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I don't care if she's a loser. Determined Kumiko is so beautiful. I can't stand it.
what a strong leader. Really unfortunate that most yurifags do not give a shit about Kumiko's actual character.
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Did Kumiko job?
>I don't care if she's a loser. Determined Kumiko is so beautiful. I can't stand it.
that's nice and all but she won't fuck you.
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Hello Shuuichi
Yes, Kumiko is very beautiful as well as her beloved kouhai Kanade whom she treats like her own daughter and would give the world for.
Kumiko, we have to kill god
She fucking won
All she needs to do now is steal Reina and Shuuichi.
who wants the autistic shitter, and a vp that didn't do anything but apologize all year?
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it's just juice guys don't worry
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Shoe will win

leaks confirm
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I just want this scene but with Kanade and Kumiko
>All she needs to do now is steal Reina and Shuuichi.
Kanade hasn't done her "MAJI ENJERU" impression yet
Taking the two most important people in Kumiko's life away from her.
I think the issue with the changes to the story is that Kumiko and Mayu need to be neck and neck for tension purposes but the Greek tragedy twist where Kumiko and Reina get fucked up by their own ideals of meritocracy makes a lot more sense if Mayu is definitely better than Kumiko. I do think that they've implied this season that Mayu is better at making the sounds that judges will want. But even so, considering Kumi and Mayu are roughly equal, Reina throwing it to Mayu because she will give them a 2% edge at nationals comes off as excessive. I actually think it would've been more interesting if this is what finally broke Reina's ideals and she voted for Kumiko and confessed later she thought Mayu was better.
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Umm, hetbros? Is this canon?
I think the fact that she made a decision that didn't really make sense itself makes complete sense. The lesson here is that one of the main reasons people fail is being trapped by an idea. Other thread is dying but see what I wrote there:


>Reina throwing it to Mayu because she will give them a 2% edge at nationals comes off as excessive.

It IS excessive. To me, that's the point. Human beings will cause each other huge amounts of pain over some stupid made up thing that often isn't even true.

>I actually think it would've been more interesting if this is what finally broke Reina's ideals and she voted for Kumiko and confessed later she thought Mayu was better.

this would have been an interesting way to go too.
>Kanade as president
Kitauji back to its dark ages...
Kitauji will be fucked next year, they basically have no talent left
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She looks so soft. I think I would still rather cuddle with Kumiko though.
Give Kanade more credit. She's the reason Kumiko was able to understand Mayu and resolve things with her.
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>ETA 4 days 3 hrs 50 mins till anime original yuri ending.
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When they win gold they will attract all the talented players in the Kyoto area
>Kumiko apologized to Mayu for being inconsiderate
so when's Kumiko's righthand woman Canada apologizing to Mayu? Don't tell me she gets a pass after having that vile attitude towards Mayu at every opportunity
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They still have skilled players like Motomu, Yume, Miichan, and Sally
Any spoilers from the new novel? Any yuri KumiRei scenes?
Do you think she's ever farted into her euphonium and the blew on it really hard to spread the smell all over the band room?
No but Suzume has
Clarinet guy gives off closet homo vibes.
Sacchan and Mirei will lead the bass section to glory
Shuuichi is so lucky
> -confession scene removed (Yuto and Natsuki)
Imagine trusting this ‘leak’.
umm, what's happening here?
It is, it takes more mental gymnastics to frame them as not dating.
Shit anime
Didn't know Ririka can play fagott
please, don't shit up this thread
I like to lick Ririka's forehead
you mean the "leak" that talked about a "Yuto" and Natsuki confession being removed that never existed in the first place?
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>penultimate episode is the best in the series
Will the finale even be able to top it?
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12 hours until the new Hibike Euphonium book is out.

Who will be the next buchou?
What does Kanade really think about Motomu and Mayu?
Can Mizore really drive?
>Can Mizore really drive?
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I'm seeing a patern here
But kumiko was the brown hair one and reina is the black hair one
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Takeda Hiromitsu should do a doujin with Mayu like he did Reina.
>he doesn't know how recruiting works
When you build a winning program you get better recruits joining the team.
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Sacchan should be president
shoeichi dumped
kumirei confirmed dating
nakayoshi dating
nozomizo dating
I mean even if Kanade wasn't president, Kitauji is still fucked either way. All of their talents are gone pretty much.
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Saachan is too cute to be president
The birth of protenstantism
After the latest episode this pair is more realistic than Kumiko x Reina
Doujins when
President Sacchan the band mascot, VP Ririka who does all the work and Kanade the worst drum major ever
Kanade as drum major would be a hilarious disaster, imagine her just insulting everyone and being snide to try to motivate people
Half the club is scared of her, the other half isn't taking her shit because they know she's actually just a weak little gremlin.
>Kanade the worst drum major ever
Isn't Yume would be better as drum major? Although she looks weak-willed she's talented enough by The Mighty Special Reina-sama's standard
the position of "drum major" outside of sunfes was invented to simply satisfy Reina's ego. I'm sure they'll remove it once Reina's gone.
Wasn't Asuka-sama a drum major back then? I don't really remember though
Asuka was fukubuchou, and happened to also do the drum majoring during Sunfes because it's not a real job.
Kumiko is wearing her skirt so short wtf
Asuka was vice pres, yes she was referred as "drum major" in sunfes but "drum major" is a position in marching band, Kitauji is not a marching band.
Huh I thought Kaori was the fukubuchou and Asuka was the drum major, what a huge mistake. Thanks anons
Throughout S1 and S2 I was rooting for Reina and Asuka because I admired them as talented, ambitious characters. But now I realize I'm more like Kumiko, someone who may be somewhat capable but will never be able to beat those with actual talent. Kumiko isn't a bad performer by any chance, but she'll never match up to Reina's passion, or Mayu's skills which were honed by spending years at an elite school. Looking back, it's obvious Kumiko never stood a chance against Mayu, even though she gave her best. Like Kumiko, Mayu's victory made me realize my own mediocrity.
>Mayu's talent
what is her talent? being an annoying bitch?
Kumiko was on equal footing to Mayu. It's pretty clear to me based on the sound in the audition. Taki Sensei thinks so too. Even Reina thought it was close.
They need to make an alternate timeline episode where Kumiko gets the soli and then they lose in the nationals
>Even Reina thought it was close.
Clearly not close enough for her to pick her best friend. Kumiko got a bunch of votes from people that could tell the two apart aswell.
Reina had to pick who was best, and it just wasn't Kumiko.
She would never be able to forgive herself if, after getting to Nationals with Mayu, she gave Kumiko the pity vote and they lost because of her decision.
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head pat the saachan
Kumiko won because she gained the inner strength to stand for her beliefs and rise above her own emotions. She lost the soli because as much as she loves music, performing perfectly isn't at the heart of who she is, like for Reina - rather it's her sense of compassion and justice, her desire to support and stabilize others. Her whole arc with choosing a career revolves around her growing into that realization. In other words, coming to terms with her mediocrity in the area that she once thought was so important opened her mind to see where her true talent lies.

