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Final episode preview soon.
>KWABmae KWABmiko
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>ETA 2 days 1 hr 5 mins till Kumiko-Shuichi confession scene gets omitted.
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>yfw shoe wins da Kumikobowl
im gay btw
That Midori goddamn. Hazuki is so lucky.
>audition rewrite makes yuri ending impossible
Reinasisters... not like this...
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Does she count as an antagonist? I still don't know what the fuck her problem is. All I get from her is an uncomfortable feeling of malice that feels particularly disturbing coming from a series like this.

again, based purely on the way it sounded to you, who was better?
Boring anime
She doesn't even feel like a character, Mayu behaved like a walking plot device during the entire season. No personality, no struggles, no goals. Literally made for fap material because of her massive tits
Thus the feeling of malice. It's like she only wants to do harm.
>interrupts your solo practice everyday
no shit
>Mayu behaved like a walking plot device during the entire season. No personality, no struggles, no goals.
Don't forget we mostly see everything from Kumiko's POV, we saw atleast 3 chances where both of them could have become more friendly to each other but Kumiko excused herself or outright refused her while Mayu didn't push it any further.
from my point of view Kumiko is evil
>Does she count as an antagonist?
Yes, Kanade was right.
Mirin' those Reina tits
what view point is this
I bet we'll finally get to see Kumiko's pantsu
Will the graduates kiss?
I want to sniff Kumiko's crotch so bad
She deserves to be raped.
Someone in Japan, specifically in Kyoto region, is hoarding a truck load of diesel right now as we posting.
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Even if that's the case it still happened offscreen.
Finally somebody gets me !!!1
Kill Mayu. Death to Mayu. Total Mayu death.
She's definitely on the spectrum.
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Mayu is Dark Kumiko
Hot take: Mayu is nowhere near as bad as Reina has been this season.
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lets talk about a real musician

>competes in a real section (11 rivals, mogs them all)
>undisputed soloist, its not even close ever
>hasn't even seen the sheet music once, memorized and played by ear
>destroyed main characters in EnCon, Revolucionario is highly technical
>is she gay, is she straight? nope she's just a better musician

