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csm, prev >>268106414
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I love Miss Mitaka.
53 minutes until Nayuta x Denji seggs
i wish i were a cute csm girl so i could milk virgin cocks all day...
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I wish there was more art of Denji showing off Nayuta to his classmates
i don't care about asa mitaka
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>Hands and adaptation
AsaDen holding hands, adapting to their new relationship, feeding sushi and noodles to each other
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let's go fumiden!!
OP might be onto something. Fumiko soon?
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Denji with Asa vs. Denji with Yoru
Easily worst ship
HANDsa punching Yoru, making everyone see her as a schizo
Denji is the true Domloss
but enough about fumiden
my wife power and shirogane-sama sharing a bed while i sleep on the floor
Here's how FumiDen can still win
Who's happier
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She just likes to watch, only curious not in a cuck way!
You FOOL. Reze is selling burgers in Las Vegas
BETAji will job to DOMmiko and DOMyuta while Asa watches. Asa deserves a real man.
not a ship
My fav cuties
Stay away from women bros...
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the only good ship is Nayuta x Fami
This is now a Kiguta thread
i like watching in a cuck way
powerbro btw
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4th version soon.
Denji spoon feeding Asa
Nayuta is exclusively for Denji you fucking ape.
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>need a hand
Denji spooning Asa
cuckji is exclusively for his hand
Denji pooning for Asa
I'd like to remind you all that Denji will never end up with Nayuta or with Asa/Yoru. Both women will abandon him for obvious reasons that have been hammered to death and back. Don't forget Takagi, his wife and the Koma Komagawa report.
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>half comments itt
we really have turned into a ntr manga
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Asa and Yoru mouth feeding Denji
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Sister Reze
it's the usual pre-chappy melty
Me harpooning Amachu
Asaden thread chud
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>Don't forget Takagi, his wife and the Koma Komagawa report.
Literally WHO?
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cute dress, mind if I mog it?
Yeah, I'm thinking Fumiko fapter
Asa getting cucked by Fumiko will be the best thing that will even happen to her in her entire life. It might turn out to be tense and emotional now, but one day when she realizes how lucky she was she'll pay Fumiko dinner and thank her personally.
i want to creampie amachu
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It's not, it's a discord raid thread spamming cuckshit
That's not a dress, you spastic
gimme chappy
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Chappy soon!
This thread is gonna get deleted
I once had a patient who harpooned his face in attempted suicide. If what you want to kill her don’t use harpoons, they are easily survivable.
I want to nose hook Amachu
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Stupid, she's obviously running a Michelin Star restaurant specializing in traditional Russian dishes.
Holy kino.
Chainsaw Man in one picture
I want to hunt Whalemachu
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She deserves to win
power is a stupid whore and she's never coming back.

denji would rather get a handy from a dirty back-alley whore than look for Power

denji would rather eat sushi than look for power

denji would rather look for nayuta than look for power
I want to creampie Micro
I thought this had Kishibe on it.
drawyuta should draw makima lewds already
Uh oh
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Good morning Amachu
Cute family.
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Good Morning /csm/
I want to creampie You
>all in his head
I want to be chainsaw man
The pasta just keeps getting bigger
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Please, fujimoto, no more breaks, please!
worst OP from the anime
The absent competition
The Control devils allowing their doggies to breed
shit and low test ''males''?
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you stupid nigger that's an ED
I want to be creampied by the PowerCHAD
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Good morning
I think Kick Back is great
ruby already won the imoutozone competition
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>Mfw I unload my DoomGOD seed in /csm/'s collective bumhole on chapter day
No chapter?
So no title leak?
Was this posted before
Who's behind this post?
She already won the happy ending.
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>Chapter 169: Hands and Adaptation
imagine if the anime had this kind of animation instead
ok i'm retarded it's an ED, point still stands the power one was the worst
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>Creampie? What's that?
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I think she will win. I think Denji's heart belongs to her, meaning Pochita and the heart will chose her in some set-up scene meant to depict a choice. The problem of course is Denji the sociopath (the brain) who consciously sacrificed her and his future with her so he can chase random sluts intervenously. If characters will be made to make a choice as the story predicted, then I believe Nayuta will chose Pochita/Denji's heart and Pochita will chose her instead of Denji. There, i said it, Pochita will abandon Denji for Nayuta.