Don't focus on your mediocrity. Being "good" osn't the highest virtue. Let your knowledge of your mediocrity allow you to let the thing you're striving for go as a source of identity. Then you're free to find what can truly bring you fulfillment.
Kumiko was never on similar level with Mayu.
>But Sapphire said so
Pleb compared to Reina
>But Taki said so
Pleb compared to Reina
>But the vote was 50/50
They're all mere mortals compared to Reina
Reina's opinion is all that matters. If the entire student body voted for Kumiko but Reina chose number one, Kumiko would've forfeited from the soli like Kaori did because Reina is the only one that's special in talent and can discern what commoners can't.
That's complete bullshit. She is extremely talented at the trumpet, and at music in general, but the others are also very good as well. Sapphire is very talented and Taki is a highly trained professional. These kind of judgments are somewhat subjective as well.
Mizore mogs Reina and she just picked it up
on a whim because some stacy told her to.
>implying that someone who just mimics Taki's vote isn't a pleb
lmao, she is dumb and have 0 independence
I think Kumiko and Mayu should love each other
Alright I finally watched the episode after shitposting in these threads for the past few days.

I think there are two basic mistakes they made with the episode, and the rest was very well done.

1. Both Kumiko and Mayu sounded awful. Kumiko was technically weaker and had one or two parts where she majorly lost her timing. Mayu's play was so stale and soulless it actively sounded bad two or three times. I physically cringed when Mayu played and I was in disbelief when Kumiko played. Those were not the sounds of contest-winning euphoniums, full stop.

I do think Mayu's performance was better if only because she actually made it to the starting line (playing all her notes at the right times), but Kumiko's problems would be way easier to fix with some solid practice, while Mayu's are fundamental and would take years. From a contest point of view, Mayu's audition was better at that moment, but Kumiko was by far the better pick. That said, this is the best resolution for Mayu's arc and trauma. I do think it's crazy how split anons have been on their performances because it was really easy for me to identify the problems.

2. The reason given for Kumiko's loss is nonsense. "Hesitation about music school" makes no sense. Just say Mayu was better, or that Kumiko had no time to practice, or that Mayu's sound fit what Reina wanted more for the performance. I think that one line is so bad it undermines the entire season. What, Mayu wasn't hesitating about anything? Just stupid.

For that matter, I guess 3. The vote split was dumb, idek what to think of it. It's impossible to take the band seriously when the deciding factor between those godawful performances was one vote. It should at least have been like 55-45 for Mayu, with Reina voting for her normally. They were too desperate to get that big dramatic tiebreaker and it really drags things down.

Overall 99% great episode, but a truly great episode would need to try harder and squeak out that extra 1% :)
She's so beautiful and soon to be Mrs. Taki
Oh, another way to put it would be that Kumiko played the piece better "solo", while Mayu played it better "together". Kumiko's mistakes wouldn't have appeared if she was playing alone, but she stepped on Reina's toes as a duet. But if you ask who the better performer is, it's her 100% of the time. It's easier to get a skilled soloist to turn down their intensity than it is to turn someone into a skilled soloist.
The performances were good man. IDK what you're smoking. I agree with you about the direction of all your assessments but not the degree of severity. Neither of them were that bad.
>The reason given for Kumiko's loss is nonsense
Kumiko knows she's the worse player, she's just trying to rationalize it afterwards and making excuses to Reina. And it's less about "hesitation" specifically and more just that she's not cut out for professional musicianship, not in talent nor passion.
>What, Mayu wasn't hesitating about anything?
Well yeah, her entire arc has been to not be afraid of asserting herself and her talent, that she can be a bit selfish and immerse herself in the competitive spirit. She could finally play without regrets.
i don't mean any offence btw, but as a non musical person, i can't understnad why everyone's analysing the performances so autistically. does it really matter that much that the recordings they used aren't 1to1 with the plot? they probalby just told the sound team "hey, we need two versions of the solo here, a good version, and a slightly worse version, cool?" and they recorded the parts and sent it in to the editing bay. Like, i trust you guys to know better about this stuff than me, and I also know im listening with $15 earphones, but does it really matter? if the characters in the show say that one was better than the other and there's no reason for them to lie canonically, fine, sure i believe you, why wouldn't i? ii know it's a show about band msuic, but kyoani didn't hide a conspiracy inside the performances. i just don't want you guys wasting your time like that nip on twitter measuring the decibel levels
I do agree that they should have just mmade Mayu a lot better than Kumiko, none of this "they're really close actually" business. just have Mayu be better and end it
>her talent
Doesn't have one, sorry Mayufag.
>made Mayu a lot better than Kumiko
It would be a completely pointless scene if Mayu was much better than Kumiko. If the level difference was like when Reina auditioned back then there would be no reason to go through any of that, in fact most of the season would be wasted since that was the main arc of this seasons story. Kumiko absolutely needed to be close enough to Mayu to have a chance of winning.
You know, I just figured out how to put into words why I think Mayu's performance was worse.

She was playing it like you would play an inner harmony passage from a Percy Grainger piece, not a soli. Just playing exactly what is written in a flat and mechanical way is appropriate in a lot of compositions, but clearly not in this moment in this piece
Did Reina mean she couldn't tell which one was Kumiko at the end or did she mean she knew it was Kumiko but picked Mayu instead?
She knew it was Kumiko and still picked the better one.
It matters. This show is in fact largely about music, and hearing the playing and performance tells you a lot about who these people are, and what they care about. It also tells you a lot about what is going on with regards to the decisions being made. Take the Reina and Kaori trumpet audition. How much more impactful is it to actually hear the difference, actually hear how while Kaori is actually really good, Reina is still a lot better. You get a chance to feel what the rest of the band feels. With this one, you get to feel what the band feels, feel what Reina feels, or even disagree with Reina like many do. You are there to make your own judgment along with all the characters.
I just don't expect to be hearing major timing mistakes in a duet from a girl who competes at a national level, who's been practicing 24 hours a day for the last 3 years, and who just had a whole movie about how she fixed her kouhai's timing issues.

