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We're so close to the ending somebody hold me ;_;
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>ETA 2 days 33 hrs 32 mins till Kumiko-Shuichi confession scene gets omitted.
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2nd for the true winner
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>President: Ririka
>Vice President: Motomu
>Drum Major: Mirei
reposting from old thread:

Taking aside the narrative (what reina says etc.), just basing it on how each person's soli audition actually sounded to you, who was better?

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I thought the second sounded worse in the middle but ended better than the first. It quite literally is splitting hairs at this point. Also, I'm a little confused on the wording that Reina used in the episode
When she said
>how could I not recognize your sound?
Did she mean that she actually couldn't recognize it and was upset with herself that she couldn't tell, and thus was upset that she thought Kumiko was worse
OR did she mean that she DID know, and chose the other girl because she was being honest that she was better, but it still broke her heart?
Hibike Euphonium livestream

How are you this retarded
Don't worry bros
Next ep will start with Mayu getting trucked so Kumiko will have to play the soli anyway
>mugino is a vtumorsimp
checks out
Does Yuko actually confess to Natsuki in the novels? Do they actually end up together?
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Hello bros
A couple weeks ago I posted and said I was gonna watch the show
I've just caught up in time for the finale and am happy to say I really liked the whole series
My favorite part of it was the Blue Bird movie. I haven't seen something so simple that moved me so much in a very long time.
Overall my favorite character was probably kumiko herself, but I really want to gave sex with midori and call her sapphire while I cream inside her
I thought some of the drama in the earlier seasons felt a little too over the top and melodramatic, but I think they really hit a good stride in this season and the conflict all felt very complex and multi-layered
I am upset that Kumiko lost, but I'm proud that she stuck to her convictions till the end. Sucks 2 suck, faggot, and all that
At this point, the story would just suck if they didnt get gold, so that's garunteed, but man wouldn't it be funny if they didn't get it AND kumiko and reina didn't even get to play together lmao?
It's a fair question dude
That line specifically could be read both ways
There's no need to be a cunt about it
Anon... she literally spells it out.
Note the difference between "How would I not" (counterfactual) and "How could I not" (what you would say if it had actually happened).
Which season do you find that has the best mix in terms of drama and actual music, and why is it S1.
Few people have asked this in the last few threads, the translation is badly worded. She means that she could obviously tell it was Kumiko yet still picked the better one.
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>Having a namefag living rent-free in your head
You Hibikekfags are hilarious
I'm getting nervous with the possibility of Hanada making an original ending where Kitauji didn't get the gold
It's the latter.
Okay thanks
I couldn't distinguish between a W and a C because I was actually crying
I often go back if I feel I misread stuff, but I don't like doing that when it's an emotional scene
>fake spoilers
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>subaru has ahoge
>midori has ahoge
>ahoge girl is best girl
Every time, bros. Every time
I want to make them ahego if you know what I mean
I at first thought s1 had the better music, specifically because Reina's solo was so good in that piece, but after bluebird recontextualized the music in the second, I would probably go with that. The drama was the best in the third. Your question is kinda hard to answer and a little unfair imo
Review their pussy flavors
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I fucking love this cute bitch's oversized sweater
While I agree with the first part of your post, I don't think you should be using the word "mediocrity"
Kumiko is an excellent player and stood neck and neck with mayu who, as you said, had honed her skills in an elite school for years. And she got that far while ALSO managing the club and all of their interpersonal drama. She was inches away from winning dude. She's not mediocre by any means
Based good taste anon
Mirei sitting constipated on the toilet for half an hour
Satsuki plopping out tiny mouse poos in secondd flat
Reina oozing out greasy mcdonalds oilslick
Glad to see these threads are exactly like other threads I frequent
>but man wouldn't it be funny if they didn't get it AND kumiko and reina didn't even get to play together lmao?
Yes people has been wishing for it just for Reina to get btfo
afterall another subverted expectation wouldn't hurt
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I'm upset
But no the hetpin saddly
Will there be a s4?? Will there be an epilogue movie?
Will we ever get more HIBIKE!??
>that part of the new novel, where Kumiko describes to Rena a dream she saw one day, in which Kumiko doesn't just win the 3rd audition and they held an additional audition, similar to their 1st high school year, and Kumiko and Mayu where close by votes, but by the final vote Reina makes Mayu win, and Kumiko hates Reina for the rest of her life and never meets her again, and Reina response is like "Wtf? I would never do that"
No anon, it's time for you to become the hibike. Get working on that tonguing technique.
I don't get it
Kumiko humming Kasanaru Kokoro (S1 ost)