if this anime wasn't propaganda to fill out the low bass section of school concert bands it would be about her
I love mayu. Kumiko was so mean to her.
>It's Mayu's fault that Reina is a traitor bitch
do people really
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The Beginning of the End:
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>more hair tie animating
BASED Kyoani
>silver euphonium
Goddamn Mayu, drop the fucking camera and get in the shot, I swear to christ. Get in the fucking shot.
>Skinship training
yuribros abort abort
She is evil, pure evil.
>maybe her eupho gives her a special advantage
>let me check just in case
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We need the return of genki Mayu
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Kumiko can fix her
For shoe1 sex
>Kumiko doesn't play her golden euphonium anymore
garbage what's this powerpoint preview
Someone is touching Motomu's twink face? who's thay?
Midori's bush!
her middle school Reina lite friend betrayed her and chose cocks over her I bet. Kumiko and Mayu need more similarities
it's Reina's eupho.
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She did
It's shoe1, skinship training
The show is saved
shoebros...it's over...
>3 animation directors
I hope you lads are ready for some real good shit
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>Reina, you're a frowning shit
>2 animation directors
I hope you lads are ready for some real good shit
>indirect kiss with Mayu, and not bitch Reina
wow, yuribros were right all along
>32 animation directors
I hope you lads are ready to take a real big shit
Doesn't really matter, best episode this season only had 1 AD
Kumiko beats up Mayu and steals her euphonium
because Mugi ate Mio's strawberry
maybe Asuka gave Kumiko her ufo
it's probably just the silver eupho Kumiko borrowed when she played at Reina's house
>doesn't appear in the preview
>Motomu gets more action than Shoe in the preview
toying with yurifags
Kumiko What A Buchou
this episode is going to be a total mess. training camp, reina and kumiko playing together, performance with award ceremony, graduation and time skip epilogue all in one episode is a recipe for disaster
maybe it's an hour episode like season 2's first episode
I need Mayu milkers.
god I hope so.
I need Mayu smiles
I have no idea what the fuck kwab means
I'm ready for this
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The way I see it, she genuinely wanted to play the part because she wants to be recognized for her skill, but ALSO wanted to not play it if it was going to cause trouble. She's not a bad guy, she just has two conflicting desires. He wants are complex and they mirror Kumi and Reina. Kumiko also has two(or three) conflicting wants
>for the school to be an absolute meritocracy
>to play the soli with her best friend
These are not directly at at odds with eachother, but the meritocracy part will make the other impossible IF she's not better than mayu. The third one is
>to be a good president
Which gets in her way of the second one since it prevents her from practicing
Reina has 3 desires also, but the two that conflict the most are
>earn gold at nationals
>play the soli with her best friend
In her mind, she thinks she cant earn gold without mayu because mayu is SLIGHTLY better than Kumiko. There is too much to get into about why this is just kinda silly, but it is what it is.
My point is that all of their wants are complicated, so it's not easy to say "oh she's the antagonist" because she genuinely isn't. If you really want to closely examine it, the antagonist of this season is kinda Kumiko herself. She is the one piling on so much work on herself that she cant breathe and achieve some of her goals. It's a game of concessions and compromises. She chose to be the best president she could be in order to win gold, sacrificing her personal desire to play with Reina. These were all her choices.
The reality is that none of these girls really did anything "wrong" because wrong isn't the right word for it. The closest you can get to wrong is Reina being ultraautismo about that extra 1% chance (and it can be argued that the benefit to morale of kumiko playing the soli outweighs the benefit of having a better player for the part, but that's a separate topic)
Oh yeah, and Reina's third desire is to be the meat in a Taki X Kumiko sandwich
please just an hour of this, kyoani, I can die peacefully
not allowed
Nope time slot is listed for the usual duration
kek what a bitch
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I don't respect anyone who thinks Reina made the right choice in the latest episode. I feel as though anyone who thinks that is a coldhearted person. Am I going too far?
Yeah, basically Reina thought that Mayu's sound was better for the competition. She didn't lie when she said she loves Kumiko's sound. Reina didn't want to lie, she loves her friend, but she still chose the right option. That's what makes Reina special.
KEK they are having their own private soli anyway
Nope, only retards like reina after all the shit she did in s3
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The better reina
>doesnt appear in the the preview
>”kumirei skinship”
>hairpin forgotten
Shoebros… how do we cope?
Reina is a brat that needs a certain type of correction that I can't quite put my finger on at the moment
>copeout soli after the competition
poor animators, crunching hard after the failure of ep12
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What did Mizore mean by this, bros?
She means she can't picture you in the same elite school as hers
Sunday 5:12pm and 5:19pm he will win
Special-free Reina
Reina also said Kumiko plays better, and not just "I like your play" and also "I already decided to play with you", so yeah, fuck her.
That percussionist girl is looking at Mayu intently
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It really was super divisive wasn't it?
I dont usually watch anime live. Even this, I binged it starting last week and have only been in these threads for a couple days since I've caught up but I've seen tons of discussion and argument from both sides of the topic. I'm kinda on the fence about it myself, but I lean towards the "Kumi should've won" camp. I guess the last ep will determin if this le original le anime le ending was the right call
I'm not going to use the source material as an argument cause I think adaptions should be able to stand on their own
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I want a KumiMayu ending far more than I want a KumiReina or KumiShoe one.
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So why is the show pretending that a conservatorium is only for savant autists like Mizore and Reina? Every Tom Dick and Harry music teacher in the world has a music degree, Kumiko would've been fine.
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She's gonna picture me inside of her sexually and passionately
And there's just as many who can't do anything with a music degree.
same but Kuminade
Because the show wants to have its cake and eat it too
Literally nothing was stopping Reina, taki, the other woman that was helping them, the other teacher, etc. from saying
>you know you can go to music school and use that degree to become a teacher, right? You don't have to go pro
This. Reina is going to gift it to Kumi and make her promise to never stop playing for fun and to think of her [pussy] every time she tonguepunches and slobbers all over that mouthpiece
>undisputed soloist, its not even close ever
Mayu obviously only won by a hairline tied break through an autist, while Taki didn't believe the soli will make a winning difference for nationals. Otherwise the democratic principle would be absurd.
If taki didn't believed it mattered who played the soli with Reina, then he should've just not been a fucking retard and picked Kumiko as it would have been better for the morale of the entire band
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I love Mizore
That is all
>uh kumiko should have won because people like her more
>it would have been better for the morale of the entire band
Bands seemed to be doing fine after kumiko speech which was before this audition thing anyway
she is so weird
Yes. If they're objectively at the same level (as proven by a 50/50 vote (ridiculously convinient btw) then the objecive right choice is to pick the beloved president who everyone looks up to
Doesn't matter if they were doing fine. They would be doing better if they saw Kumi get the part. They idolized her. They simultaneously believed that the meritocracy was true (it was and would have been even if Kumi had been chosen without a second audition (it came down to subjective preference and taki didn't want to make that call)) AND that their leader is a goddess who can do anything
Kumi is the objecive right call
The best thing would have been for taki to have chosen her after the audition and never elaborate
> objectively at the same level (as proven by a 50/50 vote
It's like you don't even pay attention to the episode, did you miss all the close up shots of her friends voting for her? They can obviously tell, there's quite an audible difference between the two.
>They would be doing better if they saw Kumi get the part.
Did members mention they will only play their 100% if kumiko gets the soli? Way to sell short the impact kumiko's speech had on them in episode 10.
Did you even fucking listen to the episode?
Kumiko stumbled a bit in the middle but played with more emotion and matched reina better
Also I'm going to go ahead and call you retarded because not even the professional music teacher was willing to say one or the other is better yet you assume the students have a bias because they could tell who was playing. Out of all of them, the only ones that would really be able to tell would be those in the bass section
You're deluding yourself into thinking theyre not on equal grounds
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I think 'plays better' here doesn't mean better in competition or general judgment of music. Reina means it more personally
>Did you even fucking listen to the episode?
Did you even watch the episode?
Your original argument is it's objective from the 50/50 vote, do you think they have zoom ins for her friends voting for no reason? Even a child can understand the implication, yet you somehow cannot. Keep sperging out like an aggressive retard though, makes you look very smart.
Holy cope.
Most of the important scenes rarely get included in the PVs anyway
Kanade needs to grab Motomu and kiss him on the lips
>Reina means it more personally
How convenient. When she votes it's objective, because she is le genius and can better judge than Taki, when she says that Kumiko is better, it's subjective.
KEK literal japanese ack. Autism is a powerful weapon.
literally has a boyfriend
>playing the soli for shame
damn this is borderline mental abuse
Half her freinds voted against her,
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no way, leaks said no original senpais would appear


