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Previous thread: >>973562
In Blender, is there a command/plugin/script that can correctly fuse all submesh of a rigged model, and atlas the textures properly?
It's to export to a game engine, and just Ctrl+J doesn't cut it.
Blender destroyed my texture AGAIN
Is it true that using blender turns you gay?
You're already a faggot, so you don't need to worry about that.
Are there any good retopology addons? I’m looking at retopology but the price they’re asking for is kind of ridiculous…
Can any of you think of a way of dynamically assigning vertices in a mesh A that exist inside the inner space of a mesh B to a desired vertex group of mesh A? For example, if the head part of a figure mesh were surrounded by a second sphere mesh, I want the vertices that exist inside the space of the sphere mesh (the head area of the figure mesh) to be assigned to a vertex group in the figure mesh.

I want to do this so I can sculpt (using dynatopo) on the figure mesh without having to worry about vertex group information being destroyed, among other things I want to use such a functionality for
Forgot to add, the closest solution I've been able to come up with to do this involves using proximity between the vertices of two meshes, but this really doesn't get the same results as actually testing to which (if any) vertices of a given mesh exist inside the space of a second mesh. The more dissimilar the meshes are, the worse the results wind up being
i don't know about the texture whatever they hell you're talking about but try the weld modifier

Anyone know where to get the kitbash3d kits for blender?
Tried outright buying but apparently my bank doesn't wanna
retopoflow is free ....
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I made some fresh donuts, with jelly !
What's the most efficient/automated way to replicate the panning background effect of 2D animation when animating in 3D? The obvious answer is to render it in perspective and use that as a texture, but is there a way this could be automated?

If you're not familiar with background panning, look at any old Hanna-Barbera show like this:
move the entire background using keyframes
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Yeah, I "acquired them" and took a look at them for research purposes a year or so ago.
They're not bad if you need some buildings, and they're about as low poly as you'd expect, but I prefer doing it myself.
I did take shit like rooftop AC and antennae to use for my own though. The buildings would probably be recognizable if I used them for a project, but who the fuck is going to know about some sattelite dishes or AC units.

As for where to get em, CGPeers has most of the good ones up there I think. If you know which one you need, I can probably give you a link if you're not on CGP.
Dumb idea, but maybe just array the entire scene so it repeats. You'd only need to array it about 3 times, move it left/right find the loop point, keyframe it, and then throw a cycles modifier on the animation curve to repeat it.
It's something I've done quite a few times to make looping animations.
Here's an example >>979941 , the city is only moving for the "size" of the loop, and then a cycle modifier on the f-curve keeps it going.
If you use motion blur it could cause a problem when it snaps back, but you can usually fix that by changing the type to start/end on frame instead of centered.
I looked into CGPeers but registration is closed
I just want the assets for hobby stuff rather than actual commercial work so I don't mind quality not being particularly high
I would really appreciate links, thanks
I'll ask again in the proper thread. How do I go about making this kind of skin? That slight translucency is something I never quite learned.
Former snoofa poster here. I consider every snoofa poster a friend. Incredibly based.
That looks like light use of subsurface scattering to me, nothing particularly complex
Specifically I'm looking for
art deco
and I think there was a weapons pack?
Sorry, I was tired and did a shit job of explaining. What I'm looking for is a way to project the view from a camera onto a plane with the least time & effort. (I don't need it to loop. That was a poor example.)

The best I've come up with is having multiple cameras render consistent filenames and using those as textures. However, I'm not sure how to automate this or ensure consistency when shit changes (e.g. add/remove cameras, props, etc.). I'm open to other ideas.
What happened?
Maybe try panoramic rendering to render out a single looong image. I don't think you necessarily NEED to have it be like an IRL panorama where you turn the camera, and can have it render a large area flat. Equirectangular should do something for ya.
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That's the part I already understood. Slap a wide/tall texture on a plane and translate that or the camera on a single axis. (For my project I don't need a long image yet, but I felt that would convey the idea.) My issue was rendering each camera with consistent filenames in just a few clicks each time I change the background. Here's the solution I have now for anyone else wanting to do something similar, or just fuckabout with multiple cameras.

