What's a experience in your life you've had that you cannot explain?I'll tell one I just had, but I probably had more in the past:Today I woke up thinking about someone I've met in 2015, she's a very reserved person and barely post anything on social media.So I went to facebook to check, and it just so happen that she posted a picture 13 minutes ago. The last time she had posted was on August 2023.It may be coincidence, but I find it strange that she posted something just some minutes before I remembered about her. It's like something triggered me to think about her.That's pretty much it, let me know your stories - and if I remember some more stories, I'll post here.
>>39574458Sometimes I randomly predict the future on accident. There is no intention involved, it's Apollo style gift of prophecy. For example, yesterday I made a weird hyper specific joke and then thirty seconds later someone on TV made the exact same weird hyper specific joke. Stuff like that happens fairly often. Also I regularly get visions, but again, none of them are particularly useful. Just random imagery that I'm left to interpret the meanings of.
>>39574485yeah i’ve made a room full of people including myself deeply uncomfortable because the characters in the movie we were watching kept saying exactly what I said immediately after I said it (none of us had seen the movie before) it happened like a dozen times and everybody kept squirming and looking at me but nobody made mention of it, again including me. There was a very freaky energy in the air that night
>>39574624Weird. I wonder what causes it.
>>39574632>I wonder what causes it Reality is a creation of consciousness, not the other way around.
>>39574485>yesterday I made a weird hyper specific joke and then thirty seconds later someone on TV made the exact same weird hyper specific joke.This happened to me once except I was in the psych ward at the time, and when a fellow patient pointed out how weird of a coincidence it was, I told them something like, "Oh, yeah, my mental illness makes things like that happen sometimes." And then we just went to playing cards because what else is there to do.
yea today i was at the restaraunt i frequent for workwhile waiting, i was trying to get my map of south east asia correct in my head, then a new wagie popped out and interrupted my thought, a south eaast asian kid ive never seen work therei used to try and dismiss these kinds of things, but ive been realizing its best to remember themyou very well might get warnings before events happen if you pick up on the right vibes
i have 1 unexplained incident (a coincidence) which i think about almost every day - I used to get sleep paralysis a lot. One time when I was 13 (2013) about a week before starting highschool, I had sleep paralysis and a boy was on top of me and I couldn't move. He was being flirty with me but we weren't having sex. He was smirking at me, and I liked him being there. The next night I had the same exact experience (something like that has never happened to me before or after) and the same boy came. I was aware of this and asking him his name and age, just to experiment, and he said his name and age. Course I saw what he looked like, and we were also in a church setting in between the benches. I wrote all that down in a journal I was keeping then, that day. When I started highschool I was walking to the bus and facing away from me was a person who caught my eye instantly for some strong reason, I couldnt even see his face yet. I instantly formed 'crush' on him, and very coincidentally my 'friend' who I'd met just that school year and barely knew, said she knew him and he went to her church. He also fit the same age (16) and exact name (Daniel) as the boy from my dream. A public school with 2000+ students that was crazy she knew him, to me. I still have the journal I wrote the 'dreams'/ episodes in. I was obsessed with him for two years until he graduated. I'd never seen or spoke with someone during sleep paralysis like that before, it was really weird. It wasn't even like a typical sleep paralysis episode. I think it must have been like those soul ties they talk about. Wonder how he is now?
>>39577521Oops - I will add, he also looked the same as the person from the dream (blonde hair, blue eyes).
>>39577521>>39577531Sorry I'm late, but this is weirdYesterday I made another thread on Artwork/Critique with an art made by the same author as the picture you just posted, saying that this art style is so good.You can check the thread I made here:>>>/ic/7426336What is going on?Maybe you have the power to connect people to events?Why did you choose this picture specifically?
>>39577521>>39577531Just to add, I made this thread 34 minutes before my thread on /ic/Then some hours later you made your post.It may just be a coincidence, but it can also be something I can't explain.
>>39574458>What's a experience in your life you've had that you cannot explain?Existing
Here is the strangest experience I had. Maybe some anon can help me figure out what happened. For about a 6 month period, anytime I was alone, I would hear the sound of someone breathing as tho they were right behind me. Even if I held my breath, and stayed perfectly still, I would still hear the breathing behind me. It was distinctly audible. It gave me a small amount of fear, like "WTF is going on", but I tried to brush it off and pretend it wasn't happening. I wondered at first if it was just a sound somewhere in my apartment, and tested multiple other locations away from my apartment, but I will still hear the same regular breathing sound. Eventually it went away after about 6 months. I've never had any form of mental illness, don't take any drugs, have never seen any hallucinations etc. This happened about 10 years ago. During this time of my life I had no particular opinions or interest in the "paranormal". I think this experience caused me to be more interested and open to the paranormal.Since this experience, I have not had any paranormal experiences.