Tonguing midorichan...
It's not omitted, stop spamming and larping as a yurifag every thread
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That bunny hoodie would look really good on Reina's floor
I heard from the other thread it gets thrown in the uji river.
KUMI would have won if she had more time to practice
u dumb
I also heard anon drowned in a river full of cocks
Blame mayu for bothering her everytime she tries to practice
I blame the rest of the band for always bringing their fucking problems to her doorstep
Nigga she's the buchou
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Kumiko is a GOOD president and I'm tired of pretending she's not
between their HANDS
right NOW
I think I've made myself clear
Asuka-enforced diaper punishment for Kaori
Not sure I'm following
someone post the daisuki no hagu webm
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Kanade deserves her suffering after all the shit she did in her 1st year
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Idk how I feel about it bros
I think taki should've just given her the part without the second audition and never elaborated on it. Literally everyone would have been happy with that and they would gave won gold anyways
lol shoe is being pitied
High schoolers will really see this and say "MOMMY"
I would like to hotdog my weiner between her buns until my condiments spurt all over her
If you follow my meaning
>They're making fun of Shuuichi
How could you even take that clown seriously? Could have prime jk pussy on a silver platter, chose to watch two lesbos playing hard to get for three years. What is wrong with him?
Just realized the season 3 ending song was pure soul
This way is way better for showing off how much she's grown as a character, and they can still have some big gay private duet moment with Reina on the mountain if they want.
These fucking dorks
Stream over, there was no lesbian sex. Another bait
ahhh, we'll get em next time. if they get only Tomoyo and Mayu's VA for another stream, there definitely will be
they took away the KumiRei soli because of the proudy script writer
dropped this anime and didn't even watch episode 12
Anything important in the livestream?
>The real hibike euphonium were the friends we made along the way
What did Takeda mean by this?
the rest of their conversation, with Reina saying she chose the best one despite everything, makes it clear that she could tell who was who
Rewatched Liz and the Blue Bird and god it's so fucking good. Why do people hate on it?
They we're all wearing sandals, except for Hazuki's VA who's wearing shoes
Nothing other a few hundred ehhhh, sugoi and kawaii being told
Mayu did nothing wrong by the way, Kumiko doesn't even take music seriously and she's not going to a music school after graduation because she has no talent. If she wanted to do the solo with Renna then maybe she should have taken Euphonium seriously instead of getting involved in everyone else's drama.
It's the pleb filter.
The Asuka stuff in S2 overshadows the Mizore and Nozomi stuff so by the time they watched the movie 3 years after it aired they forgot who these characters were. It's also nice to watch Finale afterwards and actually see them perform.
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Is this entire series ending with S3 or are they doing a movie?
I genuinely laughed everytime mayu popped up to harrass kumiko, top tier gag
What was Kaoru thinking during this moment
>cant wait to get this over with, graduate and have hot sex with asuka all day
even thought they are both married?
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>if I had to have the ribbon slut hanging off my cunt for the last 2 years, I should have just let her eat my pussy a few dozen times, at least then I would have gotten something out of it
I don’t want Hibike to end ;_;
I was doing a rewatch of this season in preparation for the finale and I just wanna say that despite being team Mayu I still love Kumiko and I wanna apologize for calling her names and being mean to her. Yes she's not perfect and could have acted better at times but in the end she's not a bad person and she never had bad intentions. even her jealousy of Mayu is pretty realistic and I could actually feel empathy this time around. I love you Kumiko, you will always be my MC.
God I will miss this show so much.
I still can't believe those months of floof moments are passed already.
Again, is this series yuribait or not?
If the story is interesting or good enough, bait or not doesn't matter anymore
I don't hate it but didn't find it good either, was never invested in these characters so i just found it boring and the storybook segments didn't help
this guy draws more fan art for this show than ones where he is the character designer.
I listened to it spoiler free and with my eyes closed and the second one sounded much better than the first. The first one felt too soft, while the second one was louder and more full of life. Idk how to judge these things though.
What did Kumiko's sister mean by this in the newest novel:
>There are times when she thinks of Shuichi's kindness as water that comes out when you turn on the faucet"
kumirei is a textbook case of yuribait unless they remove the shoeichi scene last ep.
asukao is canon though.
She knows Shoe will always be there for her, just like you know a faucet will deliver water when you turn it
So convenient
Kumiko is kind of a bitch, esp when it comes to shoe, anons have been saying this since forever. She’s a loveable bitch though
How accurate is this?
Actually it isn't Reina who said that she voted for the best, it was Kumiko assuming that.
Reina only said she did know who was playing what, and then Kumiko goes "I guess I was shit haha let me touch you btw"
Reina is fucking autistic
If she was the only one choosing, like "Taki can't decide, so since you're the other person playing the solo you should be the one choosing", then I could understand her decision
But in the case of the anime it was a group decision. This is of fundamental importance, because Reina was the tie-breaker in a 50/50 of over 50 people. Apart from how unlikely this is (it was ofc a narrative decision), this means that the skill of the two players is objectively the same
Taki himself, who is certainly better at music than anybody else there, could not decide. This is the first time it ever happened, during the first year additional audition it wasn't him that had doubts about Reina being the best, it was the others
If HE can't pick the best, it's the best indicator they are very close
Now, in something like music, in which the quality of one's playing has certainly a degree of subjectivity, it is easy to determine who plays better only if the players have vastly different skill levels. If they are close, the question itself is meaningless
In a vote as large as the one shown was, more than one student certainly did not have enough experience to even perceive difference in the performance, and essentially voted randomly.
With all this being considered, the inherent uncertainty of how much were the numbers of votes representative of the objective skill difference between the two performance, Reina's vote was pretty much meaningless.
Reina, if she wasn't autistic, should have realized that she herself had bias for several reasons and, given how close the skills of the two players were, should have chosen not to deliberately break the heart of a person she calls "friend"
The anime (and Kumiko) implies this is her being "special" and "true and unwavering to her ideals", while I call this being an awful human being, incapable of compassion, and empathy.
I get how this is a setup for the final decision that Kumiko will take about her future, but it sucks
Why is Kumiko so heterosexual?
And it sucks because the anime itself suggests that Reina was actually right. She took the best decision that nobody else would have because she is just "that special".
If you think Reina was right, I just hope you never happen in similar circumstances and hurt someone who really valued you as a friend
I don't understand how people can legitimately ship Kumirei when Reina is such a shitty human being
I scream for yuri whenever two female characters interact in any anime, but I genuinely don't want Kumiko to get with Reina
She sucks as a person
Now if it was Asuka on the other hand...
Reina is a piece of shit. I ship Mayu Kumiko.
9 years later and that shot still gets to me, ngl.
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She really doesn't care about Shu1 and she does practice (or would if Mayu would stop fucking with her).
I still say my idea of Reina thinking Mayu was better but voting for Kumiko anyway would have been the better way to go
>Reina is fucking autistic
True, but that's why she's the only one who could make this call.

>this means that the skill of the two players is objectively the same
Skill can't be quantified on one axis. Many viewers who analyzed the performances agree that Mayu had better technique, but Kumiko was more expressive, so how would you decide a winner "objectively"? Reina could only make an educated guess which aspect the judges will consider more important, regardless of how she personally feels about it.

>more than one student certainly did not have enough experience to even perceive difference in the performance, and essentially voted randomly.
More than one of Kumiko's friends probably recognized her playing style and voted for her for that reason, and everyone secretly knows it. If she had won without Reina breaking the tie, no one, including Kumiko herself, would know for sure she won based on merit. If they then lost in the Nationals, Kumiko and the friends who voted for her would eat themselves up over it for the rest of their lives, never knowing for sure whether their one nepotistic vote was the one that doomed them.

>Reina, if she wasn't autistic, should have realized that she herself had bias for several reasons and, given how close the skills of the two players were, should have chosen not to deliberately break the heart of a person she calls "friend"
Reina *did* recognize her bias, and chose to override it for that small 1-2% advantage in the Nationals. Kumiko has repeatedly said she admires Reina for her principles, so at this point, Reina could only hope Kumiko would forgive her for sticking to her principles. It was a test of character for both, and they both passed.
>remember I was Kumiko's age when I started watching Hibike
Hold me bros
why are they calling it a soli
not a solo
Thank you for actually replying seriously and not in caustic way.
I understand your motivations though I don't completely agree with everything
>Skill can't be quantified on one axis
That is exactly what I'm saying, I 100% agree. I'll try to explain my point with an example. Let's say you went to buy a table and wanted to pick one that is 50 cm long on one side and that's the only thing you really care about. You find two that are listed as 50 cm long by the manufacturer. You measure them with a normal meter and they are indeed 50 cm long on that side, up to the mm. You don't have a micrometer at hand. You are unable to reliably measure under than mm, you'd have to eyeball it.
The question you should ask at this point is "what's the fucking point? They are both 50 cm! Just pick the one you like more" because the comparison over the first metric of choice is meaningless.
Her educated guess couldn't be more accurate than Taki's, whom she respects and worships as a demigod.

What I'm saying is that her choice is based on an edge that Mayu has (in her subjective view) that is below the precision margin she should realize she's playing with. Her choice is, in my view, not only emotionally insensitive, but also logically irrational. If you evaluate it realistically, it was an overall bad decision.