I believe Asa and Yoru cannot use their powers on Pochita because he belongs to Nayuta, but they can use their powers on Denji. Asa will turn Denji into a weapon and Nayuta will be left with Pochita. Happy ending.
You see the man had shot himself upwards through the mouth and despite harpooning his brain he was fully conscious. It was a miracle he was alive, he even tried to kill himself again while he was recovering.
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>ok i'm retarded
Indeed, very much so
Thus, since you conceded you're a literal retard, your opinions should not be taken seriously
Boring chapter
Nothingburger chapter
Sissy chapter
Most PLAPable poster?
Denjisis, my beloved
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Amachu post
Kiggerdyke and Drawbab are up there man
stop avatarfagging
>Anonymous 06/25/24(Tue)10:27:20 No.268116351â–¶
wer worrst power fannarrt i've evr seen
miffy status?
Ugly tumblr art ruins it.
30 minutes
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>power one was the worst
>everyone tries to copy it
youre just jelly
I want to impregnate Quandyke
are you having a stroke

Powerbabs win yet again
Power is shit.
This anon is losing his mind. Literally shaking
uh oh
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Too many roasties itt
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What could this refer to?
That’s cool, thanks for sharing. Is it only an animation or is it also a cover?
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Possibly about Denji feeding Asa since she's missing a arm
it's your mom LOL
I don't like Power
i dont care about the chapter, i just want movie news
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Would you feed her?
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Power literally carries the anime.
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Shonenamigos, how will we riot today when theres no action?
We know Rezekek stop spamming the threads with soon whoring posts everyday
That is pretty normal.
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Why are you replying to yourself, conquestxir?
she had no problem feeding herself for a week with one arm but now she can't eat properly because of forced romcom.
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whatever chatgpt says pregnancy maxxing women should be eating
who does? power is the biggest reddit-tier shit waifu from the past 10 years

anybody who likes Power should return to Reddit and stay there. gyatt damn there are dozens of CSM waifus that are more interesting than Power
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I already said this last thread >>268115732
>I doubt it, there was a one week timeskip. Surely she learned how to eat with one hand in that time
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Who says Kiga didn’t feed her? It’s also much easier to eat with cutlery using your non dominant hand that it it’s with chopsticks.
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this? /csm/'s peak
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Asa will get pregnant before the finale fight

6 months is a convenient window wouldn't you say?
sometime I wish we didn't get titles I don't want to be disappointed one hour early
>calling anyone reddit
>Denji would rather be chainsaw man than be with Nayuta
>Denji would rather go to a brothel than look for Nayuta
>Denji would rather go eat Sushi than go look for Nayuta
>Denji would rather get bottom surgery than look for Nayuta
>Denji would rather get a handjob from a whore in an alleyway than look for Nayuta
What we adding today?
Some one please post the full list.
I dont get why you keep posting the powerfag
>look how fit and hot this guy is haha laugh at him
Hello has the Death Devil appeared yet?
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>Kiga the fucking famine devil
>feeding someone else
not anytime soon
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she will make this expression, expect be pregnant at the final big baddie. she will oneshot him using GURL POWER
Gyatt damn Skibidi Rizz Power is Ohio-tier, you feel me?
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love and affection
also >>268116549
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Pretty epic stuff ngl
This post broke me
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Fair enough I can't argue with the number devil
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Kiga sissy new whiteboard after dump thread?
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Good morning, /csm/
New chapter title?
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I hope Power comes back this chapter out of literally nowhere just so the obsessed, mentally ill anti-Power schizo necks himself.
>Pochita will chose her instead of Denji. There, i said it, Pochita will abandon Denji for Nayuta.
Pochita would rather Denji abandon Nayuta again like he already did in the Church Arc, Pochita supports chasing after tons of girlfriends, making money, and stuff like that.
New chappy or keep playing Elden Ring?
Also what's the name?
Asa would hate moeshit
>Powerfag talking in third person
Nta but yeah.
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>I hope Power comes back
>Hands and Adaptation
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Keep playing friend
Asadenbros… Is this chappy OUR chappy ??