>enable Stereoscopy in Output, switch it to multi-view.
>untick left & right, add a view for each shot, fill in the Camera Suffix field (e.g. _A, _B, etc.)
>name each camera object Camera_suffix, names like WideCameraExterior_suffix won't work
>rendering makes filename_suffix for each selected view

I'll probably handle this with two project files, one for the views and the other for the animations.
Note that all cameras will render in the scene's resolution. If you want cameras to have different resolution/ratio use linked scenes or something. For very long/panoramic shots, like a scrolling walk backdrop, I'd probably render multiple vertical slices and have it stitched together automatically in something like photoshop
On second thought for super wide or looping backdrops it might be better to make the scene in as a circle around the camera.
Honestly, I'm still having a hell of a time even knowing what you're trying to do and what you want the final output to look like.
While you've found a solution, I can't help but think there's an extremely simple way of doing what you need, if I knew what the fuck it was.
I'm gonna be honest here.
I really miss the Blender Today show.
I want to map the view from a camera onto a mesh (i.e. plane). I would like to avoid wasting compute time re-rendering that view every frame.
>two years later
>the shader rgb node is still broken (on purpose]
Evil fucking company.
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Building anon here.
Trying to get advertisements on the buildings, but I'm running into trouble.
I'm placing faces at the spots I want an ad to generate, with the idea that I could align the instanced object to the normal of that face. I'm using a vertex group to tell it to instance on that face as well.
Trouble is, I don't really know how I can get the normal of that face to align the billboards to it. I can get the normals of like the object and stuff, but I don't know how to get it from the face the instance is being instanced from. If that makes sense.

Pic related is my current setup. It's extremely basic. I use the vertex group to grab the faces I want to instance on, turn em into points and instance on them. I have another attribute on the object that I can set in edit mode on those faces that controls the layout of the billboard, and another that controls the scale. The instances are realized so they can go across mirror modifiers and the like.
=The bit at the bottom was how I was going about the rotation, which worked for one building, but none of the others, so I don't think it's gonna fly.

So yeah, any help? I feel like 90% of the GN shit I've "outsourced" to the people here, but I think I'm starting to pick things up a bit.
in weight painting, is there some way to use the weights -> smooth on a group of vertex groups instead of all of them? when i use it i get a deform pose bones option too but i can't find what it does, and i don't want to go through every vertex group one by one
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That's what these 2 icons are for.
Select the verts you need, enable the vertex selection/isolation in the weight paint and do what you need.
Though I doubt it'd work over all vertex groups at the same time. Might be something you could script though. If you can't script, you might be able to cobble something together with ChatGPT if you tell it exactly what you want.
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1. is there a way to use triplanar mapping / box projection and have it transfer over to the UV 0-1 space? similar to baking, maybe. I have it hooked from UV to vector but that seems to be the only way to get it to work. it seems unaffected by whatever I do to the UV anyway
2. is using seamless textures and scaling outside of the UV space bad practice? I'm trying to recreate the early 00s game look (something like Max Payne, VtMB), but I'd rather be authentic in technique
3. do either of these methods even work outside of blender?
Maybe something like this?
I have many years of experience with animation.
I want to try out a new software, blender looking like the winner right now due to all of the community made tutorials.
Yeh nah?
If you don't save your texture into a separate file or 'pack' it into the blend file then blender may arbitrarily garbage-collect it and then regenerate it from the initial arguments next time it's needed.
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Im drawing a blank on how i would go about making a planetary ring for my background, any advice? is it more mesh or shaders, i'd like something like pic related but procedural
I'd go procedural.
Grab a circle with an ngon face, inset it to make the entire area of the ring, add a seam on one of the inner segments to chop it in half, and unwrap. UV will probably be curved, so straighten one of the faces out in the UV, select that face and hit "U>Follow active quads" which will straighten em all up.
So now you got a ring with a straight horizontal UV map that you can put whatever on and it'll follow the curve.
Fuck around with the wave texture node and layer up some noise to make the rings (should be the same process of making a procedural gas planet texture, just with some alpha thrown in the mix). Badda-bing badda-boom, you got some planet rings. There also should be existing textures for that same UV layout that you could find online too.