Guys turn back the clock
Take me back to 2015
It's ending, I don't want that to happen
I don't want it please PLEASE STOP IT
Not coping, it will happen during this scene.
>performance skipped
It's over, that 5th episode of second season is still the peak
The fuck is this?
Reina trying to give her hankie to emotional taki sensei
Is this a leak or from the 2nd year movie.
>actual leaks
Okay Im out. See you on sunday, /a/.
Since when was Yuuko a Reina x Taki shipper?
OH NO NO NO NO, yuribros… This cant be happening….
So Shuichi’s scene is just a pathetic ending credits slideshow. Hilarious
Hanada wants to push the Liz analogy forgetting that Kumiko can open windows
Going to music school would mean even more heart-wrenching drama, with even higher stakes. Kumiko can't take it.
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Since Reina dropped her spaghetti all over the place in front of her.
Why didn't Reina give her ufo to Kumiko for practice?
Stupid bitch
THey're gonna speedrun a summer camp weekend so they can all bathe together with bubbles and giggles.
Kumiko was too busy whining to her cactus to practice
>asuna hater
Because Kumiko isn't THAT passionate about music at the end of the day.
Post more.
So what is she passionate about? Unless she's going to teach elementary school she needs a subject. Is Kumiko going to teach biology?
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I can't believe Kumiko killed Mayu and stole her silver eupho
thats the problem. its not music. we've had a few run-ins with the teachers. she probably just wants to be an adult that kids look up to, just like she looks up to the adults, which are, well the teachers.
when was it not pathetic, but it still exists and implied in the final episode even though he might have gotten same amount of screentime as motomu throughout this season
what was the point of that scene with the azusa(rikka girl) then, saying she can't imagine kumiko not having anything to do with music
i would think they were close back then. she doesnt know Kumiko now
But she knew Kumiko pre-Reina when she didn't really give a shit.
>private gay mountain soli
As predicted.
You don't need to go to a conservatory to get a music degree. There's no real reason to do that and surround yourself with performance autists if she just wants to become a teacher.
i dont know, Kumiko has been shown to just flat out not know what she wants to do several times until she did
The novel implied she is going to teach social science.
Seriously, why is she playing Mayu's eupho? Any ideas?
That's Reina's eupho, you fucking retard.
>Indirect kiss
Majimaschizos told me this counts therefore Yuri won
Shuuichi won
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>tfw we could have webmrel but with KumiRei but were robbed
you rike?
I’ll cry
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Kumiko had a "breaking bad" phase at college after all the stress in her last JK year. Parties, alcohol and bareback casual sex
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shuichi in shambles
>has more screentime than Shoe
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Yuribros... not like this...
>1st answer
>yurifags its over
>2nd answer
>yurifags won
>3rd answer
>yurifags its really over
>4th question and answer
Can Mayu blow a dick as good as she blows her eupho?
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I have to imagine the skills are connected.
Does Yamaha really think dozens of people will buy their ridiculously priced instruments because of a 2D girl
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Kumiko is a responsible girl. She would never go without protection!
its over
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>*teleports towards you*
She's just a seiyu, what does she know? I've spent 9 years masturbating to KumiRei and therefore have a superior understanding of their relationship.
>GBCfags doubted the leaker and got btfo
You are next.
Never expected anything from this show but bait, but I don't think this read on the character is quite right.
How awkward it would be if your students suddenly started pairing you with the cute JK drum major.
It's honestly really fucking weird that the show never has Reina get over this. Like, what is the message here supposed to be?
That it's normal for 18 year old women to like 30 year old men
Be true to yourself and try to get into the pants of the hot widower teacher.
The message is that you can't fix daddy issues so you better take advantage.
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I'm not even talking about the age gap, though that alone is pretty bad, but just like a relationship there in general. Even if you put the age issues aside, Reina and he would never work. She doesn't at all seem to be what he's looking for in a partner. I understand that she can never swerve from her obsessive focus on music, but it's really weird to have 3 seasons of the character with her having this massive delusional crush and she never grows or changes at all.
Worked with K-On. Worked with Bocchi. Will work with UFO.
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>live in the same building
>barely interacts
Year 2 novel even shows that Shoe regularly eats at Kumiko's place and is chummy with KumiMom.
they didn't expect she will become a loser tho
who wants to buy an instrument advertised by a loser?
Reina barely got any growth over all 3 years, it's par for the course
Kumi won btw
Yeah, that's the issue. Moving on from the Taki thing would have been an obvious opportunity to grow her character without compromising on her core, but they just didn't do that.
She'll move on once she meets ME
>who wants to buy an instrument advertised by a loser?
Bocchi fans
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Pov: your Reina and you've finally cornered Kumi in her room and are about to teach her some new tonguing techniques
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more like a plot device for kumiko to try (and fail) to overcome
>"""leaker""": the ending of this novel adaptation will be the same as the novels
>"people": he is a leaker!!11!1!1!
this is so fucking retarded, believing random people on twitter will always be retarded
no shuu in sight
How come we never see parents watch their children perform in the concert competition?
They play the same damn song for a year straight you've heard one you've heard them all.
Leak mentioned about Yuuko-Natsuki confession which made people doubt it.
Time constraints and because we are on Kumiko's shoes, she places more importance on her friends which translates to more screentime.
My favorite is always
>"""Leaker""": obvious prediction which anyone with a few brain cells could infer based on openly available knowledge
>prediction comes true because of course it does
>morons rush to worship them as an insider
If Kumiko was my girlfriend, I would constantly jumpscare her.
I bet she makes the cutest noises when scared.
She literally does in the show
It's canon
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that's not very nice
Michie sensei is aways a judge during auditions but we never see her play any instrument
she blows me every monday
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Did Shoe waste away his high school romantic life by not getting over his oneitis?
Goku would fucking DEMOLISH Kumi
She doesn't even stand a chance
no, Shoe wouldn't be able to get girls anyway
Better odds of finding a fully compatible long-term gf in college anyways.
I bet he masturbated to Kumiko every evening. and morning.
and lunch break.
Kumiko will always be thinking about Reina first but he would never be able to have a threesome with them because they would just kick him out of bed anyways and go at eachother like wild animals
He was literally confessed to. He could've had anyone and he chose the girl who spent her high school career chasing raven-haired menhera girls around like a moth to a flame.
no joke, shoe is a good boyfriend
He's better than Kumiko deserves, just like Kumiko is better than Reina deserves.
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>club vp