What link?
This is every Asasissy SLUT on /csm/
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high voltage yuko!
Noice I like fresh whiteboard ready to be spoiled by my sloppy drawing
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Power is no longer a character of this manga, anon.
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SHEEEEEEEESH SHIT BE CAP ONG DIS FIT BE LOWKEY FIRE DAT TEA BUSSIN SMEGMA BET LIL ZOOM SNATCH SLAPS SO BAD ION SPITTIN BIG YIKE G BE GOATED FRFR waifu ong be bussin fr tho no cap on a stack frwaifu bg nwm says I have W rizz this shit is bussin on god but dead anime watch along fr no viewers on twitch no cap where's the dlc ong miyazaki needs to up his rizz dead azz aight bet bruh frfr on god no cap deadass lowkey facts sussy bussy do be hittin kinda dif doe ngl LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO ima finna drop da dab on em hit em wit da skrrt skrrt sussy baka amogus yo this slaps str8 fire its lit frfr it's a bop bruh yo big floppa do be sussin n bussin he got da drip doe LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bruh it do be just a vibe tho i finna jus vibin rn frfr got dis W hold dis L catch deez hands bruh vibe check i'm weak skull emoji yo big floppa do be a quirked up wyte boi goated wit da sauce bussin it down sexual style ong ngl lowkey deadass no cap facts bet sus bruh sussus amogus kinda mid be looking like a snack on the glowup deadass bet bruh ong frfr say less = LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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wtf? can we have a fact check on this
Having cum on your hand is not "moe"
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>out of literally nowhere
But where is the fun in that? Where's the terror on their posts when it gets slowly hinted Power is coming back. And then in a certain dawn, Lin releases the title, The Promise

In time, they will know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that they were right. Yet to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Power still arrives.
NTA but you been thinking about him non-stop 24/7 all this time. He already won, bro.
Asa is about to get killed, sis.
I really do wonder who's behind this post
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Yes like every chappy for the rest of part 2
Based slowreader
Powercucks, your response?
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woof woof woof (i come from the previous thread, fuck you)
calling the people who have basic english literacy "schizo"

Anon, take your meds. Power is dead. She was shit to begin with and outlived her usefulness to the story. She died in a dumpster, where she belongs, and she's not coming back. She is not important to the story.
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no worries :) the party is just getting started
>Unironically mindbroken by Fuji
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it's ALWAYS our chappy
One of these posts is the microdick
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FACT: Power will come back
There is nothing more cucked than powerfags.
Yoshida is a faggot.
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readers added context: this user is mentally ill
power just has no place in the story right now, sorry
It's one of those animatics based on a song
The little dance Makima does is the same as the original video
There's a lot of little details that you miss out on the first watch, like Power getting shot once she interrupts Makima dancing
These posts? A conquestrat hiding behind other characters
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Reze working as a waitress at the Sushi Restaurant. Employees wear costumes to fit the death gimmick and beacuse of the Death by Sushi name, which is frowned upon in Japan. SHISHISHI
She already got what she wanted, a family.
But Denji chose Chensoy man and Sushi and a brothel and a femcel over her ROFLMAO. Her third reincarnation will have more luck
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What revived the hype?
Fumiko will steal Denji away from everyone trust the plan
your sort aren't welcome around here
This post? A powerat seething at FACTS.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, the wait is finally over
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Uh oh, Power mindbreaks
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Who's more mentally ill, Ichiruki schizos or Anti-Power schizos?
BASED Slowreader.
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Meant for
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Pay pig soon?
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Actually, I'm an Asaking but I like to Kiga it up a bit sometimes
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Nothing like a good reminder to powerlosers that their waifu doesn't matter just before a chappy.

