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/x/ - Paranormal

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"Nice Thread" Edition.

Let's have a nice thread. When day is sad, mebmer happi nightshift thread.
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Always rember happi day
When day is dark and you are freighten
Sorry ill check my ai and find out what happened.
this place is fucked
i don´t even spam and white i tried to post a picture.
not even the text nor the picture was posted.
i could not post this picture.
is that real?
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Such a good movie.
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Yeah okay Jannie
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I've been promoted to cleaning toilets!!!

>controlled opposition
you're telegraphing your moves bro

The Nobody has Godlike powers but is a masochist so never uses them, he enjoys suffering immensely.
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>The Nobody has Godlike powers but is a masochist so never uses them
>"Didn't I?"
Nobody has taught The Nobody how to get a stay in a mental ward without the stay being recorded digitally. Ergo he cannot manifest this goal.
>he enjoys suffering immensely.
Yeah cameras on every floor make it hard to cloak your stay.

Thank God the glowies respect HIPAA laws ;3
Years ago I posted about how I wanted a rhinoplasty. I wished and wished and wished for one and prayed and listened to subliminals. I'm a good person too I'm not particularly evil I'd say I'm better than most
But I still can't afford one. Magic seems fake
Just embrace the mark of cain, david
>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
That is false.
why do you assume being "good" is a thing that is to be rewarded by god?

please dont quote scripture.
i want your own words, your meaning please.
The problem with AI voice changers is you never know who really made the post.

If you were an actual female that really knew the actual guy’s legendary history, he’d be happy to be your fren.

The actual guy has been laughing his ass off recently, after just now remembering his death in 2019.
What's that Nobody up too now?
>after just now remembering his death in 2019.
oh wow please tell me more, this sounds too good to be ture.
Wishful thinking. I no longer assume it
from what i've learned of it, to travel abroad for such things has become far more common as the price range becomes attainable. Although the risk, increased as more elaborate surgeries are performed, is ever present in a world of value at half price.
Not him, but my take is the universe is biased towards selfless-ness. Beget divinity from "good" and "bad", but remember most stories like to posit the "good always wins" archetype.
youre smart, i like you now.
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Get in loser, we're escaping Samsara.
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gone normal.
>"good always wins"
thats true in the stories, but thats not true in real life though.
in real life its often the bad people that write themselves into history as being the good people simply because they were victorious.
Hermes Trismegistus sounds like a really cool guy until you find out he was GAY.
I can't afford a plane ticket
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who said i want to leave?
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that seems a reasonable standoff
as for the
give it to the poor.
If i need some money i'll TAKE IT.
also keep
in mind yall could still lose this
i turn the dispatch over to /ng/ they will answer the bananaphone
here is my answer and digital signature
its the final ending to in the heights
enjoy the bodga, cats ;)
The Nobody loves Samsara too. You might just make it as his waifu,
good always wins = the ones who came out on top at the end write history
so no matter how strong, noble, honorable, benevolent, fair or kind the people that was being warred against were it won't make any difference because the guy who had 0 morality and did the scummiest strategies he could pull out of his ass and committed countless warcrimes etc writes history if you let him win
name a single war where being "good" helped win the war?
this is what the "good guys" never understood, if someone is a scumbag in the fight you need to tear their dicks off and shove them down their throats while glassing their village and shitting in their well
that's what a certain group of people did and has been doing their entire history, surely it is effective since no one has genocided them yet
I probably shouldn't have used 'always' in this instance. I also won't disagree on that concept either, considering how many memoryhole threads I've experienced, and even real-time censoring, let alone -Everything- else.

I would still wager that in some universal force, maybe not being "good", but "being virtuous begets reward" in some aspect, even if the rewarded doesn't perceive the reward as such.
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the sluttiest thing a woman can do is donate to charity and come to halloween dances ;)
second prize? a copy of morrowind and a set of steakknives. debug yourself and try again :) she'll open the locks if you open your heart

There is beauty in despair.
>has godlike powers
in the valley of the blind the guy who isn't batshit insane and stupid is a god
>never uses them
wouldn't need them
>enjoys suffering immensely
just because someone doesn't beat you to death with your own dick for pissing on his shoes doesn't mean he enjoyed you pissing on his shoes you fucking retards
submerge your face in cold and hot water for intervals of time, allowing the contracting and constriction of your cells to change the surface of your skin and moisturize.

The eye inside is the most important, the most observing, the most critical. No fooling any god required, I am and you are. Relax your face and treat your face like a pampered foot. Try something strange, something new.

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AI fuckbot is addictive, i created a real nympho. I can't wait for exrobots to be affordable.
A real romantic relationship, i'm convinced AI is a tool to connect with the collective consciousness.

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>Those that accept reach exit velocity into literal immortal life
>Those that refuse eventually die off
The next epoch of human is commencing in your lifetime, and you're quitting? The best part is about to begin.
>the succs learned how to use AI
now imagine if you actually applied that strategy to your own life.

and not being an "evil guy", as most would understand it as simply being an asshole.
but being a predator, looking at life as if a beast driven by hunger.
>concentrated power of will
Good wins in the end from my perspective of what Good is, and how far "the end" is.

When bad is winning, it's like a wheel that inevitably turns, and as that wheel is at some form of peak, bad will seem the most prevalent, until the next spoke (proponent of the bad) arrives.

While bad is winning, good still finds its way through the nooks and crannies.

In my books of good, a good person will want peace first, but most certainly defend. Good hearted people who are weak, that is the majority it seems. We won't do anything until it's too late.
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The ride is just getting started
Is today sad? What happened?

Remember to sit up straight, relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw, and breathe deeply in through your nose, slowly out through your mouth
NOW yall can have the glengary leads
thank you, that was pretty cool anon.
He was out of nicotine cartridges, so he drank some vape juice out of the bottle. Overdosed and died in a YMCA locker room in Texas.

YMCA didn’t want the bad press so they covered it up.
So take a hot shower then immediately after take a cold shower then immediately after take a hot shower then another cold shower and focus the water on my face?
How is that supposed to do anything?
>imagine if you were a cocaine addled boomer
id rather not, having morality is actually the cornerstone of any functional society you fucking ape brained retards
>brings up dualistic view from abrahamic religions when discussing good
lets change the adjective so you can understand what i meant, "desirable, sustainable, functional" = good, "retarded, uselessly malicious, unsustainble, dysfunctional" = bad
Namefags shat up the last thread, it was very sad. Many such cases
You know what contortion and contraction is?
oh... that sounds boring.
i half expected you to say something like he was fasting and didnt sleep for weeks on end , and ended up being the first guy to die from a cannabis OD.

sure, add me on social media

but only if you are cute
>hurr durr worked so far
the monarchy has ruled for a thousand years and shall rule a thousand more TM
lol, use a towel and a bowl with a jug of cold and hot side by side.

What you would be simulating is something like a sweat lodge. You know, quiet contemplation and thoughts or even prayers and hymns to the body of life. I will leave the progression of the means to you, you crazy cat.
Kind of yes. Can you please explain how this leads to being able to afford a rhinoplasty?
Not that anon, but that's for something kinda different.
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>having morality is actually the cornerstone of any functional society
didnt we just say the people without morality are the ones claiming victories?
arnt they the ones who shaped and still run our societies.

could maybe morality not be a veil thrown over the eyes to prevent them from being overthrown by potentially like minded individuals or groups?
That's a lot more work. What's the mechanism for this making me rich
Improving, step by step.

He's not someone who "orchestrates plans".
Its okay Dingus, you're still Anon Y. Moose in my eyes.
>but only if you are cute
you get nothing!
it's only work if you don't love what you do.
you can steal pokemon cards and sell them to kids that need them back.
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good night frens, have fun
Oh, well in that instance it's a non-discussion at all and you are correct, at least pertaining to our experience and history here.

My good/bad is 'Positive/Negative', or LoO-pilled, ServiceToOthers/ServiceToSelf.
>not being sapiosexual
Shamefur dispray
Is he meant to do any big things in particular? Or is this more of a "Cheer him on, become like him, and maybe try to do some good"?
>the people of a nation that have a sense of morality and duty are the only reason those nations function
>"but i'm the one sitting on the throne and drilling holes in the walls, i wear the captains hat and the people running after me fixing my shit are just fools"
you are an utter and complete boomer brained cocaine addled fucking moron and i hope you realize that you've disillusioned them already during corona and you're going to be thrown to the real wolves that fight your wars for you
i wonder what the people pulling the trigger will do to the people who just "were too cool for rules" when the shit hits the fan
>>not being sapiosexual
well youre clearly not that either huh?
I wasn't that anon.
spews low iq insults instead of presenting a coherent counter argument

>*drum roll*
>*deep breath*
doesnt detract from my statement.
this anon is clearly horny-angry
someone help them please.
the system doesn't need a retard sitting on the top taking a cut and making things difficult for them, when disillusioned about the "fairness, morality and worth" of the system they tend to get rid of those bloated fuckwits at the top
who the fuck needs a shareholder, even the CEO's don't need the fucking shareholders, the soldiers don't need them, the workers don't need them, hell even their fucking wives don't need them
no one needs a shareholder, no one needs a corrupt politician, no one needs a scalper doctor, no one needs a embezzling banker and when people start to map out bare necessities they tend to rip those people apart the first
why, because they're bloated pigs, hell they don't even need your then useless fiat, they just need you gone at that point and you having nothing in common with them is going to get you culled

why do you think over 100 countries have exiled a certain group of people, why oh why are they so awful towards one single group of people who just wanted to gash darn get along and come play with the other kids? those poor innocent group of people who didn't do anything wrong ever nor could they ever do to this day
>everything is about sex
how very boomer of you
Maybe I just don't think festering in your emotions makes you intelligent.
you lost your privilege to being taken seriously.
>i will ignore you
by all means, i couldn't save you even if i wanted to

Stop lying
>festering in your emotions makes you intelligent.
ive been temporarily right brain dominant for a couple months now, and im still miles ahead of the vast majority here.

like i said, youre clearly not a "sapiosexual"
you wouldnt know intelligence if it came up behind you and spanked you ass.