Just give it a go? How much experience with 3d animation do you have? If none, Blender might be fine or it might be a nightmare.
I'd use a plane where the ring texture would be.
Make sure the object origin is at the center of the plane (or the uv is mapped across -1/-1 to +1/+1)
Then use the position vector's length to get the circle. use a float curve or color gradient to set the ring intensity.
Rest is just getting the shader right.
Use normal map and low roughness to get a glittering effect, a little bit of metallic may work too.
If you want it really realistic you'd need a volumetric atmosphere since the ring would cast a volumetric shadow (god rays).
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That did the trick, thanks. Had to adjust it a little bit though since they were all offset by 90 degrees. Why adding 1.57 degrees fixes it, I've got no fucking clue.
Ads are just AI-Genned placeholders for now, just to test out the texture atlas.
Thanks again.
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Another night, another question.
I am once again asking for help with GN issues.
I'm at the stage now where I want to instance all of the buildings in their proper places. I've been building them such that they fit into a specific footprint for their size category, and I want to use those footprints to instance the full buildings. The idea being that the footprints will give each building some breathing room.

Pic related is kinda what I want to do, essentially taking a collection with differently sized planes (which the buildings will instance from), and packing them neatly into an area. Special note goes to the planes being from a collection, and not generated though GN. Once again, I've arrived at some kind of solution, but it's definitely not the correct one (as it doesn't preserve the scale of the source objects, and it's a bit too neatly packed). I think it's enough though to give a picture of ultimately what I'm going for, though ideally it'd be a bit more random and not packing things efficiently.
I guess it helps to think of it like making a mosaic with preset-sized squares.

I had come up with something a few weeks back using the accumulate field, but I was only able to do a single line of them in the X and Y directions (making an "L" shape, but was unable to fill in the area in between.
Any help? I'll keep fucking around with it on my end, but as mentioned a dozen times by now, I'm out of my element with GN.
I'm kind of surprised at the lack of tutorials I'm finding on rigging a character model outside of the very basics. Am I missing something about this?
>Am I missing something about this?
90% of the retards on YT making tutorials only know the very basics.
I'm fine with paid programs too, but nothing seems really any good in that either? There's an animation track on cg cookie that might be good(?) but it doesn't advertise itself as particularly interesting, and even then the animation stuff seems to suggest you're working with already rigged models.
have you seen the ones from the blender studio? some of the videos are free, I suppose you can find the courses on cgpeers.
Thanks, I will look at these.
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>pour my heart and soul and hours upon hours into a simple animation
>my first real animation that isn't just moving a camera around to show off some objects I've modeled
>learn tons of new techniques and start over 4 times before nailing down a final version
>no detail is left untouched
>finally finish, it's not perfect but I've given it my absolute best effort
>upload to my yt
>"dude are you a porn artist?"
im still super new to this, is there a... reputation? I'm well aware the 3d porn industry is fucking massive but do people automatically make these assumptions or is this a one off thing? kinda disheartening honestly. picrel is a pajeet but there were a couple other comments like that too, despite there being absolutely nothing sexual about the animation at all. not even any jiggle physics. like am I automatically branded as a pornographer if I upload an animation featuring a female? I have a reputation to uphold here and want to eventually pursue employment in this.
First day on the internet? Uninformed bystanders offer ignorant opinions almost as a rule. They probably mean well but the internet is also full of genuine porn addicts and I mean that in the sense that there are people out there who jerk off for 8 hours a day not just that they like hot girls. I would just take this sort of stuff as a compliment and move on.