Often I will have a weirdly specific or technical word pop in my head a day or two before the word actually appears in my life (eg. In conversation, or a pocast or on some advertisement). I get the feeling that these sort of coincidences happen so often that the brain just filters them out.Another one. The other day I was at the park foraging for beech nuts. Most pods were empty, so I had to make a little detour to get enough nuts. I came across this spot and it looked like there was a dark patch over it. Idk how to explain, the spot at a distance was dark and gave me bad vibes. But it had branches at picking height, so I went to forage some more nuts. The first or second leaf I turn over and from behind the leaf falls a really big spider that I guess was hiding between the beech nuts. Fortunately it dangled over me and didn't drop, but it was a clear message to get tf out of there.Should have trusted my intuition in the first place.The other day I was biking on a bike lane against the direction of travel. Due to the width of the bike lane and layout of the nearby intersection it is generally acceptable to bike there in the opposite direction, and I see people do it every day on my way to work. Anyway, in my mind I literally had the thought "how nice it is that in this country people won't bother you for small bike infractions". At exactly the moment I had that thought some boomer coming the other way made a snide remark. It was as if he had resd my mind and chosen the perfect time to make some shitty comment. I rode that lane hundreds of times without thinking, but the one time I think about it is when I get comments.Sometimes strangers stare at me on the street. But it usually is when I'm staring at them.I accept that all of these instances could easily be explained by me overfitting.
>>39582099Some other weird things.I had started meditating daily, and after two weeks I had noticed that the world seemed more colorful and that all kinds of little details of significance had started to stand out more. I enter the supermarket and there is this little girl who completely stood out from the crowd. She was wearing a really simple seamless tunic. The tunic was coloured in a vertical rainbow gradient, green outside, then blue, red yellow and orange. In the middle of the tunic there were two large white hands of fatima, one pointed up and the other smaller one pointed down (as above so below?). They were connected at the base, and were very simple, just the shape of the two white hamsa without any of the typical decorations you'd see.She was wearing off white crocs.She had jewish blond frizzy hair. This was also weird, because her mother was maroccan, with the typical black maroccan scarf.It sounds stupid, but for some reason this little girl completely stood out from the crowd, it was like she had just wandered in from another dimension or something. Her clothes were so simple yet there was so much meaning and symbolism.Another time I had just been listening to an interview with Diana Pasulka. As I am in thought it hits me that possibly the prerequisite for magic to actually work is belief.So I walk up to the open window, stare into the night and ask for a sign that my intuition is correct. And I shit you not in the EXACT spot I was looking a lightning bolt appeared. It wasn't even in a lightning-y shape, it was just a straight horizontal line of lightning, centered EXACTLY in the spot I was looking. It was so sudden and precise that I literally jumped. I guess that was the universe giving confirmation. Or possibly a demon messing with me.
>>39581990My first suspicion, if it's a natural thing, may be some irritation in your ears due to listening to loud music, or some small insect that entered your ear canal.If it was paranormal, maybe you were around some haunted place, or someone who cared about you or thought about you a lot have passed away and was trying to communicate.It's strange that it only happened when you were alone.
>>39582099>>39582215I have a theory that, when things manifestate and you don't investigate them, they'll disappear from reality and never be seen again. But if you had comfronted the encounter (for example, asking her mom if her kid was maroccan, or some other interaction to confirm the person is real), then YOU would make that person real, and she would have a story to tell, a life, like any other.There are many theories that could explain it, such as:chaos theory, quantum observation, simulation theory.All related to quantum mechanics.There’s a kind of co-creation between the observer and the observed, where the act of engaging with someone or something brings it into reality. Without interaction, the person remains in a superposition of potentialities, never fully "manifested."
>>39574485Same. I've had prophetic dreams many many times, too numerous to count. Its gotten to the point I ignore them now because they make me anxious.
>>39582297If they are from God, ask Jesus about them. He might have given you a role of being a prophet.
>>39577521are you female?
>>39582215based if true demons are made up they're mortal ayys
>>39574458Be 15/16. Walking through town past police station. Police man in fancy regalia maybe a higher up? Not your typical British bobby gear."excuse me are named Star?" Smirk on his face.Panic "No" but it was my tag, five pointed star, I was an edgy boy with bad thoughts a wannabe future serial killer."why? Am I in trouble?"His face turns to disgust "nevermind" walks away.I'll never forget, it theres no way he could've known. Psychic? A demons offer? Future Epstein boy idk but it was something. I still wonder what would've happened if I said yes.I never became actively evil just a loser... now I think that was moment the choice was made.