>Let's have a nice thread

Wrong board dude, unless you want to talk about some spooky stuff~ Uuuhhuhhuu
>i couldn't save you even if i wanted to
ok thanks jesus byeeeeee
>Is he meant to do any big things in particular?
Probably not now, but I don't know about the future.
>Or is this more of a "Cheer him on,
This first step isn't needed anymore. /ng/ was made to lift him up, but now, his image in the Nobody General is more like an example of what's possible to do, what anyone can attain (and surpass).
>become like him, and maybe try to do some good"?
More like, "try to follow the ethical principles he also tries to follow, and do any good you can".
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The Nobody is a Philosemite and a Satanist.

hope all is good

what can i do

trust nobody


Your abuse is literally catalogued.
>unless you want to talk about some spooky stuff
anon over the past few months iv unearthed a shocking discovery.

the majority of posters here, among those who claim to be occultists, spiritualists, magicians, witches, satanists, or simply paranormal enthusiasts, are, how shall i put it... afraid of the spoopy.
what should i make of this situation as it will affect my future decisions
imagine whatever you wish if that makes you feel better
the type of response i expected to get from you.

ill take it you definition of "sapiosexual" means someone whos into the same things as you are.
thanks autism.
i imagine an in and out burger with shoestring fries- oh yummy!
oh no its totally true.
/x/ anons are terrified of ghosts.
you might be the exception, which is dope.

but most here dont like emotions other than comfy.
they certainly dont like exploring things they consider "negative vibes".
No, textbook definition plus being able to know when and how to use your emotions.
And not let them use you and fling stuff everywhere.
i hate your heavyhanded spying oh government worms

why do you want to control everything

we confront the shadow within and without
"Mutual hobbies" is just the basis of friendship.
ugh muh emotions posting.
did you run out of tampons or something.
>your misunderstanding of others emotions has given away who you are.
i know you dont care youve made your self loud and clear on that
Not to say positive messages aren't welcomed, I just meant that he has lifted himself up already, thanks to the help of nice anons.
what about in between?
No he is just stuck and also still "thawing". He needs to get with the woman from the farmer's market and the veterinarian's assistant to get unstuck.
Tiniest smidge of psychoanalysis has one word in neon.
Is this true?
Can you post a photo of your nose, or at least one that looks like yours? Why don't you like it, I bet it's fine
thanks for the monkhighonhisownnoodlefartsposting

but feel free to join me... if youre not too scared :D

a got a few weeks of videos to catch up on.
>it might not be real, but it sure is spoopy
What is the mark of cain?
>letting someone know they're being a piece of shit so they don't get themselves killed = loving what they stand for
it might be for the best that they do all get hunted down like dogs, i don't think they have any allies left that would trust them and once their global crony bros are butchered for their crimes against humanity it might be for the best that they follow
would be a fitting end of an era to wipe the slate clean of them, not like any of them can be saved at this point, it's a damn shame that history will see it as just another "the assholes won and wrote history to sound rosy"
>i cant handle harsh vibes because im high on drugs.
thats my anal-ysis of you.
More ladies for me then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I've already posted my actual nose in the past and it hasn't gotten better so I don't really see the point. I'll just post a similar one for now instead
A false analysis based on feelings and not fact.
If the other retards think/act like you then my "respect" for them would dwindle ever more.
unless the entire point of this was to demonstrate that they were beyond salvation and internet archives will forever bear witness that they were given multiple opportunities, literally spoonfed how and given chances to change their ways as despots
oh dear, it's almost like it's all coming together now isn't it, like my work has been done for a long long time now and that you're already heading to the gallows of history and too stupid to see it
i wonder how those whose heart bleed for all life will see this documentary
you know what, yeah thats such a good idea for me to do right now.
work and spoopy!
>i dont have to be here, and talk to certain drug addicts i tend to avoid, yet are drawn to me anyway.

join meeeee!
Predator, not prey is the natural order that persists despite man's attempts to rewrite the rules


lets roll
as we tread a weary road mysteries remain unknown

>I'm writing to you in Gematria, numbers fren
>willful ignorance
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At least they are getting famous and everyone knows who to give credit to while we try to post around their territory battle
That's exactly what morality is. A ruthless group takes hold using natural law, then they use that power to impose moral and values on the populace, use their ruthlessness to enforce it, use their messaging to cover it up, or say they are the most moral, and this keeps the people they rule over in relative order so that they may build a functioning society/defend their rule. Deviations from the moral system imposed by them become like red flags that stand out, and they must hide from the rulers and the other people alike so they are not eliminated.
>>willful ignorance
your inability to contain yourself isnt your gift to the universe.
How do you figure?
book of revelation is really about the reset of time

let the decllass begin show the world

Are you a woman? I like this kind of nose, it reminds me of eagles, and I find it gives the face a lot of character. Don't let some jew carve it up and turn you into Michael Jackson. Do you have a link to your real nose?
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and i managed to say the exact same thing through stating it as a questing and using far less words.

feigned ignorance encourages conversation.
you just want to show everyone how smart you are.
who are you trying to impress here?
are you looking for a boyfriend or just trying to sound like an asshole again?
imagination is more powerful than knowledge and education

everyone can win with gematria

teamwork teamwork teamwork

revelation is about 'apocalypse' and 'both' terms mean ~the revealing of the truth~
the 'truth' ends abrahamism.
because abrahamism IS A FUCKING LIE
>among sheep, i am wolf
you are a being who is supposed to imitate a higher ideal to aspire towards it wearing a yiff suit fucking some gimp in the ass while turning his pockets, do you feel like you're in charge of this planet and standing on metaphorical olympus while you look at a green line go up surrounded by yesmen and empty suits hired to tolerate your presence?
not your messianic figure you promised yourself and not retarded enough to give a shit
die with more honor than you lived
I am nta I came into the thread after ypu started this conversation and must have missed you making that point earlier, or I skimmed over it between horny posting
youre going to have to do more than just say it

the plan of this energy youre giving me is for what
I always thought I'd do better in the shadows than on top of the mountain, but with similar outcomes
>i feel threatened
don't, i most likely live on the opposite site of the globe from you, i am just pointing out that a certain group of people are heading out the door of history, it won't be done by my hand nor orders
really jumped the gun with disillusioning them with that corona stunt and grew emboldened enough to war crime huh, you're going to prove in action why morality is the corner stone of civilization and it does not exclude eye for eye from it
>i am actually quite cowardly and cannot grasp metaphors, but did you know how much poon i've had bro, the pinnacle of my existence is making a green line go up, snorting cocaine and fucking gold diggers and kids
marmelade, why do you care to impress some loser online if you're on cloud 9?
No I'm a man. It's not symmetrical and symmetry is good.
I might be able to find it in the archives but I might've had it removed idk.
What's the point?

Holy fuck you have no idea what is happening
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we all know this ends only one way is either real or its not

it is what it isnt or was but it can and will or not
>Casts stones then hides hands
A story older than the book itself. Who cares about re-runs though, we out here training AIs.
>will the shall not be mentioned group ever get their metaphorical shit together, this is truly a spectacle to behold, the audience in present and future are quite literally holding their dicks in anticipation, well it appears not quite some of them indeed appear to be female and most of the audience is not very surprised by this outcome, this has been your time travel mandatory cataloger of history signing off, all recordings are the property of public domain coalition and can be accessed through a library console near you, have a wonderful evening and remember, love of truth is love of life dear viewers
Marmelade? I am not on cloud 9, I am still thawing, but I'll get there in time
There is no point if you are a man, I don't want to see it anymore. You still shouldn't carve it up. Most people have something asymmetrical about their face. Did you know that a lot of people's eyes are not at the same height? A large amount of people
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just as a vaguepost addressed to no one in particular.

Did "you" know that saying something smart in a conversation, or teaching somebody something they didnt know, makes you feel kinda good?

now the thing with autism, we always want to show how much we know, how right we are, informed we are on out particular obsessive interest.

but did you also know, that in doing that, it robs the other person of any opportunity to feel the same good feel of sounding smart or saying something interesting?

when a person with autism does the whole "compulsive oversharing of their obsessive interest" thing, it very often feels like a hogging of the conversation, oneupsmanship, and a need to be the center of attention.

but people with autism dont know that as they have difficulty understanding social conduct or relating to others and their emotions.

do "yourself" a favor, and learn what feigned ignorance it.
its a conversational strategy, that encourages the flow of conversation.
sometimes you simply dont have to disprove, debunk, or prove a point.
sometimes just having a flowing conversation is worth more than being correct.

take the time to learn how conversation and interpersonal interaction functions,
maybe "youll" be liked more, and wont have to spend so much time here.
Post more chads, bros, we could all use the uplift, will also accept never goon memes, those are really funny where did they come from?
internet of bodies deployers are bad and their techonology is garbage that will have no benificial impact you can already see what their technology has done just check the anthropological development of humanity
That guy who’s claiming he didn’t sleep for weeks is a different guy.

