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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your preferred non-standard grips and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

Previous thread: >>196170
>I'm willing to go train judo 6x a week if it will get me a black belt faster.
No you aren’t. You think you are, but you’ll burn out quick just like a new years resolutioner thinking they’re going to go from sedentary to lifting weights at 5AM five days a week. Unless you are an actual professional athlete or a complete NEET without a job or school or relationships taking up their time, there’s no way you’ll manage that.

Besides, getting the black belt only seems like a big deal now. You should think of shodan as a new beginning, not the end goal. Enjoy the journey to get there anon.
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post the atemi waza one
fuck its been so long, i may need to remake it
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Okay I had to remake it from memory, I know I forgot the clouds but I actually like this one a little better. I just really love the little instructional of the two fighters.

I didn't make a black design because the picture has little white specks around the two guys
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Does judo use this reverse grip (shown at 10:11) at all? I've seen it in shuai jiao but not in judo

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That's it for now
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Fixed the black
Lmfao where can I actually get one of these
I’ve been doing judo for 10 years (nearly exactly) and never seen that kind of grip taught in a seminar or class. Not saying it’s not valid, I’m sure there may be uses, but it is not used in my experience.

I’m also an American though, so plenty of people will tell you our judo is underdeveloped.
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Is 28 yo too late to start Judo?
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nice designs
never too late to start :DDD

somebody should draw some judo-themed gondolas :DD
i cant draw but here's a concept i made
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thanks anon, i'll try it out, always liked the idea of grappling and throwing people around :DDDD
It's not like I'm sedentary now, I lift and box.
Nevermind then I assumed you were trying to go from nothing to exercising six days a week. People who already are involved in martial arts typically don’t assign so much value to belt rankings, so stop doing that lol
Any judo organization that try to do a more "combat sport" format?
Aside of just judo men joining MMA.
combat sambo
Judo has ruined my ability to have a relationship with a woman, every time I am trying to have sex with a woman and they try to mount me from the top all I can think about is shrimping from underneath or hip bumping them to roll them before going into Kesa Gatame.
take the back
Based turtle pounder
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stop fucking kicking me
normalfags fear gondola atemi waza
judo gondola
Please and thank you
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goofy ahh ura nage?
Is that even legal to do?
I've tried wrestling, judo, and bjj

None of them really took my interest, grappling seems to be difficult for me to enjoy and feel like doing

Thinking of trying judo again. Would you say it's the most effective for self defence? Or is punching and a single leg/sloppy foot sweep all I need, and I would be wasting time actually learning judo ?
Sometimes I think what's the point of learning judo when I can just punch the guy in the face
Judo is the most useful of the three as a lifelong martial art because it teaches you to fall safely, it teaches you to put opponents on the ground while staying on your feet, and it's easier than wrestling to practice as an old man. If you're doing martial arts for self defense you need to decide what your threat model is, determine what tools you'll need to deal with those threats, and weigh the risks of probable self-defense scenarios versus the risks of training injuries. I enjoy judo (and wrestling and BJJ) and recommend giving it another try but if you don't enjoy it you're probably better off training whatever martial art you do like and working on your situational awareness, physical fitness, parkour, and pistol skills.

Grappling lets you control someone and deescalate a situation, but with striking your only tool is to escalate. I've used wrestling and judo to pin people who tried to punch me in the face and give them time to calm down without anybody getting hurt.
>when I can just punch the guy in the face
What if you can't?
How long does it take to learn to fall safely though ? Before I tried judo I didn't know how to fall, or roll backwards or forwards. I picked it up quite quickly and was able to incorporate it when I tried wrestling to safely fall in drills and going live without posting. Does that mean I've learnt it?

I quit wrestling very quickly because I was getting injured every session and it was very very high pace. I realised my old man (30 year old) body can't really keep up. especially as a hobbyist. I still have lasting injuries which I wonder if they will go away
Why would you not be able to? Whenever anyone grabbed me I just hockey punched them until they fell over. And if someone grabs you in my opinion it's game on, theyve started the fight
Because he bum rushed you and is too close for you to get any meaningful strikes off into a vital area

Same principle with guns by the way, it's not just can you draw your gun, It's can you draw your gun and get 2 center mass shots before the guy tackles you to the ground
If the guys tackling you wouldn't BJJ be better
Nope, beej doesn't know how to escape pins
But it wouldn't even get to that because the tackler is most certainly putting himself in a position to be thrown without even realizing it
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>Sometimes I think what's the point of learning judo when I can just punch the guy in the face

i hate this board and the retards that fester on it
T. Never been punched in the face
>beej doesn't know how to escape pins