Hope we get more cute Asaden in this chappy bros.
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>Yfw there are powercucks in this thread thinking this will happen
Extreme lmao + My sides + Delusional powercucks will never learn + Conquest manga + No promise + Power is dead and forgotten + Cope + Seethe + Dial8
break week is over
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I miss these little guys
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asaden (aka the plot) finally resumed
Fami secretly stole all of Makima's acquired wealth to fund her eating habits
DoomGODS how are we feeling today?
/csm/ is so based
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Violence x Kobeni was cute, hope the movie adds more stuff with them
Thank you tlGOD.
Reze was a fucking Soviet spy and if she didn’t return to Russia she would be a wanted fugitive. In what fucking world would she be working at a restaurant in Japan like this?
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the 10 minutes anxiety is always the worst part
Inb4 chapter is a pov cut to yoshida dropping boring exposition about nothing instead of sushi and another break week
after a months-long hiatus known as the chainsaw church arc
I'm so glad this whore is dead and forgotten.
based samefag
>Asa pic
5 minute is worse
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I also get anxious on chapter day
I start rocking back and forth on my chair in the last 10 minutes
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YoshiKiga in 2024.

Anti-Power schizos. IchiRuki is cute.
Last two chapters
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Lurking, we are insecure and restless, so close to an hero of this chapter is good
>not naming the chapter "All hands on d(i)eck"
Based Yoshida
Is Asa the most beautiful girl in all of media? Its a rhetorical question you don't have to answer. Also the answer is yes.
>t.ichiruki schizo
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fuck the 10 minute and 5 minute pre-chappy anxiety, the worst part is the final 2 minute anxiety
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This kind of stuff takes a lot of effort so I always appreciate it. Specially animations with this much detail and effects. Denji’s head on the dining table was my favourite part. Another video for my csm AMV collection.
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>being excited for a manga chaptere makes someone a sissy
I'm not ERPing with you like conquestrats
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i cant wait for look quan xi boobs
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How does Nayuta get a pass for being Chinese? I thought /a/ hated chinks.
mengo poster is the best poster
Lmao what a loser.
the worst part is the anxiety you get in those few minutes between the release of the chapter and the dump thread going up
most people here dont know nayuta is chinese
Barem said this to himself, out loud
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I'm sad and need to coom
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Me too
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Pov you just drew Reze
A-are you me?
I get stomach cramps whenever the new chappy is just about to be released.
I rabu chenso
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Anxiety makes me plug a finger in my ass. Bring me the chappy NOOWWWW
I'm hungry.
Nayuta daddies, how are we feeling right now?
I shit up every CSM from T-2 days from a chapter to T+2 days after

I am the Powerbab, I am the Rezebab, I am the NayuDen cuck, I am the Yoshimiko cuck, I post the cropped porn, I post YoruDen, I shit on AsaDen, I post Fami Mukbang

I am this /csm/'s GOD and you all obey my whims, whether you know it or not
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So true.
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Let me help you
And she isn't. All devils come from hell, their respawn point doesn't matter.
nice reddit pic
I put a whole remote in mine
buried and eaten by worms
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The worst part is reading the chappy in 30 seconds
Futa Kiga x Himeno so hot
I'm scared.
my wife powey gets it harder and better from miu-chan than she could even get it from me!
I put csm volume 4 up my ass
Kekshibe bros...
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With floor length hair
i'll make you splurt hands free kigasissy
Speedreader GOD
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Asa's husband
>1 minutes anxiety
bros i can't take it
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I’d be happy if they did
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I guess Yooters is still some weeks away.
Beyond the horizon
ok speedreader
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Nah that's me
The worst part is the hour after the title drop when you are either disappointed or hyped but will get disappointed
I would speedread if there was something to read. Sometimes it's just empty panels with "action" and a shitty cliffhanger.
>Illiterate rats also populate /csm/
Explains a lot.
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good luck!
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lets go
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pure unfiltered doom
I've already read it, shitty chapter
powy laying back for miu's strap on
Damn Yoru really just blew Denji under the table
I'm going to wait until I'm done work, get a good workout, order a pizza, have some hot chocolate, and enjoy the chappy tonight

