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Ameri-do-te edition

discuss martial arts here

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/8Vw9d7j

What to look for in a martial arts gym:
>Physically conditioned, fit participants
>Trainer with certified professional record and a training history with at least one athlete who competes successfully
>Sparring, "aliveness" in training
>At least one participant competes at amateur or professional level
>Physical conditioning part of training
>Clean facility with mats that are frequently cleaned

What to be wary of:
>Fat, physically subpar students and instructor
>Graduation fees (e.g. "pay $200 and advance to next belt extra quick!")
>No proven athletes training there
>No sparring, moves shown are choreographed (e.g. "the attacker does this, then I do this, then you do this...")
>Cult-like atmosphere
>No physical conditioning
>long mandatory contracts with hefty fees for breaking

last thread: >>147193
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>What is goju?
Goju aka Gōjū-ryū (剛柔流) (or hard and soft style) is a modern martial art originating on the island of Okinawa in the 1930s by a man named Chojun Miyagi (the real life inspiration for Mr.Miyagi in the karate kid film series). It is much more modern and refined compared to traditional martial arts such as boxing and brazilian jiujitsu

>What does hard and soft style mean?
Hard and soft style means goju could be considered the original mixed martial art! It was created on the Island of okinawa which was at the center of trade in east asia. It combines striking techniques found from china and thailand with the indigenous okinawan wrestling techniques to create a truly complete fighting art
https://youtu.be/5kv8HkGWo2Q [Embed]

>What is the purpose of Goju?
the purpose of goju has always been for personal self defense as well as building a hardy and fit body through rigorous daily training and conditioning

>I've heard it's related to Kyokushin?
That's correct. Mas Oyama was a 7th degree black belt in Goju, however he wanted his students to compete in competitions therefore he had to strip away some of the more dangerous techniques found in Goju to create Kyokushin which by comparison is much safer to use in a sport setting. Similar to how Kano needed to modify battlefield jujitsu into judo.

>What is sparring like?
Sparring in goju is done with full contact and intensity, however for safety reasons Some of the more dangerous techniques are generally left out of sparring so as to not permanently injure other students
examples of striking and grappling training can be seen here
https://youtu.be/vvJo4B50TVI [Embed]
https://youtu.be/TsBsyCLBTUg [Embed]
https://youtu.be/dK__ILvQ20w [Embed]
https://youtu.be/NBrWIfIbX-A [Embed]

>Sounds great! how can I learn it??
Goju is not very wide spread outside of Okinawa, because its so modern and exclusive, but it does exist in other parts of the world as well
if you cannot find it near you, you can get started with this
https://youtu.be/_RmCzJ0m1Xs [Embed]
more like /fag/
Those are some awful fucking takes
A coaches ability as a teacher has zero to do with his fitness level or competition experience, unless you're some kind of idiot that thinks most head coaches on sports teams are former players

Worse yet is the "conditioning is part of training" shit, that's completely the opposite of the truth
No serious athlete does skill work and conditioning work at the same time and certainly don't have the same coach in charge of programming for both
They're different disciplines
If you're finding yourself going to bjj class or whatever and the teacher has you doing bear crawls and running laps, you're the one that's in the bad school
>A coaches ability as a teacher has zero to do with his fitness level or competition experience, unless you're some kind of idiot that thinks most head coaches on sports teams are former players
Lot of idiots don't understand this. It's a whole different skillset. There are many former players/fighters who thought they could coach & it turned out they were very fucking wrong. Most don't even have the right mindset & completely lack the patience or interest. Most are just trying to vicariously relive their glory days through their students & haven't even taken the most basic classes on coaching.
That Muslim that rides GSPs coattails has a lot of shit takes but he's right on this account where the better someone is as an athlete the worse they usually are as a teacher generally speaking

John Danaher for example got into jiuiitsu later in life and has a physical disability. He never had the potential to be a great competitor even if he had the inclination
In order for him to participate in the sport he had to really learn it from an intellectual stand point
Contrast that with Nicky rod who legitimately has a learning disability, no technique to speak of, but he's just a stud that can go ungabunga me smash puny opponent
And can't explain for shit how he actually does it if he can even manage to get a coherent sentence out without stumbling over his words

Being less athletic necessitates having a stronger understanding of how techniques work even if they can't physically pull it off themselves
Makes sense. Majority of coaches in any sport aren't guys who excelled at the game or even played at all, it's the dudes who have learned how to teach. Most college/pro coaches are kinesiologists. Body nerds who learned how to be athletic trainers, sport psychologists, shit like that
Those guys might be nerds but they're never the soft bullshido mcdojo senseis who always think they're living weapons while looking like the Michelin man
>coach's ability has nothing to do with his fitness level
>mcdojo sensei bad because fat
so which is it?
Reminder that no martial art is better than a well placed pipe bomb.
>>185660 (OP)
How do I call out a tranny who beats up women to a fight!
The next gen of TMA instructors would be super autistic about "real fighting"?
To beat the tranny, you must become the tranny. Enter the dojo and declare publicly that you "identify" as a real woman, then proclaim:
>anon is my deadname, I am now anonette
>my pronouns are "yes, ma'am"
>troon, I am twice the woman you are and I'll kick your ass to prove it!
If s/he refuses to fight you, accuse he/r of trannyphobia
So something i recognised in my local gym... its a hobbyist gym btw

90% of the wrestling look like alpha males
90% of the judo and BJJ classes are weak geeky looking people and women

I thought this was a meme but it looks to be true
lmao why is this?
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based /asp/ dinosaur
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because a wrestling hierarchy is based on ability and achievements, and the other hierarchy is based on how long you've been doing it for
>No serious athlete does skill work and conditioning work at the same time and certainly don't have the same coach in charge of programming for both
Do peoper gyms typically have at least 2 separate coaches then?
Lack of correlation doesn't mean there's an inverse correlation instead
it's the same as anything, you're going to have different people in charge of your nutrition, your workout programming, your injury rehab, skill training
it's a team effort to get across the finish line, it's why industry standard says you pay 20% of your purse to your corner

This MMA fighter fell 10 stories onto a car and "only" got (pretty badly) broken legs and pelvis.
In the video he's even fully conscious, sitting on the ground shortly after the fact.
I know a guy that fell off the roof of a brownstone in brooklyn and broke basically everything but recovered
I believe it was an attempted murder, he didn't remember anything and the two people up there with him said "yeah well like we were hanging out on the roof and looked away for a second and when we turned back around he was just like gone ya know"
Wrestling is a sport and sports by the nature of it demands top specimens
>>185660 (OP)
I've been doing muay thai classes for about two in half months, and honestly I'm not sure if martial arts are for me or not, which sucks because I want to be strong and I'd like to have some kind of achievements in my life. It's just that nobody really ever talks to each other, it's a pretty popular gym with 4 other locations I think so maybe the coaches don't have time but it sort of feels like they don't care neither, that and they have these really thick Brazilian accents so hearing them is kinda hard.
But idk I get pretty bad anxiety before classes and I know it sounds silly but I also don't like how everybody's an old guy, I'm 19 so I guess it just feels weird hanging around 30 years olds.
I guess I also feel out of place too, I mean I'm a pudgy nerd who still watches cartoons and I'm hanging around a lot of "macho" tattooed guys who mean business, I barely have athletic experience and I quit those too. Maybe being an athlete isn't for me but I am willing to try one or two other places out it's just that the place I go to now is actually pretty legit so it might be hard finding another legit place with amateur fighters buuut idk... I just really hate quitting things and letting myself down
>I just really hate quitting things and letting myself down
Then don't quit, dingus. You're talking yourself out of doing something that you want to do with bullshit woe-is-me excuses. Stick with it. Be disciplined.
Here's a secret: most martial arts training partners aren't going to be conversational or even particularly friendly with you until you've been there for at least 6 months. You know why? Because 90% of people do what you're doing right now and quit before they even begin, and it's not worth bothering to even learn their name. Set yourself apart, do what you know you should be doing and earn some respect. You're young and you will kick yourself forever if you quit now. I promise that you'll make some friends within a year if you take your training seriously and put forth some effort.
>It's just that nobody really ever talks to each other
You're not really supposed to talk during class. Stick it out and find a different outlet for your social butterfly tendencies. Your training partners will probably warm up to you a bit if you show you can put in consistent hard work without being a fruitcake.
>why is this?

