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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Old thread is waaay past its bump limit edition.
Having fun murdering your friends edition.


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread questions:
What are you working on this week, this month, this year?
What are your long term goals, and what's your plan to achieve them?
This week I'm going out of town so I'll be lucky if I can drop in on a class or two. This month I just want to snap my shitty training skid and get back to regular training. This year I want to hit 300 classes and compete at least once.

Long term, I want to get to purple belt before I'm forty. To do that, first I've got to be way more consistent in both jiujitsu training and lifting. Then I've got to be way more intelligent about training; I need to ask myself, "what are my goals for this training session?" and have good answers before each class. Lastly, the fastest way to the next belt is to simply win Worlds in my division (old fat blue belts). In order to do that, I need to compete a lot more consistently. In order to do that, I need to stop being a pussy who's averse to competition. I don't know if I don't hate losing enough, or I hate losing way too much, but either way it's pretty gay and retarded t b h.

After that I want to get to black belt before I'm fifty and keep competing in my division. After that I don't care, I can die. There, that's basically my whole life in jiujitsu.
Just trying to get a black belt so I can quit, it's all about clout for me
Hang it on the wall, have it in a social media profile, tell people about it so they're impressed with me

The place I go has promotion dates and based on current projections I'll get it in 2025 so I'm just keeping my head down like I'm in prison waiting for parole
Do you compete? Medals = clout.
Normies can't tell the difference between a medal from a tiny, local open, and pans/worlds/ADCC. Just take a selfie at the top of literally any podium, add moto quote, hashtag everything, and boom: clout.
nah cus I think the sports super gay and the people in the advanced divisions are way too self serious about it, and most important of all spending a whole ass saturday sitting around in a random gymnasium getting covid is anti-fun
>Getting covid
Bjj pussies everyone
>spending a whole ass saturday sitting around in a random gymnasium
It's a team sport, being there with your team and cheering on your training partners is literally the best part of going to tournaments.

Jesus Christ. That's not blasphemy, I am actually praying in the name of Jesus that God sets you free from your neuroticism and anxiety. Amen.
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This night I dreamt about getting my blue belt. I think I'll never get it because I refuse to use the gi.
If you don't wear a gi why do you care about a rank only on display when you do wear one
The China virus is real and it sucks, if I just said a cold or the flu I bet you wouldn't have been triggered

Regardless it's dumb to pay money to spend a day crammed into a poorly ventilated room with hundreds of randos to watch a bunch of white belts compete at a sport nobody really even understands the rules of (referees included)
Total scam, it's bad enough participants need to pay exorbitant fees, but spectators also needing to pay like this is some kind of professional event anyone cares about is a joke
>Old thread is waaay past its bump limit edition.
>I dreamt about getting my blue belt
>I refuse to use the gi
classic white belt midwit
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pff yeah ok grampa
Just to be clear, yes I absolutely would have mocked you if you had said you refused to compete because you were scared of getting a cold.

I don't get it, you said you want "clout" but literally nobody outside of jiujitsu gives a shit about jiujitsu. And inside jiujitsu, the best way to gain "clout" is to rack up medals.
Nah cus ufc is normalcore now and everybody knows about bjj from it getting super overhyped there

And nobody really cares about if you win competitions in a sport nobody knows or cares about
I'd bet the WNBA gets more viewership than IBJJF
It would be easier and cheaper to just get tropies and medals made, hang them on my wall, and nobody would even know they're fake, present company included
"Yeah I won this at the shinjuku open I'm 2019"
"This one is from the reebok invitational"

One of those is real, the other I made up, you don't know which one is which
Sounds like pussy mental gymnastics cope
You're all over the road, son.
I'm not disputing that the sport is vanishingly obscure to normies.
I'm asking, what clout are you going to gain by getting a bjj black belt that you wouldn't get by competing?
He's your typical 4chan coper
Cowardice = strength

Anything to justify inaction
you'll forgive me for rolling my eyes at my junior acting uppity like this, you'd never say such a thing to my face, you'd be asking me how to pass half guard because I keep rolling you over

because the belt is meaningful to everybody, medals though? kind of pathetic for adults to be chasing them. Seems really immature and makes you look like you' peaked in highschool and are trying to recapture that or something
it'd be the same as bragging about winning your local slow pitch bar softball league or flag football season

>Pass half guard
It'ss called stomping you in the head

Don't try to act tough when you're crying about how scary covid is lmfao

Also if you're looking for "clout" outside of the bjj community you're going to be disappointed. Normals don't know the difference between jiu jitsu and karate
Shiver me timbers I'm so startled by your toughness, random guy that doubtlessly has an order of magnitude less training than I do
>the belt is meaningful to everybody
You have stated the exact opposite of truth.
It's normal and basic to participate in a sport as an adult amateur/hobbyist. Some adults do golf, some do softball, some do jiujitsu.
It's cringey and weird to hold up "le mystical martial arts mystery of le vaunted black belt" as some great achievement. You sound like a wannabe mcdojo cult leader.
You sound like you were unpopular in high school and never stopped seething.
It's pretty simple, I walk into the room with a black belt and without knowing anything about me most of the guys in it will keep their head down and avoid eye contact because they're nervous I might call them to roll and they aren't up to the task
That's the kind of respect you can't buy
Kek, unpopular in high school and still seething, confirmed.
You don't train. Your delusional power fantasy has no power here.
When (real) high level competitors visit our gym, they're the belle of the ball. Everyone from the hotshot 22 year old to the former wrestlers to the masters competitors wants a roll with em.
Meanwhile in reality we don't even bother to host seminars anymore because nobody gives a shit about meeting random 3rd tier athletes that can't compete in real sports so they retreat into their little echo chamber bjj competitions nobody cares about.
We had Mason Fowler booked, 4 people signed up, most reactions when it was annouced were "who is that?" Ended up canceling for lack of interest.
If you're a "pro" at jiujitsu you know what that means? You aren't athletic or skilled enough to make a living in a sport that pays real money like MMA or judo
Hell, to say there are even pro jiujitsu players is a stretch, even most of the top level guys would be considered amateurs and make $0 a year from competition winnings

I am completely unrustled by antagonistic blue belts such as yourself
I don't even bother to learn the name of anyone below purple. I call those people rest rounds
Sounds like your gyms sucks. Our seminars sell out.

Once again you go veering across the road. I'm just struggling to understand you at this point.
You're trying to simultaneously argue that jiujitsu is a dumb sport with third-tier athletes... but also you being good at jiujitsu makes makes you an intimidating badass that noone looks in the eye and earns you CLOUT.

If competing/winning doesn't earn "clout", than being a gym hero definitely doesn't. You sound like a big fish in a small pond.
I'm a 6'3 190 lbs pure white belt and sparred against a manlet blue belt and went easy on him because I was a more than a feet taller but he submitted me in 30 seconds. Never go easy on smaller guys if they have a higher belt. Just destroy them. Show no mercy.
>I wasted more time than you practising non contact bullshido

I'm 4-1 in MMA. You can't fight
Sit down
>Seems really immature and makes you look like you' peaked in highschool and are trying to recapture that or something
I'm being pretty consistent
Nobody cares about sport bjj, including bjj practitioners
Everybody is impressed by a bjj black belt, including normalfags that have only heard about it
My place has a healthier ecosystem than most gyms you'll find
Month to month memberships only, show up to class what ever time you want, don't sell merchandise because that's cult shit, if someone wants to compete they can seek it out and organize it for themselves
It's the most shut up and training environment you could hope for, it's weird that the rejection of all the commercialism would garner criticism

Seriously I'm super impressed and intimidated by your low level competition wins, I sure would think twice messing with such a tough guy. Genuinely shaking over here. I dont know how my 20 years of kickboxing and 8 years of jiujitsu+judo would ever stand up to such an intimidating force
Is your kickboxing experience kicking the air to protect you from the scary covid? Lmfao
You're pretty fixated on an irrelevant point here, I assume it's from all the unnecessary head trauma you received in your quest to win a competition held in an elementary school basketball court you had to pay to participate in
>Everybody is impressed by a bjj black belt, including normalfags that have only heard about it
Unless you get into the UFC normalfags will just assume a black belt means that you're autistic.
This thread is like watching women's white belt open weight. Full of trannies demanding they be taken seriously.
>Everybody is impressed by a bjj black belt
False, far more praise is reserved for the lower belt whose talent/skill level exceeds his rank/experience than for the fake black belt who can't hang.

>including normalfags
False. Normies don't know the difference between jiujitsu and ninjitsu. Martial arts in general and jiujitsu specifically is a vanishinly small niche.

>20 years of kickboxing
>8 years of jiujitsu+judo
And zero wins.

All over the road. If you want praise from combat sports participants, you really should participate in their combat sport. If you want praise from normies, frankly you'll get way more mileage out of being lean, muscular, and well groomed. But the real truth is, anon, that desperation is repulsive and the more you chase "clout" for clout's own sake, the more pathetic you will become. I want better for you.
Ikr, holy fuck. Somebody say something positive ffs.
There was a time period in 2006-2009 were a lot of BJJ guys beat every martial art and send it to Youtube, everyone was crazy about BJJ, even more that today probably.
It's an unfortunate symptom of compfag brain rot. You remind them nobody gives a shit about "winning", start having cognitive dissonance and seething a-a-a competitive blue belt such as myself would beat the average black belt!
Not true, never has been true, never will be true, the belts exist for a reason.

If you're training properly then it should be at a harder work rate and intensity than you would ever experience in a competition. Somehow these people think the <15 minutes they spend over the course of one day at a lower intensity makes them better than the 1000s of hours spent at the gym at higher intensity.
"Competitions are different bro"
No they're not, it's fucking business as usual and if you feel anxiety it's because you're not confident in yourself, and think you'll lose, and then everyone will judge you and think you're a loser and a failure. But of course none of those things will happen because, and I say again, nobody gives a fuck about your competition results.

Oh dear.. be careful. The guy holding your pads isn't wearing a face mask. Time to change gyms
Really bizarre fixation you have here my guy

See what you've done? You've ruined the thread and now people are complaining
>I don't compete in the martial art I practice
>but let me tell you all about how it feels to do competitions

>Yeah bro i hit the kickboxing bag for 20 years and did light sparring but I can totally beat a guy whos been actually fighting amatuer for 10 years

Typical 4channer pussy cope. Top kek m8
>S-stop talking about my cringe schizophrenic behaviour!!!

Wow, and you're replying instantly..seek help
Amateur is the key word there, it means you're not very good
Are you ethnically jewish?
>carrying on about covid for 2 days
>randomly starts talking about TEH JEWZ
>calling anyone else around here a schizo
Seriously stop taking shots to the head for your own sake, damn
And now he pretends to be above it all and far too cool to care what anyone thinks, even though he began by saying the only reason he trains is to desperately chase clout.
Look, anon, you're just never going to get "clout" from jiujitsu, spare yourself the agony.

>cognitive dissonance and seething
>a-a-a competitive blue belt such as myself would beat the average black belt!
Strawman. Nobody said that.
What I said was, a lower belt whose skill level exceeds his experience level gets more praise than a do-nothing black belt. Proven ability is more interesting and praiseworthy than a strip of fabric.
C'mon, this is basic.