>like am I automatically branded as a pornographer if I upload an animation featuring a female?
Only way to know is if you post the animation. Might not be sexual to you but without seeing it I can't say for sure. If you're worried about your reputation just know that comments like that have zero bearing on your employability.
Something like this might work for you. Here, the meshes in the collection all have equal base sizes, but they are ordered from largest to smallest in the sense that largest grid squares get the first meshes.
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i mean im not gonna post my shit now that it's publicly out there. but if you find picrel even remotely sexual then maybe you really do have a problem.
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Thanks for the help. Doesn't seem to be working on my end though.
For the record, I don't need the buildings themselves to instance in this setup, I just need the planes to arrange themselves. I'd like to avoid touching the scales of them completely, since they're already at the size they should be (along with the buildings).
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For posterity, here's that "L" shaped solution I had come up with a while back. I think I might have been on to something with it, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to actually fill out.
I guess if I can somehow manage to generate a line of them, get the bounding box of that and use it as a way to move another set of points, until it makes a bunch of rows, that could work.
>i mean im not gonna post my shit now that it's publicly out there.
That's fine I'll do it for you
Well since that anon posted yer anim. I'll say it, you're better than 90% of porn animators, so there's that. Best they can do is lerp 2 models together in the most unattractive way possible.
Keep it up anon.
I'm new to Blender and have a bunch of stupid technical questions, can I post them in this thread or is there a better board/thread for that kind of stuff?
Try here: https://nohello.net/en/
thats significantly better than anything I can produce
>uploaded 9 months ago
>not that channels first animation
>not a simple animation
doesn't even meet the description of what I posted. definitely something I'd like to learn to make but that's a different matter altogether
The question was "is this thread okay for stupid Blender questions or is there a better place for it?", but I guess your desire to be a fucking asshole took away your reading comprehension?
You could have asked your technical questions in two different messages by now, and you'd have received two thoughtful answers from me and possibly others by now. Instead, you chose to be a retard twice and a cunt once, so yes, it's better that you just fuck off. Clearly your questions would be retarded and useless time-wasters for anyone in any case.
has anyone done Pierrick Picaut/p2design's recent rigging course? how deep does it go? is it worth the price?
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How to fix this?
I have this kind of force field effect in cycles that renders correctly all the way around, but when I export it one corner disappears completely as seen at the bottom of picrel. How can I export exactly what I see in the render window?
Guess I'm not getting those model packs lmao
Shit man, my bad. I never actually got a notification even though I got a (you).
Here's a zip of the .torrent files.
Whether or not they have seeds, I didn't really look. Also some of them contain ALL the formats (C4D, Blend, 3ds, etc.), so you'll have to pick and choose the folders for those ones so you don't download all of them.
Yea it seems they got seeds and are doing well enough, thanks chief
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I need some tutorials on creating Blender plugins. Beginner but also in-depth documentation if available.

Additionally I'd like to see how advanced can you get with plugins, as far as things like UI, rendering 2D graphics etc. go.
There is official blender documentation, but I feel like it's best to learn from examples. You can open in-built example scripts in the blender text editor by clicking Templates -> Python. Also, you can see how actual add-ons are made by just checking the scripts/addons folder in your blender installation directory.

You can do pretty much whatever you want on the level of meshes. Editing the UI is a lot more limited.
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returning user here, did they finally add anything for the sculpting/rigging/animation modules?
or are they still catering for the Houdini audience?
catering to*
that model has seen some action tbdesu
In animation/rigging you can check the 2025 page https://code.blender.org/2022/11/the-future-of-character-animation-rigging/ and to test the new datablock layer system, experimental, I think they want to integrate Rigging Nodes, the guy updated the addon you can get it here https://gitlab.com/x190/rigging-nodes-blender-4 , as for the sculpt they are integrating all the dyntopo shit from the last 2 years, working on the brush refactor, sculpt texture paint, in experimental, and the asset browser, they have a guy working on the trim tools so we could drop boxcutter and hardops in the future maybe, and they'll work on the multires this year eventually (layers, paint, performance).
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rigging nodes look great but the fact that they still haven't implemented even the Bmesh refactor by now is concerning... and I wouldn't hold my breath on the state of trim tools.
still using it tho, and thanks a lot for the quick response anon!
>and they'll work on the multires this year
not this shit again
Anyone else using Blender for video editing?
I mostly use it for fun gaming capture video edits and it's actually working incredibly well and quick for what I'm doing. Kinda like a Notepad.exe for video editing.
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my first blender animation
Now THAT is a default cube with an attitude!
look at how smug he is about being a flat fuck in the end. the hubris.
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This problem has been driving me up the wall for the past 6 hours or so.
I'm working on an overhaul of a model and I'm trying to integrate a new a normal map into the shader but I can't for the love of god get it to work without some wack shading issue.

Inputing a "Normal Map" Node with the default color (RGB 0.5, 0.5, 1) is perfectly fine. Trying to apply ANY SORT of Normal map to it?

I'm left with some unslightly squiggly lines. It doesn't matter what map it is, hell, it might not even actually be intended for the model. But there's always those fucking squiggly lines.
It happens when I change the shader as a whole to a completely normal Principled BSDF as well.

The effect is there regardless of the strength of light, but it is most visible when the light is positioned dead center on the model, size 1m, 0.15m away, 1.4 W, pure white light.

