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does anyone have a working link to an archive of the H scenes? I really want to watch those new prison ones
Skiff link is down, anyone got a new one?

Here you go, sluts:
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https://twitter.com/XiaYabaier/status/1582435521128976384/ does anyone have the full
are all the scenes unlockable without being a paypig?
I have time to spare between lectures this year
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What does the tattoo mean
He's a big fan of Ville Valo
what's the keyword of the mega file?
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maybe with a lotta luck, memory crystals and keys
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god I want to fuck rei
Gone again. Anyone has a new link?
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love tops bottoming
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Only just recently got into this game and holy shit Edmond is the ultimate cream dream
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He cute
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Link is down, can we get a re-upload please ?
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ok I finally installed this
I hate gacha but being extremely gay demands some sacrifices
at least it has autobattle/autoupgrade/autoparty options so i can just click two buttons while doing something else like I'm doing now
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good taste anon. he's in my top 3 along with kuya and rei
What the fuck are those faces lmao.
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thanks to this game I discovered that I'm hot for innocent and wholesome priests
shame they almost don't exist irl
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butterfly olivine sexy as fuck
what mega file??
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I hate gacha games and refuse to play them but the porn in this one is so good WHY can't I just pay a lump sum to unlock all the H scenes instead of dealing with the bullshit gameplay or hoping for a new vid to be uploaded
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been like 2 weeks trying to unlock this Rei's 5th room
Waiting......... For a miracle.......
Bro I wish the skiff was still around the game doesn't even let me view half the sex scenes the game just has a blank screen but the subtitles and voice acting still works & support still hasn't responded to me
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The new Olivine and Kuya coming tomorrow are amazing
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bro got woman boobs
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rip in piece the skiff

christ I'm so excited for them
Missing the skiff real bad with the two new designs. The trailer has me barking
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I pulled the Olivine and his 2nd room was great. Hoping to get Kuya.
Anyone got the link for intimacy rooms, mega link is down...
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its in the myreadingmanga comments for yukata Dante's last room if you want the most recent link
or you could just post the link here, like damn:

Enjoy people
>site with a transfer quota
Is there another link that isnt fucking mega
ty for the yakumo kino xir
After some more scouring of the web, I found someone maintaining Google docs for the characters. So, here's an alternative to the meganz I posted. Enjoy:
>most of these folders dont bother uploading rooms 1,3,4
is it asking too much for these uploaders to put the rooms that are at most 3 mins long, its kinda weird to watch these without them
This telegram channel has most if not all of them: https://t.me/nucarnivalroomeiden They always post new ones. No rooms 1, 3, 4, unfortunately.
Still exists, we can only share the backup indirectly tho
Sauce. Tried the game but looks too fujo for me
new link? it expired.

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