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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.






Consider the following:

>A targeted individual is a person who has been singled out because of his or her activism, whistle-blowing, or political/ideological dissent.
>Gangstalking usually happens when a person that has commited no crimes is defamed in some way.
>Neighborhood watch and other untrained opinionated vigilantes are the obvious offenders of gangstalking, including official or unofficial political groups etc.

Tactics used include:

1. illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle)
2. illegal wiretapping
3. illegal investigation of all personal and private documents including medical and financial records
4. waves of criminal activity including vandalism, poisoning, break-ins, theft and sexual assault
5. hacking of all electronic devices
6. harassing phone calls, texts & emails
7. redirects to gang-stalkers when the target calls for help or assistance
8. organized harassment & stalking (by law enforcement, private security firms and ordinary citizens)
9. being ostracized by entire communities based on slander and rumors (usually outright lies said about that person)

Previous thread: https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39063645#bottom
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reminder that InfraGard is literally a gangstalking organization
About time someone made a new thread. Do the perps mainly target chosen ones?
Portland gangstalkers are a lot more stylish than Toronto gangstalkers. Maybe because being a witch with a third eye tattoo on your forehead is more culturally normalized in weird Portland.
i don't know what a chosen one is, but I've seen craigslist ads for "information dissemination" jobs straight from the governement. i think there are people in my life who get some kind of kickback for watching me. they get really interested in me and tell me to smile more, but then as soon as i change jobs or move or something they don't even talk to me at all. it's locationally based in that way

had this guy come to another state just to get a stupid factory job at the same exact position as myself. he clearly had less of an idea of what to do than myself and I was new! he's spraining his wrist, knocked a tooth out, and generally falling apart while telling me to smile more and to not worry. it was irony to the max. another guy would deliberately write shit like "two weeks" on things near me and tell me I was on drugs all the time. I don't miss that job but it was interesting to have at least two watchers at once. as it turns out, the government really doesn't like us working at pipe factories and InfraGard probably keeps them updated on what's going on
> had this guy come to another state just to get a stupid factory job at the same exact position as myself
I was at a very low paying shit job and they literally had FOUR different guys all from four different states about an average of 1250 miles away from me get jobs with me. They would play good cop bad cop on me and one was even a nigger former criminal. They all weirdly quit at about the same time. Well one I think got fired and then their whole operation was fractured. Anyone ever get female perps. Do hot female perps exist?

It's like the Truman Show, but there are more Trumans. I think it is a game, with a hidden betting market. Think of all the things they could bet on.
i think women are scared to be watchers. never had a female one. but yes, it was like that. they did sorta do a good/bad thing come to think of it. that's the most pronounced time I ever had it happen. i work nights alone now but there's cameras all over my workplace and honestly, i prefer that to having a watcher I have to interact with. i think they're okay with me just being on camera. i joked on /pol/ about being scared of zipties and used my boss's name and guess what he asked me to help with the very next day. you can't make this shit up. that's before I switched to nights.
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>had this guy come to another state just to get a stupid factory job at the same exact position as myself
Smae thing happened to me except even more stupid.

>be on a mental health ward for 1 week
>while there this guy in a black hoodie on the sofa watching football on his phone
>says 'alright mate' to me say alright back
>get discharged and return home
>several months later start new job
>guy from mental health ward is there
>didn't realise it was him at first
>somehow I remember and just know it is him
>one day he comes to work with an injury
>several months later whilst gangstalking is really bad wake up one day with that exact same injury
>no way I could of gotten that injury
>only way I could of gotten it is if someone came into my property whilst I was asleep, drugged me and injured me
>he's gonna make another twelve 4chan posts!
>$500 in!
>he's not going to get banned even for that one
>$5000 in!
shit. i believe you. and yes, I've been in the psych ward. i think that triggers this gangstalking shit for many people. they want to keep tabs on us.

david dees was massively gangstalked and they would use thermal guns to see when he fell asleep then come in and make art with his shoes or such
come to think of it, i met my neighbor in the psych ward. i couldn't believe it until i saw her address on her wristband or something. i mean... what are the odds of that? i never even brought it up because it was so weird. she taught me how to play farkle/10000 and it was the only time she wasn't massively paranoid. my first time in. i wonder if radon was leaking there or something
They have been gangstalking me for years, during this time they were definitely coming into my place and doing stuff while I was asleep.