You don't need decibels or fancy headphones, the issues with their play are very obvious.
What a bitch
Nah, Kumiko should have practiced more.
Fuck you, Reina bitch said she liked her music better in all 10 different scenes but in the most important moment she changed her tune
>I liked yours better but Mayu's was objectively better
>objectively better
>Only won by one vote
Who's even Yume
Did you not notice the familiar faces who voted for Kumiko?
Kumiko got her clique votes from those who can tell
>Doesn't have one
Enough about kumiko now
Mayu should've tried to bond better with band members then, skill issue.
Kumiko should push Mayo down the stairs.
She tried to bond with Kumiko but kept getting pushed away
What kinda sick person even transfers to a new school in their final year?
Is this yuri yet?
KumiRei could survive if they cut out the shoe confession next week.
The only confirmed couple is AsuKao.
It's now confirmed that this is will be last installment from kyoani for this series no spinoff or compilation movies.
>barely won
cope, talented people smoke their competition 100 to 0
Doesn't change that kumiko doesn't have talent and that she still lost, you're the one who is coping pretty poorly
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I only want one thing in life and that's an animation of Kumiko and Mayu grinding their fat asses and pussies together until their bedsheets are ruined by a liter of girljuice
>KumiRei could survive
No kiss = lose, simple as.
Kumiko should have opened up to her sooner, they would have been good friends. Better than that bitch Reina.
>winning gold medal as a buchou and going head to head with a talented (as some people say) person for a soli position
>all while not owning her own eupho and not training at home
seems like Kumiko is a talented one
>gets a reality check that kumiko is not special like reina who she spent 3 years with from a girl who has been around for few months
Kek like i said pathetic coping
At first I was pissed at Mayu but reflecting on it now that I've calmed down a bit, it's Reina and Taki sensei who really let Kumiko down this season.
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This is why Reina betrayed Kumiko
I fucking wish, but KyoAnus would rather suffer another fire than do anything other than bait.
If anything it shows that Kumiko is a far more rounded person than either Mayu or even Reina because she managed to come THIS close to beating Mayu while also dealing with management duties and keeping the band united with all the interpersonal drama and conflict.

IRL it's people like Kumiko who will more likely find success because of her leadership qualities and strong sense of empathy.
but I'm not the one who calls Mayu talented tho
Rare sane post from kanyade
Will Reina have the miserable future she deserves?
There was a kiss in jellyfish but anti-yuri schizo still calls it yuribait
She will be a lonely cat lady with no friends
On top of that, she's keeping up despite not being an innate music autist and having shaky motives. Despite all her fumbling, it seems like she's the only one who's being a real person. Everyone else involved in the drama is "me me me" non fucking stop, at least with Kumiko there's some tangible development taking place.
a kiss on the cheek is romance now? damn everytime someone kisses their mom on the cheek it must be incest
Kumiko lost
man, France is full of fucking degenerates in this case
If you reacted like Kano after kissing your mom then yeah it's incest
And Mayu isn't talented.
Glad we in agreement, finally.
transfers to another school to only create drama..
more than Kumiko
bro it's over once she lands in America
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Was it ever revealed what asuka was thinking here when kaori tied her shoelace
being good at playing instrument is bad now?
What did Mayu do wrong? Tell me.
Mizore thinks koom is a fraud
Literally nothing, all she did was beat the popular girl now everyone dislikes her for it, this was exactly why she wanted to forfeit.
Joining the club
>I'm going to kick this bitch's teeth in
And told not to because this is kitauji
not joining the JAV industry
when the greentext dunk just sounds like the dumbest plot ever. That's the real pathetic coping lmao
That's like the real plot. Mayu spends years honing her skill at an elite school, has her own instrument and is an autist but wins in a tied break through another autist you heard a 1% difference or smths while their actual teacher couldn't.

Kumiko W
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Kawashima Safaia
>is green
>literally everybody wanted a yuri ending
> go out of their way to delete any kind of yuri from the show
The absolute state of KyoAnus. What is even more funny, is that those faggots wasted everybody's time with their homo shows about m*les. Fuck them.
>my comfort character lost so it's dumb
Kek keep it up
>yuritroon seething
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Compensating much Mayu?
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Wouldn't it be worse if Mayu played the solo and lost? Everyone would be blaming her, it would be exactly what happened to Canada in the movie version which is why it's odd that she didn't bring it up.

Anyway I still like the second one better and the timing issues should have been resolved with practice. It's unfair to have a faceoff with Mayu right after the regional where she had already been practicing extensively with Reina while Kumiko hasn't been able to at all.
>kumiko lost to 'no talent' mayu
Even worse
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No way would Reina be able to deal with people who are actually better than her. She's been the big fish in the small pond her whole life

The same thing if she ever actually fucked Taki-sensei. It would be a dog catching the car moment, he could never live up to the perfect fantasy she's built in her head
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Maybe after a few years of slaving away as fourth trumpet in some random orchestra she'll finally get some character development.
>The reason given for Kumiko's loss is nonsense. "Hesitation about music school" makes no sense.
I think people are taking this line too literally. It just represents Kumiko's doubts about her abilities as a musician and whether she could/should go pro or if she's better at taking a supporting role i.e. band president or eventually teacher, which has been implied for like half the season and we get a scene here where Taki basically tells her she's his heir. I agree it's a bit weak but I understood it when I was watching.
She played mind games and wasted precious time Kumiko could've spent practicing
Typical femoid behavior
who with who exactly?
Reina is Taki-sexual
Kumiko doesn't really care about romance she is cunt deep in managing the club
doing tricks on KyoAni
keep it up
>kumiko without talent without eupho at home and with buchou responsibilities lost to a girl without takent with eupho at home and without responsibilities
no, seems fair
This cutie in here >>268143551 she's in the same part with Reina and she was the only kouhai in Kumiko's group during Ensemble Contest (OVA)
Factual statement. What's your point?
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Kumiko literally faced less adversity and drama this season compared to what someone like Haruka faced. She had less responsibilities than someone like Yuuko who tripled up as President, Section Leader, and Drum Major during her final year. She even got a special setup thanks to Yuuko assigning THREE executive officers to split duties with instead of the usual two.