>wrestling class
Ex-wrestlers and competitive no-gi guys looking to improve their takedown game

>judo/BJJ class
Adult beginners.
>you're not really supposed to talk during class
>you're not really supposed to talk at the gym
>you're not really supposed to talk during work
>you're not really supposed to talk in libraries
I see these everywhere. Where the fuck are you niggers ok with people talking? And why shouldn't you talk with the people on the class? People taking martial arts too seriously is part of the reason MA gyms are so cancerous. Unless you're a professional fighter (which aalmosy nobody is) you're there to have fun, one way or another. Why.have a stick up your ass?
I was rolling at bjj with a new white belt. he was a bit spazzy but I passed his guard and subbed him in under a minute in a controlled way. he started swearing, got up and ran off the mats. my coach was really patient with him but I think if you can't control your emotions in a combat sport you shouldn't be training.
I've felt like storming off training before, although it was always when people got way too rough for no reason. Once was when a bjj blue belt took me (a white belt at the time) and over the course of a roll bruised my trachea with windpipe chokes, almost dislocated both of my shoulders and did something I still don't understand to sprain the muscles on my foot. The other time was in a boxing class when I, again as a beginner, was beaten up by a much more experienced dude that left me with cuts, a black eye and broken nose from what was supposed to be light sparring.
That’s pretty fucking autistic for someone to do but part of learning a combat sport is learning to suppress your ego. I’d give him another chance. If he acts like a retard again just don’t roll with him anymore. As you get older you will learn to become more and more selective with your sparring partners.
>I am a colossal faggot who is not even amateur ranked who takes himself way too seriously
FTFY, faggots like you are why martial arts is still a niche sport that conjures mental images of autistic weebs.
Socialize before and after class, don't waste instruction time. We talk in the locker room and often go out to restaurants after class but actual limited, scheduled, and paid-for class time is focused on training.
See >>191040
It's autistic to not read the vibes in the room and mesh with the existing social expectations. Same exact dynamic at regular sports practices growing up, even in elementary school--training time is for training, socialize with your teammates before and after.
What's with russians and stealth explosives?
>>185660 (OP)
>Physical conditioning part of training
why would ANYONE want or advise to do PUSHUPS during gym time when you could be SPARRING or learning TECHNIQUE
the idea that you need a black belt bjj sambo sensei to tell you to do 15 pushups and 5 squats is fucking RIDICULOUS
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Obviously you shouldn't go around during class when you're supposed to be doing something, but I often see people get pissed at others even when there's nothing to do, like when you're resting after a spar or roll. Back when I used to play American Football for a varsety team so dude I didn't know and I started vibing to the music that was playing while we waited for our turn on the field during a game, as we were both defense and it was the offense team playing at the moment. One of you no fun allowed faggots (that also wasn't doing anything) felt the need to stomp down to where we were dancing and demand we stop because we needed to act professionally at the (amateur) game or some shit like that. As long as it's not disruptive I don't see why be this autistic about where people should or shouldn't socialize.
goodbye ATFL
>I often see people get pissed at others even when there's nothing to do, like when you're resting after a spar or roll
Raising the noise levels for non-coaching communication makes it harder to coach and it makes it harder for some people to focus. Just because *you* haven't thought up something to do doesn't mean that it's okay to disrupt everyone else paying to train in the room.
>As long as it's not disruptive
There are plenty of opportunities to do get riled up with the team but erratic movement on the sidelines is absolutely disruptive and if you get too caught up in being a fucktard and take half a step onto the field during a play you'll penalize your whole team.

You sound like the kind of swarthy smoothbrain faggot who talks in the movie theater and blasts music on a bluetooth speaker in public spaces.
>Raising the noise levels for non-coaching communication makes it harder to coach and it makes it harder for some people to focus
Anon, I think the songs blasting through the PA have a much greater impact on that.

Generally commercial classes last 1 or 2 hours, 3 to 6 days a week, spending half of that time doing physical exercises is a waste of time and trainers do this to rest. It's different from a fighter who has much more time for this.

If you are paying to learn how to fight, then you should fight.
I wanted to train in judo but all the clubs here are for kids or people that trained since kids and are competing, and none for adult beginners.
My next choice is BJJ, hopefully a place that incorporates stand-up game, but I'd still prefer to train something that includes bit of everything, I guess like MMA, but those groups are filled with retards so not sure. I just want to train and have fun and not lose brain matter or be a punching bag for some fuck.
>people that trained since kids and are competing
Why can't you train here? Sounds like a fantastic place to start unless they explicitly told you that you weren't welcome.
Jesus Christ you must be stupid as fuck. People don't go to martial arts to gossip and talk about the weather like NPC women. they go to let off steam, learn to be more dangerous and that's about it.

At most you'll get a "nice" "good job" or some advice from a training partner / coach. You don't go there to chit chat about anime. Maybe briefly in the changing room once you're established
Because conditioning will open your eyes to reality. I thought I was a tough fit guy but mostly everyone at my boxing gym had better cardio than me. I hated the fact that coach made us do sprints, Burpees etc but it also made me realise how much more cardio I needed to do on my off days. It also shows the coach where you are physically
>Thinks he's effeminate autism dancing is good for a high test sport situation instead of being respectful to his team mates

And this is why you will always be a loser
Not allowed I mean, it's just for people competing. I did end up finding one club that does work with adults but oh god it looks like dojo from 90s that never got renovated or anything upgraded, run down a bit and not sure about instructors... idk
out of curiosity why does this board seem to be infested with femdom fetish bjj manlets?
>it looks like dojo from 90s that never got renovated or anything upgraded, run down a bit
Some of the better places are like that, might be worth looking into the instructors.
bjj/mma niggersports "people" are all that is left of martial arts in the west. fuck this gay earth.
>why are there weirdo degenerates on 4chan?
There are more porn boards than martial arts and fitness boards on this website.
I hope justin is ok, this fight was a career shortener
He's taken a lot of damage in his past few fights even in the fights he won. At 35 I don't think he has much left in the tank.

That was legit one of the best moments in the last decade of ufc. Absolutely dominant display from Holloway.

Hope Justin makes a decent recovery, there was a fuck load of damage through that fight.
Hey guys. I'm in a bit of a rabbit hole trying to figure out exactly where modern kicking technique originated. I'm talking about side kicks and roundhouse kicks as seen in Taekwondo and Karate. My method is to trace the lineage of Taekwondo back to see where it started.

Apparently, Taekwondo was created in the 40s as a mix between Taekkyon and Shotokan karate, with the kicking techniques taken from Shotokan. Sure enough, basic Shotokan kicks look similar to TKD. Shotokan comes from Okinawan family styles and here things get blurry. The founder of Shotokan had learned karate described as "Shorin ryu". "Shorin ryu" as you can tell is a Japanification of "Shaolin" ryu, and apparently Okinawan martial arts are based on Northern Chinese martial arts rather than Southern.

Typically, Northern CMA systems have techniques with extended arms and legs, you know like typical punches and kicks whereas Southern CMA does not. Then again Bajiquan is Northern and it's about short range strikes so not really true... Anyway. A prevalent form of Wushu is called Changquan meaning "long fist". It's popular today but has old roots. Changquan has some sweeps and side kicks but I can't discount the possibility that these come from the modernization of Wushu as aesthetic sports. Looking at traditional Chaquan videos, the kicks are more straight legged and front facing and not really like a TKD kick. Surprising fact, Chaquan comes from a Turkic Islamic tribe in China.

So what then? Do modern kicks originate from another Northern style? Or are they a modern Okinawan invention? Really appreciate any help on the matter.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23ARJNmZ00w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQUh5tVWd-E [Embed]
I guess I don't really believe people are paying to get punched in the face by shirtless men glistening with sweat. The current theory is god makes football and wrestling and boxing. They're not real. God is at least 100 million years old. He can still speak English and hasn't gone totally insane. Well, he's pure evil. He actually made evil. That was a dick move. You can expect to blame your genes for your problems.
Really interesting video though I'm surprised the video is focused on Southern styles where that's the opposite of what I found. Still if the forms are the same then there's undeniably lineage there whether that be the Southern styles influenced Okinawan arts or they have a common progenitor.

Bruhhh nahhhh the FRENcH?? Well and here I am trying to convince my French friend why Savate is the most autistic combat sport, I mean none of them can kick properly and you have to chamber your kicks in an exaggerated way according to the rules... But I guess the Japanese further developed the kicking techniques... But man, martial arts are thousands of years old and we learned how to actually kick properly in what, the last 100 years? That doesn't seem right.
People learn very well when they're engaged in play. A lot of gyms don't seem to understand that just fucking around has some merit. There need to be levels of engagement to actually train you to meet opposition. Just locking in one technique over and over on weaker players doesn't make high level guys good either.
You can be a free spirit, just don't interfere with people trying to learn. Be willing to take punishment. Spend more time working new game that is most likely losing, rather than dominating. You'll progress in a way that makes other players seem like they're standing still. Then just sneak your convos in like jabs until people are willing to talk to your aspie ass.
Why watch heem when ninjas exist?
https://youtu.be/6CSDrHPr_GE [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Fsps-U0isUg [Embed]
https://youtu.be/yROhVwjJl7I [Embed]
>>185660 (OP)
I know this is a bait or meme question, but what martial arts would you recommend for someone with a little prior experience in boxing and muay thai? I considered picking them up again but I want to be well rounded
the reason this is funny is it basically makes the accusation that everything bad about karate is french in origin
light contact point sparring, big group kata performances, impractical flashy kicks
remove all the french influence and you're left with something just fine
>tree climbing claws and grappling hooks
sick as shit, I'm sold.
wrong post, meant for >>194330
Fair point. However, if proper roundhouse and side kicks really came from France I'll give them credit but again, thousands of years of martial arts and we only figured out kicks in the last 100 years? Really?
but it's not the proper kicks even, its the ones that use your foot instead of the shin or heel
That's how it's taught in TKD perhaps but really changing what part of the foot you strike with is easy - the kicks are still there. I am hesitant to fully accept the Savate origin but I guess the answer will become more clear.
From various sources, modern karate & kenpo (basically from 1879 when the Ryukyus was formally annexed into Japan to present day) utilized kicks that didn't go above the waist. This is mainly because of the Fujian influence that many Okinawan fighting styles stemmed from like White Crane for instance. The use of attacking with legs mainly consisted of tripping and sweeping as well as stomping (again Chinese influence) feet, kneecaps ankles, and shins. And of course there's the Tan Tui influence for the Okinawan toe kick that schools like Uechi ryu, Matsubayashi ryu, Kishiba Juku, Matsumura Seito have.