BTW people preparing for competition train at higher frequency and intensity than those who don't. Why would they not?
The strip of fabric is proven ability, it doesn't exist in a vacuum. A medal means you had one good day, a belt means you had severel good years.
And by the way the higher you go up in your belt ranks the less impressive winning becomes
You show up to most tournaments as a Brown or a blackbelt in a lot of cases you are guaranteed a medal just for showing up because there's so few people
Typical scenario is you have a best of 3 match with one guy and then go home
Or they have to combine your division with a lower belt level or smaller weight class

But look at it this way too, when someone wins a tournament and get promoted on the podium (which I think is corny as fuck) what do they care about more? Their 5th grappling industries medal or the purple belt?
If they were told they could only keep one which do you think they throw into the garbage?

We all know where the value really is
I'm a different guy, you just sound jewish and I was curious if you were or not.
Bros it is so fucking over, we're cooked

>I want to be a black belt for clout, to impress random people you know
> no one cares about jiu jitsu
>I never compete, I'm above it. Too intelligent to compete and I'd beat them anyway
>Let me tell you all about how it feels to compete
>Heh, I've got 20 years kickboxing experience
> Never fought though. I'm too dangerous. Light sparring (no head shots, I don't want brain damage you primitive ape!!) Is all you need to become a fighter
>What? Did you just say I'm a dumb idiot? I would totally own you in half guard bro. Dont test me.
>Huh? Actually fighting ? No that shit is for people with brain damage
>Besides, I don't want covid. The Chinese cough is actually fatal. You will most definitely get it in competition once a year but not from rolling daily.

Lmao. You can't make this shit up. Literal comedy gold
Any bullshido sensei can give you a black belt. The belts are a tool to get casuals to become invested and keep turning up. "Me want new colour that means I'm winning :)"

Thats why wrestling and nogi is less popular, your reputation is based on results and competing, not a peice of fabric. People don't like reality
I appreciate your attempt at firewalling by posting something even stupider than what's currently happening.
Get ready to farm delicious (you)s. He can't help it. He's like a spastic jukebox.
>Thats why wrestling and nogi is less popular, your reputation is based on results and competing, not a peice of fabric.
Boxing doesn't have a belt system and it mogs BJJ in popularity.
Nah, he's not even trying to make an argument and is just schizoposting at this point by greentexting a bunch of things that never happened

Plus he'd lose to me in a fight no matter the rules :^)
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>no actual comp experience
>claims he was battle tested in secret underground Native American fight clubs of which no record exists
>spends his time biting nerds whilst fully mounted
Krav fags are the gift that keeps on giving.
Holy shit, that was so much worse than I thought it would be. What a find, anon. Delicious bullshido gold. Where to even begin?
>he's super legit guys he beat up hobos on an Indian reservation for beer money
The sheer credulity of this basedboy is astonishing. I'm going to contact him and tell him I'm an actual, real-life ninja.

I also love the vague references to "my competition style fight training" without naming any specific combat sports or his level of participation. Whatever it was, he's never even heard of a sprawl.

Now all I need to make myself happy is a video of a pasty soiboi toe kicking a belligerent drunk in the shin and instantly getting glassed.
It just works
You don't fight lmao. You larp
Fortunately my ego isn't tied to the opinion of some anonymous internet faggot strutting around like some kind of hotshot because he participates in low level amateur sports

If anything you're just jealous of my objectively higher level, knowing that given the option people will listen to what I have to say and you would be expected to pipe down while I say it
If you were as good as me you'd have the same rank as me, and you don't because you aren't

Cry about it
beautiful technique sir please come doings seminar in bangeladesh!
>No one cares about bjj bro, not even bjj people
>People will care about my opinion, I'm a bjj master

Full blown doubling down on schizo cope

Meds. Now

Everyone knows MMA = real fighting
Bjj = something onions manlets , old people and women who want to larp do (Jonah hill lol) normals think it's "gay"

Seethe pussy
>MMA = real fighting
Look at the ammy now with his shinpads, no elbows, no punches to the face on the ground, and no heel hooks
Yet still more impressive than bjj larping
Oof. No fights larper pussy cope
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I'm on a trip and I'm going to drop in at a gym tomorrow. It's my first time visiting a gym as a blue belt. Should I tell them where I train? If I really suck and I'm below their standards for colored belts, will that reflect poorly on my home gym?
Who gives a fuck
I usually mention how long I've trained and where I'm from, that just seems like good manners to me.

There's one gym I drop in at where I always get smoked. I don't think anybody really cares if you suck.
Unless there's some kind of established relationship between coaches or most of the students, you probably won't even hear about it even it does.
Fair points all. I'm not really worried about it, I can usually guess my way well enough not to come across as a total sperg.

But it does pose a question about the individual versus the group: if a guy dropped in at your gym, and either he sucked and/or he was an asshole, would that reflect more on him individually, or on his home gym?
Have you ever had any bad experiences with drop-ins or visitors?
Might not reflect on anybody. Maybe he's in his first semi serious camp and just so worn down he probably would've been better served staying home and catching a nap. Maybe he's used to training with older/weaker people and isn't at a competitive school so he was just graded by knowledge. Maybe he's just going through some shit. Whichever one it is I'm gonna spend less time thinking about than I did posting this.
My man. You're a solid dude, anon.
You are responsible for your own actions but a reflection of the place you came from
In competitions my opponents fall into my closed guard easily, and from there I've got many submissions, but I hardly practice closed guard because I feel like it hurts my back and fingers and I'm using a lot of strength there and can't really do it gently and I feel beaten up afterwards. I'm technical and have bad cardio and am terrified of injuries for me and my training partners so I've preferred to use other things so far. But can I learn to be successful in closed guard without intensity or is it just an intense position which is bad if you want to relax and win with technique?
You'll have to train with a certain degree of intensity in order to get good at overcoming resistance, imho. The thing with closed guard is, yes you need to use a degree of strength, but theoretically at least you're pitting the strongest parts of your body against weaker parts of theirs.

There are probably ways to make closed guard less of a grind, e.g., if your fingers are getting beat up, stop death gripping and look for more under or over hooks. Break their posture with your legs, not by dragging them down by the collar, etc.

But another question is, if closed guard isn't your preferred position, why are you getting put there? Especially, why is it happening in comp more than in the gym?

Also, for me, the sweep is everything. God I love sweeps. It's always better to be on top rather than on bottom, even if you've got a dangerous guard. Why shoot the sub from the bottom and risk getting stacked and smashed, when you could sweep him, and then set up the same submission from a safer position?

I am a dumbass blue belt and these are my opinions.
I'd be very surprised if some amount of that "bad cardio" isn't apprehensive tension from your stated fear of general injury. Very often those kind of thoughts cause one to ride on their emergency break, so to speak. Working on being able to trust yourself and your training partners would go a long way to fixing that if I'm correct.
Anyone have some good wrestling videos to study?
Cary Kolat's yt channel is a pretty good reference library, but I don't think he specifically address wrestling for jiujitsu.
I watch the japanese girls wrestling because I find it erotic
>train at random gym for 2 years
>get blue belt
>train at b team for 2ish years
>move to different city, random gym
I'm really losing interest in BJJ. I've been blaming the gi, but maybe this is just because I'm at a new gym? Maybe my ego wants a purple belt promotion?
I still enjoy watching good matches and seeing new techniques but the training here sucks ass. I guess I was spoiled at B-Team
Just sooth yourself knowing that they appear to be getting even better training focus there now.
Shoulda just put one on when you moved and nobody would know the difference
If you're already not interested you're going to quit as soon as you get one anyway
>no I won't
That's what they all say

The gi does suck though, I don't know if you've ever actually played judo but once you do it you'll think why the fuck do people do bjj in the gi? This is so much more fun
Gi jiujitsu is just a stall fest

Abolish belts, only give different colored kawaii pantsu as ranks
I caught a few training sessions with Jozef Chen before I left and they were great. He's a great instructor.
Dima seems to be a good coach but he's not very good on the mats lol very clunky movement. Super nice guy though
I was meaning more like Adam Saitiev and other high level Wrestlers to pull techniques Ideas from
so do I,
I am to distracted by the singlets to study them
I have been following jim for a few years now he has has some great stuff
Realistically is there a point doing bjj (strictly no gi) once a week?

Will what I learn stay with me? I don't want to do this for a lifetime. I just want to learn basics and gtfo
You're better off adding some gi classes to it.

>but gi is gay
Even if you absolutely loathe the gi, at the end of the day it's more reps and more practice. Doing 2 classes of gi and 1 class of no-gi is better than only doing 1 no-gi class a week.
And I will disagree because the gi has so much extraneous bullshit especially with what they show to beginners is all noise
I'm not buying or wearing an itchy stupid gi. I'm not going to have to wash that shit every time and have it lying around
You don't have to do gi stuff in gi class. You can easily pretend the other guy has no jacket and use all the grips and tie-ups you'd usually do in no-gi.

>people who hate gi are smelly neckbeards who can't do laundry
it all makes sense now.
I have shit to do Im not a neet who can do two loads of laundry every day. I don't want to have autistic gis hanging around drying or wearing that sweaty shit
Thing is the gi people act like faggots and lazily lay on their backs trying to do collar chokes or wrapping lapels around and shit

It's just poor grappling, they can manipulate the gi but can't grapple
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Why did he quit?
Weak moral character
Too intelligent
>they can manipulate the gi but can't grapple
Would you make the same criticism of judoka and samboists?
>if someone grabs my jacket I lose my ability to grapple

>not washing your gym clothes
Soft ball teams sometimes meet up once a week. How good do think their their basics look?
I'm not sure what the answer to this question is....
To varying degrees, Sambo isn't even real so that's whatever. Fake propaganda soviet sport

Nothing is worse than the gi bjj practitioner though, he insists you wear the thing and everyone that doesn't is just illegitimate. This is because he can't grapple without it and has to gaslight people into willingly wearing his crutch
Why spaniard people have such a hard on for BJJ?
Not even brazilians have this obsession.
probably pretty good because people who play softball usually grew up playing baseball and as adults they're looking to play a similar but easier game
Well as long as you grew up playing hard style jiu jitsu, you're golden
Also curious

Between work, the gym, and raising my daughter, I only have time to do bjj once a week. Been doing it about a month now, i feel like im making progress, but I am worried ill just stall out super early.

I guess i could drop one of my gym days to do bjj (i gym 3x a week), but ive been going to the gym for 10 years+ and its one of my only alone times for selfcare so it would be a pretty big sacrifice.
You need to use your down time to watch instructionals on bilibili
Or all the free globetrotters ones
My cardio is so bad that at this point I'm convinced it's a physiological issue that cannot be repaired or improved. I do kettlebell work and hill sprints 2x a week on top of bjj 4x a week and yet I gas faster than the obese white belt who has been training for 3 months. I've training for 3 years and literally has never seen worse cardio on anyone who's trained for more than a month. Don't even mention zone 2 bullshit because I tried that and I didn't do shit except make me lose 4 kgs in under a month
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breathe through your nose
pace urself
stop deathgripping
take an extra rest day and see if that helps ur recovery
Stop vaping
Very fresh white belt here, struggling to remember whatever the hell happens in class. I know ye'old keep showing up and it'll make sense, but has any of you ever fucked around with some sort of taking notes in class?
I wouldn't worry about it until you have a hang for the class structure down. Every place and coach is different. Some simply don't have any breaks where it would be appropriate, even water breaks can be incredibly short if the class is only an hour. You may be relegated to either on the benches afterwards or in your car or whatever. If so, just pick 2 things at most that stood out to you. Whether you did them ass backwards, or really well, or something you heard someone say that clicked. Fwiw, almost no one expects new whites to remember anything. Especially if they're not just going to fundamentals class.
Taking notes after class can be helpful, taking notes during class may or may not fit the flow of the class.
Why globetrotters specifically?
1, multiple years worth of seminars for free
2, principle based classes to improve grappling generally not just moves especially in the cases of Chris, Christian, Charles, and pritt (watch the latter at 2x speed)
3, no love for tradition, they care about optimizing not about making it look a certain way
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starting out i wrote down stuff after i got home
usually itd be something like
>what was the technique of the day
>step by step explanation of how it is done from memory
>what went well during sparring
>what i felt i struggled with during sparring

it's pretty fun to read them several years later and see how you've improved, so i recommend it for that alone
>training day
>spend all day anxious about it
>contemplate skipping all day
>actually go and its the best time of the week for me by far

when does this go away
Can't be anxious for it if you wake up and go to the 6am class.
give it 2 or 3 years
Along with the other advice here, I would recommend watching matches (preferably match breakdowns). I feel like a lot of white belts struggle to contextualize the things they learn. Things make a lot more sense when you see them in action.