Kumiko deserves the best you fucking jackass
So kumiko and reina are made for each other
Thats the face of a future prime minister of japan
I'm not ready to say goodbye
Then don't! Rewatch it anon!! You can watch shows as many times as you want!!!
nta, but nothing beats the first time.
when you watch the last episode - it's over
This. I have rewatched the show maybe 20-50 times over the almost decade and I'm doing fine.
Rewatching the show you know you like instead of new ones is a sound strategy.
(Send help)
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>though that is pretty bad
No it isn't. It's fine for kids to like adults, it's just not okay for adults to like kids. I wanted to fuck my 3rd grade teacher, but there was no problem because she didn't want to fuck me.
>she didn't want to fuck me
Are you sure about that???
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This got me in the feels. Felt like a parent
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It all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down...
Most kids who want to fuck their hot teacher don't actually have delusions about having a relationship with them. Reina is like actually delusional levels of obsessed with Taki, it's not just the usual teenage horniness. That's why it would have been good for her to grow and recognize it for the immature, impossible fantasy that it is.
I managed to drop out of uni, spend a year in the army and change two jobs during the show's run. Seeing it end is all kinds of nostalgic.
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Seethemiko will do stuff so hardcore her family would disavow her if they knew. She never grew up from her Kitauji experiences and her college life will be a mess
Not sure how accurate that would be but I can totally see her regretting getting stuck on doing so much hard work and it not really paying off, and choosing to spend more time doing things that are pleasant and that she actually wants.

Not sure how much girls regret not having high school sex compared to boys, but I can see her wishing she got to take some Shoe dick after practice.
>and it not really paying off
It will pay off though. People seem to have gotten distracted by the shiny new plot line this season and forgotten what the main goal has been all along.
IDK about japan, but in the US there's not really a difference between conservatories and music departments that are part of regular universities. The conservatories tend to be 'fancier' but there are also universities that have equivalently fancy music depts.
Delete this or I'll delete you
>I can’t handle a relationship right now, just wait a year
>no sex, no kissing, ill deny our relationship in public
>anyway time for me to go hang out on a mountain alone at night with my very special friend, cya ;)
Shuichi is a saint
She wants what she wants. Maybe she wouldn't be what he wanted or it wouldn't work out, but her feelings are real and they're not going away any time soon.

It would be pretty ballsy if we actually get the Reina Taki ending. Note that once Reina graduates she won't be underage and he won't be her teacher anymore.
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Who /aging well/

>Season 1
>27 years old
>smooth face
>full head of hair

>Season 2
>29 years old
>smooth face
>full head of hair

>Season 3
>36 years old
>smooth face
>full head of hair
>but her feelings are real and they're not going away any time soon.
Yes, that's the problem. And it wouldn't be ballsy, it would just be stupid. Just because he's legally able to fuck her doesn't mean that the relationship would make any sense.
I wish I had a band to motivate me to practice
I have less hair than 9 years ago but I'm the same age as you and okay otherwise. Literally at the gym as I type this.
> She doesn't at all seem to be what he's looking for in a partner.
Pretty sure what he’s looking for is his dead wife lol. But yeah I guess Takeda just didn’t care enough and was fine with Reina being a static character. Really the only character who experiences much growth is Kumiko
We're all gonna make it
It's kind of nuts that Reina is basically a completely static character considering how important she is.
>Could have had Hazuki
>Could have had Michiru
>Could have had any of the Trombone qties in his section
>50% Tomoyo Kurosawa’s voice acting
>25% KyoAni kino
>25% Takeda/KyoAnus writing
I think this is the breakdown for why the series is good
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Just now finally watched Ep 11 after having to study and shit.
Why is this season so overly overdramatic? Why is Reina such a dimwit? Why do they never elaborate on the many side stories they introduce each episode (thinking of the faggot player's answer, among many other things)?
And most importantly, why is Mamiko so relatable, wise and sexworthy?