I don't get where this meme comes from where people think Kumiko was putting out fires this season
>Episodes 1: Intro episode. No drama.
>Episode 2: Suzume misunderstands that her sister is being treated unfairly but Tsubame clears it up herself. Barely a drama and Kumiko did nothing.
>Episode 3: Newbie 1st years are on the verge of quitting from being under Reina's scrutiny. Sari single-handedly keeps the 1st years from quitting thanks to her compassion and empathy. All Kumiko did was visit Sari while she was sick, again doing nothing to deal with the drama herself.
>Episode 4: Motomu drama with his dead sister. Motomu's Grandpa was completely understanding of his situation. All Kumiko did was be an eavesdropper and have Taki tell her Motomu's situation. Again Kumiko did nothing but listen to a situation that was already resolved not by her.
>Episode 5: Agata Festival here. No drama here except the fact that Kumiko blatantly lied to Mayu's face of why she couldn't go with her to the Festival.
>Episode 6: Auditions episode. The only drama was that Suzume got in over Sacchan and Micchan complained about it. Kumiko essentially did nothing but say "Trust the Process"
>Episode 7: Pool episode
>Epsiode 8-12: Nothing else but the Solo drama with Mayu. This is all completely self-inflicted drama by Kumiko because she couldn't be completely honest with Mayu about her feelings and she let the drama fester because she didn't do what she did in Episode 12 earlier of quelling the band by saying that Mayu was the right fit for the Solo.

Kumiko has easily been the worst of the 3 Buchous we've had.
No, people are not taking this line too literally. The problem with this line is that it is an easy cop out for plot conveniency.

Any normal fucking human being wouldn't have a different sound all of the sudden because of a changed career plan when playing the soli together with your best friend for nationals is like THE hottest desire, which obviously in any realistic setting would overweight any so called "insecurity" in the sound.

Why should I buy that the hesitation about music school has a stronger influence than the desire to play with your best friend?
>kumiko without talent without eupho at home
>previous Buchous: no gold
>Kumiko Buchou: gold
I don't think so
mayu situation is somewhat similar to kanade in chikai but kumiko was such a hypocrite until this episode so that's a good thing
The real Euphonium was the friends we made along the way
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Guys.... what happens if KyoAni does it again? What if KitaUji doesn't win gold?
all of kyoto will suddenly be on fire
>Turns out Hanada's original ending will be no gold
>doesn't pick her friend to have a sweet memory of playing soli together at nationals for 1% higher chance to win gold
KINO and deserved
Kumiko is unironically getting carried.
>Gets a Senior class who are the first class to have experienced a full 3 years under Taki-sensei
>Gets a transfer student who comes from a High School with a Music Program that regularly competes in Nationals and wins Gold and was good enough to win the Solo parts regularly
>Gets competitive 1st years who come to Kitauji thanks to the boosted reputation from the previous years. Among them are people like Sari who are musical prodigies in their own right.