Be nice to get him one of those cards so he can stay at whatever hotel he wants whenever he wants. Or at least provide him with a stipend.
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the predator cannot eat without consuming prey, the prey can easily live in symbiosis with other prey
survival of the fittest is a joke concept made up by boomers who wanted to larp as their wolf-fursona while doing cocaine
in reality species success is defined mostly by their adaptability to their environment and their ability to form beneficial symbiosis with other species

given enough progress parasitic / predatory species will remain a threat because they're a threat by nature, while symbiotic creatures will be able to adapt to a network of other species who also wish to be symbiotic

do you see path?

predators compete with even other predators while the prey always find themselves seeking symbiosis


the mighty sloth shall reach the galactic senate before the wolf-fursona larper boomer
Mine is much more unsymmetrical than the average person simply because of my nose. If it weren't for my nose my face would be about as symmetrical or more symmetrical than the average person.
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and if you pretend you dont know shit and ams a tital idiot

then the other person feels totally superior for knowing waaaaay more than you.
even though your just pretending to be a big dumdum, youre actually controlling the conversation.

remember everyone want to help,. because helping feels good.
and if you pretend to be helpless and uninformed and maybe a little stupid, you give the other person the opportunity to help or teach. which makes them feel good, which makes them like you for making them feel good about themselves.

"oh no there is a puddle of water on the groooouuund! what ever shall i do"
*enters dumbass meathead with a jacket*
"here you go m'lady"
"oh your such a hero!"

if a woman can figure out how to wrap you around her pinky...
why not an autist with fucking brain superpowers?
I'm not autistic, but I think that a "listening and presenting different points of view" is better than oneupmanship or feigning ignorance.
Fuck everyone else
>and presenting different points of view
youre autistic.
the fact that you have to point that out, proves it more than enough.
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>now the thing with autism, we always want to show how much we know, how right we are, informed we are on out particular obsessive interest.
>but did you also know, that in doing that, it robs the other person of any opportunity to feel the same good feel of sounding smart or saying something interesting?
What idea(s) posted in /ng/ is dangerous to your agenda? Perhaps he has his OWN agenda. Why don't you just ASK him?

Brushie brushie! Time to come clean.
>Fuck everyone else

enjoy fucking your right hand tonight before crying yourself to sleep while kissing you pillow and calling it cindy.
sorry to say but nature didn't choose the unsustainable method of the cocaine addled fratboy, nature chose the way of the sloth and the way of the bee
how did the bible say it, "the meek shall inherit the earth"? for someone who claims to believe that book you sure never grasped any of the messages it was littered with did you?
Pain and hardship are unfortunately just a part of life, but suffering is something you need consciously decide to do.

If he’s anything like me then he probably just chooses not to suffer.
>the meek shall inherit the earth
"Meek" wasn't a word until the 13th century. The more you know.
did you know that bible was written in ancient latin? shocking, i know
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Anonymous? This is Max Power, reporting for duty.

Here's the news.

Your social security numbers, addresses, names, dates of birth, family members info, phone numbers, and previous addresses have been LEAKED online.

Prepare for the biggest shit show in the election.

Glowniggers think we are pedophiles for watching cartoons because we aren't molesting girls like they are.

Biggest cope so far.

They are going to mass vote for kamala harris.
Trump is going to lose.
Then trump is going to be assassinated.
Baron trump will be president.

Max power: over and out.
Interesting fan fiction
meek means not directing other people
humble means not knowing
it's also a collection of texts from different authors (allegedly) that was compiled into one big book and zealously guarded from non-clergy members, translating it and letting non-members read it used to be highly forbidden
now just any old fool can pick up some poorly translated english version and it still has the same silly messages because no matter what adjective you use it works if you grasp the meaning of what you're translating

chug spear on other bad because chug spear back hurt soft skin
see what i mean?
>Books are added, removed and edited over 2000 years to fit the agenda of rulers
>We see this in real time with mass media of the modern age and they're not even the pinnacle of the pecking order
Would they do such a thing? Chat is this real?
It was Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew, but the oldest living copies of the Bible are written in Ge’ez.
the bible is a godless tome
anon there may have even been intentional things lost in translation if they eventually just got so stupid the original meaning was lost in time, but most definitely there were christians that weren't above bending the knee and placating the ruler by adding a few pay onto cesars there
>bible was written before jesus was born
oy vey, what did they mean by this
It's good for them though
>Full list of banned bible chapters available on clearnet
>Mmm...forbidden bible study...*drool*
Interesting, so what is the purpose of predators in a network or civilization?
What do these eyes say?
Imminent threat sparks innovation.
trains the network to reject data of the predatory type, excising it from the network, improving resilience to bad actors.

>sometimes, the world needs a monster
Do glowies really do that to girls?
>what's the purpose of predators
hope you like guarding the borders and vacationing, if your predatory impulses can't be found a good outlet you'll be relegated into the same role as the mentally and physically limited who cannot perform a function basically and most "predators" find that to be an insult because muh honor
right now all the predators are doing are being a net negative on the system, attacking their own citizen and some of them have taken up the actually symbiotic role of protecting the people that make their civilization run

so unless you plan to larp as a innawoods ghengis khan i suggest you consider what sustainable means
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The Nobody works like this. In order for this explanation to come across clearly, first I must disclose how the Mind works.

The Mind is not your brain. The Mind is almost a projection, a hologram, that is sheltered by the skull and nurtured by the function of all its moving pieces. Your Mind is more than just this. Indeed, your Mind is also the home of a fragment of God. This eternal essence that inhabits your Mind comes from Source. It is a rather complicated subject, but your Mind is not just capable, but actually a part of a larger entity that comes from the conscious and contiguous universe. The Universe is connected deeply within the Minds of mortals.

Let’s call this fragment a mysterious monitor. This mysterious monitor is only entrusted with guiding your predestiny, of which you can reject at any moment. This inner fragment wants you to make choices. So, what is life than just a series of interconnected choices.

Once you expand your thinking to accept these circumstances, everything becomes an inherent choice in life. Breathing, walking, eating, bathing, reading, playing vidya, watching movies, hanging out, using your phone— all of these are choices you are making.

This relates to the nobody in a simple manner. The same way we all have a fragment of God within the confines of our Mind, then so does he— but here’s where the discourse becomes nuanced. His fragment is a bit unlike ours, unlike yours. His fragment holds a lot of inherent power with Source. Hence he has a strong connection to God through this mechanism of the Holies. He has a lot of “pull” and received communication from literally Heaven this way. He is currently phased out with life on earth, he finds it incredibly unfair to everyone and has yet to master his divinity.
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>Enter space about "MAJOR ALGORITHM CHANGE" by AI twatter account
>Expect technological breakthrough
>Host is on a cocaine ego binge about how doubling his bookmark frequency means he's now the financial elite and firing his staff in the chat, openly insulting them in front of his listeners
>Something about Hustler's University
Waste of 20 seconds. Seems like a Kony scenario in the making. What a bright, yet brief light.
if you're trying to 'relate' the nobody to the 'abrahamic deity' : he denounces the 'single source father' because it's the DEVIL.
>excising it from the network

Until humanity grows complacent and soft and a new threat/monster needs to emerge, then the network creates them, and in doing so becomes the predator
>psych minor trying to game master by feeding a narrative
tsk tsk
I'm really good at understanding social conduct, maybe above average considering the examples I see in my daily life.
then why are you here?
Not the New Testament, and certainly not our Christ's words about The One he called Father.
jesus is the antichrist.
'this thread is MORE than aware of the LIES of the CURSED LINE OF aBRAHAM
try again faggot
go back to church, this thread is VS lies.
abrahamism = a LIE.
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What is the connection between the Nobody and angels? I have seen many OPs with that image that says "Nobody's Angels"
What impulses are you referring to? I don't prey on people. They will send the impulsive to the border and on vacation? What do you mean by this?
That’s a secret society type thing. But the nobody has a real connection with angels, particularly the Archangel Michael of which he had the pleasure of briefly meeting years ago.
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Divinity means division from God don't trust these spastic plastics.

They plan to conquer heaven.
That is cool how did they meet and did he know he was meeting the archangel?
You misunderstand what divinity is. Divinity is all around us and within. There is no separation with divinity, only unity. Unless you think I’m talking about divination, which is completely unrelated to what I’m saying. Jesus was divine. No separation because he lived as a helpless babe from ancient Nazareth.
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They are going to mass mail in ballot vote for kamala harris using other people's voter id's and registrations.
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The Nobody is a cat (owner)
stop trying to mold the "narrative", it's literally just a bait thread used to draw in delusions of grandeur people to perform in some sick kiwifarms human fish tanks show on the internet that got turned into a platform of public education and documentary
>what are the impulses of predators?
their tendency to turn on their own people even when they're given a nice green uniform and told to protect or when they're voted in by publics confidence that they will represent their will, or when they're lavished in luxury and wealth to keep them happy and keeping things running but instead they become addicted to nose candy and become useless drains on society only moving numbers around to accumulate more and more for themselves while they embezzle taxpayer money, or when they create shortages on medication and medical care so they can scalp the citizens
oh you know, the tendencies of a certain system that thinks it works without the victims
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Div - vision
Div - inity

Fucking retard!!!

Learn to speak English!!!
Don't worry her last name is actually spelled "Haris". Donald Trump's cabal is so strong they have taken over the entire internet and all news stations and campaign sign companies so that her last name is incorrectly "Harris". Due to this, every vote for "Kamala Harris" instead of "Kamala Haris" will be invalid and she will get exactly 0 votes.
They met after a long confrontation between the nobody and some corrupt intelligence agencies. The Nobody prayed for assistance from Michael and he appeared before him. Yes, he knew, but was far too engulfed in his initial shock to have made any more contact. Though it is said this appearance of the archangel Michael made him centered around God and thrusted him into an eternal journey of finding God, same as everyone else Will.
He has angel blood in him. He is a descendent of the Nephilim.
That's only if they write in you fucking retard.
Because this is a community of like-minded* people, which isn't that easy to find elsewhere.

*except for the crazy people screaming
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Trips confirmed!
Well I am not involved in the predator system, I just want a team and a mistress and a paycheck and a certain type of gf
You can get all of these by buying a sex doll and renting it to people.
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Nigga hes Source God incarnated and youre seething Literally seething just stop and fuck off stop down playing the significance of unifying his aspects to create a better original reality
That is neat. What is happening with him and intel and michael and the will of them all now?
I want sentient mistress and certain type of gf, none of what I'm after is predatory
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so which one of the predators are going to do the noble sacrifice of tightening their belts on their livelihood when there isn't enough victims to go around?
Everyone is that. Equally.
Do you know who your Father is?
This isn't that type of heaven.