Round kicks to the legs, body, and head/neck started to proliferate more in the early 20th century. This is mainly due to changes in stances when adapting karate to Japan as well as adapting from foreign influences. The son of Gichin Funakoshi, Gigo advocated more higher round kicks like roundhouse to the head, front kicks, side kicks. etc. This is speculated from Gigo's visit to northern China (which has more usage of above-the-waist kicks than southern styles).

I've heard of this theory before >>194267. It might be possible because the Japanese military did take a lot of influence of Second Empire France (though they later emulated the Prussian model after France's defeat in 1871). But savate kicks were done with shoes; makes me wonder if any karate/kenpo pioneers experimented kicks wearing footwear. The South Korean military practices Tae Kwon Do & Tang Soo Do wearing combat boots in their training.

And of course there's the enigma of gedan mawaishi geri (low roundhouse kick). There's a long history of Okinawan trading contacts with Southeast Asia (Siam in particular). There's old pictures (before WW2) of Okinawans kicking to the legs with what appears to be either the shin or the calf though some might be construed as particularly forceful sweeps. What is known is that by the 1950's and 1960's, the Thai shin kick (no chambering) was widely adapted.
Really a sweep and a kick are on a spectrum of the same thing
Just a matter of where you release it
Even in judo a lot of ashi waza is kicking when applied
Is there anything I can learn to defend myself if I'm a weak anemicnperson who struggles to put on weight or eat enough in the day
It bothers me. I wish I could have the confidence to go out more.
I'm not gonna give you some false sense of security like the grifters will
Martial arts aren't magic, they're an expression of physical constraints

But through daily practices you can become aware of your precise capabilities, improve your odds, and get stronger than you were before
Do you live in a dangerous place?
If you have any street smarts, it's pretty easy to avoid danger and physical confrontation. Don't obsess over protecting yourself if you have a physical disadvantage. You will be fine
I like to try to be physically active and I just generally like being outside but I'm in a rough area and I go through rough places. I just don't make eye contact and try to be back home at sundown.
Yeah I know. Its not magic. But it'd be nice if I had actual options if I was cornered by the average unarmed or knifed thug aside from trying to do some Marty mcfly shit or hoping i can hit them in the balls and running away(which they'll probably be able to catch up to me anyway)

I'm probably just spending too much time thinking about what ifs. There has been a lot of violent crime and homeless here lately. It bothers me how helpless and defective I am.
How well rounded do you want to be?

Even meme martial arts that people normally wouldn't recommend as your base art have value as a supplementary art for niche things. If you want to be completely well-rounded, you could pick up like 10 more martial arts and still have stuff you could work on.
I'm going to be brutally honest, you better have good situation awareness and know how to carry yourself. Exercise good judgment, don't act anxious, and ALWAYS keep your guard up. Maintain eye contact, don't shy away, keep your head up, hands out of your pockets and don't let people violate your personal space because that's a recipe for disaster.

I grew up in a very rough area and I had to fight at age 10. I got my ass kicked and even got in a serious scrape where I had to run 2 blocks and hid in a dumpster because I was getting jumped by 3 guys. I was able to fight off 2, but the 3rd guy just overwhelmed so I had to bail.

How tall are you and how much do you weigh? What's your budget? How much free time do you have? I'm not going to advocate groundfighting because that is the LAST place you want to be in a street fight. Keep the fight standing if you have no choice but I'm stressing that YOU DO NOT FIGHT. Fighting is the last resort because as a kid, I learned 2 important lessons: There are no fucking rules and people attack in groups.

But if you have no choice and can't retreat safely, you better know how to hit hard and fast. Focus on the most dangerous opponent but NEVER EVER turn your back on the other guys.I made that mistake and got a bottle smashed over my head (had to get stitches). I'm thankful I didn't get glass in my eyes.

I took up boxing and judo because it's the cheapest and practically every place in the world has these 2 schools. Boxing will teach you excellent distance gauging, cardio, how to take a punch (especially body shots), head movement, defense, footwork, and you'll know how to fight dirty like blocking with elbows. Don't ever punch to the head without your fists taped up and in gloves. You'll break your hand that way. Open-palm hits if you have to strike or elbows.

Judo will condition the fuck out of you. You'll know how to be thrown as well as do the tossing yourself. Plus some submissions and scrambling on the ground.
Thank you for your advice.
>height weight
5'10 120 pounds
I'm 5'11 and 175 pounds. You really are underweight. If anything, I recommend bulking with protein and lifting. You need at least another 15-20 pounds of muscle on you man.

Like I said before man, you can't act like a bitch in public. You gotta keep a cool head because you will be sized up as prey. Don't fake being aggressive and macho, you gotta be shy like a tiger. Always ready for shit to go down and you have to respond with overwhelming force and brutality, but exercise a good sense of whether to fight or flight. If you can escape, DO IT. He who flees lives to fight another day.

And don't do stupid shit like buying a weapon and thinking that's gonna help. I knew a guy that had knives on him. He wasn't psychologically prepared to cut someone and the knife got taken away and used against him (he managed to survive without serious injury thankfully).

These are the martial arts I recommend:

- Boxing
- Muay Thai
- Judo or Sambo or Wrestling (Collegiate, Greco-Roman, or Freestyle)

There's other styles, but the ones I listed will force you to develop memory muscle and toughen up your body from constant practice. You can't bullshit your way out of those styles without partner drills and sparring/rolling.

Do you live in the area for university? Or is it because you have no choice? If you can, just try and have active street smarts and wait it out until you escape. You're going to obsess over stuff that you have no control over if or when it happens.
I have actual problems with digesting food and keeping it down. And my knees have been shot since I turned 20.
This is just the area I live in. I grew up here but its gotten worse and worse.
I'll look into a boxing gym this near.
I've thought about a weapon but I wouldn't know what to buy. I don't know if I'm prepared or not now that you mention it. I don't know how you'd be sure you're prepared until it happens
Are you actually allowed to carry?

Clinch pick, pom OC, and m&p shield are the EDC loadout then practice practice practice

But practicing hand to hand fighting is important too because everybody has a little bitch in them and you need to get rid of that guy
You know about fight or flight but people neglect to mention the 3rd option which is freeze, and that's what most people default to

It's called stress inoculation
The only way to be sure you'll react calmly and rationally during stress is to experience similar stress and get used to it
That doesn't mean you'll be down to fight everyone but you'll know that if it comes down to it you've been there before against guys way tougher than him
>>185660 (OP)
TKD guy just coming to the realization that my martial art has been co opted by olympics fags and normies. It hurts. It really does.

I never really got the massive shitting on TKD got from the martial arts community because my Dojang was always about sparring. Sure we did forms and some fancy sports shit here and there but it never dominated it. Every sparring class is now dominated by these front foot pussy techniques made to score imaginary points rather than do damage. The martial art is dead because the money is in the sport. I'd rather do forms for 10 hours a day than hear about fucking cancelling and clinching ever again. The sport looks so goddamn sad. Do not get me started on KPNP systems or how tournaments are run. I would have a heart attack.
so what's the deal with JKD? you see places teaching it, but is it actually something that was ever formally taught by bruce or is it literally just people that read a book which anybody could buy and then declared themselves experts qualified to teach it as a style?
Pretty much everyone who's not Dan Inosanto and claiming JKD or Jun Fan is full of shit.
and then the current edition of the book has this

The science and philosophy behind the fighting system Lee pioneered himself—jeet kune do—is explained in detail, depicted through hundreds of Lee’s own illustrations. *With the collaboration of Lee’s daughter, Shannon, and Bruce Lee Enterprises, this new edition is expanded, updated, and remastered, covering topics such as Zen and enlightenment, kicking, striking, grappling, and footwork.*

so what happened, MMA became popular so people decided to go into his book and change it to reflect the times? that's retarded
the purpose of this organization was to give sport karate practitioners a full contact venue, and now they're just putting non-karate practitioners in the ring. It's really dumb, basically just turning it into kickboxing if anybody is allowed to join up

That's what happened. The Lee women are experts at wringing money from the corpses of their men and the legends around them. They have no income without it, and have no desire to change their lifestyle if it goes away. What he was or wasn't studying really doesn't matter if they think they can sell it.
I like judo, and I like striking (trained kickboxing) but I also like BJJ for the ground game, should I just do MMA training instead of focusing on one at a time?
Depends on what you like about each. Doing judo/BJJ/MT will be a different experience than doing MMA with some judo/BJJ/MT techniques.
I like to know bit of each, not into it for sports sake or to compete but to learn stuff from all. I'd do judo then bjj then x but that might not fit my needs too well so maybe if i can find good mma club thats not tryhard or bjj with standup game day and do striking in the gym with bag... not sure , i want to be bit above average guy in fighting, build cardio, strength
Wing chun and shaolin get no love.

I mean it takes a long time to learn. All the vids on youtube of wing chun losing is because they really haven't dedicated.

Yes mma is very strong, but vs someone in wing chun with 10 years of experience when they actually know the art will give them a run for their money. Their arms are completely conditioned and their first are too. It's supposed to be backed up by shaolin also, not a must, but its what ip man's top student who personally trained Bruce lee said.

