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cannon fodder
i wish i were a cute csm girl so i could milk virgin cocks all day...
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Kissable DenDen lips MWAH MWAH
One of them is going to die tomorrow. If post ends in 1,2,3 Nobana dies 4,5,6 Haruka dies 7,8,9 Seigi dies 0 Asa dies
death would not kill his little brother
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Femcel correction soon
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I'm waiting for Haruka and Seigi to be confused for Chainsaw Man and get attacked

Seigi due to his claim of being CSM
Haruka because of the surgically implanted starter
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Men are just disposable cum dispensers. Meant to be milked and discarded for the benefit of Women.
Hope the sissy dies so we can see Kobeni at his funeral
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Will Denji get to taste femcel again?
I wish someone milked me...
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Yoru pregnant UOOOOOOHH
So we’ve had a few devil contracts that involved the human giving the devil “everything” or “All of me”. If we assume that humans have souls in CSM, would such a contract mean the devil gets their soul as well? Humans don’t appear to go to hell when they die, so it would handily explain why such a contract would hold great value to a devil.
Poor Yoru’s going through a lot of trouble to bring back Nuke Devil…
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Why do people draw Yoru in hoop earrings? It's too sexy.
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That is right, they are our meat dildos.
i don't care about asa mitaka
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Probably, but that's never been brought up so who's to say.
Lifespans and senses are on the table when offering things for a contract, so I don't see why souls wouldn't be, but maybe they're just not a thing in CSM.

Have a preggo Quanxi
kiga smile
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i see kino approaching
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My beloved.
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She's not that tall.
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Haha imagine if Asa was 175cm haha that'd be so weird lol
at least 1.70 tallsa
She's taller than me at least.
I always find it funny how I tower over most anime characters. Japan is filled with midgets and it’s fun.
It's twins, Fat Man and Little Boy
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crookedsa is just as tall as haruka straight
Not sure if next chapter, but im sure some type of fuckery will take place in the sushi restaurant
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Denji looks like a helpless puppy here...
Mwah mwah mwah my beloved Miss Mitaka <3 ! chu chu chu~
Kobeni will come back next chapter as a Sex Worker.
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I see it.
>teenage girl is as tall as half of the boys
you just proved his point
Asa's cousin
She's wearing boots
>Seigi due to his claim of being CSM
never happened
The club is basically wearing military uniforms.
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Just accept that you reach Asa's chin
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>>teenage girl is as tall as half of the boys
She's only as tall as Haruka and taller than Nobana.
Denji towers over her later, anyway.
I reread the page and I must have confused them. Could've sworn he was wearing an eyepatch, but I was wrong.
So did Denji grow up or was he crouching on the other image?
He must've grown because he wasn't crouching, but I don't remember how much time has passed between the arcs.
Nnnnnnnnnnnghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........standing sex with Asa!
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Girls 5'7" - 5'10" are hot.
How does that work exactly?
I wouldn't know...
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They should use something like this
weird shit
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It gets worse. What kind of sick fuck uses this stuff.
Asa is for missionary exclusively, handholding, leglock, and passionate kissing.
Nice skull
I bet Whip Devil has multiple of these.
>no doggie having tremendo culazo
More reasons why that old hag is ten times better than any young bitch.
they're literally just handles so you don't have to worry about being dropped during sex.
it's really not a big deal
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good night retards
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Young cope dealer, sellin' cope, is you like that?
Kickin' doors, kickin' in doors, is you like that?
Young throwed kigga, killin' Bows, is you like that?
All 24, you on go, is you like that?
Kiggas from the bottom really like that
Steppin' on Denji if you like that
Pop another bottle if you like that
I actively don't like girls that are too short because I have to bend my neck down to look at them, and that gets old and annoying real quick
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169 spoilers
i never eat sushi
tits too big but otherwise very good
>Asa losing to the cock
>Yoru making fun of her for all the faces she's making
>while experiencing the pleasure herself
please stop I can only get so erect
whose cock?