Some times I'd wake up and Google maps would be open on my phone (even though I hadn't opened it) and it would be set to places I know or have been. One time I woke up and Google maps was open and showing an old address where my mom used to live, another time it showed a shop miles away where I'd ordered something from online. I'd never actually been to that shop, only ever ordered from it online once.
This is the shop btw
damn, we're not even the same country? this shit goes hard. USA here. I'm quite certain that InfraGard is part of the USA branch.
Gangstalking is an international thing, if you look on youtube you can find people from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, UK, US, China, Russia and other countries all saying the same things are happening to them as you see people saying on here.

The government or whoever is behind it at the top level want to control people on masses. Gangstalking is there way of doing it.

Sad that the people on the street level doing this to people don't realise that on the larger scale they are creating a government controlled world where everyone can be manipulated and controlled.

Gangstalking has been a thing for 80+ years in some form or other. With AI and the technology that exists today it can be done even easier and from a distance and undetected.

Hope you are enjoying the future world you are creating faggots, you are probably being controlled yourself and you don't even know it.
gangstalking and the internet especially go hand-in-hand. i think the internet made it possible to start discussing it. i am unaware of BBSs with gangstalking info sadly but i am looking. lots of "AIDS is fake" stuff from that time
This is the first time I’ve heard of that game farkle. When I was in the psych hospital they had a 9.5/10 fake blonde chick come join us. I don’t know if it was a trap of sorts but she was fine. Do people hook up often in the ward? The medicine probably doesn’t help things but they say don’t stick your dick in crazy but we that have gone through this know that people in the ward are often the most sane.
often. even with hipaa laws we found ways. we all got together afterward, like four or five of us. lol. Almost dated a chick but too much alcohol

I'm off to bed soon. It's 3 am here.
Have a good sleep with a drizzle of x dreams. I’m a neet so I decided to stay up late since there is nothing much to wake up early for. I pretty much saved a life today but will get no visible financial award since he wasn’t a billionaire and everyone’s broke cash wise. Thinking of that I’m glad I’m not a cop or paramedic or something. Think of how many lives they save and likely didn’t get cash money for it even if the old man they help or whomever is a millionaire. No wonder society is collapsing.
Thanks-- I work early nights so it's just my bedtime. It's unfortunate that social cohesion is collapsing. We trust our devices more than our neighbors. People don't date in the real world anymore, even though apps have no incentive to get good matches together as they are then married and gone from the app.This is some serious cyberpunk dystopia we are living rn.
> Gangstalking has been a thing for 80+ years in some form or other.
In a way I’m fortunate to of been GS’ed just a few years ago. I didn’t know at the time what GSing was but I was fortunate to find out what happened when I shared some of my story online. Hopefully I can help future targets by informing them on this topic so the perps tactics don’t work as well on them. I don’t even want to imagine the hell people pre-internet went through with no one to share their story with that would believe them and whatnot.

As to the international aspect… I think most countries are fake. Like football teams, they’re all part of the same league. All the owners are in bed together. They only start wars when they want to thin the herd of the countries involved in the war.
> I've been in the psych ward. i think that triggers this gangstalking shit for many people. they want to keep tabs on us.
Could be on to something there. For me it started and then I was freaked out bc I didn’t know what was going on. So after two weeks about I got so scared that I went to the cops and they suggested I go to the psych ward. I didn’t listen but the fear grew stronger so I went. Then they drugged me up in the ward and things got even worse for a bit. Eventually things stabilized but they were still messing with me in there. Then when I finally was released after about two weeks I thought things would get better but I was way wrong. They upped the fear and tactics five fold and it was terrible. If it wasn’t for my grandma and the Bible and Jesus I wouldn’t of made it through. It lasted a good four months. Then one day it just stopped. Like they ran out of evil tricks.
Had an appointment booked with Pam at Prue Earl House from CRS/Ingeus today originally at 3pm

Get a text message yesterday telling me it has changed to 2:30pm

She calls me and changes the time again for 1pm.