Are we still mad at Kosaka?
Kurosawa truly is incredible.
Cuckold. The word you're looking for is cuckold.
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She will be missed.
sex fiend
>Why is this season so overly overdramatic?
It's your average coming of age anime, Kumiko is about to graduate and you can see how most 3rd years have begun thinking about their own futures, first signals of maturity.
>Why is Reina such a dimwit?
Music autism courtesy of her dad
>Why do they never elaborate on the many side stories they introduce each episode (thinking of the faggot player's answer, among many other things)?
Every character is going through teenager shit, you barely see it because we only focus on Kumiko's struggles.
>Are we still mad at Kosaka?
Jason from UC Davis will fix her with the D.
Is Hazuki actually stupid? Going to community college doesn’t really speak well of her intellectual abilities
she's wanting to be a kindergarten teacher.
She doesn't need to go to Tokyo U
Don't need no diploma for music boi. There's soundcloud.
Japan's education system is heavily influenced by the US. Every certified apprenticeship in the EU is more involved. At the same time, I don't think that makes her stupid. Truth be told, she might have more foresight than a lot of uni/college droids. Moreover, there's a selection bias in manga/anime. Your average college joe just isn't as interesting - heck, college in itself is largely ignored after the "final struggle to get into dream school"-arc.
She only exists for kumikos growth
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Wow this new leak is crazy
>could have even had Reina maybe if he played his cards right.
time skip shoeitchy and reina in c part, reina looks downgraded and shoeitchy looks like your average nipponse wage slave with short hair
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Mayu won two (2) auditions. Sure, she can toot her fucking horn. Get her stupid shitty muted backing solo in because her timing is more precise. Who, I wonder, will ever give a shit? Who will remember her? Who will be credited for Kitauji's massive success story? They don't get gold just because they have a good euphonium.

Kitauji WINS because KUMIKO OWNS THIS BAND. She, with Reina as her muse and Taki as her fist, made it what it is. Kumiko pulled the strings. Kumiko steered this busted fucking ship to national gold. She has spent three years asserting her vision, BTFOing slackers and brats, sticking to her guns and tactfully whipping it into shape. A decade from now she will still be remembered fondly by Kitauji HS Concert Band while Mayu copes getting her muff ate by some literalwho percussionist with glasses
mayu should do this with kumiko
this is incredibly based, and I definitely jibe with it. but unfortunately, I don't think most will see it as Kumiko's win specifically. I don't quite either to be honest. I doubt a decade from now the current members will probably think of her more as a friend than a band leader or player.
A decade from now they'll learn Mayu was from Seira and go "Oh so that's how you guys won gold finally."
No the school does and they're the one that reaps all the benefits of winning the year after when Kumiko doesn't even go there anymore.
Still, that fact that Kumiko took them to the nationals and won, which no other president has done, means she’s objectively the best.
If you just compare results sure, but they weren't all exactly working with equal circumstances.
that's not fair on other president. kumiko's tenure has, by far, the deepest talent pool.
>season 1
norwood I

>season 2
norwood II

>season 3
norwood IV
Ultimately what will be remembered is the picture on the wall of Kumiko holding gold at nationals. I can tell you someone who won’t be remembered: President fucking Yuuko
3rd eupho opening kinda sucks
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School band in Japan is like 90% females. And Shoe is 180 cm tall, I think the tallest in the band after Gotou senpai left. Pic related.
There’s a whole chapter in one of the books that is just the guys in the band incelposting, it’s pretty funny https://teamoumae.wordpress.com/2021/02/05/secret-story-8-stretching-higher/
>school bands are 90% females
>pro bands are <50% females
filtered hard by real life
I picture adult Shoe as an unmarried incel salaryman who still cries himself to sleep over Kumiko. Of course he knows she came out as a lesbian and is happily married to another woman, because he stalked her online for a long time. But he will live in denial for the rest of his days. A truly sad and pathetic existence, eternally obsessed with someone he never could have in the first place.
So you're mentally ill?
maybe on opposite day?
You are literally pissing and shitting yourself because your """waifu""" doesn't like men.
So is she chuuni?
>that KumiMayu height differences
They need to fuck, no need to date, just fuck
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So what is Kitauji's uniform policy if these guys get to wear their own uniquely-colored sweaters
>dat last name
nah, just a larper
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I'm still a virgin
>Season 1

>Season 2

>Season 3
>Unfit bordering on fat
>Still a virgin
god bless Kyoani for having such a developed crew of background characters in eupho.
Small thing, but it really elevates the series in my opinion.
I knew Motomu was a manlet but damn that's pathetic
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>time skip Reina
>pregnant with Tayshaun’s seed
>abandoned by parents
>comes crawling to Taki asking for care and childsupport
>season 1
>graduate school

>season 2
>graduate school

>season 3
>not virgin

eh, you win some you loose some.
why is school band in japan 90% female? I've seen vids of real ones and it seems that this is true, but I don't get why.