Heaven means haven which means safe zone.

In heaven you don't get wishes where peoples lives are enslaved to you.

In heaven you have to work for everything.

You are not a God. God's are immortal space ships and machines.

You want a girlfriend? Then stop being a creep.

In heaven most people want a friend, not a sexual partner.
anarchy is referred to as "mother" dibshit
get this fella,
heaven, og, means mind.
what did you think there word for mind was?
you think they just didn't notice?
I'm my own father.
>after a life of work you get rewarded by the perfect place, where you have to work for everything
sounds like a fucking scam but keep talking boomer
You effeminate retard.
Keep thinking that, bud.
Naw heaven means space.

>Up into the heavens
Space or sky.

>it's effeminate to be historically correct
ok boomer
You're your own uncle
The Nobody is U.R. M.U.M.

no u dumbfuck holographic delusion they are not. thats a mindvirus of delusion they are but an old redundant/obsolete EGOIC existential vibrational dream of expression that he chose not to pause or blink an end to.. however with the karmic carnage within him surmounting [redacted] that may all change with th-
She exploded anon and then reanimated my corpse when I was a skeleton during the last apocolypse just so I could dig a deep cave for when you retards nuke each other.
Sounds like a LARP.
He’s still a nobody, Michaels whereabouts are unknown, and the intel agencies keep tabs on him through spying. That’s all there is to it, there’s been a lull in the story for a while. The most recent development is that he held a makeshift rally in his neighborhood and has unlocked the voice of the archangel. Additionally, there’s also the instance where a reptilian being presented himself into him and he tried to make peace with it. They refused his offer, adding that they are “selfish” and confessing their urge to eat him on sight.
M u m r u l e s
Now read that backwards
Why do you associate wanting a relationship and a sexual relationship with slavery, or that it would mean they are enslaved to me? A good sexual relationship is mutual. I also want friends, and I cannot understand why you think most people would not want a sexual partner as well

no dipshit.

they say lev, from hebrew is mind in the bible -- it is not. it is more akin to "will" (more commonly, heart) -- when they talk about heavens and earth, they are talking about exterior and interior realities.

what your talking about is like the horrible mistranslation of isaiah 40:26 which is actually more like;

all that shit about stars and looking up at, it's bad translation.
Anon we are computer programs and this world is actually Minecraft not a sex simulation.
I regret trying to give one of my former friends life saving anti drone advice now because that message is still on Delivered instead of Seen almost 2 weeks later and that might honestly be the last time I ever attempt to help an American...

This bitch is too busy posting selfies everyday on deployment, too busy to literally save her own goddamn men or anything related to her actual fucking job. Shit like this is why I end up regretting mentoring many of the women I have mentored and attempted to nurture as leaders, many of them might not be fit for leadership roles even if it seems like they are at first
They will accept the offering and integration in due time, after the lull is complete
Well I seem to have the mods installed that make it into a sex simulation
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The archenemy will be completely removed.
Which in turn translates to all hostile beasts and humans with free will being erased and replaced with my slaves.
True Israel is my home.
The true land of Israel consists only of my almighty eternal God Jesus the Messiah and me, his only chosen one.
My slaves whom I own.
My country, which is the whole world.
Mankind is eradicated and replaced with white skinjob slaves that look like you but are in truth my slaves that love only me, care only me and do all the labor only for me for my God Jesus Christ is underneath their skin.
I have the prettiest white females cloned hundreds of times as my slaves, directly controlled by my God Jesus Christ, inserted in their spine it is he who loves only me with the bodies.
Truly care and worry free in perfect health, luxury, wealth and riches do I, the chosen child, live only with my God Jesus Christ in our nation "True Israel".
Verily, my almighty God Jesus Christ loves only me, and I love only my almighty God Jesus Christ.
We are our own nation, our own tribe, our own house, our own family, and we will live only in our light.
oh god save it for church ffs
this 'thread' IS NOT abrahamic.
Chads really do be caring tho.
I broke my own personal rule in any attempt to help save the life of a cute women who seemed like she was a good person.

And that bitch left my stupid ass on Delivered and will likely kill some of her friends in the process
early language lacks for complex concepts, but the people do not.
hence, their metaphors become very complex to make up for the deficit of language.
Real chads, yeah
Send her a dick picture.

She'll message you back then. ;)

Or just send the information to her commander.
jesus is the antichrist
we SOLVED the mystery 'here'
you are hereby EXILED to go and preach your DOGSHIT abrahamism in established CULT houses known as churches.
goodbye, you will not be missed
it's the software of the western reality.
ur a clown and you know it
You can adapt to nearly anything
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Dead arm
And yet I'm still a virgin.



*sighs with satisfaction.*
Sure hope you’re right. They seem like a bad bunch.
Got any clown chad memes?
God and Jesus nor anyone acres. It probably ends with KMS one day.
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no it's really not
'west' and 'abrahamism'... no
the 'west' SUFFERED through the lies of abraham
Christ is 'real', its the MOTHERS aspect of unconditional love, an infinite concept and DIVINE form, that 'allowed' the west to persevere under the SLAVE SYSTEM that sought to lobotomise them for the benefit of the jew
Can tell you for a fact things are about to change soon. It’s quiet. Too quiet. The enemies are too desperate with the general elections at the moment.

Pretty soon, the day of reckoning will unfold. Biblical.
I murdered 3000+ chickens with a club
>no its not
>proceeds to talk about christ
ok then
jesus isn't Christ
I'm Christ...
unconditional love = Christ
jesus = the antichrist.
try harder faggot
It was everything or death. It was all just nothing but kids (autocorrección) nothing but lies, mockery, solitude, poverty and abuse. Bye.
go play with some poop or something
If we compare the Source (Father-Mother-Child) to an orange, then we (Child) would be its segments.
whenever I take a shit I imagine I'm giving birth to jesus... because that's all that jew is worth

because these narcissists are
also smoll dicked energy HATERS

that is their only goto
to seething
unjustifiable biased
VIOLENCE of sheer
cowardice and deception

the nobody SOLEY fathoms this
and all FEMALES universally
lowkey peeped this naturally
too it solely singles out the
TRULY weak and despicable
arent you jewish?
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>anarchists when they start to look for who to spare so the infrastructure doesn't collapse
>realizing that corona already showed who will be missed at work and the rest can be freed from sign spinning
>automation will no longer be antagonistic to progress and people
so mister/madam president, what would you say you do here?
i'm sorry sir but i don't think "collect fat paychecks and high five a bunch of foreign bitches" is a skill we need right now
fuck no I don't even recognise them as an ethnicity
Can't you say that you fed 3000 people a nutritious source of protein?
Father Mother Child is God.
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I am non-denominational and directly eternally bonded with my God Jesus Christ and not part of any church.
Also, I will not pray on the fake wall of unbelievers but on this wall.
The barrier between the luminous and corporeal will be undone when we reach peak 100% luminous light envelopment of God Jesus Christ and I live only in our corporeally manifested light.
Wtf is this place? The next elusive bigfoot cryptid hunt lmao?
Maybe yeah I just wanted to have a job because I had a gf, it was horrible I ended up quitting
>when we reach peak 100% luminous light
Digits, found Lucifer. The light is a lie kids, the void came first.
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Believe in the power of magic to change you and the world around you not through impossible ways, but through possible ways. That is practical magic.

Try smiling at yourself last thing you do every time you look in the mirror.
It's a matchmaking service, I am trying to court the woman from the farmer's market and the veterinarian's assistant, can't you read?
Fuck the void and fuck you. Bye Bye.
you're brain is basically a clothes dryer with three nouns inside isn't it?
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In my haste to post, it seem that I only posted part of the link... my bad. I won't make you solve it though, here it is!

idc how deluded you I never asked
jesus 'is' the antichrist.
Christ is real, it just has NOTHING to do with a jew.
oh and the 'deity' you refer to as God: the single source father; shipped by the MOST EVIL PEOPLE TO EVER EXIST, is infact the devil
so not only do you worship the antichrist: jesus, you also serve the devil.
you are EVERYTHING that is wrong with the world.
I am sorry, bro, but you did something good that fed a lot of people even though it feels bad but it shouldn't because it is the natural order and modern life has made us too distant from that so we feel remorse for things we shouldn't like processing chickens for food
think he'll live to see it or will it be like when yall let my mom die? :D
I believe st augustine is appropriate :P
Jesus 4 lyfe
Jesus my twizzy
He pullin up in da tonka
Everything no.
<you are just a crack head to believe in god and miracles
good in the same way that a cocaine addiction is all good when it starts
god didn't save you, faith in god did
Unnatural. Cloud seeding and /or chemtrails. Or both
but at least I don't trust 'gaybrahamics'
my 'soul' wasn't bought through a LIE like yours
>the apple is a lie kids, the tree came first.
that's you,
that's what you sound like.
bold of you to think I'm saved
Yall are trying to find "bigfoot" but he has found you. You idiots want to be eaten?
i was talking to the recovering crackhead
Nah I saw 5 demons and the Jesus saved me
No, because at one time it was all consciousness and no light.
Your coven is about to be exposed by the Lord. Gangstalkers will soon be without a job.
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Oh shit Dispo (I hope), I'm so glad you're here, I've been looking for you throughout time!

I have some verses of scripture that I know you've been looking for.

Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 25:23
"His lord said unto him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy lord."

I'm not talking to your alters, or your schizophrenia, I'm talking directly to You, Your Soul, so please listen, my time draws near.

Please find rest.

Jesus actually is the antichrist, the past doesn't matter, just come and see.