Pretty sure she isn't the real Pam I'm supposed to be seeing.
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My step dad and a bunch of other Hispanic co workers have singled me out and ostracized me from any group or community bonding. They use being a “True Mexican” as one reason to dislike me as I’m a white ass American.

What can I do bros? I cannot talk to them even if I tried. I call this one dude Patrick Star because of how retarded he can be. For the life of me I can’t talk about sports and gambling to get along.

It’s hard bros but I’ll thug it out
>gangstalker waiting around the corner, expecting me at exactly 9:05
>never arrive
>walks home with head down
Walk past some guys earlier he says 'hi boss' like where're in MGSV.

Some other guy walks past later on staring at me for some reason as if trying to scare me or something.

What the fuck is wrong with these idiots?
i'm pretty sure the acorn cop is a case of a neuro weapon being used on someone, he probably thought the whole hood was out to get him. otherwise that behavior just doesn't make any sense.

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>trying to gangstalk a-ko
i have most likely been/am gangstalked. but i don't care. they know i am powerful and sexy. i have been fucked with subtlety, under the guise of "banter" my whole life.
they slowly push me from jobs, isolate me etc. but i just don't care. they are going to hell and i will get the last laugh. most of them even took the vax! LOL
Rare real post. Rest of you like >>39136103 have such thick skulls that I don't even know how the glownigger electromagnetic radiation works on you. No one is waiting for you at the corner, your glowniggers are hoping you accost said dude on the corner so you end up in jail or a ward.
This is how it works. You see a man, and glowies will put a thought into your head like "he's suspicious" or "he's watching you". It will feel as if you had the thought yourself to the point it will be indistinguishable. To really up the paranoia they will also make it sound like you are hearing these people talk about you. That's the "voices" people talk about but during electronic harassment. You however won't think you're hearing voices, you'll think you're actually hearing people talking. That's because you're in the gangstalking phase and not the electronic harassment phase. This is easy for them to simulate because they can make it appear as if these voices are coming form above you, through a wall, across the way, etc. Watch X files season 2 episode blood. This is literally what they are doing minus the elctronic display and instead their using actual subliminal messaging, mind control, and v2k. You may also hear banging or knocking sounds that sound indistinguishable from it actually happening to up the "real" factor.
100% glownigger op. See >>39137486
>banging sounds indistinguishable from it actually happening
That's why you don't hear anything in the video. Only the cop would have "heard" it.
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Hey yo it's me!
You know who.

With some updates on my last attack of yesterday :

As you can see they stopped immediately after I went to find the source of the EMF waves.

Like the fucking fags they are.

Also, new thread theme :
Hey feds,

Next month I go the Church of Scientology and tell them the whole story. Including everything going on now. They already took the bait.
how do i make them leave me alone lmao
i just want to play videogames
but they keep fucking with all my shit
when i got my edibles im good desu but i am poor and cant afford jack shit lmao
I'm getting targeted badly. They are doing stuff to my brain. I bought shielding clothing but it doesn't work, and they put mocking songs in my head. What do I do? I just want a normal like again. I am scared for my life.
>I am scared for my life
Don't be, they want you to be scared. They want to make you feel bad, they want to impact on you as much as they can psychologicaly.

They have on a fake IT course and have spent 3hrs a night Mon - Thurs for like 2 whole months putting a retarded act like the sad pathetic little retards they are.

This shit is becoming so prevalent I'm really starting to suspect this technology leaked and superpowers are using it against each others citizens as some sort of Neuro-war. It's becoming so prevalent to the point it seems absurdly stupid of the glowniggers who would have an enormous motive to keep this technology secret. The more I think about it the more it falls in line with how this tech seems to operate. Framing innocent people sometimes resulting in death. Targeting people with pasts or presents that would result in the greatest reaction. What would governments even do in response? Alert the public? That would be an even greater disaster.
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Yes I am right and they can't handle it.

They are throwing tempertantrums over it and throwing their toys out the pram.