When ip man stopped teaching Bruce Lee, it's because it sent him to personally train with his top student who was teaching also, cause it had more people to personally train.

Making wing chun more Mobil is a cool style also, but there are alot of hidden kicks and punches that traditional wing chuns don't teach.

Example if you get wrapped up, a horizontal chop kick , basically 1foot horizontally into the side of the pelvis, they're gonna get hurt pretty bad. And the shaolin ground fighting helps them if they get taken down.
Problem is that "center line" thing they're always espousing but this makes trouble for them because nearly everyone else is trying to cut angles and attack from flanked positions
I'm glad boards like these are so niche, you go to any bigger boards and it's just
>Bro I would poke him in the eye!
>I would bite him!
Why do people insist on roleplaying about how they would fight using wacky moves and other goofy shit?
Because real martial arts training requires blood, sweat, pulled muscles, injuries and other things that armchair warriors want to avoid.

I used to be one of those cocky assholes because I'm 6'4 and thought my size and strength could carry me through...until I received my first murderous cut kick to the thigh by a dude 60 pounds lighter and 8 inches shorter. That shit humbled me real quick.

I wrestled in high school and I got completely outclassed and smothered in groundfighting by a 46-year-old man who was smaller and lighter than me (dude had insane grip strength) during sub grappling class.
Eh, no offense to traditional CMA styles but they're something to treat like museum pieces; something you catalog and study but not applicable in modern times. In terms of unarmed fighting, even the Chinese military compiled various styles to create Sanda which allows them to practice traditional techniques as safely as possible without sacrificing effectiveness.

I do concede that Chinese weapons and wrestling styles are seriously underrated. I made the mistake of underestimating Shuai Jiao when I met a dude who was well-versed into it. He didn't dominate me (I already wrestled), but he fought every minute against me and did quite well to resist takedowns.
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everyone around here realizes traditional martial arts are the best ones, not just some flash in the pan gimmicks like we see so commonly today
they're traditional for a reason. they stood the test of time over hundreds and thousands of years and some showbiz grifters might fool people for a while but the truth always shakes out in the end
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I'm glad you didn't say tears
always think its super gay when people say blood sweat and tears. Like nigga why you cryin? get the fuck out of here with that

blood and sweat are manly secretions, tears are for girls and children
I wonder if karate would ever do a bare-knuckle boxing format as in they'll allow punches and open palm blows to the face like old school prizefighting and modern Bare-Knuckle championships do.
so lets see, traditional karate rules
bare knuckle, all surfaces of the hand are permitted
the only restrictions aside from the normal safety stuff would be how to regulate the grappling and kicking

so clinching and upper body takedowns are 100% allowed
and kicking will be a little trickier because we've been disputing to whether the roundhouse as well as kicks to the head are traditional or not, but it would be improper to say you can only use the foot to do kicks because traditional karate doesn't differentiate a kick from a sweep or trip, they're under the same umbrella of leg attacks
I like weapons, so I am drawn to Kali and the like. My self defense instances aren't really anything to brag about really, pretty boring minus the adrenaline. I've used my Surefire E2 to temporarily blind anyone with malintent, then skidaddle. Violent crime is on the rise again thanks to the psychos in power! Shit, originally this was just a hobby for me. Still fun though.
>Yes mma is very strong, but vs someone in wing chun with 10 years of experience when they actually know the art will give them a run for their money
>he actually believes this
lol, lmao even
>Like nigga why you cryin? get the fuck out of here with that
When I was a white belt in judo a brown belt girl simultaneously launched me to the floor with uchi mata and full force kicked me in the testicles. The combined power of a full force fall which I was not proficient in taking yet and the trauma to my balls made me tear up a little.
Has anyone gone from combat sport -> tma?

I've been doing judo and dabbling in boxing and muay thai for a while, but I've got an urge all of a sudden to get a TKD or Karate black belt. Doing spinning shit and kata seems like a fun change of pace?
Skill issue
The school where I first learned judo also taught taekwondo. I enjoyed it and will probably go back to it eventually. One caveat in my experience is that the instructor was an old Korean man who taught military hand-to-hand during and after the Korean War so his approach may have been more practical than those who teach TKD as a sport.
This sucks, he did something really cool and then blew it by being an absolute fucking retard
Durrr holding his legs in the air after recieving a brain injury will surely wake him up gais!
You see it all the time when people get choked out too. His heart didn't stop pumping you fucking retards, just leave him alone
Actually it's making matters worse because elevating the legs LOWERS the blood pressure. It reduces circulation, your circulatory system isn't a fucking gravity slide

Yes I'm mad
They never been in an actual fight.
Apparently the only secretion you know is your own cum
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What’s the right way to get into shaolin? I did a northern style many years ago and am interested in returning to CMA, how do I pick a good “temple” for learning how to be effective without planning to train for competitions?
Why is there a little gremlin wizard off by the side?
>If you're finding yourself going to bjj class or whatever and the teacher has you doing bear crawls and running laps, you're the one that's in the bad school
I would argue that beginning class without a warmup is irresponsible. If the cardio portion lasts longer than is necessary for warming up, sure.
For our boomer brothers with bad knees and tight backs needing special warm up time, they should get to class a few minutes early and warm themselves up as they know what their body needs in particular to get going
This non-scientific calisthenics warm up will just aggravate preexisting conditions. The people who need to warm up will half ass it or skip it, and the people who can do it don't really even need it.

The other big point is the way most classes are structured you'll get all warm and loose then immediately sit down while the teacher shows the lesson and you'll cool off and tighten up even worse than when you first got there

A good class should start with low physical demands and then ramp up to a peak as people get warm before tapering back down as energy levels fade
So any kind of warm up and cool down should be built into the programming of the activity itself
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>Well and here I am trying to convince my French friend why Savate is the most autistic combat sport, I mean none of them can kick properly and you have to chamber your kicks in an exaggerated way according to the rules...
you're an idiot

a savate guy beat ramon dekkers and ernesto hoost always said he loved savate and it helped him coming up with his own style
That's quite a kick. How's the savate scene in the US?
non existent

even in france it's in total decline, it was really at its best in the 80s and 90s, lots of legendary fights between french savate fighters, the pioneers of dutch kickboxing and american full contact karatekas
>even in france it's in total decline
Very sad. Many such cases.
The most autistic combat SPORT. If he did that kick in savate he would get a warning from the ref.
>no moat
ganryusisters... what's the point anymore
Dutch Kickboxing partially took influence from savate as Johan Vos (Hoost's trainer) incorporated it into his gym as well as Thom Harinck's Chakuriki Gym did. Gilbert Ballatine did savate matches. Lucien Carbin mixed Savate with his Kyokushin Karate and Muay Thai.

The 80's was indeed a magical era with all those various fighters of different formats pitted against one another like Pete Cunningham (Full-Contact) against Richard Sylla (Savate). It was also when Muay Thai truly exploded internationally when all sorts of Nak Muays went overseas and showed how devastating their art was like Dieselnoi manhandling John Moncayo or Changpuek showing why low kicks are no joke.
I want to spend a few months as a live-in student, or similar, where and what styles still offer this? i've been doing kyokushin for almost three years now but I am interested in all kinds of martial arts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM7Mq8Z_aPE [Embed]
aikido still takes in uchi denshi at the hombu dojo, even foreigners, but you need approval for it
Seconding the Kodokan. Unless you're after something specific judo is probably the best general-purpose lifetime martial art and the Kodokan has a very established program for taking in and training foreign students.
>>185660 (OP)
>Fat, physically subpar students and instructor
>No physical conditioning

Lol in HEMA thats like half the people who do it but unironically they spar a FUCKTON more than other weapons martial arts systems to the point its seen as weird if you dont spar at least multiple times a week.

I always avoid any weapons martial arts that dont do sparring which seems to be all of them except HEMA.
My FMA teacher does teach us traditional training and gives us one day of sparring a week. The truth with all weapons fighting under HEMA, Kendo, Fencing, Escrima or whatever is that it will never replicate the real duel or skirmish. It's the same as practicing with firearms, you can't replicate a real gun fight. Paintball and Airsoft will never come close to real fire arms.
Fat people can still move fast in combat and sports. Look at Sumo wrestlers, Football players, and Baseball players. it's not as different in weapons.
How will we ever recover!
https://youtu.be/JoxSMRWy6Qs?si=XntZmVhuqDeMNr5z [Embed]
I'm not watching a two hour video unless you give me some bullet points and a compelling reason to sit through it.
>>185660 (OP)
Here's a sparring drill you can set up with another in a randori sort of way: You will switch between top/bottom/aggressor/defender after three strikes or attempted throws or takedowns and spar this way with light touches only, nothing major. See if it can speed up learning and response time to defensive play.
He said its bretty gud
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I don't know what you're talking about, I think you're confusing savate combat with assault, which is a bit like the difference between light contact and full contact karate.

That kick is called chassé latéral and is legal in savate matches, you can see it being executed at 0.22 in this webm (sorry for the potato quality it comes from a 30 year old VHS).
I like Erik Paulson instructionals, I like the takedown-to-submission way
The main reason I hate savate is they ruined karate
The japanese picked up the standing in rows doing kata as a group and punching the air from the French in an attempt to westernized because that's how they practiced
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVHb30uI_pA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VteTf07VRmU [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oll8rn32Ns4 [Embed]
I assume you mean stuff like this. Did karate really get it from that? I haven't looked into this at all.

