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1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If youre looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Dont expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for us for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure theyre legal, etc. Use catbox if youre worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Dont bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8)NO AI deliveries (unless the requester says so) Keep ai in ai threads.
9) When the thread reaches bump limit, PLEASE wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing tips >>/ic/1579290
Previous thread: >>3043302
>(you) can join incase theres too much spam
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Anchor for request
Also whoever kept bumping threads with "sample_" in the filenames is a faggot
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Anchor for fills
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Requesting Dark Shadow molesting captain Falcon like pic related pls. Thanks!
>one of the worst fills as the op
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Requesting Icarus from Hades 2 tied up and getting fucked. Sadly, there isn't much official art of him yet, since the game is still early access.
This OP sucks ass, the schizo collage lolcow fujo at least included the good art.
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rerequesting because i requested at the tail end of the last thread
requesting X and Zero from Megaman Zero (the versions of them from the references provided specifically) frotting and grinding against eachother like the pictures on the right, preferably mostly clothed with just their cocks out.
Wow. Thanks a lot!
Father's dad request. Requesting Tatsuo Kusakabe from My Neighbor Totoro and an anonymous male in one of a few scenarios.

#1-Both wearing nothing but fundoshis (with the exception of Tatsuo also wearing glasses) with bulging erections both grinding their bodies and fundoshis or the anonymous male giving Tatsuo a buttjob while still wearing their fundoshis both standing.

#2-The anonymous male rimming Tatsuo anus and giving him a handjob from behind while Tatsuo is standing.
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Requesting a Solo nude on Luther Von Ivory from CaptainHowdie's RanFren.
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What's wrong with it? The artist did a good job.
Probably just salty it wasn't their fill lol
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I think its time we got another anchor
Requesting a new anchor post with a naked Luka Redgrave from Bayonetta 3 holding Cassiopeia, the anchor shaped weapon
>(Bayonetta is on the left holding the anchor for scale)
What the hell? That was quick!
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I posted this at the ass end of the last thread so I'm going to try again here, without the awful story.

I'd like to get a picture of Eddie here from the cringe Mr. Birchum cartoon getting a BJ from my OC. I even sketched out the idea I had, him in his purple chair getting cursed out by his team after causing them to lose the match, getting his duck sucked.
I'd like it if Eddie was on the chunky side and hairy. And if my OC's dick was bigger.
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Requesting L Lawliet from Death Note crouched down and submissive after receiving a cream pie. Bonus points if there’s a close up reaction on his face where he looks aroused and overstimulated
Pose reference: https://files.catbox.moe/s2f1f1.png
not or, noice. Love his expression.
You don't need to samefag, it looks like crap.
This >>3050556 is a much better fill.
Requesting an anime/ co style Native American male OC of New England Native Americans (Wampanoag, Narraganset, or Pequot), eighteen years old with long black hair done in a pony tail, average male body, and wears a traditional loincloth/ breechclout, a red headband, and a tribal necklace. Could I have either a SFW or NSFW art with the NSFW are of him with an uncut erect cock.
Monochrome drawings look awful in the catalog, if I have to type the name of the type because I missed it with a casual scroll it's a bad op image.
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Delivery for a request from the previous thread. Forgive the shitty coloring.
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Requesting: Green anon smoking while squatting & jerking off.
- Outfit: Formal wear (Business suit, trench coat, tuxedo, etc.)
- Location: Any wealthy quarters (Boardroom, lounge, courtyard, etc.)