Stalker, predators, abusers, dirty corrupt motherfuckers. They are the criminals, the scum, the sad little pricks.

Hiding away amongst a group of God knows how many of them abusing their power of authority to target and abuse one guy who is no harm to anyone. A guy who has never harmed anyone, never stalked anyone and never would either.

Deprived them of a life, money, food, jobs, done nothing but target someone to abuse and torture

Come at me glowies, I'm right here, right now. Go ahead and harm me, throw me in prison, prove to everyone just how much of a criminal, psychotic, narcissistic scum you all are. Keep hiding away in your group abusing and torturing me. Keep being dirty coppers, corrupt probation officers, corrupt council workers, corrupt dwp staff and all the rest of little scummy shits.

You have no moral high ground over me, you have no justification for what you have all done to me, you have committed crimes of the highest order against me and still you continue to torture and abuse me.

>b-but we are the good guys
No you are not, you are evil scum who prey on vaunrable people so you can abuse and torture them.
Human torture, abuser, criminal scum, corrupt motherfucker.

Kill yourselves.
it's almost as if it's a very common psychological delusion, and isn't region locked.
Yes anon, thousands of people all over the world are all experiencing the exact same psychological delusion.
So last night's retardation on my IT cours, 'tutor' talking about encryption. Specifically https and cookies, says 'we no longer send text over the internet'.

Hyper Terminal Text Protocol Secure.

He just keeps pretending to be retarded or he truly is retarded, either way Sabah, you are retarded. How can you not know what https is? You have spoken about it previously on the course and about port 443.

Please continue to be retarded, you make me laugh you sad little man.
This was the question being discussed

"Securing Cookies (encryption): Secure transmission of web cookies can be achieved through HTTPS (TLS) and by setting the Secure attribute on cookies, which instructs browsers to only send the cookie over secure connections, thus protecting it from being intercepted by attackers during transmission."
I've been gangstalked from 2017... they leave me alone for the most part now, but for the first 3 years it was pure torture... I remember in the beginning of all of this, one of the people that was messing with me I knew was a Freemason from when I was younger.. He was subtly messing with me, seemed to be trying to fish information out of me, but I straight up asked him one day "is this some kinda gangstalking shit?"

After I asked him, his eyes lit up, and he replied "oh, you know!?" which freaked me out. He then asked me if I had ever heard of anyone getting charged with "administering a noxious substance." ... I hadn't, but I quickly googled it and saw that it can land you 2 to 20 years in prison here in Canada... A couple days later, I was administered my first noxious substance... It gave me extreme anxiety and mental distress... familiar settings looked foreign and I was having trouble putting words together to form a sentence to speak... my brain just wasn't working properly with whatever I had ingested... my pupils dilated very big too from whatever this was, while the medication I normally take should make my pupils small. The effects wore off after about 8 to 10 hours and I finally started feeling normal again... the next day, upon drinking the same liquid medication, the exact same effects hit me all over again... So I went back to the clinic to see my doctor to demand that they refill my prescription and fix whatever they had done to this batch, or I was going to take it to the RCMP across the street a block or 2 down. After I said this, the doctor quickly grabbed the medication off of the table, and agreed to give me a new prescription, but told me I couldn't get it filled there anymore.

This was just the beginning... 2017...

Over the next 3 years, on top of dealing with crazy street theatre bullshit, I was poisoned with at least 15 different noxious substances, over 1000 times individually.

Anyone else get the noxious substances?
So much disinformation in these types of threads. Red herrings left and right. Remember guys, this shit gets old after a while once the shock value wears off. Figure things out on your own.
>I was administered my first noxious substance...