You might come across things that are out of reach but a lot of it will stick. I did this as a white belt and I think it helped me advance a lot more quickly than my peers
This reminded me, I used to love to watch event dvds when I did cardio to both kill the bordem and get some extra looks in. Might have to restart that habit.
You are very possibly the most pathetic faggot I’ve ever seen post on this website. Here’s my case;
>nobody asked blogpost
>getting a black belt to impress others
>essentially just paying $$ for the belt (if you weren’t retarded you’d realise you may as well just order one on eBay at this point)
>the sports gay
>wastes multiple hours of his week training it anyway
>scared of the kung flu
>no inner fire to compete with others and prove you’re the best; no desire to express excellence
>only has a need for external validation on social media
>can’t afford competitions yet happily spends $50 a week for his participation trophy belt
Lmao at your life and world view
Better than you tho
Lmao the cope on this lad.
You don't have what it takes to beat me, I'd win easily
And he replies instantly. he must still be seething after getting savaged earlier itt

>Doesn't fight
>Doesn't compete
>Petrified of covid (lmao)
>Mental gymnastics in every post
>NO ONE cares about jiu jitsu
>I want impress NPC's with my jiu jitsu

You aren't beating anyone lmao. You do know paying wise sensei for belts isn't fighting right?
Are you sure you aren't doing aikido or something?
My dude got so mindbroken he thinks he's in a battle shonen now lmfao
You're mad because I don't take this shit seriously at all and I'm better at it than you'll ever be

You dorks are so butthurt you're continuing to carry on nearly 2 weeks later trying to justify why bjj is totally srsbsns gais
Incorrect, you're the one desperately chasing "clout".
I'm not desperately doing anything, I'm easily achieving everything I wish

And you're having a meltdown trying instigate an internet argument in the hopes you can win that since you can't win at jiujitsu

You guys are completely furious I don't take your silly sport seriously but I'm better at it than you
>And you're having a meltdown
>You guys are completely furious

>you can't win at jiujitsu
But I can, my medals are hanging up in my gym right now.

>I don't take your silly sport seriously
Then why are you so desperate to get a black belt and get "clout"?

>I'm better at it than you
Yet you have no ability or willingness to prove it.
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The funny thing is I could easily "prove it" to you but you wouldn't even qualify for my bracket lmao

But doing something as cringe has hanging your $80 participation trophies up at the gym, not even at your house
Your ego is so wrapped up in it you need all the external validation from others that you're doing a good job

Ive earned more money teaching people jiujitsu than I've spent on it, I'm in the black, I'm winning and you're not
You know what a black belt does? Makes me able to monetize even more if I want to

You get validated by spending money
I get validated by people spending money
Sorry to derail the thread again with this post >>204321. I didn’t read further down the thread to realised just how insecure this tryhard was. Or that he would instant reply to every post with his only cope being he assumes he’s better than everyone and that he’s the only brown belt ITT. He’s not worth a single (You) lmao
your premise was flawed from the get go when you started with "nobody asked"
literally the OP has a question in it

if you paid more attention you might be better at jiujitsu too, but you seem to miss the details. You'll never get that purple belt if you dont start paying attention
>I could easily "prove it"
But you won't.

>But doing something as cringe has hanging your $80 participation trophies up at the gym, not even at your house
Kek pretty sure hoarding plastic medals at your house is more cringe than giving em the the gym. It's a team sport.

>Your ego is so wrapped up
More projection. You're the one chasing clout (while simultaneously pretending you're too cool to care), I'm just a martial arts nerd enjoying a niche sport.

>Ive earned more money teaching people jiujitsu
What are they paying for? Do they pay you to give them belts for "clout"?
You're not derailing the thread, you're putting it back on track. Sheesh, I just wanted to chat about our goals and what we're working on.

>He’s not worth a single (You) lmao
He's not, but it's funny to watch him spaz.
>I just wanted to chat about our goals and what we're working on
obviously not, more like you wanted to be hostile and tell others they're wrong
>It's a team sport
it's not even marginally a team sport. You're in a cult if you think that
does your gym pay for you to go to your competitions? then you're not part of a fucking team. You're duped into paying for the gym, paying for your own matches, then you hand over your reward to your master like a cuck

what a bunch of weak faggots around here, all you want to do is talk shit and complain because some random guy doesn't take you seriously. It's pathetic honestly
and I'm making about $1800 a month teaching people
you want to talk about accomplishments? let me know when people start handing money to you because of how good you are.
As it stands right now you're paying just to have a seat at the table and I get paid to be in the room
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got rejected by a girl, proceeded to go to class and smashed a blue belt and submitted a purple
Wow that’s crazy bro, anyway

Does anyone have some tips for using no-gi submissions in the Gi? My gym only does no-gi twice a week so I supplement with 2 or 3 Gi classes. I’ve been trying to work on my arm triangle but I just can’t seem to find the right “bite” on the choke with the thick ass Gi collar in the way.

Am I on a fools errand and I should just attack a Gi sub instead of giving up Mount for a no-gi choke
>switch to a no-gi gym
It’s the nearest gym to me, I like it there and will be moving away in 6 months anyway so can switch gyms then.

I honestly don’t mind the gi, especially for stand up and practicing judo throws.
I would rather there be the inverse (a couple of gi sessions a week and the rest no-gi

You should time break ups before comps. Improves pain tolerance when you’re hearts already broken
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>You should time break ups before comps. Improves pain tolerance when you’re hearts already broken
i also ate like shit which is what always happens to me before comps. basically ran through class fasted / half-starved. i think it legitimately triggered comp mode in me subconsciously.
Ime, even when your training partner is after the same goal, trying to nogi in gi usually just turns into actually getting way better at the gi because of how the friction works and the way things are going to wind up getting entangled unavoidably. Exponentially so when your partner isn't compliant to the idea or just ignorant of what you're doing.
I was under the impression that the arm triangle is one of those agnostic techniques that works gi or no gi.

I think I've got the same problem as you, I'm always too high and end up just squeezing their face. Few things that have helped:
Get to a low mount instead of a high mount.
Plant the shoulder of your choking arm in the middle of their chest, then slide up under their chin. Start too low and move up.
Shimmy around and adjust your position before you hop off to the side to finish.
Still a work in progress for me.
It occurred to me the other day that switching to OMAD might be an advantage, because on comp day I wouldn't have to change anything about my eating habits.

Has anyone tried training on OMAD?
seems like a horrible idea long term if you train 3 or more times a week
but i'm not a nutritionist so i wouldn't know
I wonder what it is about bjj that makes the practitioners such insufferable pussies
Usually terminal manlets so that's one issue, but I suspect it's from being told to lay on your back with your legs up around another man's waist that changes your brain
Then they just need to lie to themselves and say strength isn't important btw be a good partner and stop using so much strength
Who Won UFC 1?
>btw be a good partner and stop using so much strength
Literally has never happened to me. My coach went on a ten minute rant after class last night on the importance of lifting. He flat out told a guy, don't waste time with "solo drilling", just go lift if you don't have a partner to train with. He told a 118-pound woman that she shouldn't have any trouble standing up in someone's closed guard and she needs to go deadlift.
Your strawmen have no power here.
The same people that organized it
How pathetic, some guy wins a couple fights against random assholes his brother hand picked for him and you all slurp it down like some kind of Supreme martial art
If anybody today pulled that same stunt you'd say world champion my ass, that doesn't prove anything
Yeah, and my dad works for Nintendo
I also get paid $5000 a month to coach the Olympic wrestling team

Bow before me. Slave.
Strangles that use the arms (guillotines, RNC, arm triangles) can be a bit awkward in the gi.
For arm triangles, if I'm able to isolate an arm from mount I usually move into the gift wrap position and go for a bow & arrow, or just take the back. That isolated arm can also be a great setup for armbars and triangles
Funny, you can't help yourself
You have no argument and just deflect instead of admitting you're wrong

Why don't you ask the thread more retarded questions, there aren't enough of them in here yet lmao
Mount to gift wrap to chair sit back take is indeed most highly based.

Early on, I had a coach wax poetic about the chair sit. He loved it so much he called it "the most beautiful movement in martial arts". He said there's nothing that yields greater results for less effort and likened it unto a perfectly timed knockout right cross to the chin. Made an impression on 6-month white belt me, ha.

He was eccentric but a good guy and a great coach. Hope he's doing well. Who's the best or weirdest coach you've worked with?
Psh you are like a little baby. I'm Professor Emeritus at the Kodokan and my monthly stipend is 2,000,000¥.
They beat every martial artist that they found.
that's just a fucking lie
Omg dude debra in accounting is going to be totally impressed by your black belt lmao

You can do it champ!
you will be, when I walk into your gym and you go out of your way to walk over and shake my hand and introduce yourself to me along with all the other beginners

then you'll keep your eyes down when it comes time to roll and hope I don't pick you, and you'll be afraid to attack because you're worried it'll get immediately countered in embarrassing fashion
>Wow you have a black belt? My 13 yo has one in Karate too!
See, nobody cares
A black belt dropped into my gym last night, I don’t think anyone other than those who new him personally even acknowledged him, let alone talked to him.
Who much head cannon ego tripping must you be on to think anyone cares about your belt?
Double dubs of truth. It ain't healthy.
It's not even funny anymore, just sad.
That's the attitude of someone that will never have one
You pretend to not care because of sour grapes
>No one cares about jiu jitsu
>Everyone totally cares about jiu jitsu

Just for what it's worth, the grapplers guide is on sale right now for 77 bucks:

Strikers guide is on sale too, btw.
Oh so is the weapons guide, if you wanna hit people with sticks, lol
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been playing a lot of deep half recently, really liking the way you can get to the back from there
slowly starting to see escape transitions to deep half from mount and the back too
what techniques are anons working on currently?
When you look at an MMA fighters accomplishments check to see which of these things are listed, black belt in Brazilian jiujitsu or gold medalist at local competition one time

You just look silly trying to equate these 2 things
Nice, I've been meaning to study more half guard recently. Can you point me to some good content on deep half specifically?

Aside from that I'm always working on bottom escapes. I feel like my mount escapes have gotten better lately, but all I'm doing is putting my hands on their hips, bridging hard, and framing hard to get enough space to reguard. Primitive stuff.

I've also been messing with the "ghost escape" from side control, but so far all it does is either get me stuck in north-south, or stuck in side control on the other side. Still, I feel like there's some "there" there, I'm gonna keep messing with it.
No particular position, but maintaining gaps without giving anything up in exchange. Offensive, defensive, whatever. My retarded attempt to understand the "make shapes" concept Hall has talked about. Way easier in the gi with grip options, especially lapel.
I hope you realize you're arguing with multiple people.