See you in 6 hours, hope it's good
It's down
fuck off lol
Ops sorry meant Power
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FRESH reaction image
God Barem is so cool
Conquest already won the only competition that matters here, powercucks seething and proving they can't stop thinking about ConquestGODs always makes me laugh. In case they forgot, power is in the sewers of Tokyo, meanwhile CUTEquest came back and got redeemed. Remember she is the little sister now, you may cope, shit and piss your pants all you want but it's obvious Fujimoto loves conquest and shits over power.
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this is the semen sushi
can you faggots ever dump the fucking chapter in time?
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haha see you next week chainsoys
trash chapter so NO
You have to eat ALL the egg sushi
>Nayukima incoming
Barem is the worst fucking character in the entire series I hate him so much, not a single interesting aspect about his character at ALL.
nothing happened I'm dooming
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>no gayshida
>no shitmiko
nayukima is not real
>Asaden lost
>Asa got called an animal
>Denji is a sissy who does as Barem says
>Barem is terrified of Yoshida
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The Legend
>Barem jumpscare
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idno about that buddy
Wtf, you guys told me that Nayuta was DEAD. Did you lie to me?
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jfc, are we sure it's the same person who draws this manga by now?
Just casually Asa an animal, that's based
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Barem has Nayuta in the Rape dungeon...
>>no gayshida
>>no shitmiko
[Spoiler]They are outside and Barem is terrified of them tho am surprised you thought they would be coming after title drop[/spoiler]
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why are yoshidakeks so delusional
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ew it replied to me
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>micro lost again
good chappy
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me no like this chappy
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Look a speaking animal
>Power throwing up a single load of Yoshida's cum
When he said get the onions sauce, I thought they were eating Nayuta again.
Denji is a such ONIONS sissy holy shit.
Doomkek you lost this was the best chapter in 3 months
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HAHAHAHA Kiga is a sloppy eater!!!
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Is it weird if I think this when I see dudes outside?
>doomshits lose their shit at the good chappy dump thread
fuck off
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>public safety's outside
Thanks for translation
A little
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his POV is so wrong since we already know devils can feel sad
kill yourself, this chapter was more shit than you
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Cute, also why is his family still so poor?
Nayuta? Alive
SHITwer? Dead an forgotten
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But he's right Asasis. Yoshida will save Asa from SHITji and FATga by cutting her other arm off, all while TURDji leaves Asa in a puddle of her own blood to go find Nayuta. I told you this would happen.
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Holy shit he's such a sissy
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damn shit it was too short for me, at least no break week
>t. Doomshit
Barem Kino destroys your narrative.
What was his complaint this time around? I for one liked the chapter.
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>An okay chapter
>Barem return
>Denji is happy about nutting
>No break
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Denji really is a dumbass
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So Denji's sissy hand feels better than Asa's? Holy shit asabros and yorusis not like this.
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Yuuta soon
he just like me fr fr
I know man. I dreaded another break week but thankfully the stars aligned correctly.
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total consent tranny death
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Denji would rather die than spend time with Asa
>hawk tuah
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what you're talking and what he posted have nothing in common
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Denji feels better masturbating alone, but he feels happier when Asa does it...
stop spamming subhuman
no one is interested in your fanfic
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didn't they meet during the church tour chapter
based. Asayoshi RISING UP
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This means Asa just need practice giving handjobs
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You told us that Yoshida and Fumiko would be singing on the sushi restaurant or some dumb shit like that, and that Yoru would have killed Denji last chapter
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he always spammed his delusions about nayuta being dead before being exiled to /kgb/
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i love barem so much
>Yoshida doesn't appear
Shit chapter.
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That means he's falling in l...
>you have to eat ALL the eggs
you're so retarded, it's another ploy to bring the old chainsaw man back
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Asa is the cutest animal ever, a true lynx ripe for taming. Only a real man like Yoshida can tame such a beast, he's an expert animal trainer. SHITji is too busy licking Barem's anus for promises of seeing Nayuta again to care about saving women he only sees as sex toys, Asafren. I told you, DUNGji does not care for Asa, for him she's just a fuckable piece of ass like the random woman on the bike and Fumiko.
Fumiko stealing Denji while everyone is distracted!
It's funny seeing people say this proves merge or FC somehow. We know devils feel sadness, and even if they couldn't, we know Asa can from the Falling Devil arc.
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>You told us that Yoshida and Fumiko would be singing on the sushi restaurant
Never happened.
>or some dumb shit like that,
Already backpedalling I see. I accept your concession.
I am laughing so much at this dumb powercunt fag right now, Nayuta is alive and your waifu is dead and forgotten. How does it feel, powercuck? To be Fujimoto's bitch. Gyahahahahaha.
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He is so chill and provocative, I want to strangle him
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in love?
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Asadenspooks 20 mins ago
>teee heee Denji will feed Asa sushi uwu uguuu <3 tii hii hii
AsaDung spooks now
>B-Barem feeding Denji sushi is cool too, i'm ok with this