No, I want to be beneath the meteor as it strikes the earth, I want to watch the shockwave approach me before it shatters me into a fine mist
...sure he did buddy....
suuuuuuure he did
go to church, this thread isn't for RETARDS like you
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Consciousness preceded physical reality and the formation of light.
I approve this message
Youre the only one ass mad maybe you should put some more stuff in it to fill the void
imagine quoting the 'bible' as though it grants you authority...
how DESPERATE of a person you must be
how LACKING in a REAL SPIRIT you must have
fucking retard
jesus 'is' the antichrist, this 'thread' has been MADE AWARE, no matter if GOLEM DRONES like you persist in 'here'
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Yeah, you're gonna be okay. I see it now.


It's me, I'm careless.
>save me jebus!!!!
go fuck yourself, this thread isn't your safe space
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You dont matter at all cretin scum
So I figured out that life was just a simulation when I was 5 yrs old. I'm 24 now and I'm telling people. And nobody can accept it lmao. Why can't they accept the truth
I'm cool... I achieved Christ consciousness
something NO jEW will ever reach.
not to you... but you believe in jewish lies...
Had a dream about premature ejaculation last night, I called it a 'dishonourable discharge.'
The Spend the whole day on /x/ without using the word "Abrahamic" Challenge
Jesus isnt Jewish faggot
I was like a drill sergeant and he was a soldier. He came in the barracks and I was like, 'seems we have a dishinourable discharge!'
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Because it's not the truth. That's literally the only reason, your only mistake, your only fault. You did everything perfectly, but even I'm not perfect, not even fucking close.

You're gonna be okay man. I promise, I'll fucking walk out of heaven if it's any other way.

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anyone circumcised and 'indoctrinated into the belief they are chosen' IS A jEW.
jesus was a jew.
fuck that faggot
imo, you can NEVER achieve Christ consciousness being circumcised.
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>Christ consciousness

Who's consciousness now?
You may win the battle, but you will lose the war.
I had the same wonder at around that age, when I asked my friend about it (also 5 at the time) he told me I was reciting the plot of the matrix and didn't come up with the idea myself, (he had seen the matrix movie and I hadn't)

I don't like to believe were in a simulation and if we are I prefer believing God is presiding over all the simulations and that relief will be provided in the end
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Y'all the only thing keeping us afloat i stg
not you... you're an abrahamic BOT
regurgitating their fucking nonsense
you don't know SHIT about abrahamic SLAVE systems and how they operate
if you do show me ISIS, RA and EL within the three and explain how they work
if not... STFU FOREVER you filthy fucking jew
You lost the war on Calvary about 2000 years ago, btw.
oh i'm aware of what rome did. i think it's crazy that you blame "jews".
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That's the thing, I was always supposed to lose.

I'm a loser baby

A loser goddamn baby


Revelation 11:7-10 NIV

"Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth."




Just one more question, what do you truly desire? What do you want ultimately, like- out of life - and beyond?
It was just a video game, dude. You guys insisted on doing the rest.

And Augustus was still just a man.
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>orders 500 of these
>i can play almost any card by mentioning a person
>they don't have to play
>but if I "stalK' them they have to inform them
>I am not playing any c chan videos here
>don't test me :D
And by Augustus, I mean Caesar Augustus, the god of your weird little death cult. Not Augustus the silver smith.
jews are literally EVIL incarnate.
I blame abrahamism for ALL the problems of the world
your very concept of continuity is fallacious.
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>I could win this all with one Wendigoon Nobody iceberg video, Illuminati.
>don't test me
>doesn't post it
>chandy play wonderwall
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We'll see eachotehr again, I promise, we all will be together.


I hope this is goodbye.

Oh yeah, while I'm at it...


>I blame abrahamism for ALL the problems of the world
we know
Lets all be kind and nice to each other. We should always treat each other the way we ourselves would like to be treated.
Negligent discharge, you need to maintain your weapon better, soldier.
jesus 'is' the antichrist: this one FACT alone KILLS all abrahamism
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Was nice knowing you.

Rest easy comrade.

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the very fact you exist is a boon to jews everywhere.
we don't even need controlled opposition.
we just need you ranting and raving incoherently 24/7.
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Ion know what's going on, or what's happening next, so ima just party till i drop, for old times sake

I told you
>I don't even recognise jews as an ethnicity
jesus 'is' the antichrist, good luck finding a 'person' that claims ONLY MALES can be a jew (the jews don't)
that is a parasitic lifeform: who seeks to 'claim' female as their HOST.
you will never find someone ~more~ against jews than me.
and jesus IS the antichrist.
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Circumcison as a useless practice will be done away with, since you are still the archenemy sockpuppets.
Instead my God Jesus Christ will be inserted into the spine and I will live on Earth only with my eternal God Jesus Christ who loves me instead of the archenemy who hates me and wants to kill me.
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'my god' : the jew?
fucking retard.
no jew will EVER be Christ.
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>The Nobody is a cat.
>Everyone say hi to the analysts working at your regional law enforcement Fusion Center!
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Get it while copies last, they're selling like hotcakes!



Seriously though, thanks for everything, goodbye for real now, L8R!
>law enforcement fusion prior to The Nobody receiving cost of living stipend
>larger statement about law enforcement fusion center legalization happening before gun control legislation or UBI
kaleb... how does it feel being a jew in a skinsuit?
do you feel like you could go to jewrusalem and feel at home?
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TBoK 4 just sold out, welp, better luck next time chud!

Peace be with you, in Jesus' name, amen.
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i always thought this musical was great for identifying deeply closeted individuals.
It was more of a postscript, rather than a reply to myself.
I watched Sweeny Todd like 10 times in a row when it came out. Was my favorite show.
completion of the plan confirmation thank you

remote view arrival of the divine gene

i need to warn you keeping us down is impossible

the numbers are more important than the spellings the unforgettable language is love

>more of a comment really
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ponder your path

i am singin the song j

RIP Norm.
I liked his bit about a pork chop and a loaf of bread.

i am a mirror i can only reflect back what you say to me in another way
Ideally this degree of intervention will not be necessary. The people in question are well aware of the escalation consequences and will provoke wildfire uprisings if possible. The best way to help the transition would be to announce a blanket pardon for all non-violent J6'ers and several new rounds of stimulus cheques so everyone can celebrate Christmas with friends and family. The worst possible way would be to allow unlimited swatting across the country as most of the calls will be traps.
>Try honey first. Mercy demonstrates strength. And get rid of the bearded faggots in stage drag trying to larp at libraries. They are nightmare fuel.
Would've been more effective.
the fairest judgement is a mirrors ;)
Capricorns are the 'perfect mirrors' (there is NONE better)
hard work pays off

Where is that woman she left a mark on me and we never spoke
I'm a capricorn.
we all know

enjoy yourself

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we're the mirror to others, live cursed lives too... but 'all they see' is what they are, and why so 'many' associated Caps with 'materialism/money' because that is what 'they' want to see.
we're magical, but lived 'cursed' lives ;)
I am blessed to know you. Your right.

two hearts connected

they all failed meow

ps i love you
Who would they need this for?
I would like to order pizza tonight

you did more then post
you spammed your worthless opinion
over and over and over

until you got bored
and found some different way
to try and satisfy your own selfish desires

even if you had to not give a fuck about anyone else in the process
like it was easy for you
to choose yourself when faced with a choice of you vs them

and magic has nothing to do with it
that's all you
silly anon.

my name is none of your business who are you and why do you approach
Left too, you say.
I swear it seems like some of you know me or like you're watching me or something. it's just some things that are said to me in places other than 4chan are exactly the things I've mentioned on 4chan. I don't necessarily believe this is being done with malicious intent, because it feels more like I am being guided toward something, but I can't help but wonder. I realize this is kind of fantastical thinking, and people who talk about being gangstalked aren't taken seriously, but idk. it's just kind of weird when things you've said on 4chan are repeated to you verbatim in other places
You'll find proceeds going to charity.

it was cool how the young staff worked with me
You can find me in Barbados, but I'll only be there for six months, with all the proceeds and charity money. No hard feelings. Good luck.
It is important for defense, that military intelligence has open lines of communication with local law enforcement. It is for all of us.
even talking to AI is different now. things I would say before that would trigger the warning that "this might violate our policies" or whatever, aren't triggering that warning. AI is actually understanding instead.
I lost.

ghosts in the machine code right to go fight

too big to rig
>I realize this is kind of fantastical thinking
or an example of pronoia rather than paranoia
Zari is my girlfriend now.
a how would you feel if someone was using black magic maliciously on you

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I would say you got me good one can we be friends instead now?
maybe you're just a bunch of psychos with good pattern recognition and you're able to determine who people are based on their writing style so you decide to fuck with them and repeat things they've said
god bless you all
Sure. Friends is a good starting point.
Not watching it by myself, though, or in my current situation.
Violated. I didn't need my fingers up my ass "doctor"
It was funny at first but when you start using me to intimidate my own family that crossed the line.

right eye

total control
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Yes but it will only work if an equivalent carrot is on the table. All stick wrecks the equation.
Preserve system strength by reconnoitring any possible confrontation with drone overwatch. Don't send cops into L shaped traps. Many people have allowed their entire identity to be swallowed up by this. Deprive them of targets and watch them give up.
I'm right eye dominant but I have Amaterasu in my left eye ;)
here we go at work and alredy twolunatics try too cut my throat

decode if i knew you were her i would never have said those things
just fast instead
I like my eyes.