And once again, your delusions have led you to the exact opposite of truth. "He's a black belt!" is what commentators say about a fighter with zero notable wins.

Alex Pereira is technically a "black belt" and nobody mentions it or cares because it's a joke. Poatan is a great fighter, but not a great grappler. He got promoted for punching a guy, kek.

Buchecha, on the other hand, is one of the most accomplished jiujitsu fighters to ever cross over to MMA. He isn't introduced as a "black belt" either, he's introduced as the two time ADCC champion and six time IBJJF Absolute world champion.
Why are you larping as an MMA fighter now?

They are competitors, you aren't
>two time ADCC champion and six time IBJJF Absolute world champion.
And you and anybody you know will never be those things, your highest achievement will be your rank

How typical that because there are high levels of competition you think by participating in your shitty local comps as a blue belt you get to share some of that
And by the way we're just going in circles now and are back to who gives a fuck if someone is a "pro" (amateur unpaid athlete with sponsors) in a sport barely anybody participates in

And just look at how all of these guys slated to be in ADCC completely jumped ship to go to CJI. Because even they don't give a fuck about that title, They just want to get paid
You care more about that than the people who actually do it
>who gives a fuck if someone is a "pro" (amateur unpaid athlete with sponsors) in a sport barely anybody participates in
Not very many people, but still more than the number of people who care if somebody is a black belt in that same sport. It's assumed that a highly competent juijiteiro is going to have a black belt (if not now, soon) but it's not assumed that all black belts are highly competent juijiteiros.
Projection and ad hominem. Tsk.
All that spazzing and you haven't refuted my point.
MMA fighters, just like everyone else, are praised more for their wins than for their rank in regards to jiujitsu.
I guess the crux of this argument falls down to;
Do you want the (bare minimum) respect of normies (muh belts nigga) or the respect of those who practice your sport (comp medals).

I know where I sit!
Is it at the start of every match?
Top kek
winning competitions doesn't necessarily get you respect from people in the sport either. Look at mikey for example, he's a complete joke to everybody both casuals and practitioners alike. The kid can't wrestle for shit and is just a weird lanky flexible one trick pony leg locker that cheeses the rules to win on technicalities, then throws hissy fits online STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!!
Idk why were still entertaining anons cope
On every black belt instructors profile they follow it up saying what they won and when. A prominent black belt instructor wrote an article about how competing is what truly proves your bjj

Since they're such wise black belts, I think we better listen to them? Right?

it's a known fact competing blue belts can btfo out of shape black belts. Competition brings out the best in people. No one cares if you did X combat sport for 20 years
They ask "had any fights?"

A karate/jitsu/judo belt wobbles into the room. Someone actually competing MMA/boxing/bjj for 2 years follows. We know who people will look up to as a credible source
>A prominent black belt instructor wrote an article about how competing is what truly proves your bjj
Link? I'd like to read that, sounds interesting.
Awesome, thanks!
>they're such wise black belts
Nobody said black belts are intelligent

>it's a known fact competing blue belts can btfo out of shape black belts
This is the cope, you'll only ever hear blue belts saying this
your best example is a fictional scenario where you need a bunch of qualifiers
>dude this 25 year old gym rat with no job is winning against a 50 year old dad with a bad knee
Ok but who's better at jiujitsu? All you proved is the reality that athleticism is the most important factor in sports which everyone already knew. And even then that silly scenario of yours only applies to the retarded sport "your legs are both on the same side therefore I score points"
It's guaranteed the out of shape black belt is tapping that blue belt more often, the only way the blue belt is "winning" is by physically running around at a high rate to rack up arbitrary points nobody cares about

Your sport is fake, submissions are all that matter on the mat
>Wall of schizophrenia
I accept your defeat. Bow before the black belts.
>blogspot op ed from 13 years ago
>gets fucked up in his own comments for his shit take
>admits he was just clickbaiting for views
Nah. You don't get to pull that card because you can't think of a good argument
You've lost and are just deflecting now, just like you'd lose to me on the mat :^)
You haven't answered his point. Most if not all black belt instructors and gym owners will cite their major tournament wins in their curriculum vitae.

>your best example is a fictional scenario where you need a bunch of qualifiers
>It's guaranteed the out of shape black belt is tapping that blue belt more often
¿Qué? Who's inventing fictional scenarios?

>submissions are all that matter
You do know there are submission-only matches, right? And generally the guys that are most successful in those matches are also the guys that are successful in points matches.

It's just crazy that you assert being a gym hero/mat bully is more impressive than competition. Nobody cares if you can abuse know-nothing newbies. Compete against your peers and prove yourself.
>You do know there are submission-only matches, right?
Not really, except in rare circumstences even sub only matches have a time limit and these days they follow EBI rules where people just save their energy and stall until overtime and then win by exploding out of things

And not for nothing I don't know why compfags act like a gym is a secluded island and they only interact with each other at officially sanctioned events
You act like we don't all know each other,
I have met or at least know of everybody within 20 miles that would be able to beat me
And since I'm not in a cult like it seems some of the people around here are and I actually know how to get along with others unlike some of the people around here, I could pick up the phone and call any of the gym owners in the area and say hey I'm trying to get some hard training in when should I come down?
They will make sure that there are some guys that are down to party on the mat that day. You're going to get a much higher quality of rolls against lots of different people, everyone is gonna be well hydrated and not tired and stiff from sitting around all day or cutting weight
or whatever bs people do for competitions.

There is a level of malignant retardation that I can't quite fathom where people have been convinced that unless you pay money to some random asshole to sanction your roll in a neutral third location it isn't legitimate.
You want to test yourself against a "pro", just go to his gym. These people are not real athletes the way other sports are where they are secluded in special training centers away from the general public, their training partners are all regular people, they are on the mat with everybody else, just go roll with them anytime you want
The black belts said otherwise
Unless you're now saying black belts don't know about you jiu-jitsu????

>act like a gym is a secluded island and they only interact with each other at officially sanctioned events
I never said that, you're strawmanning again.

Our gym is well known and we're constantly networking. We have other coaches/competitors drop in almost daily, and our guys cross train with other teams as a matter of course. The fact that you think this is novel/remarkable is telling.

Yet in spite of the fact that we all know each other and we all crosstrain together, we still show up on comp day.
And saying "buh buh but I tapped you in the gym last week!" is tragic cope.

The purpose of competition is to prove your ability to win on demand, at an agreed upon place and time.
Training is training, there are up days, down days, some good rolls, some bad rolls. Celebrate the good rolls, learn from the bad ones, and move on.
But the question posed by competing is, can you, right now, deliver a win? It doesn't matter what you did yesterday. It doesn't matter what you might do tomorrow. Right here right now, can you win?

Let me guess, every day in the gym is a perfect victory for you, because you've never had a bad round and you count every roll as a win. Just you and Rickson with the ol' 400 win streak.
You'd lose in actual fighting
What's your MMA record? Any fights at all?
You're a beta doing a cope marketed for frail old men and women
>B-but if you got into my guard and let me hold your lapel like this...
>No youre doing it wrong stop doing that you're not allowed to do that!!

BJJ without strikes may as well be aikido

Seethe :^)
You don't realize you're making my argument for me
>can you, right now, deliver a win?
Exactly, can you walk into a room on any given day and be the top dog without any special preparation, no dividing the room by weight classes and age, making sure youre "in shape" and have done extra work to get your cardio up, making sure your diet was extra clean in the weeks before hand.
If you can't throw down any time any place you aren't good, it's a bunch of "the sun was in my eyes" tier excuses
I wasn't ready
My knees been bothering me
I haven't been sleeping well
I worked out hard yesterday
Blah blah blah

Just hiding behind stipulations and arbitrary rules
Having the audacity to come to me and say "I'm the best 30-40 year old 160 pound blue belt in the local area that had nothing better to do this past Saturday! Therefore Im better than you even though I have 0 chance of ever beating you in a roll" And all it took was $100, 3 weeks of strict dieting, and a possibly torn labrum because that second round Kimura was pretty deep but I was up on points when the time ran out and saved me lol

What a great accomplishment bro! Too bad you've prematurely ended your jiujitsu career by being a retard. Hope they medal nobody cares about was worth it
Kek, sure thing gym hero. Keep bragging about your training rolls. It's super impressive that you can bully all the casuals at your gym and flee from competing with your peers.
I have no peers
My dude thinks he's a shonen hero because he kimura'd a white belt whilst flow rolling
This is gayer than the HEMA guy who only trains at home
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Anyone use the K-guard? I've tried messing around with it on occasion, but no breakthroughs yet.
I often underhook the leg from closed guard anyway when I'm going for sweeps, so transitioning to the K-guard seems like a nice way of building onto that.
Also, what an unfortunate name for a position. I don't want to tell people I play the gay guard.
Perhaps if I awarded myself a BJJ black belt at home I could use the social media clout to lure training partners into backwoods Appalachia.
>Also, what an unfortunate name for a position. I don't want to tell people I play the gay guard.
Anon, a fundamental position of our sport is a locked legs missionary, any attempt at holding onto your heterosexuality is just cope
Bought a Chinese rash guard and it falling apart.
I kinda want to get a classic Adidas tri strip rash guard.

any suggestions?
forgot picrel
Never used them, but they make a bunch of boxing and judo shit for the EU market so it probably won't suck too bad.
Redpill me on how overrated bjj is when it comes to defending yourself
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why are you all such a bunch of self important mid-wit faggots acting like this is advanced physics or some shit
gotta break out the white board and listen to this high school dropout that mostly just loves to hear himself talk explain all the details to me

what an absolute joke of a community
90% of videos on YouTube explaining something could be 30 seconds long but the heckin tik tok youtuber creators drag it out for 15mins so they get more ad money
Modern internet is dead
>visual aides bad because... uhhh they just are ok
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>jiu jitsu is the best thing in a 1v1 figh-ACK!!!
Jiujitsu is pure sophistry, all they do is make non-falsifiable claims
I'm about to get back on the mats after a two week pause due to getting kneed in the face. What am I in for?
Why troll when you can roll? :^)
Probably a tiny gas tank, but hopefully you'll have some good moments.
don't wanna get sweaty
Immediately getting kneed again.
This. All those ecological approach nerds love sniffing their own farts, but haven't produced a single competitive grappler of note. Ironically all the top athletes are doing the bullshit they complain about.
Nah eco is the right way
Everybody thats good is doing eco even if they don't realize they're doing it
ot a sand bucket and a climbing rope 40 bucks total
my forearms have already got a good workout
white belt with fuck all idea on what to do atm. i don't have any guards at the moment so ig that's what ill probably focus on for a bit.
also, side question, ive been noticing that during rolls my legs are getting completely fucked and exhausted and the rest of my body isn't. any tips to avoid this? it's fucking up my rolls and isn't allowing me to be on the offensive
Is future kimono really that bad?
Everything is 50% off and I really like there cyberpunk look.
I would tell you to learn pin and submission escapes first. So then you can attack and when you fail you can get out of the bad position you are now in.

Normal with new guys
Get out and do cardio hill runs, walking, burpees or jump rope to get some leg endurance. Do some hanging leg raise and squats to build muscle.
meant to post here
Not as it's own thing the way Judo usually does. Sometimes warm ups will involve a sequence that's basically ukemi, but otherwise it doesn't come up unless we're being taught a specifc throw.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as BJJ, is in fact, Judo/BJJ, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Judo plus BJJ. BJJ is not a martial art unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning martial art made useful by the Judo takedowns, gripfighting, pins, and vital training methods comprising a full MA as defined by the Kodokan.