In the US it's pretty much 50-50.
Music is a womanly art, like archery and sensha-do.
hahaha, wouldn't it be weird if mayu and kumiko rub their pussies together hahahaahahhaha
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I want to do this to Mayu
how does one get a kumiko gf?
Taki and his future successful musician wife.
>season 1
>final year of Bachelors
>graduate and quit for another career path

>season 2
>first year of Masters
>pull out and quit for another career path

>season 3
>5th year full time employment
>about to quit for another career path
>that melody at 1:54
>Who will be credited for Kitauji's massive success story?
They'll check what's different from other years and find out that they were carried by Seira talent
>Who will be credited for Kitauji's massive success story?
This fucking schizo thread again
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i remember watching the first few seasons during lunch break at my office chair while literally larping as Taki (i worked as a sound designer)

today i call myself a freelancer and i dont actively seek out projects and clients so im living very frugally and dont do anything.

its actually rough
based and kumipilled
This shit is 2deep4me
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I'm down 80 lbs from when Season 1 started.
Good job bro
(But that was a decade ago holy shit pick up the pace)
Ok tranny.
Is it Midori's hand or Kanade's
You're gay, anon
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That last minute is nicely cut, and really does feel like a farewell with those brief flashes to the cast
My dick leaks precum.
are YOU good at opening the window?


>no virgin
It's okay.
Episode when
There's still like a whole 24 hours left until we see if there's any payoff for this. Chill out
I'm extraordinarily good at closing windows, burning bridges, slamming door shut in peoples faces, and all around being an ANTI-kumiko
She can fix me tho
Do you also have big tits, and like pestering people when they practise? If so, please marry me
Kek. What have u been watching anon? While all other characters around her have grown in the three seasons, Reina still remains a stubborn child without an ounce of maturity.
Try confronting her, she might end up calling you 'worst anon'
One last collective PV for season three dropped ~6 hours ago
Has a couple clips from the final episode in it, including the performance.
Ok will do
Reminder that when Kanade is elected as President she's going to evict all TRAITORS who voted for Mayu, starting with that Tsubume bitch. Hail Kumiko. Hail Kanade. Hail Kitauji Wind Ensemble.
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Stop liking evil women.
There's basically 0 chance Kanade becomes buchou, she's gonna go the Reina route of being the drum major
>tsubame in a college lecture full of other people
>kanade bursts in carried by 6 first years she manipulated
>"By the decree of Lord Hisaishi, you, Tsubame Kamaya, are hereby excommunicado from Kitauji Wind Ensemble"
>kanade and her 1st year lackeys leave
>who the fuck was that?
Did kumiko finally give her beloved senpais book to kanade?
Kumiko's fat ass on my face now
I'm going to be so sad if Haruka doesn't show up
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Kek wtf is this
Kumiko’s army of lesbians.
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>wHat iS lE MeSsAGe SuPPpOSeD 2 b
Time for you to come to terms with the facts that
1) there is no meaningful message in most lowest common denominator anime slop, and even if there was itd be messages that'd fly over YOUR head cause of that narrow ass world view of yours
2) obsession and need to be taught is an Americana exclusive thing, most cultures dont watch ENTERTAINMENT to be told how to live their lives, they watch it to be entertained and, at most, will want for childrens cartoons to not teach their kids the WRONG things
3) reading overly much into anime is a ridiculous act to perform. 99% of what you watch was made in sweatshop environments where true, multilayered artistic intent is not only impossible given the time constraints imposed on those making the shows, it's also unlikely to happen cause animation directors a) arent particularly good and, b) unlike live action directors, cant just reshoot (or shoot too much) content (to begin with) to improve on subpar choices mid production