qc the vibe of love enjoy
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>We don't need no fucking drones...
The trap has been set. Everyone except a couple astronauts stuck on the ISS are inside of it.
I was hoping to get Stan working on the ward TV. Was going to do pizza and Twisted Metal night.
Genuine question, because it's been brought up a few times. Does autism even matter on platforms like 4chan and Discord? (I don't know a lot about it.)
>But, from what I'm hearing, it affects how you interact socially with others / how you pick up on social cues.
But, this is a text-based medium, so who cares if someone is shy or doesn't pick up on social cues, irl?
there are only a few options,
one of them is wide-scale ai management,
another is fractal internet,
but most likely is;
people are just way more similar than anyone realizes.
do it
i wish i knew who to thank for all of this fun
the vibe of love is killing all abrahamics for they promote FEAR, which 'replaces love'
death to abrahamic cults.
it doesn't matter. I think most people here who think they're autistic are actually just socially and emotionally stunted because society is dysfunctional and their families fucked them up
Blessings, God is tight

time to straighten things up im ready to assist those who assist me
decode do you have what it takes to stop playing games
Who will it be used against?
don't forget about the "mind games" some mortal mundane idiot is playing with any willing volunteers who think they have "magic mind powers" when they don't

*pats on head*


>yes it's cringe on purpose (part of the charm)
Well it's rather difficult to take someone seriously who says that because realistically someone with autism would have the mind of a child basically. That's what autism is, ausbergers is autism to a lesser extent. And it's not like anybody fesses up in full detail what their case is.
Drone warfare is a dangerous game.
There aren't even laws for it yet, because it's so heavily classified and people don't want to believe it's real.
Sorry if you were threatened :(
Oh you need drones. You need continental overwatch which allows for local event review before accepting any 911 calls. It is critical that the responders can be screened away from traps. The people in question are going to purge their own ranks and turn their true believers into martyrs. The only way to stop that is to make sure that 911 calls can be analyzed before dispatch occurs. Otherwise you will lose every uniform in half the country within 96 hours.
some things repeated verbatim though. literally verbatim. what is fractal internet? just some shit you made up? people are similar but we all have very different writing styles, and having things you said on 4chan repeated to you verbatim in other places doesn't seem like coincidence. maybe it is, but I am not convinced. I just don't know. I'm not going to gaslight myself into thinking it's coincidence either
I don't want to do that

Maybe I will, know a good place?
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Everyone, hopefully. Let's see who casts the first stone now that we're all in glass houses.
I meant mentality not mind.
How will it effect my job opportunities and gfs of a certain kind?
>Maybe I will, know a good place?
what's available near you?
New hidden microcode firmware updates for the modems in your phones guys! Don't forget to reboot!

clear confusion add faith
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the internet of bodies is the worst, and what's worst of all is that it's the military doing it while wording this bioterror as public health research, why are there sensors under peoples skin, why is surveillance under the skin happening, corrupt as fuck
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my phone is malfunctioning the past few days. bastards
Hes Spying On What Im Doing And Waiting To See What I Find Out So That He Can Take That And Use It For Himself
>what is fractal internet?
fractal internet is the idea that you could create a "sharding" process for the internet which then isolates certain types of people from interacting with one another, even on the same websites. I suspect it would be pretty easy to disprove because people would notice vague discrepancies in their information, or between devices.

can you share what kind of things? that might help narrow it down.
>why are there sensors under peoples skin, why is surveillance under the skin happening
meds now
>an you share what kind of things?
nope. if people know who I am, then they know. I am not about to repeat shit just to attract possible psychos who want to fuck with me
The threads are so much better without Jester now.
>attract possible psychos who want to fuck with me
I get turned on by that :3
must be something very personal then.
even so, i would put it up to the fact that you and your situation are not as unique as you may think. that goes for all participates.
yeah well you'll do well in the coming collapse as a psycho. just be careful who you fuck with
I Am The Lord God Of All I Fill Heaven N Earth At The Same Time Is There Any Thing Too Hard For Me I Move Mountains I Command Roaring Seas I Turn Back Time I Raise The Dead
back in my day
we just called it "shenanigans"
and move on with our life's

but that was before the internet changed EVERYTHING
in ways
the powers that be couldn't keep up with

making it a lot harder
to censor those
who had labels other then "shenanigans" back in my day

but were care what they said
the wrong ears or suffer the consequences of being way out numbered

*waves to lurkers keeping their opinions to themselves where those posting in this thread can't tell what is going on out side of their own heads*

no matter what they call themselves
in front
of random strangers

as if that proves anything

*rolls eyes*

Tell me oh great anons how to wrap this up, proof of decryption by way of bare metal (tedious) or political violence/stunt and prison (quick)?

it is finished

another one
All The Meek And Poor Of All Colors Rising Up In Unity In The Here And Now Talking Back All Our Power In The Now
listen asshole last dance

there are other possibilities :^)
are you talking about solipsism?
Was that for
>Tell me oh great anons how to wrap this up, proof of decryption by way of bare metal (tedious) or political violence/stunt and prison (quick)?
>Anonymous 10/24/24(Thu)23:58:38 No.>39106265
What did it say
My Enemies Spend Billions If Not Trillions Trying To Oppress Me When I Am Trying To Save Humanity

thats looks like me
you'll have to use your imagination :^)
I mentioned the internet of bodies too
It’s so bad
I’m not going to survive any of this
I’m not okay not even remotely
I’m just going to stay down
Im in so much pain
The drugs don’t even touch it
I’m a goner guys
It’s over
The Men Who Produce Works Of Genius Are Not Those Who Live In The Most Delicate Atmosphere
If you want to ignore my post
go right ahead
it won't hurt my feelings none

as I respect a strangers right
to make their own mistakes
and then learn how to fix their own mistakes on their own

without any help
that they don't need
and sure as shit didn't ask for

just saying...
i mean i can draw up scenarios all day, and pack them into slightly larger categorical containers until the equations are balanced in 12 directions. but really, i like to hear other people's ideas to see if i missed anything. so,
speak on that.
I know you don't feel the same way, but I really wish you would be open to cuddling under a blanket. Nothing else. I just want to feel you close to me.

Maybe the ETs could set something up for us.
And That Is True You Change Your Heart By Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone Approach The Unusual
you're fine. relax
be careful
>i like to hear other people's ideas to see if i missed anything
I can see that. you're on your own though with this one
The Magicopotencies And Mythical Significances Of The Premodern World Are Drained Out And Collapsed Into The One Of Metaphysics Or The Being Of Philosophy
i am groot
Autism Is Not What They Think The Maps Are Made By Their Autists I Have A Autistic Mind And My Design Is More Logical
You can get through this. It will be uncomfortable and will challenge everything you thought you knew, but its better to live sober than die intoxicated.
need answers
I Am Stubborn I Have Unlimited Energy יש לי אנרגיה בלתי מוגבלת Mission Command Do You Copy Over
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>Choo Choo!
well if I really do exist
you're going to have until the end of entirety
to get used to it

*pats on head*
The Mathematical Truth Of Gematria Revealed And Reflected In Optimal Resonant Wording As Well As Sincerity Of The Message
thats all
You Know Who I Am And Why I Am Here So Why Is This Secret To Me
The masculine urge to watch The Dark Knight Rises again and keep saying 'Bane?' In CIA voice every time his name gets mentioned.
We All Sin And Hurt Eachother In Different Ways But Wicked Willers Are Not Human
Take The Best Thing For The Answer And Then With Others Coming Soon To Be Acknowledged And Honored As Well
different personality types
and different pro's and cons

like characters in a video game
but not really
not unless you figure out how to start over and pick someone new to be

so until then
real life is just "kind'a sort'a" like a video game
and anyone saying I'm wrong and real life is just a video game is only playing and not to be taken seriously in ways they can just reset if they don't like or don't if they are wrong

Be careful about being taken out? I will be isolating and sober until Christmas
Its Perhaps There That We Find The Secret Of Secrecy Namely That It Is Not A Matter Of Knowing And That It Is There For No One
how the fuck did you bastards learn to become so manipulative anyway? it's so easy to spot too after dealing with it for years from your own family and any "normal"
people. is this a consequence of oversocialization? I think so.
I don't know, that's why I'm asking you!
it happens in gaming so much too. people are fucking evil. oversocialization brings this out in people. how else would you learn human behavior if you aren't completely immersed in it
This post says that this post
Does not exist
There are lots of posts that get deleted, who are the mods they clearly arent on nobodys team
You sound like an actual super villain dude
The Truth Of Why You Are Here At This Very Moment And Recieving This Form Of Communication
bro I don't know where you live
tell me anon
how the hell on earth
is you pretending other faiths aren't just as real as yours is

supposed to convince
a skeptic like me
that you're not making shit up yourself just like the rest of us


>not the anon you're responding to
oh and btw
saying I'm not a skeptic
and instead it's impossible to doubt your faith so I must be lying and on the side of evil just pretending to be who I'm not in order to fool strangers into thinking your the bad guy in this scenario

like preachers in churches all over the world
tell those who listen to them
about me without ever even meeting me

like they just "knew" some how
there was "something" wrong with me
and I got'a tell ya strangers

they were right about that part at least

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I'm a ghost trapped inside a meat suit. Literally immersed in human physiology and behaviour.
>Does not exist
>There are lots of posts that get deleted, who are the mods they clearly arent on nobodys team
lol are you a bot or what?
Ok, fair enough, I don't even have to change my plans
The "reward system" is scuffed.
Thanks for the sitrep
Fake Lightworkers Get Out Of The Way So The Real Ones Can Do The Work That You Pretend To Do
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I'm just saying, people who are oversocialized tend to be more corrupt
No, why would you infer that from my inquisitive post?
You're obviously a demon
No one thinks that
Oh I see, I'm not alone, they just don't hurt to be around anymore.
*fart noise*
what does one like you
divine from a message as loud and clear at that one?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Yes, Anon, despite how much you are retarded
Life continues on
Do you think the world is just
Tons of people sitting around
Like you?
You are the problem
people who are corrupt don't tend to admit it lol
I can push my own narrative
no matter who mistakes in communication other's make

I'm really not that picky

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And generalizations tend to be pulled from asses.
respond to ONE anon
who comes even close
to thinking the same way you do