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Yltsi complete silence
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>but it did make my heart feel really nice
speedreader get ye gone
annoyed denji isn't eating his sushi
She looks pissed and embarrassed to me. Looks like you're coping again.
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Read the chapter again Amachuuuuu
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AsaDen? won
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>Never happened.
It did, i'm just not as obsessed to keep tabs on your posts. As always nothing you predicted ends up happening
asa seafags are like this, next chapter will stun them for months as denji declare his love to nayuta forma de makima
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>chappy day melty already started
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Many such cases!
The complete silence after no asaden chapter is deafening
>Whoremiko shitter
It was me who made that prediction actually
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See >>268118447
>you will never get a clumsy handjob from a crippled, autistic girl and be her guide to getting better
sloppy yoru handjob
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I wanna see Denji fight alongside Yoru/Barem/Katana next week
>mass reply
it's scared
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Next chapter Yoshida sits next to Asa Barem style
Public Safety isn't actually outside. Barem lied to Denji to get him to leave the restaurant. It's a trap.
I hope Yoshida is outside the building
"public safety has us surrounded"
Cannot wait for this to end in couple of pages and a minor scuffle
Kiga also said the police is outside in the Spanish TL.
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The camera zoomed out of the restaurant and there was no PS there
I think Barem is lying to make Denji obey him. He might not even know where Nayuta is
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Kek, AsaDen is pretty shit. Barem appearing instantly brought back my interest.
Pochita is Denji's heart, so he gives his approval
Kiga and Barem are coconspirators
Are the 2 guys at the hideout dead
>no kobenners
Shonengods won this chapter
that was barely a zoom out anon. Not useful evidence.
very possible, but I also wouldn't be surprised if fuji was just too lazy to draw any PS mooks
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I was excited by Public Safety being mentioned, so Yoshida, El Calvo, and Fumiko reappearing was my initial thought, but it's true as others have pointed out that nobody was outside the Sushi Restaurant when the camera panned out, so I think Barem is lying.
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I just wanted Denji to spoonfeed Asa why are you so mean
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What happened, SHITwerbro? They are about to go look for Nayuta and you suddenly went silent. Anything you want to share with us? Any theory about Power being alive and returning you want to share? But she is dead, the promise is forgotten, she is never coming back. Nayuta is Denj,'s little sister/incest bait and Asa is Denji's potential love interest, there are no roles for Power left. She won't come back. Conquest manga btw.
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Amachu is mean because she's a bitter woman who lacks a good dicking, that one is easy
Maybe they go sit near Denji to talk
Need a hand?
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>mass reply
it's shaking
Uh oh melty this chapter was great you've been coping hard schizo.
You can ditch out but you can't take it? Where's that condescending attitude from before
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amachu will ignore this damning evidence
Kiga also say they are surrounded despite being incoherent, I doubt she’s lying. Check out >>268118528
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>Barem appearing instantly brought back my interest.
Tell me about it.
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My post weren't condescending
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Drawyuta is working on it!
It did, but someone requested an edit with Denji instead so I swapped the heads real quick
I'm still scared she's already dead, knowing fujimoto. Pic related
let him cook