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Me off-screen
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New Brappa illustration
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I fucked the creature on the far right.
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We all have.
>you wouldn't give bream a brojob
He's the ultimate bro bro wtf
Chappy when?
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cute sisters
like this https://files.catbox.moe/ew0sqp.jpg
Denji is literally me.
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Today's (non) Reze is: Yoshida and Kiga on a date.
Who paid?
Needs more:
>Futa cock
>Piss eyes
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Nice work drawbab
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breedable pussy
Fuck, I can't wait for new chapter
How many hours left
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I'm so excited for another two week break and no Reze.
Countdown to chappy?
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25200 seconds until denji fucks reze...
25199 seconds until denji fucks reze...
25198 seconds until denji fucks reze...
>T-minus 100 mins until Chappy Title drop
>Chapter 168: Bombs Away
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>Chapter 168: Power's Comeback
>chapter 168: YoshiMiko date
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>Not kagenashi kino.
I hope this is some illustration they forgot to release during s1.
cute matching shirts
Reze will be working in the sushi restaurant so the harem slop romcom can truly begin
they've done multiple illustrations like that since s1.

I'm 99% sure they're done with these ultra detailed designs.
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>harem romcom slop
A most delicious meal
Harem died when Asa was introduced
Reze and Asa kissing
Fetus Mace!
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and then kissing denji
Asa kakkoi
As an Asafriend I can confirm that I am quite round
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I love Asa's autism rants...
Based prez mature beyond her age
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Manifesting Yoshimiko, maybe this chapter
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6 hours until this happens
6 hours until Asa has sex.
...with Tiramisu
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6 hours until Yoru and Asa has sex.
6 hours until ESLs go to sleep.
I doubt it
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6 hours until good evening sirs
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First leak.
I want to join in.
practicing for Reze
What is Asa's favourite manga?
Boku no hero
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Why would Yoru be higher than Asa, silly AI-san.
My hero
Posture and wasted numbers
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this happened and will happen again
How many times?
almost uncountable during the "teach asa how to be a good kisser" training arc that Fujimoto off-screened
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Slutsa, my beloved
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>no lin xeet
last time this happened was last chapter and it turned out to be a nothing burger guess he's not hyped.
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I want to kiss Cutesa...
There was a Lin tweet last chapter doomsissy
came out very late just like this one
They look very dry and smelly.
because they are
It's specifically from the TV anime - unrelated to the movie.
>violence demon
The biggest let down of the series.
He was a massive fraud
Good morning csm!

It's sushi time soon! Shame I can't see all reactions until I get home...
Denji and Fumiko please
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Chapter title just dropped
4h20m until yoru gets food poisoning and shits Asa's pants
hopefully it's lethal
4 hours till nothingburger
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Good morning /csm/
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More importantly, Yoru with hoop earrings
I can't wait for my slop to be served
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Because Yoru is latina
Shitposting aside, what does this phrase mean?
it means that they lose their attitude when getting a good dicking.
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all women are weak to Cock
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It's literally written there retard
With floor length hair.
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>*steals the hearts of the entire fanbase*
Asa shitted out pretty sturdy and long poop and used it as a dildo
With longer bangs
men are obsessed with their dicks and they project this on to women
Hello cutie nice to see you Mwaah!
why are there so many trannies in the CSM fandom?
because powerfags are a thing
Asa Mitaka
powerfag is the only one that was proved to be a complete chad in these threads
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I love Miss Mitaka
>these are the people who call you a shounenfag everytime you criticize Part 2
Togata was a mistake
yes. only a retarded male would write something like that in a doujin and think it wasn't completely embarrassing garbage.
Alaskan Pipeline Devil...
you wish to be a male though quandyke
stfu shonenfag
Its mainly conquestfags
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Good morning csm
powerfag already acts like an annoying, attention starved tranny, and all incels eventually turn into trannies anyway unless they kill themselves first.