Lol wut. I thought that's all they do
Have you been thrown, full-force to the ground? It's a lot worse my retarded friend.
Not if you breakfall and slap your foot on the ground first
Pins are win conditions for wrestling and judo. BJJ neglects them by comparison, which is the origin of the "just stand up" meme.
They oblige with being pinned because it doesn't count against them in the rules
Also their definition of a pin is different from the reality if you're fighting
It's only a pin in jiujitsu if you're passed the legs, but in actuality if your back is on the ground you're pinned, the leg position isn't relevant
For me it's just casually kicking them in the leg once or twice
This is the most based martial arts image I’ve ever seen in my life. If I could give you a medal I would.
So what you're saying is most people could just stand up out of a bjj guys submission attempts even if they take him down on the ground?
Pretty much
bjj only works when you're engaging with it, in that sense for example if someones trying to hit you and fight with you on the ground they'll compromise themselves in ways they can be submitted
But if you just lay there or back off bjj lacks reliable mechanisms to suck someone back on. In that sense it works for defense because if the guy stops fighting and walks away the fights over anyway

But this conundrum is why bjj has to penalize you for backing away from someone's guard. The rules require that you have to engage with it because if the rules didn't force you to do it then nothing would ever happen in the match
Both parties would just sit on the ground and not move until times up
That's really interesting because the whole reason I was put off bjj was being taught guard and I spent the whole time thinking how unnatural and stupid the whole thing felt. It felt as far removed from natural fighting/instinct as possible

But then I see MMA fights and it seems to work? Or is that because the rules force the opponent into engaging in GNP?
There’s a few reasons.
1. Most MMA fighters have learned BJJ, including the guy who is getting guard pulled on him, so he also wants to go to the ground.
2. If someone goes to the ground in MMA, it’s usually because they were thrown or knocked down. The person who just threw them or knocked them down isn’t going to risk losing the momentum by letting them recover until the ref stands them up.
3. You can’t kick grounded opponents anymore, so to continue putting damage on someone after knocking them down you need to go down with them.

Sometimes when a fighter knows that they are outmatched on the ground they will just stay up and wait for a reset by the ref, and when that happens there’s nothing that the bottom player can do to make them engage.
You'll notice the way it works now it in MMA they don't even pass the guard anymore, they only move to a half guard position and attack with strikes from there because it's a de facto pin
In bjj rules it's not a pin because the legs aren't passed, but in reality their leg is stuck under the top guy, they are pinned and have limited attack options
Meanwhile the guy on top is scoring ride time with the judges

Passing into side control isn't a good idea either because its an inferior attacking position and gives bottom guy more escape opportunities, especially without the gi
Side control only has value because of sport bjj, it doesn't have much fighting value though and is not effective for long term control without the gi. Sport bjj leads the focus of practice now and as a result its a less effective fighting system due to the bad habits or at leas sub-optimal ones people get
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I like how she plays dead
Anon, she is dead...
Wow thanks for the informative reply anon. Really opens my eyes to the reality of this stuff
>Does that mean I've learnt it?
Can you jump and throw yourself onto your side or back on a hard surface without hurting yourself? If so you've probably learned breakfalls well enough for most lifestyles and will be fine drilling them with a casual regularity, otherwise you need to drill them more deliberately.
On a flat tatami sure. Not on da streetz where landing on a curb will mean you might be actually injured.
You're sparring with retards. I'm terribly bad at judo but I know that I just literally need to either tap softly or "lock" the leg enough for them to fall (hiza guruma, I don't do the rest frequently enough)
I don't get this kuzushi. For ouchigari I have seen some people putting their oponents arm against their ribs (for a kuzushi that would technically lower the oponent's center of gravity). I just pull to the back like an osotogari and then hit them with my torso.
Look up KOTS fights a guy got suplexed onto concrete around 5 times and nothing happened to him

Just did, his suplexes weren't that impactful. The guy was landing more on his ass and lower back than his head or neck. Suplex is not that great of a throw unless you're literally hurling them over your head and even then it's still a high risk low reward technique.