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>I'm still scared she's already dead, knowing fujimoto. Pic related
Knowing Fujimoto, i don't think he has the balls to kill Nayuta. It would really surprise me if she is actually dead.
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you don't know him you didn't even read half of his works
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Kiga and Barem are working together though, so she proably wants them all to stay in the restaurant as part of their plan. Death by Sushi seems more and more ominous.
Uh oh transmachu .elty!!!
If they make Denji fall asleep or not be able to fight again by eating sushi I will shoot Fujimoto myself. That development would make the last 5 chapter mostly meaningless.
She's not gonna fuck you, bro. Her lard fat makes her pussy/ass inaccessible.
>accuses someone else of having a melty
>so mad he can't even type
Kek ironic
This chapter was extremely hard and humbling for asaden no wonder the posse is in shambles
Man the hype is back I don't remember being this hyped
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imagine being this deluded
I'm excited to see who all Public Safety sent over. Hoping for Calvo.
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>This chapter was extremely hard and humbling for asaden
Good, Asa feeding Denji or vice versa was a retarded idea, even Kiga sat next to Denji like I thought. AsaDen can still be good without lovey dovey feeding scenes, but this Chainsaw Man, not AsaDen having high school romcom shenanigans. Barem's reappearance was shocking, shame it got ruined in the dump thread by some schizo.
What are you talking about?
Amachu melty
Amachu melty
Amachu melty
You know even if there's no fight just a negotiation scene would be kino
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NPC AsaDen.
The threads are the opposite of what they were during the last two chapters it's amazing
Oh, in that case I'm hoping for Bossu.
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Will the Boss show up personally?
Fumiko buying her Denden..
Showing us what could've been
He should he's the one behind the politics it's about time
Fatsa and Chinkji
The happy ending they wish for, but won't happen. What could have been
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I've always thought Public Safety was tracking them, so they should be prepared for the ambush, but I also think it's highly plausible Barem is just lying to him. If he is lying, then I don't know what they are waiting for.
idk what reason Kiga would have to lie about the popo being there
Also, where the FUARK are the other hybrids? Just hanging out in the area?
too many plotholes in this chapter alone, Fuji needs an organizer
Best chapter in ages
I've seen a theory that Kiga is manipulating them by their hunger, along with Kiga recommending Sushishi as the restaurant to go to and what do you know Barem is there. Barem and Kiga could be sharing the same plan and the same lie. I also saw a funny theory that Barem burned down the other sushi restaurants and Brothel, to lead them to Sushishi.
It was free of plotholes, surprisingly
Only the Nobana not remembering Barem was the plothole, overall Best chapter in a long time.
What plotholes?
based speedreader
don't mind him he's just made we didn't get cutesy asaden moments or shartbeni return
only the Nobana not knowing who Barem is one, which is non consequential since Haruka call him out in the next page
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Reze and Kobeni appearing is good though. Less AsaDen, the better
nobana is a brainlet tho
>chappy day
>took this long to 500
What killed the hype?
Sex. Kobeni is for bullying.
I'm not arguing this point, Nobana should know who Barem is because he was part of the Church and interacted with him personally.
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>W-who who is this big man? eep! I don't remember this big muscular handsome man epp epp! HIs HANDS? in my petite body? n-never happened!!
Does he ever look at Barem directly? He gets orders from behind during that scene doesn’t he?
Nayuta possibly being alive
Poor Nobana
There are 3 threads, retard. 2 are already 500d
yeah he only knows from Barem from his hand from what we know, not his face
Last for Yoshimiko
Nobana only goes to dark rooms confirmed
>GODshida and STACYmiko appearing soon
God I sure hope so. The manga is in dire need of them.

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