Meanwhile Haruka's Class was the very first year and essentially the beta test run of Taki's methodologies and Yuuko's Class was the most devastated by the Nozomi drama and devoid in numbers and talent.
>Taki's methodologies
ah yes, the famous "don't waste my time" methodology
would be based
it would BTFO Reina so fucking hard that I honestly want to see it
Mayu should be the on apologizing to Kumiko for her narcissistic comments. Doesn't matter if she had a trama and "meant well," that is no excuse to say things like that repeatedly when it is clearly hurting the other person. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
>that is no excuse to say things like that repeatedly when it is clearly hurting the other person
Deserved when the said other person keeps making it uncomfortable after pushing meritocracy agenda and then throwing her to the wolves.
Kanade was 100% right that Mayu would've just forfeited if she really wanted to instead of causing all this drama
Just a reminder, she didn't get the role because the other kid was LOUDER. Taki is a fucking hack.
>Kumiko was never on similar level with Mayu.
The teachers said they're on the same level, stop making shit up. Kumiko is also better than Mayu in the LNs.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
No one would even be reading the garbage LN if the anime didn't exist.
No one in this thread read the LN anyway.
>They were too desperate to get that big dramatic tiebreaker and it really drags things down.
Like what other anon's in here have said, it always comes down to forcing the drama just for the heck of it.
>watching a drama show
>complain about drama
Remember no Shuichi confession scene means yuri won.
Honestly, after her past was revealed it just made those look even worse. Some of it felt like it was something she really wished to say to her old friend and ended using Kumiko as a punching bag to take those frustrations out on.
>taki's methodologies
>loud = good
A fucking hack.
Dumb bitch was passive aggressive for the whole season. Her issues would've been fixed if she was just a little bit fucking selfish with what she keeps spouting about dropping out.
>confession scene removed (Shuuichi and Kumiko)
Shoe/hetbros how do we cope?
people not reading the LNs will never change the fact that Kumiko was always better than Mayu, and Kumiko losing to Mayu in the anime was just created for the sake of adding more unneeded drama.
Nigger you never the LN so shut up no one cares about them, you're the one creating this unneeded drama whining about this shit
>Nigger you never the LN so shut up no one cares about them,
Does not change the fact that it's canon.
>you're the one creating this unneeded drama whining about this shit
Stop shifting blame on me, you fucking moron. A lot of people didn't like what happened in episode 12 because of the retarded plot holes and this is something you should learn to accept. If you cannot take the fucking heat, you're more than welcome to go back to the shithole you came from, which is obviously reddit.
>was just created for the sake of adding more unneeded drama.
It actually cements Kumiko's character development and makes her stronger for it. It shows that in the end she can stand by what she preached, she fully accepts the loss and doesn't bitch and whine about it like others did, despite it being only one vote off.
>It actually cements Kumiko's character development and makes her stronger for it
this can also happen with her winning, though. Stop deluding yourself that this is the only way that can and will cement her character development. Because that already happened in the source material without her losing and without Reina being a fucking idiot.
>Does not change the fact that it's canon.
Who fucking cares, we're not discussing the canon we're discussing the anime the only thing any of us has seen.
>we're not discussing the canon we're discussing the anime the only thing any of us has seen.
You're discussing the anime that was 99% based on the source material which is canon. Stop coping. If hate the canon version that much, you might as well go and hate what the anime adapted from the source material as well.
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Reina is having sex with Mayu chan behind Kumikek's back
Source material no one knew or cared anything about until a couple of days ago, stop pretending to care now.
>Because that already happened in the source material without her losing and without Reina being a fucking idiot.
Oh the source material that you've read so much of? So how did they do it in the LN and why was it so much better for character development over this, please enlighten me.
>A lot of people didn't like what happened in episode 12
Prove it
>Any normal fucking human being wouldn't have a different sound all of the sudden because of a changed career plan
This is not true. Anyone who did any sport would tell you that if you want to succeed at any competitive activity, the first step is always a proper state of mind. If you doubt yourself for whatever reason, it WILL show in your performance.
Have you personally never experienced being afraid of failing at something and then, when you actually had to make the attempt, you failed in the exact same manner you were afraid of in the first place?
Also Kumiko's problem was the fact that while she wanted to have hot musical sex with her gf on stage, at the same time she also wanted to win the gold. These two could potentially be mutually exclusive.
can any audiophile explain any differences between Mayu and Kumiko? they sounded same to me on my busted headphones.
> 【Thorough Comparison of Soli 】
> The reason why (Mayu) is better is due to the softness of her tonguing (note attack).
> Compared to straight brass instruments like trumpets and trombones,
> the euphonium is expected to produce a more enveloping sound.
> Kumiko’s sound is good as well, but her tonguing feels a bit strong.
> In contrast, Mayu’s tonguing is very soft and smooth,
> which is wonderful.
oh yeah, i bet Mayu's tonguing is better, didn't need to hear the audition to know that
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>reina reviewing their clam-eating skills
Well this is given. Mayu is a virgin while Kumiko had a lot of practice tonguing her gf Reina. It can't be helped if her tongue got a bit too strong.
Delius > Grainger
>because I don't know how to use them
Is Midori legitimately developmentally disabled?
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Classic anime girl retardation, very funny in Japan.
I think Kumiko and Mayu really need to get together for an extracurricular private session to really figure out whose tonguing is better
>Mayu’s tonguing is very soft and smooth,
God that's hot.
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new buchou is ririka
new fukubuchou is motomu
new drum major is mirei
based and deserved, canada blown the fuck out
so takeda was indeed a shitty writer
If Kumiko had practiced her tonguing technique with Reina like she should have, she would've easily won.
Canada on suicide watch
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>her tonguing feels a bit strong
God this sound so wrong why are wind instrument terms so erotic
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>why are wind instrument terms so erotic
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>No Kanade
>giraffe as the drum major
This is all fucked up, Kyoani will have to fix Takeda's work again in season 4
little gremlin got what was coming.
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What if Yoka was in the Kitauji band?
>new buchou is ririka
>new fukubuchou is motomu
I wouldn't call those two leadership material what the fuck.
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Kanade can't stop losing.
>They're not saying "boo", they're saying... "Boo-chou! Boo-chou!"
Tell me about the yuri, anon.
Yeah I don't get it. how did we go from Asuka (top player, top student) to Natsuki (beginner player, slacker) to Shoe (almost nonexistent in S3 WTF) to a pure bitch like motomu? What the hell happened to the VP requirements?
Kanade is the buchou
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>Mayu’s tonguing is very soft and smooth
Mama, my peepee hurts. Kiss it better?
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tonguing mayu on our first night...
Kumiko tongue punching my fartbox
>last episode cuts to 10 years later
>Kumiko and Mayu both ended up working at Kitauji
>Band manager Mayu gets a raise
>Assistant band manager Kumiko scraping by on 3000 yen a month
>Mayu gets picked up by her husband in a sports car
>Kumiko sadly walks home alone to her tiny apartment
Kanape absolutely brutalized. How can she stand it?
I'm hoping she gets BTFO'd in America
I mistyped a 0. It should be 300 yen a month
>btfo'd by mayu twice in arow
>sidelined in the nationals
>failed to play with her favorite senpai before she graduates
>isn't nominated in any executive position
What's next for Kanade?
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It's like how any NBA player in a pickup game plays like Michael Jordan, even if they're an end of bench scrub in the NBA

Reina will be the Brian Scalabrine of American trumpet players
>motomu and mirei
literal whos
How in the fuck kumiko didn't place her in position of power like Natsuki and ribbon did for her?
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>What's next for Kanade?
Enjo kōsai
I thought murricans have shit for music
dont people usually go to Europe for that?
no, it doesnt matter
you dont know the piece theyre playing anyway
What did they talk about in the eupho radio?
>Kanade joins, BTFO
>Mayu joins, gets put on the cover
Someone please make sure Kanade doesn't have any sharp objects alone.
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Well deserved.
The three girls just shitting on Shuuichi.
If you go by how Dragon Ball GT and Soul Eater anime works than yes you're right
yeah, I never understood this scene either. Asuka looks mad here and then the next scene she's at her usual upbeatness
Agree. That would be the perfect endcap to this behavior. I would be OK if they get it too, but Reina being thoroughly wrong here would be kino.
Based of what we've heard of her playing she actually really is a great talent. She is high professional-tier already, and will get even better with time.
at this rate, kanade might be benched for team monaka in her 3rd year
She was thinking she could lure Kaori back to her house, murder her, and no one would ever find out
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>vice buchou kanade
>What's next for Kanade?
Old bastard penis
too old, not even ojisan want her now
>Reina confesses her love to Kumiko
Yuri always win.
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>wins gold as a 1st year
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Kumiko x Reina is now officially canon.
>Reina confesses her love to Kumiko
how many times does she do this though?
someone upload the epub thx
enough of your shitposting
Fake news
>this post inspires me to check out 5ch
>see that Japs also call other posters schizo
real news
it comes out today, he most likely has a physical copy from a store. I do think he probably is exagerating Reina confessing her love. She literally says she loves Kumiko every other scene
>Reina confesses her love to Kumiko
>betrays her 1 month later
classic Reina
Fake, join hibike trannycord for actual spoilers
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holy shit its real

Classic platonic declaration of love
We're 100% yuri now.
Does Kumiko say yes to Reina's confession and breaks up with Shoe for the second time?
>like not love
shameless takeda, she knows yurifags very well.
I actually busted out laughing at that final sentence.
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Oh hey I think I took that screenshot like five years ago.
Look at these threads. This is the most divisive anime episode I've seen in a while.
I'm sick in the head. I was expecting a different kind of shitting on


>At the gentle voice by her ear, Kumiko tightly shut her eyes.

>"I like you, Reina. I admire your hard-working nature and everything about you."

"I like you too, Kumiko. Your kindness, your strength, and even the parts where you're sometimes a little mean."