Even with that, the guy who threw the other guy still won and I'm sure each time he got thrown it hurt pretty bad.
>a raised edge along the side of a street, often forming part of a path for people to walk on
Not to mention that you're obviously cherrypicking with that example. You are indeed retarded.
Oh, and the thing about curbs applies to a bunch of angled structures, not to mention throwing someone into glass, metal, etc.
But hey, don't let me stop you from getting CTE and concussions and shit. Go do some boxing, get into a clinch and then realize at what point you could very clearly use grappling.
>N-not like that! That doesn't count!
Dude, suplexes are heralded as this almost deadly insta-kill technique. This just shows how a) it's much harder to do them irl with strikes etc b) they don't always knock you out if you know how to vaguely breakfall (e.g don't post your arm and tuck your chin)
You think an osoto gari is going to ko him better lmao? Numerous hip throws in kots and they only helped into transitioning into gnp

Yes my guy, I'm just going to carefully aim his body straight into a kerb. I'm going to have all day to carefully aim this squirming fighting body into a very specific point using techniques that must be committed to as soon as you get the opportunity
Of course grappling has its place but in no rules expect to see headbutts, elbows and knees before you see much grappling. It's very risky to grapple
KOTS is not a good representation of fighting since it's populated exclusively by complete shitters. No professional with even a modicum of talent would be willing to get their ears ripped off and eyes gouged out for a few hundred dollars.
Ohhh, you're British, that explains everything
judo is too dangerous
>Whaoo dude these guys aren't on the level of Cain Velasquez so therefore what they do is irrelevant
Even the weakest KOTS fighter would make you shit your pants after wiping the floor with you. Be humble

What, the country with most talented boxers, most famous MMA fighters etc?
Okay. Weird way to agree with me. I accept your humble consession
Isn't the biggest star from your country a literal cuckold that took his wife's ex husband's last name?
>most famous MMA fighters etc?
There have been only TWO British MMA champions in UFC history, and one of them was infamous for ducking every good fighter and defending against old men.

>with most talented boxers
Your best boxer in Fury got dropped by an MMA guy who had never boxed professionally.
Oof. How defensive can you get? These posts reek of bitter cope. Pahahaha

Owned. GG
The British are the laughingstock of the world
mods can we please ban the british guy
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Why do so many people call harai-goshi, harai-ogoshi? I even hear some good competitors call it this sometimes, I’m I the crazy one or is this just a case of people not really caring what the Japanese names are called
Oh it's you again
Good doggy
this guy touches kids
nigga what are they supposed to call it?
What about harai-omgoshi
>Bitter seething copers last hope at reclaiming his dignity
i just walked into this thread i just assumed you rape kids from the way you write and because you're british

i dont even know your stance on anything and i dont really care
He thinks doing fewer than a handful of local amateur mma matches for beer money makes him a fighter
ahhh so hes just a roving gypsy who managed to find this website on a whim

this makes sense
Just harai-goshi, when talking about uki-goshi I’ve never heard anyone say uki-ogoshi. Is this an American thing?
oh shit im retarded i didnt read the original post
>Why do so many people call harai-goshi, harai-ogoshi
i thought you said why do people call harai-goshi, harai-goshi

forget what i said lmao
What if they grab you while you're lying on the ground, or from behind? How are you going to swing your way out of that?
Oof. Shameful samecuck still seething.
but where?
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Anyone got any tips for improving on specific throws and combinations? Randori is usually too fast and chaotic for me to really experiment and get reps on new throws, so I just default to what works for me every time.

Would it be useful if instead of randori, I ask my training partner if we could just do throw-for-throw? I throw you, then you throw me.

We don't drill moving uchi-komi or moving nage-komi all that much, and I find it's not that useful for getting a proper feel for how a throw would work in randori anyway.
>Would it be useful if instead of randori, I ask my training partner if we could just do throw-for-throw? I throw you, then you throw me.
This is actually how randori was first taught to me as a beginner. The idea was that as uke you would move around with tori while trying to maintain good balance and posture but without actively countering quality throws. Once tori gets his throw you switch roles; you might also switch after tori makes a failed throw attempt. I found it helpful to only have to focus on one role at a time instead of splitting my attention.
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are there any chuddy judo related quotes?
what a self serious dork, this is what a real champion looks like unlike that fraudster

Which is better:
>judo 5x a week
>judo 3x, strength and conditioning 2x a week
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Just train every day lmao
>judo 6x a week
>full body weiglift program 3x a week
Niggers I'd train and lift everyday if I could. But I have other responsibilities which is why I narrowed down choices based on my circumstance. So which is better?
depends. if you're a DYEL or you feel like you're lacking strength (especially if you're in one of the heavier weight classes), go for judo and lifting. if you're strong already i'd say just practice judo.
How do you know if you're strong enough in this context? For reference I'm u73kg.
I exercise 6 to 7 days a week.