Outfit refs, if you need: https://imgbox.com/g/hPwUaK3Eur
Can I get anything of Gary from regular show he's hot as hell
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Requesting Duane fuck Ravi like this and Ravi moaning in Gujarati. They are from Craig in the Creek.
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Requesting Pierce Thorndyke III (brown haired dude) fucking Troy Jeffiers (blonde) hard like this. They are from Beverly Hills Teens, a cute 80s toon.
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Requesting Martin Mystery and his dad Gerard bonding like picrel please. I'd imagine Gerard would be hairy all over so body hair would be a big plus. Thanks for considering!
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Requesting Jon Herron from My Mom and Sister are Size Queen Sluts getting fucked by his grandfather. I tell ya, that series needs more gay fucking.
A.I. sloppa but I like the design. Requesting him sexually bullying an underling with his prominent bulge or him posing in the nude. If these ideas aren't, feel free to do something else that you find fun.
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This might be a lot but I'd like to request Brody bottoming for Geoff behind a bunch of surfboards.
Both of them are from the show Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race.
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Here's a more simple one. Can someone draw a version where he's not wearing shorts and with his dick out? Or you can make a complete nude version of you want.
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Requesting Saitama from OPM getting fucked by Captain Continental from Legend of The Blue Wolves.
Really nigga?
Do they have to be in the same style as the show or is off-model okay?
Off-model is fine, great even!
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Requesting Ash Crimson asphyxiation.
Fucked and choked with his own belt.
I was about to repost but thanks anyway lmaooo
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Requesting top 4chan green anonymous and bottom Senpai from Friday Night Funkin' having pleasurable, sweaty sex while they look visibly pleasured, senpai even more aroused

Senpai with a body like the bottom in the reference and anon with a slightly muscular body are preferred
OR here, thank you. This is awesome
And whoever keep this alive >>3020802 is a bigger one.
Don't use the N word.
Whoever makes requests that are related to anonymous dudes
... You have my respect. Since the new thread is here, I might as well deliver the available ones...soon. ;)
You're welcome and thanks! Orcs and huge pecs are two of my favorite things to draw.
it's the ftm fujoshit that constantly complains about masculine/old/fat guys and spergs about 3d references
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Requesting the blonde jerk from the Infinity Train show in a purple & yellow singlet; flexing, groping and tenting his singlet.
If you want to you can slap a buff bee on the singlet, sort of like his wrestling team and I think they are funny.
Requesting a nazi officer sucking on BBC. Bonus for a Slavic dilf breeding him from behind.
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There's no edit thread on this board so I'm just going to ask for edits here.
Could someone remove the flimsy clothing on this dude so that his cock's exposed? Also remove the annoying little pink wings please.
Not OP so i can't say if edit request is alright here or not. However, i do know that >>>/y/airt is y's (main) edit thread if you don't mind AI art that is.

>>>/aco/big & >>>/trash/color are also approriate for male edit, but it might take some times because it's usually overshadowed by female ones.
work in progress
oops, forgot to anchor
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I wanna request Iron Fist from Ultimate Spider-Man in his speedos/undies fighting off a horny octopus that's hell-bent on sucking his cock.
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/r/ing rule 63 Ava from Ava's Demon, blushing madly, with lipstick marks all over his body (especially his cute leaking cock). Could be just some pinup, or he could be lying in bed with rose petals
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Not the OR but Geoff's bara tits need to be bigger.
Requesting me and my boyfriend hugging (see picrel)
Here's a rough sketch, anything I need to fix up
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grabbing this one but gimmie a bit to cook.
do you want cut or uncut meat?
It's great! Nothing you need to fix up, it's very cute so far.
Cool, I'm gonna made sure I'll take my time on this one
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Requesting my robot boi in a big metallic body ment for battle, but he still has his femboy face with long pointy nose, and his genitals hanging out of a compartment in the pelvic areas.
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This started out so much more ambitious, his legs were tied up and back in a really uncomfortable pose for easy access but how do I anatomy that, the fuck do pelvises work anyways
I will detail feet and legs when hell freezes over and/ or when I’m financially incentivised
HOLY FUCK, DOES HE LOOK HOT! I love how it came out all the same! The gag, the hair, the body hair, his body. All perfect! Thank you!
Requesting Macaron having sex with Chai from hi-if rush in his cat costume while telling him ”you’re doing so well, little guy.”
Not OR but nice fill!
OR here, uncut but make sure the head is still visible. Thank you!
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I remember being a greedy sperg back then, always spamming requests, particularly, I remember reposting this request over and over every thread.