Some reddit threads on it
They suggest the savate connection is just a hypothesis by Jesse Encamp.
https://youtu.be/sQUh5tVWd-E?si=Slhj1bmjirQTRsaA [Embed]

Though this paper discusses in detail the possibility, lots of good info.

>However, there is no formal proof, in the current state of research, that there was a transfer of knowledge and/or skills, even if it is certain that Yabu Kentsu or Chomo Hanashiro received military traininig from the French heritage. Did they see or participate in Joinville’s French boxing teaching? Similarly, no formal evidence has an influence of and Okinawa although strong relationships exist with the development of katas in these islands. However, the diffusion of these practices, the temporal conjunctions, notably at the end and beginning of the 20th century, constitute a cluster of clues that seems to be consistent enough to lean towards one and/or the other of these interpretations. Further research is underway that will perhaps lead to more precise answers.

About influence of savate on karate kicks
>This hypothesis is evoked in particular by Jesse Enkamp in a video posted on YouTube in 2021 that went viral among the world of Japanese martial artists, with, of course, an anachronistic and disjointed summary of the historical narrative to enhance the visual aspect and attractiveness
How do i get better at wrestling? I'm almost 20 and i fear never being able to adequately hone my TD skills.
What does your current training look like and what has it looked like historically? Also, there's a wrestling thread >>>/xs//wrestling/ you can ask in if you don't get good answers here.
Where and how to learn CQC from the Metal Gear Solid series?

not a tornado kick, that's a rainbow kick
It's legitimately judo atemi waza
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Its not that we didn't learn to kick prior, it was because people were focused on practicality in a street fight scenario, if you kick higher than waist up generally speaking you are exposing yourself for an easy takedown or a groinshot.
>>185660 (OP)
Have things like the "eye jab" and "joint kick" even worked in a resisting opponent?
>https://youtu.be/Yu9FLqrW34w?si=lUccKNNPyrPD1wdq [Embed]
The back half of Jon Jones and Daniel Cormier's careers say yes.
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But this BJJ youtuber says that this TMA technique doesn't work
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xULQhCcSY-c [Embed]
>>185660 (OP)
I watched this sport "support your countrys athletes" commercial on TV and they showed Taekwondo instead of BJJ/MMA lmao.
I don't know if I like it as a competition, but that's a great idea for a training environment.
how do i learn tiger style kung fu?

>My FMA teacher does teach us traditional training and gives us one day of sparring a week.

Congrats, youre sparring more than 90% of eskrimadores.

>The truth with all weapons fighting under HEMA, Kendo, Fencing, Escrima

HEMA is the closest to what the original fencing masters did, unlike kendo which is so far removed from actual fighting you could get a group of 10 year olds to make a more practical martial art.

>"real duel"

Dueling isnt what hollywood makes it out to be. "duels to the death" very rarely happened, and if it did it was because someone either went too far or were stupid and got themselves killed. Most duels in history were done to first blood.



>" It's the same as practicing with firearms, you can't replicate a real gun fight. Paintball and Airsoft will never come close to real fire arms."

Lets just tell the military their simulated fights arent proper practice for fighting. Hell, go tell a boxer he cant actually fight because its not "real fighting". Absolute reddit take i swear.


Yes, but also no. I know some big dudes who are fast as fuck fencers, but i cant say the obese guy playing warhammer40k at my local hobby store can move as fast as him.
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Findjng a northern temple place is already difficult, anon. Don't make it even harder than it needs to be by wanting a very particular sub-style.
Anyone here had broken ribs before? Broke one of mine on Sunday and the pain isn't too bad (except coughing/laughing and especially sneezing) but it just started making a little painless clicking sound sometimes when I breathe in or out. The break is on the left side of my chest right over my heart so I really don't want it to outright snap on me.
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you dont understand i need to be the biggest baddest shark in a pond of salt water fish
you dont underatand my jiu jitsu

this is sarcasm btw
i hate it because this is how thoughs low iq fucking retards think and talk
bjj is only popular because it's one of the few martial arts left that doesnt require a background check to compete.
Doesnt require drug test, doesnt require actual respect

you could literally be a serial rapist which the sport is full of and still get black belt and compete

im tired

you could literally be butt chugging trenbolone or do hgh which is so incredibly common in the sport the first gym i went to one of the """professors""" did hgh and openly talked about it
to stay lean
Points for BJJ:
Legacy credibility from traditional UFC, "all fights end on the ground."
Rogan seal of approval, as well as most of the other online manosphere influencers.

Why does the manosphere like it?
More deliberate than striking or anything that involves striking, so intellectual types like it more. Rogan explains this element well.
Training and competition doesn't involve blows to the head (usually), intelligent hobbyists would rather have some kind of chronic joint pain than CTE.

And the main point of BJJ now is just inertia. It's literally everywhere, it seems like any town with more than 5 guys in it has a BJJ gym. Can't always say the same for Muay Thai or boxing or MMA, not even things like TKD or karate these days.

Ultimately it's all what you're training for I suppose. BJJ might not be the best for "da street," but if you're some older asshole like me and you're well past the point in your life where you'll get into a bar fight, it's a martial art with a better risk profile than most of the others and plenty of availability. The only martial art I ever found useful in a bar was Aikido anyway.
bjj is only popular because it's easy and the competitions are deliberately non-competitive
you want to compete in judo as a black belt? too bad fuck face, you're on the pro circuit
bjj you can be a "world champion" in the 50+ white belt under 145 division

and the manfluincers selling this garbage to you all have a financial interest in it. Of course jocko is pushing bjj on people when he owns a gi company
that guy is obviously larping dude.
No "old asshole" is gonna sit down and take the manosphere seriously unless they're some socially awkward retard or virgin.
You'd have to be mostly retarded
not even socially awkward
>Can't always say the same for Muay Thai or boxing or MMA, not even things like TKD or karate these days
>you cant say the same for martial arts that actively drug test, shame you for using peds and will get you out of the training pool for having a criminal record or being a child molestor

hmm interesting
those are all the things bjj does not do
You sound like the exact person that would get into a bar fight simply because you'd think you'd win due to knowing some high lever martial art where as someone like a muay thai artist or a boxer or even a judoka would avoid it because they dont want a criminal record or to hurt anyone.
I dont know why jiu jitsu artists carry this mentality that they are superior or some influencers say so and then you read and hear a bunch of stories about bjj artists getting their asses kicked by some guys with weapons because closed guard couldnt stop a baseball bat. Meanwhile all the other arts you spoke shit about would be like "im not getting involved in that" and walk away
ive only met two humble bjj artists
one was a law enforcement who was also a black belt and the other was a competitive judoka and bjj athlete who was a brown belt in judo a blue belt in bjj.
Other than that ever bjj artists ive met has been a complete retard and asshole. That has a twisted sense of reality and thinks bjj is unstoppable
That's sorta backwards. You can only have a 50+ white belt under 145 tournament if you have an absolute shitton of people already doing the sport and available to participate in that tournament. If you have maybe 12 people showing up, you have to do an everyone tournament because you don't have enough people to do anything else. What I mean is, your martial art has to already be a success before you can do that, you can't do that to become a success.
>You sound like the exact person that would get into a bar fight simply because you'd think you'd win due to knowing some high lever martial art
I wrote in the post that I'm well past the point in life where I'd expect to ever get into a bar fight; that already didn't happen. Furthermore, I literally stated that I don't think BJJ is the best for bar fights anyway, and my main considerations for it are that it's a good sport, which really has nothing to do with non-consensual brawling. Only thing I said about those other martial arts is that they're not quite as easy to find gyms for due to how insanely popular BJJ is right now and the ones involving striking will cause brain damage over time, not that they're bad or ineffective martial arts.

You might as well have not quoted anybody for how little your post has to do with mine.

Same to you, the part you're responding to has almost nothing to do with this point. Nobody drug tests or background checks the regular people that show up to gyms for training or amateur sport, which is most of the people who do any martial art. You can't at all explain the popularity of BJJ with this idea that the surplus of people is made up entirely of child-molesting drug-abusers who get kicked out of other martial arts, there aren't enough child-molesting drug-abusers in the world for that to be the case. It's an insane claim that has no contact with reality whatsoever.
i dont give a shit
not reading that you're retarded and bjj only works one on one
Next time don't kneejerk and you won't have to feel retarded.
im not reading all that all i see is (You)
sorry that happened to you
I personally know someone with an ibjjf world championship because he was over 60 and had 1 other person in the division so it was a best of 3 for a "world" title
and he wont stop telling people he's a world champion, it's all over his socials
"brazilian jiujitsu world champion"
A new to the area TKD place opened up that I was checking out.
Mostly for fitness, friends, and fun reasons since I am getting older and work for a living.
At first everything looked pretty typical of a TKD place (that doesn't compete otherwise they would have mentioned it). But my BS alarm was raised when I saw the head instructor claiming to be a 10th degree black belt, the only one in the US, but apparently isn't apart of any organization for this to be independently verified.

Since I already have experience and not interested in competing the school not having pedigree isn't that much of a issue, but very likely lying about rank is sketchy as fuck.