>"Can you praise me for that?"

>"Because those are the parts I love about you."

>"Because you like me?"

>"That's right. Those are the parts I love."

Thanks chatgpt.
Hackada fucked up.

>new drum major is mirei
Based. I love this cutie pie
Why did they remove the Kansai-ben for the anime anyway?
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>starts playing tuba in her first year of high school
>doesn't fail a single audition
>wins gold in less than a year playing an instrument
Reminder that hairpin will appear in episode 13 PV
Miichan and Saachan deserve more screentime
can we devote a season or at least an ova to her magnificent tummy
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sexx with the Rikka twins
impossible to find 100 voice actors that speak kansai ben
Kyoani just doesn't do it, even though most of their shows take place in the kansai region. Haruhi and K-ON being some examples
so whats the consensus?
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Asuka's seiyuu can do it.
Sacchan's tiny rodent-like poos
Micchan's forceful king-size poos
yes. who is the dom and who is the sub?
Where can I buy the new book???
Probably too difficult, it would have to be Kansai-ben specifically from the Kyoto area, which is different Osaka's
fuckin hate these over the top garbage for no reason from these whores
do Japanese zoomers still speak Kansai-ben?

If they are following the trend of the rest of the world, most of those regional dialects are disappearing.
It's not exported outside of Japan except this one place I know but I'm not telling.
Ebook is available format so someone will rip it soon anyway
But I want the physical version
better know someone who can smuggle it out of the border for you
bruh why? you can't even read it.
I can't read english either
By the way Kanade will not make the A team next year either
>this time I want to try a lineup with zero euphonium and six tubas
Imagine after all this pain, the at the beginning of the year, the band votes for "have fun and make memories"
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compliment Miichan to make her blush as much as possible
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>go back in time to the beginning of the third year
>everyone votes for 'just have fun and makes memories'
>Reina resigns in disgust
>turns out that that was just a ploy to make Reina go away
>the class goes to Taki-sensei and tells them about this scheme
>he laughs and says "I understand. I never liked Kousaka-san either"
>everyone changes their vote to 'Go to Nationals'
>the year proceeds without Reina involved and they win the Gold at Nationals
>zero drama, everyone is happy, nobody misses her for even a second
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Reina would just throw a tantrum and force her way onto the band
There's a nice middle road where they decide to aim for the nationals and don't care about getting bronze.
No fake news.
This is the "Daisuki no haggu". But in the last novel they use "Aishiteiru"
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Kumiko is bi in the novel and have two hands. Reina is her wife and Shuuichi is her husband.
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Takeda's cat seems to approve of the new novel
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Good cat
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the book looks fucking tiny, it can't have taken Takeda more than a month or two to crank out
this donut retard is full of shit
That's just Canada being a silly midget
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cute kitty
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Please tell me it's real
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if Reina ever found out about this she would actually kill Kumiko
Will we have h-a-i-r-p-i-n on the last ep? Kyoani better have not forgotten.
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>how it feels to be fukubuchou
Many. But always with new words:
Ai no kokuhaku
Kumiko no koto suki (daisuki no haggu).
Watashi tachi tokubetsu
Watashi no mono
Aishitteiru ("game")
Reina is such a poet...
I went in blind and chose 1,I could clearly hear it was better, 2 sounded so bad.
I went in blind and chose 2,I could clearly hear it was better, 1 sounded so bad.
I wasn't even paying attention, was there really any difference?
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I have bad hearing so I can barely even hear the euphonium parts in the first place
>Kumiko and Reina take a bath together, and Reina confesses her love to Kumiko
>At the gentle voice by her ear, Kumiko tightly shut her eyes.
>Because those are the parts I love about you."
I-is this a naked daisuki no hagu
Eupho is a made up instrument, play the oboe or sax if you want solos
I've read the bathroom part, so I imagine that yes, it will all be real.
The trip is to Okinawa.
And yes, Ririka is the club president and Kanade is vice-president.
>I-is this a naked daisuki no hagu
No, but the bathtub is small.
>Because those are the parts I love about you."
So... which body parts is she talking about?
I would post the excerpt but you can also buy the novel which can be purchased online and is cheap.
None. She talks about Kumiko's kindness and her bad personality, which are the two things she likes about her. But this is from novel 10. It's the daisuki no hug.
>shuichi and kumiko relationship 100% implied
is what is got after personally enquiring more about this leak so i guess it will be just hairpin in timeskip
I want to hatefuck Kanade. my pure hatred for her will make it extremely pleasurable
>all this kuso kumirei spoilers
post ones of mayu and tying the shirt to expose her navel
Tell me more
One lonely hairpin floating in the Uji river
I did not expect this lol
Not a bad marketing idea
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motomufag has no place in executive
>I had to get this telephoto lens to get anon's penis to show up on film!
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kumirei sucks

kumayu rules
ririkabros, it's time for our girl to shine and make mizore proud
>I do think that they've implied this season that Mayu is better at making the sounds that judges will want.
Implied my ass, it was outright STATED. I don't get how some people still don't get that Mayu IS better. Yes, they are very close, but because Mayu is 100% dedicated, while Kumiko is wavering because of decision to not pursue music and that caused a 0.5% difference.
kek nice image
They're both subs
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I'm gonna buy it bros
everything for kanade
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>kumayu rules
my man
Does Takeda know how much people sexualize her self-insert's feet?
I hope they don't do that because I want a good ending, not a sad one. I'm sad enough that it's ending, no need to kick me while I'm down. Also... I'm sure people would be MAD. Like "I hope you really did update your security and fire safety protocols" mad.