I have triple checked that the normal maps are accurate, they are all set to "Non-Color"
It doesn't matter, as long as there is an image associated with the normal map node it just shits itself.
Post node graph?
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The base color/roughness node has diddly squat do do with this particular project. I can remove em completely and the effect still occurs. It's only the normals that are of concern here.
Why are you putting the Normal output through the Bump node?
Just send it directly to the Normal slot of the BSDF.
(Image->Normal node -> BSDF)
AFAIK the bump node essentially runs an edge detection filter on its input image and will generate weird stuff if you pipe a normal map through it.
actually nvm, I guess that can't be the problem. Without a height input the bump node is a no-op
Removing the bump node does nothing unfortunately
Maybe your UV-map has overlapping areas.
You know what, that is exactly what it is.
I'm a fucking idiot and don't know how UVs work.
Never mind, it didn't fix anything, but now my UVs look cleaner at least...
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Here's the file I use for the first set of Micro normals. Do they look fine or is there something inherently fucked with these?
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Second Normal Map used for Micro
>Anyone else using Blender for video editing?
Yeah I do.
>a Notepad.exe for video editing.
This is exactly how I use it as well.
I do some actual video editing of animations with it as well, and for cutting and putting clips together it works perfectly fine. Anything more advanced than that, I'd probably use something else, but to be honest I've never had to. Like I've been meaning to learn Resolve, but I really don't see the point of going through the hassle of exporting shit to work with it when I can get everything working in Blender just fine without issue.

Not sure what squiggly lines you're talking about, but if the model has custom split normals, try removing those. It'd be in the mesh tab near the bottom.
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Anyone has any idea what can be causing this?
This is the node setup for the force field material
Didn't help, but thanks for taking time to suggest it.

The lines I am talking about are the darker areas on the body along with the two dots in the middle. Those are not a part of any texture, any image or ANYTHING really. They just, show up if the input going into the "Normal" part of the BSDF isn't a PERFECT default Normal Color: RGB (0.5, 0,5, 1.0)
If there's even the SLIGHTEST variation, these fucking marks just show up. It could be
(0.503, 0.5, 1.0) and the marks would STILL appear.
The UVs are fine, the normals are facing outward, the image is set to non-color
I don't understand what creates this fucking pattern.
>Like I've been meaning to learn Resolve, but I really don't see the point of going through the hassle of exporting shit to work with it when I can get everything working in Blender just fine without issue.

Kek, post could have been mine, same exact situation. I even installed Resolve at some point but always postponed diving into it since I got stuff done in Blender.
There's a video editing project I want to do that involves some extensive re-timing fuckery of footage I have and I'm sure I'd rip my hair out if I tried to do that with Blender so I guess once I get to do that project I will have to check Resolve out for it.

Also, Blender video editor even supports dragging in GIFs since 4.1 or so which really adds to the silly fun because I still have tons of GIFs laying around and for meme video usage that's perfectly fine to use as source material to sprinkle in.
Looks fine, you can blend between them with a mix node and a vertex paint attribute, or if you like have a weight for each of them.
Voronoi with the new detail slider into a bump node also works well for skin detail but is slow.
I think you just have some object casting a shadow that's invisible in the viewport but visible in render.
Seems ok
Can I use geo nodes to make non destructive roads that generate from a spline and also adapt to a terrain?
Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dRbgOtnwbhg
Would be pretty useful if it could automatically handle intersections.
I'm not asking for a solution, just want to know if its possible before I spend my time fucking around with it.
Oh yeah, you can do that.
I think the terrain part of it might give you a bit of trouble though. Because you'll need to flatten out the areas on the terrain where the road is. It's not too bad, but I know a lot of people like Geo Nodes shit to be contained all in one GN setup, but this is something you'd need 2 for. One for the road on the spline, and one to flatten out the ground underneath it for the terrain.
But can you do it? Hell yeah.
Where can I find a 3D model of "Doctor" from Arknights? For some reason I can't find any models online
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Does anyone know what can cause Mesh to not move with armature when bones are manipulated manually? During the animations, mesh moves perfectly fine, but for some reason (regardless of mesh/skeleton and rest/pose alike) I can't move the damn thing myself.
I think I enabled some weird shit on accident but have no clue what could that be.
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Neeevermind, was trying to use edit mode like a retard. I blame the captcha.
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What could be causing this viewport cancer?
is there some way to know which vertices are going to be merged by merge by distance? like being able to select them instead before merging
>What could be causing this
The texture paint mode is stuck in 2005 and despite being one integral part of 3D work it apparently is on the bottom of their priority list.
I guess they just expect everyone to JUST use Substance Painter.
I solved this
I deleted all the materials affecting the body and the issue was still present.
I then went ahead and deleted all the materials in the file on by one, and suddenly the markings disappeared. I double checked and found that the offending material was the one used for the models eye's.
I went in and unhooked each node working my way backwards until I found the culprit.
Turns out it was a pair of "Emission" nodes used for the eyes to make them glow.