>More than one of Kumiko's friends probably recognized her playing style and voted for her for that reason, and everyone secretly knows it.
Good point. However, you need to consider the other side of the coin: more than one of Kumiko's friends, recognizing her playing style, didn't want to vote for her because they felt like it would have been because of their bias. If this was real life, I would a 100% argue Reina, given her principles, would be the one that would be influenced by this the most.
>Reina *did* recognize her bias, and chose to override it
Or *feared* she had a bias, and chose to overcorrect it. I believe both are equally likely
Solo is for one voice, soli is for more than one voice
a duo
What the fuck is wrong with Japan?
This is without considering the emotional impact that Kumiko winning would have on the other members of the band. Even if we admit Mayu is 1% better thank Kumiko at the solo (whatever that means), it would be impossible not to admit that the morale boost of seeing the beloved president take back her role after a public, objective evaluation, and getting to play the solo with the other pillar of the band would greatly impact everyone's performance by more than the 1% Mayu would bring to the table.
If Reina's goal really was to get the best performance, this was not the way.
To me, she's just a person that stubbornly sticks to whatever they interpret their principles to be because they have based their whole personality on that
She's arrogant and stubborn, and in real life she would probably have hurt everyone around her to the point no one would enjoy her company
>She's arrogant and stubborn, and in real life she would probably have hurt everyone around her to the point no one would enjoy her company
Definitely. Realistically this ends with Kumiko going home emotionally devastated and betrayed, the veteran core of the group loses all desire to play, Mayu backslides massively and starts begging Taki to make her drop the solo. With morale bottomed out nobody has fun and it's a quick bronze at the Nationals.
Then Reina goes to America having lost her only real friend.
>asukao is canon though.
They're roommates.
It is
The whole thing would only work if Mayu has a large skill gap with Kumiko and the vote was like 70:30
soli is solo for yuri
based and redpilled
mayu deserves all the rape
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The problem is that a eupho isn't supposed to sound like that. It's supposed to be support, not be on the same level as a trumpet. Despite Kumiko playing with more emotion, Reina chose the one that was technically correct
I think she was both right and wrong to do so
The reason this is so hard and I'm so conflicted is because they all got exactly what they wanted AND exactly what they didn't want at the same time
Nothing about the (anime-original) plot this season makes sense. Mayu's weird and constant badgering, the strange blind audition format, kumiko and mayu being so closely matched in the first place despite mayu getting all the hype, the awful clips they chose to showcase their performances (kumiko wouldn't be making those mistakes at this level of play). No actual in-universe commentary on the merits of each clip, Taki somehow not being able to make a decision, nobody realizes that Kumiko is obviously the better pick if they're both evenly matched because of morale and because Mayu has consistently asked not to play the soli. The justification given being "hesitation about music school" even though she just fucking submitted her career survey, pretending like Mayu doesn't have any hesitation in her performance. Reina being the deciding vote because like an autist she didn't cast her vote yet and it somehow ended up a perfect 50/50 split. Reina's godawful decision that resulted from this weird forced drama scene. The much more experienced older woman teacher not stepping in at ANY point to correct her junior's terrible mistakes. NOBODY in the band is able to fix Mayu's problems, it has to be Kumiko for some reason, she doesn't open up to anyone else.

It's funny because I genuinely think if they fixed one or two of these issues it would excuse the rest.
Oh, I forgot

>nobody ever mentions that Kumiko might have played better if Mayu had just shut up and stopped fucking bothering her
What the fuck is a C part?
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Was this shit airing this season? i totally forgot it existed
Reina would never do this and Kumiko would actually have been appalled if she did. They have a really weird and intense relationship that's founded entirely on Reina's obsessive pursuit of the best sound regardless of any other factors.
Mayu owes me unprotected leglocking reproductive sex.
This image make me sad, delete this
Shoe1 is so lucky.
Episodes are normally structured as an A and B part, separated by a commercial break. If this is true, it implies the episode will be around 10 minutes longer than usual.
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Why didn't Cummyko just talk to Reina beforehand and ask her what kind of sound she wanted
epilogue probably.
Anime are aired in two parts with a break in between which you can see as an intermission mid episode. Parts A and B are the two halves.
After reading through all your posts I think I agree with you more overall
I was okay with it at first, but I don't think I am now. It all feels very contrived when you look at it as a whole. At the end of the day, it all comes back to taki being fucking incompetent and putting this decision on the students
>both are equal in skill
>cant decide
>which one would be better for the band overall? Kumiko.
Decision made. He doesn't have to explain it, he could just let them think Kumi was slightly better and thats why she got it. Literally 100% of the people would have been happy with that, including mayu. But no, he had to be like
>duuuurrrr can't choose better pass off my fucking responsibilities AGAIN
there's a difference between giving the students freedom and making doing things that almost break the fucking band. Despite everything theyve been through, he couldn't read the room and is most at fault for this shitshow
Everytime she tries talking to her, reina shoves panties in her mouth and starts tonguing her pussy
>I think taki should've just given her the part without the second audition and never elaborated on it.
I mean thats how it went in the novel
she only became a huge bitch in s3, people have 10 years of good feeling before that
Or a short A and B part that concludes the story with enough time left over for an epilogue, performance or cliffhanger.
source? I want to read it
>Reina returns from America
>Kumiko and Shuichi waiting at the terminal
>Reina starts running towards
>Kumiko opens her arms for a hug
>Reina jumps into Shuichi's arms who spins her around then they kiss
>Kumiko stands there in deafening silence wondering what happened
Rate this ending?
Nah, she was always a stuck-up cunt. S3 just brought it to the fore.
> nobody realizes that Kumiko is obviously the better pick if they're both evenly matched because of morale and because Mayu has consistently asked not to play the soli
This is the biggest plot hole but I assume it was in the original novel too because it has to exist for the drama to work. In real life Taki would just go “ok they’re both pretty good but Kumiko would be better, Kumiko please play the soli”
Why does everyone always want Kumiko NTR? If anything, she'd be the one doing the NTRing. She's the most socially skilled member of the band. She's at the level where it wouldn't be surprising if she stole Mizore from Nozomi, or Reina from Taki.
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In the novel all the drama takes place in between the second and third audition. It's entirely possible that Taki went "Jesus Christ this is fucking stupid" and tilted the scales slightly for Kumiko in the third one, but the text says nothing about it.
in the novel the build up is a lot different, like imagine in episode 12 the third audition took place at minute 20 and then Kumiko wins before the credits roll. Then for those 20 minutes before that Kumiko talks with Kaori, Asuka, Mayu and Shuuichi. And with the power of friendship and love she beats Mayu