Scopolamine? I have nearly every single symptom listed for Scopolamine on drugs.com. I even have dreams of being paralyzed and people coming into my bedroom and dripping something in my mouth.
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>I even have dreams of being paralyzed and people coming into my bedroom and dripping something in my mouth.
What do you take before bed? You are clearly being involved with astral beings.
Nothing, I've cut out all drugs and all supplements, but I still get paralyzed. Last time I got paralyzed I was wide awake in bed and I hear a car alarm-like sound outside through my window, I figured it was just a car at the parking lot, then it starts sounding like multiple car alarms are going off and I figured the first triggered others, then it starsts sounding like I can hear the alam sound is "seeking" as I can hear the sound rotating around my room, finally it locks onto my head and I hear a super loud alarm sound that sounds like a smoke alarm and my entire body is paralyzed, only thing I can do at that point is say the Lord's Prayer and after about 10-15 seconds it stops, then a short while after that I hear a car drive off from right outside my bed room, I am certain I was targeted with some form of directional psychotronic weapon.
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v2k or voice to skull is a real technology they can field.

But not all sleep paralysis are bad, sometimes they can be nice. I have on occasions received backrubs, massages, and a female visitor.
In those occasions they would be considered "witch riding"
Me and everyone in my family have been subjected to trauma based mind control and everyone have dissasociate disorders, I can astral project on will if I want, but I stopped doing it because I think it's part of dissasociation, I don't know what's happening to me when I'm away from my body and practically every OBE I've ever had is demonic.
Reminder to all glowniggers, we have stopped gang stalking to anyone who goes outside and screams "COME AT ME NIGGERS!" The meeting happened a week ago. We are simply tired of stalking these retards.
All I could find really on what parts of the brain are possibly in affect.

No, I don't think I've ever been dosed with scopolamine... I don't think these substances are well known to the average person... they're like drugs... but cause pain and discomfort instead of pleasure.. I don't think the point of the noxious substances is to kill you or anything... I think it's just part of the torture.. I don't even like to say that I'm a TI or a victim of gangstalking because people usually think gangstalking is being done by X, Y or Z for a variety of reasons that I don't agree with... but by definition, being stalked or harrassed by 3 or more people is considered gang stalking... so I am technically a victim of it. Mine is all in relation to Freemasonry... that much I know... I often wonder if "gangstalknig" is just Freemasons "Practicing the Craft" on people... I don't know 100% though...

As for these noxious substances though... I can list some symptoms...

> One felt like some kind of soap or detergent or something... it would make me burp a lot and have abdominal discomfort...
> One would make light and sound much more intense... to the point that your own heartbeat is deafening and the light of a candle in a dark room seems super bright... very uncomfortable.
> One would make my heart pound in my chest, not fast, not heart palpitations... just a strong pounding in your chest, and it would make my feet really cold and sweaty, as it made me feel exhausted, as if my body weighed a million pounds.. and when I would sleep after being administered this substance, I would sweat it out in big beads of sweat all over, but my sweat would burn like acid, and leave rashes
> Either straight estrogen or some sort of endocrine disruptor would make my breasts hurt and my penis shrivel up, while also giving me diarrhea
> Sedatives.. just knock you unconscious..

This might sound crazy... but it's all 100% true. these are just the effects of some of the substances off the top of my head..
Not sure if I have been gangstalked, or it was just my imagination. Maybe I was just crazy, you tell me.

-When I moved alone to an apartament in late 2017, things started going badly.

-There was a bald man that randomely insulted on the streets, and later I saw him observing me outside of the apartament complex.

-Randomly hear noises in the other room of my apartament, but when I went to check, there wasn't anything.

-My mailbox was destroyed, the letters inside were tear to pieces and put outside my room. Someone even wrote in my mailbox "your mom is going to die"

-One day the door of my apartament was fully open at morning, which was really weird.

-feeling observed on the streets, but that ended around april
Scopolamine is a "zombie drug" used in trauma based mind control, it puts you into a zombiefied state where you lose virtually all free will and are in an easily suggestible state where you can be programmed to do certain tasks based on triggers such as words, symbols etc.
This is gangstalking, the usual pathetic shit that they do.
Yeah, and what is worse, I just realized that this all started when I went to theraphy for first time around november 2017 soon after moving alone.

Yeah, I'm familiar with scopolamine... I had wondered if that might be something they were using on me at one point... but I don't think I've ever actually been dosed with it... I don't know for sure though. I've been hit with some weird stuff.. I know one time I smoked some weed that was laced with some sort of extract from the orange trumpet flower... and I think that was an attempted murder actually... but I noticed something was wrong with the weed before I smoked it, so I only rolled a small joint and threw it in the toilet half way through smoking it because my throat started closing up and I got super anxious.