I usually just focus on one exercise a day (sometimes two, like one upper and one lower or one exercise followed with some Judo-esc activity, OR just stretch after), usually a major compound exercise or something that utilizes a lot of muscle mass through deep end ranges of motion. Squats, deadlifts, sprinting, bench press, pull ups, rows, jumps, etc. Not a lot of isolations except maybe neck stretching.

In terms of sets and reps, I don't really pay attention nor care since I'm not lifting to improve my lifting performance. I just do something like 4 to 6 sets, first 1 to 3 sets are just quick warm ups then I do the final set(s) to fatigue and do a rest-pause style training where I take a few breathes between sets before going back into it with little rest time.

In terms of weight to use, I'm autistic and go up in increments of 1pl8. So I'll stay with something like a 225 back squat until I feel like I can get 30 to 40 reps or just until it feels really easy and I feel comfortable going up to 315.

Big take-away is this: Do hard stuff really fast. Stuff that has big ranges of motion, recruits a lot of muscle mass, and is conducive to the stimulus you want. You don't have to do a lot of it, just one or two exercises for one to three working sets. Just go to or close to failure for those sets.

Do hard shit fast, not a lot.
>How do you know if you're strong enough in this context

You're never 'strong enough.' While their are diminishing returns in strength training, you should never see a limit in training and adapting your body to stress.
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Wrestling grips are better than Judo grips for Judo

I will die on this hill
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explain your reasoning and maybe i'll let you live
With wrestling grips, you're able to close the distance and grab more of the person and not just the Gi. With conventional Judo grips, you're at the disadvantage of having your hands be too close in front of you.

Judo grips rely to heavily on hand action rather than whole body action. I don't know if that makes sense, it's kind of hard to explain.
>grabs your lapel
haha sorry bro but Im gonna throw you now
>grabs your lapel and stiffens my arm ever so slightly
haha sorry bro but you're not going anywhere
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something else is getting very stiff too
>proceeds to throw you since I dont suck
aww it's okay little guy maybe next time you can stall!
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>aww it's okay little guy maybe next time you can stall!

your post made me hard
a male's hairy ass
a female's hairy ass
Anyone have the Olympic roster?
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Judo requires all the stars to magically align
if you don't wear the correct clothing, keep your hips away, stiff arm or god forbid, strike, then good luck pulling off that le ebin judo throw

Whereas you can teach a complete noob a few basic wrestling takedowns and you CAN and will hit them in live situations from day 1. It's easy and it works.

T. Someone who has tried both
How do you uchi-mata a tree??
You've been btfo in multiple threads. When will you stop seething that you couldn't do shit during a trial class?
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I'm 118kg. I can do the old time strongman technique of Bent Press at 50-60kg. This training has led me to being able to hip throw quite naturally. I'm only on my second week of randori, but the Sensei that taught me the throw said I was good at it, and I've been able to get off hip throws in randori kinda easily. Got it off vs a black belt last night, but he looks to be in his 40s. A brown belt I was sparring with said I was strong at the end of class. I can easily bench and power clean 100kg right now. My best for deadlift about a month or two ago was about 160kg for 3 or 4 reps. The most useful thing though is that I can strict OHP 85kg. This gives me the upper body strength to just manhandle out of stuff.
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>Whereas you can teach a complete noob a few basic wrestling takedowns and you CAN and will hit them in live situations from day 1. It's easy and it works.
my sensei said i look like michael meyers when gripping people
>this faggot is still here
You literally don’t train either. You told us.
by wrestling grip do you mean underhooks and overhooks, bear hugs, etc? i love those but any competent gripfighter will absolutely not let you get there. they'll capture your sleeve and lapel the moment you try and prevent you from closing the gap on them. you have to be the better gripfighter of the 2 if you want to fight like that.
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Impressive technique, but why is not happy with his appearance?
>Judo grips rely to heavily on hand action rather than whole body action. I don't know if that makes sense, it's kind of hard to explain
It doesn’t make sense because you’re a fucking retard who doesn’t know how to do grips. You have to use your whole body positioning to grip effectively in judo too, dipshit.
what grip is he getting there? double overhand?
>underhooks and overhooks
Mostly overhooks and bodylocks
>they'll capture your sleeve and lapel the moment you try and prevent you from closing the gap on them
You think, but if you're able to snap them down and move your grips from something Judo style to wrestling style, you can really make progress.
god people on here get so angry, is this how you do Judo? hotheaded and unwillingly to see someone else's modality? dont even answer, i dont even want to see your seethe
>act like an authority while spewing dumb shit
>get told that you’re a retard
>”noooooo I’m not a retard you’re just angry!”
Don’t make dumb fucking posts and people won’t talk to you like you’re a dumb fucking fag, dumb faggot
It's true guys. I am no judo black belt. I'm not a pro grappler.