Too soon?
Kanade's scenes are good, both with Ririka and her beloved senpai. Kumiko and Reina's scenes are also good. Even Kumiko's scenes with Shuuichi.
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>Kanadefags thought she was going to get the President position because of nepotism from Kumiko
>Watch anime with low audio cause I hate all the screaming
>Could barely hear the eupho
And nothing of value was lost
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she wants you to do it
>hazuki and midori are still on the cover
Kanade should replace them
What are the chances of Reina finally fucking Taki senseh?
what did she mean by this?
Truth be told, in this last novel she makes a joke that isn't really a joke about 滝 but other than that she's more focused on conquering Kumiko I think.
Surely this last episode will be the one where Kumiko and Reina finally kiss passionately, right?
Simple as.
My aunt works at Kyoani and she said there will be a passionate 5 minute long scene with tonguing and fingering
Ruined. I thought its an all girls trip to Okinawa.
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we won so fucking hard
Surely this will be adapted for a finale movie, right?
So are they gonna wear bikini while playing ensemble in Okinawa?
Mayu will have her purity stolen from her by dyed hair Okinawa nanpa chads
Mayu is built for chad cock.
Mayu's secret is she was the town bike at her old school and transferred for a new start.
Mayu is a CIA experiment. She's not even human
What Joke?
>this can also happen with her winning, though.
No it can't. The whole conflict was that Mayu was worried that Kitauji wasn't actually a meritocracy. Kumiko losing in the end, supporting Mayu 100%, and supporting Reina in choosing Mayu is what proves that Kumiko was serious about everything she built with Reina. Kumiko winning doesn't do any of that.
*kumade rules
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Based. Kumiko threw the hairpin away.
Why make Kumiko out to be such an awful person, she'd just not accept it or give it back again.
She’s a lesbian in the anime.
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What is this? Some kind of new Asuka side story?
Well thanks for confirming lesbians are awful people I guess
Reina going to America means we can finally get the Whiplash crossover
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>2,000,000 copies sold
that's pretty damn good
Yes, everyone goes to Okinawa but Kumiko only pays attention to the girls. But there are more chapters before besides the trip to Okinawa.
She wants to see the Niagara Falls once in her life.
Is says what it is RIGHT THERE
>Kumiko only pays attention to the girls
Turbo dyke.
Reina would punch that faggot out.
its an old year 1 sidestory volume with a fancy full page book advertisement binding for some reason.
>And yes, Ririka is the club president and Kanade is vice-president.
>skimmed the entire new novel
>no new bath scene
>every other spoiler is real
why would you lie about that one detail?
>go to okinawa with friends and ‘boyfriend’
>lez out with reina in the bath
Taki is awful. He hasn't even led them to gold yet. They aCtually got WORSE in the second year, despite two full years of "taki methodology"
nevermind found it, but the spoiler is dishonest, they were playing the aishiteru game
Taki is inferior to Gen-chan-sensei
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>Kitauji boys probably don't even dare to think about Kumiko because that's Shuuichi's girl
>Meanwhile 3/4ths of Rikka have probably busted thinking about Azusa's big immaculate titties
Is there any area in which Kumiko doesn't lose out?
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Not his fault with the roster he was given. Again, the Blue Ribbon Seniors of that year were devastated in numbers from the Nozomi drama compared to the dozens of Green Ribbon Seniors they had the year prior. It's obvious the talent pool was much less than the other years as some anons have pointed out that some players that were on the competition team in Chikai got MONAKA'd this year.

Honestly, he did his best with what he was given and made the most of the situation. Him picking Liz and the Bluebird as their performance piece is a genius move since he basically put all of their eggs into the Mizore basket since he recognized she was a musical genius autist and hoped that she would be enough to carry them.
people would lie on the internet????
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>he basically put all of their eggs into the Mizore basket since he recognized she was a musical genius
if only he picked a song that focused on percussion. they'd have taken nationals for sure then.
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The Timpani solo and the Harp parts were pretty good in Liz and the Bluebird
Kitauji boys have Mayu, why would they want to think about Kumiko?
How can male band members control their raging boner in the presence of sex goddess buchou ririka?

Forgot pic. This is what would happen to Fletcher if he tried his bullshit on Reina.
Here's an interesting section from the new novel regarding the final audition Canada interrogates Mayu after the audition about if she was actually trying her best. Reminder that in the novel Kumiko actually won. Mayu is a bit avoidant about answering it but eventually says its possible Taki picked Kumiko over her since Kumiko's had the absolute desire to play with Reina while Mayu didnt and it would be better for the club if the new transfer student didn't beat the president everyone liked.

This is in contrast to the anime where Reina got the final decision which is why it ended up completely different. Even though everyone who watched the show thought Kumiko sounded "better" too.
>Even though everyone who watched the show thought Kumiko sounded "better" too.
No "everyone" didn't I've seen plenty of people saying they thought the first performance was better.
Taki confirmed to be playing favorites and a biased teacher.
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If I were in the Kitauji band I would have to go to the bathroom during my break to jack off every day.
Yeah, not everyone.

I've seen more people saying they liked Kumiko more though.

Let's have a vote:

Reina should learn from him then

Shit. Mayu, not Reina.
Everyone is wearing something fancy yet Reina's plain white one piece looks the lewdest. why?
JAV body
The actual performances seem pretty controversial for everyone. There are comments on Kumiko's timing being late, Kumiko sticking out too much, Mayu being too passive, harmonising issues with both. I do think we're missing the point if we say we liked the second performance more as a justification for why Kumiko should have won, or that there's some greater story message about how being passive and letting the trumpet part shine, and just being an unassuming bass support part is actually the right way to play, instead of playing your own part with musicality. Wait, nevermind, that actually makes sense if you think about self sacrifice for the betterment of the band and the piece as a whole.
How does she do it?
for me it's haruka. she might be even plainer than kumiko and I love every bit of that
Yes, they are playing the aishiteru game, but of all places she had to do it right in the bathtub? I wonder....
And Kumiko can't think of anything else to bring as a gift but bath salts to share?
Not to mention that their reaction is gay.
Why is taki like this
because they were talking about what the first years were playing at night and then remembered the aishiteru game conversation from earlier in the chapter

There a much better confession in the last novel >>268160140 so calling this a confession of love is stupid
Haruka's not plain she's a beauty with a heart of gold.

Speaking of which, where the fuck is she? I want my OG buchou KyoAni.
I'm not the anon who posted that image, I wouldn't have called it a confession either. But it is true that bringing that topic that they talked about in the bus just before Kumiko leaves the bathroom is a bit... weird.
Not to mention that when the "aishiteiru" is heard on the bus, the two of them were holding each other's fingers and promising to travel together.
I only see bad intentions everywhere.
Fucking Takeda. Stop baiting and make KumiRei canon already. Jesus.
Haruka is pretty plain relatively speaking. but it doesn't matter, I still love her for being nice and considerate
She's in college and boarding with her boyfriend (me)
How is that possible when she's laying besides me and cuddling right at this very moment?
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>make Nozomi look like a stick
>when shes actually built like a milk factory
still loved blue bird though
Is Natsuki supposed to look like a 3 year old dressing how they think adults do
I still haven't watched Blue Bird
Mizore and Nozomi experimented a lot after high school
Blue bird character designs were interesting but ultimately I liked them less.