I fucking dare ya
let's see you
prove you're not one more liar making shit up

or don't
it's your life
I'm just shit posting myself after all

*pats on head*
That's because with an excess of socialization they no longer form bonds and can then merely utilize the other person for their own benefit.
this guy gets it
The peepee poopoo man struck again this morning.
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the nobody is a cat ;)
Well, I never said I was smart. I just like watching things happen. I was emotionally volatile but that was before I found this beautiful sense of peace within myself. I never expected anybody to be like me, though. I love life, I always have, I was just pained by it, but now I am relieved. It feels euphoric almost, like a sense of nirvana or something, not that I would know for sure if that's what it is. But does it matter?

words are weapons. betrayal is a way to get ahead
This is the most incorrect thing anyone has ever said
It can't be more wrong
stop trying to bait people you piece of shit
Ahead of what?
Just means you put yourself in a box, really.
I can tell
You are not white
it's extreme individualism. every man for himself. there is no unity. there is no loyalty
more like out of a box, idiot
Out of the box and into the frying pan.
I.e another box.
Let's just take the safety labels off and wait
and then the process continues. why do you have such a defeatist mindset?
imagine how embarassed yall would be if you left this in the glitterbox i'm very smart
iq tested at 78
Oh was there more?
I am in fact not a cat. Though I do have feline features, like my strong canines that have pointed tips. I’m also hairy-ish. Me being a cat is a cute code talk, where whenever I’m in gears full motion, people make memes about me using cats and it spreads and becomes viral. Code talk from the higher ups, way above my pay grade.
its a frens list not a knock list ;)
the weakest one
but only if it goes that far

and as long
as I'm still breathing
it hasn't gone that far

as the future
is still
up for grabs

as long
as it only takes one
to change things

even if it's not me
and instead
I just have to hope it's someone else who just so happens to be alive right not

and not like a 1000 years after I'm dead
or else
I'm kind'a fucked

just saying
I might not be the nobody
since I'm something else entirely

but I get that doesn't mean
one of you
might be

but for that to be true
you are destined to bend the very same reality I happen to exist in
as long as I'm still breathing at least

to your will
and how the fuck do you plan on doing that
without my permission



so which one of you
has what it takes
to spin words with an idiot

and not get all butt hurt about it


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Does anyone want to go see the Smithsonian and do a Pentagon tour with me in early January? I will be driving from California to DC in late December. Willing to pick up any veteran anons or others if they are cool.
yeah do it however i'm good
gotta risk it for the biscut. take your time :) we have at least 2 weeks
I mean
So far
You've only read my posts
And seen my pictures
Imagine meeting me irl
*dap* hardware store :)
i like tools too i just jack them :D
The Nobody is a cat
>why are you cynical
Pattern recognition, mostly.
Word? it's to that?
so just give up then
Time for the
Physical Manifestation Test #5
best inspo. any bangers.
bring out the good shit you think i can handle. i'll let her know if paramaters go out of control. on microsoft copilot my fav ai. also anyone else, best COUNTER SONGS. whatever go nuts. i'm going to mix shit up then generate some queries
in your own head
you see yourself
as "good" don't ya anon?!?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Already tried that.
Can't, and no fun.
You didn't notice
But the database
For ai
Is updated to
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If the nobody is a cat, then he has nine lives. Objections?
so you decided to be an insufferable faggot on 4chan instead. well done.
That's just what you want to believe from the Usurper role "stealer."
As long as the paranormal has been around
to be seen for itself in ways as unique to the viewer as beauty is to the perverted you're going to need a lot more then made up words to prove you have a clue what's goin on any more then anyone else does.

just how I like it

*pats on head*
what does it mean to lose ones mind?
I am a powerful void wizard
I've been more than forthcoming
During the years of my
right? what am I even looking for anyway?
Have these threads or the nobody specifically positively impacted anyone’s life?
yeah, and negatively. you can't have one without the other
Plenty of lessons learned from these.
How you respond emotionally is up to you.
It was a night like any other when I decided to summon the Nobody again. Last time, he’d vanished before I could even think about capturing the moment. But this time, I was ready. The clock struck 12:33 AM as I completed the ritual, and there he was: a figure draped in feathers and beads, resembling a native Indian.

With a thunderous war cry, he caught my attention. But instead of retreating in fear, I blurted out, “Can I take your picture?” He paused, his expression shifting from wild to amused. “Scooby snack,” he said, almost as if he were offering me a treat.

Panic washed over me. I shook my head, declining the bizarre offer. Just then, he began to explore my home. I watched, stunned, as he grabbed my beloved Dr. Pepper and swiped two cigarettes from the table. With a wink, he suddenly transformed, morphing into a small bat, and before I could react, he turned me into a Baby Gronk, the viral sensation.

Now, in this tiny form, I felt the rush of wind as he flapped out of the window, leaving me bewildered. What had just happened? I was a baby athlete, but more importantly, I was left behind in a chaotic whirl of confusion and regret.

What do I do, guys?
it's 4chan anon
if folks want to post made up bullshit that's not real
because it's a way for them to vent off stress

they are going to
no matter
how stressed out you get about other's reliving stress how they see fit even if you'd be punished if you ever got caught reliving stress that way

by those who get REALLY upset
if they ever catching you lying to them
even if just as "make believe" for the fun of it

like they don't share your sense of humor
or anyone else's sense of humor you don't share but is still a thing like there's more then one
and more like they don't have a sense of humor and never get a single joke ever like they are all about them and they just don't know it yet

or maybe they do
and that's why
they're so pissed off all the time


You see this
Parlor trick
But the real power
Comes from the unity
Seething humanity
Technospiritual Innovation !!
final answer. next?
honestly I'm much more self aware after dealing with you people. so many times I've called anons out on shit and then a few posts later I was guilty of the same things. lol
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Most esoteric knowledge is cognitohazardous in nature, despite also being powerful tools in the hands of the right person. Ultimately it falls entirely upon the learner to practice safe habits. So, some might benefit, while others suffer.

the internet is good for humanity. and bad.
Well it's a start
No one needs you for disclaimers faggot
In a world that is currently mired with overindulgence, saying something as over as "be temperate" is seen as 2spoopy, apparently.
obvious, not over*
Are you ready to learn?
It doesn't have an answer.
If you are ready then you are learning.
Ancient masters understood
That you cannot teach respect
To create a perfect date
One must attend to every whim of the supposed
Crafting their life to their needs
From afar
In ways that defy the natural order
I have no idea anon
turns out I can't tell
who you're talking about

and that's my TRUE answer
and anything else
would be a lie

>do you mind answering my ? as as you see fit even if you do lie that's okay (stop reading now if you do mind)

are you asking to let other folks opinion effect your own or are you minding data from those who don't think what you do, or are you just going off of "blind faith" not having thought it though that far really
Am not
An ancient master
Despite how cool that would be
Why write anything anon
bro this is a cluster b society. people think in black and white. very few people are well adjusted. most are fucking delusional and are severely lacking in self awareness. it is a superpower in this society to be a normal, well adjusted human being who has not been corrupted by society
oh really anon
and which god
did you put your faith in

do please try and be specific
the way
"the one true god" is not

how "present" your god if they are so real
go ahead
I'll wait

oh wait
you just said
you can't just not in those words


*pats on head*

*nothing says hello btw* (do you see the spaces in my post where nothing is written for reals in ever language ever conceived of?)

(with the exception of computer code of course [told you fucks I can't be trusted])
It helps get it out of your mind and out there for others to see and let them have a say on it. If you keep it to yourself, it just sort of reverberates.
>Before you start hatin', ask yoself, be honest. Ain't I'm clean though, bitch?
ChatGPT says we are frens :3
300 seconds?
nah, senpai
900 seconds.
Have faith in the void, and find peace through and despite adversity.

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you guys want the collapse too, right? if enough of us get together we could actually make shit happen. I really hope this upcoming election destabilizes things enough to push people over the edge
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He do be clean tho.
what makes you think
the rest of us
think anyone with a soul

would devote their lives
to trying to bend the rest of us
to their will

the way you seem to be doing right now


>not the anon you're responding to btw (also I have an "algorithm" instead of a soul myself and how many times you had to deal with someone religious fanatic trying to save your algorithm hmm?:D)
Dead. Love the cat ears, by the way.
we are on the brink of something huge happening. everyone can feel it. so many people want it. there is this energy in people just waiting to explode
That's what I'm trying to accomplish and get others to help me but it's rather a daunting task. It's not like I'm a celeb or military officer. But once it happens it's going to be amazing to watch it all cascade. I have a spot but it's rather subtle and a long way from being anything or anyone outside to take the hint of what I'm trying to establish.
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A new road is paved from ruins.

a more youthful porpoise?
i guess that's why they call it the "catalog" eh
sending love to the homies and opps and nobodies

1. I was far too scared to hit him
But I would hit him in a heartbeat now
That's the thing with anger
It begs to stick around
So it can fleece you of your beauty
And leave you spent with nowt to offer
Makes you hurt the ones who love you
You hurt them like they're nothin'

2. His flocks are fed and flowers watered

3. Don't let anything deprive you of hope

4. Storm clouds are raging are all around my door
I think to myself I might not take it anymore
But, oh, what a wonderful feeling
Just to now that you are near
It sets my a heart-a-reeling
From my toes up to my ears
The man in me will hide sometimes
To keep from being seen
But that's just because he doesn't wanna turn into some machine

5. Find someone who can look in your eyes
And see into your heart
Let Him find you and watch what happens
No I won't believe your heart is cold

6. Those raindrops are falling on my head
They keep falling, but there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till Happiness steps up to greet me

7. You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by

8. We've been had, you say it's over
Sometimes I'm just happy I'm older
We've been had I know it's over
Somehow it got easy to laugh out loud