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>Asatroons trying to gaslight Powerchads
like clockwork
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>making things up
>no argument
we're done here.
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They need someone to do the arguing for them.
>likes women
>dress like a man
>have man hobbies
you wish to be a man
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that's a lot of speculation here.
Which part is speculation? It's all from your own posts
>likes vidya and shonen (literal manga for young boys)
>is interested in women (men are interested in women, real women arent)
You posted your room
what the fuck is a "man hobby"?
get eaten by cannibals, powertranny.
What does this mean?
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Why you replied to my post twice?
I am not her
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>only a retarded male would write something like that
saying she wants to be a man because she likes shonen is peak mental gymnastics.
so trve powerxister! only MALES like video games and shonen (fujo magnet genre) and can like women!!! which is why i (transwerbro) only like FEMALE interests!
>because she likes shonen
its not because she likes shonen
it's a combination of various facts, shonen included
also the way she seethes about men but tries to mimick everything we do
>she seethes about men
a very feminine thing to do
>only MALES like video games and shonen and can like women
This but unironically
Any hobby now has trannies. It's the sad reality
Autistic men where gaslight into "becoming" women
It would be, if it wasnt for the fact she seethes out of envy
I think she was sexually abused when younger, and thus all this lesbian meme
such is the fate of a powerfag
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Lin didn't drop today's title, something is going to happen in the manga today...
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He dropped the title late last chapter too
He forgot because it was filler just like last time
they're just very noisy online, especially during this month. they're infecting my battletech too.
or maybe she's a cute girl who likes cute girls
>literally, unironically writing fanfiction now
feed yourself to a crocodile
We already have the title is Death by Sushi
What's next? Passable trannies? lmfao
reliving the trauma i see
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>'pter day
any melties?
Yeah I've seen some
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Bullshit, we dont have the title
CSM evidently has a lot more of them more for a couple of reasons:
>Too few actually masculine male characters in his manga, lots of LGBT undertones
>Fujimoto's previous tranny glazing with Togata in FP
>Asa as a second protagonist in Part 2 so LGBT femcels could relate
>Denji outright hating men
>The abundance of YASSS QUEEN SLAY Makima-glazing xitter landwhales
Denji being a massive sissy too
quandyke and apparently one of her discord simp is seething about men
sure you did xir
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Denji isnt a sissy
But you would have a point if you pointed out how Yoshida is a homo, who also appeals to the LGTVHIV+
nom nom nom nom nom Nayuta sushi nom nom nom nom nom
He got slightly better in Part 2 but then Asa appeared
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>Refuses sex with Himeno
I'll never forgive him for this
But he is
She literally got him by the balls whimpering
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happy pride month sister
Algerian melty
Maybe he's gay and in the closet
lin just tweeted the title "三船デンジ"

any ideas what this could mean?
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Mifune Denji
Quanxi's abs
Asa's abs
How powerful the "Cosmic Horror" demon would be?
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Darkness is basically that already
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Asa used to have abs back in the day. He was very manly.
Fumiko is a waste of space and I hope she never appears again after having died offscreen by some random devil who just happened to sneeze at her.
I hope your shithole shuts down the internet country wise again
Why the melty Asabro?
Next year for sure
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I hope so too
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Both gone forever ROFLMAO
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I want to hug her, poor thing
Would this bird taste good roasted?
I'm feeling a family reunion with all the sisters
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Tastes like chicken
Fumitards deserve a painful existence
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Shrine is very cool yet simple
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What you're feeling i really just the tip of my dick entering your butthole, sissy
Most sane Asafag
powerbro said that
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Didn't read
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Dont reply to me
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you replied first
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Never forget
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I didnt, you're not the anon posting kino art because you just post deviant art tier shit of shitmiko or gayshida
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All of the posts on my feed are in Spanish now.
You did
It's because of picrel that artist is pretty big and he's Spanish.