Any Emission that hits the model has the same effect, it is a lot more observable at low emissive levels. Is there a reason for this? Normal light does not cause the same issue, just emissive properties. Thanks.
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It fucked itself again.
If I have more than a single light source, this problem occurs.
In this case there's a light positioned directly at the model and one behind it to it's right. I can't fathom the reason for this to occur.
I am NOT paying adobe for my shitty adhd outlet.
Turns out it was my 'mistake' again. Didn't save the texture as a copy before attempting to paint it. Or it could be the .dds format (which I had to change to .png when saving).
Just pirate it
Oh, that's not what I meant, I just don't actually need it. Maybe if things get bad once I actually get to proper texturing, but even then I'd look for fos programs first.
I found what caused the problem.
Using more than one area light causes weird shadows to occur.
I replicated the effect on a lot of other models, that all ended up looking weird under multiple area lights.

Point lights work fine, but area lights cause the pattern to appear.
I have no clue why, but I guess I just won't work with Area lights going forward.
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Is there a way to snap muptiple vertices in UV editor? I have two meshes that aren't identical (symmetrized one, have to remap it now) and couldn't find anything that would automate the proces. Magic UV just shat itself altogether.
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anyone else having problems with the scale tool in sculpt mode? it even crashes with the basic box, quite scary
i got problems when being in sculpt mode too long and switching to Dynotopo mode. to avoid a crash i have to go into object mode and then back into sculpt, maybe thats the same issue
Never once had that issue and I use area lights 90% of the time.
Hi! I'm new to shader work, but I'm steadily learning.
The model I am working on has it's body parts split up into multiple material selections.
Each material has it's own shader and texture file associated, as well as it's own normal map.

E.G: One for the legs, one for the claws and arms and one for the body.

I'm working on getting a roughness map going so I can control how wet the creature looks.
The problem is this as follows. I have a raindrop/water texture I want to apply to each material, but I want them to perfectly blend together at the seams.
Applying the texture to each part still leaves visible seams, I knew that this would happen. Same happens with a Voronoi Texture.

What I'm thinking then is that I need to go in and create a separate texture for all the material selections, and painstakingly manually draw the raindrops on the body myself instead of using my already existing texture. That feels like a lot of work.

I'm wondering, is there a way for me to apply the raindrop/wet effect on the entire body, then export the result to several textures that I apply to each body part which would then create a seamless effect?
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Object/generated texture coordinates don't have seams between materials and are independent of UVs, you can use that node to map a seamless pattern, then bake it later on if you're exporting out of blender. (if it gets annoying trying to keep the settings of the noise texture synced across multiple materials, put it in a Node Group and have it linked across all the materials)
THANK YOU! That's exactly what I was looking for, I guess I wasn't using the Voronoi Texture properly. You made my day!
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Niko's latest course looks awesome
nope, like just using the scale tool stops the program while two cores still work at 100% until it crashes. I can use the program just fine otherwise, even "high poly" (for blender) sculpting
so no idea? google isn't giving me anything
>so no idea? google isn't giving me anything
Works on my machine. Try reinstalling blender, try a different version of blender, and post the stack trace if it keeps happening.
thank you niko! hes streams are so good
>search for how to make X in blender
>top ten addons to optimize your X workflow (never X the same way again!)
>Making studio ghibli style X in blender!
>Maya pro tries to make X for the first time in blender!
>best courses for making X in blender!
>how I make $2000 per month selling X in blender!
i just had a repeated crash and then Blender stopped working altogether, was ok after a restart, have you tried restarting your PC yet?
Hello lads, I've rigged a char in blender with rigify but it's eventually going to end up in Houdini

Exporting as fbx works, animation and rig come through fine

But, I would like to retarget some mocap anims onto the rig inside Houdini (and also make minor tweaks when necessary)