If you're a grown ass man it's time to stop watching Mexican Soap Operas - Japanese Edition expecting lE MeSsAGe and instead come to terms wtih what it is you're enjoying: lowest common denominator slop broadcasting at 1am for failed people to feel a bit better about themselves.
I'm talking about the writing, retard, not the directing. "multilayered artistic intent", could you be any more pretentious?
Aww, why is the 2nd year shy trumpet girl the only one with a frown :(
why would you post this incorrect opinion in the Hibike thread of ALL shows, the fucking one with the cute floof girl crying and running screaming "I WANT TO GET BETTER" over and over again when the pixie dream girl came into her life. But good point - yes, only western countries watch media for non entertainment purposes, all other cultures are mindless slop munchers. Good on America for being the only ones that make art. Incredibly smart observation you just made. And for the 3rd point, again, why in the kyoani thread, that has a history of taking their time planning their projects, having their scripts finalised a year in advance. The obvious answer to >>268235897 was that Reina is a bitch, and you should never have found her relatable in the first place. She is the unparalleled standard that pulls cynical people like us anons out of our self-pity well and actually try, finding out it's really hard, but worth it, and also learning that if you try too hard, you end up like Reina, so some self awareness with the dedication is always a welcome thing too.
And they played the song! the musical equivalent of "they said the thing!"
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>Good on America for being the only ones that make art. Incredibly smart observation you just made.
Nice reading comprehension skills. Americans dont make art cause they make things with an audience that wants to be taught in mind. That's not art, it's educational television. No Soviet watched Tarkovsky and wanted the film to teach them a thing. Tarkovsky even outright rejects the idea that his films are meant to be analysed or instruct their viewership. You don't even get what art is cause the term has been diluted beyond recognition. Any tard holding a pencil touts themselves an artist now. The inbetweener who has no creative freedom, draws based on given keyposes and model sheets is an artist cause they hold a pencil the right way. The guy who paints a background in 5 minutes based on a pre-established layout is an artist cause he holds a brush the right way. The scriptwriter is an artist cause they copy the source material line for line and occasionally cut baggage to fit it into timeframe a television episodes provides them with. Don't make me laugh, you American dog.
>And for the 3rd point, again, why in the kyoani thread, that has a history of taking their time planning their projects, having their scripts finalised a year in advance.
I addressed this by saying that anime directors aren't very good. Learn to read. Oh wait, I get it. You think they are haha. Wow, reality will be hard on you once you realize...
True. Pretty much all of them look like they could be part of the main cast
Shoe not having 50 orbiters and "waiting for Kumiko" is honestly the least realistic part of the whole show.
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insane that we only get to hear the song once and with Kumiko not playing soli
Ah fair enough, I wasn't expecting Paul Schrader to pop in to tell us about transcendental cinema in the show about cute lesbians tooting their hearts out. I'll watch jeanne dielman just for you anon, but not before the finale tomorrow
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No Anon, that's what you don't get. I am not saying that watching slop is bad. That you should watch le highbrow art films instead. I am saying it's bad to go into a show like Eupho expecting for there to be more. To expect a message that's being taught and to be pissed about there not being. Or to try really hard to identify one when there clearly isn't one there. Every narrative choice can be read as a message, but in reality they rarely are such. And it's fine for them to not be. Cause this stuff shouldn't teach you a thing. It should make you feel. And if it accomplishes that, then that's good enough for it to exist. And it's perfectly fine to enjoy it for that. Don't be some cringe anituber who cites social scientists from 60 years ago in an attempt to decode what something could aim to convey. It's cringe, and directors will only laugh at you for doing so. It's what midwits do. Who thinking citations make them appear smart.
>finding the secret message in eVeRyThInG
Holy shit anon what a fucking faggot you are
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I like this guy’s Eupho sex fanfics
now back to our regularly scheduled shitposting.
Did tomoyo divorce her husband?
does Taki realize that Reina's been stalking him for the last 10 years?
why do all girls in kyoani series look like chubby kids?
besides the samefacing
they're growing teenagers
Motomu probably turned down Midori because he realized if they hooked up they would look like two 12 year olds doing it
I feel like I'm gonna cry tomorrow
that's besides the subject
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>ETA 16 hrs & 28 mins till Kumiko-Shuichi confession scene gets omitted.
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She's a closeted lesbian.
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Reina's butt is wet
Stop larping as a yurifag retard
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Fuyuhino is the god of Eupho fanart
Suzume likes to fart in public and blame it on Kaho
Tsune a cute! Cute!
when did you realize that Hibike! Euphonium is a tragedy?
Based Ishihara
Yurifags are actually happy that Shitichi is getting shafted though?
>Shitichi is getting shafted though?
And who did you hear that from, did you watch the episode a day before rest
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You're being baited anon
The whole yuri-antiyuri thing is all just shitposting and not worth responding to
They're really fucking good
Remember. No Shoe scene means yuri won. Kumiko retains her family name in the timeskip so KumiRei can still happen.
Trips of truth
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Reminder that nobody is on the hetfag side in this. From the beginning everybody agreed that Euphonium is at its best when it's Yuriphonium.
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I'm not gonna make it in time! I'm currently at episode 4!
There's something that I always wanted to ask. Why Kumiko and Reina make their hair into ponytail everytime they attend to the big concert?
symbolism for sex.
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Last week.
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What's your oldest Eupho pic lads? I've got some from the 2016 World Series /spa/ threads.
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Should be this one, from early 2017
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sasuga kyoani...
Why does Safaya look stoned in the novel cover art?
Always remember: Takeda regretted not making Eupho a proper yuri series. That's why she wrote a yuri work right afterwards and that's why she approves any change to the adaptation that makes it more yuri.
Imagine how much drama we could’ve gotten with a KumiReiShu love triangle
its hot on stage and theyre prepping for the big game, got to keep the hair out of the way as much as possible
rewatching everything since last episode makes me legit sad. it hits different this time.
She was most likely forced to write het by outside forces.
This crap was common. Witchcraft Works author was forced to have a male self insert too.
She doesn't deserve it
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post kumiko canopy
>she approves any change to the adaptation that makes it more yuri.
I didn't expect that S3 could have a lot of discussion. I thought it would just have 10 anons talking about it, very nice
Not true
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It may have well been 10 or even less with IP count removed
It's just me you and 8 other guys here anon
I still can't believe she straight up just got up and went to have a shower when Kumiko was still in the house
What is her problem
Looks like Kumiko didn't pick up on the implicit invitation to join her
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>Shuichi... please, no, you're too big
it's better than s1 and s2 imo
>>Taki-sensei... please, no, you're too big