Anyone heard of this dude?
Grandmaster Jose I. Delgado
Only think I can find on him is from their own website, which doesn't even mention who he trained under, and he doesn't have a fight or tournament record from what I can find.
>One of the rarest and most significant achievements in martial arts is earning a 10th-degree black belt—a rank so uncommon that only about 20–30 individuals in the world hold it in karate, and even fewer in disciplines like judo

so whether this is an outright claim I can't say but at the very least it's a strong implication he's a 10th in judo
of which 0 are currently alive in the kodokan rankings, and 3 are currently alive in the IJF rankings
there's currently 1 TKD 10th dan alive
shorin ryu impossible to say because there's so many off shoots, but we're talking about bill wallace tier here

I'll tell you what the "visionary" (his websites description of him) did
he started his own martial art and promoted himself to 10th degree grand master of it. Which you're 100% allowed to do, but that's gay
the way it's written is to imply he achieved it and had it recognized by peers which never happened
finally someone that can beat gordon ryan
Only if his TKD is taking kunt's dollars
sounds like something an rapist would say
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Is it worth it practicing dirty attacks, but in a formal way (speed bags, mits, etc) once you know actual fighting first? for example you practiced for 1 ,2 years judo + K-1 or boxing + wrestling and then you do specific drills for eye gouges, headbutts, ripping ear-lobes or lower lips , cutting the cornea with a horizontal chop (if you have a bit long fingernails) ,etc? Like a normal low-kick drill but you practice a kick that could bust the knee ligament of opponent.
>pic related is a guy from a DVD, who competed in actual bjj and karate, practicing moving like boxer + eye-pokes with a bag
I'm not in a position to have an informed opinion but I really can't picture an out of shape geriatric being able to train effectively.
Equally if there aren't times when you're pushed close to your physical limits in a sport specific context then you're not going to be able to perform well in a real situation
I doubt most of that is going to substantially change your odds of winning a fight outside of headbutts and maybe kicks

It's probably worth practicing in a controlled setting to understand what an opponent might think and how to control those sorts of attacks at least
>i dont train martial arts and i have never stepped into a martial arts gym/studio

then why post?
why is UFC fellating mexico? it isn't even in mexico its in vegas
Because some of your takes seem overtly fucking retarded on their face and like you're just dickriding a specific coach.

Being a good martial artist is a different skill set than being a good coach but if you're physically incapable of performing the moves in a realistic context then that's objectively going to stunt your understanding and development of your techniques.
There's nothing wrong with doing that sort of shit for fun and hand conditioning. But ripping ear lobes is cartoonishly difficult for even the most gorilla knuckled fucker who's got your head pinned to the ground. Nevermind standing and mobile.
>It's probably worth practicing in a controlled setting to understand what an opponent might think and how to control those sorts of attacks at least
That's a lot of the value to me. Don't end up like that Army kid who pulled guard to control the nog who attacked him in the barracks and ended up getting his dick twisted.
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>be young in 00s
>see cool martial art used in some vidya
>romanticise this style you have no information on
>muh Plum Flower Iron fist style must be amazing and practiced by secretive warrior monks somewhere in Asia
>fast forward to 2020s
>now have the benefit of 30 years of UFC to see what works
>Xu Xiaodong and his boys absolutely rinsing every Chinese grandmasters in existence, on camera
>that style you thought was cool in vidya turns out to be bullshido with no live sparring

Aikijujutsu was this for me. Used to play as Aoi at lot in Virtua Fighter 4

The rise of MMA did martial arts a huge favour by exposing all the horseshit, but it also disenchanted it a lot imo
>he actually though bjj works outside of the gym
it's pretty funny actually because I'm a brown belt and we recently got a new instructor at the gym and I went to a beginners class and he was showing punch defense and how to stand up when someones on top of you, and it dawned on me that in the years I've been doing this shit this is the first time I actually saw someone teaching how to use it in a fighting application
>>185660 (OP)
most of it can work in fighting application if the person you're fighting is stupidly oblivious to well...everything.

If you live in the US and dont carry some sort of knife on you or gun that person is just retarded. The first thing you learn in bjj is that you have 0 idea who knows martial arts because everyone in the gym just looks like an ordinary dude.

All martial arts are effective on people who are straight up oblivious to the world around them.

>"lets rob this person"
>that person ends being being an amatuer boxer

>"lets rob this person"
>that person ends up being a blue belt in bjj

>"lets rob this person"
>that person ends up being an orange belt in judo

>lets rob this person
>that person ends up being an actual karate practicioner

list goes on
>TKD = Shotokan + Taekkyon

Heavy emphasis on the Shotokan here btw. There's a school of thought that TKD was originally *just* 1930s Shotokan and they retroactively added a small number of Taekkyon elements to make it more korean/less japanese. Iirc almost all of the Kwan founders were Shotokan guys

*what* exactly was added from Taekkyon is kind of a point of debate. The kick chambering is a bit different I think but otherwise its a very similar style
>Yes mma is very strong, but vs someone in wing chun with 10 years of experience when they actually know the art will give them a run for their money.
>but all the videos available anywhere show WC guys getting their ass handed to them by semi-competent MMA/MT guys

Weird coincidence that every WC guy on youtube getting battered by an MMA hobbiest is a guy who just wasn't dedicated enough to the style
And yet every time the WC guy wins, it's because "the opponent doesn't REALLY know mma!"
Why the fuck are tai chi, general qigong, and other forms of internal arts gatekept so much? Yeah sure ideally you'd learn from a teacher, but people act like if I learn the 24 yang short form from a video and practice it in my home my fucking chakras are gonna overheat and melt my balls

People practice yoga all the time and there isn't a tidal wave of death by organ failure from your kundalini rotting

I just want to learn a few more of the choreographed taolu forms because I enjoy doing them
>>185660 (OP)
I (29M) want to begin training a martial art because I don't have a big friend group and the friends I do have are nerdy and don't have a lot of confidence to go out and do other things.

I lift weights about 6 days a week and im in generally good shape. I am, however, terrified of brain damage. My father was a neurologist, and I know first hand that the human brain is not meant to take damage. It is cumulative and leads to a worse life outlook.

I wish I could train boxing because it looks so fun and confidence boosting to know how to throw a punch well, but boxing is basically the worst combat sport in terms of potential head damage.

What martial art is offers the safest training regarding brain injuries? I was thinking Jiu Jitsu. I don't know anything, but my guess is that aside from the take downs and getting choked out, that if trained safely you can confidently avoid head trauma. Is this accurate?
There's a thread discussing brain injury risk in judo that you might find interesting >>193647 →
>boxing is basically the worst combat sport in terms of potential head damage
Just because it has the most potential for head damage doesn't mean it's guaranteed brain damage. You can train boxing safely.

Don't spar that often and keep it light when you do. If you feel any symptoms, then stop boxing for awhile. If there's some asshole who's hitting too hard even if you ask them to stop, then don't train with that person. It's that simple.
>try to find a martial art to do around me
>it's all cardio boxing or kung fu LARPing
Please, I just want a place that spars.
You can still learn to punch right with cardio boxing. But yeah i get you
Whole board is fucking dead. Post old /mag/ lore to revive it.

Anyone remember there was a kung fu poster who talked a big game, then got challenged by another anon; they arranged a time and place to fight and on the day (or close to it) the kung fu guy announced that he couldn't fight because his master said a street fight would be dishonourable and his techniques would be 2deadly4dastreetz

I miss that era. The period of martial arts Master Ken is parodying kind of lived on here a bit longer than the mainstream, with anons challenging each other to dumbass style-vs-style bouts that never occurred
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I refer you to this ancient pic that still holds true today

One will exist, just look harder.

E.g. at one point I thought the same thing in my hometown and wanted to do something with harder sparring than TKD

It was like 1-2 years after moving to another city for work that I realised a Kyokushin dojo had opened up while I still lived there, I just hadn't come across it yet
Actually now that I see this again I would say Kudo should probably be added and the various KK offshoots like Enshin at least be mentioned but w/e
>did martial arts until I was 20
>blew out my ACL, got surgery
>never quite rehabbed it properly despite best efforts, went to a few physios but no one ever quite solved it
>tried BJJ and MT but kept blowing out my knee
>now mid-30s and have solved it, knees appear to be good as new thanks to good physio, can do martial arts again
>now living somewhere there I'm spoiled for choice with different martial arts (e.g. obscure full contact karate styles, sanda, sambo, anything)
>have way less free time than when I was 19 and am older so need to maximise hours spent vs fighting ability gained
>BJJ or boxing is therefore the logical choice, not the obscure shit

Makes me sad I probably won't have time to get good at some obscure full-contact Japanese style, my teen self would have loved it.