The movie was good as a whole though.
really? I really like Nozomi and Mizore's design in liz. maybe more than the show's version
>Kumiko only pays attention to the girls.
Shuuichi is definitely into cuckoldry. I bet that's his top search when he's trying to whack one out.
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Mayu Mayu Mayu
Mayu's face when I forgot to hug her after coming back from work
How does Shoe cope the fact that his 'girlfriend' is a closeted homosexual? Kumiko probably yells out Reina's name whenever she has sex with him.
only makes him harder, you've gotta be twisted to wanna date kumiko especially when she constantly treats you like human garbage
Mayu should massage Kumiko's boobs and tell her this is her secret of making them big
>maternity leave
shoebros, we won irl...
She lives under the bridge
bros wtf she's not a lesbian..
Yuuko with that haircut in a pink bikini drives me wild in a way I can't really articulate
She's gonna give birth to a lesbian baby. It's hereditary.
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>one more episode remaining
my life will be empty once more when it ends
I used to not understand why Mizore felt this way until work conditioned my brain to feel the same anxiety with my manager's ringtone. it is truly stomach dropping
Here's hoping the music they'll perform is better than Liz. That was boring shit.
>That was boring shit.
I will fucking kill you. liz is peak
It was tedious boring shit. Crescent moon dance is infinitely better.
crescent moon dance is overplayed
her face when i ask if she can give me paizuri tonight
By me
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In retrospect how true is this meme?
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I'm going to miss these threads and more importantly the show
it's been fun
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They were both good IMO. I think I liked liz a bit more.
What does it say?
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I thought there was, player 1 sounded very clean and smooth, player 2 didn't it sounded more rough. But if that was the case I'm surprised Taki-sensei "couldn't" tell who better. Or I suppose maybe he didn't want to be the one to shoot Kumiko down he wanted the rest of the band to decide what they wanted to do.
>spread false information
>retards in this thread believe it
She hates that her teacher could see right through her when she couldn't even do that herself.
>implying Kumiko wasn't serious about everything she built with Reina when she beat Mayu in the LN.
At least don't make shit up when you're talking to me.
>its possible Taki picked Kumiko over her since Kumiko's had the absolute desire to play with Reina while Mayu didnt and it would be better for the club if the new transfer student didn't beat the president everyone liked.
Loser mindset making excuses. Hilarious.
I thought the first performance sounded robotic, , meaning it was too perfect that it lacked feelings and didn't even try to harmonize with Reina's trumpet.
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I don't want it to end...
Performance 1 was very proper, like someone very Japanese and good at reading the kuuki. They instinctively knew that the judges would want the eupho to sound a certain way and not steal the trumpet's spotlight. But as a result it's dry and safe as fuck and doesn't accomplish anything special. There's like one time in the performance that the performer puts any personality into their play, somewhere around 1/3 of the way through when they let out a bit more burble.

The second performance is much more emotional and daring, and you can hear several times when it matches the trumpet perfectly in terms of intensity rather than playing background singer. But it also flubs the timing once or twice, most notably in the complex little passage near the end.

I think the most artistic way to think of it is that performance 2 represents the name of the series - Hibike! Euphonium!. It's a performance by a eupho who loves their instrument and wants the world to hear their sound. But the world doesn't want to hear the euphonium's hibike. The world has a very specific idea of what the eupho's role and sound should be. A trumpeter can be special, but not a eupho.
A bunch of audio dramas in case if you missed this.

thats kino
but if Mayu being the most genuine is when she plays like that, what does that say about her
So what youre saying is reina chose to cut off kumiko, not wanting a partner that has the opportunity to take the spotlight away from her, and would rather have someone loyal that follows her every demand. She saw this season that kumiko was able to stand up to her obsession with taki, and knew that the relationship can no longer continue. Kumiko was able to think for herself for the first time, able to make her own decisions on her future. she can't have a future playing eupho with Reina anymore, and must find a different future? Wow, sasuga kyoani
She literally said she doesn't want to stand out and just wants to get along with everyone
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kanade sucking kumiko's futa cock
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It means she matches society's stereotype of a euphonium. Round, understated, and supportive. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure she feels a burning conviction in her heart that her way of playing is right. It's very professional, and she's won gold with it. But Kumiko represents a more bratty, indecisive, greedy side of the euphonium (that mayu also shares, when you think about it). She learned from asuka, natsuki, kanade is her pupil. People who are pains in the ass.

It's debatable which is the real eupho. Kitauji has certainly never won gold with their greedy eupho players. Ultimately, it started because Asuka's father wrote a solo piece to show off with - not an ensemble piece made for concert band.
>previlus boyfriend (shoe)
>current girlfriend (Reina)
thinking emoji
Nii Manabu spoiling the hairpin.
He surely must know...
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It just means he read the novel. Still doesn't mean that the anime will cover it.
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>needed a rewrite to win
All in all this show is much better than GBC even though both has hanada jukki
She gave birth like last year dude
>So what youre saying is reina chose to cut off kumiko, not wanting a partner that has the opportunity to take the spotlight away from her, and would rather have someone loyal that follows her every demand.
No Reina just wanted to win, which has been her main goal since day 1
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Buy Yamaha
imagine your face between mayu's delicious thighs and tits
im gonna nut
not allowed
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Mayu gently edging you with her hand while showing you her leggings-clad thighs.
Mayu is the type that won't let you cum
>>The second performance is much more emotional and daring, and you can hear several times when it matches the trumpet perfectly in terms of intensity rather than playing background singer
Yeah, this is what I had in mind too.
>No Reina just wanted to win, which has been her main goal since day 1
which in turn makes her a shitty character in season 3 because she has not learned or grow as a person. It is unironically a flaw that she is the same autist we saw in season 1, no developments and still follows around Taki's stupid ideals.
I mostly agree, though I doubt S1 Reina would have cried about not picking Kumiko
They're all dressed like teenagers attending their first formal event, and their choice of outfit says a lot about their ideas of maturity.

Nozomi is dressed a bit stuffy for her age, but has the most tasteful outfit overall. She probably had friends or an older sister help dress her.
Natsuki is butch with a dash of chuuni. More like a rock star than a concert musician, really.
Yuuko dresses like a child's idea of a fairy tale character.
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Ribbons always dressed like a fucking weirdo, hence Ribbons.

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