>prostate yourselves humans
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I don't think I followed that artist.
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you don't have to the feed will show you things based on what you liked/clicked/reposted/commented on
Damn you caught him
How can an action-packed manga suddenly stop having any action whatsoever and people pretend that this was always the case
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Oh. That's weird.
>shonenspic filtered
Not an argument, you're just upset
Be careful what you interact with alogrithm is fickle
It leaked
>t. >>268112625
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>Another >>268113907
>t. >>268112625
You probably follow too many Spanish artists. Your feed is filled with what you liked and what the people you follow like.
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And so have I
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I've always had this schizo theory that time travel would be involved in the plot. There's no proof of it, but recently I found another theory on Twitter that indirectly supports the idea of time travel being part of the story. Miri is Haruka from the future. Miri literally looks like Haruka who became a hybrid and copied the style of his idol - Denji.
What a shitty pre chappy thread, it’s all just stupid melties.
Yeah no kidding.
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>>268114017 (me)
This also explains why Miri is so confident that killing all the pets is necessary to save the world
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Tried to switch their faces using AI
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>and what the people you follow like.
Well that hardly seems fair.
Kek wth
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Seems unlikely
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omg confirmed
Our protagonist
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no title yet?
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second attempt at switcheroo
>time travel in csm
Two posible scenarios, Fakesawman is Denji from the future or the world resets in 2000. But seriously I don't think Fujimoto would include time travel to complex for him
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The algorithm think that because you like them enough to follow them you must also like what they like. This gets worse if you follow similar artists as them.
Honestly, not even bad as far as fan theories go
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FSM being some kind of time travel shenanigan would suck, i hope he doesn't go this route but he did saw that spiderverse movie and loved it

CSM ending with a world reset is possible imo
I really really hope today's chapter surprises me and they don't just sit around talking
Good ol Muslim Nayuta in a headscarf
NO title dropped = Boring chapter about Yoshida and Fumiko
Been waiting 2 weeks impatiently, can't wait for nothing to happen this chapter and be disappointed
>sit around talking
My heroes having interactions? I'd love that
Doomer sissies have been deployed by the 'cord
I hope so
>56 minutes left
How are you spending your last hour?
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Hot outfit, nice ass, and toned midriff.
I had more "Kiga expositional dialogue" in mind. A lot of time is spent explaining the plot when very little plot has happened. I actually would like them to socialize more.
10 pages of the gang eating sushi in silent. Double spread is a copy of the last supper with Denji as Jesus
1h56m stupid
too kino for part 2
So is Denii getting castrated?
no retard
I'd kms ans stream it
Great chapter
Yeah, literally.
Yes but not this arc
what chapter?
Great opinion
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discord moment
>to complex for him
Honestly, I believe in Fujimoto and that he has a plan for all of Part 2. I trust that if there’s going to be a plot twist, we can predict it by catching the hints, just like in a good detective story.
Fujimoto doesn’t add side plots that don't develop in later chapters for no reason. He couldn't have just forgotten about them, right?
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Power looking at the newest popularity poll.
its called fight club
Asa slowly becoming another Yuko.
In chapter 171
She will die just like her decapitated at the hands of FSM Yoshida
Yuko was actually Denji’s and Asa’s daughter that traveled to the past to stop her mother from getting bullied and marrying her dad. She failed at both.
Because Fujimoto is a literal crypto-tranny.
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She's looking at Kobeni, actually
Power would still be top 5 if they had another popularity poll today, and you know it.
the winner of next poll
But Fakesaw is Future Denji
>Fujimoto doesn’t add side plots that don't develop in later chapters for no reason. He couldn't have just forgotten about them, right?
Anon, I...
The hack already said he will straight up ignore shit if he doesnt know how to write it in
Yeah he came back to the last to stop his daughter from stopping his mother to meet him.
Yoru as falling
>He couldn't have just forgotten about them, right?