Many fighters use a modified version of the Judo system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Judo which is widely used today is often called BJJ, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically just Judo, developed by Jigoro Kano.

There really is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. BJJ is the system of techniques and ruleset, the approach to grappling that allows you to secure your path to submission. The techniques are an essential part of a martial art, but useless by themselves; they can only function in the context of a complete martial art. BJJ is normally used in combination with the Judo martial art: the whole system is basically Judo with BJJ added, or Judo/BJJ. All the so-called BJJ systems are really systems of Judo/BJJ!
Kek, perfect
I do nogi and wrestler I just say submission grappling.
names don't matter anymore
Here's why your gym sucks

Let's say you're casual and go 2 times a week, And you get exposed to 3 new moves per class, Just to keep the numbers easy you learn about 300 moves a year
How many of those do you actually manage to crystallize and integrate into your jiujitsu?
Maybe best case scenario 30 of them?
On what planet is a 10% retention rate considered acceptable for anything?

I know most of the shit that I use is stuff that I looked up on my own and practiced in my own time, and I know that's true for you and everyone else because there's an entire parallel economy worth millions of dollars with instructionals to supplement all the shitty in person instruction out there
And then people will say to keep a journal and write down what you did in class to help you remember it
That can only mean the class did not give you enough time to learn the thing that you were paying them to teach you
You're just memorizing stuff not actually learning it, it's in one ear and out the other

Anybody that has ever gotten good has done it despite BJJ not because of it
Ecological wins again, can't argue with math
You can learn a move in one class, you just need to have positional sparring instead of going through the motions
The thing that I don't understand about eco is, why do eco coaches brag about never teaching technique? What's the benefit of withholding information from a student?

Why not just say, "look, this is an armbar. In order for this to happen, these things have to happen first. So now we're going to work on those things."

I get that the monkey-see, monkey-do "put your left hand RIGHT THERE" form of dead drilling is a lousy way to learn, but is anyone actually doing that, outside of karate kata or something? (no hate to karatebros)
I think this is more of a problem with coaches not bothering to come up with a good curriculum and instead teaching whatever comes to mind.
Fundamentally, I think the biggest issue is that the overlap between people who are good at martial arts and people who are good teachers is just not very big
It's a problem with anything athletic. Even for the very intelligent athlete, if you've been developed by external sources your entire training career, you very likely have no appreciation for someone's relative retardation at using their own body.
I can actually explain this
theres a common misunderstanding that eco doesn't show examples of things. It does, it just shows very narrow examples or what they call invariance, the physical laws at play to get an outcome
also it is within eco to use past discoveries to inform future experimentation

the way this study was started was by looking at blacksmiths and observing every one of them would swing the hammer differently, different height, arc, angles, force, cadence, etc. but all of them were able to manipulate the metal in the same way to create the same shapes
the way they swing the hammer is all considered variance
the invariance is the hammer has to physically make contact with the metal in order to act on it and change its shape. You can swing the hammer all around the room but it wont change the shape of the metal until it contacts the metal

so lets apply that to jiujitsu
name a goal: to strangle someone unconscious
what is the invariance?: to disrupt blood flow to the brain
how does the past inform our method?: a proven effective method is to pinch the arteries in the front of the neck shut using the forearm and bicep. Commonly referred to as an "RNC"

now we create a game to explore that
start with one partner sitting behind the other, one arm is wrapped around with the neck resting in the crook of the elbow and the forearm and bicep in position on the arteries you want to close. Give a little squeeze to make sure the position is right. once set
your goal as the attacker is to keep your arm in that position for as long as you can. We don't need to squeeze because we already know it's in the right position so just try to keep it there
your goal as the defender is to get your neck clear of the arm. If you escape reset
we've identified the invariance and created a narrow constraint around it. During the course of the game the variance behaviors will emerge on their own, short choke, S grip, gable grip, figure 4 grip, palm touching the back of the head, hand touching the back of the head, turning into the choke, fighting the hands, grabbing the tricep etc etc
the ones that work will reinforce and the ones that don't work will disappear the same way we do AI machine learning

by doing it this way the players will get dozens of reps within minutes of practice in a lively environment
following that game we then move one level out
the next game we start in a similar position but this time the arm doesn't start across the neck, it starts draped over the shoulder
attackers job, get it into choking position
defenders job do not let that happen
you keep working further out into the macro and by the end of class the players have learned half a dozen effective finishing mechanics, arm configurations, hand fighting strategies, entries etc and you didn't need to show them any of it.
More importantly they've internalized it as reflex rather than a recall.

this is a much more effective use of time than teaching a "technique" which is a string of moves leading to an outcome and just one of infinite possibilities that could lead you to the same outcome. And then I do it 2 times, and you do it 2 times, and we go back and forth for 5 minutes and then the teacher shows us a different one.
Worse yet since the submission or sweep or takedown is at the end of the sequence, the technique demands you get everything else right before you can get there. So you spend a disproportionate amount of time practicing everything except the part that matters, the finish, the invariant
Sure but there’s BJJ and there’s competing. Being the best toreondo passer and getting side control doesn’t mean you’re actually good at the art. Competition training narrows the aperture of your learning and also burns you out. IBJJF ruined BJJ. After a decade of coaching I won’t even discuss the points system anymore and encourage anyone joining because they have competition goals to find a different gym. Making a sport of it poisoned the well.
>Making a sport of it poisoned the well.
I would argue the opposite. Look what happens to martial arts that are non-competitive or where the competitions only involve light contact. Aikido, Kung-Fu, Karate, Tai Chi.
Any resemblance to fighting is lost and they degenerate into what amounts to elaborate dance routines.
Competition keeps the art grounded and weeds out the charlatans and the snake oil salesmen because it clearly shows what works and what's bullshit
Being competitive against your own people doesn't make you good, it's the same boat as karate and Tae Kwon do
It just overcentralizes and creates a meta

BJJ is rotten with effective sport techniques that would get your face smashed in during a fight
A highschool wrestler is more equipped to fight someone than a world champion guard puller
So boxers who compete in boxing are not good fighters?
Wrestlers who compete in wrestling are not good fighters?
Is there not a meta in either of these?
>BJJ is rotten with effective sport techniques that would get your face smashed in during a fight
Does this not affect other combat sports as well? Sure, jump guard this, butt scoot that, what would happen to a wrestler if he turtled in a street fight?
This sort of thing gets posted again and again, even though it's a complete non-argument. BJJ bad because sport specifics, [poster's favorite sport] good because sport specifics conveniently ignored
If you want to "BJJ bad wrasslin good" post, there's a dozen other threads for you to fellate yourself in, though I suspect you'll continue to shit up this one for the next hundred posts
The truth of this hurts. I moved cities and was excited looking at this new gym, which is run by a top ten IBJJF brown belt. But 2 months in I’ve realised he’s the worst teacher I’ve ever had by far - so much so that I have to learn purely through instructionals and drilling new stuff on white belts now. It’s literally drill two moves as nauseum for 30 mins and then free sparring for another 30 mins. No positional sparring and nobody here cares about drilling stuff when I ask.

The best coach I had was a no name ex MMA fighter turned BJJ nerd that works full time as an engineer and hasn’t competed in years. I got my blue belt under him and felt like my progress was stratospheric compared to now. He’d drill stuff with you at the expense of his own time and would happily troubleshoot techniques with you instead of rolling if that’s what you wanted. If nobody turned up to class, he’d basically give you a free private.

This new coach just sits on his phone during open mat and won’t even entertain the idea of teaching you 1 to 1 unless you’re paying him. Shit sucks bros, I wish I could’ve taken my old coach and team mates here with me.
Even when they do care, guys who are active in their competitive days just usually don't have their full attention on their students. It sounds like the gym is big enough that his pockets are plenty full, so you don't even get the guy who will fake care to keep retention. Shit sucks.
the nature of the sport determines this
it's not even arguable that the materials within karate are far superior to the material within boxing
it encompasses way more techniques and fully utilizes the whole body
even though boxing by every possible metric on paper is a worse martial art than karate, in practice the people doing it will be better fighters because the sport is a motherfucker and demands you knock people out

bjj has a godawful sport attached to it that makes you into a sissy just like you were doing tae kwon do, and even if wrestling on paper has fewer moves the stuff it can do far exceeds everything in bjj in practicality and the ability of the practitioners to act upon it, because the sport is a motherfucker

bjj is easy, that's why men in their 50s do it
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can't stop getting crossfaced and guillotined by big guys in half-guard when going for my deep half
>Everybody thats good is doing eco even if they don't realize they're doing it
Surely you can back up such a bold claim.
How the fuck do i counter de la riva and spider guards?
I hate those, i refuse to learn them but in my gym most guys do those
If I were you I'd look for an instructional on BJJ fanatics, then try to find a torrent
Just don't engage with it
Stay square and crowd them
They're noob traps like lasso

You know exactly where they're trying to go. Just refuse to oblige with it
Learn to grip fight more better. Dominate the grip fight. Don't accept or tolerate a grip on your collar or sleeve. Break their grips, establish your own.
It's too funny, you just know no matter where you are the guy with the note book is going to ask something fucking stupid

Is training bjj once a week worth it?
It's never worth it. It's a game of survivor bias, getting good doesn't have anything to do with effort It's how long you can do it before an injury takes you out

That's the fate for all of us, one day we'll each have an injury that makes us decide to be done with it
To me that injury will be death
Progress will be agonizingly slow. Better than nothing, though.

What is the purpose of this post?
Do you train?
What alternative do you propose?
The purpose is informed consent
Bjj is trendy and you have all these casuals and celebrities going zomg it's so cool and awesome gais everyone should do it!

Nobody wants to talk about the downside, This is a full contact combat sport, you will get injured, it's not an if its a when and how badly
And I hate to see it keep happening that these new people will start jiujitsu because they've heard all these great things not realizing that they are stepping into a meat grinder and they don't even last a year before something really bad happens to them. either they're getting surgery or at least had a good scare and they will recover (Nothing that's injured to the point you need to take a break ever fully recovers) but realize it isn't worth it to proceed

Weather it's a really big blowout of some kind that's going to require surgical repair or it's just death by a 1000 cuts and it's small little tweaks and aches and nags that keep piling up you need to be prepared that if you intend to do this you will pay with your health. I don't have any financial interest in encouraging people to do jiujitsu so that's why I don't mind telling them the truth about it
nooo you literally have to train 5 days a week and weight lift the other days or don't even begin
Anon, the black belt is political, not merit based. The brown belt should be merit based. You need to rethink your strategy unless you goo to some McDojo that just hand them out. Your 40 year old body will not stand up to this level of abuse. Finger tendons will start to snap soon (usually ages 40-45) and then you're essentially out for 6-9 months. Stop worrying about volume and competition and instead worry about learning every real guard and having excellent escapes. When it comes to demonstrating acumen those are the two things that stand out. But realistically just stay with one instructor the entire time, solving the issue of the political problem of the black belt, and your promotions will come more or less on schedule.
This anon gets it. BJJ is only fun the first couple of years. After that it's a chore, where you only gain marginal improvements, and often those are washed out by injuries you have to compensate for or even erased. Imagine your hands being so damaged you can't cross collar grip anymore. Now what? And because of the trendy nature of it people go apeshit and train 5x a week so you have to keep up some insane volume to stay competitive just within your own gym and not get steamrolled by young purple belts. People get TOO good at competition style patterns and normal people simply don't have the time to keep up with that, and it makes you not want to bother anymore. 20+ years ago when I started nobody in the Midwest had ever seen a black belt. Maybe they had if they traveled to Brazil, but not really. Even legends like Greg Nelson were only purple belts. Most gyms were only open for a few classes per week. You didn't have the option to train full time, the internet hardly existed (I think Youtube had 3 real BJJ channels) and there were only maybe 5 DVD sets, so everyone was more or less kept around the same level. Training was fun back then. It was a hobby that paid off in legit ways. Now it's honestly just a grind. I'm 46 and every single night I leave training I spend the next 24 hours trying to talk myself into hanging it up. It's not fun, there are nigs there now, and women, and mystery meats, and fags, and the whole nogi internet culture has made it just lame.
You made the classic mistake of confusing medals with teaching credentials. Competitors are always awful teachers. Always. Unless all you want to learn is their competitions strategy and burn your body out chasing medals. They neither practice nor teach BJJ, they practice and teach competition BJJ. Mentally, these are about as closely related as math and english.
LOL try being 50. It ain't easy.