I learned how to start drawing somewhat decently, and my own request came out as a punishment. It wasn't that worth at all, but I'm still posting the self-delivery here in case anyone was interested.

I also apologize to any artists that caught up with my bullshit.
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Requesting John Dory from Trolls 3 and Barley Lightfoot from Onward having sex
I'm fine with either one topping
is it okay to fill requests from old threads if they weren't reposted again?

the last thread had edit requests and a fill iirc so i assume it should be alright, idk for sure though
Yeah, you can fill old thread requests. Just tag yourself to the 'request fill' anchor, and you're good.
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In honor of the 25th anniversary of Disney's Tarzan, requesting Tarzan, John Clayton (Tarzan's human dad), Clayton, and Professor Porter all wearing identical brown loincloth in a jungle setting, in a full body draw. Please keep it SFW. Sorry about posting on here
>is it okay to fill requests from old threads
Why do people keep asking this?
This has never been a rule, nor is there any rule that would imply this, People do it all the time, and I'm pretty sure no drawthread out there has a rule like that either
I say this with no offense and genuine curiosity
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Requesting Koga from Inuyasha giving a footjob from the viewers perspective please. You don't have to follow the the ref you see there by any means its just an example. I've just always wanted to see him jerking off a hard cock with those skilled agile soles of his.
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Requesting Bridget dressed as a goth giving a sloppy blowjob with lipstick smears on the cock.
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Requesting Char the male succubus fro. Sequel Awake deepthroating or getting fucked by Mana Tank in the full nelson position.
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Idk people get ticked off for the slightest of things on porn boards
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Requesting Prince Phillip, Aladdin and Hercules bound and gagged by masked attackers like in the bottom pic. Ideally shirtless but they can be clothed.
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I’d like to request this old man oc getting his cock sucked, covering his cock-sucker in cum.
Put him in business clothes and make him sweaty.
Not OR, but this is amazing.
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Goth is really broad, so as the only thing I know about Bridget is they’re a nun or something I went with like… latex catholic nun. I want to work on it a bit more, so if OP wants some changes this is their opportunity. Sorry for the huge image size y’all
nice, he looks good in your style
Requesting an anal train between these adult versions of Wybie Lovat from Coraline, Alberto Scorfano from Luca, Camilo Madrigal from Encanto, and Tyler Nyugen baker from Turning red.
>preferably in that order since that’s the order their movies came out, but any order would be fine
Incredible work anon
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Please draw buff good guy army men fucking the bad guy army
Hot stuff anon, thanks for the delivery.
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apologies for the shitty bg
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:o Thank you!
and i think the bg looks neat, so no worries
Not my requests, but these are good.
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Requesting Ranulf from Fire Emblem getting his shirt unzipped while he's tied with a ballgag.
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Requesting for Gary Prince to be secretly fucking Human Marshall Lee behind his counter while taking an unsuspecting customer's order
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Please draw Tomars little character being objectified, used, slutty, however you want, and enjoying it despite not wanting to. Thank you in advance and please feel free to take whatever liberties you want <3
OR here, this is awesome! they look so into it!
i like how you did my outfit
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That is a really nice looking chubby guy.
i like how saitama has that same "ok" expression
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Continental is not big enough for him.
OR of this man!
Thank you so much!
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I hope this is okay?
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I'm going to be a bit cruel here.
But I think Nubbins needs some work. I feel like you should see some more of him. Like his butt and a leg perhaps. Right now he just sort of... ends. Lookin like Arliss Loveless.