As I said in my original post, the first 3 years were the worst... this happened at the very end of those 3 years... after some death threats... and like I said... they leave me alone for the most part now... but just a couple weeks ago, after reconnecting with an ex gf of mine, while at her house, someone left some orange trumpet flowers on her door step... which felt like a message/death threat.

They've told me this isn't going to end until I stop breathing... 2020 - now hasn't been nearly as bad... but they've never stopped 100%... it's just gotten easier for now...
Here in the UK the NHS is full of corrupt motherfuckers. Most likely the same in other countries.
I think they use this on me.

There was this one time where I was at work. There were 4 flights of stairs and the office I was in was on the third, one day I was going up to the office and was on the second floor and I passed a colleague. Next thing I know i'm half way up the fourth flight of stairs.

I'd never been past the third flight before and never had an need to, I don't remember anything from passing my colleague on the second floor and being half way up the 4th floor.

There is no way I could of accidentally missed the 3rd floor because there is a large window running along the side of the wall where everyone else is so there is no way i'd have skipped past it by mistake.
I am dazed and confused. I don’t give a shit anymore. I am drinking a lot and the only solution I have is to kill myself. I am defeated. Goodbye.
>the only solution I have is to kill myself.
Don't do this anon, this is what they want you to do.

Speak to someone if you are feeling suicidal, if you kill yourself they win. Not just that but you shouldn't be wanting to kills yourself anyway.

Don't kill yourself OP... Then they win. I'm in the same fuckin boat... it's my only way out too... but if I managed to survive everything they've thrown at me, you can too. And yes, I drink a lot now too to handle my reality... I lost everyone... all my family and friends.... but I'm still here... Just fight through it OP.. appreciate the little things... enjoy the sunsets or sunrises... find some source of peace and cling to it.

I hope your situation get's better OP... Just don't give up that way... Don't let them win.
Sounds like you were dosed, they can spray you in your face and you'll have total amnesia of the incident.

It is the only thing I can think of, i've never had a blackout in my life but I have no memory of how I ended up half way up the fourth floor of stairs after passing the person on the second floor.

I just remember walking past them and then all of a sudden feeling confused and wondering why i'm heading up to the fourth floor.
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There's also psychotronic weaponry.
Whatever it was they did something to me to make me black out.
Lmao, TIncels BTFO'd once again.


Anyways, I'll now get back to encoding homosexual thoughts into this weeks V2K frequencies. It's tough work but it's a living I guess.
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>let's follow funny guy who makes memes and make fun of him for posting memes.
Yup, I've put in multiple complaints about various acts of fuckery and at most got "aww, sowwy if you felt that way but we dindu nuffin" letters. These slippery fuckers stick together and will sweep anything under the carpet so they can keep their cushy jobs.
yeah I had some fag who I worked with as my roomate the first time I went into a psych ward
some weird Somali fucker
I 'm putting in subject data requests at the moment to get copies of all referrals and communication made about me. If the fuck me around i'll go straight to the ICO and the government directly about them breaking GDPR and messing me around.

I will go straight to the people at the top and scream and shout about it all over social media.

They are playing my game now.
>he's told us to fuck off and leave him alone 10,000 times now.. I think he wants our attention
Cry about it stalker, predator and abusers. Also I don't want some shitty 20 year old yellow corsa. I want my Fiesta back.
Hey feds,

The scientologists sent around someone high level to take a look at me. They are very interested. Are you?

You have more answers than they do.

I'm willing to be more cooperative with your research than you might imagine. You could have my head under an MRI next week. And access to my extensive knowledge of this thing. But to get to that is going to take some heavy lifting from you.

Otherwise I make the same offer to the scientologists.

Or anyone else who will tell me wtf is going on...

Time is about to run out. I go to the COS next month.