Its implied in the latest novel that Mayu did beat Kumiko but Taki picked Kumiko because it would be better for the band's morale
Fuck this show
Fucking dropped
But she doesn’t want Mizore or Reina. She only wants Shuuichi’s 5 inches of Japanese steel
She's physically straight but psychologically reinasexual
Reina voting for Kumiko despite her sounding a bit worse would be a character growth for her.
You can't always follow a certain principle, there are more variables that just "she plays better/worse".
But I guess she is still too dumb for decisions like that.
Reina was so bad this season, no character growth whatsoever combined with some of her worst scenes (calling Kumiko a bad buchou)
>I really wanted to play it. But she is in fact a great talent, and better than me. I got shafted by the band switching to 'meritocracy' right when it was bad for me, but too bad, these things happen. She is really doing a great job though and I'm happy for her.
There's nothing wrong with static characters. They're usually more interesting than dynamic ones. There's nothing wrong with Reina as a character. The problem is that the writers aren't doing anything with her. You only need a few throwaway lines here and there. "Objectively, it was a better choice to pick Kumiko here, as it'd be better for morale. But Reina sticks to her ideals no matter what."
or saying shit like this 20 times
This one and Mayu "wanting" to forfeit the soli were probably the phrases that were most said this season
It'd be kino if Reina and Kumiko went back into the empty venue after winning silver to play the soli.
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what did Motomu mean by this?
That's the tragedy of it. They were all so blinded and trapped by the idea of 'meritocracy' that they failed to see that this would hurt multiple people quite badly over a minuscule at best and actually probably nonexistent increase in the chance of getting gold.
It's almost like they're young and idealistic.
And they absolutely nail it, hands down better than the nationals Mayu + Reina performance.
They realize they made a huge mistake, and Reina finally gets her character development.
>shitposter still being delusional
Twittoid leaker already confirmed there's no yurishit ending, get ready to see HAGmiko married to a literal who or with her kids.
His grandpa is a big fan of Mayu's body of work.
first listen, second one. second listen, first one although I like Kumiko's version more still. you have to remember eupho is there to support the trumpet and will be judged as such. kumirei would be great in a duet or an ensemble but as a band, mayurei works better.
But this is in the context of a duet. The audition was to decide who gets the solo.
I don't get it. Please clarify
Realistically, if someone like Kumiko spent years honing a particular skill, only to realize that they'll never be great at it, what should she do? How can I recover from this feeling of worthlessness? I didn't care about Kumiko before this season but now I realize that she's literally me.
It’s just high school band
She is great though. She wouldn't have gotten the soli and wouldn't have been part of the competition band three times if she wasn't great.
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>But this is in the context of a duet
it's not a duet in the competition and reina knows this. that's why she went with mayu even though both her and kumiko wanted to play together.
Presumably Kumiko had more chances to practice the soli with Reina since they're together all the time, while Mayu could only play it when the band was together as a whole. Despite this Mayu was better at feeling out what Reina wanted
I am also literally kumiko. The best cope I've come up with is to be proud that you've accomplished more than most people, even if you'll never be as good or successful as you always wanted to be. Remember the the word 'passion' comes from the Greek for 'pain'
that's how kumiko realized she likes music but she doesn't like it to an autistic degree like reina and mizore. mizore pointed that out for her by saying she's not a good fit for music school even though everyone tells her she should go. most people in real life would do something adjacent to that passion. I think that's why a lot of former student athletes couldn't make it pro take up coaching because that's something they enjoy doing. I know it's a cliché but nothing goes to waste if you enjoy what you're doing
>I am also literally kumiko.
you competed at music competition while in highschool and won gold?
Sounds like something Taki would have picked up on if there was actually a real difference.
Let me put it this way: All endeavors are fundamentally equally meaningless and equally meaningful. When you spend 10000 hours learning an instrument, you sacrifice something to do that. You could have spent 10000 hours reading, or exercising, or clubbing, or shitposting, or masturbating, etc. etc. All those options have pros and cons. No matter what course your life takes, it's a special experience nobody else has, and you'll always regret that you didn't get a different special experience.

If you spent 1000 hours on something before realizing you weren't ever going to be good at it, congratulations. Not only do you get a powerful experience, you also just opened up the next 9000 hours of your life that you would otherwise have spent autistically honing your craft. You can do literally anything you want. Pick up a different hobby and see if you're good at that one.
The trumpet and eupho take center stage with minimal backup from the rest of the orchestra. It's effectively a duet. If the eupho isn't playing well with the rest of the orchestra during that passage, it's the orchestra's fault, not the eupho's.
my head canon is that he did but he wants to let the band decide because he saw what happened during the second audition. kumiko is still very good, but mayu's sound is more ready for competition. taki would've been fine with either one playing in national since it's basically choosing 1a and 1b.
No but I dedicated years, sweat and tears to an artistic pursuit and it was all for nothing.
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>only to realize that they'll never be great at it, what should she do
become a teacher
so you are not literally Kumiko, because she had some success
also from her position she is very very far from "never will be good at music", quite the opposite, if she actually wants it - this is another question (apparently not)
It's a matter of interpretation and style. There's no hard rule that says "the eupho must be subservient to the trumpet." Ultimately, if it sounds good, that's the important thing. There are lots of ways to sound good.

What actually matters is intentionality, and that's why the development is so unsatisfying to me. We're constantly denied the intention behind the decisions Taki and the band make. If Taki picked Mayu and said "I just think we'll do better with a more traditional, steady player", or if he picked Kumiko and said "I didn't want to hurt the morale of the band", those would both be valid reasons to pick them.

Instead he puts it to a vote and the winner is vaguely decided by the unintentional will of the masses. Then Reina gets the big tiebreaker moment, and you think "oh, she'll explain why she picked Mayu." But she doesn't. We don't even get to hear her say "Mayu was better" in that autistic Reina way.

this too, I really hope the last episode has a scene where Taki says he "didn't want to betray the expectations of the band" or something, that's why he let them decide. At some point in this anime, someone has to have an actual reason for doing something.
>"Geh," Kumiko said, as the first year's semen flowed into her pussy with a glopping sound.
No matter what Kumiko is one of the best high school concert musicians in Japan. People are thinking she canonically sucks because she didn’t get the soli lol
I blame the lack of music this season so we don't know what the performance sound like. generally speaking, the bass will be the supporting role rather than as an equal. the eupho should not take the attention away from the trumpet.
>If the eupho isn't playing well with the rest of the orchestra during that passage, it's the orchestra's fault, not the eupho's.
you lost me there. how is it the orchestra's fault if the eupho not playing well? if one person makes a mistake, you don't blame everyone besides the person at fault.
>ten years of viewers' glop
We're not talking about mistakes, we're talking about compatability. I thought that was your point, that Mayu played better when the rest of the orchestra was backing her up, while Kumiko played better if it was just her and Reina with no backing. In that situation, it's the orchestra's problem, not Kumiko's - they're there to back her up, not the other way around.
>No matter what Kumiko is one of the best high school concert musicians in Japan.
When you phrase it like that it really makes you realize how meaningless this all is and how we've wasted ten years of our lives arguing about something that doesn't matter.
how come Azusa grew big saggy tits in 3 years but Kumiko didnt?
massages from oji-san
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my point is mayu backed up reina perfectly. even kumiko noted this during kansai competition. kumiko is more compatible but it runs the risk of overpowering reina's sound, thus resulting their score. that's why I brought out the lack of music this season because we don't know if the trumpet and eupho are equal or not during the soli. but generally speaking, the bass will act as a sidekick to not take the attention away from the "main" instrument.
Having read those novels Rikka practice is basically torture. Only the girls with fat tits survive to their third year.
>No matter what Kumiko is one of the best high school concert musicians in Japan. People are thinking she canonically sucks because she didn’t get the soli lol