>>39574458>that picLooks like Lithia Park, Ashland, OR
>>39579161I chose this picture because I see the girl on the left resembling me in that situation, with cupid dodging an arrow into her chest. Seemingly without her consent which I think is an intriguing idea. I also think the artist's paintings are beautiful. I don't think pic rel is the same artist, though. I just like these paintings. That is a mighty coincidence anon. >>39582369Yes
>>39574458> What's a experience in your life you've had that you cannot explain?Too many.. buy my book if I ever publish it. One time I saw a YouTube video on a local news channel out of Vegas. With about thirty seconds left the whole screen went black and the camera refocused and out came a black haired white man dressed as a copper. He said something to the effect of someone could shoot from the high altitudes and chuckled. 7 months later someone did just that. The strangest part is that video was deleted off the internet. And pretty strange is if they knew in advance it would happen. And if the media news and police and all actually work together on that stuff. Like it was some sort of ritual.
>>39574458I’ve got an odd one from when I used to work on tugs>3 of us sitting in wheelhouse on back watch>tied up waiting for next trip so nothing going on>waiting for our nightly coast to coast>rerun so half paying attention >guest is doctor that removes items from abduction victims bodies>gets us talking about marks people get from various >talking about demons and why they leave three scratches >back of neck starts burning>sitting pilot chair, nothing behind me but open air>ask someone to look at it>deckhand goes "DUDE DUDE DUDE" pointing at my neck and snaps a photo >three scratches with no explanationNo clue how it happened, ship wasn’t even 20 years and I’m pretty sure I’m not possessed
I've had a few experiences with wasps that didn't seem to make sense.Once, just two years ago, I realised that they're drawn to negative energy and repulsed by positive energy, so when one showed up at my table in a coffee house I thought it away and the wasp was holding station in air as if it hit a brick wall.It tried to go around the imaginary brick wall three times before turning tail and racing for the door.Seemed odd. They normally never did that. A year later one flew by the table again and it panicked into a group of people. I legit felt bad for the guy.In the same year, two vaccinated businessmen were working at their laptops outside when a yellow jacket buzzed around their drinks. I thought it was there for the orange juice but it never touched the juice. Within a minute it zigzagged into one of the guys' face to harass him, and they packed their bags and left.The wasp didn't even touch the juice. It sat for a moment, and flew away never to be seen again.Last year a small group of girls was eyeing me up from a distance outside, while I was sitting inside. I could feel the rapey vibes, the "let's fleece this guy" vibes. Then from the corner of my eye I saw them panick and scurry.Barely 15 seconds later a big wasp flew to me from their table and sat on a plant on the other side of the window, and I felt the message that this wasp attacked them to protect me.Actually thanked the guy. First time I was ever grateful for a wasp.I've had other experiences with people as well that didn't seem erratic or random, and were very strange.Like you're thinking to yourself without changing your facial expressions whatsoever, and your thought changes to something really negative, and you look around you and some woman's looking back with a sad face of compassion.How the fuck does she know I'm depressed and thinking suicidal shit? Guess what happened when I asked myself that: she blinked and smiled a little before going back to her phone.Not a one-off.
Twice in my life I have been bit by a bat. First time was skateboarding in a culdesac with my friends. I was just about to push off and skate towards a rail when my neck felt like it was being stung by a bee or stabbed. Expecting a bee, I grab at my neck and to my surprise get a hand full of a brownish black pointy furry thing. I throw it to the ground and it’s a bat which crawls away and then takes off. Friends laugh at my misfortune as I’m left with two bumps/ red marks on my neck. Went to hospital because rabies and they freaked out and gave me a ton of shots.Second time was in nearly the same spot but was sitting on my mountain bike near the woods out back. Same thing, bit by bat in same spot but I skipped the hospital. I remember thinking “how many more times is this going to happen” in my head but not out loud. That’s when the kid who just moved to our neighborhood said “never again but you’ll break your arm soon”. I broke my arm 4 days later and haven’t been bit by a bat since.
>>39574664Be that as it may, it's more likely that the movie was predictable than that they retroactively wrote the screenplay from their living room, watching.
I sacrifice my head and neck to the Egyptiam Gods im exchange for my sanity back when I had a psychotic episode and they cured it for me over night
>>39574458sorry to disappoint, but the experience is one that i can in fact explain. i was awake for a substantial amount of time on amphetamines and started seeing things. strangest and most terrifying shit i've ever experienced. borderline demonic.
>>39574458I had 2 small synchronities happen to me under the age of 10 and nothing ever since. Ngl I feel like my soul eroded. Funnily enough I'm not a skeptic. I see skeptics who did have unexplainable things happen to them but they're still adamant about their skepticism.
>>39574458being born in a world where violence is the answer!
i was 14, while playing hide and seek with my siblings. it was my turn, i hid in an unlit room, and went to the closet. when i opened the closet there was an alien in there and it touched my head with its finger and i passed out. when i woke up i was very sick and sweaty, and it was later in the day. a week later the house burned down.