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There are 1151 Shoujo oneshots on mangaupates. Every day I will use a random number generator to select one from the list and dump it here. Come read along if you want.
Yesterday's Thread >>268060648

Today it's number 1039
>Guo Guo's father had wished for her to go to college, so when he died, her mother tried to fulfill his dying wish more than ever. As a result, Guo Guo constantly skips school. Lian is the only one who can help her. What will her final answer be?
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Oh I messed up the subject field. Was bound to happen sooner or later
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this art and designs feels kinda '70s-ish
from 2008, however
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well the cover certainly looks sexful. not in a very alluring way though. also the fuck kind of a name is guo guo
oof, this leveling job. how do you even smudge it up this bad
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the JEFF C sweater in that pose is killing me
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the dialogue in this is very schizophrenic so far and i have no idea how much of that is just bad translation. is this chinese?
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i was thinking very early '00s, but '08 actually feels kind of late for this look
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Yeah, it seems it is chinese. Explains Guo Guo and Lian
And why it's left to right, I thought the group flipped it at first, but since the text on the shirt wasn't flipped then it meant it was originally left to right.
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you know what, i've turned around on this in a positive way. it's utterly incomprehensible but guo guo doesn't care and just wants to listen to her bf wax meaningless philosophy on a bench and i respect that. it's my dinner with shoujo andre and that's a funnier concept than whatever i thought it was going to be from the cover
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what the fuck
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what the fuck lol
every new page rules, this is the best one so far
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11/10. i don't understand 90% of it but i'm convinced it's a masterpiece the world isn't ready to compehend
That's the end.
Did anyone see that coming? mind = blown
>don't cry for the results, smile for the happiness
i will live by these words
it's just now dawning on me that this was already tucked in here but the dialogue was so bizarre already that it didn't even register to me
thinking really hard about how that guy was not wearing the jeff c sweater when he died. guo guo just wanted him to wear that
Oh that incident is what her mom is talking about in the beginning, I thought she was talking about the dead father.
I guess we're just stuck at 10 then
Also this is Chinese, do it again
Thank you for posting.
Does it not count?
I don’t care what the manga says, that characters name is now jeff. c. the guy who is so cool he punctuates his first name and wears it on his shirt
What is the deal with the art in this one? I’m not an art person. Why does it look so smudgy? Is it a scan issue?
This one was so good but in a way that would probably make the creator feel bad if they knew about it
I mean tt's not manga so can it even be called shoujo?
See you next thread one-shot anons.
guo guo and lian sound chinese
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That's not how question marks work. But that's a fair point. There must be Chinese names for Chinese genres of Chinese comics.
Mom left the faucet running...
Does it not strike mom how the ductbin right by her daughter's feet gets full every meal time?
good luck to ms ntr
>college is a heaven that doesn't have a jail
>heaven has a jail?
This is a continue education kids propaganda
Sure is.
Very sly.
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