That's leg half out now. It's 6 or 7 days, 2 or 3 per day. Going to different gyms. Having your match footage critiqued by multiple people. Tour de France style "If you aren't juicy you aren't even trying to qualify." A break means going to a seminar that's far enough away you're only doing that today.
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate your points.

>Your 40 year old body will not stand up to this level of abuse
>volume and competition
I'm going to class 2-4 times a week, mmmaybe an extra class or open mat on the weekend.
I should have clarified, I don't mean 300 classes this calendar year, I mean 300 total. If anything I train less than average, unfortunately. That's why I want to be more consistent.

As for competition, I'm a dork who grew up with trad martial arts but didn't play sports, so competing scares me. I feel like it's important for me to do for that reason. I've got no interest in deviating from the "old fat amateurs" division, but among the old fat amateurs I'd rather be a competitor than not.

>learning every real guard
Can you tell me more about what you mean by that?

Lol you'd think I'd be good at those, considering how much practice I've had. I think I've recently started to get slightly better.
Escapes are a priority for me, both for sporty jiujitsu reasons and also for hypothetical self defense reasons (yes I know self defense larping is stupid).

>stay with one instructor the entire time
That's my intention. Not gonna lionize the guy but he's a solid coach and I like our gym.
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This is just short of wearing a punisher skull to complete the tacticool boomer toughguy act.
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It was so bad he had to surrender after completing the "takedown"

>>learning every real guard
>Can you tell me more about what you mean by that?

Okay this might be controversial but I'm saying that K guard is not a real guard, that Waiter guard is not a real guard it's just a sweeping position someone built a guard game around, deep half isn't a guard it's a panic position you can learn to dominate in, etc. Is single leg X even a guard? I don't think so.

Because those are positions generally used as a point of transfer to a dominant position i.e., mount or back control. But since everyone needs a gimmick to sell DVDs they've developed these transfer positions into guards you can now stall and play with. But they aren't necessary to you developing "mastery." The real guards are full, half, open (this encompasses several sub guards), X, De La Riva.

Because in all these guards you end up in K, Waiter, etc. anyway.

As far as the lapel guards I think they're legit, but they're still just a derivation of an existing primary guard system. So octopus guard and whatever are really just a few tricks. You can use them, you don't NEED them.

So when I say focus on the real guards it's because you'll get pieces of those other ones in anyway, especially when sweeping.

Now this brings up my biggest point of contention: the black belt.

In a perfect system no man would ever award a black belt until the student is just slightly better than he was when receiving his own. That way the sanctity of the rank is preserved and it's meaning holds across the world. Sadly this is not even close to the case. Places award black belts in 5 years now to guys who never compete, never gym hop to test themselves, and have ZERO case to justify such a promotion other than having attended a lot of classes and being a big fish in a small pond. IBJJF provided guidelines to prevent this, but then backed off the strictness of them because they want $ and making someone wait a decade or more for a black belt isn't a very good sales pitch. Cont.

So now we have the adage, "There are black belts and then there are black belts."

If every academy were to hold the line and require every freshly minted BB to learn all these zany guards then fine, I support it, the meaning of the black belt is thereby retained the worldover and the expectation has been elevated as the sport has been elevated. That's fair play. But we don't do that. We award them for all sorts of bullshit justifications. I watched several guys I brought into BJJ when I was a purple belt get BBs before me because they stayed at the same academy and I moved. There's no possible way all of them were phenoms that surpassed me. They just kissed one ass for years on end and paid money. Recently I saw a guy get a BB who had not rolled once through the last half of his brown due to injuries. He showed up, did the drills, sat around. Did not even teach. Did he deserve it?

So if you want to learn zany guards to win, cool, have fun if it appeals to you, but don't feel pressured to add every one of them to your game to reach competency. You can be the best leg locker on the planet and have an undefeated 500 and 0 record but if you can't pass guard you aren't actually good at BJJ.
I wrote a comment linking to vids discussing grappling in the context of self defense and I'm pretty sure he insta-deleted them, kek
Here's the thing about black belts though, We all know a few of those people who really don't deserve it or got it through suspect means, But they are really easy to sniff out and even for beginners they figure out who those people are pretty quickly.
I think for the majority of black belts though the minimum standard is higher than it has ever been. It's just objectively true that your average purple belt in the modern era would wipe their ass with prime gracie brothers in the 90s, especially following the leglock revolution. They were decent bluebelt level in their prime, it just is what it is you can look at them and see that's the case. So it's funny to think about that the modern intermediate is superior to the traditional grandmaster.

But what also plays a role is the average age to start jiujitsu is 28, On average people are getting black belts in their mid- late 30s early 40s for most people, The people who are getting them young are outliers so we can't really measure the general population against them yet.

However this is the first generation where we have a lot of children starting as their first martial art when they are in grade school, so give it another 10 years and there's going to be this infusion of athletes that got their black belt when they were 20 years old and already have 10 to 15 years of experience behind it. In a few years the standard is going to skyrocket over night.

It's really my advice is to get them while you can because Nobody has an issue if you earn something and then the art moved past you, nobody is going to think you're illegitimate for that because at the time you achieved what there was to achieve and now you're in a mentor role
But in a few short years a black belt by today's standards is going to be considered a softy that doesn't deserve it
BJJ used to be for vale tudo, now it's not. Thats the biggest difference imho.

Getting a blackbelt without having an actual fight was a nono for some back in the day.
And women could only go to purple
It's really unfortunate to me that judo changed it, up until 2017 a female judo black belt had a white stripe running through it, It was an easy way to symbolize yes you put the time in and you've earned something but let's not pretend it's the same as what the men are doing
People say that it was a big victory for women but I think it was a big loss for the standards in judo

I liked that trend that was briefly happening in BJJ where the competitors would wear a white rank bar and the hobbyists would wear a red rank bar
No doubt this is part of the brainwashing from "real life self defense combatives" where they tell you you're supposed to appear nervous and submissive the entire time so that way "the witnesses" will tell the police you were the good guy

It's a line of BS perpetuated by people that obviously don't live near minorities because if you act that way they smell blood in the water
You need to be calm, confident, and firm with them
>I think it was a big loss for the standards in judo
Because women can't compete with men physically? By that same logic you could rule that black belts are only awarded to men north of 200lb and younger than 40, which is obviously retarded
Belts signify knowledge, experience and technical expertise, not just "could beat (or even fight fairly with) anyone of lower rank"
It's not just that, if someone witnesses only a part of the confrontation and sees you beating the other guy up, they might just assume that you are the aggressor. If they're a cop and/or in a particularly heroic mood that day, it's unlikely to end well
So jumping away from the guy and showing that your hands are empty (i.e that you didn't just stab them or something) might make sense in some contexts
Funny, I've made this exact argument point for point before. And I quit tonight. 21 years. 46 years old. Brown belt. I've just had enough. I reached my max potential a long time ago, only getting worse now and my body is trashed but what's worse is my mind is much slower. I spent my entire "journey" gym hopping and either never being promoted or leaving literally a week before promotions. All my friends got their BB in half the time. And I finally accepted that I'll never get mine and even if I did I would never feel I deserved it. And it's fine because it doesn't mean anything anymore. The revolution from martial art into sport just sucked all of the meaning out of it for me. I'm pretty depressed, but I'm even more depressed three nights a week after rolling and have been having pretty deep suicidal ideations the last year because of it (just coming to terms with the fact hat I'm not good enough at anything and never was), wrap my entire eating schedule around class, obsess over it, take fucking kratom every time so my body allows me to roll, and just ruminate on all the things I hate about BJJ with literally zero positives. I think my life will be better without this thing taking up so much space in the middle. I hope I can really leave it behind me and move forward without always feeling like such a failure.
One of your friends should give you a black belt so you can just close the book on this shit, because while I encourage everyone to quit who wants to, I'm willing to wager a year from now you're going to say I bet I could've had my black belt by now if I didn't quit a year ago

What you should probably do is go to a globetrotters seminar and ask for an assessment to get promoted
They do that at those for people who don't belong to a gym
If you restrict black belts to adults only because children aren't strong enough then the same logic applies to women

There's a smaller strength differential between a 6' man and a 5'6" man than there is between a 5'3" man and woman
I would suck a cock before I asked some guy I gave a blue belt to give me a black belt. I’m not kidding. If you stuck a gun to my head. And if one did it makes zero difference. I still failed. More raining won’t fix what’s wrong in my head. I just didn’t have what it takes
I know people that just asked for it, like yo I want to enter the black belt division so gibs me dat

And they get it
I'm not like that. The fact that people get them in 5 years now completely undermines the whole idea of the black belt to me. Just wanting a thing to compete in a division is so antithetical to the entire martial arts mastery aspect that got me into this to begin with I can't even begin to lay out all the reasons why. Those people are not me, I don't know what standards they hold themselves to but they are clearly lower than mine. Especially considering my dim view of the competition acumen and rulesets to being with. I've never even accepted that "your coach will know when you are ready" is an appropriate measure because they're just flawed people as well who promote early, late, never, whatever based on criteria that has at MOST times utterly baffled me. I left so many gyms seeking more competitive, reputable gyms so I would know 100% I had earned my rank. And at one place with dozens of World's gold medals on the wall I beat half their black belts around my age and survive the other half, yet at the next place in some strip mall with maybe 20 students I'm failing to do a simple scissors sweep to some blue belt in his 20s and the head coach is making a fool of me by landing the same kimura in every roll. So where the fuck do I even belong? The complete lack of objective standards just makes me so frustrated I cannot locate any passion in this pursuit any longer. It's just a chore. A chore that sucks the rest of my life away because between training days I am too sore to do much of anything. And I'm constantly depressed. And injured. If I had been awarded my black belt the week I began beating some black belts I would have accepted that. But now it's just a cruel joke and I'm legitimately awful with each passing day.
I'm gonna pray for you. I know you're going through some shit.

>The complete lack of objective standards just makes me so frustrated I cannot locate any passion in this pursuit any longer.
Maybe that's the problem? It's an art, it's subjective, not objective. The sport part is objective (rules, points, wins, medals) but that's just one part of the art.
Maybe at your age with the mileage you've got on you just being able to do that damn thing at all is a victory unto itself. Maybe beating that twenty year old isn't the most important/valuable thing you can do, maybe coaching him to win worlds is.

I'm not trying to blow smoke up your ass, dude. I'm ten years younger than you but I've felt the same way. I've loved martial arts since childhood and realized the hard way a couple years ago that I really, really suck.