However, it's very telling that I can quickly take down novice people my size and heavier untrained with basic wrestling when going 100%. I have also mixed it easily with striking when doing light MMA style sparring

Unless you want to put 10 years into judo to have the rare chance of pulling off a simple throw, or you're up against drunks where le ebin footsweep totally works (hint: shoving them the fuck over would work too) then good luck I suppose lol

Don't really know what youre arguing about since this is a common sentiment with anyone who has trained either. Judo requires a lot more precision, commitment, timing and is more situational. It's more sportified. Wrestling, even bad wrestling, will work against 80% of people, and I could teach anyone a high crotch, knee tap or bodylock takedown

Its weird judo cultists are acting as if what I'm saying is a lie
Yeah, posting cherry picked videos of STATE CHAMP judo players competing in D1 tournaments (he trained wrestling too durr) doesn't mean that for most people here they aren't going to pull off that 10k hours on the mats level osoto sayonara shit, when grabbing a shitters leg is much easier and more convenient

You aren't a state champion. Lol you're not that guy pal
you sound really, really fat
Strange judo cultist cope
>acting as if what I'm saying is a lie

More like
>what I'm saying is a lie
You're the guy who lurks these threads just to post about how much better wrestling is after you attended a trial class and got beat up. You've made threads just talking about how bad Judo is compared to wrestling and have been BTFO'd at every corner.

Why are you even in this thread if you find Judo so inadequate? Just to be some contrarian talking head? Why don't you make a wrestling general and we can all go in there and shit it up for you.
Dude you dont even do fucking judo why are you here
Wow guys you're right. Sorry. I need to get a better hobby. I'm sorry I spread so much negativity in these threads.
Let the osoto sayonara be with you all
He doesn’t even wrestle either lol, he “learned” how to wrestle from YouTube. If there was a strong wrestling community here they’d all call him a retard too.
>he’s still going
You’ve been at this for months lol, just finish your transformation into the ultimate loser retard of /xs/ and put on a trip code.
The barrier to entry is higher compared to just shooting singled and doubles but if you know what you are doing you can bully people on the mats
t. Bjjfag who gets thrown around by judo cross trainer
I get what you mean somewhat, closing distance and being tight is key to being good a grappling and sometimes Judo grips can force yourself away from Uki especially if you're newer.
The thing I don't get is the zero sense of self preservation, I see it all the time in judo people just accept the submissions and don't hand fight or anything, they just grit their teeth and tank it as long as they can and make no meaningful counter play
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even at the highest levels, the expectation is that the ref will stand you up before the other guy can submit you
time allotted to ne-waza varies between referees, so when the other guy is suddenly given time to work, this takes the guy on bottom by surprise
on top of that, judokas typically don't try to work out from the bottom (unless you're getting pinned) because it's a waste of energy, and simply laying down flat and protecting your neck for 4 seconds is generally more effective
Ne Waza is very aerobically and metabolically taxing, wasting energy on the ground isn't going to help when they get stood up again. They're anticipating the match to be stopped when it falls to the ground but when the ref decides 'ah fuck it let's see where this goes' it kind of makes you unprepared.
You aren't him bro
It's funny because his system become something that mostly high-class liberal white people train now
Just like you don't train.
Don't need to train aikido for 6 years to realise it's shit.
HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY! Hey, hey...

Don't bring Aikido into this.
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niggies where are you going to be watching they judo olympics?
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home, where the VVHITE is
yeah dont give a shit about the pozzed opening, i'm here to see niggers flip and get flipped
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As promised I'm eating French fries every day until abe-chan wins to show my support

Thank God this is almost over, I've gained 28lbs since February
Legitimately thought I was having a stroke 2 days ago
what if she loses
She won't let me down like that, I just know it
i want her to win as well, but it's gonna be really funny if she doesn't and you have to keep eating french fries
pls no
a white belt in BJJ would choke you in 10 seconds
Imagine training 10k hours for this very moment
When a boxer with 1 years experience can achieve instant ko with a punch to your chin

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