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- No sexual intercourse or guys giving handjobs to other guys
- No arguing, no derailing, no off-topic shit.
- Ignore (do not respond) to the roastie bitch that cries about bears/chubs/fembois and report her.
- No cartoony art. High-quality western art is fine but keep the saturday morning cartoons on /aco/.
- No hyper or absurd proportions.
- No farting or dirtiness.
- AI is welcome, but don't spam with it.

Handjobs: >>3028002
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>Rule 4
Get this slop off this thread.
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you won't get anywhere with self-imposed "rules" this absurdly autistic
Nta but you won't get anywhere throwing a bitchfit about how 4chan threads have always functioned, it's not hard to respect other people just because you're anonymous.
Nani the fuck? I’ve made -one- thread, those posts weren’t even me. I wouldn’t have gotten upset with >>3052968, since even if it’s poorly drawn, it emulates 2000s cartoonists attempts at anime and the guy posting it could easily have mistaken it for what the thread was intended for.
>>3054113 is obviously cartoony.
The art you just posted is western, but it’s still intentionally drawn like anime. Personally fine with me and fits the thread. If you like threads flooded with Family Guy ai, harzu, iyumblue, or shadman, why not post one like that as other anons have already said. Some of the western art here’s great, like a lot of the masked thread, but I still wanna jerk to anime 95% of the time. I won’t cont. your immaturity and whine about your threads, intsead I’ll stay out when I know I can’t get hard to the posts.

It’d probably rewire you to know this is the only /y/ bread I’ve baked in 5 years and that there are plenty of other anons that don’t jack to western art simply copy-pasting lines from other breads. I don’t go to cartoon threads to bitch about the anons in them not liking anime because I’m not psycho and dedicated to making myself and others miserable. Why’s it so offensive when anons who’re into anime, make threads on an anime board, on an anime website, currently owned by J-moot?

>autism as an insult on 4chan
Okay, so you just want to be an idiot and complain in bad faith. B2hentaifoundry you go. It really jogs the noggin as to why this board’s so dead, what with all this culture-warring and spam over preferences.

Oh, and I saw the posts on page 1- I never post in drawthreads unless I’m filling anime requests, so keep this thread out of your witchhunt boogieman drama there. I’m sure the other animefags don’t give a fuck about your thread war beef with that one spammy troll making early drawthreads either.

[Thing that shouldn’t be announced because I’m not contributing squat atm.]
Correction; forgot I baked the dbz thread and it’s alive, make it 2 threads in 5 years.
Tl;dr, stop being argumentative since there’s no barrier preventing anons from making western or all-art threads for the same kink instead of derailing ours and pointing fingers at us for it.
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No ugly ass cartoon art and high quality untoony western art being accepted is a fair rule that only pisses off shitposters
You don't need to explain yourself lmao adult cartoons is the board for muh steven universe repulsive tumblr art spam
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Does self-fuck count as masturbation?
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File deleted.
>No ugly ass cartoon art and high quality untoony western art being accepted is a fair rule that only pisses off shitposters
Any rules seem to piss the spammer off lol. Surprised she isn't shitting her adult diaper and spamming this one up like the Baldur's and Anime 4skin threads.
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Oops that's a sex image, bad thumbnail, here
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Star Wars?
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Yes. Clone commando scorch.
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tfw no mutual masturbation with size difference
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that's really hot

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