But she isn't one of the best. That's the point. She's good, even very good, but she's not good enough to go pro like Reina or Mizore. This whole season has been her slowly painfully realizing that.
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wich hibike wood u fug :DDDD
She's good enough to go pro. Mizore's comment wasn't about her not bring good enough. It was about her being too good. Kumiko can open windows, that's a skill Mizore values really highly. She should be somewhere else where that ability matters, not chasing some useless dream in music school.
Being one of the best players in a band that wins gold at nationals = one of the best in Japan. She’s not talented or passionate enough to go pro but objectively she is one of the top 18 year old euph musicians in the country. Midori isn’t going pro either but she’s still an insanely good contrabass player for her age
that's not how it works
go on and ask how good were current pros in comparison to their classmates
they became pros not because they were good at some starting stage, they became good because they were keeping improving for much longer period of time than just highschool or even college
also to play in a concert band you don't need to be exceptionally good
just better than all retards who dropped out because they thought "it's over I'm not a mozart at the of the high school"
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for someone that sucks at opening windows, mizore, funnily enough, opened kumiko's window here.
>Taki’s dead wife
Adult woman love
taki-sensei really is one of history's greatest villains
It's more like she threw a brick through Kumiko's window, but the result is what counts.
the final episode will have a 10 year timeskip showing kumiko in her future career

konbini clerk
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>listening to an autist
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The scene where everyone is staring at Kumiko with a big smile after Mizore said that was kind of unnverving. Somehow I expected Kumiko to make this sort of face afterwards
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sorry, Childmiko, but you're getting the whole length
Fake spoiler, I read the novel and she gets her soli as an AV actress
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I think kumiko deep down knows and just wanted someone to confirm it for her since none of her friends would do it.
>Kumiko about to start filming a scene as a lolibaba hag
>”And so, the next piece begins”
Roll credits
Everyone knew it's what Kumiko subconsciously wanted to hear. They were all relieved Mizore was the first to say it, because she both had the authority (as someone on the path to going pro) and the excuse to break the social taboo (as a certified autist with not a single mean-spirited bone in her body).
loli kumiko or loli reina?
>opened kumiko's window here.
but she becomes highschool teacher...
>new novel confirms mayu approached taki and forfeited soli unbeknownst to everyone
ohnonono kumibros
So what kind of teacher does Kumiko actually become? Obviously she'll do band club management on the side, but what's her main gig
Isn’t Taki just a music teacher? She might do that
You'd think a school with an 80-100 member band would have a dedicated music teacher.
Music teacher is the obvious answer, but those tend to have a real music education.
Good? That's a way better development than what's been happening in the anime.
This. Any way you slice it, she is really at the top.
This is false. Listening to that audition, she definitely could have done it. This whole thing of "you can only be good at something if you are 24/7 working monomaniacally" is bullshit. Also, neither Kumiko nor Mayu are like this.
This was incredibly rude and condescending.
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Asuka > any other president and vice president.
For me it's lolirei.
Asuka > any
I wonder how Taki feels about Reina stalking him for 10 years
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where's loli saachan
He doesn't think about Reina at all.
>Next episode, end of performance.
>Kitauji wins gold
>In front of everyone, Reina confesses to Taki AGAIN, spells it out even more explicitly, "I like you in a romantic way and want to be your girlfriend. Also I'm graduating so I won't be your student anymore."

Taki can't play dumb anymore. What happens next in this situation?
>I like you AS AN EDUCATOR.
>dramatic pause
>Reina's flight to America departs
>Kumiko high fives Taki
>please don't waste my time
>I'm honored you feel that way about me but my heart will forever be with my wife.
end scene
Mayu is a better match for Taki
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mizore acts like a gremlin and lives like one too
Kumiko is a perfect match for Taki
Where can I buy the new paperback?
>Why is Kumiko so heterosexual?

She enjoys humiliating boys, stringing them along, giving mixed signals (i hate you/i hate you), trampling a boys feelings, teasing him with lesbo action right in front of him, giving boys the silent treatment and being an overall horrible cunt to any boy brave enough to face her. Its just her way of showing her love.
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this kumiko looks a little strange...
I miss Tamako Market, gave me a heart ache when Kumiko visited the Tamako Market area.
I want to creampie midori while whispering her name "Sapphire" in her ear and kissing her neck
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Bros.. they stuck to their convictions.. but at what cost??
Post cute hibikies
>and chose to override it
You cannot override bias, that's not how it works. If bias clouds your judgement, you cannot just decide to make your judgement unclouded as a matter of will, that's why to avoid bias you need either to perform a proper blind test that the judges cannot see through and most importantly you need judges who are not emotionally invested in the outcome and as such have no conflicts of interest involved. The entire voting is biased, the band isn't capable of making an unbiased decision given how emotionally invested all or a lot of them are, Reina included.
I was gonna post these but then I realized they're AI
If this were real life, sure, maybe, but this is a story and Kumiko is the main character and having your main character suffer a huge loss as the ending note of your story strongly suggests that said character simply wasn't that good and didn't have what it takes. In reality it's entirely possible to be just slightly worse than somebody else and that's how it goes, or maybe you just had the shits last night and couldn't get a good night's rest, but stories are deliberate and when the author deliberately chooses that the MC has to get wrecked then that choice isn't made in order to send the message that "actually even wrecked MC is top-tier excellent anyway." Choices made in stories are deliberate and as such have meaning assigned to them.
it would've been so cool had Tamako make a background appearance
>Choices made in stories are deliberate and as such have meaning assigned to them.
And the meaning assigned to this choice is: "Kumiko belatedly realizes she doesn't have the single-minded drive to beat people who have nothing else in their lives than music, just in time to decide to put her experience from the last three years to good use to pursue a career in education instead.
The outcome doesn't differ from the novel. The anime just makes the decisive moment more acute and more dramatic, and ties the outcome more elegantly into the story's themes.
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>Lost her competition spot
>Lost her chance to become President
>Will probably lose the Euphonium solo next year to Kaho
The Kanade suffering has been pretty glorious

yaa gomen... jitsu wa, boku wa... shuichi-kun to... homo desu.
Shuuichi's back up bitch was Taki-sensei all along. Those candies don't lie.
Kumiko is one of the best musicians in a band that wins gold at nationals, does it really matter if she’s #3 instead of #2 in the band behind Reina?
Kumiko's probably 4th at best