Don't really have a point, it's just interesting how life goes. You really need to pare your life down to just the essentials by your mid-30s

Though maybe I should spend less time shitposting and more time fighting
>blew out my ACL, got surgery
>tried BJJ and MT but kept blowing out my knee
>BJJ or boxing is therefore the logical choice, not the obscure shit
Why would you want to do the thing most likely to fuck up your knees again right after you've recovered?
Martial arts are the only sports I enjoy. Avoided them for years, but after a shitton of strength and pliometrics the physio reckons I'm good to go, so going to give it a shot

I'm stronger (particularly in legs) than I've ever been, passing all the hopping/twisting tests so I figure its a good a time as I'll ever get to do it
Why BJJ specifically though when it has a reputation as a knee killer?
leglocks used to be common before being banned due to high injury rate
like how people base their entire repitoire around guard
people used to do that but with leg locks.
John Danaher is famous for his leg locks
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oh wait i didnt read the other post
am retard
MT is just as bad for knees, think of the pivoting for kicks and the sweeps

BJJ gives you options to play off your back at least
What should I do if not BJJ then?
Yo, does anyone have torrents of old kickboxing matches? American kickboxing, Dutch kickboxing, Japanese kickboxing, Muay Thai, savate, sanda, full contact karate - anything that can be considered kickboxing, from the 60s til the 2000s. Any promotion is fine; I wanna watch them all anyway. Anything you have on this I'll be happy with. Thank you!
So its true that all forms of BJ are tough on the knees huh

I guess you guys would know
>MT is just as bad for knees, think of the pivoting for kicks and the sweeps
Pivoting on your knees is nowhere near as bad as some tryhard full-sending a heelhook or fucking up a kani basami that he "learned" off of youtube.
True but those are rare occurrences, pivoting/sweeps are extremely rare occurrences

And that's before you even consider low kicks
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I read a comment somewhere (about a kyokushin gut breaking a hard brick IIRC) that jokingly said "kyokushin guys are tough, they headbutt mugiwaras for an hour every day"...Now Im curious: DO any "hard style" karatekas headbutt makiwaras\trees\poles? Lethwei does have headbutts officially- do THEY headbutt poles ,or punching bags, or banana trees?
fuck, autocorrect. I love One Piece.
The only thing involving impact I've ever seen is that white Lethwei guy using a speed bag with his head, and that just barely qualifies. Everything else is static or rolling pressure. Head stands and the different bridges on hard surfaces, rolling pin on the front and top of the head. Pretty much the same secondary methodologies you'd see for the other body parts but avoiding actual kinetic work for what one can assume are the standard reasons. Personally I'd assume it requires a ton of training for what may be very little to no gains.
That is fucking stupid. Besides Lethwei, the only other combat sport that allowed headbutts was the original Japanese Kickboxing in the 1960's. There's footage from 1966 to the early 1970's that show them headbutting and doing all kinds of wrestling/judo throws. They later banned those due to high-injury.

You should never practice your head as a weapon seeing how CTE is nothing to joke about.
>>185660 (OP)
>moves shown are choreographed (e.g. "the attacker does this, then I do this, then you do this...")
This isn't actually bad perse, choreographed moves are needed to teach the proper technique to avoid bad movements from the biomechanical perspective
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Hapkido is shit. I say this as an ethnic Korean who hates all the hogwash about Korean martial arts.

I love Kyokushin but their competition rules should allow face punches and grabbing to knee.

Sambo and Sanda are fucking spectacular but they should be in A tier. In fact Fucking Sexcellent should not exist at all.

And not to nitpick but the correct spelling is Jujutsu. Jiu-Jitsu is how Brazilians spell jujutsu. And quite frankly most Jujutsu schools are archaic koryu.

A List needs to remove Baji Quan and Dim Mak. Otherwise it's perfect.
6/10 bait
What Korean martial arts are actually good then
To be honest, none. Ssrieum is a decent folk wrestling style and maybe Korean archery which is totally indigenous and not cribbed from China or Japan.

TKD, Tang Soo do, Hapkido don't impress me much. They have a few useful techniques but overall, boxing, Muay Thai, sanda, savate, Japanese knockdown karate is better.

It's kinda funny how good Koreans are at judo.
>I love Kyokushin but their competition rules should allow face punches
They don't want use any kind gloves and punching the face bareknuckle would simple destroy your knuckles and the other guy face
I understand that but too many Kyokushin guys have bad habits. They should implement MMA gloves so they can punch and grab.
>They don't want use any kind gloves
And they're epic retards for that if they think putting 2oz of foam over their knuckles to take the points away is going to effect their punching ability
Masutatsu Oyama really wanted to emphasize combat efficiency of his karate which meant bare-knuckle. Though he did train his guys with boxing gloves. It's why his students Akio Fujihira and Tadashi Nakamura won over their Muay Thai opponents.

I do envision incorpating elements of British prizefighting (bare-knuckle boxing which allowed throws, sweeps) so his guys would protect their hands and not loose teeth.
when you break down the statement in simpler terms of 60 years 2 guys won a match using karate and that's the highest achievement of the art, it makes the entire thing seem suspect

to me kyokushin is "the real stuff" as in "we stay in our bubble and pretend everyone is beneath us"

and this is why I've turned my back on karate all together, because karate cares too much about protecting karate than it does about actually delivering what it's selling
I'm a boxer and Muay Thai practitioner but Kyokushin and other knockdown karate styles have my respect. Dutch Kickboxing has many of its pioneers and fighters originally train in Kyokushin. Most karate is trash but styles that actually try to train realistically like Seidokaikan (they put gloves on in matches) or Kudo (proto-MMA karate) are what should be strives for.
>60 years 2 guys won a match using karate and that's the highest achievement of the art
There's been tons of full-contact kickboxing champions with karate backgrounds, both historically and today. Somehow all the guys who only follow the "real" fighting arts miss this.
Everyone has a karate "background" it's a background for a reason though
Karate and I include taekwondo in this too because it's just Karate with Korean words is the largest martial art in the world and every kid does it, and very few are known for being good at actually fighting
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Except it's not guys who did strip mall karate once when they were 4 winning kickboxing championships, it's guys who had high level amateur or pro karate experience transitioning over to kickboxing and doing well.
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my name is connor.. i rape people..
I think it's popular because it's fun and interesting and when you walk into a room and get humbled by like 10 guys submitting you, you know it works.
You walk in and have immediate proof that it's real.
You try karate and they have you doing retarded "forms" and playing pretend.
jiu jitsu practitioners are some of the least humble people i have ever met.
Being humbled by people who can bash you up easily and make you feel like a fool can sometimes make you lose respect for people who don't train because of how mentally jarring it is. It makes them feel like telling everyone else they're weak and shit for not training, because that's exactly how they felt after their first class.
People like that rarely last long in the sport. They either grow out of it or quit. Not many make it to brown or black belt in my experience.

But yes, I can see why you would get that impression. And you aren't necessarily wrong either.
Because a lot of people have unstable knees and/or ankles and don't know about it
Does anyone have some perspective on Judo vs boxing purely as a hobby? There are a lot of comparisons elsewhere based on "muh effectiveness on the street" but that's nowhere near the most important metric for me. I just want to train a couple nights a week and get pretty good at something physical.

-26 years old
-183cm/90kg [6'/198lb] (mostly fat)
-as far as I can tell I have a reputable school for both in my town [though the boxing one seemingly much moreso]

>just do both they compliment each other
Judo has a much broader scope than boxing, both in terms of the techniques and in the broader sense (the philosophy and general goals of the art.) boxing is open ended: anything can be boxing so long as it pertains to punching stuff, it isn't rigorously defined by some central boxing authority and so its bound to be more variant; whereas judo is centrally defined, having been made by one guy who codified a basic set of techniques (everything from throwing to striking to resuscitation) - things have been added and removed (or forgotten) over the years, but generally things keep the shape of Kano Jigoro's vision of the system. boxing's goal is a mastery of punching (throwing punches, getting punched, not getting punched, etc.), whereas judo aims to generally enrich the learner, condition the body and encourage ethics.
it just depends what you want exactly. if you want a more specialized, simpler, straightforward activity to do in your free time, boxing would work. if you want the full monty, to learn a full system and all that stuff, its hard to beat Judo, but its a greater investment (though the actual time investment every week would probably be the same.)
thank you very much for the comprehensive response. This is exactly what I was looking for.
I think the clear direction and progression of Judo suits me best. It sounds like there is a clearer sense of improvement, being tethered to belts and a fairly clear list of skills. Plus I never did like running.
Bros help me pick which way:

>Uechi-Ryu Karate
>Small dojo, I'm the only non-black belt
>Uechi only has 8 kata, "trimmed down"
>Bunch of bullshit "this will kill a man" shit and basically no kumite for years
>Full of geriatrics
>Instructors welcome me and even hint that id help them run the dojo in the future
>Hate remembering kata
>I'm the youngest guy there

>World class gym
>Instructors focused mostly on their own competitions and training
>Bigger class full of BJJ cross trainers and wrestlers
>More expensive
>I'm the lightest guy there at 150lbs and get ragdolled, I'm the tallest guy there and one of the older ones

Which way, white man?
Both. You want striking and grappling.
>learn judo to become good at grappling
>take over karate dojo and make it great again by re-adding kumite
I only mention this because trying to get my hips under these short stocky wrestler bros is ass-to-grass squat level. Fucking annoying. I'm in new england which is full of short people.
Goddamn genius
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>I'm the tallest guy there
I just liked judo more. It's a matter of what you want to bug you when you're older - bad knees, back, hips, etc or potential CTE from years of getting lightly hit in the head.
Yeah I don't have the brainpower to spare for cte. Plus I'd rather fuck up my joints doing relatively full tilt sparring vs lovingly bopping people.