Bro he already forgot FSM, the promise, Kishibe, Reze, Kobeni, The school setting, the plot is all over the place
>and marrying her dad.
Why would she want her mother not to marry her dad?
>world reset
I can see that happening too. Moreover, it looks like one reset has already happened, and this won't be the first time Denji fucks up the world.
Reminder: Yoru is Asa's mom, she time travelled
They will live
Lost ending where everyone is reunited and happy in a weird world
and the memory
... longer than Asa
Cruel but hot
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They will live for longer than both Yoshida and Fumiko combined
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I would read something like that. A plot from Sailor Moon in my Chainsaw Man? Hell yes.
a fitting image
swag finger-guns, what does it mean? Why is there 100?
I think is possible we are stuck in a loop where the apocalypse happens but is just the same fight pochita had with the horsemen
Lin posted
Because she lives a sad obedient life as one of Denji’s 10 girlfriends.
Read the manga
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I dont even remember their names desu
>Drinking that much...
>100 points...
Is what it says.
https://x.com/MAPPA_Info/status/1805465953259634937 Pushing new merch on the main accounts for the first time in a while, the USJ collab - feels like a marketing push could be coming
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Called it
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>piss eyes
Kobeni, Ricky, Sergei
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>as one of Denji’s 10 girlfriends.
Denji's dream did come true.
wow that is hot ass
bold move acting like the anime is popular enough to do that.
Yoshidabro is here. How do I stop being sissy?
by posting Asa
The future after the apocalypse is a Maestro situation where a smart Denji is a dictator over the reminder of humanity and he also has 10 girlfriends. That’s the most important point.
Nah... Fujimoto is a massive contrarian. fan favorites die and annoying characters live
Then there'd actually be motivation to kill the chainsaw emperor instead of... whatever we have now
Kishibe being Asa's father figure when
Imagine getting ruled over by a goblin.
Kishibe being Reze's Bvll when
It's gonna be a star wars reference where Kishibe will be revealed to be hers and Yoshida's dad after they kissed.
Those shirt designs are complete and total ass
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Fucking creepy. Reminds me of grave encounters
Is she yoinking it
Chronic dyke chaser
The indomitable spirit of Yuko!
Yes in public no shame
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Not bad.
People of the past still don’t know that Denji will become a problem in the future, they are too obsessed with the cause of the apocalypse to realise there’s a bigger villain behind it.
he invests in crypto and a tranny?
Holy shit Lin really posted the title
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Did he forget or is he trying to hide something
Denji, Asa's wife
It’s going to be something like “Third Date” or “Death Arrives”
It's true
>Chapter 169: The promise
It's stupid but I like it. Though Miri doesn’t have the birth mark by his eye like Haruka has. Both are pretty generic designs.
>Only part 1 girls
What's Himeno's body count?
Yoshida in the back hiding behind a tree
Now have Quanxi's harem be pregnant
Over 9000
They were stated to look the same by classmates
Thankee marm.
>look the same
no they werent
>Only part 1 girls
Yes Asa is not gay
>Those tummy rolls on Makima
very nice
Post it
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asa will become a rental girlfriend
>i get to watch
Yes they were, they say that Miri is a combination of the president and Denji. Maybe Denji fucked his mom or something.
Denji chasing after her like on the poster
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>they say that Miri is a combination of the president and Denji
Then it wasnt stated they look the same you fucking retard
Lin forgor
Quanxi only likes biological women
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>Snake was included in the harem
Her expression is great lmao
>denjicuck fanfic
lin won't post the title because of the rezeh trailer
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Yes they were
where the fuck you cancer are coming from?
I’m not that guy I’m just stating what it’s actually said in the manga.
I see no nipples is it sfw?
1 hour 12 minutes until a pregnant Nayuta (ft. Yoshida) pops up and bitchslaps Denji for wasting his time eating Sushi
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Why is Reze there?
on second thought nvm I know exactly what would happen if it were posted
>all this replies
sisters actually have twitter accs?
