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Any monster welcome (not furry ofc)
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hamletmachine on twitter & everywhere
thanks dude. here have this.
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I wanna get fucked by an alien too
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Anyone have a image of a guy being attacked by ghost hands and tentacles from inside his bed? I really like that image but cant find it and don't know the artist
I don't have anything with a bed in it, but I did find one picture with ghost tentacles.
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This what you looked for? Artist's name is NoBeast.
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Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for!
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Are mers okay or is that too close to furry/scalie (fishie...?)
Stop bumping other threads to get another drawthread, you inpatient bastard
source? something about this one really does it for me.
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Red King from Ultraman
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>tfw you'll never get abducted by horny ay's
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Might as well dump what I got. 1/?
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Apparently, I can't count.
its on the pic dude
spooky month bump
Now this is the Halloween thread
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If y'all like monsters and the like, check out /gmad/ in >>>/trash/
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>OFF porn
>No jacking OFF
This image made me Welsh
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Source please. Cant find it on Google search.
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indeed a hot pic
Found this one on Rule 34.
best thread on here
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slender man
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Anyone got stuff of elves/humans being dominated by orcs or demons?
there's an elves thread in the catalog already, probably some stuff with orcs in there
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I want a big booty regenerator bf
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Get a life lol
why the hell are you replying to a post from last year
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I so want to adopt a dogboy and get his hopes up, telling him I got him for personal security, hunting, basic butler duties and admin duties, and to breed a whole host of other beastkin girls I own, really play up how masculine I see him and the prestige of his role, and then drug his food with estrogen and stuff so he gets ED when it's time to breed, feminize him, and I'm the only thing that can arouse him.
There really are too few of them
unless the monster has two buttholes, pretty sure this one is het.
classic greentext
Why are you posting females in here. I'm glad I reported you and hopefully you're will get removed. Hope someone will banned this person if they keep it up.
We need more snake boys
Is that Joel and Jerma?

Yeah, it's generally slime tentacles or slime girls.
Someone posted a "Slime boys collection" on E-Hentai, but there is some fury starting the middle

RadEx(?) made some art with slime blobs (actual slimes)
Not sure if actual slimes are accepted, but here is the link to the preview:
Been obsessed with this for awhile now. Anyone got more like it?
what's that exactly?
Crow Mauler from Fear and Hunger
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This is crazy hot
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The Silent Hill nurse is female dude, this is h*tero shit.
sauce? I NEEEDS to know who the artist is
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Anyone know the characters in this one? Especially the guy with horns.
some shitty heterosexual hentai comic's oc
What’s this from? Price for Freedom? SauceNAO isn’t quite working for me.
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Huh, why'd my post get deleted? It was a minotaur. What gives?
Ask in IRC? We aren’t janitors.
uh yes please
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gtfo furfag
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anyone got a download for the rest of the series?
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gooey onahole built for docking
Can’t decide whether this is hot or horrifying.
why not both
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Suyohara never draws het
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any tailjobs?
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Can I get more driders? Half man half spiders?
that is

incredibly fucking hot
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>ai furfaggot
pretty sure furry is like actual animals anthropomorphized
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This comics hilarious
This is straight porn
i Love harpys theirs just so much potential for bondage and chastity, it's hard to find i just don't know where to go.
any pics like that?
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this thread's pretty slow innit
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yeah that's been normal for /y/ though
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Do spiders have penises
No, but anthropomorphic spider demons probably do
They have pedipalps, but think of how weird it would be to have penis like appendages in his hands.
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the monster has a p*ssy and tits
why are you censoring pussy
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I'm intrigued by the star creatures, what are those?
Can someone upload Renoky's new orc comic?
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Lunar spirits from Nu: Carnival
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This is the oldest thread on the board now
hi all - dumping some of my art here (some has been shared publicly before, some not)
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based moth drawer
file was too big to upload lmao
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btw, i'm taking commissions if anyone's interested
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Have some murmen
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