Only problem is the exported rig seems to make no sense. The DEF bone that should be the root isn't the parent of a lot of stuff and similarly I can't find the DEF bone that the face rig is parented to. Is this a known issue when exporting rigify rigs and do I have to do something to make the exports work a bit more sensibly?
nvm ended up using game rig tools and this problem appears to have been solved.
i'd figure out what's actually being fixed here, but i don't have time and i'm not a rigger.
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Dog (prairie)
very nice fur shader
how to change fps in blender without speeding things up or slowing them down?
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Use the time Stretching setting. Near the place you change the FPS.
It's a bit weird to fuck around with though, it's a ratio/fraction. 100:100 means 100% of the current frame rate, 100:200, means you're halving the frame rate (because it simplifies to 1/2), 200:100 doubles it (because it simplifies to 2/1). In fact, you don't even technically NEED to use 100:100 in the inputs, and can just use simplified fractions if you're doing something like doubling/halving the frame rate.
So say you want to go from 30fps to 60fps, without the speed of the animation changing, you'd change the fps to 60, and change the time stretching value to 100:200 (or 1:2). Or inverse if you want to go from 60fps to 30fps.

Do take note though, when you're using the time stretching feature, the little line in the timeline separates from the numbers (because they're moving at different rates). The line corresponds to how it runs at the current frame rate without the stretching, while the number at the top is what the remapped values run at. So you'll need to adjust your timeline's start/end point to compensate for the faster or slower speed. You won't need to adjust keyframes since they're remapped, but just the timeline start/end.
So if you have an animation that ran for 100 frames (1-100) @60fps, and you halved the speed to 30fps, you'd need to adjust your start/end to 1-200 to compensate. If that makes sense.

I probably over-explained things and made it more complex than it needed to be, but just fuck around with it and you'll see what I mean, and hopefully what I've written will start to make a bit more sense.
makes enough sense i guess. does it just interpolate the extra frames then
programmer 3d modelling noob here - just started playing around with blender procedural materials. holy shit it is so fun. i was surprised to find sculpting super fun but playing with procedural materials is so stimulating. still can't get them to look as pretty on gltf export to godot thoughever
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Did anyone ever figure out how the fuck ArcSys gets these clean ass shapes for everything?

Specifically hair?

Like I'm toying with curves and shit but I can't find a seamless way to extrude or duplicate them while making them not just clip into one another so crudely.
i have no idea but very cool anon i like that picture
seconding this request, hair has me so stuck and no youtube tutorial has been helpful
Yeah. Since keyframes are just math (do X at Y), you can interpolate them without issue to any frame rate as long as you remap it properly. It's kinda just like subframes if that makes sense.
I have no clue how they do it so well. Pic related took me a few days to get right and its still looks a bit shitty.
the main problem there is that the strands are too thin

idk tho. i figured youd make one good strand, duplicate it, then make minor adjustmants. As for adding volume, duplicate again, move it under it then merge edge verts to make it a fat strand. laying it out on a uv editor you can just plop them all on top pf each other since theyll all unwrap to a similar shape.
Retarded question, how do I give MB models clothing?
Yeah, what other anon said. Strands are thin, but they're not all bad, its just that they are all the same size. Like a womans hair who just got out of the shower. Get rid of a few of them in the back by making one or two larger. In essence, you're missing the forest for the trees. Look at the object as a whole.
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I made it using the hair tool addon. It looks good from the front, but odd from the back. Idk how to make good looking puffy fur. I works very well if the fur is combed against the mesh.
>detailed anus
Anon, we need to talk.
How do I get this layout? I know how to make the 4 viewports but how does he get the ui all clean like that. I can almost get there but not quite, still a few buttons for me.
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I swear I attached this, I blame moot
also is there a way to onion skin or like lock a frame in a certain window or things like that?
I want to bring a character from maya into blender. obviously I can't bring the rig over and will have to re rig it, but is there anything else I need to do in either program to prevent shenanigans?
Why can't you bring the rig over? I've seen people use Maya rigs in Blender.
new blender user here - is it normal to crash ~5 times per day? been working on my models for like 8 hours and been crashing about that many times, consistently every day. often in sculpt mode.

is there any way to change object scaling from "global" to absolute sizes? am beginner and i just learned that the default cube is actually 2 meters, but the scale says 1.000

turns out that the scaling is relative to itself. it's a nightmare doing all of the calculations to ensure that i change it to an exact size (am making small boltgun, i need the handle to fit a human hand, so small).