Sapphire > Mayu > Reina > Kumiko
how are they gonna manage to wrap this up in just 1 episode? i wish KyoAni had bit the bullet and made this a 2 cour, the pacing has been crazy
Imagine if Kumiko’s second and third years both had two cours like her first year. Would’ve been fucking amazing
It's the opposite. They should have ditched all the dumb filler drama and just done cute band SoL scenes. Let Mayu and Kumiko grow their friendship and only introduce Mayu as a threat in the last three episodes instead of dragging it out.
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The Clarinet section literally had people go to Ensemble Nationals last year so even them alone puts 4 people ahead of Kumiko. There's probably a whole bunch of Seniors that play instruments in the upper register in the High Brass or Woodwind section that are much skilled than her since Bass Instruments have less complicated parts(which they literally said in Episode 1 of Season 3).
the end of the last episode shows that they are already at the competition venue
5 min - performance
5 min - awarding
10 min - epilogue
Even if Kumiko is 15th in a band of 50 people, she’s still one of the best high school euph players in Japan.
Kumiko is first in my heart
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Might be an extended episode. They did it for the S2 opener.
How loud is Chieri during sex with her boyfriend?
The meaning is more about how Kumiko realizes that even after years of hard work she cannot match up to the people who are truly good, so rather than trying to make a career out of what she failed at she decides to teach instead. It's not about her drive, you cannot claim she doesn't have the drive to do it since she quite literally did do it for years, she's just not good enough despite that. Kumiko isn't bad at eupho because she only practices 15 minutes every 3 weeks and she didn't even try, she put in the work but didn't get the results.
>The outcome doesn't differ from the novel.
The meaning differs a lot. Failing at something and then setting your sights lower by teaching instead of going pro is one thing, succeeding at the top of your game and then still deciding to teach anyway is quite the difference. It could be argued that the former isn't really a choice one makes out of a true desire in the first place, rather it's just an adaptation to the facts of one's ability, while the latter would show a true desire to teach despite having arguably better, more prestigious options available too. They're not the same at all.

Yes, in terms of the message conveyed by the story it matters a lot. Like I said, in real life it might not matter in particular but as a deliberate decision in how you end your story for your MC it does matter a lot. If the author wants to communicate how skilled the character is, then the character doesn't lose twice in a row and then fail to keep her promise with her best friend because of it. She loses because the author wishes to communicate the opposite.

Also you're not looking at it from a sensible angle anyway, Kumiko isn't competing with Reina in any way in these auditions since they're not playing the same instrument. She's only really competing with the other euphonium players in the band and there aren't that many of those around, beyond that you can't really compare people playing different instruments.
I just need a kiss in the finale. I need to know my daughter Kumiko has sex
yes, look at how the rabbit pin on tamako's uniform is a blobby mess
But tons of people were suggesting that Kumiko go to music school. Didn't even Reina suggest it at some point? She wouldn't have said that if she didn't mean it. The only person who didn't agree with it was Mizore, because as an autistic person she recognizes that Kumiko's on a completely different level (i.e. not autistic) and doesn't need to settle for music school.
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is this an ufo?
Kumiko didn't know what she wanted to do, so they suggest that for her because they only know her through band
Reina suggested it because she feels like the only thing she has in common with Kumiko is that they both play music and as such if Kumiko were to drop music to do something else she's afraid they'd drift apart and she'd lose her best friend. Reina didn't tell Kumiko to go to music school due to her believing how good Kumiko is, it's for another reason entirely and we can clearly see this in the last episode, Reina does in fact not think Kumiko is that good or she wouldn't have chosen Mayu.

As for other people, I don't think they're telling her to do it due to an evaluation of her skill level either, they're probably telling her to do it out of a sort of inertia and out of a sense of sunk cost, as in they know she's been doing this for years and that she's put in a lot of effort to develop her skill to this point (as it is) so they're just telling her to continue and try to make a life out of this skill she's already put so much time in anyway.
theres really not that much left, the novel ends right after nationals, theres no entire graduation episode like s2 had
Teaching will be a way better job anyways. Less pressure, better job security, probably better benefits (no idea what benefits look like in Japan for teachers but I'm guessing it can't be worse than what pro musicians get).
Reina's obsession with him is extremely ironic given that she's like the exact opposite of what he seems to want in a romantic partner.
Baritone, most likely.
Very similar.
>Reina does in fact not think Kumiko is that good or she wouldn't have chosen Mayu.
Why do you think in such binary ways? Are you autistic? Two people can both be very good.
What's the thing the baritone's holding?

not canon
this is a fact and why we watched anime, to escape from crap reality
There are 89 people in the band
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I NEED an OVA about them
they were just amused how easily mizore says things without giving a fuck, which is just her personality. maybe they wanted to say it but didnt want to anger reina s autism
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damn, that was actually funny.
>Reina from Taki
nigga, its the other way around
she will steal Taki from Reina due to how many bonding moments they share and they will be colleague soon
sex with grumpy
Taki wouldn't want Reina anyways. He clearly wants an emotionally sensitive and nurturing wife. His wife sounds like the opposite of Reina.
his wife feels more like kumiko than reina
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If we go by looks she's a Kaho clone
Taki's wife reincarnated..
taki wife looks like kaho but hast he personality of kumiko
What’s Taki like in bed?
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he's an S
Sorry Anon I claimed Inoue Junna first
what ep is this
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Still best girls.

it's from the movie ensemble contest
His wife seems like a blob of moe like Safaiya instead of the geh bot Oumae buchou
Kaho is just a shitty beginner though, Kanade's solo is secured
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>I thought these images were cool so I was going to post them but then I realized they were made with new technology that scares me because I don't understand so I didn't
kek Luddites
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>s2 episode 1 was 48 minutes long
I really hope the final episode of season 3 is also double length, now that would be amazing
Very hugable Kumi right here
>it's from the movie ensemble contest
if any hasnt watched it, the ensemble contest is amazing for mobu content
Someone post all the ensambles pics
I want to see the one with sacchan being cute
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Jesus christ.
AIbros are bunch of talentless scums who should kill themselves rather than stealing talented people's arts
>implying that understanding it isn't what makes you consider it slop
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what are the guys on the left thinking?
I bet you think internet piracy is stealing too.
does kumikek have her own eupho
I bet I could make them straight with my manly cock
What was this? I forget what was happening here.
>just fuck already
I want to smack Yuuko's tight bottom.
Imagining the two of them rubbing slits and french-kissing
did Mirei not play at all? its in character for freshmen Mirei but I couldnt find her in any of the teams
If you understood it you'd realize a TON of work goes into making it not suck. I'm talking hours of regens/shoops/inpaints just to produce a single relatively flawless image.
Yes, a lot of it is slop, but there's good shit out there and I guarantee you any good shit you see took a ton of skilled work to produce.
Too poor
shes right here with Canada
Is she hiding massive honkers under that thing?
I wonder why team monoka doesnt put together an ensemble while the main team focuses on nationals. It's notlike they have anything to do, and there's no harm in playing even if you aren't hoping to win competitions as an emsemble
We have already seen her in bikini
I dont watch the show
I just look up pics of the cute girls
My wife and her new best friend
I don't hate it on principle. I enjoy working with the tools. The fact remains that the vast majority is indeed slop.
hopeful mounds
guest appearance by everyone's favorite buchou
Might be, I really can't say since I have no idea what a teaching job is like in Japan, nor a pro musician really. Where I live though, teachers are very underpaid so if you've got any sort of skill which might net you a job you're almost certainly better off trying to get a job actually practicing said skill over teaching.