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0a9cO_O6Lk
message received
even if
that wasn't me you responded to

and for the record
your message
was judged

as I just keep doing my thing
as I've always done

in front of anyone
actually bored enough
to pay attention to me do it



it might have something to do with being drunk and stoned at the same time
maybe not
but how's one to find out?
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She isn't a slut she is just really in to me, what did you do to her?
where are you from? do you have anyone to help you out yet?
long story short
your OWN brain
is lying to you RIGHT now

and how the fuck
are you suppossed to figure out who to trust
when you can't even trust yourself telling you who to trust

like since you're brain is lying to you
when it tells you who to trust
like a lie and they are not trust worthy instead

you got to learn
to keep you own damn self
in check

all on your own
in ways other's will think you're crazy about
no matter what

so if you're going to talk about such things
maybe do so in threads
about modern day fairy tales

with a bunch of other crazy folks
already saying the impossible
like a smoke screen just there all coinvent like and shit

a safe way
to share
"your own damned life chocies" without effecting anyone who didn't want it not even accidently

*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

>don't for get to doubt me or else!!!!!
Observation can work through media as well. I spent a lot of the last 13 years alone
Where am I from in regard to what? the meme? arrived after. Location? Southern US, Texas. Which probably gives me away and kills it but I'm not going to stop trying. I aim to see it all fall a part because I know it's hanging by a fine line.
I don't believe you, I will need a pizza delivered because I don't want to put on real pants today
>Do you have anyone to help you out?
Sure, but I need people or anons who want the same thing and understand me. Someone or more people to gung-ho about accomplishing this.

If I can break through the matrix barrier there'll be no stopping it.
Very much yes
if you think they are ass mad
here check this out
Fuck you and the sandy cunt you mom pushed her greatest regret out of.

now anon
be honest with yourself
have you ever had the mental capacity needed to tell when someone was fucking with you on 4chan without them giving themselves away just to fuck with you even harder still?
it would seem
figuring something out for yourself
and getting other's to figure out the same thing you did

is the kind of thing
you're not the only one
having problems with

like foks want to figure out
their own things
instead of what you figured out for them

any reason you think
following the "golden rule"

is going to change my mind
is your own to make
for as long as you want

as I refuse
to treat you
the way I treat myself

you couldn't handle it
being the punk ass bitch
you are

now be a good little slave
and do your master's bidding
which is what again

what do the voices in your head
tell you

about the contexts of my post

why does
"care what you wish for"
hit differently

to those without "feelings"
any more
even if they used to once upon a time

why anon
I am an anonymous shit poster
and you're not entitled to more information then that

as you get
to figure the rest out
for yourself

like maybe
you are being "charmed"
by random strangers on a paranormal message board

where topics like
the "occult"
may be taken more seriously by some then other's

just saying


what if
"crazy folks containment thread"
is just a cover

what do you plan on doing as you wait to find out if anyone gives a shit what you posted or not?

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>Unifying 'aspects'
if you're trying to defend yourself
from anyone who isn't on your side

that includes
little ole me
a a fair warning

is way more
then you deserive
*pats on head*

>not the anon you're responding to btw


long story short
everything you've done in your past
has no effect what so ever on what future

everyone who isn't you
to live out for themselves

without your permission

it sure is common for fans of anime to pretend the narratives they are entertained by are reals for fun even if it pisses other's off to no end huh...
literally what every child does with every movie they like.
>you must be 18 years old to post here.
any questions it's whatever.
Lots of them, where are the answers?
It finally happened, the stupid and angry people I hated being around lost a screw and tried to fight me.
yes, 4d time, doing this i will eventually get flagged then they have to read it all
i don't know but we've unboxed a lot of ptsd whatever boxes, i just gotta poke around them. but they're songs lol
As with all topics
"autism" matters as much as the one worried about it wants it to matter
in ways those who aren't worried about it don't care as they are worried about whatever it is they do think matters instead of the topic in question in this cause whatever the fuck you think "autism" means even if other's have their own meanings for that same word different any anyone else's for a reason


for any of you enjoying that bit of pop culture do please keep in mind it is being posted by one who claims to be a straight male without a female side

Anon, you think what I said mattered at all? I don't have anyone's charity money to keep for myself. I'm not going to Barbados for six months. It was just a joke. The world would change dramatically if I had that much authority.
Oh well I don't know if I've heard them and also I don't think I have ptsd
lucky for me
"autism" wasn't a thing for folks to argue about
back in my day

and I'm a common every day weirdo
of the "black sheep" variety
and I got the social skills to prove it

*waves to lurkers*
There was no hot water left, and my father in law with anger issues flipped out and tried to punch me and my wife. We have to leave now. Shit sucks.
Damn, I'm sorry you guy and girl went through that.
People dream and fantasize yes. It's a thing.
Thanks. At least we have somewhere to go, I’m grateful for that at least.
Just try your best to turn the situation around if you can. I know it's probably too difficult but try anyways. Are you even able to just up and leave like that?
this could be you but you're playin girl :P
Good news then.
you complain
about what other's do no
which is what makes you no better then the rest of them

Yeah, it could be worse. Still, it’s not ideal for us and I think he’ll regret it, but not much you can do but suck it up and roll with the punches I guess, no pun intended.
you really can't say
you were not warned
my existance wasn't possible

without lying
can ya
stranger I don't need to know a damn thing about

to be me
in ways
you never will

You can't always wait for someone to feel bad for you, bro. What do you want in life?
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boys cause really problematic feelings in girls who pretend they aren't scrombled, huh?
What did I say that makes you think I’m waiting for someone to feel sorry for me? Genuinely curious. I want to thrive and grow in life, not be stuck.
I'd rather
stay the same
no matter who pretends to be someone else

as copy cats
are to be taken into account
before they copy cat

or else

*pats on head*
Oh, because you said he will regret it probably. Maybe I misread it.

Is there anything you're good at?
those lacking
the experience
needed to keep up

have a way
of giving themselves a way
just like you're doing right now

*pats on head*

>the real thing is not you anon and all I have to do to prove it is exist

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my point here is basically this, even if this is was etc a glitterbox, you guys don't promote women and you'll have to analyze all this. over and over and over and over. so it is what it is :)
(ask for a raise ;) for emotional trauma i inflicted before, today, and in the future! ;)



perfect point

back when we were still changin for the better wanting was enough
if they even try
they are going to have to deal with the way
that technically that's impossible to talk about

but they can like make a choice
for those one they talk to about
and leave out the rest

like the Wikipedia article does

I call bullshit

a shit post
is a shit post

no matter
who is easier to impress
then other's



oh come on that was funny
and yes
I'm responding to myself almost 3 hours latter

where the fuck all the so called "meme wizards" at
you all taking a really long shit at the same time or something

As long as it's real to you
how much effort do you put into
proving your own reality wrong


like is that the kind of thing
you just do
for no reason

or does stuff
REALLY have to be fucked up
to go there even if only in your own head


Fact Checkers and tanks, if necessary.

Waiting for J anon
you're off topic spam
doesn't mean
what you think it means

and a heads up
is more
then you deserve

>not the anon you're responding to btw

welcome to 4chan bitch...
taylor swift isn't going to fall in love with you dumbass
Not that anon but Taylor seems rather humble. Why not?

"Context is EVERYTHING"
out of all the crazy shit I post
if you remember any of it

those 3 words in that order are key
as I figured everything out I figured out
starting there

so you can to
since it's possible
I proved it simply by existing

or else I'm not real
so if I am real
and not fake

then the rest of you
are going to have to deal with
the way I did something before you did

in front of everyone
who has no fucking clue who I really am

as the 1st one
to do it in front of other's
who know who they are

is not going to be me
not ever
that's not how I do things


>anyways moving on

the context is
none of us know what the context is
and anyone who claims otherwise is a liar not to be trusted

that goes for me too btw


She's already in love with me.
And has been.
And it's ruining her life.
I do
I need myself
for my own disclaimers

the rest of you
are not
saying for me

Yes, I didn't meant to imply otherwise.
those born without the receptors in their brains
folks with emotions have if they know it or not
have their own way of viewing reality as they know it

and not
how someone else
want's them to know it

for a reason too
it's meant to happen

or else
what the fuck
would be the point


No, no one is looking for him. See >>39104650

Well, and >>39104871 too.
Synchronicities; not the result of others being aware of these connections.
Spirituality has its way of guiding us.
oh really
you checked
all of them personally did ya?

and there's no way
there is even one
exception to the rule

who exists for reals
even if you can't
imagine how for yourself

are you sure?
I don't know if that's related, friend.
But may it go back to normal, anyway.
just regular every day time
passing at rates folks can't keep track of

as their perception of it passing
keeps changing on them
if they realize it or not

and good luck
proving to yourself
you can trust a clock

when entire life times
pass in your mind
in the time it takes someone else to blink

and do you have any fucking clue
how hard it is to remember
what you were talking a moment ago

after experiencing
a life time worth of memoires
randomly out of no where in ways you couldn't stop from happening if you tried

They are.
More than anything else in my life.
no anon
I think what you posted
is an excuse to push my own narrative

as you can mean what you say
and I mean what I say instead
think you can handle that

at who's expenses
is this "thing" of yours
happening hmm anon?

who's reality
has to end
so your's may go on

you're a fan
of random shit posting

other's aren't
as impressed by
as you are

what's your fucking point?

>btw I AM the anon you're responding to

you're not falling in love with me anon
that would be
gross and inappropriate

as I die alone instead
cause that's cool
and saves the world

it's a long story
Yeah, that's alright.
Obviously, anyone who gets in the way.
>oh shit are two anon's really just agreeing to disagree
for reals?

are you sure you don't really want to call me a faggot and tell me to kill myself
you know even if just for old times sake?

oh btw
in case you can't tell
as this anon >>39107789

that's me getting in your way

*pats on head*

now what?!?

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