At this point I'm just trying to keep training and praying I don't outlive my ability to do what I love. I just want to be a cheerleader, encourage my gym buddies, learn more about the history, lore, and technical side of the game, and maybe compete a little among other oldfaggots in my division. All dreams of glory have long since left me, but the art is worth doing for the art's own sake.
This is the plight of the middle aged
I know this guy that's 50 and just got his black a half a year ago, has barely been back since
Met him 4 years ago as a purple
Is he any better today than the day I met him? I don't really think so
And he's saying he doesn't feel like he deserves it and I had to make him swallow a tough pill, you're 50, you aren't going to get better than you are now
And he basically quit because now that he caught the dragon he doesn't see the point anymore

And I see the middle agers demoting themselves all the time, they take their stripes off and shit because they don't want to move up. They don't want to responsibility they think the rank carries
Like old man Billy, 70 years old white belt he said his goal is to get a blue belt before he dies

that was 8 years ago
He's a purple belt now
Wish those aspects mattered to me but frankly they don’t. I’m not a teammate. I’m surprised you, as a 4 channer, can relate to them that way. I was my lifetime best at 35. At this point I’d rather show up somewhere out of town wearing my blue belt because the entire experience would be more sporting than try to get through this old brown belt, which I simply have no idea how to do obviously. There is no joy left in this pursuit.
> And I see the middle agers demoting themselves all the time, they take their stripes off and shit because they don't want to move up. They don't want to responsibility they think the rank carries And I see the middle agers demoting themselves all the time, they take their stripes off and shit because they don't want to move up. They don't want to responsibility they think the rank carries

The instructor allows this?
God bless. Love it. I don't take it for granted, but I hope I can be like old man Billy.

>I’m surprised you, as a 4 channer, can relate to them that way.
It took me a long time. It wasn't easy. I wasted untold years of my youth being angry, isolated, and desperately lonely. It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I really began to appreciate the importance and value of having a name and a place in a group. Human connections aren't easy but they're worth it. Finding the right people helps, but being the right person is more important.

I'm trying to hard-sell ya. When it's time, it's time. But I hope you can find some joy and peace somewhere.
>I'm trying to hard-sell ya
*I'm NOT trying to hard-sell ya
I just wanted to accomplish something I could be proud of. And it’s too late for that now.
Everything is being recorded digitally now so they won't be able to get away with it anymore, Even if they take them off their profile when they check in displays the number they have

This is usually done when they come from somewhere else end join us and they demote themselves in between
And I'll find out they did it after the fact, one guy went back down to blue belt for example, One guy had 4 stripes on his brown belt and took them all off, another guy had 4 stripes on his purple belt and took them all off
Another guy collegiate greco roman, has a black belt in judo, and earned a blue belt in jiujitsu came with a white belt
Which is silly because that all shakes out in the wash anyway the guy coming on the mat with his white belt had a purple belt in less than 2 years, the ability doesn't disappear just because you take the title away

Part of it too for the older guys is they don't need to feel unworthy, we have a pretty hard room
And I don't mean that in the sense like we're some competition focused overly serious gym, we just happen to have a bunch of local 20 something gym rat blue belts that are hard workers. You go in as an older more experienced guy and You're going to get the better of them but they're gonna make you work like hell to do it and it's a hard night having to try keep that pace back-to-back to back
And I think a lot of these guys who maybe we're like those kids a few years ago but they took some time off, job family all that stuff that gets in the way they come back and they can't do it anymore and feel like never deserved what they got
I went for a few sessions and I've picked up injuries that are still affecting me two months later.
You clearly haven't wrestled with a 100kg woman.
my buddy gave me a hard drive with all the instructions from all the big names Wiltse, Danaher, Craig and Gordon.

I am tempted to just try and copy Gordon style since we are the same height, anything I should know before?
Tips for studying?
Is anyone in the Twin Cities?
That's not a woman anon
Danaher instructionals are absolutely unwatchable unless you're on cocaine or watching them at 3x speed, maybe both to be sure you don't fall asleep.
manlets spotted
It used to be for sumo wrestlers you had to be at least 5 feet 8 inches tall to become a pro, Meaning your ability to earn a rank was hard capped to your genetics
Likewise women are unable to go pro at all
Japan is slowly but surely going woke so last year they removed this restriction unfortunately

But yeah I really have no issue with restricting rank to people who are physically capable. It doesn't mean girls and terminal man lets our unable to participate in the sport, they just can't be high-ranking members in it.
I would probably make the line 5 foot 6, because it accounts for the tree stump Dwarven kings that just have short stout frames but are as strong as an ox, but beyond that I'd say they're too small to earn rank
Sumo woku

Sumo broku
Really when you think about it the gi truly is a tool for women and weaklings
They require the force multiplier the gi creates
these motherfuckers at my gym removed the thursday afternoon no gi class. what the fuck. i hate gi.
Sumo has no weight classes. Even if they allow more manlets in, it doesn't mean those manlets will go far. They have to be the most elite manlets ever to reach the top.
you will play lasso guard
you will play spider guard
and you will like it
Everything I’ve learned from Gordon’s instructionals has been really useful and effective but they’re very hard to stomach and mostly unnecessary if you’re not competing at a high level. As a blue belt I’ve got plenty out of just watching the first hour of him explaining each position/technique. After that he tends to drop into a mariana trench of technical detail that’s way over my head.

The half guard passing one is a masterpiece but it’s legitimately around 6 hours of content.
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>hard to stomach
Is it just me or does Garry look like someone tried to draw Nicky Rod from memory?
why does he have little bald spots on his head? fungus?
What's your experience level?
white, I am nine months in.
Some kind of auto immune thing. I know he's talked about it before.
He really does.
Update: I accidentally poked myself in the eye and have an eye infection. I have to abstain from bjj until it's over + 2 days
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Here's your new gi
Gordon make a cranial shift out of Danaher's ass.
Woke up this morning to see I had been removed from the coaches chat. I'm so fucking sad bros. It's my fault. I'm the one who decided to quit. But I'm still just so deeply depressed. I just want to go back to being a purple again and doing what my body/mind feel capable of. Brown has been nothing but three years of severe depression and doubt. I was fine thinking I would never be a black belt when I was an old man purple belt. Excuses to fail were built into the rank, but then my jackass friend ambushed me with a promotion because he wanted his academy to look cool on IG with rank and everything just went to shit for me because once they put that fucking belt on you all the fun is gone. You have to pursue the black belt, you have to improve, you have to defend the fucking rank, etc. It's better to be an old half crippled black belt than a brown belt, because you don't have to earn anything more. You can just suck and go home and not care. The BJJ depression is so bad I've forgotten more than half of my techniques, I am mentally lost all the time, I do not want to be there, I just spiritually crumble when the pressure is too much cause my ribs shift now, the anxiety is so bad I have to take xanax and kratom just to get out of the car and suit up, and that dulls my mind even more. I've only gotten worse and worse while frantically trying to get better or at least be Okay again, which is impossible because my brain is physically friend and my body aged like a decade in one year. The moment this turned into a sport it was ruined. It didn't used to have this high of expectations. It was fun and challenging but not just a hellish slog and it wasn't full of "athletes." When Is tarted 20 years ago it was mostly nerds, a few army jock types and the occasional street badass that decided to chill out and learn for real. Now it's.... I don't know but I don't like them. The competitor types. Fuck I just want to kill myself like for serious.
just do nogi
I fucking loathe nogi and especially the people it attracts.

>"Hey did you watch retarded overly detailed instructional by roided up competitor guy?"
>Dives straight for your foot
>Is tarted
>I have to take xanax and kratom
>my brain is physically friend and my body aged like a decade in one year
Guaran-fucking-tee the drug use is not helping you.
If you've got mental issues, work through them, talk to someone, get therapy, get religion, I dunno but blasting your brains out with benzos is not the way.
If you've got injuries, get medical attention, get a diagnosis, get physical therapy, get surgery if you have to. Kratom is bad shit.

I promise this stress/pressure exists only in your mind. NO ONE in the gym is looking at you thinking, "haha look at that loser", they're probably looking at you thinking "damn I hope I can still go that hard when I'm that age".

We've got a brown belt coach in our gym. He's a little younger than you but he's still often injured. With lower belts he's a "lazy" roll, he'll just hold positions and let you work. With upper belts/young competitors he often gets smashed. He stopped competing a while ago. Not exactly a world beater desu.
And ya know what? We fuckin' love that dude. He's the most popular guy at the gym. Literally everyone smiles when they see him. He's constantly coaching and helping guys figure stuff out. Having him there is a blessing and we'd be bummed as hell if he wasn't there.

I swear to God you are trapped in a prison of your own making. Release that shit, it does not serve you.
Like I said, I'm not trying to hard-sell you. If it's time to step away, it's time. But please don't think that these problems are insurmountable or your life is over.
>I just want to go back to being a purple again
>Brown has been nothing but three years of depression
>excuses to fail were built into the rank
>you have to defend the fucking rank
>I've forgotten more than half of my techniques
>It didn't used to have this high of expectations
>I fucking loathe nogi and especially the people it attracts.

This is your brain on gi jiu jitsu lol
Sounds like you're more worried about belts/rank than skill acquisition. Unironically, git gud.
You can become a hardcore competitor or be a lazy old brown belt, it really is not a big deal. Stop whining. There is nothing wrong with being a hobbyist, there has always been a separation between competitor ranks and hobbyist ranks. No one cares about this shit except you. Sounds like you have other problems in life and maybe a lame gym culture.
>an entire thread about brown belts crying

One is crying the other is based and calling you all out for being fags
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dear diary,
my deep half project is going well
managing to escape there from a variety of positions now
my training partners have gotten wise to me diving under them in half-guard, so i'll probably start fighting to coyote guard first and entering from there for example
my number 1 attack from there is the waiter sweep, or failing that a back take
hoping to expand my repertoire in the future
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> No one cares about this shit except you.

Stop the lies. Every single person near your cohort thinks about this. If you weren’t being judged and actively competed against there wouldn’t even be rankings. What’s next you gonna start talking about the journey and your bjj family?
I feel the same but its easier on your body,
and leg locks can be fun
I tried deep half with a black for the first time and just kicked him in the balls,
that was at 27sec of a 5 min round need less to say I got bullied
>>I have to take xanax and kratom
>>my brain is physically friend and my body aged like a decade in one year
>Guaran-fucking-tee the drug use is not helping you.

0.25 xanax 1g kratom only on training nights. It's barely anything. I just need the anxiety to diminish enough that I can even stand being in my skin on the mat. I was a drunk for a decade but only when I had to do social stuff. And frankly I was much happier but it's impossible to balance the two hobbies (drinking and athletics) at my age. But not a fucking second goes by that I don't wish I was just throwing darts at a bar again charming some young chick. Not a second.

>I promise this stress/pressure exists only in your mind. NO ONE in the gym is looking at you thinking, "haha look at that loser", they're probably looking at you thinking "damn I hope I can still go that hard when I'm that age".

Who says I'm concerned with their opinions? I'm the one who hates myself.

>We've got a brown belt coach in our gym. He's a little younger than you but he's still often injured. With lower belts he's a "lazy" roll, he'll just hold positions and let you work. With upper belts/young competitors he often gets smashed. He stopped competing a while ago. Not exactly a world beater desu.
>And ya know what? We fuckin' love that dude. He's the most popular guy at the gym. Literally everyone smiles when they see him. He's constantly coaching and helping guys figure stuff out. Having him there is a blessing and we'd be bummed as hell if he wasn't there.

I ain't nobody's friend. I'm friendly, but I've been around the block plenty of times. No such thing as friends. I've given and given and given to BJJ and it's given nothing back. This guy might be happy in that role. Good for him.