>Are you autistic?
What a retort. Are you projecting?
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What did she say?
Best girls
She must have taped them down
That's perfectly fine then. I'm cool with that.
It's people who just reflexively scream "SLOP!" regardless of the quality that I have a philosophical issue with. They're retards.
>>268207104 struck me as a poster basically saying "it's bad because it's AI" and that's retarded. There's good AI and bad AI. And you are correct, the vast majority is indeed slop.
Most people don't even inpaint the face for more detail - most of what you see posted is single gens with zero inpainting. It's lazy and bad. You're completely correct.
she's always huggable due to her fluffiness buff
Yeah,having used these things, making an actually good image is a lot of work, and a lot of that work is extremely boring and tedious. Refining the prompt over multiple iterations, Generating dozens of images to get a good pose. Once that's done, generating dozens of minor variants of the same image to get one that looks the best, doing inpainting to fix weirdness or force some feature you want.

Basically you're fighting against the ai the whole time to make it do what you want.
God I want to impregnate all Hibike girls.
Imagine being the two first years trying to practise while the 3 third years that joined your group are arguing inbetween their scissoring sessions in the classroom
Most sane man in this thread
mom and her small daughter
>Basically you're fighting against the ai the whole time to make it do what you want.
Correct, and there's a great deal of room for actual creativity with prompting, shooping, inpainting, ControlNet usage, etc. in order to win the battle with the AI that doesn't want to do what you want.
Yes, that's right, creativity.
You could even say it's an artform.
There will probably be post season 3 anime that adapts the Natsuki/Yuuko book and the Okinawa trip. Reiko Yoshida wrote in the Natsuki book that she wants to see it in visual form and Ishihara said that season 3 is “the end” then corrected himself and said “the end of Kumiko’s story”
Actually teacher in japan is so underpaid that we have teacher shortage for middle and high school
Finale movie makes sense.
Personally I'm not invested enough in the other underclassfags to care about a continuation with them if Kumi is not there
I wouldn't mind a Kumi college arc where she learns how to be le teacher and struggles to maintain her freindship with everyone else that is going to a different school
It was only at the end of the show that I realized how much Kumiko meant to me
I'm devastated bros
She's so strong
She's so kind
I want to love her forever bros
Don't misunderstand, I'm sure teacher is still not a great job. Pro musician is just that much worse.
unfortunately, this is a global phenomena
good take. it is really fucking hard to make it as a pro musician. reina will have it easy due to family connections but mizore might have a hard time
I wouldn't mind Kanade becoming a new MC
she's as blunt as kumiko
Someone post Mizore opening the window
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>sex trio
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Why was Mayu always going to Kumiko’s practice corner and getting all up in her private space? That woman needs to be taught some respect. That’s Kumiko’s special corner, man
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She's too up her own ass to carry a show. Plus that would only last a single season anyways, as she would already be a third year. If they want the "same" band, then they would need to use an incoming first year as MC so they can milk milk milk the series for all it's worth
But at that point they would be better off following Kumiko and shifting into a different, non music based genre
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Why are autistic girls so attractive
>this autist told you you don't belong in her school
Weak bitch Kumi would run circles around her in the ring
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Imagine what the senpais could teach those kohais... imagine
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stop calling those poor girls fagottos...
23 minute timeslot
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Why did that bitch reject him

lol shuichi lurking awkwardly in the corner
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>Why did that bitch reject him
I thought it was implied that Motomu have no romantic feelings for Midori. she got sister-zoned
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>sex trio
its a shame Mizore said no thanks, but also good character development for her since she wanted to focus on her music college exam instead of doing what Nozomi is doing
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*sniff sniff*
fortunately, her husband will provide for her
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who wants to be a teacher if you can just codemonkey something and make 100k /year
>Actually teacher in japan is so underpaid that we have teacher shortage for middle and high school
thats like every country in the world desu
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For the benefits of meeting and having sex with fresh JKs
you guys cool if I get to keep miichan and saachan to myself?
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so her name is maya
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/based/ sakai /spee/bros
The Percussion posting has reminded to compile my Timpani-chan shots from Episode 12
what is that sweater vest
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what kind of sick person would do that ? ....
not to join in the debate, or be reflexively dismissive of ai, but the difference between generating ai art, and actually drawing is the difference between writing something, and critiquing a piece of writing. Youre getting a bunch of options dropped in front of you, and your choosing between those options, looking for any problems with them, or generating a new bunch of options that you like better. It's the difference between making a movie, and critiquing it. A lot of overlap, but fundamentally different things. Of course you can critique something without making something similar yourself, but people underestimate how massive that leap between a blank canvas and executing an idea is, which is why no youtube movie reviewer has ever made anything of value that's not ironic or "satire". AI generation is more akin to photography, with a bit more limitation in choice. You have an idea or "prompt" like "oh let's shoot a fruit tree with some fruit fallen on the ground rotting in the soil". That's not the hard part. It's actually getting going out, deciding what fruit is appropriate for what you want to convey, the soil quality, do I want the roots sticking out, do I want the soil and fruit wet and gross and fresh? Dry and aging, sunbaked? Is the shot looking down at the ground? The camera ground level, slightly up so the fruit is in the foreground looking up through the tree leaves? Is this even worth it? There are infinite possibilities with how you execute this idea with photography. AI generating is just that, but with no personal control in that execution, only a choice in the options the machine gives you and how fast your gpu is, which is just going to be the same option with mildly different tweaks. You're gonna tear your hair out by just how limiting ai really is, but if people want to keep living in that constricting, suffocating box, there's no harm there (outside the legal ramifications)
You just know these guys are the main characters of some detective LN.
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how the fuck did reina stacked group lost?
which character would be the easiest to coerce into sex?
What even is Kitauji's uniform policy anyway. She gets her own sweater vest and other people like Ririka and get to wear their own unique jacket.
>hey mizore. I'm the sex teacher nozomi hired for you.
This Uchida is a Babe!
Clarinets are...STRONG
you could easily trick Hazuki into thinking blowjobs make you better at tuba
Mizore won't believe you if Nozomi is not present
>we have buchou at home
>buchou at home
What's the name of the silver haired slut?
I..I would..
I can just put on some cardboard printed with nozomi's face on it and she would believe me
>trumpet section leader and well-reknowned autist
>eupho leader and future buchou
>trombone leader and future VP
>future horn section leader
>future percussion section leader
>future marimba soloist
>talented but shy 1st year trumpet player that's nearly as good as Reina by her words
Sounds like the weak link was the person that only just learnt she had to breath inbetween her passages, but can't be too sure...
Midori looks and acts like an 11 year old but simultaneously looks like a grandma
the old Mizore would've fallen for it but the new one wouldn't
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Taki is drowning in JK's pussy
kek hazuki literally nerfed the group
Isn't that all candy that Shoe gave him?
that's really cute if this image implied that Taki is actually a little boy that likes sweets when was in the company of his wife
Reina should've picked Miichan or Saachan instead of Hazuki. nepotism costed them the ensemble spot.
Imagine how many valentine chocolates he received every year
Wait do we ever have a christmas/ valentine event in the show?
Midori belongs to me, anyways
>*stares at you through the window*
How do you respond without cumming your pants?
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We must protect Kanade
The absolute cutest
cum at the window
yuuko showing her the correct embouchure to use while playing oboe
She would be "tricked" by it but really she would see right through it and just WANT to suck my cock
My assumption is that those are also school uniform but are meant for if it's a really cold winter or something. It's not technically against the rules. Saachan wears it cause it's comfy
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this is the perfect daughter
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>a-anonkun, what are you doing? GAAAHHH!
She's actually from phantom world
kumiko's cactus POV
Indecent conduct by a prefectural high school instructor: Defendant: "If you have sex, your tone will improve" -- Second hearing / Yamanashi ◇
Indecent conduct with a student The second hearing of the trial of Yoshito Hagiwara (33), a manufacturing worker living at Fujimigaoka 1, Nirasaki City, who was charged with violating the Child Welfare Act (indecent conduct) for indecent conduct with a female student at a prefectural high school he was coaching in a club activity, was held on the 26th at Kofu Family Court (Judge Yasushi Watanabe). The prosecution revealed that Hagiwara had deceived the students by telling them, "If you have sex, your tone will improve," and had engaged in indecent conduct with a total of 13 students.