Guess I'll start rifling through the links in the judo general. Sign-ups start back up in January. Thank you anons.
>trying to find a gym for basically anything
>everyone in my area is bad
Like multiple places do birthday parties bad.
want me to come open a gym in your podunk town?
When a martial arts place does birthday parties what does that look like typically? Is it a good recruitment tool or just a short term supplement to income?
both, but it's a sign you're at a daycare and not a serious martial arts school
I'm largely against kids classes in general but at least mine are only 45 minutes long 3x a week
I want to master Qigong and fight in mma and arenas and street fights
Yeah, it seems like everywhere has kids classes now. I guess they need the income.
Martial arts isn't as popular as we think it is just because we practice it.
Watching it is very popular and always has been, participating in it isn't. They gotta make money somehow
>we practice it.
I wish
At the beginning of the year I started doing kali, but they insist and force in krav as being part of the training, and take up significant training time each session with "combatives" and krav bullshit.

While I like the kali, seeing krav first hand I can easly say it fucking sucks.
I already have martial arts, fighting, and actual real world self defense experience so I can see through their blatant bullshit and terrible training methodology.
I really want to train in kali, and while the person teaching it does a bad job of explainiing things the first time around, with asking questions I am able to learn quite a few things.
That said, they are basically locking sparing of any sort behind "rank" in krav.

They also keep bringing up Israel in ways that make me deeply uncomfortable, including requiring the signing of a affidavit saying I wasn't a terrorist or enemy of Israel.
I mean I ain't a terrorist or whatever but I owe Israel no loyalty and rather not mix geopolitics with martial arts.

I just want to get good at hitting people with sticks god damn it. The rsd larping is fucking cringe and gay.
how about you do a more respected martial art like muay thai/taekwando/kyokushin and incorporate kali training at home or with people who are into it like you are?
That sounds gayer than Tel Aviv. I think >>220457 has the right idea, get a competent training buddy and go to reputable seminars, training camps, etc. together and train with each other in between educational trips.
Krav Maga goobers really just chap my ass with their larp
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>>185660 (OP)
I have a question. I've been fucking around and messing with some beginner boxing classes for the first time after only having lifted for most of my adult life (26 btw).

my stats are
> 5'5"
> wider frame (I usually sit between 175-180)
> slightly below average reach

I realize I'm pretty cooked when it comes to holding my own under any discipline but what would your recommendation be for the best striking/ grappling combination? my gym also does muay thai classes, and I tried it out, but boxing feels like a better fit.

I don't have any goals on competing since I'm so old, but I'd like to invest my time in something that will work to my strengths the best. A couple of my amateur fighter buddies have told me I should just focus on an instyle boxing stule with a strong guard, and once I am confident on the fundamentals, incorporate wrestling classes.

He said that after a couple of years of doing this and getting some sparring experience, I could incorporate low kicks and clinching/ submission defence if I get more into sparring/mma type classes. Would appreciate any advice. I'm pretty happy in my career and personal life, but making this is my side quest type of deal.
Because if you don't run, you don't fight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLMSRpl-K24 [Embed]

you should be plyomaxxing
Grappling is kind of a meme; pretty useless against anyone except an unarmed, untrained opponent. Even if they don't have a knife, real life isn't the UFC; and people can and will rabbit punch you, bite you, and gouge your eyes while you're trying to whatever the fuck it is you're trying to do, and that's if they're not trained. You go up against someone proficient in boxing or Thai boxing in a street fight? Shiiiiiiet, you're about to get your ass kicked and you're gonna look gay doing it; going for a take down on a Nak Muay is a great way to end up deep-throating a knee.

Anyway, boxing is great, if for no other reason than "untrained" applies to 90% of people you'll encounter, and even elementary boxing will teach you footwork, positioning, and how to read body language. Thai boxing is as good, and arguably better. As always, the best technique for defense is de-escalation.
I don't even know what this means lol. Like skipping rope really fast or what

Okay I'll just focus on striking until I get bored and feel like having sex with men. Maybe I'll sprinkle in a couple MT classes but focus mostly on boxing.
like run up and down stairs and jump over boxes and shit and like, go on agility ladders and change directions suddenly and often
you're making a common error "I'd just bite and gouge his eyes out"
how you would do that when he has the superior position due to grappling? who knows
and then you got this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5WTKxj8QIw [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B6bBP32pWw [Embed]
By all means learn some BJJ or Greco-Roman, but believe me when I say the last thing you want in the real world is for the fight to go to ground. That is to say, certainly doesn't hurt you to have options if you find yourself there, but going there shouldn't be the plan. Again, Plan A should always be de-escalate and walk away from the situation, but if someone insists on violence, knowing how to stand, move, and position will make most would-be assailants rethink their course. In my experience, the overwhelming majority of dipshits who are ready to fight strangers over some bullshit don't really have a plan beyond "throw haymakers and hope for the best" and if you can deny them the ability to even throw a punch at you effectively, solely by how you manage the space between you and them, their brain will usually tip them off that you're playing chess while they're playing checkers, and they'll back off.

But hey, if you do have to throw a punch, you can't go wrong with boxing and MT. Also, because I know what I've said will trigger some BJJ fags, I mean no disrespect to your art, all I'm saying is that for anon, who is training for exercise and practical application, BJJ falls apart more and more the further you get from "am fighting someone untrained, unarmed, who didn't bring friends."
>"I'd just bite and gouge his eyes out"
No, I wouldn't do such things. Tweakers and drunk assholes will do those things. Here's the thing about tweakers and drunk assholes, they don't need any encouragement to bite, scratch, piss, and spit on you, and they certainly won't politely allow you to assume a closed guard or back mount and wait for a prompt from you to start acting like a raccoon in a trash bag. I have no doubt that you could close the deal and choke out some rando from a back mount, but you still got bit, and should probably get that checked out; sepsis is no joke.

Me? I'd rather wait for an opening, pick my moment, and then cordially oblige their desire to get slept. I didn't get bit, and I didn't ruin my clothes rolling around a parking lot (or worse). Also, what the actual fuck do you do if someone brought a friend or two? My chances aren't great, but you're straight up fucked; getting your head kicked in by some dude's homies while you're trying to dry hump him is a bad look.

Then if we're talking trained grappler vs trained Nak Muay, well... if you've got me in a back mount, then I've already royally fucked up, but if we're starting on our feet, aware of one another, five meters apart, with room to move, well then no offense dude, but you're never getting me on the ground.
As long as the grappler is prepared to eat shit one time that's all it takes, the bum rush is undefeatable
okay what grappling art is best for staying standing up and just fucking tossing the other guy or submitting him standing up? I don't know anything about grappling but it seems like wrestling or judo are the best bets. I don't like bjj because those dudes are just always laying down. if you pull guard on a stranger what stops his buddy from kicking your head in?

So I guess yeah my question would be what grappling art is most effective at staying standing up and fucking up the other guy without going to the ground?
Okay sounds good, just curious though what does my age have to do with focusing on pylometrics?
Cus you're small so your most effective strategy is to get squirrely
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If I'm not competing and just want to be as dangerous as possible to beat up my daughter's boyfriends in 16 years isn't it just better for me to bulk up to 205 instead of being squirrely fast man?

Pic related my retired fighter buddy
In that case
judo, aikido. the latter probably moreso, as in judo, you're supposed to follow the throw to the ground, and afaik you don't in aikido.
depends if he's asking for "real world applications" or if he just wants to practice a martial art where the thing he asked for happens, you'd be right if it was the latter
But aikido just doesn't really work and there is one major reason for that, They do not out of principle disrupt the person's legs
Judo attitudes essence is very simple grab on to someone and start pulling them around so they move, then block their legs so they can't take a step and they fall over

It's a violation of the principle of aiki to trip up someone's let's because you're disrupting the flow of energy and not redirecting it
>As long as the grappler is prepared to eat shit one time
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." - Some dude who, as I understand it, knows a bit about fighting

I think you're vastly underestimating the amount of damage one well placed punch, elbow, knee, or kick can do. Thinking you're prepared to eat shit and the stark reality of eating shit are two different things; it's not a matter of "I can take the pain," it's a matter of a TBI will put you on your back, full fencing response, regardless of how tough you think you are.
>the bum rush is undefeatable
In an enclosed space such as a cage/octagon, under rules where kicking a downed opponent isn't allowed, and certain strikes are prohibited for safety reasons, sure. In a street fight if you go for my legs, you're going to have a bad time. But hey, maybe you ate a punch and you're still standing, and now we're face to face, and you're trying to take me to ground, that's the good news... the bad news is I'm no stranger to a clinch, and I hope you're hungry, because you're about to eat some knees.

BJJ isn't useless by any stretch; I think it's invaluable for situations where you're trying to pacify someone without harming them, but if the name of the game is "hurt the other person before he can hurt you" I take Muay Thai every time.

I second Judo and Sambo as good suggestions, but Muay Thai clinch drills will cover how to strike someone in a clinch, how to throw someone in a clinch, how to sweep someone in a clinch, etc.

You're overthinking things. It's kind of like how an intermediate lifter who can bench two plates for reps is stronger than 90% of people, even basic familiarity in a legitimate martial art as trained by a legitimate instructor will allow you to fuck up 90% of people, lack of ideal genetics be damned. Remember, most people are untrained, out of shape, and functionally retarded.
You don't honestly think you could clinch better than a grappler do you?
You're playing right into it
I do, clinch drills are a regular part of Muay Thai training, and a great deal of emphasis is given to sweeps and throws.
I want to start going to a kickboxing gym near me in march.

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