Sure I hate it. Like my whole life. What else is new?
I've found out that wearing two layers of metal/metal fabric (in my case aluminium and silver) really seem to fuck with their signals.
As soon as I put that on I couldn't hear them.
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>just got done watching the first youtube vid linked in the OP
>phone vibrates as if I got a notification
>no banner for it
>check everything I have that is set to vibrate my phone if I get a notification for it
Uhhhh... bros? Is this how it starts?
I wouldn’t worry about it. At least not until it becomes more obvious and more weird synchronicities. I watched picrel video and got all sorts of weird video recommendations. Almost like they are weaponizing YouTube against us. Just be careful where you go looking
I just went through my shit after it happened again. It's my weather app and I have a tornado warning. Just heard the sirens.
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Do glowniggers put centipedes in anyone elses head? They constantly spam me with images of centipedes when im just trying to relax (likely cause it used to be a primal fear of mine), it was scary the first few times but now its just getting annoying. I wish these retards would get some new material. Or better yet just leave me the fuck alone in my own house.
Godspeed, brother.
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Thank you, brother.

They are threatening to kill me again.
Go ahead glowies, prove that on top of everything else you are also murderers.

Stalkers, physical abusers, mental abusers, predators, human torturers, corrupt scum abusing your powers of authority, illegal surveillance, hacking, fraud, breaking and entry, criminal damage, depriving people of their lives, money, food and the countless other things you do you criminal scum bags.

Also please move the glowmobile you have let on the car park. The yellow Vauxhall Corsa is not mine, my car is the blue fiesta.
You have a right to kill your handlers, it's self-defense. I suggest you lure them into a trap and kill them.
If it comes to it I will try my hardest to kill them in self defense.
If you go to Yadex search engine you can search "Improvised explosives pdf" "Improvised weapons pdf" "CIA Manuals pdf" "illegal chemistry manuals pdf" "how to make poisons pdf" "military manuals pdf" "espionage tactics pdf" etc and you'll find plenty of content which assist you in setting a trap in killing these faggots.
>request a signed letterhead from probation
>we are right outside reception
>all she has to do is ask them to print one off and sign it
>would literally take 1 (one) minute
>she tries to blag her way out of it by trying to tell me to email someone else instead of going through the government
It is time for you to stop with your bullshit glowies because I'm not backing down. Come kill me abusers, stalkers, predators, criminal scumbags abusing you power of authority. Human tortures, poisoners, drugers and all the rest of it.
Why is this glowmobile still here? That is not my car. I have a blue fiesta.
Keep using your v2K to make threats at me idiots.

Stop making me out to be the bad guy because i'm just at home keeping myself to myself. You are targeting me in a group trying to psychologically abuse me as much as possible, cause me harm and trying to ruin my life as much as possible. The real monsters are you.

You are the ones stopping me from getting a job, cutting me off from support, you are the ones making my mental health bad. If it wan't for all the shit you have done to me I would be perfectly fine, working, debt and my mental health would be fine.

You are the cancer, the real monsters, what you have been doing to another human being would get you locked up for life. Attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, poisoning, drugging, physical abuse and so more shit that you have done to me and for what?

Because I keep myself to myself in my place and don't bother or harm anyone?

You all need to take a step back and evaluate what you have done to me. You have been doing it for many years, targeting me to abuse and torture. You are the sick fucks, the real criminals.
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V2K glowies running out of ideas and it's hilarious.

>"you're a killer, it's in your blood, just look at your anger issues!"
4/10, this only hits on bad days now. It used to upset me having evil people in my family, but I'm getting more confident in being my own person. Yeah, I have anger issues, who wouldn't with you fuckers trying to torment me?

>"kill yourself, you have nothing to live for you worthless NEET"
Well, clearly I'm worth something to you, and idk man, being cosy and having hobbies is kinda nice. It riles you up to no end seeing me happy and focused on something other than the gangstalking. 2/10, this is baby town frolics
>random noises, screaming, babies crying, etc.
0/10, this is so cliché I'm literally embarrassed for you.
What a terrible dump.
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>nooooo you are not allowed to stand up for yourself and say things back to >whhhhhhh he said mean things to
>mommy the TI that we have been stalking and abusing sttod up to us
Cry me a river glowies, did I trigger your narcissism? Did I damage your ego? Did I upset your fee fees?

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