According to the prosecution's opening statement, Hagiwara had told a student who was worried about her playing technique, "Your tone is weak, so you'll be in trouble if you don't have sex. I'll help you," and then engaged in indecent conduct. He continued to think that "if a student was having trouble playing, I could have sex with him under the guise of practice", and made the student anxious by saying things like "If you want to be a musician, your current sound won't do", and "You have no choice but to change inside your body in order to master abdominal breathing". Once he was successful, he would tell the student "You have to keep going until you can stabilize your tone", and would repeat the act two to three times a week.
pls violently kys
>"If you have sex, your tone will improve," and had engaged in indecent conduct with a total of 13 students.
Based doujin protagonist
Did they seriously believe that shit? Or did they just want to fuck him anyway and played along. I find it very hard to believe that anyone smarter than a literal retard would actually be tricked by that.
People are more gullible than you think.
Any edit with other girls? Specifically Mayu
I don't like that this gif doesn't show the even cuter lead up to this moment
It was probably half and half
They were slutty and wanted 1000x folded nipponese cock but probably also believed him
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the comments in that thread are hysterical
jap schizos are something else
it sounds like their threads are just as retarded as ours
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Kumiko is Liz and Reina is the blue bird
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do nips see someone like this and get intimidated?
she's too perfect
God I wish there was more porn of her.
how is she so adorable?
mizore or nozomi?
mayu and kumiko should've done this for the soli spot
I still can't believe Kyoani is going for an open-ended ending.
It would be incredibly retarded to have NONE of the romance subplots go anywhere. They were clearly setting this up in Chikai, and there is plenty of KumiRei setup as well.
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Yeah I thought that their relationship paralleled bluebird, too
Holy shit how was bluebird so fucking good bros??
It's better to tell a simple story well than to overreach and try and tell some crazy technical dramatic story you clearly don't have the chops for. Plus for some reason Kyoani feels more comfortable doing little character moments in movies and specials than in TV. Same reason Ensemble Contest and even Monaka is so good.
for me, it will always be Haruka
>strange blind audition format
But that's how it's normally done? Symphony orchestras blind audition applicants, and even in my high school desk challenges were blind. Kind of basic way to avoid bias.
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why doesn't the larger one, not simply eat the smaller ones?

Reina is liz and kumiko is the blue bird.
Reina like liz, wanted the blue bird, in this case kumiko to stay with her. She thinks she and kumiko will drift apart if not connected through music. She aggressively pushes for Kumiko to consider music school for this very reason. Kumiko had to reassure her that they will stay the same way, because Reina is special or some shit.
A thread died for this?
It would have been better if Yamada hadn't left
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And it'll happen a hundred times more!
The big brain is that the liz and the blue bird are in some ways the same
Both characters can be both to a certain extent
This was true for both duos that were compared to the story and it's true in the stry itself
>KWABmiko thread
Truly /a/'s KWABOTS
I still have no clue what this means, nor do I want to know.
The old Euph thread died for this.
and I'm planning another when this one hits bump limit
I hope I kill a thread you care about
Anon, Hibikek is the KWAB of /a/. So do its threads like >>268188067
It's posts like this that keep me returning to 4chan.
Taki's living the dream
Kumiko What A Bucho
>Nips still seething about the changes
What will be their final cope when they absolutely hate the ending too?
>kumiko and shoeitchy in the preview
yuribros time for suicide
Post pics or links pls
He’s just shit posting, its not out yet and Kyoani will most likely skip their confession scene.
Gotta continually bait yurifags until the end of time
You know how it is
Most of that post is him bitching about some random crap in Liz. But it does seem that a bunch of them are mad.

I don't know what this ending will hold. I am really curious to see it. It's gonna be fucking rushed no matter what which pisses me of but we'll see.
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funny, BD is selling great on amazon.
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>Ne~. Mitai deshou? Skaato no naka de
I cant believe Kumiko gets to EAT this.
yaa gomen... jitsu wa, boku wa... shuuichi-kun to... homo desu.
4k sales at best
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>selling great
5ch is saying butthurt niptards will do this as soon as they get the bds
I don't think that it's the case.
Sure both liz and blue birds were same in the sense that both were attached to each other but it was made obvious that the blue bird belonged in the sky and it was Liz who was reluctant to set her free.
In the movie nozomi mistakenly thinks herself to be the blue bird, but later realises she's the one holding on to Mizore. That she had been liz all along.

Notice that the difference between kumiko and nozomi is that, nozomi actively says she will choose music school as an option initially , to hold on to mizore ,whereas the idea of the music school is shoved into kumiko by Reina.
At no point did kumiko try to stop reina from going to music school. Reina was holding on to Kumiko. She is liz in this context.
On a side note there is a similarity between mizore and kumiko in that they both worshipped and idealised their respective liz and held them in pedestal.
>will do this as soon as they get the bds
it's already out.
Haven't seen a single instance of this online yet.
>look at me spend money and break it for social media clout
good idea to buy the bds and give kyoani the money, and THEN snap the disks, that's that superior nip intelligence for ya
arson#2 or no balls
hope they will wait till the final episode i can shitpost with no yuri end got nips mad
They're otakus, what did you expect?
Overwhelming Majority of Japanese fans want a yuri ending.
No after Reina fucked KWABmiko over so hard in the last episodes and muh meritocracy melodrama
this originated in /pw/ where people initially made fun of Kevin Nash for something and called him "kek what a bitch", ever since then whenever someone did something that deserved making fun of they just abbreviated it to KWAB, and for colossal fuckups they are the KWABOTY
why did that guy chimp out over K-on?

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