Anonkun.. please, no, you're too big
>Reina’s best friend was having secret intimate moments with Tami their entire three years in school
She’s such a pathetic cuck
Taki just has naturally better chemistry with Kumi
She couldn't help it
She’s full of herself. Even calls Taki-sensei by his first name. You’d think she graduated from college already.
motomu is so fucking cute I would molest him
They don't call Kumiko the autist whisperer for nothing.
they didn't named her after a rock for no reason
>The way I see it, she genuinely wanted to play the part because she wants to be recognized for her skill, but ALSO wanted to not play it if it was going to cause trouble.
They spelled it out for us in episode 11. Mayu loves playing and playing with others. She's honest about wanting to drop out because she's traumatized about her best friend dropping music when Mayu kept getting the seat, and she just wants everyone to have fun. At the same time she also really wants to play, so she can't bring herself to quit, which is why she keeps trying to get Kumiko to push her to do it, but Kumiko is in a similar dilemma herself so she can't say yes.
It's pretty funny that they're larping as mid-30's lesbian couple when they're barely even twenty.
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>It's pretty funny that they're larping as mid-30's lesbian couple when they're barely even twenty
I want to lick all over Mizore
I want to change Mizore's diaper after she wets it during performances
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Before entertaining such thoughts, consider this first:
Anon pls, she’s not that autistic…
>better than s1
do you think nozomi and mizore got frisky with yuuko and natsuki
I agree
My preliminary ranking:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Chikai no Finale
Ensemble Contest
S1 > Ensemble Contest > Chikai no Finale > S3 > Liz > S2
Middle guy looks like harem MC's friend
Liz > everything else ever
Simple as
Everything>liz autism and S2
Simple as
which piece is your favorite?
S1 > everything
Is was magical
Simple as
Liz = S1 > S3 > Ensemble > S2 > Finale
Season 1 is still the best.
yuribros hide only 12 hours left for the hetomic bomb to be dropped
That girl with the grey vest and purple tights looks like a small youngwgwm woman.
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>T-11 hours
I'm not ready to say goodbye
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Final sequel movie will come, trust the plan
I love Euphonium so much bros
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Please please please please let it be at least a 45 minute or hour long special
same, this is my favorite show and the only anime I like
I don't know what to do when it finishes
I really really like Asuka and Kumiko's dynamic.
is this the only anime you've watched
After this season finale I'm probably gonna marathon everything.
nah I've probably seen maybe 50 or so up until 2018
but looking back I don't really give a fuck about any of them except eupho, it somehow managed to do everything perfectly for me
>Please please please please let it be at least a 45 minute or hour long special
they'd have made a big deal about an extended runtime on social media if it was
what if it ends on a cliffhanger with a movie announcemet
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why does it air at 5pm

i thought this was an otaku bait show
it's airing on NHK-E
i'm happy for you, anon.

it's too late, i've already made my decision
it won't
latest staff blog talked about how this was the finale of the series
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Why do they keep using the phrase brass band both in and about the show?
It's literally not a brass band...
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Google translate
9 years go by in the blink of an eye.
it's been a fun ride.
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let's take a moment and appreciate the VA work. this scene in particular is superb. hits really hard. I fucking cried
Literally what is the point of Shuu as a character?
The 1st chair clarinet is usually the concertmaster in a wind ensemble
Being Kumiko's love interest.
why did they destroyed Shoe as a character ?
They had better fucking win.
If they lose I hope they all bully Mayu until graduation
>no double-length finale
It would make no sense for them not to
I had a dream where I was suddenly part of Kitauji Concert Band about to play at Nationals. But I don't know how to play an instrument. I was a trombonist. What should I do?
Based anon ruining Reina and Mayu’s victory
One of my favorite guitarists gave up playing a wind instrument when he was in like high school because it was too hard. Is it really more difficult than guitar? I imagine breathing techniques adds another layer of difficulty but my specialty lies in percussion so I still haven't a clue.
Why was Kumiko forced to tardwrangle the first years in Chikai yet Kanade and the other 2nd years are exempt from doing it this season?
wing it
Will yuri win tomorrow? Or heterosexuality as mandated by Jesus Christ?
We are all going to lose. No yuri no het.
Kinoani a troll
my body is ready for kitauji to win silver
Getting cucked by lesbians. He's a red herring who exists to get cucked in the end.
Anyone know a stream for NHK E so I can watch it live?
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Depends a bit on the instrument but yes.

With a string instrument like guitar, there is a lot of technique and skill with playing good and sounding good, but when it comes to the basic mechanics, for the most part you just pick the string and the sound comes out. For a wind instrument you really need to learn how to actually make the sound. it's a very counterintuitive process for most of them, and it takes a LOT of practice before the sound itself is good.

I play french horn, which is considered to be one of the hardest instruments, and it took me a couple of YEARS before the sound that came out of my instrument was anything that anyone else would want to listen to. Controlling the sound remains difficult at all skill levels.
Why would anyone ship Kumiko and Reina after this season?
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wow, they already started working on the Ririka/Kanade presidency arc
wtf you're literally me
talent pool is pretty much luck
luck is also buchou's ability
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that would mean kicking sally the prodigy and almost all the sheep first years who followed her
3rd movement is emotional but the 4th movement might be my favorite overall.
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Reminder that MotoKana will win tomorrow
please have all the eupho people playing hibike! euphonium at the end. it would be so cool
are the rumours true about kumiko ?
that a former vice president molested her hair? yeah
This has been a great season.
See you guys in the morning
imagine kumiko with straight hair
not enough midori porn.
Yes she does. Kanade deserves to have her beloved Kumiko-senpai pamper and spoil her like a baby.
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Kill yourself yuritranny. You lost.

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