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I know you're ESL and the average IQ of your country is like 60
But when they say he's a mash up of Denji and Haruka, that means he's not the exact same as Haruka
The same reason Asa is absent
The only untold rule in /csm/ is don’t post bad stuff about Reze. But I still think you are a coward.
He has Denji's hair and body with Haruka's face that statement means that their resemblance was on purpose
Because Asa is straight and Reze is a lesbian lol
...or Power even tho it's not a bad thing
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Wars meatdildo.
Asa blushed more with Yuko a girl than any other boy
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most of this guy's art fucking blows
Asa has a crush on Denji (another man) though
Power won’t get you banned or a warning. Reze will, the Rezefags are always watching.
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>...or Power
We hate Power and Powercucks here.
Asa is literally me. How would she go about interacting with herself?
>Hands and Adaptation
Reze wanted to have sex with Makima
Why doesn’t Asa regrow her arm? I guess he doesn’t want to regrow something else.

jesus. can we move on already
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I also help nuke your retarded posts
Just your discord
>>Hands and Adaptation
Yoru is going to molest Denji's dick under the table
You would hate each other. Most people specially autists dislike interacting with people that remind them of themselves because it makes them remember how much they hate how they act.
Are himeno and Kobeni lesbians?
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Is an Asa centered chappy we WON
It's over...
But I long for a girl who is literally me?
Sister... don't expose us...
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>"Chainsaw Man" is distributed every Wednesday
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nayuta pedos on suicide watch
Chapter comes out at midnight on Wednesday in Japan time
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There was no explanation given yet

No. Read the manga, retard
Denji will feed Asa since she can't eat by herself without a hand. Bravo..
>What Denji unleashed and landed in Asa's hand was...
He seems to emphasise the cum, so Asa will probably be reminded of Denji’s spermies by the sushi.
Based retard
The reality is... that you aren't a real Fujimoto fan if you like Powy.
Denji likes cute girls like Asa and he will help her eat
cringe if true
its like Fujimoto has no idea what he wants this story to be
Poweroid just as retarded as his fav character
I don't get what chainsaw man or power has to do with kill bill
Fiends need human blood for regeneration; they can't regenerate on their own.
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>"Chainsaw Man" is distributed >>>every<<< Wednesday
It's so over it's just Asa learning to eat with her spare hand.
Two weeks for this?
It will parallel how Makima fed Denji
all to get those sweet sweet requests done sooner.
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Asa isnt a fiend
And even then that should have been even easier to recover her arm
I doubt it, there was a one week timeskip. Surely she learned how to eat with one hand in that time
It says “hands” so I doubt Asa will eat by herself.
announcing a report?
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Last for Yoshimiko
>lmaooo Asa can’t eat sushi with one hand xDD
why aren't jannies doing anything about the attentionwhoring avatarfagging report anouncing powertranny?
My mom is already dead. I'd wood if it would bring her back.
Because he is one
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Its up
Every schizo here has a twitter and they all follow each other, no joke.
Transwer cock*
Someone make a real thread with the tittle of today's chapter
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>linking thread

i already did
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>Hands and Adaptation
Does this mean she'll lose her remaining hand? Tell me. I feel like she might eventually, pic unrelated of course.
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It means Denji will feed Asa, amachu
Yoshida will finish the job
I don't see it. Did you forget the subject or something?
NayutaRCHITECTS… tell me that there is LIGHT at the end of this DARK DARK tunnel… Denji said she’s number one in his heart, he wasn’t lying, right?
Denji will die to Asa, transwer cuck.
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>Did you forget the subject
Fuck, i did
didnt you said that last chapter
Damn shame.
I can't think of a faster way to lose a boner than to equip a bunch of gear
If it's not raw and in the heat of the moment I don't want it
Tell that to latex masos
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Thank you TLanon.
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great, incredible, amazing

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