BUT that being said I really like the way that you draw.
I tried at first but for some reason I thought it looked funny, I'll fix it up later
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Requesting Den from the old Heavy Metal comics to be bound and raped by tentacles.
Hairless dick please
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Happy Father's Day /y/!
Making my request for fanart of the Josman boys.
Either a solo pic or one where they're together. Anything is fine with me - if you do draw both of them, I'd like it if the son topped but again, anything is fine and would be greatly appreciated.
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Thanks, I'll try more request like this in the future
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It's your lucky day anon, thank you for introducing me to ranfren.
Very nice work
I hope you stick around.
Like I said you draw really well and I'd like to see more from you.
>Got a ban warning for my request
Okay I guess IRL ref pics are forbidden now so Take 2:
Requesting Kin'emon from One Piece in a pose similar to the censored ref pic, holding up one leg and showing off his ass-ets while looking a little annoyed/flustered (sorta like in the middle bottom pic). The clothes on the right ref pic literally match Kin's kimono colors so you could keep him in that or change it to his kimono (if you wanna be artsy you could censor the dick and anus with the kimono but keep the legs and thighs exposed). I'd also like if he was slightly hairy on his bottom half. Here's the uncensored ref:
OR of this!
This has to be one of the best day of this!
Thank you so much and love this!

No problem.
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also grabbing this one so gimme any body details you want
How the fuck is this a "work in progress"?
Hot! Anchoring!
>gimme any body details you want
A toned body, with an uncut penis.
Some definition because he fights.
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Requesting Spiderman India hungerly swallowing up the cock and cum of Chai from Hi-Fi rush
Optionally, I'd prefer it if Chai exclaims
>"I bet you've never drank "chai" like this before"
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Playing through SMTVV right now. Can I get a pic of Karasu Tengu with his sandals off, giving a footjob in his black tabi socks? Please?
I need to see Captain Continental have fun with more superhero's
Thanks a lot, friend! Sorry for not replying sooner. I was on a business trip.
Do you have Pixiv or Twitter? I like your style a lot.
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Cinnamon short Twink getting fucked by tall medieval archer.
Bonus points for hoodie
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Requesting this cute ginger missionary getting dp'd by cholos or show him post sex cover in cum and tired in bed. Bonsu for dialogue him saying, "So...you'll get baptized, right?" or something like that.
Are demon related characters okay on here or is that considered furry?
Not happening.
Cute artstyle. Where's this from?
I think if it's mostly human like your traditional red guy with horns and a pointy tail or even a satyr it would be okay but something like Baphomet would be encroaching into furry territory.
Not the requestor but the artist's name is HellOnEarthIII
I was thinking two demons from the 90's OVA Nightmare Campus, if you know what I mean.
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there was an anon from the other drawthread who requested cahara funger getting fucked by the prison guard a while ago, idk if they still want it but i did it as a warmup today
hope it is ok to double up on this req even with a claim... sorry if it's not i'm not too familiar with the etiquette here but i love ash
for future ref furry = muzzle
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Requesting Lynn Sr. getting gangbang by the Henchman from the No Time to Spy movie.
>hope it is ok to double up on this req
Its okay for me I get 2, I like your artwork.
Thank you
Hot. You forgot to anchor.
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Requesting Kunikazu Okumura (persona 5) getting fucked over a desk, with similar posing and body type to refs provided, thanks for considering!
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Requesting Jesse Cossay, the shorter Native American boy, topping Simon Leurant, the taller blond boy, on a bed as seen in the refrences at the bottom
It's optional, but I would also appreciate it if you make them 4 years older to match the fanfic that inspired this.
Requesting an oral train of vault boys
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Added color to >>3051258
I know you asked for them to be doing it behind a rack of surfboards but I drew them too big and couldn't fit them in. Sorry about that.
Normally I'd agree but I don't think that's what the requester wanted
Because it wasn't finished.
Not the OR but this is amazing!

Feel free to say no and bitch me out for this but do you think you could do >>3050619? Just anything would be awesome. I don’t think you will because of the way I describe Eddie (being hefty and chubby instead of beefy). But it can’t hurt to ask.
Why can’t you just tell a drawfag good job without being a greedy bitch to them
You already acknowledged its a dickish thing to do and yet you went for it anyway
Commission someone next time if you get this impatient

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