>But please don't think that these problems are insurmountable or your life is over.

You see, it never began. It was one false start after another. A sunk cost fallacy at this point. I don't even like BJJ. I don't like ANYTHING.
"The journey" is just cope bad teachers convince their students of because they are failing them and improvement is really slow going and tedious
Your problem isn't BJJ man, you should seriously talk to a shrink about this stuff
In no particular order, just some of the reasons bjj culture is the most insufferable in martial arts

1 2 3 clap
Snapping fingers to direct attention
Shaka brah
Ironically doing a fake Portuguese accent
Dude weed
Using PEDs and calling it açai
Eating açai
Hugging each other at thr end of the training too.
>Shaka brah
>Ironically doing a fake Portuguese accent
>Eating açai
This retarded thing, which came about because one of the gracie fags lived in fucking Hawaii and its a Hawaiian thing but since bjj is filled with NPCs they think it's a bjj thing and just copy it
Ayee porrada every day getting the blue beylche
That's self explanatory
Here is Brazilian snack, you white pigs have no culture so start eating it because it's Brazilian I guess
You do it in Judo too.
> 1 2 3 clap
You do it in football and baseball too.
> Snapping fingers
No-gi or tori/uke having the same color of gi makes this nearly required for seeing arm placement
> shaka
You do it in rock climbing too, although hanging loose is farm more critical in both climbing and surging

>the rest
I got nothing there. Brazilians gonna Brazil. At least they don't make you do the dogeza after newaza.
I kinda want to switch from my mma gym to 10th planet gym, they have a few adcc medalist at the 10th planet gym in my city I just kinda this dislike the 10th planet cringe.
Unfit newfag here, how do I improve my cardio? From what I gathered I need to do 40 to 60 mins of zone 2 instead of 12 minutes of HIIT? IS this ture or just min maxing
I don't know how to help you and it's unwise to take advice from random strangers on 4chan dot org

anyways I improved my cardio by going to open mat and just doing multiple rolls without rest. you can rest if you feel like puking but otherwise just continue
If you're unfit, all things considered, lower effort for longer is probably going to do more for you for multiple reasons. Let whatever counts as hard and high intensity cardio happen in class. How long this is true will depend on a number of factors, but once you're regularly walking out of clas with just a good sweat but not exhausted, you can begin exploring other methodologies with greater freedom.
I spend all week busting my ass in gym and on weekends smoke and drink Saturdays. It no matter. None of it matter. Genetics everything. Technique lie. Only size and youth matter. And special juice.
I started jumping rope once a day 30min
nice and slow. it has been a big help.
>be me
>cute asian girl joins jiujitsu class
>shoot my shot and respectfully ask to exchange numbers
>send her a cordial text
>she never answers
>never comes back to class
it is all good man, your still getting better
Just Don't Show Up instructional dropping soon
You don't need high level wrestlers to pull techniques from, there is no magic bullet that they do that will make you better than anyone else. You and anyone who wants to be good needs to learn basic takedowns and drill them then try to apply them live over and over again until you can consistently get them working against someone resisting. This may take a lot of failed attempts but it is the only thing that works.
How does the schedule of a typical class look for you?
For me
>5 minutes of warmup
>40 minutes of techniques
>45 minutes of rolling
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around 10-15 minutes of warming up, usually by flow rolling
our classes are 2 hours long, so the first hour is typically a mix of technique and short positional sparring rounds
after the technique portion, we spar 45 minutes to an hour depending on how much technique was shown
60 minutes but the same breakdown. Sometimes it's either all technical or all rolling post warm up with the instructor walking around to any given pair for individual attention, but we're a small school so playing with the structure to meet everyone's needs is easy.
good to know. i was worried that my current gym had too much sparring but it seems it was my first gym that had too little. basically they just slapped on 15 minutes of not even full sparring but instead until someone got a dominant position at the end.
fuck warmups and drilling
class will always include stand up, guarded, pinning
each of these exercises will be done for 6 minutes, in asymmetrical exercises every time there's a winner they will flip roles
class example

1: standing across from your partner, your goal is to touch either of their shoulders or their knees. Using your hand fighting and footwork try to score more points than your partner

2: standing across from your partner, your goal is to create a chest to chest double underhook situation. If someone wins reset

3: starting in a 50/50 collar tie try to create a chest to back standing body lock situation, reset when that happens

4: starting 1 player down, standing player starts with 1 leg stepped between the legs of the down. Bottom player using whatever configuration they would like, continuously keep this 2 on 1 leg entanglement, do not let it out. Top player try to remove the leg and pass

5: start in a knee shielded position. Top players goal is to get past the knee shield and create a chest to chest pin, they do not need to fully pass the guard. Bottom player, do not let them achieve chest to chest, if knee shield is ever lost top priority is rebuilding it

6: from a cross side chest to chest pin, create a mounted chest to chest pin. Bottom player is trying to achieve any guarded configuration

7: starting from a low mounted chest to chest pin, top players goal is to ride up towards the head and insert his knees into the space of the bottom players armpits causing their arms to extend upward and isolate. Bottom is not trying to fully escape, just trying to hold them off as long as possible

8: starting from a mounted chest to chest position top player is trying to create a secure chest to back connection, bottom player is trying to keep their back and shoulders to the mat and not get turned over. If at any time a submission opportunity arises for the top player they may take that submission

30 mins optional rolling time and open mat
You do all of those every class?
The exercises change depending on the focus of the class, but the structure is the same
Look at the way it flows
1 outside hand fighting 2 inside hand fighting 3 dominate standing exchange 4 early passing and guard retention 5 middle passing and retention 6 late passing and early recovery 7 early isolation late recovery 8 finishing/escaping

Through this method over the course of the hour you have played out multiple full jiujitsu matches from beginning to end and experienced many different variables, perspectives, and evolving strategies. It was just done in a way where the whole game was sliced up into bite sized pieces Allow you to focus on how to win the micro battles that add up to the full game
Should I cross train judo or do weight lifting to suplement?
weights or bodyweight
it will make it easier to learn techniques, in a way.
Weight training, if you're not already doing a strength routine without weights, will cover blind spots in your physical development and help prevent injury if you do it right. Judo will cover blind spots in your BJJ training and force you to learn to fall properly, which will prevent a different class of injury.
how can you prevent the slam while doing a teepee choke? cant find an answer anywhere. Does someone standing during a teepee just open their leg for a scoop and you just go back to the normal triangle/wrong side triangle? completely letting go is not an option for me, wont do it
jiu jitsu is really fun but people just grabbing my pants/ankles in open guard and chucking them to the side and slamming onto me into instant side control is incredibly gay and frustrating. Feels like it takes more energy to break grips than to make them. Need a patch, nerf grips
You're probably too stiff in your torso and legs, making it even easier to do beyond the tension of the gi.
If you're light, lifting would probably be less potentially taxing. If you're anywhere near heavy, you'll essentially be weight training in Judo with partners your size at first so two birds one stone. Same way white belts use way too much muscle on the ground.
Nta but I am a 6'5 230 nogi White belt.
What is the crossover between judo and nogi?
I can't find a pure wrestling class.

I am trying to make friends to do Takedowns after class but I haven't made progress with that.
If you have advice about that, it would help.
If you find a school that has literally anyone as big as you, you're probably gonna have more luck convincing them to trade nogi throwing time for using you as a dummy. Most bjj guys aren't (probably rightfully) going to trust Hafthor to toss them until you're at a higher rank.
Fair point and if it is a trade they will be more open to it.
It shouldn't be too long till I get my blue belt anyways.

To be honest with you, some times I forget I am big in my mind I see myself as a skinny fat skeleton. Till some says something about my size in class.
>rolling with shitty blue belt
>pass his guard, take his back immediately, sink in RNC
>he won't tap, so I let go and hammerlock him
>reset, pass his guard again
>threaten a cheeky wrist lock, no real pressure on it
>people on the side of the mats start hyping him up, telling him to go hard
>he rips a kimura from bottom half has hard as possible
>I roll out, he tries to rip it again, I tap
Cool, now my elbow is completely fucked and I can barely straighten my arm.
Lesson learned — do not let these spaz white/blue belts get ANYTHING advantageous. Next time I take his back I'm going to flatten him and just make the round miserable.
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i have zero fucking no-gi takedown game
>try to get underhooks: get thrown
>try to get an overhook: get thrown
>try to get over-unders: get thrown
>try to shoot: get sprawled on
because bjj teaches takedowns as ineptly as aikido does, here's the take down, now just go do the fucking move bro
takedowns need to be properly set up and chained together to work
Just focus on hand fighting and Headlocks from a sprawl.
And all of it capped off with an absolute dearth of explosive conditioning
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Any one here try future kimono?
It really has a cyberpunk vibe to it.
got my first tap today against someone with more stripes
know what's gay? I'm a leglocker by virtue of everyone else sucking at leglocks
to this day most people don't know dick about them because

I'm trying to get good at leglocks but don't even have the opportunity to have a shoot out and work positions with someone because easy basic attacks and entries work all the time. And it blows because when I go against someone that does know just a little about leglocks I can't keep up because I don't have the opportunity to practice it against someone competent
Just grab one or two people and learn together.
This upsets me because I know nothing about using my legs.
I am thinking about focusing on Triangles and armbars till I understand how to use my legs
Ask the people who are taking you down some questions, especially if you find out they're a wrestler. Watch some videos on basic handfighting and stance.
fuck it
I am going to watch all of Gordon Ryan's, John Danaher's, and Garry tonon's instructions
I will report back if I don't kill myself
don't do it man, especially now it's all such old content everyone should know it by now
You realize most people don't watch any of that stuff? After your first couple of years you don't give a shit about instructional videos very much anymore unless you're an active competitor. I don't have the time or attention span for any of these stupid fucking videos with their million stage setups. Copying people's methods defeats the entire point of being good at BJJ. You aren't, you're just good at executing that plan. The goal is to be good no matter what happens, always responding on the fly to the mutations of the roll. Not being some dominant machine that executes some boring step by step system to the sub. Everything about modern BJJ just sucks.
I only roll with brown/black and brand new white belts, unless I've seen the person roll enough to gauge their disposition. Too many spergs in this stupid sport now.
my drive to go to classes is in the shitter. ever since I tore my anke a couple months ago Ive gave myself excuses each time to not go to classes. i honestly think I'm gonna quit. the place I go to has boxing fundamentals classes so I might switch to that, or muy that but they don't have fund. for those.
i also fucking hate training in the gi and all the no-gi classes are on days I cant even go to. i think it's over.
I recommend quitting to everybody and trying to convince people who don't want to go otherwise only ensures they'll never do it again in the future

It's a value assessment
For me it's a job, I quit and I lose money
I can't imagine actually paying for this shit though
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Are instructionals worth it?
And if so where can I torrent them
I know where to find instructionals, but would you actually watch +4 hours of content?

I find most people who ask "link" when I post instructionals I'm watching just don't do shit with them.
>is free educational content from high-level coaches and practitioners worth it?
If you're asking this question then no, it's not: you're too blockheaded to get anything out of it.
>trained for a year a few years back, stopped as I kept getting injured
>got good rehab and now want to come back to it
>was maybe about 50% of the way to blue by the time I stopped

I'd like to get the blue in 6 months, it always annoyed me that I never got it. How would I maximise my chance of pulling that off? E.g. training 5-6 days a week, watching instructionals, competing etc

I realise its based on a lot of factors out of my control (instructor, club, competition availabilty etc) but even if it doesn't happen I still want to shoot for it anyway. What *is* in my control that I can do?

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