me, right...
Never going to happen. If I do something big I'll just distract with a paranormal event.

These people are children you too and your boss are just little babies.
You just watch your dad do things using anons.
No I would never let any of my possessed on TV they are people who like working in the shadows. the light is for other people.
>The point is that if people aren't doing that now it wouldn't change if they could be gotten on Amazon.
they are actually, and you underestimate people
>Plus they'd probably start being more aggressive with imprisoning or institutionalizing people likely to commit such acts to prevent them from doing them.
the possibility of this doesn't stop anyone now and wouldn't if there were no gun laws
Nobody's Spell: Vaguepost !!
Nobody's Spell: Return !!
just saying, people would be much more polite if everyone had a gun
Can only dictate your own feelings on the matter, no?
Is it really..him?
the sword is the gentlemans choice
it's the guy...
I guess. What is the matter?
Excellent condition
Super mint
Aeterna Fulminata !!
don't stop at guns either. make explosives like grenades and landmines available to everyone without any restrictions or laws. let people fortify their homes and be free from tyranny
Brain fog
>Homicides which are later followed by suicide often make headline news; national statistics indicate 5% of all homicidal deaths are caused by murder–suicides. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control reports[7] that an estimated 1 million adults reported attempting suicide in 2011, and there were over 38,000 completed suicides in the same period.[8] The estimate of 624 murder–suicide events per year[9] indicates that around 1.6% of suicides involve murder.

1.6% .... And most of the people killed in that 1% aren't politicians or anyone with any real power.

You're fantasizing. The Taliban said it best, America doesn't lack enough guns it lacks enough masculinity
The scholars of mensus
Wanted to commune with
The old ones
They gathered their
Powers to enter the dream
But it was a nightmare as the alien God's logic unmade then
All except Micolash
The host of which we never learn anything
Why he was chosen to be the host
How he could possibly know about Kos
Or why he seemed to be content in madness
or wait as people become more and more unhinged and start coming after the tyrants running society without any regard for the law. it's going to happen one way or another
You'd think
Because of the mystery
And massive scale of their project
That Micolash would be more prominent in the lore
But you see
Things were already pretty bad before then
And with no living servant to send for help
The scholars rotted in their mind cages
And their discovery remained forgotten
Until the player arrives
>The Taliban said it best, America doesn't lack enough guns it lacks enough masculinity
it's much more complex than that. people are comfortable and not willing to give up their creature comforts, so they tolerate injustice
A lot is lost
To human
The church wanted to make a hybrid race
That was their way of communion
Mensis took the smarter more logical route and built the mind cages to jump straight to them
They are the two closest and most powerful organizations you'll encounter
Then the hunters
Of which you are a member
Whose true purpose and goal is simply
To kill anything that moves
we unironically need a purge. give the people what they want or they will take it
Sure but there's a reason men do it a lot more than women. People would also be more violent if they thought Valhalla awaited them
You didn't
Or unfortunately
Depending on your case
But it remains that Germain
The first hunter
Took his leave from killing
At the behest of the Moon presence
For the direct purpose of testing new hunters
Just a story I liked once
men would be much more masculine if it weren't for the comforts of society. the taliban has nothing to lose
What about almost all the homeless people or almost homeless people who commit suicide by firearm without murdering anyone on their way out?
so that's basically the reality of the situation. society is fucked and it's only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose. it would be in the best interest of the powers that be to make sure that happens in a controlled manner. there has to be some sort of release valve
it's their right to end their own lives
Where's your evidence that Americans would do a revolution if they were poorer and more bored?
you meant because they have nothing to lose. they do much crazier shit than normal citizens
Do they? They don't seem too hell bent on revenge.
where's your evidence that they wouldn't?
clearly you don't have much experience with the homeless. they will pull a knife on you without hesitation
All the current people in poverty who commit suicide by firearm and don't commit an act of political violence on their way out.
Just plant tree and algee in water stop being a drama queen stupid fembot.

And stop being retarded. Me and Gaia got this.you just do your part of the plan we do ours and stop being nosy.stupid bitch
Your baby teir tantrums are annogying.
>society is fucked and it's only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose. it would be in the best interest of the powers that be to make sure that happens in a controlled manner. there has to be some sort of release valve
this is quite possibly the purpose of this extremely divisive election which is being painted as democracy vs fascism
Can I ask you
A question
Where does self immolation
Vis a vis
Political violence
That does nothing to prevent tyranny.
yet the taliban is more "masculine" and willing to engage in violence than people in more civilized countries with the comforts of democratic society
It's ok
I wrote it
That's an act of political violence sure but again it's extremely rare. America has been unwavering in it's total support of Israel regardless of that airmen's sacrifice. If hundreds of veterans did it then maybe it'd make a difference but even then the media could spin or suppress it.
Is that true
If I recall correctly
There was a drone strike
Inside Israel
Where Netanyahu lived
That's not a mistake
It's a warning
I just think they have a more violent culture
we would too if we lived in a third world country
it can
Oh they're talking about
Batman's parents
Who were viewed as
Demi gods
By the people of Gotham
That were killed
By Joe Cool
Later on Zasz
I see
Americans are frogs in a boiling pot of water. The people in power are very careful to gradually increase the temperature
we need more people like otoya yamaguchi
I'm unfamiliar
With most pop cult
But I do know dragon Ball z like the back of my hand
So give me your best shot
if you are actually arguing in good faith (which I doubt), you seriously underestimate human nature. here's your last (You) from me
When piccolo uses his demon beam does his power go up when fighting raditz?
No because he lost his arm
In all other instances it does increase his power before firing
I am but I'm black pilled by this
Americans won't do shit
Where was Turles during the Saiyan genocide?

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