blender recommends 32 GB ram, i bought a faggy gaming computer covered in LED accents just to do this as a hobby. i had the same issue with a basic PC, i think any 4th generation GPU would be needed for textures.
gotcha ill just save a schizophrenic amount
Yeah, you can change the units in the scene tab. It's good for when you want to model using real-world scale, but can be kid of a pain in the ass because you'll still have to type m/cm/in/ft when entering values if you want to mix them (like 1 ft, 7in), and you can't specify the units until you confirm the action (or press the = sign during the transformation to type it in).
Like it's fine when you're using one unit like feet, but it's a pain when you want to mix in inches. Though I guess using meters would be less of a pain since centimeters divide by 100, so 1.1m would just be 1 meter 10cm.
Fuck, now I'm starting to lean towards jumping on the metric train.
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Fuck. I forgot to attach the image because I was ranting.
What are the best resources to get started with geo nodes Blenderbros?
the ones from Canopy Games seems to be the most popular on cgpeers, just download the 2 of them.
>B-but i don't have an account
just ask for the magnets on the torrent thread.
ah, i only have limited vfx style groom experience - correct solution there is to just crank up the hair count.
maybe get the dot product b/w the fwd direction of the animal and the direction of the camera and plug that into something that makes it shade a bit nicer
Any decent looking anime shader that work with godot?
the ""anime shader"" is done with the normals, can you do this?
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Im using the polybuild tool but when i hold ctrl to make a quad i only get tris. my create quads box is checked so I dont know why this is happening. any solutions?
Just keep the scale at 1 by applying the scale, and match sizes based on object dimensions.
maybe im retarded but those look like quads?
Quads are the ones with 3 sides no?
quad = square/rectangle = 4
tri = triangle = 3
I've honestly never seen someone attempt 3d graphics without first understanding what a triangle is, this is one for the books
they might be an esl, but i am a little baffled too
Sorry I'm new, I'm still learning
this isn't a 3D thing, this is basic english anon...
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this is what i mean. I hold ctrl to create a quad but im only getting tris in between the verteces
I'm not American, I'm still learning that too
extrude from an edge not a point
i just saw you were using polybuild. i never use it so i have no clue kek good luck
I never use polybuild because you can literally ctrl+click to extrude vertices or edges, and the f2 addon makes connecting faces extremely fast.
I'm skeptical that the poly tool can possibly be as fast, it feels really awkward to me.
did you mean you manually split the viewport into 4 smaller windows or did you go to
top menu "View > Area > Toggle quad view" ?
retopo the hair, let it clip and retopo on top of that
Why so many retopos? Would not be bet
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how is it looking lads, please be brutal
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I followed this tutorial to make a toon shader. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yWIUM3jWMo
It appears to only work with the diffuse texture. is it possible to add normal, roughness, specular, etc? Nothing seems to work.
How can I make a light trailing effect in composite?
Basically I want all the lights AND reflections to leave trails. Just going overboard with motion blur makes the whole scene blurry. I only want the lights to leave trails
I wish that the squirrel's body followed more of an arc shape while jumping (like if you traced that movement with a ribbon, but the whole squirrel is the ribbon), instead of just kinda springing into a jump like a rabbit, but what you're doing already is probably more accurate to life. I think the skittery movements are done well though, if a bit slightly linear feeling.

Render another pass with just the lights and crank the moblur up really high? Make sure to change the blur type to "end on frame".
There's also probably some vector shenanigans you can do in compositing with the vector blur node if you render out a vector pass (though motion blur has to be turned off to use it).
Honestly pretty good. The landing is a bit abrupt and stiff, and you could do some more micro anticipations and overshoots to make it feel a bit more "alive". However, based on what you have, I'd say you're good to move on to the next part. You could spend more time polishing it up, but I'm not sure how useful you'd find it.
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If I'm rendering out a 360 degree animation, can I render it out at 30 fps or does it have to be 60? I tried rendering it out at 24 fps but it seemed kinda laggy? Like, if I wasn't moving the camera in the video player, it looked fine. But as soon as I moved to track an orbiting object it got jittery. I don't know why. 60 fps is a lot of fucking frames per second, and would dramatically increase render times.
>can I render it out at 30 fps
thanks, I'll keep at it a bit more. the transition to and from the jump has definitely been the hardest part so I'll focus there before moving on.

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